HM O1VIAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , . MARCH 21 , 1887. D ADDiriONAL OOUflOIL BLUrFS- A Drug Store CUSP. The supreme court has decided a case In regard to drug stores , which H of In terest to every dealer In the city , as sim ilar suits were brought ngainsi several hero lonio tnno ngo. The following Is the cn e and summary of the dceUion : State of Iowa PI rrl C. A. Hlnkley. appel lant , vs. P. S. Mortland ot al. 1M > mouth circuit ; opinion by Kothrock. llemscd. This is an action upon a bond given by tha defendants for u permit to sell intov- icating liquors. Tim petition was dis missed upon the motion of defendants. The defendants had a permit to sell liquors nnd gave bond , and in the month of July. 188-1 , ho failed to tile the rope > ts required by the statute. 'iho relater , a citi/on of Plymouth county , claims tosuo in behalf of himself as well an for the bcnelit of the school fund. and. ho de mands judcnipnr for the county for the use of the school fund for f50 , and judg ment for himself for a like amount. The action was brought under .suction C33 of the codn as amended by chapter 110 , twentieth general as- fcombly , which provides in case of such failure to make returns the druggist shall forfeit $100 , one-half of which shall go to the informer and one-half to the School fund. The defense churned in their motion to dismiss that the plaintiff was not authorized by law to maintain the action upon his own motion , and that an action can only bo brought at the in stance of the district attorney , relying upon section 1532 of the code , which di rects the district attorney to commence such actions , The court says : "Wo think that the position of counsel for the defendants cannot bo sustained. Section 1538 plainly authorizes a suit to bo brought in'tho name of the state on the relation of any of the county. It is true that section 15'W has not been re pealed , and a district or county attorney may , under the authority given by that Btatuto , bring the action. Hut since the enactment of section 1533 his right to do HO is not exclusive , because any citi/en of the couniy may bring the action and prosecute it without this aid of the dis trict attorney. This appears to us to bo BO plain as to require no more than this mere reference to the two sections of the fitatutes. " Wearing Iron * . On January 15 four mules and three horses were stolen \Voodbury county from Hedge's farm. All the property has finally been recovered and the thieves nro now under arrest. At the time ot the robbery Sheriff Donald McDonald , ol Sioux City , went to work on the case , and with the assistance of his deputy , John Gambo , has run down the two men who wore implicated , catching them about ten miles south of Lincoln. Yesterday morn ing they arrived in this city and were lodged in the county jail during the day Their names are Charles Brown ant George Hanson. They wore last night taken to Sioux City by the oflicors , the eheriff having como down to meet them yesterday morning. What few people who know of Shorif McDonald's prcscnco in the city did no think that these wore the corrcc names of the men arrested nor Is it on this charge , but that they are in some way implicated in tbo Haddock murder To those who are familiar with the mcth ods of Sheriff McDodald this looks plaus iblo. as on several occasions ho has inter copied these arrested in connection will the Haddock murder just as ho did these two men yesterday. The sheriffs enl ; remark about the Haddock murder was that the trial in this case would soon bo a thing of the past. The IjadlcV Choral Society. "The Ladies'Choral society hold a bus ! ness meeting March 1G , at the residence of the secretary , and voted against the proposal that the society sing in Mr. Franko's benefit concert at Uoyd's opera bouse , March 18. However , the society expressed a wish to assist Mr. Franko all in their power , and propose attending his concert in a body , going to Omaha on the 0:30 : dummy and returning at 11:36. : The members are requested to como prepared to buy their tickets next Tuesday the regular meeting that we may bo able to toll Mr. Franko how many seats wo want reserved. If any member cannot bo present Tuesday they will please leave word at Robinson Bros. ' Btoro , 410 Broadway , whether they want n seat reserved or not. Mr. Franko will bo assisted by the Fort Omaha Military band , Mozort Quintette club , Mendels sohn , Quartette , Bertha Damon , a clover goubrcttc , Mmo. Muenteforing , pianiste , nnd others not yet announced. Wo hope to sco a full attendance of the society , which will not only assure Mr. Franko of our appreciation , but afford the oppor tunity of hearing a good concert. Mm. D. W.TitJsnyELL , Sec'y. " PuUInc Up Cash. That the Broadway bridge will bo bmlt between this city and Omaha across the Missouri river is and has boon a question long settled in the minds of many , but to satisfy a few who have , over since the bridge bill was passed by both houses of congress And signed by President Cleveland - land , boon doubting the certainty of it , ft the following facts are given : There was n meeting of the incorporators held in Omaha on Saturday and until 2 o'clock to-day was given for each man Interested to put up f 10,000 in cash. At tbo above hour the Council Bluffs delegation , as well as these of Omaha who are inter ested , will como to the front with their money , and there is no question but that the full amount will bo forthcoming. At the meeting Saturday it was decided that the money must bo put up by each man , us business was to shortly commence in earnest. This is an indication that the bridge will bo pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. J. W. Melton yesterday had the honor * of being the only drunk pulled by the police. FINANCIAL. GovT-nNMEJixs Government bonds were dull but stcadv. YESTEKDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. C's lOUflC. JbN. W 117K U. s. 4'acoupon. 12 * > HI < lopreferred..145 II. S. Wscoup.-lOS 'N. Y. 0. . . . Pacllio tfsot ' 10. . 12GKO. n. &N 100 Canada South'n. . S'J O. T. . ? > Central Pacltio. . : * 7 PacltlcMait . 51 Chicago * Alton. 144 1' . , 1) . iSt E. do preferred..1 ( > 0 Pullman Tal.Car.147' C. , u * o iasv Heading. ! > . , L. & W 154 Hock Island. . . 1) & 11.U St L.&S. F. . . Erie SI * do preferred. . . da preferred. . 0. , M.&StP. . . do preferred. H. . w . 23 St.P. & O ifc T. 31 do preferred Lake Shore U5Texas Pacliic. . 1 * &N " " " Union Pacific. . ailchliran Ceut'l. . TO Wo. Pacllic 100 } , dn preferred ! 20 ] J o , Pacific ! M \V. U. Telegraph 76 do preferred. . . . MJ { I MOKBT ON CAi.L-Easy at 3@4i { pei cent last loan ; closet ! 4 > per cent ; offered at 8 nor rent. PlllJIK MKItCAXTJI-E PAPKn 5KQCX pel cent STKRUNO EXCITAXOE. Dull and steady : at ? 4.83tf for sixty day bills , S4.bO > demand. PRODUCE" Chlcaco , March 19. Following quota' turns are the 9:30 : closing figures ; Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat flour. C4/.U04.SO : aouthern. S4.K ( .44.20 ; Wisconsin. I4.C004.30 ; Mfchlran > 10ft aorlue wheat , H.7CN34.SO : Minnesota bakers . 13.70(34.30 ( ; patents. 4.50@4. > : lovr grades , U5 < 3i95 ; rye ilour. quiet at $3.35(33.40 ( } in Moks and barrels , * i33.70. Wheat Dull , opened easier and after fine wall ng closed } { c above > esterday ; cash , , toXcMay : , TStfc ; June , Si i-iac. Corn Quiet but moderately active , closing about the Same as yesterday ; cash , 31Vc ! May , : rfijcJune ; , 40'4-c , Oati ! ) uil with noi-sjontlal chantjo from > csterday ( cash , ! ilQ(24 > { c ; May , 2d c ; June , iiVC. llye-Stcady at 54Kc. Uarley Quiet at we , Tlmotlirfaced-Prlmp. 8LS3fll.SI. Flax Secd-S1.07X < 21.07sf. sk > Pork Dull hut ttr.tily , demand light ; cash , SV0.2. , : May and June. 2iO.V ) . J-nnl Dull but stcntlv nnd unchanced ; cash. S7.27S ; May , 57.SJQ7.37K5 June , 37.41 < fi7.4V Uulk .MratSliotillcr ( 56.00(50.25 ( ; short clrar , 3i25W3.CO ; short rlbs.S7.70M7.72K. Hutter tTPamcry , 2l : iio ; dairy , 17ol2Cc. Cheese Full cream chedtlars and Hats , 12 Voung Americas , 12iQ13c ] ; skims , Tallow L nchaiiKcd : No. 1 country , solid , Sc : No. 2,3c ( ; cake , 4c. ilides Unchanged ; Green , to ; hravv Krcen salted. 7c ; tailed bull , Co ; Rreen silted calf , ( < c : dry salted hldus , lOc ; dry Hint , 12I3c ; dear-one. I'Jccich. ' HeceltiK bhlpment * . Klour. bbls 2IUUO ( 1-i.OOO mi UMAX ) 25.000 ( 'urn. hu 211.001) 74,000 ( ) , it , bu 114.000 107,000 Itji-.bll 2,000 12,000 llarloy , hu 2S.OOO 10,000 St. l.ouln. March 10. Wlniat Strong ; c.ish. 0tf < iMKc ; May. SOJfc : June , & 0 fc. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , tMJfQ 34Kc ; .May , snfyc. Oats Steady ; No.2 ijilxed , cash , 23c ; May , Hye Unchanced. Whisky 51.13. POi-k-FIrm at 819.00. hard Steady at S7.0" > @ 7.10. nutter Active and linn ; creamery , 24 ( < $30c ; dairy , I.vfri5c. Mvcrpool , March 19. Wheat-Quiet ; dp- niand fallen ort ; holders oITer freely. Corn , Dull ; demand poor ; new mixed western 4s 3d per cental. New Orlcnnn , March 19. Corn Firm ; mixed , 49c : white and yellow , 50c. CornuiPal Quiet at S-1.- " . Oatb Quiet ana stpadv at S7KP-5c. Ho * Products Easier : pork , 517.50 ; lard , refined tierce , S7.00@7.12H. Bulk Meats Lonic clear and clear rib , New York. March 10.- Wheat Re- cclpts,5O,000 ; exports , 232.000 ; spot Kener- ally steady ; options opened VftiWo lower , later ruli-d stronger and advanced H5fP. closlne steady ; nimraded red , UlQSlc ; Xo. : < red. 90r ; No. 1 re < l , 94c ; extra red , 93c ; No. 2 red. t)2c ) in elevator , 91X@H ! fc f. o. b. ; 03 0 delivered ; April closed at lilj c. Corn Spot , > @Hc lower , cloalnc steady : options oiwnpd "V\'c ( lower and closed steady ; receipts , 81.000 ; exports , 51,000 ; un graded. 4749J& : No 3. 47Jc : No. 2 , 45 ® % lnele\ator , W % < &WXc delivered ; April closed at 48fc. Oats K@Hc lower ; receipts , 4.5000 ; ex ports , 331 ; mixed western , : s < 337c ; white western , 37@42c. Petroleum-Refined C 0 ? c. Pork Firm ; mess , quote ! nt S15.2.15.75 for old ; 315 50 for new. Laid Opened a shadn lower , rloslnt ; a trlllu better ; western steam , spot , quoted at S7.50a7.55. ( ! Butter-Quiet nnd rather weak. Cheese r Irm but quiet. Eggs Quiet but Urm ; western , fresh , 1C > } @ ,17c. Minneapolis , March 19. Wheat Slow ; Flour Quiet ; patents , * 4.25 ( < ? 4.40 ; bakers , . Keceipta Wheat , 171,400 bu. Shipments Wheat , 59,400 bu. ; flour , 10,000 bBls. Milwaukee. March 19. Wheat Firm ; cash.76Ke ; Jlay.TD c. Corn-Weak ; No. 3 , 37c. Oats Lower ; No. 'J white , Sic. Kye-Easter ; No. 1 , 5oJ < c. Barley-Steady ; No. 2 , 5lXc. Provisions Quiet ; pork , repacked , cash , 517.00. Cincinnati. March 19. Wheat Easier ; No. 2 red. 83c. Corn Easier : No. 2 mixed. G9530 , c. Oats Uarely steady : No. 2 mixed , B9 fc. Hye Steady : No. 2COc. Pork Very dull and nominally unchanged at 817.75. Lard Very dull and nominally unchanjcd at * 7.25. Whlsicy Quiet at 51.13. LIVE STOCK. Chicago. March 19. Tha Drovers' Jour nal tonortB tw follows : Cattle Receipts , 3,000 ; weak and 10 ® 15c lower ; shipping steers. S3.flO < < - > .34 ; stockers nnd fpe < lpr i , S2.CO@4.iO ; cows , bulls nnd mixed. 82.50(24.00 ( ; bulk , 8 20 ( 4.00 ; bulk , 82,803.30. HOKS Receipts , 6,000 ; slow : 10inc lower ; rough and mixed , $5.15(25.70 ( ; and shipping , S'i.sses.ys ; light , skips. 53.40(34.90. ( Sneep Receipts , 3.000 ; strong ; natives , 82.81X34.85 ; western , 83004.03 ; Tuxans , 8i75@3.75 : lambs , 84.50@5.25. KRnnaBCIty.MarchlO. Cattlp Receipts. 1,000 ; shipments , none : market weak and lUc lower for shipping and butchers' steers ; coed cows strong and 5c higher ; common to choice shipping , S.GO : ! < 34.b5 ; stoekers , 8 J.CO @ 4.85 ; feeding steers , SA35@4.0U ; cows , 8i40 ( , Hoes Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , none : good steady ; common to medium weak and lOc lower ; common to choice , S5.00tf5.GO ; skips and pigs , J2. 71X34.10. * Natlon l Htook Yarfli. Ka t St. Ijouli , III. , March 19. Cattle Receipts. 50 ; shipments , 700 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers. 84.80(35.30 ( ; fair to good ship ping steers , S4.00@4.75 ; butchers' steers , talr to choice , $3.80@4.30 ; feeders , fair to good , 83.20@4.00 : stockers , fair to good , S2.20WU5. Hogs Rpceipts , 000 ; shipments , 13,000 ; market active and about steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , S5.N5.75 ; pauklng , fair to good , 85,00@5.75 ; Yorkers. S' > .40 ( < $5.55 ; pigs , common to good , $4.bO@ OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Saturday , March 19. Sucep. Tr.cre were no fresh receipts and nothing doing on the market , Receipts. Cattle. . . ' . WO lios. . . . . 1'JOO Prevailing Prices. Showine the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . . 84.40f34.70 | Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4. ; @MO Fat little steer 950 to 1100 Ibs. . . . 4.00gt. ( : > 0 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.00W3.50 Falrto medium cows . S.UO&.i.T.'i Good to choice bulls . 2.50 3.00 Light and medium hoes . 5.2.VU540 Good to choice heavy hogs . 5.40@5.50 ( ! oed to choice mixed hod . ViO < ( t5.40 Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3bOg4.20 ( Reprcsontativo Hales. STKEllS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. i. . . . 070 5i75 L..IOIO ; a.oo 2. . . . 1140 2.a 1. . . . bOO 3.2.5 1. . . . tHO 2.VO 5..11CJ 125 3. . . . 10a3 3.00 DCI.IA No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. , SO. . . .1(128 ( 2.75 I..lb90 S.U5 8. . . . 1010 2.S5 COWS AND BULLS. 3. . . . 1333 IS * UCIFEUS. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 730 84.00 84.00HOOK. HOOK. No. Av. Shk. Pr No. AT. 8hk. Pr. 67. . . . 229 rJOS5.SO 71..2.-W bO 15,40 KI..1C9 120 5.35 70. . . .205 60 6.40 70. . . .218 120 5.35 78. . . .209 . . 5.50 04. . . . 221 120 5.33 74. . .22fl 80 5.40 CO. . . . 9 120 5.85 100. . . .IhS 120 5.40 123..215 120 & .a7K 01..34J SO 5,40 63..213 BO &S7 C8..2W 240 MS W..200 80 5.37X 79..240 80 5.45 05..2.U 900 6.40 5.S.-.2CJ 120 5.45 07..259 160 6.40 G4.54 130 5.45 TJ..233 120 6.40 CO. . . 254 6.45 W..1MI 120 5.40 C.2V1 2 0 5.41 ! 5.1 . . .251 200 0.40 Oy..2' " S 80 6.H 7:1 : . . .2KJ | . . 5.40 70..2.)9 40 5.50 (7. 270 .TOO 5.40 72..3KJ llOO ( ViO G7..2-JJ 240 5.40 M..31S SCO 6.53 Showine the hluliost and lowest- paldfor lovls of hozs on this nmket ilurlni ? thepistspven tlays and for the same tune lost month nnd a vear nito. Feb. 1SS7. | Miireh lb8. March 18a7. nth Sunday Sundnj nth l.lf , © -.11 Sundny 15th . 3 W CMIC ! > i 6 n IBlh 5.10 f > ' Klh 5.10.w % . ; in a.73 MS AT , BO n.7' > 19th 6.3) ) Wi.A I1TO Shipments. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep shlpp-'d from the vards during the day. CATTLI : . No. cars. lit. Pest. 41 N.\V ChlcaRO 20 . .Mil. . Chicago nous. 10 . .H. I. Boston Allsilesof stock in this market are made percwt live weleht unless otherwise stated. Dead hoits sell at Xc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hess weUhlne less than 100 Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS. aud stags SO Ibs. by the public Inspector. OMAHA. WHOLESALE MARKETS Saturday , March 19. General Produce. Tlicfollowlnp price * are far round lot * nf ) > ro/itc < yn fohl on the nuuhct fomii'Hie quotations nn fruits reincxctit the prices at whicli nntsldc orders nre tilled. BUTTEII There has been a very noticeable falling otf In the rycepts of choice butter dur ing the past week. There Is hardly any country butter coming In that can be graded as strictly choice. The receipts ( if the poorer grades are liberal and the market well sup- piled. The demand is for choice butter and poor butter will not sell \ery readily and only when the better grades cannot bo ob tained. The warm weather has a tendency to brine out the poor qualities In the butter and on that account poor butter does not sell as well now as when the weather Is cold. An occasional pickauo ot fancy butter soils nt bettor prices than thoie quoted below : Uholco countrv , W3i7c ; fair to good , 12@14c ; com mon , 5 < > 10e. Koi.s The CCK markPt Is lower than a weuk ago on account of the decline In the eastern and western markets. The receipts luuo been liberal all the week and stock * have been moving frvoly. The local demand has been very good and the shippers have taken all the surplus stock. In spite of ihe heavy receipts the market has been kept cleared up nnd In good condition. The hrst of the week stocks were moving at 10K@Hc , but the decline In other markets foiceu the market down here und the prevailing price Is now lOc. CIIKESK Full cream cheddars , single , 14c ; full cream Hats , twins , I4c ; Vounn Ameri cas , 14.f@l4 } } c ; fancy Swiss , lGSl7c ( ; Svslss moorted , 25c ; Ltmburtior. 14c ; brick. iftCftlGc. DiiESsni ) POUI.TIIY The market is a little firmer than a week ano. The roci'Ipts con- timm linlit and the market Is almost bare of stock. The warm weather Is lessening the ( k'uiand somewhat for dressed poultry and nt the same time Is Increasing the demand for live pnulliy. Dressed chickens are suiting miL-Uy nt lOc will ) an occasional sale nf cxtr.i block at a little moie. Turkeys and ducks tmebceu selling at about the same pricu as chickens. A tew small , fat turke > s have bold at lie. LIVE POUI.TKY The warm weattior has created some demand for live poultry and the demand will naturally increase ns the weather becomes warmer. There ha\e been a few chickens In which sold re.ullly at SJ.75 ® ) GO dozen. A few that were not pxtra eholfc per went at S3.M. 'llicre were Ii\o turkeys in this week which sold at Cc pur Ib. Turke\s nre uolng out of season aud the demand is not heavy. GAMK Ducks are becoming quite plenty and aie selling fairly well. Theie aie also a Court many geiiM' coming In. There arc a itood many brant * on the market and they aru very slow sile. Mallnidducks. per riozpn , S'2.002.7. > ; teal , per doicn , S1.00ft-.00 ( ; mixed , per do en. 5200 : seese. per dozen , S'l 00 ; bnnts , per do en , SJ 00@-i50. PoTATons The receiptof potatoes have been hea\ler durlni ; the past few dajs. The market Is fairly active nnd thu stocks moving freely. Them are a few Colorado and Salt Lake potatoes on the market. There are also n few sweet potatoes In. Homo crown , ; Colorado. Kose , per hu. , S1.0 H t.lO ; Suuwllake , per bu , Sl.OXgUlO ; Salt Lake , Sl.OO ; sweet , per tb. 3 c. OAIIHAGK There U a \ cry fair demand for cabbaue and It continues to arrive in liberal quantities. The supply of Colorado stock on the maikel lias been exhausted. California , per Ib , 3c. APIM.KS The receipts are Increasing and the market Is weaker. Choice stock is arriv ing from Missouri and selling well. Fancy is biluulng SiOO and good to choice S4..SWS ) 4.75. I'oor and inferior stock Is sell ! 112 all the wav from S .W up. according toqualitv. OLD V'FOKTAiir.K" The supply on the mar ket is not large but the demand U li ht and stocks mo\ingslo\\ly. Onions , choice .stock , very little of what might bo called good stock on the market for the past few da s. The spinach Is not very coed and is slow sale. California asparagus has put in an app > ar- anco but lies been held most ion high 10 pen readily. Home grown celery Iserypoor and scarce. Spinach , per obi. . S2.oOrt2.r ( > o : too onion v per dozen bunches , 80Si5c ( ; celery , hoiu grown , per doien , 3-Vu.trx : ; California celery , per do cn , t * caullllowor , per do/en , - ; radbhw , per do/en bunches , 25@ . ' > flc. LKMOXS The supply on the market is liberal but not large. Stocks are moving a little slow as the weather is warm enough to create any creat demand. Messina , fancy , per box , S5.OOffl3.rX ) . OUA..NOES The oranue trade U brightenIng - Ing up ami the market is lirni. The uncer tainty as to the result of tha now law which will go lutoctlect on the tirst of the month , has caused dealer * to nntltlpate their wants to some extent. California , Ulverside , per box , 3Vr : > < ! M.oOCnlifornla : , Los Angeles , per bet , 82.75@W > o : Navel * , S'i.oo ' ; Mediter ranean sweets , $ ; ! .7V ( 4.00. STi'.AWiiEiini -Florida straw berries have put in nn appearance but limited quanti ties thus lar. The stock was very fair and was sold at 40CfWc per box. OVIIEKS Mediums. 20c : standard , 20c ; selects , 'JSc ; extra selects , Si ; X. Y. counts , 8c * UKANS-Inferlorstoclc,75SS1.00goodclean ( ; louutry , St.OOiSl..Ti : medium , hand nicked , SL40ai.50 ; hand picked , nvv. S1.50@1.CU. 1'itovisiONs H.un. 12 = ftflSc ( : ; breakfast bacon , rib. 9Jfcbreakfast : bacon , plain. lOJfc ; dry salt sides. SWQ'jJfc ; dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-lb cans. N ! : 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8Vc ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , b' c ; Mb cans , Fairbanks 8 % ; 8-lb cans. Fairbanks , 3Ke. IKXAXAS Large bunches , per bunch , S2.50 (23.50. ( NUTS Afew black walnuts are coming in from the country and are slow sale at 7 > c per bushel. The following are the wholesale prices at which orders trom the outside are Idled : Almond * , 'JOc ; pecans , large polished , I4c ; filberts , I4c0razils ; , 14cwaluutsNaple.s ; , SOc : walnntb , Chill. 14c ; peanuts , II. I" . Vir- Klnia , 8c. KLOUR AND MILUSTOFFII Winter wheat flour , bust quality patent. t2. 75 ; second qual ity , S'iOO'S'J.&O : best quality spring wheat flour , patent. S3.40r2.t 0 : bran , TOcpercwt ; chopped feed , TTx ; per cwt ; white corn meal , fuc ; jellow corn , meal , 60ti 0c per cwt ; screen I nir , 50kU > 75c per ewt ; hominy , 81.50 ; shorts , TOQ per cwt : graham , SI. 75 ; hay. In bales S7.00 per ton. OHAI.V Corn , U7c ; wneat , No. 3 , 57c ; oats , 25c ; rye , 45c. _ Grocer' * hint. PiCKiJ ! ? Medium , In bbls , ? S.OO ; do , In half bbU , S4.50 ; small. In bbM. 53.00 : do. In halt bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins , labbU , 810.00 ; do , la half bbls. S5.5a hoaAii-Uranulated , C QOJi'c ; conf. A , 5J @ 0c ; white extra C,5Wit5 ( < a'c : extra C , 5 } c : yellow 0,4 > iQ ; .c ; cut loaf , powdered , rdlnarT erodes , I4j@l5'/cfalr prime , lOKc ; choice , ifxaiO fancy grfien nd jellow. l&ane : old eov- ernment JaTt , 2020c ; Interior Jaya , 16 > { i < a aoe ; Mochi , 23 < a-J4cL Arbuckle'a roasted MJfc ; McLauahlln's X.XXX roasted , l ! Jfc ; Ditworth' * . Xc : Bed Cross , l > fc. -Oysters , utandwd.per case , a. 15 ( 3. 25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 1130 ; raspberries. 'J Ib , per cue , Siil ; oCallfornla pean , per euo. 84.50 ; aprlcoU , per casj , 14.60 ; peaches , po * cue , $5.00 ; white cher ries , per ease , $3.00 ; piuma , per case , $3.65 blueberries per case , 81.65 ; egsr plums , a Ib , percMe. 93.50 : pineapples , * ID. per cue 8180(85.75:1 ( Ib mackerel , per doz. 1 1.40 ; Ilbaalaon , perdoi,81.60 l.M ; 210 , goose- berrle-v percaje. 11.79 ; a Ib string Deans , pec cue , 2 Ibmnrrowfftt peas. jHjrcase , SiDO O MU ; Ib early . June pea * , par casa. 33.75 : 3 Ib toma- ; oes. 88.5XfW.rt ) : 3 Ib corn S3. 40(23. ( TO. MATCHES Per caddie , avi-squaro cases , 31.70 : mulw square. 8t.'Ju. ir. _ . . Svnui No. 70 , 4-gallon krfes , 31.20.f41.255 New Orleans per gallon S& fic ; maple syrup , Half bbls , "old HUNS" per g l n , 70c ; I gal- Ion cans , per dnz , glO.OO ; Inli gallon can ; , per doz. $5.50 ; tjuftrt cans. SHou. TANDY Mixed , faille : stick , S (3av ( < c. CnACKF.ns Oarnevi's w } , butter and t > lcnlc. fixe : creams , s c5 "ter snaps , * Xc't . Ib. Cc ; mirror mlrrorr gloss , Olb , CJfc ; JjuAi'9 Kirk's savon Imperial. S3. 70 : Kirn s satinet. $3.00 ; Kirk standard , ? a.0. > ; Kirk's white Husslan , 84.00 : Kirk's white- cap. (6.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. _ General Market * . \AnxisiiKS-UaireU. per gallon ; rurnl- ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 : Da- roar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; .asphalt urn , extra 65c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tinl h , IIKAVT llAnnwAnF. iron , rate S1SO ; plow steel special-cast , 4KccruclblostoelXc ; ) ; cast tools , do. 12 > ili < c ; wagon spokes , pel set , 82.00(83.50 ( ; hubs , per set , 8LU5 ; felloes. sawed dry , 81.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axeN. each. 75c : square nuts , per Ib. 61(471c ( : cell chain , per Ib. OK l'o ; malleable. ioc ; iron wedzes , Co ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow. teeth , 4Vc , spring stool. 7@yc ; Uurden's horseshoes. 84. -.Dnrden's mule shoes. $ * > .75. Barbed wire. In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to CO. 8 MO : steel nail * . 83. W ) . Shot , 8L.SS ; buckshot , Sl.Sjonental powder , kegs , 83.50 : do. half kegs , S3 00 ; do. quarter kegs , 31.50 : blasting , kegs , 32.33 ; fuse , per 10 feet. 65c. Lead bar. S . . IHV PAiNTs-Whue lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c : Par ! ; whiting , SS'c ; whiting , gilders , S o ; whiting , com * ! , IMC ; lanipblaclt , Gcr- mnnstown. 12c ; Jampbinck , ordinary. 8c ; Prussian bluo.Vcultr ; marlne , lite ; vandyk- brown , so ; umber , burnt 4o ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c : .sienna , raw. 4c ; Pans green , genuine. Sop. 1'arU green , com mon , 23c ; chrorae greon.N. Y. . 20c ; rermllhon American. l c : inaian raw nnd burnt umber. I tt > cans , i'Jc ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , I3c ; relined - lined lampblack I2c : coach black and Ivory black. lOc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome creonJ- . . M. < k D. . ifio ; blind and shutter green. U. M. & D. , ICc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , lie ; vVenetlnii red , Up ; Tuscan. 'Ac ! ; American \ermllllon , Li. & O. , 20o ; yellow ochre. 8c ; U. M. * O. O. . lite : good ochre. 16c : natenj drver , 8c ; graining color , light oatc , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash. Uc. DnuosAN'n MIEMICAI.S. Ac a carbolic , " "c'.acld , tartarlc , 5Jc ; balsam copaiba , per nWe : bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per ft , 78c , rhlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per n > , 4ixs ; Uovers powders , per Ib , 81.25 ; epsom salts. , per ft , "Kc ; glycerine , pure , per Ib. 83c : 'ead. ' acetate , per ft. 2lc ; oil , castor , No. 1. per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2pergaL , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orlirannum. 50c ; ooium , $ . ! .uO ; nuinlno. P. A Vf. and K. * S , , per , oz. 7.Vj ; pot.isslum Iodide , per ft , 8 .W ; sallcln. peroz. 40o ; sulphate - phato morphine , per oz , 8U5 ; sulphur , per H.4cstrchninp. ; pernz. st.Wi. FAINTS ix OIL White lead. Omaha.P P. , C 'e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. 0 , 0 ; Mar seilles , green. 1 Ib cans. Uc : irencn zinc , creen seal , 12c ; Trench zinc , red seal. He ; Pronrh zinc , in varnish asst. We : Kench zlnc.75c : vermilllon. English , In oil , 75c ; red. lOc : ro o pins. 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2 c ; Venetian red. American. IKc ; red lead , 7K'c : chrome jellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. 3c ; ochre , French , 2 fc : ocnre. AmeriPan , IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2) $ ( Lenigh btown , 2S'c ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; rrlnco's mineral , ' JSPiniTS Cologne spirits. iSS proof , 81.17 ; do 1C1 proof. 81. IS ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do 18tT proof/81.10 Almliol. l&S proor , 83.20 per wine ealfon. Kedistllled whiskies , Sl.OMI.50. Gin , Wended. Sl.suo n-0 ( > : Kentucky bourbons , S .00(3 ( .00 ; Ken- ucky and Penns > Uania ryes , S-2.00(4 ( .5U ; Jolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 31.W330C. Urandles. imported , 85.00@8.'iO : lomestie , 8l.SO@3.wj. ( ; ins , imported , S4.'W KO.OO ; domestic , SLlTdZSOO. ChampaRnes , mported. i > er case SM.OOQSS.OO ; American , per caso. S10.OOyJlfi.00 HinES Ctreen butchers. 5X@Cc ; green cured. 7c : dry llint. lir l'Jcjjtlrv salt. OftilOc ; creen calf skins , * > Kc ; damaged nides , .wo-thlrds price. Tallow SJfc. ( Srease 'rnno white , : ifc ; yellow. 3' c ; brown , IJf bheen Pelts. a5Q7oc. , , i-uits AM > oKi.Ni-'lhe following price are for prime , well handled skins : Ueaver , > rlme , clean per pound. S1.50Q3 00 ; fnll,81.2. > i2.00 ; meity and inferior. S1.00@1.S5. Hear. it own ami gri/zly. S5.OOiS8.00 ; rubs Hnd jearlincs , SiOO'iiJ.OO. Badger , W fiOp. Cat , wild , 20a ( 0c : dome-stlc , black , I0 ( 5l5c : do- nestic , sundry colors 5@bc. tox. red , Sl.OO @ 1.25 ; cross S2 00@4.00 ; irrny. 40ciVc ; silver , & 10.00 < 340 00. Fisher. S4.00@3.00. Otto rS4.00 00.00. Martin , 31.00@175 , Museiati win or , large , lUc : fall , 5c ; kitts , Mink , largo dm k. 3. 3 lOc ; small aud pale , MQate. Itao- lOc. Deer ami antelope , winter , rer pound l.lo ; fall and summer , per pound 20e , DryCOAKOS. COAKOS. No. 1 Com. sis S13.00 " " 15.M No. 3 / No. 3 " " .15.00 > 4 " 10.00 DIMENSIONS AND TIMBKKS. att union is riant2211 2i ' 1800 16.0) 17.00 18 00 in.OO 2J.2 18.0J 22.6'j Sis 1000 160Uil7.00l80010.00 ! | S1.BO .M.&O 2x10. . . . 10-00 18.0017.1 S2.BO 2x12. . . . 10.1 U 10 OJ 17.00 18.00 19 00 23.50 4rl-8i3 16.00 10 no'8.uo ' in.oo'20 ' OD'IS ' ivo 22.50 PF.HCIHO. No.1 , 4&0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft. rough. . . SlVfl Mo. 2,4 A Cinch. U and 14 ft. rough. . . 15.03 HIUI.NO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft 521.50 H , " " " 20.00 C , " " " 15.00 D , " " " 11.50 CHII.IN'O AM > VAIlTITIoy. 1st com. , Jf in White Pjne Ceijln . . d com. , ; Y in Norway Pine Celling. . " ! UOO Fi.ooni.vft. A Glnch. white plno , ai.M C S2-V.O - KOincU. " " ( SelFcn'u ) 1'J.OO I.IMF , nic. Qulncy while lime , ( best ) Ole Akron cumcut. U.75 ; hair -c " STOCK HOARDS. A 12 inch s. Is. 4-S.50C S35.50 No. l , com. 13 in 8.1 s. , 12. A , M S'-'O : ir. ft.l'.t.oo No. ' . ' , 17.50 ; " 10.50 1st and 2U. clear , IU inch , 9. 3 s S50.M ikl , clear , 1 Inch , s. 3 s 4i l , 1 > < . 2 In 45.V ) 11 clear , 1 Inch , s. 3 a 2-A50 ; l > f , IK , 2 In 37.00 SHIP I.AI- . No. 1 , plain. 8 and 10 in S1S.OO SOUTIUIIIN 1KI.LOW PINE. Com. 4 and 0 in. lloorlnic S 17.50 Clear. liuMi , 1 and M in. s. 2 s 29.00 " corrugated culling , 4 In. . 2-4.50 " Yellow pine casing amtbase. 27.00 PICKKTS. Pickets. D and H Hat S0.5a P & H sq.S20.50 Slll.VOLKS , I.ATU. XX clear . ' , K SHOO * A * standard 2.75 * Ali. B. andB ' | :1 2.50 White Cedar , 0 In. , Ks"i2V6 ; : 9 In. " " 5Kin.MS , iljicSin. ; qrs.-lOc 510 1887 Spring Valley StocUarni 1887 , OMAHA , NEB. Oeorge "Wilkce Die. Record 2:22. : MonsuwJ by S:2U : , the 2.i" . nnd the :3) : eland anl ; was llio Kreatest er lived. Havlnn novr 55 sous und UiiUL-litcrg Iq ttieJ : ) list down to 2:1IV. : Tbo only eon of George WUtcs in the State of Nebraska. ' 3541 Black Wilkea 3Ml Standard. Slrod by George Wllke.s cio ; 1st dam Fanny Dell , siren by Confederate Calef , own brother toWoodforU Chief. 2ui.'U ; nd dam Uyadyk'i Hambletontan. Will Bland lor mnrea at the above furm at $35 the tp.ison , cosh time of ser vice , with privilege of return should marcs not prove In foal. Limited to 2) mares besides ray own. Season commences Fob. 1st and end August 1st. 1887. For further particulars som tor circular. . On Agsnt fMtn-JlBt onlr w.nt > 1 In.Tfry town for Tour "Tftiislll'9 Punch" Co cigar are getting of friends. Trn\ollnK men guy to ui every day "Why. they are bettor than most lOc cigar * . Ob ? trade ha * more tban doubled itnco we IDDBESS , / ? . W. TAHSILL A CO. , CBICI.Q Nebraska National Bank 01IAIIA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Burpluk . 40,000 U. W. Ynt w , President. A. E. Tuii7atin , v'lro President W. II S. llushca , Cashier. DIKECTOUS : \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , ll.W.Yates , UwisS. Rood. A. E. Touzalln. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor Ittth nnd Farnam Sta. A General banking business Transacted. Red Star Line Carrying the Ttolnltim RoyM ami United Stntai Mnll , ouilnjr ever/ Saturday Between Antwerp & New York To the Rhine , Germany , Italy , Hol- latul ( tnd France , 9Siilon from J8U to J7J. Excursion trip from $110 to S1JS. Sccntid Cttbln , outwarJ bound. 115 : prepaid , f 4" > ; excursion , $ W. Stocritffe pansnira nt low rules. 1'elor Wrlirht A. Sous , General Apenta , BS Bromlwiiy. Now York. llonry I'tnult , r18 1-nrnaiu si.l'auUcn ; & Co. , 1 133 Farnam st ; D. O. rreomau. lJ-4 Kurnatn. TOR SALE. A larjro number of recorded Pcrehcron and ClytlesdRlo Stallions. Also Homo Hrod Oolts. Kvcry Htnmul irunrantooa a brcodcr. 1'rlccs roixsonnble and lorras oa y. Ourelook lm < boon eclocled ltli roforenc9 to bnlh tnillvldtial inerll nnd podlitree. A Inriro number of our StHlllons are acclimaiod and Colts of Ihelr pot can bo shown. York U on the U. & M. It. it , two hours' rKlo west of Lincoln. For cala- ogues and further Informotlon , FKY ft FAUUllACII , LINCOLN , NEB. GUEATKST UAILIIOAD CKNltll IN TI1C WORLD OF ITS AOE. U lia * grown from 400 to (0000 population In 13 yatirs uncl li now growing ftcr thnn erer. Investments In brick blocks par W to ! U per cent. 1/its tmvo uvcraged orer Ida far ccni per annum ' " ' AND 13USINKS9 SOLICITED. A. J. OBOPSEY & CO. nEAT.KSTATB IinOKRRS. LINCOLN. NKB. ITaro for alu brick block * . tm'InoM lots , nil klntU ef real ettitr. 1,2,5,10 nnd W acre tracts , farms und cbcnp land * * MONEV IX3ANED. INVESTMENTS MADK. IlKrKllENrKSt-The Kirst nnd Lincoln National lank' " , Oov-ThajPr , Jtulsio Cobb. en. S. M. Cullum , Illinois , and Ucn. Hen liurrlJOn , Indlnna. MORTH- n WESTERN RAILWA. 0 Tlieonly road to taku for Dos Molncs Mar- fli.ultpwn. Coil 11 r HnpMs , Cllc in , Dlxon , Chloa- u.Hn nukoo mid all points citHt. To Ibepeo- pl ( of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnff , Utah , l ilnho i ! , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali fornia , it offnrs supenor ndvnntaecg not posil- bio by miy other line. Amonir a few of the numerous point * of pcrlorllr enjoyed by the patrons of this rend boincon Omnhn nnd fhlosgo , nro Its two trains Bday of DAY COACHES , which are the finest thut hunvin art and Ingenuity can oreato. It * 1'ALALKSLKEl'INOCAHS. which are modeU of comfort nnd elegance. IM I'AHLOK DRAW ING HOOM CAH9 , uniiirpnH.ed by any , ftnd ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS the equal of which found elsewhere At Council Illuirn the trains of Iho Union Pacific Ily. connect In Union Depot with thee of the ( 'nlcugo A. Northwestern Iy. ( In Chicago the trains ofthls line mnko close connection with those of all eastern linen. For Detroit. Ooltimbim. Indlannpolh. Clncln' nati. NlaparnFalU , Ilitllilo. Plttsbiirir.Toronto Montreal , lloston , Now YOIIC , Philadelphia Hriltlmore. Wiuhln ton and all points : n Iho oasl , ask for a tloket via thn "NORTHWESTERN. " If you wish the bust acoomrnodallon. All licit itRotitg sell tl'-kcIB vlu tins line. H. HUOHITT , E.P.WILSON. OenL Manager. Oenl. Pa i'r Agent Chicago. III. W. M. BADCOCK. L R. ROLLES. Western Atront , City Pusa'r Agent , Omahft , Nebraska. CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OF THE- The Beat Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to THE Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND - Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids , Rock Iiland , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Klgin , Madiion , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points East , North'eut and Soulheasl , For through UokeU cull on Iho Ticket Agent at 1401 Furnum etrcot , ( In i'uxioa hotel ) , or at Union Pacific Uopol. 1'iillman Sleepers and tbo finest Dining Cam In the world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO. MII.WADKKB & BT. I'AUI , KA'I.WAT , andovery allenllon U paid to pauentfcri by courteoui employes of tue company , R MIM.KH , General SI an air or. J , K. TCOVBII , Assistant Ooner I Manager. A. V. H. CARpENTKn , QcneroJ 1'ouenKor and Ticket Agent. QEO. K , llHAFronD. Aulsiant General Pa- cnporand Ticket Afrcnt. J. TCLAKK , General Huperintendont. O. R ALLEN , EnpeerSurveyorMap , , Publisher No. 11 North Main St. Otr and eountr naps of eltlst aal esnatlM la wwwra law * , Kebnska and KaaMi. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements , PARKER , \Yhole le Dcalsr In AsTricuIturnl Implements , Wagons , and Ihurlcf. Jones tired , t twc u Vlb snil IDtb.OtuKhB , > * b. " LINING ER , METGALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , , W jonn.Carri en. Ituczlfs , Hte. . Whole lf. Om-ba. LEE , FllIED < C CO. , Jobbcra of Hardware mid Nulls , Tinware. Sh t Iron , Hlc. A * nU for Itowa 5claa , and Miami PowderLu , Oniiri.Nt > l > . PARLINORENDORF& MARTIN WhoUiaU Dealers In Agricultural Implements , ITagoni and Bugs ; Im. Kl , 9U3,906 snJ DOT , Jonei it Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , _ IMS pouglai Street. Omaha. _ Buildtrt' Hardware and Scalts. HIMEBA UGH 'TAYLOR , Bnilders'Hardware A Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tooli and Butfalo Srstts. 1100 IX > ula iL , > Omaha. Neb. foots and Shots. AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE COMPANY , H nuf clur rs uJ WboUul * Dialer * la Boots nnd Shoes , Complete stock of Rnblxr Oootls alwarf on hind MB 8. Hill t. . Omalia. Neb. A. T. Austin. A nW JT. V. MORSE Jt CO. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. till Ft mam st , Omaha , Ntb. Manufactory , Summtt alreet , lioiton. Z. T. LINDSEY < Wholesale Rubber Bojt * anl Shoes Uublior niul Oiled Clolhlmr and felt Hoots , nd Shoes , Southeast rorner 14th aiTd Douglas. Betr. M. KEATING , gt. for Aiiheuscr-Bush Brewing Ass'n Special Brands. Fault , nudwelter and Erlanmr. STORZ A ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North 18th Street , Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools , LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , Sausage Catlngi of all kinds Mwsjs In itock. UU Jon.nt.Omaha Coffee , Spicti , Etc. CLAltKE BROS. cC CO. , Omaha Cotrco and Spice Mills. TMs.OofTets , Spice * Making Powder. Fltrortng tract * , Laundry Ulu . Int. Ktc. UU- Street. OniaUa. N t > . GATES , COLE < U MILES , Homo Coffee and Spice Mills Wt'g Co. CnTeeBoa lergnd Splco Grinders. M nnf tturers nf BaktDR Powder , H-\iorlnu Kitrnctv DlnlnR. Kir Trrune cano ot our ! packane Homo Blend Kosttad OolTee. 1HW Howard st , Om ! i . f. B. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of OalTanlitd Iron an-t Cornice. 03 Modi a and 103 and IDS N , lOlh St. Omaha. Nob. RUEMPINQ < & BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finals. MelnllcSkjrllghtetc. 910S. Utti St. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. Galrantied Iron Cornlcoi , etc. BpecfilmproviMl Pat ent Mctallc SkyllBbt. MB and ill ) 8.12th nu.Onmhlt. Carpets. O3IAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of tarpcts , Curtains , Oil Cloths , HURTS i IJnoleurot , Matting * . Etc. 1S11 Douglat street. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlngi , Curtain Ooodt. Kto. 1413 Farnain Street , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent ( or the Manufacturers and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lampf , Cblmuoja , tto. Office , 317 South lith it Omaha. Neb. Commission and Storage. ' D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butter , Eggnand Produce , Conilgr.menta solicited. neadqunrtera for Stonewaro. Ilorrr lion B and Urapo liaiketi , 1114 Dodge street , Omaha. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frulls , Troduc * and I'roTlilons. Omaha. N b. W. EnilTJDELL , and Commission Merchant. BpeclalUet BntMr , Bgn. fheese , Poultry. Qam * , Oriten. etc. . Rtc. Ill South 14th street. WIEDEMAN < C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Ponltrj , Butter , Gnme , 1'iiilu , etc. OO 8. lltbit Omaha , Neb , Coal ancf Lime. Uku. r.l.\nAiin , rre * . C. r.OoonuAN , V.Piea. J. A. 8UNDKKLAXO , See. and lYoai. OMAHA COAL' COKE < LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. K ) South Thirteenth Street , Omaha. Nob. J" JOMSSOJf d1 CO. , Mannfacturers of Illinois White Limo. And Shippers of Coal and Cote , Cement , Plaster , Ume.Ualr.Hre Brick , Drain. Tile unit Senerl'lpe. Office. Paxton Hotel , rarnam St. , Umaha , Neb. Telcphoni ! Sll. Confectionery. JP. P. FAY < S > CO. , Mannfactuving Confectionera , Jobbers of Fruits , Nats and Cltfara. 1211 Farnam SU Omsha. Cigars and Tobacco , 'C 'MAXMEYER a ) GO. ? Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco. Quna and Ammunition , 215 toZU 6 Hth su , IOD to 1/14 Farnamst .Omaba.Neh. WEST & FRITSCHER Manufacturers of Fine Clears , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos. Nos.lM and 110 .N. 14th street , Oiiaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH : c co , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Douglas , cor. lltu fit. . Omaha. Neb. Distillers. Dlttllleri nf Liquor * . Alcohol and spirits. Importers and Jobbertof VYIuesauJ Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DINTILLE'4 CO. and ILER .K CO. , Importers and Jobber * of Flno YVIno * and Liquor * . bole manufacturers of KeoncdT'n East India Hit- ten unU IXiuicstle Lliuirs. 1113 IlarnejM. Drain Tile , Etc. Y. K.BACBit.Prrt. J.W.nspronn Soc.ATr as U. J. CAUIOX. T.Pr s. and Hnpl. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlee IIS R. Hth St. . Omaha , Nob. Machinery and Bnpplien for Manufao luring Cement Drain Tile. ELEVATORS. n .W ItooBna. D. S. lUnnmn Pea. isTAitLisiipn 1B7S. Vlool'rci OMAHA ELEVATOR nnd GRAIN COMPANY , Jobbers anil Storers ol Grain. hlprucntsof doulvrssollclto and sntlsfactlon Kuaruntcod. Oinbtu Mob. Furniture , DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. rarnam tu Omaha , Neb. Omaha Jobbers' ' Director ? . Groceries , 1i 1 i PAXTON , GALLAGHER cC CO. , Wholesale flrocorles and rrovlsions , Kea TOC.WT.TCUanJtliy IQtliSt.Omaha.Nob JUcCOJll ) , ILltADY < 0 CO. , Wholcsnlo Grocers , I'tn and LenTenwortti sU.Oraah % . Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprints , Wacnn Stuck , llardoare Lumbertto. DM anil Ull llarner St. , Omaha , EDNEY .c oinnoy , Wholosttle Iron and Steel , Wacon ami Carrtajre Wood Stock , ncary II art war * Etc. HI ? and UU Lcarcnwortli St. , OiuitUa , Neb , MILTON ROGERS .C SOS , ' Stoves , llanifeg , Furnaces , Tiles , UantUs , OraUi , DratsUoods. 1SI1 and 139 raroaiB htrcut. Iron Works. 5 VIERLIXQ Iron Works , Wreatht and Cast Iron Bntlrtlnj Work , Iran Stall * Km I In f. Deans and ( llntcrs. Steam Knvlnts , llrasl Work , U nrM roumlrr , Unchlns and Hlacksmlll \fntt. Offle * ag 1 Works , tl. P. Ry.snd ITIIistitsU r. n. MCMANUS. c. SDM.IVAK. OAIAUsi WIRE cf IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Riillin , Desk Rail * , Window ( luard * . Mower Rtamls , Wire Klfns , Btfl 174 N. 16th. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Lumber. O3L.UTA TXTMRER CO. , Dealer ! . All Kinds of Baildin ? Material at Wholesale. 13th Street and Union Paolflo Track , Omaka. ' L O UJS BRA DFOR1) , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doort , Etc. Yards-Corner 7th and Douglas ) Comet 8th and Dniulas. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 1148. lUhstreetOmahaNeb. F.Cotpeuer , Uanafr. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber. LSth and California Htrects , Oraaba , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc , Cor. Cth and uougtas its. , Omaha. Nek , UOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OHe , 1403 Famam alreet , Omaha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrp t aud Parquet Flooring , tthand Doostaf JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. itaU Agent lor Milwaukee Ilrdraullc Cement and Beat oLlmo. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John r. Bojd , Siporlnt nd ot. Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE < C SONS , Live Stock Commission , _ Ceo. Durke , Manager Union Stock Yards. B. Omaha. 1 Itphon Ut. SAVAGE c GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Millinery and Notions. I. OBERFELDER < C CO. , Importers and Jobbera of Millinery and Notions , 1213 anJ 1215 Hamej St. eet. Omaha , Neb. Motions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO * Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 403 and 405 8. Tenth St. . Omaha. Overalls , CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Shirts , etc. 1103 and 1101 Doujlss StretV Umaha , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 8.11th Mt. , Umaha , Nebrnska. Or J era nr m ll | I Idle J and will rec lre prompt attention. Printing. ItEES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Makers , And Book Binders. 104 and \ KoutU FouitMattl , H street. Omaha , Neb. ' | H WESTERN"NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Typo. Prestos and Printers'Supplies. 501 Houth Twelfth Stroou Pumps. BROWNELL cC CO. , Maiiiifacturrrs and Dealers In Engines , Hollers & General Machinery gbeet Irun work. Hteim I'urapSaw Mills , Acme Mmftlnic. DoiUe Wood split I'ulloya , Ilelilnz. eta. Also wagons , ncrapen , and bulctloj. Tcnnortu st. Omaha RECTOR C WILHELKY CO. , Wholesale IFardware. Western acents for Jefferson Btecl Nails. Anitl * Powder Co , Fairbanks HtMndard Hcales. Comer IQtli and Ilarnar. Omaha. CHURCHILL PU3IP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , eam and Water Supplies. Headquarters for tla I'cnuCo'B Ooo-l . Illl 1'arnnia St. . Omsbs. Neb. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines.'j Uam. Water , Itillwar _ and MimneJSup.plle * . KMk | tOO. q ndW4 rarnam et. , Om hii. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. n ln ! < 3 T Wln < l Ulllsi nlcara and Wktor Bnppllfli , Plumbing Uootl , lIultlnK. lloio. V18 and KM * M. usiu st. , Omaha. U. K. frellnn , M omgr. TeloyhnneNo.210. Safes , Etc. P. BOYER & CO. , Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s' flit and Ilurg'tr Proof Sites , Tlraa Ixicki , VaulU and Jsil Work. 101J hiinwin street Om ti . N b. G. AXDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Vonnfscturersof Firs aud Hurelur Proof 8s.fei , Vnust Doors , J ll Work. Shutters aod Wire Work. Cor. _ 14lhsndJ csson lsOnnh .NaU. Sash , Doors , Etc. _ ir. A. DISBROW & co.t WUoleialo Mannfacturtrsof Sash , Doora , Blindfl and ilonldlnfifa , Driocb oftJce.ntu and I rd su , O = sb : , b. MANUFACTURnra CO. , Manufacturtrs , of Sath , Doors , Hinds , onld'/itiJfulrVforktnd Interior n rrt Wood nnUh Juslouwxa. N. K.cor. ( th ud Lcareaworlb PM. ' Omsbi , Neb.