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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : MONDAY , . MAKGH 21. 1887. TJT781NKPS chance * In F.nqwold'n nice * at the JJ head of St.Mary'd avo. , splendid location for uroccrlcc , drug store , hardware , stoves nnd tinware , stoves storage and repair works , tinner , etc. Addrtss or npply nt once to Kno- weld Hnrr tt,3U'58. ' _ Ifttli st. J06-21 filOH HAL'r Hotall gro'ccry ftoro. doing A JtJ No. I family trade. J nlcs uvcrngo , (3,000 per month , Cheap rent nnd line location. Ad- drcts 0 08 Ueo. 170 22J fl O THADEat n bnrpnln for lown or Nebrnskn -L Innd n (2,500 stock of general merchandise , Call on or nddrcee J , II. Kuhl , Hnrlan , lown. ADAtinAlNfor nny ono having two thousand dollnri. For snfo n grocery business es tablished In IS63. For further Information nd- dress F. W. Hottmann.NcbrnsknClty , 173-25J GOOD HAHOAlN-FIno stock of fre h procorlcs with ftoro tlxturcs nnd good will , price "about (1,600. Address Whitney .V ( _ Ornnhn _ . l'1 1 * iroifsAUI-A clean stock of clothing , boots , J1 shoes , gents' furnishing goods nnd gro- ccrlon , with n good trado. For further partic ulars address , lock box No. 6 , ralrflcld. Neb ! < ! . > 22 * OK SAM' 01 Exchnngo-A now 31 hbl com- blnntion mill situated on Llttlo Hiuo river , nonr Hebron. In Thnyor county. Will ox- chniigc for wild or Improved binds or live stock. For further particulars nOdrcss First Nntlonnl llnnk , Hebron , Nob. Kl'i ' . . _ FINE Chnnci Wnntcd-Stook of groceries or hardorc In exchnngo for IBOncrt-s of tbn flncet land In Nebraska , within r.O miles of Omaha. Inrjulrcof Hcrthold Si Co. . 6208 10111 st. 8ALK Or trndo tor land , best hotel In FOH doing excellent business. Address J. II. llenn , Wqkellcld , Neb. 521 21 * BANK forsnlo in n now rapidly growing town of K ) inhabitants. Fine dc'poslts. Monov loans from 3 to 4 percent , monthly. Afplondld chnnco. Addro s D3i > , llecollU-o. 815 Tf'OH HALtf-Ilnlt IntcrrsTln one of the beet -J pnylng drug stores In southwostcrii lown , Cnpltnl rciiulrcd , (2JiOO. Addioss l > 40 , Ileo of fice. 18 LOST. IOriT The chnnco to buy n lot In Tlpton J Place , the new nddltlon , will soon bo lott as thcro nro only n few loft. Secure them now from Mottcr llcnl Estntc Agency , 1513 rnrnum St. 228 2fl _ ' OST A gray hnnd entchol on the street , 3' -I containing1 phologrnplis nnd letters. Ad dress ( i 61 , Hco onico. (10 rownnl. 1'74 ' 21 > 1 OST 'J.hcJ1cliiinco io buy n lot In Tlpton JJ Plaoo ; the now addition , ill soon be lost as there nre only n tew loft. Secure them now from Mottcr Henl Kstnte Agency , 1613 Farnnm It. 228 26 PERSONAL. H lUiiANTi"iDinflvoynatfrora Hoston , will remain In the city n short tltiio only. Hhe rends the deepest secrets , unfolds the lu- turo , unites bepnrntod lovers , causes speedy marriages , Is vcny reliable In nil nlfulrs of life Iloom 1 , Lyons blk. 16th nnil.Clilcngo. l > 2l-24 IDEHSONAli prlvnto homo ror Indies during confinement. Strictly confidential. In- fnnts adopted. Address E 42 , Ueu olllco. f tLAlHVOVANT--Mndnm Alaska rovenls past , present nnd future. Satisfaction guaranteed. 612 S 10th st. 300 a 3 _ - call the attention or Investors PKHSONAL-Wo tors and speculators In Omuhn Kent Estate to our special drive In bnrgams.ot which we nro solo tigcnts. They are woithy of Investigation. J.L.HIco & Co. , Iloom 6 , over Commercial Kntlonnl bank. _ 686 - . Dr. Nnnme V. Warren clairvoyant , Medlcnl and business Medium Boom No. 8 , 121 North 16th st. ,0mnha. N b. MISCELLANEOUS. KAN I ) opening Saturday , March 19 , nt Wur- G tbnch old place 4724 St. Mary's ave , cor. 18th St. 145 18 * ADIES wishing Indolllblo stamping will find nn excellent variety of designs nt Kntu Kennedy's,210 north Kith street. Z34 21 rilllE plnco where they sell furniture chenp JL for cash has been removed Irom 1416 Doug- 1ns to 117 N. 16th st. 2)3 ) n8 / 1ESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , Oder- VJ less process. E. Bwlng , box 427 , city. 026 n 15 POT CASH for second-hand , furnlturo , carpets - pots and stoves , at 117 N. 16th St. 203 al8 - TOSEPH KOSENSfEIN has removed from t ) 1206 Farnam to TOO N. ICth st , keeps alwaye full stock of fresh nnd saltwater tlshes , oysters , gnrao and poultry. Telephone 2 4 , Orders solicited. 84 Mlta M. OHLF.NSCHLAEGER--Greduated midwife , corner25th and Cumlng st , up stnlrs. . B72oU * FfH ) parties having houses for rent , Itcntn X Agency , Ilonawa & Co. , 15st. , opposite post offlca. Wo have turned ever to them our roatu list. We.rccommcndthom. SIcCaguB Bros. 610 ON'T bo an oyster. Don't bo swaltowot alive when you want to sell furniture carpets or household goods , call at 117 N. 16th 203 n8 jpOHREHPONDENCE solicited with rebnbli \ _ > parties who can furnish cnpltal to bulk andopornten canning factory In n westerr town. Cash bonus to the right party. Ad dress II. G. Cross , Inmun , Nob. IHi ) 83 * F [ OH KENT Organs , (2 per month , riospe 1613 Douclai. 839 FF F I OK KENT Hquaro Plnuo , ( montulT. Hoipe. 1613 Douglas. U39 I will trade a piano , nearly new , for lot li Omaha , I. N. Watson , at Court House or u 808 N. 17th street. 171 advanced on diamonds and watches u CASH 117 N. lUth St. Orlf&Co. 203 BlH DON'T bo nclam , Don't pay two prlcrs who : you can go to 117 N. Ittth nml buy furnl turo , stoves , &o , at upk bottom prices. 203 a8 [ /MUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 1'Jth Ht. 726 CLll'1'ED-At tha fair grounds fa HOUSES ( . ' 1.00 , Aduin Thomson ; good work gnu : anteed. 770-23 * MONEY talks when you wunt tobuyfurn turo or vwpor stoves nt 117 N.lOth , betwee Dodge and Capitol nve. 203 ilia JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go t J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. 737 171ORRBMT Square flnno U montnlr. . J HoBpa.l613Douglai. 135 N EW Donrdlng House , flno tables , clean an _ palatable victuals. 1418 Chicago st. 1)68 ) TOKAGK Flrst-clnss storage for nice fui nlture or boxed goods , at 1613 Dodge-it. FOB SALE MI80ELLANEOTJ8. F I OK BALE A good buckboard and harnei otaeap. Address Q 64 care Hoe ofHoo. 155 2P > FOK BALE 1 span heavy horses , age 6 and yoais , 1 span light horses and pony ni buggy borne , cheap for cash. Inquire 27 Cumlng , M. Winter. 204 21J _ Foil BALK Excellent sauaro plano.cnf-h ( It Address G 58 Hco. 978 19 * _ TT1OH BALK-Clevoland Hay Stallion , Deri - 1Boy , and Gen. Cleveland , rising throe in four years old , bred In Canada and recorded Cnnndlnn Stud Hook. Prices rcaeonnbl Tormsto suit purchaser. Address J. G. Hu Gibbon. Neb. _ 841 19 * ' " 171011 9 Al.K-Kine Hambletonlnn 'Stallion ( pe J. Igreed ) at a bargain. 0. D. t utpheti. 13 Fnrnam. _ _ _ 427 19 T7KK BALE Ton pool and billiard tables Hornbergor's , 1321 Douglas St. t 8ALE-A Lyon * Henley uprlgh t plai JD six octaves , good us new. at a vary deslrat bargain. 414N. IBthst. 707 ElOK BALE-llard kettle. 1 meat block , A counter scale and 1 platform scale chei for cash , se cor 2Uth and Plorco. 250 81 FOR BALK-A Clyde Canadian stallion. I quire saloon , oor 17th and Vlntou. e 2 J TjtOR BALK A good 6-ycar-old pony at 110 J 18th st. _ _ _ 170 ' | ? Olt BALB-2 mllllaa brick and upwards i JJ sides dally out put of 30,000. Knqul on premises , cor Dorcas and Ind sts. Oraa Brick ana Terra Ccgta Mfg. Co 6 WANTED HALE HELPJ ANTED-A boy 5 or 16 years old at t City Bteuia , Laundry. 181 18 "CTIUST-CLASH PhotOf raphlo printer K retoucher at Currier's , 1720 St Mary's nt _ _ ANTED-A goodTactlTB , rtllabla boy o ( to work at furniture builnoii. Apply tit South 13th st. 14 * Iptyw ANTEU-Comixitent ( lower gardener. > Haas , HMcaTls Park , 8T3 13 J A young man to fhuto halfol nice furnished trent room , call at lie. i ntn st. price (4.60. 230 il WANTKD-Koterprlslng men to thoroug ! etnv * * Council HlutTi for a new rapid lelllog nevdful article. The right a : can ea fly earn & and (10 dollars a day. ail U bare exohulYe territory. Ad4ra s U U. Uei VI 3 | WANTHD-Oood , reliable men to buy lots In Tlpton Place , only sx ) blocks from new Northwestern depot Apply to Mottor Heal Kttnto Agency , 1613 Farnnm st. * 228 26 _ _ WANTED A stnixM , nctivoninn to tuko hold ot novelty Just out , M to (5 n day. Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Furnam M. 12(1 ( \\rANTED-Flrst-clBBS paper hangers. None TT but such need apply. C. H. fctoner , Fro- mtmt , Nob. im-Z > ' WANTI'.D 1 want nn apcntto sell a ready selling article : nn experienced salesman cnn enrn (10 to (20 a dny. M. D. Archibald , Arcade hotel. 11623 * \ \ TANTKD Plumber nt Kearney , Nob. nd. ' dress Jos M nlther , Kearney , Neb. 208 21 w ANTl'.D-Cont mnkcrnt J. C. Vnpor' work by the week. W 21J WANTP.D-Flvo llrst-clnss advertising solic itors ; only men capublo of earning good snlnrles need apply. A. II. Ends CompanyHoom 20 , B. R coiner l.lth nnd Dodge Bts. UK ) \VASTii-lood : , ipti.iblo men to buy lots In Tlplon Place , only six blocks ftom new Northwrslorn depot. Apply to Mottcr Henl Kstnto Agency , 1513 Farnnm st. 228 2t ) W ANTKD A stenographer and typewriter : must write n plain legible hnnd , Addiosa stntfcg experience nnd ptilury expected , Amer- Icnn I.onn nnd Trust Co. , Ashlnnd , Nob. 1 " . 'J \WANTKD A bookkeeper nnd a s't cnshler T for nnntlonnl bnnRoutsldo the citv. Write or npply to U. S. Nnt'l Hank , Omnlm , Neb. U70 WANTiI : ) . iilesmeii. ToTeTf spcclnltics To merchants ! commission ; onsy to sell ! big prollts. H. A. Pershlnir , Soutli Hond , Ind. WANTED-B flrst-cliiss wnltnrs , wnircs 525 per month , board nnd room , Apply nt Norris restrtiirnnt , 101 H Iblh st. 631 " 1"ANTKD Exppilcnccd dry goods trnvclllnif ii salcmnn having nn established trndu In thoeountiy tribuinry to Knnsns City. Stnto nmount of trade , territory covered , nnd how long. Address , with reference , W , H. ( Irimos Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 358 \\ANTKD , 60 sober , Intelligent men of good T > address to try 11 lOo mcnl at Norris' res. tnurmit. 101 blfitli et. 136 WANTED FEMALE HELP. W ANTHD-Fltst-cln'S girl for housework 202 S. 2d : ! bet rarnam nnd Douglas. S'O'J ' WANTIUl-lmmedlately. 2 flrst-clnss shirt Ironcrs ut Nobrusku Steam Laundry , 106 and 108 South 14th st. b75 WANTED A good honest bov. with refer once , living nt homo , to work in teuelry store. Address H 4 , Hoe ollico. lli ! ! 21 WANTED A competent girl for general housework In smnll Intnlly. Good wnges to the right person. Apply to Airs. John H. F. Lohmnnn , t)24 ) South 17th street , VS3 WANT1ID Girl lor goncrnl houpowork for family of three , m\tt : bo good cook nnd Inundross , npply 2138 Dnvenpoit st. 16) 21 WANTED A servant girl , a competent cook , wnshcr nnd Ironer ; none other need npply ; reference ot last employer required ; good wages. 1822 Cumlng st. ! K)4 ) 10 WANTED competent girl to do concrnl housework at 24JO Davenport st. 143 10 WANTED A llrst-clnss Ironer nnd one shirt polisher. King's Laundry , ( nil hnnd work ) , southwest corner 16th and Hownrd. 110-19 * WANTED Flrst-clnss dining room girl nt llnrker Hotel Kcstaurant , 13th nnd Jones street , WANTED A good girl for genernl house work , ono thnt can go homo nights , refer- cnces , 1123 Hnrney street. 122 1'J * WANTED Immediately , n woman for gen eral housework , wages (5 per week , 2 In family. 112NOthst. 0U0 10 * WANTED A young girl who nttonds school to help nbout light house work In n family of two. Call nt once , northonst corner Park nnd Poppleton nvcs. 091 1'J' W ANTED A competent second girl. Apply to Mrs. Hammond , 2410 Dnvenport Street. 220 21 WANTED Somebody to adopt 2 girl babies about two WOCKB old. Apply at the county poor farm. 246 21 WANTED Best of wi'gos to n competent cook and laundress,2308 Fnrnam ft. 182 WANTED Girl for general housework nt 1546 Sherman nvo. Mrs.T. F. Hull. P)7 ) WANTED A competent child nurse. Apply at 2305 St. Mnry'i nvo. 005 WANTED Ladles to work for us nt their own homos ; (7 to Hi per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no cnnvnss- Ing. For full particulars plonso address nt once Crescent Art Co. , 1'J Central St. , Boston , Mass. , llox 5170. 002 WANTED-A good nurse girl. Apply at 1909 Fnrnam st. 638 TV : "ANTKD Good cook and Laundress , 202 N. 18th St. 58 ! ) SITUATION WANTED. W ANTED A situation by n young woman i do light housework with comtorts of a homo ; Is willing to learn , wngos no considera tion , willing and obliging. Call for three days 1610 Farnnm st. IK ) IBj WANTFD-Ily a relinblo nnd bandy man ex. poricnccd in grapes and goncrnl 1 arm work , a position , or will take ehnrgo of smnll farm. Address U 48 Ileo olHce. 178 1UJ \\TANTKD Position ns clerk. Experience In VV general mcrchnndUe. Speaks Gcrmun nnd Danish. Address 1513 Webster. 124 1U * WANTED A position as clerk in dry goodc or groceries by n man of 8 ycnrs oxper lonco ; best of reference given. Address llox MW , Grand Island , Nob. 207-21J WANTED Position oy druggist In westIs n Q A ot Phllndelphln , ago 25 , experience J ycnrs , can furnish reference , nddross one week ( ' . F. Mulr , cor. 24th and Thompson sts , I'hlla delpbln , Pa. 101 21 * WANTED Situation by a prnctical drugglsl of city nnd country .experience 7 dress W. F. llussott , Elkhurt , Ind. 177 27 * TVTANTKD Situation ns city or country col- TT lector or salesman In general stare. Ad dress G 67 Hco otticc. 164 21 * "tTTANTF.D Situation ; Kansas or Nebrasm T T by thorough bookkoopernlhO ; writes shon hand. Cash bond given. Hoforenccs exchanged N. Schulze,602 W. Madison St. , Chlcitgo , III. WANTED-I'osltlou stenorrnpher,1615 Dodgi WJo MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Good team and heavy wagon b' ' the month. Carter White Lead Co. 167 V17ANTKD Two communicating rooms , firs IB TT or iccond floor , gas and bath In bouse lid no other roomers ; reference given. Address H 8 , Ileo office. 231 21 * WANTED A good regnlnr physician t < SO. locate In a good town In eouthwostcr : Iowa , ns 1 wish to retire. Imjulru at 1715 B ) Ulhst.clty. 160X1 by id "VITAKTED At once n room In upper story o In T T buelntss block , for sign dhop , U ec He o of lo. flco. 16 ! iv * II , WANTED To buy a house of four to si rooms , price not to exceed (3,000 and nc over one-third cash , address with full imrllct , Ian , John K. MoKlnmiy , jr. , city. 150 19 * t WANTED To rent a house of four to si rooms. Address G C6 , lice. 141 19 * no WANTED-To rent furnished house cot vonient to business , will board with pa : ties i ! desirable. G 16 Hep. ! 20 19 * 1 "W7ANTKD Immediately , applications fc ap loans(500 ( and over ) on choice lmnro\o residence and business property , J. O. G.tstoi n- 1509 Farnam st. 001 19 * W ANTED To rent a room about 22x60. f L. Wllkle , 106 South Hth St. Bi7 19 * WANTED Two or thn' gentlemen to 01 DC- cupy handsomely furnished ciit fioi Ire parlor and smaller room In private family nco ha business. 618 N. 17th street. 103 in * WANTl'.D-Fulte of rooms and hourd D April 6th , for man and wife , mubt be CM trally located. Address Q K ) , Ileo. U43-21 * W ANTED To exohanire a suburban lot f < the a irooil driving horso. Add res * or call a a V. Iloutly , Horeld building , 15ta and Hnrne ; ind 871 W ANTKD to Trade-Fine south fiout lot I Institute Place for good single drlTiti hone. J. L. Jllce 4 Co. , over Commercl 'at bank. 851 w 'ANTBD A single gentleman wants "E nently turnlibed room. State terms ar location. Address O 17. Bee office. 655 "Em m TirrANtUD To rent furnished or unrurnlsbt a TT cottage or Hat of 6 or 1 rooms , central located. Addrebs O 3. Bee oHlce , bj8 ANTED-Hy two young rmtlemon , froi room with board , must be within renee " " * able distance ot the I ) . K itallrosd track. drui G aa , tteooffloe. m i3 ley . - - _ * r.-vr- ' - , juh-itl ronvii. FOl'ND The nnestFilb'-rban homes In the Ilnofit now nddltlon to Omnlm. Tlpton Plnce , Mottor Heal Kstnto Agency , ifiliM'ariiam Storage Wnrctiouso-Corncr 13th OMAHA Irnrd yts. , for torngc of house hold goods nnd general merchandise nt low rntes Advances iimdo ; Is uo wurchouso ro- cclpts. K. K. switch nt the house , Oftlco 619 South ISlhstioct nnd 133M 1310 nnd 1312 Irnrd street Telephoiin CO. . M. S. Goodilch , mgr. 9Xm 2/1 / * FOB BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. TTOHHKNT New brick hou owlth nil modern JL ; improvements , 12 rooms. Apply 1110 Fixrnnm st. wt HUNT New 8-room house , 7 closets , all FOK . Cnll nt2.'JO Ohio street. C. W. Cnlm I3 _ F " OlTKRXT 4 now cottnire-i on California ntiil.'Dili street , near Cumlnir street cnr ? . Kent ( il per month. Apply to Kaufman Hro . , U07H.jr.thst. 5'W _ TTOH HENT-S. w. comer 20th nnd Web tcr.on -I. rod cnr lln'i. newly painted rooms wither without bonrd , hnuso hns nil modern eonvon- lences , such ns bath nml city water. 13.1-23 T710K HF.NT-rive-room hou o. 2ith nd -1 ? Dodge sts , (17. J. H. ltlnirwnlt,218S. llth st. 1UO I9J rOHHENT.-Furnlsliod rooms 401 N. 15th St. 8J1 VJ * Ij'OK HKNT A hoTTsiTntrd buriiTwIth 2,1 , ncroi JL1 of Innd , Inomnhn. Bco Tlico. Williams' 0111'limnm ( Ileo olllco ) . 551 TJ10H KII.NT-Ilrlck yards , f. Murray. OH KIINl' H ) acres of ground. Improved. North of thoclty : ) miles. H. C. Piitterfon , 1,1th mill llai ncy. _ 272 _ F1)H ItllNF "Collate * , houoni nnd store ? , nlf doslrnblo nnd well located , from 3) ) pur month up. L. Hurnhnm , Hoom 1 Crolghton Hlock. _ [ _ U7 TTfdK Itr.NT Stable , Capitol nvo and 'Jth. Kn JL ; qulro room 6 , Arlington block. 742 IjlOir "KENT'-JS of n largo ollfcp well locntciT JL ; liuiutroof Swim A Co. , 1521 Dodge st. 75' ) FOB BENT BOOMS. FOH KENT Nlorlv fiiruMicd rooms boon' ' If desired , 113 So21d st , bet Ooiuln ami Dodge. 241 It UENTFurnlshoil rooms , 710 So' I5th between Jones nnd Lenvcnwortb. 250 21 * a FOH HI'.NT A store and 3-room duelling small bnrn. Apply at F. Kobblns , 1,11" Snunuors. 224 21 * \\7ANTKD To rent 7 or 8 room house , not TT o\er 15 blocks Irom postollice. Enquire at Ilennieon llros. 2J3 rOH HF.N'T Lnrgo furnished' front room suitable for two ; bath. 2201 rnrnam. WH-21 * 1OH HENT-Chenp , n 4-stnll burn IU14I1 Cnl Ifornlu st. 221) ) 21 OH HKNT-2d lloor 22xlK ) feet , use of elo F vntor. etc , No. 1405 Douglas st. Apply J. M. W. , P. O. box 6.11. 244 2fi * FOH IIKNT Two large rooms , unfurnished , vcrv flno. 821 Sl'Jth stioet , Just south of Lonvenworth. 220 21 * FOlt KKNT Nicely tnriilshed rooms at n sonablo rates , 1712 Douglas st. 205 2IJ F I OR KKNT-lwo furnished rooms , nt 1015 Farnnm st. 141 F > OH KKNT Furnished sleeping rooms nnd unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping , InqulioM'J llownrd st. li IOH KENT Front furnished room with bedroom F room , 618 N 15th st. 100 21J FF F IOH KKNT Furnished loom , 111 S20th st. 168 21 * FOH HUNT Furnl'hnu room for two younyr men. Apply room 3,5)7 ) S l.lth kt. 170 21 KENT Front parlor nnd nlcovo , fur nished ; good botml. 2531 St. Mnry's nve. 'Ml F OH IIKNT Finnishod room , 715 LCUAen- worth st , bet 7th mid Sth. 218 20j HO H HUNT Suite of unfurnished rooms , 1 1719 Chicago bt. 212 21 * FOH KENT Klognntly furnished south front parlor , suitable lor 2 gentlemen. 171S Dodge. 21 2.1 IOH KENT Nicely furnished front room , F chenp. Ii074 North 17th st. 11021 * FF IOH KENT A newly furnished front room , FF with closet and bull ) . 601 South 20th st. ' ' I'l'l F OH RENT Vurnlshcd rooms und board , 619Nl thst , 13.122 * fj > OH KKNT- Handsomely furnished room" . J ? Modern conveniences. 318 North 15th st. j)8l ! 24 * F OK KKNT Kiognntly furnished "rooms. All modord conveniences on pnvo.l street nnrl street cnr line. No liner locution in city. Call at my olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 1J22 Doujrlnsst. 6'M EOK KENT Very doslrahla front room , fur nished with board , 2535 lit. Mary's avenue ; also ono single room. 620-22 * F IOH KENT-Vurinsho.l rooms , 714 N. 19th. 723-nlO * FOH KKNT n'egant furnished rooms ; nil modern conveniences on pnvud street und street car lino. No llnnr lojntioti in city. Call nt my olllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3 , 152- Douglns st , 610 F "OlTUBMr Store room nnd No. HON. 14th FOH . busomcnt. 338 F OH KRNT A turnlshod parlor , wnrm ; moderate - orate conveniences witb tlrst-clnss bonrd , for two gentlemen. 1814 Dodite st. ' . 'Ill ' FOH Hl'.Nr Nicely furnished rooms at ron- sonnblo rates , ono block from court house , 606 So 18th st , north St. Mnry's n\o , up stairs. 579 F I Oil KENT-Nlcoly furnished front room 3 blocks south ot the Oporti HouseH15.lottos. 318 FOH KENT-Nlcelv furnished rooms , 2227 Dodge St. , all modern Improvements. 817 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. 100 xl60in block 0 , Hnnscom Place , Gregory & Hndley,320 S 15th st. 688 "DIOR SALK-Fnrni of 680 ncres In Hurt J- ' county , 100 acres In cultivation nnd bal unco hay land and pasture. All fenced , goot frame house , corn cribs , teed yards. , etc. A part of the pasture Is seeded with blue gross Price (15 per nore. Terms ensy. Clark A French , 1516 Douglas St. 216 24 'ORAL Estate Agents and others take notioo IA My 10 acres In 32-16-13 is sold. II. Kunck. 104 21J KENDALL'S ADDITION-Lots (700 to (1,050 K to 'I cash for n few days. D. Kendall owner , s. w cor. 17th and Callfonla sts. mi 21 WEST OMAHA Corner 68x155 , oust fron near Lenvcnwortb , (2,600 , or with adjoin ing lot same size , (4,503. Terms ensy. 925 Gregory & Hartley. It SALE u room cottngo with lot 34-88 nnc alley , Millard & Cnldwoll's ndd. , just ot Sherman ave. tl.MM. J. L. Hlce&Co. 852 TJIOSTEK'S ADD-Dandv corner (2,200. JR 925 Gregory & Hadloy. FOK SALE Desirable residence property ot Capitol Hill. Inquire 2223 Davenport st , 608 OT 19. block 9 , Hanscom plnce , for (2,200 adjoining lots held at (2,650. Fur sale b ? Knowokl It Harrett. 314K 8.15th st. 112 111 IOT 19 , In block 0IInnscom plncohandsome" * lot on Dolawnro St. . S2.200 If tnken soon EnewoldiIJarrott.314KJ5.15th st. 11210 FOK SALK Lot cor. 21st nnd Locust , 61x165 i (1,650 , ( K50 cnsh , balance in 5 years. Lot 6 block 198 Omnbn , 66x132 , with 2 housCE 9 (9,000. ' ,4 cash , bnlanco 3 years. Two lots Kounue3d add , ( H.103. House 11 rooms and lot 60x150 , Hanscon Plnce , (4.JOO , (2,000 cash , bnlnnco to suit. Currlo At Vollura. Exposition Building. 104 19 ALE & ULACKHUHN-310 South ISthstrcol have the following bnrgnlas In ret ostnto ; Hnlf of block36 , Durr Oak , east front. . . (1,5.1 Hcdford Place (775 nnd H Lot 30 Clark's nddltlon. (100 a front foot. Choice lot in Creston (1,350 Kckormnn Place ( . ' 150 to 600 Fowler PUce South Omaha 1,200 Bwlft Place , South Omaha 150 Muthews subdivision lot 6m 3T Brown's Parklot 775 iny. Syndicate / , . . . . 1,100 y. Mayno's addition . . . . . . . . 65U _ Ilanicoln Placo. . . . . . ( i.OOO'to S.iioo In " lllllxido 2.600 Omaba View . 1.260- a Cboloa business property and lots In all additions. " Dale & Blackburn , ? 16 South 15tb street. "a id HOUHE and fine lot In Ilodford Place. ' Two houses on 21st st , near Laso , chca and on ensy terms. iy Two six-room houses on Culdwell st. ncn iynt King , all modern Improvements ; bargains ; o inouthly payments. ntu Hyda Park lots for § nle on easy terms , or wl ud - trade for good teams. d- Wehavequltn a lot of bargains In unln proved lots In the additions In north part c city. Phillips' & Shaw , W U 8410 Cumlng tt. AMES. No. 1507 Fnrrinm it. This list tuny holt | you to nnd n dcslrnblo house or n good lot to bull < | on , 390 lloueo , corner lot 90x174 , Hamilton St. , 8. front , M,78ii. 395 3 houses rent for (50 , corner lot on cnr line , (7.500. 372 HOUPU * rooms , Montnnn St. , S lot , (3,3V ) . 383 House 4 rooms , lot 60x130 , Shinn's ndd , > 2,100. 3S7 HOV < o 4 rooms'well-built , Lowe's ndd , full lot , J2.030. SSI Ilnuso 7 rooms , new house , Walnut Hill , $ .IMM. i 361 HOUPO 8 rooms Hijnscom plneo , full lot , 381 House It room" , mo.lnnt. . barn , Ac. , full lot on Georgia nv/i , 11.C-OJ. 37D HoucelO roums , small lot , rents $50 , 20th fit t s fKH ) 378 Ho'uso 12 rooms rtill lot , cnst front. 70x140 , modorn. good valrlo.:21st : st. , (9,0K ) . 377 HOUT 12 rooms , modern , California st , " 4 lot , | ' .5'K ) . r.7n House 3 rooms 2 stores , Arbor place , (1,003 875 House 8 looms , hrlcn , full lot , coiner , Shinn's add , * 4,8X > . 334 Hott o 0 rooms , modorn. lot 60x210 , east front , 19th St. , ncnr St. Mary's nve. , ( 'i.K ( ) ) . 393 House 9 room * , modern , with 2 full lots , Whenton St. , SIO.OW ) . 391 House , new , 10 rooms , nil modern , Cnllfor nln st , fii , 60. , 3 3 Modern 14 room house , oust front , Park a\e. . full lot , (17,00(1. ( 3 0 Hnuso 7 rooms , line shrubbery , 2 full lots , ( (1,000. ( 3S.1 House,9 rooms modern , full lot , Hanscom Plnce. SH.fl 0. 374 House. 7 room" , new , good bnrn , full lot , ncnr Hnnscom pnrk , J l.tino.- 372 On Hurt t , n mo.lcrn hoii'o of 10 rooms In pet feet order ; full lot , south front , good bnrn , ( IMKKI. ! ) Ca 1 ncre with good 5-room holi e , bnrn , hen house in good locality , $2il. ! ( ! ! 68 On M. Mnry's ' nvonue ; good house , lot IK feet square. (20.01(1. SOT 2 houses , rent (10 per month ; lot nnd half , South Mh street. t''HX ' ) . 3i"fi 2 houses full lot , Chlenirobtreot , $1,00.1. 384 House , 5-rooms , burn ; lot 19x115 ; Arbor I'lnco ' , , 311 Houses2 ; icnt (50 per mouth , North 18th street , tfi.VXl , 314 House , ? room ? , ! 4 loton Hamilton street SI. 000. y.10 2 houses , rent $15 per mo , lot corner olxIPI , Plotce St. , ! f.1iOO. ( 217 House , 6 rooms , small lot on C'ass st1JO. Vacant Lot ? . 773 5 oho cc lots on Cuming st. together , 17,100. 772 Flnu lot WIlcox'S add , S'.OO. 771 Ilimobaugli l' on Hidgc nve. , line lot , j 1,000. 770 Tabor Place , lot , $1,310. 709 Aero , ( Joi'-o's ndd , S-1.0U 2 lots , llousel & Stehblns' add , f3.10) ) . 7M Choice lot , blk "IV Lowe's ndd , clicnp at ( ' ) . 76i1 75xI2S one bio k wc of Park nve , J3.751. 763 rinc lot in llnwthorn udd , very cheap nt (1,50J. 762 In Mnynu Plncolot (1,500. 7fiO 51xlb7 , West Omiihn , goo I location , $1,650. 7.1H Good lot , Hnn-cnm I'lnco , blk 2 , $ ltiUO. 75'J En t trout , Summit I'lnco"ncnr Dodge st , J3)00. ) 717 Very choice. Lowe nvo , ? l,8f)0. ) 7VI Host south front In Parker's ndd for 52.610. 755 The best south front lot In Clarendon for 7.12 llurtst nonr Pncied Heart 110x174 , very choice. ? 4.W ) . 7ti Pnrknvo 100 It for 97,10) . Also 100 ft lor 715 Tiicing Hnnscoin park , \ory choice lot nt (1,6.0. 747 Choice lot Cnlltornln ot , (1,800. 74.1 i : V Smith's udd , 3 lots each (3.00J 711 ! ) Lake st coiner 20th , 151x123. J9.2.1) ) . 6.17 120 tt 2 lots State st , (3,0.1) ) . And double front lot Inclnur Hamilton st lor ( IWO. 74.1 Good lot II intconi plnce , blk Iff , J1.8JO. 731 Very choice , Georgia nvo nonr I'opploton 717 Vorv desl'rnblo lot on Hnmiltoti st uenr Keeorvolr. $1,100. Amos' Heal r.stuto Agency. 761 No. 1507 Fnrnnm M. SWUNG VALLl'rVrj" ' Our nowOrtddltlon. AcresfUi tooio ) porasro. Nonr South Omnhn , And Sydlcato Hill. , , , iSlarsh.ill & Lobcck , 10S | f 15JJ F.irn im. _ " JL "HICK A : CO.nriMlo | iigents for the foi- lowing special bijrrfalns : Lot ; IGSOM' | mid , nn ilro tract covered with beautiful mnplo treesJtbsltively the lltiost single - glo ncro in Omnlm , $ U,509. Lot Q nines' ndd. nnnther flno ncre , very choice , nnd cnonp nt ? VBK ) . Lnts 13 und 14 IllkO Parker'sndJ.oxtrn choice , $11.500. r' 5 splendid lots loft fronting on I.nuo st run ning through from strict to btreot , (2,200 to ( J.30) ) cneli. 't Lots 5 nnd 6 Dnvenport's sub , being 87-l'oot coiner on Suunders ati opp Kounuo Plnce , fli.ullO. - . S5 feet fronton Shorinnn avc nnd pnvcd st , (100 per toot. . j Lot 5 Washington Sriunrc ndd , south fron olT pnvedPtreet(3 , KM ) , worth # : i,1K ! > . Lol 2 blk 6 Shlnn's 1st ndd , 'mine CD feet ! ) inclios fionton Sauudorsst. . cor. alley , (150 ' " ° "Lot 2 blk 1 Fntrlck'a 1st add. , 6'xl23 ) , (1,750. Lot 1 blK 1 Patrick's 1st udd , li'x)2) ) ) , corner , (0,000. Lot ? S und 3 blk 7 Pntrick's 1st. 80 foot trent on Snundots st. , with Improvements worth (1.600 , (7.5'X ) . Lots 12,13.14.15,10blk2 Institute Plnco , (410 ouch for the bunch. Lot 4 blk t ) Shull's 2d add , (2,753. Lot 7 blk 17 Hunscom Place. ( l.l'O. Lotll blk 17 Hnnscom Pluua , (1.10) . Lot 5 blk 17 Hnnscom Plnce , with 8-rootn new modern residence , beautiful home , ( flr > ' )0. ) Lots 14 nnd 15 , blk , 7 , Crolghton Heights , on boulovnrd. (750 onch. Lots , blk2,0'Noll'8 sub , corner on Cumlng Bt $4,000. Lots 4 nnd.1. blk 7 , Walnut Hill , with nnrtrovo- monts , (2,001) ) cuch (4,000. Fine lot on 23th et nnd o iblo line ncnr corner Grace , price with ImnrovementH ? 3.o. ' ; 'i ncro with 4-room house , well nml cistern , line fruit nnd shade trooi. n beautiful plaso In Giso's ndd , (2,600 , nn extra drive. Do not fall to see It. Lot 12 , blk 11 ; Plalnvlew ndd , corner , $1,230. Lot 10 , blk 12 , Plnlnvlow add , (1,57.1. 20 acres opposite Long Hrnnch , high nnd dry , (300 per ncro. 4 ncreschoice Inside , $25,030. J. L. Hico & Co. 676 ELLAIH-Hnrgnln-J , Honllold. We oiler the host live ncio lot In Honfleld nt the very low price of $150 per ncro. hull cnsh. bnlanco one year , also 5 acres in Hollnlr nt fur below \nluo ll taken before the 2.1th instnnt. Mnrshnll k Lobcck , 18.1 23 15U9 Farnnm street. ONE flno corner lot In Orchnru Hill ( l03. Ono flno cnst front lot in Hnwthorno. $ ! ' 10 Sixteen lots In Lincoln place trom $ < JOO tc (750.Flno Flno house nnd lot , 64x120 , cor. 28th utii Charles streets , n bnrgnln , only (3,0K ) . Fine corncplots lit lleatord ] > luco (309. Flno corner lots In Hedtord plnco (700. Houscniid lot In Nelson's ndd $ .1,000. Goddard to .Moore , 147 10 211 North 16th f-t W S. SEAVEV , 111S. 14th St. . Has the following list of property for 1 sale for I few days on ensy terms lint will roull/.o Iron 25 tolotl per cent before .luly : (8.000 Forone ucroclo-,6 toSt. Mary's avo. 0,000 Two best corner lots S. 18th st. 4.0UO Choice 15 ! ncres Uth St. , tttomlles frou : street curs 9,000 Ton acres on U. P. rnilrond half mlh trom Annex depot. 2,500 Flvo ncres near C. & N. W. K. K. , Ver min Heights. 6,000 FivoncrosTiittlo'sBUbdlv with t-2,00 < Improvements. 800 ForlJ-room houses and lots In Wilcox' Addition. GOO Choice lots In Dwlght & Lymnn's nddl tlon. 340 Cornorlots close to summit depot. 600 Splendid lots , West Bldo , close to M. P depot. 300 Usst lots In Shrlver plnco. b75 Front toot , best property on Fnrnnn street. 1,800 Henutlfullot and 4-roomod house , clos to lUth street pavomcnt. For the very best bargains In Improved nni unimproved city , suburunn nnd ncro property with lots rnnging from J-I-VI to (50,000 , consul W. H. ScHvey. Ill SouthiHlh street. INI 19 T EAVENWOHTH KT-South front In Wes J-J Omnhn tor (1,8XI , also south front in Me Cormnck'B2d add tor < l,50a 925 _ < | ( irogory A Hadley. LIST your property with us ir you want ! sold , for wo menu business , Plorco" i Rogers , Hoom 5 Arlington Hlk. KB , OHN GALLAGHKItrRn South l.lth st. Acri property , lots nil parts of the city. Choici lot sin Hnnscom I'lnco. House , 9 rooms , la 66x86. location unsurn4s.3od , ( .1.200. 2l'7u2 ' CF. . ELSAS.SEK.31R1.8 10th street. 2 mr VT houses 2 story and full lot on 8 10th strct 3 blocks from Hrownfii'lmll. ' E front rents t first class tonnnt fopfin per mo , nlwnysdu Have been offered morn nnd year In advanci This will bo surely soW In 10 dnvs. First cornt flrst served. ( 'i.MO , S4.0JO cnsh , bul 1 year , hove also bnrgaln In 2 host lots In Donovan' ' add , 2 blocks from strnot o-ir. 146 Oil AS. E. nURMEdTr.R,414 South 15th for snle 44 ft tine business property on Fnrnnm stone ono of thotlncst N W corners on Farnam st 69x132 ft. 2 elegant lots In May no plnco. 6 lots in Snundors & Hlmcbauglii addltloi cheap , for n tew duys only. 2 lots In Kllby plnco. 6 lots In Jerome park. 2 lots in Highland plnce. 1 flno lot In Improvement nddltlon. Lots In Centrnl Park and Onk hill. 5 room cottage and lot In Thornolls add. , bargain. 10 room bouse and lot on Cullfornlnstrect , n modern conv.anlo.nccs. 83acrosliisoo"3B , surveyed and platted j lots , uplcndld narguln , on Invorablo terms. 3 ncre lots In same section. Fine 3 story brick block , 40x68 ; the best bn gain In the town. Lot and 10-room house on Dlvlsoln street. 144 FOH SALK Cheap new 6-room house an barn. Cor. 25th and California it. 114 a WISE A PAHMKt.B , 1WJ Fnrnnm st. Offer thes j bargains to-day ! 1 corner Ucorirla itvo. nnd Dupont 7 Orctlhrd hill , choice lots onch House nnd 2 lots , Sauudors add. to Walnut hill ( . ' ,300. 20 Finest lots In Cloverdnto , bnrgi.lns. Fine lots In Kllby place , chonp. Fluol l-21ot John 1 Hedlck's ub- licholoo lots In Maynes add , , each ( H3. Ectiolcn lots Fnlrmount place. lucre bunt In llolvodero , bargain * J ) ) . 21ots. letter's nddltlon , each (70) . Blots Ml Dotifflus , each ( VW. "lots South Kx. plnco , often ( VX ) . 3 Brown PnrK. bnrrfntns ench (4JJ. 24 lots choice In Yntos * Hompol's nddltlon. 10 acres ii mile south of Hnrrls & Pntterson's tuner , extra nice , clip ip mid easy terra fl. A line ll t of western Innds for sale , or trade forOmnha property. , , , 400ncro9 highly Improved , Saunders Co. . sale or trade. IK reft front on Ifllh strict , Last , not lojst.i.irnor on r.irnnm fli,0ji nnd mtny others , 150J Fnrnnm , Wlso nnd Fiumclo. j , t AHOAss-140 fnet on I'lorco by OS on H'th ' st , with 6 houses , only ( ivvn , MxlH'Jon llnruey , west ot 20th t , with two- story house , rents J40 a month , * JOCi ) ) . tllxl2S , trontsnn two streets , llncM residence properly In the city , cast nml west fiont , 45,500. 50 feet front on lllb st , 2 blocks south ot fin- duct , with two good houses , cast front , ( il.cOJ. 1'I9 feet corner rnriinm and 3l t st , (17.00J. f > 0 feet Hnrnoy , near "Olh nvc , soutli front , beautiful location , 5.101 Corner , Virginia nvo und Hull si. 12.1x101 , on grade , O.OJO. BS\'l j , fronting on Cumtug nnd Hurt sts , 5 houses , il."iOiKI. 6S feet front on rnriinm , with 2 stores nnd n residence : brings 12 per cent on Investments. : ) i.\r.Cu ) ! sst. bJtweon llth nnd 15th , with. 7-room linu c. $ l"l < 0. Full lot.'iln st soutli or i.oavcn\voith,7 room holism , darn nnd all modern Improvements , 5 1 , lee , . Corner , Hurt nnd ISth st , with fl-room house , $5.205 Lots In all additions clicnp. ! U7 S. K'ut/.A : Co. , l..ll . Fnrnnm. fOCIintcr. t.OrS-ICendnirsmldltloii , front T Injr StMiulers st. south'of Holt Hall wnr I ) . Kcmlnll , owner , s. w. cor. 17th and Call lornln tts U''J'I ' ' WO.SnillVHU-Speclal llnrgnlns. . Two line cast front lots In Kllby place , corner. H.OJO. tioo.l lot In llcdford place , JIViO. Lot In 1'lnlm low on Saundcrs St. , only ( luO. 04 It soutli front In Huwo's ndd , fl.S'iO. 2 choice south trent lota In A.S. 1'ntricK's add , each $1,35J. 2 choice south trent lots In A. S. Pntilck's ndd. corner , both fUHO. C\I12 ( ! it , cor 27th nnd Ilurdetto sts. , nice lot foi bnlldlno : , ? , ' .VJO. - - It. on Snundurs st. , near llt-tuiltoti , $120 per foot. do ft. on rarnnm near IT. P. Hcmlquniter , ( 'i.OOJ. Lot 55 ft. trent In Jerome Park , near Fnrnnm " Nlco lot In Tnbor Plnco , ( l.COO. 131 ft on S Hinders st. nnd Hurt corner , (1.000. 2 ton-ncrc tiacts ot beautiful and sightly Iny- ng ground near the Mute Institute , lit u bur- gi < ln. 20 acres adjoin. ng I'lcnsant Hill. ( SOU per ncro. Fine south front lot in Smith's Pnrk , (1,500. Oooil lot on Cnlllornla st. one mile Irom post- olllco , f 2,000. lleuutiriillot on 17th st. north of Sherman , very ensy terms , 81,2(10. ( nil loot on 18th nt. north of Bhcrmnn , (5.000. AO loot on 17th st. noith of Paul St. , (4,201) ) . 1U tt square on track north of U. P. shops , (4.2CO. lid It on track north of U. P. shops on Nicholas las st , (4,20J. Full lot in Shinn's 2nd ndd (1,100 Full lot , south front , on Hurdctto nnd 2 ( > th Bts ( I.7.-.O. 3 beautiful lots. 40x127 , Just off red cnr line , easy terms , each (1,750 > ' lot ito ft , nenr car line , on Patrick nvc , easy terms , fl.OHO. 100 Itfront on Sherman nvo , on pnvcd street ( I'M ' pur toot. IJnst fiont lot In Hnwthorno only if 1,603. 10\12l ) , I'lnlnviow , coiner , JIOJ. 2bx6rt ( t on 27th nnd Hurdotto sts , ( COO. 7.1 It east front corner 2iJth nnd Uurdotto sts (2.VK ) . 100x1.10 ft cnst front corner in Hnnscom place $7,200. Fine east front on Ooorglu nvo lu Hnnscom place. M.OOO. . . . . .Vine lots on \ Ingliiin nve , $1 , . > TO. South front In Dupont place ( ( KIO. 4 good lots near tflst nnd Lcavenworth oacli (1 OtK ) Fine lots In Washington S < iunrp , (3,000. Lal In Shrlver Place , J101) to S.100 , eaty terms , nnnr West Side depot. Lots In Nortn Omaha add , only 3 miles from postollleo. three-eights of mlle Irom lair grounds , $310 to (400 per lot. Houses nnd lots hi nil parts of city. Hclug members of the exchange wo have ono ot too largest lists of propeity In the city. W. ( i. Shrivcr , opposite postolllce. 219 . BLOMAN , Henl Estate llroker , SA. 1512 Farnam Street. , Ftirnam street , cor. 18thlxl3J ( ) , H cush. ( 50.0JO Fnrnumst. , near llthSJxI.B.Improved. . . 35,1)1)0 ) ) Fnrnam St. , ncur 18th.44xl32 , Improved. . 82.IKX ) Fnrnnm St. , ncnr 20th 'xl32 , very chonp , 7,000 Fnrnam St. , nenr2Jth.llHxxlXJ 3.1,000 Fnrnnm st , cor.31st St. , 130x13 , ' , south and cnst front 17,000 Eurnam st. , n,1xl')2 ) , s and o front 0,000 Furnum st. cor. 41st , 43.\13I , s und o front 3WO Farnnm st. cor. 4-d , 4Jxl'.12s and w front 3,000 Hnrney st. neiir 13th,22xUfl 0.500 Hurnoyst. near 15thUlxliB improved. . . 20OOJ llnincyst. near20th , 174x170 , Improved. . 85tXKI Harnoy St. Hodlck's OroTO. 41x1.12 1,000 Douglusst. ncur 12tb,41xl'12 , Improved. . 35.000 Douglas st nonr 13th , S2xl3J , ! 4 interest. u,500 Douglas st. nonr 2 Id , (15x132 ( 7rlH ) Douglusst. nenr 23d , ( Silx 132 8,000 Dodgem. near2.tth. 69x15214 2.W10 Dodge St. 28111,40x127 , Improvra. . . 3,000 Jackson at. cor 14th , 6(1x132 ( , Improved. . 25,000 Jnckson st. near 15th , ( lux 13 , ; , improved. KI.O'X ) .lonosst.oor.15th , iWxI'U 24.00J Lcnvonworth st. cor. 21st , I'.Uxlll , Ira- proved 18,500 Lonvonwortb st. cor. 2oth , 140x142 , im proved 23,000 16lh st.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depou HU1I2 14th st. truckage , Pnddook plauc , 66x112. Pnrkiive. opp. pnrk.Wxr.O ( icorgla nvo. nonr Mt Plonsnnt. 50x150. . 2.BOJ 20th st. near Dorcns , lOOxln ) , improved . 4,501) ) 20thst nearDouglns , 3x3J ! , Improved. . B,0'J ' 15th8t.cor.Marth'i,01xUimproved. . . 4.50J 28th si. cor. SnwnrdlUxUJ,3 bouses . . . 4.50J Pierce near 20th , O1) ) foot front , 2 streets. 6.3 * ) Hnmiltoii st. nonr Holt line , improve 1. . . 1,600 41st st. Just otf Fnrnam , 4 x13J , o front. . l.oUtl aith at. , nonr Davenport. lOOxlJB 2.20J Sewurd. nenr 3.1th , 60x157 1,150 10th st , near Cnstollnr , in ; feet front. . . 4.500 What , near Mnrtbn , 51x151. corner. . . . 1'KH ' ) HurUetto st , nonr 23th , 5)xl3' ) . ' , on cnr line 1.W03 Burtfit , nonr Lowe live. 511-2x1,10 1,103 25thcor , 1'oppleton , 03xliK ) , Improved. 4. 01 Dnvenport , nenr 21th. 64 l-ixl32lroprovcd ! 4,000 Chlcngo , cornor24th , 66x132 , Improved. . S1) ) ) 26th , near Poppleton,50x127 , Improved. . 6.000 Orchard Hill , lots (750 to ! , HrownPiirk , lotsJ.WOto 850 Hertford Place , lotn (650 to WW Highland I'arn , lots each-cash (68. . -W Wakoly add , lets57x160. n\ch 4W 25ncro.snear FortOmnha.Mncly Inproved 11,000 Webster st , ncnr lilth.11x13J , improved. 6,200 Center st , 60x132. Improved 1,200 Virginia nvo , near Hionorv. 50x150 , 1,600 i Fnrnnm st. ncur 33th , 57x10 ! 8'lOO Nicholas st , corner , Rdxl3 ! , track In alloy 4,200 e Pnrk nvo , Inclng Park , 60x150 4,00. ) SICth st , nonr viaduct,40x102 6,000 Sulphur Springs ndd. Just opp. 16th st,50 XJ24 2,000 Lcnvonworth st.nonr Holt Line , 100x127. . , . .700 651 SHINN'S ADD-South front on Illomlostreet with north front on Vales bt , u nice double header for (1,400 , (100 cnsh. Grojrory & Hndley. 925 Hooms 1 and 3 Hcdlck III * . 320 S. 16th st , _ ' ' ' KNT'A'Ll7F ADDITION-Fronts' on Humidor's St. , next south ot licit Uno. I nm willing to sell 20 or 'JO of these lots vorj chenp on ij to U cash down. If they eun ho sold within ono or two weeks. D. Kondull , owner , s. w. cor. 17th nnd California sts. Wi 21 ATHICK'S Anil-Corner lot 55 xl3 ( wltl small double house on rear of same rontlnu for (20 per month , leaving corner KixtOO va cant , nil for (3,000 , one-third cash. The othci snap lu Patrick corners has boon sold anil yoi must call at once to secure this ono. Gregory At Hadley , 925 Hooms 1 and 3 Hcdlck HI,320 ) S. 15th st | jlJH ( ft A I.ii OH TKADE We own Severn -I ? thousand acres of choice Soutli Dakot : furmlng land which wo will sell or trade foi Omnha property. Wo wnnt to sell and off or ou land nt bottom prices. Wright & Lnsbury. cor under Puxton hotel 10(1 ( A4.000 will buy unloo 7-room house with lot 01 t Virginia nvcnuo hulf block from street cars Hnrd nnd soft wuter , gas , eto. . etc. (2,000 cast nnd possession In n very short tlmo. Call 01 Shaw & Co , 610 S Uith st. ( -59 BNUINKHAKOAINS-Two corner lots it 0 G Uurdetlo court , only 4 blocks from Sen der's street onra. W. M. Hushman. Konm 10 , Uushman Ulock , N Kcor 16th and Douglas. INBIDE PKOPEHTV Wo have some good In side property nt n bargain. Plorco & Hog ers. 1511 Dodge street. 830 100cash will secure 16. ) acres of first olns : $ farming Innd In eastern Nobrnskn bulanci very long tlmo nnd no taxes Ior20 years. Tbi O. F.Davis company , 1505 fnrnnm st. 921 n 15 T OOIC HEHE A very tloslralile trnct of lum JLJ for pluttlug , ollcrod for a few day * only For further Inlormntionuail nt the Union No tlonal Hank.201) ) noth 1'lth HI. 2:12 : 26 SPECIAL Ilnrgntns for ono week only b : Swan & Co. , 1521 Dodge St. Corner on 12th and Douglas Corner on 16th , biggest bargain otfered. Corner on 10th und Diivcnuort. 12 lots In Highland ] > nrk. 6ucros In Marker's stit > . Z very cheap lots lu Kundal's add. 3 line farms lo trndo for Omaha property. For prices on above call nt our ollioo , 8 K cot er 16th and Dodge. * uo . JU. KVANS tc Co. . Krai EstaleAgontK , . , . 1MO Dodge ft. JM Ito attention to the following part Inl list or bargains : A Snumlers gtrcct cnst front , Plnlnrlow , 12,00. ) , U cn h. A Plnlnvlow coiner , only (1,100. A corner In Yntcs 4 Hcinpol's (000 , Insldu lots (700. , A south front in Hustln's ndil lo Vlnlnvlow (1,100 , ' { rash. Acres in Hrlghton at low prices on easy terms. Wo nro ftgcnti of Hnrrnco Lnml company nnd have good lot * Tor snlo In this hnndsomo gutiiirl ) tit low prices uo onry terms. 1'lTo line rait front lots on drove street near Lcavouwoitli for $1,500 ench. rive west irontlon on Spring st In Hniknlow 1'lAco at ( I.IM ) each If tnkon together. A business corner oil west LentcnworUi for (1,200. East front loM on Lenvcnwortb , bulne s place , i\t ( ° > 2.iertch. A Inrgo business lot on Lenvonworth In West Side , 50x241) ) , only ( ltuo it taken noon. \Vo linvofotir of the best corners on Six teenth street north for (6.VX ) , (12,000 , JHMXK ) nnil ( ) , uiio respectively. For bo * ln\ostmcnts tec these soon. They will not lust long. A lot In Omatin View , cast elope , ( lUOQ ( easy terins. Ten acres north , ten ncres south-west , throe acres in Tunic's sub-dlUslon , nil olicap and good. A tlrt-cln < s business corner with tliree story brick building. Good. A 60 toot c-orncr on rarnnin st , best In the tnnrkct. A ( V ) tt corner on Lonvonnorth cnst of 2th sticet Ss.iiOO. Lot on Tenth street ncnr tlio llrowncll llnll , Ci ! toot lot with house on , Centio St , naiir 17th , on grade , } .lwU ) , li iti li. oil foot oust front on Fifteenth , ncnr Centre , with house , corner on 2.1 tout alley , will divide or poll nil , north 1-2 (2,000 , soutli 1-2 with house J2.VJO. llurllngton 1'lnce Soutli Omaha lots for 1400 to (51X1. ' 4 cn h ; only a few lott. 1'owlor I'lncoCorner on county rend $7W ; onothcr corner (0,10. llonvo and i > 5 toot lot ITO ft drop on Cnllfornln street l exceedingly chenp nt (1,200. A toutU front on rnrnam In Jcroino I'urk u flnp lot. Corner on West l-'nrnnni , $3,000. ( l.Mi buys n linnd-omo ea t Iron ! In CrcMon. (1,7.111 buys an eitbt front on Vliglnla avenue. N\140 ) on Georgia n > cniio owner anxious to Bell.Unst Unst front lot on Colfnx street , nonr Howard , (3,0)0. Cottage , 7 rooms tine cast front lotli\nscoiu plnco , M/.VO. Corner , eo.xlfl ? with coitiige and burn , Popplo- ton iivcnuu. $11,000. I.ii Vctn plnco , along Lotto avenue , tl/COO lo f1,600. U I'H h. Huslncs-A lots . Vncnnt lots Improved nml unimproved. Suburlmn lots lle t lift ot property In Oinnha. Pond us ilo orlptlon of wlint you have for snlo. Wo nro iiieuibeisof Umalm llenl Kstnto Exchange. 240 25 \\7 H. GATnS.iKM south ISth , ever State \ . Nntloiuu Hank , ontriinco on Hiuncy. A nice house,2Utn mid Charles sic. , now house tj-room ? , nil modern impnncmonts , burn , bhudo trocs , HIX131 , (7.000. New il-room house , Chnrles St. , bot. 2fth and sts. , * 2,700 , only IfMJ utixh. A ( Jilt EilRu plceo of property on 23d et. . bet. Dodgu nnd Capitol uve. . now 10-roora house , nil molcrn Improvomcntsfacing cast , rents for(50 per month. (5,700 , ( . ' ,200 cash. it-room cottngo jnstnoith of above , cheap at (1,200. 2 cottncoB on 24th ncnr St. Mary's nve. , facing east , ono n corner $4,000 , terms ensy. A nlco plnco of projiorty lust off Farnnm nonr 26th street , house cost ( .1,500 alone , only (8.000. . lots nnd small cottngo 20th and Dodge , $15,0 H ) . House nnd lot 17th street between Dnvenport nnd Chicago , $7OOJ. A vnltmble piece of property on Tzard street nenr lUth with trackage In roar , (7,500. A cheap piece of property on Jones near 12th full lot , $ Jiooo. A ( i-rooin house nnd lot on I'opploton , south front , barn , city water , f4,00j , (1,000 cnsh. A clicnp 4-room homo nenr Ohio nnd 16th streets , 11.TO. 5-room house Wiunut Hill lot 50x109 picket fence , $1,401) ) . 8 room house , Walnut Hill , near now car line ( : ,60i ) , (500 enh. . 3 5 room houses , convenient to Btrcct cnr , (2,200 , $200 cash. 4 room house on street cnr line , head of St. Mnry'siivo , tfiOH ) . 2 good house * nnd full lots ,15th st , just south of U. I' , trnck , * 1.W. Vacant Property. S. K. cor. 18th nnd Ohio sts. , 105x172 , (11,000 , (4,000 Ollbh. 44x1.12 , cor. Lenvcnworth and 13th sts , ; track- ago in rear , ? 2li,000. 75 tcet In Kartlett'fl addition , near Loaven- wortu and I'urk avc. , (4,500. 3 south Irnnt lots In Hnrtlott's ndd. , (2,503. ' 5 ! ) feet on l.cuveuworth nonr 2lth , on grade , 75 feet Just north of Crolghton college , (5,000. A full lot on IKth St. , near pnvuinont. for a few days only , < 3,200. Owner wants some cash. 2 good lots oc Cuiuliigs street near end of cur lino. (5,000. 3 lots Just off of Cumlngs street , (1,250. A good residence lot,28tli und Capitol nvo. , (2m M ft on Georgia nvo near Lcavenworth , chenp. U ncres In Itrookllnu , (2,250. 10 of the best lots'ln llnnscom place. 2 lull lots cor 2' ' > th nnd Dodge , ( O.OOJ. 4 of the best lots In Hawthorne facing south and oast. (1,100 to { 2,000. Choice lots in Kllby place , one for (900. Kast front lot on S. I5th St. , (3,100. 1 of the host lots In Hillside No. 3 , ( l.HJO. Corner 15th and Center , ( , HOO. 2 lots Isanc k gulden's add , just off Leixven- worth , VI.300. ISOxl'WPnrk place , facing south , (3,100. 2 good lots Hnnscom park mid. Choice lots Mayno'saad. 10 lots Orchard Hill , S75' ' ) to (1,000. 25 lots Snundcrs & : Himobuugh's add , (500 to 40 acres near table land at (300. Every foot lays high. Send in a list of your property It you wnnt it pushed. IbO BLUNT iIMI'FA'ltcnl Estate brokers , N W. cor lithnnd Douglas , 2d tloor , room 0. Unimproved Property. College Plnco 0120 south front Otoom house (2,000 Shinn's 3d Sowurd street 0 room house. . . 3.UOO Himobnngh & Sounders 50x138 now house 2,500 Clifton Place 50x140 South front house 7 rooms stnble n pretty homo 5,500 Heed's 1st Capitol ave 6(1x115 ( 8 room house 5,000 Sluill's-d a choice lot good house 4,500 Nelson's ! i lot oust front house 7 rooms. . 3,000 K. V. Bmitti's 6U feet lot 2 bouses 2 bnrns cheap , 6,500 Idlcwllil fiOxlir ; house 7 rooms see It , 0,700 Hlraebiuigh Place east frout good house , barn v f-,700 John 1 Hedlck'B sub , 50x140 house 6 roomi good . . . . - 3,760 Itedford Plnco 4 room bouse south front. . 1,5UC K. V. Smith'shoiiFofi rooms near 20th. . . . 2.C01 Ix > we's3 room boudo stnnlo.chcitp 1.20C Walnut Hill , south fiont , 50x150 , house 6 rooms , city water , a corner lot 2.70C Idlowlid , n-room house , u bargain 5'KX ' Heed's 4th , south front , near cnblo line , 3- room cottngo 2,80 ( Orchard Hill , good house. . . . . 2,70 : .1. I. llcdlok'H , Park ave , ti-room house. . . . 11,00 G. V. Smith's , 6(1x140 ( , house 5 rooms 5,501 Shiill's 2nd , COxlliS. cottage , brick base ment 4,001 Hnnscom plnco , Georgia nvo , bouse 8 rooms , modern Improvements , good barn 7,001 Put k ave , cast front , One house modern improvements 6,501 ( loot-gin nvc. east front , now housechoice 0,6' , " Virginia ave , east front , good house , high lot BW BhuU's2nd , west front , largo , new house. . 4,20 lilunt A : Impoy N. W. cor. 14th and Douglas over Fullors's drug store. Telephone 47'.i. lltt ' . ' 1 BAItO.UXSMay bo hail of 1. N. 1'lorco A ; Co. la P lalnvlow , Ilodford Place , Pnddock Place. Kllby I'Uco , Pntriok's Addition , Clnrendon , Fulrmniint , Orchard HIM. 8nun < lfr < V Helmbnugh Addition Wnliiut Hill , Hawthorne , 'J'hornburg. Marsh's Addition , Dwlght & Lymnn s Addition , Kountzo Ac Utah's Addition , Hotith Omaba , find others. We imvo some bargains In acreage propcrtj deslrublo for platting. I. N. I'lcice It Co , 15U DougUs street , ground floor , onico open 1 the evening. 2iS-23. : FOU BALK Six lots In Ilodford Plnco t750 t (1,000. 1 lot In Kllby , this Is as nlco n lot as there li I tlie addition only , { SttO. Lot I'- , block 0j. .South OmnliK only (2,000. 2 due lots In Walnut Hill corner , grnded nn trees out out , tor both (12,500 , easy terms , U lots , t'ruyn Park for sale on rery tag terms. 2 east fronts , Hans com place , (1,575. Vnrnam street lot (4,5W. 1 lot on Leavenworth St. , (3,000. 1 line lot on Lowe nvo. , tl,8AO , 1 lot Lowe 1st addition , $ I,1V ) . B houses on 26th , $2,100 to J'l.JOO , ll'JDO edit Dal. 125 per month. 1 home , uor. Chicago nnd 'JUtb t.(2,7K ( d (200 cnsh , bnl. f ! 6 per month. di Park & rowlcr , 1522 Douglas 201-2J i- OPECIAI , IIAliaIN8 - _ Lots KtU ami Nicholas , lot SBx 132 nnd build * litgs , 17th and Cumliix'.lotKuxOM und tiuildlnv * , . 15.0 ( 7 lots. Wtli st.lloiiford IMnce ) , u 1 lot Pntrlck'H ad-1 1.71 1 lot 1'lalnvlotr . . . . l , t corner lot * , Klrkwood l'ar ! 3 , " ( SOchoicu lols.fjiatniueroy l' rk.t COO to 7' ' 10 choice lotr , Unker Place 47F , ( r 5 3choice toll. Kouut/e'sitdd. : . . . . 1,8COvo 2,0" 172 HI Day & Fitch , tit S. Utb at. B OffLtNG UHKKN. II ocks 17 toflJ , the best part of Howling Green. The cheapest property on the market. } } mlle from Hertson cnr lino. 6-acro lots per ucroV ) . 2'j ' ncro lo's per acre $550. Aero lots ( ftCK ) . Lots60xl27 on Hamilton street 1175 to | iii for corners. Full com mission to agents Gnt plats. Marshall A ! < ohock , . No. 1501) ) Farnnm. Telephone ? ' ) . 104 OSWKNSON ft CO.-I404 F nrnam itrcrT Hoom 15 , dealer * In real estate nnd west ern bind. Mouses built to suit purchasers on inputhly payment. ssi-al4 "IjlOH SALII In large orsmnll lots Hold seeds , JL1 timothy , little red nnd miimmoth olover , Gerninn nnd common mlllett swells. 1 wnrrnnt this seed nil raised In Hutler county , Neb. , nnd new. pure nnd clenn seed. Wrlto to W. G. Bos ton , Dnvld City. Neb , , for price * . 49la6 _ ; SALlI On easy terms , some choice lots In Walnut Hill , all nenr Wnlnut Hill post- olllco. P. A. G.ivin , Solo Agent , Hoom O.KodlcK Hlock. 12 3l SPIiKNIMD Iot64xl40ln Clnrk's nddltlonnear the Humpy ttrcot cnblo line nt I4f03. Thcio Is n big hunt for thosn lots Just now nnd this will bo soldiiulck , its it Is n giont tmrgnln ; nlsiuV ) It on llnriioy nt n rcnsonnblo llgnro both of these will yield big profits. ClnrKson ft llentty , 21,1 south Uth. 2.11 21 T > isiDiTNcu : IXJTS i IK0unl70 I'lncc , 2,1 lots - $1,70010(0.303 Hnnscom Place , 2. ) lots (1.350 to I,50J .1. 1. Hedlck's sub dlv.,3 lots - ( J.76) ) to (4.500 Smith l'ark,4 lots $2,700 to $3.100 .leiomo Pnrk , 10 lots * l.KK ) to $2,000 Hronnnn Place , 12 lots tl.fAl to (2,000 Orchard HillM lots ( M ) to $1,100 Foster's ndd , 0 lots ( -,200 to $2.100 HOPS' Plnco - . . . Mllln-d Plnco Also Improved nnd unimproved residence property in all parts of thoclty. A. H. Comstock , Hoom 10 , Crolghton lllock. 605 Omnh'i Pnrk nnd Hammond Plnce Is SOUTH Inside South Omalm property , Thco Olscn or Jns V'ore , ownersHU Sluth st.,2dllnor between - tween Fariiniuiun Hnrnoy. 251 a 1 HAUUAlN-Ono hundred feet front on BIO South Eleventh st , corner lot , only (6,000 , Pnrt on time. V. L. Vodlckn , 5-0 South 13th st. KH _ JOHN aAlLA < lHKK-3f7 South 13th street. Lots Soutli Otnnhn , "n simp" . . . ( MO llnvto's addition l.tilO Dupont Plnco 1WO ( Fairmont(800 to 1.860 Hnnscom I'laco.O.liOOto . . . 3,000 linker Plnco , ( IMO to 5Q Some rlno lots In Plalnvlcw , Itustln's nildl- tion , Omaha Vlow , and other additions , Houses and Lots- Hurt street ncnr 20 lot OfixW. , house 13 room . barn , etc , . (9wo ! Lot67xli2 ; , house 12rooms , burns , oto 8,500 Kasy terms on both. Otnnhn View lot 50 feet south front. House with Improvements , cost (1,100 , nil for. . 1,700 Very easy terms. House and lot on 23d nenr Cnllfornln nt n bargain , bettor call nml too nbout it House and lot , Snnnyslde 1,500 Houses to sell on small payments , bnlnnco monthly 1,5.10 It will pay you to examine our list of business property. Home of the Jlncst acre property at bottom price. 162-31 5LOTB nt (375 per lot , ! 4 mlle from Ham mond's Packing House , within 2 blocks of the now depot , 1-6 cnsh , balance (10 per month. E. F. Moronrty , ownar , 1320 Douglas. 868 I lfA V E 5 lots In Albright's Choioo which Is my personal property. 1 will to sell for $375 per lot ; 1-5 cash on eiioh lot , bnl. (10 per month. Those lots arc high nnd level , adjoin ing the Annex. E. F. Mortnrtv , nt Onto City Heal iatutc : Olllcc. 1320 Douglns , t > 57 A CHANCK for Investments. , . Gibson , Aylosworth & Hcnjnmln , 15i2Fninnmst. Hot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 2 small houses 8 3,000 1 lot in Hnwthorno. 48xlon. cor. il'ld nnd Dnvenport , with 6 room uouso.clstorn , well , etc , very easy terms 3,500 1 lot In Hlllsldp 2d add 1,800 1 lot In Ilodford Plnee , 50x128 736 Hot In Hitchcock's 1st ndd. 50x125 700 Hot in Lowe's Istadd,60xl20wlth houro 1,750 Hi lots in Shinn's 1st add,75x2'ri ! } , Caldwell - well st 3,700 Hot In Hodlck's ndd , 62x122 , Hnlf How ard st 0,300 2 lots in West Side,50x120 , barn nnd fruit troea 2,100 5-room bouse nnd lot N. 17th St. , good well nnd cistern 0,600 Kount/.e 4th ndd , lot H. block 0 six room house , well , cistern burn , &o 4,000 Hlmobaugh ft Patterson sub-lot 16 , block 2.contrnct 559 120 ft on St. Mnry's avc , with 2 0-room houses , gns and water , will subdivide. 31,000 40 ft on St. Mnry's nvo bet , ISth und 20th 12.000 Choice lot in Omaha Vlow 000 122 ft on into st. near Fnrnnra 70,009 2 lots , 60x27. Lowe's ndd , 4-room house , cellar , well nnd 60-loot barnprice irn' - ) foot east front lot on Hollovtio Et to SNAP-IK udd to South Oinnha , (1.60U. U25 Oiegory & Hudlcy. HAN8COM Place , lot 10 In block B , (2,400 , hulf cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. 475 Gregory & Hadloy. 320 3.15th St. ViOUTH Omaha Pnrk nnd Hammond Plnco Is k3 Inside South Oinnha property. Thco Olsen or Jns Vore , owners. 314 8 15th st. , 2d lloor between - twoon Farnnm nndHarnoy. 2 > 14 a 1 F OH SALR-FIno corner lot In Ainblcr Place , 11,000. J. L. Hlco& Co. 062 FJF. JF. HAMMOND , Heal Estate , 117 S. 16th St. , first door north of Douglas. . Creston nonrllStn ; 1-'leash ; ( 1,500 HnnscomPlucu , 2 elegant lots , l-3cnsh. . 6,250 Hanscom Plnco,26 lots trom (1,600 to . . . 3,600 llunscom place , 2 lots , 100x150 , 0-room house 6,500 Hnnscom I'lnco , II line lots , oacli 3,000 11 an scorn Plnco , 1 lot , l-.l cnsh 2,500 Hunscom Place , elegant lot , 1 U c.ish 2,700 Hnnscom place , line lot , 60x160,1-3 cnsh. . 1,003 Hunscom I'lnco , 2 lots , 50x150 , each 1,750 Hnnscom Plnco , lot 20 blK 13 2,600 Hanscom Place , lot 17 blk 1 , Imp 2.500 Hanscom I'lucu , lot 1 blk 15 , corner 2,300 Hnnscom Place , It-room house , full lot. . 6,600 llnnscom Placa , 2 lots , 102x132,1-3 cash. . 8,250 195 19 2 LOTS on Hamilton street , Hesorvolr addi tion , (2,800. Bcnutlful lot in Foster's addition , (2,2(0. ( 20th st , , 132x140 ; splendid bargln , $10,000 ; ) j cash. Full lot In South Onrihn. with buildings , renting for (155 per month. Only ( H.OOO/i cash. CHI ton Hill loll , (700 each. Orchard Hllllotscheap. Give us ncnll , Mitchell & Layonmnrek , 15101)odgo St. 200 11) rptlKKU houses and lots corner 14th X and Hurt stieuis S 16,003 Three hou.ics und lots corner l&th and Jackson sts 16,000 House and lot on 28th st botPrnnklm nnd Stewart sts 5,0 House nnd lot corner Dorcas nnd 15th Bts House and lot 27th ave bet Cumlngs and Indiana sts 4,000 House nnd lot Charles st near UHth St. . . . 2,500 House nnd lot on South 19th st bet Center and DorcHB 1,575 House and lot on Clark st bet 17th nnd 181 list 4,600 House lot nnd burn on South 20th st near Castollarst ; 1,600 House lot and stable In Omaha View 1,500 , Four houses and lots on California st , rents for UO 8.000 Southeast cor I'.Uh ' und Fnrnnm , Improved 2,200 House nnd lot 8 12th st ncnr Dorcus 3,100 House and lot cor 17th uud Martha 2.2DO II ouso und lot O IPO'S udd 3,600 House und lot Mlllard Ac Culdwell's add. . . 3,000 House and lot H 20th st notr St. Murj's nve 7,000 House nniMnt on Franklin bt l.WO House nndlot on Franklin st 1K)0 ) House und lot In Council Hlulfs bOO Lot southcnit corner uth and Dodge Ktrocts , bargain. Lots In Armour Pluco. Lots In Manhattan. I/on In nil additions to South Oinnhn. Lots In Orchard Hill from (7V ) to ( SCO. Lots In Wakcley addition (275 ench. Lots In Ambler Plnco. Lots m Kllby Place. Lots in Mayne'g addition. Lets in Clarendon Place. Lots In Hawthorn. Lots In Hhinn's addition. Lots In Hodlck's Park. Ixits In Contrnl Park. Lots In Omaha Vlow. Lotd In ItaKor Place. Lots In MolTinnn Terrace , Lots In Walnut Hill. Lots In Smith Pnrk. Lois In Cumpboll's nddltlon. Aero property suitable for platting , N. W. Cortior Uth nnd Capitol avenue. No- hrnxkn l.oxn & Itonl Ksfato Co. , KxpoMllon Uiilldinir. 18ltf KKAI. KSTATBGroat Great flRrgnlni 2-slory and 'i ' brick house and lot In Hillside mid No. lonly.l,5'jo. limitless property on Snttnders , Varnam , Harney , Howard , Jackson , Jours nnd Lcavpo- worth streets , 1 .000 rcsUoiico lots In all the additions , Inside knd out. 1'or Kale by John M , Clnrka. 806-19J bulliUng tnnauionts wo liHve to otfur the finest Jot > n Oniuba , u corner on Doiiglui st , two houses now on lot and room for four more , I'usy walk to builncen and on ttroet car line. C.'iukson ' it Denny , 211' south 14th it. J. P. TticrkoUon. h lulil hli ; grocery bnslnosi and rood will to Llud 4 Chrlstaliuun , nho will nontlim * tha buelutsi at tha old Hand , ll' l Baundoit Sir * * ' , they havtoif bought all his acuouau our *