Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    'i' ' gHgay
Advertisement * , under this bond , 10 cents per
line Jor the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
nqupnt Insertion , and I1.AO a line per month
No advertisement taken for Icfs than 25 cents
Tor the first Insertion. Seven words will be
counted to the line ; they mutt run consecu
tively and must be paid In advance. All advor-
ttectnonts must bo handed In before 1 ; 30 o'clock
jm. , tind undrr no circumstances will theybe
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thesu columns and hav-
fcngtho answers addressed In care of TIIB ! !
Vlll please ak for a check to enable thorn to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on wesentatlon of check. All answers to ad-
Vftrtisoments should be enclosed In envelopes.
To loan on residence property.
MONRV and short time. Cltymortgagos
bought K. 8. Uowley , 3H o. 16th St. 799-18.
3 ONKY to loan on real estate find chattels
H 8. ICatz * Co. 1511 Farnamstground floor.
Hn *
KONRV to loan on improved city property at
6 per cent. Money on hand : do not have
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
flarrls Real Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S , 16th st.
. to loan , Bums 1500 and upwards ,
Loweft rates. Bamli , room 3 , Darker block ,
B. W. cor. 15th and FarnamtU. 123
MONKV First mortgngo notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers leourod by
Brst mortgage on city realty. 134
- to loan.
OregoYy A Hadley.
Rooms 1 and 8 , Kedick Dlock , 330 B. IBtbi Bt
ONEY TO LOAN on improved real citate ;
no commission charged. Leavltt Durn-
bam , Room 1 Crelghton Dlook. 117
Iff ONKV to loan on improved cityproperty , ,
J.TL very lowest rates. C. J. Caswoll , room 19 ,
Nebraska Nat'lbank. 037 m7
HEAP MONEY to loan on choice residence
C or business property. J. Q. Oaston , 1KW
Bt. 946-22' '
- - .
Real estate loani ,
Collatcrlal loans.
Chattel loans.
I/ong time loans.
Short time loans.
, Money always on band to loan on any ap-
i proved soctirlty.
InreMmont securitlei bought and sold.
Omaha Hnonolal Exchange , n. w , cor. 15th
Imcl Ilarner. . . .
Corbctt. Manager. 119
XTONEY to loan , cash on delay.
VU. J. W. and E. L. Squire , 14U Farnam st ,
* Paxton hotel building. 120
1600,000TO ixiAN at 6 per cent J. J. Mo-
honoy. 1609 Farnam. 121
" "
fl PER CENT Money.
O K. 0. Patterson. 15th and Harnoy. 123
MONEY to loan in sums to suit , from $1,000
to $50,000 ; 00 delay. Tuttle * Allison. 211
B. 13th at 822m31
TO LOAN Money Loani placed on Im
proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan Ic Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago sti. 126
rONBY TO LOAN-Oa city and farm prop
L orty.lovr istcl. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 137
M ONEY TO LOAN-0. F. Davis * Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1MB Farnam st
TO LOAN On real estate and chat
tels. D. L. Thomas. 129
2j500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P per cent Q. W. Pay , over 131.2 Douglai st
VlfONKY TO LOAN by the nnderslgned , who
4-T1 has the only properly oriranlrod loan
Bgonoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniturepianosorgani , horses , wagons ,
tnachlnury , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
undo that any part can bo paid at any Ime.oaoh
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
fnadn on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
Ihould carefully consider who they are dealing
fvllh , ai many new concerns are dally coming
| ntn existence. Should you need money call
100 me. W. R. Croft , Boom 4 W'lhncll
End , 15th and Harney. 181
TVfONEY LOANED at 0. P. Hood ft Co. ' * Loan
ATJL Office , on furniture , pianos , horsci.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. H19 B. 13th.
over Dlngham s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 132
'ANTED-Partner with experience and
some capital by a party of means , ex
perience , large acquaintance , and a No. 1 , start a retail cash grocery business
In ono of the best locations in the city. ' Address 1
II 55 , Dee office. 954-19
* 170R SALE A clean stock of clothing , boots ,
4 shoes , gents' furnishing goods and gro
ceries , with a good trade. For further pnrtto-
Vlitrs address , look box No. C , FaUflold , Neb
FOR BALE A good , oholoo stock of drugs tn
the city ; welliocated ; Invoice about $ lbOO ;
call at once ; would exchange for good dwell-
Ing. L. P. Hammond , 1523 Douglas at COO 11
\\rANTEn-A man with capital to take a hall
TT Interest in a fine , largo addition to
Iloatrloo. Dig monny to bo made. Address N.
fr. UrumDaok.Ueatrfoo , Nob. 933 18 *
TjlOlt BALK Good paying stationery , news
JL' cigars and tobacco store ; good location !
good reasons for lolling. Address G 4r > , Hoc
fllco. 6t3-20 ! *
* | 710R BALE Confectionery , tobacco and clgai
JL1 store , good location and established trade ,
Cell at the Aoruo Agency , U09K N 15th st
836 17 *
IT OR SALBoi Exchange Anew 85 bhl com-
JL ? blnation mill situated on Little Rlut
river , near Hebron , In Thaynr county. Will ex-
chaiign for wild or Improved lauds or live stock
> 'or further particulars address First National
IMuk. Hebron , Neb. 8J9
TfTlon BALE Short order restaurant Good
JL1 location , good business. Prodis last montc
over $300. Address O li. . Dee office. 6J8 16 *
T7UNE Chance Wonted Stock of grocerloi
JL1 or hardare in exchange for 160 acres of tin
fluent land In Nebraska , within 60 miles o
Umalm. Inquire of llerthold &Co.,620S. Iflth Bt
1/IOR SALE-Goldcn Opportunity. Dmc
JL' store in one of tbo best towns In No
liraska doing a business from $15,000 to $20,001
> > cr year. Invoice , $6.000. For particulars , ad
tlroas834 N. 15th Bt , Omaha. Neb. 81817 *
JACKSON STREET Steam Laundry and Datl
* J House for sale on account of dissolution o !
] > : u-tnor8hlp. The old established and gooc
eaylng business will bo olTcrcd for sale at i
a ntaln. This place has just been Improvec
v Ith n now brick boiler loom and wash house
now bath tubs , and Is in first-class shnpi
throughout. This Is a rare chance , us It ha
lioon running with success for over nvo years
H cash , balance to suit purchaser. Inquire 01
r premises , 915 Jackson street 53 30 *
OR BALK Or trade lor land , boat hotel ii
Wakoflold doing excellent business. Adclros
J. H. llenn. Wakolluld. Nob. 534 31 *
HOUSES lotslFurraiLands-moucy loaned
llomis * city maps , 6x7 feet , $250 each
llemls.roorail , Darker block , S. W. oor. 1511
mid Farnam sts. 133
BAN K for sale m a now rapidly growing towi
of 600 Inhabitants. Fine deposits. Hone1
loans from 3 to 4 percent , monthly. A splondli
chance. Address DIE ) . DooolBce. U1S
Trr < OR SALE-Haf ! Interest In ono of the boa
Jpaj inir drug stores In southwestern Iowa
Capital required , $3,500. Address D 40 , Ore ol
flco. ll )
rilAKKN UP Hay marc , ft years old , whit
JL snot forehead branded u U , llttlo whiten
on hi ml feet , eliod. August Schnako , o
f.ltasoiuiion'i place , 7mlloa N W of Omaha.
m 18 S3 30 a 613
T O3T Somowhrre on street , a gold watc
J-J and chain , movement No. 864. Flndc
will please deliver lame to K M. Stlcknuy
Co'i olHco , room 10 , n e cor 15th and Dodge sti
nd receive reward , wa 20 *
T OST Plain ( Old rlnir , on So 13th it , or o
JU car. Finder will be liberally ruwarde
by returning to it. It. Copton , 1537 So Ibth s
PERSONAL A yonng gentleman , a strangi
in the city , would like to make the ai
qulntanceof ayouiur lady. Object loolal er ,
loyinom. Q 40 lloo. 794 18 *
MKS. DURANT , Clarlvoynat. from Dostoi
will remain In the city a short time enl ;
bboroadtiho deepest secret ! , unfolds the ti
t uro , unites neparated lovers , causes ijmod .
l < iarrlaire , ii veay reliable In all atfaln of llf
jjpoin 1. Lyons blk. . 18th and Chicago. Ml-li
"plMlftONAL-For irrarting. loddlng , prunln
- tree * , planting ihrubs. Howcrs and sener
Cleaning tin. Address J. Astloford , Mh an
PRHSONAI/-WP csll the attention of Inves
tors and speculators In Omalm Rnal Estate
to our special drive lu bargaitu.of which wo are
solo acrcnls. 7liey are worthy of Investigation.
J li , Rico Ic Co. , Room 6 , over Commercial
National bank. 6. (1 (
CLA1IIVOVANT Mwlntn Alaska
past , present ami future , bntlsfaclloti
guaratitncil. 5IJ S 10th at. 30J a 3
1 > litMNAt. : lirl\ato homo for laillos Tlutlng
cotinnotnent. Strictly confidential , In-
fauts adopted , Addiesa li t' , Dcuotllce.
_ _
IJlillHONAlJlr" . Dr Nannie V. Warren
clRtrvoyant , Modlcal and builneu Medluu )
Room No. 8 , 121 North Itlth at .Omaha. Neb.
C KSSPOOIiS , sinks and vaults cleaned , Oder-
less process. C. Ewlng , box 427 , city.
VM a , 15
LKFT on my proml < ol , 1613'ob tor , a small
black pony , 3 white fret , while faro. Will
loll for feed to hlirhvut bidder at ooiiftable salu ,
April 9th. Peter F. Foddo. ru 1133 30 *
mldwlfo , corner 24th and Cumlng st , up
stairs. HTJaU *
rpo parties having liousoi for rent , itcntnl
X Agitnoy , Donawa & Co. , lr > st. , opposite post-
olTIco , We have turned over to them our rental
list , we recommend thorn. McCague Dros.
/ lORUF.dPONI > KNCK solicited with reliable
\J parties who can furnish capital to build
and operate a canning factory in a western
town. Caih bonus to the right party. Address -
dross H. O. Cron , Inman , Nob.
XjiOR KENT Organs$1 per month , iloupe ,
X ? 1613 Douglas. 939
FOB KENT Square piano , $ t montolv. A
Hospe.l813D6uglas. 9J >
IfllBST-CLABS Storage at 110 N 13tu t-
HOUSES LotaFarmsLnnds-money loaned.
Derail'city maps , 6x7 feet. $2.50 each.
Homls , room 3 , Darker block , 3W. . cor. Uth
and Farnam sts. 287
SALE Or Trade A splendid how and
olcan stock of dry goods ; invoice
about $7,000 ; will take part oash , part
real estate. This stock Is in a thriving
and live town ; good trade established ;
good reason for selling. Park & Fowler , room
4,1522 Douglas street. 780 IT
HORSES CLIPPED-At the fair ground ! for
$ 100. Adam Thomson ; good work guar
anteed. 770-23 *
LF you want to buy or neil furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 10th. 737
LNY bodv wanting wells bored call 1023 N.
18th. Telephone 813. C 5 16 *
TTtOKRENT Square Piano $4 montnly.
Hospo. 1513 Douglas. 135
ptllARLEi ) I'ONTEZ. analytical chemist and
\J engineer , analysis of ores , coals and assays
and analysis of all kinds , chemist and miner
alogist to the IT. P. R. It. for 15 years. No. 1503
Webster cor 15th st , P. O. Pox 404. 61Bm16
N EW Hoarding Houso.fine tables , clean and
palatable victuals. 1416 Chicago st. 305
TOHAGB ' First-class storage for nice fur
S' niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodgo-st.
FOR SALE 1 now 6 foot showcase , ! largo
upright show case , candy , traye , jars , etc. ,
716 South 27th 8t. 91317 *
EB. JESTER has twenty head of the finest
fresh milch cows In the city for sale at
Furay's yards , Cumlng st , 029 lt > *
FOR SALF.-Cleveland Day Stallion , Derby
Boy , and Gen. Cleveland , rising three and
four years old , bred in Canada and recorded In
Canadian Stud Rook. Prices reasonable.
Terms to suit purchaser. Addresi J. O. Hall ,
Gibbon , Neb. 84119 *
FOR BALE-Cheap A bay horse 8 years old ,
buckboard , wagon , harness ; sound , good
traveler ; lady can drive. Address U 5 , Bee
office. 13 1 *
T7IOR SALE ALyon Ic Hoaloy uprlgb t piano
JL' six octavos , good as now. at a very desirable
bargain. 414 N. 10th st. 707
OR SALE A Clyde Canadian stallion. In
quire saloon , oor 17th and Vlnton. 693 21 *
li > O SALE A good 6-year-old pony at 110 N
J 13th st. 170
FOR SALE Fine Hamulotonlan Stallion ( ped
igreed ) at a bargain. C. D. Sutphon. 1322
Farnam. 437 19
F I ORSALE Large fire proof safe. Apply at
water worka office , 1513 , Farnam street
'J 826 17
HOUSES-Lotg.Farms.Lands-monov loaned ,
Ueinli' city maps , 5x7 foot $3.50 each.
Bemls , room 8 , Barker block , 8. W , cor. 15th
and Farnam ats. 123
I7IOR SALE 3 million brick and upwards oe-
JD sides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire
on promises , cor Doroas and ZnJsts. Omaha
Brick and Term Cotta Mfg. Co 638
\JtTANTED A stenographer and typewriter ;
TT must write a plain legible hand. Address
stating experience and salary expected , Ainer-
lean Loan and Trust Co.Ashland , Neb. 969
"VSTANTED A bookkeeper and ass't cashier
T T for a national bank outside the city. Wrlto
or apply to U. S. Nat'l Dank , Omaha , Neb. 970
ANTED A good advertising man. Call or
address Dally Hotel Reporter , cor 15th and
lUrnoy sts , up stairs. 05910
WANTED Me&ioiiger boy. Tbo Uradstroot
Co. 039 10
T ANTED Two persons to instruct in book-
TV keeping. Good situations April 15th.
J. D. Smith. 1613 Chicago st. 94U 17 *
\VANTKD Good harness makers. Apply to
> > Omaha Saddlery Co. , 1207 Douglas Et.
D18 17 *
ANTED-A live waiter at Midland restau
W rant , US S Uth at. W. N. Leonard.
TytTANTED Younir man as shipping clerk in
v T lumber yard. Call between. 11 and 12,140J
Farnam. 91018
WANTED First-class ( Inlsher on blank book
and general work. Good wages , sternly
ouiploymont Gazelle-Journal , Hastings , Nob.
884 16.
\ITANTKD Bov 15 years old for drug store.
TT Apply to 2715 Cummtngs st 93017 *
WANTED Competent llowor gardener. D.
Haas , Hahcairs Park. B7J 10 *
WANTED A first class pie baker , address
Q 44 Dee office , 863 17 *
W ANTED Salesmen. To soil specialties to
merchants ; commission ; easv to sell ;
big prollts. H. A. Fordhlng , South IJend , Ind.
93o-35 *
WANTKD-Agents for "Marvelous Wonders
of the World. " FJogantly Illustrated ,
and sells at sight Agents are coining monoy.
Ladies or gentlemen can soil this book. Send
for circulars and torins , and unclose 3 ots. A < l-
dresj liorlauili-Co.,10J State st , Chicago , 111.
KiJ 16 *
\\TANTKD-a first-class waiters , wages $25
TT per month , board and room , Apply nt
Norrls restaurant , lOt 316th st. 631
W rANTHD-Goo.l milker Llttloaold , Saratoga
Dairy. 774 IB'
WANTED-Roy tn clothing store-6I4 South
10th Btreot. 901-16
\\/ANTED Experienced dry goods travelling
TT salomanhaving an established trade in
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. U. Orlmos
Dry Goods Co , Kansas City , Mo. 331
\\7ANTED-SO sober , Intelligent men of good
i > address to try a lOc meal nt Words' res.
taurant , 104 S inth st 138
"TTfANTHD Female vegetable cook at Coz-
TT ions hotel ; apply at once. U71 17
V\rANTEO Thirty girls , good places , best ol
TT wages , for housework and hotels. Call
Omaha Employment Dureau , 119 N , Ibth street
Crounso block.
WANTED Ladles and young men to take
nice pleasant work at their own homes ;
$3 to $5 per day easily made ; work sent bj
mall , no canvanlng. Address G. Wuener 4
Co. , Dubuque , Iowa , box 177. 931 lb *
TANTUO-First-cln s girl for houscwork
or Z02 S. Slil but Faruam and Douglas. VOJ
i.s. WANTE1& Girl for general housework , ap-
ely S. W. cor 25th and Cald well 6 < U 17 *
\\TANTED-Good girl to do housework li
TT private boarding house ; good wagesa
617 Bouth 13th. 848 1C *
ere \TTANTF.D A good girl for kitchen work
oB T > gOISCaiSbt. 878 Hi *
\\rAXTKn-Immpdlatol- . 3 Orst-clais shin
TT Ironersnt Nebraska Steam Laundry , 101
iy.u . and 101 South 14th st. 875
u.Iy \VANTKn A servant girl , a competent cook
ro. TT washer ami Ironer ; none other nee <
apply ; reference of last employer required
good waifc * . IKHCiimlugst. V04I9
W ANTED-A good dlnlnv-room irlri atthi
ad Vlacoa Iteitatuant , 1617 Howard st
cats *
BtfU * . Vu .
NY r ANTED Qlrl for general housework at
15(0 ( Fhornian avo. 037
WANTEU-A girl at SOi South 21st stroct.
V > tin 17 *
WANTni ) A girl for general housework ,
IQJil Pacino ft . P67-17
WANTKD Good tflrl for ganoral housework
ail.'l Capitol aye. _ U07 17
ANTED Nurse girl wanted , 1012 Dodge st
Call at once. lOa 10
WAN1KD A competent child nurse. Apply
at 2305 St. Mary's iivo. Wj
_ _
7ANTIJD At once , a girl for general house-
' work. 714 S. 19th 6t. U05 I6
WANTKn-Ladlcsto work for us at their
own homes ; $7 to 1 < ) per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass-
Inir. For full partluularn plea o address at
once Crescent Art C4o. , 1 Central it. , Boiton ,
Mans. , Uox 6170. 903
W ANTED-A German girl. Inaulro 17U
Jackson street. 660 17 *
w ANTED-A girl for general housework ,
lV17Ca s. 8J8
"WANTED An oxpostencea girl to take care
v > of two children and do plain sewing.
German preferred , fttt South Kird street.
WANTED-Lady canvassers everywhere for
the Van-ordenLong Waist Corset. Good
pay. Circulars free. Address Charles Prlnglo ,
General Agent , Omaha , Neb. 3231C *
* IIi ANTKD A good girl for general house-
TV work in n family of two ; steady place
and good wages. Inquire ot C. L , Erlckson &
Co. , 313 N. 10th St. 855 IS
WANTKD-A good nurse girt. Apply at 1909
Farnam St. 638
W 'ANTED Dining room girl , Emmet house.
WANTED A girl tn do housework la a
small family at 1112 South 13 st. B4B
W ANTED A competent girl for general
housework. 621 Pleasant st. 78718 *
WANTED Dining room girl at Miller's res
taurant , 1004 N 16th St. 898
WANTED A good girl for general housa
work in family of two. Must be n good
laundress. Apply 418 Convent st 481
WANTED-Oood oook and Laundress , 203 N.
18th st 689
" \XTANTED Dy R young man of good rcfcr-
VY onees , situation as boot and shoe sales
man or In clothing store. Enquire of Omaha
Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16th st 957 17
WANTED A young lady wants a place to
sow In exchange for room and board , Is a
good seamstress ; address T 66 Doe ofilco ,
953 17 *
TTTANTLD-I'osltlon 8tcnograpuor,1616 Dodge
WANTED Dy a reliable man experienced in
grape culture and general farming a
position , or would take charge of a small farm.
Address for 3 days , 3 , IS Dee oOloe. 88617 *
WANTED A situation as bookkeeper or
Rhnrthand and typewriter. .References
furnlshod on short notice. Address D. L.
Morse , Plum Hollow , la. 703 17 *
W ANTKD Suite of rooms and board by
April 6th , for man and wife , must bo cen
trolly located. Addresi Q 53 , Deo. 943-21 *
"IJITANTKD A home for a beautlf ul boy baby
TT Any ono desiring to adopt such a child
can have an opportunltv by applying to the
Women's Christian Association , 1606 Farnam
950 18 *
TANTED Good piano and organ. Can
W Yasser'at Edholm Ic Akins. 92118
WANTBD-AH the old soldiers visiting tbo
encampment , who have a llttlo leisure to
drop in and have a yarn with Comrade W. 8.
Beavey , 111 South 14th street B93 18
WANTED-To rent n cottagn of four or
moro rooms ; rent not to exceed $20 per
month. Address G 51 , Roe office. 89017 *
WANTED Single gentleman doslros pleas
ant room tn private family , quiet part of
city , St , Mary's or Park ave preferred. Address
G 60 , Boo odlao. 937 16 *
\XrANTBO To rent a hotel In omo llvo town
TV in Nebraska , with from 15 to 23 rooms ;
will purchase part of furniture or lease the
same. Address G 19 , Doe. BSJ-16 *
WANTED-Duggy horse , young , good style
mid speed ; give description and price.
Address G 41 , Dee office86917'
WANTED To exchange a suburban lot for
a good driving horde. Address or call on
0. P. Dontly , Herald building , Uth and Harney.
W ANTKD to Trade-Fine south front lot In
Institute Place for good single driving
horse. J. L. Hico & Co. , over Commercial
bank. 851
ANTED. To rent a store room or half a
store within two blocks of the opera
house. Also ono or two unfurnished rooms
centrally located. Address , Q 41 , Roe. 82417 *
WANTED House of 10 rooms with all mod
ern improvements , Kmslor , druggist. 1307
Farnura st. 763 17
WANTED A single gentleman wants n
neatly turnlshod room. State terms and
location. Address O 17 , Bee olllco. 655
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
cottage or flat of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Address G 3 , Dee office. 653
W I ANTED-Teams , 301 a llth st
OMAHA Storage Warehouse-Corner Uth
and Izard Sts. , forstorage of house
hold goods and general merchandise at low
rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse re
ceipts. It U. switch at the house , Office 619
South Uth street and 1308.1310 and 1312 Izard
street Telephone COM. . S. Goodrich , mgr.
! M5 m 26 *
TJIORRENT-Now brick house with all modern
JL' improvements , 13 rooms. Apply 1316
Farnam it 9CO
F I OR RENT Thice room bouso. 1021 North
20th It. 033-16
F OS RENT Three-room house. 7034 ! Paclflo
Itreot 933-18
FOR RENT New 8-room house , 7 cloaotB , all
cleaned. Call at 3230 Ohio street. 0. W.
Cain. 915
"I710R RKNT-SK room cottatre , 010 N 17th.
JL1 Reference required. 877 16 *
TflOR RENT 4 now collates on California
X1 ami Wth street , near Cumlng street can.
Rent $25 per mouth. Apply to Kauf man Urns. ,
07 S. l.Mll St 5.19
FOR RENT A house and barn , with 30 acres
of land. In Omaha. See Thoo. Williams'
914 Farnam ( lleo office ) . 651
F I OH RENT-Brick yards , T. Murray.
FOR RENT M ) acres of ground , improved.
North of the city 3 miles. H. C. Patterson ,
15th end Harney. S73
FOR RENT Cottage- " , houses nnl store ) , all
desirable and well located , from 33 per
month up. L. Durnham , Room 1 Crolirhton
Hlock. 117
FOR RCNT-Snd Uoor. 2JxUJ ft , ( rood light ;
use of h > draullo elevator Included. in- :
qulro at 1405 Douglas st. 181
T71OR REST. Front olllco on 15th St.
J 7 room house , city water , Ac. , $30.00.
0 room house , ml conveniences , $40.
9 room house , cor. Jaokson and C'olfax , $ r > 0.
Gregory A lladtov.
817 Rooms 1 and 3 Wedlck lllkC20 S. 15th St.
OR RENT-Stable , Capitol nvo and 9th. En
quire room 6 , Arlington block. 743
FOR RENT K of a largo office well located ,
Inquire of Swan Ic Co. , 1531 Dodge Bt.
FOR HENT-Two nicely furnished bow win
dow east front rooms in private house to
gentleman and wlfo or two gentlemen. Hoard
if desired. BOO North 17th. t > 8 lb
OR 11 1'.NT Furnished moms with or with
out board , 809 North 17th Bt 8C4 20 *
FOR RENT Single room for gentleman , fur
nlshod , modern conveniences. Inquire 610
N. 17th. 931
FOR RENT Large , pleasant front room ,
close to business center , rent low. 17JJ
Cats street 939-18 *
T710R RENT Large furnished' front room ,
-C suitable for two ; bath. 303 Farnara.
U34-19 *
OR UF.NT-l.arge bock parlor suitable foi
man and wlfo 01 two gentlemenalso ; an cast
front room , with gw , bath , etc. , 316 N. Uth it.
814 IB *
FOR RENT Very desirable front room , fur-
nlsbed with board,2515 Bt , Mary'i avenue ;
also one Unglerooni. 620-3 * *
TTMRUENT-Elegantly furnlibod rooms. All
1 ? rooderd conveniences oa paved itmst and
street car line. No finer location In city. Call
atmvomoe. L. r. tfaamond , room 3. VOi
Doualaiit . . $38
T710R RENT Furnished roonig with board ,
JU also unfurnlshnd for Half housekeeping.
Da\onport , corner30th st Mrs. G. S. l.vmis.
88H-16 *
_ _ _ _ _
EOR RI'.NT Front parlor mid alcove , fur
nished ; good Lioard. . "Ml bt. Mary's ave.
n VC1
WANTED-Furnlshcd room with board , by
gentleman and wlfo ; 'jriVo location and
terms. Aildrcis (1 6J , Heoofflto. 91910 *
"fllOR RENT Nicely furnlshec ] rooms. Inquire
JL1 at Now Homo olllco , 123N. . 15th etrcot
UU'.IS *
_ J
FOR RKNT Tnodostraolu rooms , furnlshe < l
or unfurnished , Mobutu conveniences.
t > X Pleasant st 941 18 *
FOR HKNT Three very cttqco ) unfurnished
rooms with every oonvonlonco ; only ono
b'ock from postoHlco. Apply W. S , Soavoy , 111
South ilth street. 876 17
F OR RENT Furnished room in Rnowolil's
Mock at $6.00 per month. Inquire at 017
Virginia nvonuo. 900-18
F I OR RENT-Furnished rooms , 714 N. loth.
729-BlO *
XR RENT Elegant furnlshod rooms ; all
modern conveniences on paved street and
street oar line. No finer location In city. Call
at my office. L. F. Hammond , room 8 , 1633
Douglas st. 619
F1 IORUKNT.-Furnlshod rooms 401 N. 16th Bt.
82M7 *
T71OR HKNT. Pleasant rooms , modern con-
JD venlenceg , 1724 Capitol aye. 81618
OR RENT Elegantly furnished front parlor -
lor ; use gal and bath. Ill S. 18th st. 630 17 *
F OR RENT Store room and No. 110 N. Uth
st. basement. 3SS
F I OH KENT-Handsomely furnished room * .
Modern conveniences. U20 North 15th at ,
989 18 *
FOR BENT A furnished parlor , warm ; mod
erate conveniences , with flnt-olasi board ,
for two gentlemen. 1814 Dodge st Ml
FOR KENT A nice front room with alcove
hot and cold water bath. Gas , OM Bouth
20th , corner St Alary avenue. 423
T7IOR RENT Nicely furnlshod rooms at reaL -
-L soimblo rates , one Dlook from court house ,
600 So 18th bt , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs.
FOR RENT Nicely furnlshod front room 8
blocks louth of the Opera Housol415 Jones.
TJ1OR RKNT-Nleely furnlshod rooms , 2227
XJ Dodge st , all modern Improvements. 817
JF. HAMMOND , Real Estate , 117 B. 16th at ,
first door north of Douglas ,
h and6th sts. , 7 lots , 50x115 , $450tO. . . $ 673
: h and Bancroft cor. lotR6x32,1-3 ! cash 1 , > a
tli st. 4 east front Dancroft st , $1.800 to 1,800
Oih st. bet IlluKory and Center , MxlU , 4,003
1thand Dorcascor2lots , 120xUS , Imp. 8.500
.2thnr Dorcas , 6-room house , lot 60x133 8.VK )
3th Bt. cor. Leavenworth , 44x130 20,000
6th st. of tracks , a corner , imp 7,700
r > th and Center , s o corVxi57 ) ) 5,000
5th near Hartinan. 40x140 , rents for $50 0,000
951 10
FINK lots in Morsman Park , $2,000.
Fine east front , $2.760.
Fine corner and Insldo on Davenport and
Thirty second avenue , for $6,600. JS cash , rial-
inco to suit. This It the choicest property in
.Vest . End , commanding a magnificent view ,
nd Is worthy your attention.
Lot 71. block 240 , city , 66x132 , on Durt , near
Oth , with two cottagoi that rent for $ ,10 per
month each , $10,000. tt casa , balance 1,2 ana 3
84 feet on Satiodors St. , with small house that
ents for $10 month , $3,600 ; S2.GOO cash , balance
year. Jj f
Lots 19 and 20 , in block H Drake's addition.
4 cash , $8,000. i
Lot No. 21 , tn block 49. oltf , $2.600 cash , bal-
nco tosult , $5,000. &
40 feet on luth street at | * C3 font
Come and see mo about Jhoao. OoorgoM.
Cooper , room 3 , Arlington DW k. 953 18
noitNEH-100il20on Ohio .and 2'Jth streets ,
J fronts north and east , aipargain at $3,500 ,
1,000 cash. Hughes & Ucurr1509
TTCTEST OMAHA Corner J88X165 , east front
TV near Leavenworth , $3,000 , or with adjoin
< ng lot same size , $4,500. Terms easy.
935 Gregory & Hartley.
G SOUTH front lots in HlghMtodPark add.$300
cash , balance $ JO overtSfeo months ; price
$1,300. Apply to Frank F. WUllaras & 00. , 16th
and Chicago , roar Douglas C0Ootr bank , 899-18
FOR SALE Nine-room house corner 22nd
and Miami strooti. Fort. ale or trade the
best farm , also unimproved land on the D. & M.
II. II. In Ouster county , N. E. Adams , corner
23nd and Miami streets. 865-20 *
SALE 6 room cottage with lot 84-H6 and
FOB , Hlllard & Caldwoll's add. , just off
Sherman ave , $1,800. J. L. Rice & Co. 853
"JCTAIIT'S eub. Is just east of the Academy of
il. the Suoiod Heart Lots selling at from
$1.400 to $1.500. Frank F. Williams & Co. ,
Agents , 10th and Chicago sts. , rear douglas Co.
bank. 89718
SALE House of 5-rcoms and lot in
Saundera&Himebaugh's add , only 11.000 :
$650 cosh. Lawrence & Boydel , 318 N 16 BI.
South front on Reward St. ,
Shlnn'sSd add. , only $1,700. F. D. Tanner
4 Co. , 1615 Howard Bt. 853 17
FOSTER'S ADD-Dandy corner 12,200.
925 Gregory ft Hadloy.
F I OK BALE Desirable residence property on
Capitol Hill. Inquire 2323 Davenport st
A 4,000 will buy a nice 7-room house with lot on
* Virginia avenue half blook from street cars.
Hard and soft water , gas , etc. . etc. $ sOOQ ) cash
and possession In a very short time. Call on
Shaw&Co.&lOSlGthst 859
I HAVE 6 lots In Albright's Choice which Is
my personal proporty. 1 will to eell for
8375 per lot ; 1-5 cash on onch lot , bal. $10 per
month. Those lots tire high and level , adjoin
ing the Annex. K F. Moreartv , nt Goto City
Real Estate OlKco , 1330 Douglas , 857
SALK-317 acre * of No. 1 land In
Nuokolls county , Neb , , within 11J miles of
thotownof Superior and R. R. depot. Inquire
16J8 S 13th &t , Omaha , Neb. M. Rodington.
313 18 *
LEAVENWORTH bT-Soiith front in West
Omaha for $1,800 , also South front in Me-
Cormack'B 2d add tor $1,500.
035 Gregory it Hadloy.
OKAS. K. DURMEdTER,4U South 16th
for sale s
44 ft tine business property on Tarnamst , ,
one of the finest N W coruora on Furuam St. ,
59T133 ft.
Z elegant lotl In Mayne place.
fi lots In Saunders & Hlmuhaughi addition ,
cheap , for u few days only.
3 lots In Kllby place.
6 lots In Jerome park.
2 lots In Highland place.
1 flno lot in Improvement addition.
Lots in Central I'urk and Oak hill.
& room oottago and lot In Tbornolls add. , a
10 room house and lot on Callfornlastrcot. all
modern conveniences. _ 87U-16
GREAT 310 acres 4 miles from city limits ;
ono of tbo best dairy farms In the world ,
good house , well , spring , 5 acre orchard and
fruit of all kinds , CO per acre.
1 aero near tn Mar > s ave will make 0 good lots
that will readily sell for J3.000 each , only $3,000.
Active Real Estate and Property Exchange ,
16'M , Dodge St. _ 81)8 ) 16
LIST your property with us If you want It
sold , for we mean business , Plorco &
Rogers , Room 5 Arlington HIM 8-3 !
TOHN OALIjAOHKH , 317 South Uth st. Acre
* J property , lots all parts oLthuolty. Choice
lots In Haiiscom Place. House , 9 rooms , lot
Cf.xt-0 , location unsurpaasad.-f j,2JO. L"J7a3
OR SALE Cheap , nice iSrSo lot , flvo dollirs
per month , Call at401iN.(15th ( Bt. KM IS *
TT OR SALP. 6 lots In Thornburg Place. 4,500
J ? 120 feet on Saunders St. , per front foot 75
OOxliK , corner Klovunworth neil Seventh. 21,000
66x133 , corner r.lovcnth ntf jllgtitr ; . 35,000
44xH2 ) on Tenth near HowiriJT . 18iOO (
MxlMon Jones near 1.1thX . 17.000
Two lots , Reservoir addltloi bth ) . 2.20G
Two lotson Btato st.Omahi'flew . 3,000
South front lot. LeavenworNMt . . . . 6iXl
House of 9-roomBOn2tth ) st.r. . 4A'00
House of 5 rooms , 2 lull lots. ] . 2,21X1
East front lot. Kllby Place. . . 900
Flno lot tn Ilodford Place. . .k.J . 700
House ofroomi , Cedar stJPr. . 1 00
6 lots In Hanscom Place. * * J
roxit2fentun : l-'th fit , , M caHhU . 2.COQ
Ixitln Ambler Plaoo , $100 c ? h , . 7Cd
WilWonHaunderast. , near Luke . 7,5X1
75xl30on Saunders st. . Improved . 13,25 ! ]
H. W Himtrosa , 1509 Farnam st 830 IS *
K LOTS at $375 per lot , Vi mile from Ham-
O mond's Packing House , within 3 blocks ol
the now depot , 1 S cash , balance $10 per month ,
B. F. Moreirty , owner , 1330 Douglas. 856
O8WENSON * CO.-H04 Farnam street ,
Room 15 , dealers In real estate and west
ern Innd. Houses built to salt purchasers on
monthly payment
100FKET front on Farnam st This place n
worth $0.000 more than It can bo bough )
for for a few days. Apply to Frank F , Wil
liams 4 Co. , 16th and Chicago stl. , roar Douglai
Co. bank. 835 16
pro HEAUT1FIJL lots only $300 each. The ro-
* J tall prlco of these lots are $500 to $700 each.
Lots 4 to 6 blocks south are Mlllng at $809 to
1.000 each. See about thli at once , there li
at least 112.000 clear prout. E. F. Kmger , 119H
16th , 38 18
T > EAL ESTATB-Full lot 10. block fl.SK itorjr
-LVbriok house , great bargain , John M. Clarke
W7 16 *
SOUSES l.otsFarmsLand § monny loannl ,
llomls' city mnpl , 5i7 feet , $3.60 each ,
llomls , room : i , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Furnam sts. iMT
I A ACRES adjoining the Patrick farm. I will
JLV/ roll nl $600 an acrn , suitable for platting.
D. 0,1'attoraon , Utnahn Nat Hank. 490 IS
S l'lUNO ] VALLKf ,
k Our new addition.
Acres $33.1 to $40J per aar .
Near South Omaha ,
And Bydloato HIIU
Marshall ft tobpok.
103 \WI Farnam.
SPECIAL Rargalns for ono weak ouly by
Swan A Co. , 1531 Dodiro St.
Corner on 18th and Douclas.
Corner on 15th , biggest bargain offered.
Corner on 10th and Davenport.
K lots In Highland park ,
r > acre * tn Marker's sub.
Z very cheap lots In Kondal's add ,
B flno furuis to trade for Omaha property.
For prices on above call at our offloo , 8 K corner -
nor 16th and Dodge. TU )
HOUSES LoUFarmsl > ands money loaned ,
llomls' city maps , 6x7 feet , $ .2.53 oaoh.
Demi * , room 3 , Darker block , S , W. oar. ISttt
and Farnam its , 123
U A. BLOMAN. Heal Estate Droker ,
O. IMS Farnam Street.
Furnam street , cor. 18lh.0ilxl.i2 , M rain. I 80,000
Fnrnamst , near 14thftJxIlUImproved. . as.000
Fttrnanistnoarl6th.44xl33 , Improved. , e.uoo
Fnrnam sL , near 20th,2.xl33 , vary ohiap , 7,000
Farnam St. , nearanh.HOxxlX3. , 05,000
Farnam et , cor. 31st St. , 130x132 , south
andoastfront 17,000
Earnam st. cor.40th , 05x132,8 and e front 6,000
Farnara st cor. 41st , 48x132 , and e f runt 8.000
FarnamBt. cor. 4-M. 44x132.8 and w front 8,000
Hurney st. near 13th , S2xOO 9.500
Harnoyst. near 15th,33x132 Improved. . . 0,000
Harneyst noarCOth , 174x170. Improved , . 85.000
Harney st. Kedlok's Grove , 41H.U l.noo
> ouglosst near 12th , 44x133. Improved. . BS.UUO
> ouglasst.uoar 13th,23x133 , H Interest. 9r < oo
> uglasst. near ld , 65x13.2 7.500
louglas st. near 23d , 66x133 B.UOO
> odgest. nearZJth. WxlKii S.600
todirest. near28th,40x137 , improved. . . 3.000
acksonit. cor. 14th , 66x132 , Improved. . 25,000
aokson st , near 15th , 88x133 , Improved , 18,000
ones st.oor. 15th , 66x113 4,000
xiaronworth st. cor. 21st , 132x111 , Im
proved 18,590
.eavcnworth . st. cor. 2Mb , 140x143 , lin-
proved 25,000
.6th st.opp , M. P. and Dolt Line depot ,
81x113. . ; . . . . . . 9.000
4th at trackage. Paddock place , 06x112. 2.500
'ark avo. opp. park , 60x150 l.00
cor la ave. near Mt. Ploasant. 60x160. . 8.WO
Othst. near Dorcas , 100x100 , lmprove < l. . 4,500
near Douglas. 34x08 , Improved. . 8,003
.oor.MartmMxL1'improvod. ) . . 4,503
Uhgt. oor. Sovrard.6)xlTO,3 ) bouses. . . . 4.609
loroo near 20th , 60 feet front , 9 street * . 6.300
amilton st. near Dolt line , Improved. . . 1,500
1st fit. just off Farnam , 48x133 , o front. . l. > 0
Hth st. , near Davenport. lOOiUO Z.300
Jeward , near HStb , 00x167 1,150
Oth st , near Caatellar , 135 feet front. . . . 4,500
thstnear Martha , 61x161 , corner. . . . 1,000
urdettest , near 28th , 60x132 , on car line 1,000
BiirtstnearTx > weave , 611.2x1,19 1,103
5th , cor , Poppleton , OSxllH ) . Improved. . 4.60J
Davenport , near iMtli. 6 ( l-iIxl3Jlmproved 4,000
: iilcnRO , corner 2 th , BflxKIZ , Improved. . 8.UOH
Oth , near I'npploton , 50x127 , improved. . 6.000
rchard Hill , lots f760 to 1,000
Brown 1'ailt , lots 1500 to 660
ledford Place. loU $650 to POO
Ilirhland Pare , lots each-cnsh SOB. . 230
Wakoly add , lets57zl ) , each 400
25 acres near Fort Oraaha.nnelylnprovod 13,000
iV'obstor st. nrnrlfith , 31ilrj : , improved , " ,200
ontorst , 60x112. Improved 1,200
Mrplnla nvo , near HioKorv , 60x150 1,500
Farnam st , near 88th. 67x132 8'UO
Nicholas st , corner , 68x132 , track la alloy 4,200
Park nvo , facing Park , 60x150 4,000
310th st , near viaduct , 40x103 6,000
"ulphurflprlngs add. just opp. 16th st,50
xiS4 * ,000
Loavonworth it , near Delt Line , 100x127. .
SniNN'B ADD South frcqt on Dlondo street
with north front on Vates st , a ulco double
' eador for $1,400 , $500 cash.
Gregory & Hadloy.
P2S Rooms 1 and 3 Fcdloklllt , 320 8.16th st ,
FOR A FKW DAVS-South front in Lowe's
addition on easy terms , $900 ; lot in due's
add. , $700 ; south and east corner lot on the
Itollovuo road , $1,500 ; an aero lot in Pratt's iub. ,
$1,500 ; two south front lots on Hamilton street ,
$1,600 each ; 4 acres In Washington Hill cheap.
Apply to Frank F. Williams & Co. ,16th and Chicago
cage , roar Douglas County bank. BflMO
LKAVKNWOHTH STBRBl'-We bnve 144 feet
on Leavenworth street corner east of
20th street , Improvement * , rontmcr for f SO per
month. Improvements do not Interfere with
Duslnoss front. The very best property on the
Btroot ; about on grade. Wo can sell this for a
few days loss than value and at n price that is
bound to return purchaser a handsome in-
'erest on Investment. Loavenworta street it
Jio coming street. We also have 132 feet
square corner on Lervenworth that will
make Invnstor $5,000 before August 1. M. A.
Upton cSc Co , 1509 Farnam. Telephone 73.
620 30
> ARQAIN Illtahoouk's First add. , beautiful
' lot for $500 , $100 cash. J.F.Hammond.
117 S. 10th St. 651-18
FL. HICK & COaro sole agents for the fol-
lowing special bargains :
LotSQlses'add , an acre tract covered with
beautiful maple-trees , positively the finest sin
gle acre in Omaha , $8,500. .
Lot 0 aises' add. another flno ocro , verr
choice , and cnoap at 15,500.
Lots 13 and 14 Dlk 8 Parker's addextra choice ,
5 splendid lota loft fronting on Lake st run
ning through from etreot to street , $2,800 to
$2.300 oooh.
Lota 6 and 6 Davenport's sub , being 87-foot
coiner on Saunders at , opp Kountzo Plaoo ,
85 feet front on Sherman ave and paved et ,
$100 per foot.
Ixit 6 Washington Square add , south fron
off pavedRtreet. $3,000 , worth $3.500.
Lot 2 blk 0 Bhlnn'B 1st add , being 63 feet 9
inches front on Baundora at. , cor. alley , $150
POLot030blk 1 Patrick's 1st add. , 63x120 , $4,760.
Lot 1 blk 1 Patrick's 1st udd , 63x120 , corner ,
Lots 2 and 8 bile 7 Patrick's 1st , 60 feet front
on Saunders Bt. , with Improvements worth
$1.500 , $7.500.
Lots 13,13.14,15.10blk 3 Institute Place , $ (50
onch for the bunch.
Lot 4 blk 9 Shull's 3d add , $2,750.
Lot 7 blk 17 Hanscom Place. $3.150.
Lot 11 blk 17 Hanacom Place , (3,100.
Lot 5 blk 17 Hanscom Place , with 8-room now
modern residence , beautiful homo , $6,500.
wLots 14 and 15 , blk 7. Crelghton Heights , on
ouloN nnl. $750 each.
Lots , blk2,0'Noil'isubcorner on Cumlng
Lots 4 lind 5. blk 7 , Walnut Hill , with improve
ments , $2,000 each-$4,000.
I'lno lot on 20th st miJ cable line near corner
Or.ico , prlco with Improvements (3.0UO ,
Hucro with 4-ioom house , well and cistern ,
flno fruit and ihadetrooi , n beautiful place In
( Use's add , $2UOO , an extra drive. Do not fall
to see It.
Lot 13 , blk 11 ; Plnlnvlew add , corner , $1,350.
LotlO , blk 12 , Plnlnvlew add. $1,675.
' . ' 0 acres opposite LootUraach , high and dry ,
4 acres , choice IneiJo , $25,030. J. L. Rico & Co.
GKNUINB OFPEIl-Htio lot In Grnmmorcy
Park foe Only $ BO , JWJcasIi. J. F. Hammond
mend , in 8. luth. DM 16
/ UMINCJ Street , 5txl2 , N W cor. 25th and
\J Cumlngelegant Uuslnosa coruur.and only
$10,00010 April 1st : then moro. M. A. Upton &
Co , Telephone 7J , 150'J Farnam. fUO 20
HOUSES Lota.Karms.I.unds money loaned.
Hernia' city maps , 5x7 foot , ? 3.5) ) ench.
llomls.room3 , llaruor block , S. W. cor. 15tQ
end H > rnam Bts. 12-
IJARGAINS-Two corner lots in
GENUINE court , only 4 blocks from Blun
der's Btroet oars. W. M. lluitiman , Room 10 ,
Buahuian Uloolt , N K cor lath imJ Douglas.
l A ACRFS adjoining the Patrick faim , I will
-IAS Boll at $ i W an iicro , sullnbio for plotting- .
D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat lliuik. 4'.iO 10
1 A ACIir.3 adjoining the Patrick farm. I will
-1-U gull at ffii-o an acre , suitable for platting.
D. C. Patterson , Omalm Not liank. 4K ! ) 1U
HOUSES Lms.FannaLands , money loaned ,
llomls' city map * . 6x7 foot , S3.63 ench.
Ilemls , room U , Darker block , 8. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam sts. 287
Illoclra 17 tn 32 , the best part of Howling 0 recn.
The cheapest property on the market.
H mile from Iteneon car line ,
fi-acre lots per acre 5V > ( ) .
SM ucro IO'H per aero $55X
Acre lots SQOJ.
Lots 50xlJ7 on Hamilton street $175 to $323 for
corners ,
Full commission to agents. Get plats.
Maiahall & Lobeck ,
No. 1509 Farnam.
Telephone 73. 10 i
7011 9ALB-4 room bouse , $100.623 Clark Bt
LKG bet St. Mary'i ave and Howard. 259-17 *
KG DEAUTIFUL lots only $300 each. There-
Li tail price of tnoso lots are ? 500 to $700 each
Lots 4 to 5 block * south are soiling at $ 'OJ tt
1 1,000 each. See about this at once , there li
at least $12,000 clear prout E. F. Ringer , 119 >
15th. _ _ . iJS 16
OORNER-lOUxl'JO , on Ohio and 29th streets
fronts north and east , a bargain at $2,1500
$1,000 cash. Hughes & Henry , 1501 Farnam.
block 9 , Hanscom Place , Grcgorj
Ic Hadley.330 3 lith st 68S
FOR RENT Whole or U of 9 room oottag <
suitable for one or two families , on or before
fore April 1st. 613 South 16th at _ 819 Ifjj
ATRICK'S ADD-Corner lot 65x131 wltl
small double house on rear of same rentliu
for $3J per month , leaving corner UxlOO va
cant , all for $3,000 , one-third caih. The othoi
snap In Patrick corners has been sold and yoi
must call at once to secure this one.
Gregory Ic Hadloy ,
925 Coomi 1 and 9 Uedick Bit , 3M 8. Uth it
BLUNT A IMPRV. Roil Estate Broken ,
oor. Douglas and 14tbsts,2d Uoorroom 0 :
telephone 47tt ,
_ . These Are Dargajns. Now Lilt.
California fl Hour -3J , FIxUJ , K 10-room
houses , 1 double house In roar , small barn , rout
to pay 12 per cent Interest , which eau bo lu-
crea od to 15 per cent : $3,000 , ! S cash.
California near 20th , a corner , 132x132 , n
houses. $ J,000,1-3 ) cosh , Not umny llko this
loft ,
California near 161.1 , full lot , Improved ,
$15.00d , 1-3 cash. This will lnurcn n In value.
Park ave , 96 > 4Xl4SVi , with 2 houses , $18,000 ;
will remove housosnnd sell at IIO.O.H ) , or will
oell separately with any doslrod frontnge , I < ot
Is an east front , just south of Loavonworth. A
good Investment
N. 20th , east front , 60-ft lot , 8 houses and 2
barns.tnnt at 1000 per year , $5,500. Who can
boat this ?
Walnut Hill , a corner on Nicholas , good house
with elty water , 4t',70J.
Idlowlld , full lot , line residence , 9 rooms , with
barn , $5,300. , This would bo cheap at $ & , tWO.
Georgia a\o , houses roomsmodern Improve
ments ; good barn , $7,000 ,
I6th near Poppleton , now house , 9 rooml ,
barn , $4,3X ) , terms easy.
Sinn Booth of Leavenworth , full lot , 6 room
cottnito , paved street , $5,000.
Illmtibaugh's , lUxdJO , house 8 rooms , a dis
tance from town but cheap at $2,750.
Lowo'ihouso 8 rooms , stable , good at 11,200 ,
1-3 cash ,
A One corner lot on Farnam , with two houses
see this and contrast with other properties in
thestrcot ; It U worth moro moneybut for sale
now at $30.000 ; very easy terms.
Popnlnton avenue , south front , full lot , o-
room house , barn , trees , a pretty homo , $4,000 ,
$1,000 cash.
> 2nd and Nicholas , 182x133 , with 1 houses ,
115,000) ) 1-3 cash.
Douglas , south front , double house , frame , 10
rooms eaoh side , stable , $12.00J , will rout to pay
U per cent
6 business lots In South Omaha , etch $300.
Hertford Place , all prices , can quote bargains.
Hickory Place , X lots , each $1,600 , oheap.
Hansoom Place , a long list ; can malt all purses
and give choice ot location.
Georgia avenue , $75 per foot ; $100 refused
for adjoining tract no better than thli.
100 feet on Farnam at a bargain.
Orchard 11111 , $760 to $1,500. Have some choice
Kl'lby Place , one of the bolt lots , $1,500.
Some choice acre property. Are forming
Syndicate to purchase. Boo us about this.
Hlunt * Imny , N. W. eor. 14th and Douglas ,
over Fuller's drug storo. 783 17
/CHEAPEST aore property In the market , Zi !
VJ or 5 acroi In Donfleld , on Main road , $500
per acre. Nothing else In the neighborhood for
less than $000. Good for gardening or platting.
Wallace , Crelghton blook. 9(16-17
"I71OR SALE Full lot with a flno 5-room house
JU on Lake street , east of Saunders. Frank
F. Williams ft Co. , 10th and Chicago , roar Doug
las County bank. 8J9-16 -
HcDemll ' LotsFarms.Landi money loaned.
Demll * city maps. 5x7 feat , $3.50 each.
Demls , room 3 , Darker block , a W. cor. 15th
and Farnam sts. 237
G0X140 ON 17111 ST. , only M blook from
Nicholas St. . prlco $1,000. This la the
cheapen lot in the north part of the city.
Hughes & Henry , 150'J Farnam Bt. V45-17
FOR SALE In large orsmall lots Mold seeds ,
timothy , little rod and mammoth clover ,
Gorman ami unmmon mlllott sucas. I warrant
thli seed all raised in Butler county , Neb. , and
now.pureand clean seed. Wrlto to W. G. Bos
ton , David City , Nob. , for prices. 481 afl *
ftlOR SALE On easy terms , some choice lots
J ? in Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post-
olllco. P. A. Garln , Bole Agent , Boom e.Uedlck
Block. 183 81 *
"E1OR SALE A good section of Improved
J ? farming land tn Doone Co. , Neb. ; olioap if
taken soon. Addres box 431 , Albion , Nob.
654 16 *
rplIB best Investment on Hamilton street , two
JL lots In Orchard Hill , fronting on Hamilton ,
just west of Lowe avenue , and each lot 60x161
feet , good buslnoia property , only $ ' { ,000 for
both. Wallace , Croighton block. 964-17
IF anyone wants a bargain to double the
money on In a short time we have one on
13th st. within a block of paved ct Lot Uxl25 )
with houpo that rents for $20 per month. Ouly
$4,500. Lawrence JtSeydol , 218 N lOthet.
963 16
/CHEAPEST acre property in the market. 2W
v or 15 acres In Ronfleld , on Main road , $100
per acre. Nothing else In the neighborhood for
lone than f TOO. Good for gardening or platting.
Wallace , Crolghton blook. 985-17
B E8T LIST of Hanscom Place property In
the city. F , D. Tanner Ic Co. , 1615 Howard.
F OR SALE Flno corner lot in Ambler Place ,
$1,030. J. L. Ulco 4 Co. Kx.
XV Kountzo Place , 25 lots - $1,700 to $3.300
Hanscom Place. 25 lots - - $1,350 to $1,600
J. I. Hodlck's sub-dlv. , 3 lots - $3,750 to $4.600
Smith Park,4 lots - - - - $2,700 to $3.100
Jerome Park , 10 lots - $1.800 to $2,000
Urenuan Place , 12 lots $1,500 to $2,000
Orchard Hill , 60 lots - - - tflOO to $1,100
Foster's add , 6 lots - $3,300 to $3.500
Roes' Place - . . . $3,750
Mlllard Place . . . . $4 > Mo
Also Improved and unimproved residence
property In all parts of the city.
A. H. Comstock , Boom 10 , Crolghton Dloolc.
SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is
inside South Omaha property , Thee Olsen
or Jas Vore , owners , SU 815th it , 3d Uoor be-
twocn Farnain and Harnoy. _ 264 a 1
BIG BARGAIN On hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $5,000.
Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 520 South Uth st
/ 10RNER-100xl20. on Ohio and 29tb strooti ,
\J fronts north and enst , a bargain at $ ' 3,500 ,
$1OOJ cash. Hugbus A Henry , 150V Farnam.
1509 Farnam st
Offer thosd bargains to-day :
1 corner Goorirla ave. and Dupont $1,200.
T Orchard hill , choice lots each $ H50.
House and 2 lots , Saunders ft Hlmebaugh'l
add. to Walnut hill $3.300.
20 Finest lots In Clovordolo , bargains ,
Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap.
Flnol 1-3 lot John I Hodlck's Sub dlvHlon ,
Echoloe lots In Maynes add. , oaoh $6 } ) .
xoholoe lots Falrmount place.
1 aero boat In Belvedere , bargain $333.
2 loll Jotter's addition , each $700.
6 lots Mt. Douglas , each $550.
S lots South Ex. place , eacn $500.
8 Drown Park , bargains each $603.
24 lots choice in Yates & Hampers a-ldltlon.
10 acres V mile south of Harris Ic Patterson's
annex , extra nice , cheap and easy terms.
A fine list of western lands for sale , or trade
for Omaha property. _ ,
400 acres highly improved , Saunders Co. , lalo
or trado.
115 feet front on 16th street ,
Last , not least , norner on Karnam $45,031 and
many others , 1509 Farnam , Wise and Pai-mflo.
_ Bi7
CHEAPEST acre property in the marker,3'4 '
or 5 acres In Honflcld , on Main road , $500
per acre. Nothing else In the neighborhood for
lois than $6JO. Good for gardening or platting.
Wallace , Crolghton blook. _ te-n
BIO MONEY In the following property at
the price It can bo bought for If gold In th
nou todays.
Lots 4 and 6 Stewart place , south front on
Davenport st. , nice vlow , only S.I.OOJ lor both.
Hal r cash . Look at this f or n homo.
Lots7andBblockl4 , In Kountz's 3rd add , only
half block from 16th st. for both $1.000. This Is
chuap. Inilcln lots are lioUl at $ lr > OJ.
Three of the best lots In Davenport place.
Lots 24 , 25andKB8towut place , thesu are thn
handsomest residence lots In Omaha , fenced
and shade trees crowing ; those must be seen
to ho appreciate JSPO ; us lor pi Iocs and terms.
The cheapest , 6 acre lots offered today is Now
London , only 4 ratios irora city limits Farnam
si rung through center of add ; only $200 per
acre. Easv teams. Call for plat. Clark &
French. 1510 Douglas st. _ BI4 16
T.NBIDE PROPERTY We have some ; oed In-
JL elilo property at n bargain , Plorco 4 Rog-
o re. 1511 Dodge street. 8,10
rpHE best lnvp tmenton Hamilton street , two
-L lots In Orchard Hill , fronting on Hamilton ,
just west of J.ouo avenue , and nnoh lot 50xlM
feet , good business property , only f.1oOt ) for
both. Wallace , CrolKhton block , 0 > > 4-17
HOUSES Lots , Farm jl.ind3money loaned.
llomls' city nmjH , 57 foot , * - ' , . " > D e > toh.
Ilomli , r-iotn 3 Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam. 133
OUGLAS ST.-2Jx.M ! , 44 feat east of north-
fast corner Mth and Uoiiitlns ! Improve
ments rontlair $75 pnr mouth. Win Ice business
location ; $ lt.OOJ ? , l-Il cash ; worth'O per
front foot. M. A. Upton & Co , 16j'J Karnata.
Telephone 73. 621 20
cash will secure 163 acres of first
farming land in oasteni Nebrniku balance
very longtime and no tans for L'O yetiis. The
O. F. Davit ) company , 1505 Farnam st
. 931 a 15
_ _
BARQAIN9-140 foot on Plorco by 93on l tu
it , with 6 houses , only $ ] A.ouo ,
60x169 on Harnoy , west ot 20th > t , with two-
story bouse , rents $40 a month , * 'JUK1.
ttxl2D , fronts on two strooti , ttneit residence
property In tbo city , cast and wcit front , 15,500 ,
60 feet front on llth st. 3 blocks south ot via
duct , with two good houses , cast front , f fl.ulj.
1M feet corner t'ai nam and Ulst st , $17,00' ' ) .
60 feet Harnay , near 26th ave , south front ,
beautiful location , f 5)00.
Corner , Virginia ave and Hull it , 123x101 , on
grade , fj.OOO.
6tix3oo , fronting on Cumlng and Durt sti , 6
bousej , $15.000.
68 foot front on Farnain , with 2 ilores and a
residence ; brlngi 12 per cent on Invvitmcuts.
3lxUB. Caw st , belwaon 14th anil 15th , with
7-room home , $4m ;
Full lot , 21st it south of Leavenworth. 7-room
bouifl , Darn and all modern Improvements ,
Corner , Durt and 18th it , with 8-room bouio ,
Loti In all additions cheap.
KI7 U , Kats * Co. , 151 1 Farnam.
( br-OOcAnliomado In one week on a to' tli *
p wn have for sl In Foster's add tf tn rn
tills week. He turn am ! loon up lull bargain ,
Lttwmiino * Bop del , 318 N 16th Bt. WW K
rpllK best Investment on Hamilton street , iw'ii
JL lots in Orchard Hill , fronting on 11 am I > u ,
just wosl of Lowe avenue , and onch lot 6 x rt
foot , good business property , only $1.0(0 ( < ir
both. Wallace , Crolghton block. WU-17 , <
SPKCAIAIi IIAUUAlNd-Clnrkiuil ft . .can- ' , j ,
2W Sollth st. i
lluslnps" Proporty. I
Corner 12th am ) Jones , Mltij.'iiU paving taxes
paid , cheap at * 25OOU.
Cnrnor l.'th nnd Jackson , COxUS , paving paid ,
Corner 9th and Loavonworth , 63x132 , all par-
lug paid , * .M,5 < > 0.
Corner lot Inuul Davenport , 133ft sqiiaro , an ' (
elegant piece of property , at a bargain , <
Wo have several elegant track lots 66x11 ! and
133 loot iquare. Mome of them the choicest to be
had , uud at reasonable prlcci and terms.
8H acres within the ono mile limit at a price , i < S
that guaranties n big prout.
6 noros on D. A M. and U. P. tracks , luitable
for business , manufacturing or platting ,
5 acrui adjoining Bedford Place. Choice
piece for sub-division.
40 aoros close to now Northwestern Depot Im
Omaha heights , beautiful high ground , aheap.
5 acioi la Tuttlo's suo-Ui vision at a bargain.
Residence Lots.
' 60x900 , South 10th it , choice.
Cheap lot in Clark's addition.
Cheap lot In Klrkwood.
Cheap block In Doyd's addition.
Cheap 100 feet corner In Hansoom Place.
All of the above properties are bargains and
at the prices we are able to quote on them In
sure a handsome return. Agents of the North
western are now hero buying and paying for
rights of way on their new rood , and workingmen -
men and others wishing to make an Investment
cannot do bettor than Investigate north town
proporty. Wo are agents for Omaha HeUhta
beautiful addition owned by inibllo spirited
nnd wealthy men who have leourod , by liberal
donations ot land , a depot upon their property \
and propose to make it all and more thau ll *
represented. Cell and be convinced. *
Clarkson & llcatty. 219 8. Uth st. 88718 i
lull LOT Bin Reservoir add. , $1.00) oaoh. '
F. D. Tanner * Co. , 1615 Howard st.
mIIF.bolt Investment on Hamilton street , two
JL lots In Orchard Hill , fronting on Hamilton ,
just west of Lone avenue , and oaoh lot 50x101
foot , good business property , only $3,000 for
both. Wallace. Crelghton block. 064-17
60X140 ON 17TH ST. , only H blook from i
Nicholas it , price $4,000. lull li the
cheapest lot tn the north part of the eltr. t
Hughes A Henry , 1500 Furnam it 945 17
OOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place ii
O Inside South Omaha proporty. Then Olsen
or Jas Vore , owners. 314 S 15th st , Sd Uoor bo-
tweou Farnam andllarnoy. KM a 1
NAP-60 foot cast front lot on Dollovue st la
lllk 2,1st add to South Omaha , $1fiOU.
1)36 ) Gregory A Hadloy.
HAL KBTATE-Vory valuable gilt edge bust-
11 ness property ou 16th and Farnam MS Joan
L Clarke. 948 16 *
FOR SALE Ono of the bo .t corner lots tn
Omaha. Heo Is $7000 of a bargain. Ap-
.jlyto Frank F. Williams & Co. , lOtu and Chicago
cage its. , roar Donglai Co. bank. 6 710.
HOUSES Lots.YannsLands-money loaned.
Demts' city maps , 5x7 feet , $3.60 oaoh.
Demls , room 3 , Darker block , B , W. oor. 15th
and Farnam sts. 887
HANSCOM Place , lot 16 In block 9 , $2,400 ,
half cash , balance 1.2 and 3 years.
475 Gregory & Hadloy , 330 S. ISth it
A CHANCE for Investments.
Gibson , Aylesworth & Donjamln ,
15l2Katn mst.
lot In Imp. Ass'n. 47x111 , with Ismail
houses $ 3,009
lot in Hawthorne , 43xlO'J. cor. 3.1(1 ana
Davenport , with 6 room houso.olstern ,
well , etc. very oaiy terms 3.500
lot In Hillside 2d add 1.800
lot In Bedford Plaoo , 60x133 70S
lot In Hltohooak's 1st add , 60x125 TOO
lot In Lowo's 1st add , OOxl3)with house 1,750
! i lots In Shinn'a 1st add , 75xl2'U. Caldwell -
well st 8,700
lot In Hodlok's add , 62xl 3. Half How- '
nrd st 8,300
3 lots In W oat Side , 59x129 , barn and fruit
trees ,1M
room bouse and lot N. 17th st , good
well an J cistern 6,600 j
S lots on Virginia ave , 100x150 , 4-roora 9
house , barn. M oil and clitorn 5,000 - , |
20 ft on St Mary's ave , with 2 0-roora
house * , gas and water , will subdivide. 85,000
40 ft on St. Mary's ave bet , 19th and 30th 12,000
Choloo lot in Omaha View 900
132 ft on intn st. near Farnam 70,000
2 loti , 60x37. Lowe's add , 4-room house ,
cellar , well and 00-foot barn , price 8,000
pHE best Investment on Hamilton street two
-L lots In Orchard Hill , fronting on Hamilton ,
ust west of Lowe avenue , and each lot 60x101
foot , good business property , only $3,000 for
both. Wallace , Crolghton block. 964-17
G0X110 ON 171'II ST. , only U blook from
Nicholas st , prlco $4,000. This U the
cheapest lot tn the north part of the city.
Hughes & Henry1509 Farnam st 845-17 j
A BARGAIN In Walnut Hill , fTroom house
and lot only $4.000. We are ready to take
you out and shnw the property. Only one block
from street car. Lawrence & Soydol , 216 N 10th
Bt ' 96218
CHEAPEST BCI-H property tn the market. Bit
or 6 acres In Ilonftold , on Main road , $500
per acre. Nothing else in the neighborhood for
! es.sthanCOO. Good for gardonlngor platting.
Wallace. Crolghton blook. M5-IT
G ROOMED house , lot 30x140 , ono mils from
postofllcc , 18.500. Apply to Frank P. WH-
Hams & Co. , 18th and Chicago , near Douglas
County bank. 894 16
AMES. No. 1507 Farnam st.
This list may help you to find a doiirabla
bouse or a good lot to build on.
390 House , corner lot 90x174 , Hamilton It. , B >
front , 10,750.
895 3 houses rent for $50 , corner lot on oaf
line , $7,500.
392 House 7 rooms , Montana it. , mot , $3,350. ; ;
888 Housa 4 rooms , lot 60x130 , Bhinn's add ,
387 House 4 rooms , well-built , Lowo's add.
full lot. $2.000.
381 House 7 rooms , now house , Walnut Rill ,
333 House 8 rooms Hanscom place , full lot.
331 House 11 rooms , modern , bain , Ac , , full
lot on Georgia ave , (13,000.
879 House 10 room * , small lot , ronls f 50 , Both
Hi 19 8QiU )
378 House 12 rooms full lot , east front , 70x140 ,
modern , good value , 21st st. . $ liOOJ.
877 House 12 rooms , modern , California st , H
lot " .uUU
379 House 3 rooms 8 stores , Arbor place , $1,000
375 House 8 rooms , brlcc , full lot , corner.
hhlnn's add , $4,800.
894 House U rooms , modern , lot 60x310 , east
front , 19th st , near St. Mary's are. , $ W,000.
893 House 9 rooms , modern , with t full lotl ,
Wheaten st. . I10.WK ) .
391 House , now , 10 rooms , all modern , Califor
nia t. , $0,250.
333 Modern 14 room house , east front , Park
ave. . lull lot , $17,000.
3 0 House 7 rooms , flue shrubbery , 2 full lots , . {
385 HoiiBci n rooms , modern , full let , Hanscom
Place , r-8,0.4) ) .
374 House , T rooms , new. good barn , full lot ,
near Hanscom park , $ 1'ino , i
372 On Hurt st.a modern house of 10-roomc ;
In perfect order ; full lot , south front. !
good barni,000. ; > ]
SOD 1 acre with good 5-room bouse , barn , boo - ,
house in good locality , $2 , 00.
863 On ht. Mary's avenue ; good house , lot 13S
feet square , $20,000.
MT 3 houses , rent $10 per month ; lot and Imlf ,
Couth litth Ftroet. $7OuO.
3'fl 2 houses , full lot , Chicago btrcct , ( ' 1,000.
361 House , ( J-rooms , barn ; lot 40x115 ; Arbor
Place , $1.600.
355 Houses2 ; tent $50 per month , North 18th
street , 1r,00.
354 HOUBC , " rooms , VI loton Hamilton street
350 : housec , rent $45 per mo , lot corner 63x184 ,
347 House , 0 rooms.flmall lot on Cans Bt , 11,200.
Vacant I < ot .
773 6 choice loU on Cumlng st , togothor$7,500L
77J rinu lot Wllcox's add , WOO.
771 llininbaiiffh Place on Hidgo avo. , line lot ,
$ 1,000 *
770 labor Place , lot. $1,300.
76U Acre , Ocl'o'Bndd , * ri.0 ) .
3 lotB , IIouiol Ic Btohuins' ndd , $3,500.
7C8 Choice lot , blk"E , " Lowo's add , cheap at
768 75xl3S , one blo-k west of Park ave , JJ.TIX ) .
7J-i Flna lot In Hawthorn add , very cheap at
7H3 In Maj'no Placelot $1,800.
7W 55x187 , West Omaha , good location , $1,050 ,
768 Good lot , Hunficom I'laro. blk 2 , Sl.bOO/
769 East front , Summit Place , uuar Dodge st ,
f ,1/UM ) .
757 Very choice , Lowe nvu. $1,800.
7M licit south front in Parker's add for $2.noO.
765 The best south front lot In Clarendon for
752 Durtst near Socretl Heart 110x174rorr
choice. $4.c. .
74S Park nve 100 ft for 17,50) . Alia 100 ft for
745 Facing Hanscom park , very cholcti lot at
$ l,0'0. '
747 Choice lot California st , $1,890.
74 J K V Hindu's add. 8 lull uaah fJ.OOO
7J'J Luke it corner 20th , 150x133. $9,25 < . .
837 KO It 3 lots State st , $ .1,000. And nouble
front lot facing Hamilton st for $ lHOu ,
745 Good lot Hunscom place , blk IV , $1,600.
731 Very choice , Georgia ave near Poppleton
i OF p * * ' < rK. *
717 Very desirable lot on Hamilton st near
Henervolr. ll.UW ,
Amos' Real Estate Acenoy.
765 No. Di07 Farnam it
/CHEAPEST acre property tn the market
\J or 5 acres In Uonlield , on Malnrttad ,
oft nore. Nothing else la the neighborhoo or
less thun f COO. Good for gardeaiug or platting.
Wallace , Crel UUu block. ( C&-IT