Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    " * 3yT TP < n - " -t w y . ' f
Wheat Operators Very Busy Hunting For
"Tips "and "Pointers. "
TJie Corn Market FcaturclesHVllh
Fluctuation ) ! Canflncii to n Narrow
JtnitKc Considerable Activity
lu Provisions.
CHICAGO pftonuci : MAHKET.
CiucAno , Mnrch 10. [ Special Telegram to
Uicllii-The : : | wheat market was steady at
the opening nnd prices ranged about tlio
name as at the close yesterday , May going at
fUJfcnnd Juno at fcO c. Values settled Ic ,
touching UK ; bottom shortly before 11 o'clock.
Alter that hour the maiket assumed a liimcr
tone and prices crawled back to the starting
point and up to bl' e , resting at 1 o'clock
with May at bl@bljfc. June made a slight
gain on May , but it is noticed that whenever
there Is ( ' .special activity In tlio pit May lifts
Its nosn nnd forges ahead. The local crowd
was In a somewhat mixed state to-day. The
mystery of thu "May deal" btlll occupied the
attention of the trade , and at no time since
the fact dcxcloncil that strong parties have
hold of considerable IhiPb of property duo
for delivery that month has there been so
much gossip and bo llttlo genuine news of
importance. The majority ot the room op-
tratorsiuoso busily engaged watching for
tips and pointers , and discussing the prob
able outcome of the so-called "deal , " that
they have no timu left for the studying of
current statistics and ordinary market Indi
cations. The heavy iccnlpts In thn noith-
west arc the feature ol moment In that
locality , though a dispatch to the elTect that
a counter current was carrying sc ; d
wheat In no siimll ( ] uantitios hack
Into the Inteiior was iccolved on 'change.
'Ihodilft of news from the northwest Is
licntlsh In tenoi , millers reporting a dull ex
port trade In Hour. St. Louis advanced Ic
rather sharply to-day on purchases of cash
w heat fet shipment. The corn nmrkct was
featureless and the fluctuations In prices
were within a y& ranee. There was a lather
heavy opening at 3 Xc for May , and after
H-lllng oif to auurc , and then steadllv up to
40c that future closed at 1 o'clock at : il X@
8'JKc. Speculative business was light In the
nggiefrate and mainly local , tiio parties who
went short yesterday being tiie principal
buyers. The market fluctuated closely with
wheat all tlnough , ami thn buying figures at
the close of the | eng session wci eon a level
with yesterday's closing. The receipts nt
this point are not panning out as largo as ex
pected. Tlfo Inspection returns for the past
three days aggregate UOO cars , against 721 cars
for the same time last week. Last Saturday
It was predicted that there would boaitin
this week of 3,000 cars. Oats for future delivery -
livery were dull and steady , closing the same
ns last night The limited speculative busi
ness done was in May and June. There was
nn exhibition of activity In provisions early
in the day and values of ribs and lard tended
downward , but later trading was at improv
ing prices , though the lost ground was not
entirely regained.
2:80 : p. m. Wheat was easier on the after
noon board , selllni. on" to bO c for Mar. clos
ing at bOe. May corn sold at HU $ ( i3'Jfc ,
May oats at 2Sc , May pork at 320.75 , May
laru at ! ? 7.55 , May short ribs at S8.05.
CHICAGO , March 10. [ Special Telegram to
the UKK.-CAITI.K ] , Tfco cattle market to
day was buoyant and pilccs wern a strong
lOc higher. Trices were about 25c higher
than Monday and COo higher than Monday
week. It is needless to say that prices were
very xnmven and that in some cases there
was25cdinerencoln the value of the same
cattle sold at the same prices and vice versa.
Nearly evctybody expected that last week's
advance would brine a flood of cattle here
by to-day , and that Is the very reason why
tlio flood didn't come. Many people are
looking for an over-supply and lower pi ices
very soon , and of course It will be strange If
thli sharp advance In prices Is not followed
by n sharp reaction , oven if if Is only tempo
rary. The strong tendency ot tno market ,
however , probably goes to brace UD the con
Vlctions of cattle feeders who have
been feeding and holding lor
higher prices , hoping almost against
hope. This being the case , cattle feeders
who hare held so long while the market was
depressed will not be likely to get nervous
and crowd In too soon while prices are so
rapidly on the mend , llowover , there are
many cattle which feeders for various
reasons are anxious to send In , so shippers
cannot be too cautious for awhile. Yester
day a lot of 1120 lb. corn fed steers from
Ennls. Tex. , sold at 84.00. To-day It wll
bo noticed that the sales Include a uoodmam
heavy cattle at 35.20ctf5.45. Shipping steers
lawto 1500Ibs. , 85.0005.45 ; 1200to 1350 Ibs.
54.60O4.05 ; 050 to 1200lb < ( . , S3. 5@4.60 ; stock
ersand fpedeis , 82.50W4.20 : cows , bulls am
mixed , S2.0C ( < JI.OO ; bulk , 53.85 3.30 : slop-fee
steers , 84.40(65.10 ( ; corn fed 1120 lb. Texans
Jloos Ihematket opened rather strong
yet closed weak , with some stock lott To
moriow Is n holiday with n largo per cent o
the packinghouse employes , hence the buver
for packers bought sparingly and the ship
ping demand was also light. Hut , In n tun
eral way , there was llttlo or no change it
prices. A few fancy heavy sold at f5.9.V.
(1.00 - - ; packing and mixed medium lots , 85.75 < i
-iifett" Jff ftrtflSfc0"imon '
ight light , S5.40ij5.C ( > 0.
Chloago , March 10. Th Drovers' Jour-
eat lenortFns lollowfi :
Cattle Ileeelpts , 5,000 ; strong and lOc
higher : shipping steers , S3.U5@5.45 ; stock-
* rs and feeder * . $2.N ) ; < J4.50 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , ? S.OO@4.00 ; bulk ,
shipping , 85.705M
Skips , S3.50Q4.II5. ' " '
Sheen Receipts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives ,
S3.0004. ) ; western , SS.OOQ4.CO ; Texans !
Nutlon-1 Hto'olc Yards. East Hf.
ljtml , lll.ftlarch in. Cattle Hocelpts.2 000 ;
shipments none. Active and 60e higher than
lnst rrliiy5 ! lllce heavy native steers ,
84.bOM5.40 ; fair to good shipping steers ,
: i. XI.OO ; ; butchers' steers , lair to choice
aCUM4.80 ; feeders , fair to good ,
stackers , fair to good , S'-.30i3.l5. (
llogs-Kccelpts , 0,000 , ; shipments , 300 ;
opened active and strong , closed weak ; choice
heavy and butchers' selections , SS.MQfl.O.'i ;
medium to prime , 85.45C45.05' : pics , com
mon to good , S4.MXg5.S5.
Hanson CityMarch 10. Cattle Kecelpts.
l.BOO ; shipmentsnone ; strongandlOc higher ;
common to choice shipping , S3.75Ml.lX ) ;
stockcrs , 82.00(33.2.5 ( ; feeding steers , S3.35 ®
8.75 ; cows. S2.25ftB.5b. (
Heirs Itncelpts , 10,000 ; shipments , 4.000 ;
weak and lOc lower ; common to choice ,
S5.CXWt5.CO ; skips and pigs , S2.75@4.00.
New Yoim , March 16.-Sr | > cclal Telegram
to the HKK. ] STOCKS The stock market
was steadier to-day and up to noon no prom
inent features had been developed. London
continued to be a modcrato buyer of stocks ,
but local sentiment was only moderately bull
ish. The sharp advance ot yesterday had
caused most of the shorts to cover and It was
not thought that the cliques would cato to
lift tht market just at present by main
strength. Stones were attain current that
tlio Ilaltlmoro & Ohio deal had been consum
mated aiul that tiould was a member of the
syndicate which would take charge of thu
now company. The view was held by many
that one insult of the pending' negotiations
would bo a settlement of the telegraph war ,
hut traders weto inclined to be skeptical on
this point , as It was noticed that brokers for
insiders for Western Union ofllrcrs werosell-
era of stock around 76. Hooking Valley
Ftiovied gum * strength early In tlio day , but
later sold off sharper. There was some talk
that a Now England pool had been running
and th wfaknewof the stock .early In the
day did not Indicate that It was receiving
much support. The friends of St. i'aul were
talking very bullish on that property and pre
dicted a nbaru rise lu It bufora th * dlvideud
Is due. At noon the market Was very
and but little changed from opcnlnz prices.
Sales to noon were 100,000 chares. The latest
story regarding the Haltlmoro & Ohio deal
was that ( Jarret had sold the road , but neither
Gould , Sage or Sully were Interested In the
purchase. Very little news calculated to
effect prices came out during the afternoon
and the market held dull nnd steady with a
marked Indisposition on the part of traders
to do anything at all. Sterling exchange
was ri shade easier , and It was argued by the
bulls that rather free buying of stocks by
foreign houses would cause a still further de
cline. The market closed almost exactly
where It opened. The total sales were about
200KX ( ) shares.
( JOVKIINMKNTS Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
U. s.r.'s . ioiic. . &N. w . iiw
U. a. 4's coupon. 128X ! do preferred. . . .141
U. S. 4X'scoup..lW ( | N. Y. 0 . H2
I'nclllo o'sot ' 05. . 120X0. | { . A : N . 100K
Canada South'n. . 57 % O. T. . H1JJ
Uentml 1'aclllo. . 8SM I'acilicMall . M
Ch1cngo& Alton. 144M1' . , I ) . Ac K . B3K
dinefcircd..loo | ( Pullman Pnl.Cnr.147
C. , II. tt ( ) . ISS'u Heading .
1) . , L. & \V . l"3KHock Island. . . .124
I ) &U.G 27U St L. i\cS. F. . . "
Krm 3.J ! do pieferrod. .
doprefpired. . . . 71 % C. , M.&Ht. P. . . . 02
Illinois C < > ntral..l2U do prefericd..loi ! :
L , U. & W 23 St. 1' . As 0 4S ;
K. tt T 31H do preferred.
Lakn Shoio 05 Texas I'acltic. . . . - <
L. tvN < > % Union Pacific. . . . 57J <
Michigan Cenfl. . IK ) \V. \ . St. LA : ! ' . . . . 17'f '
Mo. 1'acllic . 107J do pieferred. . : 'X ) , '
No. Pncllic . 27K W. U. Telegraph iC
do preferred. . . . f/iJs'l
MONKY ox CAM. Kasy nt 2 @oK per
cent. ; closed at 3 percent.
STIIII.INO : ExniAsni : . Dull and weak
nt S4.S ! for sixty day bills ; 54.fcG { for
Chlcnco , March 10. Following quota
tions ore the 2:30 : closing ligurcs ;
Flour-Nominally ; unchanged ; winter
wheat Hour , 84.2.4M.o : ; : southern. S-l.lo
(34.20 ( ; Wisconsin. S-1.20fi4.30 ( : Michigan solt
snrlne wheat , S3.70iJ4.oO ( : Minnesota bakers ,
S3.7C ( ) < i4.3U ! ; patents , S1.50@4.bJ : low ciader ,
Sl.aVi - ' . 5 ; lye Hour , quiet at S3.25&3.4U ; in
sacks and barrels , SodiH.70.
Wheat Fairly actho but unsettled : opened
at about yesterday's closing for May and
closed K@ c lower ; cash , Toe ; May , &o > c ;
June , bOj/c.
Corn Quiet and easy early , later ruled
sttoiigcr , closing t about yesterday's close ;
cash , SijVe ; May , 3'J > fc ; June , 40 > c.
Oats Steady and unchanged ; cash , 23 c
May , 2SJ < c ; June , 2-
Jinrley-Qulct at 40K ( < " Wc.
Timothy Seod-Pilme" Sl.bCl.S7.
Flux Seed-81.07.
Wlilskv 81.18.
Pork Steady with no material chance n\-
rept for May , which Is25clowercash ; , li0.3j ;
May and June , S'-0.75. '
Lard Kasy nnd moderately active ; cash ,
S7.42M ; May , 87.55 ; June , S7.62K.
Hulk Meats Shouldcis. S6.00@fi.2o ; short
clear , S .VirifH.tjO ; short ribs , S7.U5.
Butter iTrin ; creamery , 2-l@31c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; lull cream Cheddars , 12J @
12Jfc ; lints , 12)4T < 12Kc ; i'oung Americas ,
13 ( > 13Kc : skims ,
Kggs Lower at lU.
Tallow Unchanged : No. Icountiy , solid ,
3Jfc ; No. 2Sc ; cake , 4e.
Hides Unchanged ; Green , Cc ; heavy
green salted , 7c ; salted bull , Cc ; green
salted calf , Oc ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry
flint , 12@13c ; deacons , 40c each.
liecelpts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 31,000 23.000
Wheat , bu . 04,000 51,000
Corn , bu . 254,000 1311,000
Oats , bu . 170,000 07,000
K > c , bu . 2,000 none
liailey , bu . 41,000 20,000
New York. March 1C. Wheat Ho-
celpts , 80,000 ; exports , 100,000 ; spot linn :
options opened slmilo lower , Inter advanced
JfJle ( , closing steady and showing re.ictlon
of ? % c ; ungraded red , OK39.Xe. ! ; No. 3
red. h'JHc ; No. 1 red , OS o ; extra led , OJ&fe ;
No. 2 red , Olc , f. o. b. nominal ; April clos
ing at OOXc
Corn Spot lirm ; options opened
lower , closing wlthjnoro strength ; receipts ,
tiv * iiiu f rv\ * * > * * sl1/1 titut M > 'v ,
delivered ; April closed at4S'h'c.
Oats Receipts , 37,000 ; exnorto , 1,200 ;
trifle higher ; mixed western , 35@37c ; white ,
Petroleum bteady ; United closed at
Pork Unchanged.
Lard Opened 4QO points lower , closed
lirm with decline partly recovered ; western
steam , spot , quoted at S7.72 } { .
Butter Firm on strictly choice grades.
Cheese Firm.
Egs lleavy and lower ; western , fresh ,
Minneapolis , March 16. Wheat In
active ; No. 1 hard , cash , 76' c ; May , 77'c ;
Juno , 78J e ; No. 1 northern , cash , 73 > { c
May. 75 ? c ; June , 70c ( ; No. U northern ,
cash. 71o ; May. 73 , ' c.
Flour Quiet ; patents , 54.25 ® 1.40 ; bakers ,
Ueceints Wheat , 12,000 bu.
( Shipments Wheat , 5J5.200 bu. ; flour ,
24,000 bbls.
Milwaukee , March 10. Wheat Easier ;
cash. 75Jc ; May , 7b < o.
Corn Weaker : No. 3 , 39c.
Oats-Firm ; No. 3 white , 32c.
Hye Steady ; No. 1. 57c.
Barley Dull ; No. % 51e.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , March , 820.25.
ClBolnnatl , March 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2. 83c ,
Corn Steady ; No.2 mixed. 39c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 39 > iC
Kyo Uood demand ; No. 2bWgOc.
Pork-Dull at 318.00.
Lard-Quiet at 87.50.
Whisky Steady at $1.13.
St. Louis. March 10. Wheat Higher
No. 3 red. cash. 70K@bOc ; May , bofc. ;
Corn Higher ; cash , li'ijfc ; Juay , 35J c.
" ' ' * '
Pork Firm at S10.5o"
Jard 87. : .
Whisky-Steady at 51.13.
nutter Steady ; creamery , 24@30 ; dairy
AKTICIINOOX UoAim Wheat Kasler. Corn i
Lower. O.Us Dull ; no sales.
Now Orion tin , March 16. Corn Scarce
and linn ; Jobbing at SOQSle.
Oats Oulet anu steady at 37X@rSc.
Hojr Products Dull , weak and lower ;
pork. $17.60. Lard , rehnud tierce , 87.00 ®
Hulk Meats-ShouldersSG.CO. Lone clear
and clear rib , 8S.37K- .
Liverpool , March 10. Wheat Quiet ;
demand poor ; holders oiter lieely. Corn-
Dull and demand poor.
KansaR City , March 10. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 'Jred , cash , > . ! $ c bid ; May , 72tfc bid ,
74c asked.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , SO c bid ,
3U/c asked ; May , 31 Jj'c bid.
Oats No quotations
Wednesday , March 10.
The receipts of cattle were lighter to-day.
The market epcned active at an advance of
nt least lOc over yesterday's market. .Every
thing was sold.
The receipts wcro liberal. The market
opened a little quiet , but the bulk of the hoes
wei sold duriiu the forenoon. Although
one load brought more tluu anything sold
yesterday the general market was a shade
There were no fresh receipts , but there
wcro a few , that had been held over , sold.
Cattle. . . „ , . . . 700
Ito s. . . . . 4,000
Prevailing Prices.
ShowU'tt the prevailing prlcos paid for llvo
stock on thlo market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.404.SO
Choice steers. 1100 to 13.VJ Ibs. . . 4.25(44.4.1 (
Fat little steer l 0 to 1100 Ibs. . . . 3.WK 1.SO
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . H.oor < t8.40
Fair to medium cows 2.00 2.50
Uood to choice bulls a25@3.00
Light and medium hogs 5.00(45.40
Uood tochoic * heavy nogs 5.00M5.70
Ooml to choice mixed hogi 5.40M5.5S
Choice sheep , 80 to l"QJb 3.60gl.iJ , ! (
Representative Mains.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
S , . . . 050 14.00 11..1189 | 4.40
. . . . 955 .SO ' U..1203 4.i5
17..11M 4.25 61..1373 4.50
7..1040 4.25 17..1130 - .55
20 . , Ui2 ! 4.X ! ) a1.1303 4.55
5..1038 4.30 10..1150 4.00
8..1033 4.30 3S..1233 4.00
M..1110 4.33 17. . . . 1215 4.00
17..1137 4.37'tf 17..1329 4.70
18.1003 4.40 12..iaVJ 4.bO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
23. . . . tWO $2.50 1..1210 53.21
3..1045 3.00 8..1130 3.30
1. . . . 740 3.00 21. . . . 100 ! ) 3.IU )
8. . . . UM 3.0j 14..1001 3.33
2..1320 3.15 12. . . .lll'J ' ! ! .40
1. . . . U50 3.25 42..1001 3.45
' ! ! ! ! bi'Ts ii3co ! ! ! ! t.w
No. Av. Pr.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
! . . . .1433 S2.UO ! . . . .1711 S3.00
lll'I.I.S AM ) COWS.
No. Av. Pr.
J..l3iO : i3.oo
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2..HU5 S3.b7 13..13-17 S4.00
S' '
No. Av. Pr.S' No. Av. Pr.
270. . . . 110 4.20
H on s.
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr.
< V > . . . . 203 120 § 5 : ! 5 05. . . 2.V1 40 S5.60
63. . . 220 100 6.33 Ui.'J0.1 120 6.f,0
Hi . . .204 40 5.40 63..2-13 120 5.50
102. . . . 195 100 5.40 IW..223 . . 5.50
09..210 80 5.10 72..2.12 N ) 5.50
75..243 160 5.40 bS..207 SO 550
(17 ( . . .238 bO 5.4 % 75..2 : bO 6.60
74..2S1 200 5.4'JJ 07..35S Kfl r.fiO
( ft..200 40 5.15 C'J..2-I3 120 5.6'i
1(2..SK ( ) 520 545 71. . . 232 . . 5.55
; ' . . . . . > 3 2S ) 5.15 ( i'.2r.l ) lOO 6.55
(17..2111 ( 100 5.45 71..241 bO 6.55
. . . . ! ) 40 5.45 71..210 . . 5.55
03..3HJ 40 6.45 " . . . .247 KX ) 5.51
110..233 200 5.13 67..2 100 5.55
08..211 bO 6.43 ( fl . . .212 bO 5.5-
74..211 . . 5.15 70. . . .21' ! SCO 5 fil
b0..240 120 545 * 75..21110 5.55
114..235 200 5.45 f'J)0 ) ! ) ( ) 40 5.55
73..2IW 200 6.13 fi3.2SO ICO 5.00
07..330 200 5.50 54..324 320 t.m ,
ra. , .2ir , 100 5.50 no..200 bo r.m
52..218 100 3.50 OS..35S ! WO 5.CO
71..228 ICO 5.60 50..2M 100 5.00
7(1 . . .332 320 5.50 00. . . 277 100 6.00
73..240 120 5.50 59..3M 100 6.03
01. . . .217 120 5.50 4S . . . ! Wl 40 5.70
09..251 100 550 01 . . .2M1 . . 5.70
64..215 IbO 5.50 OU..33S bO 5.7'K
Hntico ot'l'ricoi.
Showing the hlgh'ist and lowest nrlcH (
paidfor loads of heirs on this market durlug
the past seven days and tor the same time
last month and a vcar auo.
fob. Ib37. .Mill-ell IbS7 Mnrcli UbO.
lUth 5.00 CM. 75 3.00 ® l.90
llth ® 5.30 B.WJ f. : > . 0 3.1H )
nth 4. 0 © 5.10 S.fiO ttTi.75 H.N1 S'l'IO
Kith Suiulay Sunilny '
Hth fi.0) ) ® 5.70 Suinliiy
I5tli . ' U.HU
ICtli o.lO T.rO
Sliliinctitf | > .
Sliowing the number of cattle , hoes anil
sheep blilpp''d liuin the vaids ( lining tno tUy.
No. cars. Ht. Dest.
] 0 . N.W. . Chicago
G . Mil . Chicago
If , . It. I . Boston
Allsilosot stock in this market are made
pcrcwt. ilvu wolirht unless othurwlsustatuil.
Dead IIORS .sull at KO per Ib. ( or all welehts.
"Skins , " or ho's wi'Uhlnz less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ib3.
and stags SO Ibs , by tlio nubile Inspector.
Everything sold.
Jlocs a slinde lower.
Cattle on the up gtatle.
F. C. Hi-etl , Wayne , was here and sold a
load ot cows.
T. 11. Cole , llartlniHon , was In and sold a
loaJ oC hoes.
L. B. Shopnrd , West Point , was hero and
sold two loads
J. M. Uarlcor , Tabor , In. , was in and mar
keted a load ot hogs.
M. II. llasKerty , Neola. la. , was hero and
sold a load ot hogs.
J. M. Triuiibull , Atlair , la. , was here ant
sold a load ot hoes.
Mr. DIxon , of Olxon & Co. , Bennett , Neb. .
was hero ana sold hofs.
Mr. McManamus , Bancroft , was in and
dlstiosed ot two lu.uls of cattle.
The Upton cltovo of heirs , numbering &W ,
nvcrac ; ( l 241 Ibs and cost $5.44.
J. Olbbs , of Alien AiCiibbs , Hamburg , la.
was In and sold a load of hog.s.
Mr. White , of Whltn A TJioiupson , had In
n load of hogs trom Western , la.
J. A. Trnlock , Stanton , came In with a load
ot cattle which sold on the market.
W. K. Smith , St. Paul , was In with two
loads ot hogs which sold on the market ,
F. Cornwall. Ponder , Neb. , was in ant
sold tinea loads.of cattle and a load of hogs.
Snuires it Co. bought 873 hoes on to-day's
market , averaging ! iJ Ibs. , and costing 55.51.
T. IJninlon , Dunbar , Neb. , came In will
two loads ot IIOKS which sold on tlio market
C. li. Crane , cashier of the.bankot Phillips ,
Neb. , was in and marketed two loads o
Diller. of the lirm of Thomas & Dlllor ,
Dlller , Neb. , was hero and marked two load
of cattle.
W. A. Carter , Omaha , was hero and mar
kcted three loads ot corn fed western steer :
shipped from near Columbus.
Diaper Smith , manager ot Kecnan & Hnn
cock's commission house at this point , Im
returned trom a tiiji to Chicago.
J. W. NValkur. of the lirm of Walker , !
Waite , Croighton , was in to-day nnd mar' '
keted a load ot hogs which catnu to $1,342.11
J. T. ( loodcll , of the tirm of B. F. Stllley J
Co. . UoWItt , nnd Byron ( ioodell , of the liri
of J. T. ( ioodell it Co. , Western , wete hei
and marketed cattle and ho s.
Wednesday , March 10.
General Produce.
Tlicfollowlna prices arc far round Jot * o ,
prmliiccttx gold on the market toiui\i. \ The
quatutloniun fruits represent the prices ui
it'hlch o f lJc.orifcrs ( ore Illlcd ,
Kens The market was n llttlo wcake
to-day , stocks moving at
i An occasiimal package of fane
butter sells at better prices than those quotct
below. Choice country , 15(31 ( c ; fair to good
liS14c ( ; common , 5iltOc. (
CiiEnsr. Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c
full cream Hats , twins , 14c ; Young Ameri
cas , HJfeUKc ; fancy Swiss , Hi@l7c ; Swls1
imoorted , 25c ; Llmburgcr , 14c ; brick. i5lGc (
GAME Duuks huvo communced to arnvi
on tno market and are selling f airly \ \ el
They are mostly teal ami led head ? . Than
have been only a very few ccoso In. Ma.
lard ducks , per dozen , S'J.rxX3.00 ; ! ; teal , pc
do/en , S..t)0 ) : mixed , per dozen , S .OO ; geese
per dozen , 84.00@4.50.
DRESSKD POULTHY The receipts have
been very lleht and the market Is almost
baio. Good stock goes quickly at lOc.
iiivi : 1'ouLTjtv The warm weather has
created some demand for live poultry. Chick
ens are quoted at S2.75 : t.oo.
Jin\Ns-Inferlorstock.75(3S1.00good ( ; clean
country , 91.00(0)1.35 ; medium , hand nicked ,
51.40 1.50 ; hand nicked , navy. Sl.50Ol.rjO.
PitovisiONs Ham , 12J @Uic ; breakfast
bacon , rib , O fo : breakfast bacon , plain , l
? r/ S J 'I .
, . - ; i't *
lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; ,
cans , 8c ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8Vc ; 10-lb
3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 8 > < c-
1'oTATOEa There has been considerable
activity on the market during the past fuw
days , lloinfl tcrown stock Is selllnK well In
20 to 25 sack lots at 00@70c. Stock must bo
good to bring those prices. There are a few
alt Lake and a few sweet potatoes In.
There Is still a liberal supply ot Colorado
stock on the market which Is very choice and
wlls well. Home Krowji , from store ,
COQ70CJ Colorado , Hose , per hu. , ( ;
Snowllake , per bu. , 81.05(31.10 ( ; Salt Lake.
81.00 ; sweet , per Ib. , Sc ,
CAIIUAOE There was a car of Colorado
stock on the market which sold readily. The
market is also well supplied with California
stock both red nd white. California , per Ib ,
3c : Colorado per Ib , 2Kc.
APPLES There has been no chance In the
market since last week. Choice to fancy
stock U held at S5.0035.50. There Is some
common stock on the market which is selllni ;
at 84.50 , without belnic repacked.
VKOKTAHLKS Old vegetables are movlnc
slowly. Unions , choice stock , per bbl ,
84.00(34.50. ( Ueets , carrots , turnips , etc. , per
bbl. S1.75@'AOO ; California. $2.00 ( 2.25.
Horseradish roots , per Ib. , 7c.
OIIK.EN VEatTAui.Es There Is a small
supply of vreen vegetables on the market
but it Is not tnovine very readily aa yet.
Spinach , per bbl. . 32.00. Top onions , per
dozfln bunches , I5 < 230c ; celery , per dozen , 40
@ 45c { California cclcrv. per tUuen. POc. ;
cauliflower , per dozen , 81.50 ; radishes , per
dozen bunchei ! , 30i4loc. (
OVSTKIH Mediums , COo ; standard , CCc ;
selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33 } N. Y. counts ,
LIMONS : The weather Is hardly warm
enough to make a vcrv active dbiuaml. Mes
sina , per box , 33.003.M ) ; choice , per box ,
OIIANOES Valencia , and Florida oranges
are becoming scarce. Valencia , per case ,
8.1.50 ; California , HKers de , per box , S4.25 ;
California , Los Angelik per box , S2.75 < a'l.OO ;
Florida , bright , 83.75 4.00 ; Florida lusscts ,
HANA.VAS Large-bunches , per bunch , S2.50
@ 3.50. (
NUTS Afow black walnuts are coming In
from the rotintry and aio slow sale at 75c per
bushel. Thn following are the wholesale
prices at which orders from the outside are
filled : Almonds , 20c ; itecans , large polished ,
14c ; lilberls , l4oBrazlls ; , I4cwalntttsNaples ; ,
20c ; walnuts , Chill , He ; peanuts , 11. P. Vlr-
Klnla , 8c.
Hour , best quality patentS3,7.1 : ; second mial-
Itv , S'J.OO@2,60 ; best nualtty spring wheat
flour , patent. 82.40r < j53.lK > ; bran , 70c per cwt ;
chopped f cud , 75c pur cwt ; white corn meal ,
We ; yellow corn , meal , Mut'jOc per cwt ;
screening , 50W75C per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 ;
shorts , 70c PIT cwt : graham , 81.75 ; hay. In
bales 87.00 per ton.
CHAIN Cirn,37c ( ; wheat , No. 2 , 67c ; oats ,
25crye. ; 45c.
PicKi.r.s Medium. In bbK 8S.OO ; do , In
half bbls , SI.50 ; small , In bbK Sl'.OO ' : do , In
halt bbls. SJ.UO ; gherkins , In bbls , 810.00 ; do ,
In half bbls , 85.50.
bUHAit Ciranuliited , OVOO'fc ' ; conf. A,5' <
( ilrte ; white extra C,5'jf5Xi'So\tia ' ( C , 5V >
6T4C ! yellow C,4 > i * Xc : cut loaf , " ' "
powdcied , 0 fitO ( ! c.
COFFKKS Oidltiary grades , 14 ; <
1V41 c ; prime. IGJfu ; choice ,
iancy gtccn and yellow. 101'c ; old cov-
ernment Java , 30@2 c ; intetior Java , \WA ( < t
30c ; Morha , 22 < 5ii--4c : Arlwcklo's roasted
UiJie ; MeLaughlln's XXX\ roasted , ll'Jfe ' ;
Dtlworth's. 1 Vc : Hud Cioss. lu''c. ,
CAN.N'F.iloois--OysterH , standardper ease ,
S3.15.rt3.23 ( : strawberries , 21b. per case. S-iO : ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per cse , S2.2. > ; , cCallforula per case. 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ,
54.00 ; iicachcs , P"r , 53.00 ; white cher
ries , pur c.tse , 3(1.00 ( : paims , per case , $3.01 ;
blueberries iMircase , SI.S3 ; pgc plums. 8 lb ,
per caw. ; 5).60 ; pineapples , a lb. per case
S3.2o3.75 ; l lb mujkeiel. per do81.10 ;
1 ID salmon , perdoz , 81,50 1.51 ; 3 lu , goosu-
beirle , per case , 51.73 ; 2 lb string Ooans. per
caw , $1.113 ; Bib llmaboaim , per raso. SI.00 ;
2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case , S .2.50(33 ( 00 ; 2 lb
early Juno peas , par case. 82.75 : 3 lb toma
toes. )52.5'Ja'J.OO:2 ) ' ( Ib.corn 82.40 ( 2.10.
MATCHES Percaddle. 3.c ; BQiiaro cases ,
81.70 : niulu square. 81.20.
SVKUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20(31.25 ( ;
New Orleans per gallon 3s@40c ; maple syrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 7ic ) ; 1 gul-
lon cans , IUT doA S10.IX ) ; halt gallon cans ,
per do85.60 ; quart eam. 8"w.
CANDY Mixed , bJtfGillc ; stick , 8J @ 9Mc.
CRACKEKS Uarnoau'a soda , butter and
picnic. 5 > c : creams , b > ic ! ginger snaps , 8)405
citv soda. 7W.
bTAitcii Mirror glnss. 1 lb , 6c ; mirror
gloss , 3 lb , 5J c : mirror glo s oib , Oj c ;
Uravcs corn.l lb,6 } < c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID ,
7c : Kincsford'sglow , 1 lb. 7c : Kingsford's
gloss , Clb. 7Xc ; Klngsford's pure lib. r Ko ;
Klngsford's pure , 3 lb , 5Kc ; Kinpsfords
bulk 4c.
BOATS Kirk's savon Imperial , S2.70 :
Kirk's satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk H standard , 83.01 ;
Kirk's white Russian. 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap
cap , 80.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboaid , 83.10 ;
whlto cloud. 83.75. _
General MarKon.
\AnNisnr.s Uatreh , per gallon ; furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furnltute. No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coa'cli , No. l , 81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.7.1 ; Janftn , 70c ; asphaltutn ,
extra 8.r > c : shellac , 33.50 ; hard oil linish ,
1.50 ' '
HEAVY llAnnwAKn iron , rate 32.SO ;
eawed dry , Sl.50 ; tongues , pacn. 80c : axels.
-act. ! 75o : Miuaro nuts/ per lb. Ol71e : coil
chain , per lb. G iil'c ; malleable.S@lt'c ; lion
wedcos , Gc ; crowlurs , fin ; harrow teeth , 4 , ' < c ,
spring steel. 7 < ( i'c ' | ; Hurden's horse shoes.
fc4.5 ! ; Burden's mule 'shoes , fi.75. Barbed
wire , in car lots , 51.0a per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50. SUO : steel nails. S2..KX '
Shot , 81.05 ; huckshot81.S5 : oriental powder ,
kegs , 83.60 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , S2.35 ; fuse , per 10
feet. 05c. Lead bar. 81 *
DUY PAINTSWhltelead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c ; 1'arls whltlntr. SUe ; whiting , gliders ,
BJfc ; whlUnp. com'l , Ike ; lampblack , ( ier-
manstown. I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian blue.Wu'.uItramannc , l c ; vandyic-
brown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green , genuine. 250. 1'arls green , com
mon , 22c ; chrome gruon. N. Y. . 20c ;
Termllhon American. IVc ; inaian
taw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , t3c ; relined -
lined lampblack I2c : coach black and Irory
black , ICe ; drop black. IGc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. 18o ; chroma ereen.L. ,
M. A1) . . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
fc D. , IGc : Paris green , 1S ; Indian red , Iftc ;
Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermllllon , L. Ac I ) . , 20c ; yellow ochre. 2c ; L.
M. * O. ! > . . INc : good ochre. IGc : natenj
drvor , 8c ; graining color , light OBK , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. 1'Jo-
UnuosAxn Ac fl carbolic ,
GPo ; acid , tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
tt > . f,0c : bark sassafras , per ft , lOc ; calomel ,
per tt , 78c , rhlnchonidla , per o40c ; chloto-
form , per lb , 48o : Uovers powders , per tt > ,
81.2.5 ; cpsoni falls. , per ft , I'-Mc ; Blycerino ,
pure , per lb , 3jc ; 'cad. ' acetate , per n > . 2ic ;
nil , castor , No. 1 , per pM. , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 31.40 ; oil olive , pur gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orliraiinnin , . 50c ; opium , fj.iiO : ; nulnlnn.
P. ite W. and It. &S , , per oz , 7. " > c ; potassium
G'M ' ! : white lead , St. Louis , pure. i' > uc ; Mar
seilles , green. 1 lb cans. 2c : Kronen zinc ,
crecn seal , I2c ; French zinc , red seal. Uc ;
Fronrh zinc. In varnish asst. 20c : Keuch
zinc.75cermlllion , English , in oil. 75s ;
red , lOc : row pink , I4c ; Venetian red. Cook-
son's , 2 e ; Venetian red , Ameilcau. iWc ;
red lead , 7Wc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2'c ( ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rocholle. 8c ;
ochre , French , 2J c ; nchro , American ,
IKo ; Winter's mineral , 2i c. ; Lehlgh blown ,
2 } < c ; Srantsh brown , 2fc ; iTinco's mineral ,
BPIUITS Cologne spirits. ibS proof , 81.17 ;
do 1C1 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 51.17 : do 180 proof. 81.10 Alcohol.
IBS prooi , 82.20 per wln gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 81.00V ( 1.50. Gin , blended , 91.50C4
'AOO ; Kentucky bourbons , $ &OOGto.oO ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00y tl.50 ;
Ooldnn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies
Sl.W S.oa Urandies , Imported , 85.00 < y8.50 ;
domestic , 8t.30@3.oo. ( ilus. Imported , 84.50
@ 0.00 : domestic , 81.2rxa3.00. Champagnes.
Imported. IOT case. 828.00@33.00 ; American ,
per case. 810.OOuJlfl.00.
HIDES ( Jreen butchers. S QOc ; green
cured. To : dry flint. lUSlic ; drv salt. 9 < rtlOc ;
ereon calf skins , Kc ; damaged nides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3 > c , Grease
Prime whlto , 3wrc ; yellow , 2Ue ; brown , 15f
Sheen Pelts. 25O7&C. ,
l < uns AND am.vs 'ine following price
are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound. 81.50j.oo ; ; fall , $1.85
© 2.00 ; meaty ana Inferior. 81.00(31.25. ( Uear.
btown and . . - ' . . . cubs and
iflUWll mill gilz7.1y-85.003.00 : * l.u u
yearlings , 8-.00'a4.00. JJadger , W00c. ) Cat ,
wild , 20gnOc ( : doniestic.i black , 10 ( 15c : do-
mrstle , sundry colors , & @bc. Fox , red , 81.00
@ 1.25 ; cross 82.00@4X)0 ) ; grey , 40@50c ; silver.
510.00@40.00. Fisher , S4.00@i5.00. Otter,84.00
Qfl.OO. Martin , 81.00@175 , Musurat. winter
tor , large , lOc ; fall , 5c ; kltts , Mink , large
dark , 35@40c ; small and palo , 15@20c. Kac-
coon , large prime , 40r 50c ; small and Inferior ,
20@30e. Skunk , common , 15@25c. Wolf ,
largo grey , 8l.60@2.50 ; icoyote or prairie 75 ®
OOc. Deer and antelope , winter , per pound
15c ; fall and summer ; per pound SOc.
Dry imaabor.
No. 1 Com. sis j.n 818.00
No.2 " l.i 15.50
No.3 " T.A , . . . .15.00
N 4 " " , . , ' . . . . . .10.00
ISo. 1 , 4ft fiInch , 13 and * U ft. , rough..81S.W
No J , 4 A Olncb , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 15.00
A , 12,14 and 10 ft S81.50
U " ' "
, aaoo
O " " "
, 15.00
U , " " 11.50
1st com. , ) { m White Pine Celling 834.00
2d " " . . . 2S.OO
2d com. , % In Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.00
A eincli , whlto pine , 35.50 C 82 < xr o
KClncn. ( SielFen'g ) W.OO
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) 05c
Akrou cement , 2.75 ; hair , . . .lt5c
STOCK noAnns.
A 13 Inch S. Is. 45.60 C 83S.50
No. l , com. 13 In e. l s. , 12. ! 4 820 : lift.l9.oo |
No. S ! . " 17.50 ; " 10.50
1st and 2d. clear"vlnchf 3s S5A50
Sd , clear , 1 Inch. 8. 3 s S4U H < , IK. 3 In 45.50
B clear , 1 Inch , s. 3 s U ! .60 ; Itf , IM,2 In 37.00
suit * LAP.
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in 81 ? . W )
Com. 4 and 0 In. flooring 817.50
Clear , llnish , 1 and U4' In. s. 8 s 2D.OO
" rorrugated Celling , 4 In 31.60
" Yellow pine casing and ba c. 87.00
Pickets D and 11 flat 820.50 ; D & 11 S.S20.50 ( ]
XX clear S3.00
A * standard 8.75
* A11. U.andB 3.60
White Cedar. C In. , H" . l'-Wc : 0 In. qr < < . . .llc
" " 6J'ln. HH , ll' ' < , c ; 8 In. nrs..lOc
It Inn promt frum 4K ) to 40.UO population In 19
yours umll * now itroHlim fi'tcr than aver.
Iiivolniontu lnbrlokblock jimT U to 20 per cent.
Lots h.ivu nvcnipccl over HO per cent per annum
limp for < alu brick Ulnck < , biifliicii. lol . ill ! kind * of
rt'Hl o.tato. 1 , ' , 6,10 ami J ncro trnctti , farms nnit
cbonp | nn < )9 ) ,
UBFIiKKNCKSi-Tlic Kirit nml I.lnniln Nntlonnl
lunik" , ( iuv.Tluijor. .Imluu Oibli , Sen. S. il. Cullum ,
llI'iiolBanil ' ( itn. Ucn llnnlson , liulliina.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $2GOOOO
Surplub 40,000
II. W. Yates , President.
A. K. Toti/.nlin. vMrc President.
W. li S. IhiKhes , Casiiler.
Diiircroits :
\V. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood.
A. E. Tonzalin.
Cor liith and Farnam Sit.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs ,
At the oldstanrt 1-107 Furuam st. Ordern
bytelugraph solicited nnd promptly at
tended to. Telephone No. 225.
W msslMBBsf
The only rend to take for Dos Molncs Mar-
Bhniltown , Cedar Knulds , Clinton , DIxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee mid ftll points cnnt. To the people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnfr , Utnli ,
Idnlio , Nevada , Oroton , Washington and Cull-
lornla , It ot'nra superior aJvantiwce
lilo by uny other lino.
. n few ofthe numerouB points of
porlority enjoyed by tlio jmtrons of this ronil
between Omaha nnd Chicago , uro Its two trains
. of DAY COACHK3 , which are tlio . . . .
that liumiin art and iHiromiltr can crcato. Ill
I'AI/AtKSI.EEI'INOCAHS , which are moilcU
of comfort and oleimtico. Its PAULO It DHAW-
INO ROOM CAHS , iiii urimsso. ! liy any. anil Ita
wliloly cnlobratoil PALATIAL DlNlNO OAKS
tno cqmil of which cannot bo fouml clsotrhern
At Council IlltiUs the trains of thoUnlonPucltlo
Ity. connect In Union Depot with those or tlio
CnlenROit Notthwcstorn lly. In Cblcngo tlip
trains orthls line iniiko close connection with
those ol all eastern linos.
For HotioU , Columbus Indianapolis , Clnciiv
nati , Niagara Falls , UnfTnlo , Pltttburp.TornntOi
Mnntrmd , Ilnstnn , Now Vonc , I'liiludelpliln
Bfiltlinoro. Wa hlnRton and All points : n the
east , ask tor a ticket via thn
"NOHTHVVKSTF.UN. " wish the bust accommodation. All tlckc
apcnts sell tickets via this line.
Ucnl Manager , Oonl. Pasg'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Western Atrent. City I'uss'r Agent ,
Oniulia , Nebraska.
The Best Route from Omaha and I
Council Bluffn to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarUapid
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubtique , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northcmt
nnd Bouthciist.
For through tlrkots call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Karnnm t > trcctln ( I'uxtou hotel ) , oral
Union 1'uclHu Dojiot.
I'uiltnnn Bloopers and the finest Dlnlntr Cars
In the world aru inn on the mainlines of the
and every attention U paid to pnisongtrs by
courtooiia employes or the company.
H. MII.I.KII , CJcnond Mnnncror.
J , K. TUCKEII , Assistant Uonetal Mana r ,
A. V. 1L CAitftNTEii , Utnorul I'ussunKor and
Ticket Agent ,
Gr.o. K. llEAFFOiin , A < tlstant Guucral l'a -
tcnirerand Ticket Agent.
J. T. CI.AIIK , General Superintendent.
A Inrgp number of reconled 1'eruhoron nnd
ClydesJulo Stallions. Also Homo llrcd iJolta.
Kvcry annnnl gtuiranteeil a brooder. 1'rk-ea
rcHsoniilileaiul terms cu y Utirt.took hns boon
selected with reference to both Individual
merit und padlurec. A lurtru niimhur of our
Stallions are acclimated nnd Cults of their got
can bo shown. York U on the II. It M. II , it. ,
two hour * ' rlo ( | west of Lincoln. For cat >
ogucg and further Inforinatl'm , nMren _ ,
Fit * . * VAUUIMCJJ , York , * * * .
Omaha Jobbers'
Director. , .
Agricultural trnphmenli.
Whotaiale Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wngong ,
ml litth'Oni U , N b ,
ARTicultnrnl Implements ,
Wnpon , C rrl fp < , UueBlct , Kir. , Whalf-slo , Om h .
tf , FRIED < C CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails ,
Tlnwnro , Sheet Iron , Kt . Aecnl for Howe S
nntl Miami I'uwtlerro..lmnli , N b.
WholonloDrnlcrii In
Aprlculiurol Implements ,
IVnKonmnJ Iluutles. l n , ! .0lOJ ami ! C7 , lonte t
Artists' Material.
" "
Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd Orgnns ,
1 I3 louiln ) * Street ,
Builders' Hardy/art and Scales.
Bnlldors'Hardwnrc&Scalo Repair Shop
Mechanics'Tools nnd HnJalo .So le > . 1100 Douula , § u ,
> Oninlm. Nrb.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturer ! uil Wholesale Dealer * In
lluots ami Shoes ,
Complotc tncK of Hublicr Cnoils nlwati on hand
KU S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. A. T. All'tln , Agent.
? r. r. BLOUSE its co.
Jobbers of IJools ami Shoes.
1111 Knmaru tl , Omnhn , Xcb. Xniuifnctoty , Bummot
Whnlosiilo Itiibbjr H3Dt > i an I Shoes
llulibor nml OileU Cloihliiir ami Felt Hoots
mill Slums , jjoulhcn" ! roinurl4Ui uml
Apt. for Auhenscr-lhisli I5rowhifr Ass'n
Epcclnl Ilrands. Fnntt , Itudwplner nnd KrlanRor.
Lager Ueer Brewers ,
1521 North Hth Street , Ora h , Neb.
Butchers' Toots.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
lautago Caning ! of all klmli always In stock. 1115
toffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha' CoiTvo and Spice Mills.
Te * .OoTpe ( , Fplce . nuking Voifdor.
tracti , l unanr lllue , Ink. Ktr. HU-
htrcet. Uumba. Mb.
Home Coflt-o anil Spire Mills M'f'fif Co.
Cnffeenoamer8 nd fiplco Orlndcrs. lUnnfaiiuren
ofUsHInK I'o-Tdcr , Kln orlnu Uitrnct" . IllulnB. Ktr.
Trv une cns fif dnr ! ! & packticn lloinnlslciia Kun tea
Ootfue. Vaj Howard t . Omnhn. .Nvr.
John Epenetcr , Frop.
Mcr.ufncturor of Galvnnlied Iron and Corntco. 923
Dodie nd 103 anrt 134 N. IQtU t. . tlroaha. Neb.
Mnnnfiictureri or
Ornnniontal Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows. Finals. Melnllc Skylight , etc. 3198.
12t'i t. , Omalm. .
C. Specht , Prop.
OalTanlicd Iron Cornlcos , etc. fltjpct > Improved I'nt-
ent Mctallc Skylluht. UM and&lu H.rJtli t.maha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Tings ,
Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. 1511 Doug'qa ' itn-et.
A' . A. ORUllA KD ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlngi , Curtain Goods Eta 1 < 23 Farnam Street ,
OniahH. Neb.
_ _
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for thoMunufactumsnncl Importer ! ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , CbtniQv ) > , etc. Office , 317 South Utb. tt ,
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and .lobbing : .
Butter. KRKBaml 1'roiluco. ConHliinmenti lollclttd.
Hcailquurters ( or btonowaro , Iierrr Ilozoi and
Urapo Ilaiketi. 1414 Doilijostreet , umaha.
Cominlssiou Merchants.
Fruits , Produce nnd ProTlilont , Onmha , Neb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Hulter. KffK . cihceso , Poultry. Game ,
OjBters , Ktc. , Ktc. 113 South 14th street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Foultrj , Duller , Oanm. Fiults , etc. 10 B. lithit
( iTiiulia , Neb ,
Coal anif Lime.
Oso. f. lAiiAOii. I'rrs. C. F. adoimAX , V.
J. A. HU.NDIHI.AKD , See. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
JOT South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , N b.
, / . , r. JOHNSON tl ! CO. ,
MannfacturorB of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement , flaster ,
IJmc. llalr. lira nrlck , Drain , Til * und Sewer Pipe ,
onice. I'miton Ilptal. rarnum > t. , Omiiha , Nub.
Telephone fell.
Maiinfaiiturinff Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Krults.Nuti und Clcuu. 1211 tarnam BU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns and Amniunltlon , 215 ton ] S. llth > t. , 1(90 ( to
imt r rnam St. . Omaha. Neh.
Manufacturers of Fine Cicrars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In I.cnf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
and 110 N. Mth i-tr et. Ornnhi.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH di CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishinpfioodfl & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douvlii , cor. llth St. , Omaba , Neb.
DlitlMurs of Liquors , Alcohol and Fnlrlts. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlncsauu Liquors.
CO. and ILER & CO. ,
Importers and Jobbercof Fine Wlnei and Llqnon.
Solo m nuf oturersnf Kennedy's Km India lilt-
tors and linmrs'lo Liquors. 1)12 ) llnrney Ht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. It.BAUEH.Pr . J.W.ntnronn.Soc.ATrani
U. J. CAHSOK , V.lre > . nnd Eupt.
0Bce 213 H. 14th ( . . Omaha. Neb. Mnchlnerr and
Bnppllei ( orMauufacturlntf CciuCDt Drain Tile.
H. w lioar.its , It. 5. lUiiiiint :
PPH. KST\iH.imii'i l'7'S. ' V 'cn-Pns.
Joblicrs and Storcrsol Grain.
hip moms of ilcik'-f8ollcllo : | and Batlsfuctlou
KUiiruntcod , Uinhait Ncli.
J > Kir/Jl7c STONE ,
Uealers in Ttiruituro.
I'amam it. . Oinahii , Neb.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory !
Groceries ,
pA WNTG iJ fnn R nSor
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noa , TUS.Tm.TWandma.lOthSt.Onisha. N b.
McCORD , AD Y < f CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and I.MTCnwortb ittOmaha.
Hardware ,
w. , r. BROATCH ,
Heavy Hnnlwnre , Iron nrnl Steel ,
SprlujsVncon Ftnck. llnnlnuro Lumbir , tic. 1JOI
niul Ull llarnc/ . , Omatia.
Wholcsiilo Iron mid Steel ,
WaiotiamlCarrluRO Wood Block. Henry HantwkM
Kto. HIT ami 12IS I.MTpnworth it. , Omaha , Neb !
Stoves , HaiiffC ! , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mltnllei , Uratei , Urutsnoods. Inland 1333 VarntB
Mre t.
Iron Wonts.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and rn t Iron llnlMInuVot1i , Iron Plnlrn ,
HMllnn , llcnnn and ( < lrdrs , Nienm Knxlnvs , Hran
Work , UMiaral ffoumlry , Mnrhlno nnd lllarkiiullk
Work. 1' . Ur.nmllUhMicot.
V. II. MC.MA.Ntt ? . C.
Miimifnchirrrs of
Wire and Iron Kiiilinffi * , Desk Rails ,
\Vlmlow ( limrd * . Flower HtnmK Wire Slum. Hto
12.iN.lCth. Orilerj bj umll promptly attended to.
Lumber ,
r > c.llO' . . AllKlml.of
.Building1 Mutorinl at Wholcsp.lo.
18th Street nnd Union I'nclllo Trick , Omaha.
Dealer in Lninlicr , Lath , Lime , Saali ,
) eon , Ktc. YurdJ Corner7tli nntl Douglas ; Corner
Dili niul Don ( In * .
Wholesale Lumber ,
148. lllhstrpct , OmnhiiiNcb. p.Colpcttcr , Manncer.
13th nnd Cnllforrln r < trf ets , Omaha , Neb.
Lnmher , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cvr.Ctb nnd Douglas ets. , Omaha. No1) .
To Dealers Only.
Offlco , 1 < 03 Fnrnnm street , Omahn.
Harthvood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and I'arqnrt Floorlnj. 9th and DonglM"
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnd Amcrlnm rortlsnd Cement. Sttt (
Agent forMIIwaukea llvJrnullc t'ctncul and Best
( julncr WhltcLlme.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Doyd , Superintendent.
Livt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
O o. Uurkc ,
union Stock Yards , S.timnhn. Telephone 66J.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bhlpmcnti of any and all kinds of Stock solicited.
Union Stock Tnrdr. Umaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobber ) of / ' <
Millinery and Notions , ' \
1713 and 1815 Ilatnoy St. ect. Omaha , Neb.
Wholenalo Dcalrrs In
Notions and Fiirnisliinsr Goods ,
< Ctl and I6 8. Tenth Ht , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leant Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 110 ? und 1104 Doujlas Street ,
UmahH , Nob.
Paper Boxes
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
B.lithHt. , Onaha , Ndbraakiu Orders br m
licltedand will roe lre prompt uuontlon.
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book Binders. 10D and 1(18 Houth KouucenU *
street. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Puhlishers.
Dealers In Type. Presses nrt Printers'Supplies. KM
fcouth Twelfth Street. . ,
Manufncturi-rs anil Dralori In
Engines , Hollers & ( ioiioritl Machinery
Bhoet Iron work , Httmm Pumpr.Haw Mills , Acme
Hhnftlnir , DoilKO Wood split Pulloyi , llaltlnir. eta ,
. ' - *
. - -
Alsowiiuons , i.crn.ers.ii |
venworth st. Uainhu
Wholesale Hardware.
ncents fnr Jefferson Htcel Nxlls. Austlsl
TondcrCu , Knlrbankn UniulorJ Krnlos. Corner <
lOtli and llnrncr , Omaha. f
Wholesulo Pumps , 1'ipc , Fitthiffs , '
Bteamuml Water Hunnllos. HvaJquurters fi > r ) Ia
Fo ntCo'sUoo'ls. lllll' runru st. , Ornuhu. Neb.
Tumps , I'ipoH nnd Englnci * .
Bteam , Wnter. lUllway and Mllllne Kuprllei. KK %
WO , VW nd VH harnam St. , Omaha , Nub.
tlalladay Wind Mills : r-icnm and Water Supnllo * ,
FlumblngUocds. lleltlnic , lime. UI8 and 9JO tut-
oaiust.UuiHlia. U.K. t-cltnnManager.
Telephone No. 310.
Safes , Etc.
for Hall'H Kafo & Lock Co.s'
Flro and lliuir ar Proof Uafei , Tlraa.Ixirki , V > ult4
, andJiill Worn. IMJ Kanum struct Qmalia. NoU.
Omaha Kafo Works ,
UnnufHCtureniof Klro and Jluridui Proof S f , yi. _
Doors , Jnll Wcrk.Khut.rrs uud V.'lro Work. Cur.
14th uiiil Jnckson Hts , Omr.ha , .S Jb ,
" "
"Sash , Doors , Etc.
M''A.D isn itow iiVo. ? ,
Wholeiatv ManuACtJf0r ( > of
Sush , Doors , Jlliuds nnd Monldinpfl ,
IUanchoacellli ( iI [ " ' "
Manufacturers , af St'th , floor $ . Blinift ,
MouM'nidi.Stalr ' Work unit Inleflar lUnl Vfoo.1 nntsll
Juit opened , . K tor. HU uurt , awtiitUBls.
Ounbn , Neb.