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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1887)
' THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : , WEDNESDAY. MARCH 16 , 1887. BPEOIALNOT1OES ; Advertisements under thu he/id , 10 cent > per line tor tbo first Ineortion , ' cents for each sub- lonuent Intcrtlon , and $1.50 a line per month Vo advertisement token for less than 25 cents for tUo nrst Inccrtlon. Hevon words will bo counted to the line ; they munt run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo hunJod | n before 1 ! 30 o'clock I > , m , . nndundpp no clrcunHtances will they betaken taken or rtlsrontlnited by telephone. Parties advertising In these column ! nnd harIng - Ing the answers uJdre'srd In care of Trti Dec > Tllliili-ai < o nsk for n chock toenablothom toge * tlielr letters , oa none will bo dollrerod except cn uresontallun of check. All answers to ad- VBrtiscmonts should bo enclosed In envelopes. MONEY TO LOAN. mONEY To loan on residence property. M Long nnd short ttmo. City mortgages bought. US. Rowley.314So. Hthst. 7U9-18. [ "ONEY to loan on real estate nnd chattels I S. Katz& Co. 1611 Farnara at , ground floor. fONEV to loan on Improved city property nt L o per cent. Money on hand ; do not hate to wait. Have n complete sot of abstract books pf Douglns rounty. I. N. Watson , abstractor llarrls Heal llstnto nnd Loan Co. , 320 S. 16th at. $800.000 to IOAQ , Sums { 600 nnd upwards , Lowest rates , florals , room 3 , Darker block , f. W. coj . 15th nnd Knrnam sis. 123 MONfiY-rirst mortgage notes. The Douglai county bunk will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. V-i 6PL'R CENT Monny to loan. Gregory Ic Hndley , Rooms 1 and 3 , Ilcdick block , 320 S. 15th 125 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real nstnto : no commission charged. Leavltt Hum- bum , Koom 1 Crolgbton lilock. 117 TVTONKY to loan on improved city property , iTL rory lowest rjtos. C. J. Caswell , room 1 . Nebraska Not'lbank. > W ml7 T OANS-Loans Loan * . Iteal estate loans , Collatrrlal loans. Chattel loans. long time loani. Bhort time loans. Money always on hand to loan on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold. Omaha financial Exchange , n. w. cor. 15th and Ilnrnov. Corbctt , Mnnngrr. 119 MONEY to loon , cash on delay. J. W. nnd F. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam ft. , Taxton hotel building. 120 $ 1600.0COTO LOAN at 6 per cent J. J. Mahoney - honey , 160 ! ) Farnam. 121 r-APKll CENT Money. U R , c. Patterson , 15th nr.d Hnrncy. 123 MONEY to loan In sums to suit , from $1,000 to $50,000 ; no delay. Tuttle * Allison. 211 B. 13th St. 822m21 LOAN Money Loam placed on 1m- proved real estate In city or county for Kew England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 11th and Chlnago sti. 120 \fONKY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop- ATI , orty , low rates. Btowart & Co. , Itoom 3 Iron bank. 127 IONRV TO IX3AN-O F. Davis Sc Co..real i. estate and loan ugonts , 1605 far n am st. [ ONEY TO LOAN-On roalestato and chat- L tola : D. U Thomas. 129 < l 500OtJ ) To loan on Oinnlm city property at 0 P per cont. U. W. Day , over 1312 Douglas st. TTfONl ! TO LOAN bytbo nndorslgnod , who 1 > 1 has the only properly organized loan ngoncr In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 mudo on furnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , rnuchlnery , &o , without removal. No delays All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any lino.oach jmymont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances inado on flno watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming into oxlstonco. Should you need money par nnd see me. W. n. Crolt , lloom i Wthnol Jlulldlng , 15th and Harnoy. 131 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood k Co.'s Loan Ofllco , on furnlturo , pianos , horsos.wagons personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar tlclos of value , without removal. U19 S. 13th over Illngham'a Commission store. JVH busi ness strictly confidential. 133 BUSINESS CHANCES. " 171011 BALE Good paying stationery , news Jcigars and tobacco store ; wood location Rood reasons for Belling. Address O 43 , Dei offlco. 808-20 * "ITIOR BALE Confectionery , tobacco and clpai J. store , good location and established trade Cull at the Acme Agency , U09H N 15th st 835 17 * POR SALKoi-Bxchango-Anow35 hbl com blnution mill situated on Llttlo Illu irlvor , near Hebron , in Thaynr county. Will ox- fhaiigo for wild or Improved lands or Uvo stock. Vor further particulars address First National Unnk. Hebron , Neb. 839 T710R HALE Short order restaurant. Good JL location , good business. Profits last month over $300. Addro sQ 12 , Boo office. & ! 3 10 * "ITUNK Chance Wanted Stock of groceries Jor hardaro In oxcbnngo for 100 acres of the finest land In Nebraska , within 50 mlloa of Uuiaha. Inquire of llertbold & Co. , 6208.10th st. tCO TJ1OR SALE-Goldcn Opportunity. Drug - * - store in ono of the best towns In Ne braska doing a business from $15,0'HJto $20,000 J > eryoar. Invoice , $0.000. For particulars , address - dress 821 N. 15th st. , Omaha. Neb. 818 17 * JACKSON STREET Steam Laundry nnd Rath v House for sola on account of dissolution of partnership. The old established and good feaylng business will be offered for sale at a Jmrguin. Tbls placebo * just boon Improved with a now brick bailer room and wnsh bouse , new bath tubi , and Is In first-clues shnpo throughout. This Is a raroohanco , aa it has peon running with success for over five years. IV-2 cash , balance to suit , purchaser. Inquire on promises , 915 Jackson street. 6J3 2U * . * IJ OR SALR Or trade lor land , best hotel In i JC WukeUold doing excellent business. Address J.H. nenn.Wakollold. Nob. 624 31 * "CTOUSKS-LotsFarmsLands-money loanod. JtJL Bonus' city miips , 5x7 feet , $3.50 each. itemlsroom3. Barker block , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 123 , t > ANK for sale in a now rapidly growing town ' f > of 000 Inhabitants , line deposits. Mono/ loans from U to 4 portent , monthly. A splendid chance. Address D 39 , Dec olllce. 915 TpOR 8AL15-Haf ! Interest In one of the best * - paying drug stores In southwestern Iowa , Capital required , $3.500 , Address 1 > 40 , Dee of- floe- H18 LOST. T O3T Plain gold Ting , on So 13th st , or on J-J our. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by roturnlng to . K. Copson , 1527 Bo ttth st. 880 17 * "T OST Hod pocket book containing notes arid J-J accgiujts , su liable reward for return of nyto Wilson ft Stratton , over Merchants bk. | 771 T OST $5 reward ; large dog yellow and white. J-uloturn to Frank J. lUmge. esa PERSONAL. IJERSONAL A young gentleman , a stranger In the olty , would Ilka to make the ao- nulntanco of a young lady. Object social en- Joimont. Q 40 Hoe. 71)418 ) * MRS. DURANT , Olarlvoynat , from Ilostou , will remain In the city a short time only. Hboroadstho deepest secrets , unfolds the fu ture , unltpa separated lovers , causes speedy innrrlagos. Is veay reliable in all nil airs of life. Uoom 1. Lyons blk. . 10th and Chlcugo. 1'21-lG ' * I > nusONAI/-We call tbo attention of Inves- torsond oiuonlaiorsln Omaha Real Estate to our special drive In bam Hinu.of which wo are sole ngents. They are worthy of Investigation. J. L. Rice Sc Co. , Room C , over Commercial Nmlonnl bank. ota I > EIIHONAL For grading , sodding , pruning trees , planting shrubs , flowers and itonorul cleaning up. Addreis J. Astloford. 6th and Dorcaa Bt , city. 687 16 * ipLAIRVOYANT-.Madam Alaska revcaU \ . ' past , present and future. Satisfaction guaranteed. 513 8 IBih. st. 309 a 3 "PERSONAL private home for Indies during -L confinement. Strictly confidential , in- lants adopted. Address U 42 , Dee ofllco. . . . . . | Ml-mM IJKIlSONAL-Mrs. Dr. Nannit V. VVarFen clairvoyant. Medical and biialnei * Medluui Itoom N& 8,121 North ICtU gt .Omulia. Neb. 134 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MISOELLANEOtrS. Tvrna "M. oHLHN6oniaF.aER--nmiu6tcd midwife , cornerMth and Cumlng et , iii j. t''uU * fno parties having housoi for runt , Rental - tAc nuy. Donawa & Co. , IMt. . opposltu pohl- pfnco , \ \ o have turned over to them our rental lut. ricoiulucndthom. McC gu * llros. 610 solicited with reltablo \J parties who can furnish capital to build and operate n canning factory In n western town. Cash bonus to the right party. Ad dress II. O. Cross , Inniun , Neb. 84J 33 * " organs , $3 per month. Moupe , 1613Dougln . _ P3J fnoit ItENT Hquuro Flano , $ t niontnlr. A JL1 Hoipc. 1613 Douglttn. _ VSi T/1IR5T-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th n , .L _ 723 HOUSES Iot ! , Farms , Lands-money leaned , llctnts'clty maps , 6x7 foet. $2.50 each. llemln , room 3 , Darker block , 8. W , cor. 15th und Farnam sis. 2S7 " \TOriCE-All pmtlo.swho have bought lots -l- > la Hllllkn'ft First will - - addition pay over the money to United fcutes National bank. Hllllko. FOR HALE Or Trade A splendid now nnd clean stock of diy goods ; Invoice about $7,000 ! will take part cash , part real estate. This Block Is In u thriving nnd llvo town ; good trade established ; good rnason for Rolling. Purk & Fowler , room 4,1522 Douglas street. 7TO 17 HORDES Ct.lPPED-Atthn fairgrounds for $3.UO , Adam Thomson ! good work guar anteed. , 770-2J * F you want to buy or sell furnlturo , go to J. I crimson's , 715 N. Irtth. 7.17 i'NVbodv "w'intfnir wciTs bored call 1022 N. " LlMh Telephone 812. ( HI 10' rpIIOHE Inloiidlng to put out Irons , shrubs , -L vlnoHiind pl'ints will llnd it to thnlr Inter est lo cull on or uudross E L. ISmery , 1300 liar- ncy st. JUJ15 POIinBNT Squiiro I'lano J monthly. A Hospo. 1513 Douirlag. 13.1 ifARLiSa PONTE/r."analytical chcmlsT'iind cnitlnc'cr , analysis of oioscoals andussaya ntiil analysis of all kinds , chemist and minor- nloglst to the U. P. It. R. for 15 years. No. 150J Webster cor 16th st , P. O. llox 404. ClflmlB * N EW lloirdlng House , flno tables , clean nnd palatable victuals. 1410 Chicago et , 305 - - storugo for nlco rur- STOIlAGE-Flrst-cluss ulturo or boxed goods , at 1513 Uodno-Rt. FOR SALE MISOELLANEOUS. FOR PALE Furnlturo , carpets , pinna , eto. , of handsome , now east Iront house , near business contoi' . All now , elegant nnd n bar gain ; nlso louso. Parties leaving city. FM. lice. FOR SALE Fine driving horse for family uvo ; perfectly sound , Kind and gentle ; can bo seen nt Furay'u stables , Cumlng blrcot. 8.S2-15 * FOR SALH-Clovcland Hay Stallion , Derby Hey , and Gen. Cleveland , rising three and fouryoars old , bred In Canada nnd recorded In Canadian Stud Hook , Priors reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser. Address J. G. Hall , Gibbon. Nob. 841 1'J ' * FOll SALE Doi-ble barrel shotgun. Price $15. Cnn be soon ntlKOJ Webster. 737 15 * T710R SALE-Chcap A bay horse 8 years old , -L' buckboard , wagon , harness ; sound , good traveler ; lady can drlvo. Address G 6 , Ileo ollloo. 13 r FOR BALE A lot of good fresh milk cows , from Iowa , Also a line Jersey bull for service and for salo. Corner 10th and Capitol avo. Crone & lloylea. 07515 * FOll SALE A Lyon & Hoaloy upr ight plnno six octavos , good as now. nt a very desirable bargain. 414N. luthst. 707 FOll SALE -A Clyde Canadian stallion. In quire saloon , cor 17th und Vlnton. 80221 * TTUMl SALE Heavy draught team , cheap for Jcash. . Address G 15 , Ileo oHIuo. C07-15 * [ / Oll SALE A good 0-year-old ponyatllON P 13th at. 170 F Ott SALE Fine Humtilctonlan Stallion ( pedIgreed Igrood ) at a bargain. C. D. Sutphon , 1323 Farnam. 427 19 TIIOR SALE-Largn flro proof safe. Apply atC -C water works olflco , 1513 , Farnam street , 825 17 HOUSES-Lots.FarragLands monov loaned , Ilomia' city maps , 6x7 foot , $2.50 each. Uomls , room 3 , Darker blocic , S. W , cor. 15th und Farnain Bis. 123 FOR SALE 2 million brick and upwards no Bldos dally out put of 30,000. Enqillro on promises , cor Dorcafl and 2nd sts. Omaha Drlok and Term Cotta Mfg. Co 030 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Young man as shipping clerk It lumber yard. Call between 11 and 12 , MIC Farnam. 010 10 WANTED First-class flnlshor on blank book nnd general work. Good wngo.s , steady employment. GuzoUo-Journal , Hastings , Neb , 884 10. T17ANTED-Compotont flower unrdonor. D. V > Haas , Huscuirs Park , 87313 * WANTED A capable boy or young man. $20 per month ; BOO Theo. Williams , Ileo office. 871 WANTED A first class plo baker , address G 44 Dee ofllco. 803 17 * WANTED Good girl to do housework In private boarding house ; good wages , at G17 South 12th. 84010 * " \77ANTED Good stenographer Immediately. TT Must write good longhand. Apply Valen tino's Bhorthard Institute , 1515 Dodge st. 801 15 WANTED- Agents for "Marvelous Wonders of the World. " Elegantly Illustrated , nnd sells ut Bight Agents are coining money. Ladles or gentlemen can sell this book. Send for circulars nnd terms , and enclose 2 cts. Ad- drcsj norland * Co. , 1UJ State St. , Chicago. 111. 650 10' _ \\7'ANTED-3 first-class waiters , WAKPS $25 TT per month , board and room , Apply nt Norris restaurant , 104 S 10th Bt. 031 VV rANTEO-dood milker Llttloueld , Saratoga TT Dairy. 77410 * VV ANTED Younfformlddlo-ugod mon. None TT but good , active mon of education need apply. Room 18 , Uushman block. J , M. French ft Co. 674 15 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED Immediately , two schoolboys wllh horses to carry routed on Dully Evening lieo. 653 W ANTUD Doyln clothing store , 814 Soutn 10th street. 901-10 WWANTED WANTED Experienced dry goods travelling ealoman having an established trade in the country tributary to Kansas City. State amount of trade , territory covered , und how long. Address , with reference , W. H. Grimes Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 358 WANTED 60 sober , intelligent mon of good address to try a lOo moul at Norris' res. taurant,104Sinthat 136 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \TTANTEO-Flrst-class girl for housework , T T 803 B. 23d bet Farnam and Douglas. 909 ANTED Qlrl for general housework , up- Dly S. W. cor 25th and Caldwoll. 8(53 ( 17 * WANTED A girl to go west to do general housework in a family of throe. Apply at 20t Suundors atruot.wcst stdo , ono block above Luke , bolorol o'clock. 870-17 * ANTED A good girl for kltchnn work , 2015 Cass Bt. _ _ 878 10 * ANTED-Iramodlately. 2 nrst-class shirt Ironcrs at Nebraska Steam Laundry , 100 and 108 South 14th et , 875 ANTED -CliambormaU at once. 913 Doug- 1ns st 8Sl VI7ANTED A servant girl , a competent cook , IT waslior and Ironer ; none other licod apply ; reference ot last employer required ; good wages. 1822 Cumlng at. UOI10 WANTED A competent child nurse. Apply at 230581. Mary's nvo. 903 WANTED At once , a girl forgenoralhouse- work. 714 8. Iblh Bt. 90S Itt * W ANTKD Ladles to work tor ua at their own homos ; $7 to ID per week can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , uo canvass * Ing. For full particulars ploasa address ut once Crcjoont Art Ca , IV Central it. , Boston , Mass. , llox 5170. 003 WANTED A girl for general housework , lOOUPacltlost. 807-15 WANTED-A Gorman girl. Inquire 17U Jackson street. 8flO 17 * " MANTED Chambermaid and waiter nt M Planters houso. b31 15- WANTED A girl for general uouiowork , 1817 Cass. 60 WANTED-Good girl for general housework , must know bow to cook , good wagon , 19U Webster st. 2D 15' \\7ANTED An exposteneoil girl to take care of two children and do plain sewing , German preferred. SfJ South 23rd street. WANTED -Lady canVMJors everywhere for the Van-onion Long Wnlst Corset. OooJ . Circulars free. Address C'liuloa ' Prlnglo , enoral Agent , Omaha , Neb. 32316 * WANTED A young nurse girl for one child. Mrs. W. J. Wlnd or,2J19 Howard above 22nd. 840 15 * \ \ / ANTb'D A good lrl for eenoral house- Tt work In a family of two ; steady place and good wages. Inquire ot C. L. Krlckson St Cp.,3iaN , iJihBt. 8M19 * WANTED-A good nurio girl. Apply at 1U09 Farnam st , KtA W ANTED Dlding room girl , liinmct house. art W ANTED A ilrl to do hotlteworV In small family at 1112 South 13 st. 843 WANTED A irood Ctrl at the Vienna Restaurant , 1017 Howard sL 6J6 1B * _ W ANTED A competent girl for grnoral housework. 521 Pleasant et , 787 If * WWANTED WANTED Dining room girl at Miller's res- taurant. 1004 N 16th si. 398 \\7ASTED-A good g'fl ' for general house work In family of two. Must bo n good laundress. Apply 413 Convent St. 481 " \\7ANTUD Good cook and L uudrea3,202 N , i > 18th st. 6S W ANTED A good cook. Two in family. Residence 014 N2-.M. 444 SITUATION WANTED. W iVNTUO-PosItlon stonoGrnphor,1015 Dodge U03 " \\rANTKD Hr n rchnbloman evporlenccd In grape culture mill general furmlng-u position , or woulJ tnko charge ot a small farm. Address for 3 days , 3 , 43 IIoo olllcc. 830 17 * WANTED A business situation by a man of bruins , iibillty and experience im local or traveling- salesman , clerk or bookkeeper : best reference ; address 0 12 , cure IIoo. SL'U 15 * \\rANTF.D Situation as bookkeeper or as- slstunt or general elurk. Oood refer- cncoB. Address O 37 care Ileo. 784 15' WANTED A situation as bookkeeper or shorthand iiiiil typowrltor. Itolcroncos fnrnlsliud on short notice. Address I ) . L. Mono , 1'lutn Hollow , In. 702 17 * WAITED llyn young lady , a poiltlon ns copyist. Ian plain , rupld writer. Ad dress , (1 11 , IIoo olllce. 020 K- * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTEO-AII the old soldiers visiting thu encampment , who liao n llttlo loliuro to ilropln und liavou yarn with Comrndo W. S. Boavey , 111 South lull street. MM 10 WANTED-To rent n cottngo of four "or more rooms : rent not to exceed $20 per month. Address 0 61 , live olllco. 8 ! J 17 * \\7 ° ANTBD Single gentleman desires pleas- ' > nut room In private family , quiet part of city , St , Mary's or Park uvo preferred. Address O 50. lloo ollfeo. 8J7 lit * WANTED Two gentlemen boarders , with room , In prlvato family. $1 per week. Call at C. Bllvordulo's , 1317 Chicago st. 883 15 * WANTED To rent a hotel In omo llvo town In Nebraska , \\lth from 1 > to ' 1 rooms ; 111 purclmso part of furnlturo or lease the umo. Address O 19 , Ilco. 8S3-lfl WANTED-Ruggy horse , young , Rood style and sprod ; glvo description und price , ddross G 41 , Ileo office. 8VJ-17 * WANTED To oxclmngo a suburban lot for a ( rood driving horse. Address or call on I. 1' . Beutly , Herald building , l&tli and Hurney. 871 WANTED A gooo. horse and buprffy In n\- chniiKO for n lot. Church , Adiuns & Irandt , Itonl Hstato Dealers , It. U , Arlington ilk. 837 14' pO OHADEHSVimtod , estimate for L InirlXM ( yards of dirt Inquire at Itoom 15 , mnhii National llank. I' . J. Creodon. 815 15 \\7 ANTKD to Trado-FIno south front lot In V' Instil ute 1'laco for Rood slnwlo driving one. J. I * itlco Ic Co. , over Commercial ank. 851 WANTED To buy a modlum-sbcd second hand tiro-proof siU'o. Oeo. Hoyn.Oran 'to block. 8U 15 * W'ANTfiD. To rent n store room or half a store within two blocks of the opera ouso. Also ono or two unfurnished rooms icntrally located. Address , O 41 , Hoc. h"4 17 * WANTKO Ily lady ta lnc lesions homo in family , ctin make hursclf useful for Joard. Address GI1U lloo olllco. 77215' WANTED House of 10 rooms with nil mod orn Improvements , Kmslor , drURBUt , I'M' Farnum st. 7tU 17 WANTED A smslo trentloman wants n neatly turnlshed room. State terms and ocatlon. Address O 17 , Hoe office. r 55 WANTED To rent 10-room or moro house , for boarding purpose. Address O 13 , Boo ofllco. B17 15 * ANTED To rent furnished or unl'iirnl hod oottnpo or flat of 6 or 7 rooms , centrally "ocatcd. Address 0 3 , Hoe ollico. 631 -Teams , 3 < )3 ) S. llth st. STORAGE. OMAHA Storaifo Waronnuse Cnrnor 1.1th and Izurd Sts. , forstorau'o ot house old goods and KOnoral merchitndlso at low rates. Advances made ; Issue warehouse re ceipts. It. It. switch at the house , Olllco 61U South lllth street and liw. 11110 and 1.112 Izurd street. Tolophoun CA ) . M. S. ( Joodrlch , mgr. 013 m iB' FOR BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR KENT 100 aeroa ot cultivated and 20 acres of hay laud , cheap. IJelnclnrlT Uro , 210 13th st. W. ) 15 * K\On \ nKNT-SIx room coitapi' , U1U N 17th. Jt ; lleferonco required. 87710 * FOll KENT 4 now cottaaros on California uuil ; ntli ) slrcot , near Cumins street care. Kent $25 per month. Apply to Kaufman Hros. , S. inth st. ' 57.1 Er OU IIBNT A house and barn , with 20 acres 1 of Und , In Omaha. Sue Tlico.Vllllams' 014 Fnrimm ( Ileo onice ) . 551 F IOlt ItUNT-Drlok yards , T. Murray. 410 FOll HENT 80 acres of ground. Improved. North of the city 3 mllos. II. C. Patterson , 16th juidj larnoy. 373 FOR UENT-CottaTos , houses and stores , alF desirable and well lojntod , from $3) per month up. L. liurnhntn , Uoom 1 Crelghton lilock. 117 FOIlRENT-2nd floor. 22x130 ft , irood Hirht ; use of hydraulic elevator included. En quire at 1405 Douglas st. 481 FOR KENT. Front office on 15th St. 7 room house , city wafer , &o. , $30.00. 0 room house , ail conveniences. $40. 0 room house , cor. Jackson and Co I fax. $50. Gregory & Hadley. BIT Itooms 1 and 3 Kedtck Ulk , 320 S. 15th St. pOR HENT-Stable , Capitol ave and llth. En ' qulro room 0 , Arlington block. 742 FOll HUNT M of n largo oflleo well located , Inquire of Swan A Co. , 1521Dodgo st. 759 FOK HENT BOOMS. T710H RENT Furnishnd rooms with or with" JJ out board , 800 North 17th si. 804 20 * THOU HUNT Three very cholco unfurnished J ? rooms with every convenience : only ono b'ock from postotllco. Apply W. S. Sonvoy. Ill South 14th street. 870 17 FOll UENT-Fiirnlsho I room In Enowolil's block nt Sfi.OJ per month. Inquire at 017 Virginia avonuo. 900-1Q T710II HENT-Furnlshod rooms for ono gontlo- -L1 man. $ Spcr month. OJ5 N. 17th 81. 7j ! ) 15 * F 1011 RENT-Furnished rooms , 711 N. 19th. 729-alO * TOTOR RENT-Blegant furnished rooms ; all JL' modern conveniences on paved street and street oar lino. No llnor location In city. Call at my ofllco. L. P. Hammond , room 3 , 15iJ Douglas st , 010 FOH KENT Desirable furnished sunny room with board for two gentlemen. Pleasant homo , terms reasonable. 6J5 Pleasant st. 05013 * FOll RENT Furnished rooms with board , nlso unfurnished for light housekeeping. Davenport , corner 30th st. Mrs. G. B. Evans. 800-10 * F I OR RENT. Furnished rooms 401 N. J5th St , 83515 * T710R RENT. Ptonsant rooms , modern conJ - Jvonlcnces , 1724 Capitol nvo , 81018 FOR KENT A largo room Biittahlo for gro cery store , In splendid location In best part of city. A successful grocery business has boon carried on hero for several years. A long ICMSO und easy terms will be given to a respon sible party. Enqulro of Enawold * Dnrrott , _ _ _ _ FOR llE NT Elegantly furnished front par- lor ; use pas and bath. Ill S. 15th st. 00017' FOR RENT- Elegantly furnlshod rooms. All moderd conveniences on pixvod street and street car lino. No Hner location In city. Call at mv olllce. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 1&23 Douglas st. C.TO _ lOll HUNT Desk room to rent John Gal- _ st. _ CiM 15 FOR RKNT-Storo room and No. HON. 14th st. basement. ssj FOll RENT-Handsomely furnished rooms. Modern conveniences. 320 North 15th st. ana IB * RENT-Finely furnished room at 704 Sout hJSth 8t. 01828' ri RENT Large desirable front room , 1923 Dodge st. MJ 15 * FOR RENT A furnished parlor , warm ; mod erate oonvcnlenci's. wltu nrat-cluu board , for two gentlemen. 1814 Dodjeet. t > Cl T710R RENT A nlco front room with alcove -L hot and cold water bath. Oaj.OJO fconth Rlth , corner § t. Marareuue. . 421 T710R RENT Nlo/iy furnished rooms at roa- JJ sonablo rates , ono clock from court house , 600 So 18th et , north St , Mary's ave , up stairs. "ipOR HUNT WIcBly furnlshod front room 3 JD blocks south ot-the Opera HouseMtS.lonos , f , , l FOR HENT-NI ly furnlshnd rooms , 2227 Dodge St. , BO modnrn Improvement. 617 SALE.-HOUSES--LOT8. FOB - - - . JF. . HAMMOND , Real Kitulo , 117 S. ICth St. , llrst door north of Douglas. Douglas bet 10th and llth. 4lxi : , Imp. . . . 25,000 Doilglus corner ! ltTimxSi < , price ! iiOOJ Douglas cornerl2th , partly improved . . . 25.00J Douglas Hot 12111 and 13th. 4lxfS . ' , n5.00U Dodge , corner 12th , Otixl32. partly Imp. . . 3J.ooil Cnpltol nvo. , north front , OHfl'l ' 12,000 Davonpoit st. 22 fvpt no-ir 10th , price , . . , " 'SW Davenport st. , ror. 17th , 85x120 S\W ( Harnovst bet. llth and 12th , Imp 3),000 ) Hnrncy st bet. 15th and 10th , ( i lot 33x132 20,000 Harnoy flt.oor. 19th , 4UU-IOX15' . 2VOOO Howard bet. llth nnd 13th.cor , part Imp 45,000 Jackson st. cor. 12th , full lot Mxui'j 2Jr > 03 Jackson t. 12th , COxiSJ , part Imp IP.WO "ones st. cor. 15tli. 1 l.'feot on 16th 21,0.10 ones st. 16th , 00x13. , price 40.0JO 8'tt 15 , ! SOUTH front lots In Highland Park add. , J30G U cash , balance0 ! every thrco months ; price lift * * . Apply to Frank F. Williams ft Co. , 15th nd Chicago , roar Douglas County hank , W.MO ii'OR SALE Nino-room house corner 22nd -I and Miami slreots. For sale or trade the > est farmnlso unimproved land on the 11. A.M. t. R. In Custor county. N. E. Adams , corner 22nd and Miami streets. lAVSO * 100 xl30 In block n , Hanscom Place , Gregory Ac lladley,3.'OS 15th et. 63d FOR SALE 5 room cottngo with lot 3til and alloy , Mlllnrd \ Caldwcll's ndd. , Ju t elf Sherman ave , $ l00. l > . J. L. Rice & Co. 853 rT A RT'.S sub. Is f list cast oftho Academy nt ri. the SnciPd Heart. Lots selling nt fiom 1,400 to $1,500. Frank F. Williams & Co. , \gents , 10th and Chicago sts. , roar douglas Co. lank. b9710 FOll SALE Desirable rcsldonco property on Capital Hill. Inquire 22.2J Davenport st. 50A OH SALE Flno corner lot In Ambler Place , F II.OJO. J. L. Itlco i Co. 853 4,000 will buy a nleo7-room house with lot on n Virginia avenue Imlf block from street cars , ard and soft water , gas , oto..etp. $ ' ' , lOi ) ousli uid possession In a very short tlmu. Cell on bhttw & Co , 510 S Ifith at. bo1) ) C10K SALE llurgaln in ncro property. A finely lmpro\od farm of "OJ noros only icvoii miles from the Omaha postofllco and only hrco miles from South Omaha Ftock yards , Incst stock feeding farm In Nebraska , running ivntvriull length of farm on eastern boundary , If sold within two weeks can bo had at a re- narkiibly low llguro. Apply for price , terms , etc. , room S3 Arllng- on lilock , west of post ollico. 8.IJ I HAVESlotflln Albright'B Choice which Is my personal property. I will to soil for $173 per lot : l-5cash on each lot , bal. $10 per month. These lots are high and lovol. adjoin- ng the Annex. E. F. Morenrtv , at Gulo City lloal Estate Ollico , 1320 Douglas , B37 SALE Ono of the best oornor lots In FOH . Ile.o Is $7 000 of ibargain. . Ap- > ly to Frank F Williams Ic Co. , ICtu and Chl- .ago ts. , rear Douglas Co. bank. 8i710. ! HOUSES LotsFarmsI.undsmoney loaned , llerals' city maps , 5x7 feet , $ J.50 onoli. llemls , rooms , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th nnd Knrnam sts. 237 H ANSOOM Place , lot 10 In block 9 , 2IOl ) , . half cash , Imlanco 1,2 and 3 ynnrs. 475 Gregory 4 Hadley. 320 S. 15th Bt. FOll SALE arTitacro' ? of No. 1 land Nuckolls coilnly , Neb. , within 14 miles of the town of Superior and It. li. dopot. Inquire KVM3 lllth bt , OmaOit , Neb. M. Hcdington. aw 10 * CHAP. E. niritMKaTF.11,414 South 15th st.lm for sale \ , 8 44 ft line birMnoia property on Farnam St. , ono of the Qnest NV corners on Farnain St. , 63x132 ft. 2 elegant lot < lla > ( ayno place. fi lots In Siuimortl & Hlinobaugha addition , cheap , for a lYk tfiys enl } ' . 1 line lot In Iibpravement addition. J-otj In Ccntfrm lrk and Oak hill. 5 room cottage and lot In Thornclls add. , a bargain. B > - * lo room houo n 4 lot on California street , all modern conveniences. 87'J-IO GHEAT 3lOjacrea 4 miles from city limits ; onoofthq beet dairy farms In the world , good house , woil. spring , 5 aero orchard and fruit of all kinds , M ) per ucro. 1 aero near St Marys ave will rnnko 6 good lots that will rrndilv sell for ri.OW pacli only $8 , < WOi Active Heal Estajo and Property Exchange , 1624 Dodgqst. ; Hi'S ' IB LIST your property with us If you want It Bold , for wo mean business , Plorco & Rogers , lloom 5 Afilngton Hlk. 8U TOHN ( JALLAOHIIH,317 South 13th st. Aero u property , lots all parts of the city. Cholco lots In Hanscom Place. House. rooms , lot CflxSfl , locution unsurpasjoil , $5,200. 2'J7a2 FOll SALE Choup. nlco largo lot , nvo dollars per month , Cf.ll at 401 N. 15th st. b2fl 10 * ] 7OK SALE 0 lots in Thornburg Place. 4,500 ? 120 feet on S.mndors St.por front loot 75 00x132 , corner Elevunworth and Seventh. 21,000 COVI32 , oornor Eleventh and Eighth 8' > ,0M ( 44x132 on Tenth near Howard 18/X10 Oflvl32on Jones near 1.1th- 17 , < WO TwolotB , Ito'orvolr additiontioth ( ) 8,300 Two lots on Stutost.Omttliii View 3 , ( W South front lot , Louvenworth st 000 House of U-roorosonSOtli st 4.2IX ) Hous-eor.VioomH.2 lull lots 2 , " East front lot , Kllby Place no Flno lot In I led ford Place 700 Housoof 4-rooms , Cedar st 1,200 6 lots In Hanicom Place. fiflx 1.12 font on I'-'th st , , M cash 2,000 Lot In Ambler Place , $100 cash 7IK ) 8i ) < cl20onSaundoriist. , near Lake 7,5 < K ) 73x120on Saunders at. . Improved ID/- " } H. W Huntress , 150 ! ) Furimm St. 830 lb * 5 LOTS at $375 per lor , ' / , mlle from Ham mond's Packing House , within 2 blocks of the now depot , 1-6 cash , balance $10 per month. E. F. Moroarty , owner , 1320 Douglas. 85S F OR SALE House 18x32 ; barn 14x2. : must bo removed. N. E , Cor. 2Jth and California. 700-16 * " 8WENSON & CO.-1404 Farnnm street , lloom 16 , dealers In realestalo and west ern land. Houses built to suit purchasers on monthly payment , h31-u14 100FEBT front on Fnrnnm st. This place Is worth 8H.OU1) ) moro than It can bo bought for for n few nuys. Apply to Frank F. Wil liams St Co. , ICth und Chicago ets. , roar Douglas Co. bank. t > i)5 ) 10 ROOMED house , lot 30x140 , one mlle liotn postolHcc , $2,600. Apply to Frank F. WIN Hams & Co. , 10th and Chicago , near Doutrlui County ban * . 8il ) 10 SPF.CAIAL nARGAINS-CluiliSondt lleutty , 219 So 14th st. liuslncss Property. Corner 12th nnd Jones , uixl33all paving taxes paid , cheap nt t25U30. Corni'r 12th nnd Jackson , C8xl32 , paving paid , f M | t > * nH Corner flth and LcnvonworthC8xl3 > all pav ing paid , $31/iiO. ( Corner lOlh und Davenport. 132 ft square , nn elegant piece of property , at a bargain. Trackage. Wo have several elegant track lots 03x132 r.nd 132 feet square , borne of them the choicest to bu had , and at reasonable prices and teims. Acroago. OH acres within the ono mile limit at a prlco that guarantees n big profit. 8 acres ou U. A M. und U. P. tracks , suitable for business , manufacturing or platting. 25 acres adjoining Ucdford Place. Cholco piece for sub-division. 40 acres Northwestern Depot in Omaha holglits.thpautlful high ground , cheap. 6 acres In TuttleV ) suo-dlvlsion ut a bargain. Jtfvsidonco Lots. 60x200 , Southilotim , choice. Choup lot in Clark's addition. Cheap lot In Klrkwood. Cheap block In lloyd's addition. Cheap 100 foot corner In Hanscom Plaoe. All of thonbove properties are bargains and nt tbo prices wo MI able to quote on them In * euro a nsndsoino'fturn. Agents of the North western uronpjvBh'c buying and paying for rights of way afc' Mr now roud , and workingmen - men andothorjCwAlnirtomako an Investment cannot do botUrJnan Investigate north town property. Wirunf ggents for Omuha Holirhts.a beautiful nddlrloji owned by public spirited und wealthy iiftm-Mio have secured , by llborul donations of hma H depot upon tholr property nnd proposa ti > muke it nil and more than It ropresoutod. Call nnd bo convinced. Clnrkson & Ijcat ' , 210 8.14tn at. 887 H A CHANCE farJnvostmonta. -Ti- Glb ic Donjamln - - onr Jiylcsworth , 1512 St. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with U small houses | 3,000 1 lot In Hawthorne , 48x101 , cor. 3)d ) mi a Davenport , with 0 room housc.cifltorn , well , etc , very eaty terms 3,500 1 lot In Hillside 2d add l.KOO 1 lot In Hodford Place , 60x123 73i Hot In Hitchcock's lit add. 60x125 70i | 1 let In Lowu's 1staddGOxl20wlth house 1,750 lii lots In Shlnn's 1st add , 75x12- " , ; , Cald well st 3,700 1 lot In Rodlok's add , 52x122 , Half How. nrd at 3,303 2 lots In West Side , 53x129 , barn and fruit trot-s 2,100 6-room house and lot N. 17th t. , good wall and cistern 6,600 3 lots on Virginia ave , 100x160 , 4-room bouse , barn , well and datum 5,0(0 U'O ft on St. Mary's ave , wlfli 2 0-iootu houses , gas and water , will subdivide. 3'i , < yiQ 40 ft on St. Mary's ave bet , l th nnd 20th 1-,003 Choice lot In Omaha Vlow / 00 12 ft on 16tb et. near Farnam 70,003 2 lots , OJx27. Lowo1 * odd , 1-room house , cellar , v , oil and W-fopt barn , price HOUSES lxtsFarmsLandsmonny loaned. Bomls * city mapj , 6x7 feet , $3.60 eooh. llomls , room a , Darker block , S. W , cor. Uttt and Fornam sts. 237 1 A ACHES adjoining the Patrick farm. I will JLV/ sell al $ OW an aero , suitable for platting , I ) . C. Patterson , Omaha Nat Hank. 4PO 19 S PRlNO VALLKi % I Our now addition. Acres Mil to $ ( iJ ) poraor * . Near South Omaha , And 9yd lost o Hill. Marshall * Lnbno * . 103 150J Farnnm. SPECIAL Bargains for ono week only by Swan * Co. , 1531 Dodge st. Cot ner on 12th and Douglas. Corner on tilth , blirgest bargain offoroJ. Corner on 10th nnd Davenport. 13 lots tn Highland park. 6 ncrcs In Barker's sub. 2 very ahoap lots In Kondal's Add. I tine farms to trndo for Omaha property. For prices on above call nt our oluce , S I ! cor ner 10th nnd Dodgo. 7lXl HOt'SKS Lots.Fnrmi.Lnnds money loaned , llomls' city maps , 6\7 feet , $ i53 each , llomls , room 3 , Barker blook , S. W , cor. 15th and Farnum sts , 12J SA. SLO.MAN. lloal Estate llrokor , , 1512 Farnam Streot. Farnnm street , cor. lSth,03xIJ. , M cash , $ fflojO Fflrnumst. , near lltb ' . ' .xlW , Improved. , uijuoo Furnam tit. , near Ibtli,44xl'l3 , Improved . s..noo Farnam St. , nonr20th,2ixl32 , very ch'inp , 7tx\ ) Farnum St. , noar2Jth,110xxir. ; 39,000 Farnam st. , cor.31st et. , 130x132 , south and cast trout 17,000 Earnam st. cor.4lth , 95x1.17 , s nnd o front O.OCO Fnrnnm st. cor. 4 ; U , 4Sxt3j , B and o front 11.800 FanmniRt. cor. i2d,4UM.s and w front : iXM ( Hurnoy 8t. near 13th , 2.'xO ( ) t'.WJ Hnrnoyst. near 15th,31x133 Improved. . . 20,003 llniticyst. nour2ith.174x170 ) , Improved. . U5/IJO llarnuyst. llodlck'a Grove , 41xlJJ l.tKK ) Douglas st. near 12th , 41xlU ! , Improvoil. , 35.000 13th,2.'xiU' : , [ 4 interest. l > ,50. . ) Douglasst. nonrdil6xiu ) : 7,5K ) Douglas st. near 23d , ) xl3i 8.00J Dodge st. noar2Jtli , 6Jxl52i 2,600 Dodno st. noarSStb , 40x137. Improved. . . 3,0cn Jackson St. cor. Hth , 60x132 , improved. . 25,001 nckson st. near 15th , onxl3. , Improved , ltio < 0 ones St.cor. 15th , 00x13. ! " 4,000 ipavenworth st. cor. 21st , l.U.xlll , Im proved 18,500 .aavenworth t. cor. 25th , 140x142 , Im proved 23,003 fithst.opp , M. P. and Holt Line dopot. 61x113. . . . . . . . 1M 3 4th st. truckago , Pnddook place , 00x112. 2.50) ) 'ark uvo. opp. park. 60x150 l.fOO leorgla avo. near Mt. Pleasant. 50x150. . 2.60J Uthst. near Dorcas , lOJxltK ) , Improved. . 4VK ) Oth st near Douglas , 3JxiI ! ! , Improvoil. . H.iXU r > th8t.cor.Marth > i.03xlUimprovod. . . 4.50J Wth st. cor. Seward.03x130,3 IIOIISOB . . . 4.60) ) 'lorcpnoarSOth.OO feotfront , 2 streets. 6,3ii ) Inmllton st. near Bolt line , Improved. . . 1.60J 1st st. JustolT Farnam , 4Sxl3J , o front. . I.etKl litlt St. , near Davennort.lOOxlJO i',20.5 . * uward , near : < 5tb , (10x167 ( 1,150 Oth st , near Castollar , 115 foot front. . . . 4r > 00 th st , near Martha , 51x151. cornor. . . . LIKIO lunlettost , ncitr38th,6ixii3 ) ; , on car line l.MO lint st , neiir Lowe nvo , 611-2x1.13 1,103 -1th , cor , Poppleton , fi3xluO. Improved. . 4.I50J lavonport , near 24th. 64 xl3.lmprovod 4,000 Jlilcngo , cornor24th , 00x132 , improved. . 8,1)03 ) Oth , near Poppleton,50x127 , Improved. . 0.030 ) rchsrdHlll , lots $760 to 1,000 Irown Pink , lotsJSOOto 8M lad ford Pliieo , lots $80 to IKK ) Ilplilnnd Purx , lots onch-canh $08. . 230 Vakely ndd , lets 67x150. rnch 400 -5 acres near ForlOranha.flncly Inprovod ll.WK ) rt'elisterBt , near lllth , . - - aimproved. . 6,200 ntor 6t , OOxl 12. Improved 1,200 i'lr flnlaavo , near Hlokorr , 60x150 , 1,500 Farnam st. near38th , 67xl3J 3,100 Nicholas st , corner , (10x13 ( ! , track In alloy 4,200 1'ark nvc , facing Park , 60x150 4,003 8 16th Bt , near viaduct , 40x102 6.00J "julphur Springs add. Just opi > . ICth st , 50 ' ' ' ' ' Loavenworth'Bt , iioar'licit'lAnoilUOxisi' - . " FOll A FEW DAYS-South front In Lowo'8 addition on easy terms , fl > JJ ; lot in Glee's idd. , (700 ; south and east corner lot on the llellovuo road , * lnO ; an acre lot In Pratt's sub. , St ,5tX ) ; two south front lots on Hamilton street , 11.000 each ; 4 acres \VathtnetonHIII cheap. Apply to Frank F. Williams & Co.lCth and Chi- agoroar Douglas County bank. 8'JU-10 LBAVKNWOUTH STUEEfV'o havo'141 feet on Loavenworth stroet-cornor east of 2Cth street , Improvements , renting tor $ SO per month. Improvements do not Interfere with Business front. The very best property on the Btt cot ; about on in ado. wo can sell this for a few days loss than value and at a price that Is " > ound to return purchaser n handsome In- ercst on Investment. I.eavenworth street litho the coruliiK Ktrcot. Wo also have 132 foot square-corner on I.orveiiworth that will make Investor $3.000 before August 1. M. A. Upton i Co , 15JU Farnum. Telephone 73. J 62020 "T Ij. lYlUK \ COnro solo agents lor the lol- J lowing special bargains : Lot 3GHIM1 uiM , nn aero tract covrrod with beautiful mnplo trees , positively the Unost Bin- glo acre In Omaha , $0,503. Iot 0 ( ! l cs' add. another line ncro- very choice , and cheap at $5,5IX ) , Lots 13 and U lilk 9 Parker's addextra choice , 50.500. 6 splendid lots loft fronting on Lauo Bt run ning through from street to street , $2,200 to liO : ) eaoti. Lots 5 and 0 Davenport's sub , being 87-foot coiner on Suundcrs st , opp Kauntzo Plaao , $0,500. 85 foot fronton Sherman ave and paved st , $100 per foot. Lot & Washington Square add , south fron off paved street. $3,000 , worth $3uo. . Lol 2 blk 0 Shlun'B 1st add , noln ? 63 f cot 9 Incites front on Saunders st. , cor , alley , $150 per foot. Lot2 blk 1 Patrick's 1st add. , 03x120 , $1,750. Lot 1 blk 1 Patrick's 1st add , 0.1x120 , corner , $0,000. Lote2nnd3blk 7 Patrick's 1st , 80 foot front on Siiundors bt. , with improvements worth $1.500 , $7.500. Lots 12,13.14.15,10blk2 Institute Plaoo , $450 each for the bunch. Lot 4 blk 0 Shull's 2d add , $2,750. Lot 7 blk 17 Hanscom Place. $1,150. Lot 11 blk 17 Hanscom Place , $3.100 , Lot 5 blk 17 Ilunseoin Place , with 8-room now modern residence , bcautltul home , $0,500. % Ixns 14 and 15 , blk 7 , Crolghton Heights , on boulevard. $750 each. Lot 8. blk 2,0'NcIl'isub , corner on Curalng Bt. $4,003. Lots 4 and 5. blk 7 , Walnut Hill , with improve ments , $2,00i ) each $1,000. Fine lot on 20th st mid cable Una near oornor Oraco , price with Improvements $3.0uO , 'iacio with t-rooin house , well and cistern , flno fruit and shade trees , a beautiful place In GIso's add , fCOO , an extra drive. Do not fall to BOO It. Lot 12 , tilk II ; Plalnvlow add , corner , $1,250. Lot 10 , blk 12 , Plalnvlnw add , $1,575. W ) acres opposite Lonir Drancli , high and dry , $300 per acre. 4 acreschoice Inside , $25,000. J. U Itlce ic Co. / 1UM1NO Street , 6U121 , N W cor. 25th and Vy Cumlng , elngant business oornnr.and only $10OiHto April 1st ; then moio. M. A. Upton & Co , Telephone 73,150'J ' Knrnam , 020 20 FOIl SALE Stotstnongtaldo at a bargain. Kast front lot on Georgia avenue , cheap. 6-room house In Itedlck's2d add , , lot 76 feet frontage ; $3,100. Lots In Hlmebaugh & Patterson's sub. , Armour Place , Orchard Hill. All good bargains. 11. V. Hrlggs , HOT Howard streot. 80H-15 TTOUSHS Lots.Farras.Lnnds money loaned. J-L llemls * city mips , 5x7 foot , $3.61 ouch , norals , room3 , ilarkur block , S. W. cor. 15ta and Karnain sts. 123 UAUGAIN8-TWO corner lots m GENUINR Hurdetto court , only 4 blocks from Snun- der'Rstroetuars. W. M. Ilusliman , Uoom 10 , UushmanUlockN Bear IStb aaaDouglu. -I A AUDI'S adjoining the Patrick farm. I will -1A/ Bull at SROO an acre , suitable for platting. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nut llonlc. 4UO IB 10 ACRES udjolnlng the Patrick farm. 1 will sell nt $600 an aero , sultuhlo for platting. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat Dank. 41K > 18 HOUSES LotsFurms.Lunds money loaned , llomls' city maps , 6x7 foot , $3.60 each. HomKrootn U , Darker block , H. W. cor. 15th and Farnara sts. SOT OOWL1NQ GREEN. Dlocks 17 to 3.3 , the best part of Howling Gieun. The cheapest property on the market. Vi mile from Hcnpon car lino. 5-acro lots per ucro f 5.V ) . W aero lots per acre $155. Acrnlotsgwu. Lots.10x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $22' for corners. . Full commission to agents. Got plats. Marshall ft Lobeck , No. 15-'W Farnam. Telephone 73. 101 ir > OR SAI.E-4 room house , $100.5' Clark et , X ? bet St. Mary's vo und Howard. 25U-17 * FOR HALE-A One house nnd largo lot , on California , 3rd house east of Drown , at a bargain. Inquire on piemisos. t ! 515 * SALE by J. D Evans & Co. Lot Dwlght * Lymans. $760. Corner Himsrom Place , fJ.OOO. Fust front Hanscom Plaoo , Delaware St. , $ ' ) ,0 0. houth front , Jerome Park , on Farnam , $3,803. Lots In La Vein Place , Lowe ave , $1,200 to Lots' In Plalnvlow , $1,100 to $ i,2X > , caiy terms. Corner Flulnviuw , 57x124 , $1.400. East front , Huwttiorno , tl,35' ' ) . Two south fronts , California near 33th , each , $2,250' A tine lot , 316th near viaduct , 13,000 , Ton acres In Brighton , $5,000. Ten ncrea , north Saunders st. $10,000. Mxl32. cor Sherman nve. $12OUO. Mixl3. , oor CUBS it , $1oUO. ( . Corner Rurdptte and 22nd Bt , 12,20J. Fine lot In Omaha View. $ IOOU , Ixits In Hllohcock' addition $ UOQ to $000. I t8 In Walnut Hill und Orchard Hill. Lots In West burning and Lincoln Place. Lou In all parts of the city at all pries and on all terms. ' ' . 80111 J.'B.Kransi Co. , 1510 Dodge St. ' ; BLUNT ft 1MPKY , Real Kutoto Ilrokers .N.W. ror. Douglas and 14th sts , 2d floor , room 0 ; telephone 471) ) . Those Are Ilargnln ) . Now List. California nt near SJ ) , 84x132 , 2 10-room bouses , l double house tn , small barn , tent to pay 12 per ocnt Interest , which can be In * creased to 15 per contt $9,000 , > 4 cash. California near Uth ) , a corner , 132x13. , R bouses. $20,000,1-3 cash , Not many like this left , California near tfit.i , full lot , Improved , $15.000,1-3 cash. This will Increase In vuluo , Park ave , 9014x14114 , with 2 houses , $13,000) ) will remove houses and soil nt $ IOOJO , or will sell separately with any desired f routiigo , Ixit Is nn east front , Just south of Leavonworth , A good lux oMnumt. N. 20th , east front , OO.ft lot , 2 houses and S barns.nmt at $300 per year , $3,50J. Who can beat this ? \ \ alnut Hill , n corner on Nicholas , good house with city water , S2.70J. Jdlow lid. full lot , line residence , 0 rooms , with burn , 15'JOO. This would bo cheap at $5,800. Georgia axe , Iiou o8 roomsmodern Improve ments , good barn , $7WO , tflth near Popploton , now hntiao , 0 rooms , burn , $4,2iU , toims ousy. seth south ot Lcavonwortb , full tot , 5 room cotlaeo , puvpd street. $5,000. HluiebaiiKh's , IHxllV ) , house B rooms , n dis tance from town but cheap at ? 2,7VI. Lowo'g , bouse U rooms , stable , good nt ? t,200 , 1-3 cash , A line corner lot on Farnam. with two houses see this nnd contrast with other properties lu the street ; It la north moro moneybut for eulo now ut f-10,000 ; very onsy terms. Poprddton avenue , smith front , full lot , 0- room IIOUPC , burn , trues , u pretty homo , $1,000 , SI.000 ca h. 2.'nd and Nicholas , 132x132 , with 8 houses , $15,000 : llch. ! . Doilitlaj.south front , double hoiiso , frame , 10 rooms each side , stable , $12.0)0 , will rent to pay U per rent. 6 business lots In ? oi'th ' Omaha , each $330. lleiltord Plnco , nil prices , run quota bargains. Hickory Place , 2 lots , cncli $1.500cheap Hnnscom Place , a loin ; llet ; can suit nil purses und glvo choice of location. Georgia avenue , $76 per foot ; $100 refused for adlolnlnp tract no better that ) tills. 100 feet on Furnnm ut n bargain. Orchard Hill , $750 to $1,500. llavo somochoice lots. lots.Kllby Place , ono of thn best lots , $1,600. Some choice acre property. Arc forming syndicate to purclmso. See us about this. Illunl , V Impy , N. W. con. 14th und Douglas , over Fullar'rt drug store. 783 17 FOR SALU-Fulllot with a ( Inert-room house on Lake street , enstof Saundors. Frank F. Williams & Co. , 10th and Chicago , roar Doug Ins County bank. 8JD-10 FOR SALE by Pur * A : I'owlor , l.VJJ Douglns. House and lot , north 21 st St. , $3,230 , $200 ciiHh.bal. $20per month. House and lot on 2Jd ft , $2,530 , $3X1 cash , bal. fli'i per month. Vacant lot In Kllby Plnco $9 , " > 0. Two lots Walnut Hill , one corner gindod and trcos planted , for both $2&TO , easy terms. 0 lots In Hod ford Plncu , SUM to $1,000 ; these $700 lots nro ruro bargains. Lots In South Omiiha and nil the nddltlons as cheap und on us irood terms nsthoro Is on the market , Orchard Hill Wo have a nlco list of lots from $375 to $1,000. 1 lot In May no's Place near Loavenworth Bt , $2.000. " Ono lot .T.I. Hodlck's addition , $2,200 ; $000 , balance very easy terms. Ixit In block 4 , Foxier add. , $1,875. We have u lots in Pruyn Park for sale on very easy forms , or will trade. Lot on Furnnm , several blocks cast of Lowe avenue , only $1,500. ThlB 13 a great bargain. 701-15 HOUSES LotsFarms.LandB money loaned. Ilotnis' city maps , 6x7 foot , $ J,50 each , llomls , room 3 , llarlior blook , 8. W. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 237 "OOR SALE In largo orsmnll lots field Reeds , JLJ timothy , little red nnd mammoth clover , Gorman and common mlllettsucds. 1 warrant this seed all raised In Hutlor county , Nob. , nnd now , pure und clean eed. Wrlto to W. G. Bos ton , David City. Nob. , for prices. 491 uO T71OR SALE On easy terms , Rome cholco lots" -T in Walnut Hill , all nonr Walnut Hill post- ofllcc. P. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Room o.ltedlck Ulock. 182 ill * FOR SALE A good section of Improved furmlngland In Iloono Co. , Nob. ; cheap if taken BOOH. Addros box 421 , Albion , Neb. C5I 10 * ELEVENTH STREET VIAOUCT-lil2rI4l , BOHthoust corner Eleventh and Martha streets , f.i.r.oo Improvements ; on grudo , natural Fhndo trees , beautiful grounds und surround ings. Will mnko thrco line lots. 18x132 , House nnd barn Is A No. 1. $ s,000 will buy this now. $1,850 cash , $3,150 April 1st , balance one , two , throu and four years from April Int. Thli property will bring $10,000 before the summer Is over. M. A. Upton & Co. , 1509 Farnara. Telephone 73. 02K. RESIDENCE LOTS I Kount/o Place , 25 lots - SI,700 to $3.300 Hanscom Place , 2. > lots - - - $1,350 to * 1,503 .1. 1. Ilodick's sub dlv. , 3 lots - M.75) to $ t,5'W ' Smith Purk,4 lots - - - - S2,7UO to $3.100 .loromo Park , 10 lots - - $1,800 to # 3,000 Dronnan Place , 12 lota - - - $1/100 to $2,000 Orchard Hill,50 lots - - - $ MM to $1,1110 Foster's add , 0 lots $2.200 to $2.501 Roes' Place - . . . $3,750 Mllln-d Place . . . . u,5jo Also improved nnd unimproved residence property In all parts of the olty. A. H. Conwtock , Room U' , Crelghton Ulock. 605 and Hammond Plaro Is SOUTHOmahuPark inside South Omaha property , Thee Olsen or Jns Vore , owners , 314 S15th st,2d floor be tween Farnain and Harnoy. 254 a 1 UARGAIN-One hundred feet front on BIG South Eleventh st , corner lot , only $6,000. Part on ttmo. V. L. Vodlcku , & ! ( ) South 13th st. C34 WISE * PAHMELB , 15'JJ Farnam st , Offer thosdbargains to-day : 1 corner Goorvla ave. nnd Dupont $1,203. 7 Orchard hill , choice lots onoli $ 0. House nnd 2 lots , Maunders & Ulraobaugh's add. to Walnut hill $2,300. 20 Finest lots In Clovordulo , bargi.lns. Fine lots In Kllby place , cheap. Finel 1-2lot John I Rodlok's tiub-dlrlalon. 2 chok-o lots In Maynos add. , each $531. Zcuolco lots Fntrmount place. 1 acre host In Uelvodoro , bargain $33) . Slots Jotter's addition , each $703. 6 lots Mt. Douglas , each $ &W. 2 lots South Ex. place , each $509. 8 Drown Park , bargains eaoh $833. 24 lots choice in Yato * Hompol's addition. 10 acres % mile Bouth of Harris Si Patterson's annex , extra nice , cheap and easy terras. A fine list of western lands for sale , or trade for Omaha property. , 400 acres highly improved , Saunders Co. , sale or trade. 115 feet front on 10th stroct , . . . , . Last , not toast , oornor on Farnam $41,001 and many others , 1509 Farnam , Wise nnd Purmelo. 3 , 4 S NAP-In Isaao A Soldcn's addition , a beau tiful History house ; porch in Iront , well , cistern , force pumps , carriage house , barn- coul IIOUEO , chicken house unit largo lot 00x124. A genuine bargain nt $1,000 , { 1,500 cash , J. F. Hammond , 117 8. Itth st. 891 16 IcTMONEV In the following property ut the price It can bo bought for if sold in th next lOdays. Lota 4 and 6 Stownrt place , south front on Davonpoit St. , nlco view , only $3.000 for both. Half cash. Look ut this fora homo. Lots 7 and 8block 14 , In Komitr/s 3rd ndd , only half block from Hith St. , for both tfl.OOO. This is cheap. Inldn lots are hold nt $ I.50J. Tin no of the best lots in Davenport place. Lots 24,25 and " ' ) Stewart place , these are the handsomest residence lota in Omuhu , fenced und shade trees growing ; these must bo Been to bo appreciated ; BOO us for prices nnd terms. The cheapest 6 ucro lots otTercd today la Now London , only 4 miles from city limits. Fnrnum Bt runs through center ot add ; only $200 per ncro. Easy teams. Call for plat. Clark & French , 1510 Douglas St. 844 10 NKHRASKALoan and Real Rstato Co. offa for sale the choicest pieces of Inside and outside propertyut prlcci that are not Inllatcd. See our list below : Insldo Property. 8E cor 19th and Farnam , improved $22,000 Two houses and lot on Franklin fit 3,50(1 ( House nnd lot on South 19tn st 1,600 HOUPO and lol on 87th ave 4,0'iO ' HOUBO and lot on Cbarloa Bt 2MS HOURO and lot on Clark st , bet 17tli and 18th 4,600 Lot , Hurdetto nt , EAxllK 3,200 House and lot on 20th Bt 1W > ) Lot on 22d st , near St Mary's ave 4,000 House and lot Dodge , nour27tb 3,000 House and lot , Bouth Omaha , rents for ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' House andiot'on Soutn anh'st . . . , , . . , . . . vI'JOO ' Outside Property , Lots In Bouth Omaha proper. 1-ots In hyndlcHto addition. Ixitsln Albright's Choice. Ixitaln Albilght'R Annex. Lots In Kllby Place. l/ots In Mayne'g Addition. Ix > ts In MIlFurd & Culdwfll's Addition. Lots In Clarendon Placo. lala in Orchard Hill. Lots In Walnut Hill. Lots In Hedford Place. Lots In North Omaha. And many other choice pieces of property too numnroits to mention. Also a largo ll t of Council niutfs and Blour City properly. No trouble to ihow property. Como and see us. Nebraska Loan und /teal Uttato Co. , N W cor. 14tb and Capitol uvo. MO 15 INSIDE PROPKRTV Wo have some good In- eldo property ut a bargain , Pierce & Hog- ore. 1511 Dodge eticet. B3Q HOUSES I/otJl'urm3Lf > n < 1i-money loanod. RomU' city maps , 6x7 feet , $ J.50 each , llomls , rjom 3 Darker block , 3. W , cor. 16th and Farnam. 1K1 T6uGliA8'si23xl33 : , 44 foot oa t of north- 4-J east corner 14th and Dcuidas : Improve ments renting $75 pnr month. Choke lAisiuoss location' $ | 3.XW. ( 1-3 vislr worth 41.0W poc front foot. M. A. Upton & 'Co , lOj ? Farimua. Tetepnone 7A . . . 2J20. * m 3 , HOOK , lloal Estate , JL . . I50i ) Farnam tre t. 591-Ilowllng Oreou , 0 lots , spoclat bargain ! , two thirds value , 3 days only. 311 Thornburg Place , 0 lots. $ " > 0 oaoli. 60 lots , llurllnirlon Center , the best paying In vestment In South Omaliit. 811 Fine so front corner In OrnndvowWO. ! 811 1 Fiuo east front In Hmu > oem Place , $1BOO. 140-W tt on North 20th st south of Clark , with hoiuu , $2,400. CS- Elegant 12-room brlok resilience , all modern - orn Improvements , Just ott of Farnam. 145-04 tt ro front Juatwest of Kountzo Place , $1,250. nit Fine so front California near 8Sth et , B30-4 to fronts lloit'oll & Stnbbln's ndd near Loavemt orlh , $1 , S76 onoli. 45-30xl2J with business house on Shorldnn bet St Mary's nvo and Loavenworth , f 1,0JO. 0 lots lo Ambler Plnco from $ no to $ iw. GO Elegant so front residence lot on Hartley at nnur251 lift , $ A'iOO. 01 50x1(17 ( and house on Harnoy st near "Oth , $ 1,500 323-Lot in Baker Pine * , fRM. 41-70-04 tt on Charles st near St Mary's av , 5,000. 130-2 lots corner 20th st nnd Castcllar with 8- room house , barn , ute , Jrt.OOO. mi-Lots Oioitrhton Holghts from $2.Vup. ) IWFine ) lot In Crt-jton fronts2 streets , f 1-V ( ) . 1II2-12 lots In Cunningham's eubdlv ut n bar gain. CK1 I Kckermnn's ndd , $410. 300-So front in Foster's mid , $1,903. 60 Lots In HurlliiBtou Center ftom $553 up , best liM'jtuicnt In South Oninha. 295 1)4 ) ft east front corner on So 10th st , cheap est thing on the street. 317 54 ft ecu front on SOth st , 4-rootu house , tiurn , 2iOO : cnsy terms. SO-42 FltiPfiO ft lot on Cumlng st , $300. 2 2 geed lots In i/iwo's add ; $1,050 each , II21-10 lots In Luke View , $40(1. ( 321-filxm oust front In Luke's ndd.ncnr stcnrs , 01 Flno east front on 25th st uonr Loavon- orllf2.RX ! ) . 2fl1ots > tn Manhitttnn add from $300 up , 40 lots In Liptcn Place from $150 up. 2 0-Full city lot corner trackage on ICth st , $18.000. 127 lOQxM on 10th and Jackson trackage , $20,000 and taxes. 248 Large ( K tory brick on U P track near 13tli , a bargain. , 310 44 it bo.u business part of Harnoy st cheap. 114 2 largo lots on Hurt st corner 81st , $4,50fl. Ml-irO ft cast front on Humidors st near Bur- dottc. 331 31 ft on Suundcrs near Clatk wltU house , lot fronts on two streets. $3,500. 139-1 BO front In Polliam Place , $1WO. ! 2 fa fronts on Maple near Sounders , 1 mile. South of Oak Chatham , $ li50 : each. 09 SKixllO corner with eo nnd east fronton South I6th st with 7-room house , $0,000 , bargain , lots In Omaha View , $1,0(10 ( up , Special Bargains in Reservoir Add. O 5S 1 lot Sewnrd 8t near SPth , so front$1,600. 127-Largn so front Saunders & Hlmobaugh add$575.a 33-1 Lot In Shull's ndd , $1FO ) . 00-83x120 on Sid st near Plorco with small hoiisp , $5,000. Il-n lots In Thornburg Place , nil for J4.500. IB 1 lx > t , special bargain , UttcnPlaco , 123 So front lot on George st with 6-room bouse , barn , etc.,000. . Hook , 790 15 Real Estate , 1509 Farnain. SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Place Is Insldo South Omaha property. Then Olson 3r Jus Voro , ownorn , 314 S 15th st , 2d floor bo- ween Karnain andHarnoy. SJ51 a 1 A MES. No. 1607 Furnnm st. t\ . This Hat may help you to 4 find a doilrablo louse or a good lot to build on. 190 Home , corner lot 00x171 , Hamilton it , S. front , ? J,760. 195 8 houses rent for $60 , corner lot on car line , $7,600. 393 House 7 rooms , Montana stl \ lot , $3,350. 388 House i rooms , lot 00x130 , Shlun's ndd , 2,100. 187 House 4 rooms , well-built , Lowe's add , full lot , $2,030. 381 HOUFO 7 rooms , now house , Walnut Hill , $3,500. 3SJ HouseS rooms Hanscom place , full lot , $4,000. ; 81 House H rooms , modern , barn , &cfull lot on Georgia ave , JI3.COO. * 179 llouso U ) rooms , smull lot , rents $50 , 20th Pt.S 8,000. 378 Iloueo 12 rooms full lot , east front , 70x140 , modern , good value , 21st St. , $0,000. 77 House 12 rooms , modern , California Bt , S lot , $ P,500. 7 < ) House 3 rooms 2 stores , Arbor place , 14,003 375 House 8 rooms , brlcit , full lot , corner , shtim's add , $4,800. 391 HOUHO II rooms , modern , lot 60x210 , cast front , loth Bt. , near Ht. Mary's are. , $ U.OOO , 393 House SI rooms , modern , with 3 full lota , Wheaten St. , $10,000. 391 House , now. 10 rooms , nil modern , Califor nia st- . . ' -'SO. 339 Modern 14 room bouse , east front , Park RVC. . full lot , $17,000. 330 HOUBO 7 rooms , flno shrubbery , 2 full lots , $0,000. 335 House , ! ) rooms , modern , full lot , Hansoom Plueo , JO.O'fl. 374 Houso. 7 rooms , new , good born , full lot , near Hanscom park , $ : i,3flO. 372 On Hurt St. , n modern house of 10.rooms In porfcot order ; full lot , south front , good burn , $ ' .idOO. 3G9 1 acre with good 6-room house , barn , lion hoiiBo in good locality , $2,000. 80S On Ht. Mary's avenue ; good bouse , lot 133 feet bqunrc , $20.000. HOT " houses , rent $10 per month ; lot and half , South 18th street , $7,000. 3 1 3 houses , full lot , Chicago fctroot , $1,000. 304 House , 6-rooms , barn ; lot 40x115 ; Arbor Place , $1,600. 355 Houses2 ; rent $50 per month , North 18th street , ilMM. 34 House,7 rooms , \ \ ' lot , on Hamilton street 84,000. 350 S houses , rent $ (5 ( per mo , lot corner 65x184 , Pierce St. , $5,000. 217 House , 0 rooms , small lot on Cats st , f 4,800. Vacant Lots. 773 5 cholco lots on Cutnlug st. together$7,600. -73 Fine lot Wllcox's add , 'JOO. 71 Hlmcbuugh Place on llidgo avo. , line lot , $ .1,000. 770 Tabor Place , lot , $1,200. 709 Aero , (1 else's add. $5,000. 2 lots , Houiol & Stebblns' ndd , $3,500 , 703 Choice lot , blk"K , " Lowe's add , cheap at 700 75xl2H , ono blo-k west of Park ave , $3,760. 703 Flno lot In Hawthorn add , very cheap at $1,500. . ' 02 In Mayno Placelot $1,800. 7fiO 65x187 , West Omaha , good location , f 1,650. 758 Good lot , Hanscom Place , blk 8 , > 1 , 00. 759 East front , Summit Place , near Dodco it , $ : im 75T Very cholco , Lowe nvo , $1,800. 750 Host south front lit Parker's add for $ J.WO. 765 The beat south front lot In Clarendon for $ inoo. 753 llurtst near Baorcd Heart 110x174very oholoo. $4. < iOO. 743 Park ave 100 tt for (7,500. Also 100 ft for $9.6CO. T45 Facing Hanscom park , very choice lot at * 1,0(0. 747 Cholco lot California St. , $1,800. 74J K V Smith's add , 8 lots each $3.000 739 Lakost corner 30th , 160x128. $9,25 ! ) . > 8,17 U'onsloisBtMo st , $ : iooo. And double ? ! front lot facing Humllton st for $ IBOO. ' < ] 74" Good lot Hanscom place , blk 10 , $1,800. 731 Very cholco , Georgia ave near Popploton for $2.5'JO. 717 Very desirable lot on Hamilton at near llosorvolr. $1.100. Amos' Real Estate Agency. 703 No. 1507 Farnam st. The only mart to take for DCS Molnca Mar- shalltown , Cedar Itaulds , Clinton , Dlxon , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points cunt. To tliopeo- pie of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington mid Cali fornia , It oilers superior advantage ! not posit- bio by any other lino. Among a few oftho numerous points of su periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Omutiu ami Chicago , are Its two tralai aduy of DAYCOACHliS , which are the finest thit ImmHti nrt nnd Ingenuity can create. It * PALACE BLEEPING CARS , which uro model * of comfort and olegunce. Its PARLOIl DHAW- ING I1OUM ( JAILS , unsuriniased by any. and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAK8 the equal f which cannot bo found claowhero At Council Dlulfs the trains of the Union Pucldo Hv. connect In Union Depot with those of tli Chicago 3c Noi thweitern lly. In Chicago the tralni of this line make close connection with those of all eaitern linn. For Detroit , Columhim , Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , Uuffalo. PltUburg.Toronto , MnntruHl , llestnn , Now Voric , Philadelphia , naltlmoro , Washington and all points tn tli east ' usk for a ticket via the "NOHTHWB8TRBN. " If you wish the bott accommodation. All ticket agents rcll tltkrti via this line. II. HUOHITT. K. P. WILSON , Uen ! . Manager , flenl. Paia'r Aeeut Chicago , . ! ! ! . W. M. IIAUCOCK , L. n.noJ.B3. [ Wostcra Agent. City Pata'r Agent , Omaha , cbraBlia. "