Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    r- |
Delivered by cnrrler In nn > pnrt of the city nt
twenty cents ptr week.
II. W. TILTON , Muuager.
BCMKTPR Omcr. , No. 43.
N. Y.t'lmnbiiiK Co.
New sprint ; needs at Roller's , tnilor.
George W.TIioiuiJSon &Co. . renl estate.
Tlict schools open to-morrow after their
week's vacation.
1. W. At E. L. Squire's abstracts arc
giving peed satisfaction.
See W. C. Stacy & Co. , No. C Alain , for
bargains in real citato.
Thirty-four oftlio "Kvnngelmo" troupe
Btopci | ) at ttio Oudun yesterday.
Judge Tnornell opens a two weeks'
term of court at Avocn on Tuesday.
Denison is having a big revival. The
evangelist is Rev. Dctwullor , of Evanston -
ton Jll.
The district court closed its term yes
terday. The next term here will open
Aliiy ! J.
Sfwlro'n pnrk addition is a sure invest
ment. 1'iieille avenue will bo built up
with fitoris buildings within a year.
L. 1J. Cousins yestcrdav sold his half
interest in the Council Bluffs hay and
feed company to George S. Troynor.
TIIO city council meets to-morrow even
ing to attend to the Broadway grade.
The new council meets one week later.
The Council muffs Uicyclo club will
meet ut the Ogdcn house parlors Tues
day evening. All interested are re
quested to bo present , whether members
of the club or not.
A sowing machine wagon was taken
along 1'oarl street yesterday at n reckless
rate by an unmanageable horse.Vm. .
Colling rushed out raid spoiled the item
by , \ lively catch.
Last night at the city hull the nonpartisan
tisan meeting selected Dr. D. Macrae
and F. A. Connor as candidates for the
long term and It. T. Hryant for the short
term on the school board.
Subscriptions to the now bills " 1" of
the Savings Loan and Ituilding associa
tion are now payable at the omco of the
secretary , Mr. 1) . W. Otis , 102 Main
street. Subscribers are requested to call
at an early day and make their first pay
ment and obtain their bonds.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Til-
ton entertained the UKK family in Coun
cil Hind's at tneir now homo No. 527
Fifth avenue. There were present all of
the employes of the Council Bluffs de
partment of the HIM : , numbering twenty
odd persons , all of which joined in pre
senting Mr. and Mrs. Tilton a handsome
largo clock , much to the of the
host and his estimable wife.
Commencing Monday , March 14tli.
IH'Ht UartcuiiiB Ever Offered in the
City of Council niiiflfe.
Bargains in all departments. 25 do/en
kid gloves , best quality , in black , cream
and tan , all at 17e a pair ; onlv one pair
to a customer. 50 dozen lace kid gloves ,
regular price $1.00 , will sell for 48o a
pair. 200 do/.on ladies' bordered hand
kerchiefs at 2o. 200 dozen cambric hand
kerchiefs ut So. 100 dozen all linen ,
hemstitched at lOc.
Guilts' line bordered haudkcrcheifs
at 5e.
Gents' bordered in linen at lOc.
200 do/.on children's handkerchiefs
at Ic.
50 dozen ladies' lace ties in white and
cream at 5c. Fine embroidered fitchucs
at Me. , the usual price 50e. to 75c.
Oriental ' lace from 2o , Uc , 4c , 5c , 7c , to
Me per ya'rii. ,
Linen laces Ic , 2o , 4c , Oc , to8c.
Silk ribbons 2c , 4c , Oc , 8c to 18c.
Ladies' hose , fancy striped , tit Oc , 7c
to lOc. In seamless Ific. Itfc , 25c to 34c. t
Gents' J hose in seamless 5c , lOc , IDc ,
to 25c a pair.
Children's hose Ic , 7c , lOc , 12c , 14c to
18o a pair.
500 bunches of rick-rack braid at 5c a
bunch ; every lady knows the price is
from lOc to 2Uc ; wo sell nil numbers
at 5c.
200 cashmere shawls for spring wear
nt $1.45.
The largest stock of jerseys in the city
and the lowest prices you will find at our
store for this week's sale.
An all wool jersey in black and colors
for Wc. )
$3.00 jerseys for $1.00 ; $3.00 jerseys for
$1.50 ; $4.00 jerseys for $2.00.
Don't wait till the goods are sold. Call
cnrly and secure the bargains , commenc
ing1 Monday , March 14 , nt Goldberg's , 18
Main street.
Poi-Honnl Paragraph * .
John B. Orr , of Ottumwn , is at the
Smith McPherson , of Red Oak , was
among the attorneys who was in court
yesterday who were not lined.
C. II. Cowles. of Peoria , 111. , represent
ing the Cutter & 1'roetor stove company ,
is in the city.
We have a bargain for some one who
watns u nice little homo near Third av
enue and 10th street. It's a dandy. Gar-
man , AN lute & Co.
-L. U. Crafts & Co. , are loaning monoj
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Anybody wishing to buy n cozy home
in the vicinity of Sixteenth avenue and
Eighth street , ehoav and on easy terms
will do well tocull on Garuian , White &
Co. , No. 540 Uroadway.
Star sale stables of Council Bluffs ,
The largest stock of horses and mule :
west of Chicago , which will bo sold al
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guur
For Ilnslncss Men.
Charles Loibold , of No. 520 Broadway
has worked up an extensive trade , as his
ulnco is always supplied with the lincsi
brands , and the celebrated Schlitz's Mil
wan ken beer can always bo found on tap
His business men's luncheon , which he
spreads daily , is composed of the lines' '
selections the market affords. Give Inn
n call.
In the Judicial Pocket.
The saloon injunction cases have bcoi
taken under advisement by Judge Thor
noil. Ho will take them with him on hi :
circuit , and the assurance Is given that :
decision will be rendered some time 1103
week. _
A Special F.und of $ ! inOOO.OO
Has just been receivep , wlili-h we wan
to loan on good business property ii
Council Blntl's , in sums ot from $2,00
upward. Any one desiring funds to im
prove property or for investment wil
liiul this an unusual opportunity- Cal
on us this week. Odoll Bros. & Co. , Nc
103 Pearl street , Council Blurts.
Largo and choice stock of carpets
v ingrain , tapestries , body Brussels velvets
moquotie.s , etc.vll | bo opened early th
coming week ut No. 401 Broadway. D
not forget the number. The finest thing
of the season.
' " Now goods arnVliiR'at ILirkncss Brpy
The School Electors to Express Themselves
To-Morrow ,
Two At tor ncyH Fined ForOcttlriR Mod
In Court The Saloon Injunction
COHOS Taken Umlcr Advise
ment Whnro to Worship.
The MlRhtlncNg of the Pen.
Yesterday Judge Thornell sentenced a
number of criminals to terms in the pen
itentiary. One of thcso was Charles
Fales , who has already served one term
there. On being released he came back
to Oakland , and there savacely attacked
a merchant , Mr. Degrall' , who had been
instrumental in his conviction. He
struck DcgrafT with n brass knuckle , or
some other weapon , causing him to lose
one oyo. This led to his arrest , on the
charge of mayhem. To this ho pleaded
guilty. When arraigned for sentence
.yesterday he made a long explanation of
his conduct , and denied that he used any
knuckles , or anything but his bare list
when ho struck Mr. Degraft" . Ho said
that in talking with Drgraff about
some money which ho stales ho owed
for some time , IMiraff made a sneerim :
remark , because ho could not pay , and
called him a sneak. This so angered him
that on the impulse of the heated mo
ment he struck him. Judge Thornell
listened very patiently to the detailed re
cital of the prisoner , and then sentenced
him to hard labor in the penitentiary for
three years.
Charles Paxton , the colored porter at
Bcehtelo's , who pleaded guilty to steal
ing .some clothing , was .sentenced to the
penitentiary for eighteen months. Al
though pleading guilty , ho explained to
the iudge , that no did not know anything
about the stolen goods , until a policeman
arrested him. There were some store
keepers who was identified as being the
man who Had to sell the goods to them.
and so he thought ho might as well plead
The young man , Wliipple , found guilty
of forging railway tickets , was sentenced
to two years and nine months. Ho is a
bright appearing , active young business
man of more than ordinary intelligence ,
and well connected. He took his sen
tence very hard , and much sympathy
was expressed for him by the lookers-on.
His position as ticket agent gave him an
opportunity , which proved too great a
temptation for him. Taking tickets for
short distances , he would alter them so
us to make them uood to Denver , or .some
other disUut point , and keep the bin-plus
Call and sec the stock of horses and
mules ut Star Stables before purchasing
elsewhere. _ _
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
* - .
The School Election.
To-morrow the voters are to again visit
the polls for the purposes of selecting
three school directors , and to pass upon
the following questions :
1. Shall the board eC dliuctors of the Indo-
'lidi'nt ' school district ot Council BIulls ,
K' . , be iiuthoil/ed and eiupoweied to lenso
the high school bulldlnc , witii the necessary
grounds , tor a puiiod of ninety-nine yeais , ut
n rental af 1 cent ] > > . * r annum , to be used as a
normal .school. *
! i. Shall the lioaid of directors of said Inde
pendent school district of Council Bluffs , la. .
be authorized and directed to hell M > much of
the lil''li school grounds as they shall doom
best , and use the proceeds thereof In the
erection of a school building with n high
school department , on the Washington n ve
il uu ( Mill ) school mounds.
7. Sliall the board of directors of the Inde
pendent school district of the city of Council
Bluffs , In. , bo authorized and dln-cted to Issue
the bonds of said district In the sum ot forty
thousand dollars (840,000) ( ) , or so much there
of as shall be necc arv , with the proceeds ot
the sale of the High school grounds , to com
plete the construction of n school building
with the high school department , on the
Washington u venue ( .Mill ) school grounds.
The purpose of these works is to get
more and better room for homo pupils
who have been crowded terribly the past
year , and to secure , if possible , the es
tablishment here of a state normal school
which will bring hero four or five hun
dred young men and ladies. Those who
favor the move deem it bettor to lease
than to donate , as the city by leasing docs
not lose control of the property. In case
the school board cannot arrange with the
state to establish an institution here it
will have the authority to arrange with
private parties if deemed advisable. It
is urged that a largo and successful
normal school could eusily-bo established
here adding to the population and ad
vantages of the city. If by any miscalcu
lation this was not accomplished , the
city could continue to use the hill build
ing as best it could. No ono could afford
to Keep up a school , even with rent free ,
unless it was a largo and successful one.
If Council Blull's can secure a normal
school with an attendance of several hun
dred pupils from till parts of the state it
would bo an enterprise of great value
to this city. It would help all other en
terprises at the same time.
The building of a new school house ,
centrally located , seems an urgent need.
Scholars have been seated on the edge of
the rostrum , on settees placed in the hall ,
and in fact have boon stowed away as
best they comd. The sanitary disad
vantages above call for a sucedy remedy.
The vacancies to be filled are for two
directors to servo the full term of three
years , and ono to servo ono year , to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation of
J. K. Cooper.
The polls will bo open from 0 o'clock
a. m. to 0 o'clock p. m. nt the following
polling places :
The Hrst ward at Swan's packing
house on Upper Broadway.
The Second ward ut John Dohany's
livery ollice on Bryant street.
The Third ward at Huttenhauor'sotlicc
on Fourth ( Bancroft ) street.
The lour th ward ( first precinct ) at No.
535 Broadway.
The Fourth wara ( second precinct ) at
Kolloy's hotel , South Main street.
' 1 he democratic nominees are Robert
Ruin , J. C. Dellaven and. G. S. Lawson.
Dr. llanchott , oflico No. 13 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
For acre property , residences and busi
ness property call on W , C. Stacy i& Co. ,
No. U Main street.
A $ 5 Mill.
The little altercation between Attor
neys Holdano and Sims , which occurred
in the district cotut Friday , was given to
the judicial finish yesterday. Judge
Thornoll lined Mr. Haldcne $25 and Mr.
Sims $15 for contempt of court. As it
was sentence day for criminals the vic
tims of hot temper were tortured greatly
by their jocose frlonds , and especially
the press gang , who threatened to run
their names in the list of criminals dls <
posed of.
"I was fined once for contempt , " re <
marked ono of the oldest members of the
bar. "Some other lawyer tind myself
got mad , and forgot ourselves. 1 staved
oil'paying the line as long as possible ,
but every time I sold a piece
of property the judgment for thai
line would show up in the abstract
At last ono fellow who bought some pi op
crty of me would not CIOFO the dea !
unless the abstract was made clear bj
having that judgment paid oil' . I had tc
pay it at last. "
The two.attorneys thus ilne.U will hav
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Real Estat
J'acant Lots , Lands , City Resiliences and Farms , acre property In
western part of city. All KcUlnv cheap to malic room for sprlnfstuck. .
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
llooin A , orcr Ofllccr 0 J'ttsey's lianh ; Council Kin/ft * .
to pay the judgments promptly ; lest tltoy
show up on tin : abstracts , and put a stop
to the boom. The two lepal ge111'151111"1 '
hixvc cooled down greatly now , a nil tlmy
nro wondurin why lawyers cannot do
tliu same as > ncwspupur men jjot mad
and abii o each other , and let some one
else do the fighting wlnlu they hit cosily
smoking together and s-wopping lies.
on Hock.
Hock , charged with making malicious
threats against John Dicrks , the manu
facturer , was yesterday sentenced to pay
a lini ) of $ yoO , or stay in jail ninutv days.
Hock pleaded guilty to making the
threats , but explained the aggravating
circumstances leading to the all'air. He
claimed that he could not get his pay
from Air. Dierks , by whom ho bad been
employed , and was anxious to get settled
iii .10 as to go to Fremont , where he had
another position awaiting him. After
trying in vain to reach some settlement ,
lie says Mr. Uierks declared hu would
not pay , and as he had no money with
which to go to law , he got mad and made
this bad break. He told Judge Thornell
that he thought it was pretty tough to
haye to go to jail for trying to got what
was due liim , but the juugu told him
sucti was the natural result of men tak
ing the law into their own hands.
1'oiiitH of Piety.
The foil wine notices of services to be
held to-day will servo as a guide to wor
shippers :
Rev. Stephen Phclps will preach in the
Presbyterian church to-day , both morn
ing and evening. The morning sermon
will be in behalf of the College Aid
SAINT'S rnuncii.
Elder E. C. Hriggs , of Carson , la. , will
occtipv the pulpit at Saint's church.
morning and evening , at 10:30 : a. in. and
7iO ! j ) . m.
Services in the Congregational churcti
this morning. Preaching by the pastor.
Subject "Tho Spirit of Christ. " A hearty
welcome will bo given all who come.
In the morning there will bo : i union
meeting in the Presbyterian church.
UUO1UWAY M. E. C'lmitClI.
Topic nt the Uroadway M. K. church
this morning , "Henry Ward ; His Life
and Work. "
The Uight Reverend William Stevens
Perry , IX U. L U D. , will preach in
Saint Paul's church to-day at 10:15 : a. m.
nnd 7:30 : p. m. Holy communion 10 u.
m. The npostalie rite of continuation
will be administered at the morning ser
vice. A hearty invitation is extended to
strangers and the public to attend. The
hour of morning service in Saint Paul's
church has been changed from 11 to
10:45 : o'clock.
A union meeting in the interests of the
White Cross movement will be held at
the Presbyterian church this evening ,
Addresses will bo delivered by Dr. Phclps ,
pastor of the church , and 5rs. ( Cole , of
Mount Pleasant , In. Let nil who attend
bring Gospel Hymns , as they will bo
used at the service ,
The pastor of the First Haptist church
will preach at 10:30 : a. in. Subject :
"Christ tit the \Voll. " Sunday school at
13 a. m. and young peoples' meeting in
chapel at 0:3'J : ' p. m. Union service of
the four churches at First Presbyterian
church at which Mrs. Cole , of Mount
Pleasant , la. , will speak.
Sen the new Satin Corset nt Harkncss
Brothers' .
Rice's Kvuntrollnc.
The Evangolino company appeared in
matinee nnd night performances nt Do
hany's ycstonby. The show is rather
ancient and well worn , but there nro sev
eral now and novel acts which are highly
pleasing. Among the troupe is George
Kortcscuc. who is the old and original
Catherine ot the play. His size and man
ners are as attractive as ever. The Lone
Fisherman is "always with you" ns of
The little Jersey Corset found at Hark-
ness Brothers' .
The Deals In Dirt.
W \V Karrmm to K U Merrlam. lots 3 and
4 , blk 21 , Ulilille tract , wd-S 1,000.
Chnrlcs F Howe to 1) W Uashnoll , lots 5 , 0 ,
7 and 8 , blk 4l , Hlilille tract-STOO.
W 0 Hi-ndrle to U J Cory , lot 0 , blk 5 , Day-
llss' 2U add , \vd-S1.400.
Henry Ulshton to I'.U Leonard. lotC , blk 3 ,
Judson's 1st add to Xeoln , wd-SHOO.
llnrnionVllines te Henry Klsliton , lot 0 ,
blk 3. Jnckson's let add to Neola , wd S375.
Iteoriro A ( lamer to A Wood , 43 acres In sw
17. 75. 43 , wd S1.0SO.
W 0 James to .loslah Dan forth , lots 0 and
10. blk 1ft , Hums' ailil , ic \ d-S300.
Nonpareil Printing company to L ubllbey ,
lot 10. blk 21. Howaul's add , wd S75.
Mike Mi-be to F Cook , lot 15 , blk 40 , Ferry's
ailil , wd 5300.
A Coclmin to V Cook , lot 1 to 24 , blk 04 , U
K ntltl. n o il-31t20.
Jolm L Colinon to W 1) ) 11 Dunn , lots 5and
0 , blk 7 , Ucers1 sub , wd-SJ.OOO.
Win Allen ot al to E U Caldwell , lot 0 blk
30 l > r > ant & Clnrk's add w d-8300.
K K Caldwt-ll to W M Smith , lot 0 blk 20
ftte Clark's add w d-S' 0.
A Dollchtltil Trip.
Next Monday night. March ! ! ,
"Around the World in Eighty Days , " the
great romantic and spectacular drama ,
will bo produced nt Dohaney's opera
by a company well known throughout
the country , with magnificent scenery
nnd stage settings , all under the imme
diate supervision of the talenteit and pop
ular actor , Air. W. J. Fleming , late man
ager of Niblos , New York Citv.
The St. Louis Republican , in speaking
of this company , says : '
Atthe Standard W. J. Fleming opened
to a line house in "Around the World in
Eighty Days. " Every siat ; was taken
and "standing room" only , was the an
nouncement early in the evening. More
seats than the theater ( iontaincdnad been
sold , and there were some vigorous pro
tests from those who botight seats and
had to stand. \ \ . J. Fleming sustained
the part of Phincas Fogg.
IjottnVHlnosdf > y.
The incomparable Lotta will bo at Do
hany's on Wednesday evening , and will , ,
without the least doubt , have a perfectly
jammed house both from orchestra to
dome. There is probably no ono on the
American stage who has so many would-
> o imitators as she , and few nave in
creased their bank account with the
amo activity. As long as the famous
'little girl" Lotta re mains on the stage
no ono can dispute with her popularity.
Bpcctn' advertisements , such us Lost , Found
JoLnun , For Sale , To Kent , Vtants , Bonrdinir ,
etc. , will tiolnsortcnl In this column ut tlio low
rateof TEN CUNTS Prill LINE fortlionm Inaor-
loaund r'lvoCtmtsrcrLlnsfareach cubiequont
u-ortlou. Lbuvo advertisements nt our ollii'o
So. U I't-url street , llroadvruy , Council
WANTED Siilostnon for imtcnt novelties.
Only hiiril workers need apply. Good
my , enhu-j-orcommission. M. C. Hawes , No.
, " . ' ( ; Hromlwuy , Council Hulls.
BOAIIDINQ-Also furnished rooms on
Avenue. A near 8th street. Inquire nt
No. 810 llrondway.
TJIOU SALE An upright jiianoUtli pednl ut-
J-1 tucliment , In yood condition , will ex
change for real estate. Tlios. Onicer.
" 171OH SALE-Music nmt sowing machine busl-
-L' ness , together with small stock of holiday
poods nnd wall pupor. ( lood town nnd country ,
irood location , clicup rent , profltatilo business.
Invrlco J1.3K ) to J1.5JO. Would tnko pnrt In
Council IllulTs rcnl estate. Address A. L. Man
ning , Dunlnp , Iowa.
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
i M
il OrdieTfSlf Filled ,
Our Mr. Stockert Superintends
All Worfo
Council Bin fls.Uwa.
r > o l tiB , o t iinntos anJ reports on ' " ' ' '
vhuluetH rouiiilfttiona eenirulonglneerlnK.
Ilhui prints of uny lz ulnl ijUuitlty.
Ulliuu No U N. Jliiln Ht. , Fl t Natlonnl Dank
* * ,
" It '
Monday , Mareh 7th.
Will open upwards of . " 0 cnscs of Now
itnil seasonable sprinc : poods. Novel-
tics will bo adilcil ( ocnuh of tlieir sev
eral dciiartiiicnts. '
Those are tlio newest nnd freshest
troductioiis of foreign nnd domestic
iiurkcts , mr.kiiijjf u collection r.t once
clepfniit and tiniqnc and one never sur-
lassed by ourselves and never equal
ed by any house in the northwest.
Dress GoodsDcpt
A splendid display of the IntcstFrcnch
iml English advanced novelties , to
gether with a complete line of staple
fabrics , making this department iu ev
ery point full and complete.
Wash Goods Dept
French sattecns in elegant design ,
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams in now
patterns ami colorings.
Batistes in combination and plain.
Percales nnd domestic satteens in up
wards of 20 fresh nnd original patterns
Our assortment of the .above is larger
and more extensive than others shown
by competing' ' houses.
We invite an inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
Everything in this line can be found
in our establishment. Wo call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that there
has been a sharp rise in these goods ,
Our goods were bought before the rise
and we give our customers the benefit
You can save fully 20 per cent by mak
iiiff your purchases of us.
We emphasize the statement that in
embroideries , white goods , underwear ,
luces , ribbons , and notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low
er than the lowest.
Our Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jackets , and ladies ,
and childrens suits , new and stylish
garments of Paris and Herlin modes ,
together with the newest shapes and
most approved makes of the leading
Now York manufacturer ? . We can
convince you that in this line , that in
quality , style and cheapness we are
unrivalled ,
Wo invite the attention of our pat
rons to thcso special features and the
stock in general , No effort will be
spared to make our departments com
plete in every particular and at prices
lower than any house in the west.
Nos.31-1 , 31G , X18 and 320 Broad
way , Council
Mull orders promptly and care
fully attended t < h ,
Leading Real Estate Brokers
Have Property of Every De
scription ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Choice Property at a Bargain ,
Fifty Acres Choice Laud Adapted for Gar
dening and Fruit Growing.
About twenty acres of the tract is set to apple orchard which is in bearing , and
to all varieties of choice small fruit and vineyard , divided as follows :
I'ropcr contains upwards of live acres. The vines are thrifty and in hearing.
Between three and four acres are well eel to choice varieties of black
berries , raspberries and straw berries.
Contains more than 1,000 trues in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration are a largo numbers of choice plums ,
cherry and other fruits , also shade and ornamental trees
surrounding the buildings.
Ordinary barns and other out-buildings. The soil is of excellent quality for
gardening purposes , boms a deep black loam and is a warm , south slope ,
and is altogether the most attractive and desirable of anything
within business distance of Omaha or Council IHulls.
\ \ ith the new bridge completed across the Missouri , the property is not over
thirty minutes drive from the Omaha postolHce.
Any party desiring n choice bargain should apply at once as , if not sold within
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn from the market.
For Prices and Terms Apply to
1. 1SS7.
Amount of Net Cash Assets , January 1 , 1886 . . $63,612,018.00
PrumluniR . . f 16,3W.i'fl7 ) 09
LOBS deferred premiums , January 1 , 1H80 . 878,101 65-J15,507,006 04
Interest ami rents , etc. ( Including realized gains on se
curities laid ) . 4,1R7,78rt 42
Loss Interest accrued January 1 , 1888 . 433 81 IB 3,7ai,503 i.'t-tllm408 ) 2 <
Losses by dontli , Including' revoreloimry additions to BRine . ( .2,757,035 07
Endowments , matured nnd discounted , Including reversionary additions
tosiime . 659,07801
Dividends , annuities , Bud purchased policies . 4,311,110 11
Total paid policy-holders . $7,6 7 3000
Taxes and ro-insuranoos . 24.1,112 R4
Commissions , brokerages , agency expenses and physicians' fees . SBSi.J5i 67 .
Ollicoand l w expenses , salaries , advertising , printing , &c . 8M.b73 J0-tl9.li2il.4nz fl
Cash In Imnk , on hand , ami In transit ( slncerecelved ) . | 3nrM,305 13
United Status beads and other bonds nnd stocks ( market value ,
C4i,1'-4,3rJ.88) : ) . 39,55,443 Wl
Henl estate . UKi . 74 rj
llondsandinortprnia's. first Hen on real estate ( ImllJIiiKS thereon Insured
for$14,00)OUOand the policies assign ud to thoooinpany us additional
Temporary loans ( iimrket valVie'or'secuflties'nchl'aVcoVlu'to'r'iiit .iu''iii ) 4,460,0(6 00
lxim on existing policies ( the reserve held by the company on those . . .
policies amounts to over t2OOJ.OOO.OO ) . 403.619 44
Quarterly and semi-annual premiums on ozlsltlntr policies , duo subso-
quontloJati.ll"87 . . . . . . . . . 1,041,86015
Premiums on oxlstlne policies In course of transmission and collection.
( The reserve In thcso policies , included In liabilities , Is estimated at
$1.1150,000) )
MAIWKT VALUE oi'fiKcuiiiTiKsOvKit COST ON Co\iptxv B BOOKS . . . .
A detailed the < lulo of the e ItPini if 111 accompany tliu imitl annual re- |
jiortttled with the Insurance llcimrtincntoftlie State ol New lork.
CASH ASSISTS , January 1 , 1SS7 875l l-a5 517
AlTltOPIlIATEt ) AS FOLLOWS : , . . . .
„ / .i.n 10
Adjusted losses , dun 8iibto < iuoiit to January 1,1887 * 20SMa 43
Itoportoa lassos , nwallliiK proof , &a Sl'oS''n
Matured endowmentsilno und impiild ( claims not presented ) Bf.H'J-l 0
Annuitiesiluonml unpaid ( uncalled for ) , ; : itll i * |
Hoocrvedforrii-lnsiiriiiicooiioxli'tlnff pollcleg ; partlolpiitlntf tnsurnnco ,
nt4poroontCiirli ! > lonot proiiilum ; non-piiitlolpatlnKut 5 poruont w
Carllslo not premium BSfi i/J 00 * \
Ilesprvod lor contliifrcnt llnbllltlcs to Tontlno Dividend nnd , (
Jiuiiiuryl , 1SSB , over end above a 4 per cunt reserve on
cxlBling policies of tlmtclais $ . ,121,4i. i7 |
Addition to the fund during 188(1 ( l.Kii,5 0 hit
DRDUCI $4,444ii7J 411 |
Itolurnod to Tontlno policy-holders during toe year on mn- ,
turud Tontines. JO..RI8 21 ,
Ilalanceof Tontlno Fund January 1,1" * " ' ' . . ! ? 'i > SJ
Keservcd for premiums paid In udvnnco _ .HIJI ' - , . . .
tf ( I7.'l-lu ) il 14
Divisiui.E Sum-Lira ( Coinuxv'H BTANiuttm . _ _ _ -
Surplus by th New York Stnto Standard , nt 41 ! per cent ( Including the Tontlno „ , „ , . , „ _ ; „ „ 5n.
nonViL linliVirie'it JurpVutof MVHI/.Sr. Vh'u'lVoa'r.i'df 'TruVte'c. U'H. ' ' ' " ' ' ' " 'rt ' ' LV V V'.Vfl'L'iJmm'i1 . '
participating pollclai In proportion to their contribution to uriliin. | aval table on Iiiic ot.o it Mnnual-
Death-claims paid. Income on Interest- Insurance in force. Cash Assets.
! S3 :
1 87 , 75.1.'l,4.-,3.
Number of policies issued during the year , 22,027. Biska assumed $85,178,2-10
E.xcessoflntProstov rdcath-lofl rspaId.'Ci ! ' , rA27llncri'iisoln iissuts . . . Kl' ] ? ? 53
Income . a.lOH lV'il Increase in Insurance wilt ton . lllu'M4. ! M
jncrcmso i net ease In in surplus , state etimdnrd. . . . ' . . ' ,331.312/19 , Increase. In Insurance in force . 4lC < JVl : < U.U
WIMAM II. IIKRKS , Preilduiil.
I . O'l > iil. : , Superintendent of A ciice ! '
E. C. SMITH , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
G. A. SMITH , Sioux City , Iowa ,
Oencral Agent * Tor Wenlern Iowa and .Veltrntliit
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , " ' . t
Imyin ; ; a $5 lint or bonnet , one fare
will be paiil'fio ; , lound trip.
Attorney at Lav/ .
& 01 liroitilwny , Up Kl : ir ,
Council Bluffs.