Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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5 , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET.
F {
Delivered by cnnlcr In ny pnrtof the city at
twenty cents per wsck.
H. W.TILTOK , - - Manager.
Hmnrfia Omcr , No. 43.
N. y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate.
Sco W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 0 Main , for
bargains in real estate.
J. W. As E. L. Squires' abstracts are
giving good satisfaction.
Ol ) . A. McDonald and Kd Slack were
yesterday lined for being drunK.
in passing Bushnell's store H. P Officer
slipped into a hole in the iron railing
and badly wrenched Ins right leg.
Squire's park addition is a fliiro invest
ment. Pacillc avenue will bo built up
with store buildings within a year.
A vagrant , with the romantic name of
Frank Do Vance , was yesterday scntcncc'd
to ten days , just as easily as if he had
been a plain John Smith.
Noohi North found out yesterday that
it knocked a big hole in a $10 bill , just to
indulge in a little public cursing of a fel
low who made him mul. :
Permits to wed was yesterday granted
to Joseph Grass and Augusta L. Jackson.
* both of Omaha ; Thomas Bauman and
v Annie Dachtler , botli of this city.
Read every word in Henry Eisoman &
Co's now advertisement which appears
in another column. To-morrow will be
n lively day at that popular establish
Henry Eisoman & Co. have taken the
precaution to prevent other dealers from
buying up their special sale of kid gloves
by limiting each purchaser to two pairs
nt 85 cents a pair.
M. Connor was lined yesterday morn
ing for being drunk.Ho could only pay
part down , and was allowed time on the
balance. In less than three hours he was
drunk again and again led hi.
The Spiritualists met at the Essex
hotjso at 2:30 : o'clock this afternoon to
consider arrangements for celebrating
the 31st oi March , as the thirty-ninth an
niversary of their organization.
A warrant was issued yesterday'for the
arrest of a colored man , VV. Bedloy , on
the charge of stealing a pair of shoes
from the room of a dusky brother , John
Morgan at No. 10 north Main street.
Mrs. Mitchell , the lady in charge of the
trimming department of | H. Friedman's
millinery establishment , leaves to-day
for the east after spring and summer
styles. Upon her return Mr. Friedman
will have his annual spring opening.
Each purchaser at the special sale of
lawns , ginghams , sheetings , percales ,
shirtings and other special bargains in
their domestic department to 12 yards
each. Be on hand early and get what
wo offer you and ask for no more. Henry
Eisoman & Co.
The new council meets Monday night.
Gcorgo Motcalf , ono of the now alder
men , who has been out of the city , re
turned yesterday and qualified. The
othe'r new alderman , Mr. Wells , is ex
pected to arrive also in time to qualify.
There are already nine applicants for
the position of street supervisor , and
i , more are to bo heard from. The difli-
I culty In giving out this plum without
* causing ill feeling. All cannot bo the
lucky ono , and the disappointed oues
Will probably bo lusty kickers.
The river is rising rapidly , but Council
Bluffs has done away with all anxiety
about it , there being no danger of any
damage of by overflow. The levee has
been built to quiet the nerves of those
who saw danger ahead , and there seems
nothing now for evil forbodings to lean
The Stuart dramatic company occupies
the opera house all of this week , poning
to-morrow night with "Rosedalo. ' ' The
company has an excellent reputation ,
and must have confidence in its own
merit , and securing public approval here ,
or so long an oni-a ronient wotil i not te
made. The prices will bo popular ones ,
ranging from iiftcen to fifty cunts.
Mrs. G. G. Rice has received the sad
news of the sudden death of her sister ,
Mrs. Beach , at Albert hea , Minn. , which
occurred on Thursday. Mrs. Beach was
aged about eighty-live > ears. She had
lived several years with Sirs. Rico hero ,
and hud formed numerous acquaintances
hero. She was in usual health until a
few minutes before her death , when she
complained of a sudden pain , and seat
ing herself in a chair expired almost im-
New goods will arrive to-day at Hark-
Bess Brothers.
Special Bale To-morrow Only.
175 dozen kid gloves at 35c. per pair ,
that cost to import from $1.25 to $3.50 a
toalrt Twenty-live cents is the price for
'to-morrow only. You can come and got
two pairs , no more at
" ' i PEOPLES store.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning monoj
OB all classes of chattel securities at one-
i } kali their former rates. See them before
' ' ecurlng your loans.
IP. *
Money to loan on real estate. Coiincl
Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co.
Room 0 , Everett block.
' ? Persona ) .
; Attend the special kid glove sale teL -
L | . > morrow at Eisemau's Peoples store.
, Only two pairs to bo sold to any ono per
son at S5c. per pair. Regular price $1.50
'to $2.00. None will be sold at that price
after to morrow.
* ' For aero property , residences and busi-
r6ess property call on W. C. Stacy As Co. ,
'No. 0 Main street.
& Dr. llanchett , ofllco No. 13 Pearl street :
'residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
Talk la Cheap ,
But the kid gloves that hisoraan Pee
plea store will soli to-morrow at 25c. a
jpairaro still cheaper. Every lady can
get two pairs , no more , and trio sale will
i at 6 o'clock to-morrow evening.
* , Call and see tbe stock of horses and
. mules at Star Stables before purchasing
, elsewhere.
' If f We have Just received hundreds oi
\ rolls of new carpets direct from the fac
tory and can offer the best of induce
.wants in patterns , quality and quantity
to select from at the old place , the head
' quarters for carpets and dry goods , No
? ' * 4B1 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Harkncs :
New carpets at No. 401 Broadway.
sale stables for mules and hoavj
fVAraft horses.
. \ t Dee the new Misses * Corset at Harknos :
Brothers. _
1 Star sale 'stables of Council Bluffd
TM largest stock of horses and mulei
lWt of Chicago , which will be sold a
Wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
, at ed.
" Store vour Heating Stoves with Cole < S
' .Cole. Experienced men handle them
-"Slackand set them up in tbe fall. 4
' .finlu St.
. H. Lee , No. 123 Upper Broadway
work and dress making , wishes tc
\t \ Me her old friends again.
Having Chloroformed Their Victim They
Got His Boll Easily ,
An Important DcoUlon on Sewer As
sessment Personal Mention and
lirlcf Hits or News From
All Around Town ,
Anothrr Ilurelnry.
Yesterday moining when John Thonio-
son , living at No. 714 Fourth street ,
awoke he found that some one had en-
yred his room during the mpht. En-
.ranee had been gained by a wlndow.and
fiom the feelings of the victim , and other
circumstances , it appears that chloroform
lad been used upon him to make him
sleep. His pantaloons were found in the
yard , but his pockelbook containing $120
in casli was gone. The job was worked
well. It seems that the same gang is ( lo
ng nil of this work lately in Council
Blufls , anil that the burglars are resi
dents of the city. It seems that the po
lice ought to bo onto them by this timo.
They had a good chance to nab them the
other night , when they were shadowed ,
ind were evidently about to get at work ,
when by the eagerness of one of the otli-
cers the gang was alarmed , and nothing
sould be done. It would pay the city to
liavo an ollicer detailed to shadow the
suspected fellows , and watch them until
a good opportunity presented itself lor
nabbing them. The burglaries are get
ting altogether too frequent.
The Assessment Lnw.
A decision has just been rendered l > y
thosuprorao court , which is of special
Interest to this city , as it is upon a ques
tion which has been several times raised
liero in regard to improvements to bo
paid for by special assessment. The con
stitutionality of the present sewer laws ,
by which assessments are levied is fully
sustained. The suit was brought by
Davis against the city of Dos Mo'ncs. '
Davis brought suit to cancel the contract
which the city had entered into with Mr.
McCauley to construct a sewer along the
street adjoining his property , and to as
sess the cost thereof against said prop
erty , and to enjoin the citv from in any
manner attempting to enforce t > ald con
tract. The plaintiff contended that
the city is already indebted
beyond its constitntioml limit , and
that this contract creates a debt and
would therefore bo void. Thc.question
determined is : Docs the contract in
question create a debt againsl the city ?
The court says : "It seems to us that the
contract in question does not create an
indebtedness against the city. There is
no doubt that the city is authori/ed by
law to make special assessments for im
provements of this character upon prop
erty adjacent to the improvements. Such
arc the plain provisions of our statute.
See chapter 103 laws of 1878 , and section
10. chapter 108 , laws of 1880. The con
tract involved in this case , expressly pro
vides that the certificates issued by the
city shall bo accepted by the contractor
In full payment for his work without re
course ou the city. The city can never
bo held liable to any action for the con
struction of the sower. Its resources
cannot bo affected thereby. Its contract
is fully and completely performed by as
certaining the amount of property
chargeable to the adjacent property and
the issuance of assessment certificates to
the contractor.
Miss Lillian Lewis ,
Miss Lillian Lewis , who for two nights
and a matinee has appeared at thn opera
house , has won high praise from those
who attended the entertainments. She is
certainly an actress worthy of the title of
artist. She is intensely emotional , and
while she has not a pretty face , she has a
grace of manner which makes her charm
ing. Her costumes are elegant and her
appearance is so easy that she is evi
dently so much at iiomc before the foot
lights as to render her fascinating. The
greatness of her acting is , however , not
in her personal charms , uor in her dress.
She has a strength which is a pleasing re
lief from the rush of prettily dressed dolls
who are aspiring to histrionic honors. Her
voice is not effeminate , and at lirst im
presses ono as too coarse f9r ono of such
grace of manner , but the distinctness , the
feeling which she throws into every word ,
and especially in the stronger displays of
emotion , renders it a powerful feature ,
handled with great effect. Her stage falls
are probably as wonderful as any one of
the details which make her so pleasing
an actress. As Cora in "The Creole"
she falls down a flight of stairs , not with
any of thosn apparent self-Havings so
common to the stage , but the fall is a
genuine one , and fairly startles the audi
ence. The wonder is that she docs not
break her neck. She is quick in action
and enters into her lines with t > n earnest
ness which shows that her heart as well
as head is in the part she takes.
The company supporting her is excel
lent. It is not a large company , but ex
cellently arranged. There are no sticks ,
and several of them are of more than or-
ninary ability. It is to be regretted that
there were not larger houses , but a va
riety of circumstances rendered the dates
a little unfortunate. With the reputation
she has established here , her next appear
ance will ensure for her a full honso.
The Bridge Is Sure.
That there will bo a speedy building ol
the wugou bridge at the foot of Broad
way there is no longer any good reason
to doubt. The preliminary arrangement ?
arc being rapidly completed. It is ex
pected that the bids will bo in so as to be
opened and the contract lot by the 20th
of April. The contract will call for the
completiorr'of the bridge by tbe 1st ol
next January at the latest. The bridge
will bo the basis for numorons other enterprises
torprises , which are now ensured , us
there can be no longer any doubt as tc
the bridge. Council Bluffs is entering
upon the most prosperous year In its his
tury , .and the building improvement !
already in sight indicate that the growtl
of the city this season will be marvelous
Those who liavo been investing in real
estate are confident , and are not eager tc
sell even at an advance , preferring tc
Invest more , rather than pull out. Wit )
the now bridge alone Council Bluffs wii
bo given an impetus which wil
cause property to continue to advance
rapidly. The other eutcrpi isos are mov
ing along well , and Council Bluffs has t
solid basis for its hopes of a futun
growth. _ _ _ _ _
In Memorlam.
Hawkeye Lodge , I. O. O. F. , ha :
adopted the following resolutions :
Whereas , After a protracted Illness , ou :
beloved brother , Past Grand T. C. F.Bren
neinan , has passed to the higher life , there
Itesolved , That we the members of llawk
eye lodge , N0..1W , l O. O. F. , feel a dee )
stnso of bereavement In the loss of one wh <
showed his appreciation of the principles < >
Odd Fellowship by seeking In every laiulnbli
manner to promote its Interest and welfare
not only In tbe lodce room but also lu his In
tercourse with his brethren and others In Ihi
world at larae.
Itesolved , That In emulation our brother' !
exauiplti , we shall best promote the Interest
of our beloved order.
Resolved. That we sympnlhlio piofniindl ;
with the relatives of our ( Ieeeajio4 brother ii
their bereavement
ilesolved , That in commemoration of ou
loss , ourlodgcd room bo draped in mourning
for thirty days.
Resolved , That these resolutions bespread
tinon our minutes , that they be furnished our
city papers for publication nod B certified
copy , under zeal of the lodge , be presented to
the relatives of the deceased.
A. 1) . DICKKV ,
A. O. VAN lions- ,
_ Committee.
Sunday Services.
The following arc notices of special in
terest to those seeking some place in
which to worship to-day :
Services in the Congregational church
to-day , morning and evening. Morning
subject "Prill's Absorbing Passion. " Ev
ening , "Responsibility to the Truth. " A
rordial invitation is extended.
The pastor of the First Baptist church
will preach at tOUO a. m. Subject "Ja
cob's Now Name. " In the evening the
Young People's missionary society. The
Temple builders will have charge of the
services with appropriate exercises. All
cordially invited.
Services to-day at Union Chapel , Har
mony street , at il o'clock , conducted by
Kev. E M. K. Flomming. Sabbatn
school ut 4 o'clock Thursdiiy evening.
Bible rending , conducted by Miss Ellis ,
recently from DCS Moincs.
SavonarolaTho subject of the lecture
this evening in Saijit Paul's church will
be "Savonarola , the work , of Florence. "
The services will bo as usual 10:15 : a. m.
Holy communion 10 a. in. , and evening
service 7:80 : p. m. The public and strang
ers are welcome.
The annual missionary anniversary
will bo observed at the Broadway M. E.
church to-moirow. The morning sermon
will be preached by the Rev.V. . 11. Ship-
man , of Coin. Iowa. In the evening a
platform meeting will bo held at which
Prof. James McNaughton will preside.
Addresses will be delivered by J. N.
Brown , Ksn. , Rev. Shipman and the pas-
toi of the church. Everybody welcome.
There will bo no preaching services at
this church to-day. Sunday school as
A few nice spring jackets still left at
Ilurkncss Bros.
New Owner * for Imiut.
1' Heel sheillf to J K 1'eteison 12 In 3i ( 7043
s d-8139.
James H Itlco to Mary J ilubbard lots 10
and 'JO block 4 Van Burnt Ac Ulce's add vv d
? ; oo.
oo.WmKocpkn to Clnuz JlorstlotS block 23
Avoca w d ? 500.
Arthur 11 Cliaso to Fred Lehman , s K se Vt
7ii " 8 Lincoln w u Sl,7oO.
A B Platt to A J Brown lots 3 and 4 block
8 and lot 7 In block 13 Hall's aild w d-8fOO.
W B Pierce to Albeit Plat M lot 3 and 4
block 8 and X lot 7 In block 13 Hall's add w d
CHI & P railroad to John Dunn nc sw 2
7042 vvd-S3Gl ) .
L K Davis to M F Ilohrer lots 0 7 and 8
block 3 Uayllsa & I'.ilmer's add w d Sl.rxw.
.lolin Million to 1111 Metcatf X lot 10 block
7 Bayllsi' 3d K d-SSSUU.
John Mitiien to 11 llMetcalf 3-3 lot 10block
7 Hajllss' 2.1 add w d Sl.lflO.00.
Daniel A Coo to M C Talhott part w yt sw
and pai t so se 4 74 38 bond 3:1,400. :
Ben Winchester to S A Winchester 10acres
on south side s i so 18 76 43 Kane w d SU.OJO.
Silvester Edwards to J Q Anderson lots 1
2 3 block 1 John Johnson's add ( ox molt
82,000) ) w d-SO,000.
Carpets at 14 Cents 1'cr Yard at Gold-
bcrc'B , 1H Main Struct.
Attend the Carpet Sale
Brussels Carpets at 58 cents ,
A stock of carpets to bo sold at
The entire bankrupt stock of Carpets
must be sold during the week , commen
cing Monday , March 21 , at
GOLDUEBG'S , 18 Main Street.
We will positively not sell any of the
bankrupt stock of carpets before Mon
day , March 21 , at
GOLDUKKG'S 1G Main street.
A bankrupt stock of carpets to bo sold
for one-half price. The sale to commence
Monday , March 21.
85 rolls of carpets to bo closed ,
10 rolls of carpets at 14c per yard. The
usual price ! 15c.
8 rolls at 21c , usual price 45c.
10 pieces , line quality , 20c.
11 pieces at Wo.
18 pieces at 45c.
15 p'cces Brcslau corcep at 7oc per
8 pieces at 73c.
All the prices wo mention hero are just
GOc on the dollar. The goods are to be
sold during the week.
The carpets will bo sold nt
GOLUEHG'S , 18 Main street ,
On the second floor.
Misses. Corsets at Harknoss Brothers.
Personal Paragraph ! .
Mrs. Jennie McConncll is ill.
T. B. Baldwin has returned from Col-
Rev. Mr. Cooley , of Lincoln , visited the
Blutl's yesterday.
W. H. Fink , of Rock Raoids , la. , has
been looking over the city with a view of
C. H. Smith , of the firm of Carman ,
White & Co. , real estate brokers , has just
returned from a business trip in the
northern part ot the stale.
J. L. Trumbull , of Dos Moincs , super
intendent of the American express com
pany , was in town yesterday with Mr
Reynolds , attorney for the company.
Mrs. Jo. Roll and Mrs. T. J. Warren re >
turned yesterday from Atlantic , whore
they have been visiting. Miss Hobert , n
niece of Mrs. Warren , returned with
them for a visit hero.
Rushing at llarknoss Bros.
Ono ol the most valuable Corner Busi'
ness Lots on Broadway can be had at f
bargain if taken soon. Inquire at 41 Male
Card orThanka.
The parents , brothers and sisters , ol
John T. Morris , wish to extend then
most sincere thanks to their many friend :
for the kindness shown to their beloved
son and brother , through his illness am
death ; also to his classmates of 1878 ant
others for the iloral decorations sent him
An old hunter living In the Crazy mount
ains of California caught a younK benvei
soon after Its birth and carried It to his cabir
where he gradually made n pet of it. Asthe
youngster approached maturity lie got t <
bulldiiiK dams , and each morning tin
hunter found his cabin floor divided by i
dam which reached from wall to wall , tin
component parts of which were lirewood
boots , articles of clothing and other movabli
nrtlcle.i In the house that could be reachet
or transported. To ndd to the confusion i
basin or bucket of water.lf possible , was cap
sized and flooded over the mi or. This Huh
animal vtho had never seen a stream or dante
to know either , was busily at work engage *
in doinp what his foiefathem had dolio t
thousand times before him. While allothei
game or fur-bearing tnme of the northwcs
nrelikaly to be extei initiated without adis
sontlnK voice , poor little harmless and hard
work Inn beaver has found a fast frlund In
the cattlemen and herd owners. The reaboi
Is obvious. In this treat dry country am
climate the streams and water holes on tin
ranees urn few and far between. Molsuin
IH the cattlemen's greatest want Now i
benvei destroy * nothing but trees , and then
ore few of the latter on thu great treelesi
plaint ) of Montana , the beaver ot necessity
llvjcs. on shrubs and root * , and builds hi
dam when ) he may , TbU just suits tin
cattlemen , who liuils In the Inslinltlcant lit
tin quadruped , compared to his 1.000 poum
steers , a most valuable ally In provldlni
ponds and drinking itlacea where there wen
none boforo.
HI l > calJ
Garman , White & Co. , flic wldc-awako
real cstato brokers , n few days since ,
sent city and county maps with plats of
several additions , to Hnmtas City capital
ists , who are about to.inyest In Council
Blufls dirt. Acre , business and residence
property and vacant lots In all parts of
the city for sale. .Carriages always
ready to show our customers property.
Correspondence solicited ,
Btartllng Spc'olfll Snlcs.
The mammoth People's sloro has
started a scries of Special sales nnd
begin with them to-morrow. It is the in
tention of Messrs.Henry Kisoman& Co. to
inaugurate this metropolitan custom and
it will no doubt meet with the approval
of trade in this vicinity. Their immense
stores are full to overflowing with the
finest lines of goods handled by them ,
and these special sales will give buyers
rare chances.
On April 14 ono of the postoflico clerks
is to marry an Omaha belle.
J. (1. Tipton , law , real estate and in
surance , 527 Broadway. Special bar
Curious Clocics.
Frederic G. Alathcr , in Popular Science
Monthly for March : When the Emperor
Charles V of Spain retired to the monas
tery of St. Yuste , he took with him his
clock-maker , in order to while away the
time by constructing the movements of
clocks. So wonderful were some of the
pieces of work which they made , that the
monks would not believe any ono except
thn devil had a hand in them , until the
machinery was shown to them by the ox-
emperor. Il was ordered by Charles that
when ho should die all of these clocks
should cease running and it is said to bo
a fact that hi& orders were obeyed.
Another king of Spain came to Geneva
to sec a clock which had been made by
lroa merchant of that city. Upon the
clock we're seated a shepherd , a negro
und a dog. As the hour was struck , the
shepherd played upon his flute , and the
dog played gently at his feet. But. when
the king reached forth to touch an apple
that hung irom a tree , under which the
shonhcrd rested , the dog Hew at him and
barked so furiously that a live dog an
swered him , and the whole party left in
haste. Venturing to return , ono of the
courtiers at > kcd the negro , in Spanish ,
what time it was. There was no-reply ;
but , when the question was repeated in
French , an answer was given. This
frightened the courtier , who rejoined his
companions , and all ot them voted that
the clonk was the work of the evil-one.
Unou the belfry of the Kauthaus , in
Coblent/ , there is the head of a giant
bearded , and helmeled with brass. The
giant's iiead is known as ' 'the man in the
custom-houso ; " and whenever a country
man meets a citizen of Coblent/ away
from that place , instead of saying , "How
are all our friends in Coblent7.v" he asks ,
"How is the man in the custom-house ? "
At every stroke of the boll which sounds
the hours upon the clock , the mouth of
the giant open and shuts with great force ,
as if were trung to say , in the words ot
Longfellow , "Time was Time is lime
is past. " > i
Why Ijorcl Churchill IJofi England.
London Truth : Tile rkalicious and
medacious organ of the ! Primrose league
announces that Lprd { Hurtington Land
Mr. Gladstone , having , "declined to meet
Lord Randolph Churchill,1 ? ' he "conse
quently went oft" in a hutt'aiiroad. " These
statements arc pure fiction and there is
no foundation whatever for the spiteful
innuendoes contained m them. Lord
Uandolph Churchill will'be no more
damaged by the pimping , jobbing snarls
of the tory press than Mr.'Gladstone has
been. As a matter of fact.tho loft Eng
land by the udvico of his medical attend
ant , and his departure vhad bcrn decided
some time before ho left.
Curtains Upholstry
, , -
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Ordres Carefully Filled. .
- )0 ) ( -
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Work.
Prices Verj/ Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
A'O. S3 M.4IM ST. ,
Announces thut His Block of
Finelmported SpriiMininery !
In Choice Shapes ot jfa's ' & Bonnets ,
Together with a
LarficTAne of Novelties in Fanr/l / Jl/irt
terlals lit now Jiendy for Your
Cure fnl In ipertlon.
1514 Douglas St. ( Omaha ,
Ppeclal advertisements , such as Lost , Found
' /o Loan , For Bale , To Kent , TV ants , Bonntlnr ,
etc , , will bolnserted In thli column nt tbo low
ratoof TKNCKNTSI'KU LINK forthe first Inset-
Ion and Five Cent * I'or Line for each subsequent
Insertion. Leuro advertisements nt our olBco
No. 12 Pearl strcit , llroadway , Council
WANTKD-15 tcamstorg mil 30 teams for
rallrond work,8 miles from Council Illuflg.
J. O.Jiouldcn.
WANT KfJ A wood worker nt Hattonhnucr s
carriage fnctorjr. No. 2T to Ul'i. Fourth
Btreot. lo a llrst-cln B mnn iruort wnires nntl
steady employment will bo gnoti. No others
ucoil npply.
W' ANTED fir younir man 9) ) yours old , situa
tion as salesman In dry yooiK clotlilnir or
uoots and shoos : 0 years experience. Will
work on trial. Speaks French and Kngllsh.
Myrtle Black , H02 A\o. 11 , Council muffs.
FOH SALH- Music nnd sow ln machine busi
ness , tOKother with small stock of UnlMuy
goods ami wall paper. Oood town and country ,
irood location , cheap rent , profitable business.
Invrico Jl/JOO to l.rJO. Would tnko part In
Council HlulTs rrul ostato. Address A. L. Man
ning , Uunlap , Iowa.
Attorney at Law.
604 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluils.
jv : svituitx ,
Justice of the Peace.
Oflice over American Express.
Council BlulTsIowa.
Korses S Mules
For all purposes , bought nnd sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
WISE , Council Bluffs
Justice ol the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Attorneys'at Law ,
aciice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
I will Boll at my residence on Keir Crock , 10
mllcicast of Council llluffs , my
Well Improved , all under cultivation ; 150 acres
In tumo grass ; hasn flno now residence , con
taining 14 moms and nil modern Improvements ,
house , ' coatliiR f7OJO. Aim now barn , 30x50 ; two
Ilulliduy wind mills , a scale house and scales ,
cattle yards and water tnnks ; a good youna
ncarlmr orchard of apples and small fruit ; 20
head t good farm horses cattle , hogs and all
farm Implements re iulrcd to run a first-class
farm. TCI ins will bo made known on applica
tion , or on day of sale. All parties thinking of
Investing arc cordially Invited to call and make
a poisonal examination of tbe farm and im
provements. B. WAttD.
II. D. AMY & CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND (
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
O. H. McDANEI.D & CO. ,
[ Established ISiH. ]
No. fCO Mnln filroet , ; : t Council Bluff * .
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Blufl'd.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee
Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards
lirondwny , Council Blulfs , Opp. Dummy Depo
and mules kept constantly on
hnnd , for sale nt retail or in car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIIUUTEU & BOLEV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Koil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4tli street.
JZ. HIVE , iU. D.
Cancers d other Tumprs
Removed without the knlle or Drawing o
Over 80 vears Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
jg Consultation free.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Hairing a Eire
Escape ,
And All Modern Improvement * .
215 , 217 and 210 Main St.
MAX 3IOHX , Frop.
DoMg-ns , o tlmates and reports on brlilRca ,
viaduux , foundation * und Koiiernlotitflneeiing.
Blue prints of uny Blzn alul ( imintlty.
Ollleo No 13 N. Main bt. , First National Dank
A. H. RICE. . .
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa *
And Packages of New Spring Goods Have
Been Opened Up During the
Past Week
The marvelous bargains purchased by our experienced buyers who
have been in all the eastern markets for he past two months.
The Din-chasing power of : i dollar at the Great People's Store will
this week be found to equal two dollars elsewhere.
Cast your eagle glances down these columns and read every word of
it and prolit thereby. It is our earnest desire to Induce the aa.lLO inhabi
tants of this city to purchase their goods of us , and draw as many moro
from the surrounding country. This Is the only way wo can keep up our
immense establishment , In order to do the same wo have marked our
goods lower than the same fabrics can bo duplicated by any house in the
retail trade. No house lu the west can boast of as largo and complete
assortment of goods as we are showing. The time has passed when pur
chasers fail to Hud anything and everything they wish in our establish
Our Flmt Or and Offering for To-morrow.
To-morrow wo will start the ball a rolling by offering 175 dozen Kid
Gloves in 4 , Ii and 0 button lengths , also Musquetaires in all shades , in
cluding black , ranging in size from 5 } to 7i fet Sou per pair. Only two
pairs will bo sold to a purchaser , and the sale of these goods will only
continuo between the the hours of 0 o'clock in thu morning and 0 o'clock
in the evening. After that ho'ur these goods will bo sold at their regular
prices so do not misunderstand us. Call only during the above hours
lor these goods at 2oc per pair.
Our feccond Ciraiul OirvrliiR Tor To-morrow.
In our domestic department wo ollor 160 pieces best Standard Ging
hams atr > cents per yard , former price lOe. 100 pieces Standard Prints at
2c per yaid , regular price fie. 5 bales yard-wide Best Sheeting at 5c per
yard , regular price 8c. 3 cases now fresh Lawns at o per yard , regular OT
value 8c and lOc. C cases yard wide Bleached Muslin at 5c per yard , reg
ular price 8c. 3 cases Best Shirting Percales at 5c per yard , regular 01
price 8c to lOo. Kcmcmbor these special prices rule for the day adver
tised , that is to-morrow , Monday , and wo ask our patrons to avail them
selves of this opportunity and call when we advertise special sales , as wo
mean just what wo say nnd sell just vv hat we advertise.
Special Bargains will bo laid out during all of this wcc > c in each and
every ono of our thirteen departments , ami customers cannot fail to find
what they want at the lowest prices.
The following is a guide to the departments whore special offerings
will bo made :
Linen and Housekeeping Departments.
Silk and Dress Goods Departments.
Embroideries and Laces Departments.
Muslin Underwear Department.
Hosiery Department.
Notion Department.
Boot and Shoe Department.
Men's , Boys' anil Children's Clothing Department.
Cloak and Suit Department.
Dress Trimmings in jet braids and other most fashionable trimmings.
5tock complete. Ladies will find everything they wish in way of fash
ionable trimmings at the very lowest prices.
A largo extra force of competent salesmen and salesladies have been
engaged to properly attend to customers. So there will bo no unneces
sary delay on account of the great rush we expect dining this week's
great sacrifice sale.
Call earfy and don't delay to attend to this , the greatest sale ever in
augurated in this city , at
Eiseman's ' People's ' Store ,
Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
63TA1I imill ordcri carefully filled uutl sample * cheer
fully forwarded.
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gardening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is sot to apple orchard which is in bearing , and.
to all varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , diviacd as follows :
.Proper contains upwards of five acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing.
Between three and four acres are well set to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and strawberries ,
Contains moro than 1,000 trees in bearing. '
In addition to the above enumeration are a large numbers of choice plums ,
cherry and other fruits , also shade and ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings.
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gardening purposes , being a deep black loam and is a warm , south slope ,
and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Omaha or Council Bluffs.
With the new bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over
thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolllce.
Any party desiring a choice bargain should apply at once as , if not sold witulu
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
G. JT. C5OLJ3Y ,
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lnntls , Cltil Itealilencet . : < ! IMrm * . * rrv i t i rcw ( n
western part of city. All selUnu cheap to muho room for .tyiriitfstoctt. . .
Real Estate and Insurance Agent ,
Room 0 , over Officer J5 1'mey' * bank , Council llluffs.