Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Wheat Clique Makes a Oeneral Change
and Awaits Results.
The Other Markets Show Advance *
Corn Goes Lower on Unfavorable
ItcportH-niK Dealers Hell
Lord anil Itltis.
CHICAGO , March 18. [ Special Telegram to
the HKK | The wheat clique has cut its wis
dom tcctli , cot n new set of brokers , stopped
bulldozing the Mny option , and Is now , with
ngrcat deal of discretion , simply standing on
Its line nnd allowing thu surrounding mar
kets of the world to move up toward tlio
plane ot Chicago A nines. This lmpro\cment
In tactics Is .so innrked thnt there Is actually
n largo number of men who nro confident
that this Is nn Armour deal. The clear
ances from New York l.Vi.OOO bushels wcro
HOincwhat of n disappointment , but the for
eign markets wcro most encouraging. Will-
lam Dunn said thu cables rather Indicated
thnt Liverpool had turned , The whole woild
for n dny or so had gone on the hypothesis
that at Chicago wheat was about to collapse ,
and Instead of doing that It had put on n
healthier look than ever. At the opening
Fluid , Llndlcy fc Co , were liberal hellers.
Mllmlne , iiodkin & Co. wcro buyers. There
was for an hour active general trading at be
tween blj/ijb2e. ( Then tiatlo suddenly
dropped off. The clique homes were confi
dently picdictlng higher prices for the day.
By 1 o'clock May wheat was down to bOJjfr ,
notwithstanding all the surrounding markets
had shown extraordinary strenuth. The
reason was that the clique biokcrs had
no Inclination to Intorfeie. It Is
plainly the purpose of holdeis to get prices
fmck to their old time relative standing.
While New York advanced this maiket de
clined , and now It Is a fact that the old time
relations between prices at these two markets
nnueslored. The Juno option advanced to
within ' . { c of May to-day , while the spread
was 2o to the disadvantage of June a week
a'jo. Kcrshnw was reported a buyer at Mil
waukee , and fiom New York came thu story
that the Chicago clique had bought and \vrro
holdlnic more wheat than was actually In
Htoro there. The uncomfortable iccling
about trading In the .May option of wheat
has apparently disappeared. No commission
houses are refusing orders for May wheat
now nor are they demanding extraordinary
marginsIn corn the stock yaids crowd ot
bulls has nppaiently been routed , horse. loot
and dragoons. The May option was down to
IHWc by 1 o'clock , nnd tlio big reports of re
ceipts for the early part of next week promise
to send thn figures under 39e. Not ton &
Worthliuton say they have 1,500.000 bnsht'ls
* of cash corn to deliver for country customers
and the receivers generally nro sellers. Nat
Jones. N. B Iteam and Robert'WarrcnA Co.
wcro tree sellers of lard and ribs to-day. The
sales were set down as realizing ones.
On the afternoon board thu markets wcro
weaker and a shade lower. 1'rovlRlonn were
easier. Wheat for May sold at SOJtfjlblJtc ,
June at BOJfe. , July at 80c. , .September at
W 3HWc , closing at HOiSlc ( for May ,
WJic for June. Nc ) for July. Corn for May
sold at 8tgn ( : ) ) < c , Juneat40 ] < ' (5408'c ( ! , July nt
41 > { ( ft41 } < c , closing at iHJtfc lor March , ffJjJu'c
for May-lOJ c for June nnd 41 } e lor July.
Oats for May sold at t8 ! ; @ 2tic , Jnncntli'.M
, 'Mic. Moss pork for May and Juno S-O.M ) .
Lard for May sold nt 87.80@7. 3X. June
S7.i tf7.i7X. : Jnlv S7.47KShort rib3 lor
May sold nt 87.7JJ g7.77K , nnd closed al
7.75 , June at 87.77K , July at $7.09.
CIWAOO , March 18. [ Special Telrgiam to
the BKK. ] OATTI.K. Tl.o supply was
certainly moderate , all thincs con *
sldercd , and many persons wcro surprised
that there was not a repetition of Thursday's
big run. Tne demand was good nnd the
market was steady In all eases and generally
stroni ; . There were many sales of handy
desirable eattle at prices a shade higher. The
market on the whole was fairly active nnd
the market was In most eases as good as II
was Wednesday , though thcro was an
absence of the excitement which has char
aeterlzed that day's trading , for a while
lately. Exporters were doing nothlng.but for
elgn markets have improved somewhat ant
New York and Boston live stocl
exporters have been buylnt hen
very freely this week at $4.55@3.3S
Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $ .5.01
< 85. ? > 0 : KOO to inso Ibs , S4.CO ( 5.00 ; O.V
to 1200 IDS. 84.00(31.50 ( ; stockers and feeders
82.75 ( < J4.25 : cows , bulls and mixed , S2.2 !
@I.OO ; bulk. 83.tXK43.80 ; slop fed steers.S-MX
(45.10 ; through Texas cattle , 670 to 090 Ibs
lions Business wasictlvo and Diicesfull ;
Ac higher on heavy and good packing sorts
also on fancy assorted light and initche
weights. Light light and common Yorker
unchanged. A few fancy heavy sold at S5.9 ,
00.00 , and packers at 85.80ffl5.UO , with com
mon mixed at Sr.40ir5.0.'i. Light sort
sold at S5.40 < ra.75 ; Yorkers , | 5CO@G.75 , ant
light light ntS5.40ret5.DO.
NKW YOHK , Marcn 18. | Special Telegran
to tho'BF.n. ] STOCKS There was * a remark
abln dearth of news to-day calculated to al
feet the price of stocks. The report that th
Baltimore & Ohio Imd been sold to the Cin
clnnatl , Dayton A Hamilton syndlcat
furnished the principal topic of conversatlo :
among brokers. In the absence of any we !
authenticated news In regard to the subjec
biokers were disposed to consider thut abou
the only thing about which there was n
question was the fact that the Baltimore .
Ohio road was for sale. The bears made th
point that money would ccitainly bccom
Fcarce within the next sixty days , but It wa
alleged that Gould had recently put a goo
deal of money into railroad stocks and , as
consequence , it was claimed that his Inllu
cnce would be In favor of easy money. Th
best Informed London firms asserted thntth
feel I iiz In London and on the continent wn
very bullish , and that people abroad woul
take at least 150,000 shares ot stock If the
could get them at present prices , llnilroa
earnings wore generally favorable and tli
expectation was that big earnings would I
the rule until the Inter-state commoice la'
wont Into effect The Denver & lllo ( .rand
earnings for the second week In March In
creased 924,500 , and tor the year to date tli
Increase wa * 1,000. At noon the mark *
was steady , the sales to that hour amountln
to 03,000 shares. Business was almost entire )
at a standstill durlnz the afternoon. Hook
ing Valley broke IK per cent and the thcor
most generally held was that brokers In tli
Interest of the management of that compan
wcro trying to unload a lot of stock. Tli
latest London quotations In American seen
Hies were lower and the sentiment' townri !
the close began to veer around to the bet
side. It was thought that prices would hav
to be let oft a point or two before there woul
bo any general activity. The total sales wci
about 140,000 shares.
CovEit.vHKNTS-Uovcinment bouds wei
dull but steady.
U. S. cs. ; . . 101 ! < | C. AN. W 118
' ' ' '
U. S. 4W'sconn.lWK'JC. ! ( ' V. O " . . 'ill
racllic SOt'KS..lA5o. } H. &N" 1.100
Canada South'n. . 57K O. T. 31
Central I'aclllc. . 87 IVIIloMnll W
Chlcago.tAlton.144 1' . , D. &R 4
do preferred.,1(10 ( Pullman l'al.Car.147
C. , B. A:0. : . llWJf Heading . ! 1S
D.Uite W . VHtf'Kock ' Island. . . .124
1) &U.0 . 27X'St. ' L.8. F. . . . Stt
Eno * a do preferred. . , , ff.
do preferred. . . . , 0. , M.&Ht. I' . . . . OT
Illinois Contra.12014 ! do preferred..ISO
I i. , B. & w. . . . . . atf st v. & o 4S
h.T 81 do prL'fened.108
: . uoD ni Texas 1'aeiiio. . . . 2H
7i $ ; * * ' -A Oljj UnionPacllio. . . . 67
Mich can Ccnfl. . W W.-SI. L& ! . . . . W
Wo j'ac he losido preferred. . a
No. I'acltie. . . . . . S7V. . U. Telegraph 75 ,
do preferred. . . . , v ; 2
MO.NKV CAU.-Easy at 3 < 33 p- -
Knt.1 closed olierpd.atalji per c'ni. .
rillMF.MKHCANTII.E PAPER ty ( < zty < PT
HT'KIILINO KXTHANOK. Weaker ; actual
business at S4.SJK for sixty day bills , 4. G for
_ _ _ _ _ _
Chicago. March 18. Following quota
tions arc tlio 8so : closing figures :
Klour-tiulct nnrt unchanKcd ; winter
wheat flour , 14.2. 4.30 : southern. 84.10
< g4.20 ; Wisconsin. 4.yo 4. J : Mlchlican toft
print : wheat , JS.TiXjKM : Minnesota baker * ,
: i.7 ( ) ( 4.RO ; patents , | 4.rX(34.w ) ( ( : low erattcs ,
C1.0.'Xcj2. ! > 5 ; rye flour , quiet at f3.20Q3.4U ; In
sarkn and barrels , 8 * < f.5.0 ,
Whcnt Active cnrly and In cowl de
mand , later became slower and ruled dull
and weak and closed ? < c below yesterday for
May. cash , 75 6-lCc ; May , bO 5-lCc ; June ,
80 13-lfic.
Corn Quiet find easier : Vc below yester
day's closes ; cash , ' , Bltfc ; May ,
U.its-Dull and about steady ; cash , 2
May , 28 Ift-lCe ; June , 21'c. '
Itarler-Uiilet at 50c.
I'iiuotliy Seed-Prime ,
Klnx Seed-81.07 .
Wnlskv S1.1&
Pork-Steady and Inactive with no mater
ial clmtiKoexrcnt In cash which Is lower ;
cash , S20.10 ; Mixy and June , SSO..V ) .
hard Unsettled and weak ; cash , ST.liJtf ;
f. . , . , .
Hulk Menu-Shoulder * . Sf > .iX ) a25 ; hhort
clear , SS.y.ViiS.80 ; shurtrihs , 57.05.
Uutter Kulrly active ; creamery , 2 K@"ic ;
dairy , 17J ( < i27c.
Chees Firm ; tull cream cheddars , W
12Jfc ; lints , 12J4r l2Ke ; Voiing Americas ,
: skims , oft'c.
I'KKS 1.Mil 111' .
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country , solid ,
SJfe ; No. 2ccake \ , 4c.
Hides Unchanged ; Orcon. Cc : heavy
green salted. 7c ; salted bull , Gc ; green
salted Ciilf.l'c ' ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry
Hint , 1218c ; deacons , 40c each.
KccclpK Shipments.
Flour , bhls S3ooo 14.000
Wheat , bn 47.000 20.000
Corn , hu ItvS.OOO Wt.OOO
Oats , Bbu 115.000 02.000
Kye , bu 2,000 8,000
Bailey , bu 27,000 21,000
St. Louln. March 18. Wheat Strong
nnd higher early but weaker later ; No. 2 ml.
cifdi. fcOiJt OKc ; May , bO c : June , H'c. '
Corn Kiisicr ; cash , s.'XSii.'iJfc ; June , Mk'c.
Oats Firm but slow : cash und May , 28'fc. '
I'ork Dull nnd nominal at 819.00.
Lard Dull nt 87.20.
nutter Firm ; dairy , tv25c ; crcameiy , 21
@ 30c.
May , bOfe. ? ( Corn Kasler ; Xay , 35J35 e ;
Oats Nominal.
Liverpool , March 18. Wheat-Steady
with demand principally speculative. Hold
ers offer moderately. Corn , quiet nnd de
mand poor.
Kansas City , March 18. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , cash , nominal ; May , WJtfc bid ,
74c asked.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 , cash , CO c bid ,
82casked ; May , Svi c.
Oats Unchanged.
Now Orleans , March 18. Corn Firm ;
mixed , 49c : white and yellow , 50c.
Comment Quiet nt 82.25.
Oats Quiet ana steady at 87 } 63Sc.
Hog Products Dull , weak nnd lower ;
pork. 817.50. Lnrd , rchned ticrco , S7.00u ( !
7.12J { .
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S0.12J , ; . Lone clear
and clear rib , 88.25.
New York. March 1H. Wheat He-
colpts , 109,500 ; export ? , 153,000 ; spot a shnde
itlgher ; options opened linn , advanced % c < 5
Ike. later weakened and declined % (2 ( > % c ,
closlnc heavy ; ungraded red , 91@94Ke ; No. : )
red , UOp ; No. 1 red , iHc : No. 2 red , two In ele
vator , 03H(3Q8c afloat ; U2)9r3U2c , f. o. b. ;
April closed atuijfc.
Corn-iKeeelpts , 79.000 ; exports , 4,0X ( ) ; spot ,
linn ; options opened a trllle uutter and closed
weak with advance lost ; nniaa < le < l,4sS' ( < $
49j-fcNo. ; 2,4S ! < c In elevator , 49 > { c delivered ;
April closing nt 48 > tfc.
Onts Keceipts , 24,000 ; exports , 4,000 ;
weak ; mixed western , 80 < < i37c ; white west
ern , 38@4iic.
Petroleum Firm ; United closed at C3-fc. !
Pork Firm and fairly active.
Lard 126415 points lower ; western steam ,
spot , 85.G7K97.02X.
Butter Quiet and rather weak.
Cheese Firm and fair demand.
Eggs Quiet but linn ; western , fresh , 1GK ®
Minneapolis , March 18. Wheat Firm ;
No. 1 hard , cash , 70'i'c ' ; May , 7Sc ; June ,
70c ; No. 1 northern , cash , lOc ; M y. 76e ;
June , 77c ; No. 2 northern , cash. 73c : May ,
74c. Milling wheat on track brought IQlKc
above these figures.
Flour Firmer ; patents , 14.251.40 ; bakers ,
Keceipts Wheat. 99,000 bn.
fahlpmnnts Wheat , 33,000 bu. ; flour ,
13,000 bbls.
Milwaukee. March 18. Wheat Weak ;
cash. 70c ; May,79c.
Corn Finn ; No. 8. CSc.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 white , Sl'tfc.
Kye Firm ; No. 1 , 57c.
Barley-lliclier ; No. 2 , 51Kc.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , March , 817.00 re
Cincinnati. March 18. Wheat Weal
and easy : No. 2. 83c.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixedi-
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 30c.
Kye Steady ; No. 2COc.
Pork-Nominal nt 817.75.
Lard-Heavy nt * 7.25.
Whisky-Quiet at 41.13.
Chloago. March 18. The Drovers' Jour
nal lenortdfts follows :
Cattle Kecclnts , 7,000 ; strong nnd i
shade higher ; shipping steers , Si.uown.M )
stockers and feeders , VJ.754.2. ' > ; cows , bnlli
and mixed , S2.MX4.00 ; ; bulk , 8' . > . 'JOiC3. ;
through Texas , cattle. : U5U74 ;
HOKS Keceipts , 14.000 ; stroni : ; heavj
5c higher : rough and mixed , 55.20 < ff5.N )
packVng and shipping , 5.70(3G.OO ( ; light
85.00'S.75 ; skips. SS.fOfll.Bfl.
Sheen Kecolpts , 5,000 ; stronger ; nn
tlves , 88.00Ca4.UO ; western , S .50ai.OO ( ; Tex
ans , 82.50(34.20 ( : Iambs ,
Kansan City , March 18. Cattle Receipts
2,300 : shipments , 1,200 ; strong and active am
lOchtirher ; good to choice shipping steers
JM.MX' .SS ; feeding steers , 83.0. > 444.00 ; cows
82.2.5@J.40. ' :
Hoes Kerelpts. 0,000 ; shipments , none
strong on n few choice lots but on others th
market was slow and weaker ; common l
choice , SJ.oOdc5.GO ; skips and -plus , S'-.7r ! > ( i
National Stock Ynrdff. East Ht
LouU.lll. , March lS.-Cattle-Kccelpts. 400
shlnments , COO ; market strong ; choice licav ;
1 SS.10Q4.00 ; stockers , fairlo good , 82.21
B Hogs-ItecelptM. 2,300 ; shipments , 2,700
market active and 5c higher on heavy wit
$5.40 (5.55 ( ; pigs , ' coiuniou to coed ,
Friday , March 18.
The receipts of eattle were heavier than fo
several days past The market was falrl
active at a decline of fully lOc.
HOK > <
The receipts were liberal but much llghtc
than yesterday. The market wait very slo\ \
and dragging , and fully 15c lower. Klgfitee
loads were left over unsold.
. Sheep.
There were no fresh receipts and nothln
doing on the market
Cattle. 1,10
Hogs. ; . ' .V . . 2cc ,
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llv
slock on this market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .81.40(34.70 (
Choice steers , 1100 to ts&o Ibs. . . 4.25@4.40
Fat little steer U50 to 1100 Ibs , . . . 8.00 4.30
Coed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.00/33.50 /
Fair to medium cows aootfci.&O
Uood to choice bulls , . . . 2.50(38,00
Light and medium hog ! . , , . , , , . . . 5.20T45.40
Coed to choice heavy hogs 5.40 5.50
Coed to choice mixed hogs 5.20 5.33
Choice sheep. 80 to 120 Ibs 3.SO&4.3G
Representative Sale * ,
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . .HOC S4.00 8..11CS 84.30
1. . . . 970 4.00 83..1823 4.35
a. . . . 1105 4.15 17.1100 4.3.1
17..11S8 4.15 81..1085 4.35
4 . . 055 4.20 80..1118 4.35
80. . . .1183 4.95 110..l'i 4.85
4..13bO4.25 17..lira 4.40
. . 4 Lita'l * i. * a.,1
1..11K ) 4.2'i lf . . . .l ! l 4.45
4..113J 4.25 51..121 4.45
ft.1308 4.25 102..1293 4.50
13..11CO 4.25 19 . . .llfM 4.55
1..15SO 4.2.T 48..12.V3 4.00
JW..llG'i 4.U5 31. . . . 1370 4.W
10. . . . 1310 4.30 1G..14'J8 ' 4.75
No. Av. Pr. No. AT. Pr.
1. . . . 000 Sl''S 9. . . . WM SH.25
1. . . . J0 2.50 1..1200 3.25
2..1COO 2.75 1. . . . ft'10 3.2.5
5. . . . 1)72 ) 3.00 3..10TO 3.50
3..11W S.OO 11..11K7 n.fpO
1..1KW 3.CO fj.078 3.55
U..1131 3.25
UU 1,1.1.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8. . . .1305 82.50 3..1620 83.00
1..1C80 2.75 U..10fX ) 3.00
1..1434 2.75 1..1WX ) 3.12H
1..1MO 3.00
No. Av. Pr.
3..17'J3 $3.b5
No. Av. Shk. Prn0No. . Av. Shk. Pr.
70. . . .240 WS.V23 71. . . 2bl 200 5.40
CO..241 320 5.25 01..1257 bO 5.40
115..310 320 .MX ) 75. . . . 0 W ) 5.40
09. . . 2MI bO 5.HO rJ..20 : ! 120 f.,40
fifl.isO ! 2. > 50 5. ! > 0 74..218 I''O 5.40
W..2C3 ! 0 5.30 73..225 12) ) 5.40
70..245 ICiO 50 ! 7i. ( . . 217 I''O 5.40
fiJ..2 ! a 403 6X ! ) 73..SS ? 100 5.40
72 . . .244 200 5.35 C5..20 ! ) V ) 5.40
57..277 ira 5.r : ( OJ..2 lOO 5.40
OK..243 120 5.35 70..1M 2-10 5.40
01..2.V5 2-10 5.3.1) Ki.42-i bO 5.40 bo 5. : 47..2o ; . . 5.40
69..1311 200 5n : 71..254 120 6.40
69..2M 120 5.V : > 55..2JS 80 6.45
60..275 100 fl.O : f.7..2t9 120 6.W
r/.2i9 ) : 120 6. : : too 5.60
C9. . .an 120 6.4o r.7.'xjo ; 200 & .so
. rices-
Showing the highest nnd loweit nrlent
paid for liuils ot'licus on this market during
thepast sRven days nnd tor the same time
last month nnd n voar aw.
Tcb. 1 Mnrch IbH ! . ilni-ch
12th 4.90 C15.10 CW.W . . .
inth Sumlny - Sinulny
14th , or10 Sumlny 5.0J iW.70
U > tli 4.87'liie.IKn ' .1,811 67:1.11 J'J Oil fd.VtO
llitli 6.10 ( ViSfi "
17th ! 4.W )
mil ' "
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped Irom the yards during tlui ( lay.
No. cars. lit. . Dost.
17 N.W Chicago
20 Mil Chicago
All sties ot stock in thi * market are made
percwt. live welttht unless othurwlsu stated.
Dead hogs sell at Xa per Ib. for ail weights.
"Skins , " or hos welching ! e < s than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 4U Ibs.
and stags80 Ibs , by the public inspector.
Hogs lower.
Cattle go lower.
Kiuhtecn loads ot hogs left over.
A. U Spearman , Springfield , was here and
sold two loads of cattle.
W. A. Carter , of Omaha , had five loads of
cattle in from his ( ceding establishment
whluh sold in the market.
K. Moser , manager for llendellA Miller ,
Edgar , Neb. , came in with six loads of corn-
fed western eattle which sold.
Friday , March 18.
General Produce./
T7ic/olfoii'Jiii ( price * < trc for round lots of
producers kold on lite market ( oiiitiUic
which outside orders urc tilled.
BUTTKU Thcio 1ms been a very noticeable
falling elf In the rucepU "t choice bnltor dur
ing the past week. There is hardly any
country butter coming In thnt can bo graded
as strictly choice. The receipts of the poorer
grades are liberal nnd the market well sup
plied. The demand Is for choice butter nnd
poor butter will not sell very readily nnd
only when the better grades cannot bo ob
tained. The wai m WMther has a tendency
to bring out the poor qualities In the butter
nnd on that account poor butter does nut sell
as well now as when the weather Is cold. An
occasional pncknco of fancy butter sells nt
belter prices than the e quoted below : Choice
country , I017c ; fair to good , 12@14c ; com
mon , 5@10c.
Kuus The egg market Is lower than u
week ago on account of the decline in the
eastern and western markets. The receipts
have been liberal all the week and stocks
have been moving fieely. The local demand
has been very good and the shippers have
taken all the surplus stock. In snito of the
heavy receipts the market has been kept
cleared up nnd In good condition. The first
of the week stocks were moving at 10 > f @llc ,
but the decline In other markets forced the
market dowu here and thu prevailing price is
now lOc.
CHEESE Full cream cheddars , single , 14e ;
full cream Hats , twins , 14c ; Young Ameri
cas , 144/14Kc } ; fancy Swiss , lG ( < ? 17c ; Swiss
muorted , 25c : Limburger. 14c : brick , I5l0c.
DiiBssED POUI.TIIY The market is a little
firmer than a week a-o. The receipts con
tinue light and the market is almost bare of
stock. The warm weather is lessening the
demand somewhat fur dressed poultry and at
the same time Is Increasing the demand lor
live poultry. Dressed chickens are selling
mostly at lOc with an occasional sale of extra
stock'at a little moie. Turkeys and ducks
have been selling at about the same price r.s
chickens. A fu w small , fat turkeys have sold
at lie.
LIVE Poui/riiy The warm weather has
created some demand for live poultry and the
demand will naturally increase as the weather
becomes warmer. There have been n lew
chickens In which sold readily alS2.753 00
dozen. A few that were not extra choice per
went nt $2.50. There were. live turkeys In
this week which sold at Cc per Ib. Turkevs
are itolng out of season and the demand is
not heavy.
OAMK Ducks nro becomlnz quite plenty
ami are selling fairly well. Theteaiealsoa
good many geese coming In. There are n
uood many brante on the market and they
are very slow sale. Mallardducks , per do/en ,
83.OtKU2.75 ; teal , per do/en , Sl.50reiu.uo ;
mixed , per dozen. 82.00 ; geese , per dozen ,
83.00 ; brants , per dozen , § 2.00(32.50. (
POTATOES The receipts of potatoes have
been heavier durlnu' the past few days. The
market is fairly active and the stocks moving
freely. There are n few Colorado nnd Sail
Lake potatoes on the market. There are also
n few sweet potatoes In. Homo crown ,
GOfJtOie ; Colorado , Itose , per bu. , 51.05 $ 1.10 ;
Snowilake , per bu. , Sl.053l.10 ; Salt Lake ,
81.00 ; sweet , ] > er Ib. . 3 > 4'c.
CAUIIAOK There Is n very fair demand foi
cabbauo and It continues to arrive In liberal
quantities. The supply of Colorado stock on
the market has been exhausted. California ,
per Ib , Se.
AITI.KS The receipts are Increasing and
the market Is weaker. Choice stock is armIng -
Ing from Missouri and selling well , Fancv
is bringing 95.00 and good to choice 84.50(2
4.75. Poor and Inferior stock Is sellinir all
the wav from 83.60 up. according to quality ,
Oi.n VEOKTABr.Es-Tlie supply on thomnr
ket Is not largo but the demand Is light and
stocks movlngslowly. Onions , choice stock ,
per bbl , 4.uOii4.50. Beets , carrots , turnips ,
etc. , per bbl. 31.75(32.00 ( ; California. S2.00 ( < i
2.25 ; horseradish roots , per Ib. , 7c.
GKEEN VKOKTATU.ES There has been
very little of what might be called good stock
on the market tor the past few dajs. The
spinach is not very coed and Is slow sale ,
California asparagus has put In an appear
ance but hr.s been held most too high to t > ell
readily. Homo grown celery Is very pooi
and scarce. Spinach , per bbl. , 83.0 * < Z2.50 |
top onions , per dozen bunches , 30 ® c :
celery , homi * grown , per dozen , .TV/t .V : :
California celery , per doien , OOc@S1.00 ;
cauliflower , per dozen , ; radishes , pei
dozen bunches , 25Qj30c.
LEMOXS The supply on the market Is
liberal but not large. Stocks are moving t
little slow as the weather is warm enough u
create any creat demand. Messina , fancy
per box , 85.00a5.50.
ORANOKB The orange trade Is brighten
Ing up and the market Is tirra. The uncer
tainty as to the result of the now law wlilct
will (0 Into effect on the first of the month
lias caused dealers to antltfpate their wanti
to spine extent California , Klveruldc , pei
box , S3.75C ( 4.00Californla ; , Los Angeles , pei
box , 52.75(33.00 ( ; Navels , 80.00 ; Mediter
ranean sweeU , 13.75(34.00. (
STIIA.WIIEHIUES Florida strawberries bavi
put la an appearance but In limited quanti
ties thus tar. The stock was very fair ant
was sold at 4CK350c per box.
OYSTERS Mediums , 20o ; standard , SCo
selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 ; N. Y. counts
8BEA.NS-Inferlorstock,75(351.00 ( ; good cleat
lountry , ; medium , band plckfld
11.40 1.60 ; hand picked , navy , SI.GOr31.fiO.
PROVISIONS Ram , 125Q13c ; breakfas
bacort. rib , BJfe ; breakfast bacon , plain. I0 fc
dry gaiuides. swastfc : dried beef , regu
Uo ; 'dried bMf , bum piece * , Uo ; lard , 60-11
cans. PC ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , P.Vc ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks , SUc ; o-lb cans , Fairbanks
-"c ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8 Vp.
3.\jf ANAS Largebunches , per bunch , 83.50
NUTS Afow black walnuts are comln ? In
from the country and ore slow sale at 75c per
bushel. The following are the wholesale
prices at which orders Jrtm tlio outside are
tilled : Almonds , 20c : iteeans , largo polished ,
14c ; filberts , 14cBrazlIs ; , Mcjwalnnts.Naplcd ,
soc : walnuts , Chill , Me ; peanuts , H. P. Vir
ginia , 8c.
FLoun AND MiLi.STurrs Winter irheat
flour , best quality patent. 52.75 ; second qual
ity , S2.0o&iO,60 : best duality spring wheat
flour , patent. S2.40i90j bran , TOcpcrcwl ;
chopped feed , 75e per cwt ; white corn meal ,
OOc ; yellow corn , meal ; NXdWc per cwt ;
scrceninir , 5Wd75o per. cwt ; hominy , 31.50 ;
shorta , 70c percwt : graham , SI.75 ; hay. In
bales 87.00 per ton.
UIIAIN Ci.rii,27c ; wheat , No. 2 , 67c ; oats ,
25crye. ; 45c. _
Grocor'i Mut.
PICKT.ES Medium. In bbls 8S.OO : do , In
half bbls , 84.50 : small , In bbls. SHOO ; do , In
hall bbls. SMO ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , S5..W.
buoAtt Urannlated , fjktSOuc ; conf. A,5J < J
Rile ; white extra C. 5H'5 * < e : extra C , 5'nc.ib '
6'4'c : yellow C , 4K < s IJ c : cut loat , 002jc ;
powderrd , fiV'ii'Uc. '
COFFEES Ordinary grades , I4j4(3l5i'cfalr
15 > { ( Z(1 c ; prime. lOVfc ; choice , KXfilGXc ;
fancy green and yellow. IG lic : old KOV-
eminent Java , 204J2tlc ; Interior .lava ' , lRl } < ? to ) \
20c ; Mocha , 22f t:24c : : Arhucklo's roasted
liijic ; McLnnghlfn's XXXX roasted , lHWc ;
Dilwoith's. l Kc : lied Cioss , W\c.
CANNED looi ! > s Oysters.btandardlpcrcve : ,
Sur ; > c < T3.2ri : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. $ .5.30 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , ; oCallfornla
pears , per case. 84.50 ; apricots , per cnsj ,
54,00 ; ueaches , per case , 85,00 ; white cher
ries , per case , SC..OO ; p urns , per ease. 5'3.G > ;
blueberries percale , Sl.W : ctfg plums , 2 Ib ,
nercase. 82.50 : plucapulns , a ib , per case
S3.2X35.'r5 ( ! : l lit im.kc'H'l. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 ) b galnion , per dor , Sl.ftocdl.S'i ; 2 in , goose
berries , per ease81.75 ; 3 ib strmit beans , per
case , 31.n" > ; 2 Ib linn beans , per case , 81.00 ;
2 Ib marrow Mt peas , percase. S--.W 'J G9 ; 2 Ib
early Juno peas , per caso. S-J.75 : 3 Ib toma
toes. ! J2.5jre 3.liO:2 S2.40 2.r 0.
MATCHES Porcaddle. 25c ; square cases ,
81.70 : muli * squan' . l.2u. , , , .
Svuup-No.70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20 - 1.25 ;
New Orleans per gallon 3S@4Gc ; maple syrup ,
half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70e ; 1 gal
lon cans rtur doz , 510.00 ; luut gallon cans ,
per dos55.50 ; quart cans , So.0u.
CANDY Mixed , t KCiiHlc ; stick. 8J @ 9 c.
CRACKKIIS Oarneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5j < c ; crfcams , ) < ci ginger snaps , oj c ;
citv soda. 7K.
STAitcii-.MIrror gliiss. l Ib , Cc ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , 5 > c : mirror gloss , Olb , OJfc ;
0raves corn.l lb,0 ! c ; Klngsford'HCOtn.l Ib ,
7c : Kliiusfoid'sgloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford'a
eloss , 0 Ib. 7) ) < e : Klmrsford's pnro lib. fiKc ;
Kinesford's pure , 3 Ib. 5Xo ; Klngsfords
bulk 4c.
Si/Ai's / Kirk's savon Imperial. S2.70 :
Kirk's satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , S3.03 ;
Kirk's white Russian , 84.00 ; Kirk's whlte-
ap. 8G.M ) ; dome , 83.M ; washboard , 83.10 ;
white cloud. 83.76.
General MarKoti.
\A MsiEs Uatrels , par gallon ; rurnl-
ure , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; couch , No. 1,81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltutn ,
ixtra S5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linisli ,
iiEAW HAnowAitE iron , rate 82.SO ;
plowsii-elspeclalrast,4Kccruciblestcol'iXc ; ;
cast tools , do. 12 < 31M ; wagon spokes , pel set ,
82.00t3.50 ( ; hubs , per set. 81.25 : lelloes.
sawed dry. 31.50 ; tongues , each. 80o : nxeK.
eacli. 75c : suuaro nutspor ; Ib. 01(371c ( ; coil
chain , per Ib. GK'3iHc'malieablo.SJlCc ' ; ' ; iron
wire , In car lots , 84.03 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50. 8UO ; steel nails. 82.iU.
Shot , 81.05 ; btick8hot81.85 ; ; oriental powder ,
kegs , 83.50 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 82.a > ; fuse , per 10
'oet. 05c. Lead bar. 81 ' -
Duv PAINTSWhltelcaa , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; Parli whiting , ,2Kc , ; whiting , gliders ,
2 c ; whiting , com'l , Ufc ; lampblack , ( Jer-
manstown , "l'2c ; lampblack , ordinary. c ;
Prussian bluo,55oultrainarlne ; , l c ; vandyk-
brown , He ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans
greon. Benulne. 2.V Paris green , com
mon , 22c ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ;
vermillion American. 1 c : inaian
raw and burnt umber , 1 2 > cans , i'Jc ; raw and
burnt sienna , I8c : Vandyke brown , tic : re-
tine < t lampblack l3i. 'coach black and ivory
black. lOc ; drop black. I6c ; Prussian tmio ,
40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome ereen.J * .
M. < fc IX. lOc ; blind and shutter green , t , . . M.
A D. , 16c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ;
Vonetlan red , lc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermillion , L. & D. , SOc ; yellow ochre. 2c ; L.
M. * O. D. . ISe : good ochre. Ifxpatetu :
dryer , 80 ; eralnlng color , light oak , dark oak.
walnut , chestnut and ash. 12c.
JJRUOBAND MIKMICAl.8. Ao 1 Carbolic ,
ftfcjacld , tartarle , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
& > , Mcbark ) ; sassafras , per D > , lOc ; calomel ,
per H > , 78c , chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per ft , < 8c ; Dover's powders , per tb ,
$1.25epsom ; salts. . j > er ft , 8 } < c ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , Sue ; lead , acetate , per Ib. 2lc ;
oil , castor , No. l , per gat. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal , 81.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlirannum , 60c ; opium , K.iJO ; quinine.
P. & W. and K. & S , , per oz. 7. " > c ; potassium
Iodide , per Tb , S .50 ; salicln. peroz. 400 ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. 8 MS ; sulphur , per
H > .4c ; strychnine ,
JOINTS IN Oii-Whlte lead. Omana.P P. ,
Ol < fc ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , u c ; Mar
seilles , green. I Ib cans , ac ; Kronen zinc ,
irreen seal , 12c ; Frnnch zinc , red seat. Uc ;
French zlnc. In varnloh asst. 20o ; Kench
zinc 75c ; vermillion , English , In oil , 75c ;
red , lOc : rose plnK , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2fcenetlan : red , American.
red lead , 7Ue.r chrome yellow , genuine , 2l'c ' ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rocliello. 3c ;
ochre , French. 25fc : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2 > o ; Lenlgh btown ,
2Kc ; Spanisli brown , 2Kc ; Prince's mineral ,
' bpmiTS ColoKiio spirits. 183 proof , 81.17 ;
do 1C1 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.17 : do VS proof , 81.10 Alcohol ,
188 proor , 82.20 per wlno gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.uoSl.SU. Oln , blended , yi.Mfa
8.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00 0.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.OOtdO.50
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies
1.W,33.0C. Brandies , Imported , 85.00@8.50
domestic , 81.80@3.00. ( ! lns , imported , 84.51
( < # ! .00 ; domestic , 81.25ras.00. Chainpaijnea
Imported , per case. 828.00@33.00 ; American
per case. 810.OOXrtlO.oo.
IIIDKS Oreon butchers. 50c ! ; groer
cured. 7c : dry flint. iltitK'c ; drv salt , 9 lOc
creen calf skins , Kc ; damaged nides
two-thirds price. Tallow 3) c Grease-
Pnmo white , 3e ; yellow , 2 c ; brown , 1 %
Sheep Pelts. 25(8750. (
Mills ANI > &KiNK-The following price
are for prime , well handled skins : Beaver
prime , clean per pound. 8l.50@3.l)0 ) ; fall.Sl.ii
@ 2.00 ; meaty and Inferior. S1.00@l.23. Bear
brown and grizzly. 85.0u8.00 ; cubs nm
yearllngR , 8i5lKS4.00. Badiscr. W OOe. Cat
wlld20@iOc : domestic , black , 10 ( < ? 15c : dn
mestlc , sundry colors , 5@8c. Fox , red , 81 .0
(31.25 ( ; eross. 82.00@4.00 ; gr v. 4050c ; silver
810.00Q40.00. Fisher. S4.00O5.00. Otto r,84.0
(30.00. ( Martin , 81.00 ( 175 , Mnsorat. wii
ter. largo , lite ; fall. 5c ; kitts , Mink , larc
dark , 35 < 340c ; small and pale , 1520c. Uac
coon , largo prime , 40 < ( i50c ; small and Inferior
QOtffiOo. Skunk , coin mon , 15@25c , Well
largo grey. 81.50 ( 2.50 ; coyote or prairie 75g
tWe. Deer and antelopf , winter , per pounc
15c ; fall and suminen per pound 20c.
Or ? Liimbor.
No. 1 Com. sis . 8ia < X
No.2 " " . t. . . ' . . 15.5
No. S " " . i..J . 15.0
N 4 " " . . . . 10.0
IS ft PJ ft 18 ft 20 ft tt
2zi. . lfl.00 I8.0J 17.00 18.00 19.00 22.2A2.2
' ' 18.00 16.00 I7.UO 18.00 IV.OO 2.50 22.6
2is' . 16.00 1100 17.00 18.00 10.00J2I.60 21.C
tllO. 18.00 110U iT.OD 18.00 10.00 KM 22.C
2X13. . 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 ; afiobiE !
18.00 16.00 IB.OO'10.00 ' 20.00 23 50IJ3.C
No.1 , 46lnchI3and'l4 ; ft. , rough.$1.HI
No. a , 4 4 Cinch. 13 aad 14 f U. rouKh. . . 15.0
A , 13. H and i 10 ft. . . , . , S81.S
! ? l ! " " . . " ; . : io.o !
0 , " " " 15.0
D , 11.B
1st com. , Jf In White Pine Celling. . . . 834.C
2d " " " " " . . . 2 < .C
2d com. , % In Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.C
A Cinch , white pine , 85.50 C 820. , '
K Olncn. ( SelFen'g ) W.C
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) or
Akron cement , 2.75 ; hair 22
A12 Inch s. Is. 45.500 835. !
No. 1 , corn. 12 In s. Is. , 12.14S20 ; lOJUO.t
No , 3 , ' ' 17.50 ; " 10. !
1st and 2d. dear , iv Inch , ti a i 850.-
3d , clear , 1 Inch. s. 3 84ti Uf. U < . 2 In 45. . '
li clear , 1 Inch , s. 3 s 2V.CO ; l f , 1 % , 2 In 87. (
No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 in 818. '
Cora. 4 andO In. flooring 817. . '
Clear , ttnish , l and 1 in. s. 2 s 29. (
colllnp , 4 In 24.M
Yellow plno casliiR ftiitl b.lbO. 27.00
1'lckcts , D and 11 Hat S'-UoO : D * 11 sq.820.60
XX clear 83.00
* Astamlird ( 2.75
AU. JJ.nnill } 2.50
White Cedar. Cln. , xs , I2)ic ) : 9 In.
" " 5 > < ln , Hs. llhc81n. ; cr3..10c |
At tlic highest tnnrkel ptlco. . Brnil for prlco
c'lirrcnt to the DM Itcllnlilc Fuirlcts ami r'nr
Mcrclmnt ? . E tabllsliinl 1WO.
113 West Fourth mill 1W niul 114 llnktr Ctrcct ,
It TS r P I HT. rsmnly ( or ttis beT J1 , M l by Its an
omiiidl cf CUM or the worn klivi and ot lonl tisndlnc
bai bJsnei ! t l. IndmJ. to , tr nt l > my ( tlih InltisOoM }
"l will Mnd TWO BOTTLRS rilKK. logutir r itltb TU
| ) AI LKTBfAT.SKcnltitimi ; > a , < i.tni i > Ttntrtrcr.alT ST.
trets * r.U. tddttis. IiU. T. A. BLgCUM.m r u8k N. T
It hn irumi from tl to 40.UO popu atlon In 10
yours nnil M nnw izmwlnv fti lor Hi in over.
Investment * In lirlck lilnckMiay 1U to Super cent.
lnt have iiM.''il over 100 per ecnt per nnniim
lavrfur k brlcli Llok < , lin lnc < ! > lots , nil klml of
riMil crtnlr. 1,3,6,10 anil 2) ncru IniclK , fiirms unit
eboap iHtidp.
llKPHHKNCKSi The Flrnl nnd l.lncnln Nullonal
nnk ( joT.TImycr , Judzo I'obh , Son. S. M. Cullom ,
II noli"nnd ( Jen. lien llnrrlson , liidhinii.
Decker Brothers
Notice to Bridge Contractors and Builders ,
NOTICE Is hereby ( jlvon tl' ' t sealed bids will
be received at tlio county clerk's otltcc. of
Nnnco county , nt Fullurton , Nebraska ,
until noon of thoMil day of April ,
1887 , for the erection of n wagon
brhlgo ticros4 the Loun river , south of
the vlllujro of Genoa In Bitlil county , said brltlyo
s to bo about 175 feel In IciiKtli , twelve feet
u width , IciiRlli of Bpnns sovcnty feet , with two
.urn outs , to linvo lienvy oiik piling for piers ,
uiiil siilist uulal Ice tirouks lit ouch plur.
The brhlKo Is lo lie "Imllar In construction to
lie I.oup lirhlKC Ht Fiillurton , Nebraska.
All bidders aicioiiuliod to accompany their
bldn with pliuis and specifications of the work.
All bids will be publlcully opened und oxiunlncd
by the county hoard of supervisors , on tho2d ; )
day of April , 1887 , nt two o'clock In the after
noon of said day , nt the court lion BO In i'ullcr-
ton , and the contract for tlio erection of ealil
brltlRU nwardfd to tliu lowest responsible bidder -
dor liuvlnR the most eultablu plans. The county
board , however , reserves the right to reject
any and nil bids and no 11101107 will bo paid tor
rejected plans. All bids must bo Bciilcd , and
addressed to Frank Gay , ehnlrmim of the board
of county supervisors. In euro of A. M. Schu-
maker , county clerk , Fullerton , Nebraska , and
the Biiniofhull hove uiulorsert thereon : "Ulds
for the orootlon of the Loup brldgo ut Gonon. "
By order of the county board ot "supervisors ,
of Nnnco count ) ' , Nebraska. Given under my
hand aim the seal of aald county , this 16th day
or March , 1887. A. M. SCHUM AKKK ,
County Cleric.
W *
And Cliicasso
The only road to take for DCS Molncs Mar-
Bhnillown , Cedar Htipld * . Cllr. t.on , Dlxon , Chica
go , Hllwuukuo uuil all pdlnts cant. To the people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington und dill-
foriila , It oT ( rs superior ndvantayes not possl-
bio by nny other lino.
Amonn ufewof thonumerouB points of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road
liotweon Oinuhn nnd Chicago , nro Its two trains
adHy of UAV COACHES , which are the llnest
tlmthumnn art and imrunulty can create. Iti
PALACE SLEKl'INO OAI19 , which are raodoli
of comfort nnd clefranco. Its 1'AltI.OIl lHA\V.
1N(1 ( HOOM CARS , unRiirrineol bv any , nnd Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAHS
tno eiual ) nf which cannot be found clsowbero
At Council lllutrs the trains or the Union PaulUo
Hy. connect In Union lie not with those of thu
Chicago ft Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line umko close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , Uuff.ilo. I'lttaburir.Toronto ,
Montrenl , Uoston , Now YorK , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points in tlio
easi , nsk for a ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents sell thketa via this lino.
U en ! . Manager. nonl. Pass'r Agent
Chicago , III.
W. M. 11ADCOCK , L It. 110I.LK3.
Western Agent. City I'uss'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
- OP THE -
Chicago , Milwate&SL Paul R' '
The Best Route from Omaha
Council Bluffn to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
ell Blufls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi
Rock Island , Freeport , Ro kfbrd ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Deloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Bast , Northeoi
and Bouiboast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agen
tH01 Farnam slreet , ( In faxton hotel ) , or a
Union Paclflo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Car
1 the world are run on the main Hues of th
and every attention Is paid to psiiengcrs b ;
courteous employes of the company.
It MIM.KH , Oeneral Manuaer.
J , V. TUCKKII , Aulttant General Manager ,
A. V. It CAnrBNTEli , General Passenger an
Ticket Agent ,
Qio K. HKArronD , Assistant Qonorat Pai
longer and Ticket Agent.
J T. Cf.AUK. Oeneral Superintendent.
CAI B Cleveland liar itallloni
dBLE. ' Uerbrlloy" nd "Ucner.
Wl fcfc O'evelnnd. " rltlni 3 nnd
years old. bred In Canada und recorded In Camilla
Btud Book. Prices remarkable , terms to suit purchai
ers , AdJress , J. U. llALL.UIbbon , Neh.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements ,
\Tholtf l lo lcrln
Atri'lcnllural Implements , Wngons ,
CfJrlagci unit lUisgk * . Jones Mr eel , ttlwrtn Vtb
inJ linhOin h , Neh.
c METCALF co. ,
AurrlcuHurnl Implements ,
l7eon , Carrla v . Ihuglei. Klc.Vho1 le , Om .ha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nulls ,
fimrnrc , Sheet Iron. Klc. Aoenti for Howe Fcfilii ,
niul Miami 1'owilcrco. . Omnlia.Ni'b.
WholeolcDcaleri In
Api'lcuHunil luiiilcmcnta ,
IV gen nil lludtles. WI.M.Wi ntnlW , Jonemt
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSP'E , flt. ,
Artists' Mnterlnls , 1'lanos and Organs ,
lin l > ouelii
Builders' Hardnrart and Scales.
llpcbanlcs' Tools mill Iliiirnlo ftrnlo. llM Duuglhs n. ,
> Omnliii , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Unnuruclurcra \Vholepalo Ucalcri la
Boots nnil Shoes ,
Complete Block of lubber Onoils nlwnyi on Imnit
iOtt 8.13111 at. , Oinaun. N b. A. T. Austin. Ancnl.
Joblicrs' Hoots nnd Shoes.
Ull Farnam . , Ornnhn. Neb. Mnnufoclory , Summer
Wholcaalo Ilubbar Uo-t4 an I Shoos
llnlilicr IUH ! Olkul ClothliiK niul 1'clt lluotg
und Shoes. i5mithdivt Corner Htli niul Dont-'lns.
Agt. for Anhcuser-lhish Brewing Ass'n
fipeclnl Hrnnds , F.iuitlluilwpls
Lnprer Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North 19IU Htreot , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Teols.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
3au § ne Cutlngi of all kinds nlwaraln alock. 121 !
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Come and Spice Mills.
T a8.CoTe ( , fiploe . lllikina 1'owdor. niTOrlnu
tracts. Lau ndry lilue. Ink , Rto. lili-ic llarcer
Hlrctl , ODinha , Nab.
Homo CofTco and Spine Mills M'f'ir Co.
Coffee Roaatera and Pplco Orlndcra , Mannfaitnrrrs
of Baking 1'nwdcr , KU\nrlne Rxlrnct * . Illulnii. Kir.
Tryone rmi-of oarl' packiiEellomelilcnd Hoiuted
OofTce. li J Hownn1 t.lmnhn. N b.
John Epenctcr , Prop.
Manufnclurer of GMvanlied Iron an4 Cornice. 913
Dodf o Hiid 103 and IDS N , IQlli at. . Omaha. Neb.
Mnnufnclurcre of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowe , Klnals.MetallcSkjtllitht.etc. 3108.
12tu it. , Uuiaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galranlred Iron Cornlcen , etc. Bpccl'a Improved Pat *
ent Mclnllo Skylliilit. 606 and HO 8.12lhi l..Oniahi > .
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , RUSTS ,
I.lnoleiimn , MatHngB , Kte. 1U1 Pouglai atrfct.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matting , Curuln Ooodi , Bio. 1O3 Farnam Slreet ,
Omaha. Neb.
_ _
Crockery and Notions.
Af ntfor Iho Manufacturers and Importeraof
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lompi , rblUDCji , etc. ORlce , 317 South ISth at.
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing : .
Bntler , Ken nel Produce. Conilfnmcntt nllrlttel.
Ueadquarteri for Blnnoware , llorrj Ilozfs unU
( Jrnpo llnskoii. nil iKxJtfOitreetOrnalm.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Troduco and rroriiloni. Omaha , Neb.
W. E. lilDDELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Bpeelaltlei Iltiltor. Eza * . Cheese. Poultry. Game ,
Oyiters , Etc. , Klc. 112 Month luh ttrcet.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Duller , Onrae. Kiulli , etc. 220 B. lltbit
Onmlin. Neb ,
Coal ancf Lime.
UEO. * . l.AHAOil , I'res. c. F. aoonn > N , T. Piet.
J. A. HU.Ni ) nr.AND , Bee. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
J09 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
J. , T. JOUNSON li CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Pblppen of Conl ami Cuke. Cemenl , Plaster ,
JJrae. Hair. Klr Hrirk , Drain. Tile niul PuwerPlpe.
omce. Pazton Ilofjl. FAnum t. , Omnha , N b.
Telephone fell.
p FjY ir i
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Frulli.Nula and Clicuii. 1211 Farnam BU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qun nnd Ammunition , ! li lo 233 8. lllh it. , 1030 to
11)14 ) K > rnamil.OnmhaNeb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 103
and 111) ) N. A4lh street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E.'s Mri < frv co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1103and 1104 Douglas , enr. llth St. , OmahaNeb.
Distillers :
PliltMeri of Manors , Alcohol an < 1Pplrlts. Importers
and Jobbers of WlneianJ l.lquori.
CO. and ILER C CO. ,
Importers and Jobberr of Flno WInns and I.lqoors.
Bole manufacturers of Kennedy's Rait India llll *
tern anil Domci'lo l.lijuors. 1112 llarney Ht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
. . J.W.niimmn.Roc.ATrtai
II. J. CAflHON. T.l'rvs. imd Supt.
Office 313 H. lUh St. , Omaha. Neb. Mnchlnrryand
buppllesforManufacturlnii CCUICDI Drain Tile.
B .M'ltootciis , I ) . S
I'd. liTAlu 1P1IFI ) 1R75 , Vlon.'ri | ;
Jobbers and Storcrs ol Grain.
hip moms or Ueulfissolletto nnil satisfnolloi :
UmltKii Noh.
WliolcHiile Dealers' in Furniture. .
Faroamst , , Ouuha.Neb. .
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Crectrltt ,
Wholesale Groeorloi and Provisions ,
KoJ.70C..707.7C i > n < mi8. l
Wholesale Grocori ,
llh ami I/varenwortb sts.Onis a.
If. , r , BROATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \Tncon Stock , Hardware Lumber , ete. 1M
mil mi llarney St. . Omaha.
" \Vliolesalo Iron and Steel ,
Wa on and Orrlaio Wood Block , II fat y IlaMwtrt
flc , UI7 anil IIll ) l.snTfnworltint.Umnha , Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , U rates , llrassdoods. 1321 and 13M
Iron Works.
r riE
Iron Works ,
WrotifM And rant Iron Building Work , Iron StKtni
llnllinir. lleuiiis ami ( .Inters , Ptcam Knyliics , llrav
\Y rk , ( It nornl Ifoiinclry , Muclilno anit Hlacksmllb.
Vott. Office a .i Works , U. I' . Hy.nrnl Din ilifot.
oi .ui.i irntn AJRON WORKS ,
Manufacturers of
Wire and Iron KiUlhipH , Desk Hulls ,
Window ( luftrdr , Flower StnmK Wire Hliin . Kid
1J3N. liilli. Orders liy mull pruuiplly ntlcndiMlla.
Denier' . AllKlmlinf
Buililhiflr Matoriul lit Wholesale.
18tli Street and Union 1'iiclllo Track , Oman * .
Dealer in Lumber. I/atli , Lime , Susli ,
Doors , l lo. Yard -Corner"lh nnd Uouglns ) Corner
Vth anil Douglas.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8118.HlhstreetOmnba. Neb. f.Colpclier , Managerj
13th and California flrrf tf , Ore alia , Neb. * * "
fit ED IP. GRAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Mb and Douglas sis. , Oniaha.Ne1) .
Lumber ,
' '
To Dealers Only.
Office , 103 Farnam slreetOraabn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood CiirpeU and PuranelJTIoorlng. Ilh and Dount f
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported ml Amcrlcnn rortlnnd Cement. Rlnt <
Agent for Milwiuikeii llTdrnullo Oniont and Beit
yulncj WliltoLlme.
Live Stock.
Of Omalia.
Limited. Jobn F. Boyd , BMporlntetdtnt ,
Liv Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Geo. Ilurke , ilsnnasr
Union Slock Tarda.H.Omnlm. Telephone M ) .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an ; and Ml klndi of Stock aollelted.
Union Stock Yard i. Omaha , Nca.
Milliniry and Notion * .
Importer * inJ Jobber ! of
Millinery and Notions ,
1513 nd Hlillnrncj 8tertOmiihaNeb.
Wholatalc Denlcrt In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
ffl and (05 8. Tenth 81. , Omaha.
- JfXj'l T IJJL _
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Joani I'antt , flhlrti , Klc. 1102and 1104 DOUGHS Btrcolk
Uniahn , Nob.
Paper Boxes . ?
,7. L. WILK1E ,
Manufacturer of I'apor Roxes ,
B.Uth St. . Dma&a. Nabrhjkii. OrUeri br mal | | >
netted ana will rue lT prompt attention.
Job Printers , Blank Hook Maker * ,
And Book UliKlern. 100 and 108 Booth Kouitoonttt
ilrect. Omaha , Nek.
Auxiliary Puhlishers.
Dealer * In Type. I'reuci anil I'rlntera' Suppllea. (01
South Twelfth Htreet.
Uanufuctiirers unel Dealers In
Enifluos , Uollorg & ( ionoral
Bheut Iron work , Htoam Pump * . Saw Mllln ,
Bli ftlna. Dodito Woodniillt I'lillnn , IleHIn
Aluo WBinnn , ncraporiuiid balutlcn. Ul'l 1) ,
Ycnwortli t. Uiiiulm
Wholesale Hardware. '
Wedern nvenls for Jeffenon Rlccl Nulls. Auftlrf
1'owdsrCo. Kalrhank * f-tandard healc . Corner
10th and Unrnar. Omaha.
Wholesale Puniim , Pipe , Fittings , '
Blentannil Water Suppllea. llrailquartnrt fir Mui
> > 03ilCo'ioo < U. lai nruim iUOtulha. Neb.
Pniaps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bleam , Wnter , Ilallwar and UllllHB Buppllei. Et
820 , VMundvattnrnum t..Uuiaha , jiejj.
nalladatr Wlnfl Ulliti nteam and WMtr Pu , ISeltlnK. lloie . i/18 / HIM ! WO
nainit. , Omaha. M. K. Peltnn. Mauiger.
' ' No.ilU.
Safes , Etc.
P. JtOYER , C CO. ,
Atronts for Hall's Halo & Lock CO.B'
Fire and il-ni ; ar Proof Hifen , Time I.oek . VaulU
and Ja'l ' Work , 1WJ rnrnini itrurt Ooiilia , N b. '
Omalia Safe "Works.
llanufaclnreriof Tire unil Hnrcl rI'roofSafri. Vault
Uoun.Jall Wnrk.Kliut.vrt und Wlru Work , Cor. \
lltbar > UJack on Hl . , imi h , Ndb , '
n'uolcialo Kaiiufarturcrsof <
Sasli , Doors , lillmls anil MouIdlnq-B ,
Itrancb oHice.lllli and lurd > ! . .Q-abs.yy.-
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blindt ,
Mould'jiK ' .Slalr Work und liHtrlor Hard WooO rir.lO.
Just opcueil. N. K. cor. lb and
Oaiaba , Kt\ \ > .