r 1 . rV\fATTA TiATTYV miTTO TTmiSTlAV TVrATOHTT 99 1fi 7 & The Bchomo to Nominate a Citizens' Ticket Slow in Materializing. PREPARATIONS FOR BASE BALL. ffho Ground * Itrlni ; I'ut In Condition I'or tlic Opening ; of thn Hcnson Htnto House iNotrH Cnjt- ital News. Tl I1OM THE HKK'S LINCOLN DUKHAU.1 No light lias yut been shed upon the flchemo to nomlniitc a citi/.cns1 ticket and the committee of fifteen to bo given those extraordinary powers at the hands of thu former calhering liavo not yet material ized lo public view , It in evident , how ever , from the editorial attitude of the Journal , that it knows what is going on and it practically announces its desire to Biipnort n ticket of such creation before its own party lias called a convention or the democratic party has placed n target in the field for the contest. The Journal is evidently afraid to trust the republi cans of Lincoln and evidently bolinvcs or knows already that this committed will put a man of its own liking in the Held lor mayor , which makes it almost amus ing to see it preparing to enter the lolo of n mugwump in city politics. Of course , if tnis committee of fifteen place a democrat in nomination , that party will support the movement , for it would bo in their forlorn hope an entrance way to possible success through the common as sistance of what republicans , through all kinds of influences , could be drawn into the support of a democrat through a cry of reform. It is very evident , however , that the great mass of republicans iu Lincoln have not yet become , like the State Journal , afraid of Iheir own party , and the efforts to stampede people with the idea that the republicans of the city are not capable of nominating and electing a good sound Bet of city olliclals has thus far fallen Hat nnd without profit. An old residentcr nnd observing citi/.cn announces tliut the plan of the citizens1 ticket racket looks Very much us though some of the alleged guardians of the city had sotno schemes to advance or perpetuate and have in augurated tills movement to scouie that which they dare not trust to a decision of the public. The city's needs and noces- eitics receive through open political con tests a Tolco and vote direct from the people , and the people ought to bo stron ger than a committee of fifteen or tbo ono man that created it. HASH BALL ritOSPECTS. The Lincoln Base Ball association is 1)usily engaged at the picscut time upon their grounds on South street , and it is pafo to say that no club in the Western league will have handsomer or better fitted grounds , both for the players and tbo patrons. A largo and commodious grand stand will bo erected , the grounds nro fenced and the diamond is being lilted and platted to pattern after the best In the cast. Tbo street car lines will give easy access to the park and. already the stand privileges , programme work and Jiko accessories have been leased lor the season. President Threw , of the Western league , arrived liero Sunday evening from the meeting nt Lcavenworth , at which place the Kansas City club secured a membership nnd the schedule of games for the season was formally adopted. The lirst game on the Lincoln grounds at the commence ment of the season will bo played with the Omaha club on the 5th , titli and 7th of May , the Lincoln club , however , open ing the season a week earlier in a series of three games with the Denver.s at Den ver during the last week in April. The . Bchodulo calls for two Fourth of July games in Lincoln , both morning nnd after- Boon , the Hastings club being their com petitors at that timo. It is probable that by July the Lincoln team will be leading the league for the pennant and the Hast ings club will bo just closu enough to the leaders to make the games of decided in terest. It would not bo a bad schcino to oecuro seats at once for these holiday contests. The most of the players in the Lincoln team have reported at head quarters and the balance are expected tno present weoK. When oil hands are present a constant practice will be the order and it is understood that efforts are now advanced for a series of exhibition { games with the UPS Moines club prior to ftho opening of tbo league season. AT THE STATE HOUSE. Yesterday State Treasurer Willard and Secretary Laws departed for Grand Island , at which place they will bo mot by > Laud Commissioner Scott , and together these officials , as the state board oflands wnd buildings , will locate the new sol- Idlers' home ttt that place as required > 1y 4ho bill creating that institution. The state superintendent is prepared to furnish any who may desire copies of the programmes for the State Teachers1 asso ciation that meets in this city on the last Bay of March for a thrco days' session. In this connection Superintendent Lane palls attention to the fact that the National tional Teachers' association meets ID Chicago in July , and one feature of the .Kneeling will be the exhibit of school 10S jilles , apparatus , and school work that promises to bo as interesting as it is now In making up the features of the gather- ling. Nebraska teachers attending this 'Association will make headquarters at the liriggs house , where a rate of $3 per day fcas been secured , Nineteen bills have thus far passed t > oth houses and become laws , atid eight .days yet remain to sift 000 bills and make the best of them. There are a largo num ber of parties interested in cither passing pet measures or interested m killing off distasteful ones who are congregated to fight it out the remaining days of the ses- ion. ; i d NOTAHIE3 PUBLIC. The governor was busily engaged in the morning hours of yesterday signing a long list of notaries recently commis sioned , including the following new ones Hot heretofore published : J. L. Todrow and J. D. liiley , Hustings ; Frank M. Swedelson , Ed M. Tracy , F. M. Devore. find J. O. Paradis. liox Duteo ; John Dull nnd II. It. MacKenzi * Omaha ; John Horbison and Do Wayne H. Calkins , Franklin ; James A.McCormick , Palisade i Win. W. Mitchell. Alda ; J. S. Walker , Middle Brunch , Holt county ; Uu.su ii : Palmer , Mlndon ; A. 11. Hall , Phobo , Keith county ; Win. A. Dexter , Lincoln ; J. N. Eckmun , Puwneo City ; F. J. Kirch- man , Wuhoo ; W. T. Auld , Guldo Uock , Webster county. AKTICLKS KII.ED. The Great Western Carbon company. of Omaha , yesterday tiled their articles lot ; incorporation with thu secretary of state. The capital stock of the company to.is 9150,000. , divided Into shares of flOO each. The objects of this corporation arc sot forth to bo dealing in animal charcoal > , bone ash , meats , foot and other oils , Ammonia nnd fertilizers. The corpora tion cites In its articles its days of exist ence ta thirty years , its indebtedness istto bo always limited to one-fourth of thu capital stook , and its business to be con ducted by a board of directors annually. The incornorators are Samuel U. John son , S. P. Williams , George Darker and W. T. Bonner. Bonner.ABOUT ABOUT TITK CITY. The announcement iu yesterday's BEE of the movement looking toward the location cation of Armour in this city created 1 a ripple of excitement , and it became gen erally understood during the day that actual Investments had boon made. The possibility of a packing house backed by Armour would bo a boom In the midst ot the boom to the capital city. An cluotrio motor line to dividn the city and reach thu suburban town of West Llnc'oln ' has been discussed for some time , and the fact is announced that with the right of way accorded them thu line will certainly be built. Police court yesterday recorded the results of a very quiet Sunday in the tiial of ono man for drunkenness , tiiu result of the c.Uch from Saturday morning. Thogood behavior of the city of late is fairly phenomenal. The State Democrat's boom edition was published yesterday and was the subject of compliments on every hand , Thcipublication was certainly creditable. It was rumored yesterday that Fictl fnyo had purchased the Evening News iu this city. Heal estate transfers yesterday aggre gated the general average of $10DOUl > . * NO NONSENSE ABOUT HIM. When the Governor's Pretty Daugh ter Married , ho Unmarried Her in Mhort Order. Pittbburg Dispatch : One of the legis lative committees , on Friday , in delving among the archives of the hotiso of rep resentatives after traces of an old com mittee report , came aciois a document which possessed a romantic Intelest , and recalls a somewhat exciting incident of social life at the state capital in lb(15 ( , which never got into print and was known to but a limited circle at tlio time. The document is the original of house bill No. 3 of the legislative session of 1800 , the introduction of which at the first session at which the house was fully organized was the lirst act in the legisla tive career of Mathew S. Qu.iy , now state treasurer and United States senator-elect. It was a bill to divorce Marv Wilson Me- Connell from her husband , Henry Lloyd McConncll. Mrs. McConncll was tiiu yountr and handsome daughter of the then Governor Curtin , and tucreby hangs the romance of this story. Through the efforts : of Mr. Quay and Senator Lowrey of the Crawford district this divorce bill , without going to com- mittcc , passed both houses of the legisla ture in less than two hours. This was on January 10. 18(5i ( > . Miss Mary Wilson Cur tin had just budded iu her teens when her father was elected governor of Pennsyl vania , and was a school girl when sue came to Harrisburg lo live at tiie execu tive mansion. She was sprightly , good natured , and had charming manners. Ky 1805 she had grown to boom of the hand somest , most ontortaintnir , nnd most sought after of all in society hero and in Philadelphia , where she was well known and is still remembered as a belle. Ono evening at an entertainment at the governor's mansion she met youncr Cap tain Henry Lloyd McConnell , a dashing olllcer of the army , who was taken ill during the reception .and kindly taken care of by the governor's family. This led to frequent meetings between Miss Curtin and young McConnell , who was a fine-looking fellow , but of no particular social status , and would not have been listened to by the governor as a suitor for the hand of his daughter. But Cupid and the captain's shoulder-straps plavod havoc with the voting lady's heart. The result .was that ono afternoon a pair of timid lovers appeared in the office of old 'Squire Mcl.aughlm and asked to bo married. The young lady was veiled. The justice did not droan that she was the governor's daughter , whom ho knew by sight as one of the pretty girls of the town , lie readily agreed to perform the crcmony. His little nephew , who was present , wit nessed the marriage certilicate. The young lady gave her name as Miss Mary Wilson Curtin , with a strong accent upon the last syllable. The old squire nnd his nephew are both dead , but there is still a living witness to this ceremony in Harrlsburg William McLaughlin the justice's son , who was homo from the war on a furlough and happened lo be in the ofllco at the time. "Captain McConncll , " said Mr. Me- Laughliu , m relating the story of the marriage , "was a very handsome fellow , but I guess that's about all there was in him. " The captain walked down the street to the executive mansion and left his bride at the door , going to his own quarters , presumably to lot the storm blow over. Hut the storm never did blow over. The governor , as was to bo expected , was in towering rage when ho was told by his daughter what she had done. The young lady was hurried off to a boarding school and out of reach , and negotiations wcro begun with the husband to got him out of the way as welj. Gov. Curun's political power at that time was'greatorprobably , than that of any man in the state , and means were found to induce the young and daring captain to leave the state and make no claims upon his wife , who. ho was told , had repented ot her marriage , and didn't care to sco him anv more. In a few days the captain loft Harrisburg , and was lost sight of by his friends hero. Ho subsequently became a United States marshal iu the west , where he now lives. lives.Whether Whether the young bride protested against the summary way in which she was snatched from her husband's arms is a matter of conjecture , but it was cur rent gossip among those few who knew of the circumstances that the irate gov ernor had locked his daughter up iu her room in the executive mansion until the captain was out of the way. The mar riage was kept pretty quiet considering the circumstances , and. although the story did leak out in society in a piece meal sort of way , the particulars were never known , and the papers knew nothing of the affair. As soon as the legislature mot a divorce bill was presented , as has been soon , and the marriage annulled. Since then Miss Curtin has married a gentleman in every way worthy of her , is well known in so ciety at the national capital and in New York , and looks back upon her youthful folly with the regret which comes with more sober years. A Western newspaper says that the Idlest sensation is a St. Louis horse that chews tobacco : but the greatest sensation is Dr. Unll's Cough Syrup. Salvation Oil is the greatest pain-do stroycr of the ago. It speedily annihi lates pain , whether from a cut , bruise , scald , burn , frost-bite , or from n wound of any other kind. Price only 25 cents. James Taylor , while digging a well on his farm near Excelsior , Wis. . found in a bed of gravel twenty feet below the surface a lot of beautiful amethysts and one very largo and valuable ruby. "Brown's Bronchial Troohos" nroo.x- rollout for the icllef of Hoarseness or Sere Throat Joseph Carter , of Keoklosstown , N. J. , recently butchered thirty remarkably line bogs. The lightest weighed 5U5 pounds , the heaviest 87.5 , and the total weight was 21U8i pounds. A Flat Contradiction. Some ono has told you that your catarrh is incurable. It is not so. Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy will euro it. It is pleas ant to use and it always docs its work thoroughly. We hare yet to hoar of a case iu which It did not accomplish a euro when faithfully used. Catarrh is a dis ease which it is dangerous to neglect. A certain remedy is at your command. Avail yonrsalf of it before the complaint assumes a more serious form. All drug- gists. A young man of twenty-two , named Keloni , in Fulton , Mo. , has been driven craiy owing to his mother becoming vi cious and dissipated and corrupting his young wife. The body of a nino-year-old girl bos re cently been cremated m Uie crematory near 1'itUburg. THOMASON & GOOS' ' ADDITION Lies iust south Of Hanscom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house , on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots , Events are shaping that will make these lots an investment of SURE PROFIT. $800 to $1,000 will Buy Lots Now , but one Year from Today You will Pay $1,800 , $2,000 , and $2,500 , for Them Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ? Some people say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. "Luck to the dogs. Its Foresight , Judgment and Sand. These are the elements that go to make up the sum of prosperity. Take a square look at the case of Thomason & Goos' addition , who own the 600 acres adjoining it on the south. A RICH AND POWERFUL SYNDICATE Who , without any further effort , could peddle it out in the next two years for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it. TUIWCBrJK I to yourselves , do a little investigating and figuring and you will see that there are the "Greatest Bargains on Earth , in lots in this Key to Omaha and South Omaha. Remember , that this is no washings of the Missouri , River , nor farm lands diverted from their natural uses , years too soon , but choice suburban residence. property , situated on the everlasting Hills , midway between -fwo cities , that are last closing in to one solid mighty metropolis. M.A.UPTON AGO. Pharcmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73 THE PLTJSH : FCXR. OTJR Elegant Spring Clothing ZDZEOIIDIE "WISIEITZ" , IPIROIM : : We Possess the Ability of Giving You Tasty Styles We Possess the Ability of Giving You Goods at Eastern Prices. THE Two ORPHANS Have now in stock $75,000 worth of CLOTHING ; we are asking for business tliat will save buyers money , and arguments are useless , let the goods talk. Our wonderful spring stock will make friends outshine rivals , win victories and sell it self on its merits every time. ANDREWS BROS. , Yankee Boys from Maine YANKEE CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS , At 1113 Farnam Street. broughout the United States , Colgate's Toilet Soaps are acknowledged the purest and bost-Caaliinere liouquot the most popular. The attorney general has given an opinion that the Chinese anti-numijrra- tion act docs not apply to Chinese women who accompany other immigrants to this country as servants or nurses. In advance of the unhealthy season regulate and strengthenyour ; system. lr. J. il. McLean'3 Strengthening Cordial and Hlood Purifier will make you healthy , strong and vigorous. Chautauqua is an Indian word and said to mean a bag tied in the middle. That is about thu shape of Chautauqua lake. Fourteen clocks keep the time of the state house in Augusta , Me. , all eight- day. Two of tjiu clocks are over forty years of ago. WSfPCRFECTMABB DR. rcmo'9 OXYGEN TBBATMKMT. For tb * rtltet ted ran ot , , STMUIUTrmiUTUM. KIYNS msTUTief , m. Send rt mp for thy " ; I. " an JnterMtlnit bo < * of , 1 30 rugtu. r * r t Ur n tOur B -Our oonrtwH it taff 'It ' ttnt mncfcrt f * Staff t. Canada or v i furope . ola In ro * > pleU direction * witk rack trrotm- Addron * , DR. PEIRO. < * * * UfirallMM , CH1UUO , IU. CONSUMPTION , IhftveftDoiltlnrtmdf forttoftbDTa dUMUt ; ojiit aw ttToSiMdi of CMU of h wor.1 kU-1 > of IOBK."iJloj Teb D on.a IxlMdjMfimatMinrhtthliiluefflcju nCiCUCCC its causes , and n uew and | ICHrnCO tmcc ! ! nltUUEBtyour ! own * homo hy ono who was deaf twenty eight years. Treated by most or the noted spooial- Iris without bonotlt ; cured himself In threa months , and elnco then hundreds of other * . Full particulars sent oi , application. T. B. I'AUK. No. 41 Wegtaist St. , ew York City. RUPTURE IVuflUtoI vlurtoln 6O < ! CjrBn U ra * * ) a ftr-Mae > * tI Belt. ITnut. combined. Uurantndtli * only ono In tb world K n r tl aeonllnooiiB Kl ettrio & ttayntt9 . . . - urr i . b Untme.l'owerfnl. Durable , 'Comfortable and nefitt * . ATOM fmudj. - O rnXM3 cured. ftrn KUmp foi pamphlet. AI.KO EI.KOfjtlO I1ELTH FOK PlBEAHiTd. De. HOME. UvuTQi. mi Wuoa AVI. . CHIBAOS. WEAK MENiW. : ! ! > , tCnKtiliillom lodlicrctlonior ollbxlt mtmmmrtt M < UI .bt lb 1IAJISTUN THEATMBNT. _ MB * fr . BhonU b * t d by Ftthnt III. b n4l Ol MADESTRONG tbclr tou. HtntlonOmahft B * * I w M > T r 9r + 4 from M * . Blv r CALIFORNIA"T TS60 WSIGLEITS tnrt Pullman Car Excursions , PenoMllr cB etMI , low Cblclto , Bt. Louli , KAUMU Ortr. Omba and other Western Oltlct uootlUr. for CaJUornl * or r tb * 0. B. A Q. ted lh MEAT SCENIC IOUTE ? * , , : B. & 8MLKB. IUUWK. M CUrt MrM. CJUCAOfe DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON I 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York , Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF UUU VlllUlllu IU1U L DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to correspond- without delay. Diseases o ( ° infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letter * receive immediate attention. JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on Diseases or the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address. DUS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St , St. Louis , Mo. On * Agtnt ( Mereniat onlr > w ntM IB TH-T town for Tour "TanslD'a Punch" So ol < r r re frottlar of friends. Traveling men lay to us erery day , "Why , they are better than most lOo clgnra. Obr trade hat moro than doubled iluce we oommeured selling them. , P. & A. L. MnrABD. ElUsburgu , N. T. ADDRESS , R. W. TAHSILL & CO. , CHICHEO ; o mafOIIID. Artctkao. U NHOOD ? | W | IMUlttT.UatlUBlW W v r7 OVA muttd SOUTH OMAHJI BeautifDl Residence Lots IFOR S-A-LIE Also Business Lots On the large mnp of Omaha and observe Hint the two and one-halt milo belt from the Omaha postoflice runs south of sectiou 33 nnd through the north end of South Omaha. TAKJE A STRIWG And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's maps of Omaha nnd South Omaha combined , PUT YOUR FINGER On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's busines center , and your pencil on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from the north. THEN DRAW A circle and note whcrj \ SOUTH OMAHA Is and also that " " " " " " , many "Additions , "Places" and "Hills" nro far OUTSIDE This magic circle. f THEN STOP And think a minute what will make outside property increase in value ? THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than ] at ] South Omaha. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up and make valuable the property : First The growth of Omaha , which has nnd always will follow the transportntion lines. Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the beat manufacturing point of any in or near the city , Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTERESTS Dressed Beef Business and Pork Packing Industry Will make a town of themselves. SEVERAL NEW PACKING HOUSES Going up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment To be put into operation at once. Away your day of grace when you do not get an interest iu South Omaha i before a higher appraisement is made. The best locations arc being taken , ' Make your selections now : * < ' Lots that so/d for 8300 hi 1881 cannot now be bought for 13,000. -j THIS "V"Ij .DTJOTS j Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between 'j this city and South Omaha. ' jjj A STREET CAR LINE . \ Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it doea loti will double - J ble in value , as this will afford quick and cheap transportation cither by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circular * , a ddress , C. E. MAYNE , * ! Agent for the South Omaha Land Company N.W. Cor. 15th andHarney.