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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1887)
VWWWW { JW WW111 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , MARCH 20 , 1887-TWELVE PAGES , NUMBER 274 A RUSH OF ROYALTY Visitors Crowd Berlin to Oelebrato the Kaiser's Birthday. THE FESTIVITIES OF THE WEEK. Grand Preparations lor a Glorious Time Throughout All Germanyi DOCTOR JUNKER ON AFRICA. The Famous Traveler Interests Scientists in the Fate of Emin Bey. - . - < = THE KNIGHTS AND THE CHURCH. Kepcatcd Assurance That the Organization "Will Not Be Condemned. VICTORIA GOES TO A SHOW. Her Royal AlnJcBty Attends Her First I'ntilio Entertainment In a Qttar- tcri Century Mrs. Potter's Debut and Her New DrcsscH. Raiser's CoinlnR nirthdny. ICopi/rfu/it / 1KH7 by James Ooidon Hcnnctt. ] liRitu.v , March lO.-New Vork Herald Cable-Special to the liui : . ] Uerlln , In fact Germany , spent the week enthusiastically picparing to celebrate the emperor's ninety-first birthday year Wednesday came the crown prince of Aus- trla , to-morrow comes the Prlnco of Wales , Hctwcen these two distinguished arrival ; have come a bewildering number of brill lant , uniformed , wonderfully titled royalties and semi royalties from all parts of Kurope. In all clghtr-llve of them Including sue ! : minor reigning kings as Koumanla and Saxony either arc or will bo lieio to attend the great event. Princes , dukes and arch' dukes and archduchesses arc hero in sucli numbers that ono expects to see over the doors of the vailous palaces the notice ; "Only kings need apply. " The prince ; nlono would make n considerable partj among themselves. Such an assemblage ol titled personages has never In recent yean gotten together In Berlin. Alivady nose ; have been counted , and tlio best authorise : Bay with pilde that there are tivo mon royalties this time than over before , everj ono of them , too , Interesting , Inheriting tlu divine i It-lit to bo blown up by nihilists , but ad Interim , to wear a multitude of orders much gold lace and many unwieldy titles. 1 strikes Americans as a waste of force to te together hero such a number of royaltie : that minor personages are entirely lost In the bin/o of higher titles. The least among tin prlnceH who hero hldo tholr diminished head ; would , In America , till half the continent with their glory. Special messengers an also coming from several courts to bear tin good wishes of their masters to the emperor , among them General Cordova , who bring ! what , it Is to bo hoped , Is not an autograpl letter from the little king of Spain. Tlin I'llOOUAMMi : OF KKSTlVmr.S. Tin ) prosramnio of festivities docs not In elude so many public events as would bo tin case If the emperor were younger. On the morning of the birthday there will be a re ception at the palace , which literally Include : Only princes. ' The emperor expected tore calve these guests himself , but being tired , hi will leave this reception to the care of tin crown piInco , who has nut only the prem ises but several hundred lesser lights on hli hand. The dinners , banquets aud recuptiom that occur during the week are most ad nan scam , but the kaiser will , as a rule , delegate such matters to the crown prince , not frou illness or weakness , as witness tlio followin ; details of the kaiser's work last Wednesday but because aged men , whoso lives are o great importance to the world , cannot allen to risk over exertion. Take tlio court rcpor for Wednesday showing the emperor' general health. The mall brough various papers for the Imperial Rla nature. Aftei wards the mayor , genera workmelster and other high officials dls r.ussed with the emperor and the minister o war various changes in the army. In th nfturnonn Prlnco Leopold and Kbegross hcrsog otOldberg had audiences. Not ox haustcd by seeing persons with such name and titles , the umpuror In the evening held i musical solrca at which -XX ) persons wor present. This day's work Indicate strength to survive even such birthday fes tlvltles as ho has before. In the city th birthday will bo observed as a hell day. Everywhere the streets will bo Illuuil noted. Electric lights will bo used on really magnificent scale In all the great opei places. Great torchlight processions , a u n era ! gathering of students' societies In a ! parts of Onuany , open meetings in all grca learned societies are a few among the man ] ways In which the day will bo celebrated All the innumerable verclns or unions , al M'hnols , unlmsUlcs and corporations ai ono way or another In tlio celebration which , beginning to-morrow , culuiluatt Tuesday. ACCOMMODATING TIIK CUOWD3. Where Uerlln will put all tbo visitors wh are expected to crowd hero next week Is nc quite easy seeing. It la to be hoped , how ever , that nt least the higher royalties wl. not be forced to sleep in tiers or on the floor of tlio Imperial palace , as may occur to tin less distinguished guests at the hotels. DKCOIIATINO TIIK STItKKTfl. Three days of snow and cold weather hav delayed the street decorations somowhn This urenlug's clearer sky , however , has se everyone to work soccagurly making up fc lost time that the prouienadcr along the nial htrccts Is torcvd to itpend much of his thn in dodglmj ladders. The unter don Lliule is already gay with flags and evergreen ! The academy , opposite tlm kaiser's palac < lias eight tall llagstatfs rising from the sid walks. At their bases stand tall statues c ( iorman knlghU looking like maibli but really made of wood. The whole fiont : already draped with red cloth and man flags. The Impoilal palace shows no sign of preparation beyond two big pipes runnln aloiK tliotopot the biiiUliui : , from the sldt ot which ens designs of crowns , etc. , hav begun to sprout The btatuo of Frederic the ( ircat , between the palace and the beat einy , was surrounded by a line of many co ! oreil class globes , and is gaily decked. Fa ( her down tbo mlndea the crown pnnco pnlncels thu tlrst to show signs of decora tlon. Many llncpoles project from the roc and uiuny colored lights are hanging froi them. All over th city crowns , tl ; Imperial Initials and mottoes outlined In xi lots , multicolored globes or electric Ugh' ' have begun to appear on the bouse frost Ittare Is a general feeling In the city tin there should not be a window In Berlin dai d nor a house froi without flags. Already this evening wo have > ccn able to get an Idea of wlnt the appear- nticaofthe liouso fronts will be. Several ! ieat gas designs have been lighted In older 0 test their working , They made the louses a billllant mass of flamn < . nto Tonrm.ioiiT pitocnsstox. Over : iWO ( students with torches will march hrough tlio city and parade before the cm- peror. The theaters have caught tne general enthusiasm. Onu brings out a new play called "ICornbluinen , " founded partly on events In the emperor's life. Genuine sold - d er.s , as a murk of special favor , will bo al- owed to appear on the stage to make the ilay more icallstlc. Most of the royal guests are now In the city , though some from the iioio distant counties will arrlvo to-morrow. riie Turkish special representative has at- racted much attention , as ho Is the most Jeriuan of Germans , but Is arrayed In an iltra-Turkish garb. Kadi government has won specially received at thn depot. Per- mpHtlio kaiser sees htm and then ho loses ilmsclf In the mass of little people who flood tbo city. Some idea of the nuin- wr of princes , nobles and aides-de-camp and distinction of titles and rank can bo formed from the fact that the state banquet Utho castle on Tuesday will take place In six largo rooms , one room being specially set \part for majors , generals and colonels. The kaiser remains in pxeellunt health and wo ire promised fair weather. The enthusiasm Is greater than ever before , so everything points to a very lemaikablo celebration. DK. JU.NKKIt ON AFJUCA. Among the men whom not oven the Im perial birthday will tempt to remain In Her- lln. Is Dr. Junker , Enrln Pasha's friend. Wednesday night Junker described to an audience of the most learned and scientific men of Uerlln , his adventures in Africa. The story was with a powerful simplicity which greatly affected the hearers , leaving a a vivid Impression of the dangers and priva tions to which Emln Is exposed. Attei the Icctuic the principal learned societies ol Berlin joined to give Junker a great dinner , at which I noticed , chiefly , the great number of well-known men picscnt and the great en thusiasm with which the the emperor's toasts were drank. Africa also received sufllclcnt enthusiasm , to tempt Ulsmarck to faither annexation. It Is rumored here that Junker , after returning to Uussla , will ; o again to Africa 'under the patronage ot Germany , more especially ot Ulsmarck. TIIK ITALIAN KASTKIt. Poor Succl , the hunger virtuosena , as he is called here , Is the only other noteworthy of the week , 'lie has chosen a bad time to starve himself Into notoriety and dollars , as the people are too much occupied1 with feastIng - Ing to care much about fasters. llo gets some mention , as ho Is attended by numberless doctors , who take scientific delight In hlf starving. They limit him to ono week , but , on the whole , he has a fair chance of suc cess. _ NO NERD OF AXXIETV. The KnlKlitM of Imuor Will Not Be Condemned at Rome. [ CnfyriatitSOT fiy Jamrx Goniou Jlennctt. ' ] ItoMK , March 10. | New York Herald Cable-Special to the UKK. | The Knights of Labor need not bo anxious. Thn Vatican Is more liberal than people imagine. From the very hrst there was no need to tear thch condemnation. An Interview 1 have jusi had with ono of tlio most eminent cardinals In the congregation of the holy inquisition dispels all doubt on the matter. When 1 called on hi * eminence T found him reading a sheet of Cardinal Gibbons' report to the propaganda , lie replied to my questions with unexpected frankness and you mayresl assured that his views are those of a majority of tlio holv office. "America , " said his eminence , "Is a pe culiar country and must be dealt with In E peculiar way. It should bo treated within Unite care. Nothing should bo hurried nothing done to exasperate or offend It. The future of the world , pei haps , Is in America , 1 shall not see It , but tlio twentieth centurj may show I am right The church should wish to see It treated with foiboarlng affcu tlon , nay , I would rather say , with the atTee tlon of a mother. I cannot for a moment admit that such a question as this of tlu Knights of Labor .should be settled olTham or that the decision In ono country shouh decide the case In another. In Canada , when there Is practical religious unanimity , tlu conditions may bo such that the knight : may constitute a danger , but In the Unltei States , the classic land of liberty , things an possibly otherwise. You have , perhaps , seer the wise , clear , sensible report of Cardlna Gibbons , by whom 1 was favored with a vlsl lately. Though I cannot , of course , prcjudgi the course which thn congregation will take It appears to mo it will be very difficult uo to adopt the cardinal's conclusions. ' ' Hero I ventured to Intoraupt hl.s eminence "Yes , " said 1 , "and your eminence's view ; seem to bo those of most of the Itoroan dlgnl tarles with whom I have spoken on the sub Ject. Gibbons' pamphlet practically refute all the arguments of those who profess to re gard the Kulghts of Labor as a secret so ciety.1' . Uls eminence avoided a direct answer ti this blunt rcinari ; . "The cardinals report is very able , " sale he. "Tho church should bo very tolcran and conciliating with democracies. Such at association may , after all , not bo a secrc society In the sense condemned by tin church , but this does not Imply that tin church is hostile to Individuals. " N. 11. Hero 1 understood the cardinal ti refer to capitalists. "Wocannot admit such doctrines as thosi of Henry George , denying thn njcht to owi private property. Ills doctrines are dene against all the teachings of the bible. Cat wo burn our blblo to please George. " Then , returning to the original theme , In continued : "There Is only one straight Urn guiding ns , but wo must distinguish bclweei theory and tttitli. The facts arc truth , bu It may be opportune or Inopportune to de One theories in countries llko America where piotcstants aud catholics necessaril ; mix together. U mar be advlsabi to grant great liberty and Independence. Al what independence Is enjoyed b : Armenia and other oriental catholics. Th primacy ot the Pope ( his eminence , spo-aklni French , used the word prlumto ) must bo up held , but the church may dovclope vurion manners. " Again I Interrupted : "If the holy ofTic shares your emlncnca's views , I suppose I quite possible that the question of th knights may be quietly burled1 lint aualn the cardinal avoided a dlrec reply. After some further talk regardlnc tin future ot American Catholicism , ho walkci with me and bade me farewell at the door wishing me all good to America. U virtually \ certain that the condemna tlon of the Canadian knights will not bo re versed. The American knlghU will eswp condemnation. THE ROYAL UKMJBRVE BROKEN Victoria OOPS to Bhow For tbe Fin Tune In Many Year * . [ C0pi/if0M rfift by Jama Gordon ttcnnett. ] LONDON , March W. ( New York Utrali Cable Special to tbe BKK.J The queen with a spring mercury reaching the fros point , altlioujch the sun was shilling brightl ] ) broke tbe ice , u it were , ot her wldowe * re servo by visiting this morning for the first tlmo In a quarter ot a century , a place of mbllc entertainment. This was the Olym- > la or thn Paris hippodrome. The building of his Institution co\crs a sp.ico larger In area han -Mudlson Square garden In Now York , jesldcs the Immense space used for the men agerie and the stables. In the center of the irorncmula n royal dais , sumptuously deco rated , had been especially provided for her majesty ; but , much llko the late king of Ba varia , she had the whole entertainment to icrsclf. except that she was attended by I'rlncess Louise , Prlnco Henry ot Hattmi- jcrg , and the children of the Duke of Con- naught. Tnree quarters of an hour with thoraces races and the dancing elephants satisfied the royal party who decided to enjoy an after- noun's stroll through the enormous stables where live hundred animals were at their luncheon , ITMAKKSHUSIXKPSllOOSt. Evidently this jubllso year Is making the queen democratic and again accessible. Al ready tradesmen , milliners , pastry cooks and artisans feel that a now Impulse has been given to business by her drawing rooms and re-cntranco to society. Tlio smiles of royalty seem to Impress the business of London In about the same manner that Wall street points Impress speculators. AT TIIK OPKItA. The Hattenbergs In the evening visited Colonel .Maulcson's opera , where the Chicago diva , Marie Kngle , made her operatic debut In London as Martha in Flntow's opera. When slmsaug "Tlio Last Rose of Summer. " and In the famous quartette , she warmed momentarily an Immense audience that oth- ei wise shivered In arctic atmosphere. Her puiotonos , her grand technique and meth ods of culture , with which Americans arc too familiar to need more than these refer ences , wore well seconded by'Mmo , lias- troiter as Nancy Slgnor , Del Piiento as Pluukvt , and Havclll as Lconcc. Miss Engle may bo regarded as having scored a success. OTHKK AMCllICAJ ? SINOKIIS. Apropos of American singers and opera , It Is to-day announced that Miss Decca , a daughter ot Judge Johnson , of Washington , has joined Carl Kosa'tt troupe as third soprano , and that Miss Norton , or Nordlsen , after due mourning for her lirst husband- who has never been heard of since his cele brated balloon ascension will marry an English gentleman. But it Is said that she will not leave the stage. PARISIAN FASHIONS. Three "Inspirations" by Worth for Mm. Brown Potter. [ CopvrlgMcd 1SS7 byJamet Gordon Uennctt. ] PAIH : , Maich ID. [ New York Herald Cable. Special to the BKK. ] The Herald storm , which had been announced , with dls turbanccs on thn nights of the loth , and 17th , swept down upon Paris exactly on time , ac com panted by a terrific fall of snow and t sudden change In tcinporatureunpreccdented for the tlmo of year. Horse races had to be postponed and outdoor tetes were nipped m the bud. Tlio streets ot Pant were one continuous sheet of Ice , sc that thousands masqueraders returning from mid-lent festivities had the utmost difficulty to reach homo. In the Place do 1'Opcra sixteen cab horses were down al the same Instant on every corner. Pilvate carriages and cabs were abandoned lu dls tress , the horses being unharnessed iiiid led homo by the coachmen. Ladles and gentle men in ball costumes and the lightest danc ing shoes were alighted to find tholr wuj homo oh foot. , Timer. MAoxtricRXT UHESSES. i saw M. Gaston Worth to-day , the king ol Parisian milliners. M. Worth told me tba ho had been concentrating1 his attenttor lately upon Mis. James Brown Potter , am the result Is the completion of three deliclou : inspirations for Mrs. Potter's debut as tlu governess in "Man and Wife. " Those threi chefs d' ocuvres are of perfect simplicity , ele guuce and taste. Inspiration number ono 1 : of lilac crepe , on a soft , clinging material admirably suited to Mrs. Potter's beauty.ove ; u plain skirt , minutely pleated dowr the front. A Greek tunic floats grace fully over the jupe , rather lull In fron and knotted behind , low down. Thi waist Is outlined by a soft , black sash , tie ! negligently In front. The back of the corsage sago is finely pleated and set Into a Loul Trclze collar ot blsequlpure , forminir sovora points In front. The sleeves aio artistic-ill ; full to the elbow , thence to the wrist ex ceedingly tight lilting , and covered wit ) qulpuio similar to that on the neck. A larg hat of coarse , black straw , turned up on tin side , to bo woin with this dress , Is orna muntetV with a huge bow of black silk gauze Inspiration number two is a mornlni costume of brown woolen material , also sof and clinging , a very long tunlque , slight ! ; draped and lifted In graceful folds over th petticoat to match. The corsage Is shlrrei at the neck and at the Waist The former simulates n collat with three rows of narrow golden looi fringe , while the latter Is girded by broad band ot fancy metallic braid , edge with golden fringe that ties once In front am hangs down In two short ends. A perfectl ; charming llttlo Henri Deux toquet , of browi lalnage. has a laro bow of suede corded nt bens on the lott sldo for the solo ornaments tlon. With this gown a brown marble Is ate to bo worn of the same material as the drcs collar , and points back anil front of bavan cloth and entliely lined with the same tint The third inspiration Is composed of llgli mlcnonetto or relscda bengallno , outline Into squares by narrow , dark green an cream Rtrlpcd jupe. It falls I broad , flat pleats all ronn whllo a short tunlquo.taken far back bohlnt Is slightly rotrousse. This gown has a dh rcctolro corsage , with a tiny Garrick coilai turnud back from the chest with large renor : over a full pleated jabot of cream silk Indli muslin. A broad cream moire sash , passe around ttio waist , crosses behind and Is tie In a full bow In front. A large Kate Greene way or Quaker bonnet of coarse , black strav ties beneath the chin with narrow black vel vet strings. The crown Is slmplv covered b a large foullles knot of cream silk. A I'KIUST IMPRISONED. Fattier Keller Jailed In Dublin Fo Contempt of Court. [ ' "Vipi/rii/M / / IBKJbyJamei Gordon ftemielt. ] T > UBLIX , Match 10. | New York Heral Cable Special to the BKK. ] Kllmalnhai jail U again Parneltzed. Within Us walls t < uleht lies Father Keller. I have it on tli best authority that all the proccedincs wblc brought him there were Inspired i\rd ratllle by the new Irish secretary , the "nuphew o his undo , " who to-night has been dubbu the "priest hunter. " Perhaps the father wa wrong in declining to obey the subpoena perhaps ho would have done wrong if ho hai refused to bo sworn , but BO lawyer except prejudiced one , nay the bar here , can deut that on the law ot evidence Father Keller I now Illegally and unjustly In jalL Tills Is precisely what occurred this morn Ing. I take It from my short hand notes : J certain question was asked tbo father abou the private affairs ot one of hla parishioners Said FatharKeller : "Irespectfullydeclln to answer that question. At 1 understand It drift it would tend to wake mo disclose tb confidences that 1 cannot in honor or In dut to my bacred profoiilou reveal , Morcove the question would have a tendency to elicit an answer which would disclose matters to which I had become cognl/.ant as a priest , and L could not make any such disclosures. " Judge Boyd said that was not legal justifi cation for refusing to answer the question , and committed the witness for contempt. Said a leading barrister to mo , and ho Is rather a "castlo man : " "I fear the govern ment are making a great blunder , and to you , as representing an American news paper , I say that 1 think that paper can get opinions from all American lawyers that the father's objections entitle him to pastoral prlvllczes. " The priest Is justly treated In jail and al lowed every liberty , so far as visitors , books , papers and feed , arc considered. I under stand that telegrams have gone to almost every part of Catholic Ireland asking that mention liall bo made In each. Ci.tholic church to-morrow as to the father's refusal to betray the trust placed In him and his Im prisonment. Mrs. Potter's Debut. tfopirfoiiW / bu Jiliiics Goixlon / / wif.l ( ( LONDON , March 10. [ Now Vork Herald Cable Special to the Br.n.J Sirs. Brown Potter docs not shirk her dally rehearsal work. She takes her tutoring amiably and eagerly. Facing such an audience as she wilt ton dajs hence must , however , try her nerves and present to her anticipation n crucial test. The part of Ann Silvester touches a gamut of emotion. Wllklo Collins , its creator , Is , however , quoted as predicting her entire mastery of that camut. As the niece of a New Vork bishop , and erand daughtcr-ln-law of the founder of Blown , Shipley & Co. , so eminent In British com mercial circles , and as a protege of the Prlnco of Wales' set , she has great social prestige. But I see evidence of an artl.sttc English cabal against her , chiefly among the friends of professionals and partly through Injudicious advice from American colonists , together wlthj their ! premature puffery. For In stance , the Pall Mall Ga/.ctto opens with an article with double headlines , thus : " Fine Art. " "Beauty Hyper-floating as a "Mrs. Potter and Her Puffers. " It thus begins : "It seems that London Is soon to be startled , at least so they say who speak with authority , by the appearance ot a new actress. Mrs. James Brown Potter Is said by those who have seen her to be a beau tiful woman. She Is a protege ot the Prince and Princess of Wales , Is said to have great dramatic talent , the display of which she has hitherto teserved tor the entertainment of personal friends. For some reason Mrs. Potter has determined to take the stage and has signed an agreement with tne Uaymar- ket In 'Man and WlfeA Wo offer Mrs. Pot ter our congratulations upon her entrage- ment. and she has our best wishes for hoi success. If the eulogies of Mr. . the Lon don correspondent ol ihe New York , be true , then wo are goingto see a very remark able debut. " A RUSSIAN MANIFESTO , The Ofllclnl Declaration Concerning the Attempt Upon the Czar. ST. PKTKiisnuno , March 10. The follow ing Is the ixuthori/ed/offlcial declaration con cerntng the attempt .upon the life of the czar : It Is not believed that the active society ol the constitutional party has such an exten sive aud Influential following as some for elgh journals represent. The constitutional ista , Instead of ? w . w.holjj. Jltatlncl from the ntyjlUsu , are nothing but executors of a/mlldl-rlprogramme , cloakinj the violent methods of nihilism so as to se cure a certain amount of toleration from the educated , thoughtful classes In Russia. The czar's advisers are convinced from long ob servation that the influential classes in Rus sia do not consider Iiiat the time has yet ar rived in tue political dovelopements of tb < empire for the Introduction of constitutional government by his majesty. Nor do the pan slavlst party desire constitutionalism. On tlu contrary they declare that autocratic form o ; government , tendered by n just administra tion of codified law , is desirable until iKus sian territorial expansion has reached tin limits set for It by the pan-slavish Ideas The state socialism recently promoted li Germany by Prluce'Blsmarck Is being carefully fully- studied by the liusslai government , the czar being well disposed In .favor of such progrcsslvi economy changes In the territories unde Russian sway as shall conduce to the hapnl ness anil welfare ot the Kusslan people. Tlu c/.ar was deeply impressed by the terrible clr cumstanees under which his father mot hi : death. The last attempt on his own life pro jejted by the nihilists has produced a toellnv of horror. Still it is unlikely thai it will lead to- a change of hi : previous policy. Uls magesty cannot bit view with mingled bitterness and regret tin position In which he Is placed by the threat and perils continually besetting him. 11 < deploics the necessity which constantly ex Ists for costly oxtenstve precautions for hi : personal safety whenever he desiring t < travel or even to move beyond the pro clncts of the palace , restrictions which Impede his movements and prevent hh seeing his people as they aieand judging fni himself concerning their neeus. The czar'i aversion to plunging Kussla into arulnoiu and fruitless war continues as great as ever No chamru in his convictions In this respec is expected by Ills advisers , except In con fotmlty with his views on the Paissiun ini perial inteiests. Art at Rome. [ Co ) > j/rf M 1SS7 b\jjame \ Gnnim Rcmiefr.l UOMK , March 10. [ New York lleralc Cable-Special to the BKK.J Onn of the son sntlonal pictures at the ; coming Grosvcno gallery exhibition In London will bo Uirli ards' portrait ot Mibs Una Stlllman , a Ko man-American beauty whose face and figun remind ono of Mary Anderson , and evei moro faultlessly Grecian. Charles Colomai and several other American residents at Item are also sending ln > pictures for the same ex hlbltlon. The art 'event ' of the week la th opening ot the exhibition ot tapestry , lac and artistic stuffs In the vlaNa/Jonale. Kin Humbert , who , by-the-by , hat grown almos white though only forty-three , attended th Inauguration with Queen Margarctha The old Venitlan. and Neapolitan lac In the collection are making a erca many ladles break , the , tenth commandment Among other marvels of the exhibition ar the Imperial mantlQf .Napoleon 1 , the Bai berlnl tapestries , and * the magnificent papa vestments of the Odcucalchl family. The season , which has been much marrci by earthquakes aad abominable weather , I nearlnc Its close. Among the latest Amcrl can arrivals ore Miss Dodge. Mr. Tudo Win ? , the Misses Wing , Dr. and Mrs. Asti ton , Mrs. Glass ford , Mr. and Mrs. llavllund Mr. and Mrs. Whlttlcr , Miss Mary Hutch Ings and Miss Nelilo lilogdon. Many Amor cans have left and many others are preoarln to follow. Owing to the ill-health lot ; thel daughter , and other reasons which hav given rise to much gossip In Home , Mlnlste Stallo and his wife have been severely sc eluded this scgajon. Minister Stallo's bocia peculiarities have not exactly endeared hin here , and Indeed , if all ono heard here wer true , Itoman society has inadu him a citizei of Coventry. _ The Pope and Germany. [ CopvrtuM IBifftiy Jamei Go don lltnnttt. ] HOME , March ia.-rfflew York Herald cabl Special to the Br.K.J Mgr. Gallin Curtis Journey to Berlin Is a notable eventand mud curiosity is felt as to Ihe reception ho wil get from meintoot tbe German Cento parly , to whom ho will have n deal to say Ir regard to the Papal policy of the future ol Germany. 1 hear that the pope Is fairly con tent with the result of his recent Intervention , but the Koman cardinals , and csppelallj Cardinal Czackl and his friends still fcai the Vatican la putting too much trust in Prlnco Bismarck. Indirectly the Jacobin letters have certainly bcncfltted the Vatican , Jealousy of German Influence has wonder fully sobered catholic radicalism In France , It Is years since the relations between France and the Vatican hayo been so cordial as thej Jiro how. relations might bo even moro cordial but for the captious conduct ol M. ( ioblct , who has set his mind on liavlnc the recent bishop of Gap appointed to the see of Audi. As that prelate has made himself ridiculous by a pastoral on wcl nurses who are the chief ornaments of this diocese the Vatican demurred , and n sllglil coldness resulted. IJut this Is merely an In cldcnt , and to prove tlio reality of the Franco Itoman rapprochement , Mgr. Richard , arch bishop of Paris , will bo created a cardinal a the next consistory. Contrary to tlio assertions of the nicss , Franco did not thank the vat lean for its Intervention In favoi of the tseptennate. Franco was , however rather pleased with the Jacoblul letters that otherwise. A sovres vase and a golden Inl stand arc now on their way to the Vatican U testify President Grcvy's satisfaction. Then U no truth , either. In the rumors of papa mediation between Franco and Germany. J have the best authority for official negotta tlons on the subject. Cardinal Taschcrcau took possoslon of hi : titular clinch Santa Maria do Ylttorla , to day. _ Pneillsts Fall Our , lO > ) > j/rtoJt / ! I8S7 li \ Jamet Ganlm BeitneM.1 LONDON , March 10. | Now York llcralt Cable-Special to the BKI : . ] Pugilist : Mitchell and Smith , who have been amtcablj touring through the provinces In sparring ox hlbitlons , now merely speak as they pass by Neither will , however , explain why or tin cause of their parting company. In cense qutuicp , Mitchell sails alone to-day fo America , and Smith will not go at all. Dissolving a Municipal Council. PAIUS , March 10. It Is expected that the government will dissolve the municipal conn ell of Marseilles because that body yesterday manifested approval ot the Paris COIUIUUIK of 187L , Paused the Budget. BRRUN , March 10. The oberhaus ha passed the budget and loan bills in the torn In which they came from the unterhaus The easier recess extends from March 27 ti April 10. _ _ _ A FKAUFULi FI OOD The Missouri River Still On the Rain pane In Dakota. BISMAISCK , Dak. , Match 10. The gorge a Slbl y Island is still Intact despite dynaaMU The scene hero to-day is desolate and drearj The river is still over six miles in width The gorge at Slbloy Island Is holding th water to the highest mark that It reached ye : terday. All of last night a swinging Hgli was seen in the woods and several vain al tempts were made to send a rescuing part ; thither. The light was a signal of dlstres from a settler who , It Is learned this morn In by looking through a field class , has been o : top of his shack since the rising of the watei swinging a lantern in hopes of calling hcl | Ills shack Is completely surrouude by water and two miles from th shore of the now made stream , and almos afloat. Two rescuing parties were sent on this morning and have found several faml lies on the roofs of houses. The Held glas Is being used with good results , as nnmerou settlers have been discovered , some porchci on trees and others on floating timbers. To day a snow storm prevails. The curient eve thn new made channel is running over tei miles per hour and the drift Ice-shoots clou at terrific speed. A largo bear was seen on cake of ice this morning. Maudan ( s coin plctely Inundated and the water run through the streets as it in a mill race. Th situation at the river landing hero I : unchanged. The water Is .still runningthrong ! the boardinir houses and river residences ti | to the secon'd story , The worst Is coming The great rise at Fort Buford Is now eve half way hero and will reaclt this point sonv tlmo to-night This will make the hlghes water ever known in tneso parts , and unles the gorge breaks at Slbloy Island Mandan will bo in danger ot annilil latiou. Tne Little Heart river flows inti the Missouri lust below Mandan , am should the Ice In this stream bicak to-dn or before the Buford rise an lues , tlio en tlr surplus water of the Hood will bo backei Into Mandan. The high tiestlo of the Nortii orn Pacific Is wrecked. Bismarck Is th terminus of tlio Northern Pacllic. . Yester day's passenger train , with Its load of pcopl bound for the Pacific coast and intermedia ! points , laid on a side tr.tck here all night am will not be able to leave for several days , lie newed efforts to break the gorge at Slble island will bo made , but It will be waste of dynamite. The gorge consists of n ! : miles of solid ice wedged Into the bottom a the river and piled to a height of thirty feel Alt mall routes aie blocked. The snowston has been transformed Into a blinding bll ; zanl and it Is feared that the rescuing partie will be lost. They are out In small yawl ! and with the blinding storm and a curicn of ten miles an hour will bo unable to guld their crafts or keep tlioir bearings. LATER. The relief parties sent out thl moinlng , about whoso safety the greater concern was felt , came back this afternooi one boat bringing "Dutch Mlko" nndTlioma Whitney , taken Irom the shock where the had been for he.irly twenty-four hours , an the yowl bringing II , McCarty and wife an C. A. Beat , found on a littl mound opposite Fort Llncoli with the water within six Inches of them. 1 .such a blinding storm tlio return of the boat is little slant of marvelous. Tlio report c the drowning of Superintendent Graham o the Mardan side cannot bo verified hen us ttiere Is no communication here. There ! no Ice running In the river , which ind cater that the gorge Is still hold In above Buford. The rise of thirty feet cannc get here bctoro to-morrow. The train froi the east to-day brought moro emigrants an there are now over 100 hero. The Norther Pacilic Is returning east passengeis , who d sire it , free. Mlmindcretandlng Shelved. CHICAGO , March 10. An Inter Ocea special from Springfield , HI. , says : Con mlssioner Pearson and Wilson , of the 111 nols live stock board , held a conference t < day with Dr. Salmon , of the national bures of animal Industry , In the presence of Go ernor Oglesby. Speaking for the agrlculturi depaitment Dr. Salmon gave the Hllno board to understand that tlio mlsunde standings of the past would bo shelved an the department at Washington and the III IU > ! H board would again co-operate for a con mqn end the suppression of pleura pnc inonla In Cook county. Dr. Salmon left tl city to day and will be In Chicago next wcel The Retaliatory Act Promulgate ! WASHINGTON , March 10. Acting Seen tary Fairchlld has Issued a circular locust on officers , promulgating the recent aet of coi gress authorizing "Tho president to protei the rights of American fish I nz vessels , A me lean lishcrinon and American trading an other vessels In certain cases , " and the act r latlng to the "Importing and landing < mackerel caught during the spawning se son , " and calling particular attention to the provisions. The Country's Small Change. WASHINGTON , March lU. The statemet prepared at the treasury department showln the amount of small notes , standard dolh ; and fractional silver outstanding March 1M7 , as compared with the amount onlstain Ine July i. i&C , quotes uii lucrea : of SW.WO.OOO. . , . .A * - - * - * - = * * - BULLETS FOR A RAVISHER , Randall , tbo Rapist , Overtaken By Swift nuil Sure Justice , KILLED WHILE BEING TRIED. An Unknown Man Hear * the Con victing Kvldonoo niul Iminrdl- ntcly mown Out tlio Prisoner's Drains In the Court Uootii. Tlio liaw Ton Slow. HASTINOS , Neb. , March ll . [ Special Telegram to the BKK. | This afternoon about 4 o'clock , nt the county court room In this city , whim the evidence In the Dr. G. W. H.indall rnpo casii was nil In , wnllo the jiulgnvns prepalrlng the b\ll : bond , some un known man entered the court room , drew a revolver , nud shot the accused laplst through the head , killing him Instantly. The man who did the shooting escaped , The evidence of the llttlo girl , only cloven yeais. old , was of such a nature as to leave no doubt In the minds of those who heard It as to the guilt ol the accused. The evidence showed that tlu woman , Mrs. Randall , was Implicated ant assisted her brutal husband In making the assault upon the llttlo girl by holding hci hands while the ( lend accomplished the out rao. The little girl Is the daughter of Mar ion Hart , of Edgar , and has been In this city as a patient of Dr. llandall. The crowd \i \ still wild with excitement and fears are on- tcrtalned that the woman will bo lynched , Uandall was a quack doctor of very bad rep utatlon. Murder At Falls City. FAM.S CITV , Nob. , March 10 , jSpccla ! Tclegran to the BKK. I Frank Ncbergall clerk at the Union house , was shot am killed by John Marvin at 5 p. m. to-day Ncbcrcall had been diInking freely and hat ! a light with Marvin's brother Frank In i saloon , when a short time afterwards In came down street , where he met John Mar vln , and without saying a word ho struck al Marvin , who drew a revolver and struck him on the forehead. Dnrlne the fracas the re volvcr went off , the bullet taking effect It the lower part of Nebergall's jaw and passIng - Ing UP through his head , which caused hli death Instantly. After ho nad fallen to the walk Marvin exhlolted ncrvo by looklnt the body of his victim over carofullv and re marking. " 1 guess 1 have tixed htm. " Marvli Is now lu the hands of the sheriff. Jack Marlon's Fate. N , Neb. , March 19. [ Special Tele cram to the BKK.J Governor Thayer tolc the BKK correspondent to-night that on Wed nesday or Thursday next ho would send hli private secretary with a communication ti the sheriff of Uaee county , which would de tcrmlno whether Marlon , who was reccntl ; found cullty of murder at Beatrice , sen tenced to death and finally respited by the governor , would be hanged or consigned t ( imprisonment for life. Governor Thaye savH the evidence In the case Is volumlnoii : and several days will still uo required to ex , amlne It. Upon this examination will de pnnu Marlon's life , although he has twlci been found entity of the crime under sentence tonco lor which ho now rests. Valuable Stock Burned Up. KEAIINEY , Neb. , March 10. [ Special Tel eeram to tho'Br.E. ' j At 1'o'clock to-day Mr broke out in the livery barn owned b George Hulbert , now occupied by Ingran Bros , lu an hour It was burned to th ground. Sixteen horses and one thorough bred bull were burned to death. The ontln loss on stock Is Sil.OW ; on the building $1,000. Tlio building was fully Insured by th Continental of Now York. This is the Mrs tire Kearney has had since the water work were put In and was an absolute test of th clllclency of well and that of our lira depart niont. Altnoutch a heavy pile blew from tin north , and a wooden building stood within i do/.cn foot of the mass of burning haj and wood , the only loss was that of th stable. But for our water works and lire men a portion of Kearney would be It iishes to-night. The origin of the lire Is un known. Rxcter Jubilant , EXETKH , Neb. , March 10. ( Special Tele gram to the Ben. J Hells are ringing , bonfire blazing , whistles screaming and wo are ha\ Ing an old fashioned blow out Negotiation for the Northwestern have been complete and rliiht of way through Exeter and dope grounds were purchased to-day. A PAYMASTER ROUUED. A Oaring Cowboy Gets Away AVitl Money Intended for Troops. DOUGLAS , Wyo. , March 10. [ Speelr Telegram to the BKK.J Partlculai have just been received here c the robbery of a United State army paymaster D. N. Hash of 87,000 a Antelope Springs. Major 13ash was ci route for Fort McKlnney to pay oft" the troop there and stopped at Antelope Sprlnga t eat dinner , leaving his valise containing th money In the coach , which stood a few Htep from the bidding and In plain vlowofth major and his escort as they sat at the table During Ino progress of the meal a strange who had arrived at the station that moinlni and was present when the stage 'came In rai to the vehicle and sei/.ed the valise , on a horse standing near an was oil like the wind. The paj master's party sprang for thel guns and ran out , llrlng several shots at th ( lying desperado without etlect. Mountln thohtagehoitfos they followed tlio fugltlvi who turned In his saddle and lircdsoverr shots , which were returned by his pursuer with interest. The robber's horse , liowcvci was far superior to those on which the pay master's party was mounted and ho was see lost to sight. Following his trail the vails was found , from which tue rubber had re moved the money , also a pair of ptnts mint one leg , evidently utilUed by tlio fugitive a a Hack in which to carry Ills cash. The thU Is known to be a cowboy numed Clmru I'arkervlio tins been until recently on rancho mi the Uhoycnno river. The mono taken amounted to 7.&oo , S30 In silver , th balance in bill1 ; . Major Hash offers a n ward ofSl,000 for the capture of the robot or the return of the money. Iowa Supreme Court JJoulalonit. DES MOINK.O , la. , March 19. ( Special Te pgram to the BKK.J The supnwo court lilc the following dcclftions hero to-day : C. A. Illnklfty. appell.\nt , vs II. S. Marl lanaotal. I'lymouth circuit. Huvorsed. Frankul v Central Iowa railroad compan Supplemental opinion by Heck. Decieo mot Hied aud the petition furicheailng ovcrruloi Mnrvlns Nirkelson. appellant.s Neglev , Sherwln. Shelby circuit. Alllruml , Itce dissenting. May Jenkins by John T. Jenkins , gua Ulan , vs Ell/.a Clark , appellant. Oass illi trict. Aflirincd. State of Jowa vs Thomas 1'ayson , appe lant. Carroll district. Allirmed. State of Iowa vs.JulitH Valter , appellant Cedar district. Anirmed. William A. Keynolds , appellant , vs II. 1 Sutllff. Mint district. Aillrmcd. Atiotlior Newspaper for Sioux Cltj Sioux CITV , la. , March 19. ( Special Tel pgram to the HUB ] Sioux City's fourt dally made Its Initial appuaraucn this mori Ing. It Is called tlin Herald and Is dem cratlc , with Colonel Keatly. formerly i Council lllulfs , as editor , aud J. It. Laltlnu business manager. The Hera'.d coniniU tl morning United Press telegraph fr ochls Jt Is n ( luurto'ln form , six columns to t ! imgc , and presents a very neat nppearanc < Tlut there Is a Held for another dally doubted by many , but tlmo will decide that * The Herald is lucked largely by sovcial den * ocratic otllce seekers. A Mining Ctrl. Pus MOINKS la. , March 40. [ Special Telegram to tl.o llti.1 : : Yesterday atternoon Klla , the fourteen-year-old daughter of S. U. Pugh , a narrow guano street railway em ploye , did not return from school. Upon In quiry It was found that she had loft the. schoo In company with a strange woman , and from the description given the distracted father bclloMM the woman la hit wife , from whom ho was separated a few years a'jo , and was supposed by him to bo In Aikansai. The Pol I co wetu notified , but no trace ot tlio miss ing pair has been found. Murderer Sentenced Waterworks. CIIISTOX : , la. , March 10. [ Special Tola- gram to the HIM : . ] A. L. Hudies , tlio mur derer of Nelson Hague , who was convicted of murder In the second dosiec , has been sen tenced by Judge Harvey to thirteen years In llio penitentiary. The council pnsscd an ordinance last nlpht granting a twonty-flvn venrs' franchise to James Gamble , of Now York , for a water works. The city rents llfty hjdrants at 800 each per vear for Its purposes. The wortcs will be put In at once. Delmnr's N.irrow Kscape. CLINTON , la. , March 10 , ( Special Tele gram to the BKK. I An agricultural ware house at Delmar , this county , burned last night. Loss , S'J,000. The town had a nar- low cscapo and only hard work saved It. The artesian well is now supplying tlincity with line water mixed with some river wuter. The well Is bored 1,100 fuel and workmen are still boring. Dots From Dnbuquc. DtntUQUi : , la. , March 10. [ Special Tele gram to the Hirl John Dolan , of Mnsitlom township , fell oft his horse this morning and was trampled , perhaps fatally. Senator Allison declares that an extra ses sion next October to consider the larlfT and surplus Is necessary , us tuo surplus will ac cumulate and the next regular congress , meeting Just previous to the presidential campaign , will uo afraid to act. Death of an Inwa Divine. WAITKON , la. , March 10. Kov. B. Hallfor more than llfty years a minister of the Cum berland Presbyterian church , and well known In Indiana , Kentucky , Tennessee , Illinois and Iowa , died Maich 18. at his homo In Wauken. la.whero ho has resided twenty- three years. IjAAVTON AND 1113 CliBItK. The Presence of Both Greatly Do * sired In New York. Nr.w YOIIK , March 10. | Special Telccram to the Br.K. ] The whereabouts of Unfits Y , Klikland , the confidential clerk and partner of Walter E. Lawton , who absconded Tues day , taking with him half n millio'n dollars , are almost as little known as those of Law- ton. The supposition Is that ho has gone away. It Is claimed that the creditors of tlio Azotln company , of which Lawton was the chief stockholder , will not lose much , as the propoity attached at Llttlo Ferry , N. J. , Is worth about SKOO.OUO. Lawton's safe hag been opened and was found to contain not a dollar that could bo applied to the settlement of his personal estate. The only things found In the safe were tlio books of various companies in which ho was interested. Lawton - ton find not only destroyed his check books but his cash book , ledger and oflice tiled , BO that the means of unravelling the man's mys- * terlous actions are none. The testimony of every one who had business transactions With Walter K. Lawton Is that within th6 last four weeks Lawton has been getting to gether all thn hard cash possible , ills wide acquaintance * and his unlmpeachett credit enabled him to do this In a great many dlf > tarent ways , and ho seems to nave usnd them all. There seems to be a suspicion also that he has taken a rich wife with him. There were two rich widows In town , so It Is Raid in the street , who wanted to marry him. although , as ono of his victims says , "The old fellow was about as handsome an red mud. " Hut it was common gossip in Janu ary that he was going to niarrv again. Just ono week before the day ho loft his otllro for good ho was In the bank doing sonm busi ness and ho quietly sat down and , taking a pencil , figured up ldn wealth as 31,000,000 to the satisfaction of the president. When Lawton walked out thn piesidont said to an other officer of the bank , "There goes an old fellow worth a solid million. ' ' Another of his games came to light yesterday , llo owned , a tract of GOO acics of laud known as "Tlio Island , " at Little Fury , N. J. , and with a. largo water front on Hackcnnack river. Swamp crass and cat tails cover it. A lluoly executed map Is In existence , showing the island tract as an elegant park with magnifi cent residences , groves and river , and n rlter Iront white with the sails of yachts. It la bald to have been Mr. Lawton's intention to dls-poso of the property to n syndicate of English capitalists , represouting It as an aristocratic suburb of .New Voik. Attempted Assassination. SAN t'jiANcifico , March 19. The steamer Alamcda , which arrived from Sydney to-day , ' reports an attempt made to assassinate the : premier of Tongo Island , Itcv. Shirley Baker. * > and his non and daughter on the evening ot January 18 while out driving. Several men , white and natives , tired upon them , woundIng - Ing the latter. Seven hundred natlvo war riors attempted to lynch the suspected parties , but were dissuaded by Mr. Baker. The trouble was owing to religious quarrels between the different sects. Mr. Baker charges the adlieieuts of Mr. Moulton , one of the missionaries , with exciting civil war. Great excitement prevailed al last accounts iinil Baker was b.urlcaded In the king's pal ace. Moulton denies Inciting the hostilities and complains of the oppression exercised by- his opponeul on the Island. A Itntlrond Transfer. ' SAN KJIAIICISCO , Maich 10. Itecardlng the statement telegraphed last night that the Oregon & California railroad had been trans ferred to thn Southern Pacific company' Coloiuti Charles F. Crocker , vice prrv-tldent of tlm latter company sent thu Associate prew tlio following to-day : "The transfer of the Oregon it California lallioad into the possession of the Southern Pacific company awaits tlio delivery of certain Recuiltti'B in Now Vork City , which wilt bo accompllbhd about Aptlll. Tlio agreement made some months finco In Nnw Yosk by Hiintington and the aonts of the bondholder * and stock holders of the Oiegon < ft California railroad ban been ratlllcd. " The n. & O. Bali ) an Amnrcd Fact. Nr.w YOIIK , Maich 10. The transfer of tlio Baltimore A : Ohio railroad to the Stayncr- Ives syndicate of capitalists Is now declared to be a foicgone conclusion , the amount re quired by the terms of tlm Palo to mnko the first million ot dollars having been deposited to their account to-day. Several largo Bos ton concerns are declaieil to be back of tlie ( Irnl'and Irving A. Kvvns , one of thn most prominent brokers there , Is represent Infe tholr InteioMsIn tlio deal. Do was at the Albeumrlii hotel last night , and to-night ho ! Is holding another coulmineo with the syn dicate hoiu. i c , Fixetl All night For Hating. ST. Lotus , March 10. A special from Poo- rla , III. , says : .Vepio minors who wcru Im ported troin ( iirat drape Cu-ek to III ! the strike's' ' place,1) ) here , have also quit wotk , their employe ! * having lefusrd to accede to tholr demand for an advauc In wages to 3 cents per bushel. Before striking Uioy irot cnouL'ti provisions from the truck stores on credit to last a month. oAfter ttio Telopliono Coiupanicn. Bvfi'Ai.o , March 19. A largely attended meeting of representative clli/ens was held UitB afternoon , at whl'-h a risc > lutloti was adopted declaring that the teJophono com pany bo requested to movutholrcah ! ( ii bfforo Monday next at noon aud If they tailed to. dtiho then the proper nutliorltJw jL'fUobted | to remove theui.