Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
ER BIS REINSTATEMENT , VUtornoy Burr's Legal Friends Ask the Supreme Court to Retract. IfAVORABLE ACTION EXPECTED. bo Oozad Roller Mill Incorporated A Bud llttriclnr Sentenced to tlio 1011 Capital City Happening * ) . FKIIOM THE UEK'S LINCOLN Yesterday in supreme court a petition JviiH presented to tlio honorable court by V. M. Woolworth , of Omaha , asking tlio reinstatement of L. C. Burr , of Lincoln , "who nbout n year ugo was disbarred by the rourt for a term of two years for his relations to tlio st.ito as attorney for Matt Zimmerman , the Minden murderer. As mentioned in the UEK some time since this action asking for reinstatement was commenced by friends of Mr. Burr and tlio petition as presented shows tlio dig- patures of many of tlio prominent at torneys in tlio state , including tlio com- nilttco that recommended hisdobarmeut. . There scorns to bo no opposition to Mr. J'urr's reinstatement and action favor- nblo by tlio court is expected. Tlio fol lowing named attorneys signed the peti tion asking reinstatement and a personal letter from General Cowin Is appended : N. S. Harwood , L.W. IMllingsly , Jno. M. Thurston , C. A. Tibbllts. H. it. Moore , W. L. Greene , J. E. ohinman , W. A. Btowe , M. L. liny ward , E. F. Warren , Jno. M. linear ) , Isham Roavis , M. A. Hartigan , J. E. Cofoboy , C. S. Montgom ery , John 11. Ames , \V. J. Lamb , J. VV. Dowecse , ( i. M. Lambertson , A. S. Cole , O. P. Mason , F. A. Seoville , W. H. Woodard , J. R. Webster , A. J. Sawyer , 1T. . Ransom , J. VV. Kllcr , A. H. Howen 11. H. Wilson , A.V. . Field , R. S. Norval , 0. ' . M. Marquett , F. M. Hall , Geo. A. fay , S. H. Calhoun , N. H. Boll. V. L. Hawthorne , B. F. Good , Geo. 1. Wright , F. V. Krutky , O. M. Coop. ( J. W. Sirnp- gen , S. II. Sorcnberg , C. J. Greene , Lewis II. Groir , John M. McFarland , R. Rvan , J. W. Sparks , A. Kwing , J. L. Calilwe.ll , John C. Watson , Matt Miller , D. H. Elton , J. U. Strode , J. M. Woolworth. B. F. Smith , i. E. ( Jongdon , Charles Oqden , Geo. E. Prllohett , E. M. Bartlett , G. E. \Valdo , John Patterson. To tlio llonnrablo tlio Judges of tlio Supreme Court of Nebraska : Mv Dunr Sirs i am pmtlflcd to learn that Mr. L. C. Hurr proposes to make application lor reinstatement to the bar of your court. AH a member of tlie committee to whom his case wns referred and personally , I earnestly commend hid application to your favorable Action and approval. J. C. UOWIN. DOINGS IN SUPREME CODUT. Court mot pursuant to adjournment. { The following ccntlonicn were admitted to practice i MeU C. Jay , Pliny M. Moodlo , John T. Sponcer. ' Hnowdon vs Tyler , judgment on re- uyort ; Freeman vs Webb , leave given de- IjfendantH to lilo briefs in two weeks : Gas- 'tor vs Welna. Uriah Bruncr appointed guardian ad litera , and cause submitted. Tlio following causes were continued : flubo TS Sullivan , Voso rs Miller , Ault- luan vs Leahy. The following causes were argued and Submitted : S. D. 30. Stanton county vs il'Shoii ) , motion to dismiss ; state ox rol ji'rnnso vs Bryant ; Kern vs Kloko ; Me- jJL'onnhoy vs McConahoy ; Bisbco vs Glea- 'Von. Court adjourned to this morning. NEW NOTA1I1K3. Governor Thayer yesterday commis sioned the following notaries public : G. ? VV. Davenport , I'awneo City ; Charles W. ill , Kenrnoy ; E. M. Cunningham , Kear ney ; Joshua C. Moore , Broken Bow ; J. > ? 1. Vnil. Clarkson : Charles II. Randall , Kimball ; George P. Shockoy , Kimball ; I. P. Nelson , Edgar ; Charles A. Goss , C. D. "lutchlnson , J. W. < ! rnig , Miss llattio luncun , George E. Thompson , Omaha ; amuol C. Mullin , Plum Creek ; W. E. lanson , Scotia ; Ed S. Miller , Burnston ; rVill K. Johnson , Stuart ; Frank M. Slur- tlcvant. Atkinson ; Patrick Ilagcrty , O'NoillT. ; M. Dempsey , McCookJ. ; H. Morris. Ashland ; C. M. Burket , Crete ; John L. Johnson , Stromsburg ; Mnx E. Jiilnnr , Osceola ; John R. Pool. Pawnee City ; Samuel Ensign , Arborvillo , York county. TUB COZAD TtOLLER MILL , of Cozad , Dawson county , has filed its articles of incorporation. The company lias nn authorized capital stock of 9-20,000 , in shares of S500 each , paid as re quired by the board of directors , the 'company commencing business Decem ber 17 , 1880 , to continue lifty years. The incorporators arc P. W. O'Brien , M. liening , A. R : Landon , William Robort- eon , David Cllflbtd , O. J. Bleckford. H. A. Darner , Junes Walling , E. D. Owens , S. It. Williams , Charles Wake , A. T. Gatowood. S. W. Schavling , Honrn llobsen , J. A. Trausuo , Robert Hanna , J. O. Phelps , W. H. Irwin , James Ware , C. F. Ward , J. H. Darner , C. T. Fulton , and J. A. Uatewood. FIVB YEUIS IN THE TEN. The young highwayman who entered Bonator Sprick"s room sometime back Mid attempted , by revolver and throat , u robbery , has been sentenced in tlio dis trict court to live years in the pomteu- tiary. The trial was short , the testimony direct , and it took the jury but very little time to Hud the chap guilty. Ho rip- pealed to the mercy of tlio court , but the Hudgo saw no grounds for leniency. , cs < Specially as ho had boon on trial in the lull term for attempted robbery at state fair timo. The man has gouo under the iiiuno of Lewis while ho has been hang' Ine around Lincoln , but the name is ar assumed one and ho has respectable \ - pie living in Illinois. AHOUT THE CITV. Sheriff Skinner , of Clarinda , la. , was in Lincoln yesterday after the man Doc Wilson , who is wanted at Essex , la. , foi burglary committed a year ago. Wilsor was captured In Lincoln last spring ant lias not been back until the present time \vliou the police immediately effected hi : capture. The city council unanimously con firmed the action of the mayor in rein stating Chief Bcaoh in the police depart niont and the final net of Olllcor Post' ; brlof career was to ( lie charges agains Ullicor Malono. These charges were refer for red to the council committee on polici nnd at Ofllcor Malono's request will bi considered immediately. It is to be hopoc that the personal warfare will then cease To-day General Thayer goes to Omahi Jo attend the annual business encamp mcnt of the G. A. R. , of which the gov ernor is commander. A largo dolegittiot of old soldiers will accompany the governor ornor to the metropolis , Secretary of State Laws has boon a AlcCook the past few days attending ti business matters at that place , bis forme homo. Ho is oxpcotcd at the olllco to morrow. Captain J. H. Stickle , of Thayc county , accompanied by Mrs. Stickle were In Lincoln a few hours yesterday en route for Omaha , at which place tti captain is a delegate to the G , A. R. en campmeut. AT THE HOTELS. Among the arrivals at the Lincoln he tcls yesterday were noted the followlni Mcbraskans : L. D. Fowler , Sutton ; A II. Baker , C. B. Thompson , S. J. Bate man , Grand Island ; W. H. Dildmo , J. 2 Bnlllnccr. Hastings ; A. Shokoy , Irlcnt ! I. H. Rusnton , rairniouut ; O. Herbert Holclrego ; O. P. Neodham , Omaha ; F. fl Holt , Piokorcll ; P. J. Myrcs , Alfred HUJ ette , Beatrice ; E. C. Wiggenhorn , W , A Hornberger , Ashland. Lawn dresses , window shades and pll ow shams can bo elegantly done up wit ctrioLiutroBtwsL roUTINO ARMY DOOTOltS. The Now Surgeon-General and tlio Secretary of War. CIIICAOO , March 15. [ Special Telegram to the HtK.J-Tho ! Dally News' Waslilncton corrcs ) > ondeiitsays ho U told , on whnt Is good authority , that the resignation of Secretary Kndlcott has been tendered the president , and will be accepted. Tlio Immediate cause Is said to bo trouble wItn the now surgeon- Bcneral of the army. Dr. Moore , who was re cently elevated to his post from the station In San Francisco. It Is said Hint Surgeon Baxter Iwautcd the position very badly , and log-rolled through Adjutant-General Drum very assiduously. Dr. lluntlngton , who was assistant to the last surgeon- tceneral , and who had been in charge.of the ofllco for a number of years , told the president that his friend , Dr. Moore , of San Francisco , was thy best man , and tlm presi dent appontea him , being attracted by his ability and the fact that ho was about the only man of his rank that had not applied for the placo. The story goes that li.ixtur and Drum were very wroth and cast about In their minds for some scheme of re venue. It soon matured In tlio shape of an order from the feccrulary of war transferring Dr. Ituntinjiton to the Southern California DOSt without consulting Surceon General Mooro. In fact , the llrst Intimation the lat ter had was a notice In the papers , Ho wns naturally hurl and went to the sfcretaiy to protest against changes In his corps without his kliowleilgo and consent He asked that the order be revoked. The secretary refused torooko It. ( iuncral Moore then appealed to the president. The latter tooK the case under advlseirent and promised Moore an answer soon. This was nearly a month ago. In the ineantlino the order ot the secretary has gone Into effect despite the protest , The surgeon general has therefore been compelled to take the only course that Is possible for him under the circumstances , lie has addressed a letter to the president aRcoaimander-lu- chief of the army , asking to be relieved from duty as surgeon-general lie' assumes that the refusal of the secretary to let him per form the duties which by law and the army regulations are assigned to him , Is a rollcc- tlon upon his ofllclal Integrity nnd ability , and to submit to such treatment would bo to admit his own Incompetoncy. He therefore deollni-3 to hold an otlico the duties of which ho Is not allowed to perform. The letter of the surgcon-gonpral was referred to Secretary Endicott for a reulv some tlmo ago. It Is said that he handed an answer to the presi dent last Thursday. What It was no one knows , but It Is supposed that the secretary will stand by the position he has taken. Ho Issued an order , he lias refused to i evoke it , and will undoubtedly continue to refuse even at the cost of his portfolio. The president therefore will bo compelled to chosa between tils secretary of war and his surgeon general. Unfortunately for Kndl cott , precedents arc all against him. Such a thing as ordorinz about subordinates of a corps commander without at least consulting him Is unheard of , except during some emer gency at the outbreak of tlm war , Tlio president selected Moore for the duties which the secretary of war will not permit him to perform. The trouble all arises from the refusal of the president to give the place to Dr. Baxter , who was warmly urged by Endi cott. Baxter , says a correspondent. Is be hind the whole scandal , and It Is not the tirst time ho has been mixed up In one. WASHINGTON. Maich 15. [ Special Tel- eraui to the HKE.J The Baltimore Amer ican's Woahlngon special to-day savs that Secretary Endicott has handed his resignation to the president The disagreement between them Is said to have grown out of the appointment of Colonel John Moore as surgeon ireneral , the secretary having wanted Baxter ap pointed , llo ( Kndlrott ) took exceptions to the Interference ot Surgeon lluntlngton and sent him to California against the protest of Moore. The latter was endorsed by the pres ident , hence the row. Of course the story is denied In official circles , but those on the Inside Insist that there has been a long standing agreement between the president and the secretary , and It Is the general belief that Endicott will resign , If he has not al ready done so. Destructive Fire In Buffalo. BUFFALO , March 15. At 8:35 : this mornIng - Ing the larco brick building of Miller , Green & Co. , opposite the Commercial Advertiser olllco , burned. Within half an hour after the lire started Us walls began to fall. The building with Its contents Is an entire loss. The loss on the building Is $200,000 ; on the utoolc 8350,000 , Insurance heavy. The upper floors of the building were occupied by the Masonic hall , which Is also a total loss. The insurance at present Is unknown. It Is re ported that two or three tlrem on are burled under the ruins. The loss by the destruction of Masonic hall Is about 835,000 , Insurance 935,000. All Ma- Bonlc lodges and other bodies met In this hall except two , and Its destruction Is keenly felt among the members of this order. Do I esseps In Berlin. 1'Aitis , March IS. A largo number of the Intimate friends ot De Losseps met him at the railroad station on his return from Ber lin last night In the Interview ho expressed the greatest pleasure at the kind reception accorded him by everybody In Berlin. As the result of the conversations ho had with Emperor William and Bismarck , he said he could alllrm there would be no war. iTIio emperor told him Sunday that Germany would never attack Franco. The empress asked him to leave his plan of the Panama canal with tier. Bismarck spoke highly of lierbetle , French ambassador to Berlin , who , the urlnce says , Is making himself bcllked by everyone. A Youthful Crook Starts West. NEW VOKK , March 15. Albert Pare , a sixteen-year-old messenger boy employed by the Wall street firm of Abrlgg & Whiter , was sent to the bank Monday with $29.n50 In checks and seine cash to deposit , lie did not go to the bank , but started out tramping west , llo got as far as Willlamsburg when ho mot some tramps who spent all the cash and then discovered they could not cash the checks which they tore up. The boy and his companions have been arrested aud the Wall street llrm Is trying to get duplicates ot the checks. The Dead nnd ST. PKTUIISUUIIO , March 15. The Imperial court yesterday attended the funeral service before the late czar's tomb In tlio cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. The services were held In all the churches aud at the shrine over tlio spot where the czar was killed. In the evening the city was illuminated In honor of Alexander III. All theatres , grog shops and other places of resort of the people were closed. rOST ? > ERFICT MADE ] Prepared with strict rerud to Fnritr , Btwngtb , ani UeallbtulaMO. Dr. Price's Diking Powder cont&lna RUPTURE CURED. ByDr. Snidlktr * ! method , No operation : No Palni No Detention from builncn. Adaoted to children well aa frown people , tlundredt of autograph UnoDlaUon Cle. All butlnaai itrtetlf coBBd * lal. IXINiULTATlON FBKB. PItOF. { H. D. COOK , r Boom 0,15U Douglaa St. , Omah , Nob. jjiiHfttllll -t A NOTHER NEW ADDITION J AND NOW is YOUR CHANCE TO CLEAR SO to 1OO CEISTT. By making your selections at The Misfit Pnrlors for your spring clothing. The recent arrivals of purchases from the lead ing merchant tailors is truly sublime in style of pattern and cut , and the styles of fabric being the most recent manufac tured by Foreign and Domestic mills , made up in an endless variety of STT FOR FOR FOR FOR f 9 60 Which was in ado by a merchant tailor f 18 00 | 13 10 , Which was made by a merchant tailor , . . . | 25 60 10 40 dodo dele SO 00 1500 do do 3000 11 00 dodo lode S3 00 17 40 do do 3500 12 70 dodo do 25 00 10 03 ao do 4000 13 80 dodo do 20 00 33 80 do do 4500 141)0 ) dodo do 2300 ZJ 40 do do 6000 1520 dodo do 30 00 28 30 do do 6500 10 80 do do 33 00 31 10 do do 6000 Should you feel in need these chilly morning and evenings , of a light over-garment , you can find any and every style of cut and pattern that can be found in America to select from , at the following prices which when seen you will at once realize are less than HALF PRICE for a Light Weight Overcoat TOR FOIl I ) COVhlcli wns tmdc by a merchant trilor if 18 00 10 20 do do 20 00 11 40 do da 22 50 12 80 dodo do 25 00 13 20 dodo do 27 00 14 50 dodo do 32 03 13 60 do do 37 00 To conclude we mention , LAST HUT NOT LKAST , the elegant and uncomparablo assortment of the article which every man would buy at the Price of a pair Merchant Tailor-Made Pants FOR FOR FOR FOB S 3 00 Which was made by a merchant tailor $ 7 00 $ 4 70 Which was made by a merchant tailor S 9 00 480 do do 850 rAn dodo do 1050 500 do do 1000 0 50 dodo do 18 00 500 do do 1100 7 00 dodo do 14 75 010 do do 1200 8 70 dodo do 15 720 do do 1460 0 30 do do 17 The above is but a mere mention. Suffice to say we cater for your trade and will show you our inducements for your comparisons , we are The ONLY MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119 FARNAM STREET ; OMAHA , NEB. N. B ; We solicit your order. If out of our city and promise to give you our prompt and careful attention. DR.CHERBOURG . , Oor. 13th and Dodge Sts. . Omaha , Neb. f v A B gal r Graduate in Medicine Oter U * yr nrectlcel loin KaoiuCItHo. . An- tiorlied tn treat all Chrnnlf. ; Kerjoui and " 8n UlMMe.11 Seminal weekneBB ( 8nmi ieclal ) , Beiual Lubllltr ( Ion of 8eital power ) , Kirroui Dtbllllj , * c. cncei ciiuaatctd or money r.lunJeil. CbarmiWW. Thoni nd ol taieicnreA. li Important All meiJIcIUM naif lor a Nerafrcnryor l ) nrloa § mullclnet ed. Ma tim. lolt from builnen VatUnt. at a tllilance treated by Utter andeipraii MBdlclnen nt i rjwh .refr . froia lit. or breakage. State jonr eaie and Mud f" ' " ' - Eonidtatlon free and confldeitlal , perionall ; or bf letter. OFFICE HOURS- & 7to8P.M CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do boreby certify that we euporvlso the arrangements lor nil the Monthly nnd Scml-An- nunl Urnwlnga of The Louisiana Stnto Lottery Company , nnd In person manage nnd control the drawing * themselves , and thtit the saino are conducted wltn honesty , fairness nnd In good faith toward all parties , nnd wo nuthorlro the Company to use this cerilOouto with fno-slm- Ues of our slgnaturos attached , in lu advertise ments. " COMMISSIONERS. We the undersigned Hanks nnd Bankers will pay alt Prizes drawn In The Loulilnna State Louorios whlohmay be presented ntour coun ters. J. H. OGLESBY. President Louisiana National Hank. P. LANAUX , President State Nntlunnl Dank. A. BALDWIN , President New Orleans National Dank. CARL KOIIN , I > n.3. Ltilon Natlonn Dank. LODISIAH& STATE LOTTERY COHPAHL Incorporated in 1808 for 25 yours by the logls- turo for Kduc&tlnnul and Clmrltnblo purposes , with a capital of 11,000,000 to which n rosono f uml of over tSM.OOO has since been added. Hy an overwhelming ponular vote Its fran chise was made a part or the present State Constitution adopted December Sd , A. I ) . 1870. f ho only lottery over voted on and endorsed Dy the people of any state. It never scales or postpones. Itsirrnnd single number drawings take plaoi montlilv. nnd the scmi-nnnual drawings roiru. larly every eU mouths ( June nnd December ) . A Srr. Ni > iD Ort'onTUNiTV TO WIN A FOUTUN * . 4th Grand Drawing , Class I ) . In the Academy ot Music , Now Orleans. Tuesday , April U'tn , ISST.l.'U-ld Monthly Drnwlnir. CAPITAL PRIZE SI60.000. tlee. TickNoett are SIO only. Halvas , 5 Fifth * 32. Tenths $ ! LIST Or I'llUKS. E.179 Prizes nmnuntlnirto $ S3' , OOJ Application for rates to clubs should bo made onlr to the office of tbo company lu New Or For further Information \rrlto oleatir , ffiriar fuUaddroan. POSTAL NOTB3 KrproM Moner Orders , or New York Kicbaniro m ordinary lot- tcr. ourronor br express at our aiponso ttJ M.A.nAOPHIN , Washington , D. a Aildresti Registered letter * to NEW OBLBAN3 NATIONAL BAKE. New Orloaag L\ rjJU.ftainjjH ! T'1 ' * ' * ho preionce of QenemU Be uro ard and Karlf , who are In cbanta of the drawing * , ! ! a uar antee of absolute f rroeti and tnteirltr chancca are all equal , and that no on * can poatlblr dlTtn * bat Dttoban will draw * Ptlii. Air partial tbareforeadTartlalni tOuarante Prliei In tbli Lot- t rr. or holding put any olber lmpotlbl Indue * . menu , are wlndlerf.aadoolr aim to decelreaail d ( rauu u > * iui ur fan * MA * I & A > ' If AT. ocrjai'titt * SOMETHING NEW. Warranted to neltherbreakdown or roll up In wear. Ion GcBBlnt without KIBO itamptt on Inside of Corstt Try III It will t yai lhl fjfj tj f jr i Ufc CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. MEW YORK. THE WIRE GAUZE OVER OOP is THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ON THE It produces Practical Eeiults in Baking and Hcaiting never before attained In toy Cooking Apparatui , and will . Food C kcd or Routed , iboal.l tw Booked n freiholrfrMlr admitted toth oven. IbUUdona by dlsrsrdlng th clone oren door h.r.tofore uiwl-nnd ubitltutlne for It a door containing a .bettor. Wlro Gauze Dearly a. larena. the door uwlf. Through this Qauc * Door the air freely Circulates , facilitating thaproces.of cooking. and eroduclnz food that i. uncalled In flator and nu- frltlon , and actually cooked with leu comompUou ot fuel than la an oven with a clowd door. Ittnake * an enormous taring In tb * weight of meat. wr THE roon COOIHD IK IT. OPINION OF AN EXPERT. .MM. MART B. W u .a herUorae tloEco Iowa State ) DnlYenltj. eaj $ : "Mr dellbnrata lud ment u that the oven ot the lUnge , ae compared with other" , la Dot only more ) exiuaUrbeatud lu oreir part front at well ai rear but aauretult of Ita superior TeotlUtlpi thttood placed thenln'le bettere < x > V d.whll ret la- IniiaiwwterflnTo > ranil : lart r proiwnloi Itibett I'licM. 1 fled , alia ' .ihattheconiuuijitlonof UangeU much lew Uiatfaar other ( or aana work.1 IENO FOR IlLUSnUTEOMNUlAII AMD PIICIIHT EXCELSIOR HAKF'C CO. . ST. LOU IS. OHABTXB OAK BTOVZ9 and BAHGES ar * BOLD IX HEBBABKAai follow. : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OUAHA. P. KLNNEY , . , . GOKDON. DALLAS * LETSOM , , HASTINGS. E C. BREWER. . . . . . HAY SPBINCI. H.AIRD&CO , . NIBRAIK-A CITY. W. P. TEMPLETON , NBLSON. J. B. STURDEVANT &SON ATKINSOH. J.KASS& CO CIIADRON. KRAUSE , LUBKER & WELCH CouuMBOi. OLDS 1IROS EOGAV. TANNELL St SWEENEY , FAIRDUXV. GETTLE& FAGER FRAMCUK. N. J. JOHNSON , NORTH BIND. i. J. McCAFFERTY O'NEILL CITY. R HAZLEWOOD. . . OSCEOLA. J.S. DUKE. PlATTlHOUTH. A. PEARSON , STERLING. J O. GREEN , STFOMSBORO. 1. A. PADDEN&SON. Sumuot TIMMEKMAN ttFKAKE-R VKKDON- PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTCR'S ENGLISH. " Tk rl.iiM Only O D lMe. dak aal mtwmtm Bettatle , * > wan * ' wrtkleja leilutloai IiiUtuuale to LADlKt * kak i u Bracg * * ! I > CkbkeUi'a IaVaVk > U4 late ae eUer , er lielin 4 . ( iuauxlle w fer ertt lri * MMr kr rm ami4L nTfi. * 5iA.MEt ai > fc DON'T Poison the System with Nauseating Dnifirs.Dr.IIorne's Electric Belt Cures Diseases Without Medicines. Will Positively Cure Without Medicine I'nlnsln the buck , hlpj.hend orllmhs ; Norrous U WlltT.I.iunbnco , Genernl Uobllltr , RboutaaUim. far- nlj l , Nourolyln. hcla'lca , Dl o se < of Klilner * . Hpl- mil Il uii > etTorpidIJT.r. Onut , Asthmn.lloiut Dl- Bonje . Djf pepsi i , OorutlPHtlon , Kryslpalas , Indlg * * lion , ImnotcncyCiitsrrli , I'ilos , lipllopsj , Ague , Din- betes , Ilyilroco 0. Uxlmimton. Note the Following who were Cured A. J. Honglnnd. It t > . Parker. J. II. Ilaslett , all on bo .rdof tmdoiH. W. Furnkam , American Kxpreii Co s A.Urfuorj , commission merchant , Htock Yard * , C.Tonnscnd. Cnlmer IIaii'81 HartJ Uoble. the great horseman ! I'ol.Connelljrof the Inter-Ocean , 8. W. Hcirrl .30aKrle t is. M. Unrli , Secretary American llorncman : J.I * SncatTer.2Jl.Madison t : J.C. Smith , jawoler. ILtllndUoint .nHorCtleiRo ; < ) . W. llelln * . M. I ) , Mormontownlow u ; Lemuel Milk , Kanknkn , 111 , JiKlKOl. N.Murry.NtijiorTillo. 111. , uml hundrodi of others rcprcscntlnit nearly every town in tun Union. Al < o electric bolt * for ladles. Call or send ftamn for Illustrated catalogue. Open dally , alia evenings and Hnndsrs. Klcctrlc Susponsorlat free anil nil MnloDelt * . Uewaroof boxiKCompinles with munynllanoa.sellln * worthless K > o1s. with only0 to IS elements. All my belts contiln it elPmanti or battorlei , hence have four times th power and quantity of electricity. Honest KooJi unj bonest ricnllmrlslhe motto DR.J.W.HOUXE.lOlWnbiiflli-av.CIiicagro Inrontor , Proprietor and Manufacturer. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBKASKA. Paid up Capital $260,000 Surplub 40,000 H. W. 1'atcs , rrcsidont. A. E. Tou/alln , Vlro Proslilent. W. H. 8. Hughe * , Cashier. uinLcrons : \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H.W.Yatcs , Lewis S. Hood. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IKON DANK , Cor ISth and Farnam Sts. A Ue oral Banking JSusincsa Transacted. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL , . . . $100,000 SURPLUS , . . . . 400,000 Accounts of Banks , Bankers and Corpo rations solicited. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent and -we re-discount for banks when balances warrant it Boston is a-Reserve City , and balances with us frombanksnot ( located in other Re serve Cities ; count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans fers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government Bonds bought and sold , and Exchanges in Washington made for Banks without extra charge. We have a market for prime first-class Investment Securities , and invite proposals Irom States , Counties and Cities \shen is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA. P. POTTER , President. JOS. W. WOP.K , Cashier. A. H. ABBOTT & Co. , WHOLESALE IHEH'ili ' ARTISTS' MATERIALS. MATHEMATICAL IN8TRUMENT8. 00 Madison St. . CHICAGO. withreiia. . _ . " j W llO CH U ' 'urnlib capital to build aodoparalo a canning IiUurr In a w il m town. Ca li bonus to bt vtrtf. AttllV U > tt > C V . louao , Me * . Lawrence Ostrom tfc Oo. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " Is Death to Consumption , Malaria , Sleeplessness , Chills and Fevers Or Insomnia , and Typhoid Feyor , Dissiniulatioii , Indigestion , 01 Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old , Sursrlcal Fevera No Fusel Oil , Blood Absolutely Far * . The GREAT APPETIZER This will eerlirrtbat I b f eMmlned Ida UEM.B OF HOUR DO N WHISKY. uc lT d frotnl , ntvr oTnu > r ACo.and fcnmft tbD raa to t > o porfjctl.-fra frnl Kuiol Oil anil all other delHt otuiabitincti and itrlctlr pur . I cheerfully rosoramenil the .ama for Ifamllynnil Medicinal ptirpjjn . _ , _ , , _ J- p"ABNUM. . M. n. . Aimlytlc-ilChomUt. LouliT . ForMltbr Drufditi. Wine Merchants and Oroeeri orerrwhorfl. Prlo II Vi oer bottle If notfound at the ODOTO. half doien bottloi. oiprai plain boxei will be .onf to In tbe Unite ! 8Uto or Cannda , on receipt of li dollari. LAWBENOB OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky , Wholesale and Distributing Agents , RICIIARDSOJf DRUG CO. , and t HILEY d DILLON , Wholesale Llgttor Dealers , f Omaha. FamlUexsupplied by GLADS'lONE BROS. < KCO. , Omaha. U. T. CLARK DRUG CO. , The G. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust Go. N. W. COB. 15th AND HABNJiT , OUAHA. Property of every description ( or sale m all parti of th city. Lands for sale In every county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Title * of Douglas county kept. Maps of the olty state or county , or any ot her Information desired furnished free of charge upon application. f C. S. RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stocic. . Prices the lowest. Hopalriug a spocialty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and loth streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union i'acllic Railroad company. f mi Spring Valley Stock Farm 1887 , OMAHA , NED. George Wilkeg 610. Record 2:23. : MonsuroJ by 2:30. : ( ho 2:2Sond : thoSsDnlnml RrJi was tlio KWitist tljnt over llvml. Uiivlns now K doiH unil iluuKhU'ra In the 2:33 : list dawn to214y. ; The only son ot Oonr o Wllkca in the Stnto of Nobrusicu. 35-11 Black Wilkes 3611 Standard. Sired by Ceortro Wllkos 610 ; 1st dam Fnnnr Dell.slreil by Confoilointo Oblof , own bt other to tt'ooclford Cliluf , 2i' : > i : 2nd ilnm Itysdyx'a lliunblctoiilim. Will atnnd for inarca tit tbo abo\o farm ut { 35 the unison , cash tlmo of ser- Tlco , with privilege of return should marcs not jirovo In foal. Limited to 20 mnros bualiloj my own. Bciuion commences Fab , 1st and ends August 1st. 1837. for further particulars send for circular , . N. L D. BOLOMONi 'YPE ' WRITERS , K T bought. olfl or ezebangnd on n t liberal termf. Oood macblnet for lo at half Writ oont. HrlUf J Red Star Line Cniryliitrthonoljflum Jloyal nnd United StnlM Mall , pnlllntr eory Baturdujr Between Antwerp & New York . . , To thelthlne , Germany , Kalu , JIol- | land and France , Salon from } GQ to $75. Kicuralon trip from f 110 to 1125. Second Cabin , outward bound , 1S ; prepaid , tt5j oicurslon.J'.HJ. StcernKfl pHMatro HtlowniUii. I'oicr Wrltfht & Sons , UwiormJ Afents , r > * > ilroajwny. Now York. Henry I'undt , 1218 furnain Bt.Paulson ; & Co , , I I'M Farnam St. ; U , O. Freomau , 1J21 1'urnam. nit InlALi . 1)B. A. . OLIN CO. , N. . m WM ( U. fU r