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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FHIDAY. MARCH 18. 1887. _ . L THE LOCAL NEWS BUDGET Iho Closing Work of the State Encamp ment of the G. A , Bi SWIFT & CO. COMING TO OMAHA. Chnrlejr Tnylor's Troubles Killed In Colorado SportInj ; Matters The Council's Action The JIoiiiuo * pntlilsts Other Local. The G. A. It. Encampment. Many members of the 0. A. It. pucamp- niuiit loft the city Wciltiusilny nitrlit and yostcnltiy morning and whan the proces sion started from the corner of Thirteenth nnd Douglas at lUtO : ! there were not half as tunny members hi linuas thuruwcrcnn Wednesday. The same line of march was observed. The Fort Umaliii bund started oil' before the bravo survivors of the nation's great travail when un conditional liberty first breathed the air of America. A. A. Wedmeyer , Land leader , with his twenty-one supple slopping musicians , evidently remem bered the day nnd recognized the claims of the six Irish members to play their own tunes. When the procession started oil' the strains of "Tho llarp That Unco Thro1 Tara's Halls" lloatod over the tops ot the city's buildings at the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas and thence past the hall of Post No. 110 , where the La dies Auxilliary was in session , the vet erans squared their shoulders and stopped in good time to the enkindling music of "Tho Wearing of the ( .ircon. " At the crossing of Dodge street the musical medley changed to "Oomo Hack to Krin" in military marching time and when the band passed the Annex and the delegation tiled left to enter , and passed the six statute like veterans with "pre sent arms" attitute , the band sent out the notes of "Killarnoy" in all their delicious variations. The encampment yesterday morning elected W. S. Karnlal , member of the legislature from South i'latte , senior vice-commander , and junior vice-commander , Nowbrower , of Sidney. For council of administration tiio fol lowing were elected : Comrades Rich- nrds , of Fremont ; Sturley , of Saline , and Holmes , of Johnson. General Thayer then introduced Sergeant Cody , of Post No. 2 , United States barracks , Omaha. Who has been fifty years a soldier , ami has served in two wars. The old sergeant made a neat and wittv little Irish speeeli which was well received. The afternoon session was opened with nominations for the seven delegates to the national encampment. J. II. Pnlver , of Alilford. was elected by acclamation , the adjutant depositing the ballot of the encampment. T. S. Clarkson was nom inated , but withdrew his name and put forward that of Hrad B. Cook , of Lin coln , who , with John AlacMurphy , of Wahoo , was similarly elected. This method of electing was ob jected to and the following nomina tions were then made to complete the quota : W. D'VVildman , L. C. Wasliburno , S. 11. Jones. C. E. Uurnieistcr. E. K. Val entine. C. VVidtiman , J. N. Kdwards , J. M. Holmes , S. II. Morrison , C. O. Nins- sor. G. W. Norton , Comrade Torup.son , nndJ. W. Liveringhonso. The nomina tions wore seconded with speeches. The ballot resulted in the election of Com rades Widaman , Valentine , Burmeister and Holmes. The alternates elected were Comrades Edwards , Livcringhouse , Musser , Jones. Allen and N. V. Cole. The B. & M. railroad company made a rcfundor of $100 to Job Hathaway for money advanced in 1834 in payment of the expenses of the band to the national encampment at Chicago , through a mis understanding of a local ticket agent , nnd thanks were tendered to Mr. llol- drego. of the B. & M. , and to Comrade MacMurphy , for effecting the refunder. The commander read a telegram from Comrade Crabb , of York , announcing the sudden death at Council Bluffs of his wife , who was on her way from a visit east to J9in him at the encampment , and appropriate resolutions of condolence \vero tendered and adopted. Resolutions were adopted returning thanks to thn citizens of Omaha , the oil- cors and band from Iho fort , the hotels nnd railroads for courtesies extended to the delegates during the reunion. The committee on resolutions presented a set of resolutions which were adopted cen suring President Cleveland in strongest terms for his veto of the dependent pen sion bill. In the evening the department officers elect wore publicly installed , after which a reminiscence meeting was held , form ing a pleasing closing service of the en campment. LADIES ATJXIU.IA11Y. The Ladies Auxillinry of the G. A. R. Republic eiectcd the following ofllcers yesterday afternoon : Lydia M. Bohno , president ; Fannie J. Elright , senior , vice-president ; Mollie B. Cook , junior , vico-presldent ; Emma Gil- lesplo , treasurer ; Mrs. Dr. Painter , chap lain ; Helen Connel , chairman of board of administration and Mary Cook and Nettie Bates members of the board. Houses and liota For sale in Orchard Hill at a bargain ; also bargains in houses ami lots in all parts of the city. The C. E. May no Real Estate & Trust Co. N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy St. To the Officers and Members of all the Uniterm Division of K. of P. of Omaha : There will bo a special meeting of Sir Knights to bo hold at the armory of Myrtle Division on Friday evening , the 18th inst. , for the purpose of making ar rangements for parade on 21)th ) inst. THOMAS BUNEI.L. mir IIOUSK. BwiCt I'roinlsca to follow JlmumouU nnd Armour to Otnnhn. G. F. Swift , of G. F. Swift &Co. , the beef packers of Chicago , was at the stock yards yesterday closeted for several hours with Hon. J. A. MeShauo , president of. the stockyards company. Mr. Swifl requested the stock yards company , sev eral months ago , to make him a proposi tion to locate a beef house at South Omaha. When Mr. Nicholson , the archi tect , was here a few weeks ago , looking over the ground and makiusc the final ar rangements for the building of n large bcof house for the Anglo-American Pack Ing company , ho stated that ho 'was al work upon the plans of a very largo house for another Chicago lirm. At the tinu ho stated that ho was not at liberty tc muiio the parties for whom the plans were being made , but it was surmised that the plans were for Swift & Co There is a great rivalry existing between the firms engaged in the beef packiiiL business , and when it was finally sottlei that the Anglo-American Packing com pany would build a largo bee jiouso hero in ad lition to their ho" house , it was almost a cortainti that the dressed beef men would locate here. Swift & Co , , of Chicago , have tin lirecst dressed establishment in tlu world. Armour Is the largest packer tak Jug cattle , hogs and sheep tojrcther , bu Sswjf t kills moro cattle. It is claimed thn Swift & Co. buy and kill from a qimrtoi to n third of the cattle received nt the Chicago cage stock yards. They also handle somt hois but do not niakn n specialty of it although that branch of their business ii Increasing rapidly. Their Chicago pack JhB houses cover from ten to twelve acre of ground , The Stock Yards eoinpnnj are very reticent about the matter , bu there Is not the remotest , doubt thn\tlu \ will be perfected for tin ocatlon of another beef house hero before dr. Swift returns to Chicago. As beef louses arc what South Omaha is most in need of , this announcement will bo re- clvcd with satisfaction by every cattle owner In tiie west. Hotitli U tun tin. Call nt our odlco nnd wo will take you own to South Omaha and show you the nany new Improvements now going on here. We can ntlsfy you that you can make 100 to 200 per cent on your money n six months. C. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest Cor. ICth and Harney. TOUGH ONTAYLOH. A Deputy County Clct k Charged With HulttK n I'1orff r. Charles K. Taylor , a deputy county clerk , was at rested last night on n war rant sworn out in Justice Helsloy's court yy County Treasurer Bolln , charging lim with forgery. The .specific charge is hat ho forged the name of J. II. Me- Jrcary to a county warrant for $ ll ) . Back of this charge the county treasurer claims to have charges against Taylor that will convict him of robbing the county of several hundred dollars by crooked methods. Since the 1st of January Bolln ms paid Taylor warrants amounting to Mi ) ! } . These , he claims , belonged to some ifty diUcrcnl parties , and were illegally akcn possession of by Taylor. Bolln claims that Taylor has taken unclaimed varrants , of which there are always a argo number in the clerk's ollice. intT endorsed them to C. Cor- ) ott , a money lender , who has received payment upon them. Taylor was seen by n BKB reporter at the city all last night. He was badly broken tip over his arrest , but did not feel that any serious results would come of it. Ho ox- ilains that there were no funds in thn iounty treasury from November until the niddlo of January , and that during that imo Corbott furnished the money for lim to purchase the warrants referred tent nt a discount. He claims that he has an or- ler for every warrant that was presented or endorsed by him , and that the trouble vill be settled as soon as ho can get a ihanec to make a showing. It is to bo toped that such is the case. Charley L'aylor has boon considered one of the most valuable of the attaches of the county clerk's oflico , and his many rionds hope ho may come out his present lifliculty all right. Mayne Place. We have a few lots left in Mayno 'lace south of Leaven worth street. These ots are being sold at jess figures and on easier terms than lots in 11 an scorn Place , vhilo they are the same distance from ho city. C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE & TIIUST Co. , Northwest cor. IGth and Harney , The South Omaha Land company have appointed C. K. Mayno sole agent for the ale of their lots. Ho will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President. COUNCllj ACTIONS. The Street Tramway Ordinance Passed Other Work. A proposition from Charles Conoycr hat Webster street bo graded to Tliir- loth , west of the proposed site of the rwcnty-eighth-street school. Referred to the committee "on grades and ( Trading. Fannmir & Slavcn petitioned to have .ho nse of the city hydrants to clean the gutters and ditches. Granted. The board of the South Omaha Meth odist Episcopal church petitioned for a deed in full to" the strip of ground adja cent to their lot. Referred to the linance committee. A petition to change the grade of Leav- cnworth street from Sixteenth street west to Thirty-sixth street and intersecting streets was referred to the committee on rades and cradlng. .The bond for grading of Stnht & Ha noi , with U. Henrickson and Charles Smith was approved. Alderman laly ! introduced a resolu tion that the city engineer bo authorized to have printed 100 copies of the grades of the city. Adopted. The ordinance referring to Omaha and South Omaha street railway amended by inserting after the word motor "except steam locomotive" was reported on fa vorably. The report was adopted. The committee to whom was referred the ordinance granting the right to run street cars to the Cable Tramway com pany recommended its passage if work bo commenced within ninety days. It was temporarily tabled. An ordinance changing the grade on Seventeenth struct from Mason to the Union Pacific right of way was , under suspension of rules , passed. Ap praisers wore ordered appointed under , the same ordinanco. An ordinance extending Twenty-sev enth street from section 31 north to Far- nara street was read the first and second time and referred to the committee on grades and grading. An ordinance creating sewer district No. 34 and ordering the construction of sewers therein ; read thu lirst and second time and referred 16 tlie committee on sowers. An ordinance in reference to sewer district 35 was similarly disposed of. An ordinance extending Woolworlh avenue from Thirty-second avenue to Thirty-sixth street was passed. An ordi nance opening Locust from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth street passed. The Cable Street Tramway cdmpany ordinance was then taken up and road and passed. An ordinance ordering the grading of Thirtieth street from Cass street to Cum ing street was passed. An ordinance or dering the paving of alloys in alley paving * - ing districts Nos. 21 , 22 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 31 , 3.T and 30 , and giving thirty da.ys to the owners of property to designate the m a- terials to bo used , was passed. An ordinance nanco creating alloy paving districts 30 , 81 , 33 , 33 , 31 , 3r ( and 30 was passed. An ordinance raising the pay of certain lire- men was referred to the committee -on lire and waterworks. Council adjourned. Dcslrnblo Property On Lcavonworth , 185 feet front , $10,000. C. K. MAYXI : RKAL K&TATI : & TUUST Co. , N.V. . Cor. 15th and Harnoy. Up Co the Priced. On and after Monday next all good lots in "UKAUTIFUL CLIFTON HILL" will bo sold at the following prices : Smith fronts , -$750. North fronts , $700. East fronts , ? G50. Complaint having been made that our former notice did not give sulh'ciont time for investors to close deals , we thus ex tend the time till Monday next. Hy buy ing this week you will get the full benefit of the advance. The above prices are from 20 to 30 per cent below the prices of corresponding property. There is not a lot in the whole tract bought from Mr. Croi * > hton , but that will bo worth if 1,003 before the 1st of Juno. Street railroad is NOW KEISO BUILT through Clifton Hill , Agents will receive full commission at present prices until Saturday night , and full commissions at advanced prices com mencing Monday morning next. A. P. TUKEY , _ 1821 Farnam. A Free Hide. You have no idea of the Immense boom which will bo on in South Omaha within a few weeks , unless you have been down there lately. Now js the time to buy. Lome to our otttco nny day and let us take you down to see the to\vn \ , and if you haVe any money to buy with you will put it in there.v ' M.V. . cor. 15th and liarnej. ' ' SPOIITING TIPS. Bullock and AshieiRcr Gun Club Hull Notes. Bullock and Ashiiigor have made a wcnty-live-inlle race to take place at the exposition building Saturday evening , March 20. The match will be for $50 n side and will doubtless prove an exciting one as there is some bad blood between the men and both are anxious for suc cess in the match. Both are training dally and arc in good condition. On the same evening Frank Lay , one of the best .rick riders in the country will give a uilf hour's exhibition of his skill. Other races will bo held on the same evening , linking an intcsting programme. The bicycle craze has extended to the rural districts. At Plum creek a wheel club with seventeen members has been jrganized with the following officers ; 11. O. Smith , consul ; ! ' . L. Temple , presi dent ; L. E. Branson , vice president : E. P. Dunlap , secretary and treasurer ; F. B. liilmoro , captain ; W , B. Branson , lieu tenant ; C. W. Gilmore , bugler ; II. II. Spradling , standard bearer. The club is the largest in the state outside of Omaha. Manager Frank Bandle and Secretary LJcorgo Kay , of the Omaha ball club , left last evening for Lcnvunworth , where the schedule committee of the Western league , of which Mr. Kay is a member , will meet on Sunday to arrange the sche- lulo of games for the coming .season. The LoFovro gun club will hold their second meeting at Penroso & Hardin's inn store this evening. The second shoot of the club will take place to-morrow. II. A. Penroso and George Hoagland , returned yesterday evening from a short uniting trip with sixty ducks , forty of which were canvass backs. It was a rare catcli and the successful sportsmen of course refuse to tell where the birds were Found. Moth is practicing daily for his match with McLaughlin , which 'will take place it the exposition annex on Marcli 2o. A Free Hide. You have no idea of the immense boom which will be on in South Omaha within n few weeks , unless you have been tlown ihcro lately. Now is the time to buy. Some to our olfico any day and lot us take you down to see the town , and if you have nny money to buy with you will [ Hit it in there. C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. Cor. 15th and Harucy. The .Stock Ynr'ls and the Clearances. The question is frequently nskcd if the business transacted at the stock yards appears in the Omaha clearing house reports. The answer is that only ft very small proportion of the business trans acted linds its way to the clearing house. The Union stock yard bank , located at ; lie yards , transacts business amounting : o as much us $200,000 or more daily. Of this amount one half is frequently in the shape of drafts of which about 50 per cent on an average , go to the clearing liouse. From this it will besecn that not over one quarter of the business goes to the clearing house. Some idea may bo mined of the importance of the business , at the s > tock yards , when it is taken into consideration that there is another bank at the yards , in addition to the one just mentioned , and that the Omaha City banks all do more or less business nt the ynrds. If all the stock yards business were to appear in-tho clearing house re ports it would make a very difl'eront showing. . . _ For Sale. We have four full corner lots , 00x133 feet each , on Farnam street east of 10th street at $20,000 , $50,000 , $75,000 and $125,000. 22 feet on Farnam by 183 on llth. $41,000 A choice corner , 133 feet front on- lUth st south of Cass street 05,000 A choice corner on 10th st OOxU'l ' for 25,000 70x133 s o cor 28d and Cuming. . . 20,000 66x88 n w cor 23d and Cuming. . . 15,000 44 feet on Hartley between 14th and 15th 33,000 CO feet on Howard between 15th and 10th 35,000 22 feet on Cuming between 17th and 18th 4,500. 75 feet on 10th street near Nich olas 15,000. ISSfeoton Lnavonworth 18,000. 185 feet on Leaven worth 40.000. Two acres on Leaven worth 12,000. Good dwelling property in all parts of the city. Three full lots on U. P. tracks to lease for 20 years. The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co. , N. W. corner 15th and llarnoy. Omnbn Hoimuopntlis. The Omaha Homa'opathic Medical so ciety met last evening in the ollice of Dr. E. T. Allen. There were present Drs. O. S. Wood , A. W. Hartupee , Parsons , Emma J. Davics , Mary J. Brcekcnridge , G. W. Williams , C. G. Spracue , Amelia Burroughs , John Ahmanson and E. T. Allen of this city , and Drs. P. J. Mont gomery and W. D. Stillman of Council Bliills. After the routine business the society listened with interest to a paper on "Aseites" by Dr. Ahnmson. The dis cussion then drifted to the consideration of the prevailing diseases. It seems scarlctina and measles of quite .severe types lire now raging , but under proper treatment uniformly recover. The Year 1887. During the year 1887 the people of this city will see ttui greatest growth it has over had. This i.s acknowledged by all good judges. Property in and about the city will advance in price so rapidly that hundreds of fortunes will bo made in a few months. The new packing houses , factories , etc. , locating in South Omaha will make that a business part of the city , antl as a consequence property in that locality will bo much sought after. Now , this week is the time to buy this property. Wo are solo agents for South Omaha proper and an invest ment made there will return the pur chaser his money and 100 to 200 per cent added to it. Anybody wifh a small amount of money can buy a lot in South Omaha. The C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. . N. W. cor. 15th and Harnoy. Bnldo Auctions. William Shamlcr , ! an agriculturist , came in Irom Iowa Tuesday with $175 and enjoyed various pleasures peculiar to Omaha in common with all great mo- tropolies. Ho bought a "solid gold" watch and chain , car-rings and pin from Auctioneer Evans , on Tenth street , for $20. The lot was wortli probably ' 'ein dollar and a koy-vartor. " Officerlulaskl got the $20 back for Shaudon , the jewelry back for Evans , and a citizen back for Iowa , where liquor cannot bo sold if the despised law were respected. Shiuuler was sent across the Missouri. The Year 1887. During the year 1887 the people of this city wilfseo thn greatest growth It has over had. This Is ocknowlegcd by all good judges. Property In and about the city will advance in price so rapidly that hundreds of fortunes will be made in a few months. The now packing houses , factories , etc. , locating In South Omaha will make that a business part of the city and as n consequence property in that locality will bn much sought after. Now , this week , is the time to buy this prop erty. Wo are sole agents for South Omaha proper and an investment made there now will return the purchaser his money and 100 U > 200 per cent ndddod to it. Anybody with a small amount of money can buy a lot m South Omaha. The C. E. Mnyne Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. cor 10th and Haruoy , misn. KNAPP-ln this city , March 17 , Fred Knnpp , need 31 years and 4 months. Funeral on Friday , March 10 , nt 2 p. m. , from his Inte residence , corner ot Twelfth and Dorcas street ? . Friends Invited. LlHHY-In this oily. March 17 , nt 4 p. in. , Killth Belle , daughter of A. J. and Sarah J. Libby , need 4 months. Funeral to-day at 2 p. in. from the family residence , 2413 Ualdwoll street. Friends In vited. The funeral of/William Gnskell will take place on SaturdayIMnrch Z'j , nt 2 p. m. , from Droxcl & Mnul'sj Interment at Prospect Hill. Members of A'cMn Chapter Take Notice. A special mooting of Vesta Chapter No. 0 , O. E. S , will bo hold at Free Ma sons hnll Snturdny evening , March 10th , for work. By order of Miss Annie True- land , W. M. Licensed to Wed. Judge McCulloLh issued marriage licenses yesterday to the following par- tics : Niune. Residence. Aer. ( Noah Dvincnlmr , , ' Omalm , 21 ] Knchrl llorwich " 20 ! Uaac Sylvester " 27 1 Louise C. Rumcl " 20 PenlrnWo Corner. On Leavcnworth 185 feet front. $ 10,000. C. E. MAYNI : RKAL E TATI : & TUUST Co. , Northwest cor. 15th and Harney. Notice. 1 hnve sold this day to Messrs. Julius Wilde and William Larson my grocery business. 'I hanking my trade in general for their patronage , 1 hone they will be stow the same to my successors. All bills against mo will bo settled by mo and all accounts duo mo will have to be paid to me. HKNHY DITIIN. : OMAHA , March 14.J887. Killed In Colorado. John Boyd , manager of the stockyards company , received a dispatch last evenIng - Ing that his brother Leon Boyd had been injured in n railroad accident near Den ver. Shortly after ho received another d ispatch announcing that his brother was dead. Frank Boyd started immedi ately for the west and John Boyd will leave this morning. Leon Boyd was an engineer on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. The particulars of the accident are not known. Absolutely Pure , Thispowder nevervaries. A marvel ol purity.btrength and wholesomeness. More economic than the ordinary kindn and cannot be sold in competition wiih the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co. 106 Wall street , New York. 1 3th St , Cor. Capitol Avcnm. TOR TDK TREATMENT or AO , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. liR. McMENAN1Y.Prop-etok , ! ; . SUIeon car Unculul nnd Private I'racuce Wo Imvo the facilities , opparatu * and rrroedlc * for the ncecBsful treatment of every form of dl * rnie requiring cither medical or aur lcnl , dtul lavHoalflo come and In veetlgutof or tbcmiclvM > r carrc poud with ua. Long experience In Irfnt I ML' CMCI by lott.r rnxblea us to treat many catet ctcntlflcA > lr without .celnif them , WKITEC TOR CIRCULAK on Deformltlci anil Brnccf , Club Feet , Curratnrci of the Spine DIIEA.CI or Wnxjx , Pile * , Tnmott , Cancer * , Catarrh , Broncbltln , Inhalation. Electricity , Parnl- j l , Bpllcpsy , Kidney , Kjre , Ear , Skin , Blood and ill surgical operation. . Ilntterlen , luhnUri , llracri , Trame. , an I nil kind * of Medical and Surgical Appliance * , man- ufacttired and for iitle. Tht enl tollable Radical Inclluti making Private , Special SPECIALTY. | Nervous Diseases AIL CONTAGIOUS AND BLOOD DISEASE I'rntu nhatocrcmiec produced , euccosfiilly trr.tli'il Wo can remove S/pullHIo polion from the cytU-i.t without mercury. Now reitoratire treatment for IOM of vital power ALI , COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Cell nnd consult u. or Bond r.amp and poft'omcf mldrcsn plainly written encloe itarap , and n < trill lend yon , In plnln wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO HI-OX I'lllVATX , SptCIAI. AMU NEBYOt'5 Dlllti ! tr , SsatMii. WEAKNEM , fii'KnM Toiiinii ; , luroias rr , STrniui , ( IOKORKIKBA , Qi.rcT , VARICOCEI K. BTBIOTUHB , AHD ALL nii-KAtm or TIIE OKMTO- UuiNAHr OIIUAKI , or tend history of your caie fur an opinion , 1'ertone unable to visit 113 may be treated nl tlicU homei , by correspondence Medicines and Initru mente cnt br mall or express SECtlilKLY PACK KO FltOM mark , to Indicate contents or senden One personal Interview' prn ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the accom tnodatlon of patluits. Doard nnd attendance :1 teaionabl * ptlcei. Address tl * I-ettcr to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. 1 3th St. andCaoltflUn ) . . OMAH/WfJ / n DR. PEIRO'S OXYGEN TItKATMKNT. For the relief and cu r of COKSUMniCII , IIOICHITIS , ASTHMA.HATFCYIH.CATAalH , NUVOUS ttOSTIATIOII , ITC. Send .tamp for tlie ! l , " n lnUTe llnK bonk of > 30 ptgei. r.ur Col 4 Wslei I tf. b.-Our Ozi/grn It so/- slv tent anuuhtre in ! > Pnfl J Slatrt , Canada or ' _ _ Euro ; * by Erprirt , e"'l/i 'plain , remnlrle tllnrllont irl ( tack Irjnriii'iif Address , DR. PEIRO. ' u . " IBICASO , iu. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Pftld up Capital . $250,000 BurpUi * . 4O.OOO U. W. Yates , President. A , E. Touzalln. ino President. W. ii S. Hughes , Cashier. DiitF.CTons : \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , 11. W . Yatcs , Lewis S. Uced. A. G. Touznlin. BANKING OFFICE : THE JRON BANK , Cor 1'Jth nnd 'Farnam Sts. _ A General Banking liusihlss'TYifimctcd. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT Our Spring and Summer Suits are daily arriving and within a few days wo will bo able to exhibit the most complete line ever shown in Omaha. We quote no particular style or price , simply ask an inspection of the various lines we carry , and believe we can interest you in make , quality and prices. In Spring Overcoats we carry an elegant line of all shades. One bargain in particular we .offer , is a fine imported Melton , silk lii\gd \ all through , at $14.75. This overcoat cannot be duplicated for less than 820.00 in any establishment in Omaha. We call particular attention to our Boys'and Children's Suitsof which we have just re ceived about one thousand. Among them we have 150 Norfolk suits , in sizes from 4 to 13 years , strictly all wool cheviot , with double scat and double stitched , usually called "rough and tumble" suits. We sell them at 82.95 and they are the best wearing suit ever introduced. We invite inspection of these suits whether you wish to purchase or not. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. LI ALE At Millard Station , SATURDAY , MARCH 19th , 1887 George McCombs , and Wm. Grimm Will sell at Fubl'c Auction 7O to 80 head of mules and some American Brood Mares with foal from "Kentucky Jacks. " Also one new Wagon and Double Harness. 9 months time , with approved security , 8 per cent in- terest. 5 t > er cent off for cash. WoodbridgeBrothers STATE AGENTS FOH THE Decker Brothers OMAHA , NEBRASKA. DR. CHERBOURG , Cor. Itlth and Dodge St * . . Omaha , Neb. A nebular Graduate ID Medicine Over Ife yra practice ! 10 In Kama * City , Wo. An * tborhea to treat all tb runic. Nervous and "Special Ul enBes. " Ketntnal Weakr.eia i ( Nlgbt Lotaei ) , fctoxu l Peblllty ( lei of Hoxu&t power ) , Nerroui Dctillty , Ac. M'uren puRrRQt d or money refunded. riiarKftRluv. Thoaiaada of ratescured. Kiperlftnce la Im ortHnt All modlclnea readr lor u e Noracrcurjor InJtirUtt ] * DiMllclnei uied. Jso time loit from liuilnaiN ratUnti at n distance treated tj 1 utter andeipreit. Wetllclneiiteuteferywhet free from gate or breakage. State your caia and i nd forturmi , Coniultatlon fred and coDfldeotlal , pen i ally or by letter. OFFICE GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 , BAKER'S _ Warranted nbioltiltly f trt Cocoa , from which the cices of Oil has been removed. It hitttirn tlmti the itrensth of Cocoa mlied with Starch , Arrowroot orHucar , and U therefore far more economi cal , coiling tai titan one rent a cup. It U delicious , nourishing , trengthcnlnp , eatlly dlge.ted , and i admirably adapted for Invalids as well as for persons In health. Sold by Oroeers eterynherc. I BAKER & COu Dorchester , Mass * . InditrrttiuDi _ . _ , iUL'ARiITICKTO ! rikti NEW JwrnoviD _ , ' Tinuouinillil. loolhlnjcuntoli of "TUirrrtlv throuch .11 vrsk ijsrtl.rtitor * ingthimJ/ let0 bittthand Viurous6trtr.tb. lcrtn Currtnl vWfnlllnsunilv cr sforrill s0 iocnli. Ort<itlmproTtmfnt.ottr.llottitrbtlls. Vroritrtiriptr * mnifotl/rurciltnthrr.rnontbf. 8alnt ptmphle(4e. ( lUtr The Ssnden Electric Co. 169 LtSallo d. , PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlie Origin * ! and Only Oenulne , s lUIUfcl. . t m rwHklM JZ Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " Is Death to Consumption , Malaria , Sleeplessness , Chills and Fevora Or Insomnia , anil Typhoid Foyer. Dissimulation , Indigestion , 01 Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Yearn Old , Surgical Fevers No Fusel Oil , Absolutely Pure. Blood folsoulti ; The GREAT APPETIZE ] This Mill corllfrthat I bare examined lh DKM.W OF noUUHON YVII IPKY. icctlied front KKXCEOsrnuii A ! fund the mo to 03 perfajtl * fr 9 from Xmol oil anJ all other doleta ounubstaocei mid strictly pure. I choorfullr rcsommonJ tbo sum * for r.fnllr nml Modlclnal purpoiai J. I' . nAHNU.M , M. I ) . , Aiialytlcil Chornlit , LoulirtUi ) , Kr. Forialobr Iru lsU. Wlno Merchants and Orocsrs erorrwhonB. 1'rloo lt.21 per buttle. If notfound at the tbori , half rto/enbottbj , oxprou paUIn plain bo.tat , will bo ijnt to anr addren In the United Stute * or Canada , on receipt of six dollars. LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , jucirAUDSoy nnua < i > JtlLEY tfl DILTAtJf , Ifltolennlc lAmior Healers , f Omaha. FamMr * uwUedlni < } L < lDS'1.0NE JlltOS. OGU ! , Omaha. 11. T. VLAItK DItUa CO. , Tbtt. poslll"r.modyurIb.sib T.dlMM.i brin nsa theu'mds of of h worsl HB-1 Qll./J' | { | ° l5li'JjlD' B"JP'l ' * _ V _ n u/.vlrt ttV * , i.j.m.r whb B V At- . . Ulv. nCBCUCCC " 9 cantos , nud n new nd- UtMrntOJ > s'icceHBliil ' < JUUEityour own * hointi tiy ono who was ilonf twenty eight tears. Truutud liy niott of tliu noted ipoclul- I8ta without lioiiellf. cured himself In thra * i oiillip , and elnce thoa hundred ! of othtrj. mil nnrtloultira lent on uppllcutlou. T. ft i'AUK , No. tl Wcjt uut Bt. , ew York CU/ .