Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Violent Flnctnations Relieve the Market of
Its Hide-Bound Condition.
Corn rtnlen Steady Up to Noon But
Goes All to Pieces After Tlint
General Cnttto Market
Quito Active.
CmcAoo , . March 15. [ Special Telegram to
thellEKj-Tlio wheat deal on 'ChatiRO to-day
was an wild and sensational aa any which
has preceded it. The result of the day's tradIng -
Ing In wheat , a day of exceptionally violent
fluctuations , Iiaa been to completely rellave
the wheat pit of Its hide bound condition. \
There was no dllllculty In the last hour's
trading to buy or sell a million bushels of
May wheat. Kcrshaw & Co. , mid Irwin ,
Ureen & Co. , bought largely at TOc and up to
fcOc , but there Is no reason to think that there
Is no longer any dangerous manipulation loft
In the May option , For tliatieason , perhaps ,
It advances easily. The bulls , as the result
of the recent big operations , apparently have
the bears terrorized. The market opened
with bearish news on all sides. The opening
trades In May were at 81 , ' c , and In Juno
MVc. ) The market dragged he.wlly. TradIng -
Ing In May was more general than for manv
days. A. popular lack of confidence In the
"May deal" was naturally accompanied by a
desire to sell little wheat for delivery in that
month. The feelingthal the "alleged clique"
was getting tired of Its load and was preparing -
paring to wiggle out has been crowing , and
speculators were emboldened theicby to
enter Into new contracts. May worked down
Ic. the confidence of the bears increasing
with every } { o drop. About 12 o'clock
the offerings Increased and a big lot
of wheat was pressed for sale ,
, 'The clique Is selling out , " was the word
that flashed through the crowd. During the
119x1 fifteen minutes the crop could have
been bought. May wheat broke to 78c ,
which w as 2p c under the opening and 2 > c
under yesterday's last price. There were
trades at ? 8Jfc , and possibly some at 7bc.
The excitement was Intense and the crowd
In the pit resolved itself into a howling mob.
The official reporter gives 78J < c as the low est
point touched. The selling out of a line of
long wheat bought by an active local broker ,
who had loaded up with moio wheat near tiio
tou than ho could protect , was the signal for
the break. Thn selling by ICerslmw had led
"the crowd" to conclude that the "alleged
clique" was trying to work off wheat , and
when the insiiMlclently protected lot above
icferrrd to came on the market everybody
.supposed It was an allopathic dose of the
"cllcmo" pioperty. What followed may bo
briefly told. lr\\ln , Cu-on A Co. , Ker haw
A : Co. and Hosenfeli ) & Co. bought as much
( it "tho crop" as they could conveniently g t
their hands on , and outside blotters , acting
In their Interest , bouglit more , it Is esti
mated that the "alleged clique" houses added
Irom 0,000,000 to 8,000.000 busiiels to the lines
of wheat already on their books as having
been bouglit tor May delivery. "They had
to take tliu wheat to piotect the market , "
was the verdict first rendered by tlio
jury of the pit , a verdict which
was modified later to "It was one of the
hllckest scoops ever engineered in this
market. " When the bears began trylnc to
cover they discovered there was no wheat
for sale. Tito market reacted as suddenly as
it had slumped and five minutes before the
1 o'clock gong sounded bOVc was the quota
tion. , Iune , which had at ono time com
manded % c premium over May , dropped
back to its former unnatural position , closing
J4'c under May at 7 % c , May stopping at 1
o clock at bOr > . The corn market ruled
with remarkable steadiness up to noon
to-day and then broke and went all to pieces
dm lug the last hour of the regular session. '
Starting sales were at 40Vo for May and
* < % ( : for .June. In a short time May Hacired
to 'IOj.Cc , but from 10:30 : to 12 that option did
not sell above 40s'c nor below 40 > c. The
steady tone during this time gave to the
market the appearance of I'mnndss and In
spired the bulls with Homo hopes ot recovery.
Finally the underpinning gave way and
when 40c was touched large amounts of long
corn were dumped "all in a heap" Into the
pit and prices suddenly reacted to 39c with
tremendously heavy selling clear down. The
luarket reacted to Wc at 10 o'clock. Oats
ruled quiet and firm. Provisions were linn ,
higher and moderately active. The opening
was hluher all around and May ribs sold up
to 88.3JX , resting at 10 o'clock at 88.21 ! } $ .
May laid advanced to § 7.70 and rested at
67.S7W. .
On the afteinoou session clique brokers
bought wheat freely and advanced prices lj < c ,
but the last sales were % c below the top. The
market was stronvly excited throughout
Wheat for April sold at 75 Q7Ge , May at
bl > 4C for May , bO c for June , 7UXc lor
July , SOifc for September. Corn for May
Bold Bt SMfCilOc , Juno at 40W(5i40 ( c , July at
41) < ( iWl4C , eloslne at % 6&tfo for April ,
3Ufft'tOJso ( for Mny , 40 } @ 40 c for June and
il % ( ! 4lo tor July. Oata for March Bold at
si : c , May at 2i > c , June at ' Oc. Mesa pork for
" was nominally at 8UO.eOQ20.b5. June
Juno utS8.2U > ; .
CHICAGO , March IS. fSpcclnl Teleraui to
the BKE.I CATTLK The ad vancu to-day was
very uneven , nnd while all kinds ot cattle
Bold 10o hlRhcr thcro wore some sales o
handy , licht and medium wcljrht cattle whlc
Bhowcd more advance. Tlio ccnonil market
was < iulto active to-tiny and pi Ices were 3 6S
COo hither than they were at the lowest point
last week. The advance has been chlelly on
light anil medium cattle , though all kinds
sold neil to-day , ileal-fed cattle sold to-day
exactly 40c higher than onn week ago. Con
servative dealois expressed the fear to-day
that the present llttlo boom would bring a
rush of cnttlo to the market and senil prices
don with a disastrous crash in a
few davs. ShlnpInK steers , 1350 to 1500 lb ,
H.WJ5.M ; ISOd to 1350 Ibs. 84.25(8 1.8.1 ; V.V >
to WOO Ibs. : u)0W ) < ; stockers and feeders.
r.X < 4.1 ( ) : cows , bulls and mixed , S'iOO
ai.'JS ; bulk. 53.75'(3.U5 ; slop tert steers , S4.40
@ 5.10 ; slop fed cows and bulls. > ® 3.7r .
lions 'Irade was fairly nctlvo with llttlo
or no variance In values as compared with
yesterday. A few fancy heavy sold at .
@ 0.00 ; packing nnd mixed medium lots
nt 85.75Q5.tiO ; butcher weights , 5.7.rKi5.'J5j
common. Sfi.iXXg.'i.T.'i : light sorts mild nt
5.'if > 5il\oS ; prime Yorkers. 85.50@5.rO : pics.
4.7Wa5.25 ; Ilglit , SS.-jpa5.50.
NEW VOHK , March 15. ( Special Tclrgnim
jto the 15KK. ] STOCKS The stock market
held its own to-day , although a drive at It
was met by the hears Immediately after the
opening. The weak spot was Itlchmond
Terminal , which broke H * percent , making
buyers for tlio inomtmt rather timid. Later ,
however , there was n stiffening up In prices
through thu entire list , Louisville & Xnsli-
vllle , New Kngland , nnd Western Union
hold remarkably steady and rallied quickly
atter any depression , London continued to
be n buyer of stories , taking moderate quan >
titles of Lake Shoie unit Loulsvlllo & Nash *
vllle. Ono lejwrt credited Lake .Shore earn
ings for the tirst half ot the current month
with showing an Increase of over 8100,000.
Hocking Valley rallied a fraction and the
officials of that company claimed that the
story that interest charges had not been
eat ned was false. About noon thewholo
market Improved and shorts were large buy
ers. Cnmmack wits down town. The talk
wn ? that ho was quietly buying In his short
salt's put out snmu da ) s ago. The Baltimore
& Ohio denlNrts represented as having been
Vertically consummated , the details having
been settled by Messrs. Sage and Onrrett It
was considered certain that Gould wartho
person behind the manipulation and brokers
vt-ie generally advising customers that In
tlm ou'iu of tlie deal rolng through tlio whole
market Mould Iw creatly Improved. Money
was fairly active al 4 < 5 per cent , and the
possibility of a squeeze attracted less atten
tion than for several days. At noon the
market was strong nt nn advance over open
ing prices. Sales to noon were 114,000 shares.
About nil the activity In tlio market centered
during thu afternoon In Louisville & Nash
ville , New England , Lake Shore , nnd La'.ka-
wnnnu , all of which advanced about 1 per
cent. The whole list , however , held very
strong , nnd buying , especially by forclen
houses , wns the best In many weeks. The
market closed very strong at top prices for
the tiny. The total sales were about 2-J5.UOO
Chicago. March 15. Following quota
tions are the 2:30 : closing ticurcs :
Flour Nominally ; unchanged ; winter
wheat Hour , V4.2.r(34.HO : southern. S4.10
( S4.20 ; Wisconsin. S4.20a4.RO ( ; Michigan soft
sprlne wheat , 8a.70ci4.yo : Minnesota bakers.
8 .704. : ) ; patents , 84.50Q4.W ; low grades ,
Sl.y52. 5r ; > e nour. quiet at S3.25Q3.4o ; in
sacks and barrels , 8'@X70. !
Wheat Weak , heavy and lower ; Mayclos-
Intf ? @Kc below vcsterdavcasli'JSO-lOc ; ;
Iaysii-ific : : June , bOjl'c.
Corn Moderately nctlvo and closing % @Xa
oworthan yi-sturday's linlsh ; cash , 3lc ;
ilay,30MCc : ; June , 40e. ,
Oats Dull , quiet and steady ; cash , 23 c ;
lay , 285-lCc ; June , 2Kc <
Jarlev--Oulet { at VJ @ ' > "c.
Timothy Seed Prime. ? l.fc31.8 .
Flax .Si > cd-81.00 > < il.uO %
Pork Dull nnd tirm ; cnsli.sao.20 ; May ,
nil June , S'M.tJO.
Lard Fairly nctlve , closed nbout the same
s yesterday : cash , $1A > , ' May , S7.li7H ; June ,
' '
ij'iilk'Meats Shoulders. S6.00@0.25 ; short
lear , SS.Mffi8.iA ) ; sliortrlbs , SS.10.
Butter Less active ; creamery , 2l@"jlc ;
dairy , 10C t2ic. !
Cheese Kasy ; lull cream cheddnrs , 12@
-12Ke ' ; Hats , ll ? ( il4'c ! ! ! ' ; VOUIIB Amer-
cas , iB Tiyu ; skims , Cn,7c. (
Ksjgs 14rti)22c. )
Tallow Unchnneed : No. 1 country , solid ,
J/c ; No. 2. Sjfc ; cake , 4c.
Hide1) ) Unchanged ; Creen , Cc ; heavy
reen snlted , 7c ; salted bull , Cc ; gii-en
ilted calf. He ; dry salted hides , lOc ; dry
"Int , 12@l'Jc ; deacons , 40c each.
Heeeiiits. Shlpmonts.
Flour , bbls 31,000 20.000
Vhcnt , bu 73,000 77.000
; orn , bu 181,000
Jats , bll 115,000 122,000
tyo.bu 3,000 2,000
Uarley , bu SO.OOO 2'J.OOO
KattBaa City. March 14. Wheat Quiet ;
Vo. 2 red , cash , 70c bid , 71) ) c askud ; May , 72c
) ld , 73jfc asked.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , casli , 31J c asked ;
May , 32@U2j c
Oats-Cahh 25Kc bid , 25c asked.
Bt. I/oulH. March 15.VI -at Market
ewer ; No.J red , c.ish. TSte ; May , TUJ/c.
Corn Cash steady at U. " > X&M3 ; ; Alay ewer ,
Oats Quiet ; No.2 mixed , cash , 28,3 c ; May ,
Pork-Quiet nt 818.50@19.00.
Lard Kasy at 87.25.
Whisky-Steady nt 81.13.
Uuttcr Quiet ; creamery , 24@30 ; dairy , 15
ileher. Corn Irregular. Oats No sales.
Now Orleans , March 15. Corn Scarce
, nd lirm ; Jobbing at 50@5le.
Oats Quiet aim steady at 37K3Sc. (
llog Products Dull , weak and lower ;
pork , 817.50. Lard , relmcd tierce , S7.00 ®
Bulk Meats SlionlderdS0.80. Long clear
and clear rib , 88.37 } * .
New York. March 15. Wheat Ite
colpts , 147,400 ; exports , 208,000 ; spot J ffi cower
ewer ; options opened heavy and declined
% @lclater ruled strongcrand closed showing
a iccorery of K@J < c ; ungraded red , bb- } . ' "
U4 c : No. 3 red. b8) ; No. 2 red. M@UO )
In store and elevator , yi4@9 , ' c alloat de
livered , o'jf@90Xc , f. o. b. ; April , closed at
Corn Receipts , 45,000 ; exports. 35,000 ; spot
about KC nnd oiitlons if@sc lower , clos
ing steady ; ungraded , 4S ) < i50c ; No. 2 , 4S , '
Gf48 > * c , In elevator , OOKdsjO/fc , old dellv-
ered ; April closed at 4Sc.
Oats-Ueeelpts , 24,000 ; exports , 24.000 ;
a shade stronger and fairly active ; mixed
western. 35@37c ; white , 87@42c.
Petroleum bteady ; United closed at
03c. .
Pork Firm but quiet.
Lard 10C412 points higher but less active
and closed weaker ; western steam , spot ,
* 7.75.
Butter Quiet and weak.
Cheese Quiet and firm.
Eggs null and easier ; western , 14@17c.
Milwaukee , March 15.-Wbeat-Quiet
and tinner ; cash. 75He ; May , TUc.
Com lu moderate request ; No. 3 , S9@
Oats-Fair demand ; No. 2 white ,
% Uye Unchanged : No. 1 , 57c.
Barley-Steady ; No. 2 , Ole.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , , March , 820.50.
Cincinnati , March IS. Wheat Lower ;
No. 3 rod. 83c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 3Uc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2Uc.
K > o-Steady ; No. 2,0'Jc. '
Pork Negloe ted.
Lnrd-Flrm at 87.45.
Whlsicy-Activo at 81.13.
Mlnnonpoila , March 15. Wheat Un
settled and closed lower ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
75c ; May , 7fljfc ; June , 77Kc ; No. 1 north
ern. cash , 73c ; May. 74 c ; June , 75 > o ;
No. 2 northern , cash , 71c ; May , ? J c ; on
track } < ; @ lc above these figures was paid.
Flour Quiet ; patents , 84.25 4.40 ; bakers. :
Kecelpts Wlieat , 171,400 bu. ; ( lour , 100
Shipments Wheat , 53,000 bu. ; flour ,
20,000 bbls _
Chicago , March 15. The Drovers' Jour
nal icitorts as follows :
Cattle-ltecelptu , 5,000 ; strong and
higher : shipping steers , 83.1035.15 ; stack
ers and teederii , 3.45@4.10.
Hogs Kecelpts , 11,000 ; nctlvo and 5o
higher ; rough and mixed , S5.30C'Z5.35 : pack
ing and shipping , 85.750.05 ; light , 85.15 ®
@ . - > .75 ; skins. 8A754. ) .
ShcoD-Kocoipts. 7,000 ; slow and 10 150
lower : natives , S3.00i4.UO ; western , S3.50 ®
4.65 ; Tcxans , 2.25@4.00 : lambs , 84.00Q5.75.
KanaasCltr.March 15. Cattle Receipts.
3.000 ; shipments , 1,500 ; strong and active ; 10
( i ! 0c higher ; common to choice steers. S3.7. >
( < C4.b5 ; atockers and feeding steers , S3.25@
3'JO ; cows. § 2.2533.50.
UoL-s-llrcelpts. lt.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
choice firm , mixed and common weak and
SB lower ; pigs active and 5 ( < $ lOa higher :
common to choice , $5.10ft5.75 ; light and
pigs , ss.lKXiM.2j.
National 8took Yard * , East St ,
L < iuliIII..Marchl5. Cattle-Recolpts.1,000 ;
market actl\e and 10 ( . < i' 0c lilgher than last
Friday ; choice heavy natlvo steers ,
S4.OW.\20 ; fair to good shipping steers ,
83.1)0(3 ) ( 4.SO ; butchers' steers , talr to choice ,
8H.5uctU.25 ; feeders , fair to good , 8iOif33.bO ) ;
btockers , fair to good. S2.20Wl.2u.
Hogs Ri celpts , 5,000 : fairly steady : choice
heavy and butchers' selections , fc5.k50o.00 ;
packing , fair to- good , S5.W\75 ( ; Yorkers ,
medium to prime. $5.4.y < ( < 5.00 ; pigs , corn-
moo to good , S4.W@5. : .
0 > | AHA 7vE 8TOCK.
Tuesday , March 15.
Call In.
T he recelptft of cnltlo were heavier than
yesterday by 300 head anU lighter than the
receipts of a week ngo by the same number.
The market opened actho and at an ad\i > nco
of about lOc over yesterday's market. The
demand was good and nearly everything
changed hands.
There was n heavy run of hozs to-day ,
there being a gain of 300 o\er yesterday
and 2.100 o\er a week ngo. The market
ouened n llttlo dull at llrst nnd about 5c lower
on all grades. Later when the buyers re-
cehed their full orders the market llrmed up
nnd was very active. The demand was
heavy nnd everything offered was quickly
taken. There were none left over mm the
market closed strong.
The receipts of sheep were liberal and the
market fairly active. Four loads \\ero re
ported sold. The market was stronger.
Cattle. 1.000
lion's 5(100 (
Sheep 1,100
Prevailing 1'rlce.s.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo
stock on tuls market :
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.JO4.75 :
Choice steers. 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.10@4.35
Fnt little steer 950 to 1100 Ibs. . . . 3.W@I.OO
( Joed tn choice corn-fed cows. . . . . ' 1.00. . > . ' ! .40
Falrto medium cows 2XKii2.50 (
Onod to cholcii bulls 2.2.5r J3.00
Light and medium hozs\r ( ) ( . 10
Oood to choice heavy hogs
Good tn choice mixed hogs B.40vie5..Vi
Choice sheep , 00 to 120 Ibs 3.50 1.15
Representative Malca.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
44. . . . 041 $3.00 S0..13bO 84.30
12..1197 4.0J 19..1197 430
1..1130 4.00 18. . . . 1340 4.K ! )
1..10.iO 4.00 2J..112-J 4.r :
1 . .looo 4.00 4.35
3. . . . 8K5 4.00 13..1221 4.35
G..W50 4.00 37..12TG 4.9 !
17..1072 4.15 33..1179 4.3.5
30..11b4 4.15 47..1214 4.40
17..10IV ) 4.15 15 . . .lU-.KJ 4.40
4..1115 4.20 51..1-i78 4.40
1..1400 4.25 f'J..12I ( ) 4.45
40. . . 1124 4.25 ! > 7 . . .1'Jsl 4.tO
10..1245 4.25 : . . . . 14-'G 4.75
20..1174 4.25 34..1540 4.75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..H20 S2.oo 2..1115 s.oo : ;
1..12IO 2.50 3 . . .1110 3.00
14. . . . 027 2.70 CO..linfi 3.20
85..10.0 ! 2.9J } 2..1015 3.25
1..1170 3.00 4..1015 H.25
l..lliCO 3.00 2. . . . 1000 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1530 S2.00 10. . . .1515 52.75
2..Ub5 2.25 4..1577 2.85
2 . . .1250 2.45 1..1IM ) 2'J-J
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
5'.17.50 2.7.5 . . . . : T.'iK )
1..17SO 2. to 1..WM ) 3'i5
. .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
14. . . . 1442 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . . .1575 53.25 4..1HO S3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
103. . . . Ml 81.00 DO. . . 115 54.25
b8. . . . 110 4.15
1100 * .
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr.
MI..154 12085.15 07. . . 217 M ) S5.52' < f
85. . . 210 bO 5.25 G1..2.14 bO tJi' ,
GO . . .2.3 ! ISO 5.25 .VJ..2M ) 100 t.fft
01. . . .217 120 5.0 : ; H5..2.VJ 2-10 5.55
72. . . . 207 bO f > .P,0 f.5..2i'J . . 5.5S
153..201 200 : (12. ( . . .208 200 n.S'i
l04..27 : ! 1G1 5.40 G5..r'J IrtO 5.5'i
C.0.05 : ; 40) ) 5.40 G5..2C.J 40 . "i.Vi
G7..2r : ; , 120 5.40 G3..23-J 40 55'i
G7..24f > 120 540 09. . . 241 SO 5.55
G7./J07 1GO 5.40 70..2.V.I 120 5.55
G4..251 IfiO 5.40 GS..210 bO 5.5 %
74..SM 1GO 5.45 5.S.W 120 55. %
4S..2 * ! 120 5.45 71. . . . 210 . . 5.GO
72. . . . 230 I'M 5.4 % 74..2VJ 240 5.H ( )
87. . . . 228 1GIJ 5.4 % ft ! . . .2T2 100 5.C.O
7. % . . . . 222 3X ( ) 6.50 70. . . . 208 bO 500
G5..2IO 120 550 07. . . . M 100 5.1X1
GU..244 100 5.50 04..2VJ 20 5.00
70. . . . 247 120 5.50 05. . . . 304 2bO 5.fl (
G4..272 bO 5.MI G.27i : 120 6. GO
70. . . . 238 100 5.50 < . . . . 2.V ) 40 ft. Ik )
7(1. ( . .252 1GO 6.50 01. . . .201 . . 5.00
71. . . . 250 bO 5.50 ( H..2M1 bO 5.00
75. . . . 242 bO 5.50 57..2'.K ) bO 5.00
71 . . .242 240 5.50 74. . . 275 40 5.00
G'J..220 200 5.50 50. . . . 2 120 .1.00
GO. . . . 202 100 5.50 ( U..278 100 5.00
fa. . . . 254 120 550 G. % . . .282 40 5 05
65. . . . 281 40 5.52 } 57. . . . 317 80 5.05
G2..257 . . 5.52 } < IW.K'J : 200 5.05
74. . . .212 . . 5.5-i > i 5 % . . . .344 200 5.70
CD. . . . 225 ICO 5.51) * 5'J..2b7 ' 120 5.70
R.into ori'rlcesi.
Showing the highest and lowest criers
paidfor loads ot hozs on this market during
the pa t seveil days and tor the same time
last month and a vear ago.
Fob. 1NJ7. Mnrcli 18ST. .March I
mh 4.00 © > 00 5.00 © 5.FO 3.00 © UK )
Kith 4.87JcH. ! ( % 5.00 ( % .75 3.CI ) © .1.90
llth 4. Si ' 5.00 © 5.80 3.UO
mh 4.W ) 5. ( W5.75 B.8t ) © .1.00
llith Sunday Sunday tl.tO © J.OJ
Hth 4.U1 © MO 5.0) ) ® 5.70 Suniliiy
fi.ll Mo-70 3.W ) frMH
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped Irom the yards duiiniftheday ,
No. cars. lit. Dest.
ID . N.W . Chicago
111 . Mil . Clilcago
24 . U. I . Boston
5 . K. 1 . Chicago
8 . . . .MIL . Cbicago
Alls-lies of stock in this mirketaro made
per cwt. llvo weight unless otherwtsn stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ke per lb. for all weights.
"Skins , " or boss wellilni ; less than luu Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDs.
and stags 8U Ibs , by the public Inspector.
Nut us.
No hogs left over.
Cattle advanced lOc.
Hogs closed stroni ; .
An actlvo cattle m\rHet. : \
Hogs In better demand.
Average quality of liogs good.
Cattle reached 54.75 , the top for this year.
Hog murkut opened lower but closed
J. W. Conn , Plattsmouth was a visitor at
the yards.
Virgin & Nelson , Utlca , weio both here
with stock.
C. M. Strong , Coin , la. , was In nnd mar
keted a load ot liuys.
F. C. Doagc , Wood lllver , was In and mar
keted a load of hogs.
Squires it Co. 's 21 loads of hogs averaged
2SO Jbs and cost S5.57X.
( ' . . M. Carlctou marketed a load of stags
shipped from Grand Island.
Wilev Hlack , Plattsmouth. was In and sold
a load of ho s which came to 5l,2U2.43.
A. R. Bobett & Son , Perclval , la. , wcro
here and marketed two loads of cattle.
C. W. Sheldon , Pcrcival , la. , a well known
grain dealer , was In and told a load of hogs.
Mr. Llndstroiii , Kssov , la. , was hero with
two loads ot hogs which topped ttie market
T. B. llord , Cheyenne , was hero with two
loads of cows Irum his feed jards at Central
City.U. .
U. H. Hammond & Co. , bought 600 hogs ,
on to-day'8 market , aveiaging 250 Ibs at
\V. \ J. Hoas. of the firm of McCauland ,
Iloag & Co. . live stoclc com mission dealers ot
Chicago , was n visitor at the yards.
Tuesday , March 15.
General Produce.
77ic/oIoiwlu ! < / prices arc fur roiuttZ loll of
flTwl\fci \ ( ( io/I / OH the market tfi-nnif. The
iinotfttlim * nn fmlts represent IVic prices at
which nntnlilc orders tire lUlal.
add head of produce
BUTTKII An occasional paclcaze of fancy
butter sells at better prices than those quoted
below. Choice country , 15@l7c ; fair to good ,
I2(314c ( ; common , 5iUOc. (
Kos The inarltetib steady at lie. The
shippers are taking all the surplus stock.
CIIKKSK Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c ;
full cre.uu flats , twins. He ; Young Ameri
cas , 14 > 4gl4Xc ( : fancy Swiss , 10$17c ; Swiss
Imported , 25c ; Llmburger , Ho ; brick ,
OAME Ducks have commenced to airivu
on the market and are selling fairly well.
They are mostly teal ana red heads' . There
have been only a very few gcesu In. Mul-
lardducks. per dozen , 2.50(33.00 ( ; teal , per
dozen , 82.00 : mixed , per dozen , H'iOO ; geese ,
per dozen. 84.0001.50.
DIIUCSKD I'OUI.TKV The receipts have
been very .light and the market Is almost
baru. Uood stock goes quickly at lOc.
. LIVK Poin/riiY Tli warm weather has
created some deuiaim tot live poultry. Chick
ens are quoted at Sf,75rtf.oo.
BKANS-lnferlorfcto-Mt5IS1.00 - ; good clean
country , Sl.OOyJl/.J.'ft n idlum , liniul picked ,
81.4001.50 ; hand trtckid , navv. SI.50@l.oa
PnoVisioNs llnm , 12VM13c ; breakfast
bacon , rib , 9J c ! breakfast bnenn , plain , lOlfcs
dry salt sides , 8K < 3S2 e ; dried beef , regular ,
lie ; dried beef , naiu pieces , 14c ; lard , 50-lb
c.\ns , 8c ; 20-lb cans. Knlrbanks , 8' ' < c ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks , 8'fc : Mb enns , Fnltbauks.
8Ve : 3-lbcuis. ; l-alrbanks , Sle.
POTATOKS Theto has been considerable
activity nn thu market tlnrlng the past few
days. Home grown stock Is selling well in
20 to 2.5 sack lots at , GOditOc Stock must be
peed to bring these prices. There am a few
Salt Lake and nj few sweet potatoes In.
There Is still n liberal supply ot Colorado
stock on the market which Iserv choice and
sells well. Homo grown , fiom store ,
00iJ70c ( ; Colorado , Hose , per bu. , Sl.05yil.10 ;
Snnwllake , per bu. , S1.0j@1.10 ; Salt Lake ,
81.00 ; sweut. per lb. , So.
CAIIHAOI : There was near of Colorado
stock on the market which sold readily. The
market is nlso well supplied with California
stock both red and white. California , per lb ,
3c : Colorado , per lb , 2Ujc.
Ari' : There has been no change In the
market since last week. Choice to funcy
stock is held nt S5.00S5.50. ( There Is some
common stock on thu market which Is selling
at 84.50 , without being repacked.
VnoKrAiiM'.s Old vegetables are moving
slowlv. Onions , choice stock , per bbl ,
S4.00yt4.50. Heets , carrots , turnips , etc. , per
bbl. S1.7.VJW.OO ; California. 8-.002.25.
lliirseradlsh roots , per lb. , 7e.
( JitKn.v VIOKTAIILF.S : There Is a small
supply of LTcen vegetables on the market
but it Is not movlnu very jnadlly as vet.
Spinach , per bbl. , 8'J.OO. Top onions , per
dozen bunches , 15@20c ; celery , per do/eit , 40
@irx : : California celerv , per tlo/.en , UOc. ;
ctullllo ; nr , perdo eii , 81.50 ; radishes , per
do/en bunches , so@40c.
UYRTinm Mediums , 20o ; stamlard , 2Cc ;
selects , 'JSc ; extra selects , t ; N. Y. counts ,
We.Lr.Moss The weather Is hardly warm
cnoUL'h to make aerv actlvn demand. Mes
sina. per box , $ . > .00@VX ) ; choice , per box ,
OIIANOEI- Valencia and Florida oranges
are becomlni ; scarce. Valencia , per case ,
S5..V ) ; Calllornla , UlverMde. per box , S4.T ) ;
Callfornlit , l os Anu'i'lcs per bov , S'i7. " > @t.OU ;
Florida , brUut , St. : 7504.00 ; Florida russets ,
. . .
BANANAS Largobuiiches , per bunch , S2.50
(2t.f.o. ( :
N ins A few black walnuts arc comlnic In
from thu country and aiu slow h.ilo nt 75e per
bushel. The following are the wholesale
prices a * which order * tiom the outside are
filled : Almonds you ; pecans , hirgo polWieil ,
He ; lilheris , Uc13in/.ils ; , l4cwalnutsNiiiilfs ; ,
' 'Oc : walnuts , Chili , 14c ; peanuts , 11. 1' . Vir-
inla , fc.
flour , best ( inality patent , S'J.7" ) ; second mi.U-
Itv , S'J.OO'J.50 : best quality hpnuc wheat
Hour , patent , S2.40@itK ) ; bran , 70c pcrcwt ;
chopped feed , 75u per cwt ; whltn coin meal ,
OOc ; yellow corn , meal , bOf'i'JOc ] > er cwt ;
scrccnlnL' , SOfiVKc per cwt ; hominy , 81.60 ;
shoits. 70u jwrcwt : graham , SI. 75 ; hay. In
bales S7.00 per ton.
( iiiAtx Ctirn , 27c ; wlieat , Xo. 2 , 67c ; oats ,
25c : rye. 45c. _
PicKi.r.t Medium , In bbls. 38.00 ; do. In
half bbls , S4.50 ; small , In bbls , S' ' > .00 ; do , in
halt bbls , SMO ; Blierklns , in bbls , S10.00do ; ,
In half bbls , .
bUHAit-liranulateil , CKOOJ c ; conf. A,5J <
( ( iiJo ; wliltt- extra C,5W 5Xc : extra C , .I' a
r c ; yellow C , 4 > i@4j < c : cut lear , OJf < 30C ;
COFFKM Ordinary ( trades , I4 % @ > ir > i4'cfalr
l. ' ( ? c ; prime. ir > Ke ; choice , io@li5 > 4o ;
fancy green and yellow. 10i417c , ; old cov-
CAN.VEiiioois--Oystersstandardporcase ,
SurxV.r : > : strawberries , a lb. per case. SJ.iO : ;
laspberries. ii lb , per case , S--ii ; cCallfornla
pears , per case , S4.5'J ; apricots , per casj ,
per case. 552.50 ; pineapples. J lb , per case
Si.20@ : " > -75 : 1 lb hihJkeiel. per do81.10 ;
1 lb salmon , pei doz , Sl.Xd)1.5j ! ) ) ; 2 ID , goose
berries , pcrcase , 31.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per
case , 81. Ti ; 2 lb lima beans , per case. St. 00 ;
S ! b marrow fat peas , purc.ise. 8i50 ( ! ii fid ; 2 lb
early June puas , per case. 82.75 : a lb toma
toes. B.5W 2.-ua ( Ib.eorn Sa40r 2.'iO.
MATCHES Per caddie. 23c ; square cases ,
81.70 : mule square. 81. ' > u.
SYKUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20@1.25 ;
Now Orleans per gallon 3s@40e ; maple syruu ,
half bbls. "old time , " per gallon , 7iic ; 1 gal
lon cans , nur doz. 810.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
peidoz , 85.50 ; quart cans , S3. ( .
CANDY Mixed. HtfCJllc ! ; stick , SKQfl c.
CBACKKHS ( Jarneau's soda , butter und
picnic. 5 > $ c : creamsBXe ; ginger snaps , ) < c ;
city soda. 7 .
5TAllClI Mirror glnss. 1 lb , Oc ; mirror
ploss , 3 lb , 53fo : mirror eloss , oib , Cc ;
Graves corn.l lb,0 ! < c ; Kingsford's corn , 1 lo ,
7c : Klncsford's gloss , 1 Jb. 7c ; Kingsford's
closs , filb. 7 > ic ; Kincsford's pure lib. 5 c ;
Kinesford's pure , 3 lb , 5 > ie ; Kincsfords
bulk. 4c.
boAi'S Kirk's savon Imperial. 83.70 :
Kiric-s satinet. 8:1.00 : ; Kirk H standard , 83.05 ;
Klrk'.s white Hussiati , 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , 80.50 ; dome , 83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ;
white cloud. 83.75. _
General Marlcet * .
\AiiNifiiiES llairols , per gallon ; * urnl-
ture , extra , Sl.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1,81.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asnhaltum ,
extra S5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
HKA.VY HAnnwAiiK iron , rate S2.33 ;
plow Htfcelspuclal'cast,4Hccruclble ; steol.'SXc ;
cast tools , do , J27J180 ; wagon spokes , pel s > ct ,
82.00(313.50 ( ; hubs , per set. 51.25 : tulloes.
Bftweddry. 81.50 ; tongues , eacn. 80c : axels ,
each. We : square nuts , per lb. Ol@71c ; cell
chain , per lb. OV rl'c ; malleable. N@ii'c ' ; iron
wedges , Oc ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow teeth , 4 c ,
spring Hteel. 7@yc ; Burden's horse shoes ,
S4.5 ; Burden's mule shoes. $5.75 , Harnod
wire. In car lots , S4.0J per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50. UO : 9teel nails. $2. < K ) .
Shot , 81.05 ; buckshot 81.85 ; oriental powaer ,
kegs , 83.60 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 ; do. ' quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 32.35 ; fuse , per 10
feetOSc. Lead bar. 81 >
Duv PAINTS-White lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12c : Parli whltlne. 2c ; whiting , isllders ,
2Jfc ; whiting , com'I , Ike ; lampblack , tier-
manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue,55cultramarine ; , We ; vandyic-
brown , 8e ; umber , burnt 4c ; uinDer. raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris
green. Kennlna. 2-V. Paris green , com-
mini , 22o ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20o ;
vermillion American. IN ; : inntan
raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 18c : Vandyke brown , lc : ! ; re-
hned lampblack I2e : coach black and Irory
black. We ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian nine ,
40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chromii irreen.U ,
M. A D. . IGc ; blind Mid shutter groe.ii , L. . M.
A D. , lOc : Paris green , 18c ; Ir.dlan red , l.'xj ;
Venetian red , tte ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
vermlllion. L. A D. , 20o : yellow ochre. 2c ; L.
M. * O. D. . 18c : good ochro. ICc : eaten j
drver , 8c ; training color , light oat , dark oak ,
walnut chestnut and ash. 12c
UnunsANn MtEMicAi.h. Ac a carbolic ,
fi-'c : acid , tartarlc , rtic ; balsam copaiba , per
D > , fiOo ; bark fassat'ra-s , per tt > , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c , chliictionldla , per o40c ; chloro
form , per to)8c ) ; Dover's powders , per tb ,
$1.25epsoni ; f lts , per ftKc : ; glycerine ,
pure , per lb , Sjc ; lead , aretate. uer ft. 2lc ;
nil , castor , No. 1. per g l. , $1.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 8l.40oil ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlvannum. SOc ; opium , S3.i > U ; quinine.
1' A W. and H. A S , , w , oz. 75c ; potassium
Iodide , per tb , 81.10 ; sfllcin. peroz. 40c ; sul *
DhatomorDhlne. der qu 5M5 ; sulphur , per
ft ,4c ; strychnin * . tx > r oz. si.'J L
FAINTS IN Ou. Whlw lead. Omaha.P P. ,
O'ce ' ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. UJtfc ; Mar
seilles , green. 1 > lb cans , -'o ; Kronen zmu ,
srrcon , seal , 12c ; brrnch zinc , rert seal , lie ;
Freneh rinc , in. varnNli aart. 200 : Fench
sine.75c : vermlllion. English , in oil , 75c ;
red , 10c ; ro < n piuK. Ho ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2 c ; Venetian' red , Ameilcau. iVc ;
red lead , 7Kc : chrome yellow , gfiiiulne , 2'c ' ;
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rocholle. He ;
ochre , rrench , 2Jfc : ochre , Amcnran ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2 0 : Leiilgh blown ,
He ; Sianlsh brown- ; i'rlnce's rclneral ,
bPiniTs Cologne spirits , ib8 proof , 81.17 ;
do 101 proof , S1.1S ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 31.17 : dii Ibb proof. Sl.10 Aleohol.
Ib8 proor , SJ.2U per wine Ballon. Hodlhtllled
whiskies , SUKKil.M ) . tiln , blciitled , fl-M'
'AOO ; Kentucky bourbons , $ a.00iiaoo ( ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $ i.00 t .60 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskies ,
Sl.WI3.ttX Brandies , Imported , 85.00 8.50
domestic , Sl.80i33.00. ( iins. Imrortea , I4.BO
faO.OO ; domestic , 81.25(33.00. ( Clmmpamiei ,
1mported , uereaso. 823.00Q33.00 ; American ,
per case. 810.oouiio.ou
I'uns AMI SKINS 'ine following price
are for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound , S1.533 00 ; fall , 81.2f
f 2.00 ; meaty aim inferior. fl.oOQl.25. Hear ,
biown anil grlz/.ly. # 5.00 , s.OO ; eubs mid
yearllnu' ? , 8i.otv.j4.oo. Badver. W HOt- . Cat ,
wild , 20giOc ( ! : domehtlc. black , I0 i5c : do-
" sundry colors , S ® . Fox. red , 81.00
© ! . ' ; cross , 3-J.ori44. ; ) < iO ; jrrnv , 40iJ50c ( ; t-llver ,
810.00@40.00. Fisher. 84.00 0.00. Otto r,84.00
( clfl.O-j , Martin , 31. ( XJ' IT.X .Mtiser.Uiil
ter. large , itm : fall , 5u ; kitts. Mink , largo
4rk , 35&40JJ tuiall aud pulo ,
largo prey , 8i.oovj'iw ; coyote or pra
POc. Peer and antelope , winter , per pound
15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20c.
At thobljthet tnnrkot inlco. Peiul for price
current to tlm old Ili-llntilo Furriers ntul Fur
Murclmnts. KstntillshiHl tb'A '
113 West Fourth mul 1IH mul 114 linker Street ,
IN THE WOltl 1XH-1T-1 AGE.
It hn grown from V to 40.UO population In 15
yanr und li now irrowlnii fnsler limn ever.
Investments In brick bloik * nay 10 lo 20 per cent.
Ixits IIIITO iivernRCd over 100 per cent per annum
Hut o for "Rlc brick blink' . biiflncs lot' , ull kinds cf
real optnli' . I , . ' , D , 11) ) mul 1) acre tracts , farms und
1tipiitiS''KS-Tlic : : ( | Vtrn mul Lincoln NntliiDiil
bnnki , ( lUV.'rhtirPr. Jinluu ( * nbl > , t'ti. H. M. Culluti ) ,
Illinulfunit ( jcn. Uen Harrison , Imtlnn.i.
13th St , Cor. CapltoiUcnus. .
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
liR. MoMENANlY. Proplfotoi- .
SuieeD juura' llosiiilal and I'ruato l-mctlre
Wolinvc the facilltlc * , npparatm and nmcilln
for the eucccMful treatment of c > cry form of dl *
last1 n.-iiuliliiK cither nifdlcnl orBiirlcnl ( ,
nml irmtoall tocomennJ Invntlpatofnr tlii'mschcj
ir cJrinpoiHl wltli tig. Long cipcrlcnre In treAt
In" cases liy letter onnblfs un to treat many aisoi
cicntlflcnllir without pi'elne them
WrttTK OK CIUCULAU on Peforraltles n.l .
UraccH , Club Feet , Curvnturei of the Spine
D.JFAtES or WOIIKN. 1'llcfi , Tuuiari , Cauccr ,
Cnlarrli , Rronchllla , Inlialntlon , Klcctrleltjr , I'nrl-
) la , L'pllepfr , KUlncj , Ejp , Ear , Skin , lllood nnd
all KitrKlcai opcrntlona.
Unttorloa , Inhnlori , Tlrncei , Truitri , nnl
nil kinds of Medical and Surgical Appliances , man
ufactured and for i.'ilc
The onljr tollable medical Institute miking
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
rA Bl'fcCIAI.TV.
I'roin Hliiilevcrrau eprnlnccil.Buccc fnlly trrntml
\Vo can rcmuvu S/pbllltlo poitou from tlicajitun
without intrcitrj.
Now rentnrntlrc treatment for to * < of vltnl power
Call and consult us or tend cnmo and poit-oCler
aildres * plainly written enclose etamp , and. wi
will nend TOII , In plain wrapper , our
cr , Srrnti.ii , GoNORiinuiA , GLEET , VARICOCILI ,
UniNAKr OnoAKi , or ttnd h'.ttorf of your caie for
an opinion.
Persons unable tel lt uomny be treated atllielr
liomis , by corrrnpondencc. Medlclneit and Itiitru
mentsscntbj mall orcrpreieSKCUKHLY PACK
KD FROM OIISKHVATION. no marks to Indicate
contents or render. One personal interflow prr
fcrrerl If contenlvnt. fifty rooms for tlio : coni
madatlon of patient * . Board nnd attendance ul
reatonable prices. Address el' Loiters to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor. 13th St. nnfl CanltoMvc. . OM4.H/WW / 'P
Ihicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul B'y '
The Best Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to
Two Trains Daily Between Omnha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsville ,
lieloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
Anil nil other important points Kiibt , Northcail
> ami Soiithi'iiht ,
Tor through tickets call on the Ticket Acrnt
lit MU1 Fiirrmm 8lruutln ( Piixton hotel ) , < ir at
fnlon PiiclUo Depot.
i'liilmnn Mecpcrs and the flnost Dining Cars
In the world ute run on the main lines of the
ClUCAflO , Mll.WAUKKK & St. 1'Altl , lUlI.WAY ,
nnd every intention H rnlil to p.iijcnircrs by
cointcousoiiiplojes ol'tlic company.
It. Mit.i.Fit , ( iciuiriil Minnnror.
J , F. TUCKKII , AnsUtniit Ooticrnl Mnnnper.
A. V. It. CAiti'r.NTUt , Ucnoral I'assoiiKer nnd
Ticket Agent.
( ! KO K. HKAKOIID , Assistant General Pus-
senior and Ticket AKcnt.
J. T. CI.AIIK , General Superintendent.
Apk ) our retainer for too JBrncaMonnc , S3 Shoe
Cautionl t-oino di'iilcrs reconiincnil In Inferior
goods In order to make n ItirRur profit. This Is
the OUKilNALf : ) Slum , llcwnroot linltntlons
\vhlcb acknowledge their o n Inferiority by lit-
tetnpting to build upon the reputation of the
None genuine units * bearing this Stamp ,
For Gentlemen ,
I Made In Button , Congress nnd
I. re , 11 E T CAI.K SKIN. Uriel.
celled In DrilAHIIirv. Couio.lT
nnd AprtAKKsrr. Apostnl curd
sent tons v > III brlnit you Iniur.
inallon bow to net tbls Sliuu In
j > 7 Htito or Territory.
J. Mourn Ot Co. ,
n Lincoln Street ,
Ilostnn ,
Our celebrated factory proihiccs n lareer
inintlty of bhocBOt tulii jrriiilo limn any other
fnctoiy ! the world , 'inounanili whu wtar
them will toll you the mieim if you nok Ilium.
JAM1.8 .MtANh' Ktf hllOK lor IIOJB II i.nap-
proachtd In Durability ,
Full lines of Itie above Shoes fi r rule br
OiaN.-lGtliSt. , Omuliii.
rosi SAM : .
A hirifo number of to ordeil I'crohcron nnd
ClyilosJnlu StiillUms. Also Homo llrrd I'oltH
livery uniMuil Kiuirnnlceil a breeder. I'rlcej
rousonablwanil terras emy. Onrhtock lm lioen
electuil with ruli-rimus to both ladlvliliiu )
iiuirlt mul ( indluruu. A Inrpo nunibur of our
SlMlllotiDHro uufllni itci ) and Colin or their put
can ho shown. York U on the Ii. & M. It. ) ( . ,
two hours' rlilo west ot Lincoln. For oiita *
ogucs * n < l further Intorinntlon , ail'l
fltv * PAIIItllAUlI , Yo
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
Whole Ml * Dealer In
Agricultural Implements ,
CrrrlAgcs and lUi slf . Jonci Mrce , ketwcan 6th
_ anil 10th. Oinnbii. Neb.
Agricultural Implement ? ,
Wngorn.fiirrlngo' , rtngglpi. Ktf. . Whol alc , Oin h .
Jobbers of Hanlwnro rind Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. Rte. Aitents fur Howe Scales ,
nml Hliuil Poncleri'ii , Omnh , No1 > . .
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements ,
HTagon and Buitftles. Wl..W.SOi anil 1O7 , Jones ft
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , 1'ianos ami Organs ,
1111 Douglas Ptrce t. Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buildors'Hardwarc A Scale Repair Shop
Mocbanlce' Tools ami Puffnlo PeaUs. HUi Douglas it. ,
v Omaha , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la
Boots and Shoes ,
Complete Mark of Rubber Goods always on hand
U& 8. tli at. . Oinalia. Neb. A. T. Auttln , Agent.
w. r. MORSE c co.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
Hll Farnum tt , Omnha , Neb. Manufactory , BummM
street , Ilotton.
Wholesale llubbar Uoatj an I Shoes
lliilibor nml oiled clothing mid Kelt Hoots
und Shoes. Soutlieant i.'oi HIT Htli mul Douglas.
Agt. for Anhenser-Biish Brewing Ass'n
Special Ilrnmls. Fault , lluilwelfcr nntl Krlangcr.
Lnger Boor Browera ,
15J1 North 18th filreet , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Sausage Cuslnga of all klniln n ] ways In "loci. HIS
Jonu t.viunu
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
CO. ,
Omaha Corrco and Spice Mills.
Tens.Correct , Splco . Unking Powder , FliTorlncH-
tracia , Laundry Illtie. Ink , Ktc. HU-lbllsroey
btreet.Onmhti. Neb.
Homo Coll'eo and Spire Mills M'f'ff Co.
Coffee Roanters and FplicOrlndcm , Mnnufai turers
of HaKIni : I'imder , Hntnrlni : UxtrnetH , Mining. IHn.
Tr\ line cn i > ot our l-n pm knt-e HomoUlcnd Handed
Oiffce , lew. Uownrrt st , nmnhn. M > r.
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of ( Inlrnnlzcil Iron an-l Cornice. 9H
Dodge and 103 and IDS M , 10th it. Omnha , Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnnlx.MeinllcSkyllpht.otc. E108.
1211 it , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvnnltert Iron Cornleen , etc. Bnoet'slmproTod Pat
ent Mctnllc Skyllglit. KB nnd 610 H. l.'tli ft..OniHha ,
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs ,
Mnoleums , MatthiRS , Ktc. 1511 Douglas street.
Wholesale. Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattingi , Curtain Goods. Eto. 1OJ Karnam Street ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Cblmueys , etc. Office , 317 South Utb St.
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butter , Kegs nnd Produce. Consignments pollcllsd.
llesilqtmrtem for Stoneware , Ilerrr nozrs and
tirnpo Itaskeu. HU Dodge street , Omabo.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and Provisions. Omaha , Neb.
W. E. ItllfDELL , "
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties Butter , Kg > * . Uheeio , Poultrr. Gam * ,
Oysters , Ktc. . Btc. 1H fouth luh street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Hotter , Game , Fruits , etc. 330 i. 14th sU
Omaha. Neb ,
Coal antf Lime.
GiuTrTnA'iiAiiiirPres. C. F. QooinMAK , V. Pi s.
J. A. HUNinui.AND , Sec. and Troas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
JM South Thirteenth Ptrect , Omaha , Neb.
J./ . JOHNSON as co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lima ,
And Shippers of Coal nml Coke , Cement , -Plaster ,
Umo , Hnlr. Fire Ilrlck , Drnln , Tile nnd Hewer Pipe ,
ontco. Puton Jlotol. raninm St. , Omnha , Neb.
Telephone fall.
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jahb rcof Fiulls , Nuts nnd Cfvais. 1211 Faruurn Bt ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
G'ins and Ammunition , 215 10231 S. llth St. , 1020 to
_ 1031 Karimmst..Om liaNeli. _
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wbolcsala Healers In Leaf Tobacrns , Noa. 106
and HON. lUb street , OTI aha.
Dry Goods.
j r. E. SMITH : < K co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 110 * DoukMis. corllth Pt .Omnta.Nub ,
" '
blstiuera nf Mqunrs. Alcohol nnd rplrlls. Importers
mul Joiihcrsof Wlneianu Liquors ,
CO. and ILER < C CO. ,
Importers and Jobhcrr of Fine Wlnos nnd Liquors.
boun ! > nufetiirri of Kennodr's Bast India 1JII-
tvrsonil Doini'S lo I liiioii | > . 1112 llnrne ; ft.
Drain Tito , Etc ,
A. II.BArBH.Prra. J.W.nEDroiin.Boc-.llVcas
It. J. CAltSOX , V.Prcs. and f upt ,
ORIco 213 P. Kill st , Omalm. Not. Maehltirrr nnd
Buppllos for Hanutacturtni ; Cemnit Uruln 'lllc.
II. W UoriKiiR , n. S.
I'l-s. v.Tni.lHiirii IR75. Vlon-l'rns.
Jobbers nml Storci'Hol Grain.
hip iiicniH nf ilculi isHOllrlto and rintlsrnctlon
fc-ii.irniiU'c.l. . UniliRii , Null.
T\T.irrt1- \ fivi VF. *
Jjr.n rtV hlOAJ : * ,
Wlioh-salc Dciiluia in Furniture.
I'arnaru St. . Onmlm , Neb.
Omaha Jobbers' Directory !
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 706.707,708and711 B. IQlh St. , Omaha. Neb.
Wholcsalo Grocers ,
l.'tn and LeaTenworth rts.Omahn.
W. ,7 , miOATCIT ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware * Lumber , etc. in
anil im llarnry ft. , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron ami Steel ,
Wanon and CarrlnidJ Wood Stock. Ilcary llsnlwar *
Ktc. KIT and UI'J ' Lenvpnwurth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Manllci , Urates , Ur u ( Joodn. Vai and 1323 Faraam
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cant Iron Building Work , Iron Main ,
lulling , Dennis and Girders , Steam Kimliies , llr M
Work , ut.n ral JTpundry , Machlno and nracksrullh
\Vork. Office aa j Works , U. P. Uy.lihdlTth Micct.
Manufacturers of
Wire nnd Iron Railings , Desk Rails ,
Window ( luardn. Flower Rtanils. Wire HlK'is , Kto
. ICth. Orders by mall promptly uttendvd to.
Dcnlo' „ All Kinds of
building Material at Wholesp.Io.
13th Btroot nnd Union Pnclllc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Kto. Yards CornerTlh nnd Douglas ; Corner
Ulhnnd Duiulas.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S. 14th slrfot , Omaha , Neb. f.Oolpotior , Mnnneor.
13th nnd California ytrcotn. Om hn , Neb.
Lumber , Lime , Cetuont , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Mb nnd Douulai iti. , Omaha , ttat.
To Dealers Only.
ORIef , 1103 Fnrnntn street , Omnlm.
Harihvood Lumber ,
Wood Carrots and I'arqncl Flootlnu. tlh anil DouglaJ
Wliolcsalo Lumber , Etc.
Imported and Amerlcxn I'ortland Cement. RtnU
A Lent forMllwauken Hydraulic LVmcnland lleat
( Julncy While Lime.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. llovd , S'iperlnter.dent ,
Livt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Burke , ilannner
union Stock Yardn , H.Omiiha , Tel pliono ( W.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of any and all kinds of Stock sollOlUd.
Union Stock Yardu , ( imatta , Neb.
Millintry and Notions.
Importers and Jobber ! 01
Millinery anil Notions ,
1213 and 1215 Harney St.cot , Oninbn , Neb.
Wholeial * Dealers In'
Notion ? and Furnlslilup ; Goods ,
4W and 405 8. Tenth St , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and not Douglas StrMt ,
Oiuaha , Neb.
Paper Boxes
Mannfactiiror of Taimr
B.lithSt. . Omnha , N br ak . Orders by m
Molted and will r c lTe prompl atuntloo.
Job Printers , Blank Book Haknii ,
And Book Dluilcrs. 10 ! and 10A houth VouiMeotis
stract. Omahn , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Type , Pro and Printers' Supplies. Ml
Poulh Twelfth fitrnet.
MnnnfHCtiirtrs and Dialers In
, ItoiliTs & ( iuncral JliU'liincry
Ehot't Iron work , Htonm I'uniiin.Sim Mill" , Acme )
SlufllniDntlge Wood tpllt I'ulloyi , UeltlnE , etc ,
Aluo wnf ins , i.cra | > ursiuid bulollcs. I21J-U1J Le -
Tcnworth Bt. Omalm
'Wliolcsale Hardware.
Weitern npcnt * for Jeffcrinn Ptrel Knlls. Austin
1'owdcrCo , rnlrbanks t > tndard Hcaln. Corner
lOth mil llnrnar. Omaliii.
Wholesale I'umpR , I'ipc , Fittings ,
eamnntl Wotor Supplies. Heailquirlors fi < r M
KoitCo'sOo vls. lllll'crnnm ' St. , OiiiHl ) * , KeB.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
tesrn. Water , Ilftllwnr and MIIIInK Hupvlles. Kt *
9X , UHardW4 tRrnnm f t. , Oinnlin , NctJ.
UMinilajr Wind Mllisi rlesm nnd Wfcter Supplies ,
I'lumblnedno'ls. llnltlnir , llnin. VIA unit VO fur-
natusi.Ouinhn. H. K. l-elion , ilauugcr.
Tolrpbono No. ! IO.
Safes , Etc.
Afjonts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s1
Klra nnd lltirK ur Proof Rifoi , 1'lma Ixicki , VnulU
and Jail Wnrn. IM ( ) rarimta ttruet Onmlin , Neb.
( ? . ANDREEN ,
Omalia S fo Works.
knnuf rtiire cif Kim nnd Ilorcl ir rrooffinfcs , Vnull
Uoorn.Jnll Wnil'.Miutierii und Wire Work. Cor.
HltiutiMJiHkium His. , unu.lui , .NJb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc ,
lo ManufnetiirRin of
Basil , Uoorrf , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilrnnch oftlce.lJUi nnd li-iir.l fcts. , '
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Ilould'jitfs.8UlrWirknud ' Irlerlor llnnl Wm l Hnlrt
Juit upeuad , K. K. cur. fllli und Leuvenwurtli bt * .
D.iiuUu , NeU.