Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    T. , , - , _ , , , , .
0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : \YEDfrESDAY. MARCH 10 , 1887. { I i *
Delivered by cnrricr In unj-psrtof tbocttym
. twenty tint * per wcok.
H. W. TILTOX , . . . Manator.
BtPinrfR Omcr. , No. 43.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
Now spring goods nt Roller's , tailor.
George \V. Thompson & Co. . rual estate.
Latest spring nilHInury novelties at
Sen W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. 0 .Main , for
bargains in real estate.
J. W. & E. L. Squire's abstracts arc
giving good .satisfaction.
A full line of now millinery just re
ceived at II. Friedman's.
Tlio Y. M. C. A. hadono of Us
social entertainments last evening.
The sale of tickets for Lotta has boon
brisk. That tiio house to night will bo
crowded there is no doubt.
Sqniro'n park addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacific avenue will be built up
with store buildings within a year.
Council Bluffs Jotlge No. 83 , Switch
men's Mutual Aid association , is arrang
ing for a grand ball to bo given in the
Temple hall April 14th.
The members of the Ladies Choral
Society will meet at the residence of Mrs.
D. VV. Bushnell this afternoon at 4:30. :
Business of importance.
Benjamin Darling , of Crescent City ,
was buried to-day , lie was an old resi
dent there , and well known hero. Ho
was aged sixty seven years.
Miss Lillian Lewis is to appear at the
opera house 1'riday evening in "Tho
Creole , " Saturday afternoon in "Frou
Frou. " and Saturday evening in "Leah ,
the I'orsakcn. "
Kuv. W. W. McGuirc , jinStor of the
Methodist church at Macedonia , has
concluded to start a paper. Ministers
are after all human , and the temptation
proves too great for them sometimes.
Mrs. Mitchell , whoso reputation as an
artistic milliner cannot be surpassed in
tills western country , is again in charge
of the trimming department of II. Fried
man's millinery establishment , No. 40 ! )
Some sneak is an overcoat ahead , hav
ing appropriated ono belonging to one of
the boarders in Nowmcyer's hotel. A little -
tlo late in the season , but perhaps the
thief could not hook on earlier , or has
just got out.
John F. Morris died yesterday morn
ing at the homo of his parents'No. 131
South Fifteenth street , at 5JO : ! o'clock.
Ho was in his twenty-sixth year. Ser
vices will bo held in the Catholic church
nt 10 o'clock this morning.
The Council Ulull's , St. Joseph &
Kansas City train now arrives at 0:40 :
o'clock in the evening. The Sioux City
& Pacific leaves in the evening at 7:150 :
instead of 0:80 : o'clock as before , the
morning trains remaining as before.
Mrs. Crabb , mother of Mrs. S. Farnsworth -
worth , died yesterday morning at her
daughter's residence in this city. She
had been ill for ten days or so. Her
homo is in York. Neb. The funeral is
announced for Thursday afternoon at 3
Personal Pnrngraphs.
Mrs. F. H. Stewart has gone to Chicago
on business.
M. Li. Jacquermin has gone on a busi
ness trip to St. Louis.
Miss Loio M. llcldon , , of Chicago , is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dudley.
Captain O'Hricn. of the police force ,
who has been confined to his house for
the past week , is again on duty.
T. C. F. Brenneman , who has boon con
fined to liis room for several months past ,
is reported to bo in a critical condition.
J. M. Phillips , who has been confined
to his homo by illness for two weeks past ,
was yesterday able to bo out for a while
to look after business.
There was a surprise party nt the
house of L. B. Gorman. The party was
made up of young folks , very young , only
two in number , both boys , twins , and
worth a million apiece.
The Misses Eflio and Nettio Lewis have
Just como from Logansport , Ind. , with
their parents and locatedin this city.
They have accepted positions in the mil
linery establishment of H. Friedman.
William H. Hewitt , the contractor and
railroad builder , was in the city yester
day looking up the building of the
Alanawn motor railway. Ho is now cn-
enged in building the street railway to
"Benson" in Omaha.
Rov. T. F. Thickstun and wife , who have
been engaged in revival work nt Missouri
Valley , hnvo returned to their homo in
this city. They have boon mooting with
croat encouragement , and their work has
been quite successful.
Colonel Keatly has taken his departure
for Sioux City to assume editorial charge
of the now democratic paper , the initial
number of which is expected to appear
next week. Ho is a writer of more than
ordinary ability , and with his wide ac
quaintance ami popularity is a desirable
man for the venture.
Charles Ximmer , who has been in
Helena tlio past year , and for the past
few weeks visiting his family , has gone
on a two weeks' visit to Chicago to see
his mother and sisters in company with
_ .his wife and child. On their return they
will go to Helena , their future homo ,
where Mr. Zimmor is interested in the
Jewelry linn of C. B Jacquermln & Co.
Parliamentary Practice.
Mayor Groneweg nnd City Engineer
Tostovin do not use the same text book
, on parliamentary rales. Near the close
of the last council meeting the city en
gineer entered upon a talk , which the
mayor tried to punctuate with a pcriod-
a full stop. Mayor Gronowcg innocently
supposed ho was the presiding olliccr of
the council. The city engineer informed
him that ho ( the engineer ) was elected by
the people , and it was his right and duty
to iniuart to the council such informa
nt tlon in his department as he deemed im
portant. Ho proposed to go ahead dis
charging his duty by continuing his
pooch. The mayor called him to order ,
and ho declined to como to order. There
was no marshal in the room to enforce
the call to order aud the speech went on
to a finish. The question ns to whether
'the mayor can limit the time for the city
engineer's speech-making Is still an open
one. _
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical nppli-
Wjccs at the Now York Plumbing Co.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning mono ?
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
centring your loans.
Dr. llnnchott , olllce No. 13 Pearl street
residence , 120 Fourth street . : telephone
Jto. 10.
„ u KlnlBh.
v Supervising Arcliitcot Uell writes that
f the proposals for plastering and joinery
of tlio federal building will bo invited
this month , nnd the building will be
ready for occupancy the lust purl of the
year. This will bo clad news to the citi-
KM hero who have ueun impatiently Inquiring -
quiring when Uncle Sum will move Into
bis new noiue.
? ho Mysterious Death of J , B. Iivint a
Stranger Here ,
rtirco Iowa hadu With An Ambition
In He Cow Hoys Got Jailed Tlio
Government IltilldliiR to Bo
Keatly For Use Ucfore Kail.
A HtrniiRcr Htrangcly Killed.
At nn early hour yesterday morning
he mangled body of a man was found
ying near the Broadway crossing of tlio
Northwestern railway. Ho hud evidently
been struck by some passing train or en
gine , and after being dragged for fcomo
listiuico had been tossed to ono side. His
jody had been cut in two and tlio re
mains were in a horrible condition.
Coroner Fnul was summoned and an
nqncst was held , but it resulted in throw-
tig but little light upon the details of the
nan's death. From papers found on his
ncrson it appears that his name was J. B.
[ rwin , and that his business was that of
soiling pan-lit rights. There wore several
otters , from which it appears that ho
tad lived for some years in Plum Hollow ,
n Fremont county. Ho appeared to bo
thirty or more years of ago , dark com-
Hexioncd , and was ordinarily dressed. A
lew dollars in money were found on Ins
person. The coroner sent telegrams to
Thomas Gray , who appears to be a
cousin , and to Henry Webb , of Madison ,
Sob. , who seems from letters to be also a
Tlio railway men know nothing of the
occurrence until the discovery of tlio
joily by Conrad Haser , which was about
daylight. Inquiry about the city gave
10 light as to the probabilities even of
iow tlio man came to bo there. Some
recognized the man as one they had seen
icrc , but beyond that little could bo
See the new Satin Corset at Hnrkncss
Brothers' .
The little Jersey Corset found at Hark-
Brothers' .
Anxloiin To He Cow Hoys.
The ) ) olico about 3 o'clock yester
day morning found three young fellows ,
aged about nineteen , roaming the streets ,
and arrested them on suspicion.They gave
their names as Fred Crouse , Otto Drown
and Henry Hill. Two of them had revolvers
and the other a knife. On being brought
into court yesterday morning they ex
plained that they were country boys ,
who had a great burning desire to go
west and become cow boys. They met
at Missouri Valley , ami together came
\\oro \ \ intending to no west and grow up
with wide brimmed hats on their heads ,
and revolvers on their sides , and Indian
ponies between their legs. They meant
no harm , and were sorry for it. Judge
Aylesworth asked them If they had been
to school. Yes , they had. "Have you
ever read very much ? " "Yea , I've read
a good deal. I've read every one of
the dime novels up to No 372. I have
only just started on No. 373. " After thus
getting at the fountain source of inspira
tion which had led the lads to sock for
life on the plains , ho gave them n little
of his helpful advice. The boys begged
to bo let off. They were willing to give
up the notion of going west , and would
look about ami get some work in Council
DluHs. "No , " remonstrated the judge ,
you wouldn't be of any account here.
No one would want you. You have
aimed high. You want to roam oer the
plains as gay and festive cqxvboys. You
are so eager for such a life that you
could not wait to get out there before
buyingyour revolvers , and I suppose if
you could have got your
broad hats and Indian ponies in
Missouri Valley you'd have supplied
yourselves with them also before you
started. 1 he best thing for you to do is
to go right on and get there as soon as
possible. You won't bo worth much
until you have tried it. You had better
got there , and commence working back
homo from that end. It's the quickest
way home for you. You'll not bo satis
fied until you try it. A few days in the
saddle will show you a big difference be
tween Jiction and friction. No , don't
stop hero to form any good resolutions ,
or turn back. Keep right on until you
see all there you want to of a broad-brim
hat , a revolver and a pony , and then you
can tune your voices to sin" 'Homo
Sweet Home' witli some feeling ? '
Our largo stock of Carpets and dry
goods is now arriving and being placed
in store. From this date we shall bo
pleased to meet our friends and custo
mers both day or evening at the old stand ,
No. 401 Broadway. HAKKNESS Duos.
Wood For Bale
100 cords good hard wood.
W. C. STACY & Co. , 0 Main street.
A Child Drowned.
Yesterday morning a sad nnd sudden
allliction fell upon the family of S. An
derson , a well known Danish farmer
living in Hazel Dell. His little child ,
aged about two years , wandered from
the house , and searched being made ho
was at lust found about n mile and n half
from the house , drowned in a little creek
into which lie had fallen. The sorrow
stricken father was in the city yesterday
afternoon , getting a casket , in which to
place the little form so suddenly beroit
of life. It was pitiful to see the strong
man so bowed down with the heavy
weight of sorrow so suddenly put upon
For acre property , residences and busi
ness property call on NV. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Now Embroideries just received at
Harknoss Dros.
Dru. Hnnchott and Smith.
Sarah A. Smith , M. D. , a cousin of Mrs.
Dr. Ilanchctt , has just returned from
Chicago , whore she has spent several
years in Hahnemunn college nn < t hos
pital , and from which she recently grad
uated. The DEE is much pleased to learn
from Dr. Hanchott that Dr. Smith and
himself have formed a partnership , with
ofilces in Dr. llanohett's old rooms ,
which , by the way , have boon lilted up
recently , making them the most con
venient , complete and beautiful suite of
olllocs occupied by any physician in the
city. One of the greatest needs of Coun
cil bluffs has long been a lirst class lady
physician , one who could win and hold
the confidence und esteem of the public ,
by a thorough education , nnd by the
possession of those womanly instmts so
rare In the female doctor , and yet so
necessary to her success. In Dr. Smith
all these condition * are met , nnd they In
sure for her here n brilliant and success
ful future. She is by" no means n stranger
here , but the circle of frionds'iin ' will
rapidly widen , now that she tutccs up her
permanent residence.
Torcpd to Itcrorm.
A hearty country boy named Walker ,
whoso homo Is in Hookford township ,
was yesterday taken to the reform school
on the request of his father , who says he
cannot the boy any longer. The
boy has caused his folks ' much trouble by
running away from 'homo and not stay-
Ins vun , and when , at homo .by helping
himself to property belonging to neigh *
bors. As n last resort his friends have
urged the reform .school. Judge Ayles
worth isstiPil the nncessary papers yes
terday , nnd the boy was turned over to
the sheriff. Perhaps if ho had been
turned over earlier , and In a diflercnt
way , it might have been better for him
and saved him from the present trouble.
Call nnd see the stock of horses aud
mules nt Star Stables before purchasing
else where.
Star snlo stables for mules and hcavv
urnft horses.
Hut Ho Got There.
Detroit Free Pros : A city hall official
was standing on the Woodward avenue
steps of that structure yesterday when a
man who had his hands on his stomach
came np and said * "Beg pardon , but
you have the look of a uhysician nn
eminent physician. " Oh , I'm no doctor , "
was tlio reply. "Sorry for that , but per
haps you can give me some information.
What are the symptoms of poisoning ? "
"Havo you been poisoned ? " "No. "
"Do you have spasmodic pains ? " "Not
yet. " "Feel shivery , with a jrrcat thirst
and heat ? " "No , nothing like that ; 1
feel n complete concncss for about a foot
up and down here , and every time I
think of ham and eggs my mouth
waters. " "Why , it may bo hunger. " "I
.shouldn't a bit wonder if it was , being I
havn't eaten anything for thirty-six
hours. " The olllcial uttered a "Humuh ! "
looked the man over three or four times ,
and handed him twenty cents mid said :
"Better get some new scheme , it takes
too long to como to the point in this. "
Salvation Oil routs and banishes nil
bodily pain instantly , and costs only
twenty-live cents a bottle.
"A bull in a china shop" is out of
place , but a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrut ) in tlio china closet is in place. 1'or
croups ; bronchitis , sorcchctts , nnd cold.s ,
it is a prompt and elllcaclous remedy.
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs.
The largest stock of horcs and mules
west of Chicago , which will bo sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
Contractors and builders will Mud it to
their interest to ge.t prices on lime ,
cement , plaster , hair , etc. , from Council
Bluffs Fuel Company , 53 ! ) Broadway.
Telephone 130.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Now goods arriving at Ilarkncss Bros. '
if lh t TmtUI limp U M
In.ldt at Ciintl.
OwinMothoUU.0 | ( < UL KL1STII ITT of tlio cloth ( nhlcli
our patrnU rover rxtlu l\e)3) ) ) will tit porfnth tln > t
time "urn Hrqulrrstio biraklMKln. 0\KV ItfcTlllMtD
by KHIer aftpr btf Injj w orn ton rtaj If not fount ! tu ) > moil
ndf'nmr rlHlileCor et crerworu. Sola Ujr all
Uret-cluts ilciilcrn.
VltUTTY IIKOS. , Chlcaco , III.
For sale by N. D. Falconer , Omaha , and
John Ocno & Co. , Council Bluffs.
The Finest Tin
ported Line of
Goods West of
Mrs.C.L. Gillette's
D. II. McDANtftD & CO. ,
[ Kitabllshetl 1803. ]
No. 82f ) Main Street , 1 i : Council ninlTs.
eoiwniisMox MERCHANTS.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Eire
Escape ,
And All Modern Improvements ,
21.1 , 217 and 310 Main St.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
1'i-lrca Vfi'u Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 23 MAIfi ST. ,
Council BlufTsJowii.
Justice of the Peace.
Ollice over American Express.
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , I 1
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; $10 , ound trip.
Attorney at Law.
4 504 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
/ Council Bluffa.
Bpeclfil advcrtlcoinonli , HicH M Lost , Found
'JoLnnn , Tor Snlo , To llcnt , ftont * , Iloimllnir ,
etc. , Till bolntortod In Hi is column nt the loir
ratoof TEN CENTS PEIt LINE forthe first Inset-
lonand FlvoContil'crUiicroreacli subsequent
Ineortlon. I.uttvo nJvcrtlsomclits nt our offlco
No.i Vcnil street , Uroadwuy , Council
Bluff * .
WANT. ? .
\\'ANTr.l-Tlirco nist-clnss waiters at Uecli-
Uloliotol. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WANTKD A pocnml cook : also a Olsh
washer nt HccUtelo hotel.
OAHUlNU-Aloo ftmTlshcd rooms on
AM'ituo A nunr 8th street , llmiulro at
No. 810 llroodwiiy.
1710K SAI.K An upright piano with pi-dnl at-
JL1 tiiclimont , in KOOI ! condition. Will uz-
change for leal estate. Tlios. Olllcor. _
FOK SAM-- ; Music nnd soulntr tnachlno busi
ness together with smnll stock of holiday
poods and wall pnpcr. ( lood town nnd country ,
rood location , cheap rent , prolltiililo buslnoc" .
Involco Jl.L'iX ) to tl.fWO. Would take purl In
Council IllulTs real estate. Address A. L. Man
ning , Dunlap , Iowa.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Ordres Carefully Filled ,
- )0 ) ( -
Our Mr. Stockcrt Superintends
All Work.
Horses M Mules
For all purposes , bought'and ' told , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do-ble.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Attorneys at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block.
I will soil ftt my residence on Keif Crock , 10
miles oust of Council Bluffs , my
Wolllmprovcd , nil under cultivation ; 159 acres
In tumo grills ; Ims n fine now residence , con
taining 14 rooms nnd all mojern impiovemonte ,
house costing 7,0oa Also now barn , 1(0x50 ( ; two
Hallidny wind mills , a scale house and scales ,
cuttlo yards und water tanks ; a good young
bearing orchurd of apples und small fruit ; 30
Itcud ( f good fnrm lior os , cattle , hews imd all
farm Implements required to run a ilrst-clnss
farm , lenns will bo made known on applica
tion , or on day of salo. All parties thinking of
investing are cordlully Invited to call and mnko
a personal examination of the farm and Im
provements. E. WAH1) .
H. D. AMY A CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
> AND (
No. 620 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
EngineerSunrejforMap , , Publisher
No. 11 North Main St.
Cltr and county mnpiof cltlej nod couolloi In
weileriiluwu.Nvbruikauntl KBIUIU.
W. L , HIGGS ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Collections a specialty. , Refers to the Bee
Star Sate Stables ahdMu/e ] Yards
llroiidwur , Council UlutTs/Opp. Dummy Depo
3 4
* i
f 1
Horses nnd mules kant constantly ou
hand , for sale at retailer in car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold oh commission.
StiLUTKit & BOI&Y , Proprietors ,
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Koil Sale Stables , corner
1st. aro. and 4th street.
It. ItlVE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the Unite or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
ESTConimUaUon free.
Dcilnfi. o t Iraaten and reports on brldRt-s ,
. louiidfttloiii und gen
III no prints of any size alid iiuantlty. . >
Ortlco No 13 N. Main Ht. ( Flrdt National Ilank
Monday , March 7th.
Will open upwards of 50 rnscs of Now
nnd soasoiuiblc spring pootK Novel
ties will bo added to each ot their sev
eral departments.
These arc the newest nnd froulicst.
productions of foreign nnd domestic
markets , iimking a collection at once
elegant and unique and ono never sur
passed by ourselves anil never equal
led by any house in the northwest.
Dress GoodsDept
A splendid display of tlio InlestFrenolf
and English advanced novelties , to
gether with a complete line of staple
fabric , making this department in ev
ery point full and complete.
Wash GoodsDept
French suttceiiH in elegant design ,
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams In new
patterns and colorings.
Batistes in combination and plain.
Percales and domestic sattcens in up
wards of 20 fresh and original patterns
Our assortment of the above is larger
and more extensive than others shown
by competing houses.
We invite an inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
. ' &
Everything in this line can bo found
in our establishment. We call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that there
has been a sharp rise in these poods.
Our goods were bought before the rise
and we give our customers the benefit
You can save fully 20 per cent by mak
ing yonr purchases of ns.
AVe emphasize the statement that in
embroideries , white goods , underwear ,
luces , ribbons , and notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low
er than the lowest.
Our Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jackets , anil ladles
and childrons suits , new and stylish
garments of Paris and Berlin modes ,
together with the newest shapes and
most approved makes of the leading
New York manufacturer ? . We can
convince you that in this line , that in
quality , style and cheapness wo are
unrivalled ,
We invite the attention of our pat
rons to these special features and the
stock in general , No effort will bo
spared to make our departments com
plete in every partieular and at prices
lower than any house in the west.
Kos.314 , 316 , 318 anil 32O Broad-
\va\j \ , Council muff * .
Mull orders promptly and care
fully attended to , ,
T" " " ! mm1
IE1. < T.
Real Estate Rroker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Land Adapted for Gar
dening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is sot to apple orchard which is in bearing , and , '
to all varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , divided as follows :
I'roper contains upwards of live acres. The vines are thrifty and in bearing.
Uetweon three and four acres are well set to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and strawberries.
Contains more than 1,000 trees in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration are a large numbers of choice plums ,
cherry and other fruits , also shade ami ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings ,
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gardening purposes , being a deep black loam and is a warm , south slope ,
and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Ouiaha or Council Dlull's.
With the now bridge completed acrosj the Missouri , the property is not over
thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolllce.
Any party desiring a choice bargain should apply at once ns , if not sold within
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
1. J. COLBY ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estate
Vacant Lots , Lands , Cltji Residences and Farms , acre property In
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for sprlny stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room a , over O/lccr C rnsey's bank , Council-Itluffa.
c ° u " " "
Sears' Real Estate Agency ,
Taxes paid , loans made , rents collected , investments made foi
Farminp Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from f.VQO to
410.00 per acrn. School and stain lands in MiiHiusotn on 80 years' tunn A pur
cunt interest. Land lluyers f.ire free. Information , etc. , ( riven by
. No. 655 Uroadway , Council Dluffi , Jnwa.igcnt for Frcldriksen & Co. , tJ'iicago. ' .