Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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How tbo Old President Attempted to Stop
a Big Parade.
Though A Democrat the New Yorker
Htntuls IJJT the Union Adam
Uadnnit'N Intcrcntlng
YOIIK , March 18 , 1897. [ Corro.
Bpondonco of tlio BIK. : ] Daniel E-
Sickles was a member of congress , and
of the democratic party young , but al
ready prominent , extremely intimate
with President Buchanan , nnd holding
social and political relations with Ids
cabinet , nnd with most of the prominent
southerners , men and women , who at that
time controlled the politics of the capital.
Ho was at the core of that brilliant ,
intriguing , and really aristocratic society
which governed congress and had gov
erned the nation for at least a quarter of
a century. I vyis in \ \ nshington a year
or two before the war , and saw much of
Sickles. 1 breakfasted and dined at his
house , and was introduced by him to
' < * many of the people of distinction of that
day. I well remember the intellectual
conversation at his table , the powerttil
circle of statesmen nnd
among whom he lived. My own sympa
thies were entirely in accord witli his , in
favor of the south , and opposed to aboli
tion , nnd I can vouch for hi.s influence
with tlui representatives of slavery in
the old ante-bellum days.
He had been a secretary of legation at
London when Buchanan was minister
there , and had preserved an intimacy of
n peculiar character with his former
chief. The president stood godfather
to Sickle's childand Sickles went in and
out of the executive mansion with a facil
ity and a freedom allowed to no other
but an inmate. Cabinet ministers went
to him to got favors from the head of iho
state , and the clever women of tiie south ,
who know t > o well how to dispense their
courtesies to the best advantage , were
lavish of invitations nnd compliments to
the favorite of the president.
Yet against all these inducements and
blandishments , Sickles was firm when
the time came in the stand ho took for
the union. Neither the overshadowing
authority of the executive , nor all the
wiles and charms of social and feminine
cajolery could seduce him from his patri
otic integrity. Ho was willing to do
almost anything that the southerners
asked within the union , but he always
declared ho would bo their enemy if they
left the union. As the crisis came nearer ,
and state after state seceded after the
election of Lincoln , ho remained at his
post and showed his colors.
was less derelict to the country than lias
been supposed. Weak nnd vacillating
doubtless , and with principles and senti
ments that led him to a course which did
much to encourage the south and precip
itate war , ho nevertheless did not intend
wrong. Ho was not n traitor , though his
acts hurried on treason. The man who
called Dix and Stanton nnd Holt into his
cabinet after the trouble came can hardly
have intended harm to the union. Dur
ing the weeks immediately preceding the
inauguration of Lincoln thu president au
thorized the assembling of a largo mili
tary force in nnd around Washington , so
that ho might hand over the government
loyally to his successor , and enable Lin
coln to enter upon his duties with secur
ity nnd dignity. The number of regular
troops collected in the vicinity of the
capital was greater than had
been in Washington since the war of
: 1813. This was arranged , of course , with
\ the counsel of the cabinet , and of Scott ,
[ then genoral-in-chicf , and at the sugges
tion of Scott a pnrado was ordered for
the 22nd of February , in celebration of
. Washington's birthday. It was thought
that this display of force would have a
benolicial effect upon wavering minds
who would soo. that the government was
at least able to protect itself. When the
announcement of the parade was made ,
people from Alexandria , Baltimore ami
oven from Harrisburg and Philadelphia
prepared to witness it , and on the day
appointed the streets were crowded with
throngs , 20,000 or 80OCi at least in num
On thb 22d Sickles was witli Mrs. Stanton -
ton and other cabinet ladies on the stops
of the treasury building , waiting for the
procession to appear , when Jno. C. Ken-
' ncdy , superintendent of thu census , approached
preached the party and announced that
; Sickles know the effect that this would
- have , not only on the expectant crowds
1 im the streets but on the country at large ,
mnd ho at once loft the ladles to inform
t Mr. Stanton , the attorney general , of the
the news. Stanton's otlico was in. the
'f ' treasury building at that time , nnd ho
I was soon to bo found. He had heard
. nothing of the change in the arrangements -
. . ments , but agreed with Sickles that the
- step was injudicious in the extreme. The
two went at lirst to confer with General
Dix , the secretary of the treasury , who
proved equally ignorant of the counter-
u Biand. Both hf and Stanton thought it
s was the work of Jeremiah Black , the
r-Hecrotary of state , whoso sympathies
5 with the south were known. The cabinet
[ , ' ministers agreed to go at once to thu
state department and ascertain the facts ,
and then proceed to the president to pro-
i test against the change ; but Sickles , as
; the intimate and eontiduntial friend of
Buchanan , was desired to approach him
lu advance , and prepare the way.
Sickles wont immediately to the white
house , but the president was not there :
He had gene to the ollico of Mr. Holt ,
the secretary of war. Holt was from n
border state , nnd was therefore suspected
' of a loaning to thu friends of secession.
, - So Sickles thought to himself ; "It is Holt
' who has brought about the change. " Hey
, y walked across , .the cxeuutivo grounds to
" the old woodth , building then occupied
i , by the war department. But the prcsi-
} „ dent was closotqd.'with ' the secretary of
v war : the doors'wero locked nnd orders
3" had been given that no one whatever
r ihould bo admitted. Sickles , however ,
was young and enthusiastic , and know
; Most certainly , on what grounds ho
* stood with the president , lie presumed
I perhaps * but it was in a good cause.
> ' Besides , the times were revolutionary -
# tionary , nnd no one was suru
' < * what might occur next. So ho stalked
Hp nnd down in the ante chamber , and
exclaimed in a purposely loud tone :
"There must be some one hero with au
thority to toll the president that 1 have
important news , I must see him at once.
Will no one let me see thu prcsidentt"
„ Thib hud the effect desired ; the door
ri was opened and Mr. Buchanan himself
6 teed at the entrance. "Sickles , " ha
* du , "what do you want ? Why do you
wake this noise ? Come in nnd tell mo
what you have to say. " Sickles went in
, . Bad found no ono with the president but
$ Nolt , seated in an arm chair , looking
4rk and sullen , bin head bent , his hands
\ clacped the very incarnation of plots and
' .treason. It was plum who had occas
loneU the countermand.
Sickles began at once , ranting in
' declaiming against the countermandtell-
* MKof the crowds of people in thu streets ,
, Mm thousands who had como in from the
( Migkboriutf towPSjUio uproar that would
bo created , the tumult oven , if It was an-
Jioiinced that United Slates troops Were
not permitted to parade In ! the capital of
the country , ontho anniversary of Wash
ington's birthda.T. "Who can have ad
vised this craven courso"wlie > "oxclaimcd.
Holt sal perfectly still , morose and black ,
nnd uttered not a wordbut the president ,
with cimractlstic weakness , was appar
ently convinced. Ho admitted that it
would bo better to revoke the counter
mand ; and linally turned to Holt and
said : "Mr. Secretary ; I think you may
direct ( ! cnural Scott to make the order of
revocation. " HoU at oncn arose : "I
will convey the order myself , Mr. Pres
ident , " ho replied , and left the room.
When Buchanan was alone witli his
favorite , he turned to Sickles and said
with quite a chuckle , "Well young man ,
you suppose you have been berating Mr ,
Holt for his action , and you pretended to
whip him over my shoulders. But
"i AM THE < it.'ii.Tv ONI : . "
"I insisted on this order , and Mr. Holt
was protesting against it when you came
in. He was quite as urgent as you , and
you have only seconded him. Kx-Pres-
Idunt Tyler , the president of thn peucn
congress , had waited on mo at the head
of a committee , to represent that the
show of force would have a bad oiled
upon the dnliborations of the members
from the border statesami at Ids instance
I had directed the countermand of the
parade. " Sickles was abashed , for it
would have been presumption to address
the president as ha had done , unless with
the pretense of declaiming against
another ; and lie regretted his in
justice to Holt. But the president was
amused at thu situation and forgave his
protege ; just then Holt returned , and
in thu presence of Sickles , Buchanan
told the story. The young member of
congress was moro embarrassed than
ever ; but Holt came up to him and ex
tended both hands : "Young man , " said
lie they had never met before ; "Young
man , I thank you with all my heart.
When you were admitted it is true the
president had determined on this coun
termand , and I had just informed him
that if he persisted , my resignation was
at his disposal. "
The giving to the rampant young
congressman the news that Stantou
and Dix wore behind him , allected the
vaciluting , but perhaps well-meaning
president , and the parade went on.
of the the inllneuco of Sickles with Bu
chanan is worth reciting. After Lincoln
arrived in Washington in diguiso a few
days before his inauguration , ho was
taken to by Seward who it was
known was to bo his secretary of state.
When the historic pair entered the hall
of the house of representatives the re-
publicp.n members of course went up and
were presented to the president elect ,
who had been personally known to very
few of them. But no southerner or
northern democrat approached them.
Sickles was a junior member and did not
feel entitled to lead in any move
ment of this sort , but when ho noticed
that no moro important person of his
party stirred , ho turned to ri. S. Cox , who
sat near him , "It is proper to pay our re
spects to the president elect , " he said ;
"Will you go up witli mo ? No one else
on our side leatisJJ Uox consented , and
the two wont fonvard and Seward pro-
sensed them to Lincoln. Then a num
ber of other democrats followed their ex
The incident made Scward feel kindly
oward Sickles , and ho asked the mum-
) er from Now York to call at his house ;
10 had something to say to him. The
same night Sickles paid the visit , and
seward then read him several passages
already prepared. The tone of that doc-
intent was much njore moderate than
vas expected , as those who know those
imes will rcniombor ; it promised no in-
crferenco with slavery , ! ! the southerners
remained in the union or returned to it ,
md was universally pronounced pacific-
itory and statesmanlike instead of war-
ike or exasperating. Sickles was struck
vith its character , and asked if ho might
nforni the president of what he had
earned. "I thought you would bo up to
something like that , " said Seward , and
10 did not prohibit the repetition. Of
course , upon leaving the house , Sickles
wont direct to the president with his
lews. But Buchanan at lirst pooh-
poohed him : "Do you believe that I/m
; oln will say anything like that ? Seward
iias been making game of you. "
But Sickles then told the president of
ho peculiar .terms on which ho stood
with Soward. The Now York senator
was at that time virtually ostracised in
democratic society which was tiie princi
pal society of Washington. No southern
persons invited him to their homes and
when some of his constituents had asked
liim for invitations to a ball nt Mrs.
Slidol's or Mrs. Gwin's or at tno house
of semo other important southerner ,
Scward had told Sickles of his em bar
rassmont. The democratic member was
intimate at these very houses because ot
his politics and iiis place in the presi
dent's favor as 'well as his own graces ,
nnd ho instantly offered to procure
the invitations. Seward nt first accepted
the favors , but then declined them ; for
lie said ho could not obtain invitations
[ or ono and not for another ; nnd ho would
bo obliged to explain his disagreeable so
cial position. But Sickles ottered in any
case when he was sufllciently intimate to
continue his applications ; and Seward of
course was especially obliged. Sickles
told this to the president , who agreed
with him that after such relations it
would bo impossible for Seward to make
a dupe of Sickles for any political pur
pose. "But , " asked Buchanan , "did ho
know that you would toll mo ? " Then
Sickles recounted the adroit reply of So-
wurd to his own inquiry , and Buchanan
came to the conclusion that the message
was in reality meant for himself. It was
a contrivance to.let him know that the
tone of Lincoln's inaugural was to be
much moro moderate tnun violent parti
sans on cither side expected or desired.
Ho said at once : "This is dill'erent from
what I supposed. It is wise and patriotic ;
I will go to the inauguration which I had
not intended to do. " Ho kept his word.
There were rumors and threats and possi
bilities of
and to any ono who stood near him when
ho was inaugurated ; but Buchanan accom
panied him to thu capital , and stood by
his side while the inaugural speech was
delivered ; and when Lincoln repeated
the passages that Sickles had disclosed ,
the retiring president looked around with
his cross oyii at his young friend tnd
pressed his hand. "Thank Goa , " ho
said ; "that means peace. "
A Curious Lawsuit.
/Iho famous Blue Grotto of Capri has
given riMi to ono of the most curious law
suits which have over boon hoard of.
Some years ago an American became
possessor of that part of Capri under
which the Blue Grotto is situated , and
the owner assorts now that ns the sur
face of thu ground belongs to him , hois
also the owner of everything below it ,
which in this case happens to bo the
grotto , which , however , at present is the
possession of the little town of Capri , the
administration of which had not thu
slightest inclination of giving up what is
its own to the Yankee. The latter , on
being informed of this , lias begun a law
suit , the consequences of which , whether
ho wins or losses thq case , may bo very
serious. In the former case ho may per
manently injure the grotto by making
a hole through its coiling , by .which thu
marvellous relk'ctions in the interior will
bo lostforuvcr. If hu wins it , the chances
are that ho will close it to the public.
Miss Madeleine Lemairo is winning un
bounded praise for her admirable paint
ing of still life. As a fruit and flower
artist shy is pronounced
Women \7ho Do Not Lika Moustaches on
Their own Lips ,
Thespians lu I/cntcii ITIinc Colil
AHKtiiiiinn Conclimeii Lnlior News
papers mill IjllirnrlcH Fifth
Avenue In llnln.
NEW YOKK , March 11) ) . [ Correspond
ence of the BIIK. ] Bishop Potter is ono
of the most dignified of Episcopalians
and is socially potent besides , for he was
rector of G race uhuruh f or fifteen years be
fore succeeding his unnlolii the bishopric ,
but his self-poise mnit Imvo been nearly
destroyed lor an instant by the celestas-
leal question suddenly put before him
his week.
"We Imvo called to ask you , Bishop. "
said ono ot the four fair daughters of
wealth , "whether it is right for a woman
with ft suggestion of a moustache on her
Up such as dark brunettes are liable tote
to have it removed. "
Brother Potter gravely decided Unit
nature might be thus thwarted , and
beauty intensified , but lie at the same
time cautioned the ( inquirers against thy
sin of vanity. The maidens were serioup
enough about it , and why slioul In't he ,
as ho did , tijcat the subject in nil sober
The stories told of artificial improve
ment iti faces are often lies , and of
course no great amount of painting and
powdering can bo done deceptively , but
it is a positive fact that science lias ap-
ulied itself to the removal of hair from
feminine faces. No less an authority than
Dr. Slirady , who was one of ( { rant's
physicians , put me in the way of gratify
ing my curiosity. He said thai , O yes ,
women had their moustaches destroyed
by electricity ; that an illustration of tlieJ
process was to bo given within a. ftnr
days before a class at the Women's college -
lego and that , if I desired , I might ] for
that occasion become a student. I wont.
The class had scats in a small amphi
which resembled a barber's chair sug
gestively. The demonstrator was an ex
pert in electricity. Ho lirst brought in a
battery , attached to which were wires ,
ono etuliuE in a needle and the other in a
handle. Then ho introduced a girl. She
was French and could not .spuuk
much English. I presume he
had hired her for the purpose ,
though she might well desire to .submit
to the ordeal , lor on her upper lip was n
decidedly tin pretty growtli of hair. She
was a , nice looking creature , with
olive skin and piquant features. The
operator placed the handle of the machine -
chine in one of her bauds anil told her to
grip it steadily. That was to keep up a
current through her whenever ho touched
her with the needle. He tixcd a magnify
ing glass in his ego , bent over her as she
lay back in the chair , stuck tlic needle
along down ihe course of a single hair
toils root. "Oucli-h-h ! " exclaimed the
girl. But she thought that she could
stand it that the hurt was not much ;
ind so ho went on gently stabbing the
lairs , the electricity each time removing
ono of the hirsute offenses. Fifty were
.bus done away with. The man ex
plained that they could never grow again ,
jut that the process must bo careful ,
n order not to make tin } ' scars.
The mention of beauty reminds ono
naturally of Mrs. Langtry , whose highest
charm is her perfect skin unblemished ,
md there is social news in her , to the ef
fect that she lias chosen a man to murrv
or has let one ciioose her. Fred ( Job-
hard has been jilted , and Arthur Dascnt
is the new favorite. Ho is a tall , dark ,
; ood-looking follow , who came to town
iiwhilo ago from the south , lie is some-
Jiing of u literary character , , and intended -
tended to go into journalism here. He
liad been hero only a few days when ho
was knocked down and run over by a
street car. He was taken to St. Luke's
Hospital , where it very soon transpired
that lie and Limgtry'were sweethearts.
She ordered flowers sent to him every
morning , and us soon as her theatrical
engagement brought her near town she
visited him as.siduou.sly : It scorns
that they hail met six months
ago , become mutually enamored , and
were just ready for betrothal when the
accident , by evolving her syminthy ,
brought the courtship to a speedy climax.
She owns considerable property in Now
York , and means to settle down hero , so
far as her stage employment will permit.
She is to become Mrs. Dasunt soon , and
her husband is going to take a place on
the Star.
Society is well known to kcop its eyes
closely on the beauties of the tlicntro"no
matter how much the actresses may bo.
under taboo. Thcro are always several
models of manner and style on the Vew
York stage , who are astonishingly potent
in influencing the deportment of Fifth
avonuo's maidens. One of the foremost
of these now is Virf Virginia Droller , of
Daly's company. She has small talent ,
but is ono of the loveliest of imaginable
creatures in the demure , dainty , lady like
line. Swelldom has been full of stories
of her romantic career ; and now all of
them are spoiled by the authoritative dis
closure that she is the staid widow of a
Louisville German music teacher , and
that the twelve-year-old girl soon with
her is not her sister , but her daughter.
Of unadulterated impudence and cold
assumption the coachman of the mil-
Honed upper tl'ousands in Now York
provide the most nearly perfect .specimens
to be found in the United States. They
appear to think that common vehicles
and peopln on foot have no rights in the
street. So they halloo at pedestrians
who urn about to get in the way , and
rattle across streets with indifference as
to who or what may bo on the crossings.
The average democratic Now Yorker
does not mind being whistled at by car
drivers and will matce lively jumps over
u crossing to got out of the way of a milk
wagon or a coal cart ; but when it comes
to having a carriage drawn by prancing
horses , with banged tads and silver
mounted harness , bear down upon
him with a "Halloo , there"
from a liveried driver , ho feels
more like cracking the horses' nosas
with his sti jk than clearing a passage for
them. He usually does nothing restric
tive , however , and Anna Dickinson is
therefore all the more a heroine. H was
at Fourteenth street and Fifth
avenue , in n recent rain storm.
The avenue was crowded with ve
hicles , and crossing was dillicult. Anna
had dodged in and out successful } ' , but
she found when near the farther sidewalk -
walk that she had to wait a few seconds
for a wagon loaded with long pieces of
lumber to pass. As she stood there , a
carnage containing the wife and daugh
ter of a ten-millionaire came dashing up ,
and some inarticulate whoops from the
driver warned her to get out. But she
didn't. She stood as resolutely us if she
had boon on the lecture platform , and
John had to slacken the pace of his
horses , though he let them walk up al
most against her , and it looked as if it
was his intention to run over her. But
she shook an umbrella In the faces of the
beasts two or three times , and apparently
intidu them believe that she would btick
the end of it into their eyes if her rights
wuro imposed upon wuvU JiuUier , And
tliey looklng very much dijgttstedstoppcd
short. Bti a look of triumph spread over
Anna's features as she stepped upon the
"IIIIAKKV ix run noxns.
The most startling thing this week in
the world of intense fashion was the ap
pearance of Mrs. Westinghouse on Hem-
hnrdt's opening night. Mrs. Westlnp-
house is connected by marriage with the
Wnstiug.liou..o brake anil you can under
stand how rich that can make her. She
lives in Pittsbtirg and Is n social power
and nriilo them , but is not familiar in
New York or was not before this occas
ion. It is unfashionable hero for ladies
to sit in evening toilets in the boxes at
theatres. That is confined to opera.
Modest ones do not even take on" their
bonnets at a dramatic performance , and
the few who uncover their hair In defer
ence to the request of man-
ugnrs are usually cranks , notoriety
seekers or foreigners. Well , the audi
ence at Bcriiiiardt's reappearance was
tremendously stylish , but the clothes
were dark and quiet until into a lower
proscenium box came a stately lady clad
in white satin and lace. It was an elab
orate ball toilet , immensely pulled over
the shoulders and upper anus , mid as
odd as it was sumptuous in design.
The curtain was up when she entered ,
and Beriihardt was in the early agonies
of Fedora ; but every eye turned'iu as
tonishment to the haiid&ome occupant of
thu box , and hundreds of glasses wuro
focused in nina/ed inspection. Two
women Hint evening fainted In the heat
of thu crowded house , an usher had a
light with an unmanageable iittender
and a chandelier fell , but none of these
distractions turned so much attention
away from the stage as did MM. Westinghouse -
house , so gorgeously singular was her
costume and so daring her debut.
There has been this season a great ir
ruption in swell fiocicty of Knglish aclors
who recite in the Lenten entertainments
and sometimes direct amateur perform
ances. Whatever they are , and however
they succeed , they are alike in ono tiling.
They are determined to impress upon
every one tlisy meet a sense of their
social importance in England. They
have usHiilly been in thu ISritish army.
U , the friendships , the intimacies , of
which they can talk in the most till' hand ,
matter-of-fact manner imaginable ! A
jjfuir sample is a low comedian , He goes
"nbout with a supurnaturally solemn and
superior air , oucasiouully perpetrates a
ponderous wittic'sm , and is vastly more
fiuggcstivo of a grave yard than the
comedy stage. In private life ho lias a
soul above the grape-vine step , and a
deep and unsatislied yearning for people
to understand what a favor he
has bestowed upon this beast
ly country by coming , over
here in ? .ny capacity whatever. A diamond
mend adorns his shirt front. He never
misses a chance of deftly turning the
conversation in the direction of jewels ,
and then remarking : "Now this diamond
of mine isn't a very valuable stone in
itself , though it does pretty well as diamonds
mends go ; but it is priceless to mo on ac
count" of its associations. ( Impressive
pause. ) It was a pre.-eut from the prince
of Wales. " He has numberless little
trieks by which ho induces people to no
tice a cane which he carries , and the
next thing always is : "You like it ? Yes ,
I think myself it is rather neat. I was at
Marlborough house one day. and while
talKing with Wales I unconsciously took
ui ) this cane. He said , 'So you like it.
Harry ? Take it right along with you. '
Just like the prince , you know so gen
erous with his friends. "
Anna Jackson is a woman who lias set
out to destroy capital and capitalists.
She has long been n woman's rights agi
tator. Now she has opened a school of
socialism. It is an institution that I have
never seen mentioned in pvmt. Indeed ,
that is not its name ; and few .Now York
ers know anything about the place , - unless
less they happen to have some ucquain-
tauco with the people who call themselves
thu social labor party. ' The working-
man's library is poor , modest ami clinm-
nitive , but it is a unique place and a sort
of center for workingmciH whoso minds
have been set in motion / by new ideas of
some kind. A "walhalUV of cranks is
what n disinterested observer instinct
ively called it , for its most striking fea
ture is a long table littered with journals
bunt on reforming the world. There arc
hardly a do/en reform or labor
pap'ers published that .are not to bo
found there. Frequenters have be
fore them the greatest imaginable variety
of theories for making a paradisu out of
this world. They have only to read and
take their choice. "Labor Advocates"
from" Maine lie side by side with
' 'Labor Sentinels" from 'Tonneseo , "Le
Cri du Pouplo" comes all the way from
Paris to fall into the arms of some ( ! er-
man socialist paper. There are two or
three from Paris and a half doxen in the
German language. There are "Laborers"
and "Labor Newes" and "Labor Advo
cates" and "Labor Agitators Ga/.ettes. "
labor papers the north , east , south , west
"One advocating what another con
demns , ouo calling loudly that this is the
way out and another declaring that it
isn't , but all united Hiat there must be a
radical change. As for the prints that
aim to upheave the world , their number
and insistence arc enough to bewilder.
Hero is "Tho Wedge , " and there "The
Million , " hero "The Commonweal'1 and
there all the way from Ore
gon. "Tho World's Advanced
Thought" which talks much about
psychology and philosophy and the
higher sensibilities and is determined to
pull all the rest of the world up to its
own plane immediately. Numerous
copies of the "Credit Fancier of Sinuloa"
glow and glitter , in English not of the
the best , even the wonderful prosperity
and happiness to bo found in A. K.
Owens' colony at TopoSob.iinpo , whore
paradise is to bo united to eartli by allow
ing no man to sell or to buy of his neigh
bor , but compelling him to carry on all
hi * dealings through thu company. It
certainly will be the paradise of tlm mid
dle men , whatever it is for others. There
are papers to reform the wo , d religiously ,
some bv letting everybody think just as
he likes , and others by making him think
just as docs the editor. Others think thu
centre of trouble lies in the laws and
some would abolish trouble by abolishing
law and some would suppress trouble by
piling more law on it.
But the long table piled with news
papers is not the only Interest the room
contains. There are well filled book
shelves , mostly the gift of the Manhattan
Liberal club , which donation was the
germ from which the library sprang. On
tlio shelves are many books in the Kits-
siiin language , for among the frequenters
of the library are n number of that na
tionality. There is a complete sot of the
works 'of the French Proudhon , the
founder of anarchy , which is said to bo
the only full cilloctlon of Ins works out
side of private-libraries in this country.
Volumes of lictlon arc more numerous
though there are a few. but writings
upon science and social questions and
often recognized authorities , form the
bulk. A piano is in one corner : on the
walls are engravings of Lincoln , Wendell
Phillips and Henry George , and some
glaring chromes , apparently the gifts of
triendsoftho Institution more enthusi
astic than critical. Musical entertain
ments , to which a small admittance fee
is charged , are given in these rooms
every Sunday evening for the support of
the library.
Unique as the place in itself \s \ , the
types of men who frequent it are oven
more interesting. The Herman-Ameri
can face is by far the most numerous.
Women seldom go there. The men
gather for apart of the noon hour when
they are on a strike ; in the evenings and
ou Sundays ; and every minute that they
Lies just south of Hanscom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house ,
on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots.
Events are shaping that will make these lots an investment
$800 to $1,000 , will Buy Lots Now , but one
Year from Today You will Pay $1,800 ,
$2,000 , and $2,500 , for Them
Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA
property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ?
Some people say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. "Luck to the
dogs. Its
Foresight , Judgment and Sand.
These are the elements that go to make up the sum of prosperity. Take
a square look at the case of Thomason & G-oos' addition , who own
the 600 acres adjoining it on the south.
Who , iwithout any further effort , could peddle it out in the next two
years for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots
enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A
CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it.
to yourselves , do a little investigating and figuring and you will see
that there are the "Greatest Bargains on Earth , in Tots in this "Key to
Omaha and South Omaha. Remember , that this is no washings of the
Missouri River , nor farm lands diverted from their natural uses , years
too soon , but choice suburban residence property , situated pn the
everlasting Hills , midway between two cities , that are last closing in
to one solid mighty metropolis.
- M. A. UPTON d CO.
Pharcmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73
: irc hero tliuy : irc usually absorbed in a
book or a paper. Hero is a man. Ins hair
standing out straight all over his head ,
with the faqu of n scholar ami the eyes of
an enthusiast. JIo is pouring over a vol
ume of Hpencur. If you enter into con
versation with that discouraged looking
chap , who is milling over the papers , you
will find that ho has hud a long search
for work , doesn't know what he is to do ,
and is almost hopeless here. But as a
general thing the mem look like laborers
who arc getting < ui fairly well and who
have revolutionary ideas in their heads.
George C. Dnbson played the banjo lately
in Portland , Mo. , to 1111 niidlencu of .1,000.
"ISxcusn IMC , I'll Toll You No .More , " Is the
title of Kato Castleton's most successful
It Is salil that Lawrence Harrct's eldest tin-
mairled daughter is to become the witu of
Kdwln Booth.
Newton Gotthold Is to pose as n star next
season and the question Is , will ho "get
hold" of public favor.
Mrs. Aininln Ltlthio Schiller , mother of the
well-known pianist , Aline. Madeline Schiller ,
died in New York March 8 of pneumonia.
The Brcslau Orchestra society , whoso first
conductor was Dr. Leopold Daimosch , has
lately celebrated its twenty-lUth anniver
sary.Mario Docca , of Washington , has been
sliiginc In London before thoduko of Cam
bridge and other persons of distinction with
William * ttavhuro. who has been on the
staire litty-ono years and Is seventy-live years
old , will tmvo a pundit from his tricuds nt an
eailydntet i
Tracy Titus , a well known theatrical man
ager , died a few days ate at Sierra Mail re-
villo-Cal. He was formerly the husband of
Alice O.itos.
James W. Koshay , the deceased ex-prcsl-
dent of the Broadway ( Now York ) surface
railroad , was the treasurer of Sand & Na
than's circus up to 18TO.
"Jim the Penman" is in the fifth month of
its career at the Madison Square theatre ,
Now York , and it shows no signs of losing
Its hold upon the public favor.
Charles Mitchell , the piulllst , is married tea
a daughter of Mr. Mooio. of .Moore A Hur-
Bess' London minstrels. Fied Yokes Is also
a son-in-law of the wealthy minstrel.
Kd Harridan's plays will bo Introduced to
the San Francisco publish In May. Four
plays will lu irlveu during the. six weeks stay
ot Mr. Harridan's company on the I'.icliic
Some of the salailes in the American
Opera company are .said to boas lollowo :
' 1 licodoTOThomas 81.000 per week ; Manager
Locke , SbOO ; M. M. Whitney , 5000 per week ,
and Candidas , 53,000 per month.
Mrs. Linctry has arranged to open her sea
son of 1837-S at the Filth Avenue theatio In
New York , whcie she will play a seven
weeks engagement , beginning October I.
This sets at rest the story of Her remarriage
and retirement from the stage this fall.
It Is explained that Dion Boucieault's
dtuiKhier , Putilce. was not hissed in Boston
because she was disliked , but because the
audience wanted Adah Richmond to come
out and sing seine more comic songs bcfote
Mlsn Bouclcault beran her reading.
Boston Times : An Item or Interest ( ? ) Is
Koine the rounds that /ede do Lussan Is to
iecelveaJ51X ( ) basket of ( lowers every even-
inc from the manajer of the "Ideals. " What
rot. Whoever first penned that Item must
have thought the public a parcel of d. 1's.
Hereatter no actor nlaying "Monte Cristq"
can say "One ! " "Two 1" "ThreeI'1 as his
victims are killed , except James O'Neill.
They belong to his particular version of the
drama , which Is the Fechler version , and no
Infringement on the patent will be per
Mr. Amberg , manager of the Thalia. New
York. Intends to erect a theater at no distant
day , the seating capacity of which will bo
' 006. . Theiewfil be thirty boxes and a 1 the
staco Improvements. The theatre will bode
do voted to both opeiatlc and dramatic per
Ownn Fftwcott , the comedian , comes of a
theatrical family. Ho Is sevBiith and his
daughter eighth In a direct lineage of play
ers. No. 1 , John Fawcott , was In David ( Jar-
rick's company ; No. 2 was the original Dr.
Ollapod , and No. came to America and acted
at the John Street theatre.
It Is said that when the handsomest man
In San Francisco heard the handsome bari
tone , Sis. Mlgrlla , of the I'attl company.
Hinir ho was so disgusted with fate that it
diduotcoiublue beauty with voice lu him ,
that he considered himself henceforth a non
entity and committed suicide.
Madame Modjeska Is delicate physically ,
indthe fatigue ot a new production exhausts
lier , but no one about the theater knows any
thing ofhcr feelings until the crisis Is past.
She says she cannot afford to waste her
strength in nervousness. She is a quick
study , and Is always "dead letter pciieot"
early In the course of rehearsals.
Wm.Terriss. the London actor , who made
such a hit lu tills country with llnnrr Irving
lives In a nice rural homo at lied ford Park ,
one of the suburbs of London. His wife is
a woman of taste and refinement , and his
little daughter , Kllalino , plays the banjo and
dances a hornpipe with rare ability. Mr.
Terrlss' real name is Wm. Lewln.
Concerning tholUilt of an actress for 310,000
damages for accident a desperate property
man who works night and day for a museum
combination and who sleeps In depots to save
enough to pay tor his bed , says lie'd fall oil a
house and take the chances for that much
money. He says there is even a pleasure in
ima'slnlnc that ho could bo damaged to that
uencrous extent.
There Is out one thing an actor dreads morn
than the "lirst night. " It is the "second
night. " Then Is the tlma if over when things
go wroiu ; when scenery sticks , when everj
one makes the suge wall , and lines are con
spicuous by their absence. The strain of the
first night Is relaxed ; habit has not bred
familiarity , and disaster Is the consequence.
But there are no critics on hand then.
A king ot Spain , fancying that ho had a
taste for music , liked to tiike part In Bacchor-
Int's quartetts , but ho never could succeed In
keeping time. One day , when ho was three
or four bars behindhand , the other per
formers took fri''ht at the confusion caused
by the royal bow , and were ahout to wait for
him. "Fiddle away , " cried the enthusiastic
monarch , ' ! shall very soon get up to you. "
Old stagers suffer the most In the prospect
of a now performance , strange as It may ap
pear. Quito recently a very good and exper
ienced leading man gave up an engagement
because he got Into a fright when called upon
to play for the nrbt time the Chevalier in the
"Two"Orphans. " I need not have said that
ho was experienced. No novice would ever
do any thin , ' of ( hat sort. "Them as knows
nothing fears nothing. "
Howard Paul , the ex-actor and singer , has
been compelled to shell mit 5500 for stating
that ( Jeorgo Dolby was brought to this
country by Charles Dickens to oat and drink
lor him at public banquets and fiavo wo < -
and tear on his digestive organs. Mr.
Dolby , who pockets the S.VH ) , denies that ho
was engaged by Mr. Dickens as a domity
feeder or as a reservoir , and Bays that Mr.
Paul made the narrative out of his own
This is the way the contemplated debut as
a star of Mrs. James Hi own Potter strikes
the average chorus cirl , as reported by the
New York Herald : "Oh , she makes mo tired.
It's &o Kind of liar not to give the princess of
Wales a cold cut , now Hint she n going on
the stage , tra-In. I should think she would
shako the princes' ! . Will she wear tl hts ?
That's the only way to begin a professional
career. 1 think she would make a hit In
them. "
Mr. Wnllack Is quoted assaying : " \Vodo
not ECO plays nowadays that equal those of
even twentv-livo years back. Take Tom
Taylor's "Plot and Passion. " Iteadn and
Taylor's "Mask and Faces. " "Still Waters
llun Deep. " "Payable on Demand , " and so
on , and whore can you llnd plays to-day so
Interesting , so tersely written , so well con
structed ? They were not thought great
works In tholr day , but compaied to modern
plays they were as wine to water. "
W. E. Sheridan , the traeedian. Is now in
Dr. Tarrant's asylum at Darlington , says a
late number ot the Sydney ( Aus. ) Morning
Herald. During the American civil war. the
paragraph states , ho was severely wounded
in the right arm , and for the last twenty-two
years ho lias buffered much. During the
past month the pain has increased , and It
was decided that the arm should DO operated
on. This has been done , and the many
friends of Mr. and .Mrs. Sheridan ( MM
Loulso Davenport ) , will bo pleased to hear
that the clever tragedian passed the ordeal In
safety and that ho is now recovering.
Tim man who swindled the Mexicans In
the mutter of the Pattl tickets uri lyed in Now
York at about the same time as Mr. Abhor ,
as If ho defied any prosecution that that
gentleman could bring. The name of the
ticket swindler Is now known to bo Brouton ,
and ho had to spend BOUIQ 50,000 on Mexican
otllclals to get out of Mexico. A poitiou ot
his money went Into the pockets ot some ono
very closely allied to the president of the
Mexican republic , and the ro t of It Into thp
maws of the various people who , know Ing
the swindlor.allowed him to pass the frontier
of the United States. It appears that Broil-
ton originally got S' .OOd by his swindle.
He expended 80.000 to s < ju ro th Mexicans
and 52,000 since , so that ho left last week for
Uol lum with S' 0,000 clear. _
It Is related that when Richard Mansfield's
mother , Mme Kudersdorir , previous to her
departure for America , was granted a fare
well audience by tliecrown princess of ( Jer-
many , her highness sent for the royal chil
dren , and soon Mmo. luder.sdortf ! and the
little ones were engaeed In n thoroughly
good romp on the floor. Suddenly the door
opened and the crown prince appeared. Eti
quette at the German court Is very strict , but
It was impossible lor Mmo. Itudcrsdortr to
rise and do the proper thing unless she
dropped the Imperial children. Hero was a
dilemma. "Your Imperial highness , " said
she , "I shall either have to drop court etl-
quetle or drop the children. " The prince
laughed heartily. "Droo couit etiquette , by
all means , " ho replied.
Edwin Booth no longer undergoes the
strain of playing absolutely new parts , but
the first night's reappearance In any part
ho has not plajcd In some time makes
IHm excessively nervous. Ho smokes
Innumerable | cigars , utterly disregarding
the le.'ena always to be seen about a
sta e , "no smoking allowed , " and when
on the boards Is nioipi than likely to
become very much mixed In his lines or oven
to forget them altgcthcr. Ho Is. however ,
cool In such crises , and walks to the wings lor
mi interview with the prompter with a step
as lirm and a moln as noble as If his errand
were a less humiliating one.
A Hindoo Holiday.
Delhi correspondence Baltimore Sun :
From hero wo drove to a point less than
a milo outside of the walls of the city to
visit : v Inrgo Hindoo fair , n gathering for
a religious purpose , but ono which al
ways results in a merrymaking. Thou
sands of the natives were thorn dressed in
their best anil nil seemed to be enjoying
thonisolves. It was a crush , but , no mat
ter where wo wont , native policemen
walked In front of us , clearing n path for
our passage. The native policeman is
the most numerous person In India.
Dressed in n now blue uniform and car
rying the regulation club , ono is always
in sight , and the natives obey tJiom im
plicitly. Bands were playing on tom
toms , llutos , violins , etc. ; children were
having a jolly tiino in a rough merry go-
round ; everybody was talking , mer
chants were selling fruits , candies and
small images of their many gods , and
the devout among thorn wore going to
and from : - small Hindoo tem
ple. Here our guido was at homo
and wanted us to go in. But as the
place was crowded , and as tliu priest
wanted us to take oil' our shoes ( uiado
from the skin of the "holy cow"wo ) con
cluded to wait for n better opportunity.
On our way back I hero was much excite
ment around several fancifully decorated
bluilias small native two-wheeled carts
drawn by trotting bullocks , and called
" " caused
"jingling johnnies"by foreigners
by the presence of several Nautoh danc
ing girls , who were to perform later.
They were so wonderfully gotten up that"
I must attempt a description of tholr at-
tiro. A short skirt of scarlet am gold
over a pair of loose gilded and embroid
ered red silk trousers , plaited close 'In
and around the ankles ; alight lltting em
broidered red silk body from the neck to
just below tliu breasts , with all bare
below it to to the waist ; an umbroiderqil
shawl of variegated hues , spangled
all over , caught up over the back of the
head and draped loosely and gracefully
about the body. Add to this a gold orna
ment stuck through one side of the nose ,
juwelnd earrings , numerous gold and sil
ver bells. You can imagine the oU'oct
produced by several of thcbo girls while
going through the love of cobra dance.
The "Life of the llesli Is the blood
thereof , " pure blood means healthy func
tional activity , and this bears with It the
certainty of quick restoration from sick
ness or accident. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purllior
gives pure rich blood , and vitalises and
strengthens the whole body.
A hen ! Denver , has la Id a
"spiritual egg. " It Is smaller ami lighter
than an ordinary ouo , and stands on Its little
end , but will not Ho or stand In any other po
sition. If stood on the largo end It will
quickly turn to the other , and If pushed down
on its side It will Jump upagaln. It does not
appear to have any unusual welidit In the
mailer end to account for its strange actions.