Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    - ? p.r- . > '
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M * * M
Anllr ( Mocnl/iir Kdltlon ) including Humliy
IIEK , Ono Vuar . $10 W
ForBlxMonthf . 600
> 'or Thrro MoiithR . 3M
Omaha Mmndny UKK , mailed to njr
, Ono Vo r. . . . 300
OMAHA Orrirr. No. mi ANt > DM FAtiSAM RTHBRT.
hr\v YuiiK ori-irK. UOIIM 11 , TRMICNR liuii.nisn.
orricc , No. 013 KUUKTIINIU SIHIET.
All cotnmunloiUioni relating to news nnd edi
torial matter RlioulJ bo luMrossod to the Kui-
ton or TUB BKK.
All biif IneM loiters onrt remittances itiouM bo
Milremod ti > THE Her. I'UIIMSHINO COMI-AST ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postoflk-o orders
to bo mode payable to the order of the company.
E. HOSEWATEIl , Enrron.
Sworn Htntrnicnt of Circulation.
State of Nebraska , I. . ,
County of Douglas.
Gro. U. Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
that tbe actual circulation of the Dally Bee
tor * tlio week ending Mar. 11th 1887 , wus as
follows :
Baturdav. Mar. B . 14.470
Bundav , Mar. 0 . 13. i0
Monday. Mar. 7 . 14,750
Tuesday. Mar , 8 . , . 14.400
Wednesday. Mar. 9 . 14.20.'i
Thursday , Mar.10 . 14.4.10
y , Mar. 11 . .14.SCO
Average . 14.330
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to be
fore me ibis ISJth day of March A. D. , 1SS7.
I8EALI .Notary 1'ubllc.
Ceo. U. Tzsclmck , being first duly ewoni ,
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The
lit-e Publishing company , that the actual av-
crnire dally circulation of the Dally Bee for
tin-month of March , 1BSO , 11.537 copies ; for
April , IBbO , 12,101 copies : for for May , 1880. 12-
43 copies ; for June , 1880 , 12.29S cople ; for
July , 1880 , 13,814 copies ; for Aueust , 18SO ,
IS.4&4 copies ; for September. 18W5 , 13.030
copies ; for October , 1880. 12,989 copies ; for
November , I860 , 13.348 copies ; for December.
1880. 13,337 copies ; for .January. 1887 , 10,200
copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,193 copies.
OltO. B. T7.BC1IUCK.
Subscrlbedand sworn to before me this Oth
flay of March , A . D. 1887.
fSEAL.I N. P. FKII. . Notary Public.
Contents of the Sunday llec.
Page 1. New i'ork Herald Cablegrams
Specials to the BJK. General Telegraphic
Pace 3. Telegraphic .News. City News.
Page 3. Special Advertisements.
Page 4. Kdltorlals. Political Points.
Sunday Gossip.
PageG. Lincoln News. Miscellany AdVert -
Vert Ucmcnts.
PageO. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany.
Page 7. General and local markets. Mis
Page 8. City News. Advertisements. *
PagoO. Gill Palaces In Gotham , Howard.
Fann Talklnic In France. Blood nnd Iron.
Animal Stories. Advertisements.
PagelO. Fractional Femlnallttes. Pleas-
tires of Penman. Chinese American
Students. Dainty Dudcdora's Doings , by
ITranz Sepel. Advertisements.
Page 11. Matrimonial Merriment Slngtv-
-larltlef" . Honey for the Ladles. Educa
tional. Keligious. Implulles. Advertise
Pace 12. Buchanan's Bad Breaks , by Adam
Baucau. Fixing Feminine Faces , by Clara
Hello. Musical ana Dramatical. A Hindoo
Holiday. Advertisements.
THE Chicago boodlcrs are being prose
cuted. Poor old St. Louis breathes yet
fcnd that is all.
Tun Buffalo horror again suggests the
fdcit that public buildings must bo pro
vided with a bettor system of Jiro escapes.
THE members of the house , when Gar-
introduced an abusive resolution ,
Voteil it down. They knew bntter thane
| o accept the utterances of a till-tappor
THE salary of the governor of Ohio ,
lias recently been raised , by an act of the
legislature , to f 8,000 per year. And yel
lr. Foraker would like to bo president
IT is almost time for ambitious polili
Clans to bring out their dark horse foi
the presidential race. The dark hors <
generally is among tuo first named can
feidates. _
GENERAL BRAGG , of Wisconsin , i
threatened wilh the terrible affliction o
blindness. In this misfortune the demo
eratio party loses ono of its mostofTcctivi
OvKuSOOmen are anxiously awailinj
| o be appointed on the inter-state com
pierce commission. As only six are re
Quired , and 2M statesmen will neces
tfarily bo appointed.
TUB Rev. T. Do Witt Talmago will lee
turo in Omaha during this month. HI
Ubjcct is , "Tho Bright Side of Things. '
t he legislative judiciary commiltoi
jhould hoar him talk.
IT is estimated that 3,000 persons an
. ellling in Nebraska each day-this month
Vhia estimate comes from a rollabl
puree and is certainly most gratifying
3Thero is yet ample room for all who wisl
1 NEXT year that great and unqucstion
Jlbly good man , Robert Furnas , will suli
fnit a bill to the legislature reading , "fo
orvlcos rendered in lobbying throng !
| uy last appropriation , f3,530. " Am
vfvithout any question of doubt the greed ,
( xliibitor will receive the money.
TUB legislature occupied the time c
yesterday in adopting resolutions in cot
emnlng the editor of this paper. Los
'i" than nine members have boon charge
jWith crime. But it has been said if
fcrlck is thrown among a thousand dog :
Abe ono hit is certain to howl. Mr. Feu
actions yesterday are sngestivi
NOTWITHSTANDING nil the miserabl
jfwaddlo written by the subsidized pres
.00 the subject of Mr. Uosowatcr's d (
? / Mrture. it should bo remembered thi
MBe will be In Omaha in a few days. Th
guilty members of the judiciary commi
< * lee , if they ever possessed one sanrc
1 , thought , would bo inclined to pray tlu
' , ' | uo editor of the BEK would remai
; u pway until the legislature adjourns.
IN the Massachusetts legislature th
? < | roBicn suffrage committee has reportc
I . J vorably on a bill which offers greatc
' ' ; ' . nrilogos to the "down-trodden" womej
Y | lTf * principal feature of thonowmcasui
n&logl.'e to every woman whoso nani
Jtwll appear on the register of voters c
" Ngr city or town as qualified to vote ac
M jprdlng to law for members of thoschoi
I , tbe same right to vote on tb
.Ion of granting licenses for the sa !
I Intoxicating liquor * the same aa if § 1
qualified Male voter , Bo , little b
( p _ , tfcfliurplua women of thnoldfii
I' JMtoara gaining ground over the hopi
" ' -MM ' wiaorlly of horrid men. '
Mr. noscvrnter's
The attempt on the part of the organs
of the boodlors , jobbers nnd railway cor
porations to inako capital in the interest
of the parties who have been chirgod
with bribery and conspiracy in connect
ion witli the nnti-gtuubling bill , because
the editor of the Br.K has seen lit to go
cast on private business , is in keeping
with their course over since the legis
lature has been in session. More than
three weeks ago Mr. llosowatcr made
known to various parties that lie would
be obliged to make a business trip to Chicago
cage , and perhaps further cast , between
the 15th and 20th of March. Among
these parties wcro Senator Linlnger , W.
J. Council , Fred W. Gray , Frank
Murphy and a do/.cn others.
The charges wcro Hied on Monday ,
Marcli 14. The next morning , just as
soon as notice was served on him that
the committee was organized , Mr. Rosewater -
water appeared before that body with ix
carefully prepared memorandum giving
all the particulars and details which
formed the basis of his charges. Ho pub
licly stated to thu committee that this
memorandum would enable them
to scud for all the witnesses
and cary on a very thorough investi
gation in case anything should
befall him personally , or if for some rea
son ho could not bu present. At the re
quest of the committee Mr. Rosewater
went before the clerk of the supreme
court and certified under oath that this
memorandum contained the facts known
to him in this case.
It will bo remembered that the house
adopted thu original resolutions , after a
long and full debate , to make the investi
gation within closed doors. Acting upon
the belief that this procedure would bo
strictly followed , Mr. Rosewater took
pains to prepare his memorandum , but
when the house rescinded its action and
directed the committee to take no testi
mony unless the members of the judici
ary committee wore present , he withdrew
his memorandum , as he had a right to
do. Had he left it with the committee
the parties implicated would at once have
been plnccd in possession of all the
proofs which wcro likely to bo brought
against them. They would have been
enabled to concoct a story of their own
to counteract and contradict the proba
ble testimony , and to block the wheels
of investigation by sending away
witnesses or controlling such as
were willing to become their tool's.
The fact is that the reactionary work
of the house was the result of a plot got
ten up by members of the judiciary com
mittee who had become frightened over
the prospect that their crooked work
would be exposed to the public if the in
vestigation wcro carried on within closed
doors and each witness testified by him'
self without knowing what any other
witness had told. It would have been
utterly impossible for the conspirators in
the separate examination to agree npon
any story that could not have been broken
up by cross-examination. If each one ,
however , could hear what the others
testified or read the testimony before he
testilied it would bo but natural for him
to adopt his answers to the explanations
given by his confederates. So far us run
ning away or evading the responsibility
Mr. Uosewater expressly declares in his
letter to the committee that he will re
turn in a few days and hold himsell
ready to proceed , even if the house per
sists in carrying on the inquiry undei
conditions which on their face are in
tended to frustrate the main object oi
the investigation. The fact that a responsible
sponsiblo editor would prefer a grave
criminal charge against members of the
committee , face them on the floor of tin
house when the charges were presented
and remain about the capital whet
threats were freely madn against hi
life both by members and outside parties
is in itself a sufficient answer. Mr. Rose
water not only presented those charge
in good faith but was ready to prosccuti
the case in equally good faith. Ho hat
all the proots within his reach to sustaii
the charges. The rogues and their apolo
gists may make themselves merry over hi
absence but ho will return soon enougl
to plague them and refute all th
slanders they may heap upon him. I
was Mr. Rosewatcr's intention to go ti
Now York immediately after the invest !
gallon , but because of the adjournmen
of the house from Tuesday to Friday h
decided to go onlv as far as Clcvelam
and return in time to take a hand In thi
business , if a fair chance is given. H
will bo absent just one week from the da ;
ho left Omaha , unless something unavoid
able occurs to detain him.
As to star-chamber sessions , it will b
remembered that two years ago , whci
Mr. Rosewater was called as a witness ii
the school land fraud investigation befor
the legislature , ho refused to testify uc
less outside parties , including reporter :
were excluded. He insisted that ho woul
not disclose the names of his informant
for the benefit of the accused parties , wh
might take advantage of their know )
edge and induce the witnesses to plac
themselves beyond the reach of the soi
. The committee carried
geant-at-urms. on
Mr. Rosowater's request and held the ir
vostlgation with closed doors. It is tru
that the committee afterwards did ope :
the doors and thereby make a complot
farce of the investigation just as was it
tended by the parties who had manipt
lated the committee.
Chances For Advancement.
If the question were asked. How man ;
men in Great Britain arose from th
condition in which they were born ? th
answer would probably be , not mot
than one in a thousand. The reply t
the question as to the United State
would be , 000 out of every thousand t
those born to poverty and toil , bet !
expect nnd do attain a bettered cond
tlon. A largo number accumulate prc
porty. Some make position and woaltl
Like drops'of water in the ocean th
surface is going down and these at th
bottom are coming up. The Aston
whoso grandfather carried a pack , tui
ned up their aristocratic noses at th
Vandorbilts as plebians. Gould's fin
adventure was with a moua
trap he caught golden mice. Abrahai
Lincoln was called the rail splitter ho b <
came the foremost man of all this worlt
Sweep the whole circle of those who Imv
attained places of honor and .trtu
almost without exception they bav
wrought their advance. Follow tb
course of any family of industrious habtl
two generations , and you will find thai
on the highway to fortune. "Luck" an
" peculation" may enrich ft few , but li
dustry and perseverance will always a
tftla the' desired , end. . From too'.ver
nature of tilings position must change in
this country. Yet between great wealth
nnd abject poverty , the "middle classes"
arc the happiest of heaven born creatures.
Tlioro Is Plenty of Time.
It is an easy matter for any person to
make an accusation. Ono may carelessly
charge that a man is a tiiief , and while he
maybe morally certain that ho is correct ,
it may be Impossible to obtain positive
proof to substantiate the assertion. On
the principle that nice distinctions are
troublesome , the world lives in ignorance
of men ns they actually are. The scoun
drel generally boasts of his honor. The
llbertino prates of his virtue. The liar
grimly refers to truth , and thieves and
plunderers form conspiracies to insinuate
themselves into respectability. It h sel
dom that Individuals are called before
the bar to prove assertions made in con
versation. A man's reputation is always
considered in estimating his testimony.
If ho bears a spotless character , and
is not given to uromiscuous lying ,
the story he tolls of his neighbor has
weight. If investigation shows that ' his
story is untrue , ho is excused 'by the
statement that he was misinformed or
mistaken. If ho happens to bo a man
who lies for pleasure and would rather
utter a falsehood than tell the truth ,
no attention is paid to his creations. A
newspaper stands in an entirely dilorcut (
position. From the fact that it is sup
posed to have a general circulation , the
law requires that it shall bo cautious , and
before making a charge impugning the
character of a fellow citi/.cn , it must
have what it deems , and what n jury
would deem "sufiicient evidence" to
warrant its action. The same is true of
written charges.
The recent howl set up by the corpor
ate press , regarding charges preferred
by the editor of this paper against a cer
tain committee of the legislature , suggests
thcso remarks. As is shown in Mr. Rose-
water's letter to the chairman of the in
vestigating committee , specific charges
wcro made , the witnesses named and the
committee invited to proceed with the ex
amination. Wo believe there is no ques
tion as to the guilt of the parties. But
after a plot was conceived and /oxccutcd
to change the investigation to a public
farce , to give the scoundrels a chance to
corroborate the plausible lie of their part
ners in crime , the editor of the BEE
deemed it advisable to withhold his oyi'
dence , and save the state the expense ol
the whitewashing procedure certain te
The hirelings may howl until they arc
blue in the face. The apprehended crim
inals may congratulate ono another upon
their imagined escape. But they musl
remember that this matter does not cutl
with the legislature. There is yet s
higher court. In due time and season the
case will be presented to the people ,
Such serious crimes must not bo lightlj
treated. „ _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The South and Education.
The recent action of the legislature of
Tennessee , in passing a bill increasing
the amount of the permanent fund avail
able for school purposes from $2OOO.OOC
to 15,000,000 , thereby much more than
doubling the annual contribution of the
state to public education , has iuvitcd at
tention and commendation as an exam
ple of the growing interest in the south
with respect to the education of the
masses. It will be gratifying to find the
example generally emulated. It is per
haps not to be expected that all of the
other southern slates can increase theii
contributions to public education to the
generous extent that Tennessee proposes ,
That state has been growing rapidly IE
material wealth of late years , and thi
foundations of her prosperity are strong
and substantial , assuring a steady pro
grass and accumulation of wealth. Bu
there are several other states that arc
moving vigorously along the road o :
material advancement which can safely
enlarge their educational allowances b.\
liberal additions , and all of them can dc
more than they are now doing in thi ;
It is time that the south experienced ai
awakening of interest and H quickening
of zeal on this subject. In respect to IK
other important consideration aficctiiii
their welfare have thu people of that sec
tion shown greater indifference in thi
past The consequence is a degree am
extent of illiteracy that has been thi
shame of the nation and an cspccia
stigma upon the southern people. Ten
ncssco docs not present the worst record
but in that stale , according to the censu
of 1880 , there were 21)4,375 ) of ten year
and over who could not read , am
410,723 who could not write , the tola
population being 1,003,230. Georgii
was in a much worse condition , having :
tolal of 000,000 who either could not rea <
or could not write , with a populatioi
about the same as that of Tennessee
while the record of illiteracy in the cava
lious , in Alabama , in Mississippi and ii
Virginia was not much below that o
Georgia relatively to population. Kvci
Kentucky had 153,180 persons of toi
years and over who could not read , am
! U8,3Q3 who could not write , and Louisi
ana had an equal number in a populatioi
but little more than half that of Ken
tucky. It may bo interesting to note
also , the stinted provision which some o
these states have made for public cducn
tion , as shown by the report of the com
missioner of education for 1883-84. Th
total expenditures of Georgia for th
year covered by this report amounted t
1013,647 , and of Louisiana , (400,030 , beinj
together nearly f 700,000 less than was expended
ponded m the same year by the littl
state of Connecticut , the total of whos
illiterates in 1890 was in round number
40,000 , and nearly $800,000 less than Nt
braska expended , whoso illiterates at th
date of the last national census numfecrc
only a traction over 10,000. In short , th
aggregate expenditures for public school
of all the southern states , during th
year covered by the report from whic !
thcso figures are taken , did not equal b.
nearly three million dollars the total expenditures
ponditures in the same time of the tw
states of Ohio and Illinois , and oxceedei
only by a very small amount the aggrc
gate of those of Ohio and Massachusetts
In the years that I have interviewc
since these records were made up thcr
has unquestionably been educations
progress in the south , but it has not kop
pace with the advance In other sections
but has It been entirely duo to improvei
interest on the pan of the soutt
crn people in behalf of publi
education. In very largo measure U ha
been promoted and stimulated by tb
elf-Mcnficing efforts of northern ednci
tors and tbe generosity of northern pool
eti. But the conditions ia tkla dlreotioi
as in all others , ar.o qcrtalnly growing
better In the "now south. " The material
progress of that section is begetting n
wholesome sense of 'self-reliance ' nnd
self-help which has been needed there ,
and which , if wisoiy exorcised will bo
productive of great good. It can exert
itself iu no more useful , important nnd
necessary direction than in enlarging
and improving the ( niblic school system ,
Iho corner-stone of.popular Intelligence ,
social order and public morality. Ma
terial advancement is to bo welcomed and
encouraged. The promotion of industry
nnd the accummulu'tlorf of the things that
make wealth , as mills , factories and
workshops , are worthy objects to , bo
earnestly sought nnd subserved. But
hand-iii-hand with the effort for their at
tainment thuro must bo maintained a
generous policy of popular education to
Iho end that thu intellectual and moral
requirements of society shall not suffer
in the race for material benoliU. Every
evidence that thu people of the south are
beginning to comprehend this is grati-
Ijiuicr Not Guilty.
The Latiiir trial , which has created con
siderable interest throughout the state ,
and which has been the all-absorbing
topic hi Omaha for .several days past , has
ended. The jury returned a verdict of
not guilty. The prosecution exerted
every effort to present all possible evi
dence lo prove the guilt of the prisoner ,
while the defense took advantage of
every inch of ground and made a wonderful
erful exhibit in his favor. From the fact
that Laucr in his first trial was found
guilty of manslaughter and sentenced lo
ten years in Iho penitentiary , this verdict
making him a free man and exonerat
ing him from the serious charge of mur
der will be a surprise to the citizens of
Omaha and a most happy surprise to the
Mr. Laucr , it will bo remembered , shot
his wife during lite night time , mistaking
her for a burglar. This was his claim
from first to last. Had it not been for
Mr. Lauor's jealous and cruel treatment
of his beautiful young wife , which fact
had become generally known to the pub
lic , ho never would have been placed on
trial for Ins life. His otherwise good
reputation as a citizen would have given
credit to his story at once. There would
have been no question raised' as lo his
guilt. His almost brutal treatment of
his. wife however , nearly proved a fatal
error. It assisted largely in forming thu
chain of circumstantial eyidcnco. But
now thai Mr. Laucr has been declared ,
by twelve jurymen , to bo an innocent
man , the only evidence brought against
him and which once found him guilty
points a strong moral. I
Justice \\ithoutlia\v.
The wires bring an account of a fear
ful tragedy from Hastings. A cure-all
doctor named Randall tfhdortook to pro
fessionally treat an innotcnt little girl
only clovou years old.c As the evidence
showed , Randall's wife assisted the fiend
incarnate in a hellish scheme to rape the
girl. The deed was1 accomplished. After
having remained with the scoundrel a
week or more , the outraged child es
caped lo her parents who lived in n
neighboring town.'r Telling 'r her story ,
Randall was at oncOjUiTcstcd. The trial
was in progress. The prisoner was in
the court room. When his bond was be
ing prepared some unknown man
entered the court room , placed a re
volver to Randall's head , fired and blew
out the brains of the brutal dog. The
man escaped. Mo effort will bo made to
find him. There would bo no occasion
to ascertain his whereabouts or to learn
his name , unless 'twould bo to give the
good citizens of Hastings an opportunity
to congratulate him. There are times
when law seems a mockery. This was
certainly one of the times. Hastings was
wild with excitement last night. There
was serious talk of lynching Randall's
wife. Mob law is not to bo encouraged.
Yet if the story of the little girl be true ,
Mrs. Randall should not escape severe
legal punishment.
The burning of the Richmond hotel at
Buffalo , Now York , furnishes fresh and
forcible argument in favor of requiring
telegraph and railroad companies to
place their wires under ground. Accord
ing to our dispatches , the hotel was sur
rounded and covered with such a net
work of wires that the work of the fire
men was seriously impeded and delayed ,
and at points about the building it was
found impossible to locate ladders. A
score of lives were lost , and more than
double that number of people wore mart
or less injured. It cannot bo doubted
that could the work of the fire depart
ment have been carried on without the
interference noted , the calamitous result.
of'this coullagrulion might have boon
largely or wholly prevented. There art
buildings in Omaha literally wcbbed-ir
with telegraph and telephone wires ,
which. If Ihoy look lire , would bo as dif
ficult of access as was the Buffalo hotel ,
Would it not be well for us to profit by the
bitler lesson lhat comes from Buffalo
and take timely steps lo avoid a similai
danger and possible calamity ? The
lesson , if exceptional in its severity , h
not a new one , but as with some others
Ihoso who have charge of the people's In
lerests have been slow lo heed it.
THE editor of the Lincoln Journn
writes his copy with 'a ' type-writer. Ai
is known , after a line is almost finished
on ono of these machine , a boll rings
Generally it is to warn the operator thai
the line is completed. In the case o !
Editor Gere the little boll seems to say
' Chestnuts , chestnuts ! " specially whor
ho writes of his circulation.
the world knows how old Kiuf
George HI. fancied ' 'hinjsolf to bo at
eight-day clock , ana iu thp corner of hi !
darkened room tlckediaway Iho rcmnanl
of a miserable life. And all Nebraska
will remember how Ooloriol Colby imag
mod himself a statesman , and on the llooi
of the senate brayed away sixly days o :
the people's time.
IT is sold that when Russell was elected
commander of the G. A. R. , the imraorla
Church Howe throw his hat to the celling
of the room and fairly screamed with do
light. Church Howe is a fit companiot
for a man of Russell's calibre.
Mr. Blalne'a Vneaalnesa. * irorld.
A friend of Mr. Blalne says that the * reiv
Maine statesman is In nagnlficent beaUt
save an occasional twinge otthe ( out aad thi
coMcleoce. It U tbe presidential Itch
tfcoucb , that came * htei the fretteet use * * !
A NEW anti-fat medicine company lias of-
orcd Sara Bcrnhardt a handsome sum for a
TrrK beautiful atlase , "lot the man without
In heave the first boulder , " receives but lit-
lo consideration these times ,
Miss KATF. Fir.t.n says "women are like
hcep. " Charming Kate may bo correct , yet
vc fall to remember of ever seeing a sheep
how gum all day.
THAT patriotic air , "Yankee Doodle" used
o cause the lircs of patriotism to glow and
nirn , but In those more degenerate days It
seems thai Iho Yankee's boodlu works up Iho
same feeling.
AK KASTP.nx paper says "Miss Susan B.
Vnthony Is hutHlui ; a delusion. " It li Im-
mllto for anyone to ciltlclso n woman of
Miss Anthony's age. She certainly has a
rltfht to hug something.
TIIK. report comes in of nn Ohio man , who ,
whenever ho niado an enemy sought revenge
by drinking htm lo dcntl ) . It ! s hardly pos
sible thai hatred could bo coupled with such
a beautiful plan of annihilation.
A S.V.VKK measuring 437 foot , with eyes like
.wo eight dynamo electric plants and a three
months' gas bill , was recently seen In the
neighborhood of Springfield , Mo. It was
construrlcd In Iho lalest Queen Anne style ,
having brass tipped llghtn I nc rods every hun
dred feet down Its .spinal column. Thirteen
men and seven traluud dogs started in pur
suit. Just as wo are colng to press all tlio
: logs have been devoured by Iho serpent , as
liava also six of the men the last man sit
ting on the point of tlio second lightning rod
wildly and madly waving a signal of dis
tress. Six women are In pursuit. The above
Is the style and Manner In which snake sto
ries will appear this season.
SrniN'o , sweet , balmy soring Is hero. It
came in Iho darkness of a dry this week , and
will continue three months toward eternity.
It Is a time when the blids sing , the sun
shines , and nature buds In her grandest
glory and the air is lilted with the sweet odor
of vernal bloom. It is a time for fasting and
lor prayer. It Is the time when the good
wife , with an oaeerness and strength resem
bling only a cyclone , throws everything In
Iho house In a pile of disturbed grandeur ,
and scrubs , and sweeps , and papers , and
scours , nnd plans for Iho next housecleaning
ing time along In Iho fall. Tlio husband
grows weary and sick at heart. Ho yearns
to veto some of the bills this renovation In
volves , but the determined woman says it
must not be. The celling must be decorated.
The bouse must bo newly painted. The
window broken by the white-haired , laughIng -
Ing boy In playing a game of "boot-jack low"
with his little sister must be replaced , while
the friendly bolster that through the long
winter months kept out the erstwhile Inquis
itive winter's wind Is laid back for a similar
contingency and marked "future reference. "
As the wife proudly orders the servants
around , and the husband comes to his dinner
nnd finds the table empty and upside down
in the back yard , ho murmurs only to him
self and depatts In silence. The hired girl
Is In the back yard , too , administering cold
death to the tickle bedbug , and the scene Is
ono oi grandeur , but not ot joy. In his day
dreams proud man may live In an ideal
world and fondly Imagine lhat he is master
of many , but cruel realization robs from him
the glory , and for at least three days in this
sweet uprlngtlme the good wife reigns su
In Oregon the stale election occurs In
June , and an amendment Is to be submitted
changing the time to November.
Only seven members of the Ithodo Island
house of representatives voted against the
submission of a woman suffrage amendment.
Senator CuIIom thinks the recent session
of conercss was ono of the most Important
ever held. As prool ho points to the passage
of the Interstate commerce bill.
Ex-Senator John I. Mitchell of Pennsyl
vania retires lo private law practice at
Wcllsboro after more than fourteen years
continuous service In public life.
Senator Henry B. Payne regrets that ho
cannot explain what the letter B stands for
In his name. There Is a general Impression
In Ohio that it stands for "Boodle. "
President Cleveland has given 3100 for the
Hendrlcks monument fund. This action
will perhaps be regarded In some quarters as
evidence and guarantee of democratic good
Sackett , Iho newly appointed postmaster
at Butfalo , Is an undertaker. . One of the
Buffalo democrats who opposed him told the
president that his appointment would unite
the paHy in death.
Ex-Governor Smllh , of Virginia , obtained
the sobriquet , "Extra Billy Smith , " by a de
mand he made on the government for extra
compensation for carrying the malls from
Washington to Mllledgevllle , Go.
"Andrew Jackson could not have done bet
ter lhan tlmt"lstho exclamation of the demo
cratic Charleston News and Courier aftei
polnttne lo the statement that Cleveland has
given the democrats 50,000 ofllces In two
Ex-Governor Iloadly announces lhat ho has
gone to New York solely to practice law , and
that ho is "done with politics forever. " This ,
notwithstanding the fact that his peculiar
brand of politics Is in such high favor at the
Colonel Piano was the name of the Italian
rflmmandor recently captured In Abyssinia.
The Abysslnians scorn to have played Plane
for a flat Let us see whether he will have
charms sufiicient to soothe the savage .breast.
Thomas M. Gruollo Is the very appropriate
name of the chairman of the executive com
mittee of the new mlstit party lately born at
Cincinnati. The olliclal pap of the infant Is
likely to bo very thin for several years.
Mr. Gobble Is mayor of Muscatlne. Ho Is
by no means the only member of that family
who occupies a similar position , though the
others do not hang out their sign. .
John Buzzard Is an applicant for the otllco
ot pension agent at Knoxvllle , formerly hold
by Governor Taylor. Mr. Buzzard's propel
place would seem to be In the northwest.
Something Decidedly Queer.
St. Louit HctnMtcan ,
It would bo queer if Nova Scotia was
admitted into the union before Dakota.
Humbert's Mistake.
Dttiott Free Prwt.
King Humbert of Italy has knighted Mr ,
George M. Pullman , of car-bulldlne fame. II
tlio king had known a little more about relative
tivo rank and supremacy In the sleopmg-cai
business ho would have knighted all the porters
ters Instead of Mr. Pullman.
Prohibition la Doing for IOWA.
Chicago Tribune.
A treat deal of elder Is now sold In Iowa ,
A barrel ot the kind most popular over there
was subjected to analysis a short time age
and was found lo contain more alcohol than
elder. Yet some people- Insist thai prohibi
tion has done nothing for Iowa.
Good Advice.
Lincoln Democrat ,
In view of tbe laudation ot Colonel II. C ,
Russell , a distinguished member ot the pres
ent legislature , by our very hlelily esteemed
contemporary , the Omaha Uepubllctn , we
venture to sugxect , purely out of friendly re-
KMdtnilt recall aad dwell upon the nuU
and unhappy sundering of the tins that erst
wutid It to Major Church Ho wo. Censure
with mildness ; applaud In moderation ; be
not wholly committed to atijlit or any.
Kind the Flaw * Plrst.
, tViffcii/o llcmlil ,
After a railroad bridge Im fallen under a
train of cars It la comparatively an easy
matter for the engineers of the corporation
to pick out the faulty truss or stringer. A
much moro satisfactory way nil around
would bo for them to locate those crackr and
Haws In advance of Iho train ,
Count nml N'imccouiit.
Chleaon Iteralil ,
Nilsson has been married at last to a count
Nothing Is said about him , but If ho Is like
most of the counts the countess will be likely
to make a few farewell tours of America before -
fore she settles down. The average tlckol -
seller al a Chicago Ihcalro handles moro
money In a week than the average European
count ever saw.
A Serious Mistake.
Lincoln Ttemnvrat ,
The Omaha Republican makesiserlo : mis
take In morals at toast when It spanks of
Marian as "a tool In the speaker's chair , "
and of the special committee lo Investigate
Hosewater's charges acalnsl Iho judiciary
committee as a "malformation. " It Is com
posed of square and honest men In the main ,
Most of Its members are first-class man ,
whoso honesty In person and- purpose can be
Impeached , in no direction. The man or
men who attempt to Impugn In advance the
motive and character of such a cnmmittco
simply plead guilty , and that Is all there is
about It.
Thy Mother.
Kate lloatn in Svrlnafldd lifeiiiiltcan.
Lead thy mother tenderly
Down life's steep decline ;
Once her arm was thy support ,
Now she loans on thine.
Sen upon her loving face
Those deep lines of care ;
Think It was her toll tor thco
Left thai record there.
Ne'er forget her llreless watch
Kept by day and night.
Taking fiom her step thu grace ,
From her eyes the light :
Chcorish well her faithful heart ,
Which through weary years ,
Echoed with Its sympathy
All thy smiles and tears.
Thank God for thy mother's love ,
Guard the priceless boon ;
For the bitter parting hour
Cometh all ton soon.
When thy grateful tenderness
Loses power lo save ,
Earth will hold no dearer spot
Than thy mother's grave.
"ATKISS LAWBKXCK , who was hurriedly
called here lo lake a leading part In 'Zltka'
last week , Is no ordinary actor , " remarked a
gentleman last evening. "Besides tiding an
artist of the first rank he is also a gentleman
of rare excellence of character. He looks
now like Lester Wallack In his palmiest davs
before time and Ihe gout gave Iholr heavy
Paris to New York'.s favorite actor. I have
had the pleasure of seeing Atkins Lawrence
many times , but when he was with Mary
Anderson In 1S79 an event occurred which
will always make his acquaintance marked to
mo. At that time John W. Norton was
Miss | Anderson's leading support. Iloi
manager was Sylvester lllckey , at onn time
lessee of the Syracuse , N. Y.opera house. He
was 'dead In love , ' as the boys say , with Mary ,
'In her shadow. ' The
and was always re
doubtable Dr. Ham Grltlln , Mary's step
father , didn't seem to care whether Uickey's
attentions wcro favorably received or not.
Mrs. Griffin , however , was very perturbed
over the matter. HIckey was a Catholic and
Mary a devout member of that church , and
he was undoubtedly doing the best ho could
to have religion hold a potent sway In his
domain of Cupid. Just before the troupe ap
peared in Cincinnati , In the year
named , and while Hlckey's attention
to the star was tlio talk of
all the members , Atkins Lawrence
said to me 'there will bo trouble come out of
this Infatuation and you toke my word for il.
There Is a woman following Mickey and I
shouldn't wonder a bit but she will kill him
and perhaps Miss Anderson. She Is Mick
ey's mistress and has noticed his infatuation
for our great tragedienne. 1 have scon her
several times following us up from city to
otty and she lit one of those piercing , black-
eyed women thut mean death every time
when they are crossed. I have watched for
her to-night , but strange to say she has not
put In an appearance. '
* *
"Sho did though. The train had
hardly left for the west with the
Anderson party on board bound
for Cincinnati , when a closely veiled
woman rushed Into Ihe depot. The answer
lo her inquiries lhat the train had gone com
pletely prostrated her. 'Never mind , I will
get him yet When does Iho next train leave
for Cincinnati ? ' On being told she returned
to a hotel. She did 'got him' and Atkins
Lawrence's forebodings became realistic.
* *
'Two days afterwards Mickey was called
to the parlors of the Burnett house by a
woman. A few words passed , a pistol shot
laid him out In what was thought to bo fa
tality , and another killed Florence Percy , the
woman In black. It seems she had
been his mistress and the atten
tion to Mary Anderson had maddened her.
She hunted him down and when she received
no satisfaction she attempted to kill him and
thinking she had succeeded took her own
life. .
# *
"It Is unnecessary to say the excitement In
Cincinnati was at fever heat that night.
Mary Anderson could not play. She wus
overcome by the occurrence although far re
moved In every way from the scandal. In
fact the news was suppressed on the Western
Union wire. * , but the country received It
through other lines and the tragedy was the
talk of the day. Dr. Ham GrllUn swore
more than ho over did before ,
which Is putting It strong. Lit
tle Mrs. Grlflln , Mary's mother ,
had sixty hysterics a minute , with a hun
dred 'I tolu you so doctor , ' a second , and
the star tragedienne of tlio mimic stage had
a regular and real play ot blood , to tlilnk of
in tier homo affairs. Mickey laid at the point
of dealh for a long time. Ho was , of course ,
dismissed from the management of the party.
Dr. Griffin assumed lhat responsibility him
self , which ho has retained over since ; and
they do say that Mary Anderson's first and
only lovo-llght wonl out with Mickey's dis
grace. Tbe poor MaKdoleno was burled with
little ceremony , and that tragedy has passed
from memory , except with these who , like
Atkins Lawrence , have occasion to recall It
by meeting old friends. Mo was the lirst
ono except a boll boy on the scone. The
woman In black died iu his arms. Sylvester
HIckey. who had a 'leading' chance to bo
Mary Anderson's husband , was carried by
Lawrence In a supposable dying condition
from the Burnett parlors. "
TIIKHE are several legends as to how this
city was given Iho name of "Omaha. " By
some of Ibo old-timers It Is claimed that the
name was suggested by JHSSO Lowe.
"Omaha" was the name ot a tribe of Indians
in the Immediate vicinity. The meaning of
the name , It Is claimed , U "above tbe
water. " The tradition Is that two tribes of
lndl ns had , a great many years ago , met on
the Missouri river , and had engaged in a
hostile encounter , In which all on one side
were killed but one , who had been thrown
Into the river. Klalng suddenly from what
WMthoucntto bo a watery grave , .he lifted
bU bead above tbe surface , and pro
nounced the word "Omahfi , " which had
never been heard before. These who hoard
It adopted It as the name ot their tribe
Another story Is that the town was named
after a white man who was an Indian doctor ,
and who took the name of Omaha from the
trlbo of Indians of lhat name , Mr. James
C. Savory , who In early days was a promin
ent citizen of Iowa , and built the Savory
house at DCS Molnos , tells an Interesting
story In connection with the naming ot thin
city. Mr. Savory , who Is now a resident of
Montana , while on his way cast recently ,
said to a member of the lir. ) : staff : "Colonel
James Itedlleld , of Albany , was really tlio
projector of Omaha. Mo and eleven others
went Into the Council Bluffs & Omaha
Ferry company , each putting In SI90. Colonel
Uediiold boriovml his J400 and
got mo to endorse for him. The com
pany then plutted the town. When Ked-
Hold's note came due ho couldn't pay U , and
liolhenoflerrUmo his share of the town-
site , but I declined to accept It. There was
a white crank with long hair who claimed to
bo an Indian doctor , and wont by the name
of Omaha. Oiionlfhtal Ihe 1'acllle house , In
Council lllulls , while Iho lownslto men were
on a drunk , It was agreed to call the new
town Omaha after this crank Indian doctor.
That's how Onmlia got her name. In duo
time Colonel Itedlleld sold his Interest at
cost. Mo was a colonel In the union army of
the war of the rebellion and was killed ou
the Held of batlle. "
A noon story Is told of an Omalm doctor.
Some ycais ago he became engaged in a light
with auothei man , whom ho llnally knocked
down with a heavy china pltclmr. The man
received an ugly scalp wound , which the
doctor sowed up. Ono would naturally sup
pose thai the victim would not have been
called unon to pay for the surgical attend
ance , but It Is a fact that the doctor presented
a bill for SCO , and what l.s moro he cot the
money. Theio's nothing like having an eye
to business.
It In Constantly IHIIR | | nml I-'alllnc
and has Mttlo Stability to lloaat of.
The notion that the ground is natur
ally steadfast is an error an error wf-ieii
arises from thu incapacity of our sones to
appreciate any but the most palpable ,
and , al the same time , most exceptional
of its movements. Bays Professor N. S.
Shaler in Suribnors Magazine. The idea
of lerra lirma belongs with the ancient
belief that the earth was the center of the
universe. 11 is indeed , by Iholr mobilily
lhat the continent survive the unceas
ing assaults of the ocean waves and tlio
continuous down-wearing which the
rivers and glaciers bring about.
Were it not that the continents prow
upward , from ago to age , at a rate which
comnonsalcs for ihetr erosion , Ihcro
would bo no lands lit fora theatre ot life ;
if Ihey hi'.J grown lee slowly limit
natural enemies , Iho waves and rain ,
would have kept thorn lo thu ocean level ;
if too tast , Ihoy would lifl new surfaces
into the regions of eternal cold. As il in.
the Incessant growth has been so well
measured to the needs thut for a
100,000,000 years , moro or less , Iho lands
have afforded Iho stage for prosperous
life. This upward growth , when meas
ured in terms 'of human experience ; it
probably docs not exceed , on the aver
age , ono foot in three or four thousand
years. The rate varies in times and
places. Under varying conditions , as
when a glacial sheet is imposed on the
continent- it was , in tlio immediate
past , on the northern part of North
America a wide area of the ico-hiUen
land sank beneath thu sea , to recover its
level when the depressing burden was
removed. Still the tcnlunc.v of the con
tinents is to elevation , and even the tem
porary sinking of one portion of their
area is probably , in all cases , compen A
sated by uplifts on another part by
which now realms are won from thu sea.
\ Mule Talk with the Moon.
Hartford Times : It is singular why
pcoplu who are usually kind ana sensi
ble should become angry at honest dif
ferences of opinion when under mutual
discussion. Emerson once said that bo
"never allowed himself to outer into a
controversy with anybody. " But Emer
son , unlike ordinary people , could rest
serenely on his intention , having an out
let for his ideas m his books , behind
which ho could tire Ins unorthodox bul-
lels.hitling orthodox , unretaliating world
thut seldom came m personal contact
with him.
And if all persons made up their minds
never 19 argue , society would come lo a
In meeting with violent opposition my
self , I always wish to think of the moon ,
or rather one particular conversation it
once held with mo , though I am sum to
forgot it whan excited and angry , which
is a sorrow and mortification afterward ,
since it took BO much trouble to teach mo
bettor. It happened in this wav. I never
knew much about tholaws of astronomy ,
gravitation and attraction , but gazing
fully at an unusually luminous moon one
summer evening , it suddenly Hashed a
double Hood of light through ray con
sciousness , and in a mostsocial , confiden
tial , but unexpected way , said : "You
see 1 am held hero in spueo in spile of
myself , by opposite forces pulling both
ways at once. "
Is thai Iho reason you don'l fall
down ? " I exclaimed in delighted aston
ishment. " 1 have often wondered why
you didn't , especially into the arms of
your faithful lover , the sea. "
"Yes , " relleclcd the moon , "tho sea
possesses a mysterious attraction for nm
and yet there are higher powers that
draw mo away and keep me safely bal
anced between them all , whore , unless
some of them give way , which Is improb
able , I am likely to remain here for Home
time to como to come to make your funny
little world as pleasant as I possibly
can. "
Thif ) was quite n long speech for the
moon , and after fully recovering from iu
ollbets 1 timidly ventured , " 1 long to sco
your other dido. 1 know you have ait-
other one , because I have seen just thu
very beginning of it through a big tele
phone in Washington. "
"True , and I have often noticed thai
Iclcscopo and many olhura pointed at
mo , " bho proudly laughed , mischievously
added : "They don't know mo yet. I
have another side , and " but a.s if re
called to iiboiuio of her dignity and myu-
story , she drew a lleccy veil of-silvory
cloud over her brilliant , mocking fuco ,
and shut out all further revolutions.
But shu lias given niu a needful lesson .
for which 1 was truly grateful. After
ward I went to somebody who know , and
ho suid it was really so ; that the moon
hud told mu falsely of the sublime way iu
which shu holds her place in Ihe heavens.
11 is the B.UUO with hu man beings.
Their dilTorcnt opinions are the world's
great spiritual forces , pulling in extreme
and oppoaitu directions lo keep il moving
sa fely balanced and free from Iho stag-
nalion lhat would end it if everybody
Ihoughl alike. This is not saying that
people cannot chungu their opinions.
As thai is constantly happening
in many dlflorcnl directions it keeps thu
balaucu even in the spiral circles of pro
gressive thought evolution. And as the
moon repeals every lime she sheds her
light upon this partly enlightened little
planet. "What is the use of netting
angry at the wise and natural law that
keeps us whore we all belong ? "
A recent visitor to UieMamraoth cave looked
up at the Hides ot the great dome and asked
the guide what thejaiico black spot * were. For
answer lie wont lo thu nearesl and tenderly
took down a small bat. There were millions
of them , all hanging by the feet , heads aown
and In a comatose condition. Ihey spend
the winter hanging up here , and appear to
prefer , as did the slngeis of the declaration ,
"to hanit together , " rather than "hang separ
ately. " Althouirhin * state of coma Ihty
know enouen when put pack In , position ut
"catch on. "