THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , MARCH 10 , 1887. r SPEOIAL NOTICES ; AdvertUcmenU under this bond , lOcontsper line tor the flrtt m ertlon,7 cents for ouch sub- lequent Insertion , and $1.50 a. line per month No advertisement taken for less than' * sent * for tlio first Insertion. Seven wort ) * (11 ( bo counted to tlio line ; they must run wnsocu- lively and rau t be p < d In ndrnnc * . All adver tisements must bo lmnu < 3d In bofor 1:30 o'clock p , in , , nnd under no circumstances will tlioybe taken or discontinued by telcplione. l'nrti 9 ndvertlMnif In thcsu ( .olumni rnd hi\r * Jnp the answers nOdrcsetd In c re of Tn * Br will nlrnso Mk for n check to enable them to net tbelr letters , as none will bo dollTorod oicept on cresentatlon of check. All answers to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. ON BY To lonn on rosldonco property. M fxnir and short tlrao. City mortgages ' .I K. 8. llowley , 314 So. IBlh st. 799-18. ONKY to loan on real ostata and chattels M : S. KntzA Co. 1511 Farnumat , ground floor. but MONEY to loan on Improved olty property nt 0 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait Have a complete set of abstract books of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris llcul Kstato and Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st. First mortgage notes. The Douglas MONKY bunk will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 134 Cl'Klt CENT-Monny to loan. Gregory i Hadloy , Rooms 1 and 3 , llcdlck Block , 320 S. 15th St. 125 to Loan on reiil estate and collaterals MONKY als and chattels. Nebraska Loan > V Heal KMato Co. , Exposition building , corner Capitol venue and 14th street. 698 MONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Burn- bam , Itoom 1 Crelghton lllock. 117 CHEAP MONEY to loan on choice residence or business property. J. y. Uaston , 1509 Farnam st 04C-22 * T.OANB Loans Loans. Heal estate loans , Collateral loans. Chattel loans. Ixjng tlmo loans. Short tlmo loans. Money always on hand to loan on any ap proved security. Invotttncnt securities bought nnd sold. Omaha financial Exchange , n. w , cor. 15tb and Harney. Corbett. Manager. 1 to loan , cash on delay. MONEY . and K. L. B < julro , 1413 Kuruam st , fallen hotel building. 120 600,000 TO LOAN nt 0 per cent J. J. Mahoney - honey , 1609 Farnam. 121 " PKIl CENT Money. 11. 0. Patterson , 15th at-d Harnoy. 123 TV1ONKV to lonn In sums to suit , from $1,000 iTl to $50,000 ; no dolny. Tuttle & Allison. 311 g. 13th st 6am31 ! _ LOAN Money Loan * placed on 1m- _ . proved real ostnte In city or county for New England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , let a and Chloago st * . 129 "WONKY TO LOAN-OB city una farm prop- iWJ. ertytow into. Btowart & Co. , Room U Iron bank. 137 MONRY TO LOAN-O F. Dnvls St Co.real estate and loan agents , 1605 ttarnam st 138 ONKY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat tel * . D. L. Thomas. 129 2 500,000 To lonn on Omnha city property nt A P per cent. Q. W. Day , over I3l3 DougMB st ISO Vt ONKV TO LOAN bytbo nndorglRned , wno Jbus the only properly orfranlrod lonu pgency InOmnhn. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo On furniture , plnnosorgans , horses , watrons , innchlnvry , so , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so in rule that any part can bo paid at any ime.ench tmymont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances fnado on flno watuhes nnd diamonds. Persons Should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many nuw concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call nd see mo. W. It Croft , Itoom t W'thnoll Building , 15th and Hnrnuy. 131 Sl/TONKY / LOANKD nt 0. F. Hood & Co.'a Ix > nn 4.TJ. Office , on furnlturo , pianos , horsns.wagons , property of all kinds , and all other ar- oles of value , without removal. 819 8. 13th. vor lllngham * Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. IKS BUSINESS CHANCES ; rPO TRADF.nt abartrnln for Iowa or Nebraska , Jland a $3,500 stock of unmoral morchandlso. Call on oraddros * J. U. Kuhl , llurlan , lown. 130-34 * FOR SALE Mont mnrkot nt a barualn.owner leaving the city , weekly cash sales 1250. Call nt market 701 1'aclUo st , , cor of 7th. 10CO 18 * TCnOH BALK Moat market ; Bales $30 per day ; 4lonving town eauso ot soiling. Address O ( I , nooofilco. 914-18 * rANTKD-l'artnor with experience nnd some capital by a pnrty of moans , ex- porlonco , largo acquaintance , and a No. 1 start a retail cash grocery business In one of the best locations In the city. Address U K , Bae offloe. 054-19 WANTKD-To Invest from 91,000 to f5,000 In oine profltHble builness. MlUnnd dairy Touilne * * profered , Address Q 57 , Hue olllco. 117930 * t OOD BAROAIN-Flno stock of fresh groceries with store fUtnrei and good will , ' ' " 'Omnha. 131-3l ! TfTIOR SALK Heitnurant und ice cream parlor , , J ? doing good business : rood reason for Inquire F. Kbenor , 3013 Cumlng st A NO , 1 business man who will establish a mnmifaoturltig concern hero , is Inwant Ufa silent partner who will give $15OJO to 20,000 , either In cash or banker's credit ; Muhe't rnfdrenoes given In any respect. Ad- | lrc .Q 68 , Uoe ulllce. 138-18 * FOK SALE A clean stock of clothlnp. boot ) , shoe * , ( rent * ' furnishing iroott * and gro- corlcs , with a rood trado. For further nartlo- tilar * address , look box No , 6 , FalrUold. Neb 885 22 * fnoil SAijE-A small dry sroodi and notion JL1 store , ( rood location and splendid trade , cheap rent , Inclualnr llvlntf room * , Addrcsi box 410 , Omaha , Nfcb. 993 is * WANTRD-A man with capital to take a hall Interest In a tine , large addition to Dontrloc. Biff money to bo made. Address N. K. Hruinbaok , lioutrfco , Nob. B ± i 18 * T710R SALE-Good oaylnsr stationery , news , Jclitar * and tobacco store ; ( oed location : peed reason * for soiling. Address Q 45. Bee offloo. &G8-29 * Tmott SALKoi-KxchanfO-AnowS. ' ) hbl com. J. ' blnation mill situated on Llttlo lime river , near Hebron. In Thayer county. Will ox. for wild or improved lands or live stock J'orftirthj ' > rparticulars nddroaj First National Hank. Hebron , Nob. bJJ 4 , TTUNK Chance Wanted Stock of grocerlet Jor nardara In exchange for 160 acres of th flncsfland In Nebraska , within 90 miles ol Omaha. Inquire or Berthold * Co. , 620 S. 10th st . 2GO JACKSON STREET Steam Laundry and Ilntf House for sale on account of dissolution ol rmrtnersbln. The old established and BOOI liHylnir business will bo offered for snip nt i bargain. This place ha * jnit boon Improvec v ( Hi ft new brick boiler room nnd wash house new bath tubs , and i * In nrst-dues nhap < throughout. Thliisa rarechanco , ns it bai heim runninic with succeis for over nvo years li cixsh , balance to tultpurclinsor. InnUlroor promises. 916 Jack on streot. efa a ) trll < ' 0 tor land , best hotelli , sit * . Monej - am ° nhly. Asplondk - Addresa D TOO- , flop oiBce. cis r T7 < ( ) It 8ALE-H if Interest In one of th * bos A- paying drug stores la southwestern Iowa Capital required , 13.600. Addras * U to , lli > e of HCO * yia LOST. JOSl'-A gray hand satchel on the street t containing photographs and letters. Ail dtc-n U 61 , Uoo offlcc. $10 reward. . 74 Zl I * OST Somewhere on itreot a mid watcl J and chain , moyemcnt No. 604. Flnde ill please deliver tame to . M. Stlckney i Co s office , room 10 , n o cor 13th and Dodge its nnrt receive reward. BG3S ) PERSONAL. I > E 1SONAL- young gentleman , a strange , In the olty , would Ilk * to make the ac nulntanoa ' of a young lady. Object * c lal en e call the attention of Inve'i r'Dr n < Jspeoutaor in Omaha Heal K tat lei K2'HJlf ' ° ln . amof which we ar Sre wort y ° t Investiiatlot Koom Alaska reveal MIL1 ? . nt'TlANT , Clnrlvoynat , from Boston , will remain In the city n short tlmo only. Mho road * , tlio , deepest secret * , unTokln the fu ture , unites Doparatcd loror.i , causes spcody tnarrlairo * . , la vcny reliable In all affairs of Ufa Itoom 1 , Lyons bile. . Iflth and Chlcngo. Mt-21 * IJKHSONAIj private home for Indies iturln ? A conflneinent. Strictly confidential , In fants adopted , Address E 12 , Ucooffice.101mIC 101-mIC * PKKSONAI Mrs. Dr. Mnnnie V. Warren clairvoyant , Medlcnl and business Medium Boom No. 3,121 North ICth it ,0mttha , Neb. 134 * MISCELLANEOUS. 0 1SSI'OOIS : , sinks nml vaults clciinod , odorless - loss process. 12. i\UJig , box 127. city. KW II 15 * JOSEPH H03ENSntN : has removed from IS a Karnnm to fXM N. ICtli st , keups always a full clock of frcili and salt water fishes , oysters , unmo and poultry. Telephone SAL Orders soilcltod. IW /7JHANI ) opening Saturday , Mnrcli 19 , t Wur- Vx thnch old place 17J4 at. Mary's avo. cor. IBtb st. 1 < : > IB * Mlia M. OHLENSCIILAKaiR--Grcdiiatod : midwife , corner3ith nnd Cumlng st , up stairs. 87''nU * rilO parties hnvlng houses for rent , Hontal -L Agi-ncy. Ilonnwa It Co. , 15 .t. , opposlto post- olllco , Wohnveturnoil over to thorn our rental list. Wo recommend thorn. McCagu * Ilros. OKI ( " .OltltlCtU'ONDRNCK solicited with rolmulo \J parties who can furnish capital to build nnd operate a canning factory In n western town. Cash bonus to the right party. Ad dress II. O. Cross , Inman , Neb. 849 23 * F [ onitKNT organs , $3 per month , tlotpe , 1513 Douglas. D3 Foil RENT Kquaro piano , ( t montnlv. A Hospe. 1513 Douglas. \M \ 1(1IIIST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. JL 726 HOnSF.3 CL1PIM'.D-At the fair grounds for $3.00. Adam Thomaun ; good work guar anteed. 770-23 * fF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to L J. Ferguson's , 715 N. ICth. 737 TTIOR KHNT Square t'lano J montblr. J ? Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 135 NEW Hoarding House , flno tables , clean and palatable victuals. 1413 Chicago at 3fi5 TOKAOK FIrst-cluss storage for nlco rur- nituro or boxed goods , ut51J Dodgo-st. 231 FOB 8ALE MISOELLANEOUST" FOIt SALE A good buckbonrd and harness cheap. Address O 04 euro lloooffloo. 155 21 * FOK SALE-Second hand safe , law book case , sofa , Imd , lounge , etc , Call on Oroff & Montgomery. 136 2J FOll SALB-Oood pony to drlvo or rldo , $40 , K. C. Cooper , Second and Division sts. 899 18 * F Oil SALE F.xcollent square plano.caf-h $150. Address U 68 Doo. 978 19 > FOIt SALE Ton pool and billiard tables at Hornborgor's , 1321 Douglas st. UJ2-20 B8. JESTEIt has twenty head of the finest fresh milch cows In the city for sale at 'uray's ' yards , Oumlng st , 029 18 * TT1OU SALR-Clovoland Day Stallion , Derby -L Hey , and Gen. Cleveland , rising throe and 'our yours old , bred In Canada and recorded In Canadian Stud Dook. Prices reasonable. 'orrasto suit purchaser. Address J. U. Hall , Olbbon , Neb. 841 ID * QIOR SALK A Lyon & Hnnley upright pinno L' six octavos , good ns now. at a very desirable inrgaln. 414N. luthst. 707 l OR SALE A Clydo Canadian stolllon. Tn- qulre saloon , cor 17th and Vlnton. 092 21 * i > OH SALE Agood 6-year-old pony at 110 N _ 13th St. 170 FOK $ A LK-Hne Hamblotonlan Stallion ( peil- Igrood ) at a bargain. C. D. Sutphon. 1322 : ' > rnam. 4J7 19 FOU SALK 2 million brlok and upwards oe- sldos dally out put of 30,000. Enquire "in promises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha llrlok and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 030 WANTED MALE HELP. FIIIST-CLASS Photographic printer and retoucher at Currier's , 172J Si Mary's avo. I5a 19 * " \TEUCHANT wanting experienced bookkcep- lu. .ors.aalosmon or manager should write F. B 8. care Herald office. Wall paper or station- iry business preferred. Best referoncoi. 154 18 * WANTED A smart , active man to toke hold of novelty just out. $3 to $5 a day. Northwestern Novelty Co. , 1207 Furnam st. 121) ) Porter for store , ono with some WANTED in saddlery hardware busi ness preferred , apply Omaha Saddlery Co.,1207 Douglas at. 118 18 WANTED I want an agent to sol ) a ready selling article ; an oxporloncod salesman can corn $10 to $20 a day. M. D. Archibald , Arcade hotel. 116 23 * WANTED Two "good real estate salesmen ; horse and buggy furnished , must be ac quainted with city and nil additions. Inghram & Cutler , 811 B 15th , Faxton building. 100 18 WANTED A good , actlvo/rollablo boy of 13 to work at furniture business. Apply at 717 South 13th st 145 18 WANTED Flro first-class advertising solic itors ; only men capable of earning good salaries neoa apply. A. B. Eads CompanyItoom 90 , B. K. corner 13th and Dodge Its. 9S3 1VANTED-A Brst-clnss barber. Apply to A. VV L. Undeland ft Co. , Omaha llarbor Supply House , 1304 Douglas st. 090 20 WANTED 0 tailor * to work In back shop on custom coats. Good pay , steady work , 1118 Sherman ave. ? J 20 * " 117 ANTED A stenographer nnd typewriter ; TV must write a plain legible hand , Address stating experience and salary expected , Amer ican Loan and Trust Co. , Aahlan J , Neb. 9C9 "VSTANTED A bookkeeper and ass't cashier T-v for national bank outside the city. Write or apply to U. 8. Nat'l Bank , Omaha , Neb. 970 \\TANTED-Two persons to Instruct In book- TV keeping. Good situations April 15th : J. a Smith , 1613 Chicago st. 840 20 * WANTED Competent flower gardener. U. Haas , Haecairs Park , 873 13 WANTED-Snleimon. To sell specialties to merchants ; commission ; ensy to soil ; big profits. IL A.'Pershlng , t-outh Bend , Ind. 835-25 * WANTED-3 flnt-clRSS walters , wages $25 per month , board and room , Apply at Norris restaurant , 104 810th st 631 'MTANTED Experienced dry goods travelling TT stlomnnhaving an established trade In the country tributary to Kanias City. State amount of trade , territory covered , and bow long. Address , with rcfercnco , W. B. Crimea Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 358 WANTED 50 sober. Intelligent men of good address to try n lOo incal at Norris' res. taurant , 104 S 16th st 138 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ladles and young men to take nlco pleasant work ut thulrown homes ; $2 to $5 per day easily mnde ; work sent by mall , no canvassing. Address O. Waenor ACe Co , , Dubuque , Iowa , box 177. U-l lb * WANTED-Flrst-class girl for housework , 9)2 ) B. ZJd bet Farnam and Douglas. 909 WANTUD Immodlatoly. Z first-class nhlrl Ironcrs at Nebraska Steam Laundry , IOC and 103 South 11th st. 875 TirANTED-dood pastry and short order cool TV nlilo to furnitU luferencos. Live and Lol Llvo Colloe house. 157 18 * V\J ANTED A servant girl , a competent cook wusher anil Ironer ; none other ncut apply ; roforenro ot last employer required good wages. 1822 Cumlntr st. 9UI10 WANTRD-A competent girl to do yenorrt housework at .430 Davciiport st. 141 19 * i ) A girl for gonernl ImuMwork who can go home nights. 1"18 King st. WANTED-A Rood fflrl for ifonoral house work , N , VV. cor. KUth and Cumlntr st. WANTED A ulrlor nenoial houiowork 1311 Davenport street. , 1ST 20 * WANTKD A eood f'.rfor \ general housn work , ono that can go homo nights , reference once * , 113) ) llarnoy stroot. i ± ; 19 * WANTKD-OIrl for general housework a 1545 jjherman ave. Mr.T. F. 1U1U 37 WANTBO-Dlnlng room girl and dUUwa.ho at Occidental Immediately. ill WANTKD A good dlplov-room fflrl at th < Vienna liettaurant , 1817 Howard it fta 18 * VYTANTRD A competent girl for genera TT housework In imall family. Ooodwacetti th * rlrkt penon. Apply to Mr * . John H. P Lehmann , GH Bouth ifln * treet. W XTITANTRD immediately , a woman for' gen TT ottl housework , wage * 19 per week , U family. lUMtUit. WO W rANTED nirl for ( jcnoral houoworlc at eios. ITthit. Hornborger. OT1-1B rANTKD-Sblrt makers t 1401 Fnrnnm st up stair * . It N. Uurgoss. 115 13 * XNTKII-Olrls at alltlmos for houseworK , tint cl s . wnaos and eood places. Cnll nt Miss Kennedy' * Zitf N l th tt. 101 SO WANTKD A ( Irst-clns * Ironer nnd ono shirt polisher. KIntc's t.nundry. ( all hnnd work ) , poutliwcjt onrnor loth nnd Hownrd. 110-18 * WANTKD A younir elrl who nttonds school to help alioiit Ilirht iiouo work In n family of two. Call nt once , uortlieiist , corner Park and 1'oppleton avos. VU5 19 * WANTKD A competent child nurso. Apply at UJOS St Mary's nvo. Wa ANTED Lndlos to work for us nt tholr own homos ; t * to 10 per week cnn bo quietly mndo ; no photo-palntluir , nocnnvnts- Inr. Tor full pnrtlculars plonno nddro s nt once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central it. , Boston , Mnu. , llox S1TO. W2 W ANTED-A good nurse girl. Apply at 1WJ Farnam st 633 W ANTED A competent girl for general housework. 521 Pleasant st. 78718 * WANTED A good girl for general house work In family of two. Must bo a good laundress. Apply 418 Convent st 481 I'ANTKD-Oood cook and Laundress , 203 N. isth st r > 9 SITUATION WANTED. " \XTANTKD-Plaoe by young fellow of nlno- TV | 00n to drive team or other work , apdrcis 0 CO , Dee office. 123 18 * WANTED Position as clerk. Experience In general merchandise. Speaks Gorman nnd Danish. Address 1513 Wcfcster. 12419 * \\7ANTED--8ltuatlon by boy of 17 In store. TV Ooodrcforcnco. Address 1314 CapitolBVO. 118 18' WANTED Situation ; Kansas or Nebraska by thorough bookkeeperalso ; writes short hand. Cash bond given Koforonces exchanged. N. Schulze,062 W. Madison st , Chicago , III. 417 ANTED-I'osltlon stonographerl015 Dodge VU3 MISOELLANEOTTS WANTS. WANTED A good regular physician to locate In a good town In southwestern Iowa , as I wish to retire. Inquire at 1715 S. Iithst.clty. 100 21 WANTED-To buy a house of four to sl rooms , price not to exceed $1.000 and not jver one-third cash , address with full partlcu- ars , John E. McKlnucy , Jr. , city. 150 19 * PANTED To rent a hotisu of four to six W rooms. Address U V5 , Uoe. 149 19 * WANTED- rent furnished house con vonlont to business , will board with par ies if desirable. U 10 Bee. 120 19 * 'IST'ANTED Ily two young gentlemen , front v > room with hoard , must bo within reasonable - able distance of the U. 1' . Itatlroad track , ad- drodg (1 03 , lloo oftlco. 121 2.1 WANTED Immediately , applications for Ioansf5mand ( over ) on choice Improved osidonco and business property. J. 0.0 'ston ' , ; 669 Furnam st. 994 19 * WANTRD To buy a gond-slml soda foun tain. In good sliapo. Address II , care Kooder's 1'harmaoy , 32J f. I2th tt. tWO-lB * WANTED A strong , stondy , safe family horse. Address 1505 Farnar.i street Ww 985-19 w TfTrcnTn rooiiTTibout 22.xlor ( jT L. Wllkle , 103 Bouth 14th st. 837 Ifl * WANTED Two or three gentlemen to oc cupy handsomely furnished east front parlor and smaller room In private family near business. 018 N. 17th street. 10J ! ! * WANTED A second hand flro proofsafe , with burglar proof chest , suitable for bank use In a small town. Address , stating kind , condition and pi Ice , S. S. I' co , jr , No. 320 S. 15thst.Omalm. 108 CO * WANTED-Sulto of rooms and board by April 5th , for man and wlfo , must boceiv 'rally located. Address a 51 , Dec. 913-21 * WANTED A homo forabonutlf ul boy baby Any ono desiring to adopt such a child can have an opportunity by applying to tbo "iVomen's Christian Association , 1GOA Furnam. 950 18 * V\7"ANTEO fiood piano nnd organ. Can- TV yassir at Kdholm & Aklns. 921 18 TXTANTED-To exchange 11 BIIburban lot for TV good driving horse. Address or call nn C. P. Ucntly , Herald bulldlnir , 15th and Haraey. 671 to Trade-Fine smith front tot in WANTRIJ Institute Plnco for good xlnglo drivlnir horse. J. L. Ulco & Co. , over Commercial bank. 851 ANTED A single gentleman wants a neatly turnlshcd room. Stuto terms and location. Address U 17 , flee office. 055 ' \X7ANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished TT oottago or Hat of 0 or 7 rooms , centrally located. Address O 3 , lloo office. .651 W ANIED-Teams , 30J S. lltn st STORAGE. OMAHA Storage Warohouso-Cornor 13th and Izard tits. , forstora o of house hold goods and general merchandise at low rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse re ceipts. It. R. switch at the bouse , Ollieo 519 South 13th street nnd l'l)8. 1310 nnd 1,112 Izard street Telephoun 68J. M. 8. ( loodrlch. mgr. Bits m M * FOBB.ENT HOUSES and LOTS. lultablo for ono or two families , on or before - fore April 1st , 613 South 10th st. 849 18 > fjlOltRENT Now brick hou o with all modern JL1 improvements , It rooms. Apply 1316 Farnam it 60S FOU RENT Now 8-room house , 7 closets , all cleaned. Call ut Z.TJO Ohio street C. W. Cain. 815 1011 REN r 1 new cottager on California and39th street , near Cumlnir street car * . Rent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Dros. , 07 S. 15th St. 5'9 ! > OU RENT Ihroe-room houso. 709 PaclHo St.- 138 "IJIOlt RENT 8. w. corner 30th and Wobstor.on -L1 red car line , newly palntod room * with or without board , house ha * all modern conven iences , such a * bath and city water. 132-23 1J1O11 RENT $16 per month , 'oottago ot six JU rooms , 29th st bet Farnam nnd Hnrney , Lin- ah an * Muhoney , Itcul Estate agents. Room 13 , 1509 Farnam. 163 18 * THOIt HKNT 100 acres cultivated and 20 acres -L1 hay land cheap. Ilolndorff Bros , 21013th St. 157 18 * 17Olt RENT A house nnd barn , with 30 acres JL1 of Und , In Omaha. Boo Theo. Williams' 914 Farnam ( Boo office ) . 551 C1OU RENT-Brick yards , T. Murray. FOU KENT < SO HO res ot ground. Improved. North of the city 3 miles. H. C. Patterson , 15th end llarnoy. FOR ItKNr-Cottaxes , house * and stores , all desirable and well located , from J31 per month up. L. Uurnhutn , Room 1 Crelirhton lllqck. 117 ' " Foil HENT. I'rout ofllco on luth St 1 room house , city wntor , &o. , $ : ii.00. 0 room house , all convenience * . , J40. 9 room house , cor. Jaokiou nud Colfax , t a. Oresrory & Hadloy. 817 Rooms 1 nnd 8 Bodlck Ulk , 3X1) ) S. 16th St. TflOR"RENT Stible , Capitol nvo and 9th. Kn * ? qulro room 0 , Arlington block. 743 "CUin RENT )4 of a Inrgo offloo well located , -C Inquire of Swan * Co. , 1531Dodgo st 753 FOB BENT BOOKS. POR HKNT Two furnished room * , at 1015 Fiirnam st. 141 TTtOH HKNT Nlooly furnished front room , cheap. C07K North 17th st. 140 31 * "oTtTlKNT A newly furnished front room , with closet and batu. Ml South 20th st. 139 F HBNT Kuruiined room * und board , 019 N lUtb Bt , 135 2 * T7HR HKNT Pleasant furninhad rooms with -1 ? board , Also excullolit table bonnl : I9XI Tarnam st. 137 30 * TjlOU HENT Nicely furnished rooms , nilta- J-1 bleforgontloman and wife or two young men. 42 ! Chicago street. 13d 30 * TJ1OH RUNT Handsomely furnished rooms. J.1 Modern convonlonucs. U18 North 15th su C89 84 * F IOR HHNT.-furnlstiod rooms 401 N. 83519 15th * Bt RENT Two nicety furnished bow win dow eatt front rooms In private bouse to gentleman and wife or two gentlemen. Board ltdeflrcd. 600 North 17tb. Ma 18 * T7WR RUNT-Elegantly f urnUhed rooms. All - - moderdoonTenlBDoe * OB paved itrnet and Mreet car line. No finer location In olty. Call at mv office. L. P. Hammond , room 3. usi Hotmla * * * . 638 T7KR BKMT-BlttiBg and bed room atlaoted , -C furnished. SIS N. 1Mb it but. Capital are ana Daraaport M. 071 SO * FOU HKNT-NIco furnllhe.f . rooms nt 710 8. 15th st , between Jones nrt # Lenvcnworth. . 113 18 * _ _ OR RRNT Front pnr&T'and ' nlcovo , furnished F nished : good bonrd , , Z U St. .Mary's nvo. "I710R HKNT Nicely furnlltlcd rooms. Inquire -L1 nt New Homo offlco , ISeiJI. 1Mb strict. ( FOR llKNT-rurnlMird mrtthgwTth or with"- out bonrd , 803 North 17thXH. Sfll 30 * FOR RENT I.nrgo , plca nnt front room , close to business ceniwr , rent low'M Cass street 9.K-t3 ) OR HKN'T LnrRo furjUflied' front room , suitable for two ; bathi .p.-OJ Farnnm. K1'-U1 ' < 2li " 171011 RKNT Largo back pnrlor sultnblo for X1 mnn and wlfo 01 two gontlumoniulso nn oust front room , with gns , bath , etc. , 310 N. 15th st. FOR RnNT Very dcslrnblo front room , fur nished with board , 2KJ3 St , Mnry'fl arenuo ; also one slnglo room. tao-ffl * TJHDR MENT Two dcstrnblo rooms , furnished -L1 or unfurnished. Modern conveniences. MO Pleasant st. ' 041 lu * F I Oil KENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. 13th. 729-alO * E * < 01t IlKNT-Blogant furnished rooms : all modern conveniences on puved street and street car line. No liner location In city. Call at ray office. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 152J Douglas et. 610 TpOK IlENT. Ptensant rooms , modern conJ - J vonlencos , 1724 Capitol eve , HlfllH Olt HK NT-Store room and No. 110 N. 14th st. basement 388 HKNT A furnished parlor , warm : moderate - orate conveniences , wlta first-class board , for two gentlemen. 1814 Dodge st 9B1 Foil KENT Anlco front room with alcove hot and cold water bath. aaj,0-9 ! Honth 20th , corner St Mary avenue. 423 FOIt UKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms at rea sonable rates.ono block from court house , 508 So 18th st , north St. Mary's ave , up stairs. 670 TjlOH HHNT-Nlcoly furnished front room 3 -1- blocks south of tno Opera lloilsoU15.Iono9. 318 T7IOU UKNT-Nlcoly furnished rooms , 2237 -1 ? Dodge st , all modern Improvements. 817 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. JF. HAMMOND. Heal Estate , 117 3. Iflth St. , llrstdoor north of Douglas. 20th st.K. V. Smith's add,2 lots 00x140 , each $ 4,9")0 20th st , Elizabeth plaro.ODxllOimproved. 7,0i 20th Bt.,21otn near Grace , BOxMU euoh. 4\V ) 21st st near Seward , 4-room house 2.40J 2ilth st. cor. Grant , 60x140,2 story Htoro . 7,0011 20th st. near Vlnton st. , lot 44iixl.W 2 'Od 2Istst. ncarCIark , new5-room houso. , . . 3u < 0 22dR of Lonvonworth , lot 4lx2 l 4. KXI 2 th near Lake , corner , 40 ,120 : H rush. . l.SOO 30th and FrunkllQ sts 2 beautiful cot tages ! . . . . 1..WO 151 H FINR lots In Morsman Park , 12,000. Flno oust front , $2.750. Fine corner and tnsldo on Davenport and Thirty-second uvenuc. for 18,500. M cash , mil- nnco to suit. This I * the choicest property In West End , commanding R magnificent view , and Is worthy your attention. Lot 71. block 240. city. 60x13 ! , on Hurt , near 2Qth. with two cottages that rent for $30 per month each , $10,000. K case , balance 1,2 and 3 years. 34 feet on Saumlcrfi St. , with small house that rents for $10 month , $3,500 ; f2,5UO cash , balance 1 year. , M Lots 1 ! ) and SO , In block y rnUo's addition. H cash , $8,000. Lot No. 21 , In block 49 , city , $2.500 cash , bal ance tosultr > ,000. 40 foot on loth street at { .WKfont. Come and BOO mo nbout-Uheao. Oeorgo M. Cooper , loom 3 , Arlington block. 933 IB ENDALL'S ADDITION iiots $700 to $1,060. M to Ji cash for a fowj anys. D. Kendall , owner , s. w cor. 17th and CjJIfonlaHts. VJ3 21 EST OMAHA Corner1'68x155 , cast front near Leavenworth , $2,500 , or with adjoin ing lot sumo size , $4,500. Terms easy. 835 Oryyory & Hadloy. FOU SALE Sine-room house corner 22nd and Miami streets. Fan sule or trade the best farm , also unimproved land on the 11. & M. It. It. in Cnstor countNJ K. Adams , corner 22nd and Miami streets. Jli hC5-20 * FOK SALE 5 room cottaug with lot 34-86 nnd alloy , Mlllard & Caldwell's add. , just olt Sherman avc , $ 1.800. J. L. Itlce A : Co. 8M TTIOSTKII'S ADD-Dandvcorner$2.300. ; JL ? B25 OrcgoryA Hoilloy. 11 SALK Desirable residence property on Capitol H11L Inquire 332 ! Duvonport st. SOfl LEAVENWOIITH ST-South front in West Omnha forl,8UO , also south front In Me- Cormnck's 2d ndd tor $1,500. _ BffiS Gregory A Hndloy. T 1ST your property with us If you want It Lf sold , for wo mean business , 1'lorco & Rogers , Itoom "t Arlington Ulk. 832 J OHN GALLAOHHil , 317 South tilth St. Aero property , lots nil parts of the city. Choice lots In Hnnscom I'liico. Houio , 9 rooms , lot e6xf6 , location unsurpassed , $ . "i,2JO. 2H7n2 . ELSASSHH.318 B 10th street. Snow houses 2 otory and full lot on S 10th street 2 blocks from Browneil hall. K front rents to first class tenant for $ f > 6 per mo , always did. Have been offered raoro and year In advance. This will bo surely sold In 10 ( lavs. First come , first served. $6,500 , $3.000 cash , bal I year. 1 have also bargain In 2 best lots In Donovan's add , " blocks from street cur. 140 C1IAS. E. nURMEdTEII,414 South 15th st.has for sale 44 ft flno business property on Farnamst. , one of the finest N W cornora on 1'immm st , 69x132 ft. 2 elegant lot * In Mayne place. 5 lots In Sounders & Hlmobnuch * addition , cheap , for a few days only. 3 lots in Kllby place. 5 lots In Jerome park. S lot * In Highland plnco. 1 flno lot In Improvement addition. Lots In Central Park and Oak hill. 5 room oottago and lot In Thornolls add. , a bargain. 10 room house nnd lot on Callforniastroct , all modern conveniences. 83 acres In BOO 33 , surveyed and platted In Iot3-aplendld bargain , on favorable terms. 3 acre lots In same section. Flno 3 story brick block , 40x03 ; the best bar gain In the town. Lot and ID-room house on Dlvisoln street. 141 /SSI ; fine corner lot In Orchard Hill , $1 , rOD. V/ Ono flno east front lot in Han-tliorn . $ ! > .V ) , Sixteen lots In Lincoln plaoo from $ MH ) to $7.iO. $7.iO.Fino Fine house and lot , 04x120 , ror. JSth nnd Charles streets , n bargain , only * 3 , < t . ' Fin * corner lots In lleatord place $30) . Fins corner lots In llodford plnco $700. House aud lot In Nelson's ndd $ .1,000. Ooddard le Moore , 147 19 211 North 10th st , KAVEIl & WIUTCOMH , Room 5 , Pox ton block. Look over these bargain * and glvo us a call , wo have many more. South nnd cast front corner 124 by 132 In Isaacs A Seldon's apilltlon , 5.0iO. Ilest west front in Honscom 1'laco In block 9 , S * * 300 ' lilota inUtlca Place on 27th it , two blocks south of Leavonworth , $1,400 to tl.'iOO. ' 80 Lots In Omaha View , Jl.ljOO to $1,300. Slots In Lincoln I'laco , for both $1,40J. 2 lots corner 31st and Franklin , both C'i,200. 7 elegant lots Walnut HllllJI'.OOO ' to $12.000. 6 norcs in Lawnflold way beTiw price , 14 > i 0 JOHN aALLAUHER-317Hthl3th street. Lots SB PoutnOmnhn"a tJB' . . . . $ KO Hawo'snddltion..v7. . . , . I.KM Dupont Place ! 1,000 Fairmont.$800 to k 1.850 HBriscoml'laco$1.0qrt5) . . . . 3,000 llakurFlaco , $ OOto.C3 . . . . 050 Fomo flno lots In PlMnviWv. Itustln's adrtl. tiou , Omaha View , nnd othoD additions. Houses and Lots , - Burt street near 20 lot Cfiirj- : , house 12 rooms , bam. etc ( $9"iOO Lut67xlJ2 , bouse 12roomstttrnsetc. . . . . 8,50U Easy terms on jjeth. Otnnha VIew lot 51) ) foot south front , house with improvements , cost SL10J , nil for. . 1'OC Very easy terms. House and lot on KM near California at a bargain , bettor call nnd see-about It House anil lot , 8unnysldc..t < ii 1.50C Houses to soil on small puyilibiits , balance monthly , . . . . - > M 1,5'C It will pay you to cxumliKjour list of bushiest property. Some of the flncst acre prop erty nt bottom price. 16J-31 Foil SALE 0 lots In Thornburg I'liico. 4,500 120 foot onSaunderi * t.per front foot 7. 66x132corner F.lovenworih nnd Seventh. 21OX 66x132 , corner Eleventh nnd Eighth O' > ,00. 44x132 on'J'onth neir llowurd 18.noc A8xl33 on Jone * near 15th- 17.GOX Two lot * , lleservolr addition ( both ) 2,20i awe lots on State st , Omaha View U.ocx South front lot , Lou von wort h st U House of e-roomionftJIh st 4 flC llouioof 6-rooms,2 lull lots 2.-1X Ka t front lot. Kliby Place OCK Fine lot ID Bedford 1'laoe 70 ( Houseof 4-room * . Cedar st l OC 6 lot * in Hantoom Place. 60x133 font on 12th * t , . H cash 2,0X ( Lot In Ambler Plaoo , 1100 cash 7 * Oxl9)onRaundoniit. , near Lake "Iff * 75x130 on Saunders it. , Improved W,2 . H. W Huntress. HOP Farnam st 8301B > LOTS at $375 per lot , H mile from Ham moBd'i Packing Houte , within I block * ol the new depot. 1-6 cash , balance $10 per month. K , r. Korean/ , owner , IMu Uouglu. IW s LP1USO VALLEY , Our now addition. Acres f.C3 to $40. ) per aow. . . Near South Omaha , And Sydloato Hill. , MarshnltfcLobaak. 101 QPRCIAL tlarirnlns for nno week , only by O Hwan A Co. , 1KJ1 Dodo st. Corner on ISth and Douitlns , Corner on 15th , blirir < " < t tmrntiln oIToroJ. Corner on ICth and Davenport , 13 lots in Highland park. li acres In darker' * sub , S very cheap lots lu Konclnl's mlit. n flno farms to trade for Omnlm property. For prior * on above call at our oineo , S K cor ner Ifitlumd lmlgo. ) 7110 AiuOMAN , Heal Estate Uroker , 1512 Karnam Street. Karnsm street , oor. IHth , 1)1x133 ) , J < cash.t M.OTO Knrnamst. near 14th,2.xiuliuprovod. ! : . Farnam st , near mh.44xl32 , Itnprorc.l. . Kiuniim st , noarSUth ! xl ! , very clump , 7,000 Karnam st. , near iMth.HOixIT ! . 33,000 Farnamst , cor. 31st St. ,130x133 , south and east front . 17.000 Karnnm si. cor.iuth , K > xl3J , g and o front 6,000 Farnam tit cor. 41st , 49x1 ! ) . ' , s and e front JI.HOO Farnamst. cor. 4-d , 44TW-,9 and w front 8,000 Hnrney st. near 13th , SKUA . 9.MO Harneyst. near 15th , 3JxlX9 improved. . . 20,000 Hnrncyst. near 20th , 174x170 , Improved. . 35,000 Hnrney * t.Rodlok'UroTO , 41x132 . 1.000 DoiiRlus st near 12th , 41x132 , Improved , . 35.000 Douglas st near inth , 22x13. , )4 ) interest. u.600 l > ouglnst. near 21 , fttiltcj. . 7,6:10 : Douglas st. near 23d , Mxl32 . 8.000 Uodvest. near3Hh , Dodgost. near 28th , 40x127 , Improved. . . 3,003 Jackson st cor. 14th , 08x133 , Improved. . SS.COO .lucksonst. noarliith , 05x132 , Improved. 16,000 Jones st. oor. 15th , Own . ' . ' 4,003 Loavenworth st. oor. 81st , 132x111 , Im proved . 18,600 Ltmvonworthst. cor , oth , 140x142 , Im- tirovod . 85,000 lethHt.opp , M , 1 > . and Belt Line depot. „ 61x112 . . . . . . . . . . " 00 ( > 14th st. traekavo , Pad , look place , 60x112. ' . * > * M 1'arkavo.opp. park , 50x1.10 . l.MO ( leonrla avo. near Mt. Pleasant , 50x150 , . 2,003 SOthst. near Dorcas , lOOxtoi ) , Improved. . 4,500 20th st near Douglas , ! L'j69 , Imuroved. . tf.003 15tbst. oor. Martha , , improved , . . 4,503 - 9th St. oor. Howard , 63xl2J,3 houses. . . . 4.501 Pierce noar20th,00 feotfront , Z streets. WOO Hamilton st near Halt line , Improved. . . l.WO 41st st. justotf Farnam , 49x132 , o front. . l.ttiO aHh St. , near Davenport. 100x1 JO . 2,200 Seward , near. 15tb , 00x157 . 1,150 10th st , near ( 'astollar , 135 feet front. . . . 4,500 Bthst. near Martha. 51x151. corner . 1,000 llunlette st , near 2lth ( , 50x132 , on car line 1,903 Il.n-tfit 511-3x139 . 1,10 } , near Lowe nve , - , 'I.lth.cor. 1'opploton. C3xluO. Improved , . 4.IVM .mvcnport , near''ttb. 54 l-ixI32lmprovcd : 4,000 Chicago , corner " 4th , 00x1112 , Improved , . 8IOO 2flth , near Popplotnn , 50x127 , improved. . 6.000 rchard Hill , lots $750 to . 1,000 llrownl'aik , lots 1501 to . 850 Icdford Pl.ico.lots . 1000 to . POO Ilirhland Parx , lots oaoh-cash $59. . : .1J iVakolyadd. Icts67xl50. rach . .403 25 acres near Fort Oraatm.nncly Inprovod 11,000 VVohstprst. near 10th , 3 1x132 , improved. 5,200 Center Bt.aiiliB. Improved . 1.200 Virginia live , nnar Hictorv. 50x150 . , 1,500 Farnam st. near IWth. 67x132 . 3,100 lcholHS Bt , corner , 00x132 , track In alloy 4,200 . 'ark avi > , fncinp 1'ark , 50x150 . 4.0OT S ICth st , near vlutluct , 40x102 . D/W3 Sulphur Springs add , just opp. ICth et,50 ' ' SHINN'S ADD South front on Illondostreet with north front on Vntcc st , a ulco double 'leader for $1,400 , $500 cash. Gregory Ic Hadloy. 025 Itooma 1 and 3 llcdlcklilt. 820 8. 15th st. " ENDALT/8 ADDITION-Fronta east on Sounder's Bt. , next south of Holt Lino. I urn willing to soil 20 or BO of these lots very cheap on M to U cash down. If they cnn bo sold within ono or two weeks. D. KendMl. owner , s. w. cor. 17th and California its. 1)92 ) 81 LBAVENWOKTU BTHKET Wo have 141 feet on Loavenworth street uornor-oast of ' . ' 8th street. Improvements , renting for $80 per month. Improvements do not Interiors with easiness front. The very best propert , on the street ; about on grade. We can soil this for a fo\r days loss thau value and ut a price that Is bound to return purchaser a Imn-Uomo In terest on Investment , f avonworth itreot Is the comlnir street. Wo also have 133 feet iiuare corner on Lorvotiworth that will ake investor $5,000 before August 1. M. A. Upton & Co , 1539 Fiirnam. Telephone 73. JL. HICK & COaro solo agents for the fol- lowing special bargains : Lot ; iilTrt' ( add , an acre tract covered with beautiful innplo trcot , positively thu Quest single - glo acre In Omaha , $0,500. Lot 0 Olses' add , another flno acre , very choice , and cnoap at $5,500. Lntsl3uudH Ulk 9 Parker's addoxtra caolce , 10.500. 5 splendid lots loft fronting on I.nno it run- nlnir through from street to street , $2,200 to Ji.IWO cacti. Lots & and 6 Davenport's sub , being 87-foot corner on Saundars Bt , opp Kountzo Place , $ U,500. 85 feet fronton Sherman ave and paved st , $100 per foot. Lot 5 Washington Square Add , south frou off paved street. $3,000 , worth $3,500. Lot 2 blk 0 Shlnn's 1st add , being 03 feet 9 Inches front on Saunders st. , cor. alloy , $150 per foot. Lots blk 1 Patrick's 1st ftdd. , 61x120 , $4,750. Lot l.blk. 1 Patrick's 1st ndd , OJxl2J , comer , $0,000. . Ixite 2 and 3 blk 7 Patrick's 1st. 80 feet front on Baundars st. , with Improvements worth $1.500. $7.500. Lots 12,13.14,15,10blk2 Institute Plnoo , $450 each for the bunch. Lot 4 blk 0 Bhull's 2(1 add , $2,750. Lot 7 blk 17 Hanscom Place. $1,150. Lot 11 blk 17 Hansoom Place , $ < UOQ. I < ot5 blk 17 Hanscom Plaoo , with ftroomar modern residence , beautiful homo , $0,500. Lots 14 and 15 , blk 7 , Crolghton Heights , on boulevard. $750 each. Lots , blk2,0'Nell'saubcornor on Cumlng Lots 4 and 5. blk 7 , Walnut Hill , with improve ments , $2,000 each $1,000. Flno lot on 20th ct and cable line near corner Grace , prlco with Improvements $3.000 , M acre with 4-room house , well and cistern , flno fruit and shade trees , a beautiful plaoo In Glse's add , f 2,800 , an extra drive. Do not ( all to leo It Lot 13 , blk 11 ; IMalnvlow add , corner , $1,250. LotlO. blk 12. Plamvlew add. $1,575. 20 acres opposite Lonir llranuh , high and dry , 4 acreschoice Inside , $25,030. J. L. Itlco k Co. 070 / 1UM1N btreot , 51x124 , N W cor. 25th and \J Ciimtug , elegant business cornor.and only $10Xmo ( April 1st : then more. M. A. Upton & Co , Telephone 73,150U Farnam. R20 20 UARGAINS-Two corner lots m GENUINE court , only 4 blocks from Suuo- dor's street ours. W. M. Ilushman , Kaom 10 , Uushman Block , N E oor 18th and Douglas. LOT IB , block 0 , Hanscom place , for $2,200 , adjoining lots held at $2,050. Fur sale by Hnowold & Barrett , 31454 S. 16th st 112 19 100 1x150 In block 0 , Hanscom Place , Gregory Hadley , 320 S 15th 8t 684 ' ADD-Cornor lot 65x131 with PATRICK'S small double IIOUHO on rear of same rentlnir for $20 per month , leaving corner 65x100 va cant , all for $3,000 , one-third cash. The other snap In Patrick corners bus been sold nnd you must cull nt once to sccuro this one. fircgory & Hadloy , 025 Rooms 1 nnd 3 llcdlck lilt,13) ) 8. 15th st. F" Oil SALE OR TRAI > E Wo own Fovorul thousand acres of choice South Dakota farming land which wo will Hell or trade for Omaha property. Wo want to sell and offer our land at bottom prices. Wright & Lnsbury. cor. under Paxton hotel 10 > 1 A4,000 will buy nntco'-roomhoiiso with lot on * Virginia avenue half blook from street cars. Hard and soft water , gas , etc. , etc. | 2don , cash and possession in n very short tlmo. Cull on Shaw At Co.SIOSlClhst. 859 I ilAVK5 lots In Albright's Choice whlcn Is my personal property. 1 will to soil for S'175per lot ; 1-5 cash on onch lot , bill. $11) ) per month. These lots are hlffh nnd lovcl. adjoin ing tlio Annex. 1J. F. Morenrtv , at Gntu ( 'Ity Real EstatoOfflco. liKO Douglas. 857 CHANCK for Investments. Gibson , A ) lesworth He Benjamin , yi)2 ) Kanmiu st. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with 8 small houses , $ : ) , ijoo 1 lot m Hawthorne , 48x10 , ) . cor. : tlil and Davenport , with 0 room house.ulstfrn , well , oto , very uaiy tei ma 3,530 1 lot In Hillside 2d mid l.NM llotlu lloilford Placu.6lvl21 ( 7T , 1 lot in Hitchcock's l t add. Wlxli" , : 701 1 lot lu Lowe's lstaddCOxl20.wlth houae 1.7'jO , I'/i lots in Shlnn's lit add,75xl2'WCald- well st 3,700 1 lot In Rodluk's add , 62x122 , HalfHow- ard st 3,303 S lots In West Sld ,5UU9 , Imrii und fruit troi-s , 2.100 6-room housn nnd lot N. 17th Bt. , good well.and cistern 1,600 Kount/o 4th add , lot B , block ft six room hougtwrll. . cistern bnrn. An , 4,000 Hlmcbaugh 3t I'attorson sub-lot 10 , block i.oontni"t , & 5C 120 ft ou St. Mary's ave , with 2 9-rouin houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 3 * > ,000 40fton St. Mury'savo bet , 19th and 20th K.OOO Choice lot In Omaha VIew 900 182 ft on IBtn st. near Farnam 70,030 S lots , 60x27. Lowe's add , 4-room homo , cellar , well and CO-foot barn , pnco , ra'00 < 1 jJ SNA P.-00 foot east front lot on Bcllevuo st In II1U2,1st add to South Onrnb * . $ lnOJ. 82.1 Gregory le Hndloy. HANSCOJI Place , lot 10 In blook U , 13,400 , half cash , balance 1.8 nnd 3 yearn. 475 Gregory * Hadley. 320 8.15th * t T OT IB , In block 9Haasoom place.handsomest jLJ lot on Delaware St. , | . ' .2tM It taken soon Knewold & Barrett. 314H B. lath it 118 IB CSOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Ji O Inside South Omaha property. ' Theo Olsor or Jas Vore , owners. 314 S 15th it , 2d floor between tween Faruatn andHarney , H a I . . 1507 Farnam t AMKS.Xo. may help you to find a dcilraU * hoiifoorn good lot to build on. , JM Houso. corner lot 90x174 , Hamilton It , B. front , 16,750. 393 3 houcci rent for 150 , corner lot on car line , $7,500. 393 House 7 rooms , Montana st. U lot , $3,350. 333 House i rooms , lot COxlW , Shunt's add , * 2,100. 337 House 4 rooms , woll-bullt , Lowo's ndil , full lot , t2OM. 831 House 7 rooms , new house , Walnut Hill , $ .1,500. 382 lloucn 8 rooms Hnnscom place , full lot , 381 HIIUSO U rooms , modern , bnrni Ao. , full lot on tioorgla ave , 113,000 , 379 HIIUSO 10 rooms , small lot , rents { 50 , 20th ot.l8.OUO. 378 House 12 rooms full lot. onst front , 70x140 , Biodorn , ( food value , 21t st , $0,00,1. 377 House 12 rooms , modern , California st , ( { lot , $ ' < ,5K ( ) . u7n lloii o 3 rooms 2 stores , Arbor plnco , $ ( , OOJ 375 House 8 rooms , brloic , full lot , corner , Hhlnn'sadd , t4WO. 394 House I ) rooms , modern , lot 60x210 , east front , Uth st , near St. Mary's are. . $ . (100. ( 393 House V rooms , random , with S full lott > , Wheaten st. , $ IOotio. 391 House , now , 10 room * , nil modern , Califor nia st. , $0,250. 3S9 Modern 14 room house , cost front , Park ave. , full lot , $17,000. CM House 7 rooms , One shrubbery , S full lots , $6.000. 335 House , 9 rooms , modern , full lot , Hanscom Place. $0OJO. 374 House , 7 room * , new. good barn , full lot , near Hnnscom park , $ .ljnO. : 373 On Hurt stn modern house of * In perfect order ; full lot , south front , good bnrnnooo. 3G9 1 ncre with good 5-room house , barn , lion house in good locality , $ -1,6(10. ( 303 On Mt. Mary's nvcnuo ; good house , lot 133 feet wiuare , $20.0'W. ' ,167 3 houses , rent HO per month ; lot and half , South 18th street. $7,000. 3 > V > 2 houses , full lot , Chicago btroot , $3,000. 301 House , 5-rooms , barn ; lot 40x116 ; Arbor Place. $1,600. 353 Houses 2 ; rent $ , " > 0 per month , North 18th street , $0.500. 354 Hotise,7 roonu , Vi loton Hamilton street 14,000. 350 3 houses , rent $15 par mo , lot corner 65x184 , Plcrcost. , $5,000. 347 House , 6 rooms , small lot on Cms st , $ ( ,9)0. ) Vacant Lots. 773 6 choice lots on Cumtuir st. together$7COO. 773 Flno lot Wllcox's add , 1900. 771 Hlmobaueh Place on Hidgo nvo. , tlno lot , 770 Tabor Place , lot , 709 Acre , G else's ndd. $5,000. 2 lots , HoUsel ft Stehblns' ndd , $3,500 , 703 Choice lot , blk"K , " Lowe's add , cheap nt 7 < V ) 75x123 , ono blo-k west of Park nvo , $3,750. 70J Flno lot In Hawthorn add , very cheap at $1,500. 702 In Mnyno Place , lot $1,800. 700 55x187. West Omaha , gooJ location , $1,650. 7V ! Good lot , Hanscom Place , blk 2 , $1,000. 759 F.nst front , Summit Place , near Dodge st , $3.300. 7" > 7 Very choice , Lowe nvo , $1,800. 7M ( lust south front in Pnrkor's add for $2.000 , 765 The best south front lot In Clarendon for $1,000. 752 Btirtst near SacrcJ Heart 110xl7vory choice. $4.000. 748 Park BVO 100 ft for $7,503. Also 100 ft for $8.500. 745 Facing Hanscom park , very choice lot nt $1,000. 747 Choice lot California Bt. , $1,800. 74:1 : R V Smith's add , 3 lota each $3,000 73 ! ) Lake st corner 20th , 150x123. $0,2&3. 637 120 tt 2 lots State st , $3,000. And double front lot facing Hamilton st for $1,80(1. ( 745 Good lot Hanscom place , blk 19 , $1,800. 731 Very choice , Georgia ave near Popploton for $ .5.500. 717 Very desirable lot on Hamilton st near Reservoir. $1.100. . Ames1 Real Estate Agency. 705 No. 1607 Farnam st 4 ROOM house and lot In Isaac & Sudden's ad dition ; only $ .Y-'Oif.M)0 ) onto , balanoo month ly. One of the finest lots In Omaha View , $1,100. O. Swensou & Co. , 1104 Faroam st. room 15. 034 18 * "plOIt SALK In largo orsmall lot * field seeds , -L' timothy , littlp red and mammoth clover , German and common mlllott seuas. I warrant thl * seed all raised In Butler county , Nob. , and now , pure and clean seed. Write to W. G. Bos on , David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 art * FOR SALE On easy terms , some choice lots In Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post- ofco. ) ! P. A. Gavin , Sole Agout , Room O.Redlck Block. 182 31 * KESIDKNOE I/ITS I Konnt/o Place , 25 lots - $1,700 to $3.303 Hanscom Place , 25 lots - - $1,350 to k 1,503 .1. I. Hodlck's sub-dlv.,3 Irtts - $3,750 to $4,500 Smith Purk,4 lots - - - - $2,700 to $3.100 .Jerome 1'ark , 10 lots $1.800 to $2,000 rtrennan Place. 12 lots - - - $1,500 to $2,000 Orchard Hill , GO lots - - - C HOO to $1,100 Foster's ndd , 6 lots - $2,200 to $2.500 Roes'Plnco - . . . $3,750 Mlllard Place . . . . $4,500 Also improved nnd unimproved rosldouoe property In all parts of the olty. A. II. Comstock , Room li1 , Crolghton Block. 605 SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place I * Inside South Omaha property , Thee Olsen orJosVore , ownoreMl * 815th 8t.,2d floor be- twocn Farnqm and Hnrney. 26t a 1 iIQ BARGAIN One hundred feet front on 1 South Eleventh at , earner lot , only $6,000. Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 629 South 13th st 6J4 WISE 4 PARMRLB , 1503 Farnam st. Offer thesdbargains to-day : 1 corner Ooortrla are. and Dupont $1,339. 1 Orchard hill , choice lots each $ H50. , House and 2 lots , Saunders & Hlmobaugh's add. to Walnut hill $2,300. 80 Finest lots In CJovordale , bargains. Fine lots In Kllby plaoo , cheap , Flnel 1-2lot John I Uodlok'a Sub-division. iicholco lots In Maynns add. , each J51X SJcholce lots Falrrnount place. 1 aero beat In llolvedere , bargain I33X 2lot * Jettor's addition , each $703. Slots Mt. Douglas , each $ S50. Slots South Ex , place , eacn $539. 3 Brown Park , bargains each $633. 24 lots choice in Yatoj & Hompol's addition. 10 aores y mile south of Harris & Patterson' * annex , extra nlco , ohenp and easy term * . _ A flno list of western lands for sale , or trnao for Omaha property. , _ , 400 acres highly Improved , Saunder * Co. , sale or trade. 115 fe t front on 16th street. Last , not least , corner on Farnam $45,031 ana many others , 1509 Farnam. Wlso nnd Parmele. HIT INSIDE PHOPKKTV Wo have some peed in side property nt a bargain , Ploroo tt Hog- ers.lfill Dodge itrcet , 830 DOUGLAS ST.-22X1J2 , 44 feat east of north east corner 14th imd Uouglam Improve- inonts renting $75 per month. Choice business location ; $18,030 , 1-3 cash ; worth $1.000 per front foot. M. A. Upton & Co , 1439 Farnam. Telephone 73. . 20 will seoiiro 160 < acres of first class $ farming land In eastern Nebraska balance Tory long tlmo nnd no taxes for-Oyenrs. The O. F.Davis company , 1505urmun st. 934 a 15 BARGAINS 140 fret on Plnreo by 93 on 18th t , with 6 houses , only $1.VOOO , Mr I tin on Harnoy. west of 20th ct , with two- story house , lontH $40 a month , 9,0f0. ; (14x128 , fronts nn two streets , finest rosldonco properly In the city , ea t und west front , $5,690. CO feet fronton lull st , " blocks south ot via duct , with two treed houses , cast front , $ BiMX ) . 1 ! > 6 feet corner Fnrnnm nnd Illet st , $17,000. 50 fent Hftrnoy , nonr ilOth ave , south front , boatitlful location , $5,500. Comer , Virginia ave and Hull st , 123x101 , on frndo , SJ.OOO. oHx3 < o , irontlng on Cumlner nnd Hurt sts , 5 houxc * . $15,000. 6S foot front on Farnam , with 2 lores and n roslUoncr : brings 12 per coot on Investments. 31x132 , Coasat , bfltwooil 14th imd 15tb , With T-room house. $400. Full lot"Ut st south ot Loavenworth , 7-room housp , narn and all inodurn Improvumouts Corner , Hurt nnd ISth st , with G-room house , r.M5. Lots in all additions cheap. ! fI7 S. Katz& Co. , 1511 Farnain. 4 OlfmHCK LOTS-KondaTr7iutilltlii. ( front Ing SkundoM st. south lot Uelt Jlnll way 1) . Knmlull , owner , 8. w. cor , 171h nnd Cal foriilu stfl , 9112 21 GHKAT Bargains In real oatale 4ifton Hnrney nt , botwuou 15th nnd 10th BtS $ i6,000. 30 foot on Ctimlng street nonr :2 < 1. ' cheap a $0,0)0. ) nil fcot on ICth street near Loavoworth $10.500. Corner St. Mary's nve and JncUeon. IZ7.COO present rental $2,800 per yonr. 009 feet frontal on St. Mury's nvo , a specla bnriruin for H few days. 33 feut on Howard near 15th , a bitrgaln a $14,000. Corner on Jackson nnd loth , $15CT)0. ) 200 feet front ou 18th incut In llorbachsls add , very cheap. GO feet east front on 10th above Nlonolas at $ l'ij per front foot 2 corner lots In Klrkwood f.Ox 110 foot , e act $ lnoo , $ riOOcash each. Tucso nro ruro bargain and will not last. 25 beautiful lots lu Orchard Hill from $7W to $1,000 each. Finest lot In Hanscom I'laco , $2,503. Elegant corner , 100x150 In Hutucom Plac with new 7 room house , nil modern Improve monts. $0,000. A bargain. Cholca South -front lot In Omaha View , Tory cheap , 1700. 75xiz7 foot south front ; near Hamilton itreot very choice , $3,700. Wo have a large ll t of Improved and unlm roved property In K. V. Smith's , 1'arker'H B hmn's , Nelion1 * , Fairmont Plane , I'lalnvlow Kirkwood. Bedford I'laio , Iwe' Park 1'lnco Walnut Hill , Saunder * * lilronbaiiuh's. I'ot t r' . Clark' * , Credit Fancier , 8 , K. Uoger * nn Boutli Omaha- Call and * re u * . Wright & lASbury , . .10731. - . Dnder I'uilon Hotel. QUEBX. Blocks 17 to 33 , the host part of Bowling (11 eon. The cheapest property on the umrkot H mile from tlonson our line , n-acre lots per acre IWU S4 acre lo < per ncro $ MX Acre lots $ 'WO. LoM50xK7 on Hamilton street $173 to $ : r , fo r ornors. Full commission to ngcnU flot plat * . Murehall A Loheok , No. 1509 Karniuii. Telephone ? ) . 104 LjlO I r 8 -75yS"holes * Crumb , 140J Farnam L street , opposite I'mton hotel. l\128 foot , Clark's add $5,000 1x128 feet , ( latk's add , , fronts ontwostrrets , K.neo 'ill 1)4 feetllarnoy ft , noar2tlth. . 6,600 0.1X1IM feetSiuindors st. , front * twostrcpts. 7,09t n lots , roster's ndd $ l,900to 2,400 8lols , JdTOine I'atk ) ' . ,7iiOtO 11,009 40lots , Hnnscom 1'Jitco l,7iMtO 4,00i 6 lots , Lowe's add , . , . , . 1O.Vto ) 1.1M Slots , A. 8. Patrick's add l,350to L600 ID low , Kllby PIHCO 800IO f. W 14 feet on Leavenworth street. . . 3,008 4 lots , McCormlck'2nd add 1n < t'lots ' , Hoiisol \ Stobbins 1 , < VK ) to Mots , Dwlght& Lyman'sadd. . . fwOto flints Utlcal'lnce 1,30) ) to 8 lots , Ambler I'laco UOO to illots , HlllsldoNo. 3 , . ' . . . 2,100 to SO lot' , Orchard Hill 760 to Sholos Si Crumb , 140(1 ( Farnam street , Opposite Panon. BOUt WO of thorniest lot * in Kllby Place. H/W ) each for a few day * . Knewold * Barrett SWF.NSON * CO.-I404 Fnrnnm Itreot Room 16 , dealers In real estate and west ern land. Homes built to suit purchaser * pa nonthly payment 831-aU F Olt SALK Choitn , nlco large lot , five dollar * per month. CiJI at 401 N"l3th st. t 18 * FFOR FOR BALK-Lot oor. 31st and Looust , MxIM $1,850 , f 50cnh , balance In 5 year * , Lot 8 bloek 1M Omaha , 08x133 , with t houss * . (9.000. ! 4 cash , balance il years. Two lots Kountre3d add , Jil.lOO. House 11 rooms nnd lot 60x150 , Hanscom Flaco , K.D'JO. $2,000 cath , balance to suit Currlo & VollutB. Exposition Building. 104 19 17OI1 SALK-FIno corner lot lu Ambler 1'laoe , -T 11,000. J. L. HIcoA Co. 85B Ask your retailer for tna James Moans , $3 ShO Cautlonl Some dealer * recommendIhlnferlor goods In order to make a larger profit This I * the ORIGINAL $3 Shoo. Bowaroof Imitation * which acknowledge their own Inferiority by at tempting to build upon the reputation of the original. None genuine unles * bearing this Stamp , JAMES MEANS1 For Gentlemen , < tfj STTOXL I Made In nation , Congriii anl L l.xce. HtT CAt.r hum. line * celled In m'HADiLiTT , OoMroi and APPEARANCE. A ' ' sent to n > will bring mttlon how to got t " i or Territory. IHeani & Co. , 41 Lincoln Street , Boiton , Has * . i pr mp i Our celebrated fnctory produces a larger quantity of shoes ot this grade than any other factory ! the world. Thousand * who wear them will tell you the reason It you aik them. JAMK8 M ICANN' SUOB for Boy * lunap- preached In Durability. Full llaei of the above Shoei for 'tie by GEO. S. MILLER , 612 N. 16th St. , Omaha. Red Star Line Carrying the Belgium lloyal and United State * Mall , sailing every Saturday Between Antwerp & New York To thcllldnc , Germany , Italy , Hol land and France , Salon from { 00 to $75. Excursion trip from S 110 to $125. Second Cabin , outward bound , $45 ; prepaid , $45 ; excursion , $90. fttoerngo pansapa at low rates. Peter Wright & Sous , General Agent * . 55 Broadway , Now York. Henry Pundt218 I'nruam st.PauNen ; le Co. , 1428 Farnam St. ; D. O. Freeman. 1324 Fnrnnm. FOR SALE. A largo number of recorded Poroheron nnd Clydesdale Stallions. Also Homo Bred Oolts , I Every animal guaranteed a brooder. PrloM reasonubleand terms easy. Our stock has been elected with roforenoo to both Individual merit nnd podlgreo. A largo number of our Btalllons are acollmatod nnd Colts of their get cnn bo shown. York 1s on the II. & M. tt. tt. . two hours' rldo west ot Lincoln. For cat * * ocues and further Information , address VHY A FAIIIIUACU , Yorkeb. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Burplub . 40,000 H.V. . Yatcs , President A. K. Touzalin , v'ice President. W. U. S. Uugbei , Ouhler. W. V. Morse , John 8. Collint , H. W . Yates , Lewis S. Reed. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor. lUth and Furnam Sta. A General Banking Business Transacted. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL , . . . $400,000 SURPLUS , . . . . 400,000 Accounts of Banks , flankers and Corpo rations solicitci ! . OurfacilUier for COLLECTIONS are excellent and we re-discount for batik * ' when balances warrant it Uoston is a Reserve City , and balance * with us frombanksnot ( located in other He- serve Cities ; count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans fers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and sold , and Exchanges in Washington made for Hank * without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities , and inyite proposal * irotn States , Counties and Cities -when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER , Pre.ident. JOS. W. WOHK , Cashier. L. J. MARKS & Co. G rain and Provision Commis sion Merchants , JO and 12 Pacific Avenue , Ornln nnd Provision * bought anit told on margin ! on tlieCnlnuo Uuurd nfTniile. Correspondence io- llclttid. tuiljrur wo vlr rnirket Icninrtftnt on tppli- cmlon. IteteronCH Corn Ktclmntfu Hunk Chicago. _ tinuoui , mlM. > oolhlncurruu of L ! W. ' . t"/-'J1L , u. A J5 r * ' Vrtr ! ; Cuit , _ -f iliuil nror ] furfUHo l lu cub. OrciUct lmprut ai otiuf er Kit oIKrr Wit. > f uril cutip r rnititnt tlr curtd la three mootht. Srftlt'l ptmubUt 4c. CUMID The lindtn EUctrloCo. ICB LiBallt ! . , Chlci | THE WASHBUMN AMEMIOAN OUITAm AND MANDOLINE * iku > iiirtbMi4uir * 1B * aU. VvT..U.l iUoHln rcllm U. A. jpMf . IlliuUtbd fhuloTM nni'.4f' t } lit Mo lM , A MEALY , 102 StTttb St. , Chicago