THE OMAHA DAILY BEBt SATURDAY , MARCH 19. 1887. AN ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING , " " " % . Charles Hurst Fatally Shot by Louis Center , a Playmate. WIFE. AN ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD A Heavy Datnaao Stilt Ktichl'fl Ashes Taylor's Troubles The Police Alarm Another Street Hail- way Other Local. A SlmotltiB Affair. A shooting nfl'silr tlint will result in the death of u young liul nnmod Clinrlcs Hurst occurred on tlio rnllroul : crossing near Sulpliur Springs about noon yester day. Hurst , who is : i young lad about fourteen yeais of ngc , startcd out on n hunting trip with Louis Coutcr , a boy of about the snuio age. They were Across- ing a culvert on the railroad track just north of Sulphur Springs when Coiitor , who carried a heavily loaded shot gun , fell through through the guard. In thn fall he dropped the gun which was dis charged the contents taking effect in the nbdomon of young Hurst , who was fol lowing closn behind his companion. The phot took effect in the right side of young Hurst's abdomen , making an in cision about three inches in length. The Hmallcr intestines were exposed and cut in six places. Upon bcinc shot Hurst rolled off of the embankment at thn side of the track ami was with dillieulty rescued by his companion who called for help. The injured boy was removed to his home on Ulrto ctrcet near Sherman avcnun and Dr. Cornish mimmoncd to attend him. Ho found his wound to be of a very serious nature and called Dr. Shaw to assist him. The two physicians did all in their power to save the boys life. He continued to sink nip- idly , however , r.nd at a late hour last iiiglit all hope of his recovery was given up and it wns thought that tie would not live until this morning. While the tin fortunate affair is looked upon as an acci dent rumors are afloat that may ehmico the aspect of the case and will at least cause an ofllcial investigation of the mat ter. It appears that on Thursday the two boys had quarreled and parted with throats of a future meeting to settle their dillieulty. They did not meet again until yesterday when Coutor appeared at Hurst's homo with a shot gun and in- ' duccd Hurst to go hunting with him. This fact has been taken by the ever ready gossip as a suspicious circumstance and commented upon until an ofllcial in vestigation of thn case will probably re sult. The wounded lad mad a statement to Dr. Cornish yesterday to the effect that ho regarded the affair as purely acci dental. South Omaha. Cull at our office nnd wo will take you down to South Omaha and show you tlio ninny now improvements now Koing on there. Wo can satisfy you that you can make 100 to ! iOO per cent on your money in six months. C. K. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest Cor. 15th and Harnoy. AN EljEVEN-YEn-OIjD WIFE. lailu Wllllamft' StraiiKO Petition Two Divorce Cases. In tlio district court yesterday after noon Lulu Williams filed n petition for a divorce from her husband , Robert Wil liams. The woman's petition sots forth n strange state of affairs. She alleges that the license by which she wad married to Williams in Missouri , on October 10 , 1883 , wns obtained by fraud. She avers that at that time she wns only cloven years of ugo , a more child , and that Wil liams , although awareof her ago , per jured himself and swore that she wns twelve yorrs of age , and thus secured the license. The child wife goes on to state thnt over since the day of her marriage to Williams she has been the victim of his brutal and abusive nature. Of Into ho has refused to lend any aid to her support nnd she prays for a decree of di vorce. Henrietta Grybsky commenced a suit in the district court yesterday for a di vorce from her husband , Joseph Gryb sky. They were married in Omaha on November 10 , 1885. The plaintiff alleges that her husband has abused her almost constantly since the day of their marrlngo nnd has repeatedly called her the vilest names , nnd finally cupped the climax of abuse by refusing to let her remain in her homo. She alleges that she la in deli cate health and not able to earn her own living. She asks n divorce , the custody of her child nnd alimony. Tlie Year 1887. During the year 1887 the people of this city will see tlie greatest growth it has over had. This is ocknowloged by all good judges. Property in and about the city will advance fa price so rapidly that hundreds of fortunes will be made in a few months. The now packing houses , factories , etc. , locating in South Omaha will make that a business part of tLe city und at > n consequence property m that locality will bn much sought after. Now , this week , is the time to buy this prop erty , Wo are solo agents for South Omaha proper nnd an investment made there now will return the purchaser his money and 100 to 200 per cent adilded to it. Anybody with a small amount of money can buy n lot m South Omaha. The C. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. cor 10th and Harney. V i Taylor' ii Trouble. Charles K. Taylor , the deputy county clerk , arrested on Thursday on a charge of forging J. H. McCroary's nnmo to u county warrant , wnivcd prolimluiu-y ex amination before Justice llolsley voster- day nnd gave bonds in the sum of $500 for his appearance before the district court grand jury. Mr. Corbott , ' tlio gentleman who nil- vnnced the money with which tlio warrants - rants wore purchased , has been abused and slandered in connection with the nflhir. The simple facts are that Taylor came to Corbott and prouoscd to him to buy up the warrant9 which had been un called for. These warrants belonged principally to country people , and Taylor represented that ho could buy them up at a discount and got them ensued in Janu ary. Mr. Corbott agreed to furnish the money , provided County Trensuror Bollu woulu certify that the scheme was n proper one. That otlicial declared that the proceeding was a proper one , and actually cashed the warrant * as they were presented , when there wns suQlcienl monov in the treasury. Taylor rouro < scntcd that ho hud procured the assign ments properly , and Mr. Coibett , suu- posing that ho had done so , of course furnished the money. If it is true , n < claimed , that some of the assignment ! were forged Mr. Corbott can in' no was bo hold responsible for that. Ho had nb Bolutoly nothing to do with procuring those assignments. Mr. Corbctt has boon in business hero for years , nnd thinks toe much of his reputation and honor to gc into any scheme that might ruin both. Poor Mlko Farrcll. Mike Fnrrell , one of the oldest euinecn on the Union Pacific road , was arrestci yesterday on the charge of being insane and Is now confined in the county jni awaiting nn examination , For year Farrell was a faithful anil compcton passenger engineer on the westcn division of the Union Pacific.About i ' year ago he was overcome by tlio hoa while at his post of duty and has bcoi with mental derangement eve slnco. Ills delusion takes n strange form. Everything thnt moves on wheels is to him nn encinc. Ho will board a street car or r coal wagon nnd urge the driver to "give her more sand , " nnd in quire anxiously and with his old time carefulness nbout the "orders" of every moving vehicle he sees. Ho hns a wife nnd ; ohild in straitened circumstances. He will probably be sent to the asylum. For Snlo. We hiwo four full corner lots , 60x133 feet each , on Farnam street cast of lUth street at20,000 , ? oO,000 , $75,000 and $125,000. 22 fcut on 1'nrnnm by 132 on llth. f 11,000 A choice corner , 132 feet front on 10th st south of Cass street. . . . 05.000 A choice corner on 10th st I50\i ( ) | for 25,000 70x132 s o cor 23d and Cuming. . . 20,000 C0\b8 n w cor 23d nnd Cuming. . . 15,000. 11 feet on Hartley between llth and 15th 35,000 CO feet on Howard between 15th nnd 10th 35,00 22 feet on Cuming between 17th nnd 18th J,500. 75 feet on 10th street near Nich olas 15,000. 132 feet on Leavcmvorth 18,000. 185 feet on Leaven worth -10,000. Two acres on Lea vis n worth 12,000. Good dwelling property in all parts of the city. Three full loU on U. P. tracks to lease for 20 years. The C. 15. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co. , N.V. . corner 15th and lluniey. Kil. Kuclil'H llcnmlno. Mr. Itnumcr , who went cast with the body of Edward Kuehl , the fortuneteller , returned yesterday from Uull'alo , N. Y. . where ho had the body cremated. Ilo says the operation took from nbout 10 o'clock in the morning until 2 in the afternoon. The remains the ashes are now nt Drcxcl < .V Maul's , in n neat clay- red urn , hermetically sealed. Mr. Uaunicr says that Kuehl never de sired that ills asncs should bo placed in Wittig's saloon , and the idea originated from n serio-facetious remark of n by stander at the coroner's inquest , when the announcement was made that the body was to bo cremated ; the funny man said the ashes ought to bo spread on Wittig's grnvo. Mr. Uaumer never for n moment entertained an idea involving such a sacrilege. Ho is in correspond ence with the heirs with .a view to buy ing n lot in the cemetery nnd burying the dobular vessel and contents. Up Go the Prices. On nnd after Monday next all good lots in "UKAUTIKUL CurxoN HILL" will be sold at the following prices : South fronts , $750. Nortli fronts , $700. East fronts , $050. Complaint having boon made that our former notice did not give sulHciont time for investors to close deals , wo thus extend - tend the time till Monday next. By buy ing this week you will get the full benefit of the advance. The above prices are from 20 to 80 nor cent below the prices of corresponding property. There is not a lot in the whole tract bought from Mr. Crei hton , but that will bo worth $1,000 before the 1st of Juno. Street railroad is NOW IIEINO BUILT through Clifton Hill. Agents will receive full commission at present prices until Saturday night , nnd full commissions at advanced prices com mencing Monday morning next. A. P. TUKCY , 1324 Furnam. Another Street Railroad. Article of incorporation of the Omaha Southwestern street railway. The com pany is formed for the purpose of build- ng and operating a street railway , com mencing on Park street nt its eastern errainus and running west through sec- ions 23 , 29 and 30 to the center of sec- ion 30 in township 10 , range 13 , and also rrom the intersection of Farnam and Thirty-sixth streets along Thirty-sixth street south to Park street. The incorporators - porators are Henry Ambler , Samuel J. Howcll , Cyrus Murton , Chas. U. Woolloy , G. S. Ambler nnd C. F. Harrison. The capital stock of ihe company is placed nt | 15,000. The company has a right of way , granted about throe mouths ago by the county commissioners. A Free Ride. You hnvo no idea of the immense boom which will bo on in South Omaha within n few weeks , unless you-havo been down there lately. Now is the time to buy. Come to our ofllco any day and lot us take you down to see the town , and if you have any money to buy with you will put it in there. C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. cor. 15th and Harney. Itio Police Alarm Service. 'John F. Stack representing the Police Telephone and Signal company , of Chicago cage , Is in the city. He has just returned from Cheyenne , where ho has been put ting in u police alarm service , and will remain here to superintend the construc tion of the system that has boon ordered by the Omaha council. Chief Galligan , of the lire department , will commence the work of stringing the wires next week. _ A Free Ride. You have no idea of the immense boom which will bo on in South Omaha within a few weeks , unless you have been down there lately. Now fs the time to buy. Come to our olliee any day and lot us take you down to see tlio town , and if you have any money to buy with you will put it in there. C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. Cor. 16th and Hnrnoy. They Called Her Names. Mrs. Louise Tritz commenced a suit in the district court yesterday , against John and Christina Ilullwig for $10,000 dam ages , for slander and Injury to tno char acter. The plaintiff alleges that on March 14 thn defendants , in the presence of several persons , addressed her in the Gorman tongue , calling her vile names and reflecting upon the character of the place she keeps. Therefore tlio damage. The Year 1H87. During the year 1887 the people of this city will see the greatest growth it has over had. This is acknowledged by all good judges. Property in and about the city will advance in price so rapidly that hundreds of fortunes will bo made in n few months. The new packing houses , factories , etc. , locating in South Omaha will make that a business part of the city , and as a consequence property in that locality will bo much sought after. Now , this week is the time to buy this property. We are solo agents for South Omaha proper and an invest ment mndo there will return the pur chaser his money and 100 to 200 per cent added to it. Anybody with a small amount of money can buy a lot in South Omaha. The C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. cor. 15th and Harney. A Die Mortgage. Ono of the heaviest mortgages over placed on record in Douglas county was thnt filed by the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway company yesterday. It was for the sum of $2,257,000 and m favor of ttio American Loan and Trust company of New York City , * * . > m - ! * * Mdyno'a Audition. We have a tow lots loft in Mnyno'fi ad dition that wo can sell cheap. Lots are $500 , with only 10 per cent cash and the balance on ve.rv easy terms. Call nt our olliee and let us show tbis property. C. E. Mayne , Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest corner lOtU and liarnoy. , AMUSEMENTS. J.OTTA AS I.1TTLK NEtT. . Another largo nudlcnco turned out Inst night to sco Lottn In "Little Nell. " The performance was in every respect leagues beyond'that of the evening before and Lotta wns given n perfect ovation. She and several members of the company were called before the curtain. In no part could Lotta's versatility have boon bettor displayed than in the dual roles of Little Nell nnd the Marchioness. The latter , particularly , fitted her like n glove and she seemed a veritable sprlto of the gutter. Her impersonation throughout was an artistic triumph that was fully appreciated by the enthusiastic audience. The company did bettor work in many respects tlinn on tlio previous night , al though Dickens1 creations hnvo too strong nn individuality to bo within the grasp of the average actor , yet though tlio characters , with one or two excep tions , failed to stand out with marked distinctness , the parts wore acceptably taken. P. Aug. Anderson had the heavy part of Qullp and made it exceedingly ponderous. Ho was the .sensual , brutnl abortion that Dickons' has depicted nnd diii not modify the original in the least but made the part so realistic that his ex its wore n relief. Fred Lennox took the part of the imaginative Dick Swiveller with n good deal of nbandon , and Bert Cooke was good as Kit. "Musette" will At the nmtinco to-day bo played and to-night "Tho Little De tective , " Mayno Place. We have a few lots left in Mayno Place south of Loavcnworth street. These lots arc being sold nt less ligurcs nnd on easier terms than lots In Haiiscom Place , while they are the same distance from the city. C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE & TIUJST Co. , Northwest cor. 15th and Harnoy. An Overdose of Opium. The coroner's inquest held yesterday over the remains of James Gaskell , who died nt the police stntion on Wednesday night , developed the fact that the de ceased came to his death from the cflccts of an overdose of opium , probably unin tentionally administered. The funeral will bn held from lre.\el & Maul's st3 o'clock this afternoon. Desirable Corner. On Lcavenworth 185 foot front , $ -10,000. C. E. MAYNI : UEAL ESTATE & THUS r Co. , Northwest cor. 15th ami Hurnoy. Licensed to Wetl. Judge McCulloch granted licenses yes terday to the following parties : Name , llesldonce. Ace. Nils Anderson. . . .Unialm 21 Marie Hanson Omaha -1 Joseph Tiichctck..Oinnhn31 Mary Sterba. Uiuaha 19 In Ttiornburf ? . Wo have some bargains in lots in Tliornburg. U. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest Cor. loth and Harney. Air. Kttcr's Disappearance. Tim mysterious disappearance of Mr. Etter , of Plattsnioulli , who visited this city early in the present month , lias called forth the following letter trom his son-in-law : OMAHA , Maich 17. To the Editor of the IEK ! : I wish to make correction In icg.tnl to Mr Daniel Etter ot I'lattsinouth my totlier- Inlaw cnino to Oninha the morning of Mar f ! Having Ills valico checked at n icsturant at the depot being to heavy to carry expectl to leave for the west In a ( lav or two also leaving His lunch Basket at Mr. McMannls House on slxt st Ho being an Old acquanco of His Mr Ett r left my House Sunday morning the sixth told my Wife that He wasKoinjr tote to JMcMannlss for Dinner & if Ho did 'not eve He would io away He left their Homo that eve & said Ho was trolng away resttooku basket wunt&KOt His Valico at theanetandls and told the landlord Ho was uolnn Ho 82 0 went o\or to the U. P. Depot to take the to tialn west which Is No Doubt hut whore Hr lias none J. W. UOIIDINIEII. Houses nml Lots. For sale in Orchard hill at a bargainalso ; jargams in houses und lots in all parts of the city. The 0. E. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. N. W. cor. 16th and Harney St. An Eventful Trip. Mr. Fearon , of tlio firm of Fearon & lole , ! ms returned from a month's trip to California. Ho reports the hunting south of San Diego as the best in the world , tie crossed over the Mexican line and bagged hundreds of birds of all kinds. Wlille out in a row-boat near the coast lie shot a sea lion and he also tells of a little rocky island where the birds nests wore so thick that it was almost impos sible to walk without stopping into them. South Omaha. Call at our ollico and wo will take you down to South Omaha and show you the many new improvements now going on there. Wo can satisfy you that you can make 100 to 200 per cent on your money in six months. C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest Cor. 15th and Harnoy. By a special order of General Superin tendent Smith of the Union 1'acilic the ntunfl of Missouri Pacific Crossing Station ( No. 8i ) , on first district , Nebraska divi sion , 17.1 miles west of Omaha , has been changed to Portal. No post ollico at this point , the nearest being at Papilliou , 3. t miles east. POWDER Absolutely Pure. , ThUpowder nevervarles. A marvel ol purity.strength and wholesomeness. More economic than the ordinary klnda and cannot be sold in competition wiih the mul titude of low test , short weight alum 01 phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co. . 108 Wall street , New York. III.rnhh tuaVp'KWw&Cf ' ellSSt ( PUPEFIIS' ' iM * * y eor * luo not ID MO jncrtito top tutii . ? nxl ? the diMMt or HTSTwiLfcraY r FAI Iwwraot at rtmMla cart BLACK WOIP ! Or Black Leprosy , le ft < ll rn c which Is considered Incurnblc , but It haa jlcldul to the ctiratho proper- tics of HWIFT'B HrEcinc now known all our Ilia orld us S. S. 8. Sirs. Uallcy. of West SomcrTlllc , JIn g , near llopton. was Attacked several years nci * > Ith this lildcons black eruption , nnd as trcited by tlio best medical Ulcnt , who could only soy that tha disease was a epccics of -LEPROSY- niJ ) consequently Incurable. H Is Impossible to tie. scrllie her buffering ) . Her body from thccronn of licr heart to the Bolisof her feet was a ma s of decay , masses of flesh rotting oil mid lcn\ Inc pront entitles. Ikr fingers festered and three or four nails dropped od at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful nlccrntlo : ! , nr.d forrc\crul jears hc did not lea\o licr bed. Her weight wns reduced from 125 to CO Ibs. 1'crhnpa pome faint Idea of her condition can bo clcamd from tlio fact that three pounds of Cosmo- line or ointment were used per week In dressing her cores. Finally thn phjsicluni acknowledged their defeat by this niack wolf , and commcndcu tbc suf ferer to her all-wlso Creator. Her husband licnrlncw omlcrf til reports of the n a of buiFT'ft brEcmc(8. ( H. H. ) , prevailed on her to try It as a last resort , bho began Its use under pro test , but Boon found that her system was being re- llc\cdof the poison , an the cores ns umcdaredaud healthy color , as though the blood was becoming pure nnd ncthe. Mrs. llnlley continued thcB.S.S , until last February ; o\ury sore was healed ; ehe dis carded chair and crutches , and was for the first lime in twche jcars a well woman , Her husband , Mr , U. In bntlneeaat 17V Ulnckntone Street , Uotton , and will Jake pleasure. In giving the eU tails of this wonderful cure. Bend tons for Treatise on Ulood and Skin Diseases , mailed free. TUB bniFT bPECiric Co. . Drawer 3. Atlanta. Gl AKK STILJL VouUtoen jrouc * , they ha\e > Rtnicllly gained n fiior , anil with miles constnntly incronslni mve become tlio most popular coi set through out tlio United Mute ? . Tlio K. a nnd It H irrndos niomndo In SiioriT MEDIUM AMI KKTIII LONG \VAis-r , sultnhlc for nil lljrurcs. Tlio o quality , nmilo of English Coutll , ii warranted towear twlco us long as onllmiryoorHots. Highest awards from nil tlio World's irront I'ulrs. The lii ttmoclnl rccuhcd Is tor 1'niST IHIHEE OP Mr.nir , fiorn tlio Into Exposition leld at NowOi loans. While scoios of patents hnve been found worthless , tlio principles of the Olovc-Flttlnjr nuo proved Invatunulo. Hctiiilerg tire authorized to refund money , if , on examination , thrso Corsets do not prove as repiesentod. 1 OH BALK EVEUYWHKHU ON APPLICATION. THOMSON , LANGDON & CO. . New York. One Agent fMerooint onlT > wnntnl In rverr town for Your "Tanslll's Punch" 80 cljrar Kood gntUfnctlon ; the boys nro "uatcblnir on. " Ar.voiin.V FoiiUKU , Drnralsts , Eldorn , In. "TansiU's 1'iincn" is tlio uest cljrar wo bavo overs old for tha money , C. E. KiTTEn &Co , , Nooslin , Mo. ADDRESS , R. W. TANSILL & CO. , CHICAGO CTYOUNG&SONST ST.J.OU1S , MO. 35.OOO SUPERB ROSE On band. 125 Standard Borti to choose from. lOlnrSI.UO ear ° arrival Kunrantood. Hhrnb * and Beedi. All tha novettlc * . Our lllui- tratod Catalogue IB Invuluuble to all who have , or wish lohuveaitarden. Mulled free to applicant * . UO package , of our superior Flower Heed. , or US package ! of our tented Vegetable Heed. ( or l.VO , postpaid to any addrcn. its causes , and a new and EUCCOBSIUI CUKE at jour own homo hy one who was float twenty eight years. Treated by most of tlio noted special- Uts without benefit : cured himself In three months , and since then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on application. T. H. PAGE. No. 11 WouBlBt St. , ow York City. OMAHA St , Cor. Cspltol Avcnut. Von THE TRXATKENT Or Atli Chronic & Siuglcal Diseases. ' PR. McMRNAMY , Prop' * iotor. Suteeu jrearsV Hotmul and 1'rlvato 1'ractlc * Wo have the farllltlct , apparatu * and remedlM for tU Euccchsful treatment of every form of dl - i Ate requiring either medical or surgical treatment , tindlnvltoalltoconioandirmillKatofortticniicIrM it correspond wltltut. Long experience In trent- Inireiisei by lotttren.ibks ua to treat many CMM icientlUculfyllhnut teeing them. WnlTK TOR CinoULAU on Dcforciltlei and Mractf , Club fort , Cumturei of tlio Hjiine DIIEIIIS or WIXBN , Pllx , Tumnri , Caacrri , Catarrh , CronchlUi , Inhalation , Klectrlclty , l'aral < T < li , Epilepsy , Kidney , /e , Ear , Skin , Dlood and ll lurzlcal operatloni. llatterle. , Inhalers , Timers , Trumet , nil kind * of Medical and Surglcil Applliutcn , man ufactured and for tnlo Tht only rtllikle Jedlcal IniUut * miklnf Private , Spidal $ Nervous Diseases r Ai BPECIAI.TT. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND I1I.OOD DISEASES , from < > hatorercanse produced , ucceMfullytrentcd. , Wo cm remove Bjphllitlo poitou from the nyittrn without mercury , New rtitoratlre treatment for Inn of vital power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONPIDBNTIAI. Cull and consult ui or i < nd Btmo and poit-offlct midrrii plainly written encloie stamp , and w < will lend yon , la plain wrapper , our ' PRIVATE CIMCUL AM TOMCK uroM PBIVATI , Briout , AMU Ninroui Dunn * , SZMIXAL WliKXIU , HriRMlTOIIHUOlA , iMrOIBN. rr , BTPIUI.U , ( IONOBKBOJA , GLEET , VAKICOCII.I , STRIOTUni , AMD Alt. Dllllllt or TUB OlMITO' UKINAKT Oieixs , or nnd hlitory of jour cat * for tnoplnlon. I'ersona unable to vUtt ns may be treated at llitlr liomef , br rorrrrpondence Mrdlclnei and Initru- uenU eut by mall or tipreu SUUU1IKLY 1'AC'U ED 1'HOM ODUBUVAl marki to IndlcHlu contents or loudtr. One personal interview pro farred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the a-co modatlnn of patient ! . Board and attendance tl icatonabl * pilcts. Addreti tl ) Letters to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. 13IHSI and Cultal . . . OMH q 'B TOMIB. ATlotlmot Tuuinfuniu | > rud < i > M'i iutaa hwutura Dvuy. It.rvoiU ItebUlty , U l Manhood , rUwtiavliiglrl d IB TiU .Terr known rtmnlr , hu dUrotrrwi a ilmpM r * . which h will wiul fit If to hU teltaw f- SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT T W Our Spring and Summer Suits arc daily arriving and within a fowdays wo will bo nblo to exhibit the most complete line ever shown in Omaha. Wo quote no particular style or price , simply ask an inspection of the various lines we carry , and believe we can interest you in make , quality and prices. In Spring Overcoats we carry an elegant line of all shades. One bargain in particular we offer , is a fine imported Melton , silk lined all through , at $14.75. This overcoat cannot be duplicated for less than § 20.00 in any establishment in Omaha. AVe call particular attention to ourEoys'and Children's Suitsof , which we have just re ceived about one thousand. Among them we have 150 Norfolk suits , in sizes from 1 to 13 years , strictly all wool cheviot , with double seat and double stitched , usually called "rough and tumble" suits. Wo sell them at $2.95 and they are the best wearing suit ever introduced. AVe invite inspection of these suits whether you wish to purchase or not , All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at * 4 Nebraska Clothing Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. PUBLIC SALE At Millard Station , SATURDAY , MARCH 19th , 1887. George McCombs , and Wm. Grimm Will sell at Public Auction 70 to 80 head of mules and some American Brood Mares with foal from "Kentucky Jacks. " Also one new , Wagon and Double Harness. M9 months time , with approved security , 8 per cent in terest. 5r > er cent off for MADE ON HONOR AND PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT Ihe only Machine that will sew backwards and fonvards equally well , and the Li/h'est Ittinniny Sewing Machine In existence. The Union Sewing * Machine We < 1ctlre cnrryetlc ami In Aeb/Yis/.vi , Colorado , ll'ijoiiilno , Dakota and Western Iowa. Jf you are looliii for a cheap Machine , don't answer thin advertisement , but if you want to handle thv best Scwlny Machine that money can buy , addrcnJ'or particulars. 209 N , I6tii St. , Omaha , Neb , Mention Omaha Use. Certificate of Publication. OCIICK ABDITOU or I'unuo ACCOU.NTS 1 STATK or NKIIHAHKA , > LINcoi M , February 1st , 1BS7. ) It Is hereby certitled tbut the Connecticut Mu- tunl Life Insurance Co. , of Hartford , In the ptuteof Connecticut has compiled with the In surance law of thhsUtP.and Is authorized to transact tlio buslnes of life Insuianco In this stnto for tlie current yeixr. . . . . . , „ Witness my band and tbo seal of tlio Auditor of Public Accounts the day nd > enr nboyo wrlttmi. H. A. HANCOCK , Auditor F.A. H. D. OOLBON , Agent. 181 fmw AYL. BWK "HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. " \O BLAXKS. IIIO PUIXKS OK KK\VAKDH ! One Million Distributed Every Year HE AOUU.UUH.rtJi > [ .vrKllE ST MONKY IUV1DKD AMONU A VKW I.MOKV IIOX iior.uuus Kvr.uv a Only fl.OO required to secure one Koyal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bondt participate in 225 drawings , four drawing fvery year ard retain their original until the year 1014. Pri/es of 2,000,000 l.OOO.OOi ) , 500,000 , 250,000 , &c. franc * will bo drawn , besides the certainty of receiving back 100 franc * In gold , ) on may win 4 time * Tills Uns nfp , nnd the host. Investment e r offered , ai thit lnrc od moiii-y mutt be palJ back . .n end mSn.'res. . 8 "nd fm-ilrol.HMi It nlll | i r yoiMoiK < > r leiiU " < " " " " Illo uy rosntorod letter , or postal nolt-s , nnd In return we will forward the documoiils. BCKM.V II \KI.V fi 0 , , JIOS Ilroailwav , Now York Uly. N. U.-Tho o boaJs ire not lottorr tickets , and the < ile h loyally pirmltto J In tlio U. S. hy la , * ' -