Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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The Lauer Trial Drawing to a Close The
Evidence in Defense.
The Illeyclo Toiirnnmcnt llnsc Ilnll
Matters The O. A. It. Kncftwp-
inent Kllloilon the Ilrldgo
The ijniicr Trial.
Mrs. Whitehorn , tlio wife of a preced
ing witness , was tliu llrst called in the
Lauer trial j'csterday afternoon. Slio
testified to the pleasant relations which
existed between Mr. and Mrs. Laucr.
Mrs. Hilda Nelson , a woman who
lived about one hundred feet from the
Lauer mansion testified that she used to
go to their house about two or three
times a week to work ; after the reconcil
iation she noticed that Latier always
treated his wife kindly.
Cornelius J. Sullivan , cx-boookkccpcr
nt the nail works , tcstilied that ho knew
Mrs. Laucr as well as her husband , for
the twenty months after to the reconcil
iation. Mrs. Lauer was in the habit of
driving down to the nailworks to get her
husband and drive home with him. They
always seemed affectionate and happy
"Do you remember any instances of
affection ? " a kt' ! J'u.lge Savage.
"Yioll , if you call chucking Jior under
the chin or her sitting on his lap in
stances of affection , then I have seen
Biich things. "
This piece of testimony caused a low
ripple of laughter through the court
room. Even Laucr's features relapsed
Into a smile.
Cross-examined by General Cowin Mr.
Sullivan said that he had been in the
habit of going to Mr. Laucr's house
about once in two months to play cards ,
just to keep a social acquaintance. Mr.
and Mrs. Lauor were always happy.
"They were the most happy couple
you over saw ? " asked General Cowin.
" 1 haven't seen many married couples
together. "
"Hut they were the most happy cotiplo
you oversaw , weren't they ? "
"Well , I have seen couples that made
worse fools of themselves , " retorted the
" 1 suppose , " said General Cowin , "that
when married people act very affection
ate or make fools of themselves in public
it is an index that their private life is not
BO happy ? "
"I object to that question , " Jsald Judge
Savage , laughing ; "this young man is
not called as an expert in matrimonial
alfairs. "
Mr. Sullivan , on further cross-examina
tion , testified that ho had several times
looked tnrough the olllco window and
saw Mr. and Mrs. Lauor at different times
sitting in each other's lap. They seemed
very affectionate.
Airs. Savage was called and testified to
the pleasant relations between Mr. and
Mrs. Lauer. She was a neighbor of
Mrs. Savage also claimed to have ex
amined the broken screen of the cellar
window , through which the burglar is
said to have escaped. Mrs. Lauer had
also given her account of the burglary.
Judge Thurston asked for this account ,
but General Cowin objected. The court
sustained the objection , and the defense
took an exception.
Mrs. Savage testified that on the Satur
day afternoon of the tragedy she
saw Mr. and Mrs. Lauei who had been
out driving go into the house together.
That was about 5 o'clock. They seemed
happy and affectionate. That evening
the witness sat up until about 13 o'clock
reading. She put down her curtains at
about -that time and then noticed that
the windows in the Lauer house were
dark. About two hours after she retired
she was awakened by hearing a shot.
Shortly afterwards she heard some" one
say "Oh , Mrs. Savage ! " She imme
diately dressed and went over to the
Lauer house , meeting Mrs. Lauer. The
latter had on only a nightgown and a
pair of slippers , with an old shawl
thrown over her shoulders.
In another portion of her testimony
Mrs. Savage stated that her house was
so close to that of Lauer's that she could
hear everything that transpired in tlio
lattor's house and hear him get up in the
morning , walk across the lloor , go down
the stops , or could hoar Mr. and Mrs. L.
frolicking together. 'During all that lime
she saw or heard no unpleasantness be
tween Mr. and Mrs. Lauer.
General Cowiu cross-examined the wit
ness pretty sharply.
"You watched tlio Lauer house pretty
closely , didn't you ? " ho asked.
"No , sir. "
"You spent a good deal of time that
way. didn'tyou ? ' '
"No , sir. "
Mrs. Savage testified that her eyesight
was very poor , whereupon General
Cowin asked sarcastically :
"Your eyesight was not too poor toon-
able you to look into the Laucr house and
watch things , was It ? "
"No , sir , It wasn't , " snappishly the
witness replied.
Continuing Mrs. Savage testified that
she had several times visited Mr. and
Mrs. Latter and she noticed that ho
treated her as respectfully and lovingly
. --as any husband she ever saw.
Mrs. Savage testified to seeing two men
about 0 or 10 o'clock prowling about
Lauer's yard , on the night that Lauer
first shot at tlio burglar. She watched
them until they finally went away. They
were prowling about and she took them
for suspicious characters and perhaps
During this cross-examination Messrs.
Cowin and Thurston had a little un
friendly spat. General Cowin asked
Mrs. Savage a question which Mr. Tliurs-
ton objected to as "immaterial , unpro
fessional and Indecent. "
"I want that question answered , " de
manded General Cowin.
' 'Its no such a question us a gentleman
would ask , " retorted Mr. Thurston ,
Mr. Cowin turned half around and an
swered , "We'd practice a long time in
this court before we'd get such an ex
ample from you. "
"No , " sneered the other , "and I never
openly Insulted and brow-beat a lady ,
either. "
General Cowin said nothing , but went
on cross-examining the witness.
The question which Thurston objected
to was asked when Mrs. Savage testified
that When Lauer shot at the burglar , in
August , 1884 , she got up and went out
doors to see what the trouble was. Gen
eral Cowin asked her :
'Did you got up auit go out doors
in your night gown expecting to
meet two drunken men in a
quarrel or shooting at each other , be-
uausu you and your daughter were so
afraid of men ? "
The witness replied that she wanted tote
to goo what the trouble was. nnd therefore -
fore went out.
Mrs. Savage was then cross-examined
about tlui night of the tragedv. She
' testified that when she went into tliu
Laucr house after tliu shooting , she
. noticed the night wa dark. She noticed
no moon. It might havu been obscured.
It was with dilliculty ( hat shu picked her
way across to Lauer's houso.
Cross-examined again , Mrs. Savage
taitl that about 10 o'clock that night show
w the rclkctiou of Hallie Luuur's
shadow on the curtain. Slio also saw
what she supposed was Mr. Laucr stand
ing by the stair.
"You saw Mr. Laucr's form through the
curtain , did you ? " asked General Cowin.
"Yes. "
"Tim curtain was nearly white and so
thin that light passed through it easily
and without much obstruction. "
The witness hesitated and answered ,
"yes. "
On the night of the shooting Mrs. Sav
age tcstillcd , she was attracted to Mr.
Lauer's house by hearing the shot. She
heard voices in the yard , but heard no
noico in Lauor's house , though only
eighteen feet away so near that she
could hear everything that was said.
At this juncture , a stormy scene be
tween the attorneys for the date and the
counsel for defense , over the admission
of Mrs. Savage's testimony as to what
Mrs. Laucr had told her labout the llrst
hurtrlar. Judge Neville ruled out the
testimony and tlio defense took excep
tion.John A. McSliano was next called to
stand. Ho tcstslied that from the time of
Mr. and Mrs. Lauer's reconciliation up
to the period of the shooting , they were
always friendly.
"So far as you saw they were friendly
before the trouble , weren't they , "in
quired General Cowin.
"I guess they were , " wild Mr.
It l-ooked Mkc it Fit-lit nut Was n
Hank Hippodrome.
There have been certain disclosures
made concerning the alleged fight be
tween Clew and llanlcy fit the exposition
annex , Thursday nicht , thr.t MO Calcu
lated to detract somewhat from the
boasted prowess of tlio "Champion of
Colorado. " Clew has neon held up by
ils backers and admirers over since lie
came to Omaha as a square man who
would not take part in a liippndroming
irrangomcnt under any circumstances ,
lie lias himself carded the fact that hems
ms been troubled by small fry pugilists
who have been trying to induce him to
make gate receipt fakes. His answer to
these people was that ho would light any
ICO pound man in the world for money
but would not fight for glory , The ad
mirers of such a spirit will doubtless be
surprised to learn that the match at tlio
exposition annex on Thursday night was
made under tlio following first'class hip-
podroming agreement :
_ Articles of agreement between John P.
low and Jack llanloy , March t > , 1S.ST ;
We both aereoto box liVe friendly rounds
on tlio evening of the 10th day of Mnreh , 18t > 7.
: ho receipts over anil above all expenses to
by evenly divided between us. Wo mutually
ajreo that Mr. Koloy. of Koley it Darst , and
.Mr. Kd Hothcry take charge of ! tlio door and
box olllee. Wo also agree to divide the re
ceipts before either of us appear oil the stage
to box. Wo agree to use six-ounce gloves.
JACK ( J. llANLl'.V ,
Previous to the signing of this agree
ment a "flash" set of articles had been
signed , in which it was stipulated that
Clew should forfeit $100 in event of his
failure to knock llanloy out in live
rounds. This money was to be placed in
.Jack Morrison's hands , but did not ma
terialize. The public was deceived lee
in regard to the manner in which tlio
match was brought about , and as it seems
to bo in the style now to expose the
crooked in sports , the facts may be
given. From Clow's card in the paper
it wii3 inferred that ho had made the
match to teach a lesson to some of tlio
small fry puirilists" who , ho alleged ,
had been bothering him. The facts snow
a very different state of affairs. A short
time before Hanlo.r had his match at the
with the "Marine " Clew
annex , approached
preached him and wanted to nuiKo a
match , llanley objected on the ground
that ho had one match on his hand al
ready and could not make another. Clew
then tried to induce llanley to postpone
the match with LuHlanchc and arrange
one with him. This llanley refused to do
and the matter was dropped until after
LaUlancho's visit to Ouuilia , during which
tlio match was made for the fight to a
finish between llanley and Lalilancho
which will take place to-morrow night in
St. Paul. Immediately after tins Clew
again went to llanloy and wanted to
make a match , llanlcy stated that on
account of his match with Lalilancho he
could not think of going into another
light. Then it was , according to the
statement of Hanloy and his backer , Ed
Holhery , that Clew proposed the hippo-
draining arrangement shown above.
Clew , it is assorted , begged of llanloy to
maka the match , that they would draw
a good house and that he needed
tlio money badly. After a good
deal of preliminary work the
match was made and the above agree
ment signed. Hanloy was m no condi
tion for the match and would not have
thought of entering it had lie an idea
that it was to bo anything different than
had been agreed. A few davs before the
light Clew gave it out among his friends
that ho was going after llanloy and
would try to knock him out. Hanluv
hoard of this and went to Clew and asked
him about it. Clew replied that ho had
been making such cracks but claimed
that it was done for the bcnolit of the
Houso. Ho assured Hanloy that they
would go on and make a lively mill that
would satisfy the house and result in a
draw. With this understanding llanloy
went into the ring in a condition that
would have warranted his being in bed.
Clew saw this and took a mean advan
tage of it by rushing llanloy and strikins'
him foul the first dash. The result is well
known. Clew succeeded in getting a
little cheap notoriety and some money
out of tlio fight and left llanloy in a very
embarrassing condition. There is no
question but that Clew would whip
llanley in a light to a finish and there is
no question but that ho could not stop
him in live rounds witii any kind of
Tlio nioyclo Tournament Ijust Night
A. Great Crowd.
The bicycle tournament at the exposi
tion building last nicht was a gVcat suc
cess , both so far as concerns the
merits of tlio different riders and tlio
attendance. That the audience was
largo One of 3,500 people was duo
partly to the immense amount of
free advertising that John S. Prince lias
received lately , and partly to the love of
the Omaha public for fair play. The
si/b of the audience was in fact a cmu
pleto vindication of Mr. Prince , and
shows how little stock Omaha people
take in the malicious and utterly ground
less attacks that have been made upon
him. Thi * is certainly gratifying not
011)3' ) to Mr. Prince but also to his friends ,
who rallied well to his support last night.
The first race was a mile dash between
two colored youths , John Hiccton and
The latter gave his opponent half a lap
start and lost. Time U:45. :
The second event was a ten-mile race
betweon-Charles W" . Asliintrur and Frank
Dingloy. During the first five miles
Dingloy spurted and gained over half a
hi ) ) on the Colorado man. Tlio latter ,
however , by a tremendous spurt of spcei
made up the distance , and passing Ding-
ley , finished over a lap ahead of him
Time aifl'J. Dingloy was in bad shape
having failed to recover from the depressing
pressing effects of Ins snowball-Icicle ex
poriotico. Considering the condition he
was in ho made a remarkable showing.
It was nearly u quarter of 10 o'clock
when the two principal contestants o
thi ! evening , Prince and Kek , made theii
appearance on the track. They were
fitartcd on opposite Bides of tuu track-
on the north side andPrlnco on the south.
During the llrst seven miles which were
ridden extraordinarily fast , Kck gained
on Prince , getting almost within twenty
yards of his wheel , The lirst mile .being
accomplished in U:5l. : ! Prince' however ,
gradually pulled away from him ami
gained one lap. He finished the winner
in the tune of 1 hour , 7 minutes and 54
The race was the most exciting over
run on this trackand the crowd whooped
and yelled from the start. Even the
ladies contributed to the noise.
The following is self-explanatory :
We , the undersigned , desire to return our
thanks to the peopln of thN city for the very
kind treatment we have received during our
stay In Omaha. We believe the fact Is ap
preciated that on account of sickness \vo
have not been able to do ourselves justice.
However , wo hope to return soon and show
Omaha what wo can do. when In good health
and training. Kespcctfully ,
T. W. KPK.
KltAXK Dl.Vdl.llV.
The Ijcaeuc Team lloady for Work
Tim C. K. Mnyno Club.
Manager Stub Handle reports that the
players signed for tlio Omaha team will
all be in the city in about two weeks. As
. = 0011 as they all arrive the stockholders
of the Omaha club will probably have a
banquet and a sooial gathering to give
the boys an opportunity for getting ac
quainted with each other.
The plans for the now grand stand
have been completed by Architect
Voss and call for a neat and commodi
ous structure. A number of bids have
hoen received for the construction of the
work , which will bo commenced as soon
as the weather will permit.
The street car company lias agreed to
aid liberally in the construction of the
once and grand stand and also promise
o increase their accommodations on tlio
day on which games are played. At
such times they will have cars run to
and from the grounds on both the red
and green lines every three minuten.
Phis will DO an accommodation that will
doubtless bo greatly appreciated by the
patrons of the games.
TIIKO i : . MVVNK cr.tni.
The Athletic base ball club met at
flow's gymnasium last night to reorgan-
M lor the comimr season. The proposi-
ion of O. E. Mayno to equip the club was
iccepted and the organization was chris-
encd the C. K. Mayno club. Mr. J , C.
'arrish was re-elected manager. The
club is in a promising condition and is
eady to meet any amateur club in No-
iraska , Fremont not cxcopted. The fol-
owing players have been secured for the
cason : Catchers , Gillan and Millett ;
jitchers ! , Hart and Anderson first
u uu miKiji auii ; mat MUM ; .
V - , second base. Toner ; third base ,
jhannon-.short stop , J. McCrcary ; Held ,
Shields , K McCrary , Golden and Farrlsh.
Pho club will play its opening game with
ho league team early in April.
The Oincial Orders of Information
From Headquarters.
The following orders have been issued
rom the (5. ( A. R. department , giving in-
ormation to the comrades who will at-
oml the slate encampment to bo held in
.huaha on Wednesday and Thursday ,
March 10 and 17.
Headquarters Oeo. A. Custur I'ost , No. 7 , \
Dppartinent Nebraska G. A. K ;
Onmlia , Neb. , March IS , 1 JST ! )
As there will be no meeting of this post bo
ore the meeting of the department encamp-
nent , the follo\yint ; iienoral order Is pun
ished for the Information of all concerned ,
tz. :
Headquarters Dep't Nebraska ( J. A. It , )
Clruud Island , .Neb. , }
JMarch 1) , 1887.
ioneral Orders Jo. i : ? .
Sincothe promulgation of penrral order
so. 12 , th following reduced railroad rates
lave been obtained , In addition to those pub-
Ished in general order Xo. 13. One-half fare
'rom Noilolk anil Fremont , tickets unod for
oturn on .March 10 to dolccates holdim ; cor-
ilicatcs from the department r.oiuiiianiler ,
countersigned by the assistant adjutant KCII-
jral. Headquarters will bo established at
ho Millard hotel corner , Thirteenth and
Douglas streots. Tlio council of admlnistra-
.ion will meet at headquarters on Tuesday
evening , March 15 , nt 8 o'clock p. m. for the
transaction of the necessary business , and to
ipoii and consider all bids i'or location of the
ninth nniuial reunion.
The following Intel rates have been
secured , viz : Mlllnrd , corner Thirteenth and
Douu'Ias.f > 0 per day ; Paxton , corner Four
teenth and I'tornum ' , JjJ.fiO pordav ; Arcade ,
on DoiiKlitss struct , opposite Millard , SLfk )
> er day ; Metropolitan , corner Twelfth and
) oui'.Ins. S1.50 per day ; Windsor , corner
Tenth and .Jrtckson , 31.So per day ; Occiden
tal , corner Tenth and Howard , 81.00 per
day ; Planters , corner Sixteenth and Dodge ,
$1.00 per dny ; City Hotel , corner Tenth nnd
Hartley , SUM ) per day ; the Unrker Hotel ,
Just opened , on 'llilrteuntli and . ( onus , Is a
Euiopon hotel , where rooms may be had
from $1.00tiud upwards , according to loca
tion. The encampment will bo held in the
"annex" of the exposition bulldlmr , Four
teenth street and Capitol avenue , entrance
on Fourteenth street.
Tlio hall of Test 110 , located on Fourteenth
street , between Doutdas nnd Dodge , ono and
ono-liaU blocks from exposition bulldlii ) . ' ,
lias been secured for the use of tliu Womans
Relief corps during the eiicampmuiit.
By Order of J. M. TIIAYKU ,
Department Commander.
J. W. hlVINdllOUSK ,
Assistant Adjutant (
The reception committee appointed at the
Inst meeting of the post , will meet nt ( irand
Army hnll on Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock
for consultation and my out a plan for work.
Bv Oraer of Commander 1) . STUiivr.
Joiixll. ( { KANT , Test Adjutant.
Fred Itacck Killed Ily a Union Pacific
During the high wind that prevailed
yesterday afternoon Fred Racek met an
untimely death on the west end of the
Union Pacific bridsro. Ho was on his
way to his boarding house on South
street and was crossing the approach
to the bridge. Ho had his hat
pulled down over his ovcs to protect
them from the flying sand and was grad
ually feeling Ids way along the ties ,
when ho was struck by a passitur engine
and hurled from the bridge. He fell a
distance of nearly thirty foot and landed
on the pavement on the Sixth
street crossing. The cloud of
dust that was blowing at the
time so obscured the young
man that his presence on the track was
not observed by the engineer. Racok
was picked up and removed 'to St.
Joseph's hospital , where ho died at 5
o'clock. His back was broken by the
fall and he was otherwise cut and bruised.
The deceased was but sixteen years of
age , and has lived in Omnlia but a few
weeks. His parents live at Stanton ,
Neb. Ho has two brothers in Omaha ,
onu of whom Is employed in the litho
graphing department of the Herald. The
parents of the young man werj notllied
of hh untimely death. The remains were
removed to Drexel & Maul's undertaking
establishment , where an inquest will be
held tins afternoon.
A New Rellgloua Undertaking.
The article published on ano'tlier page
of the HKK entitled , "Is It Sense or Non
sense , " written by W.V. . I'almcr. is in
tended as a move in n now direction it
religious matter for Omaha , if citi/ons
who are interested in such a movement
are willing to give It proper support. It
is Mr. Palmer s intention to inaugurate
in this city a religious undertaking simi
lar to thu bno which 1'rof. Swing is con
ducting in Chicago , and to the ono which
the late Mr. Needier conducted BO long
hi Brooklyn. While Mr. rainier is in
Omaha he will bo glad to be communi
cated with on thci subject by any and all
interested , add letters may bo addressed
to him iu care cUltis olllco. . . ,
A Special Sale in ThiabMammoth HOQEO
In IJ.ICCH , Oriental find Mum , ICinhroi-
dorlcf ) , Musi I ii at
L'rlccfl That Will As-
i You.
I desire to call attention to our special
sale and opening of the spring goods on
Monday , and respectfully request that
all of our friends who can make It con
venient would come in the forenoon and
as early as possible , as wo will bo able to
give them much better attention than in
the afternoon , when wo arc certain to bo
densely crowded.
On Monday we will show the finest
stock of all kinds of Laces that lias ever
been shown by us. This is the largest
and best selected stock of Laces
in Omaha. All the patterns
are now and the prices will bo found
lower than last year. Wo have shown
many large and varied assortments of
Laces , but the stock that Will bo shown
Monday Is something extraordinary in
Do not forget that this is the largest
Lace sale over attempted by any house
in tills country.
Wo show in Colored Silk Egyptian
Laces tlio finest goods made , the Colors
are Simply Perfect. The Stool Grey with
Purple Pink combination is something
Now in the way of colorings , the effect is
grand. This Lace only comes in a. very
few Colors and the combinations are
worth seeing. Wo show them on Mon
In Black Spanish Guipure Nets , Floune-
ings and Edges , wo show an immense as
sortment. In Nets we show them from
$1.00 per yard to $5.00 , Flouncings from
$1.10 to $3.00.
Edge Laces from loc to $1 25 per yard.
Spanish Guipure Lace gives more solid
wear than any Lace made.
In this Make of Black and Cream Lace
wo show a wonderful assortment. All
New Patterns and the Designs are Very
Select. This Lace is very much worn ,
it is light weight , and the Patterns arc
usually very dolicatn and pretty.
Black Chantilly Lace Flouncings at
$1.50 , $1.05 , $3.50 , $7.50 and $8.50.
Black Chantilly Lace Net at $1.75 ,
$3.75 , $1.00 $1.50 and $5.00.
Black Chantilly Lace Edgc.vat 25 , 35 ,
50 , 85 and $1.15.
Black Viclioy Lace Floiincings at $2.25
and $4.00.
Black Vichey Lace Net at $3.25 and
This is the now Lace and it is very
pretty and will be a good seller.
This lace is going to bo more popular
than it was last year and is- very much
cheaper. Wo show in , Cream and Beige
Egyptian Lace a variety of patterns and
prices that is wonderful to look at.
Egyptian Flouncings.
Egyptian Nets.
Egyptain Lares.
Oriental Laces we show from lOc to
35c per yard.
Oriental Lace Flouncing from $1.00 to
Wo. show all the now paterns in these
favorite Linen Laces.
Torchon Laces from 5c to $2.00 per
Mcdisis Laces from 5c to $1.25 per
vard .
Wo call special attention to tiio quality
: md finish of these garments.
Nothing like them at the prices named
lias over been sold by us.
Ladies' Muslin Drawers at 25c , 35c , 50c ,
05c. 75c , fl.OO and $1.25.
Ladies' Chemise at 50c , 75e , 85c , 95c.
$1.00 , and $1.25 , up to.00 ! each.
We call Special Attention to the Che
mise .it $1.50 , $2.00 and $2.50 as being the
finest goods for the prices over shown.
Ladies' Gowns 50c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
$1.05 , $1.75 and $2.00. This is the cheap
est lot of gowns wo have had the pleas
ure in showing to our customers.
SKIRTS ! SKIRTS ! ! fcjKIRTS ! ! !
Ladies' Skirts at 35c , 05c , 75c , 85c , $1.00 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 to $2.50.
Wo will use all of the west isle in our
store to show tlio most magnificent stock
of Embroideries that wo have over shown.
Ladies will bo surprised at the quantity
of line goods we display. The pattern s
are all carefully selected , and wo know
that ladles will say that the prices are
right. In line Nainsook and Swiss
Flouucings , both white and cream , we
show some very choice goads.
Swiss Flouncings , 54 inches wide , at
75c , $1.00 and $1.25 , with.edge . to match
are worth double whafrweask for them.
NYe have a few lots left in Maync
Place south of Loavcnworth street. Those
lots are being sold at ICSHI figures and on
eabicr terms than lots in llanscom Place
while they arc the same ! distance from
the city.
Northwest cor. Ifithjand llarney.
This property is sollingjfur bettor than
wo over expected. Pncm will bo ad
vanced In a few days. * l\irohasers will
do well to buy at onco. Heal estate men
will receive full commlss on till Thurs
day morning , March 17 , 'when ' lull re
turns must bo made and npw terms and
now prices will be given.
. P. Tt'KEY ,
Farnam st.
Hayo your horses clipped by Kinnoys
power machines , Checkered Barn , 13tl
and 14th on llarney , Tel. 10J ( $1.
_ t R. KI.NNEY ,
Renl Kbtuto Dealers.
If you wish first-class Work in the line
of olllco furniture , soMons , counters
line wlro or brass work , drop us a posta
to box 378. oily , and our Omaha repro
sentativo , F . , L. Furbish , will call upon
you. Respectfully Yours ,
A. It. ANWWWS & Co. ,
Chicagoatid New York ;
HS AND K.nmton 101:11:9.
Kelly , StlRnr Ai CO.'H Hpcclnl Snlo For
Wo have just opened nn immense stock
of Now Lace and Embroideries , bought
it a largo discount from regular prices.
These goods are all fresh and now , per-
Vet In every respect , and embrace all
the latest novelties shown tins season.
We place these goods on sale Monday
naming at prices which cannot bo beaten
jy any house West of Chicago.
Now Chantillv Lace Nets.
New Chantilly Lace Flounces.
Now Chantilly Lace Edges.
Now Spanish Guipuru Lace Nets ,
Flounces and Kdgos.
New Oriental Lace Nets , Flounces and
[ Mgcs to match in White , Cream and
New Egyptian Lace Nets , Flounces and
Kdgos to 'match , in White , Cream and
Now Swiss and Nainsooks all over em
broideries , and 22J and 45-inch llouncing ,
and Narrow Edging to match.
New Hamburg Embroideries in all
New Colored Embroideries in endless
variety and all widths.
Cor. Dodge and 15th.
The Year 1887.
During tlio year 1887 the people of this
city will sco the greatest growth it has
over had. This is acklowlod < jctl by all
good judges. Property lu nmlabout tlio
city will advance in price so rapidly that
hundreds of fortunes will bo made in a
tew months. The new packing houses ,
factories , etc. , locating in South Omaha
will make that a business part of the city
and as a consequence property in that
locality will bo mucht.sought after. Now ,
this week , is the timo' to buy this prop
erty. Wo are sole agents for South
Omaha proper and an investment made
there now will return tlio purchaser his
money and 100 to 200 per cent added to
it. Anybody with a small amount of
money can buy a lot in South Omaha.
The C. E. Mayno Real E.stato & Trust
Co. , N. W. cor 15th and llarney.
Grand Island.
The great manufact'.irinir , jobbing and
railroad center of Nebraska , offers coed
inducements to manufacturers , jobbers
and investors. We mean business. Ad-
dres C. W. SOAHKF ,
Secretary of Board of Trade.
DcBlrnhlc Corner
On Lcavcmvorth , 185 feet front , $40OQn.
Northwest cor. 15th and llarney.
The largest stock of surgical instru
ments and physicians' supplies at C. F.
Goodman's , 1110 Farnam st.
PlntpH Destroyed.
At IIospo's Art Gallery , on Monday ,
March 14 , Air. Woorner will satisfy buy
ers of Remarque Etchings that the plates
arc destroyed after the sots or mini our of
Double Proofs are printed , which makes
the lirst impressions so valuable. Only
Monday. Connoisseurs invited.
A. HOSPE , 1513 Douglas St.
A Free Hide.
You have no idea of the immense ; boom
which will be on in South Omaha within
a few weeks , unless you have been down
there lately. Now is the time to buy.
Come to our office any day and let us
take you down to sec the town , and if
you hfivo any money to buy with you
will nut it in there. C. li. MAYNE ,
Real Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. Cor. 15th
and Hartley.
1 need sonic good business property to
supply customers. If you want your
property sold list with mo.
Real Estate , 317 South 13th st.
In Tliornlmrp.
Wo have some bargains in lots in
Thorn burg ,
Northwest cor. 15th and llarney.
Buy your paints , varnish and brushes
at C. F. Goodman's , 1110 Farnam st.
Some wonderful predictions of this
town have boon made by the trreat fortune
teller , Madam Blanche. She has cor
rectly foretold all the great events of the
last twenty years. It is well wortli any
ono'-s while to consult her if you are con
templating a business change , truthful
ness of friends. Law troubles a specialty.
1110 Jackson street.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
LSigned ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Mnync'rt Addition.
Wo have a few lots left in Mayne's ad
dition that wo can sell cheap. Lots are
$500 , with only 10 per cent cash and the
balance on very easy terms. Call at our
office and lot us show this property.
C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co' . ,
N.V. . Cor. 15th and ILirnoy.
Hurt Street Property.
57x132 , near 20th street , line residence ,
00x132. near 22d street , splendid dwell
ing , $ ! ) ,5)0. ( )
JOHN GALLAGHER , 317 South 13th.
Auction : Auction ! Auction !
A largo sale of Household Goods and
Millinery to bo sold Monday afternoon at
2 o'clock at No. 108 North 14th street.
Don't miss this salo.
Mnyno'ri Addition.
Wo have a few lots left in Mayno's ad
dition that wo can sell cheap. Lots arc
$500 with only 10 per cent cash ami the
balance on very easy terms. Call at our
olfico : ind lot us show this property.
C. E. Mavno Real Estate it Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harncy.
Engineers' transists , . chains , steo
tapes , rods and supplies at C. F. Good-
nun's , 1110 Farnam st.
Maync Place.
Wo have a few lots left in Mayne
Place south of Lenyenworth street. These
lots are being sold at less figures and on
easier terms than lots in llanscom Place
while they are the same distance from
ho city.
Northwest cor. 15th and llarney.
Architects and Superintendents.
Hodgson & .Sou , 20 Iron flank , Oinulut ,
anil 311 NIC , ave , , Minneapolis.
no Sold \Vlthln a Week.
A line lot on 17th near Yinton on grade ,
one block from street cor. , $1,700 ; $1,100
cash. The lot is worth a cool $2,200 ;
must be sold quick. A. P. SPITKO ,
1013 Howard St.
Homes and Lots
For sale In Orchard Hill at a bargain ;
also bargains in houses and lots in all
parts of thn city.
TheC. E. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and llarney St.
Houses and lints
For sale in Orchard Hill at a bargain ;
also bargains in houses and lots in all
parts of the city.
The C. E. Mayno Real K-itafo & Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. Ifithand Harney St.
For Kalo.
A first class short order cafo.doing excellent -
lent business. Showing of handsome
profit since business established. Best ol
reason for selling. Address F , 04 , BKE
Visit 1519 and 1521 Douglas Street Next
Week Tor Bargains.
Great Mulln Underwear Sale Con
tinued For One More Week
-Oilier Special Sales
l'\y Aloud ay.
100 pieces of Fancy Stripe Crinkled
Seersuckers 80 , worth 15o.
00 do/en 5-butlon Embroidered Hacks ,
Kid Gloves all now shade. * fiOc. worth
2,000 yards of Extra Fine Hrown Mus
lin , yi ) yards for $1.10.
'J.OOO yards of Hrowu Muslin , ! ! 0 inches
wide , 80 yards for $1.
1UO pieces now Sateens , iust received ,
and will bo placed on sale Monday morn-
inc at Ifio per yard.
These are beautiful goods , made only
by one mill , and wo have the Exclusive
.Sale of them in this city , and at the price
arc a Hare llargain.
25 pieces Curtain Scrims , Oc , worth
? 0c.
25 dojson Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs ,
2C each.
10 do/.cn Challenge Hustles. Our price ,
25c. Don't pay fiUo elsewhere.
100 dozen Ladies' Linen Collars , with
capes , 8)c ) , worth 15c.
C > 0 pieces Hloachcd Muslin , much
heavier and better than Lonsduiu to In
troduce the brand. 80 per yard.
Ladies , this is a golden opportunity to
buy Good Goods at less than the mills
will sell them after the goods are intro
100 Pieces Seersucker in Plaids , Stripes ,
Checks. Just what you need for Waists ,
Skirts and Dresses , lOc a vard.
Our Parasols and Skirt-waists and
Spring Wraps we arc receiving daily ,
and as soon as possible will bo placed on
our counters for your inspection.
When you want Dry Goods , look for Our
Store. You will bo surprised at the Wide-
Awake Prices we are giving.
Our motto is : Goods liought and Sold
for Casli will make us Friends and Cus
tomers. liKNNISON imoS ,
1511) ) and 1321 Douglas St.
The Citizens1 Bank" " , 2-108 Cuming street ,
will in future keep open until 550 : ! p. m. ,
except on Saturdays they will extend the
time for closing until 7 p. m. This will
bo a great convenience to the numerous
patrons of that llourisliincr institution ,
affording ample time for laborers , farm
ers and all classes of business men to
make their deposits and transact such
other banking business as they may desire -
sire alter the day's work and bilk of
business is over. This is a commendable
departure , and the public will no doubt
show appreciation of same by increased
For Sale.
We have four full corner lots , 0(1x13J (
feet each , on Farnam street east of llltli
street at $20,000 , $50,000 , $75,000 and
22 feet on Farnam by 132 on llth. ! ? 4-1,000
A choice corner , 153 ! feet front on
10th st south of Capital ave 05,000
A choice corner on 10th st 0(1x0(1 ( ( for 25,000
7(1x132 ( s c cor 29d and Cuming. . . 20,000
00x88 n w cor 23d and Cuming . . 15,000
14 feet on llarney between Mth
and 15th . ' . . . . G5.000
CO feet on Howard between 15th
and 10th 35,000
22 feet on Cuming between 17th
and 18th 4,500 ,
75 feet on 10th street near Nich
olas 15,000.
1J5-3 feet on Leavonworth 18,000.
185 feet on Lcayenworth 40,000.
Two acres on Leavnnworth 12,000.
Good dwelling property in all parts of
the city.
Three full lots on U. P. tracks to lease
for 20 years.
The C. E. Mavne Heal Estate and
Trust Co. , N. W. corner 15th and
For IIospo's add. Some Pianos and
Organs will be sold cheap next week at
1513 Douglas St.
Jleslrnble Corner
On Leavonworth , 185 feet front , ? 10,000.
Northwest cor. 15th and llarney.
IlcMii.irqitc Etchings.
Hospc-again invites his friends and
customers to examine on Monday a
largo and complete line of etchings
which will bo exhibited by the publisher
( C. Klackuor's ) agent , Mr. Woorner ,
who will be pleased to show them , us ho
has added about 50 new subjects- satin ,
parchment , Japan , and India paper. Ho-
member Monday , March 14 , ft87 , at Hos-
pcls , 1513 Douglas.
To the Public.
1 take this method of announcing that
I have opened an office at
and bog to offer my services
For the Purchase and Sale of llcul Es
tate ;
For procuring Loans on Heal Estate or
Chattlo Security ;
For placing 1-iro and Life Insurance in
reliable Companies ;
For renting of Houses and collection of
For paying Taxes for Non-Hcsidonts ;
For preparing all kinds of documents ,
such as Deeds , Mortgages , Leases , Con
tracts , etc. , etc.
For opening , regulating or closing
mercantile books , preparing Halance
Sheets , etc.
I nm backed by twenty-two years of
business experience , and can refer to
nearly all the banks and prominent busi
ness houses of Omaha.
I respectfully solict your patronage
and will use my best endeavors to give
satisfaction. Very rcwpnctfully ,
Bargain Park avo. fronting park 3
blocks from street car line. 50x150 , only
f 1,800. S. A. SI.OMAX. Ifil' . ' Farnam St.
The Year 1887.
During the year 1837 the people of tills
city will see the irreatest growth it has
ever had. This is acknowledged by
all good judges. Property in and about
the city will advance in price HO rapidly
that hundreds of fortunes will be made
in a few months. The new packinir
houses , factories , etc. , locating in South
Omaha will make that a business part of
the city and as a coiibc.qiionco property
in that locality will bo much fought
after. Now , this week , is the time to
buy this property.vo arc solo agents
for South Omaha proper and an in
vestment made there will return the pur
chaser his money and 100 to 200 per oout
added to it. Anybody with a small
amount of money can buy a lot in South
Omaha. ,
The C. E. May no Knal Estate & Trust Co.
N. W. cor 15th and llarney.
Bargain Farnam St. , a corner s & w
front , only &J.OOO. . S. A. SI.OJIAN ,
1512 Hirnam St.
A Krco Hide.
You have no idea of the immense boom
which will bo on in South Omaha within
a few weeks , unless you have boon down
there lately. Now is tlio time to buy.
Come to our olllco any day and let 113
take you down to see the town , and if
you have any money to buy with you
will put it in thero. C. E. MAYNL- ,
Heal Estate & Trust Co. , N. W. Cor. Ifith
. uud Harnuy.
Tlic Crcnm of llosldonco Lots He-
served I > 'or tlio Imst.
Thcso beautiful lots are situated on the
high grounds between Dodge and Daven
port , and Grove nnd Spring streets , tine
groves of forest trees allording ample
shade on part of tills properly.
If you wish the ploasaiitcst building
site in tlio city we have it in CIIISCI.N : : r
If you wish nil investment to make 100
I'KIt CKNT IX NIXr.rV DAYS , tills IS it.
You ask how wo figure this result ? Hero
it is : Wo sell you a lot for sl,8. ? > 0. only
$7AO cash , and within ninety days you
will undoubtedly sell it for from $ ' , ' ,500 to
? ! ,000 ; so if you only get f'JW)0 ) you hnv
sJtViO profit , nnd tit ! * ! t,000 you have $1U > 0
profit on ! ? 7oO invested. Can you beat
this for inside properly investment ?
Only a few lots loft. Call in and take
n rule with us and ceo for yourself.
HAHTMAN * ( iin&ox ,
M18 Farnam street.
In Tlinrntitirc.
Wo have some bargains in lots In
Northwest cor. 16th and llarney.
Hargam-lOtli st pposiln MJsSourl iC
- , ? nT'"v W'sensl ; ! frontful1 . . . Jot-
olxlO'J only $9,000.n . A. SI.OMAN ,
1512 Farnam St.
Architects'and draugh'.smens' supplies
at : Goodman's , 1110 Farnam st.
Hymeneal. --i
The wedding of Miss Ray Harwich
of this city , to Dr. M. Dymonbcrg , of St.
Paul , will be solemnized this evening at
Gcrntania hall. The event is one of
great interest to the Jewish population ,
the bride being tlio daughter of a well
known business inan here and the groom
a popular physician of the Minnesota
metropolis. The marriage ceremony
will be in accordance with the beautiful
runs of the Jewish church. Over 300 in
vitations have been issued.
Full line of Spring Millinery.
Mifb. HICKMA.V , 1111 Douglas street.
South Omnlia.
Call at. our olllco and wo will take you
down to South Omaha and show you the
many new improvements now g'omg on
there. Wo can satisfy you that you can
make 100 to 200 per cent on your money
in six months.
C. E. Mayne Real Estate & Trust Co. , N.
W. Cor. 15th and llarney.
Bargain , Farnam street , near 20th , 22x
132 , south front , $7,000.
S. A. SI.OMAN , 1512 Farnam St.
Those interested in brick making will
call at otlico of Portal Land and Town
Lot Co. , 105 S. 15th St. If they wish to
make arrangements for ground suitable
lor this work.
Architects and engineers can lind a
full supply of instruments , paper and
tracing cloth , at C. I . Goodman's , 1110
Farnam st.
South Oinnlui.
Call at our ollieo and we will take you
down to South Omaha and show you the
many new improvements now going on
there. Wo can satisfy you that you can
make 100 to 200 per cent on your money
in six months.
C. R. Mayno Heal Rstalo it Trust Co. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and llarney.
Fine watcli and jewelry repairing at
Iluborinanird Co-operative Jewelry store.
Bargain , Farnam street , eor. 31st , s and
o front , liiUxltH , only $17,00 < ) ; ) ,
S. A. SI.OMA'N , 1513 iirnam St.
When you buy furniture bo sure you
get prices at Howe it Kerr , 1510 Douglas
st. , opp. Falconer's. They buy from the
best manufacturers and guarantee the
very lowest prices.
Bargain , a beautiful lot in Ilimebaugh
Place , 50x100 , on grade , only $2,300 1
block from Park ave car.
S. A. SLOMAN , 1512 Farnam St.
Three horses an hour clipped by Kin-
ucys 3 power machines , and no wailing.
Snlc of the Poor Farm.
The county commissioners yesterday
ordered the county clerk to advertise for
the sale of the fifty acres .of the poor
farm. The sale will be held on April 27
The plat adopted by tlio commissioners
provides for live lots to the acre. Each
lot will be sold separately at auction.
The terms will bo one-third cash and tlio
balance in three equal annual payments.
The commissioners state that they ex
pect to realize about $5,000 un aero from
the sale.
Moriday&Tuesday.Mar . , I4&I5
First production in Omnlia of
A iilnvorrr which Ilio wlmlo country In UlUliw. nr
ncnlo fwlth n niiixiiltUKii ! cut. Indmllni ; A'l.lnl
l.avviu.ii'cuiul MUa Ji ! o I'.uteliuMur.
Special He-engagement of
Fielding's ' Cody
Tonight , the Rollicking IrWi Comedy ,
Introducing new songs , specialties , etc.
Certificate of Publicalbn.
On I " API i rim or lViii.ii1 .UTOU.NTP
. . . . ,
IIMOI ; N , IVhi-uiiiy l6t , lob" , t
It IshflfitiV roitlllrd Unit Iliu I'lilon Central
lifo InmirimvcCo .of Cliii-lnnidl , In tlinmidnof
OltlD , IIHS coiiiiillc.l with tlioliiNiiruiioe Inwot
ic.uiid In nutliurl/c-il to trnnmict the
< it IK Sii-iiianfolri thin btnto lor tlio
n s my Imti'J nml thi ) soul of tlio Aulltor
of Pulillo Account * Ilio iluy unit your iilmvo
writ ! ! II. A. IIAWOC'IC , Amlitor f.A.
I'l u nnin > oroii rnliniaiiy Ui.iO'l ' ii7or innrtor of
n million nl ' - ' IMI | : U' . lli Npbiurkulu 18 0. Tht'jr
c.iluoiililiil'w'raw ' " ' l"t"i' ' l un lutoiid u l
Mum mir utlinr r'inii'iiiix , lull ri'Mi rafrlJt | > niuia
tlinu p.ilil "II iloalh lon > . mulurcil i-iiilowiuciiin ,
rent , luxo'.un 1 L'tnoritlnnmi i-xiion < c ln IW *
J. M. KDMiyril.V.HUlo Aucilt.
0. K Ml' IIIKU. AM liiiin | > SIHl Alf.'Hl , H'juiiil.
Oiipii : llii'iH" Illiim , lilncii n , N > > .
' . T. TA VI.OH , hiNvlnl Airunt. W } more. Neb.
cVhMli.NX'KHHJClnl ! ! AKVM , 1HI Ml. Slnry'n Avfl-
nun. Oriiatm u _
Notice to Contractor * .
} tialVnz"u . . ) | " ! ) " < ) r'illi : to U'O ' frtiUlu
onAWwioVrrt'iTn ? ! from each blJUef
. bo required
Muii&rin"reo } n.rt UUl ! to culer lulu toutmcl
all liltli l l ; ri'lijr 1C-
'T/m-l.r of th. ( -s , , , .
Omnln , N t > . , Mnroh II , IM1