Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered ty cnrilcr In nny part of the city nt
twenty ccnta per wook.
H. W. TILTON , Manager.
BtMWc * > Orncr , No. U
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Kcltcr's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co. . real estate.
Latest spring millinery novelties at
Sco W. C. Stacy & Co. , So. 0 Main , for
bargains in real estate.
J. W. & E. L. Squires' abstracts arc
giving good satisfaction.
A full line of new millinery just re
ceived at II. Friedman's.
Justice Burnett yesterday married
Alex Turner and Miss S. I ) . Wilton , an
Omaha couple.
This being the 17lh of March the An
cient Order of Hibernians give their ball
this evening.
Squire's park addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacific avenue will bo built up
with store buildings within aycar.
D. P. Dodrill and Kli/.a Crooks , young
folks from the northern part of the
county , were yesterday happily married
oy Squire Uiggs at'his ollice.
The clectrio light plant is to bo doubled.
The demand for now lights is great , es
pecially since the merchants have taken
in hand the lighting of streets. Lot the
town bla/o.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Crabbc ,
mother of Mrs. S. Farnsworlh , is to beheld
hold nt the daughter's residence this
afternoon nt n o'clock. The remains will
be interred in Fairview cemetery.
The wheelmen have started in their
organization with Frank Cook as presi
dent , and Irving Parsons secretary and
treasurer. Perry Badolett and Clarence
Judsou will serve as an executive com
From the Boston ( Jlobo it appears that
Miss Lewis docs the most remarkable fall
nt the end of the third act of "Tho
Creole. " After the fall for n couple of
seconds , all is still as death , then the
cheering begins , aud Boston was set wild
night after night.
Billy Picrson and a fellow named
Sweigart. who have been occupying an
old rookery together , got into some al
tercation yesterday which resulted in
Sweigart being put behind the bars on a
charge of assault and Picrson being laid
out iu ono of the hospital rooms up
stairs with a bandage over his head. The
ecalp w und will probably heal soon.
Another beauty of the dear old lady's
"boiler iron" edition was apparent yes
terday morning. One column of its choice
reading matter had n double bond on
each end. The top was concerning Mor-
monlsm , nnd the botton half of the col
umn was upside down nnd finished off
with a heading , also upside down , con
cerning Cassius M. Clay. It isn't every
one WHO can make up a paper so that
two men can sit opposite each other and
rend with equaluaso at the same time nnd
in the same column two different arti
cles on two different subjects. The old
Indy should got a patent.
The first duty of the now council should
bo to lind some outlet for the Pearl street
Bower. The business houses along that
street have been waiting patiently for
Bomo move. The sewer is laid along the
Btreot to Fifth avenue , but as there is no
sewer for it to run/into the pipe cannot
bo used. The ncaring of completion ot
the court house is a reminder of the ne
cessity of having some sewerage for that
building. It has been proposed to build
a Fifth avenue snwor for that purpose ,
and let the Pearl street sewer empty into
that , but what shall the Fifth avenue
Bower empty into ? It's a puzzle , but the
city fathers will doubtless solve the prob
lem. One thing is certain , it has got to
be solved in some way , and the sooner
the better.
An Omaha couple , Hugh Thompson
and Anna Mnch , were married hero on
one Sunday in January by Justice Bar
rett. Now turns up wife No. 1 , who
claims that Thompson is n bigamist. De
tective Edgerton was over hero last week
looking up the record , and now Thomp
son has got to f nco the music. The wedding -
ding is well remembered hero , as thu
couple got lost on thu bottoms and had
quite an experience , which was narrated
in the BEE ut the time. They were very
particular nbout having the BEE reporter
excluded from the room during the ceremony -
mony , nnd warned the olliciating justice
not to lot the marriage bo published. Its
appearance in the BIE nttractod the at
tention of the womnn who claims to bo
the only nnd original wife nnd she started
on the warpath.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms nnd
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Wild Over Lotta.
The opera house last night was packed
with an enthusiastic audience , who gave
a most hearty welcome to Lotta ns ' "Mu
sette , " or "Bright Eyes. " Seldom has
there been such a sccno in the oporn
house as last evening. From beginninc
to iinish there was the greatest enthusi
asm , and applause followed applause in
terspersed only with labghtcr. Lottn
appeared ae ever , inimitable , indescriba
ble , a bundl'j of nerves with the quick
ness and keenness of lightning , and the
winsome simplicity of sunshine. She
' has a peculiar charm which wins and en
thuses any audience.
Dr. Manchott , ollico No. 13 Pearl street !
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
cto. 10.
Our largo stock of Carpets nnd drj
goods is now arriving and being placed
in store. From this date wo shall b (
pleased to moot our friends and custo
rncrs both day or evening at the old stand
No. 401 Broadway. HAKKNESS Bitos.
Stnr'salo stables of Council Bluffs
The largest stock of horses and mulei
west of Chicago , which will bo sold a
wholesale or retail aud satisfaction guar
Personal I'aragraphB.
. J. P. Organ , of Neola , visited the Bluff
II. Mendel , the Ncola merchant , wa
hero yesterday.
Fred Wallwoy leaves this morning fo
> t-n day visit to Nebraska.
Hiram Poulson , son of Ur. Poulson , ex
pccts to spend thu summer here.
B. Silloway , formerly of the Ogdoi
house liure. has sold the Clifton housu a
Cedar Rapids.
J. R. Beard , of Harvey & Beard , Ncola
was > u the city yesterday on his way t
Grant , Nob. , accompanied by his wife.
Charles Wilson , the well-known turf
nian , and former owner of Little Sioux
will remove his family to this city in
few days. He will also bring a numbe
of speedy horses with him.
W. K. Honglnnd , president of the Per
Plow and Wheel company , Peru , III. , n
turned to his homo yesterday over th
Rock Island , after a day's visit with hi
brother , C , G. Hoagland , of this city.
The best stock of. shellst ammunitlo
and sporting goods at , 41 Main stree
Cole * Cole. .
Was Irvin .First Foully Dealt With and
Then Put On the Track ?
A Holt HtrAttRcr llcllcvcd of ills neil
While Seeing the Sights Ono
Workman lilts Another
With iSpnde. .
Was He Murdered ?
The finding of tltc body of the ninn
Jrvln near the Broadway crossing on the
Northwestern railway , continues to bo a
mystery worthy of the shrewdest detec
tive investigation. The supposition that
while drunk he carelessly came to his
death by being run over by the cars docs
not seem to satisfy the friends , and vari
ous circumstances indicate that such a
theory is not altogether reasonable. Yes
terday another brother , from Madison ,
Neb. , arrived here and spent the day in
investigating the matter , by the aid of
Chief Mullen. A number of cir
cumstances nro considfcrcd as so
adding to the mystery as Sto
make it at least possible that the man
was foully dealt with , and then left there
for the train to limsh. The railway men
nro puzzled over the fact that no one
knew when ho was run over , or how.
No outcry wus heard , and nothing at all
known of the occurrence until the
finding of the body at daylight.
It is said that seldom , if
over , an accident of this kind occurs ,
without there being sonic cry or groan
loud enough for some of the trainmen to
hear. The most suspicious circumstances ,
however , arc in regard to money matters.
The unfortunate man left his brother's
home in Madison , Neb. , with a cousin ,
on the Ulst of last month. Ho then had
with him several hundred dollars in cash.
He was not given to spending money ,
and Had not drank anything for mouths ,
although before that tune he had some ,
and occasionally got on a spree. Ho
went to Fremont county , selling some
patent right which he had. On his person -
son were found sonic tax receipts , show
ing that he had recently paid some taxes
at Sidney. It is possible that ho
may have bought sonic real estate there
with his money , but equally probable
that he got the real estate in trade for
his patent. Ho had in his pocket about
$5.80 when found , but as ho was in the
habit of having more money than that , it
awakens some suspicion. Moro suspic
ion is aroused , however , from the fact
that neither his watch nor revolver were
found upon him. A search was made
about the city yesterday , and at Gold
stein's pawn shop on upper Broadway ,
were found a watch and a revolver
which are believed to belong to the dead
man. The brother is cortam as to the
vatch , identifying that positively. As to
ho revolver he is not so sure , but thinks
t was the one ho owned. Mr. Goldstein
says thn revolver was sold to him for $5
and the watch pawned for $7 by a min
who came there early in the evening of
Monday last. Ho describes the man who
eft the articles there , but the description
Iocs not tally with the description of the
load roan. It resembles it somqwhat ,
lowoycr , enough to raise a question as
o whether Irvin did not dispose ot these
irticlcs himself. This idea is scouted by
Us brother , who says he had no occasion
o pawn anything , tor if ho ran short of
money ho knew where to get it very
readily without resorting to any such
method. It is a significant fact also that
10 pawn ticket was found on the body.
The man gave his name as Smith , and
from this and other circumstances the
heory is advanced that somcono robbed
ho man and then disposed of these arti
It is also urged that the appearance of
ho body and the marks about the place
where the accident occurred , were not
such as are usually found in the case of a
ivo man being run over by the cars.
Ihcro was less blood , and the condition
of the body indicated that life bad been
extinct for some time.
The supposition that ho had boon foully
ilealt with and then this means adopted
; o cover up the crime , seems to bo grow
ing in favor with these who liavo been
investigating the details. Whether
enough will bo discovered to settle this
question is a matter of doubt. The chief
circumstances against the theory is that
the locality is too public , apparently , for
; hus placing a body , it being rjght on
Broadway. Still it is urged that it might
nave been placed there at an hour in the
night when there was hardly anyone
passing. The investigation is by no
moans ended , and the brothers with thu
oflicers propose to search thoroughly
every trace leading to the discovery of
the truth.
A Higher High School.
The proposition to change the high
school building on the hill into a normal
school having been defeated by a yoto of
the people , aud the proposition to build
another school house having likewise boon
lost , the school board will now have to
make some change to accommodate the
needs. The high school has been re
moved from the hill , and has been occu
pying the portion of the Bloomer build
ing. It Is now proposed , and the idea
will probably bo carried out , to change
back again , placing the high school
classes in the bic building on the hill.
The young ladies and gentlemen will
thus be obliged to do some climbing every
day , It has boon pretty well settled ,
from the experiences of numerous fam
ilies hero , that this climbing is by no
moans healthy or helpful to the young
folks , especially the girls , and some cases
are reported in which even fatal injuries
are attributed to this cause. There are
many who will not send their children to
school on the hill. Tlioy prefer to send
them to some private school , or send
them to some other city to "jet their school'
ing. The attendance will be cut down ,
and the school system of the city will
suflcr somewhat , bat it seems that such a
change must bo made to accommodate
all. During the past year scholars in
some grades have had to do without scats
or dusks , squat on the edge of platforms ,
or occupy benches in the hall ,
but as there can bo no now build'
ing put up , it serins that the crowding
will have to bo got along with the best
way possible. If children sutler froir
being thus packed like herrings the
parents cannot with much consistency
lind fault except with themselves. Tlu
only way to get any relief scums to be tc
remove the high school to the hill and
lot the Bloomer building bo occupied uj
the smaller pupils.
It is expected that there will bo considerable
siderablo complaint , as there will b <
many inconvenienced. Many will object
to jeopardizing the health of their duuuh
tors by sending them up the hill , bu
they can hardly lind any fault will
the board for thus arranging matters
The voters have taken the responsibility
of suylng that is the way they want it
and the board can but carry out the wisl
thus expressed.
A Soft Stranger.
Charles McCloud and Tom Brooks wen
yesterday lodged in the county jail ti
await a further hearing on the charge o
robbery. The statement of the atlair ii
which they were concerned , as learnei
from these who caused their arrest , I
that the victim ot the robbery is an 1111
nois man , who was en route to Columbus
Neb. , to testify in a case which was sc
for ( rial yesterday ; Thu stranger wen
into Mctcalf's saloon , where McCloud
was tending bar. He fell Into conversa
tion with McCloud and Brooks , who was
hanging around the place. They , learn
ing that ho was from Illinois , at otico
struck up a friendship on the ground of
having lived there themselves , and be
tween the narration of reminiscences ,
drinks wore taken and the dice shaken.
The stranger got pretty mellow and
flashed his money foolishly. Then a hack
was taken , and Brooks and McCloud
took the stranger around to sec the
sights. In ono house of prostitution Mc
Cloud orderedjhreo bottles of brer , and
when the girl came for her pay , McCloud
turned his back as ho opened up the
pocketbook belonging to the stranger.
A looking gla s happened to bo where it
reflected the situation to the cirl , who
says that she saw McCloud not only take
out of the stranger's pocketbook enough
to pay for the beer , but also slip out : i
number of bills. After a little the
pocketbook was returned to the stranger ,
and while ho was listening to the gay
talk of the girls , McCloud and Brooks
slipped out of thu house , leaving him
alone. Ho afterwards found that his
pookctbook had been filled with some
nieces of paper , so as to make it seem fat ,
but that all of his money was gone , about
ft. ! .
On finding that he had been robbed he
notilicd the police , who becan investi
gating the matter. Thotwo young men
were arrested , and their bonds et at
$ 1,000 each. They are to havn a prelimi
nary hearing next Tuesday. The stran
ger was anxious to go on his journey , but
momiscd to return to prosecute. As he
had no money with which to got to Co
lumbus one of the friends of the young
men is said to have let him have f 10. It
is possible that the all'air may bo squared
so as to prevent any further publicity. If
Brooks anil McCloud had a better repu
tation the evidence against them would
not seem so strong , out they have * o
acted as to make it easy of belief that
they might yield to temptation.
Contractors and builders will lind it to
their interest to get prices on lime ,
cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council
Bluffs Fuel Company , 53 ! ) Uioadway.
Telephone 130.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. * K. L. Squire. No.
101 I'eurl street , Council Bluffs.
I'lnyoil a Spndc.
A little dilliculty arose yesterday among
some of the men employed in cutting
away the trees and making various im
provements about J. C. Stewart's resi
dence. An old man , George Dresden ,
was being plagued by some of the
younger mou until he lost his temper ,
and in his rage ho lifted his spade and
with it struck ono of the young men ,
named Stiles , a blow over the head.
Stiles did not seem to bo seriously hurt ,
and did not even stagger. A few min
utes later , however , he fell to the ground
unconscious and remained in that con
dition over an hour. Dr. Mongomory
was called and niado a careful examina
tion , but no fracture of the skull was dis-
ccrnablo. Stiles was removed to his
home on the bottoms , and it is thought
that ho will speedily Ufe all right again.
For a time yesterday , while ho was lying
apparently dead , it seemed that the affair
was a very serious one , and the reports
concerning it did not grow less as they
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
A Family Koiinlon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Young yesterday
celebrated their twelfth wedding anni
versary and last evening they were the
Ifappy victims of a surprise party. The
peculiarly pleasing feature of the gather
ing was the reunion of Mrs. Young's
brothers and sisters. John Temploton ,
chief of the fire department , is a brother.
Mrs. W. H. Campbell , of Missouri Val
ley , on.c of the sisters , was hero also with
ler husband and daughter. Others of the
relatives came , it being the first reunion
of the Tcmph'ton family for twenty-live
years or so. They all seemed happy in
For aero property , residences and busi
ness property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. I ) Main street.
New Embroideries just received at
Harkness Bros.
Call and sec the stock of horses and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
Miss Licwlfi.
To-morrow night Miss Lillian Lewis is
to appear at the opera house in "Tho
Creole. " The St. Louis Glebe-Democrat
says. "She is beautiful and her imper
sonation is highly intelligent. Her facial
expression aud her play are exceedingly
clover and her impersonation well
rounded and altogether delightful. "
Saturday afternoon matinee. "Frou
Frou" will bo presented and Saturday
night "Leah , the Forsaken. "
An immense stock of dry goods and
carpets arrived at Harkness Bros , yester
Card of Tlianka.
We tender our sincere thanks to those
of our neighbors who so kindly assisted
us during the illness of our late brother ,
who passed over the river of life on
March 10 , also to his many friends and
to the members of the order for the main
sympathies they manifested in his behalf ,
Hcspoctfully ,
Mil. AND MltS. 1) . S. BltENNEMAN.
> . H. McDANBLD Ic CO. ,
[ Ettabllihed 13 < S3. ]
No. HO Main Street , | I i Council Bluff * .
Theonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fin
Escape ,
And AH modern Improvement * ,
215 , 217 and 210 Main St.
MAX MO UN , Prop.
, ,
Price * Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. S3 MAIM ST. , i
Council BluffsIowa.
Justice of the Peace.
Oflice over American Express.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
Refers to any bank or business .house in tli
city , Collections a specialty.
Rdrcrtlncmcnta , such as Lost , Found
ioIxiinKor Bnlc , Tq llcnt , "ftimts , Bonrdlnir ,
etc. , will tiolneortod In this column nt tlio loir
ratcof TEN CUNTS I'BH MNK for the Dm Inner-
onnnJ f I voContil'er Line for cncli subsequent
nsortlon. l.cnvo fXJvbrllsemcnta nt our offloo
4o. 12 t'carl street , near Uroatlwnr , Council
tVANTKD Mr yoiluK mnnSO ycnrs old , eltun-
T ? lion ns f nlc'iiiHn In dry Rootlj , clotlilnpor
toots nncl Miocs : "J years oxiierluiico. will
vurk on trial. Speaks Trench nnd English.
lyrtle Illnck , llfti Ayr. H , Council lllulTB.
\\ANTin-TlircollrBt-cliiS9 : wnlteisot Buch-
ANTHD-A eocnnd cook ; alto n dish
wnslior nt llochtclo hotel.
OAHIINn-Al. o furnlihul rooms on
Avenue A nunr Etu street. Umuilro m
No. 810 Ilrondwny.
[ 7Ult SAI.i ; An uprlclit iilnno with pedal at-
-L tnchmcnt , In good condition , will ex-
hnnge for mil crime. Thos. Ofllccr.
fPOH SAM- ) Music nnd sowing mnchlno lni l-
JL1 ne ; , together wllh sinnll stock of holiday
goods and wall paper. Good town and country ,
ffooil location , cheap rent , profitable business.
mrlcu flK ( ) to tt,5JO. Would take part In
Council ( Huffs rrnl estate. Address A. L. .Man
ning , Dunlnp , lawn.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Ordres Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Stookert Superintends
All Work.
405 B&OIDWAY ,
, : - : .
Horses § Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
( torn. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'ible.
MM WISE , Council Bluffs
Attorneys at Law ,
notice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms , 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block ,
I will soil nt my residence on Ko ? Crock , 10
miles oust of Council Illuffs , my
Well improved , all under cultivation ; 15' ) ncrcs
In tume Kruss : luisn Uno now residence , con
taining 14 rooms nnd nil moJern Improvements ,
boiisu coating * 7m ( Also ninv Imrni0x50 : ; tuo
linllidny wind mills , a sculo liouso nnd scales ,
cuttle yards and wntor t suits ; n good young
bcurhiK otclmrd of nppIcB and small fruit ; 20
lii'iul oi peed fiirm horses cattle , IIOKS nnd nil
farm Implements required to run u tlrst-clnss
farm. Terms will tin nmdp known on tippllcn-
tion , oren dayot sulo. All parties think In ? of
investing nte cordlnlly Invited to call nnd make
a personal o.\nmluatlon of the farm and Im
provements. K. WAIIU.
1C. D. AMY & CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND (
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
EnpeerSurveyorMap , , Publisher
No. 11 North Main St.
Otv ami county mnpiof cities and counties In
iff Hern lowa , Nctmukuand Kan as.
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Droadwuy , Council Uluffg , Opp , Dummy Dope
y * -
Horses nnd mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at r tail or In cur loads ,
Orders promptly'filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission ,
SIILUTRR & BOLEV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , cornet
1st. two. and 4th street.
It. ItlCE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing c
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
CSTConsultation free.
Designs , o t Jinnies and reports on bridk'ca
vlnductd , fotindatloni uud general ontjlnuuriiiK
Blue prints of any Hlzn alul quantity.
OIBco No 13 N , Main St. , First National Hani
Monday , March 7th.
Will oiion upwards of 50 cases of New
nnd seasonable spring * poods. Novel
ties will bo added to each ol their sev
eral departments.
Tliesc nro the newest nnd freshest
productions of foreign nnd domestic
markets , making a collection nt once
elegant and unique nnd one never sur
passed by ourselves and never equal
led by any house In the northwest.
Dress Goods Dept
A splendid display of the IntestKrenrh
and English advanced novelties , to
gether with a complete line of staple
fabrics , making this department iu ev
ery point full and complete.
Wash Goods Dept
French sntteciiB in elegant design ,
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams in new
patterns aud colorings.
Batistes iu combination and plain.
Percales aud domestic sattccns in up
wards of 20 fresh aud original patterns
Our assortment of the above is larger
aud more extensive than others shown
by competing houses.
We Invite an inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
ing Goods & Linens
Everything in this line can ho found
In our establishment. We call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that there
has boon a sharp rise iu these groods ,
Our goods were boniylit before the rise
and we give our customer * the benefit
You can save fully 20 pur cent by mak
ing your purchases of us.
We emphasize the statement that In
embroideries , white goods , underwear ,
luces , ribbons , aud notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low-
ur than the lowest.
Our Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jacket , and ladies
and childrcns suits , now and stylish
garments of Paris and Berlin modes ,
together with tlio newest shapes and
most approved makes of the leading
New York manufacturer ? . We can
convince you that In this line , that in
quality , style and cheapness we are
unrivalled ,
Wo invite tlio attention of our pat
rons to these special features and the
stock in general , No effort will be
spared to make our departments com
plete in every particular and at prices
lower than any liouso iu the west.
Xos.31-1 , : tlt , 318 and U2O Uroad-
way , Council HlttJJ'a.
Mull orders promptly and care
fully attended to.
Leading Real Estate Brokers
Have Property of Every De
scription ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gar
dening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in hearing , and
to all varieties of choice small fruit nnd vineyard , divided as follows :
Proper contains upwards of five acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing.
Between three nnd four acres are well set to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than 1,000 trees in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration are u large numbers of choice plums ,
cherry and other fruits , also shade and ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings.
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gardening purposes , being a deep black loam and is a warm , south slope ,
aud is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Omaha or Council Blulls.
With the new bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over
thirty minutes drive from the O in aha postofllce.
Any party desiring a choice bargain should apply at oneo as , if not bold within
the next two weeks , it will bo withdrawn from the market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
G * iT
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North1 Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lot * , Lands , City Residences and farms , acre property In
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for sprlnu stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Jloom R , over Ofllcur C fusey's lank , Council
Uinalm. _ Council Ululfg
Sears' Real Estate Agency ,
Taxes paid , loans made , rents collected , investments made for
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , u j
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , cue fare
will be paid ; fie , loUnd trip.
Attorney at Law.
001 llroudwny , Up Stairs ,
Council IllutTa.