Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    * r
Dtllmcd t > r rnrrler In any pnrt of the city nt
twenty ccnti per week.
H. VT. TILTON , - - - Manager.
BrciKTM Orncr , No. .
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
The new council moots to-night.
Now spring coeds tit Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate.
The new city parliament meets to-
ai ht.
A safe for sale. Knquito of Gcorgn
Additional Council Bluffs local on
seventh pago.
Sec W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 9 Alain , for
bargains in real estate ,
J. W. & K. L. Squires' abstracts arc
giving good satisfaction.
By tlio change in tlio police depart
ment Oniccrs Dyer and Tamisoa now go
on llay duty.
H"Kos dalo" at tlio opera house to-night
us an opening for tno week's stand of the
Btuart dramatic company.
Tlio Stuart theater company arc nuar-
tered at the Ogden for thu week , and will
be at Uohany's cacli night.
Squire's park addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacific avenue will bo built up
with store buildings within a year.
The infant daughter of Air. and Mrs.
Snyder , living on Lincoln avenue , died
Saturday and was buried ycsteiday.
The subscription books of the Lake
Munawii street railway company will bo
opened this morning at the ollicc of
Wright , Baldwin & Ilaldano.
Head every word in Henry Kiso-
man & Co.'s now advertisement , which
nppears in another column. To-day will
bo a lively day at that popular establi.-h-
Tom McGaghan , a reputed crook of an
till around character , being found on tlio
streets early yesterday morning was , for
the safety of the residents , taken to the
city jail.
Henry Eisoman & Co. have taken the
precaution to prevent other dealers from
buying up their special sales of kid gloves
by limiting each purchaser to two pairs
at 25 cents u pair.
After the pleasant weather recently ,
the damp , chilly day yesterday with the
continual fall of a wet HIIOW was very
disagreeable to all who found it neces
sary to bo out of doors.
By an error yesterday the typos made
the kid-glove sale road 85 cunts when it
should have boon 25 cents.It takes
place to-day from 9 o'clook this morning
until 0 o'clock this evening at Ki&oman's
People's stnro.
Each purchaser is limited at the specia !
sale of lawns , ginghams , sheetings , per
cales , shirtings and ether special bargains
in the domestic department to 13 yards
each. Be on hand early and got "what
we offer you ant ) ask for no more. Henry
Eiscman Co.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Now goods will arrive to-day at Hark-
ness Brothers.
Attend the special kid glove sale to
day at Eisoman's Peoples storo. Only
two pairs to be sold to any one per
son at 5o per pair. Regular price $ 1.50
to $3.00. None will be sold at that price
after to-morrow.
Mrs. H. Leo , No. 123 Upper Broadway ,
straw work and dross making , wishes to
see her old friends again.
Personal Paragraph * .
A. B. Beach , of Lincoln , is at the Pa
Henry Swan left yesterday for New
E. Roichart , of Ncola , was in the city
H. B. Belding , of Cincinnati , is a guest
of the 1'ucilic.
J. S. Squires , of Broken Bow , is a Pa
cific house guest.
James A. Jackson and wife left yester
day tor St. Louis.
H. Morehcad , of Unawa , was at the
Pacillo yesterday.
James Myers , of Lincoln , Nob. , was in
tlio city yesterday.
C. Jacobs , now of Silver City , spent
Sunday in the city.
S. N. Prowoll , a former resident of
thin city , is bete visiting old friends.
W. A. Runkin , of Sioux City , who
travels for David Bradley & Co. , is at
the Ogilcn.
Talk IN Cheap ,
But the kid gloves that Eisoman Peoples
ples sloro will sell to-duy at 35o u
pair are still cheaper. Every lady can
get two pairs , no more , and the sale will
close at U o'clock this evening.
Pumps of every kind at Cole & Cole ,
41 Main btroot.
Star sulo stables for mules and heavy
draft horses. _
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning monoj
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See thorn bofoTo
lecuringyour loans.
Money to loan on real estato. Counci
Bluffs Real Estate Loan anil Trust Co.
Room 0 , Everett block.
Special Sale To-day Only.
175 dozen kid gloves at 25o per pair ,
that post to import from $1.25 to $2.50 a
pair. Twenty-live cents is the price for
to-morrow only. You can coiuo and got
two pairs , no moro at
Preparing For Knees.
At the meeting of these interested in
the July meeting at the Council Bluffs
driving park it was agreed that all nurses
should bo $000. They cut out the three-
minute class , otherwise the programme
remains as previously published , The
circuit opens at Cedar Rapids Juno 21
Marahalltown Juno 28 , Council Bluffs
July 4. Sioux City follows July 13 and
Sioux Fulls July 10. The meeting was
attended by N. C. Blake and E. 1. Poster
of Cedar Rapids , U. A. Williams of Sioin
City , J. E llenriques of Marshnlltown
J.V. . Porogoy , G. F. Wright , D. F
fcicher , P. Lacy , Thomas Bowman , M
F. Kohror , C. Gregory , Henry Eiseman
and W. F. Sapp of this city. These gentlemen
tlomon have agreed to give the mooting
hero , and others will be invited and ox
pcctcd to join them.
For acre property , residences and bus !
BOSS property call on W. U. Stacy & Co.
No. 9 Main street.
Dr. llanchott , office No. 12 Pearl street
residence , 120 Fourth street : tclophom
I o. 10.
Contractors and builders will Hud it to
their interest to got prices on lime
cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Counci
Bluffs Fuel Company , 359 ! Broadway
Telephone 130.
See the new Misses' Corset at Harknei :
Brothers. _
Star sale stables of Council Blufft
The largest stock of horses and mule
west of Chicago , which will bo sold a
wholesale or retail aud satisfaction guai
Tbo Books of the Lake Manawa Railway
Opened and Work to Commence.
Jlcv. Mr. Mnokny Glvcsnn Interesting
Lecture On "Snvonoroln " A Deci
sion Concerning
A Fearless Proaclicr.
Last evening at St. Paul's church Rev.
T. J. Mackay delivered a most interest-
ng address on "Savonorola. " Ho pre
sented an outline picture of the condition
of Italy , and especially the church during
.hat period , so as to rightly estimate the
work and character of'tho noted Italian
preacher and philosopher. The absolute
supremacy of the Uoman pontill'or pope
lind begotten in the successors of St.
Peter a spirit of worldly ambition. The
e.\ees i'S and corruptions of this and suc
ceeding centuries led to the reformation.
The pones of the fifteenth century en
tered upon a task which is to-day exer
cising the ingenuity of man everywhere
how to servo God and Mammon. In
con sequence , the state of morals through
out Italy became frightful. Crimes were
condoned by paving money into the
church treasury. Lust of temporal power
had sei/ed the minds of these vicars of the
lowly Jesus. It was the papal vice
chamberlain , when asked how notorious
criminals escaped punishment , replied :
"God willeth not the death of a sinner ,
but that ho should pay and live. "
The wickedness in high places infected
the whole body , permeating over tlio
monasteries. Pope Innocent rescinded
the order forbidding concubinage , bo-
caii'-o that or something worse was uni-
ycixil. Ho was , however , compelled to
consent to the enforcement of an old
edict forbidding priests to keep taverns ,
play houses and houses of ill-fame , to
suc'h a pass had the priestly order como
at this time. It was at this period that
Savonorola was born. Destined by his
parents for the medical profession , ho was
thoroughly educated , but to the bitter dis
appointment of histricuds , ho drifted into
a religious life , and entered a monastery.
His time was spent largely in meditation
and prayer. He ate only enough to sus
tain life. His garments wore coarse , but
neat , for "he liked poverty but not dirt. "
His bed was of pieces of w'ood laid cross
wise and a hack of straw. Ho was a close
bible student , and to this day visitors to
St. Mark in Florence are shown one of
hib bibles , the margins covered with
notes. Following with the greatest aus
terity a Hfo of purity and self-denial ,
judge how the corrupt practices of the
church at largo must have afloctcd him.
To a less sincere and honest soul , the
lirst impulsn would bo to surrender to the
prevailing customs , and none but the
bravest would havcdreampt of stemming
these abuses single handed.
His manner in the pulpit was that of
the prophet , terrible in denunciation ,
and fearless in declaring the woes which
would come because of the sins. He de
clared that those predictions were direct
revelations from God. Ho was doubtless
sincere , and while many of his predic
tions remain unfulfilled to-day , it is also
true that his wonderful political foresight
was rarely at fault. There has never
been a time when the claim of being able
to foretell future events has been entirely
absent from the human family. Head
the last message of Washington , and on
the light of history , it Booms prophetic.
He was intrepid on being chosen prior of
St. Mark , ho declined to follow the custom
of paying his respects to the roiirning
prince , .seeing in tno act .1 dangerous con
cession to the temporal power. All re
monstrances were met with his query
"Is it God or Lorcn/.o who has made mo
prior ? "
Lorenzo sought to moderate his pointed
preaching by seeking his friendship , pro-
renting largo amounts of money to the
couvent and sending influential delega
tions. Ho dolled all. Yet Lorenzo sought
this intrepid honest man as his last con
The changes which made him the
practical ruler of the city brought out
lis administrative ability. Ho wisely
( uidcd the unruly populace , instituted
various reforms , preached incessantly
and kept up the spirit of the revival of
norals. The attempt to silence him by
he oiler of a cardinal's ' hat from the vat-
can proved in vain. Placing himself in
opposition to the pope ho aroused the
sympathy of prominent people all over
Europe , but also an enmity as
unscrupulous as it was powerful. His
severity had made him bitter enemies
among the llcklo populace.
In the burning of tlio vanities , a vast
pyramid on which was piled pictures ,
jiie-is boards , cards , false hair , jewels ,
immodest dresses , lascivious books , per-
'limes and ornaments , and then con-
Hiuned by lire , he took a step from tlio
2onsemioneo of which nothing could save
him. The people preferred vanities to
The pope issued his edict of excommu
nication. A now party , opposed to
Savonorola. got control of the
city and olmllauced him to
prove the truth of his touching by a
monk of tlio Franciscan order , by sub
mitting to the ordeal by fire , both parties
to enter a circle of lire , the victor to como
forth unharmed. Ho consented to the test ,
but the failure of his opponent to appear
frustrated the scheme. The appetite of
the mob had boon aroused for such an
exhibition , and it was with difliculty that
he wus able fo return to his convent
alive , the howls of this disappointed
multitude proclaiming to the heart
broken man , as ho knelt in prayer in his
lonely cell , that his days wore numbered.
The once idol of the people wns sub
jected to indignities ana tortures , and
thii execution of the death sentence
speedily followed.
The life of this wonderful personage
shows what can bo accomplished by one
earnest man who has the courage of his
convictions , and who practices what ho
preaches. The church which burned
him at the stake has now canonized him
as a blessed martyr to the truth. Ton
years later Raphael painted him among
the sainted doctors of the church , on thu
walls of that same Vatican whoso ecu-
pant had trembled at the preacher's de
, nunciations , and whom ho could silence
only by death.
To-day all men admit the purity and I
grandeur ot a life which shall over bo n
grand inspiration to faithfulness , to God-
given convictions of right , and as an ex
, ample to those who contend against the
evils that still exist in the church and in
, the world. Such men are needed to-day ,
as ever. They are needed to correct the
shams and devices by which men , while
pretending to serve God , servo the work !
more eflectually.
To do this they must have the consecration
cration of Savnnorola his spiritualityhi :
earnestness , his self-denying lifo. Well
said Savonola : "In the primitive churcl
there were chalices of wood and prelates
of gold. In these days the church has
coliltm challoes and wooden prelate * . '
God .sends men to remove this rebuke bj
lives of devotion and zeal , to restore the
spirit and power of the church , even a
o. the loss of the temporal. God helps ute
to be triio to convictions of right. "Tin
trust that's given , guard , and to oursclvo
bo true. "
He Skipped Away.
Deputy Sheriff White , of Mills count ?
came up last night to hunt for a bo ;
ntun ° d Harry Urown , who has run awa ;
at from the institution of the feeble mindei
atGlonwood , He has traced the boy t <
this city where it Is thought ho will tr ;
to obtain transportation to his homo In
Cherokee , as ho has told several persons
while walking here from Glenwood that
he had an uncle living In this city and if
ho could lind him he could get home.
Ho is between 10 and 18 years of ago and
strangers would hardly notice in talking
on general topics that his mind was not
right. He is harmless , but the authori
ties at the institution nro anxious for his
return. Ho has been ut the Institution
but a short time.
The Dookfl to Open To-day nnd Sev
eral enterprises Depend Upon It.
The Lake .Manawa street railway com
pany held a meeting Saturday at the
oflico of Messrs. Wright , Ualdwin &
Ilaldano and this morning the stock
books will bo opened for the public spir
ited cltl/eiis who fool inclined to sub
scribe to what will no doubt prove a big
investment. In all cities where they
have motor railways , they have proved a
grand success , and now it lies with the
citizens of Council 15lull's to push this
enterprise hero to success.
The Minneapolis syndicate , with Mr.
Hay at its head , recently purchased 100
acres of land adjoining the beautiful
Lake Manawa , and propose to erect a
$30,000 hotel on the ground * , lay out
parks and in general beautify this place
and make it the popular re
sort for the masses both in winter
and sir.nnipr. They do not
care to go ahead with their plans niul
begin operations until the Lake Manawa
railway is an assured fact , but just as
soon as they are .satisfied bcvond a doubt
of the building of thU motor railway ,
they will begin operations. In cont-e-
qucncc of the large amount of improve
ments that of necessity awaits the assur
ance of the building of this road , the
nionied men of Council liluffs should
step forward and subscribe liberally to
the stock of this enterprise.
Should the road be completed , and
their charter makes it compulsory to be
completed within p short time , it would
afford rapid , cheap , safe and convenient
transportation to what will be one of the
finest resorts in tlio west. It would re-
( iiiiro not more than ten niinutcb to make
tno run from the Broadway depot ,
the starting point , to the lake ,
and could accommodate not only
the residents of Council Bluffs but of
Omaha , as well ; and also many strangers
would visit this city for the express pur
pose of visiting the lake and indulging in
the bathing as well as the other sports
which certainly w.ll be inaugurated.
The building of the road as well as in
suring the expenditure of not less than
$40,000 by the Minneapolis syndicate in
their hotel and grounds , will also insure
the buriding of the cottages on the bank
of the lake. The property was purchased
for the express purpose of erecting sum
mer cottages which are to bo rented dur
ing the summer .season , and the syndi
cate is composed of several well-known
business men of Omaha , who propose to
erect their own summer residences by
the lake , as well as about three gentle
men from this city with two from Chi
Lake View has been platted but has
never been put on the market. It was
purchased by E. L. Squire , who will hold
it until the railway is .started , and thc.i ,
with several others , ho proposes to beau
tify it and build several nice houses and
sell a portion of the remaining property
to actual bidders.
The rowing association recently formed
also will owe a share of its success to the
building of this motor railway. The as
sociation intends to build a line largo
boat house , but before they begin opera
tions wish to bo assured of the railway.
Besides securing the success of those
enterprises the motor railway , if one can
judge by other cities , will be the cause of
increasing the value of residence prop
erty alone the immediate route of the
same. In a conversation with Air. Cooley ,
chief engineer of tlio Minneapolis Motor
railway , who was recently in this city ,
lie stated to a representative of the BEE
that property on the line of the road was
much moro valuable than property a
block oil'of it ; that no property in Min
neapolis had advanced as that which was
on the immediate line of the Minneapolis
Motor railway. It is the same with all
other cities where there is a motor rail
way , and as this city is becoming awak
ened to the fact that nothing like enter
prise pays and that pays big , the citizens
should riot bo backward about subscrib
inc ; to an like this.
There is no other resort in this part of
the west that can be visited in the sum
nie.r without the loss of several days to
business men , and with the accomoda-
tions proposed Lake Manawa will bo
made to equal any of the popular western
resorts ; it will bo easily accessible to
residents of Omaha , Lincoln , Plattsniouth ,
Nebraska City , Blair , Missouri Valley
and the lively towns along the North
western road as well as on all of the othei
nine railways that center hero and wil
bo the means of bringing hundreds o :
visitors in dally.
As it is , there scorns to bo not a single
kicker or mossback along the entire pro
posed route and all seem anxious to hol |
push it along. It is to bo hoped that this
above all other "proposed enterprises'
will bo pushed along and if the citi/.en
will omy look ahead they can leadily sei
that this is an enterprise that deserve
Call and see the stock of horses ant
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
Substantial abstracts of titles and re a
estate loans. J , W. A : E. L. Squire. No ,
101 Pearl street , Council
Special advertisements , such us Lost , Found
toIxmn.For Sale , To Kent , Tknnts , Honrdlnir ,
etc. , will bolnsortod In this column at tbe loir
ratoof TEN CENTS PKK LINK for the Orst inser-
Ion and FlvoContiPcrLlnof or oauh subsequent
Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our otllco
No. 13 Veurl street , near UroaJway , Council
t\7ANTKD-15 teamsters uivl 90 teams for
> railroad work.S miles from Council Illutrs.
J. 0. UouUlen.
ANTED A wood worker at llnttenlinuer'H
W carriage factory. No. 27 to UUi , Fourth
street. To a Drst-cluse man Kood wages nnd
steady employment will bo given. No others
need npply. .
V17 ANTED Hy youuir man'JO years old.sltua-
VT tion us salesman In dry gooda , clothing or
boots and shoes ; 3 yean experience. Will
work on trial. Speaks French and Knirllsh ,
Myrtle lilac * , 1103 Avo. U. Council Illulfg.
FOU SALE-Muslo nnd sowing machine busi
ness , lofrethcr with small stock of holiday
goods and wall pupor. Good town find country ,
irood location , cheap rent , prolUablo business.
InvrleoM \ ) to 11,5)0. Would talco part In
Council ( Huffs real estate. Address A. L. Man
ning , Dunlap , Iowa ,
The Finest I in
ported Line of
Goods West of
Mn.C.L. Gillette' *
And Packages of New Spring Goods Have
Been Opened Up During tbe
Past Week
The marvelous bargains purchased by our experienced buyers who
have been in all the eastern markets for tno post two months.
The purchasing power of a dollar at the Great People's ' Store will
this week bo found to equal two dollars elsewhere.
Cast your eagle glances down these columns and rend every word of
it and profit thereby. It is our earnest desire to induce the 80,000 inhabi
tants of thiq city to purchase their goods of us , and draw as many moro
from the surrounding country. This is the only way wo can keep up our
immense establishment. In order to do the same wo have marked our
goods lower than the same fabrics can bo duplicated by any house in the
retail trade. No house in the west can boaat of as largo and complete
assortment of goods as we arc showing. The time has passed when pur
chasers fail to lind anything ami everything they wisli in our establish
Our rirtl Grand OH'crliig for To-day.
To-day wo will start the ball a rolling by offering 175 do/on Kid
Gloves in ! , o and G button lengths , also Musquctaircs in all shades , in
cluding black , ranging in si/.o from 5 } to 7i for S5o per pair. Only two
pairs will bo sold to a purchaser , and the sale of these goods will only
continue between the the hours of 0 o'clock in the morning and 0 o'clock
in the evening. After that hour those goods will bo sold at their regular
prices so do not misunderstand us. Call only during the above hours
for these goods at ! i.5c per pair.
Our .Second Grand OH'cring for To-day.
In our domestic department wo offer 100 pieces best Standard Ging
hams at 5 cents per yard , former price lOc. 100 pieces Standard Prints at
2c per yard , regular price fie. 5 bales yard-wide Best Sheeting at Oc per
yard , regular price 8c. ! J ca rs now fresh Lawns at 3c per yard , regular
value 8c and lOc. C cases yard wide Bleached Muslin at 5c per yard , reg
ular price Sc. 8 cases Best Shirting Percales at oc per yard , regular
price So to lOo. Remember these special prices rule for the day adver
tised , that is to-day , Monday , and we ask our patrons to avail them
selves of this opportunity and call when wo advertise special sales , as wo
mean just what wo say end sell just M hat wo advertise.
Special Bargains will bo laid out during all of this week in each and
every one of our thirteen departments , andcustoraers cannot fail to lind
what they want at the lowest prices.
The following is a guide to tlio departments where special ollenngs
will bo made :
Linen and Housekeeping Departments.
Silk and Dress Goods Departments.
Embroideries and Laces Departments.
Muslin Underwear Department.
Hosiery Department.
Notion Department.
Boot and Shoe Department.
Men's , Boys' and Children's Clothing Department.
Cloak and Suit Department.
Dress Trimmings in jet braids and other most fashionable trimmings.
Stock complete. Ladies will lind everything they wish in way of fash
ionable trimmings at the very lowest prices.
A large extra force of competent salesmen and salesladies have been
engaged to Vroperly attend to customers. So there will bo no unneces
sary ilolay on account of the great rush wo expect during this week's
great sacrifice sale.
Call cany and don't delay to attend to this , the greatest sale ever in
augurated in this city , at
Eiseman's , ' People's ' Store ,
Nos/314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
B3 "AII > mail order * carefully Illled and samples cheer
fully forwarded.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
ill Ordres Carefully Filled. .
Our Mr. Stockert Suporiiitoiuls
All Work.
Announced that His stock of
Finelmporfetl SpringMillinory
In Choice Shapes ol Hats & Donncu ,
Together with u
LarjieLlne. of < ffoi < cltlcn In Fancy JWir
tcrlnln in now Heady for Your
Careful Jnvpt'i-tlun.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Attorney at Law.
G04 Ikoadwny , Up Stairs ,
jv ; SCHUJW ,
Justice of the Peace.
Ollicc over American Express.
_ Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
.VO. AM MA I A ST. ,
COUNCIL tibUWit , I I 'IA.
R. D. AMY & CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND (
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
[ Established IS a ]
No. KM Miiln Street , ; : : Council ninth.
Justice of the Peace.
No fiOl Broadway , Council Hlufls.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Rec
Star Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards
Jlrundwuy , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Dope
5 S
" *
. _ _
Horses nnd mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIILUTKK As BOLKV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11-1.
Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner
1st , avo. and -1th street.
K. JtlVE , M. D.
Cancers end other Tumprs
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
OverJiO years Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Hluffs.
ISTCoiisultation free.
Tfieonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Eire
All Mortem Improvement * .
215 , 317 and 310 Main St.
31 AX MOHX , Prop.
PoMitns , o tlmatos nnd reports on bridges ,
vlailuctH. foundations and gunnraloiiBlneoiliitr.
llluo prints of tiny slzu and uuautltr.
OIllcuNoiaN. Main St. , First National Hank
.0 runny ,
Horses Mules
For nil purposes , bought and sold , at retail
ml in lots. Large quantities to select
fiom. Scvrral pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do-iblc.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
LJ I "T" "I \ A. ' '
JH . iJ . JLJ , rJL ,
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gardening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in bearing , nnd
to all varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , divided as follows :
i'ropcr contains upwards of Jive acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing.
Jlctwccn three and four acres arc well set to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than l.GOO trees in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration are a large numbers of choice pluuis ,
cherry and other fruits , also bliade and ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings.
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gardening purposes , being a deep black loam and is a warm , soutn slope ,
and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Omaha or Council Hlnlls.
With the now bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over
thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postollico.
Any party desiring a choice bargain should apply at once as , if not sold within
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
G. J. GOLiB Y ,
Farmin" Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from fVOO to
410.00 per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' tune 5 per
cent interest. Land Uuyera faro free. Information , etc. , given by
. .
No. 555 Broadway. Council Uluffg , Tnwa. agent for Froidrikscn & Co.
A. U. K1W. . W.ltAWOND
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lot * , Land * , City Jlfsldetices and Farms , acre property in
western part of city. All selllny cheap to matte room for sprlny Mock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room li , over Offlcer ! > I'usey'a bank , Council Jtluffa.
i : . S. UAUXETT ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Ilroadway , Council Blulls.
Refers to any batik or business house in this
city. Collections a specialty.
Attorneys at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
1 will Mill at my roaldente on Ko-r ( "rock , 10
nillLBuast of Council llluUs , my
Well Improved , all under cultivations I1J ueren
In tumonnihs ; has a nnu now ri-sldunco , con-
taliiliiif 14 rooms and all imilurn Improvements ,
house cojtliur Wf * \ Also nuw liaril , iWx&O ; two
Hallidiiy wind mills. nculci house and scales ,
cuttlo jardB and water tunUs : u gi ) d yotiiiK
tienrlnir orchard of tipples and Biniill fruit ; 30
heml of wood farm liorfO' * , cattle , IIOWB and all
fiuni liniilcinvnlH required to run n llrst-elosg
farm. Terms Mill l > o madu known on upplleu >
tlon , oren day of mile. All parties thinking of
InvcsiliiK are cordially Invited to cull und muku
a pnrsonal culmination of the farm and lui-
( jroveuicntl. U. WAUL ) .