Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    J * T . " *
DtllTercd by currier In nnyrmrtof the city at
twenty ceoU per week.
H. W. TILTON , Hanafcr.
BCHHiPsOrrici , No. 43.
NIOIIT Eoiroit No. 25.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring coeds at Relter's , tailor.
George . Thompson &Co. . real estate.
See W. C. Staoy & Co. , No. 0 Main , for
bargains In real estate.
J. W. & K. L. Squires' abstracts arc
giving good satisfaction ,
Fairmount park Is being put in very at
tractive condition for the coming season.
The ladles of the Congregational
church arc preparing an Easter festival.
Miss Ida Wallace last evening enter
tained a small company of her young
All of next week the Stuart company
will oncupy the opera house. They open
with "Hoscdalc. "
Phil Armour yesterday sold three lots
in Crawford's addition on which six
houses will be built at once.
Squire's park addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacilic avenue will bo built up
with store buildings within n.ycur.
The Council 1)1 ) nil's spiritualists propose
to celebrate the 31st as the thirty-ninth
anniversary of their organi/.ation.
It is expected that another story will
be added to the Kiel house this season ,
the hotel being crowded all the time
Dr. Plnney is having his residence
fitted up with all the latest contrivances
and conveniences of a hot and cold water
The case of Ed Adams , charged with
horse stealing , was continued yesterday
until this morning , when it will come up
before Justice Sclmrz.
Swiggart and Pierson , the two old men
who got mad and clawed each other ,
have made up , and gone back to the old
tannery to "bach" it together again.
A Hock Island switchmen named
Moore now mourns the loss of one linger
which was caught in a drawbar while ho
was engaged at work In the yards here.
Two wholesale lumber concerns are
Rrcpariug to move to this eity. When
in lumber begins to arrive the announce
ment will be made and then people can
co for themselves.
The city council is to meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock for a farewell meeting ,
a closing up of the business of the old
council. The new council will meet for
r the llrst time next Monday night.
The funeral of John F Morris yester
day forenoon was very largely attended.
There were nearly one hundred car
riages in the procession which followed
the remains to their last resting place.
The ball in the temple hall last night
under the auspices of the A. O. 11.
proved a happy tinish to St. Patrick's
day. The attendance was very largo ,
and all seemed to enjoy themselves
A letter was received here yesterday
stating that W. H. Cox , u sub-contractor
on the Colorado & "Western railroad ,
under J. J. Drown , of this city , had been
shot by , one of his men and mortally
Conrad Geiso recently wont toKinglny ,
Kan. , to start ti cattle ranch , and now
comes the news that a prairie lire swept
over the ground destroying most of his
persona ] ell'ects. The loss will reach into
the hundreds ,
A delegation from near Weston ycstcr-
dr.y took out their citizen papers. They
were Christian Anderson , Lars Christian
Thompson , Martin Nelson , Lars Chris
tian Larison , Carl Christian Peterson-
all Christians but ono.
P. C. Miller is putting a dome into his
store , both to secure more light and to
afford an opportunity to display his ar
tistic work. Ho is very skillful as a dec
orator. He will soon nave the satisfac
tion ot knowing that ho has the only
dome in the city.
Deputy Sheriff O'Neill , who has just re
turned from Ft. Madison , says that the
notorious Polk Wells Is now engaged
there knitting stockings. Rather an
cilominatG occupation for ono who has
been so bloodthirsty and ferocious. Wells
is running ono of the knitting machines ,
and makes about thirty pairs a day.
A colored boy named Wilson was a
short time ago sentenced to nine months
in the county jail for the larceny of an
overcoat from L. C. Daldwin's residence ,
the coat belonging * to Mr. Beers. The
boy is suffering from consumption , and
it Is predicted that ho will not live out his
ontcnce if kept confined. An effort is
being made to secure his release on this
account , and the authorities rather favor
the move for his release.
A fellow , giving his name as Brown ,
who has just served a term in jail for
stealing a pair of gloves , was no sooner
released than ho began looking about for
some fresh opportunity. Captain Ander
son noticed the fellow watching for a
chance to steal a pair of shoes from the
bankrupt store on Main street , and after
satisfying himself that the tcllow was
crooked , ho ran him in. Ho was yester
day given a chance to leave the city , and
bo apparently has improved it.
Complaint is made by the residents in
the neighborhood of > ourth avenue be
tween Ninth and Eleventh streets that
horses are allowed to roam about the
street and cut up the parking. It seems
that the owners of the horses in the barn
on the corner of Fourth avenue and
Tenth street allow their horses out night
and morning and much damage is done
thereby. The authorities should put a
top to this immediately and the owners
made to pay the damages.
Ono of the prominent soldiers of the
Salvation Army was in Mike Nolan's .
aloon giving some earnest advice , nnrt
trying to make the boys change for a
better life , when Mike Improved'the op
portunity uf swapping huts with him.
Hike with the Salvation Army cap skip
ped out , and went the rounds , making
neighborly calls on his follow saloonists ,
who were surprised to see Mike in the
uniform of a Salvationist. Those who
did not know Mike were shocked to see a
tan with a' Salvation Army hat on set-
tint : up drinks for the boys.
Now goods will arrive to-day at Hark-
ness Brothers.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
very form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of
chattel securities at one-
all their former rates. See them before
miring your loans.
Dr. Manchett , office No , 13 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
ho. 10.
Nothing New About Irvln.
The mystery concerning the death ol
the unfortunate Irvin continues to bo
deep und dark. 10U
The police have been !
liuntipg , but no additional light has been
pained to that given in yesterday's BKK ,
The theory soemv to grow stronger thai
the man was drugged , slugged or id
outright , before ho was run over by le
cars. The brothers are expected back
hero to continue the search for evidence
* a regard to the matter.
Wo guarantee the Quick Meal ( Jueoliiu
Itovc , 8 < jaHil I'Mulu street.
Thrown in Jail By a Wife With Whom Ho
Never Lived.
The III lifts' flctnarknblo Fire Itecord
lilvely Experience With Fout-
patlH on Broadway Why the
Police Quit MiutufActur *
I nut Sensations.
Liovnd Two or Three Well.
There is behind the bars nt the oily jail
a .young Swede , almost a boy , who is
bookcit for.adultery on complaint of his
wife. He has scarcely reached his ma
jority , and yet his matrimonial life seems
to have been very thorny. Last July ,
when in his twentieth year , ho was mar
ried by Justice Schurz to a girl , Anna
Hunscu , three years his senior. The
mnrringG wns not of his own seeking.
He hail been going with the girl , but was
not ready to murry. She wus , however ,
nnd as she realized the approaching re
sponsibility of motherhood , she insisted
that thn young man should bear the re
sponsibility of a father. Kuthcr than
have greater trouble , he tit last con
sented , nnd the ceremony wns per
formed. He declined to live with his
bride , nnd .she scorned not to bo anxious
to have him. A short time ago nn
arrangement wns made between them
by which she wns to procure n divorce.
Ho wus to pay her $150 , n pnrt down and
the balance on monthly installments.
The papers were drawn up and he sup
posed that wns the end of the mnttcr ,
until an ollicer arrested him yestcrdny on
this chnrgo. The wife claims that he has
been running about too much with other
girls , nnd she does not propose to hnvo
him so frisky until he is fairly free from
her. The young follow is in n world of
trouble nnd complains bitterly nbout his
fnte. Ho will hnvo n hearing before
Judge Aylesworth to-day. The wife , on
the other hand , claims that hois n wretch ,
nnd that besides ruining her ho is the
fnthor of n child born n few days ago to
another woman nnd that still another is1
soon to become u mother by him.
For ncrc property , residences nnd busi
ness property cnll onV. . C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Call and sec the stock of horses and
mules nt Star Stables before purchasing
A Joke That Kicked.
Two of the police force have had their
turn in the sweat box. When they re
ported oil'duty early Tuesday morning
they brought into headquarters a hat
which one of them had picked up. They
gave a glowing account of how they hnd
chased a suspicions fellow , but ho had
escaped. They had got His hut , though.
The sensational features of the case were
dwelt upon quite glowingly , and the
other listening members of the force
were lillcd to the neck with the narra
tion. The run had been a hard ono. The
fellow wns fired at several times , nnd
only escaped by dodging in among1 a lot
of freight cars. They didn't know
whether ho was hit or not. The two narrators
raters seemed to enjoy the sport of nmnz-
ing their fellow olllccrs with the account
of their night's exploit , and they bung up
the hat as n proof. A little later iu the
day the body of Irvin was found , who
had been so mysteriously killed by
the cars. The hat was identified
as belonging to him. The two oflicers
explained that they had simply found the
hat , and that the story of a chase , with
all its sensational features , was just to
fill up the others , just for fun. The others
have got even. It was quietly whispered
to the two romancers that It wus sus
pected that their story was true , that
they hnd chased this man. frightened
him , shot at him and then when he dis
appeared it wan owing to his falling ,
pierced by n bullet , and that he lay there
in the darkness until the cars went over
him. The two who were so eager to
"guy" the others are not so anxious now
to spin yarns. The next time they Una a
hat they will not try to weave a sensation
out of it. It's too risky. If you don't be
lieve it ask Ofliocr Dyer or Tamasieu.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
The Fire Ilecord.
Chief Tcmuleton is just preparing his
annual report of the fire department.
The facts in regard to tires are very
creditable to Council Blulls und ought to
have a tendency to make insurance cheap
hero. During the year there have been
but thirty-rive alarms , including all the
false alarms , the still culls , and all. The
year before there wcro in all seventy-
seven alarms. What * is still more re
markable in the record is that the total
loss by fires durinir the past year will not
exceed $5.000 , outside of the driving park
fire , in which Stewart's stable of line
horses was burned. The loss in that par
ticular case is difficult to determine , the
horses being thoroughbreds and very
valuable. The recordis ono which Is re
markable. In the city proper only $5,000
loss by fire in an entire year. The et-
licioncy of the lire department is doubt
less cne cause for the total amount of
loss being so low. The superiority of the
Council Bluffs water works is another.
The smile of fortune is another. Council
lilufTs may well be grateful.
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs.
The largest stock of horses and mules
west of Chicago , which will be sold at
wholesale or retail and satUfuction guar
Contractors and builders will liuil it to
their Interest to get prices on lime ,
cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council
Blutls iuol Company , 980 Broadway.
Telephone 180.
After His Money.
A man , who shrinks from the notoriety
of having his name published in connec
tion with the if.tu , relates a lively ex
perience which he hnd on Broadway
night before last. Ho wast in McAdams'
saloon , drinking a glass of beer with n
friend , und foolishly exposed his money >
In ranking change. Ho thinks some ono
must have noticed that ho had H little
cash , although he thought little of it loa
the time , la going to East Broadway n
little later , ho wns entirely oil his guard I ,
both hands in his pockets , his hat on the
buck of his head , nnd jiiHt as ho passed lea
man ho cot a th < ; mp on the back of 'the
head which would have iloored him had
his stiff hat not been in such a peculiar
position ns to break the blow. Heat once
realized that. It was nn attempt to rob
him , nnd us he found himself right be
tween two men , ho proceeded to knock :
one of them down. Only stopping to
give the prostrate follow a kick , IR
turned for the other follow , who by thi is
time was on the run. The other one
. quickly got on his feet und followed
down Broadway.
A 81 ranger Taken In ,
Yesterday morning a stranger en route
for St. Paul was waiting at the transfei
when ho fell into conversation with r
tean , pretend ing to be a traveling sales
man. The traveling man. guided bin
into the Northwestern train , nnd there
worked him. After chatting together
the traveling man suddenly remembered
that ho must pay pn express
bill before the train went. Ho
pulled out a 150 bill and wanted the
stranger to change It for him. The
stranger had but | ; 10 and this the travel
ing man borrowed to go out and pay the
express charges with. Ho would bo
back In a minute. Before his return the
train started out , taking the stranger to
Missouri Valley. Ho returned on the
freight yesterday afternoon , but the
police could give him little consolation.
The traveling man and the | 30 were gone.
The Creole To-Mght.
Expcction is high as to Miss Lillian
Lewis , who to-night appears at the opera
house as Cora , In "The Creole , " made
famllar to many by Clara Morris under
its original title of "Article 47. " Miss
Lewis has a reputation which .will cause
the house to bo filled. The New York
Times says she is becoming known as the
handsomest dresser on the American
stage , but she lias more than dress. She
IH an emotional actress of more than
common ability. To-morrow afternoon
she appears in "Frou Frou , " and tomorrow
row night in "Leah , the Forsaken. "
Personal l'nraurnph < ) .
Henry Shlerbrock , of Ncola , visited the
city yesterday.
Will F. Sapp , jr. , went to Sidney .Yes
terday to attend court.
Misses Nelllc.Joi'dcn and Sarah Rudd ,
of Uow City , are visiting in the city , the
euests of Mrs. H. D. Knight , on avenue
Jimmio McDcrmott , the clerk nt the
Ogden , is gaining a local reputation by
his speedy way of Hying through the air
on n bicycle.
Miss Lena Stephan has been chosen as
one of the substitute teachers in the city
schools here. She was formerly a student
here , and has lately been teaching in
Silver City.
Representative D. P. Newcomer , of
Blue Hill , Webster county , Neb. , and
Charles Busehow , railroad commis
sioner , of Red Cloud. Webster county ,
Neb. , were in the city yesterday , the
guests of M. F. Rohrer , under whoso
gentle guidence they took u survey of the
improvements being made in the Bluffs.
They were charmed with luirmount
park , as all visitors are , and were sur
prised to bee how much of a city Council
Bluff's had become ,
See the new Misses' Corset at Harkness
I New carpets at No. 401 Broadway.
Regular meeting of Fidelity Council
No. 170 , Royal Arcanum , this evening at
7:30. : Business of importance. W. A.
Groncweg , secretary.
Who Hung Him Up ?
Detroit Free Press : "There is just one
feature about the business I don't like , "
said a popular undertaker on ( irand
River avenue , "and that is the ringing of
the telephone bell. "
"Do people make mistakes in ringing
you upy"
"It isn't that , but something hap
pened onno that I could never account
for. And when 1 hear the bell I always
fenl nervous until 1 take the message. "
"What was the experience you had ? "
"Oh , that happened some time ago
when the telephone was first in. You
knew old Mr. , a nice old gentle
man , and always good company. Ho
used to like to drop in here and chat
with me about my business , hours at a
time. And he often said jokingly that he
intended when his time came to patronize
mo. "
"And did ho ? "
"I hardly know ! Ono night about
II o'clock 1 was sitting here reading the
Casket , ono of our professional papers ,
when the telphonc bell began to ring. It
often rings at night you know we are
called up frequently in our work but I
never heard it ring in that way before. I
thought the wires were crossed und that
it was a mistake ; but no , when I took the
call I heard a voice I immediately recog
nized as Mr. 's :
' "Come to No. . Bring ev-
rything necessary. Do not lose n mo
" 'Then the telephone was rung off. I
know Mr. was ill , but as that was
his voice , supposed that he was about
again , and decided it must bo a child
that had died. I tried to get them again
but failed , and as my horse was standing
ready by that time 1 took my man and
went at once to the house.
"Well ? "
' They did not expect mo. Air.
was dead , and they had telephoned to
the family undertaker , but as I was there
lirst they accepted my services. "
"Who telephoned to you ? ' . '
"That is what I never could find out.
None of the family did , and it could not
have been Mr. for ho was oh , pshaw ;
let's ' talk of something else. "
No name is better and more pleasantly
and widely known than that of Mr. J.
A. Pozzoni. For Years he has made him
self famous by the elegant perfumes and
complexion powder that bears his name
the latterhuving found its way to th
belles of Paris Germany and London
Everybody admire beauty in ladies
Nothijigwill do more to produce or en
hance it than to use Mr. Po oni's pre
( Kttabllshed 1& & )
No. fM Mnln Street , " i i : Council KlulM.
Tfieonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Eire
Escape ,
Ami All Modern Improvements.
215 , 317 and 310 Main St.
MAX MO11N , Prop.
The Finest Im
ported Line of
* Goods West of
Cb lento.
Mr .C.L. Gillette's
Korses § Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lot * . Large quantitle * to select
fioin. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin.
gle or do'ible.
MASON WISE , Council Bluff :
Special advertisements , such fis Lojt , Found
3oLoanFor flnlo , To Hont , ft ( into , Doimlln * ,
etc. , will dolnsortofl IH this column nt the low
ratoofTEN OBNTSrKU LINK forthefirst Inser-
Ion nnd FlveCcnt I'orl.lno for each subsequent
Insertion. Lento advertisements nt our ofBco
No. 12 I'enrl sticti , near llroaclwwr , Couucll
KONKV to loan on rent estate. Council
Bluffs llckl Kntnto , Loan and Trust Co. ,
Itoom 0 , Everett bloolc/
A17ANTED By yolintr mnn'JO years old.sltun-
TT tion ns salesman In dry K'toilj , clotlilnir or
boots nnd ehoen ; il years experience. Will
work on trial. Spooks French anil English.
Myrtle lllack , 1KB Avo. B , Council lllulls.
FOH SALK- Music nnd sowlnjf machine busi
ness , together with pnmll stock of bolldiiy
poods anil wall paper. Uood town nnd country ,
lood location , cheap rent , profitable biielneM.
Invrlco ? 1 , H ) to $1,600. Would tnko part In
Council HlulTs real estate. Address A. L. Man-
. Uunlap , town.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Ordres Carefully Filled. .
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Work.
Attorneys at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and 8 iShugart-Beno Block.
I will soil nt my residence on Ko ? Creek , 10
miles east of Council Ululls , ray
Well Improved , all under cultivation ; 160 acres
In tame prrass ; has a flno now residence , con
taining 14 rooms and all modern Improvements ,
bongo costlm ? f 7,00 < X 'Also now barn , 30x60 ; two
Hnllidny wind mills , a scale house nnd ecnlos ,
cattle yards nnd water tnnks ; n good young
bcarlmr orchard of apples and email fruit ; 20
hi'iul < .f . ( food farm horcos , cattle , hotrs nnd all
farm Implements required to run a llrtt-class
fnrm. Terms wllllio made known on applica
tion , or on day of srtlo. All parties thinking of
Investing aie cordially Invited to call mid make
a poi-Bonnl oxnminatlon of the farm and Im
provements. K. WARD.
Attorney at Law.
504 Brondwny , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffs.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. CZZL
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; $10 , tound trip.
It. D. AMY & CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND {
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
EngineerTOyorMap , $ , Publisher
No. 11 North Main St.
City nnd county map * of cltlei and counties In
wcttcrn loiTB.Nobruika and UHIIBUI.
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Blufls.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee
Sfar Sale Stab/es and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council-Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Dcpo
Horses and mule's kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Orders nromptty.Tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SiiLUTEH'&f'BoLKY ' , Propriotora.
Telephone No.Jtl'4. '
Formerly of Kuil l Sale Stables , corner
1st. nvc. and 4thstreet. .
R. HIVE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
tSTConsultation free.
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Express.
Denfffng , e t Imatei and reports on bridges
viaducts , foundations and enerul enifliicerUitf
Blue prints of any lie and quantity.
Office No 18 N. Main Bt. , First National Ban )
Bloc * .
Monday , March 7th.
Will oiicn tinwarils of CO cnscs of New
niul seasonable spviiiff ( foods. Novel-
tics will be added to each ot their sev
eral departments.
These arc the newest nnd freshest
productions of foreign nnd domestic
markets , ranking a collection at once
elegant nnd unique and one never sur
passed by ourselves and never equal
led by any house In the northwest.
Dress Goods Dept
A splendid display of the latcstFrench
and English advanced novelties , to
gcthcr with a complete line of staple
fabrics , making this department in ev
cry point full and complete. .
Wash Goods Dept
French satteens in elegant design ,
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams in new
patterns and colorings.
Batistes in combination and plain
Percales and.domestic satteens in up
wards of 20 fresh nnd original patterns
Our assortment of the above is larger
and more extensive than others shown
by competing houses.
We invite an Inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
'UtiOOflSfflLMS '
Everything in tills line can be found
in our establishment. We call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that there
lias been a sharp rise in these goods ,
Onr goods were bought before the rise
and wo give our customers the benefit
You can save fully 20 per cent by mak
ing your purchases of us.
We emphasize the statement that in
embroideries , white goods , underwear ,
laces , ribbons , and notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low
er than the lowest.
Onr Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jackets , and ladles
andchildrcns suits , new and stylish
garments of Paris and Berlin modes ,
together with the newest shapes and
most approved makes of the leading
New York manufacturers. We can
convince you that in this line , that in
quality , style and cheapness we are
We invite the attention of onr pat
rons to these special features and the
stock in general , No effort will bo
spared to make our departments com
plete in every particular and at prices
lower than any house in the west.
Not.314 , 310 , 818aml32OBroaa-
wuy , Council Bluff * .
Mailorders promvtltl and care-
fully attended to.
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gar
dening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in bearing , and
to all varieties of choice small fruit nnd vineyard , divided as follows :
i'roper contains upwards of five acres. The vines are thrifty nnd In bearing.
Between three nnd four acres are well set to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than 1,600 trees in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration are n largo numbers of choice plums ,
cherry nnd other fruits , nlso shade ami ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings.
Ordinary bnrns nnd other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gnruening purposes , being a deep black loam und is H warm , south slope , '
and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Omaha or Council Blulls.
With the new bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not ovjjr
thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolllco.
Any party desiring n choice bargain should apply nt once ns , if not sold within
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the rnnrket.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
C. iJ. COLBY ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences anit Farm * , acre yronertv tn
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Joot i ff , over Officer C Pusey' bank , Council Bluffa.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , nnd ranging from 1.1.00 to
* 10 00 per ucro. School and stain lands in Minnesota on 80 years' time 0 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , piven by
No. 555 Broadway , Council Binds , Iowa , agent for Frcldrlkson & Co. , Chicago.
Council BluffsIowa.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Con icll Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or biihinets house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
J'rlccn fern Low ,
W. s. HOMER & Co. ,
O. zt MAIN