rjwrr'1"1' ' WT " - t ' " - rp i 8 THE OMAHA DAILif BEEi THURSDAY , MARCH 17 , 1887. ALL OF THE TESTIMONY IN , The Evidence For and Against Jobn W. Lauer Before the Jury. THE ARGUMENTS COMMENCED. Mr. Slnicrnl Opens For thn StntoWllh A Strong ArrnlKtimont o Jiiljo Snvnuc For tlio Dcl'ciiHC. Xtio Imucr Trial. / At tlio opening of the I-micr trial yes- ccnlny morning the ilistrict court room was pretty well crowded. About one third of those in tlio lobby were ladles. As tliu trial went on the throng increased , and the entire north half of ttio court-room was fairly packed. Miss iMinrrvu Lancr was recalled and taken into cross-examination by ( Junpral Cowin. She said that when she heard the shot she supposed burglars were in thn house and rushed down-stairs to escape them. When John panic to the door he said : "My Godl 1 have mistaken Kallic for a burglar and shot hor.1 Ho nskcd me to come back to her. " 1 told him I couldn't go in. Ho said 'Hush out for help1 and then I went out nntl roused the neighborhood us quickly us I could. " " .John W. Lanor didn't tell you a thing nbout thn extent of the injuries that Sallie - lie l.auer had received ? " "Ho didn't have tinio to say any more , no sir. " ' Did he say anything to you about get ting a doctor ? " "No , sir. " "What kind of help did you think she needed ? " "Tho same kind as when she was sick before , when we called in Mrs. Savage who saved her life. " Miss Lanor was asked to define the kind of help that slio thought was needed , but her answer seemed to bo unsatisfac tory one. "Did you say n word to Mrs. Savage about getting n doctor ? " "I don't romcmbcr. " "Didn't you know that Dr. Tarkcr lived only a block away ? " "Yes , sir , I know that. " Miss Lancr was then asked us to whether she had ever had a conversation with a Mrs. Benson about the time of the funeral in which she ( Miss Lauer ) said that 'when she heard the shot aho came down stairs as soon as she dared to. It was no use to go for help , because Sallo was dead , dead , doad. ' "I will swear that I had no such con versation. " "I could see the look of dreadful dis- pair on John's face when ho came to the door. Up to this time 1 didn't think of the fact that 1 hadn't hoard Sallio's yoico. " "You say that the oatmeal was put on the stove to soak ? " "Yes , just to soak it and make it more easily cooked. " "Why couldn't you putiton the table ? " asked General Cowin. "Uecause wo wanted to heat it some what. " "Then the amount of heat depends . .upon the lire in the stove , doesn't it ? " The witness was obliged to admit that it did. "yLANd-YLANO. " A pleasant odor of "ylang-ylang" in vaded the nostrils of the reporters as the next witness Miss Emma Savage took her place on the stand. Holdup your right hand instead of your loft , " commenced the court as the young lady was being aworn. She complied and after the oath was properly administered began her testi mony. She told of the pleasant relations which had existed between Mr. and Mrs. Lauor. She had retired the night of the tragedy nbout 11 or 13 o'clock. She noticed Unit the blinds of the west dining room win dow of Lauor's house were open , the cur tain being down. About 2 o'clock thai morning she was awakened by hearing Miss Lauer crying for help. Miss Lauor eamo in. She had on only her nigh ! dress and a pair of slippers. Mrs. Sav- ngo throw a shawl over her head and then Miss Lauor went over to the Mr. MoShanu's house to arouse thorn. Miss Savage was cross examined b Mr. Simcrnl. She couldn't toll what ii was that attracted her attention par ticularly to the blinds and curtain o ; Lauor's wcht window Unit night , but slu was certain that the curtain was down. "How did you happen to notice that or thla particular night ? " was asked of her The witness could not toll. She furthoi tostilicd that on the morning after tin burglarysho noticed that the screen o the cellar window was torn off. 11CUUTTAI. TJSTIMONV. After a. hurried consultation will . Judge Savage , Mr. Tluirston nroso at i few moments before 11 o'clock and said "That is our case , your honor. " The taking of the rebuttal testimony was commenced bv the state. Mrs. J. \ \ Her was recalled a's the first witness , Slu testified that some time after Miss. Lauei had come to Omaha Mrs Lauor came to hoi house and told of a conversation she hai had with her husband. 'A certain mat had come to her house whom Lauor sail Vas no gentleman and forbade her t < npoak to him. ' Whereupon she said ti him , Tin going to speak to him when : like , and if yen don'I like it there is tin door.1" Mrs. Benson testified to a oonvorsatioi which she had with .Miss Lauer , cither o > the day of the inquest or the succeeding day. On that occasion Alibs Lauor toll her : "When I hoard the pistol shot rushed down stairs just ns soon us dared to. It was no use to go for li doc tor , for Sallie was dead , dead. " Deputy SlierilV Grebe Was next called nnd testified to having taken possessioi of the doors of the stove in Lauor' house about n year ago. Ho brough them into court , nnd explained thei relative position on the btovo. IN THE AITUUKOON. Mrs. Emma Dull was recalled for th purpose of fuithor crow-examination b counsel for the defonsn. She was askci if she didn't say to Oflicer Frank Dollanv who took her up to the police court t testify on the pridiminary examination that she did not know Lauov or nnythin ; about the case ? She replied that she di not. I Ex-Policeman Frank Dullamy was th next witness. Ho testified that ho wa tlio oflieer who brought Km ma Uell up t the polieo court. She told him on th way up that she hud msvor been in Lauor1 house , did not know hiui and know notl intf of Iho case. Lauor , the defendant , was recalled an testilied as to the manner in which th door loading from the dining room int the hall was hung. TIIK AKCH1MF.NTS "Proceed with your arguments , gentle wen said Judge Xevillu at a quarter of o'clock yesterday afternoon when bet sides announced that they were throng with the taking of eviikmce. Mr. Slmeral , county attorney , was th llrht speaker. Hu congratulated tha jur on being so near the conclusion of th can . liv would waive the privilege < making the last speech to General Cowli vrlio , ho said , would bo fur bolter lilted I ntnrur tlio arguments inmlo by Luunr counsel. It was : i fearful responsibillt lhal wtea upon them- they held in the hands u human life. IB tuls case it vrns admitted that SulII Lauer wns dead , and second that IK busband , John W. Lnuer , had letltd ! ho Ho killed her on purpose , clitiir.uc I miitake Ler for a burglar. wni divided itito thn classes manslaughter , which was kill ing with Intent ; murder in the second de gree , killing with malice nnd intent ; murder in the first degree , killing with malice , intent nnd premeditation. There were three stages in Laucr's life the period of engagement , the period from the engagement to the separation and the period from the separation to Mrs. Lanor's death. During thn first two stages ho was abusive and jealous , nnd his only defence was that ho had reformed during the thiul stage , from the separa tion to tlio death , and had treated his wife kindly. A leopard cannot change his spots , iior could John Lauer change his character. A man that would raise Ills hand so strike his wife , would raise his hand to kill her. "I wish , " said the speaker , "that I had the power and eloquence of my learned friend , Judge Savage , hero , and I would lay tliu use before you In the most con vincing style so that yon could not avoid the ibstie. I would tell you of the proph ecies which have been made in this case how Mrs. Goet.schius , the mother of the dead girl , had said lo Lauer 'You'll have MY mm. IN Hint GIUVK before two years' and how Siillio herself had said to Dr. Coflman that she would go back to her husband rather than boar the disgrace of separation , though bho knew no wuuld kill her. All this lias come too true. "Tho defense will probably wreak ven geance on Airs. Dell , u poor lone defense- lc 3 woman , by heaping abuse on her. "There arc ruveral reasons whv Lauer must bo guilt } " why ho might have known that he was liring at his wife tlio moonlight. Witnesses testify that night was unusually bright , on account of tha moon. It has boon shown that the shutters were open and the curtain part way up. That being the case , the room must have been FLOODED WITH MOlIf. Human life is too precious for a man within six seconds after being awakened to soiul the bullet crashing into the brain of his wife sending her into eternity without a moment's warning. "The stove , too , must have thrown out considerable light. It was the middle of November and cold weather , and there must have been a good firo. Several witnesses testify to this. Mr. P. E. Her notic ed it on the morning of the tragedy and called Mr. Laucr'a attention to it , asking him how he could have KILLED HIS WIFE with such a light in the room. Lauer was silent. So ho was on every occasion when run into a corner. Ho could say nothing. " Mr. Simcrnl then referred to the tests which had been made by the friends of Mr. Lauer. "Those tests were made by persons who had sheets around them. This was not a fair test. Mr. Ewing , who with others had tested the light thrown out by the stove , testified that objects could easily be seen in the room , and that largo print could bo read. It doesn't ' stand to reason that Mrs. Lauor in her long right robe , with her golden hair streaming down her shoulders , could have been mistaken by Lauor for u burglar. During all the time that Lauor was looking at the figure feeling for the revolver , watching for the body to full , ho never once thoughtof his wife. "John Lanor know when ho fired , just as well as you know now , that THAT F1OUKE WAS HIS WIl'E. The immediate circumstances of the afl'air you must judge for yourself. Whether or not Lauor had a sudden qtiai- rol with his wife , no ono will ever know. It will forever remain an unsolved mys tery. "Tho story of Lauer's first burglary wns a lishy ono. Why had Mrs. Savage when she hoard the shot run ever to Lauor's house and all around it ? She said she wanted to sco if there was any QUAKHELLINQ OU SHOOTING going on. She wanted to see , in all probability , whether or not there wasn't n quarrel Detween Mr. and Mrs. Lanor. And that was the keynote of the whole transaction. 'I tell you the eloquence of the law yers may save his neck from the gallows , but it would bankrupt divine justice to save his soul trom hell. Ho has the blood of his wife onjiis hands ! " Mr. Si mural turned and pointed to the defendant as ho uttered these words and the latter paled and dropped his eyes. Miss Lauer looked grieved nnd astonished. Mr. Simcrnl then went on to noint out the FIAWS IN I.AUr.R'S STOKY. Why had ho not looked for his wife before - fore ho fired ? Ho had done it , ho says , on the occasion of the former burglary , Why did ho run to the door when his sister tor ran down stairs and toll her to come in , if not to prevent her trom going out with the knowledge of a great crime which had just been committed ? Mr. Slmeral said that the jury would probably bo instructed to acquit John Lauer , if they honestly believed that he took his wife for a burglar when ho lired The jury must weigh well and fully the word "honestly. A gioatdoal would also probably bo said to them by the counso ! lor the defense about the "reasonabli doubt" which ought to break down the prosecution. Dut could the jury , ho said , with the overwhelming MASS OF EVIDENCE against Lancr think that there was an reasonable doubt nbout the defendant's guilt ? The duty of the jury , ho declared , was n plain ono. If they thought thai the evideneo was against Luuor thoj must bring in a verdict of guilty , nc matter what the consequences might be to Lauer , his devoted sister or his true friends. TIIU DEKCXSn. Judge Savage made the opening speed for Iho defense. Ho began with a disser tation on the doctrine of "reasonable doubt. " Every prisoner , ho said , was entitled titled to bo considered innocent until hi ! guilt wns proven. Another thine was tc bo considered. A man has a perfect righ to guard his house against the attacks of burglars. Ho can even shoo' ' nnd kill an intruder , and m ono would hold him to blame for tin death. So that if John Lauor shot hi : wife mistaking her for a burglar , IK could not bo found guilty. Every state ment of the affair which Laurcr matlt was the same -ho mistook her for a burg Jar. The prosecution could not take inu consideration Lauer's admission that In killed his wife without also taking intr consideration his dcfenso that he mistool her for a burglar. The speaker haid that he boTiovud thi jury would agree with him in the belief that whun the defense opened its bidu o the case the state had I'UOVEN A1OI.UTELV ! NOTHING not ono thing against Lanror. Ho pro prosed then to dissect the testimonv o the witness Emmii Hell and not to nbusi her , ns the state had charged. Mr. Sim oral had referred touclungly to Mar ) Madalono aud Emma Hell and their re- pontnncv , Lauer , forsooth , could not repent pent and change his conduct toward hi w ifo. lie was the lcapar/l who could no change his spot * the Ethiopian win could not change ills skin I Women migh reform but men never ! "I am sorry , ' said Judge Savage , "that Mr. Siniera has such a poor opinion of his own sex Perhaps ho has not reformed himself yet tlio cranberry episode took place twi years before the killing , ami that it wa In warm woathor. This would bring i naetc to Aujrint , July or Juno , 1880. Am yet the Luuer house had not been oocu pied until Oetobor 18 , 18S3. Tills ha < boon proven by the builder of the hous i id by Mr. Orchard. "Cranberry sauce,1 ; \id the judge , "la not cooked in th suminor time , in warm weather. Cnrn berries are not sold at tint pnriod of th ysai' . I bvltave that there wo about a nany of you in this court room who have eaten citANiiEimv SAUCE IN suM.Mr.it line as have oaten watermelon m Jan- wry and not ono more. " Mr. Savage then referred to the testl- nony of Mr. and Mrs. Hutlcr nnd Mr. Yllllnnis , who gave evidence ngninst Mrs. Hell. Judge Savage said that ho was glad hat the court had made ruling hat Lauer could bo cross- examined upon the whole circumstances of the case. Lauor had told the truth ind it had done him no harm. The state vonld not have fought ono whole after- icon for the privilege of cross-examining lim if lhay had thought he wasn't going o toll the truth. Very little had been I'UOVKK AOAIN'ST LAUKIl ns to Ills acts of cruelty toward his wife , oven on the cross examination. Lancr lad torn tip a Mother Hubbard dress be cause ho didn't like to see it worn by his vife , it is true. Yet ho had a good many sympathisers with him in his antl- Mother Ilubbard feelings. "I don't bo- love that I would care to sec my own vifo wearing a Mother Hubbaru , " re marked Judge Savago. The story about Laucr's beating his vifo with a turkey was slso wickedly also , without ono particle of foundation or it. "Lauor , " oaid tlio speaker , "had old the only correct version of the nf- air , which was that ho had simply hrown the turkey into the room. " Concerning the period of separation , ho speaker had little to say. "Lauor md Itni'ENTED IIITTEIILY or all that ho hail done or caused his wife o stiller. The blow that Lauor struck Ins vifo was not tlio worst crime a man could commit. "I have known men in his community 'bitter and vindictive igninst this poor follow who have hic coughed out , 'lie ought to bo hanged be cause ho struck his wife' who have not ; ono homo sober to their wives for lit- con years. " "lama man , " continued lie speaker , "who ought to bo revered , ) rotcctcd , respected and I wouldn't have isked an old woman such a question as was put to Mrs. Savage by the counsel for the state. 'Did you g out in your light clothes to meet two drunken ' " men ? Hero the judge quoted from the cross- examination of Mrs , Savage to show that insulting language , as ho declared , liad been put to the witness by General Cowin. Judge Neville at tnis juncture ad journed court until 9:80 : this morning. rtnlclne Powder Trnmps. Tlio danger to the public health from the indiscriminate use of the many lime \nd alum baking powders of commerce lias been so fully exposed that everybody body desires to avoid. As "forewarned Is forearmed , " housekeepers will thank us for apprising them of the special ef forts at present being made to dispose of suoh powders in this vicinity. Tlio proprietors of some of the worst af those powders are now going from liquso to house , trying by means of a trick , or so-called test , witli heat and water , to show that their article is as good as the Itoyal linking Powder , mak ing the comparison with this brand be cause everybody recognix.es it to bo ab solutely pure and wholesome , the object , of course , being to supply their own goods in place of the Uoytil , which house keepers have for so many years relied upon to pun" up the morning biscuit , and to make the light palatable , and whole some roll , cake , and pastry for which it is famous. The housekeeper will do well lo bo on her guard against those baking powder tramps. Every intelligent person knows that any goods peddled from house to liouso in this manner , or that are given away in samples , or sought to bo intro duced by secretly traducing the char acter of other goods well known to bo pure and reliable , have no merits of their own , and have failed to find purchasers through legitimate means. We are informed , as a matter of fact , that ono of these tramps is trying to in troduce a powder that has been found by the Government chemise to bo 11.85 per cent lime , while the other peddles a powder that is 20 per cent alum one a powerful caustic , the other a corrosive poison. No such tricks or jugglery will bo apt to deceive any intelligent person. The housekeeper who has used her Royal Baking Powder over since she discarded cream of tartar and soda , knows more about its qualities than all the tramps in the country can teach hor. The crucial test to which she has put the Koyal link ing Powder the test of actual and suc cessful work in the preparation of pure and wholesome food , under which it has never failed is entirely satisfactory to her. She has always had "good luck" with it in making light , sweet and deli cious bread , biscuit and cake , and has placed it , to stay , at the head of her housekeeping favorites. She knows that it has been otlicially approved by the government chemists as tlio best , and wo imagine thai Iho baking powder tramp who attempts to supplr.nl its place in hoi confidence will find this a bad year foi his business. AMUSKMKNTS. HKK11MANN. Herrmann gave an exhibition of his marvelous skill last night nt the open house. A good sized nudienco wns pres ent nud tlio closest interest wns innni festcd. Conjecture was lively as to UK methods employed by the magician bui his battling dexterity was lee much foi Iho most alert imagination , and people wont away unenlightened. Herrmann'i shapely wife was n valuable adjunct am added much to the attractiveness of UK entertainment. The orchestra playei constantly and was an agreeable feature save for the potpourri of chestnuts tha lias become a regular and inevitable in lliction. The popular taste ran b < catered lo without Haunting stars am stripes in its face nt every opportunity. Up Go the Prices. On and after Monday next all good lot ! in "HEAUTiniL CLIFTON HILL" will b ( sold at the following prices : South fronts , $7. > 0. Nortli fronts , $700. East fronts , $050. Complaint having been made that oui former notice did not give sullieiont linn for investors to close deals , wo thus ex loud Ilia time till Monday next , lly buy ing this week you will got the full boneli of the advance. The above prices arc from 20 to HO DC cent below the prices of corrcspondinj property. There is not a lot in the wholi tract bought from Mr. Crelghton , bu that will bo worth ? 1,000 before the 1st o Juno. Street railroad is NOW uii.\ : < UUILT through Clifton Hill. Agents will receive full commission a present prices until Saturday night , am full commissions at advanced prices coin nieucing Monday morning next. A. P. Tricr.v , 1324 Farnam. A Free Ride. Yon have no idea of the immense boon which will bo on in South Omaha withii n few weeks , unless you have boon dowi there lalely. Now is the time to buy Como to our ollleo any day and lot u tatco you down to sen the town , and I you have any money to buy with yoi will put it in there. O. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co , N , W. cor. 10th and llarney. Tlio South Omaha Land company havi appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for th sale of their Sots. Ho will show the prop erty and furnish all desired iuformatloi upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTOM , President. THE VETERANS IN COUNCIL , Che Tenth Annual Encampment of tlio Nebraska Q. A , E , A NEW TEN STORY STRUCTURE. Poisoned Uy Alcohol St. Patriuk'ti In tlio Morhlnit Court Notes Tlio " Herald " Incorporated Other Local. The O. A. K. Encainnmcnt. The occasion of Iho tenth annual en campment of the Grand Army of Iho Ho- niblie , Nebraska department made tlio trcots assume n lively appearance yestor- lay morning. The regular army band rom Port Omaha were in and six veterans vho arc now in actual service nnd have icen for twenty-live years. LThuir mimes ire Sergeant Murphy , Sergeant Gregory barrel , Surgcnnt Henry Keclor , Corporal Jushwiler , Corporal Geo. VV. Hall and Private Robert Gruncr. After five years nero service they will bo retired from service if they desire , with full pay. All of the delegates had not arrived aUioon , ind many were coming in on the Missouri Pneilii ! and other trains. This condition of aflairs applied to the Ladies Auxiliary , is well. Tlio council of adminis- ration of this body was n tlio hall of the G. A. R. post No. 110 , ' on Fourtconth'slrcot , with closed doors. L'hc council consists of cloven members. The veteran's council of administration were in session in the Millard holel aud xdjournod at 10 n. m. to accompany tlio irocossion to the exposition annex where .ho encampment was to bo in session. The department adjutant general , Liver- ng house , had the credenlials and oilier documents , which were taken to tlio an nex. The Millard was crowded with the delegates. They represented about 300 posts scattered throughout Nebraska and were a lively , intelligent class of men , .lie hand of time navinc dealt lightly with thorn , considering that in a few weeks , in the early part of April twenty- ; wo years will have passed away since Leo tlircw up tlin snonuo and the long carnival of gunpowder smoke and blood ind heroism , misery and death , tormina- Led. It is gratifying to note the sturdy anpenrnneo of these veterans , all of whom well-to-do. In the arc evidently - - . . ) lllco of the Millard hotel a veteran with liis box and apparatus was preparing badges nnd disposing of them quickly. Ono line looking chap stopped up aud iileasantlv asked for a badge of Uio'Third Mississippi C. S. A. It was furnished him nnd ho wore it and frntorni/ed witli the boys in a good unturcd way. The badges were distinctive in colors : Yellow , cnv- airy ; blue , infantry , nnd red , light nrtil- lory. The body moved to the annex nbout 11:15 : a. m , , with 210 men in line , preceded by the band and veterans , ulovernor Thayer and Paul Vandcrwoort arm in arm leading the tlio long proces sion. sion.The The morning'work ' of Iho encampment was confined to the report of the council of administration on the credentials of delegates and the settlement of the finan cial all'airs of the department. These mailers having1 been disposed of Iho en campment adjqurned until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At that hour accessions had been made to the number of dele gates from all parts of the state , until nearly 700 answered the afternoon roll call. The first business of nubile import ance was the opening of bids for the loca tion of the next state reunion. The fact that there seems to have been n general - oral desire among the veterans of the state for tha holding of the reunion in Omaha was evident from the fact that but ono other cily in Iho stale made a bid for Iho location. Norfolk's citizens made a seed bid for the reunion. The com mittee trom the Omaha board of trade presented a bid , oflering the use of the Patrick farm for the reunion and ? 1OOC in subscriptions for the entertainment of the veterans. Upon motion , this ofl'et was unanimously nccepled. nnd Iho week commencing September 5 , selected as the time for the holding of Iho reunion. There are more than 8,000 members ol the G. A. R. in Nebraska , and many more veterans not identified with the order. It is estimated that fully 15,000 veterans , including visiting posls from neighboring states , will attend the reunion , which will insure the presence of at least GO.0,10 visitors to the city during the week. The reunion will bo a big thing for Omaha. The members of the encampment are all enthusiastic over the prospect and promise the big > gest reunion of veterans over , field in the west nnd the ofliccrs will begin at once the work of advertising the reunion nnd preparing an nppropriato programme , The members of the local posts are elated over the location of the reunion in Omaha , recognizing at the same time that il means an immense amount of work foi them. They will anpoint committees nl once nnd take the necessary stops to pro vide a fitting reception for the comrades who will atlcnd Iho reunion. THE EVENING SESSION. The encampment mot at 8 o'clock last evening in business session. The plan o : holding aii old time camp fire service was abandoned on account of a pressure of other business , and the work of elect ing department commanders made tin business of the evening session. The meeling was opened by a soloclion by UK Second infantry band from Fort Omaha Commander Thayer presented the Oinalu Glee Club , which rendered "Tho Soldier1 ! Pare well , " "Marching Thro' Georgia , ' and other patriolic airs. A young mar who was introduced by the com mandcr as "tho son of a Veteran fron Massaehusetls" rendered "Tonling Oi Iho Old Camp Ground" inavoryofl'eclivi manner. No meeting of volornns wouli bo complete without "Old Shady , " and by special request , Mr. Prank Smith ron dcrcd this popular dialect song to tin .satisfaction and delight of Iho veterans At the suggestion and request of Mr , T S. Clarkson. the Omaha Glee club sati Iho "Itattle Hymn ot Iho Republic. " Department partmont Commander Thayer tlion in traduced E. NVCoombs as r'A Friend o Old John Hrown. " Mr. Coombs made ! brief address relative to his personal no quaintance with the hero of Harper' Ferry , whose "soul goes marching on.1 Ho closed by saying ho was glad that hi had been the friend of Old John lirowi nnd had helped to make Kansas a frci stato. This closed the preliminary exercises cises , nnd on motion Iho cncampmen proceeded to the election of tidepartmon commander. E. J. O'Neill nominate * Captain Henry , of Fairmont , J. W Parks nominated J. II ; Culver , of Mil ford , Major Clarkson nominated II. C Russell of Sohuylor. A number o speeches were made eulogistic of th various candidates. The first ballot re suited : Culver C llcniy. . * . 11 lliwell 12 The second vote rcsulled : Culver 2 Henry W Unwell M Aflcr this ballot Mr. Culver withdrew leaving the contest between Captai nnd Mr. Russell , the latter being Ilitnr , elected on Iho the third ballot , which wa as follows ; Henry IS Kussc'll , IS II. C. Russell , tlio department com maiider-elect. In n member of Schuy lor post. No. 84. The election c other ofliccrs of the encampment wa postponed until this morning. Thi evening there will bo a public installa tion of olllccrs. NOTES. Fred Wlrlh was Ihoro with his badge. A few of the ( } . A. It. men attended the theater last night. Comrade D. St. Geycr wns the happiest man in the throng. The llrst week of September will bo a lively ono for Omaha. There nro over slv hundred G. A. R. delegates now in the city. The men who sold G. A. It. cards in the rotunda did a big business. The music by the Second Infantry band was "gilt edged" and "all there. " The Millard holel rotunda presented a lively scene from 7 to 10 o'clock lasl night. One It. A. R , nun was so onthnMaslia ouor Iho iiiusio that when the band ceased playing , ho insisted on slinking hands with each player. Mr. Newcomer and Mr. Jeary , mem bers of the legislature , nnd Judge Koig- linn , were noticed in the throng. They attended Iho Lauei tral In the afternoon. Till : "Till : KOI U" The .Marnier In AVhlcli St. I'atrlok'.s Day AY 111 bo Observed. Tlio anniversary of St. Patrick's day will bo celebrated in n quiet way. Father Uoylo will lecture at the hall , Ninth and Hartley , the children of the school of Iho Holy Family will give an entertain ment in tlio Exposition building and Iho Ancient Order of Hibernians will inarch in a body to the * cathedral early in the day and hear mass. The great out door display with which tins day has been heretofore observed , and with which it is now celebrated in some places , is not requisite to keep it n bright nnd joyous memory in the minds of Irish iieoplo nnd their descendants. The gay. fluttering , green ribbons bens and thn extra polished silk tile were distinguishing characteristics of the 17th of March gatherings. Though the ac knowledged anniversary of a saint of the church , this day has long been regarded ns nn Irish political day. St. Patrick took no part in political nllnlrs. In his day Ireland had its own homo government nnd nntivo rulers , nnd yet when Iho day again sleps forlh from time , when Ire land will have her own government , no day will bo revered so sincerely by the intelligent as his anniversary. The pco- pie of Ireland , though more unjustly troaled at homo than any other people not living in an avowedly barbarous country , nro fnr in advance of their con dition thirty yours ago. In those days the people wore driven to America and Australia in largo numbers through bitter - tor want. They had been denied the benefits of education nnd consequently were compelled to accept the hardest toil of the commonest laborer. They were strangers in America with the extra disadvantage of want of acquaintance with the knowledge furnished by books and which creates an universal 'brother hood , Amidst hard toil , buoyed up with the hope of paying the passntro of a mother , sister or other relative and re ceiving scattering letlcrs from friends at home the annual recurrence of St. Pat- lick's day was hailed by a day of rest , of jollification and tlio revival of sad or joy ous memories. No time in life loaves so deep an impression as youth , and there is no youth without some fresh vearncd for recollection. And when Irishmen meet to "drown the shamrock" recollections of that famed village on the oulskirls of Dublin Donnybrook - nybrook , of liallmashoo fair , of the hours by the Shannon nnd the trips on the Grand canal before railroads were introduced ; the hours in Cork quay , nnd the musicstill vibrating of The bells of Shandon That sound so grand on The pleasant waters of the Hlver Lee , revived the unfair action of English offi cials in enforcing unconstitutional En glish law , were lorgotten or dismissed with an execration. The early bare footed boyhood , when carrying the sod ot turf to school to pay the tuition , the stolen kisses from black-eyed , black- haired , red-cheeked , white-toothed Knte under the shade of the while-blossomed hedge , the Sundays at chapel , the births , the weddings and chris tenings , all were talked of and revived on this day year after year. The green grassy slopes , tlio pure sky a mirror of the ocean all around end the gentle flowing streams , all these memo ries kept alive the fooling that nature had been generous with Ireland , but tlio English government , very , very hard. And this sentiment was freshened aud grew stronger eaoh year. The sons of Irish emigrants wore given the best of educations , even if parents denied them- sclveirtvery pleasure , and these sons be came strong champions of Irish liberty. Thus itvis that when after numerous spasmodic , disastrous and futile at tempts Parnell drove his lance firmly , again the front of the English system in- Ireland , ho had a powerful following in America. The United States developed into an immense treasury , and but for the undivided public sentiment , of this nationcarrying with it such a mighty moral force" it Is doubtful if oven Glad stone would have lived long enough to have seen the justice of Ireland's de mands. v Thus it is that the teachings of ono day in the year have brought about such good and far-reaching results , and the dny will bo recognized until the end is obtained , Iho end aimed nt by Parnoll , after which it will become a stale day in Ireland , by Jaw. THE IlEAI. OLD TIMC11S. To-day , St. Patrick's day , a mem orable meeting will take place in Ihiscity. of its old time Irish residents. It is intended to form n social organiza tion of these gentlemen who have been so prominently identified with Omaha nnd Douglas county. Prosperity nnd mnturo nge have been their good fortune and they very properly think it a fitting time lo join logothor to drown the shamrock in memory of the land they love so well and at the sumo lime recall the sacred as- soci.ilions of their adopted land. Among the leaders of this movement nro Thomas O'Connor , Thomas Swift , Timothy Kelly , JamesCreiglitonJames McArdlc , Nicholas O. liyrno , John Konnoally. Patrick McArdio , John MoArdlo , John Toner , Thomas Casey , Richard O'Keoll'u , Jeremiah Mahoney , Michael McDonald , Michael Fit/morris , Dennis Dee , Thomas Collins , John Riley , Michael Dee , George Holmes , Patrick Quinism , John Collins , Michael Toner , John Uogloy , Edward Hanlgan , Michael McDonald , James nnd Edward Gallagher , Daniel Gor man. Each ono of these gentlemen has Iho proud distinction of having a bunch of genuine shamrock from the "Old Dart. " which they will wear to morrow. The probabilities are that they will walk in procession from the cathe dral this morning after mass , and in the evening , after the meeting have a banquet. The Year 18H7. During the year 1887 the people of this cily will see the greatest growth it has ever had. This is acknowledged by nil good judges. Property in nnd about the city will advance in price so rapidly that hundreds of fortunes will bo made in a few months. The now packing hoiucs , factories , etc. , locating in South Omaha will make that a business part of the city , and as a consequence property in that locality will bo much sought after. Now , this week is the time to buy this property.Vo are sole aeonts for boulli Omaha proper nnd an invest ment made there will return the pur chaser his money and 100 to 200 per cent added to it. Anybody wifh a small amount of money can buy a lot in South The O. E. Mayno Real Estnto &Trnst Co. , N. \ \ . cor. 10th and Harnoy. POIBOXKI ) HY ALCOIJOU Jnincs Onsklll OITH While In n Drunken Stupor. James Gasklll , nn employe nt the gov ernment barn on Eleventh nnd Chicago streets , wandered Into the police station nbout 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon nud fell Into a chnir in nil apparent stupor. llo was placed In the women's cell and immediately fell into a heavy sleep. Ho was supposed to be sleeping oft" the ell'ects of n drunk and was not disturbed until about 9 o'clock last ninht , when Jailer Slgwnrt , attracted by his peculiarly heavy breathinc , went to him nnd found him nlmo.it dead. Ills limbs were cold and his ovcs tel , while his pulse bunts wore not perceptible. Dr. Lol onring , the city pliv.slcni ! , was called to attend Iho man , He found life almost extinct , but after n hypodermic injection of ammonia the patient began lo.slunv signs of recovery nnd was soon breathing reg ularly. It required nn hour's hard work on the doctor's ' part lo restore the man to consciousness. Attl o'clock ho was much improved , but suddenly grow worse ami died at llJtO : o'clock , llo leaves n wife nnd two children , hying at 318 North Eleventh btrcot. The remains were re moved to Drovol & Maul's , where an In quest will bo hold to-day. A Frpo Illtle. You have no Idea of the Immense boom which will bo on in South Omaha within a few weeks , iinluHs you have been down tiiuro lalely. Now is Iho limo lo buy. Como lo our ollieo any day and let us take you down to sco the town , and if yon have any money to buy witli you will put il in Ihero. C. E. Mayno Real Eslato & Trust Co. , N. \V. Cor. 15th and Harnoy. Prof. Prnnko's TcHtlinnnlnl cJonccrt. Prof. Nahan Prnnko is being over- whojnicd with oilers of the services of the musical talent ot Omaha for Ins testimonial menial concert to bo given in Iloyd's opera house on Monday evening March 28. The Second infantry band yesterday serenaded the professor and tendered their services for tlio concert when they will appear for the first time before an Omaha audience in full uniform. Miss Hertio Damon , a charming soubretlo of Now York will bo in Iho cily and will add a foalnro to the programme. Mine. Mucntoforing , the celebrated pianist , will also appear. The Liederkrant/ , with twenty-live male voices , aud the Mendelssohn - dolssohn qtinrtolto will also tnko part. The programme promises to bo one of the tinest musical treats ever ofl'crcd to an Omaha public. In ThornuurR. Wo have some bargains in lots in Thornburg. O. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. , Northwest Cor. llilh and Harnoy. Penults. Superinlcndent Whitlock issued build ing permits Saturday , ns fo'lows : J. T. Smith , frame stable , 20,53 Hamil ton . S ICO Henry 1) . Holt. 1-stoiy frame cottnge , 'JStli near Indiana . 600 A. Traynor , IJstory add. to dwelling , Uth nnd 1'iicllic . 1,000 Metit Bro. , 1-atory brick slore , CIS S. Oth . 000 M. J. Plorcev , 1-storv frame cnttaue , aSlhncar Woolworth . 1,750 Lars Christiansen , 1-story frame cot tage , 1'acilic near 4th . 700 Nels C. Anderson , 1-story frame cot tage. .Will and lard 1,000 [ ' . T. O'Connor , IK-slory brick dwell ing , 15lh near Martha 1,5'0 Eight permits nggrccalc 7,010 Houses nnd hots. For sale in Orchard hill at n bnrgainnlso ; bargains in houses and lots in nil parts of the city. The O. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. N. W. cor. 15th and Harney St. Board nnd Bnrcati. Messrs. Chase and Tuttlc , of Ihe board qMradc , and Messrs. Gibbons nnd Grif- lilhs , of the freight bureau , met last night to consider the plan proposed nt the last meeting of the board of trade , of consoli dating the two bodies. The matter was pretty thoroughly discussed , but the com mittees failed to agree upon n report. Another meeting will bo hold this week. Mayno Place. Wo have n few lots left in Mnyno Place south of Leaveuwortli street. These lots are being sold at less liguros and on easier terms than lots in Hanscom Place , while they arc the same distance from the city. C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE it TKUST Co. , Northwest cor. 10th and Harney. The "Hernia" Company. Articles of incorporation were filed yes terday in the county clerk's office of the Omaha Herald Publishing company , with a capital slock of $150,000. The in- corporalors are W. A. Paxton , James M. Woolworth , J. A. Creichton. Herman Kountze , Louis Schrocder , W. II. Munger and John A. McShano. Dcslrnblo Property On Loavonworth , 185 feet front , $10,000. C. E. MAYNE REAL ESTATE & THUST Co. , N. W. Cor. 15lh and Harnoy. A MAMMOXHMSTUUCXIWR. New York Tjlfe Insurance DnlldlnKi Corner Seventeenth and Farimni. The architect of the Now York Life In surance company is in the city. Ho has plans furnished for the erection of a ten story brick nnd sto e building on the Millard property , corner of Sovnntoonlh and Farnam. The building will bo not only the largest in the cily , but the most ornate und probably as substantial as any structure in Omaha. It will bo used for the local offices of the Now York Life Insurance company as well as general office purposes. Tlio liouso on this prop erty is now being moved off and work will bo commenced at once. The build ing will probably bo completed inside of sixteen months. It will bo thoroughly lire proof. Absolutely Piu-e- Thispowdernevervsrle * . A nif ti ' purity.strength and \vholei > omeues Mon economic than the ordinary Vi-id * r.d cannot be nold In competition wlih : h mul titude of low tet , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Soid only 'n c r. . Royal Baking Powder Co. . lOO Wil ! ttcct , New York. BUFFERED BY PREJUDICE. Few persons realize how thoroughly they nre controllad by prejudice even to thcfr own disadsnulngc. For many years the Ircntnicnl for rhcunmtUin , ncurntgl.t , tclix- tica and hcndnchhns been by some outward Application , nud ll-erefore , without stop ping to think that the origin of these tiou- pics must , from necessity , be internal , the weary sufferer continues to rub , rub and find no relief. Athlophoros Is taken inter nally , and ns ,1 proof that thU Is the correct principle , It cures surely nntl quickly , Tha statement of those \vho have been cured oughl lo convince the incredulous. Pnlmyrn , Neb , August ad , 1830. I believe I hn\c been greatly bcnelittcd ' by Athlophoroi. I keen II in the house nil time , nud if I feel n twinge of ihcumatlstrj I take n dose. I have not had to take any for mouths , nud hope I nni permanently cured , I have not hesitated on rccom mending it largely and have helped others \\lthlt. Rr.v E J Hiiu ) . Mrs Gco Hoffman , Ccdnr Falls , Iowa , says : "My husband wns cured of rlicuinn- tlsmhy the use of Athlophoros. Three bet tics ot that medicine cured him entirely so that he has not had nn ache from rheuma tism since , and thai in now over n year ago. For twenty ycais previous there was never n time that he was free dom pain. Doctor * nor medicine could drive the disease away. With the sciatic rheumatism hi his right hide the doctors said he uoi'ld always have it and they did not think there was any cure. He was suffering very much from it severe attack when Alhloplioios took hold of the disease nt once , nnd by the time hq had taken tluee bottles lie was entirely well and went to work at once Every druggist should keep Athlopho ros and Athlophoros Pills , but wlicru they cannot bo bought of the druguiht the Athlophoros Co. , 123 Wall St. , New York , will send oilhor , carrlngo paid , on receipt of regular price , which is $1 pur bottle for Athlophoros and OOo for tliu Pills. Tor Ilvor nnd klclnoj- diseases , ilysponsln , In- digestion , , norvoiHilolilIlty , or woimin , ( Miistlpntlon , hoadaohn , Impure blood , etc. , Athlophoros 1'llls nro unequalled. V''J WEAKi rrrra lure I i lutllictclloniod eirrnrl , rurr.l % > llli ul fKiuuiirh Klr. OIIKAT MAKSTON TKKATMKNT. Nr lrd book n frt > . Rhonlil IM lud bjr F lhfr MADE STRONG 99 * Rrnloto with InrtirniAltrm of rttlua to All turn. MAR3TONREMEDYCO.I9ParkPUc .NewYotk. McntlonOmaha Deo. G ARK STILL TRIUMPHANT Voblxtoon yours , they Imvo stoiillly iriilnoil In faor , and with aalci coiistiintly Inorcaslntf Imvo become the most popular cornet throUBh- out tlio UnltoU slates. Tlio 13 , G und It H Krftdos nro mmlo In Simiie MEDIUM AM > KiTiiAl'Owi WAIST , siillulile for nil figures. The O quality , inndo of Kiiffllgh Ccutil.ls wimiintod to weur twlco as long M ordlnnrycorsots. Highest n rd8 from nil the World's great Kalrs. Tlio luet mounl rccolvrd In for Kinsv DEOIIFC OF MEIIIT. trom the Into Exposition hold at Now Orleans. While gootof of patents have been found worthless , the principles of the Glove-rating have provcdlnvaluablo. llctallcrs arc authored to refund money , if , on examination. the o Corsets do notnrovoal leprpcpnlod. TOK SAI.r. BVnKYWHKUIl CATALOGUE FHKE ON AITLICATIOX. < X | THOMSON , LAN6DON fit CO. . New Yorfr. ' BLACK WOIF i Or Bhclc Leprosy , ! n (11 > cn o which Is coneldcrcij Incurable , but It has jlcldcd lo the curnllvo proper ties of SWIFT'S Srrcirio now known all OM.r tha v orld is S. S. B. Sire , llnllcy , of Wet Hoinf rrlllc , Mnta. , ncnr lloetonta attacked tc\er.al yrarsRRO n Ith thli hideous blnck eruption , and wns treated by tlio best medical talent , wlio could ouly gay that tUa dlaeuoaiaepcclci of ' LEPROSY- end consequently incurable. It Is Impossible to de scribe her BiiflerlnRS. Her body from the crown ot her head to the eolc s of her f crt w as a maps of decay , ma ยง es of flesh rotting off and leading great cavities. Her fingers festered and three or four nails dropped off at ono time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful nlceratlor , and for several jcars ulio did not leava her bed. Her weight was reduced from 123 to CO Ibs. I'erhaps rome faint Idea of her condition can bo cleaned from tbo fact that three pounds of Cosmo * line or ointment were nted per week In drevilnc her cores. Finally the philclani acknowledged their defeat by this Black Wolf , and commended the suf ferer to her nll-w Iso Creator. Ucr husband bearing w onderfill reports of the nid of bwirr's bi'ECirioS. if. S , ) , pro ailed on her to try H an a lint resort. Bho began IU use under pro test , but teen found that IK re ) stem wan helngrj- Sieved of tbc poison , as the cores assumed a red auU , healthy color , us though thn blood was becoming . pure and acthr. Mrs. llalley coiitlnufd the S. H. H. until last February ; curyeorowas healed : ho dis carded chair and crutchea , and HUH for the flret time in tv.ehe icars \\tllwomnn. . Hir husbaud , Mr. C. A. llalley , Is In bntlnessal J7V JilackHonoHtrcet , Uoiton , and w 111 take pleasure la giving the detail * of this wonderful cure , henrt I'IUD for Treatise on illood and Skin Diseases , tualli d free. i i'uu bwirr bi-KCino Co. Ur\ur J , Atlanta. G& > . \lbenlM7ciiril . . . . _ . . . doiioi m n luiraly . In up Ui mfnr . - _ . h..li am FMtnrll ( ' III. | fnHKn ft t Initial Ctlr * . I bavo road tin dllMil o I ! * ! . or FALUNI hlCCNCNtt lift lonjc lUiuT * Iwairant myiemtdf to car * Wa cr > t cam R < > cani cthm UTO Wind nor aiin roi1 , _ - . . . < " < r"l" " Ii'1 ' Win lloltteolmr liifalllbUrtiitdr. UU iliproamd. fut U31M. llco.Hrimnc.lhlnicf'iralrtH. and I wlllcnrajo . , v ioJrs'i Dr. 11.if. HOOT. lnr arlbt..N wYutt. V.-1J Trailcomtituta. uuamntridth unlnao la tbo worltl ptncrattajf _ _ _ ncontlnutui fltrtrto it VaanitR f'fiirrfft : Crltntiar. I'owrrtji , DuiaUH , roomtortali't. and Kirwilrc. Afold rriudi. r > rnoiOcnrrd. kecflhtnmplorinn-rlilifc A I.HI ) EI.KO I'HIU HKl.Th KUIt BlICjLlt . , IU. HOHHE. UitHTQI. IB1 WAOA8X AVI. . CHIUW 1837 Spring Valley Stock Ffra 1887 ; O.M.MIA , NCII. George WilUcB 610. Record 2:28 , MCIIB.UI-.I by 'i'X : , UK > 2 : ' > and tlio3i : ; > ntnnrt Hi d ; vr UK tlio riL-utiKt Hint ever llvnd. Having now U sous and duuehlcr * In thoM list dowu 'luu'ciily soil of QOOIRO Wilkei In the SUteof Ni.uinslm. ' 3011 Black WllkuH 3541 Standard. ' Slni't ' b ) ( Timrxu Wllkut il'J. 1st dnrn Fanny Ilull.sircil by < imfeiliimtu CUIaf , onu urntneij. to Wosdfoi.f Chluf. x.i8ml dum llyartyk'i llRiubl > lonlnn. Ulll ilttiid for inures nt tba ut nte farm at fll thu iruion , cash time of er- > leo , Ith privilege of return shquld mares not prir * In foul , ( .united to 20mire * boildoa nr nnii. Koiison communcci Feb. Itt and end * August Ht.ltttT. For further I'UHlouUia untf forcer , . N < L D