THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , MARCH 17. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. DNr ( Jtornlrtir Edition ) Including Sunday1 BKP. Ono Year . i . f 10 01 ForBlxMontbs. , . . , . & W For Ttirtn Months . SM 1'bo Omaha Ftinday HKE , mailed to any ucldics0 , Ono Year. . , . 200 OMAHA ornrn. No. on Ann ifl FAIUUM Nrvr VOKIJ orxtrr. Konu ffi. Tnini'vr IIITIMIINQ. \YASUIMUIUN orriCE.Nu All communication * rcUtlnif to news nndrdl * torlul nmttor should be iuJ < lros3 < xl to thu Kut- Ton OK TMK Iler. BU.SINKM Lrrreiisf All btiHnP'H letter * and remittance * nhoutd be del roused to TUB UK * I'linLisiitNn UOMI-ANV , OMAHA. Drufts. chock * and poUoffleo ordoM to bo tnado payable to the ordtr ot the company , THE BEE FOBLISBIvTcOMPm , PROPRIETORS , E. ROSKWATER , EniTOit. THK DAILY RKK. Bworn Statement of Circulation. Btateot Nebraska , I. County of Douglas , f8'8' eo. U. Tzschuck , secretary of The Hoe Publishing company , docs solemnly swrar that the actual circulation of the Dally llee lor the week ending' Mar. llth 1887 , wus as follow * : . . Saturday. Mar. 5 14.470 Sunday. Mar. 0 13.000 Monday , Mar. 7 14,750 Tuesday , Mar , 8. 14.400 Wednp.s < lay. Mar. 0 14.205 Thursday. Mar.llO 14,410 Friday , Mar. 11 .14.SCQ Average 14.830 iiito. 11. TZSCHUCK. { Subscribed In my presence and sworn to be fore me this mh day of March A. 1) . , 18S7. N. P. FKIU IBEALI Notary Public , ( ico. 1) . Tzschuclr , being first duly sworn , deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The lice Publishing company , that the actual av- eratre dally circulation of the Dally Bee for the month of March , 1B80,11,637 copies : for April , I860,12,101 copies : for for May , 1886,12- 48B copies ; for June , 1880 , 12,298 copies ; for July. 1880 , 12fll4 copies ; for Aucust , 1886 , 12,464 copies ; for September. IbSO , 13,030 copies ; for October , 1880. 12,989 copies ; for November. 18bT , 18,343 copies ; for December. 188(1.13,237 ( copies ; for January. 1887. 10,200 copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,103 copies. QKO. U. Tzscmicic. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Oth day of March , A. D. 1887. fSLAL. I N. P. FEII , . Notary Public. ST. Louis Is jubilant over its fast mail. It is a novelty for the old fogy town. KAILUOADS have captured the Missouri i legislature. In fact , thcra have been no uncapturod legislatures in session this winter. THE LcavenWorth Times is just now enjoying a f 10,000 spring libel suit. Mr. Anthony proposes to keep up with his city's boom. THE accident on the elevated road in New York , in which ten men mot their death , whispers a pointer to Omaha. Let us have the cable lines. NEW YOHK is to have an Evening Sun. This gives the metropolis two Suns and ono Star a t' < ty. Some ono ought now to start The Moon in that city. A DALLAS Texas "Col , , paper says : onel Frank James , the noted Missouri ox-bandit , Is hero for the purpose of in vesting in real estate. " Poor old Kansas City. City.THE THE legislature adjourned for two days. There would have been some sense in ad journing sine die. It is too late in the day , however , to expect an exhibition of good sense from that august body. THK recent Monte Carlo earthquake closed the gambling houses there. Earth quakes and members of some judiciary committees will ruin the gamblers , if something is not done to prevent it. A BILL appropriating money to main tain the state militia failed to pass in Missouri. Unless something is done by Volunteer companies , Missouri will bo without protection. Nebraska is willing to sacriiico Colonel Colby. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND has finally suc cumbed to the seductive influences of a "jack-pot , " and In a little game of "draw" with his private secretary and eovoral congressmen lost (40. The good luck of the man of destiny is certainly on the decline. 1 THE discovery is made that Cleveland is a poker player. The star-eyed god dess of reform ought to investigate this matter. The president , as commander- in-chief of the armies of the United I titatcs , has no more right to monkey with cards than n one-horse lieutenant. WHEN Chicago found its hog business moving westward attempts were made to make Uiat city a literary center. All ef forts in that direction have fulled , howr over , and Chicagoaas have como to the conclusion that the hog after all is a more reliable source of profit than literature. A DISPATCH from New Bedford , Mass. , reads : "Hev. Matthew C. Julian , pastor of the Trinitatiau church in this city , will receive a call from Plymouth church , Brooklyn , to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry Ward lioochor. " To "occupy the vacancy" would have been n better expression. There was but ono Henry Ward Beociior. PniNOE UISMAKCK gave a dinner to the leaders of the various parties voting for the scptonnato bill. And it is understood that Pat U. Ilnwcs dined the members of Iho legislature after they had passed his bill allowing him f-1,000. Judged from the standpoint of duo appreciation the only difference between royalty and a common lobbyist is that Mr. Hawes sports a silk hat and a gold beaded cane. THE Salvation Army , whether good or bad , is entitled to credit for its untiring perseverance. Regardless ot the sneers and jeers of street hoodlums and the in terference of city authorities , it continues to parade and hold its meetings. Re cently , at Charlotte , Mich. , a jury gave a judgment against the city for $250 to James Cathciirt , captain of an "Army , " who was looked up fourteen hours for leading a parade in violation of a city or- dinanco. IN a recent interview Senator Edmunds , in reply to the question as to what ho thought of the chances of the republican parly in 183A , said : "Believing that the republican party represents the best principles of the government , and having confidence IB the intelligence of the people ple and their ability to discriminate , J xpect the republican * to be restored to powor. " Ai a political prophet , It might M well to remark In the choice und char- ntornulo dialect of this rowdy we t , Mr. Edmunds 1 * ao slouch. ' . Call the MUcrennffl Awny , ' T.he state capital ! infested wilh < dninkcn bummers and bootllcrs. Thor arc there and have been there all winter long in the interests of railroads and other corporations. Buyond any question of doubt members of the legislature have been corrupted by these wily scoundrels , Had the legislators represented their constituents half as well as these hire lings and henchmen have served their masters , those laat fifty days hopelessly squandered would have resulted In pome good. But the horde of cormorant ! ) have stood between the people and honest leg islation. They have made a wretched and miserable farce of the procccdingii , The slate treasury is being raided to bear the expense of a sixty days' session. There nro yet left ten days. In this time ranch coed legislation could bo secured if the corrupting gang of vagrants and pro curers were driven away. A tax-ridden people would bo foleasod to hear plain and distinct answers to the following questions : Who pays the hotel bills of Mr. Frank Walters t From whom docs ho get the money which has made him the best cus tomer at the Capital hotel bar ? What Is ho doing there now , and what has he been doing there all winter ? What particular business did John Manchester have at the capital for some six or eight weeks ? Is he not , and was ho not then , on the pay rolls of the Union PuciUc railroad ? What part did Mr. Pickerel ! , the Gage county striker play and what is he doing there now ? To whom docs he re turn his expense account ? From whoso bank account docs Paul Vandervoort draw to liquidate his hotel bills ? Thrown on his own resources could ho afford to play sixty days in a hotel bar room , with champagne , brandy smashes and cigars hauled up by the porters to his quarters after midnight ? What legiti mate business has this bloated blather skite at the legislature ? Who keeps Will Gnrlcy , Charley Greene , Telephone Crawford , Dave Mercer , Captain Lee , Boby Richardson , Ed Cams , Herb Lcavitt , and a score of such roust-abouts at the leading hotel in Lincoln supplied with eatables , drinka bles and incidentals ? Have these men any legitimate calling that would justify their laying around halls of legislation ? Why should a set of miscreants be allowed to ply their vocation , from dawn to day-break , in defiance of law and de cency ? Is it not about time that they be called away by their corporate mas ters ? Omaha Gets the Reunion. Omaha has secured the next Grand Army reunion. This is the first time that the metropolis of Nebraska has been se lected for thisuotablcannualgathcringof the veterans of the war. That they will bo handsomely entertained there is no ques tion. The reunion will doubtless prove beneficial in many ways to Omaha. It will bring hero many citizens of Ne braska who have never been to Omaha , and who will bo delighted at this oppor tunity of seeing one of the most prosper ous cities of the west while they are at the same time enjoying the pleasures ot the reunion. There is no doubt that the coming reunion will bo the most largely attended of any ever held in Nebraska. Wo would suggest to the managers that , in conjunction with our leading business men , they endeavor to make this an inter-state rcuuion and iuvito the comrades from Iowa , Kansas , North Missouri and Dakota to attend. Thous and of old soldiers would thus bo brought together from the different states for the first time since the war. Old acquaint ances would be renewed and old memo ries revived. At former reunions in Nebraska old friends have mot for the first time since they were mustered out of the service in 18C5. If the BEE'S suggestion is acted upon it Is safe to say that the attendance will bo nearly double what it would bo if the reunion is limited to Nebraska alone. That Challenge. A challenge appears at the head of the editorial columns of O. M. Hitchcock's paper which we cheerfully accept on legitimate business conditions. A wager of $1.500 , in three parts of $500 each , is proposed to us that we can not establish the claims made by this paper with regard to relative circulations of Omaha and Nebraska dallies. Messrs. N. B. Falconer , 8. P. Morse and John T. Bell are named as umpires. We regard betting as illegitimato.but we willdeposit $1,500 in any bank as against an equal sum to be deposited by any Omaha publisher on condition that if we fall to sustain our claim the amount de posited shall bo donated to the charity hos pital and if wo make good our claim the money deposited by the challenging party shall bo paid over to the hospital and ours refunded. The comparison of rela tive circulations must bo made under the following conditions ; General circula tion shall bo computed on the basis of aggregate boua fide subscriptions nnd sales during the period covering three months ending March 15,1837 , certified to in detail under oath by each publisher and verified by the publisher's books. Cjty circulation shall bo restricted to actual paying subscribers and sales to news stands within the city. Computation to bo made on the aggregate circulation for the period of three months ending March 15,1887 , sworn to by publishers and veri fied by the subscription books and re ceipts placed in the hands of the umpires. The claim as made by the HEK is First That its general circulation is nearly double the combined circulation ot the Ilcrald , Republican , World nnd Lincoln Journal , . Second That the BEE'S city circula tion is four times that of the Worltl , and about double that of the Herald , liepubli- can and World put together. Third That the gain made by the DEE during the year ending March 1,1887 , is greater than the total bona-iide circula tion of any other Omaha paper. We are ready to submit to a decision on these three specific points by the umpires named on the above conditions and on none other. The BER has made public its actual cir culation from day to day during the last year under oath of its bookkeeper. No other paper has dared to publish or furn ish a sworn statement ot circula tion. Wo moan business , but we In' slit that the unpiros shall have . access to the books and subscription lists of all tbe papen. Let the. challengers' borne to- time or drop' the subject. We will not bandy words to advertise paper ? and concerns that are Imposing on adver tisers with hocus claims bolstered up by promiscuous give-away circulation. Horse Sense nnd Jlorflo Hallway * . Mayor Hoytl has a queer way of doing tlilncs. He signed the ordinance of the Omaha horse railway company for a cable franchise , but pinned to his signa ture a buncombe message , which trans lated into plain English , would read about as follows : "This ordinance docs not meet my approval because it loaves the horse railroad company the oiilion of not building the cable road for which a franchise is asked. 1 should veto this ordinance if it was not shoved under my nose just before the spring election. " Mayor Itayd's objections to the ordi nance as it is drafted give evidence of good horse f > cnse , but us ho signed the message his nnnov is tlio merest bosh un less the horse railway company shall see fit to act upon the suggestion and como forward with u guarantee that it will build a certain length of cable road within a given reasonable time. This is really what the citizens of Omaha will Insist on before they vote thu franchise to the company. HI Effects of n Narrow Policy. The consequences apprehended from the failure of the deficiency bill arc being realized. The work in several branches of the public service which was thus left unprovided for is necessarily creatly curtailed , or must bo omitted altogether. The effect is lo impair the efficiency of the neglected services , while in some cases the loss to the government may amount to a considerably greater sum than the appropriation that will be saved. This is very likely to bo theicsult from the in ability of the interim ! revenue bureau to properly enforce the oleomargarine law. More officials arc required for this pur pose , but there is no moncj * lo pay them. The opinion of the commissioner is that if the required men could bo employed the additional amount of taxes collected would pay for their services and leave a handsome balance. The omission to em ploy them will lose to the government this balance and prevent a full and im partial execution of the law. The fail ure of this bill is aUo an injury to the signal service , which is forced to re strict its work and give leis information to the public than has been the custom. In other directions the failure of the de ficiency bill is having results to the dis advantage of the public service and the public interests. The cause of the failure of this nicas- use is well understood by the country. It was held back until the last day of the session and finally passed too late to be engrossed. But the primary fault in this matter lies against the policy of the appropriations committee of the house in paring down appropriations to the lowest figures for which there is any appearance of reason , regardless of the estimates of the heads of departments and chiefs of bureaus. The motive for this is not wholly economical , as was quite con clusively shown at the last session , but takes also a political direction. A part of the purpose is to throw the responsi bility for apparent extravagance upon the senate , which as to nearly all appro priation bills has found it necessary , in the interest of the public service , to in crease the amounts as they came from the house. It will be remembered that this matter was earnestly discussed by senators during the last session , and there was a quite general expression among them that if the evident policy of the house shall hereafter bo adhered to the senate may determine to let appropriations pass as they receive them , thereby throwing on the house whatever injury may result to the publij service from inadequate allowances. The remedy for annual deficiency bills is to be found in placing more confidence in the judgment of bends of departments and bureaus as lo the requirements of the services under them. Experience has shown that when the estimates of these officials have been largely cut down it has rarely happened that the public ser vice did not suffer or that efficionccs and a proper execution of the public business were not maintained upon conditions which rendered necessary a deficiency bill. The later-State Commlaslon. "A hopeless patriot" writes the Now York Herald as follows : I have been forty years In business. During that time 1 have seen the railroads take absolute possession of tbls city. I have seen the railroads gain control ot the state of Pennsylvania. I have seen the railroads of the nation direct the legislation ot the government at Washington. Nobody will dispute mo. Now , I wonder how long It will take for the railroads of this country to capture the five men to be called "tho inter-state com merce commission. " The Herald responds , "Alas ! wo do not know. " Yet it might bo well to say that if railroad corporations continue in their greed and avarice , the time will bo short indeed. The fact that the government has passed the law , gives reason for the hope that its enforcement will be carried out to the letter. If it were left to the average legislature say like the ono at Lincoln "a hopeless patriot's" question would need no answer. THE boodle gang at Lincoln , in collus ion with the members who arc working for needless and extravagant appropria tions , has managed to overturn the ac tion of the house in ordering the legisla tive grand jury investigation of the bri bery charges. The known object ot this move was to give the boodlers and bribe solicitors a chance to harmonize their stories before the committee and throttle the inquiry by the customary device of spiriting away important witnesses The howl about open sessions and against star chamber proceedings was a con certed effort. It was agreed on Tuesday night in room 28 , Windsor hotel , be twecn Russell , Bowman , Slater and ono or two others'of that peculiar stripo. I that session in the Windsor hotel , had been open the house would hardly have darnd to play into the hands of the con spirators. f . ANOTHER street railway company has been incorporated. It is called thu Omaha & South Omaha company. The incorporators are men of ample capital , and evidently mean business. The pro posed railway will give a great boom in South Omaha property , in which the majority of the members of the com pany are heavily interested. A Dlscrncc to the State. 11. C. Russell , who pocs by the title of colonel without dvcr _ having boon a cor- > oral , has been ( [ ho : pn as commander of Ins dop.trtmeiUG. . R. Never was a nero unworthy inati recognized and lion- orcd by any or 'an /.atlon In Nebraska , The idea that n hynocrlto and an inmttigatcd fraad { should bo chosen to ill such a position must make every hon est old veteran blush with shame. The boon companion of dissipated bum mers , xvho have demoralised and dc- jauchcd the legislature with their orgies , s honored with a position which had jccn made respectable by Governor rim.ver. The ( nHuonui'S that have brought that ex-spy and political Henodict Arnold lo the front are the same as those which have made Nebraska ti mere province - vince of corporate monopoly. The rail road henchmen within the Grand Army , ) f whom Paul Vandervoort is the ac- .cnowlcdscd lender , have elevated and flighted Russell for the aid and com fort he has given them In their infamous work at the state capital. For weeks these influences have boon at work to make the Grand Army subservient to .heir personal ends anil the interests of their corporate employers. Mr. Hussell's elevation will not , however , vindicate his reputation or establish his character. Iho high regard in which the veterans of .he late war are held by all loyal Amor- cans will not palliate political betrayals or corrupt conspiracies. Tin ; now act oniro lCansas legislature which grants to women the right of suffrage in all local elections , authorizes ; he authorities to exclude from rcsistra- : lon as voters , all women who were not jorn In this country. It was to have been hoped that know-uothlngism had had its day. Shades of Susan B. Anthony , Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Helen Gougnr ! Can this bo the result of your long life dream ? Ha ? it been left for female shriekcrs to say that foreign- born educated wives and daughters of naturalized citizens and taxpayers are to be excluded , while ignorant women are to be enfranchised only because of the prlvcle o of birth ? The "freedom" for which these women have wailed and lipwled for years and years is accepted in Kansas by native born women , while those of foreign birth are hold in the "chains of bondage" of which they have always prated. In passing a law grantIng - Ing to women the elective franchise , the legislature of Kansas was , as Mr. Bumble would would say , "a idiot-a ass , " but the man or woman drafting the bill , was not only a native but a natural born fool. THE recent cnaat&cnt of a law exclud ing all causes from United States circuit and district courts which involve less than $3,000 will gfcXtly increase the bus iness of the slate lodurts , especially the district courts. Tins innovation will have a direct bearing upon the dockets of this judicial district , which are now many months behind. AT the private funeral of Henry Ward Beecher , the Bccchor family were none of the traditionalliabilimonts of woe. The Philadelphia Jlccord , commenting on this departure from a custom so gen erally regarded , says "outward trappings of sable black do but poorly express , after all , the inward sense of desolation. " ALL members of the legislature are to bo congratulated upon the happy fact that during the discussion regarding the investigation Mr. Agce was absent. And if Mr. Agee's jaw bones were capable of appreciating a good thing they also would rejoice. THE Illinois legislature has decided to submit to the voters of the Sucker state the question of adopting a prohibitory amendment. Chicago without whisky would bo like shcol without fire. How ever , the amendment can never bo car ried. THE names of the iucorporators of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge com pany arc an assurance that the bridge will bo built. This enterprise would prove n great benefit to both cities , and the work should bo begun immediately. IF the Mondota carpenter could bo in duced to return to Nebraska , his chance to bo elected commander of the G. A. R. would bo excellent , judging from the high standard of the last selection. STRICT attention should bo paid to the enforcement of the fire limit ordinances. The rebuilding of ( ire-traps and the erec tion of any class of frame buildings within the limit should not be allowed. THAT union depot location ought to bo definitely settled nt onco. Various enter prises arc awaiting the determination of this important question. THE report of the discovery of a plot to bombard the czar of Russia , is confirmed. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. THE city assessors havo" taken a stop in the right direction by increasing prop erty valuation SO per cent. FAST presses and hoary bank accounts don't make newspaper circulations. PROMINENT PERSONS. Mr. Tennyson porstluln being an excess ive consumer of tobacco , Carl Scluirz is still jBufCednjr considerably from his recent accident ; W. W. Cole , the younx showman , neither drinks , smokes , chew nor , swears. Ex-Governor Road/ ! * began work In his New i'ork law ofllces on Thursday. Professor Alexander1 Aeasslz , of Cam bridge , Mass. , has returned from Europe. W. L. Greeley , e ( iran nephew of Horace Groeloy , Is the vllla 0barber | and fiddler at Spring Creek StatlonJP u Munkacsy gave a grf at banquet In Paris when he heard that Wauamaker Had bought his "Christ Before Pilate. " Francis Murphy's sou Tom bas wound up a blue-ribbon campaign at Vincennes , Ind. , where 4,000 persons signed tbe pledge. Simon and Don. Kcu > York World , Uoneral Simon Cameron says that his son Don would have b on a great man It no bad not been born rich. Tbls remark should edify the increasing number of people who regard wealth as the basis ot greatnesi. Vanderroort. Ltneoln Democrat. The UEE says Paul Vandervoort Is a candi date for trustee of the state soldlora1 borne. In the name of common decency It U hoped he will not got tbe place. The sight of Paid Vanderyoort for once dolnic an. honest day's work would cause the morning stars to break out once more In song nnd the moilnfalns lo $ Ulp Why Wo Smile. I'hteagn Hi mid. Omaha Is Immensely pleased because Kan sas City 1ms failed to Kcci > Its place In the ba o ball league. In the upper Missouri \ lew of the case n town \\hlch loses Its jrrlp on the base hall leactto Is hopelessly lost , \\heiher Its bank clearings Increase or not. Ilnthci.Mixed. . jVcw Yoik Comma cM AdceiHi'i : A man has just been cremated in IJuft'nlo \\lio will llnd It dinicttlt to ] ir < ne his exact nfllulty In the next world. Hovns born a Jew and married In that faith In St. Ironist ; then ho went to Utah nnd bccnme a Mormon nnd married t\\o wives. Ills first wife got a divorce , nnd pretty soon ho cot ono from the other two niul juluod a Protestant church In Omnhn. This didn't suit him nnd he became n Spiritualist , nnd attcr this he became an agno3tlcaml died. How Kany It Is to Hpoll A Life. How ensy It is to spoil a day 1 The thoughtless \\ords of a cherished friend , The seliish work of n child at play , The strength of n will that will not bond , The slight ot a comrade , the scorn of a foe , The Hinllo that Is full of bitter things They can all tarnish Its golden glow , And take tbo ictacc from Its airy wings. How easy It Is to spoil n life I And umny are spoiled ere well begun In homo light daikuncd by sin nnd strife , Or downward course of a cherished one ; lly toll Unit robs thu form of Its grnco Aiii ! undermines till health ghcs way ; By the peevish temper , the frowning face , The hopes that go nnd the cares that stay. Nchraskn Jottings. Grand Island wiltaan. West Point is on the lookout for stray railroads. Callaway has been offered a roller mill for a bonus of $2,000. Ainsworth has voted to build a | 10,000 court house for Brown county. Broken Bow is counting heads with a view to incorporating as a. city The Platte river is making a pretty generally sweep of the bridges. The itrmy of home sooKcrs now pour ing into the state is what tickles thosoil. | The sod in the hay fiats of Cherry county makes an excellent article of peat , A Rushville tough named Moeter was cowhided by a woman at Hay Springs last week. Twelve of the members of the Nebraska legislature served in Iowa regiments dur ing the war. Tom Brown has started a museum in Croighton with n coon , a skunk , trick mule and a baby. Alderman Twamlcy , of Fremont , hav ing made $8,000 in Omaha real estate , has decided to move to the metropolis. A match and a handful of gunpowder in the hands of a small boy , son of R. H. Miller of Broken Bow , combined to per manently disfigure his face. The first accident on the Rock Island extension in this state occurred about 0 o'clock last Saturday evening. It was near Ellis , a station about six miles west of Beatrice. August Arcnson , an em ploye. fell between the carsot a boarding tram coming this way nnd was fatally in jured. Ho was passing from ono car to another , and fell apparently lengthwise of the track , ns ono leg was badly crushed. He died that evening. A hugging society for chu/ch purposes is a late novelty in Pleasant View. The society is a pressing necessity. The pub lished rates for a straight hug of two min utes is as follows : Girls under fifteen years , 20 cents ; from sixteen to twenty- live years. 70 cents ; schoolmarms , 40 cents each ; old maids 3 cents each. Each class is fully entered nnd no ono need bo disappointed. The preachers are barred. She weighed 200 or over and wabbled into a real estate office in search of bar gains. In a beer-mellowed voice she bid on one which was being transferred to a purchaser. "Igif you hun'erd tollar. " "Don't want to sell. " "I gif you dree hun'erd. " "No. " "Then go to th' dlfel. " "Madamo , " oxclaimcu annoyed buyer , "I have never had the misfortune of meeting your friend , and cannot ac commodate you. " . _ Iowa Items. Dexter is pushing a coal prospect hole. The monthly enrollment of school chil dren at DCS Monies amounts to 3,745. Carroll county 5 per cent bonds to the amount of 100,000 , sold at a premium of $405. The common council of DCS Moincs is wrestling with cable street railway ordi nances. The late Judge Call left $10,000 worth of realty for establishing a state normal school at Algona. Red Oak councilmcn get 20 cents an hour for actual work with their lungs. They talk against time. The state board of underwriters has re moved the embargo from gasoline stoves. Hereafter no gasoline permit will bo re quired to an insurance policy. This will strike the head of the household about right. _ Dakota. A bcdspring factory is Ynnkton's. lat est. est.Five Five hundred sinners professed re pentance during a late revival in Fargo. Another bunch of Nebraska quail have been planted by sportsmen near Rapid City.A . A number ot business men in Canton have been Indicted for gambling and card , playing. Sioux Falls quarries will furnish 4,000 car loads of granite for Chicago paving purposes. Omaha also takes a big con tract. ; Samuel A. Dickey , brother of ox-Con gressman Dickey of Pennsylvania , was convicted in the United States court at Bismarck of soiling liquor to Indians. Mad Dear is said to bo the wealthiest Indian in the territory , being the pos sessor of extensive herds of cattle and horses. It is hard to see why he should bo mad. Since cold weather set in last fall Sioux Falls has consumed 853 cars of coal , or 10,018 tons , and 483 cars of wood , amounting to 8,888 cords , making u grand total paid for fuel the winter $151- 889. 889.With hard hearted vigilance commit tees in sight horse thieves occasionally ply their tricks in the Black Hills. A couple of them have been captured at Long Pine , Neb. , and are being returned to the Hills. The Jamestown artesian well is now down 1,350 feet and it is believed that 400 foot more will have to bo sunk before sutliclont water is found. A third of a mile is a long way to go for a little warm water. Kills-the-onemy-at-night , nn Indian who ha ? been in the Dead wood jail for the post eighteen months under the charge of having murdered another scalp-lifter at Pine Ridje Indian agency , was lately dischnrgeoTfrom custody by .the court on the ground that his case was ignored by the grand jury. This way ward son of the wcstofn wilds is said to have cost Lawrence county $3,000. Wyoming. D. C. Kelso , while probate judge and treasurer of Carbon county , stole $1083. Ho was captured in Denver. It Is estimated that the winter losoa of stockmen whose herds range south of Green River City will not exceed 7 per cent. Cheyenne foa/s that changes in the Union Pacific management will stop the. building of branco * nu < l a number of local Improvement. * . The decaying carcass of Chns. Thong , n murdered Chinaman , was found nrnr I hi'vcnno last Monday , Tim throat was cut fioin cur to car. The crime was com mitted several weeks ntio. A thorough examination of the calllo randies of \ \ . A. Johnson and I'red 1 isher , genie distiuieo from Laramlo , showed Unit the stock pulled tlitoiigli the winter in good condition. Not one head was found weak unough to justify dri\in > : it to the corral. Some young scoundrels at Cheyenne , says the Leader , hno : been trying to in duce young girls to go to Denver for Im moral purposes. For this terrible crime they were tiled and ono of them lined SFJ8.r > 0 , while thu other was * dismissed. Such i-hnps as these should bo sect to the penitentiary for life. Colorado. The Colorado Humane society has been revived. A miner's hospital to cost $10,000 is to bo built at Ouray. Nathan Falk , a commercial drummer , took a tumble from thu chamber of com merce building in Denver Monday , in tending to finish his career. Ho was pretty badly bruised but no bones were broken. Joseph Pratt , an elderly man and well known resident of Denver , quarreled over u petty mortgage on a wagon. While pulling against a team of her > cs he was knocked into a well by n hav- rack , and the water foreclosed on his life. life.J. J. II. Iltirtman , a Breckcnndgo minor , last week struck u lead of almost solid gold , as rich as any over found in the west. The lucky miner has been living from hand to mouth in the district for seven years , and the find is an ample re ward tor toil and privations. The Western Colorado railroad has been added to the Union Pacific system. The purpose of the consolidation is the building of a railway and telegraph line from the boundary line of the territory of Wyoming up to the North i'latto river , thence up Muddy Creek valley to Grand river , thence up the valley of the Grand to Salt hake City in Utah , with branches along the nflluents of the North Platte , Muddy Creek and Grand river to Asncn and Dillon ; also brunches into White Rivtr valley and the valley of the Yampa or Hear river , and by way of Cameron Pass to the Cache lo Poudro to Fort Col lins or any other point on the Colorado Central that may bo determined on. The consolidation-of the two railways virtu ally gives the Union Pacific access to anew now country and is regarded as a direct cut at the Midland and its proposed con nections. A PERKOR1NAT1NU PEN. Contrast Between Raat and West In Thlg Day. JACKSON , Mich. , March U. [ Corre spondence of the BEE. ] About ono week ago I started from Bloomington , Neb. , a beautiful little village in the Repupli- can valley , for the east. After crossing the Missouri river the country appeared to be hardly worth owning and continu ally grew worse. The monotony of only an occasional bog of land above pooh of water can only bo imagined by those who have witnessed the same scene. In Illi nois almost every farm was inundated with water to such an extent that the ma chinery of the present day is not equal to the task of farming it. Chicago , the most wonderful of western cities , is like wise ono of the most disagreeable and dirty , and is surrounded by ono of the worst malaria-brooding districts in the world. Wo are hurried through dismal swamps toward Michigan. We constantly road and hear of the awful bluffs of Nebraska , and hardly expect to como back into the country where these reports originated and find a basis for their ravings ; yet when we near Michigan City and nndthe ; sun and daylight shut out from our sight by enormous Darren Rand mounds , and the sccno repeated as far as eye can reach , wo wonder not at their rash asser tions. In four years of travel in Ne braska , from east to west and from north to south , both overland and by rail , I have never encountered such an apparently God-forsaken country as surrounds Mich igan City , Ind. , and in fact all along the line of the Michigan Central. Of course our old homes are inviting and awaken memories which are dear to und cherished by us all. The treasures of youthful memories nro like nntu precious gems which wo would not sell for moun tains of gold. The old school house , with its rough board desks , whitened and marked by mischievous hands , ap pears to us as though in a vision , and wo live over again the sunny days of the past. But erasing the poetic part and treating on facts , we cannot but loot upon our boyhood's dreams as fertile im agination of budding end inexperienced youth ; for everything which wo once be came so enthusiastic over wears a changed appearance. Decay and desola tion are the prominent features of ninety- nine out of every hundred of the farms wo pass , and in none do we find the brightness which characterizes the farms of Nebraska. We pass what were once the pride and flowers of manufacturing towns , and find that the once busy mills have long since decayed and fallen to pieces , the old brick flnoi towering high towards the skies , as a continual menace to the passer-by. In the whole distance from Chicago , through part of Illinois. Indiana and Michigan , we were unable to discern a portrayal of a single ono of the beautiful Hcenes depicted in the prosperous and growing west. Farm buildings were un- paintea and weather-beaten ; fences were tumbled down and a disagreeable system of looseness seemed to prevail. On few farms did wo notice the refreshing stock scones of Nebraska stock being - ing the more conspicuous on ac count of scarcity. The towns have the same sluggish and forlorn appearance as the tarras. A good illustration of the appearance of the sojl was shown by pieces sown to fall wheat , whore the neil is the more plainly seen , and it reminded us of the occasional ( ? ) barren saud-bars in the Platte river. Just why people will live and work in the crowded east , whore a living is hard to bo gained.aud where a farm is not much larger than nn average slued Nebraska barn-yard , is something inexplicable. The atmosphere hero in the cast is us full of malaria as nro its marshes and swamps of reptiles and frog- ponds ; and the lofty crags and peaks of Colorado are like pigmies atjho side of the great Michigan stone piles carefully culled from vast fields of stono. To the farmer who has never seen the paradise of the west , the familiar scones around his eastern homo become only monoto nous. His thoughts perhaps never range further. But to the person who has broken the servile chains , cost off the yoke of oppression and found for himself u pleasant homo in the beautiful west , it would require the entire treasures of Solomon's mines to persuade him to again take up his abode in the east. These are not fancies , but stubborn facts which prove themselves on ovc.ry trial. N. A. COI.K. Five New Novel * for IB Cent * . 5NEWNOYELS.:5 : : : - : : - : . - All complete In the April Nuuborof the FAMILY LlItKAJlY 3IONT1ILY Only 15c. Of all newsdealers or Tun INTBRNATIONAL NEWS Co. , N.Y. PAD OBI * C oitteUnd Br uitiM , KIH XMIt-narbr HOT" n4 ocncru ! Un WHlBhi oinH. \ . ' ' rlitn * , und I r * r old , brad In CnnaU nn recorded In CminlUn . rHble.UrM lo - Kind Uook. Prloeirem nUpurclJ trt. AdJre * ) , J. U. UAL LGibbon. K h. ulGnll A CARD , TO TillPUULIO With the approach o spring and the increased interest man ifested in real estate matters , I am more than ever consult ed by intending purchasers as to favorable opportunities for investment , and. to all such { would say : Wheirputting any Proper ty on the market , and adver tising it as desirable , I have invariably confined myself tea a plain unvarnished statement of facts , never indulging in vague promises for the future , and the result in every case has been that the expectations of purchasers -were more than realized. I can refer with pleasure to Albright's Annex and Baker Place , as sample il lustrations. * Lots in the "Annex" have quadrupled in value and are still advancing , while a street car line is already building past Baker Place , adding hun dreds of dollars to the value of every lot. Albright's Choice was se lected by me with the greatest care after a thorough study and with the full knowledge of its value , and I can consci entiously say to those seeking a safe and profitable investment - * ment that Albright's Choice h offers chances not excelled in this market for a sure thing. Early investors have already reaped large profits in CASH , and with the many important improvements contemplated , some of which are now under way , every lot in this splen did addition will prove a bo nanza to first buyers. Further information , plata and prices , will bo cheerfully furnished. Buggies ready at all times to show property. Eespeotfully , W , G , ALBRIGHT SOLE OWNER , 218 S. 15th Street. Branch office af South Oina- ha. N. B. Propwty for parta o the city