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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1887)
* ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FBIDAr , MARCH 18 1887. ' 5 STATE INSURANCE BUSINESS Eztracts From the Auditor's Statement Showing the Amount Transacted , TWO MORE DIVORCE CAGES FILED Tbo Jury BUM Out In the Duffer Potec.ry Case Work Procrrsslnsi fin tlio City Directory Capital City Ncua. [ KIJOM THI : BEE'S LINCOLN nuur.At'.l The auditor of htato has published In tabular form the total Insurance busi ness of the state during the year 1836 as compiled from the reports of the differ ent companies Illod in his oHicc. This report shows that eighty nine direct lire insurance companies transacted business in the state during that year nnd the totals of business transacted show the risks written amounted to ? GlJ,305iW.71 : ; ; the total cash received In premiums amounted to $1,102,207.87 ; the losses In ctirred amounted to $415,81)3.40 ) , and the losses paid by the different companies footed up f8U8G4l .7 ( ) . The snowing as a whole demonstrates the fact that the dif ferent Insurance companies in the land found Nebraska u very fruitful , prolific nnd profitable Held for work during the year 1880. Under the present tax laws in the state it is very little dllliculty for any company to make n showing suffi cient to secure , authority for transacting business in Nebraska , and this report in Itself is largely an answer to why such a prolific lobby of insurance men hang around during the session of the legisla ture to see to it that no new laws affect ing insurance business are enacted. The Nebraska companies wrote over $15- 000,000 in the year in risks and their losses were comparatively very light , allowing that the home companies more than hold their own in active competi tion. MORE DIVOKCE8. Two now cases for divorce have been lllcd in the district court that commence n now list of cases of this character for a future term of court to consider. The first of these cases is Morris vs Morris , Minnie Morris asking n divorce from tier husband James , on the ground of re peated desertion and failure to support nor in any manner. The petition recites that they were married m York ; that thirty days utter marriage she was de serted by her husband , who came to Lin coln , where she followed him. Bo then emigrated to Omaha and still she pur sued him , afterward retiring to Lincoln , whore she has since resided. The re creant husband is a barber , and , she as serts , able to support her. Mrs. Jennie bhcllabargcr sues' for di vorce from her husband , Samuel Sholla- barger , on the grounds of brutal and abusive treatment , by reason of which she is in constant fear of bodily harm. The plaintiff represents that she was married at Pretty I'rarle.O.and has alwayg conducted herself as a faithtul , honor able wife ; that hoi * husband on the 15th of April , 1880 , procured another person to make indecent proposals to plaintiff during his absence ; that these indecent proposals were made that ho might have grounds for divorce and that afterward lie has abused her with abusive , obscene nnd scurrilous language. The plaintiff further recites that they have two child ren , the custody of whom she prays for , nnd that the defendant may bo made to contribute toward the support of them and this case. FREI'ABINO FOll EXTENSIVE WOKK. John Fitzgerald , who is ono of the principal owners in the West Lincoln town site and the Nebraska stook yards Company , it is stated has recently added $8.000 worth of now machinery for the uriok yards at that place , and it is the purpose of the proprietors of these yards to put them on a footing to manufacture - brick the coming season in quantities never reached before. This now ma chinery will place the yards in which Mr. Fitzgerald is interested second to none in the state m capacity , and they will be en abled , if necessary , to manufacture brick enough to supply the entire demand in the city for building purposes. LONG CONSIDERATION. Tbo jury m the case of J. II. Duffoy , tried for forgery , were yet out a $ 8 p. m. yesterday , having been In the jury room from tbat hour the day before. Duffoy ) s charged with being an assistant and partner with the ex-music dealer , Hin- man , In the forging of notes upon which L cash was realized before the work was i discovered. Hinman is now serving a ecntence m tbe penitentiary and the trial of Dufley was on four notes given as ap peared on their face by parties resident In Lancaster county , but who , upon in vestigation , proved to be fictitious per- eons. The trial of the case occupied Wednesday , and was closely contested. THR NEW DinECTORT. The gentlemen who are compiling the now city directory report an excellent patronage in their canvass and thej promise as fine an edition as that fur nished the city the past summer , if ion the canvass thus far taken of names the compilers estimate that the city will show n increase of 0,000 or 7.000 la th < tpost year. The names in the directory at that time denoted a population o ; 80,000 , and an increase on the basis ai estimated would show for Lincoln a pop illation of 86,000 at the present time There are many citizens who bolleri these f guros too small. ABOUT THE crrr. Work has been resumed by the sowoi contractor and the long and diillcult pica of work on Seventh street , adjoining thi Burlington & Missouri depot , has beei completed. This difficult job was oooa slonod by the constant tilling of the trcnol with water and the entire line of work it that vicinity had to bo curbed in its con etructlon. The district court was engaged a largi part of the day yesterday in trying wba might be termed a watermelon case , 1 being an appeal from a Justice court o six months ago when verniers of this f rui from the country would , together will their patrons , block the highways am walks in tbe central part 01 the city. President Eagan has called upon al Irish-Americans and the different loaeuo in the state to render practical assistanci to the present struggle in Ireland t < meet the evictions set In motion there Mr. Eagan , as president of the stat < league , is preparing to take active stop nt once that the territory in his jurisdio tion bo not backward in their good worl of relief. The real estate transfers yostorda tipped the beam at 1100,000 and two thirds of the transfers were secured b parties who are purchasing for homos This character of investments is the bes possible index of permanency in put chases. The Capitol hotel is helping out rea estate men by dividing ono of Its Ele vent street rooms Into desk room for agent and the same are taken with the creates avldltv. The hotel people have als fenced off a corner in the rotunda of th house where Major N. U. Franklin wil open out in the real estate business. The ground is cleared for the noi briok tour-story and basement block tha will be erected next to the Windsor hotc on Eleventh street. The boom in hand some blocks seems to bo on Elerent street and vicinity , and this is but one o a number that will be built upon tha thoroughfare the coming season. A he talk of n now opera house U agan revived ana it U understood that wit A roper encouragement tome capitalist who inlcnd building will BO arrange t'.ioir plMis as to make one of the most handbonic nnd commodious temples of amusement m the city. St. Patrick's day pas cd off with no public demonstration in the capital city nnd business of every kind , without recognition of Ireland's great day. An alarm of lire called out the depart ment Tuesday evening , but the incipient blaze was quickly put out before any headway was made. Damage nothing. LOSTdon't scu where. I can't tell when , I don't SPO Itow something of irrciit value to me , and for the return of which I shall he truly thankful , vl < ! . , n good appetite. " FOUND "Health nnd Mnngth , pure blood , an nppctitu like that uf a wolf , regular digestion , all by taUimr that pop ular and peculiar medicine , Hood's Sar- sapnrilla. I want uvorybody to try it this season. " It Is sold by all druggists. One liumlied doses one dollar. 'IcixlMi Crime. DAVIO CITY. Nob. , March 11. To the Editor of the Jir.K : In the HEK of March 0,1 noticed a sketch of the cause of the hanging of Bridget. Duigin , some twenty years ago , under the head of "Uarbarlly of Hanging , " which 1 wish to correct : liridgot Durgin. a lurgo , raw-boned Irish girl , was in the employ of Ur. lace Cornell , of Elizabeth , New Jersey- Ho WHS a very kind , hwivt tempered man , that believed In doing to others as ho would bo done hy , and n man that worsphiped hia wife above all earthly accumulations. As a consequence he was very kind to the girl , Bridget , whom ho had successfully nursed through a lung sickness , just previous to her crime , licing called away from home ono night- with u promise to be back soon , he kifcsed his wife good-bye , for the last tuna. She , supposing ho would return soon , was quietly resting on a sofa ( being an inva lid ) , when Bridget struck her with n chair , and upon her arising hit her and upon her arising stabbed her re peatedly. She then forced her into a bedroom , when she stabbed her eighteen different times , then put her on thu bed and set the bed on lire ; then took Dr. Cornell's only child. a baby , and went to thn neighbors and told them that some men we're there kill ing Airs. Cornell. This was at first be lieved , but an investigation soon proved that Bridget Durgin was the murderer. The doctor on his return was almost frantic with grief , and it was feared for some days that ho would lose his reason. He repeatedly stated that n thousand of hangings were not a sufficient punish ment for the murderess. He never fully recovered to the day of his death the loss of his wife. Before hanging , how ever , Bridget made -confession , in which she stated that the doctor had been go good to her that she thought that if his wife was out of the way ho would marry her. As for his being criminally asso ciated with Bridget Durgin , it is false. No purer or better man over lived than Dr. Wallace Cornell. He was a man that looked to God first and homo nnd family next. He was born and brought up side by side with my father , of whom he was a cousin , his wife also being a cousin to me , r.nd being very intimate with thorn at the time of the tragedy , I know whereof I speair. speair.ED. . L. Ruxrox. The Itudily nivcr of life is the blood. From it the system receives nil its material of growth and repair. It bathes every tissue of the body. How necessary , then , that the blood should bo kept pure and rich. Dr. ' "Golden Medical " Pierco's Discovery" is the great blood food and blood purifier. It is a sovereign remedy for all diseases duo to impoverished blood , consump tion , bronchitis , weak lungs , scrofula , influczna , and kindred diseases. PRESIDENT PORK'S BROTHER. A Military Officer Who Performed Ills Duty by Proxy. Washington Post : "There wore many peculiar characters In the Mexican war , " said General Viele. the other day , while strolling through the loboy of the house during recess. "I remember Major Wil liam H. Polk was ono of them. You recollect - collect that at that time his brother was the president of the United States , and ho himself haa been sent as minister to Naples , and had resigned to come home and enter the service against Mexico. He was a jocose follow , full of humor and anecdotes. He used to say : 'The reason my brother sent me as minister to Naples was because so many of the other minis ters who had been sent there came buck , with disease of the spine , induced by their efforts to rival the politeness of the kine. I hadn't been there sixty days be fore I put the king to bed with a broken back1 ! "When Major Polk arrived at his head- quarters in Mexico he know nothing whatever of military matters. He was ordered to take command of a regiment of which 1 was adjutant. Before doing so ho got a friend to write out all the or ders no would have to give. When ho appeared upon the scene ho called out to toe orderly to send the adjutant to him. 'Here are my orders , ' said Folk , handing them over to me ; 'have them published ! ' ) They were published accordingly , t "The next day Major Polk was ordered r to form a squadron. Ho said to mo : 'My spur is off ; I wish to put it on. Give the order to put the squadron in motion. ' I did so. 'Continue to give orders , sir ! ' shdVtcd the major. The next day he began to read up on military tactics. Ho read the first page and took a drink. Then he read the second page and took another drink. Finally ho threw down the book and exclaimed : " 'Adjutant Vielo , I don't know a d-d thing about it My brother is president of the * United States. You stick by mo and tell me what to do , and I'll see that you got quick promotion f "It is needless to add that I stuck tp the brother of the president. " Sickness comes uninvited , and strong men and women are forced to employ means to restore their health and strength the most successful of all known reme dies for weakness , the origin of all dis ease , is Dr. J. H. McLean B Strengthen ing Cordial and Blood Purifier. Editor Biirko's Estate. Washington Herald : Major E. A. Burke , of the Now Orleans Times-Demo crat , has just boon given an estate in Honduras that will make him one of the largest landed proprietors in the world. It is 180 miles long and , as nearly as can bo determined , 100 miles wide. In this enormous area is included n famous gold- bearing district that two centuries ago was one of the richest known to the Spanish crown. This splendid gift is not only exempt from tUxatiou but from all duties , export or import , upon anything its proprietor may wish to bring into the country , and all persons employed 01 living upon it are exempt from military duty , and these exceptions , like thu grant , are perpetual. Burke certainly U In great luck. Ho will take possession of his now principality at once and proceed ceod to develop it. In gold , fine tropical woods and fruits its capacities arc simply illimitable. Rapid Cabling. An instance of rapid telegraph and oablo service U reported in the San Fran Cisco Chronicle. On Tuesday at 9 p. m , the operator at San Francisco received i cable message for lokohama , Japan.and on the next day at 9 p. m. fust twenty- four hours later , ho had the reply. The message of course wont to Now York , thence to London and by the Suez cable to China and Japan. In Extreme Cold Weather use Colgate's perfectly pure superfine .toilet Boapa. Cashmere Bouquet tbe Tandard. COLORADO LAND LCASL'S. Nebraska PArtlca Who nro In Queer Speculation. AKKON , Col , March 0. [ Correspond ence of the HKK. ] Tito Nebraska law lvcs the holder of a school lease not to exceed 010 acres , the absolute right to hold the same for twenty-five years upon payment of 0 per cent interest on tliu appraised value. The appraisement is made every live years. The holder of the lease liai the further privilege of having the land appraised for purchase at any time , and buying the same at the appraised value , not less than $7 per acre , paying one-tenth down , and the balance at the end uf twenty years at 0 per cent interest. The eastern part of Colorado is geographically but a con tinuation of the plains of western K.m- sas and Nebraska and the Nebraska settlers tlors taking up lands in Coloiado do not reali/e that Colorado , having been thus far a mining , stock and irrigation state. has very dillerent laws from Nebraska , especially as regards counties , school laws , etc. The Colorado law concerning school lands is in substance as follows : AIIIICI.K tv. 2175 Section 1. Tim state board of Iniul commissioners may. from time to time , di rect the sale of hinds. bolonKing to tin state nnU not otherwise directed to be disposed of , nt public auction , In such paicolsns they shall deem most for the interest of thostato.bntnot more than 40,000 ncii's shall Iwsold nt nnv ono unction and each lot of ICO ncrus slmll be separately exposed to s.iie. Not more tlirui 100 acres shall be sold to any ono person , o\- cent as nioviilud In section Wot' this article. [ Suction 3J provides for sales to colonies , or to ditch companies with reservation to the state of ovcry alternate half section. ! lilOj Section 21. 1'lie state board of Inml commissioners shall have the power to lease the school nnd university lands of the stnto nt n rate not loss that to per annum , payable In advance , on the appraised value , and shall icqnlre of the lessee such a bond as shall so- sure the state from loss or wnste. 2108 Sec. 21. Whenever tun householders of any organized school district In which thn land is situated shall petition the stnto board to expose to snlo any portion of said liuuH , describing the same , the state board shall direct the county commissioners of tlie county to cause the same to be appraised by three disinterested householders , each local subdivision being nppialsed separately at Its real value . 2109 See , 25. The county clerk shall Im mediately tile the said appoitlomnont and appraisement In his oflice. . All school lauds known as sections 1C and 'M shall be exposed to sale to the highest bidder at the county sent In the county where such lauds are situated. The board of land commissioners shall direct the county school superintendent to sell such lands and lvo notice of such sale as provided In this act. . . . 2177 Sec. 3. The amount of purchase money nt tbe time of sale shall In no ciiso bo less than CO per cent of the whole purchase money. 2179 Sec. 5. Within forty-oleht hours after each sale the purchaser shall pay to state treasurer the hrst payment and execute a penal obligation for the payment of the bal ance In seven equal annual payments with interest at the rate of 7 per cent A band of speculators from Lincoln , York and other Nebraska points leased large tracts of Colorado school lands about August , 1985. and banking on the ignorance of the Nebraska farmers have sold and traded them these worthless leases , which cost an average of $32 a section , for sums varying from $400 to $1,000 per section. The speculation is a pure swindle , nnd the purchasers have in no case pot value received. The lease must bo accompanied by a bond , ap proved and anceptod by tbo state author ities. The assignee of the lease in many cases must execute a now bond , as the original lessee carefully erases the clause which continues his liability. The happy purchaser haa obtained what ? The priv ilege"of paying 10 per cent annually on the appraised value of the land for live years. At the end of that time any ono procuring the proper petition can call for an appraisement and sale of the land , and at such sale the holder of the lease has no prior rights or privileges whatever , except that of receiving compensation for his improve ments , and breaking the land is not con sidered a valuable improvement in the grasping state of Colorado. The lessee has paid a bonus of $400 to $1,000 for his lease , has boon put under heavy bonds , has paid f 32 u year for five years , and at the cud of that time may bo compelled to pay thirty per cent , cash of eight to twelve dollars an aero or for feit all that ho has already paid , his ri val bidders being able to afford in over bidding him the full amount that ho has already sunk in his bonus and interest. It is almost incredible that dupes could be found to buy under these circum stances , but nevertheless the Lincoln and York firms have succeeded in disposing of nearly all their leases. E. Grand Inland Noted. GHANU ISLAND , March 17. [ Corres pondence of the BEE. ] Work has boon commenced on the Williams & Ken block. The contract was made wltt Kelly & Co. to erect the same for 116,700 This is exclusive of foundation and heat ing.Parties Parties have been negotiation for thi site of the Schaupp's mills , with a view U rebuilding the same the present season If they conclude to build U the same SUM as the old mill it will be a 173,000 plant We are informed Mr. Schaupp will bo en gaged to manage them. Prices in real estate are advancing am many of the finer locations in the immc diate vicinity of the city are being takoi at prices largely in advance of last year A business lot on Second street was soli the lost of the week for 14,500. As this i not the principal street It indicates tha efforts will be made to draw some busi ness from the mam thoroughfare of tin town. Stchr brothers are excavating for i two-story briek butcher shop on Fourtl street near Brogdon's grocery store 01 the north side. The D. W. Archer canning factory wil commence operations in a few days fo the erection of a very large brick build ing for their business that is to be an exacts acts duplicate of their Council Bluff works. The site of the soldier's homo has no yet been determimod upon but it ha simmered down to ono of three locations The committee will go to Lincoln to-da1 to confer with tbo state commissioners. ' i The BEST Accident Insurance. The Old Reliable United States Mutual Accident Association , 320 and 32 Broad way , New York. [ Time Tried and Prov ed. Ten Years of Suc cess. Unrivalled for Prompt and Equit able Settlement of Claims. Over a MILLION DOLLARS PAID IN LOSSES. No losses due and un paid. Over 35,000 Leading BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL Men are members. NEW FEATURES : $10,000 Deatk by Accident. $10,000 Loss of Both Hands , $10,000 " Both Feet. $10,000 " Hand & Foot , $5,00'0 " Hand or Foot , $5,000 " Both Eyes , $1,300" ' One Eye , $2,500 Permanent Total Disability. $50 a Week Temporary Total Disability , These amounts of In demnity are provided by the Policies of the United States Mutual Accident Association , 320 and 322 Broadway , N.Y. , at a cost to members in the preferred occu pations , of about $26 a year , which may be made in one payment or in instalments. One- half or one-quarter of above insurance at proportionate rates. Membership Fee , $5 for each $5,000 Policy. CHARLES B. PEET , President. JAMES B. PITCHER , Sec. & Gen. Manager. IKE FAXldlZ- WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOBS u THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THI It protocol Practical feeinltt in BtUngand Routing never before attained In any Cooking Ap It Buk r an onmou MTln * la t . OPIWIOK OP AN EXPERT , it _ . MM. , . SUM Mi BniT.r.Hr..r B. WtLca. ! Tiich.rDom.rflo . " _ /d.llb ( . rUludgm.nt Eoonotnr. _ It tbt th. own of th.p n . . 4. eomptnd wtthotl > r * . ' - - - { note W.UM , , { h ttb.ooniomptloa ii oacU leu this nj otb r far uaw work. END FOR lUOSTUnOCIROUUIS AMD PUCE IttT EXCELSIOR HrlKF'C CO. . ST.LOUIS. CHASTER OAK BTOVES and EAHOIS art BOLD IN NEBBA8KA as followi : MILTON ROGERS & SONS' . OMAHA. P. KENNEY , . r , ' . . .GOKDON. DALLAS ft LETSON..UU HAITINGS. B.C. BREWER , . HAV SPRINGS. H.AIRD&CO , , > ' NimuiKACmr. W. F. TKMPLETON ViV N LSON. . B. STURDEVANT &SON ATKIMJOK. 1.KASS& J. CO .vj . . . . . . . . .CHAOROK. KRAUSE , LUBKER & WELCH COIUMBU * . OLDS BROS . ; EoGAt TANNELL&SWEENEY.JI/l / FAIRBURV. GETTLE& FAGER FRANKLIN. N.J.JOHNSON , . . . . NoutllBjND. tf. McCAFFERTY , . ' . O'NEILL Cmr. HAZUJWOOD. . . 4 A OSCEOLA. J.S. DUKK PlATTJMOUTH. X , PEARSON , . . . .STERLING. I C. GREEN , . . . . STROMSBORO. J. A. PADDENftSON. . . ? SUPFRIOB &FKAKER ; ' . 1887 Spring Valley Stoci' Farm. 1887 , OMAHA , NEB. George Wilkeg D10. Becord2:22. : Measured by 8:30 : , the 8:23 : and the 8:30 : stand rd ; was the greatest that evsr lived. Having now to sons and daughters la tbo S:3J : list dowu to 2M : . The only son of George Wllkes la tbe State of Nebraska. 8641 Black Wilkas 3641 Standard. Sired by George Wllkes 619 ; 1st dam Fanny Boll , sired by Coafodurute Chief , own brother to Woodfora Chief , * : ! } { : tnd dam Itysdyk's Hambletonlan. Will stand for marcs at tbe above farm at (35 tbe season , cab time of ser < Tlco , with privilege of return should mares not prove In foal. Limited to SO mares besides my own. Season commences Feb. 1st and endi August 1st. 1837. For further particulars send for circular * . K. I. D. Claralaiid U 7 t lllon ( FOR SUE Darbr DOT" and " ( lenera Olereland , " rt ln _ S nd Te r old. bro4 la Cud * and raoordwl In Cmifella Stud Book. Prtc raai rttl > l .t r toittllpurchu n. AdJreu , J.a. llALbUlbboa. Mt > - " " THOMASON & GOOS' ADDITION Lies iust soutli Of Hanscom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house , on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots. 27 LiOTS SOtAD , 27 Events are shaping that will make these lots an investment of SURE PROFIT. $800 to $1,000 will Buy Lots Now , but one Year from Today You will Pay $1,800 , $2,000 and $2,500 , for Them Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ? Some people'say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. " Luck to the dogs. Its Foresight , Judgment and Sand. These are the elements that go to make up the sum of prosperity. Take a square look at the case of Thomason & Goos' addition , who own the 600 acres adjoining it on the south. A RICH AND POWERFUL SYNDICATE Who , without any further effort , could peddle it out in the next two vears for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it. TiLKE A TUMBLE ! M.A. UPTON < fe GO. Pharcmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73 PULLMAN PULLMAN PLACE FREE TRAIN , PULLMAN PLACE ! Pullman Place O e Af ent ( mrMant onlr ) wnnUd in .Ttrr torn for Tour "Tanstll's Punch" Bo oljrar li giving ( rood satisfaction ; the boys are "catching- . " ALVOKU 4 FOHKEB , I > rntr lsts , Kldora , la. "TanslU'sPunon" Is the Dest cigar we have vers old f or th monojr. . _ . _ . . 0. R. Krrnen * 0o. , Nooilin. Ho. a. w. TAHSILL t co. , mm RUPTURE CURED. nyDr. SnBdlksr'i mstbod. No op ratloni No Palm No Detention ( row butlaM * . Adsoted to eallton s well u grown people. Hundred ! of autograph tlmonlaUou BU. AH buitnoii itrlotlr conOde l l , CONSULTATION Kit KM. PROF. N. O. COOK , Room 0,1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. A Free Train , a Free Ride for Everybody. Saturday , March 10th. at precisely 10:30 : o'clock a. m. , a free train will lonvo the D. & M. passenger depot and stop in exactly eight minutes after leaving depot at Omaha's new suburban audition , "PULLMAN PLACE. " The B. & M.'a Ashland cut-off runs di rectly through "Pullman Place" near the South Omaha packing houses ; and the U. P. R. R. runs east of it. thus placing this addition between these two immense trunk lines of railway. In order to glre homo-seekers and speculators an oppor tunity of viewing what is bound to be the "King Bee" addition to Omaha and South Omnoa , we have chartered a special train of six coaches which will be run to and from "PULLMAN PLACE" FBEK or CHABOK on the date above mentioned. The price on Pullman Place lots are low and terras eaay , being 1-5 caah and balance to suit. We do not auk you to buy a lot unless you think it Is money in your pocket to do so , but wo are bound to give all a chance to see thu splendid addition FKKE. Come everybody , bring your families and take a spring airing. Remember the ditto , Saturday , March 10. Free train leaves promptly at 10:80 : o'clock , a. m. GIBSON , AYLESWORTH BENJAMIN. 1512 Farnam Street. PULLMAN PLACE FREE TRAIN- PULLMAN PLACE Pullman Place The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co , W. W. OCR. 16th AND HARNJEY , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in aU parts of thtoitj. Lands for sale Itt very county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps of tbe city slate or county , or anr oth or ufonaatiou desired furnished free of charge upon application. C. S. RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches. Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slooic. Prices the lowest. Repairing a spooialif. orlcwammUi ML Corner Douglas and 10th streets , On ah % . Licou ii Watchmaker for the Union Paollio UaiJroad i WUA < \ / . -M)1 > Jfff