W J W Jf i 'I'l- ' ' ' . * ' * ) * * - { F 'nr * " " "nrj " " * * B I ' ' ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .SATURDAY. . MAftnTT 1ft ti&t * . fl I' THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilTBLUFFS OFFICE , MO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by carrier In nny port of the city at twmty cents per week. H. W. TILTON , . . . Manager. TELEPHONES ! BeeiKiw Orncr. . No. tx f. MIOMT KDITOII No. 23. 6- . . ' = . . MI.NOH MENTION , N. Y.Plumbing Co. Now spring goods nt Rclter's , tailor. George W. Thompson & Co. . real estate. Sco W. C. Stacy & Co. , Mo. 0 Alain , for bargains in real estate. J. W. & K. L. Squires' abstracts are giving good satisfaction. The move for lighting tlic streets with electricity should be kept going. Pearl etrcet has sot a noble example. Let others follow. Mrs. Mitchell , the lady in charge of the trimming department of H. Friedman's millinery establishment , leaves to-day for the east after spring and summer styles. Upon her return Mr. Friedman will have his annual spring opening. Two unruly roving bovincs have for a season or two past annoyed the resi dents In the vicinity of the Congrega tional church. This season opens with them on the grounds as usual , destroying foliagu and parking. They .should be pounded this year , just for a change. K. Peterson and George Hopcr were fined the other day for being drunk , but were allowed to go out uud get the money. They fallo'l to return as they promised , and after hanging about lf > Omaha for a few days sneaked back to | i. this side , expecting that the matter had boon forgotten or forgiven. They were surprised on being picked up and placed in the cooler. Ofliccr Hose was yesterday busy driv ing around in a hacK picking up those too drunk to walk. Ho found one fel low lying at the transfer waiting for the new bridge to be done so ho could walk over to Omaha. Tlio fellow was fleop- ing so soundly that it was thought to bo cruel to wake him up enough to have him tell his name. He will disclose it to the judge this morning. The high price of gas in Council Binds is ono of the evils which should be reme died some way. It does not appear clear why the price of gas hero should be so much greater than in other cities , unless it is that the citizens will pay it , and the company naturally will take it. If the company would reduce its price to some where near what other cities got gas for. it would bo an act of partial atonement for the prices charged in the past. The discussion is opening up in regard to the legality of the recent school elec tion. It WHS rather n peculiar election in regard to Iho registry at least , or rather the lack of registry. Under the new law n registry is necessary for all elections , but the superintendent of public instruc tion gave it as his opinion that the law did not have any reference to school elec tions. It was under his advice that the election was held hero us in the old way , only more so , there being several differ ent registry books used as reference sim ply. It seems that if any ono cared enough about the result to make a fightlh the courts the chances are good for hav ing the election prononncou as of no ac count. There was some uneasiness yesterday about the now aldermen , or at least two of them , Luoins Wells , and George Met- calf. Mr. Wells is in Moline , and Mr. Mctcalf in Col fax. It was time for them to Qualify , and unless they should appear to-day It was feared that they would bo disqualified from serving. ID that event n now election would have to bo held. Telegrams wore sent to them , and they will probably appear and swear in. The only chance of avoiding a new election is in the fact that the clerk notified them by mail of their election , and if this was not a legal notice , bo can notify them ugain , and thus give them an extension of time. They will have to swear in be fore Monday as it now appears. The new council is to meet Monday niglU. Now goods will arrive to-day at Hark ness Brothers. Shoot ducks with the best ammunition Buy it at 41 Main-street , Cole & Cole. * The City' Wallet. The city olllcials are putting the finish ing touches upon their annual reports The showing on the financial side is an excellent one. It indicates that there arc $15,000 less city warrants outstanding than a year ago. The city council has kept its expenses $5,000 under the limit , instead of overrunning as so many pre vious councils have. 'Iho fire department has cost less than $9,000 , whereas in pre vious years it has run two or thro ethou- Band dollars more than the amount. Streets and alloys have cost about $7,000 , about ono half of what was expended the previous year. The economy of the council has had an excellent effect upon the city warrants , which have now reached ninety cents on the dollar , and rapidly going up towards par. The city is to be congratulated on the iinancia * showing for tlio year. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical apuli nnccs at the Now York Plumbing Co. L. U. Crafts & Co. , are loaning mono/ r on all classes of chattel securities at ono- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. Money to loan on real estate. Counci Bluffs Real Estate Loan and Trust Co , Room 0 , Everett block. Personal Paragraph * . Dr. Soybort has relumed from his re cent trip. H. E. Pyko , of. Reading , 1'a. , is th guest of F. P. Ycuawino. J. C. Whilmore. of Omaha , was in the city visiting friends yesterday. 3I H. A Cole , of Cole & Colo. In ft las I , evening for Mt. Pleasant on a short trip Miss Lisle Harris , who has boon visit ing Mrs , J. G. Tipton , returned yesterday toiler homo in Avoca. Mr. II. A. Daniels , of DCS Moincs , rep resenting the Ponsylvania Insurance com pany ot Pittsburg , was in the city yes terday. W. H. Van Drunt , of Avoca , was in the city yesterday. Mr. Van Brunt is inter ested to a considerable extent in real estate hero. Henry Paine , state agent , nnd 1. . M. Hosteller , spcoial agent of the Conti nental Insurance company , were in tlio city yesterday. Mrs.'Mitchell , who has charge of the trimming department of H. Friedman's , loaves to-day for thu east to look up thu newest styles of millinery. . Sco J. G. Tipton for a snap in llailroad addition. Lots , acre property and all grade residences. Dr. Hanchott , olllco No. 13 Pearl street ; residence , 130 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. _ _ Contractors and builders will find it to their interest to get prices on lime , cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council Bluffs Fuel Company , 03'J Broadway. Telephone ISO. . . . See the new Misses' Corset at Harkuoss Brothers. _ J. G. Tipton , real cstate.No. 637 Broad way , IDE INJUNCTIONS ORDERED , Supersedes Bonds Filed and the Olerk De clines to Issue the Writs. THIRSTY THROATS SUPPLIED. The Old City Council Holds Another Session Dr. Plnncy's Klootlcd HOI-BCS The City's Finances Hopeful nntl Healthy. | The City Parliament. A special meeting of the city council was held yesterday afternoon , at which all were present. A number of bills were allowed. Judge Aylcsworth's written acceptance of the proposition to certify and compile the city ordinances was received. | Property owners on Avenue F. peti tioned for establishing grade on that street. Kcferrrd. A settlement was made with C. R. Mitchell , and .fJOO of bonds granted him. An ordinance was adopted making it the duty of dt.v ollicials to make a full report in case of accidents on the streets , in which the city was liable to be a party in any possible suit. Heretofore suits have been startedand , by the time ot trial the city could not find witnesses or evidence. The purpose of this ordinance is to .secure in such eases the needed record of details and witnesses. The money for the extension of Fifth avenue was placed in the hands of the sheriff. It is tlioiighl that its ensures the opening of this thoroughfare , which is an important change. The council then adjourned. New carpets at No.101 Broadway. Star sale stables lor mules and heavy draft horses. THE INJUNCTIONS OltDElttiD. Two Dozen liars Ordered Closed Hut Superseding Homts Filed. Judge Thornoll nas ordered the issu ance of injunction wits against twenty- four of tlio Council 111 nil's saloons , includ ing the bars of the leading hotels. This action is by no means a surprise as it was conceded that Judge Thornoll was in clined that way. Yesterday Attorney Jacob Sims , who represents the prohibi tion alliance , applied to Clerk Shea , pre senting tlio order to have the writs Issued. Mr. Shea declined to issue the writs , as ho said that suporsedcas bonds hud been tiled , the dcfednauts purposing to appeal to the supreme court. Ho gave Mr. Sims a written statement to that effect. It seems that tlio saloon men anticipated that the judge would grant the injunc tions and had prepared bonds , M > as to take an appeal. Iho policy evidently is to keep the places open untfl tlio matter could be decided upon by the supreme court , which will take considerable time. During the delay the saloons can rim as usual. Whether this delay can be had remains to bo seen. There seems to be a question whether the clerk of the courts can de cline to issue the writs after the judge has ordered them issued. If not , the clerk may find that he has overstepped tlio bounds in standing as a barrier be tween the court and the saloons. There is also a question as to whether the filing of supcrsodas bonds will enable the saloons to run while the appeal is being taken. It is not unlikely that an attempt will bo made to have the keepers fined for contempt of court. If it shall be decided that they arc liable to punish ment for contempt it will make the busi ness altogether too risky. The saloon men seem confident that they can go on with their business while the cases are slowly dragging their way to the supreme premo court , if so , the ordering of the writs of injunction will have little prac tical effect upon the city for some months at least. Judge Theme 11 is expected hereon on Saturday of next week and he will probably taKe some action at that time. He may order tlio clerk peremptorily to issue the writs , or ho may have cases broughtbcforo him for contempt. Call and see the stock of horses and mules at Star Stables before purchasing elsewhere. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. The Department Commander. Pottawattamio county presents as a candidate for Iho position of department commander of Iowa G. A. R. tlio name of E. A. Consigncy , of Avoca. His name is receiving many words of hearty commen dation. The Cedar Rapids Republican in a recent editorial thus endorses him : We take pleasure in adding to the list of candidates already mentioned In the Repub lican for the honorable position of depart ment commander of Iowa ( > . A. U. the name of E. A. Consign oj' , of Avocn , commander ot U. S. Grant Post , No. 123 , of that city , and brother of our well known citizen , Mr. George J. Consigner. The following letter tells bet ter than any words of ours cm tell the stand ing of Mr. Consleuey as a soldier , for they come from his old army colonel , who meas ures him by the seveie tests of camp and battle : Editor Republican : 1 take great pleasure In cnlllncr tlio atten tion ot Grand Army men to E. A. Conslpney , commander of the u. S. Grant post of the U. A. R. at Avnca. la. , whose name appears prominently as a candidate for department commander. Comrade Consigncy served in trm First Vermont cavalry , and was "In at the death" when Lee's army surrendered at Appomnttox court house. Ho was a eallant officer and an obedient soldier , and did as faithful service as any one In the regiment. The Grand Army boys cannot confer the honor on any cue more deserving , or one who would serve them more acceptably. In honoring him we honor ourselves. Vouis truly , W. G. CUMMIMIH , Late Colonel First Veimont Cavalry. Cedar Kaolds , la. , March 11.1887. Mr. Consigner , of whom Colonel Cum- minus writes these strong words , Is a promi nent businessman of Avoca , Is about forty- nine years old , represented his , the Ninth , congressional district in the last national re publican convention , and is prominent and popular In all gatherings of war veterans. Ho was ono of three brothers who enlisted at the outbreak of the rebellion. He enlisted as a private In the First Vermont cavalry , though ho was offered a captain's commission by his cousin , Colonel Uarnoy. He raoldlv rnso from the ranks , having been promoted llvn times in rapid succession. As adjutant ot his regiment he led thn last charge made by the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac at Appomattox and was. as Colonel Cumnnngs i says , "In at the death" of the southern con- 1 luiu-racy. He was a brave soldier and bears thu scars ot battle on his person , and Is an honest , upright , Christian man , who will LTUCO the position of department commander. Several posts have already endorsed his can didacy. Star sale stables of Council Bluffs. The largest stock of horses and mules west of Chicago , which will bo sold at wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar- antccd. i I For acre property , residences and busi ness property call on W. C. Staey A : Co. , No. 0 Main street. Clontlcil HorscN. Dr. C. Pinnoy , who has a line stock farm about throe miles from the city , is a great lover of horseflesh and fine stock. He has lately been making some pur chases in this line , and now has about twenty blooded hones , some of which are very finely bred. Some line brood mares are also owned by aim , and his stable is now ono of the best in this part Of the country. Among themis a fine brown uaro , standard and registered as Francis W. . She is sixteen hands high. She Is by Souvenir (440) ( ) lie by Enchanter (408) ( ) the sire of Valiant who has a record of 2:88 : } and of Ensign , 3'J8J. : Her dam is Ksthallnc Strader by Stradcr (070) ( ) sire of Will Calendar , who was formerly known as Jock Porcjroy , and whoso record is 8:21 : } . She is in foal by Garnet Wllkcs , Lucy Nutwood is another. She is by Nutwood Chief , and ho is by Nutwood , who sold last fall for $20,000. Her dam is i Daisy 11. , a tine driving mare , who has never been trained for the track. Untie is a promising mare by Hooso , ho by Administrator. Her dam is Dixie Copperbottom. She is four years old this spring. A year ago she trotted a mile in three minutes , and is spcrdy indeed. Tony Glass is also by Hooso , and her dam is H splendid roadster. Nettie S. , a three year old , is by Laclede (18j ( ! ) ) . son of Happy Medium. Her dam is i Daisy H. , she by Gilford Morgan. Lulu Sco Is a promising filly , standard bred j and registered , sired by Souvenir , he by Enchanter , he by Administrator nd he by U.ysdyk's Ilamblotonlan. The dam is Iowa Maid , she by Robert Homier , Royal Pascha , a young stallion , and one of the handsomest over seen hero. He is standard , nnJ registered in Wal lace , Vol. 0. He is by Souvenir , and is a full brother to Lulu Sec. Ho will bo throe years old in July. Dr. I'inney bus lately bought a line stal lion , Young Mlddleton , who was im ported from England in 1883 , by J. II. Truman , of Illinois. His stock has brought high pricrs. The agent for the king of Italy purchased a four-year-old gelding of him for $1,800. Young Mid- dlcton is by the thoroughbred race horse Acrobat , dam the notcii trotter Congress by Vclov , and grand dam Lady Congress , supposed to be fastest trotter England has ever produced , she by Flying Dutch man and he by Ray Mlddleton. The doctor lias others whose blood is equally well drawn , He is laying the foundation for as line a stable of horses as can bn found anywhere , and takes great pride as well as pleasure In them. o Mnch-ly Married. Justice Darnett yesterday went over to Omaha to testify in the case against Hugh Thompson for bigamy. Thompson was married in Justice Barnctt's oQiec on a Sunday a couple of months ago to Anna Mach and claimed to be from Creston , while his wife No. 2 was from Omaha. For fear that the marrjago would become public ho asked the judge to clear the" room , there being a BEI : representative , a lawyer and a retail grocer who ex pected to witness the ceremony. After they retired the ceremony was performed in the presence of two witnesses who had come from Omaha to witness the proceed ings. It was a bitter cold Sunday and as the wedding party missed tlio a o'clock train the groom hired a hack and drove over the ice. Tlio driver being a stranger in this city lost his way and did not find the justice's ollice until nearly 5 o'clock. After the ceremony was performed Thompson purchased : i llask of sherry wino to warm up the party , wlfo had be come chilled by their Jong , tedious drive , and then returned to Omaha Yesterday Thompson claimed he had not married the Macli woman , when being tried before Justice Anderson , but when he was con fronted with the man who married him he wilted and waived an examination , being placed under $500 bonds. Mrs. Thompson No. 1 was also in attendance at the trial. A ChnrininK Actross. There was a small audience "at the opera house last evening to greet Miss Lillian Lewis. Those who were in at tendance were so greatly pleased , however - over , that there will doubtless be full houses this afternoon and evening. She appuared last night as Cora in "The Creole. " It is no light task to as sume a role which Clara Mor ris has made so famous , but Miss Lewis carried the dillictilt part with a wonderful showing of ability. In the intensely emotional passages site was really above criticism , thrilling the audi ence and calling forth well merited ap plause. Her support was excellent. Mr. Walter Owen as George , aud Clifford Dempsey as Victor Ma/.ilier , were espe- .cially . worthy of mention. The other members of the companv averaged well. This afternoon "Frou Frou" is to bo presented , and to-uight "Leah , the For saken. " Those who miss seeing Miss Lewis will miss much. She certainly merits the many words of praise -given her by the coldest dramatic critics. On complaint of Ins brother yesterday a man named North was arrested for a'jusing his wife. Those Coinpltiininfr of Sore Throat , Hoarseness , or taklni : Cold , " should use Jtroivn'a Jtrutivltliil Troches. Sold only in boxes. The Cant of Jubllors. London World : The public celebra tion of the jubilee will involve a con siderable outlay , for which a parlia mentary vote will be necessary. The cornoation of the queen cost about .i'40,000 , against i'M.OOO for William IV. , and 210,000 for George IV. , anil in many respects tlio coronation forms a precedent for the jubilee. I hear that there is to bo a special meeting of the privy council next month , either at Windsor castle or Buckingham palace , when the proposed arrangements and estimates will be submitted. To this council will bo summoned tlio prince of Wales , the duke of Cambridge , the cabi net , the great olHeers of tlio household , the archbishops of Canterbury and York , the bishop of London. Mr. Gladstone , Lord Hartington , Lord Granville , and Lord Sidney. The details will subse quently be settled by a committee se lected from the aboro parsonages , witli ono or two additions of permanent of ficials , by whom all the work will doubt less be done. Tno rough estimate for the Thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey is 12,000. A magnificent display of fireworks fiom Hyde Park in tlio even ing is a good notion , but tlio idea of "throwing open" the theaters to tlio pub- lie on the night of Juno 20 is preposterous and must be abandoned. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owing to the DUOOliL lUbTICITY ot the cloth ( which our patents corer icluslTely ) will IU perfectly first lime worn. lUqolm no breaking In. OXat BaTCBIXD by teller Kfterttelnff worn ten day * If not found the moil PEHPKCrr FITT1NO , HEAI/rilVDl , nd Comfortable Conet i r worn. Bold by 11 Or t-cI M dealer. . CHOTTT RO . . Chicago. 111. O. R. ALLEN , EngineefSuf , eyofMap , Publisher f No. 11 North Main St. City Dd county B > pie ( citltl > nd couotlei In Mtru Iowa , Nebraska and KaoaU. SPECIAL ! NOTICES. NOTICE. Special sdrertlierncntB , such M Loit , Found 7o Loan , For Bulo , To Rent , ftant" . Boat-din * , etc. , will bolnsorteit in tbli column it the loir rateofTENCKNTSPEK LING fertile tint loser- Ion and FlveCentf I'orLln roreach ubie < iuont Insertion. I/SRTO Mdverllsoments nt our office No. 12 Vc rl etrect , hoar Uroailirnr , Council UlUffa. WANTS. WANTED A wood worker at Hnttenhaucr'R carrlairo ftictorjr. No. 27 to 31'i ' , Fourth street. To n llrst-clni man good wnffes nnd stfiicly employment nil ) bo given. No others need apply. \\7ANTED Hr youiitf tnanSOypnrs old.sltnv T twn ns snlcsmnn In dry Koodj , clothluiror boots nnd shoes ! : i years experience. Will work on trial. Speaks French and Knellah. Myrtle lllncH , 1103 Avo. n , Council llhilTg. FOIt HAM-Music ; nnd sowing machine Imp- ! ness together with sniull stock of uollduy Koods and witll pnpur. Good town nnd country , Hood location , chenp rent , profitable buslncpa. Invrlvn fl.'JOO to tl&X ) . Would tnko piirt In Council Hinds real ottuto. Address A. L. Man ning , Dunlnp , low a. NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS Curtains , Upholstry , Window Shades , Poles , Door Mats , Rugs , Sash Draperies , Etc , , ARRIVING DAILY. )0 ) ( Mail Ofdres Carefully Filled , )0 ) ( Our Mr. Stockert Superintends All Work. COUNClTBLUFFS CARPET CO. , 405 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : II , JOHN v. M-ONE. J.ACOU SIMS STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law , actice in the State and Federal Courts Rooms 7 and S Shuart-Beno { ; Block. 1r < n COUNCIL PUBLIC SALE ! CO.MMENCf.Nr FltlDAY , MAKCII 2STH , 1857 , I will soil nt my residence on ICe ? Creek , 10 mllcacn'U ' or Council Illulfo , my FAHM CONSISTING OF 300 ACIIF.S ! Well Improved , nil under cultlrntlon ; l.V ) acres IntumuKrnss ; tins n line new residence , con taining H rooms nnd nil modern Improvements , housu costing f 7,0 Hi. Also new barn , ! 10x50 ; two Hnllidny wind mill * , n Rcnln house uml xcalcs , cuttlo yards mid water tunks ; n good yonim heiirliijr orchard of apples nnd ginull trnlt ; SO head < f ( rood fnrm horfcs cnttlo , lions nnd nil farm Implements requlH'd to run n tlrst-dnss farm. Terms will bo made known on nppllcii > tlon.or on day of sale. All pnrtlos thinking of investing iiro cordially Invited to cull nnd innko n personal examination of tbe fnrm nnd Im provements. K. WAUL ) . FINLEY BURKE , Attorney at Law. 1304 Ikoadwiiy , Up Stairs , Council Hhifl'3. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPOBtf-ED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; $10 , lonnd trip. It. D. AMY & CO. , Hardware , Stoves , ) AND ( HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , [ Established 1S& ] No. 20 Mnln Street , ; : : Council niulT ) . COMMISSION MEIItCIIAMTS , AND DEALEItS IN' HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. W. L. BIOGS , Justice of the Peace. No 504 UroaJwtvy , Council IJlufls. Collections a specialty. Refers to the Dec Star Sate Stab/es and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Uluffs , Opp. Dummy Dejio c < a S S M _ e Horses anil inulos kept constantly ou band , for sale nt retail or in car loads. Orders promptly Ullod by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SiiLUTKit' & BOLEV , Proprietors. Telephone No.1 114. Formerly of Keif Sale Stables , corner 1st , avo. and 4th street. it. JfipE , ill. n. Cancers w other Tumors Removed without the knlle or Drawing o Blood. ' Over 30 years Practical experience. No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. CSyConsultation free. CRESTON HOUSE. Theonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Hairing a Eire Escape , Anil All Modern Iinpi-oranents. 315 , 217 nnd 310 Main St. MAX JIO//JV , Prop. FRAXK S , ItlVK , CIVIL ENGINEER , Deilgns , e t Iraates and reports on brldires , viaducts , foundation ! and gimonilengineering. Blue prints of any 6lzo alid quantity. Office No 13 N. Slttln St. , First National Dank CO. PEOPLE'S STORE. Monday , March 7th. iVIll open upwards of 60 cases of Now mil Hcusoimble sprinp pootls. lovelies ies will bo niltlctl to cuch ot their sev- > rnl departments. These are the newest and freshest ii'ddiictloiis of forciprti niul domestic markets , nmkiiijr u collection at once legant nnd unique and one never sur passed'by ourselves and never equal ed by any house in the northwest. Dress GoodsDept A splendid display of the latcstFrcnch and English advanced novelties , to gether with a complete line of staple 'abrics , making this department in ev ery point full and complete. Wash GoodsDept French sattecna in elegant design , never before shown. French and Scotch ginghams in new patterns and colorings. Unlisted in combination and plain. Percales and domestic sattccns in up wards of 20 fresh and original patterns Our assortment of the above is larger and more extensive than others shown by competing houses. * We invite an Inspection. No trouble to show goods. Keeping Everything in this line can be found in our establishment. We call atten tion of buyers to the fact that there has been a sharp rise in these goods. Our goods were bought before the rise and we give our customers the benefit You can save fully 20 pop cent by mak ing your purchases of us. We emphasize the statement that in embroideries , white goods , underwear , luces , ribbons , and notions our assort ment is equalled by any similar stock , Our variety is immense , our prices low er than the lowest. Our Special Feature. Spring wraps , jackets , aud ladies and childrcns suits , new and stylish garments of Paris and Berlin modes , together with the newest shapes and most approved makes of the leading New York manufacturer ? . We can convince you that in this line , that in quality , style and cheapness wo are unrivalled. We Invite the attention of our pat rons to these special features and the stock in general , No effort will be spared to make our departments com plete in every particular and at prices lower than any house in the west. Nos.314 , 316 , 318 anil 320 Broail- Council Jiluffa. Mutt orders promptly and care fully attended to , , ' TKCH1 Leading Real Estate Brokers Have Property of Every De scription , FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ATTENTION T GARDENERS AND FRUIT GROWERS. Choice Property at a Bargain , Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gar dening and Fruit Growing. About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in bearing , and to nil varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , divided as follows : THE VINEYARD I'roper contains upwards of five acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing. Between three and four acres are well set to choice varieties of black berries , raspberries and strawberries. THE APPLE ORCHARD Contains more than 1,600 trees in bearing. In addition to the above enumeration are a largo numbers of choice plums , cherry and other fruits , also shade and ornamental trees surrounding the buildings. A LARGE COMMODIOUS HOUSE , Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for gardening purposes , being a deep black loam and is a uarm.south slope , and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything within business distance of Omaha or Council lilutls. With the new bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over thirty minutes drive from the Omaha posloflice. Any party desiring a choice bargain should apply at once as , if not sold within the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market. For Prices and Terms Apply to G. iJ. MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A. IT. 11ICE. E. W. RAYMOND RICE & RAYMOND , Real Estate Brokers , No. 13 North Main Street. Lower Floor First National Bank Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Real Estate' Vacant Lota , Lands , Clt/ ) Residences and Farms , acre property In western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for sprlny atocls. R. P. OFFICER , 4 / Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Room 0 , over Officer < C I'usey'a bank , Council JHuffs. Horses g Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select ( torn. Several pair * of fine drivers , tin gle or do-ible. MASOU WISE , Council Bluffs E. S. BARNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 416 Broadway , Council Blufft , Refers to any bank or business house in the city , Collections a specialty , If. SVHUUZ , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Express. OFFICER d5 Council 1I ! nils , Iowa. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIN HT.t COUNCIL ULUFFS , : t I A.