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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1887)
i WWW" ? * r r * " > FTWM" ' pwi pi r j i -T * i r V H OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKHfeVY. MARCH .18. 1887. SPECIAIjNOT10ES , Advertisements under this bead , 10 cents per line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub sequent Insertion , and $1.50 a line per month No advertisement tnkon for less than' ' louU for the Orel Insertion. Seven word * ill bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must be paid In advance. All adver tisements must be handed In before 1:30 : o'clock p.m. , und under no clicumManccs will thoybo taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In tbosuiolurans rndbnv * Injrtho answers addressed In cnre of TUB lice willplonio ask for a chock to * > nnblothcm logct their letters , as none will bo delivered except on Dresentatlon of check. All answers to ad- vertiscmonts should bo enclosed In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. ' . To loan on rosldonco property. MONl'.V nnd short time. City mortgages bought. K. tf. lluwley , 814 Bo. l th st , 7OT-18. to loan nn rent estate and chattels MONKY ft Co. 1511 Farnam St. , ground floor. Put MONKY to loan on Improved olty property at B per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait. Have a complete sot of abstract books or Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor jlarrlsllcal Kstnto and Loan Co. , 320 B. 15th st. "SI. $300.000 to loan , Sums $400 and upwards , Lowest rates , nemls , room 3 , Darker block , 6. W. cor. 18th and Farnnrnsts. 12J ONKV First mortirngo notes. The Douglas county bank will buy papers secured by flrst mortgage on city realty. U * Cplilt CENT-Monny to loan. Gregory ft Hndley. lloorai 1 ana 3 , Hcdick clock , 820 B. 15th St. 125 ONKYta lx > non renlestato and collater als and chattels. Nooraska Loan Sc Heal Kstuto Co. , Exposition building , corner Capitol venue and 14th street. 9 8 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leavltt Bum- bom , Itoom 1 Crolghton Block. 117 TlTONKY to loan on nnnrovod oily property. ATI. very lowest rntes. C. J. Cuswell , room 10. Nebraska Nat'l bank. 37 m7 ! Ctir.AP MONKY to loan on choice residence or business property. J. Q. Uaston , 1609 Farnam gt MOKi' Y OANB-lx > an8 Loans. jtcal estate loans , Collatorlnl loans. Chattel loans. Longtime loans. Short tltno loans. Honey always on hind to loan on M7 ap proved security. Investment securities bought and fold. Omaha Unanciol Kichange , n. w , cor. 15th net Ilamey. Corbett. Manager. HO MONEY to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and K. L. 8 < iulre , 1413 Farnam St. , Taxton hotel building. 600,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent J. J. Ma- " honoy. 1509 Fnrnam. 121 PKH CENT Money. . 6 It. 0. Patterson , 16th afcd Harney. 123 MONKY to loan In sums to suit , from 91,000 to 950,000 ; ao delay. Tuttle ft Allison. 211 B. 13th Bt 8S2tn21 LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sts. 128 * | i"ONBY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop- JLTJL orty , low rates. Btowart ft Co. , Itoom 3 Iron bank. 127 ONBY TO LOAN-O F. Davis ft Co..real estate and loan agents , ' 1505 Farnain st 128 Jr ONKY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat tels. D. L. . Jrf f ; 5007)00 ) To loan on Omahn city property at fl per cent G. W. Day , ever 1312 Douglas st 'rttONKY TO LOAN-bytbo nndorslgnod , who all has the only properly organized loan goitoy In Omaha. Loans of 910 to 9100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wngons , machinery , &o , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so snado that any part can bo paid at any Imo.oach imymont reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances inado on flno watches and diamonds. Persons hould carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call nndseome. W. H. Croft , Boom 4 W'thnolt Hiilldlng , 15th and Harney. 131 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hoed ft Co.'a Loan OOlco , on furniture , pianos , horsoswagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. nvni * ninorhnm'it ! . . AH over ningham's Commission store bust ness strictly confidential. 132 BUSINESS CHANCES. TriOH SALE Meet market at a bargaln.ownor 4 ? leaving the city , weekly cash soles 9250. Call nt market 701 1'aclno st , , cor of 7th. FOR SALE Moot market ; aalos $50 per day : leaving ; town cause ot selling. Address G (4 , DoootHco. 0SO-18 * _ SMALL grocery business , store and buildings O for sale , 91,000 takes It together with 6 years Joasoot ground. 9600 cash , J. F. Hammond , 117 B16th st. 20517 WANTED-Partner with experience and some capital by a party of means , ex- porlonco , largo acquaintance , and a No. xss start a retail cash grocery business in ono of the boat locations In tbo city. Address 41 65. Boo office. 954-19 " ANTED-To invest from $1 , ( > 00 to 96,000 In some profitable business. MIlK and dairy business profored , Address G 67 , lloe olDce. 87920 * 'IT'OK SALE A clean stock of clothing , boots , J shoos , gents' furnishing goods and gro ceries , with a good trado. For further partic ulars address , look box No. 6 , Falrfiold. Neb 035 Z2 . SAi.E A small dry goods and notion Btoro , good location and spiondld trade cheap rent , Including living rooms. Address , box 410 , Omaha , Neb. 00318 * TOOK HALE A good , choloo stook of drugs In J ? Uio olty ; well located ; Invoice , n ; call at once : would exchange for good dwell- lug. L. P. HammoBd. 1523 Douglas st 080 ill2 WANTED A man with capital to take halt Interest In n line , largo addition to Beatrice. Big roonny to be made. Address N. N. llrumtiack , Beatrice , Neb. 833 18 * TJ1OR SALE Good paying stationery , news Jclgarj and tobacco store : good local jnj good reasons for selling. Address O 45. Bee QfflOO. 883-80 * "IjlOR BALE Confectionery , tobacco and cigar : JL' fitoro , g-ood location nnd established trade. Call at tbo Aorao Agency , bUDtf N 15th st 835 IT * FOK BALE or Exchange new 85 bbl com bination mill situated on Llttlo Blue river , nour liobron. In Thuynr county. Will ex change for wild or Improved lands or live stock. For further particulars address First National Hank , Hebron , Nob. 839 J711NE Chance Wanted Stock of groceries f. JL1 or hnrdaro In exchange for 180 aoros of the 1 tlncst land In Nebraska , within SO miles of Omaha. Inquire of BertholdftCo.,6208- st 00 1/IOR SALE-Goldcn Opportunity. Drag JL store in ono of the best towns In Ne braska doing a business from 915,0.10 to 920,000 , per year. Invoice , 98.000. For particulars , address dress 324 N. 15th st. . Omaha. Neb. BI8 11 * JACKBON STREET Steam Laundry nnd Bath House for sale on account of dissolution i ol partnership. The old established nnd good paying business will bo olfeiod for sale at bargain. This place has lust boon Improved v Ith n now brick boiler room and wash bouse { low bath tubs , and Is in llrat-olasa shop throughout. This is n rare chance , as It Has boon running with success for over flvo years H cash , balance to suit purchaser. Inquire irs.on premises. 015 Jackson street f s SO * FOH8ALK-Or trade tor land , best hotel Hn Wnkcfleld doing excellent business. Address . J. H. Bonn , Wnkofluld , Nob. 624 31 I * qpSES-Lots.Fnrms.Lands-monoy loaned. Homis' city maps , 6x7 feet , 9-.BO ! eaoh. llemls , room 3 , Barker block , 8. W. cor. 15U und Farnam sts. 123 iwn noy AeplondU chmioe. Address D 39. lloe offloe. ' 016 E'OH ' 8ALE-Haf ! Interest In one of * the bos paying drug ; stores In southwestern Iowa Capital required , $ -,500. Address U 40 , Hen of flea. 018 rovn. " " .EFT on my premised , IBM Webster , n nail J black pony. 3 whlto feet , white face. Will sell for feed to blithest bidder at constable sale April 0th. 1'cterF. Fedde. mid 8330 * LO8T. T.O8T A gniy hitud satohoT'orttha'strcei ° ? , nt'mjng photographs nnd letters. Ad' dress U 61 , lice iKBco. $10 rowarO. V > 4 Jl F .O3T-8pmswln-ro on street , a gold \ itch ! .iii "JcllSt wowmenj No. e f. Find * to K. M. Stlckney ' rooBI 10 < n cor l&tb aad Dodgu sti vnarcoelv * reward , 9O10 * LOST Apsrccl of notes on parties In Towa and Omaha , all payable nt a point In town , nnd amounting to .about $12.000. Any person leaving same nt office of Farrell , McClusky ft Co.n.e.cor. of Douglas nnd IMh , Omaha , will bo liberally rewarded. D , A. FairolL 103 17 * LOST Plain gold rlnz , on So 13th n , or on car. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by returning lo K. E. Copson , 1627 So IMh st. PM017 * PERSONAL. PKIISONAL A young gentleman , a strnngor In the city , would UNO to tnnku the hc- nutntanco of n young lady. Object social on- joymont. O 40 Hoe. 794 IB * IJKnbONAL Wu cnll the atlontlon of Invcs- JL torsand spcculaiors In Omaha Heal Kstnto to our special drive In bur ains.of which wo are solo ngcnts. They are worthy of Investigation. .1. L. lllco ft Co. , Hoom 8 , ever Commercial Nntlonnl bank. CM MRS. DUHANT , Clarlvoynat , from Boston , will remain In the city n short time only , hho reads the deepest secrets , unfolds the fu ture , unites separated lorors , cniisrn speedy marriage * . , Is vi-ay icllabloln all atrnlrs of life. Hoom 1 , Lyons blk. . 18th and Chicago. MI-24 * / 1LAlHVOYANT-Madnm Alaska rovcnls \J past , present anil future , fittlsfnclion gunrnnteed. 612 S 10th st. 30'J a 3 T5EHS6N7TL prlvnto homo for ladles during X confinement. Strictly confidential. In fants adopted. Addreii E 42 , Ileo ollico.10lm28 10l-m28 * PEKSONAL-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. 3,121 North ICth st. .Omaha. Neb. MISCELLANEOUS. /"ll'.SS POOLS , Hlnks mid vaults cleaiicxl , odor- V > loss process. E. Bwlng , box 427(0lty. JO BI'H HOSKNSriUN hiw removed from 12Xj Farnam to 00 N. IRth st. , keeps always a full stock of fresh und salt water flshos , oysters , gamn and poultry. Telephone 241. Orders solicited. 044 MltS M. OHLRNSCHLAtCUP.K--Graduated midwife , corner"ith and Cumlnir st , up stairs. ? 7"ll [ ! rpO parties having housci for rant , Itontnl - 1Agitioy , Hcnawa & Co. , ir > st , , opposite post- odlco , Wo have turned ever to them our ronlul list. We recommend them. McCiigue Ilros. OH ) flOKHl&PONDENCK solicited with reliable \J parties who can furnish cnpfial to build und operate a canning factory In n western town. Cash bonus to the right imity. Ad dress H. G. Cross , I nm an , Nob. 84'.i 23' IOR ifKNT Organs , $2 per month. 1613 Dougla * . 9 ? ) Foil KENT Square Piano , 9t montnlv. Hosoe. 1613 Douirlas. U3J TjMHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. 726 HOUSES Lots.Farms.Lands-raoney loanod. Demls'olty maps , 6x7 feot. 93.50 oach. Hera Is , room 8 , Darker block , 8. W. cor. 15th und Farnam sts. 287 POK HALK Or Trade A splendid now mid clean stook of dry goods ; Invoice about 97,000 ; will take part cush , part ronl ostato. This stock Is In a thriving and live town ; good trade ostubllshod ; good reason for soiling. Park & Fowler , room 4,1523 Douglas street. 7UU 17 HOItSKS CLIPPKD-At the fair grounds for 93.00. Adam Thomson ; good work guar nntoed. 770-23 * fF-you want to buy or soil furniture , go to I J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 18th. 737 "fJlORRHNT Square Piano $ J monthly. J3 Bospe.l513Douglna. 135 NEW Hoarding Houso.One tables , clean and palatable victuals. 1418 Chicago st 3U5 S First-class Btorogo for nloo furniture nituro or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgo-st. 221 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. T710H 8ALB Good pony to drlvo or ride , 940 , JL E. C. Coopot , Second and Division sts. 9 9 18 * fjlOH SALE Park wagon with iiolo and don JC bio harness ; goodaa now ; will sell cheap Address G 69. Boo. 77 17 * FOH SALE Excellent square planocn $150. Address G 58 Doe. 078 1- THOU SALE Ton iiool and billiard tables a J ? Horubergor's , 1321 Douglas st. TT OU SALE 1 now 0 fool show case , 1 largi JD upright show casn , candy , trnys , jars , eto 7l5South27thSt. 01317 * E B. JESTKH has twenty heud of the flnce fresh milch cows In the olty for snlo a Furay's yards , Cuuilng st. 929 18 * TTIOK SALE-Clovoland Buy Stallion , Drrb , -S. Boy , andOon. Cleveland , rlsmir three nm four yours old , bred In Canada nnd recorded i Canadian Btud Book. Prices reasonable Terms to suit purchaser. Address J. O. Hall , Gibbon. Neb. 84119 * TjiOH 8ALE A Lyon ft Hnaley upright piano six octavos , good us now. at n very desirable bargain. 414 N. 19th st. TOT r OH SALE A Olydo Canadian stallion. In quire saloon , cor 17th nnd Vlnton. 80. . ' 21 * FOR SALE A good 0-year-old pony nt 110 N 13th st. _ 170 FOH SALE Fine Hambletonlan Stallion ( ped igreed ) at a bargain. C. D. Sutphon. 1322 Fa m am. _ 427 19 T71 OH SALE Large flro proof safo. Apply at -L' water works office , 1513 , Furnnra street 8J5 17 H ODSES-Lots.Fnrms.Lands-monov leaned , . Bomls' city maps , 6x7 foot. $2.50 each. Bomls , room H. Barker block , B. W. oor. 15th and Farnam sts. 128 CTOH 8ALB 2 million brick and upwards DOS - S sides dally out put of 80,000. Enquire on promises , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha Brlok and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 033 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED I want nn ngent to soil a ready selling article ; nn experienced salesman can earn 910 to 920 a day. M. D. Archibald , Arcade hotel. 11833 * "I1ITANTED , Two good real estate salesmen ; * v horao and buggy furnished , must bo ac quainted with cltyand all additions. Inghrnm ftC utieV aii's 15th , Paxton building. loo"is WANTED Five first-class advertising solic iood - itors ; only men capnblo of earning good ! salaries need apply. A. II. Knds Company.lloom 20 , & K. corner 13th and Dodge sta. VS3 iraAT I /ANTED A first-class bnrbor. Apply to AT . L. Undeland ft Co. , Omnha Barber Supply House , 1304 Douglas Bt. 990 20 , WANTED 0 tailors to work In back shop on t custom coats. Good pay , steady work 1118 Sherman ave. 072 20 * fj7 ANTED A stenographer and typewriter > TT must write a plain leglblu hand. Address . stating experience and salary expected , Amoi lean Loan and Trust Co. , Ashland , Neb. 90'J WANTED A bookkeeper and a s't cashier for a national bant outside the city. Wrlto or apply to U. S. Kat'l Bank , Omaha , Neb. V70 . VCT ANTED Two persons to Instruct In book- TT keeping. Good situations April 15th. J. B. Smith , 1013 Chicago st. 910 17 * th.To T\7ANTED Good harness makers. Apply To TI Omaha Saddlery Co.,107 Douglas st. 1118 17 * THT'ANTED Boy15 years old for drug store. * - . "Apply to 27l5 Cu"mmTntfs"st" U2tf IT ro.TiT WANTKD-Compotont flower gardener. TiT Haas. Hasoall s Pnrk , t > 73 13 * - W ANTKD A flrst class pie bakor. address G 44 Bee office. bftJ 17 * WANTED Salesmen. To sell specialties to merchants ; commission ; easy to soil a big proUta. 11. A. Fershlng , South liond , Ind. 935-25 * ' * " 1117ANTKD-I flret-olass waiters , wages $25 ; per month , board and room , Apply nt . Morris restaurant lOt 8 lath Bt C31 \\7ANTED-Kxperioncod dry goods travelling TT saloraanhaving an established trade In the country tnbutary to Kansas City. State amount of trade , territory covered , und how long. Address , with reference , W , 11 Grirnoi . Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 853 . \\7ANTED-60 sober , Intelligent men of good > T address to try a lOo meal at NorrlV res. tauranu 104816th st 138 " WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Female vogotahlo cook at Coz zens hotel ; apply at once. 971 17 , - WANTBD Ladlns and young men to take nice pleasant work at their own homes 93 to 96 per day easily made ; work sent es"ft mail , no oiuivasilog. Address G. Wanner -"ft- Co. , Dubuque , Iowa , box 177. W-J 18r " \ITANTBD-First-class srtrl for housework , T T SU2 8. SM bet Farnam and Douglas. 003 [ WANTED Girl for general housework , ap ely 8. W. cor 8ith and CalJwoll. 8 3 17 * ANTED A good ftrl for kitchen work 2015 Caas St. 878 16 * ' TirANTKD-Immodlatcly. S flrst-class shir TT troners at Nebraska Bloam Laundry , ,106 , and KM South 14tu st , 876 . ,106S \1 * ANTED A servant inrl , aooiapeUntooos ti TT. washer and troner ; none other DOSM employer requl U5 st.employer gooil waves. Itet Cutnlojr st. wlir W ANTED Olrl for general hotitowork at 1543 Sherman avo. Mrs.T. F. HalU P37 " \\rANTED-A girl to go west to do general f T housework in n family of tbroo. Apply at 2K11 Satindors street , west side , one block nbuvo Lake , before 1 o'clock. 870-17 * \v 'ANTKD Dining room girl and dishwasher at Occidental immediately. 111 IfANTKD A good fllnlnir-room rirl nt the > Vienna Restaurant , 1817 Howard st. ( W5 18 * \ \ * ANTED-A girl nt Wl South 21 \\rANTKD A compctont tlrl lor general housework In small family. Hood wages to the right person. Apply to Mrs. John II. K. Lehmann , a4 ! South 171 li strcot , 09) \VANTr.D Immediately , a woman for genT - T > oral houcework , wages * 5 per week , 2 In family. USNUthst. U30 U * ASTANTKD-nlrl for general housework nt KM S. Kill St. llornborgcr. 3M8 " \irANTKD-Olrl for general housswork , > > small family. Inquire at 1317 Tactile st. 114 17 WANTKD-Shlrt makers at 140 * Knrnam st up stairs. It. N. Uuruoss. 115 18 * W IANTKD-A girl for genornl housework , 1009 Poclllcst. 887-17 WANTIJD-Olrlsnt all limes for housework , first clMt wnge.3 nnd good pmccs. Call at Miss Kennedy's 219 N 181 h st. 101 20 "VVfANTKD-A Urit-class Ironoraiid one shirt T > polisher. King's Laundry , ( all hand I work ) , southwest corner lutu and Howard. lid-IB * " \VANTHD-A young girl who attends school M to help about light house work In a family of two. Call at once. , northeast corner Park nnd Popplcton nvos. 995 19 * WAN PKO-Good girl for gonornl houseworlc 2443 Capitol avo. 967 U WANTRD-A competent child nurse. Apply nt 31)06 ) St. Mary's nvo. 905 TVANTKO-Lttdlos to work for us at their T > own homes ; 97 to 10 per week oan bo quietly mndo ; no photo-painting , tie canvass- In if. 1'or full particulars please address at once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central it. , Boston , Mnss. , Box 5170. W02 ANTKD-A Gorman girl. Innulro 1714 Jackson stroot. 8W ) 17 * "tlNTin ) Anoxpcelencodgirl to take care v > of two children and tlo plain sowluif. German preferred. 209 South 2Jrd struot. wIANTBDA good nurse girl. Apply at 1909 Farnam St. 6.H rANTBD A competent girl for ccnornl housework. 521 Pleasant st , 787 IS * TITANTHD-A good girl for general house I v work In family of two. Must bo a good laundress. Apply 448 Convent Bt 481 TVrANTBD Good cook and-Laundress , 202 N. 18th St. 689 SITUATION WANTED. \\rANTED Situation T > y"bo.v o"r 17 In storo. i Good reference. Address 1:114 : Capitol avo. 118 IB'J W ANTKD Situation : Kansas or Nebraska by thorough bookkeeperalso write * short band. Cash bond given. References exchanged. N. Scbuke,662 W. Madison st , Chicago , IP. WANTED Hy a young man of good refer ences , situation us boot and shoo sales man or In clothing storo. Enquire of Omaha Employment Bureau , 110 N. 10th gt. 057 17 WANTED A yourig lady wants n place to sew In exchange for room and board , Is a good seamstress ; address T 60 Bco cilice. W ANTBD-Positlon stcnOBraphor.lOlO Dodge T\7ANTiD : By n reliable man experienced In TV grnpe culture nnd sonornl forming n position , or would tnko chargeof a smnll farm. Address for 3 days , 3 , 43 Iluo ollico. 881 17 * A situation ns bookkeeper or T ? Shorthand and typewriter. Hotoroncoa furnished on short notice. Address D. L. Morao , Plum Hollow , la. 702 17 * _ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTRD Immediately , applications for loans ( $50 ! ) and OVOT ) on cholco Improved residence and business property. J. Q. G 'Ston , VM Farnam st. 994 19 * WANTED To buy n good-sbed soda foun tain , In good Hhnpn. Address II , care Hoeder's Pharmacy,32.1 S. 12th Bt. IWJ-IS * W 'ANTKD A strong. Htoady , safe fnmlly horao. Address I'M Furnam street. street.WfMO w ANTED 3 unfurnished rooms or dwelllnir. Address C , W. 11. 110 N. llth. 970 17 * WANTED Two or tbroo gentlemen to ob- cupy handsomely furnished east parlor nnd smaller room in private family , near busi ness , 018 N17tb. 073 17 * W "ANTED-To rent n room about 23x011 J. L. Wflklo.lOU South llth.St. 0 7 19 * WANTED Two or three gentlemen to oo- oupy handsomely furnished caH front pnrlor and umallor room in prlvuto family uour business. 018 N. 17th street 10J 1 * W ANTKD A second hand flro proof safe , with burglar proof chest , suitable for bunk use In a small town. Address , stating kind , condition mid pi Ice , 8. 8. Price , jr , No. S2J 3.15th st. , Omaha. loa 0 * ANTED-Sultc of rooms and board by April 6th , for man und wife , must bo cen trally located. Address G 61 , Uoo. 913-21 * TX7ANTKD A homo fornbauutlf ul boy baby TT Any ono desiring to adopt such a child cnn have an opportunity by applying to the Women's Christian Association , ISOtl Furnnm. 9M 18 * WANTED Good piano and organ. Can- vnssor at Kdholm ft Aklns. 02118 W - rent n cottage of four or moro rooms ; rent not to oxcoad $20 per month. Address G 61 , Ileo ofBco. 89017 * W ANTKD-Iluggy horse , young , good style and speed ; give description und price. Address G 48 , Boo OfBco. 800-17 * WANTRD To exchange a suburban lot for a good driving horso. Address or call on C. P. Bcntly , Herald building , 15th and Hnrney. WANTED to Trade-Fine south front lot In Institute Plnco for good single driving horse. J , L. HIcu ft Co. , over Commercial bank. 851 \\fANTED.-To rent a store room or half n T > store within two blocks of the opera , houso. Also ono or two unlurnlnbod rooms centrally located. Address , G 41 , lieu. f > 24 17 * ; W ANTKD House of 10 rooms with all modern orn Improvements , Kinslor , druirelsl ,130" Farnum st. W 17 W 'ANTED A single gentleman wonts n neatly furnished room. State terms and location. Address G 17 , Boo offlco. G55 WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished - cottage or tint of fl or 7 rooms , oontrully . located. Address G 3 , Bee office. 653 VSANi'liDTeams , 309 a llth st STORAGE. . JMAHA Storuffo Woronouso-Cornor 1'Jth and Izard Hts. , forstorago of homo- . hold goods nnd ( funeral murohnndlso at low rates. Advance.niiulo ; U uo warehouse ro- colpts. It H , switch at the house , Office 519 South 13th street nnd 1103.1310 un.l VI12 Jicnrd Btroot Tolophoiin CttJ. M. S. Goodrloh , ragr. Wi m ! rt ; . FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. F OR RENT Tviiolo or)4of9 ) room cottaijo suitable for nno or two famillos , on or bo fore April 1st. 81J South ICth Ht. Ulil 18' _ " | 7\ORHKNT-Now \ brick house with nil modern X1 improvomontg , 12 rooms. Apply 1316 FArnum st 908 FOH RENT Now 8-roora house , 7 closets , all cleaned. CullutSWO Ohiostiect. C. allW. Cain. 915 ItKN'T 4 now cottages on California . . and 3)th ) street , near Cumins street cars , llont $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Bros. , ,2078.15th st. 519 ' 17011 UK NT A house nnd barn , with 20 acres 1 < of Und. in Omaha. See Thoa. Willlums * 011 Farnam ( Boo office ) . Ul F ° R RENT-Drlck ynrds , T. Murray. 440 ; - FOR KENT H ) Horcs of ground. Improved. North of the city 3 miles , li , 0. Patterson , 15th und Harnoy. 371 fjOR HiiNF CottaireK , ho-uaj ant storei , alF T desirable and well located , from $30 per month up. L. Burnham , Room 1 Cralgbton lllock. 117 TTK > R KKNT.-Front office on 16th St. -C T room houne. olty water , fto. , VU-OO. 0 mom house , all conveniences. 940. 9 room bouso , cor. Jackson and Coif az , 9-V ) . Gregory ft Iladloy. BIT rioomaland3 nedlck Blk,8SU3.1&th St. TOOK HKNT-SUble. Capitol ave and 9th. En J- quire room 9 , Arlington block. TU R fUSNT M of * large ofBco well located , Inquire of Bwan * Co. , 1M1 Dodge st. FOB BENT BOOMS. F IOR RENT Two nicely .furnished bow win dow east front rooms Jn prlvnto house to gentleman and wife or twoVtmtlcmcn. Hoard it desired. OOfl North 17th. , 9C8 19 * T710H HKNT- Elegantly f urnShod rooms. All JL' modcrd convenience * , qnnnvod street and street car lino. No Oner tocfiltm Iu city. Call ntnivolTlco. L. P. Hnmrntrhfl , room 3. 152. ! Douglas st TJ. 630 FOH HENT-Slttlng nnd bed room attnctod , furnished. 213 N. Ifth st'bot. Capitol nvo nnd Duvonport st 976 20 * 'ipOiritKNT-Nlco furnisUA * rooms at 7198. JU loth st between Jones and.Leavcnwortn. nj 11318 * F I Oil HKNT-IIalf offlcoroqw. J , r , Hammond mend , 117 S 16th St. 105 17 F Oil HKNT Front parlor and alcove , fur- nlshod ; good board , SJ31 St. Mary's avo. , ITIOit HRNT Nicely furnlsned rooms. Inquire -L1 at Now Homo ollico , 122 N , 15th street . ( FOH IlUNV-l-'uinlshpil rooms with or with- out board , bOU North 17th su 8(14 20 * , FOH RENT Single room for gentleman , fur- nlahcd , uioduru convcnlenona. Inquire 810 N. ITth. 931 FOR HENT Lnrgu , ppe | ant front room , close to business center , rent low. 173) ) Cais street. 9JV-18 * F' ' HKNT Large furnished' front room , suitable for two ! bath , 220J Farnara. B84-19 * Foil ItKNT-Large back parlor suitable for man ar.dwlfo 01 two gantlornenialsonn cast front room , with gas , bath"etc. , 318 N. 16th st. FOH HENT Very desirable front room , fur nished with board , 2535 St Mary's avunuo ; qlso ono single room. 520-22 * FOK HKNT Two doslraolo rooms , furnished or unfurnlshodx Modern conveniences. 6M Pleasant st 941 18 * IJ OH KENT Three very choice unfurnished * - rooms with every convenience : only one b'ook from postolHuo. Apply W. S. Sonvov , HI South 14th street. tf'8 17 FOH HKNT Nicely ftirnlshoil front room In nlco cottage , 93 CO per month. 400 Walnut street , eight minutes' walk southeast U. P. depot. 109 F I Oil HKNT--Furnished rooms , 714 N , 19tb. 729-alO * FFOK FOK HUNT B egant furnUticd rooms ; all moaorn coiivenlonorson pnvod street nnd street car line , No liner looatlon In city. Call at my ollico. L. P. Hammond , room 3 , 1522 Douglas st. 619 FOHHENT.-Furnlshod rooms 401 N. 15th St 825 17 "I310H HENT. Ptoasnnt rooms , modern con- JD vonlonces , 1724 Cnpltol nvo , 81818 FOH HUNT Elegantly furnished front par lor ; use ga * and oath. Ill S. 18th st. 690 17 * 'OH HENT Store room and No. 110 N. 14th St. basement. 3S8 F I OH HUNT- Handsomely furnished rooms. Modern conveniences. U20 North Ifith st. 989 18 * FOH RENT A furnished parlor , warm ; mod erate conveniences , with tlrst-olas * bourd , for two gentlemen. 1814 Oodgo st OG1 FOH HENT A nlco front room with alcove hot and cold water bath. Gas , 020 South 20th , corner St Mary avenue. 4 ? J " 01l'HKNT Nlcoly furnished roorai at rcn- sonablo rates , ono blnckitrom court house , 600 So 18th st , north St. JlarjJjB live , up stairs. OH llKNT-Ntcoly furnished front room 3 blocks south of the Opora.Housol41f > Jonos. i 318 FOH HENT-Nlcoly furnjshod rooms. 22.27 Dodge st. all modern Improvoinonta. 817 FOR SALE HOTj4ES LOTS. J F.HAMMOND , Heal Estate , 117 S. ICth St. . flrst door north of Dottirlas. Iflth and Dorcas , oor IKiUOLIImp . (13,200 10th and U. & . M. trnoK , partWof 2 lots. . . . 4,5' 0 l th st. near Jackson , 2 lots 100x100 . 45,000 HUH near Center , 30x175 , M cash . 2.7UO 17th near Hickory , 2 lots U'xl25. ) Imp . 10,500 IRth St. lot In blocK 14,64x12.1 ; 750 cash. . . . 2,650 181 list , near Hnrney , 4t foot * rtst front. . . . 7,700 19th at near Harney , 407-10x 10 doup . 10,000 "V\7UHAVK the flno t roildDnco property In TV Idlowild for oalo cheap , ? It will pay those that Intend to get a nlco hortfo this spring to ( TO and see this elegant place. Lawrence ft Seydol , 218 N. 18th St. ' 937-17 _ _ FINE lots In Morsman Park , $2,000 , Fine east front , $2.760. Fmo corner and Insldo on Davenport and Thirty-second avenue , for $8,500. M cash , onl- anco to suit. This Is the choicest , property In West Knd , commanding a magnificent vlow , and is worthy your attention. Lot 71 , block 210. olty. 88x133. on Hurt near 2othwlth two cottages that rent for $30 per month each , $10,000. ! 4 casa , balnnoo 1 , Sana 3 years. 34 feet on Saunders st , with small house that rents for 910 month , 93,500 ; $2,500 cash , balance Lols'io and 20 , In block 2 , Drake's addition. * LotfJo. 21 , in block 49 , city , 93,600 cash , bal ance tosult.t5.000. 40 feet on lUth street at $ XX ) foot. Come and sto mo about tboso. GoorgoM. Cooper , room 3 , Arlington block. 053 | 8 100x120. on Ohio and 29th streets , fronts north nnd east , a bargain at 92.50U , fl.COJ cash. Hughes & Henry , 1609 Farnam. KNDALL'S ADDITION-LotS 9700 to $1,050. M to K cash for a few days. D. Kendall. owner , s. w. cor. 17th and Callfonlasts ; 993 21 TI7F.8T OMAHA Corner 58x155 , cast front > \ nearLcftvcnwnrth , $2,600 , or with adjoin- in ? lot sumo size , $ t , X > . Terms easy. 925 Gregory ft Hiidloy. FOH BALE Nino-room hotis corner 22nd and Miami streets. For gale or trade the best farm , also unimproved land on the B. ft M. H. H. In Custer county , N. U. Adams , corner SSnd and Miami streets. M.V20 * FOH SALE 5 room cottngo with lot 34-H0 and alloy , Millard ft Caldwoll'a add. , just oil Sherman avo. 9I.MM. J. L. HlceftCo. 853 BARGAIN South front on Sowsnl St. , Bhinn's3 < l add. , only 91,700. F. D. Tanner ft Co.,1015 Howard at. 05817 FOSTER'S ADD-Dandy corner JS.'JOO. 925 Gregory ft Hndloy. F OH SALE Desirable residence property on Capitol Hill. Inquire 2222 Davenport st. LEAVRNWORTII ST-South front in West Omnha for9tBOO , also south front In Me- Connnck's 3d add for 91 00. U3. Grogpry ft Hadloy. CIIAS , E. HUHMESTER.4I4 South 15th St.ha for snle s 44ft line business property on Farnam St. , one of thotlnost N w corners , on Farnam it , 6)1x13-3 ) ft. 2 elegant lots In Mayno place. 5 lots InSuundora & Illmobnuglil addition , cheap , for * few day * only. 2 lots in Kilby pUoe. 5 lots In Jerome park. 2 lots In Highland place. 1 line lot In Improvement addition. Lots in Centra ! Park nnd Oak hill. 6 mom collage and lot In Tliornells add. , n bargain. 10 room house and lot on nlirornlnstroi3t , all modern conveniences. 87U-10 C"i HEAT 310 acres 4 mile * from city limits ; t ono of tbo best dairy forms In the world : gooil house , woll. spring , 6cre orchard and fruit of till kinds , 00 par ucresY 1 net o near tit Marys nvc wul make 0 good lots that will readily soil for t2.nMcuuh , only 90,000. Active lloal Estnto nnd lV > orty Exchange , lf > 24 Dodge at. HIH 16 LI BT your property witu i * ir you wnnt It sold , for we moan hufmcss , Pierre Si Sopors , Room ' > Arlington 111 % B.I2 "TOllN ( ALLAGllKHil7 : % ut 13th st. Aero J property , lots all parts < 9Dhe city. Choice ! lots in Haiiscom Pluco. House , 0 rooms , lot OO.iSO , location unaurpussod ; 95,200. FOH SALE Cheap , nlco largo lot , flvo dollais per month. Call at 10ljgl5tli { | st. 830 18 * FOH SALE fl lots In Thoroliurg I'luco. 4,500 , 120 feet on Saunders at.u r front foot 75 1 , corner Elovunwonh and Seventh. 21,000 60x132 , oornor Klovonth andl'Blirbtb ' . 35OOJ 44x132 onTonth near Howuofa. . 18,000 eaxl32on Jones near 15th- . , , . 17,000 Twolots , Reservoir addition ( lioth ) . 2 xnMO ! 'l"wo iota on State st , Omaha View . 3,000 ) South front lot. Loavenworth st . 801 House of U-toomsonMth at . 4,200 House of 5-rooms , 2 lull lots . i'.aw East front lot , Ktlbv Placw . 900 ) Flno lot In Bedford Place . TOO Housoof 4-rooms , Codarst . 1 00 & lots in Hanscora Place. 60x132 foot on 12th st. . K cash . 2,000 Lot In Ambler Place , 9100 cash . 7CU 80x120 on Haundora St. , near Lake . 7 , 75x120 on Saundor * St. , Improved . IH H. W Huntreia. 1600 Furnam st 83' ' ) U * FOR BALK Lot cor. 21st and Locust , MX 1 03 91,850 , 9850 cash , balance In & years. Lot 6 block 193 Omaha , 68x132 , with 2 bouses , $9.00) . H cash , balance 3 years , Two lots Kount7o3d add , $ /l,100. House 11 rooms and lot 60x160 , Hanscom > Place , 94,590 , 92UOO cush , balance to suit Currio ft Yollura. Exposition Building. 10113 _ K LOTS at 9375 per lot , M mile from Ham- J mood's Packing Houso. within 2 blocks mof the new depot , 1-frcasb , balance 910 per month. K. F. Moretrty , owner , 132U Douglas. M HOtlSES LotsFarmsLanils-monny loano 1 , llemls' city maps , .5x7 feet , $3.50 each , llemls , room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. 15th and Fnrnam sis. 87 s [ PIUNO VALLEf , Our new addition , Aore < $ .K3to | ( OJ par acri. Nonr Houtb Omaha , And Sydlcate H1IU Uarahatl ft txibook , 103 1WJ Farn im. s PECIAL nnrgnlns for one wcok only by _ Swan 4 Co. , 11131 Dodgosu Corner on IXtli and Douglas , Corner on l.'th , biggest bargain offoroJ. Corner on 10th and Davenport. 13 lota in Highland park. & acres In llarker's sub. 2 very cheap lots In Kondal's add. n Ona farms to trade for Omaha property. For prices on above call at our ofilou , S b cor ner 18th and Dodge. 700 HOUSES Lots , Kiirmi , Land * -monoy loaned. llemls * otty mapi , 5x7 foot , 92.M eaoh. Demli , room 5 , Darker block , S. w. cor. 15th and Farnam s , _ litl A. BLOMAN , Heal Estate Hrokor , 15U Farnurn Street. Kurttam street , oor. 18thedxl8J , H cash. 9 60,039 Karnamst , noir 14th , ZJim , improved. . aOoO Parnam st , near 18th.44xl33 , Improved. . 22,000 rarnamst.near20th 'xl32very oh ap , 7,000 K rn mst.noariWtb.UBxxlJ3 . 81,01X1 Parnam BL , oor. 31st St. , 130x132 , south _ and east front . 17,000 Rarnam st. cor.4uth , 05x132 , s and B front A.UU9 Karoam st cor. list , 4H.1131 , and e trout a.CUO Farnnmst.cor.42d.44xit2 ; , and w front itKW ( Harney st. near iath,22x fl . tf.noo Hsrncyst. nearl.lth , 33x132 Improved. . . 20,000 Harneyst. nuar 20th , 174x170 , Improved. , 85.000 Hanicy at. IloJIok's Urovo. 41x132 . 1,600 Douglas st near 12th , 44x1,1. , Improved. . 35.000 Douglas st. near 13th , 2'xllU , H Interest. 9,500 Douif Inset , near 23d , AJxl32 . 7,500 Douglasst. near 23d,6 xl3 . 8.000 Dodgest. near 29th , Mxl52H . 2.800 Dodge st. near 23th. 40x137 , Unproved. . . 3,000 Jackson at. oor. 14th , MX IM , improved. . 6,000 Jnckson st. near IMh , BoxlS. , Improved , 10,000 Joneast.oor.15th , Mxl'B . W.OOJ Loavonworth st cor. 81st , 132x111 , ita < . proved . 18,600 Lnavonnrorth St. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Itn- craved . U.OOO 18th st. opp , M. P. and llolt Line dopot. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 14th gt.lra'o'kago'.Padiioo'it'piac'i'iBxIl'a' . J OD Park hvo.oppr pork. 50x150 ; . . 1-800 ( leorgla avo. near Mt. Pleasant. 60x100. . 3,800 20th at , near Dorcas , lOOxluo , Improved. . 4 , 00 20th st near Douglas , 3Jj08 , Imoroved. . B.UOO 15thpt.oor.Martlm,69il3 ! , improved. . . 4.W. ) 2 th st. oor. Howard , ( WxlZO , 9 housos. . . . 4.WW riorco near anh , 00 foot front , i streets. 6fvo Hamilton st. near Belt line. Improved. . . 1WK ) 41st t. Just off Farnam , tSxl32 , o front. . I.eOlt a * > th t. , nonr Davenport. 100x1 J9 . 2,200 S ardneariotb : , 60x157 . 1,150 10th st , near Castollnr , 135 feet front. . . . 4.AOO 8th st. near Martha , 61x151. corner . 1,000 Ilitrdetlest , near 28th , 60x132 , on car line 1,000 Hurt st , nour Lowoave. 611.2x137 . 1,100 2'ith , cor , Popploton. OlxluO. Improved. . 4.60D Davenport , near 24th. 64 l-3xl32.lmprovod 4,000 Chicago , corner 24th , 88x133 , Improved. . 8,000 28th , near Popploton , 5oxl27 < Improved. , 8.000 Orchard Hlll/lots 7M to . 1,000 Ilrown P ik , lots 1 500 to . 830 Iledford Pliico , lota (850 to . 000 Highland Pars , lots each-cash $ .63. . 23(1 ( Wakoly add. lets 57x150. each . ,400 25 acres near Fort Oranha.nnely Inprovod 11,0(10 ( Webster st , near 18th , 33x132 , Improved. o OO Center st , 60xl'l2. Improved . 1,200 Virginia ave , near Hiotorv , 60x150 . l.fiOO Farnam st , near 3th , 67x133 . 8/MO Nlobolns st , corner. MxW. , track In alloy 4,200 Park ave , facing Park , 50x150 . 4,000 S 16th st , near viaduct , 40x103 . 6,003 SulphurSprlngs add. Just opp. 16th st , 50 XI24. . . . . . . . . . . . * ,000 Loavenwortb st , near Belt Line , 100x127. . > < x > SHINN'S ADD South f rent on Dlondostroot with north front on Vatcs st , a ulco double header for 91,400 , 9500 cash. , Gregory & Radley. 925 nooms 1 and 3 Itedlck HlK , 320 S. 16th St. KBNDALL'8 ADDITION Fronts east on Saunder's St. , next south of Delt Lino. I am willing to soil 20 or 30 of theao lots very cheap on H to H cash down. If they oan be gold within ono or two weeks. D. Kendull. owner , s. w. cor. 17th and California sts. 092 81 LBAVF.NWOHTH 8TKEK11 Wo have 144 feet on Lenvonworth street corner-oust of " 6tb street'Improvements , renting for $80 per month. Improvements do not with ouslnoss front. The very best property on the street : about on grade. Wo can sell this for n few days loss thnn value and at a price that Is bound to return purchaser n handsome In terest on Investment. Loavenworth street Is the coming street. We also have 133 feet square corner on Lorvonworth that will moke Invnstor $5,000 before August 1. M. A. Upton 4 Co , 150U Farnam. Telephone 73. 620 20 "T L. RICE ft COaro solo agents for the fol- U lowing special bargains : LotSUlse-H' acre tract covered with beautiful niaplo trees , positively the finest sin gle aero In Omaba , $8,600. Lot 6 ( Uses' add. another flno acre , very cbolco , nnd cnoap at 95,600. Lots 13and 14 Blk0 Parker saddextra choice , 6 splendid lots loft fronting on Lake st run ning through from street to street , 92,200 to 92,1(00 oach. Lots 6 and 8 Davenport's sub , being 87-foot corner on Saunders st , opp Kountzo Place , fronton Sherman ave and paved st , . , jor foot Lot 5 Washington Square add , south fron off pavodstreet , $3,000 , worth 93'ioo. Lol S blk 6 Shlnn's 1st add , being 83 foot 9 inches front on Saunders st. , cor. alley , 9150 POLot ° 30blkl Patrick's 1st add. . 61x120 , 91.750. Ix > t 1 blk 1 Patrick's 1st add , 03x120 , corner , Lota' 3 und 3 blk 7 Patrick's 1st , 80 foot front on Suundors st , , with improvements worth 91.500,97.600. Lots loblk3 Institute Plaoo , $450 eaoh for the bunch. Lot 4 blk n Suull'a Zd add , 92,753. Lot 7 blk 17 Hanscom Placo. 9USD. Lot 11 blk 17 Hanscom Place , 9J.IOO. Lot 5 blk IT Hanscom Plaoo , with 8-roora now modern residence , beautiful homo , $8,500. Lots 14 and 15 , blk 7 , Croighton Holghta.on boulevard. 9760 onch. Lots , blk2,0'Nell'isuboornor on Cutnlng Lota 4 and 5. blk 7 , Walnut Hill , with improve ments. 92,000 oach-91,000. Flno lot on 20th st nnd cable line near corner Grace , prlco with Improvements $3.000 , H ncre with 4-room house , well nnd cistern , flue fruit nnd shade trees , n beautiful place In Glso's add , 92,000 , an extra drive. Do not fail tO BOO It Lot 12 , blk 11 ; Plalnvlow ndd , corner , 91,350. Lot 10 , blk 12 , Plulnview add , $1,575. 20 noroa opposite Lon ? Brunch , high and dry , 4 acreschoice inside , $25,000. J. L. Rico ft Co. 076 /FUMING Street , 64x124 , N W cor. Z5th nnd \ J Cumlng.clogant business corn or , and only 9IOCKioto April 1st : then moro. M. A. Upton ft Co , Telephone 73,1509 Fnrnara. 30 20 HOUSKS Lots.Farmi.Lnnds money loaned. Hernia' city maps , 6x7 feet , 93.63 each , llemls , room.7 , Barker block , 8. W. cor. 15tn and Fnrnuin sts. 133 GENUINE BARGAINS-Two corner lots m Burdettocourt , only 4 blocks from Saun- der's street oars. W. M. Bushman , Room 10 , Uushman Rlook , N E cor 18th aad Douglas. HOUSES Lots.Farms.Linds money loaned , llomls' city maps , 5x7 foot , 94.50 each. Bomls , room 3 , Burker block , S. W. cor. 15th BiidFarnnm sts. 387 OOWLI NcTailEEN. Blocks 17 to3i , the boat part of Bowling Greon. The cheapest property on the market. H mile from Benson car lino. 6-ucro lots per acre ? . " > o. "Vt itcro IO'R per aero $ i"A Aero lots $ ( M.I. Lots 58x127 on Hamilton street 9175 to $2Ti for corners. Full commission to agent * , ( lot plats. Marshall ft Lobeck , No. 1509 Furiiam. ToloplionoTO. 101 GREAT Bargains in real ostnto 41ttonIInrnoyst , botwoon6th nnd nth sts $ : , ooo. 30 foot on Cumins street near 22d , cheap at $0,000. IM foot on 15th street near Loavowortb , 910.500. Corner St. Mary's nve and Jackgon. JS7OOa present rental $2,800 nor yoar. coa feet frontal on St. Mary's nvo , a special bargain for u few days. 33 foot on Howard near 15th , a bargain at $14.000. Corner on Jackson and 18th , 935,000. 00 feet front on 18th street in Horbachs 1st add , very choap. stt GO foot east front on 16th above Nicholas st : 9125 per front foot 2 corner lots In Klrkwood 00x140 feet , each $1,000.9503 cash each. Tbcso are rare bargains nnd will not lust. 25 beautiful lots In Orchard Hill from 9760 to $1.000 onch. Finest lot In Hanscom Place , 93,509. Klegntit corner , 100x150 In Hnnscom Place with new 7 room house , all modern Improve ments , WfW. A bargain. ory Cholco South front lot In Oraahn View , very cheap. 1700. ryt 76x127 feet south front , near Hamilton street ! , very choice , 93,700. Wo have a large llt ot Improved and unim proved property In B. V. Smith's , Parker's , Bhmn's , Nelson's , Fairmont Place , Plalnvlew , Klrkwood , Bedford Place. Lowi.'s Park Place : , Walnut Hill , Snundors ft Hlmvbaugh's , Pot- tor's. Clark's. Credit Fonclor , 8. K. Rogers and South Omaha. Call und see us. Wright ft Lasbury , 107 SO Under Paxton Hotel. LET us show you some good property In Omaha Vlow , < Uxl3) feet , a corner with t houses , 1 of 7 rooms. 1 of 3 rooms , Lawrence ft Bcydol. 313 N'ICth t 037-17 O. 8WBNSON * ca-1404 Parnam street , . BQOIO 16 , dealers In real estate sad west ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on monthly pa/meat BLUNT * IMPRV.Hrnl Estnto tlrokers , cor. Douglas and l th sts. 3d Qoort room 0 | telephone 479. _ . Those Are Bargains. Now List. California * t ncnr 23J , 8txl32 , t 10-room houses , 1 doulilo homo In roar , small Imrn , rent to pay 12 per cent Interest , which CAU be lu- crmsod to 15iuroont | : $8,000 , 4 cash , Cnllfurnln nour 20th , n corner , 132x1.17 , S 1)011309.1''O.OOO ) , 1-3 cash , Not ninny like tills loft , Cixllfornla nenr lfit.i , full lot , Improved. 915,000 , 1-3 cnMi. This will Incronso In vnluo. ParkateW6'4Xt4S4. ' with 2 house , $ l3,0t > ) ; will ruinuvo houses unit sail nt f iO.OJO , or will null separately with iinf desired frontsgo. Lot Is nn on l front , Just south of Loavonworth. A good Investment. N. SMth , eiwt front , CO-ft lot , 9 hou oinnd2 bnrn .riiiitat $800 par your , f 5,500. Who can beat ttilp ? vt nlnut Hill , ncorner on Nicholas , rood house with city water. 32,700. Mlowiul. tull kit , Cno re ldonoo , 9 rooms , with b rn , $ . " > , : 00. This would tin clump nt f.l.tMO. Georgia avo. houso8 roomsmodern Improve ments , KOod barn , 17,000 , Zdth Hour 1'opploton , new houio , 0 rooms , burn , 94,200 , terms onsy. totb south nt Leavonworth , full lot , 5 room cottage , paved street , 95.000. Hlmobatiiih's , H4 . 50 , house R rooms , a tils- tntico from town but cheap at $3,750. . Lowo's , bouso 3 rooms , stable , good at $1,200 , 1-8 cash. A flno corner lot on Fnrnatn , with two houses see this and contrast with other properties In the street : it Is worth moro money , lUt for sole now nt 990,000 : very easy tiirms. I'oppleton nvonuo , south front , full lot , o- room house , barn , trees , a pretty home , 94,030 , 91.000 cash * 12nd and Nicholas , 132x133. with S houses , 91R.OOO ; 1-3 cub. Douglas , south front , double house , trnmo , 10 rooms each side , stable , 91000 , will rent to par 13 percent. 5 business lots In South Omaba , each 1300. lledtord Place , all prices , oan quota bargains. Hickory Place , 2 lots , ench 91,500 , cheap. Hanscom Place , a lonir list ; can suit all purses and give choice of location. Georgia avenue , 975 per foot : 9100 refused for adjoining tract no bettor than tbU. 100 feet on Fnrnnra at a bargain. Orchard Hill , 9760 to 91,500. Have somecholoo ° KilbrPlnco , one of the bolt lots. 91,500. Some choice acre property. Are forming syndicate to purchase. Boo u about this. Blunt ft Impy. N. W. cor. 14th and Douglas , orer Fuller's drug storo. 788 IT /CHEAPEST acre property In the market , 34. \J or 6 acres In Hoiifleld , on Main road , INK ) nor acre. Nothing ulse In the neighborhood for less than fnoo. Qood for Hardening or plaiting. Wallace , Crfllghton block. MS-IT HOUSK3-LOWFarmsbands-money loaned , nomls' olty maps , Az7 feet , 93.69 eaoh. 3 , Barker block , 9. W. oor. 15th and far n am sts. 28T A HOOM house and lot In Isaac ft Sheldon's ad- tt dttlon ; only 93,200,9500 onah. balance month ly. Ono of the finest lots In Omaha View , 9I.10J. O. Swonson * Co. , 14W Farnam st room 15. U89 18 * J0X140 ' ON 17TH ST. , only H block from Nicholas St. . prlco 94,000. This Is the cheapest lot In the north part of the olty. Hughes At Henry , 16OT Farnain gt. 045-17 FOH SALE In large orsmall lots Held seeds , timothy , little rod and mammoth clover , Oornian and common mlllott seeds. I warrant this seed all raised In Butler county , Neb. , and new. pure and clean sood. Write to W. G. Oos- ton. David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 a8 fTIOR SALE On easy terms , some choice lots -I ? In Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post- office. P. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Boom fl.Kedlok Block. 182 81 * THK best Investment OB Hamilton street , two lots In Orchard Hill , fronting on Hamilton , just west of Lowe avenue , and eaoh lot 60x181 foot , good business property , only 93.000 for both. Wallace , Crolghton block. 0R4-1T /CHEAPEST acre property In the market , 2H \J or 6 acres In lionlleld. on Main road , 9500 per acre. Nothing else in the neighborhood for loss thnn $ ( KH ) . Good for gardening or platting. Wallace , Crolgnton block. W6-1T B EST LIST of Har.scom Place property In the city. F , D. Tanner ft Co. , 1815 Howard. F OH SALB-Flne corner lot In Ambler Place , 91,000. J. L. Hlce ft Co. 852 RESIDENCE LOTS ! Kountzo Place , 26 lots - 91,700 to 93.300 Honscotn Place , 25 lots - - 91.350 to 91,600 J. I. Hodlck'SBUb-dlV.,3 lots 93,750 to 94.500 Smith Park,4 lots - - - 92.700 to 93.100 JoromoPark , 10 lots 91,800 to 2,000 Urenmm Place , 13 lots - - - 91,509 to 93,000 Orchard Hill , 60 lots - 9 800to9l,100 Foster's add , B lots * - 92.200 to 92.600 Hoos' Place - . . . 93,760 Millard Place - - - 94.500 Also Improved nnd unimproved roaldonoo property In all partsof thoclty. A7U. Comstock , lloom 10 , Crolghton Block. 805. SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is Insldo South Omaha property , Tboo Olsen or Jas Vore , owners , HI * 815th st , 2d floor be tween Fnrnam and llarnoy. 264 al BIO BAHGAIN One hundred feet front on South Eleventh st corner lot , only $6,000. Fart on time , V. L. Vodlcka , 620 South 13th st 034 100x120. on Ohio and 29th streets , V./ fronts north and east , a bargain at 93,600 , 91,000 cash. Hughes ft Henry , 1509 Faruam. W1SB ft PARMELB , 1503 Farnam st. Offer thosdbargains to-day : 1 oornor Goorirla are. and Dupont 91,309. 7 Orchard hill , choice lots each 9H5U. House and 2 lots. Saunders ft Hlmebaagh'a add. to Walnut hill 92,800. 90 Finest lots In Cloverdalo , bargains. Fine lots in Kllby place , cheap. Flnel 1-2 lot John I Hodlok's Sub-division. Scbolco lots In Maynos add. , each 9590. Zoholce lots Fatrmount place. 1 aero best In Belvedere , bargain 9S33. 2 lota Jotter's addition , eaoh 9701. 6 lots Mt. Douglas , oaob 9550. 2 lots South Ex. place , each 9603. 8 Brown Park , bargains each 9609. 24 lots choice In Yatej ft Hompol's addition. 10 aoros ( mile south of Harris ft Patterson's annex , extra nloo , cheap and easy terms. A nno list of western lands for sale , or trade for Omaha proporty. . _ . _ . . . 400 aoros highly improved , Baunders Co. , sale or trade. 115 feet front on 18th street , Last , not least , oornor on Farnam 9 * ,031 and many others , 1609 Farnam , Wise aad Parmele. o77 CHEAPEST acre property in tbomarke - , . Vor 6 acres In Bonflold , on Main road , 9600 per acre. Nothing else in the neighborhood for less thin $600. Good for gardening or platting. Wallajft , Creighton block. 065-17 INSIDE PROPERTY Wo have some good In sldo property at a bargain , Fierce ft Hog- ers , 1511 Dodge street. 830 riMlE best Investment on Hamilton street , two JL lots In Orohurd Hill , fronting on Hamilton , just west of Lowe avenue , nnd onch lot 60x161 feet , good business property , only 93,000 for both. Wallace , Crolghton block. 004-17 HOUSRS Lots.Farms , Lands-money loaned. Bomls' city ranps , 6x7 foot , 92.50 each. lie mis , no ID 3 Barker blook , B. W. cor. 15th and Farnam. 123 _ OUGLAS BT.-22xl.j2 , 44 feet east of northeast - east corner 14th and Douglas : Improve ments ranting 975 per month. Choice business location ; 9I000 , 1-3 cash ; worth 91.000 per front foot. M. A. Upton ft Co , 1609 Farnam. Telephone 73. 623 20 A 100 cash will gf euro 100 acres of flrst class 3) farming land in custom Nebraska balance very long time nnd no taxes for 20 years. The O. F. Davis company , 1605 Fnrnam Bt ; tK4 ! a 15 BARGAINS 140 fnet on Plorco by 08on 19th st , with B houses , only 91)iOQ ( , the 60x109 on Harnoy , west of 20th st , with two- Btory house , rents $10 a month , < 9,000. Ulxl2t ) , fronts on two strents. tlnest resldonco property In the city , east and west front , 6r > oo. 60 feet fronton llth at , 2 blocks south ot via duct , with two good hoiixos , east front , fii.noo , iiu : foot corner Furnam and ilUt fit , $17,00' ' ) . 60 feet llarnoy , nour 20th ave , south front , beautiful location , M.W ) . Corrior , Virginia nvo and Hull st , 123x101 , on jjrudo , $ ' . ( ,000. . ' , fronting ort Cumlag nud Hurt sts ,5 houses. $15,000. 5S fool fitint on Farnam , with 2 slorus and n resldonco ; brlntrs 12 per cent on Investments. 31x132 , Cuss st. between 14th and 15th , with 7-rooin house , $ I'UO. thm Full lot , " 1st st south of Loavonworth , 7-room bouse , naru nud ail modern Improvements , 91.500 Corner , Burt and 18th st , with 0-room house , Lots in alt auditions chonp. 927 8. KaUftt'o.,1611 I /1HEAPEST aore property In the market. SK W or&'acresln Bonfluld , on , $ 'iOO per acre. Nothing else In tbo neighborhood for lots than $000. Good for gardening or platting. WiUlaco , Crolghton block. 965-17 _ " MAGNIFICENT now Oroom vcsldnnco , 19th St. , near Paul. Prlco $5,200 ; 92. ono caiih , 91,300 m 1 year , balance in 34 years Gilt-edge bargain. J.F. Hammond , 117 8. Ittth st. lull. 400I10ICI5 LOTS-Koiidall's addition , front Ing Saunders Bt. south ! of Bull Hall way D. Kendall , owner , s. w. cor. 17th and Call fornla sts. 092 21 _ -Js ? > OR 8 A LB-4 room house , 9100 , S23 Clark Bt. - bet St. Mary's ave and Howard. 2&0-17 * COKNBR-IOUxlVi , on Ohio andS9th streets , fronts north and oasta bargain at 93,600 , 91,000 cath. Hughes ft Henry , 1509 Farnum. 00X140 ON 17TH ST. , only K block from Nicholas st , price 94.000. This Is the cheapest lot Iu tha north part of tbo city , Hughes ft Hoary , 120) Faroam st. 945 17 THK host Investment on Hamilton strdrt , tw lots in Orchard Hill , fronting on llntnll on. just west Of I/owo avouuo , and onch lot IMx'M ' feet , good business property , only 93.OO lor both. Wnllaco , Crolglilon block. MI-17 IJIOUH LOTS In lloiorvolr add. , $1.0dT eno'.i ' -L' K D. Tanner ft Co. , 1015 Howard st. rplll'.bcftt Investment on Hamilton struet. ti o -L lots lit Orchard Hill , fronting on llamllto < > just west of Lo\\o avenue , and each lot 6 xlOt feet , good business property , only $3,000 for both. Wallace. Crelgbton block. 904-17 SNAl'-On Leavonworlh St. , 130 feet on Loav- onworth and ICO feet drop on Thornburg st. 91,600,1-3 ca h. J. F. Hammond , 117 8 HUhst. 105 IT OUTHOinatm Park and Hammond Inside South Omnhn property. Tlieo Oli or Jos Voro , owners , 314 8 15th St. , Sd floor twcon I'armim andllaruoy. )4 1 JNAP-CO foot east front lot on Bellevue st In 5 Blk 2,1st odd to South Omaha , 91.WO. 025 Gregory ft Hadloy. F BALK Onn of the best corner lots ! - Omaha. Ho.o Is 97 000 of a bargain. Ap ply to Frank F. Williams & Co. , Ifitli and Chicago cage sts. , rear Donglas Co. bank , W718. HOUSES Lott.Jarms , Landstnonoy loanod. florals' city maps , 6x7 foot , 91.60 each. Bemls , room S , Barker block , B. W , cor. 15th nndFarnamsts. 887 " AN8COM Plao . lot 16 In block 0 , 9Z.400 , half cash , balanon I , S and 8 yean. 475 Gregory ft Iladloy. 3 * ) 8.15th at , LOT 19 , In block O.Hansoom plaoe.han Jsomost lot on Delaware st , 93,200 If taken soon. Knewold ft Barrett. 814K B. 16th st 11310 beautiful acres 1 ratio west of Fort Omaha 94ts per aora , M cash , J , F. Hammond t UTBlfithst 105 IT A CHANOI' for Invostraonts. fGibson , Aylesworth ft Bonjnmin. 15i3Fatnamst. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with 8 small houses 3,009 1 lot in Hawthorne , 48x109. cor. 33d nnd Davenport , with 8 room houso.clstorn , well , etc , very easy terms 9,608 1 lot In Hillside Zd add 1.909 1 lot In Hod ford Place , 60x123 795 1 lot In Hltohooak's 1st add , 60x12.1 709 1 lot In Lowe's lstadd.60xl30.wHh bouso 1,759 IK lots In Shlnn's 1st add , 75x12 , Caldwell - well st 3,709 1 lot In Hodlok's ndd , 63x133 , Half How ard st 0,308 3 lots In West 8ld ,60x129 , barn and fruit trees S.109 6-room house nnd lot N. 17th St. , good wetland cistern 6,609 2 lots on Virginia ave , 100x150 , 4-room house , barn , well and cistern , 5OC9 120 ft on 8t Mary's ave , with 2 9-room houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 3),000 40 ft on St. Mary's ave bat , 19th and 30th It,00 Choice lot In Omaha View 008 132 ft on 10th st. nuar Farnam 70,000 2 lots , 00x27 , Lowe'H ndd , 4-room houio , cellar , well and 80-foot barn , price 3,009 838 rpHK best Investment on Hamilton street , two -L lota in Orohurd HlU.'f rontlnir on Hamilton , just west of Late avenue , and onoh lot 60x161 loot , good business property , only 93.0.X > for both. Wallace , Crolgiiton block. 984-17 T OT 10 , block 0 , Hanscom place , for $ tiOO , .U adjoining lots bold at 92flnO. For sale by Enowold ft Barrett. 314 < ( 8. Iflth Bt. IIS HI 60X110 ON 17TH ST. , only Vi Mnok from Nicholas t , prlco 94,000. This Is the cheapest lot In the north part of the olty. Hughes & Henry , 1603 Farnam btC4S-1T3 /CHEAPEST aero property In the market , , \J or 6 acres In Ilonnold , on Main roadMJ ) per noro. Nothing else In the neighborhood for loss than $800. Good for gardonlngor platting. Wnllaco , Crelghton block. BOa-lT block 9 , Hanscom Plaos , Gregory ft Hadloy. 320 8 16th st 668 PATRICK'S ADD-Cornor lot 55x131 with small double bouse on roar of same rentins for 930 per month , leaving corner 65x100 va cant , nil for $3,000 , ono-thlrd cash. The other snap In Patrick corners lins been sold and you must call at once to secure this ono. Gregory ft Hadloy , 028 Booms 1 and 3 Itedlck Blk , 320 8. 16th St. TT10H SALE OR THADE-Tfo own MVorU -I- thousand aero * , of choice South Dakota farming Und which we will soil or trade for Omaha proporty. We want to soil and offer our land at bottom prices. Wright ft Lnsbury. cor. under Paxton hotel. 108 < k4OiK ) ' will buy a nloo 7-room house with lot on * Virginia nvenuo half block from strent oars. Hard and soft water , gas , etc. , oto. 92.COO cash and possession in n very short time. Call on Shaw ft Co , 610 816th st 869 I HAVR 5 lots In Albright's Cholco which U my personal property. 1 will to soil for 917.1 nor lot : 1-5 cash on onoh lot , bal. 910 per month. Those lota are high nnd level , adjoin ing the Annex. E. F. Moreartv , nt Onto City Real Estate Office , 1320 Douglas. 857 T710R BALE BySholos ft Crumb , 1400 Farnam -C street , opposite Puxton hotel. 04x128 feet , Clark's add $5,000 64x128 ifeet , Clark's add , , fronts on two streets KnOO 55x134 . 6,608 00x13' ) feet , Sounders st , fronts two streets 7,000 B lots. Foster's add $1,000 to 2,41)9 ) Blots , JoromoPaik 2,750 to 8,008 40 lots , Hanscom Place 1,700 to 4.000 6 lots , Lowe's add 1,050 to 1,160 8 lots , A. S. Patrick's add 1,350 to 1,600 10 low , Kllby Place 900 to 1,600 114 feet on Loavonworth stroot. . . 8,008 4 lots , MoCormlok's 2nd ndd 1,009 0 lots , Housol ft Stebbms 1,909 to 2.000 Blots , Dwlght ft Lyinan'sadd. . . 800 to 909 Blots UtloaPlnoe 1,80)to l.VO 8 lots , Ambler Place 000 to 1,000 3 lots , Hillside No. 2 8,100 to 2JWf 20 lots , Orchard Hill 750 to 1,109 Shales ft Crumb , 1400 Farnara stroot. Opposite Paxton. 091-30 WO of the finest lots in Kllby Plaoo , 91,009 each for a few days. Enewold ft Barrett. AMES. No. 1607 Farnam st This list may help you to find a desirable house or n good lot to build on. 390 House , corner lot 00x174 , Hamilton st. 8. front , $0,76C. 395 0 houses rent for $54 | oornor lot on car line , $7,600. 893 House 7 rooms , Montana St. , M lot , 93,850 , 383 House i rooms , 163 60x130 , Sbtnn's ndd , (2,100. 887 House 4 rooms , well-built , Lowe's add. full lot , $2.000. 834 House 7 rooms , now house , Walnut Hill , 93/iOO. 382 House 8 rooms Hansoom stfftco , full lot , $4,000. 381 Hotmail rooms , modern , barn , &o , , full lot on Georgia nvo , JillCOO. 879 House 10 rooms , small lot , rimls 960 , 90tk 378 Ho'uie 12 rooms full lot. east front , 70x140 , modern , good viUue , 31st St , 99,00(1. ( 377 House IS rooms , modern , California st , K lot , 9'VWO. 87ft House 3 rooms 2 stores , Arbor place , 91,009 875 House 8 rooms , brlcx , fill lot , corner , Hhlnn's add , $4,800. 331 House 0 rooms , modern , lot 60x310. east front , 19th St. , near St. Mary's avo. , 99,000. 393 House 0 rooms , modern , with 3 full lots , Whenton st. , 910.000. 391 House , now , 10 rooms , nil modern , Califor nia St. , ffl.CM. 389 Modern 14 room house , east front , Park ave. . full lot , 917.000. 330 House T rooms , flno shrubbery , 3 full lots , 90,000. 885 House , 9 rooms , modern , full lot , ITanscora Place , $0OtX ) . 874 House , 7 rooms , now , good barn , full lot , nonr Hnnscom park , 93,300. 373 On Hurt st.u modern house of 10.rooms In perfect order ; full lot , south front , good bnrn , 99,000. 3C9 1 acre with good 5-room house , barn , hen bouso in peed locality. 93,1X10. 803 On Nt. Mnry'K nvenuo ; good house , lot 13) foot square , 920.000. 3G7 3 hoiiRoa. rout $40 per month ; lot nnd half , South IHth Htroot. 97,000 , 3M 2 houses , full lot , Chicago btroot , $3,000 , SOI House , 5 rooms , burn ; lot 40x115 ; Arbor Plaoe , 8I , . 353 Houses" : rout $50 per month , North 18th Rtroot , f ,1X ( ) . a54 House , 7 roomf , H lot , on Hamilton st root 11,000. 350 2 houses , rent $45 per mo , lot corner 65x181 , Florae * t. . 96,000. 217 House , (1 ( rooms , xmnll lot on Cuss st , $1,000. Vncant I/otg. 773 6 cho.'co lots on CuraltiK- . together$7,600. 772 Fine lot Wllcox'R ndd , I-JOO. 771 Hiinc'hitiigh I'luco on Ridge avo. , flno lot , 770 Tabor Place , lot , 9I.2W. 703 Aero , ( ieUo'g nfld. $5.000. 2 lot * . Housol ft Stebblns * add , $3,50(1. ( TO4 Choice lot , blk"E , " Lowe's udd , cheap at M. "xcrAonoblo-k west of Park ave , $3,760. 7il Kliui lot iu Hawthorn add , very cheap at 7flS In Mayno Plaeo , lot $1.800. 70) 6.1X1H7 , West Omuha. good location , 91,650. 758 Good lot , llnn'oom Pluco , blk 3 , 9MOO. 759 Engt frontSummit Pluco , near Dodge It , , . 75T Very chnlcn , Lowe uvo , 91,800. ' 'ft Kcst south front in I'urkur'a add for 93.000. 765 Tbo beat south front lot In Clarendon for IW ( ) . 752 llurtet noir Fncrcd Heart 110x174 , very choice. ? 4.r ) . 7(3 ( 1'ark avolWUror7W ) . AliO 103 ft for 98.500. 715 Facing Hanscom park , very cbolco lot ni 9IB > . 747 Choice lot California Bt , 9I.BOO. 7U K V Bmlth's add. 3 lots ciaoh 93,000 739 Lake st corner 20th. 150x128. $ i > ; 3 ; ) . en io it 2 lots State at , 9-'i,000. And Double front lot facing Hamilton st for 91,800. 'V Good lot llunscom place , blk 19 , 91,800. 731 Very choice , Georgia ave near Popploton TIT Very desirable lot on Hamilton st near TM J