Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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MPr > ' 5 t "
The Speculative Markets Open the Week
With But Little Activity ,
Wheat IlcninliiR Stationary Prices or
Corn Ktcady With Heavy Uceelpts
1'rovlBlonn Dull Cattle anil
CiiifA.o , March 141. ( Special Tclcsratn to
tlie BEK. ] The wheat market held very
steady to-day. Scalpers still had the wheat
pit to themselves this morning , very much to
their own surprise. The talk and thought of
manipulation Is so persistent that gosslpeis
are unhappy unless the clique houses are
doing something on one or tlio other side of
the innikct continually. The price was
steady at exactly the price of the late session
fiatuiday night , although a little under the
tegular close of last week. Tlio week really
Is likely to depend largely on statistics made
Titthcseaboaid. Iho bulls have plainly al
tered their tactics and do not propose to bull-
do/.c an advance. Tills Is looked upon as a
Sign of strength by tlio general crowd , and
Indicating that margins cut no liguro with tlio
tincc or four big syndicates which hold long
wheat. If tlie bull hopes of big clearances
and rapid home consumption are realized ,
the advance In price will come without any
unpopular manipulation , and tlie unloading
process will be easy and natural. The olllclal
announcement of the visible supply iigures ,
showing thedccrcusc In wheat to bo 1,100,000
bushels , came so near the early estimates that
no effect at all was pioduced on the market.
Jt wain day of exceptional dullness , but at
the same time of rather exceptional Hticngth ,
May wheat kept all day at 8Ic or was a
very small traction above It. Iho
raiiL'O was actually within % c.
With as liltlo trading M there
was , If the strength had not been consider-
tie , thorn would have been a decline. HIP
lair export business at New Vork , however
(19 ( boat loads up to 1 o'clock ) , checked any
r < endency to a decline. May corn kept be
tween 30c and 39jfc all tlio morning. Tim
receipts were large , 053 cars , and larger nro
expected to-motiow. But while the big ar
rivals kept the prices trom going up , thu
j knowledge that these big receipts are the 10-
i-Bult of extraoidinary and temporary circum-
' "fitances the new railroad law keep the
price from breaking much. Provisions are
dull. There was considerable pork settled
t 821. Ribs for May touched 87.57J-J , but at
1 o'clock closed at 87.75. May lard sold at
> S7.27K. hut at tlio regular close was 87.35.
[ Fowler Bros. , It is now clearly seen , have a
'little Inrd deal on their hands. They have
May lard bought at Chicago and sold at Now
2:30 : p. in. The grain markets wore dull
nnd steady. Lard and short ribs were
stronger and 5c hiuhor on the former and
12 'e ou the latter. Wheat for May sold at
HOJjcaijlVc , June at SO' SbOXc. July at 80'H'c ,
August at SO'c , December at 84Vc , closing
at Hlc for May , to c for Juno. Corn for May
old at : i9C i39'tc , Juno at 40@40) ) < c , July at
ll c , closTnu at . K'QSO&c for May , 40c for
June , 41 c for July. Oats were nominal at
28TtfSXc ( for May or Juno. Mess pork for
May and June sold at 820.50. Lard for May
Bold at S7.35@7.40 and closed at 87.40. with
June 37.45 and July S7.52 > Slioit ribs for
Wnv sold 87. 7.87 ' '
June at 87.b !
July at S7.9.r > ?
September at fS.10.
CiurAoo , Slarch 21. [ Special Telegram to
the UKK. ] CATTLE. The live stock markets
to-day were on the down grade , that Is In the
cattle and hog departments. Supplies were
considerably laiger than last Slonday , cattle
showing about 3,000 In crease , hogs 2,000 , and
sheep fully 4,000 Increase. Cattle buyers
were naturally anxious to get back a lar o
slice of the recent advance , and hog buyers
were also decidedly bearish. The sheep
trade , however , was strong. Receipts to
day were comparatively heavy. Buyers
wanted cattle , but they wanted them at con
siderably reduced prices. Uuyers held olT ,
bidding very low , and salesmen wore also
rather deliberate , knowing that nothing
would be gained by unseemly haste to sell.
Prices were 15@25c lower than Friday last ,
and were 25@30c lower than the prices of
Wednesday last , when the market was most
excited and prices were the highest Of
course sales were made above and
below these rates , but these
figures fairly represent the average decline.
At Kansas City the run was small to-day , but
prices were lOQISc lower. At London
offerings of American cattle were extremely
light and values were nominally steady. A
car of fancy 1708 Ib steers sold at 85.50. Ship
ping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. S4.SOffi5.25 ; 1200
to 1350 Ibs. S4.40@4.70 ; U50 to 1200Tbs. 83.00 ®
4.50 ; stockers and feeders , 82.70@4.20 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed 82.33@-i.00 ; bulk , 83.XKi (
8.2(5. (
8.2(5.lloos Uusincss was slow and values a
peed lOo lower and In some Instances
15o lower. Shippers were doing little
or nothing and packers declared they could
not pay the prices asked and make any
money as the product was now selling. A
few fancy heavy sold at S5.75@5.80 ; mixed
nut ! packing sorts , 83.5n$3.70. common , $5.30
05.40 ; light sorts. 85.10Q5.GO ; Yorkers of
150 to ICO Ibs sold at 85.40 < 5.0 , and averages
of 170 to 190 Ibs at § 5.505.CO ( ; light light ,
$5.10@5.25. _
.March 21. The Drovers'Jour
nal lenorts OH follows :
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; weak and 20c
lower than Friday ; fancy steers , 85.50 ; ship
ping steer ) . S3.90@5.25 ( i ; stockers and feed
ers ' * * - "V < 8-i ' * M ! ! cows , bulls and mixed , 82.25
foM.'OoTbiiJjf , § 3.0001:125. :
Hogs Keccipts , 17.000 ; lOc lower ; rough
nnd mlxnd , oS.O \ n.M ) ; packing and ship
iilng/85.45 ( < t5.b5 ; light , 84.905.CO ; skips ,
Sheer > -Recclpts , 5,000 ; strong ; natives ,
83.IK4.K5 ) ; western , 83.75@4.C5 ; Texaus ,
$2.50 ( < i > 4.25 : Iambs , 84.2505.50.
The Drovers' Journal's cable from London
quotes best American cattle steady at llc
per Ib dead weight. Receipts of Americans
ere light.
Nation. ! Stock Yards. Kast St ,
lioula , III. , March 21. Cattle Receipts ,
1.300 ; shipments , 200 ; market active ; 10 ®
15c lower than Saturday ; choice heavy natlvo
steers , 84.00 85.10 ; fair to good shipping
steers , 83no@4.r > 5 ; butchers' steers , talr tb :
choice , 83.50 4.30 ; feedeis , fair to good
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000
market dull ; 5i10c lower on all grades ; choice
heavy ana butchers' selections , 5.7035.65 ;
packing , fair to good. S5.0@5.05 ; Yorkers
medium to prime , 85.30(35.45 ( ; pies , common
to good , 84.70(25.15. (
Kan CityMarch 21. Cattle Receipts
600 ; bhlpmuntsnone : market weak and shade
lower : common to choice shipping steers ,
3.CO < v24.75 : stockers , 8'.GO : i.25 ; fccdins
Btccrs , 83.04.0o ! ' ; cows , § 2.25133.50.
Uocs Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , none
bout steady ; common to choice , 85.00C4
6.55 ; skips and pigs , S3.05S4.S5.
NKW YOHK. March 21. [ Special Teln |
gram to the BKK.J STOCKS. The week bo
Kan quietly In the stock market , the openlni
to-tlav being tame but strong at about Satur
day's closing tlBurcs. Th talk yesterda ]
was that before the end of the week price :
would be up considerably , although then
was nothing now to Indicate any great Im
mediate advance. It was said that Cammacl
had covered his shorts aud that there wa :
not going to bo any great stringenc ;
In money , aud as Gould has numerou
ccbemes and securities to float this spring he
Is a bull and there will bo no locking up of
money resorted to In order to shake auybod iyor ]
out of stocks. Gould was at the Wlndso
yesterday afternoon a long time In consulta
tlou with Cable , Porter and Price. The ;
took a very cheerful view of the sltuatloi
and believed In an advance of 1520 per con !
In stocks this spring and summer , but wouli
not like to KCO any great activity or big rls I
tIght away or until the money market becom
safer for big operator * . Cable , It was 8ald ,
believes the main western roads will earn
morn net money this year than last. The
feeling at the opening wai ( | ultc bullish and
prices did not change much. Ladenburg ,
Thalman < t Co. were again sellers of Read
ing and It cased oft about a point early , but
London canto In nnd sold a good many
stocks. Commission houses picked up some
stocks In small lots , but trade was dull and
during tlie fotenoon gradually worked a lit
tle lower. Northwestern earnings for Feb
ruary decreased 8141,820 , For the second
week In .March Evansvlllo < fe Terre llauto
earnings were S15,3fM , an Increase of 81b77.
Durlnu' the afternoon there were no new
features of Importance developed. Texas
Pacllic earnings for January and February
Increased 8ir > 3,318 and for tlie second week
of March the Wisconsin Central's earnings
gained 13,191. Trading was light all day ,
the total sales to noon being but b7,000
shares. Tlio total sales to-day were 151OiO
tlovKit.NMKNTa Government bonds were
dull but steady.
Yi.yiinr : : > AY's QUOTATIONS.
U. S.C's 100\C. | AX. W 117V
U.'S. 4'scoupon.l2sU doprefericd..l45
\.S.X'icm\n..mjJi. \ Y. C H
Pacific O's of 'do. . 12fi ; o. R. AN IW.
CanadaSouth'n. . fiTtfO. T 31V
Central Pacllic. . 37H' Pacllic Mall 53 K
Clilcago * Alton.14 P. , D. fcK 34M
do prefi'ired..lOO Pullman Pal.Car.14S
C. , B. AtO 139 Reading : J7
D. , L. & W iJ4 : 4 Rock Island. . . ,135V
D it R. 0 27JSt. . L. k S. F. . . . BSM
Knu ; ! % do preferred. . . . ff ! %
da preferred. . . . 72 , ' + C. , M.&St. P. . .
Illinois ( 'mitral..131 do preferred.
II. & W 23 St. P. & O. .
K ; & T. . . 31 do proleried.,109
Lake Shore 91 % Texas Pacllic. . . . 'JSJtf
L. A : N 01 Union Pacific. . . . 57
Michigan Cenfl. . Ml } * W. . St. Lib P. . . . lok
Mo. Pacllic lOOJfl do preferred. . 2i-j ! } ;
No. Pacllic 27W. , U. Tulcginph 70
do preferred. . . . Wtfl
MONKV o.v CAM , Easy at 3)t'5 per
cent , last loan 3Jij per cent ; closed otlcied at
3 percent.
PlIIME MKHPANTlI.ri 1'APKII Not quoted.
STKIIM.NO Excn YNOI : . Dull and steady
at S4.SIK for sixty day bills , S4.bO , > 4' demand.
Chtcacn , March 21. Following quota
tions aie the Sxi : : closing ligures :
Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter
wheat Hour , 84.2. 4.30 : southern. 84.10
@ 4.20 ; Wisconsin. 84.20@-l.30 : Michigan solt
sprlnc wheat , 83.7004.X : ) : Minnesota bakers ,
S3.70a4.0 ( : ! ; patents , ? 4..wa4.W ; low grades ,
S1.05@ ' . ' . < J5 ; rye flour , quiet at 8S.25@3.40 ; in
sacks and barrels , 8 Ci3.70.
Wheat The uncertain condition of the
maiket checks tiadinir ; opened V.ic lower
and closed % ( tlc below Saturday ; cash ,
73-Vc ; May , Sic ; June , SO c.
( ; orn Quiet ; opened a shade lower and
closed ] /tt'Vc ( below Saturday ; cash , 33c ;
May , 3-J 15-10c ; June , 40 3-lCc.
Oats-Quiet , dull and lower ; cash , 231 c ;
ay.asXc : June , 2-Jc.
Rye-Quiet at 54 c.
Barley Quiet at 50c.
Timothy Seed Prime , Sl.SOffll.81
FlaSeed81.07 > j.
Pork Inactive , with no change of impoit-
ancocash ; , 820.25 ; May and June , S'20.W ) .
Lard Weak early with moderate trauing ;
cash , S7.30 ; May , 87.40 ; Juno , 87.45.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 80.00(36.23 ( ; short
clearS8.10ffl8.15 ; slwrtribs , S7.77K.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 2-l ( : Kc ; dairy ,
Cheesn Firm ; full cream cheddarp , 124' ; (
12 ; > ( c ; ilats. 12 @l2Kc ; i'ouug Americas ,
lar.hatfe : skims , fe.'c.
Kggs Lower at 12 ( < tl25e.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country , solid
: No. 2,3 c ; cake , 4c.
des Uncliansed ; Urcon , 6c ; heavy
green salted , 7c ; salted bull , Cc ; green
salted calf , Do ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry
flint , 1-dilBc ; deacons , 4ic each.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 23,000 10.00C
Wheat , bu . 32,000 20.00C
Corn , bu . 21.VXXI ) | 140,000
Oats , bu . 140.000 OO.OOC
Rye.bu . 2,000 .
Barley , bu . 27,000 8,000
New York. March 21. Wheat .Re
ceipts , 107,000 ; exports , 1PO.OOO ; cash atrlll
lower ; options opened heavy , declined ? * (
% c , later ruled stronger and recovered " 4
? ifc , closing weak ; ungraded red , 75@93 ; < c
No. 3 red. bOKn ; No. 1 red. 93 > ic ; No. 2 , red
Uljtfc In elevator , lc In store , Jl b' @ lJ < rc f. o
b. ; April closed at 91 ' c ,
Corn Spot , steady : options J Kc lower ,
quiet and closing weak ; receipts , 04.000 ; ex
ports , 57,000 ; ungraded. 48V@bOc ; No 2 , 48e
In elevator , 49)449 ) ; c delivered ; old No. ! 3 ,
50c delivered.
Oats Receipts , 35,000 ; exports , none : cas :
a shade lower ; mixed western , 35@37c ; whit
western , 37@42c ,
Petroleum Firm : United closed
Pork Quiet and firm : mess , quoted
815.25@15.75 for old ; 515.50 for new.
Lard Opened 57 points lower , closing
trifle better than Saturday ; western steam
spot , quoted at 87.50 ( 7.55.
Butter Quiet and weak ; western , 12 < g31c.
Cheese Quiet and steadily held.
Eggs Heavy but lower ; western ,
.Milwaukee , March 21. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , 70fc ( ; May , TU 'p
Corn Dull ; No. 2. SGJ.
Oats-Quiet : No. a white , Sic.
.Rye-Drooping ; No. 1 , 60Jfc.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , blHc.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , icpackcd , cash ,
Cincinnati. March 21. Wheat Easier ;
No. 3 red. b3H'SWfc '
Corn Firmer ; N o. 2 mixed. 3 ( ,
Oats In fair demand ; No. a mixed , 29 > ;
@ . ' ! 0c.
Rye-Finn ; No. 2 , ttXOGOKc.
Pork Nominal at 817.75.
Lard-Dull at 87.25.
Whlsicy Firm at $1.13.
Minneapolis , March 21. Wheat De
pressed ; buyers holding oil ; No. 1 hard ,
cash. 70 40 ; May , 77J < c ; June , 78c ; No. 1
northern , cash , 74J4'c ; May. 75 > < e ; June ,
70 > cNo. ; 2 northern , cash. 73c ; May , 73 > c.
Flour Weak ; patents , 84.25C'4.40 ; bakers ,
Jtcceipts Wheat , 331,300 bu.
bhlpinents Wheat , 74,000 bu. ; flour ,
28,000 bbls.
In Store-Wheat , 7,043,072 bu. ; at St. Paul ,
St. Louis. March 21. Wheat Slow
and lower ; No. 3 red , cash and May , BOc ;
June , 79J < c ,
Corn Easier ; cash. : vs@3.c : May ,
Oats-Dull ; cash , isyfc ; May,28 c.
Rye Unchanged.
Pork Slow ; new , 819.00.
J ard Slow at 87.15.
Uutter Steady aud llrm ; creamery , 2-Kg
SOc ; dairy , 15 250.
Afternoon board Wheat unchanged.
Com Easier ; no sales. Oats Dull
itsnsas City , March 21. Wheat Dull ;
No. 3 red , cash , C9c bid ; April 70Mc bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 31 We bid ,
32e asked ; May , 32Kc bid , 32o asked.
Oats No quotations.
Now Orleans , March 21. Corn Quiet
, ' and weak ; held at 49cV50c.
Osts-Steady at 37Kc ( . < * 3Sc.
Cornmeal Easier at S2.22K@2.25.
Hog Products Dull aim lower ; pork ,
817.00 ; lard , relincd tierce , 87.00.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , SO.OO ; long clear
and clear rib , saw.
Mvorpool. March 21. Wheat-Steady ;
. demand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Steady ; unchanged.
Monday , March 21.
. The Week.
- The receipts of cattle during the past week
wcru 5,100. The market opened strong ant !
advanced about lOc on Tuesday , which wa ;
- followed bv a similar advance on Weducs
y day. On Thursday the market turned the
other way and went down lOc , aud on Satur
day thtt same decline was experienced. The
week closed with prices very nearly the sauu
- as at the opening of the week.
The receipts of hogs for thn week ro
20,708. The first of the week hogs wcto il
Ing at 55.00(35,70. ( On Tuesday there ilet
decline of 5c on all grades and the markcl
was a shade lower on Wcdntsday. The llrsi
half of the week hnavy hogs sold best whiU
light weights were neglected. On Thursdaj
the market was stronger on light hogs whll lo (
a good many heavy weights were left over .
The market took a furihfir tumble ou Filday
- the decline bcinc fully ISc.
There have 1,1100 sheep In durlnp the week
but only a small proportion of them havi
been sold here.
The reclpts of catllo to-day were falrlj
liberal for the tot day nt the week. Th <
market was fully ISc lower , and In some1 Instances -
stances 20c low tr , on account of the decline
In eastern markets ,
The run was lloht to-day as uiual on Mon
day. The market was fairly actUo at a de
cline of StflOcand ovcrytlilng was sold. The
apparent catisc for the decline here was the
reported decline In eastern markets.
Tl.ere were no fresh receipts nnd nothing
doing on the market. _
Cattle . COO
llogs. . . . . . . . 1,000
Prevailing Prices.
Showing tlie prevailing prices paid for live
Block on this market :
Cholco steers , 1000 to 1500 Ibs. . . .84.30(94.05
Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Iba. . . 4.20@4.30
Fat little stnur HJO to 1100 11)3. ) . . . 4.00 ( $ .20
( Seed to cliolce corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00m3.50
Fairto medium cows . 2.00i 2.75
Good to choice bulH . 2.nOftt3.00
Llglit and medium IIOOT . n.QOMS.iX )
Good to choice heavy hogs . 5.40W5.45
( tootl to choice mixed hogs . 5.20(745.'X ( : )
Cholco sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3.bOC < H20
snin : : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
L. . . 940 S4.00 15..1240 84. !
1..KM ) 4.00 17..1IVJ ! !
14..1115 4.2r , 1..1I170 4.3,5
L--lOM 4.2.T . . . . 1103 4.40
2..112i 4/r , W..1295 4.50
19..1120 4.25 2..1515 4..W
37..1120 4/.7K 19..1.V/J 4.G2) ) < f
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3..1120 S3.10 1. . . . 1240 = 3.35
5..110'J 3.23 1..10rtJ 8.55
IlUI.f. %
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10..15.V ) ' . ' .GO 1..1500 3.00
4..1J77 2.W )
110 OR.
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr.
90..K/J 4055.20 75. . . 232 bO 85.40
(17..254 ( 3'0 5.25 M..225 120 5.40
71..251 bO 5.25 07. . .231 24 05.40
42..212 40 5.'J5 77. . .253 2-10 5.45
79..1197 120 5.IXI ? 2. . . 2J7 120 5.45
70..2-i7 SO ft.0 : ! ( W..247 bO 5.45
03..249 320 6.35 75..2M 120 5.45
75..24(1 ( 2M ) 5.35 71..231 40 5.45
73..23S SCO 6.35 5S..300 ICO 5.45
Range of 1'rlocs.
Showing the lilgliist aud lowest prices
paid for loads of hois on this market during
thepa t seven days and tor tlio same time
last month and a vcar a o.
Tob. 1837. March IBM. March lt-87.
IC.tll 5.10 Jtvai
17th 4. ' . ( < : > . 10 run
IStll n.uo " n.85
19th :
Oth Suinlay C.1MSumlny
SlSt - C.1M
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped irom tlie yards durinjjthoday.
No. cars. lit. Dost.
4 N.W. Chicago
lion- ) .
5 li. 1 lioston
Alls-lies or stock in this market are made
percwt. live weiirlit uiilosf otliurwlso stated.
Dead hnis sell at Xc per Ib. tor all wniglits.
"Skins , " or hess woUhlnjr less tlian 100 Ins ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS.
andstags&Hbs , by the public inspector.
Cattle co down.
llo s 5@10c lower.
JIois sold to-day lOc higher than one
month ago.
O. A. Johnson , Greenwood , was in with a
load of cattlf.
Everything lower in sympathy with eas
tern markets.
Mr. Oilmore , of Glimore & Son , David
City , was in with cattle.
A. ,1. Snowden , Kearney , a well known
shipper , was a visitor at the yards.
Mr. Nelson , of the thin of Virgin A : Nelson ,
Utica , vvas in looking over tliti market.
Mr. Suttbn , of the firm of Mclntosh &
Sutton , Chapman's , was a visitor at the
W. B. Conger , treasurer of the Des Mollies
Security & Trust company , was a visitor at
the yards.
The Anclo American cattle company iiad
In live loads of their meal fed western cat
tle which sold in the market.
P. J. Files , a well known shipper of Cedar
Hapids , Neb. , was In and sold a load of cat
tle which topped the market.
A. A. Dexter , the man who weighed the
first bullock in the Chicago stock yards , was
a visitor at tliu yards to-day. Mr. Dexter
has been for 31 years the weigh master at
bcalo house No. 2 , in the liock Island divis
ion , of the Chicago stock ymcls. Durintr all
these years ho has only lost about four
weeks time. It would bo hard to beat a
record like tills.
Ttio Week.
Monday , March 21.
Several new features will bo noticed in the
piodtico markets since a week ago. Kggs
went down to 10c In the carlleirpait of the
week. Dressed poultry is gradually disap
pearing from the market anil live poultry is
taking its place. Apples have begun to atlvo
more freely as the spring Is t'aiily opened up
and lower prices are the result.
General I'roduce.
T/ic/oHotrlJif / ; price1) arc for round lots of
producers sold o i the market foauiTlio
quotation/ fruits represent the prices at
which outside orders arc tilled ,
BUTTER There has been a very noticeable
falling otf In the ix-copts of choice butter dur
ing. the past week. There Is hardly any
country butter coming in that can Degraded
as strictly choice. The receipts of the poorer
grades are liberal and the market well sup
plied. The demand is for choice butter and
poor butter will not sell very readily and
only when the oettcr grades rannot bo ob
tained. The warm weather has a tendency
to bring out the poor qualities in the butter
and on that account poor butter docs not sell
as well now as when tlie weather Is cold. An
occasional packauo of fancy butter sell * at
better prices than those quoted below : Choice
country , IW iTc ; fair to good , 12@14c ; com
mon , o lOc ,
Eoos The egg market Is lower than it
week ago on account of the decline In the
eastern and western nmiUets. The receipts
have been liberal all the week and stocks
have been moving freely. The local demand
has been very good and the shippers have
taken all the surplus stock. In spite of the
heavy receipts the market has been kept
cleared up and In good condition. The first
of the week stocks were moving at 10X@llc ,
but the decline In other markets foiceu tlio
market down here and the prevailing price Is
now lOc.
CHKESF. Full cream cheddars , single , 14c ;
full cream Hats , twins , He ; Young Ameri
cas , 14&14c } ; fancy Swiss , lfi@17c ; Swiss
mported , S5c ; Llmburger , He ; brick , l5S10c.
DHEISID 1'oui.TiiY The market Is kllttlo
lirmor than a week aso. The receipts con
tinue light and the market Is almost bare of
stock. The warm weather Is lessening the
demand somewhat for dressed poultry and at
tlie same time Is Increasing the demand for
live poultry. Dressed chickens are selling
mostly at lOc with an occasional sale of extrc
stock at a little more. Turkeys and ducks
have been selling at about the same price as
chickens. A few small , fat turkeys have sold
at lie.
LIVE POULTRY The warm weather has
created some demand for live poultry and the
demand will naturally Increase as the weather
becomes warmer. There have been a few
chickens In which sold readily at Si75@3.W )
doecn . A few that were not extra choice per
want at S2.SO. There were live turkeys In
this week which sold at Cc per Ib. Turkeys
are coing out of season and the demand Is
not heavy.
UAMK Ducks are becoming quite plenty
anil are selling fairly well. There ; m > also a
good many gceso coming In. There am a
good many brants on the market and they
are verv slow sale. Mallard ducks , per dozen
S3.006J2.75 ; teal , nor do > n , J1.5C6W.OO
mixed , per dozen. b'J.OU : geese , per dozen
S3.00 ; brants , per dozen , 8'J.oo@-iRO.
POTATOES The receipts of potatoes have
been heavier during tlie past few days. The
market Is fairly active and the stocks moving
ftecly. There are a few Colorado and Sal
Lake potatoes on the market. There are also
, a few sweet potatoes In. Home grown
60@ 5c ; Colorado , Itose , per bu. , StavauO
, SnovYtlake , per bu. , S1.0..Q1.10 ; Salt Lake
51.00 ; sweet , per Ib. , S 'c.
CAHUAOK There Is a very fair demand fo
cabbage and It continues to arrive In llbera
quantities. The supply of Colorado stock on
the market has been exhausted , California
per Ib , 3c.
Arn.r.s The receipts ire Increasing and
[ he market Is weaker. Choice stock Is arm *
Inu'from Missouri and selllnjj well , Fancy
Is brlnuliiK S3.0U and gooU to choice (4.50(3 (
4.75. Poor and interior stock Isolllne ( all
the \Vi\v from S'l.'X ) up , nccofdinc to quality.
OLD VKOKTAIH.KH The supply on the mar-
Let Is not large but the demand U light and
stocks inovlngslowly. Onions , choice stock ,
per bbiS4.00 < ( M.0. Heels , carrots turnip * ,
He. , per bbl. SI.75ffiU.00 ; California. S'-.oixa
i'ii ; horseradish roots , per Ib. , 7c.
OitF.EN VKOKTAW.r.s--Thcre has been
very little of what might be called good stock
on tlio market for the past few dajs. The
spinach Is not very good and Is slow sale.
California asparagus has put In an appear
ance hut hr.s been held must ton high to sell
readily. Homo crown cowry Is very poor
and scarce. Spinach , per bbl. , SiOOc < T2.r > o :
top onions , per dozen bundles , .TOQ iSc :
celery , homo giown , per dozen , aX'MSc ;
California celery , per do/.cn , 10c@Sl.00 ;
caullllower , per dn/en , ; radishes , per
do/.en bunchf's , ! @ : )0e. )
LIJMOSS The supply on the market Is
liberal but not large. Stocks are moving a
little slow as the weather Is warm Riiough to
create anv i-reat demand. Messina , fancy ,
per box , si.OOYtt.50.
GUANOES The orange trade Is brighten
ing up anil the maiket Is llrm. Tlio uncer
tainty as to thu result of the now law which
will go Into cllcct on tlio first of the month ,
has caused denlurs to nntitlpate their wants
to some p.xtnnt. California , Riverside , per
put In an appearance but In limited quanti
ties thus tar. The stock was very lair and
was sold at 40(5 ( 50c per box.
Ovfrmts Mediums , 20c : standard , 2Gc ;
selects 2Sc ; exti a sclents , 33 ; N. V. counts ,
RKANS Inferior stock,75 ( < T 51.00 ; good clean
nuntrv ' , Sl.00crtl.2medium ; , hand picked ,
SL401.50 ( { ; hand picked , niivv , Sl.MXfCl.OO.
PROVISIONS Ham , 12jftl3 ( ; breakfast
bacon , rib , u ; c : break fast bacon , plain , lOjfc ;
dry salt sides , 8W@s . c ; dried beef , regular ,
lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-lb
cans , S ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8Wc ; 10-lb
vans , Fairbanks , 8 > 4c ; Mb cans , hulibanks
gVc ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8Kc.
BANA.VAS Largo bunches , per bunch , S2.50
( ( (3.50. (
NUTS A few black walnuts arc coming In
from the country and are slow sale at 75o per
bushel. Tim following are the wholesale
prices nt which orders from the outsldo are
tilled : Almonds , 20c ; pecans , large polished ,
14c ; Illberts , McjBntftis , Mcwalnut.s.Naples ; ,
! ? 0c ; walnuts , Chili , 14c ; peanuts , H. P. Vir-
glnlii , 8c.
flour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second qual
ity , S2.00rJ2,60 ( ; best quality spring wheat
Hour , patent. S2.40@2.90 ; bran , 70c per cwt ;
chopped feed , 75c per cwt ; white corn meal ,
90c ; yellow corn , meal , bO ( < i90c per cwt ;
scieeninir , 50 75c per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 ;
shorts , 70c per cwt : graham , 81.75 ; hay. In
bales 87.00 per ton.
( JiiAix Corn , 27c ; wheat , No. 2 , 57c ; oats ,
25c ; rye. 45c.
Grocer' < * flint ,
PICKT.ES Medium , In bbls , 83.00 ; do , In
half bbls , 84.50 ; small , In bbls , 89.00 ; do , In
half bbls. S5.oo ; gherkins , in bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
in half bbls , 85.50.
SUQAU Granulated , C } @o > 4c ; conf. A , & %
( STic ; white extra C,5JtH5Xc : extra C , WidQ
6' ' c ; yellow C , 4-'i011Jc : cut loal , CJiigGXc ;
powdered , OX'a'J < c. , _ . „ , . . .
CoFFKK.s-Oidlnary grades , 14@l5Vcfalr
15 ! ' @l'e5 prime. lOKc ; choice , lOyilOHc ;
fancy green and yellow.lo@17c : old eov-
ernmeut Java , 20Q20c ; Interior .lava , l ( < i >
30e ; Mocha , iKS'iic ; Arhucklo's roasted
19Jic ; McLaiiKhlin's XXXX roasted ,
Dilworth's. lOKc : Red Cross , llitfc.
CAN.VF.DGooDS-Oystersstandardper case ,
83.150TU.25 ; strawberries. . Ib. per case. 82.SO ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per casA 8S. ! ; oCallfornla
pears , per case , 84.50 ; 'apricots ' , per casj ,
84.00 ; peaclies. Pf"- case , 83.00white ; cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; puuup , per case , 83.03 ;
lueberries percaso , Sl. & egg plums. 2 Ib ,
er case. 552.50 : plueapplns. a ID , per case
3.20@5.75 ; 1 ib msjkcrct. per doz , 81.40 ;
Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.SO < al.55 ; 210 , goose
jerries , per case , S1.75 ; il Ib string beans , per
asv,8l. * > " > ; 21bllmabeans , pnr case. 81.r > 0 ;
! b marrow fat peas , per case. 8'i50Ca fiO ; 2 Ib
arly June peas , par case. 52.75 ; 3 Ib toma-
oes. S2.5'Jft2.CX:2 { 32.403.50.
MATCHES Per caddie , 25c ; square cases ,
1.70 : mule square. 81.2U.
SYHUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20@1.25 ;
New Orleans per gallon 3S@40c ; maple syrup
lalf bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 7 ( > c ; 1 galen -
on cans , ncr doz , 810.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
jer doz , 85.50 : quart cans , 8S.Ou.
CANPY Mixed. 8K ( ? llc : stick , . . _
CRACKEUS Ciarnoau's soda , butter and
lcnlc.ft > c ; creamss c ; ginger snaps , oj < c ;
jltv soda. 7W. , ,
STAiicii-Mlrror gloss. 1 Ib. Cc ; nilrror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5c : mirror eloss , Olb. 0fc ;
Craves corn , 1 ! b,6J4e ; Kincsford's corn. 1 ID
'o : Kingsford's gloss , 1 ib , 7c : Ktngsford'r
BIOSSOlb. 7 } < c ; Kincsford's pure lib. 5Kc
Cinesford's pure , 3 Ib , 5 > fc ; Klnpsfordi
oAi Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70
Kirn-8 satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.05 ,
Kirk's white Russian. 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , 80.50 ; dome , $3.85 ; washboMxl , 83.10
white cloud. 83.75.
General Maricoti.
\ AKNISHF.S Bairels , per gallon ; rurnl
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , Sl.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; , asphaltum ,
extra ar c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsh
HEAVY HARDWARE iron , rate S2.SO
plow steel snecIal'cast,4Hccruclblestool/iXc ; .
; ast tools , do. 13@l8o ; wagon spokes , pet sut ,
82.00i3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.2.i ; lelloes ,
sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each. SOc : axels
eacli. 75e : snuare nuts , per Ib. 01(3710 ( ; coi.
chaln , per Ib. oxalic ; maIloablo. > > ( < jlPc ; iron
wedces , 6c ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4J < c ,
spring steel , 7@'Jc ; Burden's norse shoos ,
84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. < 5.75. fiarbod
wire. In car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails
rates , 10 to fiO , S'.U ' ) ; steel nails , 82.UO
Shot , 31.35 ; buckshot , 81/0 ; llazud'powaer ,
kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 53.75 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 52. lu ; fuse , per li )
feet , 65c. Lead bar.
manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ;
Prussian blue,55cultramarine ; , l c ; vandyit-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green. Kuuulne. ss Paris Kreon. com
mon , 22o ; chronio ureen. . Y. . SOc ;
Yermtllion American. 18c : inaia'n
raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lUc ; raw and
burnt sienna , I2c : Vandyke brown , iScrre-
lined lampblack l2c : coach black and irory
black. 16c ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarlno black. 18c ; chrome creon.U ,
M. * D. . lOc ; blind ana shutter green. U. M.
< k D. , 16c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vennllllon , L. * D. , 20c : yellow ochre. 2o ; L.
M. It O. D. . ISo : good.ochre. 16c : nateni
dryer , 8e ; eralnlng color. light oak , dark oak ,
walnut chestnut and ash. 12c- ,
DnuosAND MIEMICALH. Ao d corbnlic ,
We : aclrt. tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
ft , fttjcJbark : _ sassafra1 ; , per tt , lOcj calomel ,
. per tb ,
_ . , - , _ _ - . . . - _ . , . , , , , . , , . - , ifiycorino ,
pure , , Per Ib. 3JC ; lead. ' acetate , per tb. 2lc ;
oil , astor , Ko. 1 , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orii'aiinum , GOc ; opium , 83.IX ) ; qulnlao.
P. A W. and K. &S , , per'oz. 75c ; potassium
Iodide , per tb , 8150 ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per ozi H.15 ; sulphur , per
tt.4c ; strychnine. t > er oz. SIM.
FAINTS is Oir.-WUUeiead.Oraat aPP. ,
Ot < fc ; white lead , St , Louis , pure. Mc ; Mar
seilles , green , 1 Ib cans , 2c ; Kronen zinc ,
eroen seal , 13c ; French zinc , red seal. Uc ;
French zinc , in varnlHti asst. 20c : Kench
rinc.75c : vermllllon , Kncllsh , In oil. 75c ;
red , lOc : rose pluK , I4o ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2Vo : Venetian red , American. iKc ;
red lead , 7kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ;
9 yellow , K , 12 ; ochre , rocliollo. lie ;
, French , 2Jfci ; ochre , American ,
7iui Winter's mineral , 2J n ; Lehlgh blown ,
2Hc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; rrlnce's mineral ,
BPIBITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof. 81.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , Sl.17 : do 1W proof. 11.10
188 proor , 82.20 per wine callon. Itodlstilled
whiskies , 31.00ai.50. Gin , blended , 81.503
? ,00 ; KentuckyUourbons , 32.OOCJfl.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 83.00 0.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies.
81.VX33.oo. Urandies. Imported , 85.00@8.50 ;
domestic , 81.80 3.00. ( Una , Imported , 84.50
QO.OO ; domestic , 1.25 < a3.00. ChampaKnes ,
Imported , nercaso. S28.00Q33.00 ; American ,
per case. 810.00 Jlfl.oa
( Jreen butchers , SJ igCc ; green
cured. ? c : dry flint. ll l-e ; drv salt , ( * # 10c ;
treen calf skins , * W ; damaged nutes ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3)fc Grease
Prime white , 3 c ; yellovr , 2t/c , ; brown. lf
Sheeo Pelts. 25a75c. (
Huts AND > KixH-'liio following prlco
are for prime , well handled skins ; Heaver.
. .
yearllncs , 8AXVij4.00. ( Uadiror , WaoOc. Cat ,
wild , UOrJiOe ; domestic , black. 10efl5c ( : do
mestic , sundry colors , 5@bc. Fox , red. 81 , 00
! . ! ; cross , J2.00@4.00 : grey , 40@50c ; silver ,
810.00940.00 , Fisher. S4.00@fl.00. OtterS4.00
G < 3.00 , .Martin. 81.00(2175 ( , Muscrat win
tor. large , lOc : fall. 5cv kills.
large prey , 8l.50 ( < ii50 ; coyote or PM
COc. Deer and antelope , winter , t > ei
15c ; 'all and summer , per pound SOo.
Drr Lamb or.
No. ICom.sls SIS.00
No. 2 " " 15.50
No.3 " " 15.00
N 4 " " lt'.00
No. 1 , 4 .to Inch , 1'J nml U ( U rough. . . SW > 0
Mo. 2 , 4 A Oincii , 12 nmi 14 [ t. . roucli. . . 15.00
A , 12. 14 anil 10 ft
H , li " " . V.UOO
< : . " " " ifi.oo
1) , " " " 11.50
cr.ii.ixn AND PAiirnioN.
1st com. , / in White Pine Collins
Ud com. , ? „ ' In Norway Pine Celling. . 14.00
A Olncli , whltoniiif , : w.w C . S30.riO
KOlncIi. " " Sol 1-Vn'u' '
. ( ) . U'.OO
I.IMK , r.rc.
Qulncy white llnus ( bun ) . 0" > c
Akron cement , i7 , " ; luilr . . , . -c "
A 12 Inch s. iH.Vi.riOC . sa\.w
No. i , com. la In s. l s. , VJ. , t u S'JO : ir. ft.m.H ( )
No. ! i , . " 17.W ; " 10.0
Island Ctt. clear , iff inch , 8. 2 s . S .M )
: ! d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 s * 4'i 1'4. ' Uv. - In 4.V-0
U clear , 1 inch , s ? . 2 rt ' . " . ' . W ; ! , ! , -Jin 37.00
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in . S1S.10
' otinii'.nx VKLI.OW PIXK.
Com. 4 nnd ( ! In. llomlnu . Sl'.r.O .
Clear , tinlsh , land 1 in. s. 'Js . iIU.00
" porruuatod Ciiliini ; , 4 in . 'J4.ffl
" Yellow plno casing and babe . UT.OO
1'ickcts , I ) and II llat S o.W ; 1) & 11 sq.SSO.rx )
XX clear . S3. 00
A * standard . 2.75
* A11. U. nnd JJ . -.50
Wliito Cedar. 0 In. . ; Oln. qrs..llo
in. ( jrs..lOo
> hlllatr ! < lthnor
_ tinnom , tulUI , poothlrr currrnti of
i. I ecu icJi * ' Ity dirrtUy through all weak p rtimtor *
Innthim / V'toi ] lth mUYicorouiPirtrgth. LUctrlc
CurrentfcUlD > Untlr r weforicit fi0 1n ctirt.
Off iteitlmprofemenliover all othtrtirld. % vorlc ifipcr.
mantntljcurtUlnthrrflnionUif. hr ifrt pnmjihl t4c. Htnip
The Sinden Electric Co. 109 LtSalle t. , Chicago *
It lins crown from 400 to 400(10 ( population In 19
years mul Is now cniwInK faster than over.
Investment ) ) In brick blocks pay 10 to'JO per cent.
LoUhnve nvcnuod over 100 per cent per nnnum
< 3
Havofor sale brick blocks lii hics lou. nil kinds cf
real vntntc. I , f5,10 nnd 20 ncro tracts , farms und
cheup lunds ,
KKFKUKNCKS-The ; First nnd Lincoln National
banks , ( loT.Tlmyor , Juiljje C'obb , Son. S. M. Culloni ,
Illinoisand Uen. lien Harrison , InJlunu.
V mAsVaVPsff
And Chicago
The only road to take fur Dos Molnes M ar
Ehailtnwn , Cctlnr liaplils , Clinton , Dlxun , Chlca
go , Milwaukee mid all points cunt. To the pco
plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnff , Utuli
Idaho , Nevadn , Oregon , Washington and Call
fornln , It oUnrs superior advantages not posil <
ble by any other lino.
Among afowof tlioiiumerouB points of su
poriorlty enjoyed by the imtrons of this road
between Omiitia and ClilcaKO , are Its two tralni
adny of DAV COACHCd , which are the nnost
thnt human art and imconulty can create. Itt
PALACE BLEKl'INO CA11S , which are model
of comfort nnd oleganre. Its PAULO It DRAW
! N(1 ItODM OAHS , UDBiirpnesod by any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAUS
tno equal nf which cannot be found clsowhoro
At Council Dluffg the trains or tbo Union PaclHo
llv. connnct In Union Depot with those or tliu
Chicago it Northwestern Ity. In Chicago tlio
trains of this line make close connection with
those or all eastern line ! .
For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , NlntrnrnFalls , BiitTHlo. I'itUbunr.Toronto ,
Montreal , Doslon , Nuw Vorlc , 1'hlladelphla ,
Baltimore , WaEhlnRton and all points in the
cast , ask for a ticket vln tlio
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
BRcnts Ecll tlfkets via this line.
UonL Manager. ficnl. I'ass'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Weitcrn Aftont. City I'nis'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
- OF THE -
Ctiicap , Milwaukee 6 Si Paul R' '
Tlie Best Route from Omaha and
Council Bluff * to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil muffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidt ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Da\ennort ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnncsville ,
neloit , Winona , La Croesc ,
And all other Important points Bast , Northeast
and Southeast.
ForthroUKb tickets call on tbo Ticket A > out
at 1401 Fnrnam street , ( In 1'axton hotel ) , or at
Union Pacific Dfpot.
I'nilman Sleepers and the finest Dlnlnp Cars
In the world aru run ou the main lines of tbe
and every attention U paid to passengers by
courteous employes of the company.
1C MILI.EU , General Manuicor.
J , F. TUCKEII , AsslEtant OenerM Manager.
A. V. It CAHITNTKU , General Pas enxer and
Ticket A if ent ,
GKO. K. IlKAFroun , Amlsunt General I'as-
icnpnr and Ticket Agent.
J. T.OLAIIK , Qcnerul BuperloteoJou'
Omaha Jobbers' Directory ,
Agricultural Imp/ements.
\Miolf al I > r Urln
Arrlcnltural Jinpleiiicnts , Wnpons ,
et and Untclr * . Jcnel Kr U bitwoou Vlb
end lUlb.Oiunha , N b.
Agricultural Implements ,
IVngoni'.rnrrliMiM , llugeli . tlte. , Wholmlr , Om-ba.
ES , FJtlED cC CO. ,
Jobbers of Hnrtlwuro and Nnlla ,
Tiowatc , Ph t Iron , Kc. ! Aeotit for How * Hcnlaa ,
nnd Miami ronderCo.OmnhitNrh.
PA RLIX , O H K\fO It F ( v MAltTIX
Arlculinml Implements ,
( TngontanO Hiicjlov ' .CMOI.lOj ndH)7 ) , Jonen it
Artists' Material.
"A. 'Jidsr'K JjTT
Artists' Materials , Viuno- ? and Organs ,
1113 loiipl i ptrert , Diuahn.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buililei's'Ilurdwnro&Sc.i In Uepalr Shop
Wechunlco'TooIs mill IhirTnlo Srnlui. KUJ UuuvUt ( L ,
> Omnlia , Neb.
Coots and Shoes.
lf JlAXD S'E WEI )
llnnufuctursmniul Wholesale Dealer ! In
BootH and Shoes ,
Comi'lcte ftock of Itubhcr UomU ] way on liand
MJ K. l31liBl.Omnhn , Neb. A. T. Auptln , AKIIU.
? r. r. MOJtsK < c co.
.loblirrs of Joots ! and Shoes.
1111 Karnam tt. , Umiiha , Nob. Manufactory , Summer
ftrei'i , Itoston.
Z. T. L1XD8EX cC CO.
Wholesale Riibbar 3)t4 an I Shoes
Itiililior nnd oiloil CUitlilNK mi'l ' I'VIt Hoots
and Shoc . Soutlii'ift I'orni'r Ilth nut ] lloupltw.
Ajft. for Anhcuscr-Viisli Brewini : ; Ass'n
Rpcclnl lirundn. FnuslBuihrelscr nnd Krlnngcr.
Lnjjer JJcer lirowcrs ,
1511 North llh Blrcet , Omnhn , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Hntchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Sautngo Cueing * of all klniU nlwnynln atock. 1315
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
CO. ,
Omaha Cofreo and Spice Mills.
TMS.Gorrrca , Spleen , nuking I'owdpr. Fl'irorlne Bz-
tracts. Laundrr Hlue , Ink , ICtc. HU-lGIJwcey
Street , OaiHha , Neb.
Home Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'sr Co.
Coffee Roiwittr * nnd Splft ) Orlndon , Manufacturers
of Baking Powder. Kh\orlne 15xtrncti.niulnK.Klo
Try one t anc of o ir 1-tt packnuo Homo Ulend lloaetcd
OiTeB. ( HOD HowHrd t. oraibn. N t.
John Epcnctcr , Prop.
Manufncturer of ( lalranlred Iron an ! Cornice. 938
Dodge und 103 and l'J& ' N , 10th at. . Oraaba , Neb.
IlUEMl'lNG l > BOLTE ,
Mnnufactnrera of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Final * . MetallcSkyllnbtetc. 3108.
12t'.i ft. , UnmUa.
C. Speclit , Prop.
GalTanlted Iron Cornices , etc. flppct' Improved Pat
ent Metalio Skylight. aJ8 and 510 8.12th FUOmnlia.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Cnrtains , Oil Cloths ,
I.lnolcnnis , Mattlngi. Etc. 1511 Douglat street.
S. A
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlugi , Curtain Ooodi , Kto. IU3 I'arnaoi blrcet
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tbo Manufacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Chlmncyi , etc. Office , 317 South Utb IL
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing1.
Butter , EEttaand Produce. Conilgnmema solicited
Ueadquartera for Stoneware , Hurry Holes and
tirnpo liaskcu. lilt DodgeBtreot.Omaba.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTliloru. Omaha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties nutter. Eggv ( 'liefse. Poultry. Game ,
Oysters , Bta , Kte. 112 Mouth I tin street.
Prodnro Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Uutter , Unrao. Kiulti , etc. 220 B. lltbit
Oinnba , Neb ,
Coat antfLime.
i , Pre . C. F.OOODMAN , V. P e § .
J. A. HUNDEHLAND , gee. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
909 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
j. j. JOHNSON a ; co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement , Planter ,
IJruc , llalr , Fire nrlrk , Dmln , Tile and Sewer Pipe ,
Offlco , Paxtoa Butol. Varnam ( t. , Uinnha , Ntib
Telephone nil.
Manufacturing : Confectioners ,
Jobberi of Kmlti.NatB and ClgaiB. 1211 Firoam St ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigfars , Tobacco ,
Qune and Ammunition , 915 to 923 B. 11th St. , 1020 to
1024 Farnam St. , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wboleiale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccoi , Noi. 103
and HON. Mth strttt. Uiiaha.
_ _
Dry Goods.
M. E
Dry Goods , Furiilshlnp ; Goods & Notions
1103 and 1104 Douglas , cor. Ilth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Distiller * of Liquors , Alcohol and Pplrits. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlnesand Liquors.
CO. and ILEll c CO. ,
Importers and Jobberc of Fine Wines and Mqnors.
Holeraanufaeturersof Kennedy's Kast India Bit-
ten and Domestic Liquors. 1112 Ilarney St.
" " " " "
Drain Tile , Etc.
. . J.W.ninronn.8ec.4Tre s
It. J. CAHBOH. V.Pres. and Bupt.
OKce 21S B. Hth St. , Omaha , Nob. Machinery and
Supplies for Uanufac luring Cement Dram Tile.
H.W HoaEita , D. B. Il\nitinit
IVs. Esr Aiiunnf n 187V Vloo-I'rc-g
Jobbers nd Storcrs ol Grain.
lilpmcuts of ( loalcrRsolldto imd stxtlifaction
euiirnntcoil. Omliau Neb.
DEirEY d
Wbolesulc Dealers in Furniture.
Knrnitn it. . Omaha. Neb.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries nnd Provision
Kon. TOt.tOT. TOO and 7118.10th ft. Omaha. N b. _
McCORD , B.llADY .C CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
15tn and l TenwortlttOi > aria.
Hardware ,
Hcnvy Himlwnre , Iron and Steel ,
SprlntiVnii > n Stork , llardniirii Lumber , ( to. 1M
_ mul nil llnriify n. . oniahn. _
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wjpon iincl Curnigc Wood Block. HC TJ H nlw r *
Klc. r.'l ? uiul lily l.tnTcnwonh t. , om hn , Neb.
Stoves , llnnffps , Furnaces , Tllest ,
Mantlci , Ciratci , llrannoodii. 131 * nd 13X1 Karnm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WrousM anil Cant Iron RulMIng Work , Iron Plolra ,
llalllnit. Hc.itiu mil ( lnler , Pipum KnyltK * . HrsM
.Work , UtucTuI ffuuudrjr , Muclnno ami Illacksmltli
Work. OfficennJWorki.U. V. llr.Hiiditlii.licet. .
K. It. .MC.MA.VIIH. ( ? . sr
MM mi fiic hirers of
Wire nml Iron Kalllnps , Desk Hulls ,
Window ( iuiirdn. Klnwer Htnnil < , Wlro Hl nn , Kla
1IJN. lOlli. Orders by mill promptlr iittondedto.
Uonlor. . All Kinds of
fluildliiff Jfatcriiil nt Wholosp.le.
18th Street nnd Union 1'nclflo Track , Omnhn.
JAW is intA
Dealer in Luinher , Imtli , Lime , Sasli ,
Doora , Kto. Yard Oornor'th nml Douglns ) Corner
I'thnnil ' Domini.
Wholesale Lninbcr ,
PI4B. 14thstreetOniabnNeb. , Mananer.
13th nnd California flrcctn , Omaha , Nab.
Immber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Cth and Douglas sts. , Oinnhu.Nu' ) .
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 Farnam street , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpets and Parqnet Flooring. 8th und Douglof
" "
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. Pint *
Agent forllllHuukco Jlydraullo Cemcut and Best
yulncy WbltcLlmo.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Uoyd , Bnpcrlntcrdont.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Oeo. UntieManager
Onion Stock Yitrdt , a. Omaha. Telephone 66 ? .
Live Stock Commission Mcrcb0t'a ,
Shipments of any nnd all kinds of Stock ( elicited.
Union Stock Yard * . Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbcri of . ,
Millinery and Notions , ! ' v 1
1J13 and I5 Harnej Ht.-oet , Omaha , Neb. ' -i
jT Tr tbJuNs'd io co t |
Wholesale Dralcn In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
4OT and tta B. Tenth St. , Omaha. , |
Mannfacttircrs of Overalls ,
loans Panti , Bbtrti , Etc. 1102 and 1101 Dou > lu * Street ,
Uniahii , Neb.
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of Taper Hoses ,
B.14tbSt. , Omnhn. Nobratku. Orders by raill | >
Hotted and will reculTo prompt attention.
Job Printers , Blank Rook Maker * ,
And Book Hinders. lOt ) nnd 1M Koutu Fourteenth
street. Omaha , Nob.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Type , Projsos nml Printers'Supplies , tat
Pun < pS.
Manufacturers and Deulcrn In
Enplnes , Hollers fc ( lenoral Machinery
Sheet fron work , Htoam Pump/ . Saw Mills , Acme
Mhaftlnv , Dodxe Wood bpllt Pullays , Hcltlnir , etc ,
AlnoirnKon8Hcrai > crs , nd bale tics. I.TMiliLui-
venworth st , Omuhu
AVholesalo Hardware.
Western npents for Jefferson Step ) Nulls , Auitlq
PowUtrt'u , I'ulrbankii Standard hcalcs. Comer
10th and Ilarnoy , Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Bteamand Water Supplies. Headquarters fur Unit
FoastCo's Goods. fllUarpnm st..Oinahn.Neb.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplies. Et *
830. V22and VU Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.
Dalladay Wind Mlliii ctcam and Wftter Puppllei ,
Plumbing Ooods , neltlnv. lloie. Blft nnd VX ) Far
nam it.i Omaha. H. K. Kelton , Manager.
Telepnona No. 210.
Safes , Etc.
I' . BOYER < f > CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and Ilnrif'ar Froof Safss , Time Ixicks , Vault *
and Jail Work. 10 J Furnauj street Omaha , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works. '
Vanufacturertof Fir * and narclirl'roof Ssfrs , Vault
Doors , Jail Work.Hhutton nud Wire Work. Cor.
IHh and Jaekion Hti. , Umnhu , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholesale llanufaeturers of
Sash , Doors , Winds and Moulding ! ,
nranch oiflce.mli and litrd sts..OninlSy .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'JiES.ftatr Work and Interior Hard Wood Hlnlih
Jusloueueil , N. K. cor. ( ih and
Omnba , Neb.