Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    , . . . . , . . , . w , sw"D r .YAP" ° ' . . 'nQ'r , r'e' + 4 p.Pti"7r' ,1
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' a'LT 'uc rw' , ryr ; r + T"Ir , r r " ' + lejrdieir0 4' an g. - w , - f.p ,
4 1gures 8howiug the Business Transacted
By the Various Ootnpanios.
i A Iltttemcnt tloin t'p Show Thnt Vco
ale ILtvc Soma OtJtit in Dying
-A Loan Cuutpatiy
Incorpnrnted ,
Irrtoat T11I ittr's : t.u < corN nUHEAII.l
7'hu uudltor of elate tuts the tigttros all
Compiled for publicntion showing the
bttsinesv of life insurance companies for
the year 1896 , .fudging from the cash in.
vested by Nubraskaus In deals after
( loath , there trre a great many who are
laylug by for rainy days and to make
money by death if they fail In life. The
atateutents us prepared arc divided into
the old line companies and the cooperative
tivo ones , Thu old line companies , or
rather those that transact business to any
conskkrablo extent , make showings as
follow ; Mutual Life of New York-
1'olleies isjuetl , 369 ; amount written ,
a781U , ; premiums received s$106 673.02
I JOSiCS incurred , $18,391. I it1itabio I ito
of New Turk-Policies issued , 83 ; amount
written , k'lill23 ; pronitrms received ,
RIOU60,5l , ; losses Incurred , $2,255 , New
York Life Company-Policies written ,
273 ; : unonut written , $670,910 , ; prcinituns
received , $6.5,258.70 , ; losses incurred ,
$7t1U3,3s. , Northwestern Mutual Life of
Ttilwntkce-Politics ; issued , 277 ; amount
written , $610,238 ; premiums received ,
$67,41309 ; losses incurred , $10,557. Mu
teal Benefit Life of Newark , N.
J.-Policies issued , 40 ; amount
written , $132,324 ; premiums received ,
$19,500,20 ; losses incurred , $3,000 ,
Ilone Life of New York-Policies issued ,
155 ; amount written , $204,500 ; premiums
rcecived , $87,39,07 , ; losses incurred ,
Y $5,000 , Union Central Life of Cinchn
path-Policies issued,162 ; amount written ,
$259,530 ; premiums received , $19,105,43 , ;
e losses paid , $3,182.08 , Michigan Mutual
Fite of Detroit-Policies issued , 196 ;
' , ti nmount written , $330,000 ; premiums re
ceived , $11,760.96 ; losses Incurred , none.
Travelers' of Hartford , Conn. , ( accident )
-lolicies issued , 1,801 ; amount written ,
$1,009,400 ; premntms received , $30-
IIUI ' 1 ; losses incurred , $10,914.70.
From the reports of the co-operative
companies tntd those working on the as.
sossmont plan the following Ii ores are
exhibited : BenevolontUnion ,
I ob.-Policies issued , 905 ; amount written -
ten , $1,718 000 ; income , $17,481.80 ; losses
incurred 4,000 , Bankers Life Association -
tion of bcs Moines- Policies issued , 685 ;
nmont written , $1,700,000 ; Income ,
$2,788,01 ; losses incurred , $10,000. Hart.
lord Life Annuity Company-P'ulieies Issued -
sued , 143 ; amount written , $316 500 ; fn
come , $9,31'2 ; losses incurred , none.
. Mutual itesorvo Fund Life of New York
-Amount written , $2,513,500 ; amount
discontinued , $1.200,000 ; income , $20,711 ;
losses incurred , $21000 ,
Following direct in this line of corn-
Panics comes the Beatrice Bouquet , with
the following showing of business trans
noted and business discontinued during
the year 1880. This is the Western Mu
l tu'tl Benevolent Association of Beatrice ;
Number of policies written in 1886 , 2,496 ;
number of policies discontinued to same
time , 2,228 , a net gain in policies of only
268 , and this report was made before the
Lheolii advisory board gave the concern
n black eye and went back on it. Amount
written in 1886 , $8,250,000 ; amount dis-
contlnuoti In the same time , $7,490,000 ;
Income of the company , $56 760.07 ; losses
incurred , $27,000 ; lassos paid , $ t0,270. In
these ligurea the amounts written and
discontinued are nearly equal , which
shows just about how much public conll-
dance the insured have in the concern
after they have been talked into taking a
chance , and tie agent has pocketed his
' toe and departed About as many go
back on the concern in a year as now
ones come in , which insurance man will
recognize as a great exhibit of public
confidence. To losses incurred on
deaths for which the Innocent parchment
bolder would expect to receive the cash
amounted to $27,000 , and yet , according
to report , only $10,000 was collected to
moot this , and the man who died to beat
the game would find himself the receiver -
ceiver of only about one-third that
his guaranteed policy called for. In the
meautimo it is well to recognize that the
income of the honorable scheme was
over $56,000 , , sufliciont , It the guarantee
advertised was a guarantee at all , to pa y
the ( lead policy-holders in full and then
, ) nave nearly $30,000 to pay salaries and
t agents and tobolster up Ithe outfi t
through 1)51(1 editorials in papers that a
few dollars will buy. It is very probable ,
U the. Lincoln advisory board of thi s
guaranteed insurance company coul d
tmvc seen these figures at first the
would hare dropped the benevolent frau
without the expense of a trip to Bcatrie °
to prove the looseness of the firm irons 1
own books.
of the Central Nebraska Loan and Trust
company of North Platte , Neb „ hav e
been tiled with the secretary , the purpoa °
'of the company being to transact a general
oral loan business on real estate security
to purchase and deal in real estate an a
business of like character. The capital
stock Is $100,000 , which may be lnoroase e
, to $500,000 by vote of the directors , tit
shares being $100 each , 10 per cent to be
paid at the commencement of business
t The corporation is to commence opera
Lions on May 1 , to continuo fortyyoar s
and the Indebtedness is limited to one
third the capital stock. The incorpora
tors of the company ire Isaac Dillon , A
p. Buckworthl ester Ellis , T , C , Patter
son andY , Collins ,
The barber who has been running th
ehop in the Capital hotel has taken h [ s
departure rather suddenly , and loft hi
' wito and adopted child in this city. It i
generally talked that ho has departed fo
i good and that his wife was lest intontlon
ally , and the further talk fa going tii
1 romids that a domestic from the house
hold of a prominent citizen departed with
t film , some say for Omaha and others tha
the destination of the couple is furthu
eastward. It is quito evident that if sue
is the case that an attempt is made t
quietly smother the case and keep it fro m
public talk.
The regular weekly Banco at the Me t
ropolitan rink Thursday evening was a
usual largely attended , but all was no
" peace and harwony according to reports
r "as the number of disturbances vary 1
count. At one time , when one of th
boys ob octod to the too frequent dun c
lug indulged in by one of the guests wit
his girl , a tight ensued that was pr a
vented from assutning serious forms b
bystanders. Four policemen , one co n
stable and adotectlve wore reported pre s
out at the time , but no arrests wore mad o
Tomorrow the Westotn League bas
ball association moots at Leave n
worth , ( tap , , and Presfaent 'flare N
of thla , city , and delegates Ire
' the Lincoln club will ho in atteudanc
This is the anal meeting of the assort
I tion previous to the opening of the se a
, eon ,
Tim Statouniverslty has just graduate
' four pew doctors to turn loose upon th
public. 'The medical department of tut
school may be a grand thing , but it wool
be good for the pee to it the standar
rairased fn the western country , w a
to something commensurate wi' tit
the works roqulrcu in colleges with 1 n
Atruetors null nhlnpt of more than
local rcputatibn.
In the district court yesterday little
buslne.s was transacted. Sotto tcsthmony
was takun In the case against Mrs. Sholl-
enberger ; , , the testimony being of a kind
to help ostnblislt her goad character
previous to the time of her residence in
' 1'hls Important case , howw
over , will not be heard at the present
term of court.
The board of regents have been hold.
ing an adjourned session , Messrs , Holmes
tout Iluitt of the board being ahseut.
Notliing of importance was transacted
beyond the expulsion of a student in the
medical school , which case occasions
little regret.
The police court session , yesterday was
short and conllued to the hearing of
complaints against three intoxicated per.
Sons. The usunl liucs and costs wcro
'rho jury that passed the night over the
cnse et the farmer who sold tvnternie1ons
on the streets in dog days , returned a
verdict of not guilty , and the precedent
is thins established that warrants great
sales otthat beverage the coming season ,
Little Willie screams and storms with
a burn upon his arm , ' 1'o little Willie
joy is sent , by using Salvation Oil , the
great liniment.
l'attl and the Jeweler ,
ChlieagoJournal : An expert ewelerof
this city tells roc a characteristic story of
Patti , when the dynamite eruik of San
Francisco has tried to blow up. Ito says :
1 nev'ur hind mot Adelaa 1'Ittti , and was
surprised one morning a few years ago
to receive a nice little illet doux front
her asking nio to call on her at the
1'nllncr house , It was just after one of
herr most brilliant seasons of opera in
New York , and 1 was notnmch surprised
on being ushered into her presence to
have her say that she had sent for me to
look at tier newest jewels. She had leads
of them-lovely diamonds in all kinds of
rich and unique settings-which had
been presented her by those New York
fellows In their desire to be known to her
as admirers. The dear little queen of
song , sure wanted me to appraise thorn
for tier ! She keeps a regular invoice et
all her goods and chattels , it ! s said , and
to her estimated wealth she wished to
add these rich gifts. So we sat down at
a table and I put a cash value on each
article , with no incident except an occasional -
casional frown when a stone did not
quito Como up to her expectations. She
offered to pay me for my trouble , but I
declined the ' 'sordid" recompense and
asked her to favor me with a song. This
she did in a most gracious mauner , seating -
ing herself at the grand piano in her
apartment and warbling to me in her
most charming tones , "Home , Sweet
Homo , " as I had novcreard it before or
since ,
The Old and the Now.
The old style pills ! Who does not know
What agony they caused-what woo ?
You walked the floor , you groaned , you
sighed ,
And felt such awful pain inside ,
And the next day you felt so weak
You didn't want to move or speak.
Now Pierce's "Pellets" are so niild
They are not dreaded by a child ,
They do their work in painless way ,
And leave no weakness for next day.
'T'hus proving what is oft contest
That gentle moan's are always best
- - - - -
California's Wine Hopes.
San Francisco Alta : The bouquet of
our wines is simply unsurpassed. To get
a fair idea et the wino industry of this
county you must understand that It is
really only a few years old. Santa Clara
county was badly inoculated with the old
Mission grape , which continues to be an
incubus on the wine industry of the state ,
and it was only after Napa and Sonoma
counties hind achieved such an astonishing -
ing success with choice varieties of for.
sign wino grapes that Santa Clara growers -
ers daily began to appreciate the Ipossi
bllities of their own county. Lonso-
quently they began to progress only after
other counties were well on the road to
success. At the present time our wine
industry is only in its infancy , Raving
just reached a stage of development soi
iclent to command respect in 1)tho trade.
We produce about 1i500p000 gallons now ,
most of it fair wine on an average ; but ,
in less titan twenty years , we will pro.
duce 10 000,000 gallons annually of much
bettor wine. In fact , if the foothill
lands of Santa Clara county were
properly developed , wo could easily
duce as much wino as the whole state
does now. Only hero and there has any
attempt been made to reclaim the thousands -
sands of acres of available foothill land
which skirts this valley , It will not be
many years before thcso now bare Inih-
sides will be dotted with vineyards ,
There are no finer grape lands in the
world , and the location in respect to shipping -
ping facilities and convenietco to win.
cries canhot bo excolled.
To enrich and quicken the circulation
of the blood , and to reform the irregular.
sties of the system , use Dr , J. H. Mc-
Loan's Strengthening Cordial and Blood
The Capital's Clerical Venus.
Philadelphia Times : Of the 4,000 women
who hold positions in the employ of the
government at Washingt , only one
could be superlatively beautiful , and the
honor of being that one belongs to a
copyist in the navy department. It is
said that she lives in the capital with her
family , that she is the niece of the United
States minister to England and that she
receives a salary of $900 per year. In
poneon she Is as tall and graceful as these
beautiful women need to be , which very
often is a matter upon whiohjudges can't
agree and in roundness of form we are
told that site is the sculptor's ideal model.
Although ptho entire capital does not
sneeze when she takessnufr' , it is asserted
that half the clerks in the department
spend two-thirds of their time watching
her graceful movements , and whoa she
starts toward the elevator there is a general
oral rush iii that direction on the part of
chiefs and subordinates , too. She. has
light hair and dark eyes and her hand is
ns "wite as the gleam of the beckoning
snow. " 'lo crown such charms it is asS -
S sorted that she is utterly unconscious of
s her own beauty alid looks in perfect astonishment -
: tonishment at men who intimate site is
a not commonplace. But it is possible that
there arc no mirrors where she lives ?
t The revenue collections yesterday
r amounted to $2,133.40.
0c 0h
li llltltlllR'
JtAYO + '
d I pEgdVINltRICtyggo,1topoTP/WSS $ ( red
nnltbfelsses. , ' ' . .
da no mmonmotPbo.pbaM.DPpricels ,
soles , 11 , aaNotixas tlilltlawtl r
Pullman. Place
. mgeringhomf.A.1Vtae
n.r.eee Deaaty , Leek el
( Detel epeeet. 1 rem sere
Deetlee , etc. , re.nltlog tram In.
N , dieeretlon.elcee.e.or oFenrort ,
J , eered wllhA t e/ume.t.
iT P Deertl. , bJ the
l [ I I ' , tSTON , , rt. RlianPdhereed
b' Fether.APtec.linlhehende , .
ni their Sons , , ' Replete wU
Intormetlon of value to ell men.
MAISTON IEMEIT EI , 19 Park Piace , New York.
MentionOmaha Bee.
The ONLY CORSET made that can be returned
. Taa& E WESM' $
by p r oaatouuditer
In every respect , and is prtce refunded b .ether.
Nato Ineanetr of .erg Bewareof . . Iml. .
nlau dnl.r. I everywh ro
Isaoss. None genuine without aatl'Sname onbox.
e s ar. 4wag , Xew York.
Successors to Jno. 0 , Jacobs ,
At the oldstand 1407 Farnam at. Orderni
bytelograph solicited and promptly attended -
tended to , Telephone No. 716 ,
Warranted etbsolurely pure
Cocoa , from which the sic. . . of
I Oil lea been removed. It bas three
Ames As .fenglPe of Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or euger ,
sad V therefore lar more economb
al , eating fear Man one cent a
e.p. II U delicious , nourishing.
strengthening , eully digested , sod
admlrabiy sdeptod for inaads u
well ae for pereone In health.
8old by everywhere.
V.e BAKER & COs , Dorchesterl Mass.
Car. 113th and Dodge St. . Omaha , .
a ItetelarUradestelo.edici. . Over a
jr. recant to to Ken , . Ctt' , Yo , Le.
to as Chronic. Hervon. ad
bp.eLI DLeu. . " Seminal
INight 1.0..wp. 6eanal Dblllt1 ( to. . of
, anal N.rrous . , .
power ) D.bltlry Le.
I'or. . gu.eaotwd or mossy r.lunded.
Chargedaw rhouend. o/ / rend.
oreel Lit m.dteto. .
rssd ) for e. t o mercury or tpJenon. m.dlclu.e a.d.
Noll..lostrrombueleu. . . .
by I.a.r and snpr. . . . Nndlelnw In. nos
( ve er beaks ( . . State , .ur sass 5.4 nod tar ,
Qsel.lmtten fees sad nnldseNal , p.r.o.auy or by , stteu
f to IA LMM
LewntateXverO5hredYn.Ma elver
e SIOLER'SGrand Pullman CarExcursions ,
! er..aRY , ( nee Cblcago , IL Louis ,
Esnsaa Clty , Omaba and other western Chas
mouhiy , for Callfornia over the 0. B. A Q. and the
IAEAT SCENIC ROUTE dfpacui ; r',4d ' w'
U.0.1nULta , Manager. W Ctsra tltteei. CaicAao.
M ( % TARRLL1be0nalCstmaa
meal ayp.1tlrecur. . Yr. . sampa
N . and book for t Cent , In clamps ,
kuhtaaeALCO.,5utttaa $ saY ,
t Train , 1
Saturday March 10th , at prcclsely
10:30 : o'clock a , m. , a free train wilt leave
the B. & M. passenger depot and stop ht
exactly eight minutes after leaving depot
at Utuaha's now suburban addition ,
The B , & M's Ashland cut-off runs directly -
rectly through "Pullman Place" near the
South Omaha packing houses ; and the
U. P : R , lt , rots east of it , tints placing
this addition i'CIWCCid these two lmunensc
trunk lines of railway. In order to give
home-seekers and speculators an opportunity -
tunity of viowincr whiat is bound to ho the
"King lice" addition to Omaha and Southt
Omaha , the have clmrteredaspecial train
of six coaches ( ( 'Mich wiit be
rum to and from " 1'uu. itN PrAOE"
FnEE OF CIiAItGE on the
date above mentioned. The price on
Pullman Place lots are low and terms
easy , being 1.5 cash and balance to suit ,
we do not ask you to buy a lot unless
you think it is money In our pocket to
do so , but wo are bound to give all a
chance to sec thus splendid addition auau ,
Come everybody , bring your fatuities
and take a spring airing.
Remember the date , Saturday , March
19 , Free train leaves promptly at 10:30
o'clock , a. m.
, I ,
1512 Farna m Street
, y
Pullman Place
at ;
7. 1 , e . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Theie ? .
If not , go rut once (111(1 tfieet with your surprise
as many others have met tnitA. Iolc can find
more cleyance on display In the sllape of
CLOTh ING FOR MIN titan Was ever be-
fo'Celisplryed at any Olte tfmle ditl'bly the CX-
iStCltrC of Ilan. .
All Nw Goods
At pl'icca 1(83 that ( ever was lfeai'I , con siitinp
+ Spring Overcoats
, .
I n one endless variety of cut and patter'nany ,
shape , size or style , to suit any style of nlan
or any size pocket-book. An inspection Is in-
vited. 11o tI ouble to 811011) the stock.
Business is the Watchword at the
MjsfitParlors . '
Its '
N. BI-Orders outside otn' city receive our
proniptlvfttd careful attention.
' .
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewel g Silverware
Tke largest scoot. Prices the lowest. Repairing a apeoia ty. rkwarrant e
.4. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha ,
Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Paolfie Railroad a u
Boautflll ! Resideilce
Also Business LOts
On the large map of Omaha and observe that tic two anti one-halt mile
belt from the Omaha postollice runs south of section 33 and through
the north end of South Omaha.
Atid pencil , then get one of J.M.Wolfo & Lo's maps of Omaha and South
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's busiues center , and your
pencil on the string at where 13ellnvue street enters South Omaha from
the north ,
A circle and note wlrer ,
Is , and also that many "Additions , "Places" and "hills" are far
This magic circle. : .
And think aminute what will make outside property increase in value ?
' Y . T
Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than at ] South
Omaha. At the latter point we have three important factors to build up
and make valuable the property :
First-The growth of Omaha , which has and always will frillow the
transportation lines. I
Second-All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best
manufacturing point of any in ornear the city ,
Dressed Beef Business ; , .
- and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation at once.
Away your day of grace when you do not get au interest in South Omaha
before a higher apPraisement is made. The best locations are being taken r '
Make your selections now :
Lots that sold far $300 in 1881 cannot now be bought for % 3,000.
Over the railwayy track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between
L111S city and s outli Omaha.
Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lets will don.
ble in value , as this will afford quick and cheap transportation either by
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cates. .
For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive oirculars ,
address ,
Agent for the South Omaha Land Compan V
N.W. Cor.15th and Harney , ,