Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY. MAKCH 18 , 1887. 3 MAY WflEAT AGAIN ADVANCES The Large Export Movement Prom New York the Main Cause. THE CLIQUE KEEPING QUIET. A Very Weak Fooling In Provision * Oniuoil lly Armour ft Co. Belling Heavily Corn Htronucr Wllh Pair Trading. CHICAGO PRODUCE MAHKET. CmrAfio , March 17 , [ Special Telegram to Hie HKi-Mny | wheat advanced to-day and closed at 81 'c. This strength was alto gether wllliout aid from tlio bull cll'iuo and was mainly on the largo export movement from New York. The feature of the day was tlio advance ot the surrounding markets , which are daily com Inn up toward their natural relative positions with this market. New York was lO o above to-day. St. Louis also advanced. Kcrshaw was a largo buyer at Milwaukee this afternoon. May wheat opened at bOJfc and then slid back to Kc ) , because the clique was not buying. The best judgment to-day was that the sales by W. T. linker Ac Co. anil Kobeit Warren A : Co. yesterday were for thu same Interest , which Is proof that there are now so many commu nion houses doit ) ! ; the clique's business that the crowd can't anv longer kt > ep track of Its operations , The laruo clearances at New York 330,000 bushels brought a treed deal of New York buylnc to this market and thn price wAs easily advanced above Sic without any evldcnct ! of manipulation. John Ciulnliy snld : " 1 don't know what to make of wheat ; 1 am altogether out of It for the fust time In two ot three years , and am now walling for comething to decide the market1 * . Tlio only thing 1 know about thn present bull clliiii ( | Is that It Is not Armour. 1 don't be- lleve he has anything to do with the ad vance. " The flint that no wheat was shinned last week from India to the United Kingdom made some of the exporting crowd feel bull ish. It has been one of the standing bear arguments that If America didn't sell tier wheat cheap India would step In and get trade. In provisions Armour & Co. wcro sellers of ribs at the opening and the result was a very weak market , short ribs , which have sold up to nearly S'J.UO , worn down under 8H.UO , and lard , which narrowly es caped fcs 00 , was down under 57.50. This Is one of the crises that proves disastrous to "toilers. " Corn was a little stronger with fair trading. The wheat market was stronger and ad vanced % c In thu afternoon. Corn gained lie. Provisions were quiet and steady , wheat for May sold at 81W ® 15fc , Juno at 0 > ; < vj80Kc , closing at 81fc } lor May. bO c for June , 80Mc for July , Nc tor heptember , 84/c } for December. Corn for May sold a ( BJft40c ( , Juno at40@l0 c , July at 41c closing at 30KfiZ40c tor .May , 403 c for June , 4 ( . ctor July. OatS for May sold at 29c Juno at 2W291 ! ) < c. Mess pork for May am June sold af$2X50 , lard for May at S7.47K ® 7.50 , Juneat87.5'i. July at 87.CO. Short ribs for May sold at 87.V5 , June at 87.97X , Angus atS .00. _ _ CHICAGO laVE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 17. [ Special Telezram t the UKE.I CATTLE \Vltli the largely In creased run buyers started out to "hammer1 the market and bids were considerably lower Salesmen , however , were unyielding am held Urmly for 3teady prices. The result wa a much slower market , and the difference between a slow market and an excited one I always equivalent to about 5@10c. Com pared with some of the wild sales of yester day , of course , some sales to-day showed t much greater decline , but they wcro offset b , sales which showed no reduction In price , l lot of 320 , good 040 ib. Texas cattle sold a 84.25. These cattle worn fed on prickly pea and cotton seed inual. Shipping steers. 1.35C to 1,600 Ibs. , 85.00(35.00 ( ; 1.200 to 1,350 Ibs 84.'A4.05 ; 050 to 1,200Ibs. , S4.00f < f4.GO : stock ers and feeders , 82.50@4.25 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 82.20(34.00 ( ; bulk , S2.C5 ( 3.30 ; slop fed fctoers. M.fiOf $5.ia. lions. The market was stow and prices 6@iOc lower all around. A few fancy heavy told at 85.00(35.115 ( ; packers at 85.75@5.85 , with common mixed at 85.40@5.flO. Light sorts sold at 85.40(35.75 ; Yorkers , 85.OX35.75. and light-light at 85.4u@5.60. The market closed rather weak , yet about all wcro sold. FINANCIAL. NEW YORK , March 17. | Special Telegram to the Bun. ] STOCKS There was very little In the stock market to-day. Prices held very steady nil morning until the failure of Lawton - ton Bros. , a firm engaged In the manufacture of phosphates , was announced. The liabili ties of the ilrrn were placed at about 8l003- ; 000. The market broke K@M per cent , but there was apparently no disposition to trade either for long or short account The Lon don market for American securities was a fraction lower. 4 Exchange rates , however , wcro easier , and It was claimed that foreign buying of stocks would remove the necessity I of gold exports this sprint. The Baltimore & Ohio deal still attracted considerable at t- tention , but the statement coming from of- lielal sources that the road had been sold tea a syndicate In which neither Gould nor Sully was Interested did not help the bulls any , as this arrangement would not provide for n settlement ot the telegraph troubles. S. V. White was reported to luwo sold a large line f St. Paul for the bull pool which had been operating in It for some time past. The talk In regard to New England was less bullish i , owlnz to tbo election of Clark to the oflico of ifn president of the New York & New Haven road , with which It was proposed to consoli 1- date th Now England road , Clark being op 1d posed to the scheme. Cottonseed oil dropped 2 per cent , and the point was circulated that thu prlco wor < being let elf In order to accum ulate stooh , and that a little later It would lira given a sharp rally. At noon the market was barely steady , and sales to that hour aggre gated 77,000 shares , llr.ilroad earnings re ported to-day were all favorable. St. Bit increased 53,000 for the second week ol March , and St. Louis & San Francisco In creased for the same period $43,300. Texas Pacllio jumped up X per cent just before the close , and some very bullish points were oul on It. The dullness , of the general market was partly owing to its being St. Patrick' ) day. There was soma very bullish talk Ir lilchmond Terminal It was claimed thai an enormous short Interest had been de veloped , and that the next move on the par of the pool In It would bo to bid up price : and force the shorts to cover , The marke closed rather soft at about bottom prices foi the day. The total sales were about 150,001 chares. GOVKUNMKNTS Government bonds wen dull but steady , \K8TKlinAY'8 QUOTATION'S. U. S.C'8 10U4'C. ! AN. W llfij , If U 4'd * /\t\/\n l > uly { .In . . rA..A.l 111 T do preferred..100 Pullman Pal.Car.1405 C. , 11. .to 138 Heading : n ! . , K A W 133 % Hock Island. . . .124& ' " St 1S. F. . . . 8JJ Erie 83J , I do preform ! . . . . 08 > dipreferred. . . . . . 71 % [ 0.M.8tP. . . . Ol Illinois Control. Jtxjl . ? do preferred..120 ! L , U. A W 23 St. P. AO 48 > K V T ' 31 do preferred..K8 , * httkoShore ! ! ! . ! ! Wif Toxa "PacihcY.T. 27 ? Ij. & N " " Union Pucltlc. . . . 67J Mlclilcan Ceht'i. . 00" W..SI.L&P. . . . " Mo. Pacltio 107 } d preferrtxl. . - No. Pacllic 3TJi W. U. Telegraph 75 ? do preferred. . . . 58 > MONKY ON CAM. Easy at SQ5 pt cent ; lust loan , 3) per cent ; closed olfere at2H l > ercent PltlMKMKltCANTII.E PAPKB 5HQ K P1 cent. STKni.iNO EXCHANOE. Dull but tcad r < * \ at 4.KJjf for sixty day bills ; 84.85 ' fc demand. I'ROUUCK MAUKKT. Chicago , March 17.-Folowlav | quoti Ions are the 3 : so closing ttgures : < rlour-Steady and nominally unchange winter wheat Hour , S4.2.@l.30 : goulhern.14.10 (34.20 ( ; Wisconsin. 84.20 4.30 ; Michigan soft sprint wheat , 83.70CT4.30 : Minnesota bakers. 83.70 < < t4.ft ; patents , S4.6034.W : low grades , C1.95ef,2.U5 ; rye flour , quiet at 13.25(013.40 ( ; In sacks and barrels. 83@3.70. Wheat Quietbut lirm ; opened'at about the same as yesterday's close and closed { ( $ Kc higher ; cash , 75 ; c ; May , 61Vc ; June , ( ! ofn Quiet and moderately active , clos ing about ? c bettor than yesterday ; cash , 34c : May , 40c ; Juno , 40 c. Oats Trading light , with fluctuations cov ering only a small range ; cash , 24c ; May , 2Uc ; June,203.icc. Hye-SteadvatMXc. Jiarlcy Quiet at WXM.'ttc. Timothy Seed-Prime , ? 1.S4(31.W. ( Flax Seed-81.07 . Wnlsky-SUS. Pork-Quiet with no material change ; cash , f 20. : : May and June , 820.75. Lard Modurntelyartlveand comparatively steady ; cash , 87.35 ; May , * 7.42X(37.45 ( ; June , 87.55. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. 8f..00ac.25 ( ; short clear , SMlir.s.45 ; short ilb , * ? . . Butter Falrlyactlve ; creamery , 24 } < < 331c ; dairy , 17K@-7c. . Cliecso Firm ; full crram Cheddars , 12U ® 12Jfo ; flats , 124' ' l2 'c ; Young Ameilcas , 13f'C13Xe ; skims , .Xi7c. Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country , solid , 3Vc ; No. 2,3'fc ' ; cake , 4c. llides-Unclmniced ; Green. Cc : heavy green salted , 7c : salted bull , Ci" Kr ' n HalU'il calf. We : dry salted hides , lOc ; dry Hint , 12 ( < jl3c ; deacon * ) . 40c each. Hcccliits.bhlpmcnt.1. . Flour , bbls 22.WK ) 26.000 Wlicat , bu 6S.OUU 4K.UOO Corn , bu 110,000 Oats , I'll ' t > 5.HX ( ) 10.1.01X ) live , bu none Hurley , bu 25,000 -,000 St. JjoulH , March 17. Wheat ( irnornlly lirm , slow nnd higher ; c.thh , " 'ji@50. ' ' May , so/c ; June , K-c. - , . Corn Firm and moderate ; cash , J-i ; May. 3Wc : June. W Oats-Dull ; cash , 2h' < c : May , 26 'c. Pork-Oulet ; nuw.Sl'J.uo. l.nid-Kasler at 87.20. Whlsky-81.18. Utiltcr Firm for best grades ; dairy , WRX ; creamery , 24030. AFTEIINOON UOAIIIJ Wheat Higher ; May , , bOKO O . Cotn JttfiiC better. Oats Nominal. iCanaa * City , March 17. Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2red , cash , 6 ! ) . ! c bid ; May , 724'cbia ' , 74c asked. Corn Weak ; No. 2. cash , 30 c bid , Sl'i'easked ; May , Hl c bid. Oats No quotations New Orleans , March 17. Corn Easier ; mixed , 4'Jc : white and vellow , 50c. Cornmeal Quiet at &J.25. and linn ; jobbing at 50@51c. Oats-Quiet and steady at 37J4@ " > Sc. llog Products Dull , weak and lower ; pork , 817.50. Lard , rehned tierce , S7.00 ® IJulk Meats-Shoulders,80.30. Long clear and clear rib , 88.37 . New York. March 17. Wheat He- cclpts , 84,000 ; exporte , 327,000 ; spot a shade higher and moderately active ; options ad vanced © Pic , closing steady ; ungraded red , .Jvfc . ; No. 3 red. bOJ < ; No. 2 red. 01 } $ , n'c In elevator , UlU&Olkc , f. o. b. , UO fe1 c In store , UJJ c alloat , SWtfc rail delivery ; April closed at til c. Corn Spot lirm ; options opened Jf@tfc ? lower ; closed steady and decline recovered ; receipts , 67.000 ; exports , 24,000 ; ungraded , 4S@4lc ) } ; No. 3 , 47&C ! No. 2 , 48 > 4'48 ? c In elevator , 40 @ 40Wc , afloat , 60ie old de livered ; April closing at 48c. Oats-WQltfc higher ; receipts. 1,000 : exports - ports , 15 ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white , western , ! ! 8i42c. ( Petroleum Firm ; United , Mc. Pork Firm but very quiet. Lard 10@11 points lower , but moderately active ; western steam , spot , 87.fX7.G5. ! Butter Quiet and barely steady. Cheese Firm and fair demand. Kggs Steadier ; western , l > c. Minneapolis , March 17. Wheat Opened firm and closed strong ; No. 1 hard , cash , 7G4xc ; May , 77Vc ; June , 7bJ c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 74 c ; May , 75Kc ; June , 7CJ/c ; No. northern , cash , 72 c ; May , ' Flour Firm ; patents , 84.254.40 ; bakers , . . . Kcceints Wheat , 154,000 bn. hhlpmnnts Wheat , U6.000 bu. ; flour , 23,000 bbls. Milwaukee. March 17. Wheat Higher : ca8h.7fic ( ( ; May.TOKc. Corn-AVeak ; No. a. 8c. Oats-llluhcr : No. i white , 32'4'c. ' Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 57c. Barley Steady ; No. 3 , Sic 1'rovlslons Steady ; pork , March , 920.25. Cincinnati. March 17. Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2. 83c. Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , Hyo Strong ; No. 8.COC. Pork Dull at 817.75. Lard-Weaker at 7.25. Whtsuy-Active at $1.13. MVE STOCK. ChloaRo , March 17. Tba Drovers' Jour nal louortd as follows : Cattle KeceiDt' ' , 10,000 ; slow and 510c lower ; shipping steers , 84.00@r .CO ; stockers ers and tradur * . $3.5004.2.1 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S2.yo@4.00 ; bulk , S'iOoC-3.30 { ; Texans 54.25. Hogs Receipts , 16,000 ; slow and 5c lower rough and mixed , 55.15M5.60 ; packlni ? and , BIIIIMIUIK , > . ' .UVvU..rf- ' , light , Skips. 83.254.l)0. ) tlvcs , c- ans , ' National Stock Yard * , East St. Ijouls.lll. , March 17. Cattle Receipts. C40 shipments none ; market active and strong choice heavy native steers , * 4.WW.uo ; fall to good Khlppinn steers , S4.10Xgl.70 : butch prs"steer8 , talr to choice , S3.0Ug4.SO ( ; feeders falrto good , $3.00@i.UO ; ; stackers , fair to good . . Hogs lincelpts. 4,000 ; Bhipmcnts , 700 market steady ; choice heavy and butchers selections , S5.bO@5.U5 ; packing , fair to good 85.00(35.75 ( ; Yorkers , medium to prime , 95.41 (45.55 ( ; pigs , common to good , S4.fcO@5.20. Kansas Clty.March 17. Cattle Receipts 2,000 ; shipments , 8,000 ; shipping steers ' t , HOSTS Receipts. 7,000 : shipments , 3,400 choice about steady ; common to mixed 1' * . lower ; market very dull ; common to choice SSiobft&GOi ; skips and plfis , 52.75@4.50. ! OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Thursday , March 17. - Cattle. The receipts were heavier than yesterda1 by 100 head. The market was about 10 lower on all trades in sympathy with the dc cline in Chlcairo. The markat was active u the decline and the yards were cleared. Hoiro. The market was stronger on light hog ; Heavy hogs wcro dull and lower. The mm - ket closed weak and slow , a good many bein left over. _ Slinep. Tlicro was one load of fresh receipts In to- day. Receipts. Cattle. " ? Sheep K Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for llv slock on this markHt : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.403170 Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.25@4.10 Fat little steer 050 to 1100 Ibs. . . . y.90ii.'JO ( ( iood to choice com-fed cows. . . . aoX23.40 ( Falrto medium cows 2,00 X50 Good to cholco bulls 2.2.V33.00 Light and medium hoes 5.w : 5.50 Good to choice heavy hogs. . . . . . . 6.oo < y5.C5 ( Jood to choice mixed hogs 5.40M5.55 Choice sheep , 00 to 120 Ib 8.60 4.20 Iteprcsentative ttaleo. STCKItS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8..1033 84.00 22..101)5 ) 84.37 1..1170 4.00 21..1003 4.W 4. . . . 055 4.20 14..1200 4.40 2..1015 4.20 44..1118 4.40 4 . . UQ 4.20 8t.lWtt ) 4.40 20..1170 4.25 84..1215 4.50 23..1105 4.2.1 14..1253 4.50 18..10W 4.8.-S 20. . . . 1245 4.50 34..1270 4.35 8S..13i9 4.05 13..11CO 4.U5 10..1424 4.72 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..11CO 82.50 3. . , . 1305 $3.25 l.,120 : ! 2.GO 10. . . . lll'J 3.40 a. . . .1225 3.00 8..1010 3.SO 1. . . . Bffl 8.25 5..1078 B.M 0. . . . 000 8.25 HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. .Av. Pr. 4..J070 52.75 ' 1..1470 fS.W SC..IM.I aw 1..1720 a DO. 3. . . .1740 3.00 8. . . .14H5 8.0-1 l.,14bO aCO 1..1U30 3.10 llt'LLS AND COWS. No. Av. Pr. 10. . . .1175 S3.00 ' ' No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 100. . . ; 70 3.10 No. Av. Shk. I'rn0No. ( Av. Shk. Pr. . 7.1. . . . IKS 110S5.40 ! O'J. . . ' .MO 4085..0 . CO. . . 211) ) 1IX ) 6.40 73. . . .224 120 li.M ) 71 . . .243 2M ) 5.421 $ M..2.B . . 5.50 72. . . . ! i 13 tO 5.45 75. . . . 213 tfX ) fi.50 M..240 . . 5.45 G2..24'l 120 fi.50 70 . . .218 . . 6.47J < f 71. . . . 251) ) 160 6.50 70. . . . N ) 6.50 7(1. ( . . . 243 120 6.60 < % < . . . . ! 40 B.fiO CO..S73 NX ) 0.50 78. . . . liOU SO 5.50 ( VS. . . . 201 100 5.M ) 78. . . .1W 120 ft. 60 01. . . 247 40 6.50 5T..21 < J . . 5..V ) G'.253 ) 100 6.55 73. . . . 220 40 5.f)0 71. . . . 273 2SO 5.55 7H..2I2 40 6.W 08. . . . 2M 120 5.00 7r..2Jl fcO 5.50 25. . . . 134 bO 5.75 Range ori'rlcos. Showing the highest and lowest nrlcrs paldfor loads of lions on Itils market during thopast seven d.iys auil tor tlio same time last inontli and a vrar am Kcl ) . 1M7. March Match If. * " . nth 3M ( i.uO ( iifi W I''th 4UD ' " * ) , lth 4UDHumlay 3.fO W1.8J Sunday' Hlh 4.ri ! r..lO suiulny r.trj ar > . : o ir.tii 4.s$5t.ri.iu ! $ 3.HO WI.U.'IJ . ICilll 5.iu > . : : i.FO © .183 r > y > ® r..774 ! Kill 4.90 fif.-i.40 Jl.ift ( iB.1.80 Shipment" . Showing the number of rattle , hogs and slieepMilpp'jil Ironi the yards during thu day. CATTI.I : . No. cars. lit. DoM. 0 . N.W . Chicago li ! . . .Mil. . . Chicago stock in tliU market are made percwt. live welulit unless otherwise stated. lead hogs sell at > c per Ib. for all weights. ' Skins , " or hogs welching ! e lot ) His. no value. Proliant sows are doukud10 103. andstit sboibs. by the public Inductor. Notes. Cattle lo\\cr. i.luht hoxs higher. Heavy hogs lower. Mr. Hey , Fremont , was In with a load of hog" . Cattle lOc lower on account of decline in Chicago. Frank J. Toohlll , O'Neill , was In with a load ot hoes. JI. Ford , Marquottc , was hero and sold a load of hogs. T. J. Scatcr , Anderson , was In and sold a load of hogs. Harry Cundall , Aurora was In and sold two loads of cattle. 1' . A. Barrett , Weeping Water , was In and sold a load of cattlo. M. P. Williams , Louisville , was In and marketed two loads of cattle. John lluebenor , Fremont , was here and marketed two loads of cattle. Mr. Smalloy , of Potter & Smalley , Elm Creek , was In with a load of cattlo. Young Valley , Plaltsmouth , was in with load of cattle for J. W. Conn & Co. Llpton bought 043 hogs on to-day's market that averaged ' 'liU Ibs and cost $5.40. W. Weyant , Jr. , Oermantown , was In with two loads of cattle and one of hogs. J. T. Kemp , representing M. Burke & Sons on the road. Is in from a wcstei n trip. Frank Jobson. Falilieid. came In to-day with two loads of cattle which sold on the market. J. It. Campbell was in with a car of cattle and a car of hogs from Weston for Clark lleaton & Co , John Knox , Palmyra , came In will * his first shipment , a load of of cattle which soli' at satlstactory prices. OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHItETU Thursday , March 17. General Produce. Ttic following prices arc. far raun-1 lots of prodwcm nold on the market tn-nvj. Tito quotations on fruits represent the prJcej at which outside orders arc tilled. Eoos The market was falily active to-day at lOc. BurrEii An occasional package of fancy butter sells at better prices than tlioso quoted below. Choice country , 15(317c ( ; fair to good , 12@14c ; common , Sfe'lOc. ' CiiEF.feE Full cream Cheddars , slnule , 14c ; full cream Huts , twins , He ; Young Ameri cas , I4if@l4jc ; fancy Swiss , lG@i u ; Swiss imnorted , 25c ; Llinbtirger , He ; brick. 15@10c. GAME Ducks have comme.nccd to arrive on the market and are selling fairly well. They are mostly teal and red head ? . There have been only a very few geese In. Mal lard ducks , per dozen , 83.60@3.00 ; teal , per dozen , 8iOO ; mixed , per dozen , 82.00 ; geese , per dozen , 84.00Q4.50. DitESSKi ) I'OULTHY The receipts have been very Unlit and the market Is almost bare. Good stock goes quickly at We. LIVE Pouiyrny The warm weather has created some demand for live poultry. Chick ens are quoted at § 2.75 ( < { 3.00. BEANS Inferior stock,75@81.00 ; good clean - country , 31.00c21.25 ( ; medium , hand picked , St40@1.50 ; hand picked , navy , S1.60@1.GO. , PKOVISIONH Ham , 12 > f@13c ; breakfast bacon , rib , 0 cbreakfast bacon , plain , 10e ; ; dry salt sides , 8K@ ! % c ; dried beef , luyuuu , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-lb cans , 8c : 20-lb cans , Fairbanks , 8 > < c ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks. 8 'c ; 5-lb cans , Fahbanks. b-tfc ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , SVic. - POTATOEH There has been considerable activity on the market during the past few . days. Homo grown stock Is selling well In 20 to 2.1 sack lots at 80@70c. Stock must bo ; coed to bring those prices. There are a few ! Salt Lake and a few sweet potatoes In. There Is still a liberal supply ot Colorado stock on the market which Is verv choice nnd sells well. Home crown , from store , fiO@70e ; Colorado , Hose , per bu. , S1.03 < at.lO : Snowtlnke , per bu. , Sl.oi@l.lO ; Salt Lake , 81.00 ; sweet , per Ib. , So. CAIIHAOE There was a car of Colorado stock on the market which sold readily. The market is also well supplied with California stock both red and whlto. California , per Ib , : ! c ; Colorado , per Ib , " c. Arri.Es The receipts are Increasing and Si the market . Is weaker. Choice stock is inov- 25 VKOETABI.KS Old vegetables are movlne slowly. Unions , cholco stock , per bbl , 4.00 ( < ? 4.ftO. Beets , carrots , turnips , etc. , per bbl. S1.7M2.UO ; California , 8iOOi.25. ! Horseradish roots , per Ib. , 7c. ( iitKEN VKQETAIII.KS There is a small supply of ureen vegetables on the market but it is not moving very readily as yet. Spinach , per bbl. . 82.00. Top onions , per dozen bunches , 1520ct celery , per dozen. 40 @ 45c : California celery , per dozen , UOc , ; cauliflower , per dozen , $1.50 ; radishes , per Oc dozen bunches , 30@40c. lent OVSTEIIS Mediums , 20c : standard , 2Cc ; nt selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 ; N. Y. counts , 38 c. LEMONS The weather Is hardly warm enotiKh to make a very active demand , Mes sina , per box , 85.00@5.50 ; choice , per box , nr- 85.00. OUANOES Valencia and Florida oranges are becoming scarce. Valencia , per case , 85.50 ; California , Uiverslde , per box , 84.25 ; California , Los Angele.s. per box , 82.75(33.00 ( ; - Florida , bright , 83.75Q4.00 ; Florida russets , $3.00nJ3.50. BANANAS Large bunches , per bunch , 82.5C 500 @ 3.50. oo NUTS Afew black walnuts are coming In too from the country and are slow sale at ? 5c pei bushel. The following are the lo prices at which orders from the outside re ve tilled : Almonds , UOc ; pecans , large polished He ; filberts , HcBrazlls ; , 14cwalnuUNaples ; SOc ; walnuts , Chill , He ; peanuts , 11. P. Vir ginia , 8c. rit FLOUR AMD MIU.STCFFB Winter wne it l flour , best quality patent , 82.75 ; second qua ilat ! Ity , $ 'j.00@i,50 : bent quality spring whea flour , patent , 82.40@2.00 ; bran , 70c per ati i choppedfeed,75c per cwt ; white corn meal OOc ; yellow corn , meal , 8090o per cwt screen In f , 60(375o ( per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 shorts , TOO per cwt : graham , 81.75 ; hay , In bales 87.00 per ton. GUAIN Corn , 27c ; wheat , No. 2 , 57c ; oats 25c ; rye , 45c. Grocer' * fjUI. PICKLES Medium. In bbls , * 8.00 ; do , In half bbls , 8J.50 ; smull , In bbls. i.00 ; do , in halt bbls. S5.00 ; gherkins , InbbU , 910.00 ; do In bait bbla , 15.55. SuoAH Granulated , OKeo c ; conf. A.BJ fflrtc ; white extra C,5V < @ 5 o ; extra C , 5 , ' ; yellow C,4Ji$4Hc ; cut toaf , powdered , O itfO&e. COFFEKS Ordinary trades , Ur 2K 15 'Qi'c ; prime. loWc ; choice , 10 ( fancy green and yellow. Ixai7c ( : ol ov ed fe Difworth'8. l S'c : Bed Cross , . . CANNED UooD8-Oy8tenstandardper cas < 13.15 3.85 ; strawberries , a Ib. per caae. m raspberrlea. 2 Ib , per case , 12.2.5 ; oCallfornl pears , per cajw , 14.50 ; apricots , per ca.s. 14.60 ; peaches , w cue , 15.00 ; white die rles , ptr case , 80.00 ; pumfuner ca o , , blueberries percase , Sl.sSilegg plums. 3 Ib , PIT case. * 2,50 ; pineapples \ ID , per case 33.2ixrf5.7S : l ib nihokrrci. per dor , 11.10 ; 1 Ib salmon , pcrdoz.31.SOuM.3S * , 210 , goose berries , per case.,31.75 ; U Ib'strinz ' beans , INT case , 3l.fi5 ; ' 'Ib llmabeqiiv per case. 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrow fat peas , jiercase , Si5 < X < W IX ) ; 2 Ib early June peas , percase. 82.75 : 3 ib toma toes. U2.5'JM2.l'iO:2 : 82.40a3.50. MATCIIF.S Per caddie , 25c ; square cases , 81.70 : inulnmiimre. 31.20. STHUI--NO. 70 , 4-gallon Jcegs , 81.20jtl.25 ; Now Orleans per gallon J8 < j46c { ; maple syrup , half bbls. "old time , " peri gallon , 7i c ; I gal lon cans , tier doz , 810.00 ; Jialt gallon cans , per doz. 85.50 ; quart cant , 53.00. CA.NDV Mixed , sjflaiie : stick , 8f@9t ! < c. CRACKEUS Oarnenu's soda , butter and picnic. 6) < c : creams.b'ic ! ginger snaps , o c ; city soda. 7w. . , / . , , bTAitcii-Mlrror gbfk 1 Ib , Cc : , mirror gloss , 3 Ib , 65c : mirror gloss , Olb , C { c ; Graves corn.l Ib.O c ; Klngsford's corn. 1 ID , 7c : Klncsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Klngsford's closs , Olb. 7Xc ; Klnirsford's pure lib. BJ n ; KltiKsford's pure , 3 Ib. 5Jc ; Klngsfords bulk 4c ' SOAP'S Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70 : Kirk s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.05 ; Kirk's white Kussian , 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , 80.60 ; dome , 83.85 } washboard , 83.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. General Market * . "VAitNisiiES Uatrels. per gallon ; furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 : Da- mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspltaltum , extra S5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil tinlsh , 11.bu HEAVY HAnnwABE Iron , ratn S2.SO ; plowHttclspccl rcftst,4'ccruclblesteel'iKc } ; ; cast tools , ( lo. 12itlt ( y wagon spokes , wi set , 82.00ft3.50 ( ; hubi. per set , S1.2S : lelloes. sawed dry. 81.50 ; tongues , each. 8 ( > c : axeN. rach. T5c : square nuts , per lu. ( U ( 71c : eoll rhain , per Ib. OJ ( < fil'c ; mallcablo.f < ( iiiuo ; iron wwlKos , Cc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow teeth , ' ( .c , spring f > teol. 7@l'c ; Burden's horio shoes 4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 35.75. Unrbod wire. In ear lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to M ) , 8MO : steel nails , 82.1K ) . Shot , 81.05 ; buckshot , 81.85- oriental powder , kegs , 82.50 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do. quarter kegs , 81.60 : blasting , kegs , 82.35 ; fuse , per 10 feet , Coc. Lead bar. Sit * . _ _ Dnv PAINTS-White lead , .c : French zinc , 12c : Paris whiting. 2 0 ; whiting , u-llders , 2J c ; whiting , com'l , IMC ; lampblack , Ger- inanptown , T-'c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian bluo.55cultramailne ; , Ife ; vandyk- brown , So ; umber , burnt. 4c ; utnDcr. raw , 4e : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw. 4c ; I'arts green , itunulno. * 'o. Paris green , com mon , 22o ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ; vermlllion Aiucrican. Ibc : inawn raw and burnt umber , l Ib cans , I''c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12o : Vandyke brown , I3c : relined lined lampblack I2c : coach black and ivory black , Ite ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome crecn.L. , M. A I ) . . Iflc ; blind r.nd shutter green. U. M. A D. , ICc : Pans green , ISc ; Ir.illan red , 15c ; Venetian red , DC ; Tuscan. 22c ; American vermlllion. L. & D. , 20e : yellow ochre. So ; L. M. A O. D. . 18c : coed ochre. ICc : patenj dryer , 8c ; Braining color. light oaic , daik oak , walnut chestnut and nsh. 1'Jc- DHUOS AND tjiiEMtcAi.H. Ac < l carbolic , We ; acid , tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per B > , f.Ucbark : sassafras , per ft , lOc ; calomel , per ft , 78c , ehlnchonidla , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , per Ib , 48c ; Dovers powders , per Ib. 31.25epsom : falls. , per n > . WcBlycerino \ , pure , per Ib , 3oc ; 'cad. ' acetate , per tt > . 2lc ; oil , ea tor. No. 1. per ghl. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , Sl-0oll ' ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orliratinum. 500 ; opium , 83.W ) ; quinine 1' . A W.and It. AS , , per oz. 75c ; potassium Iodide , per Ib , 8 ' .50 ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. 8M5 ; sulphur , per ft,4c ; strychnine , twroz. FAINTS is OH. While lead. Oraaha.P P. , 0' ' < fe. ; white lead St. Loills , pure. tiKc ; Mar seilles , green , l Ib cans. 2c : Kronen zinu , eroen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal. He ; Freneli zinc , in varnlxh asst. 20c : Kench zinc. 75c : vcrmlllion. English , In oil , 75e ; red , lOc : rose pink , I4c { ; Venetlan red , Cook- son's , 2 c ; Venetian Ved , Amctlcan. IKc ; red lead , 7 c ; chrome'yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. 3c ; ochre , French , 25ic-ochre , American , l > fc ; Winter's mlneraU 8j n ; Lenigh blown , 2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2 > < c ; iTlnco's rclneral , ' " * 3c SPiniTs Colosno spirits , 188 proof , 81.17 ; do 1G1 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do Ibs proof. 81.10 Alcohol. 188 proor , 82.20 per wine callon. Kedlstllled whiskies , 81.ooai.5u. pin , blended. 81.50 ® ? ,00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.OOdO.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 32.00d0.5U ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon' and rye whiskies , 8t.Va3.0c. ) Brandlesjimported , S5.00@8.r > 0 ; domestic. 81.30(33.00. ( . Ulna , imported , 84.50 ( rC.OO ; domestic , 8l.25ra3.00. Champagnes , Imported , percase , 828.00@33.0o ; American , per case. 810.00tfJin.OO. HIDES Green butrhcrs , 5 < @Co ; green cured. 7c : dry Hint , llftfl'to ; drv salt , OftilOc ; green calf skins , c ; damaged mdes , two-thirds price. Tallow 3J < c. Grease Prime white , 3 * c ; yellow , 2 ; c ; brown , 1 % Sheep Pelts. 25Q75c. 1'tiits AND OKI.NH-The following price are for prime , well handled skins : Beaver , prime , clean per pound. 81.50@3.00 ; fall , 81.a ( 2.00 ; meaty and Inferior. S1.00@1.25. Bear , blown and grizzly , 85.00Q8.00 ; oubs wild yearlings , 8 .00 4.00. Badger , M ) ( < tfiOc. Cat , wild , S0@-i.0c : domestic , black , ioml5c : do mestic , sundry colors , 5@8c. rex , red. , @ 1.25 ; eross. S'J.OO@4.00 ; irrny , 40iJ50c ( ; silver , 810.00@40.00. Fisher. S4.003.00. Otter.84.00 ( SO.OO. Martin , S1.00Q175 , .Muscrati win ter. largo , lOc : fall , 6c ; kitts , Mink , larito dark , a5@40e ; small and pale , 15@20c. Hac- eoon. large prime , 40 ( < } 50c ; small and Interior. 20@30c. Skunk , common , 15@25c. Wolf large grey. 81.60@2.60 ; coyote or prairie 75 ® OOc. Doer and antelope , winter , pound 15c ; full and summer , per pound 20c. OPT Lin m bar. BOARDS. No. 1 Com. sis S19.00 " " 15.50 No. 2 ' No. 3 " " 15.00 N 4 " " 10.00 Dt.MKNRIO.NB AND TIUdEIIS. i * M ft * rj 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and it ft. rough. . . $ lS.r > 0 No. 3 , 4 & 6incb , 13 nnd U ft. , rough. . . 1 > .0(1 ( SID1NO. A,12,14andlO ft . S31.6C B , " " " . 20.0C C , " " " . 15.X ( D , . " " " . n.a CEIMNO AND PAUTITIOJf. 1st com. , % In White Tlno CcilliiB . 834.X ( 2d ' " " " . . . 2s.o 2d com. , ? In Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.0 A Cinch , white pine , 85.M ) C . 820.W K Glucli. " " ( SelFen'c ) . W.0 LIMB , KTC. Qulncy white lime , ( best ) 5o Akron cement. 0.75 ; hair . 25 STOCK IIOAIIRS. A 12 Inch 8. 18. 45.50 C . 535. No. i , com. 12 In s. l s. , 12. & 14 820 : in fuo.a No. a , . ' . " 17.00 ; " 10. & PINIRHINo. Island 2d. clear , \u Inch , s. a . SSO.a 3d , clear , 1 Incli. s. 3 s s4t i4' ; . 1 } , a In 45..M B clear , 1 i ncli , s. 2 0 2D.50 ; 1yt , 3 i n 37.0 SHIP I , AT. No. 1 , plain , 8 and 10 m . 818. V SOUTH iHN YlCM.OW 1'INK. Coin. 4 and 0 in. lloorlnc . 517.5 , Clear , tlnisli , 1 and 1't ; In. 8.2s . 29.0 " corrugated culling , 4 In . 24.5 , " Yellow pine casliK ) and base. . 27.0 , 1'ICKKTS. Tickets , D and II lltit'S'Io.M ' ; D & U sq. 820.5 XX clear . ' . 83.0 A standard l.l 2.7 [ * A U. B. and B. . . . . . > 2. ! POSTS. White Cedar , 0 In. , KS , 12 > c ; 0 In. qrs..ll , ' ll > ic8In.irs..l ; ( ] , - Pretty Severe on the Boy. Dry Goods Chronicle : In 1843 an eli - merchant in this city started his son who was somewhat dissipated , ill bus ness. When ho set' him up no said t ! him : "Now , my sbrij I have given yo j ample capital. If you are steady an take care ot it and' y6urself , you will d well nnd make a largo fortune. Kee , out of bad company avoid gambling , will endorse all your business notes fc purchaici. If yon do not do as I wisl you will incur my serious displeasure. Years rolled on and the son seemed t , bo doing well , when one morning a we know blackleg called on the old gentli man , and presented him with a chcc : on the bank of America for 11.000. " 1 have been lo the bunk , said tl gambler , "and they refuse to pay it. that your signature ? " The son bad lost that amount nt tl faro table the night befoie. flashed across the old merchant's mir ; that something was wrong , and ho o served to the gambler : " ( Jive me th ; , check and I will give you another. " I did so , and the gambler went away sati tied. As soon as he was gone the o er- gentleman smarted for the store of hiaso All sncmod sunshine there. Ho spoke to his son ; "I want to see you up stairs. " They went clear up to the garret , out o ( hearing. Then the. exasperated father drew out of his pocket the check , lie put it under the eyes of his sou. "What does this mean1 "Tho POU was asloumlcd. He tried to shunio it off to explain It away. It was of no uo. "You shall no longer bring disgrace upon mo. I will put a stopper on t > uch goings on,1' On his way down to his son's store ho had bought it heavy rawhide at a saddler shop , lie took his son by the collar and cave him a most turrlfllc cowhidlng. Whim ho hail finished he said : "Now wind tin your business as quick as possible. " The son left business never to engage in It again , and was nnvor lifter regarded as of any account by his father or any one else. TlNCOLN , NEB. GUKATKST U.VII.KOAU CENTKU 1NTMK WOULD ( > IT ! AflE. U tins grown from 410 tu UU ) population In 1'J yuan and H nnwurnnltiit fiiMcr tlmn over. liivcutnieiitF In trick blnrlximy 19 to'JO percent. l.nt lmvo uvornnei ! over HO per cent per nnnum COlllKes ? ° rON'I ) NrK AND HUSl.VKSShOUCITKI ) . 3zo zo zoI" I" fuV E < 5o 3Q. . Q.O A. J. OROPSEY&CO. nilOKKHP , LINCOLN , NKU. lluvc ( or nlc tirlck block * . IHI-IIIPS' lot * , nil klinln cf renl oMutr. 1V , 5 , lUiind W ncrc tracts , fnrmsniiJ ihcap luiula < MONKY LOANED. INVESTMENTS MADE. HUPIlUKNCKHi-Tlic Kirtt niul l.lnniln Niitloniil F , ( jov.Thnjror. Jiidac Cobb. Sen. S. M. Cullcnn , n. Ilcn llurrison , Indhinn. MORTH- " WESTERN WW RAILWAY. Tlieonly rend to tnko for DCS Molnes Mar- Bhalltowii , Cednr Itaulds , Clinton , Dlxun , Chlca KO , Mllwnukoc and all points cimt. To tbo people plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wuihlnxton and Call- fornln , It o tin re superior advantage * uot posil Mo by any other lino. Amontr a few or the numerous points of 8" perlorlty enjoyed by the pntrons of this road between Omaha mm Cblcaxo , urn Its two trains a day of DAY COACH E8 , which are the finest ilmt human nit and Inifonulty can crcuto. Itt PAIjAUnSLKBl'INQ CAHS. which are models of comfort nntl oletcanco. Its PARLOR DRAW ING KODM CARS , unnurpRBsed by Rny , nnd tin widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS tlio ouunl nf which cannot bo found olecwhern At Council muffs the trnlng of thoUnlon Puclflc Rr. connect In Union Depot with those of thu ChlCBHO & Northwestern Ity. In Cblcn o the trains of this line nmko close connection with those of nil eastern lines. For Detroit. Columbus , Indliumpolls , Clnciri' ' nnti , NlairnraFnlla , Iliiffnlo. Plttsbunr.Toronto , Montreiil , llostnn , New Voile , Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washington nnd all polntB ; n the east , ask If you wish the bust ncoommodation. Alltlcko > agents sell tickets via tins line. II. HUGIIITT , K. P. WILSON , Gen'Manager. . Oont. I'nss'r Agent Culcuiro , 111. W. M. BAUCOCFf , L U. 1JOLLES , Western ARont , City I'ues'r Agent , Umuba , - , CHICAGO SHORT LINE ChicapjMilwaube&St.PaulR'y . ' The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis CcdarRapids , Rock Island , Frceport , Roekford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc , Bcloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Bast , Northeast mid Southeast. For through tickets call on thn Ticket Agent at 1401 Farnam street , ( in Puxton hotel ) , or at Union I'aclflo Depot. I'nlliniin Sleepers and the unoit Dining Cars < In the woild aie run ou the main lines of tbo < CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. 1'xur , HAILWAY , nnd every attention li paid to pnisengori by courteous employes of the company. K. Mir.i.r.H , General Manniter. < J , K. TUCK nil. Assistant Ocnernl Manager. A. V. It CAHI-ENTEH , General I'HSscnger and Ticket Agent , < OKO. K. IlKArroRD , Assistant General Pa - eongcr and Ticket Agent , 50 J. T. CI.AIIK. General Bupcrlntendent. 00 50 Red Star Line 00 Carrying the nelBlum Roynl und United States Mall , sailing every Baturdny 00 Betwetn Antwerp & New York To the Rhine , Germany , Italy , Hoi' land and France , ,50 8alonJrom60 [ to $75. Excursion trlpfrqm $110 to | 12.'i. Second Cnbln , outward bound , 75 prepaid , $41 ; excursion , $00. Btccrngo pnisatre .50 at low rates. I'etcr Wright It Sons , General Agents , Mi Broadway , New York. lie Henry Punclt , 1218 Farnam st.jPaulson 4 Co. , LUc U28 Farnam et. ; n. Q. Freeman. 13.J4 r'arnam. l wet Rate Ever OlTercd Vrom Me. Klvcr Id , CALIFORNIA "T RU.NPD . $60 site WSIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excunlont , to Pertonally conducted , Icuve Cblcago , fit. Loud , ou Kinui Cltjr , Omaha and otber Wcitern Cities IHl inontblr , tot California over tbe C. 11. & Q. and tba do IREAT SCENIC ROUTE cV.r . I XL C. 81ULKU , Uanigcr. Xld Clark Htrceu CIIICAQU ! tor 5.1' , to oil le- leck ck the Is FOR SALE. the A largo nutubor of recorded rcrohcron nd Clydesdale Stallions. Also Home III eel Oolia ind Every annual guaranteed breeder. is.en reasoDAbleond terms easy. Uuri-tock has bee ob- selected with reference to both Inclivldui batHe merit nnd pedigree. A largo number of ou Ho Bullions nro acclimated and Cells of their tot tis- can lie shown , fork U on the U. & M. K. it - two hours' ride went of Lincoln. For can old ou. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Imp/ements. " " CIWRCHILL PARKER" Wboleiler > faltrln Agricultural Implements , Wacom , Cl.rrl spi ud lluajlft. Jontu ittetl , bttwrto Wb nJ10lhOinih , N b , LINING ER , t METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Waiflni.CarrlaRti , llanrlci , Ktc , Wholf lr , Om.ha. . LEE , FRIED f CO. , Jobber ? of Hardware nnd Nails , Tinware , 8h' < t Iron , Kte. A > nti for llow traits , Mi < l Miami I'owdtrC'o. , Onmha , Ncli. P A RLIN , ORENDORFA MA RTIH Wholiial * Dcnlf n In Agricultural Implements , IVagontand Dvigfln. 901,003,106 unJSfl ; , Jonrt it Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 111.1 DouclM Ptrcet , Onmha. Builders' Hardware and Scales. lliiililci's'Hardwnre A Scale Repair Shop llecbanlca' Tooli and HulTalo Pr l i. UQj loul i iu _ Omnlia. Neb. _ Boots and Shoes. HAND SHOE COMPANY , M nuf ctur n and Wbolciale Dealers In lioots and Shoes , Complete stork of Kubbtr Uoodi alwayi on band toil 8. 13th St. , Omalm , Nell. A. T. Auitln , Atent. W. V. MOUSE C CO. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. III ! rariiain ft. , Omnhi. Neb. Mnnufnclorj , Summer itrect , HoMon. Z. T. LINDHEY d > CO. Wholesale Uubbor Boatj aul Shoes Kubbur nnd Ullt-d Clnthlng nnd 1'olt lloola end Shoes. Southi > u t roriu-r 14th uiul Beer. M. KEATING , Agt. for Anlicusor-Ilnsh Krowinff Ass'n lnl Br.nndi. ranit.Iludweliiornnd Erlangpr. STORK cC ILER , Lager Ilccr Hrewors , 1S51 North Nth RtreM , Omnlia , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , ' Butchers' Tools and Supplies , fauiigs Casings or all kind * always In stock. HIE joimsit.Ouiann Coffee , Spices. Etc. CO. , Omaha Cotrce and Spice Mills. Te .Octree. , Splcfi. linking Powder. FlaTOrtnxBX- tracti , Laundry Blue. Ink. Kto , 1I1M8 Huncy Btreet , Omuhi. N b. GATES , COLE MILES , Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'g Co. CiiirceRonntfrsand Pplfs Grinder * . Manufacturers of Baking I'owder , KlaiorlnK Uztrnrti , lllulnp. Kto. Try ' ° cair of our ! packnf e Horn * Blend ltuui.ted Onnpe. HOJ Uownril it. , ( Union. Net. Cornice. EAGLECOBNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of Oalranlted Iron snd Comic * . 19 Dodge and 10.1 and 106 N , 10th at. . Omaba , Neb , KUEMPING < C BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlndowi , Klnali. Metallc Bkjllgbt , etc. IV ) B. 12tl ( t. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. QalTantied Iron Cornice * , etc. Br.cct' lmproTed Put- ent Mutallc fckyllgbt. WB nd5ld H.Htb > t.iiinh ) . Carpers. Jobber of Carpets , Cnrtainn , Oil Cloths , Bugs Linoleums , Mnttlngi , Kto. 1M1 Douflai itreet. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnf t , Curtain Good * . Kte. 1U3 Farnam ( Street , Omaha. Neb. Crockery , and Motions. Agent for the Unouftcturcri and Importer ! ot Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Cblmneyi , etc. Office , 317 South lltb et Omtbl.Kcb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing. Butter. Kggiand Produce. Conilgnmenti ( ollclted llcidqunrters for Btonowtre , Kerry Oozei and ( trapo Ilniketi. 1114 Dodge itreet , Umaba. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frnlt' , Produce and Provisions , flmnba , Neb. W. E. RID'DELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Specialties llutter , Eggi. Uhcose , Poultry. Game , Orater * , Etc , Ktc. 11J Couth J4th street. WIEDEMAN rf > C'O , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , etc. 230 B. lithst Omaha , Neb , Coal ana' Lime. . C. r. OonnMAN , V. Pies. J. A. rlUNDKHLAHD , See. and Treat. OMAHA COAL , COKE LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , aoa South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. J. J. JOHNSON C CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Bhlppor * of Coal and Coke. Cement , Plaster , IJme , Hair. Fir * Brick , Drain , Tile ) and Sewer Pipe. OOlce. Parton Hotel. Varnam St. , Omnba , Neb. Telephone Ml. _ Confectionery. Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of Frults.Nuts and Clg-ais. Ull Farnam Bt. Omaba. Cigars and Tobacco. " " " ' "MEYER & co Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Guns nnd Ammunition , 115 to223 B. Ittb it. , 1010 U > lOai Farnam St. . Omaba , Nob. WEST d > FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealer * In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 106 and 110 N.14tn street. Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH D CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Doutrlat , cor. lltb St. , Omaba.Neb. Distillers. Dlsuners of I.lquon , Alcohol and Pplrlts. Importers snd JoLbcrsof WluesanJLlquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'Jf CO. and ILER < CO. , Importers nd Jobbert of Fine Wines and I.lqnor * . Bolemanufneturenof Keunedr' ; Kait Indln flll- tun unU ixiun'tilo Uquun. llU llarn y BU " Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAt'BR.Pres. J.W.BEnronr > .Bec.ATre u It. J. CAHSOH. V.Pre . imd Btipt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office JIS fl. Ulh St. , Omahn. Neb. Machinery and Bupplleii for Manufacturing Cement I mm Tile. ELEVATORS. II. w llooEitR , H-8. Buntine Pen. v : > TAni. ! im > 1S7S. VooI'rci | OMAHA ELEVATOR and GRAIX COMPANY , Jobbers and Slorcrs ol Grain. hip wonts of deulfrssollcllo iind Hntlitactloi . uuurantccd. Omhsii Nob. i furniture. , ' Wholesale Dealem in Farnam sU nmaba. Neb , - Omaha Jobbers' Directory ! Orocerits , I XTWf G LLAGJfEW tiricoTt Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noc.TO.707.708andTllMOthSt.Oanlia.X4lb. McVORD , BXtADY tC CO. , Wholesale Grocer * , ) Kin and l.eaTtnwcrtli it . , Oinauii. Hardware. Heavy Hnrdwarc , Iron and Steel , Brrlugi , Wncon Stork. ll rilw r Lumber , etc. MM nd 1)11 lUrnrf it. , omnh * . EDNEY c GIBBON , Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , Wwon nrt rarrlM * Wood Stock , ne Ty lUntwm * Kte. 1717 nq ll > t , t nworth it. , iinik * , N b. M ILTitN R OGERS .C SONS , Stove * } , Knnsrcs , Furnncon , Tiles , ' UiDtlci , ( lr t , llr n < loodi. 1331 and 1X9 K ra Blreet , Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought inrt Curt Iron Iliillillni ; Work , Iron Plain lUllmir , llenmi und ( llriler . Kirnm KnKlnro , llr Work , iloneriil Voiinilrj , Mnclilne und Hlicinralll Vork. Office unJWurki , U. l . liy. nrtl7thHieei. F. II. MrMANtlS. P. P I.t.lVAN. OMAILA WIRE , C IllOX WOKKZ Muntifiirtiirrm of Wire and Iron Railing , Desk Halls ; Window ( hinid . Flower KtHnilK. Wlro Hleni. Klo 173N.lGtli. Orders tijr mull proniptlT ntlomlcdto. Lumber. OMAJTA T.UM11EII CO. , Dealt' ' . . All Kinds of Building1 Mutorlal at Wholesp.lo. 18th Street nnd Union Pact Ho Track , Omnho. LVU1S URADFOUn , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , leer , Kto. Yanli Corner7tb nnd IooglM | Curutf 9th and Doujlni. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 P. I4lli ttrfctOrfiahn.Neb. T.rolpetier. Manager. I , C7N."DIETZ ' * . , Lumber. 13th and Callforrla Btreet i. Omaha , Neb. fit ED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. C < > r.Cth nnd Dotiglai iti. , Oruaha. N \ 1 HOAGLAND , 4 Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Firnam itreet , Omab * . CHAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpati and Parquet Flooring. Sth and Don la JOHN" A. WAKEFIELD , \VholcBaIe Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. RUM Agent forMllwaukea Ilfdraullc Cement and Dent ( julncj WnlteLlme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd. Buporlntecdant. Lirt Stock Commission. nr. nujtKE c SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Burke , Manager unionBtook VardaH.Omaha. Telephone 682. SAVAGE C GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bblpmenti of anr and all klndi of Block ollolted. Union Stock Yard * . Omaha , Neb. Millinery anil Motions. I. OBERFELDER cC CO. , Importers and Jobbera of Mllllno.ry and Notions , 1213and 1215 llarnej SUeet , Omaha.Neb. Hotions. , _ . - * * r * * * f * * V ff * J. T. Wholesale Dealori In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 40.1 and 403 8. Tentb St. , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELI > MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeann PanU , Shlrtu , Klo. 1102 and 1104 Douxlai Street , Omaha , Nab. Paper Boxes J. L. WILKIE , Mannfnctnrpr of Paper Boies , P.14th St. , Omaha , Nabraika. Order * br mali | llolted and will retire prompt attention. Printing. REE8 ntlNTING COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Book Maker * . And Book Dlndera. lOil and 10R BoutU fuuitcentb atreet. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealen In Trpe , Preitea and Prlntera' Buppllea. HI South Twelfth Street. Pumps. BIIOWNELL H5 CO. , Unnufacturera and Dealora In Engines , Boilers & General Machinery Sheet Iron work , Stuam Piiinp . Hnw Mills. Armt Bhaftlnir , Dodge Wood ipllt I'ulleya , lleltlny. etc , Alco wiigons , ncrapori.undbulotlca. l213-ll5Lea > venwortli it. Omaha RECTOR A WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. WOBtrrn agenta for JelTenon i < tei > l Nalla , Auatlt I'owdurCu , Falrbanii Standard t < ral i. Corner 10th aud Ilarnej. Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Flttiujfs , Bteam and Water Supullei. Heailquartera fur ilaM KojitCo'a 00011. 1111 taruaio t. . Omaha. Neb. A.L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and EiifirlncB , tc m , Water , Hallway end Milling Buppllei. KtO , 0 , MX and V3 Karoau at. , Omaha , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE ami PUMP COMPANY. 0 arUrWInd Mlllil } .fleam and W Wr Buppllei , IMuroblnitHocxii. Belting , llnie. VU and ICO tl ar * naniit. , Omaha. H. fc. Kelton , llauugcr. Telephone No. 210. Safes , Etc. r. BOYER d > CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' fire and llurtt'ar Proof Hufei. Tlrao Ix > ek . , Vault * jtnd J ll Worn. 1(0) ( Kuriiam Uruci Oiottha , Neb. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Safe Works. Wnnufnclnreriof Klre and llarelarProofSafci , Vault Uoon.jHll Work.Hhutiorii aud Wire Work. Cor. HttiundJaikionHU.Omi.buNeb , Sash , Doors , Etc. turotioj Snnli , Doors , Ullnils nntl Jlonldlntfs , Hrancn omc .1 MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Omabtt , N