Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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WANTKO-Tly A youn ? lady , a position as
copyist Is li plain , rapid writer. Ad
dress , 0 if. Hco omen. r h20 H *
rANTED. ToTent "n more room oVhalf a
itoro within two blocks ot the opera
house. Alio ono or two unfurnished rooms
contrnlly located. Address , O 41 , Hco. 82417 *
WANTHD-To rent three or four rooms
completely furnished for light house
keeping. Addre B , "G 30" lleooltlco. 78414 *
\VANTF.O-To nuT n K ° 01' ' second hand
TT freight elovntor , hnnd power. George
Hcyn.Oranlto block. 814 13 *
\VANTED-For a Indy n parlor bedroom with
TT bonrd In houce with modern conven
iences. Itefcrcncea. Address " 038" llco ofllco.
cO-J 14
ANTED-lly lady taking losBons homo In
fntnlly , cnn make herself useful for
board. AddroiB O 30 Huuolllco. 77211 *
WANTI'.D-Two gentlemen can flnd room
and board In private family , nenr 23d and
Ht Mnry'i n\e. Items reasonable , address G 22
llco office , 077 14 *
WANTED House of 10 rooms with nil mod
ern Improvement * , Kmilor , druggUt , 1307
Fnrnam Bt. 7'iJ ' 17
WANTED House not less than 8 rooms and
modern conveniences ; will purchase same
by monthly payment * ; must bo in good nolgh
borhood and nonr atrcot-car routo. Address G
24 , Dee office. 714 13 *
WANTED To trade a nno low top full black
walnut western eottnge nrKiin , fi stop ,
wai ranted perfect , for a fine milk cow. Imiulre
of L. Simpson at Kilholrn Jt Akin. 03.3 1K !
WANTED Greatest fortuneteller In the
world at IIIII Jackson Bt. ; can read jour
past and future life , dlroct you to a successful
liuelneii , truthfulness of friends. Madame
Illanch. cm 13 *
WANTED A single gentleman wants n
neiitly furnished room. State terms and
location. Address O 17 , lice olllco. 655
WANTKD purchase a newspaper Inn
growing town. Address , stating tnnns ,
etc. , O 14. Omahii llco. 61-4 13 *
\\7AN'r'r ' : ) To lent ID-room or moro houio ,
* T for boarding purpose. Address 13 ,
nee onico. n is *
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
cottage or lint of 0 or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Addros G 3 , Hoe olllco. 553
WANTED-Wo wnnt Home choice houses nnd
lots In Hnnicom place and thnt location
for ciiBtomeiB thnt wo can't supply. I.ut your
good bouses nnd lots with us. Motter Heal
Kstnto Agency , 1513 Kurnam at. telephone 845.
" "
"AN'nJH We wnnt some choice Houses nnd
lots In Hnnscom pliico and that locution
for customers thnt wo can't supply. Llst > our
peed houses nnd lots with IIB. Mottor Itonl
Kstato Agency , 1513 rnrnnm st , telephone 815.
W ANTED -Teams , 303 & llth st
OMAHA Storngo Wsroliouso-Corner 13th
and I/ard Sts. , forstorago of house
hold goodx and goncrul merchandise at low
rates Advances made ; Issue warehouse re
ceipts. It. It. switch at the house , Olllco 510
South 13th Btroot mid 13W. 1.110 nnd 1.112 I7ard
Mrcit Telophoim 002. M. B. Uoodrlch , mgr.
or ,
FOIt IH5VT. Soon as you flnd u house ami
nio ready for housekeeping you will wnnt
iomo crockery , glnsBwnrc , lampH , eto , For nil
Mich articles you will pnvo monev by going to
Moodv'fl Chliin More , 302 N. 11th St. , cor. of
Dnu-iiport , 810 13
TOOK KENT 4 now cottages on California
X ? und 31th street , ne ir OnmiiiT street cars ,
llont $21 pur month. Apply to Knufmnn Hros. ,
207 H. 15th St. 5J9 _
I7OII HEMT--A house nnd barn , with 20 ncros
JJ of land , In Omaha. Buo Thoo. Williams'
UI4 Fnrnnm ( llco oDIco ) . 551
OH HENr Mny Ut. 10-ioom brick house ,
nil modem improvements , on upper Fur-$00. limulro of Mis. Parrntt.2019
Fnrnnm Bt 701 13 *
POH HENr Now.l-room house nftor the 15lh
of March. $ ' . ' 2 per month. Enquire nt
Kaufman llroi , 1009 , Farnam st 442.
II HENT-Brlck yards , T. Murray.
FOIt HEN I' 80 ncrcs of ground. Improved.
North of the city 3 mllos. It. C. Puttorbon ,
1.1th and Hnrney. - ! _ _
FOlfHENP CottHiros , lioiigoi nn'l stores , alT
desirable nnd well loontnd , from $30 per
month up. J * Uurnham , Itoom 1 Crelirhton
Hlock. [ 117
POHKENT-2nd floor. 22x130 ft , irood light ;
use of hydraulic elevator Included. En-
qillront 1405 Douglas St. 484
F HKNT-3 room house , west sldo , N.I 1th
st , between Cblongo and Caas sts. 758
F IOH HENT 3-room houso. 1021)4 ) North 758 20th
F OIt IlKNT- room house. 703 Pacific st.
TOOK HENT Stable , Capitol ave und 9th. En-
J2 qulro room S , Arlington block. 742
HANK * SON & CO , watchmakers and Jew-
lere , have removed to 118 South IBth st.
_ 77813
F IOH KENT K of a largu office well located ,
Imiulroof Swan & Co.,1521 Dodge at.
TOOK HENT The corner store nt the bend of
JL' fit Mary's avenue. Apply ut once to Eno-
weld A llnrrrtt. 314tj 8. 1Mb st. 78010
F ° H HKNT.-Furnishod rooms 401 N. 15th St
825 15 *
THOH KENT.-Pioafant rooms , modern conJ -
J venlences , 1724 Capitol aye. 81818
T71OH KENT. Front office on 15th St.
JD 7 room house , city water , &c. , $30.00.
9 room house , all convenience" . $40.
B room house , cor. Jackson and Colfax , $50.
Gregory & Iladloy.
M7 Itooina 1 and 3 liedlck lllk,32u B. 16th Bt.
TiTOH IlKNT. Central to business , two nleoly >
X1 furnlihed east rooms of cottage , privilege
of plnno. Two to four gentlemen preferred.
818 N. 17th St. 883 18 k
T71OH HRNT-Hooms nnd board , 610 North 10th
J itr < "ut 686 18 *
OH HENT-2.1 and 3d story front room to
rent to gentlemen with whole or partial
board , evcrythlngdr l-clas. Itoforoucos. 601
South 35th it. 715 HI *
FOIt HENT Itooms Franic & Son & Co
VTatchmiikcra , have removed to 118 8 15th
st 778 13
" 171011 HENT A large room suitable for jrro-
JL' eery store , In splandld locution In best part
of city. A successful grocery biiilncss has
been carried on bore for several years. A long
Icaio and easy terms will be given to a respon
sible party. Emiulro of Enowold * Harrett |
RUi. MO 15
ilfltKNT Elegantly furnlahcd front par
lor ; uio gas and bath. Ill 8. IStb st. 6'X ) 17'
"ClOll HKNT Nicely furnished rooms at rca-
J ? aoimblo rates , one block from court houio
f > 06 Bo 18th at , north St , Mury'a uve , up Blairs.
871 *
FOR HI'.NT- Furnished rooms for one eontlo-
man. $8 per monlh. Qua N. 17th at. , Vi 15
F ) HENT"FurnisheJ rooms , 714 N. loth.
Wtt-nlO *
HENT-K'egnnt furnlllu-d rooms ; all
modfrn conveiilenci-aonpnvod street nnd
itreot cnrhno. No mior locution In city. Call
at my ofllce. L. P. Hammond , room 3. 152J
Do u glaa tt. 019
Ij OHHBNT Desirable furnlnhed sunny room
with board for two gontlnmon. Pfeasanl
homo , terms rentoimljlu. &m Plousant t.
65815 *
_ _
F oil UKNT--T o lHnr ? . plensunt. illlfur
nlshed looms. Hofurencua rouulroil. 240" !
Hnrncy. 7l l 13'
TjHW KENT Elegnnt S'llt of o'lloa ' rooms ,
. curiiettsl.irna rtvtnros In , * p endhlolllco for
nn nttnrneyi tichltect or an msuranou man
Gregory lr.ulli-ya20 S nth at. 5S9
FOIt HUNT A furnished pnrlor , wnrm : rnoJ
i-riito eonvenlencos , wlta llrst-cluss board
tortwogonllomnn. _ 18U _ IkidgejL I'fll '
IJAOH UBST A nlco front room with nlcovo
-L1 lint nnd cold wniorbiith. ( Jiu.CJO bouth
Mlli.forner ft Mnry n\eiine , 423
'IJlOit HRNT 3 'unlurnlthcd rouiui , 1441 Duv"
J cnport at. 751 13 *
FOU Hl.'NTFamished room for gentlomnr
mid wife or two iroittlomiiii , with or with
nut bonrd. 818 Honiiril Bt , 75313 *
FOIt HENT Ono lurgn and ono small fur
nlshoil room , ! 17 California et ; to Kente !
men ; leforcnccro'iulrcd. 74J 13 *
P OK HKNT-NI'-olv furnished front room
bloo'fSlouth ' ol thu Opera Hou > ul4l5Jones
IVMlTiKN'r- liloganllyftiinlshcd rooms. All ]
moiicnl eonvenlencesoa pavud strett nnd
( Ircot vnr llni > . No liner loi'utlon in city. 1'ull l
M nir ntiluu. L. 1' . Haiuiuond , roum 3. 1&2J 0311
nilNT-licsk room to rent John GaT
Mfl'cr , JU South UtU Kt- COO 15
TTOH HENT I.nrgp nicely furnished front
-L room ; also smaller room" , with hoard. 2I.TJ
1'arnntn. 514 14 *
" '
Trdlf HBST-Store room nnd "No.'llO N. 14th
-t at. basernrnt. ll 8
" | 7UH HENT Very destrnble front room , f ur-
-L' nlshed , with bonrd,25ViSt Mary's avenue ,
alao ono single room. 5014 *
FOH HENT A Inrgo front room , first floor
front , furnished with two beds for four
gentlemen nt 809 Howxrd t _ 478
FOH KENT- Handsomely furnished rooms ,
Modern conveniences. 320 North 15th st.
_ KI IS *
FOH HKNT Finely furnl'lied room at 70 ?
South 18th St. 948 2
I1OH HENT-Nlccly furnished rooms , 2237
Dodge st , all modern Improvements. 817
block 0 , Hnnscom Place , Gregory
Si Hndloy.320 S 15th st 6BJ
FOHENOn-Omnhn's prettiest suburb , now
for sale by Clark & French nnd J , D. Ev
ans * C-i , tOU 13
Blocks 17 torn , thobc'tpnrtof tlowllng Green.
The clicnpcst property on the market.
' , , ' m Ho fiom HciKon car line.
5-ncro lots per acre $ VA
2'i ' ncro lo'n per ncio $ ViX
Acre lots f-MM.
Lots 50x127 on Hamilton street $175 to $22'i for
Full commission to ngonts. Ont pints.
Mai shall & Lohock ,
No. 150U Farnam.
Telephone 73. 104
1OH 9ALE-4 room houio , $100.823 Clark st.
IJ bet St. Mnry'a nve nnd Hownrd. 25U-17 *
/-1UMINO Street. 54x121 , N W cor. 21th nnd
\ - / Cumlng , clognnt business cornor.nnd only
$ tOKKlto ( Apnl 1st ; then more. M , A. Upton &
Co , Telephone 73,150U I'nrnam.'Q 20
IJILOHENCE-Omnhn's prettiest puburb now
-U for sale by Clark icFionch and J. H. Ky-
nns & Co. tOO 13
H IAHNEV PLACn-Hy all odds the best of
west additions , lots $ HK ) to J55D. 1-5 cash ,
J. II. Evans ACo.BOleaifonts. 803 13
FOK 8ALE-5 lots In east sldo nt n bargain.
Enst front lot on Georgia avonno , elioap.
6-room house In Ktdlck'a 2d ndd. , lot 75 feet
Irontnge , $3.500.
I/ots In Hlmebnugh & Pallorson's BIII. ,
Armour Plnoo , Orthard Hill. All good barirnliis.
II. V. llrlgga. ICQ1) ) Howard slrcot. MB-1.1
HEIOHTON HEIGHTS Now Is thotlmo to
buy In Ibis line uddlllon nl present prices ,
$375 to $1V ) . Wo will only make these prices
good for u few da ) s. as the street cur track In
now within 40 rodi of Ibis line addition. As
soon ns tbo car line Is In operation prltes will
ndvnnco $10) per lot. Hcnnwii & Co , Kith st ,
opposite PO. 095 13
A lib A IN Two Insldo lota in South Omnhn ,
must bo sold this week. Owner nooda
money , and will glvo some one u burgiiln. Ad-
drrs , staling where you can bo seen , G ' - ' > . Heo
office. 728 1.1 *
"I71OH SALE Hou-iol8\3i : Imril llx.- ! : must bo
JL1 removed. N. E. Cor. 25th und Cnllfot nla
Dealers In Hcnl Estate.
Wo handle only Insldo property mid property
In the good mldlllons. Wu will not mcdulo
wllh nny wild cnt Mihomcs
Look over this , a pnrtlnl INt , and if you
should sco anything to suit jon give us a call
and satisfy yourselves thnt we do only honor-
nblo and .squaro work.
Choicest coiner. 132 ft trackage In tbu city ,
$40X)0. ( )
Corner 00x132 ono blocic fiom U P freight de
pot on paved street , $ 'JIW)0 )
Six acres , 1000 It , trackage , Insldu city limits ,
its acres I'/ miles south of Block ynrds good
for platting , $200 per acic.
Good two story house and 80 lots In Florence.
Ciill and get terms ,
50 ot the choicest lots In So.uh Omaha , $759 to
$1,500 each.
Tdo o nro n pnrt of the Konnonley nnd Leo
farms , and for residences cannot bu equaled In
the market to day.
2 lots In llarllntt's addition , ono block from
Park avenue , $3,500.
3 lots In HnseaU's Okohomn , $4,000.
2 lota In Cleveland Place , $1,50.1.
These are decidedly u Imigiiin und the party
who secures them will net a cool thousand ore
"Good bmiso and lot on North 17th st , $3.000.
House and lot in Linpio\oment association ,
An A > 'o. 1 house and lot on Soutn 19th St. .
ono block south of depot , t.1.500.
Full lot , 5Uxl40 , now house , shrubbery , city
wateretc9in st , near Hickory , $3,500.
2 good houses nnd lots nonr 10th and Hickory ,
Cl.bOO e.ich.
Lota In Wnlnut Hill , ? 1.000 to $1,200.
New 8-room houto ami lot , Walnut Hill ,
2 lots In lledford Place , $750 oach.
Lot in Kirkwood , $1,200.
24 ncro tract In Cunniugnnin's addition , will
mnko 12 lots , $3,530.
2 hou-es and lot South 20th street , $3,003.
4 lota In Cleveland 1'lacu , apple nnd other
a rgo fruit trees , grnpo vines , etc. , $1,400 each.
Lot In Orchard Hill , $875.
Lot In Omaha .Vlow , $ I.OJO.
3 lots In Walnut Hill , $2,500.
Lot und two peed bouses , 23d nnd Davenport ,
House and lot South 15th st. , $2,500.
Acre lots in Highland Park , $1,100.
Two of the finest lots In Hanscom Park Plnco ,
Two superb loti fronting Hnnscom Park ,
"two lots'ln Hartford Plnoo. $500 nnd $600.
Lots In Washington Hill , $1,000
Wo luivo the choices * business property on
South loth stroel , nonr vinduct , which HO will
soil ut from on * hundred to one hundred and
llfty dollars per front foot this Is the main
Btroot to South Omaha , and when paved , as init
will bo Instantcr. this pioporty will double Inn
value. Wo have a cholco list of farms im
proved nnd others which are bargnlns. nth
We hnyo IM ) ncres n few miles north of North
Bond on a station of the F. . E. & M. V. By. . 35
acres Improved , which wo cnn Bollat $20 per
ncro. This Is a big bargain and will not last
long. Sholbr. Mabonoy A Co. .
515 218 nnd220 So. 14th St.
HALF Interest In a well oatabllshud Iloal Ea
tate bualneai In one of the best localities ,
for sale. None but good builncis men will heh.
accepted nor entered Into negotiation with. :
Address G UP. Dee offlo. 7.ti 18
RYNEAHSEN & MKHHILL , South Omaha i ,
Nob.,28th street , netrOrnnd Union hotel. \
Ilorsos couitantly on band. Draft horses and
roadsters a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed.
. A. H.Merrill , proprietor. 81314 *
HOUSES LotaFarmsLunds money loane.U
Hernia' city maps , 5x7 fcot , $ : .51 tach. :
Demls , room 3 , Uarkor block , 8. W. cor.
and Farnam ats. 12J
GENUINE UAHGAINS-Two corner lota m
Uurdatto court , only 4 blocks from Saun-
der'i street oars. W. M. Ilushman. Itoom . n.0 ,
Muihman Block , N B cor 18th and Dougla * .
10 ACHFS adjoining the Patrick farm. I will
loll nt $000 nn ncre , suitable for platting.
- D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt Hank. 4UO 10
-t A ACRES adjoining the Patrick farm. T will
± \J tell at $800 an aero , suitable for platting.
P. C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt Uank. 4UO 10
, "
rPHE MOTTBIi Heal Eatato Ageocy ,
- * - 1513 Fnrnnm Street.
' 88 feet on South 10th Btroot for $7,500. Heat
bar gnln on the street.
- Ono tine enst front on Virginia avo. , Hans-
, com Plucu , $3.600
We have the only cast front on Park avenue
for salo.
An elegant east front with ono of tbo finest
* - 7-room house * in the city on Park avenue , at a
price that will paralyze you , so low.
" A flno west front on Park n\onue , with 10-
room house , water , bath , clo'et. cesspool and
all modern cononlanco. . only $8,000.
Lot 2 , block 1) ) , Pratt' * aubJlvlilon. $1,801. $ see
cash. An aero lot City lota in aamo block icll
for $700 ai.d $ SOO will make. 5 lots.
Ono oC the best lots in Pottoi'i add for $1,500.
Hero la n bargain. Elegant south front lot
Shlnn's2d tor (1,400. Don't let It go.
it line south front lots In Davenport's subdi
vision , $1.200. A big bargain.
Tlpton Place Is the ttnoat ( property on the
market to-nar. only $400 to $500.1-a cash.
1 wo lola in Cut lp 2J , $1,003 oach. Bargains.
- Lots selling lacross the street for $1,400. Tno :
" Motter Heal Etalo Agency , 1513 Fiirnam. Title-
phone 845. M
KOUSE3 LotsFarmsLandi-monuy loano.l.
llomls' rlty maps , .1x7 fcot , $ i.5J each.
. Bomls. room 3 , Darker block , H. W. cor. 15th
and r'arnam ata. 2 7
- HITCHCOCK'S Addition-Cheapest lots In
, Omalm uro In Hitchcock s udd. B inT
contracted tor at once nnd mete a coming. T
H , Kvnni & Co. , solo utfents. 8u ) 13
TNBimf PHOPEKTV-WolmvciTomo „ . . .
J. sldo property nt n bargain , Piurtu &
ere. 1511 Dodge atrcet.
RAHNBV PLAOE-Dy nil odds the best ol
we-t nddltioullott t4 0 to $15" , 1-5 cash
. J. D. Evuiis i : Co. , solo iio'ons. fcOO 13
HOIJSKSLot JFarmI-anrtJ-money loino : > t.
- Hernia' city map ] , .1x7 foot , $ -,50 eaou.
- IJoiuls , room 3 Onrkor block , 8 , W. cor. 15th
nd Fitrnam. 123
3 I Ol'GLAS ST.-2Jxl4J , 44 feat east of north
enst corner 14th nn.l Douglns ; Improve
ments renting $73 per month. Clioico business
location ; j.i : cneb ; worth $1.000 per
front foot M. A. Upton & . Co , 18)u Fnrnum
Telefjhoiie 7i 62 ) iu
T oT aALII-eflxHI. throe bluuni westof hlgl
X1 kchnol , on Chicago street , on grudc , $ .1/150
part cuih , lota surrounding It sell for $4,000 ; i
na ; > , time City Htul l tuto Co. , IJ-'O Douglas
A lUllOAlN-Fmnlt lot on NortU 17th t. ,
nonr Lake , nlco 5-roora linuio. Tor one
week only.$2.WO. Soaver ft Whltcamb , room
25Pnxlon blooit. 85.1
HOt"SE3 LolsFnrmsLandJ money loaned.
Homla' cltymi _ ps , fix' foot , $2.50 each.
Ilomls , room : ) , Ilnrkcr block , S. W. cor. 15lh
and Knrnain sis. 287
HITCHCOCK'S Addition-Cheapest lots In
Omahn nro In Hitchcock's add , 0 helms
oontrncled for at once nnd more n coming , J.
II. Evntii .1 Co. , solo agents. tW-13
ALHIUQIIVS Annex near m'Wdopot,3 lots lit
$ J25 cncn.tomo eatlv MundHy tiuiriilnir.
Knuwold & Hnrrott,3l4' { S . street. 2t 915-14 ,
10 ACHES adjoining the Patrick farm. I will
Fell at f OJO an aero. Miitntjlo for platting.
D. C. Patterson , Otnnhn Nat Hunk. 410 10
F ( OU SAMI Two lots In Kountzo 1'lace. Spen
cer otis , riu Douglas Bt : < 23
Our now addition ,
Aorf > iU" > to $40. ) per acr .
Nnnr South Omaha ,
And Hj-dicoto Hill.
Marshall It I-obcck.
103 1BQ3 Fnrntim.
SPECIAL Hnrgnlns for ono week only by
Swan * Co. , 1521 Dodge St.
Corner on 12th and Douglas.
Corner on 15th , biggest bargain offered.
Corner on Kith and Davenport ,
12 lots In Highland park ,
n acres In Marker's sub.
2 very cheap lots In Kendiil's add.
3 flno furms to trade for Omahii property.
Tor prices on above call at oiir cilice , S II cor
ner 10th und Dodgo. 700
THE MOTTEH Iteal Estate Agency.
Telephone 845 ,
offer a few special bargains :
A corner on Karnam Bt. for 13,000. This Is
Six Foulh fronts on Hamilton Bt , and every
one of them bargains ; street t-nr In Iront of
them ,
A Hno north front In T.owe's 1st mtd$875 ; only
Threoo'ftho best lots In McCormlck's 2d at
$ HK ) cneti ; J3i cnsb , bill , long time.
A dandy In Klrkwood , cast I rout ,
Fl\o Or o loti In Lowe's l < t add ,
Some baivnttiH In Orchard Hill.
Hnrjraln We hn\o3 lotson ttrth st thnt wo
know Is cheap , and ollorthcm for n lew days on
easy terms. 4 > 4
HOL'SKS-Lots.Kiirms.l.nnils-monoy loaned ,
llemls' city maps , Iix7 fost. * 1.3) ) cncli.
Ilomls , room II , Ilarkor block , S. W. cor. nth
nnd Purnnm st < , lOU - >
OU PAt.i-Iteed's : 1st add , Lot I H\l4ri , M-'JO.
CuirU ) & Vollutn , Exposition Ilulldjncr.
777 14
SA. 8I.OMAN , Heal Estate llrolccr ,
1612 riirniim Street.
rurnam street , cor. IStli.tWxl.U , 'i cnsh.f 50.0JO
rurnumst. , neiir 14th , " -\l ! IJ , Impnned. . : i',0 )
Fiirimmst.iii'urlMli,44xiB : , Improved. . S.-.IKX )
Karimm St. , near U'llth JtlK. very ch'-np. 7,000
Fnrmun st , ncnr"Jth , lltixxlL' . 35,000
rnrnntn St. . cor. 31st St. , luUvUi- , south
and oust front . li.OW
Euriiiun st. cor,4Hth , Ulxl.l..H und o trout O.OUO
riirniim st. cor. 41M , 4SvI3i , s and o fiont S.t.JI
1'arniunst. cor 4-'d. 41x1 W.s and w front II.DOJ
Harney st. near 13th , 2x ! J . ! ' .r > oo
Hainryst noarinth , 3K1 U Improved -'it.OJ )
llnrnoyst.neursnh. 17UI70 , Improved. . IW.OJO
Harnoym. Hodlck's Crovo. llxlJ2. . . . 1.HX )
DoiiKliisst. neiirli-'th , 41x13. , Improved Xi.OKJ
Douglasst nortr l.Ith.iMxIli , li Intsrost. U.MJ
loulns ( st. iienr3lili" > xl.U . 7riM )
DotiRlns st. IxlSJ . H.XK ( )
Dodpi-st. noarSJth , oOxlM'5 ' . 2 , < KIO
Iod ost. nouri'ath , 4UxlJ7 , lmpro\ . 3IOI (
Jackson at. cor. 14th , onxiu , linprovo I 25.WJ
JnckBonBt. nuiirlith.HtlxlS. , Improved. lil.OW
Jonosst cor. 11th , filxl'IJ . -M.OOJ
Lcnv.atiworth Bt. cor. 21st , DJxlll , Im
proved . 18,5)0 )
Lnttvunworth Bt. cor. 2Jth , 140x142 , Im-
Tires dil . -j.UOO
IIHU ot.opp , M. 1' . and Holt Uno depot.
. .
14th ht. triioknjo , Pndrtook pliico , 08x113. ' - ' . " > OJ
1'nrk nve. opp. park , .VJxl.V ) . ' - 11
( JeorKla HVI- . near Mt I'lensunt. filxiro .JOJ
aith st. near Dorcas , lOlxlliO , Improved . 4WJ
KOthBt nonr Doiliflns , 31x8) ) , ImnrovoJ . H.OJJ
irithBt.cor.Marthi.MxII..improvod. . . 4fiO )
2flth st. cor. Snwnrd , IxUJ , 3 houses . . 4.fXJ
Plcrco ucar20th , ( ! ) feotfront , S streets. 6.3JJ
Hrtmllton st. near Holt line , Improve I . 1,500
41st Bt. Just off Funiam , 4-1x13. , o front. . l , 0li
Il'ith Ht.near Diuunport.lOOXijn . 2jO- !
Fd iird , nenriKt'i ' , 110x157 . 11' '
10th st , near Castollnr , in. > feet front. . . 4,500
8th at. near Martha , 8K15I. corner. . . . 1I IO
llurdcttest , near 28th , 5txl32 ) , on car line 1.1MO
ItiiitHt , nonr l.owo live , 51 1-3 xUJ . 1,103
Mth.cor.Popploton. UlxloO. Improved I.'W ' )
Davenport , near -Nth. 51 l-ixl3Mmpro : ed 4,000
Chicago , corner 24th , Brtxl3. , Improved. . 8uO )
2ltline.ii1l'opploton,51Jxt27 , Improved. . 6.000
Orchard Hill , lots * 7M ) to . 1,0 > )
HrownPnik , lots 1500 to . 8',0
Hedford PlHco , lots tSV ) to . 1WO
Hltrhland Paric , lots oach-uash $ OS. . 2JO
Wakoly add , lets 57x110. rnch . ,
2ri ncres near Fort Omaha.tlncly Inprovnd 11,0
Wol ) ter at , near Iflth , Till K , unproved. 6,200
CentorBt. 00x112. Improved . 1.2UO
Vlrtrlnlaave , near Hionorr. 50x150 . JsnJ
Fnrnam St. near 33th. 87 \ 132 . J/'OO '
Nicholas st. corner , (10x13. ( . track In alloy 4,200
Park avc , faclnir Park , HOxlTO . 4.00J
8 16th et. nonr viaduct. 4flxloi . 5 , < XJ )
HnlphurBprlnga add. Just opp. 10th Bt,60
xfoj . 2,0(10 (
LenvenHorth'stinear licit Line , 100x127. . J- ' ° °
AS there nro many parties not ? In the city
Booking good Investments I will enumerate
n few which I consider to be omontr the best
bargains in the city and can not help but rcull/o
nhiuidsomo profit to the purchusoi. Heal estate -
tate Is rapidly advancing nnd the sooner Invest-
rnents nro made , the larger the oroflt will bo.
BevorclSucre Jots north of town$1,500 per
Bevemt 10 aero lots north of town f 1,000 per
2 lots In Redford Place i ° 50 each.
1 lot in Hedford Place $775.
7 lots in Uedloid Pluco $950 each.
0-room house and lot , Central Park , $ ' . ' , V)0 )
2 lots , Clark's add , a bargain , S't.OOO and $5,000.
0 lots In Dakar Place$000 to ftni
House on lluit'Dotween 21t nnd 22d.
House on Hurt street bet.Mill and 21st.
3 stores In Control Park , $ 1.000.
25 acres north nnd 4 ralles from P. O. $400 per
4-rooin cotta e and lot In Grand view , $1,200.
V lots in Harbach'l 1st add , cheap.
iat 12 , block I ) , Han < -com Pliico.
Lots 13 and 14 , block 1 , good house 7 rooms ,
Hun com Placo.
1 lot In Klrkwood. cheap nt $1,125.
Lots 5 and 0. block 8 , a buriruln.
54 lots 3 and 4. block 20 ] , city , 06x142 ft , with
house of 8 rooms , $10,000.
West 41 ft of lot 7. block 121 , on corner 12th
and DoiiKlni , fronting on Douglas , impro\cd.
Come and BOO mo about this.
8. K. cor. Doiiglns nnd 2Mb , BOxfiO ft , cheap at
N.V. . cor. Otb nnd Farnam. 41x132 , best barf -
f nln In town , $241.000.
Lots in Orchard li'll. '
4 luts In Omaha Vlow.
Lot 4 , block U , A. 8. PntriCK addition.
Lot H , Mock 5 , Park Place , 40H3J , $1,100.
Lots 13 and 14 , block 2 , Park PIucu , { 3,100 for
the 2. orW.
Lota 20 and21 , Pclhnm Place. $1,300 and $2,200.
House and lot In Honors' addition , $4.500. W.II
Lota 13 , HI , 17 and 1'J , block 2 , Hedlck'i subdi
vision , each $2,700. IIP.
Lot 13. blok 8 , Heed s lubdlvision ; cheap ,
$2 200 P.II
T t 17 to 23 Inclusive , block 9 , Hedlok's subJI-
vision , { . ' ,250.
Lot 2 , block 8 , Tuttla eubdlvlsion , new house
of 8 rooms , irood barn , well. All fenced and
sldo walk all round. A eplondld bargain , $1,000
Lot In West Cumlng ,
3 lots In West Side.
3 lot * In Walnut Hill.
And many other properties all over the city.
To non-resident parties who are seeking inDU
vestments. If you will call on mo 1 will show you
the best bargains In tbo city and such as you
can roulUo n geol and quick profit from.
C. Wells. ItKW Chicago at.
77513 Hour of Douglas Co. Hank.
FLOHENCE Omaha's prettiest suburb , now
for sale by Clark & French and J. It. Evans -
- ans & Co. 800 vj
AllNEY PLACE-Dy all odds the best of
west additions , lots $400 to { 550,1-3 cash ,
J. D. Evans & Co. , solo agents. 800 L :
W 'ANTED Wo want some oholoo houses and
lots in Hunscom place nnd that location
for customers that wo can't supply. List your
good houses and lot * with us , Mottnr Heal )
Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam st , telephone845 ,
IT AUNEV PHOn-By all odds the best of
west additions , lots $400 to $550 , 1-.1 cash.
- J. II. Evans X Co. , solo agents. 800 13
FOH8.\LK-Cor. 10i3 front on Cumlng by 123.
$18,00) ) , i ; cash , balance to suit ; 5 good 1
houses ; will rout for $ I2J per month. This I Is
a birgaln that will only last fern few days.
1ddrnasF71 1 Hoo. 517 It ,
VTEW DEPOT The now depot bus boon In-
-L > catod on Albright's cholco , nnd trains will
. stop there every hour as boon as the buildln ? rls
up. Now Is the time to Invest In that vlolnltv.
Wo can suit you In lot * nnd pi Ices if you call
soon. Plcrco & Kngois , 1511 Dodge street.
| 710-13
Bt'ULl.NGTON Plnco-Do not forgot that :
llurllngton Pluco lots are the best in Souttt
Omnhu. J. H. Evans & Co .solo agents. 800 I 13
, ,
TTLOHESCE Omaha's prettiest suburb , now
-L foi sale by Clmk& French nnd J. II. Ev
ans & Co. KK ) 13
S * OUT ! ! Omauu Pnrk and Hammond 3Hs
Intldo South Omaha property. 'Ibcn Olsen
or Jns Vorc , owners. .114 8 15th at , 2d floor bu-
- tweon Farniim undHurnoy. 214 a 1
B UHLIN'GTON Place Do not forget that
HurllnfHon Place lots are the beat In South
. Omnhu J. II. EvnnsA Co. , aolu agcnla. bOO > U
"I710H SALE In largo oramnll lots Held soe"dsi
J. timothy , hula md and mammoth clover ,
, Grrman nnd common mlllett eucas. 1 warrant
thli iced nil raised In Duller county , Nob. , and
. new. pure and clean iced. Wrllo to W. G. Beaten -
ton , Duvld Clly , Nub. , for price * . 491 uC >
ENF.WOLD A H RHttTT-Oiter the following
bnrgiilns to dily , li improved property ;
Convent st reel , V-room house mill barn , cor-
Grace st. ' ncnr20Hi with nlco eoliago ; $2'WO.
Wt < ler near 10U1 with 2 houses ! $4.000.
Wnlturl Hill now P-iobmboiKp ; $2Jii. ) (
Dougln ; Bt.coinifr2ulb , 2 houses ; $13.000.
27th st near l.ea\enworth , 11-room houta ;
Iliui'illton nnd28th , rornor. 3 hou os ; $10,000 ,
llnmilton st , l ( < ! frd' < Adndd. with new house
und other Improvements ; $ . ' , OiX ) .
Hiiwthoinc , new boiue.lnrgc barn ; $1/i')0. ' )
W A. HcddlcKs ? boiiios. slnblesclO. ; $2S01.
Isnucs A eldoll > g. 0-room house , etc. ; ? 2W.
HUh St. , 1'ls.liivlrtw , now house ; $1.M .
Credit Fonclcr a corner lU.xl , with Hno 1m-
pro\omcnts ; $3U' i.
2 full lots in Ambler Plnco with elegnnt 1m-
protomonls ; $3,6iid. . .
1 ncro In Greenwood with largo house , well ,
cistern nnd nno shade trees ; vM\
In unimproved property wo have cnolco lots
In thu following titiiiilnni : Shine's. I/OTTO'S ,
Omalm Vlow.Orchard Hill , Wnlnut Hill , Illgh-
Iniid Pnrk , Cllf Ion Hill , Crelirhton Hulnhts , West
Side , Melrose Hill. Hanscom Place , Arbor Plaie ,
Hiipont Place.Onk Hill , lirnnd View , lltcd's 2d ,
We t Omihn , J. I. HoJIck s , and In all good ad
ditions , Including n flno line of doslrablo lots In
South Omahii. If wo bavu'nt cot wlml > ou
wnnt wo can get It. Como and sco us , buyers
nnd Boilers nllko welcome. Enowold & llnriott ,
3141. S 15th slreet 815.14.
outhiiist corner Eleventh and Martini
ftrccts , tJtU improvt'tnetits ; on grade , nnturnl
chmlo trees , beautiful grounds nnd surround-
liiffs. Will mnko thico Him lots. 4Sxlt2. House
nnd bnin Is A No. 1. $ sXiO ( will buy this now.
$1,850 cash , $2,150 April lat , bnlniico ono , iwo ,
thrnu und four ycnrs from April 1st.
ThU pioperty will bring $10,000 bcforo the
summer Is over.
M. A. Upton A Co. , 1509 Fnrnnm. Telephone
73. 42-V20
OmahiPnrk nnd Hammond Place Is
ln ldc South Oumhn property , Thro Olcn
or JaR Vore , owners. 314 S IBth st.,2dlloor between -
twoen Furnniii and Hnrney. 251 n 1
HAIHiAIN One hundred fcot front on
South Eleventh si , corner lol , only $6,00) ) .
I'nrt on time. V. Ik Vodlckn , 6JO South 1,1th st.
SPECIAL BAHGAINS-Ily Hiighoi & Henry
1509 Fin nnm street , ground floor.
44\13 ! on 10th south , between Hnriioy and
Hownrd , one third cnsli ; $18,110(1. (
3.1x1.12 on Dodge , Just back of Hie Mlllurd , one-
third cn h ; $11,000.
OCorner 10th nnd Dodge ; $13,500.
22xio ; foot between Jack8oii and Jones , house
rents for $31 per month. Corner ullcy , ? 2,5UO
1 '
5-room ho'uso on 10th Ju t noilh of Luke , $000
cnshb'ilnneoi21per monlh ; $2.KK1.
Elegant south fiont on south line of linker
place about 2)0 ) feet trom mllitiiry toad , $138
tush ; S121
South front In Fostei'sudd : $1,8)0.
2 lota corner 31 l and Onlo slrt-eta 120 feet east
front : 81. 0'K ' ) cash , balance \erj cnsy ; $2M)0. )
75X.IO ) ftet on Calltoiiiln Bt , runs thiough to
Cnso , a great bnrunln.
We bnvoebolcu bargains In all tbo liost nddl-
tlons to Omnhn nud South Oinnlia. Lnrgo list
ol Knnsns nml Nebrnska hind * . Invostmoiita
ca'iclully mnde for non-residents lluehcs x
Henry , IBJ'J Fnrnnm Btrf-ol. . . 801-14.
F OH SALE Choiip. nlco fnrgo lot , flvo dollnts
per monlh , Cfcll lit 401 N. 15th st. 820 14.
B l'HIlNTPTnco"l ; ) < r notTfTngut that
llurllngton Plnco lot" aio the beat In South
Omnhu. J. II. Evans \ Co. , polongonts. 801) ) 12
"I'lT'IJliavothe finest corner lot in Hunscom
T Place with 10 room house , oasl front ,
bath , closet , gii , city water , cistern , well , bnin ,
cellar under whole house , lot alone worth
f 1,100 , homo bran new , nil for $7.531 , now If
you menu business nnd want u good house
como nml see this ,
Good , nice , fl-room cottngo In Armstrong s
ndd , choiip , easy payments.
If you want to build a row of tints como nnd
seen coiner no have In , Hood's 1st ndd for only
$ liU30 , long oi t front
.Motter I'onl Ebtnto Agency , 1513 Fnrnnm. Tclo-
phonoSlI 1 555
_ _
ITCHCOCIC S Additloii-Clicapost lots In
Omaha nro In intent-oak's ndd. 0 houses
contrnctoii for ut unco nnd moro n coming J.
H. Evans & Co. . solo UKCiits. H)0 I'l
1J10H SALE 317 . Hcrus of No. 1 laud In
JD Nnckolls c. Neb. , within l'i milcB of
the town of Superior and II. It. depot Inquire
lb.13 S 13th r-t , Omaha , Neb. M. Kedlnr ton.
| , 312 10 *
I IOH SALE Desirable lesldunco pioperty on
Cnpltol HIM. | niulro2.'JJ Diuouport st.
SALK HOUI-CB and Lots Frank & Son
A : Co , Joweltis , luoo remove 1 to llh Boiith
15lh t , , 778 13
1501 F.irnnm at.
Offer thcaa bargains to-day :
1 corner Ooorsria nvewund Dupont $1,703.
7 Orutinrd hlll.clioico lots each $ h5i.
House und 2 lots. Suundora it Hlmobnugh's
add. to Walnut hill $2,300.
20 Flnost lots In Clovurdulo , bnrgi.lns.
Flno lots In Kllby place , chcnp.
Flnol l-21ot John I Hedlek's Sub dlTlalon ,
2choU o lota In Mnynes add. , each $ JJ.
2cholce lots Fulrmount plnco.
lacro best In llelvodoro , birgnln $3J3.
2lota Jeltor's nddltton , each $70J.
Slots Mt. Oouglns. each $150.
2 lots South Ex. plnce , encn $500.
3 Brown Pnrk , bargains each $331.
24 lots choloo in Yale * & Hompol's aldltlon.
10 iicrcs > 1 mile south of Harris & Patterson's
annex , extra nice , chenp nnd on y toi ma.
A flno list of western Innds for sale , or trade
for Omnhn property. _ .
400 acres highly improved , Snunders Co. , Bale
or trudo.
115 feet front on 18th strict.
Lnst. not loist. oornor on Kurnnm * 4 > ,03) nnd
mnny others , 1509 Fnrnnm , Wise nnd Pai'inelo.
"niOH SALE On on * ? tcrma , some cholco lots
JJ in Walnut Hill , nil near Wnlnut Hill post-
ofllce. P. A. Gavin , Solo Agent , Hoom O.Hedlck
Hlock. 182 31 *
FOH SALB-A geol section of Improved
furmlnKland In Itoono Co. , Neb. : cheap if
taker boon. Addles box 421 , Albion , Nub.
054 10 *
JOHN GALTj\GHBH317 South 13th st Acre
propei ty , lota nil parts of the city. Choice
lots In Hanscom Plnco , House , 9 roorni , lot
BOxHl , location iinmrpaeseJ , $5,230. 2a7a2
"T710HSALE Or tradu for insl 10 city property ,
-T improved fann lund,4 miles from Albion ,
Doono county , Neb. : 1 fnrm wagon In i < xchungo
for Hlnirlo buffgy.i It B. Cupson , 15th and Pact-
flu stre t J 711-ia
G HEAT 310 acres 4 miles from city limits ;
Jf one of the belt dairy farms In tbo world ,
good house , well , apt Ing , 5 ncre orchard and
fruit of nil kinds , to per aero.
1 ncro near St Mars nvo will makoflgond lots
thnt will rcndilv s ! l for $ -.000 cnch , only $8,000.
Active Honl Estate nnd Property Kxclmnge ,
1824 Dodge St. 77U 14
LIST your proparty with us If you want It
.sold , for we mean business , Plerco Ik
Rogers , Hoom > Arlington Hlk. 8.B
Ilooni2o Paxton block.
Look over thcso bargains.
10-room house , cor lot 75xl4Hon Virginia
avenue between Lonvcnworth und
Fnrnam $ 10,000
East front on PhD Sheridan st , ono block
north of St. Mary'a nvo , 0-room house 8,000
98 tret fiont on Ptiknvo , Just south of
Lcnvenworth. 2 nice houses 13,000
Or will sell north "inlf for 7.0JO
33 foot lot tmst fr nt , C room house on
22d st , betucoriGraco und Clark.chciip 2riO' )
2 bouses and lots an llth ht , n Hr 1'ncillo 3,8(0
; ciil.r)7 ft lot on S lith st , 5-room house. . 2,50J
80 ft lot cor. 10th and Dorcas , 8-room
house 7,000
Lots In Clark's old $5,000 to 5,500
1 corner in Hcdici'saub on Virginia nve fl.OJO
Another.2 lots. . . 8.1W , )
1 lot on Shormnn live , 53x180 8'JOO
2lotaon20th atSOOiper ; front foot.
2 Iota In Lincoln jilncy. 1 a corner , for
both L. . . . , . . . , . . . 1,250
I/its In Foster's addition $ . ' ,701 to 2WJ
100 lots in Omatn Vow ! , very cheap. OJao
Lota In timer plaio , oil cable line $553 to COO
Lots In South Otiubiifuid all additions.
Loti in Utlcil pnco , on 37th at , t o
blocks south of Lcnvenworth , $1,400 to l.VK )
4 best Acres In Washington jnn 4.000
List your propoily with us.
' Hpnvor & Whltcomb ,
880 j Room 25 , Paxton block.
NbllHASKA Loin and Heal Kststo Co. offer
for into the tnolceit pieces of luslilo and
outside uncel that are not Inflated.
See our list below :
InfldeProperty. .
S EcorlBtb and FkrnamImproved $ 22,000
Two houses und lot pn ( Franklin it 3.5JO
House ami lot on fontb. 1'Jtu st 1,500
House nnd lot on ! 7th' nvo 4.0(0 (
Homo and lot on hinries st 200
House and lot on Clark st , bet 17th and
l h I. , , . . , , 500w
LotHurdotto6tbxU5 3.200
Houaeaud loton'Oth ot 1,500
Lot on224 at , nca-Bt Mary's nvo 4 , < CO
llouso nnd lot Dolgo , ncur 27th 3OvX )
House anC lot , Bonn Omalm , runts for
$ , 3.750
House and lot on outh 20th at.- 7,000
Ouljldo Property.
Ixitaln South Oiinhn proper.
Lota In SyndlcHie addition.
Lots In A IhrUm'a Choice.
Ixts In Albrlphra Annex.
Lots In Kllby I'hco.
Lots In Mnyne's-Addltlon.
Lots In Mlllanl I Cald cll's AdditlOB.
Lots In Clarendcn Place.
' Lots In Orchard Hill.
Lots In Walnut Hill.
Lots In Iledford Place.
Lots In North Onnhiu
And mnny otbcrcholce pieces of property too
, numerous to mort Ion. . . ,
, Also n largo llstpf Council Uiu Its nnd Sioux
City property.
Nn trouble to ihuw property. Comoundsuo
lotua. . Nebraska ( .041 Hcul Eslnlo Co. . N W
cor. lllk und Capful inc. CiO 11
FOIt SALK-41 feet on ( ) hlo st.,1 block rnst
of Saunders st ; good 5 room collage , good
turn , well , chlcrn , unlks ; also 108x128 fi-el cor
ner of Grunt and tlarlleld sis. , with 10-room
hoii'-o , by L , V. Crum , room 3,15JJ rnrnnm St. ,
up slalrs. 722
rp J , HOOK , Heal F.rtato.
-1 IWfi Fnrnnm sireI.
7J1 Dowllng Green , fl lols , spcchil bargains ,
mo thirds value , 3 dnyn only.
311 Thoruburg Place , 0 lei , $7V ) ench.
M lols , llurlliurton Center , tlio best tmylng In-
\eslmeni In South Omalm.
314 rine 10 front corner In Grnndvlew , SUV.
311 1 rme onst fiont In Hiinccum Place , $1K00.
148 3) ) tt on North 20th st south of Clark , with
hotisu , $2.400.
2S2 Klcgnnt l.-room brick residence , nil mod
ern Improvement * , Justotfof Fnrnnm ,
145-Gl ll Folront just west of Kount/o Plnce ,
311 Flno so front California near 2Mb ft ,
330 4 BO froutfi lloti i > ll \ Stebbln's add near
Lenvcnnoitb , $1S75 cnch.
45xl2J ) \\lth business hoiiboon Sheridan bet
St Mary'su\o nnd Leavonworth , $5OJO.
li lots to Ambler Phicc from $ OV ) to $ wo.
t/0 Elegant so fiont residence lot1 on Hnrncy
It nrnr20th ft , $5,500.
fil fi0xl 7 nnd house on Hurnny et ninr 20th ,
$ < ,5'IO
n2J-Lot m linker Plnce , $850.
41-70-84 it on C'mrles at near St Mnry'a n\e ,
130-2 lotco > npr 20h | Bt nnd Ciistcllnr with H-
loom house , barnetc , JO.OW.
30 Lots Cicivhtnii Heights from $210 up ,
32UFine lot In Cieston fronts2 Ueets. $1,350.
3l2-121otsliiCuniilnghnm's nubillv nt u bar-
280 1 Ft'kcrmnn'a add , $410.
tfW So fiont in Foster's uifd , $1,900.
80 Lots In HuilingtonOtmler fiom $550 up ,
be < t Investment in South Omnhn.
291-H4 ft enst front corner on So 16th st , cheap-
o t thing on thu strout ,
317 54 ft CKM front on 2ith ) si , 4-room bouse ,
limn , 2iOO : easy termo.
80-42 1 InufiO ft lot on Cumlng at , $900.
2P2 2 good lots In Lowe'H ndd , $1,050 each.
321 10 lots In Lake Vluw , $4(0. (
324 01x144 CUM Iront In Lake's nddncnr , st cnrs ,
1)4 ) Flno east front on 2.1th el nenr Leaven-
20 lols In Miuihittnn ndd from $300 up.
40 lots In Lipleu Place fiom $150 up.
2N-l'ull ) city lot corner trackage on 16th st ,
127 luoxwi on 10th mid Jiickeon tinckago$20,000
und tuxes.
2S | Lingo o story brick on U P track nonr 13th ,
ubiugnln. ,
310 44 It bed business part of Hnrncy st
114 2 largo lots on Hurt st corner 31st , $4,200.
304 10 It east fiont on Saundcis Bt near Hur-
331 31 ft on Suundors near Clni't with house ,
lot fronts on two slieets , $1,500.
ITi-l o front In Pclhnm Place. Sl,3)0 )
2 so fronts on Mupki nenr Snundcrs , 1 mile.
s-onlli ol Oak Chnllmm. $1)6I ) each.
309 ! iO\l40 coiner with BO nnd enst fronton
South I5lh st with 7-room hoiifec , tO.OOJ ,
4 lots In Omaha Vlow , $1,000 up ,
Special llurgnlns In Hesor\oir Add. Q
251 * 1 lot Seward ht nenr 29th , so trontlfOO.
3J7-Lnrgo _ KO Iront Sniinders & Hlmebaugh
131-l"Loi lii'hhuU's add , * l > 0) .
20J-M\lJOnn 2.'d st near Pleico with email
house , $1.1)00. )
311fl lots In Thornburg Plnce , nil for $4,100.
3I ( < 1 Lot. spoclnl bnignln , t'tlcn Placo.
128 So Iront lot on Gonrgo st with 5-room
home , barn , etc1. S'.O H ) . Hook ,
7(10 ( 15 Heal Estate , 1509 rnrnam.
CE Rnigains ,
Hy MiolosA Crumb ,
Opp. Paxton Hotel. I4'ji ( Furnnm at.
45xlK ! ) lo allev , splemlld 0-iooiu houne , cily
wilier , gas and sewer , on 25lh a\e. near Dodge
hi. $11.0)0. )
7.1x140 corner , onst nnd south front In Hedlck
eub. Bplomlld 10-ioom house , nil modern im
provement1' . $10,000
OiixtlZto nlloy , U-room house , clly wate.tga .
clc. cast fiont on Pleasant st. A big bargain nt
A vciy handsome modem 7-room bou o nnd
full east liont lot in lllmcbiugh plnco near
Paik live , $8,00) . For thoicc residence location
this cannel he duplicated.
IPxIM feet , n corner In Shull's udd with three
good bouses and room for throe more. $7,500.
5-ioom cottage mid Inrgo lot , 76x150 toet , cor-
neison nlloy. 17th and Mason Bts , $7,101.
T < vo good collages nnd elegant east front
lol on Pnrk avonuori'lv ) ' 148 , f routing two streets
A splendid Investment fTI.OOO.
Good 7-room lioii"C , barn , etc. , lot 80x120 , nnd
fiontlnif enst on S.iundurB stieet , near ( jrant
Btrret , $7,500 ,
Su\cn-ioom bouse , barn , well , shade irccs ,
elc. , onChnrlos Btrcol.only 20J leetolf Snun-
dors , lot 00x130 , $0,000.
Flno 9-toom hou e nnd full lot on Seven
teenth strcol , near Mason. Chenp nt $8,000.
Nine-room story and u half house , full lot , on
Gcorgin avenue , $4,000.
Splendid nlno-room house , new , full lot , on
Twenty-sixth street , Shiill'H nddltlon. A big
bargain if taken soon , $4,200.
Small house nnd lot , 34\138 feet fronting on
Fnunders und Twcnty-lhlid stieets. Hoom for
business nnd icsldenco , $ 1,500.
Six-room cottngo , lot 40x130 , Inrgc bnrn ,
Fplendld shndo trees , exactly on grudo , and
dirt rbenp , $3,500.
Kit 130 , corner , Bhlnn's udrt'n , flno 9-room
bonso. furniire , gas , city wnter , cistern , barn
costing $10. ) , all for $7,000.
C0xfi7,2coltairo3in Shlnn's 2(1 add , $3,000 , or
$ lf > 00 lorono-balf. Cheap.
2 fine lots in Lowe's ndd$1,050.
3 flno lots in LOIVO'K add , $1.150.
8 lots In A. S. Patrick's udd , $1,450 to $1,000 ;
fine south front lot In Dcnlso's udd , S2.20J.
U lots , Foster' ) ) add. , $1.i > 03 to $2.500.
10 lots , Kilby Plnco , $ " 00 to $1.500.
8 lotH , Jerome Park , $2,750 to J3.000.
2lols. Leavonworth Tcrincc.on Lenvcnworth ,
4 lots In McCorraick'H Second addition , $1,000
I ) lots in Hou el & Stebblns' $1/100 to $2,200.
40 lota in Hnnscom plncn , $1,8K ( ) to $4.UOJ.
8 lots , Dwlgbt i Lyman's , $800 to $1)00. )
8 lots , Utlcu Place , $1.300 to $1,503.
4 lots , Amblnr Place , $1.00) ) ench.
5 lota in Hlllsldo No 2 , $1.100 to $2.500.
20 lols In Orctinrd Hill. $7.1' ) io $1,10(1 (
Sholcs & Crumb , 1408 Farnnm street , opposite
Paxton hotel. 76'i ' 13
AMES. No. 1507 Fnrnnm tt.
This list may help you to flnd a desirable
house or n good lot to build on.
3W Home , corner lot 00x174 , Hamilton at. , B.
front. IS.750.
395 3 housci rent for $50 , corner lot on car
line , $7,500.
392 House 7 rooms , Montana st , ! > lot , $3.1160.
388 House 4 rooms , lot 00x130. Shinu's ndd.
387 Houio 4 rooms , well-built , Lowe's add ,
full lot , $2.000.
384 House 7 rooms , now house , Wnlnut Hill ,
$ .1,500.
38J Houses rooms Hnnscom place , full lot ,
381 House 11 rooms , modern , bnrn , &c. , f ull
lot on Georgia nve , > l.i.UOO.
370 House 10 looms , smiill lot , rents $50 , 20th
f > tB,000.
378 Houio 12 rooms full lot , east front. 70x140 ,
modern , good value , 21 t St. , $9,00) ) .
377 House 12 rooms , modern , California st , JJ
lot. S , K > o.
57n House 3 rooms 2 tnros , Arbor plnco , $4,000
375 House 8 looms , brlcic , full lot , corner ,
hhlnn'a add , S4,800.
394 House I ) rooms , modern , lot 50x210. cast
front , 19th st. , near St. Mnry'n UTP. , $ ! ,
393 House 0 rooms , modern , with 2 full lots ,
WhcntoiiBl , , $10,000.
391 House , now , 10 rooms , nil modem , Cnllfor-
nln st. . $11,2.10.
389 Modern II room house , onst front , Pnrk
nve. . full lot , $17.000.
330 House 7 rooms , flno shrubbery , 2 full lots ,
35.1 HOUBC.O rooms , modern , full let , Hnnscom
Pluco , WO.
374 House. 7 rooms , now , good bnrn , full lot ,
nenr Hnnscom paik , $ ) , 'UX ) .
372 On Hurtst , n modoin IIOUBO of 10-rooms
In perfect order ; full Jot , sotilh front ,
good burn , $11,000.
309 1 ncre with good 5-room house , barn , hen
hoiiHomgood locnlity , $2i00. !
303 Onht. Mury'HHVcnuejgood bouse , lot 132
tcct squnre , $ . " 0.000.
307 2 houses , rent $40 per month ; lot nnd half ,
South 18th street. $7.Om ) .
310 2 houses , full lot , Chicago tired , $3,000.
384 House , 5-iooms , barn ; lot 40x115 ; Arbor
Plnco , $1.600.
355 Houses2 ; rent $50 per month , North 18th
atreot , 18,500 ,
314 House , 7 room ? , ! i lot. on Hamilton street
350 2 houses , rent $45 per mo , ffit corner 51x184 ,
Plot-cent. , $5,000.
247 House , 0 rooms , HUH ) ! lot on Cass st , $4,200.
Viicunt Lots. 0.K
771 B cholco lota on Cumlng et. together , $7,500. )
772 Fine lot Wilcox's add , & ' 0.
771 Hlmubttugh i'l ice on Hidrfe nve. , flno lot ,
$ .1.000.
770 Tuber Plncn , lot. | I,2W.
78' ) Acre , Gejse'n ndd. $1.000.
2 lots , llousel & Stebblns' mid , $3,500.
703 Choice lot , blk"E , " Lown's udd , chunp at
$900. atfi.
768 75xl2rf , one blo-k wcat of Pnrk nve , $3,750.
703 I'lno lot li Hawthorn add , very cheap fi.nt
702 7n Mnyno Plnco. lot $1,600.
7ro 55x187 , West Omnha , good location , $1,050.
71H Good lot , Hnnscora Plnce , blk 2 , $ lbOO.
759 Enst front. Summit Place , near Dodge Bt ,
717 Very cholco. Lowe nvn , 51,810.
750 Host south front in Paiker'u ndd for $2.000. )
755 The best south front lot In Clarendon for
752 liurtBt nonr Sncred Heart 110x174cry
choice. $4. ' n.
74S Pnrk nvo 100 ft for " , / . Also 100 ft for
$ H.5TO.
745 Facing Iluiifcom pnrk , very cholco lot ut
747 Cholco' lot California et , $ IMO.
741 KV Smith' ! ndd , 3 lota ouch $1.000
7IFI Lake Bt corner 201 h , 150x128. $9,2SJ.
617 110Its lotsStnto at , $ JOl > . And Double
fronl lot facing Hamilton at for t00. !
741 Good lot Hunacom plnce. blk 19 , $1,800.
731 Very cholco , Goorgm nve near Popploton
for $ JJl')0 )
717 Very desirable lot on Hamilton Bt ucar
Hosoivolr. $1.100.
Ames' Hcnl Eetnte Agency.
| 7C5 , NO. 1501 Faniaih tt
A \r H. GATEd -Hcnl estate broker , R24 South
15th street , ovur Stnlu Nallonnl bank.
Enlrnncu on Hnrnpy.
A largo , new ten-room house on 2.1 rd street
bbtwecn Dodge mid Cnpltnlmcnue.fnelng oust ,
wbero lots nro Felling ut $12.1 per front foot ,
Honls for $50 per mo. , # 5,0) . Only $2,2JO cash.
CbraptBt property In the rlty.
A pleasant cottupo Ju l north of above , 0
rooms for $4HK ) . $2li cash.
One of Hie plea iili' l places In the city. H )
lent fiont , sliado , new V room house , IHI-II , S E
comer 2iii ( ! and Churle * . $7,000.
Half n lot und 5-mom bouse on Phil Sheridan
Ft. , $5.000.
A good piece of property on 17th st. between
Davenport mid ChK'iiiro , S7.1UI.
A nlco collage on Charles st west of 2itb si. ,
$2.1.00 . Fasy lorms.
A cholco plccu of properly In Cnpitol Hill ,
$ " . < XK ) .
Two plensnnl houses wllh Inrgu lots COillO ,
South llth m..I.V i.
This pioperty isauro to double inalue In-
flduof iioar.
A cheap piece of property In Park pi ice ,
hou o w Ith grocery store , renting for $ i1 per
2 cottages on 2lth'st. near Fnrnnm , $4.000.
,1-room cottage , Walnut Hill , lacing Hamilton
St. , with large lot , $1.500
4-room house jixtolf liith at near Lake St. ,
$ IUO. : A bnunlll.
44\1 ( . l.lth anil Leavonworth st. , tracUngo In
icnr , $2iu ( ) .
5. ) feet on I.cnvenworlli , nonr 25th st , on
guide ut a bargain.
Corner 15th nnd Center south of IT. P. trnck ,
$ i.Ktn
Wlxl40 on South 15lh , hiS nlco , $ .1.100.
Nice resldenco lot oppoaitu I'nik entrance ,
100 feet In Hniiscotn Place block 7 , $1,200.
3 lots In HuiiTom Plnco , blk II , fl..UI.
132teoton l.cnveuworlhcorneri4th : st.chenp.
2 lols jutl oft Lcuvenwoith , nenr 31th at , ,
,5 fioton Hurt nenr2lth , $5,000
100 fcot on Franklin , coriirt 31st , $2,41' ) .
A "Ice piece of properly , I11st and Unit ,
A good lot , Wcb tor , nenr 27th. Sl.NX ) .
Some good lots In Donocken'.s add.
Largo lot In P riiyn park , near school house ,
corner , facing east. J4IH ) .
5 lots Sautuleis and Helmbntlgh a ndd , $2i > 00.
En y turiim.
Corner 2'ith ' nnd Woolwortn nP.$2,100.
Spoclnl bargain In Shull'B nddltlon.
A good business lot In South Onmlin.
A nlco 10-ncro iib-co noith of city , Inyp good
for platting for $ ( -00. Easy teiins
01 neres norlbwost purt of city ut $ jOO.
Send uiu Hut of your propeity If yotMvnnt It
pushc'd. ' 05 13
OtJSF.S-Lots.Furms.L'inds money lonuoil.
llemls' elty maps. 6x7 loci , $ J.50 ench.
Heinls.loom 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 11th
nnd Fnrnnm ats. 287
ONLY 7 lots loft In Anlllleld uddlllon. Ihu
ben Investment In Umiilui , Those lots
will double as soon us the ordered pnvlng com
mences on 10th ft In Iho spring , hnnoumlliitf
properly l nliendy double $150 to $ OSO will
buy them until March BOth only. Terms one-
ohrhth cnfchbnlanciIO ! per month. Perfect
title guaranteed. J F. Hammond , 117 So loth81 ,
LIST your property with mo If joti want to
soil. 1 mean business. J. O. I.lnrth. 1200
Kat unmet. 74814 *
JL HICi ; , V COnro solo ngonts for the following -
lowing Bpsclal bargains :
L'ot 3iNeH'nddan acre tract co\cred with
beautiful maple treep , positively the finest single -
glo acre In Omaha , $0,500.
Lot 0 < } | cs' ndd , nnothoinno ncrc , very
choice , and cnonp at $ ri,5iK ) .
Lots 13 nnd 14 Hlk9 Patkcr'saddextra uliolce ,
5f > plcndldlotsleft fronting on Lnuo Rt run
ning through from street to btifet. $2,200 to
$ JiOO : eaoli.
IxitsriRiuHl Davenport's sub , bring 87-foot
coiner on Suundcrs HI , opp Kount/.o Plnco ,
85 feet fronton Shormnn nve nnd pn\ed at ,
$100 per foot.
Lot 5 Washington Snunro add , pouth fron
oil pavedHtreet. $ ) , KIO , woith * 3VJO.
Lol 2 blk U Shlnn's let ndd , bolng 83 foot 0
Inches fiont on Saundersst. , cor. alloy , $150
PtLot 2 ° blk 1 Patrick's 1st add. . 61x120 , $4,750.
Lot 1 blk 1 Patrick's 1st add , IIIXI2U , corner ,
Lots 2 and 3 blk 7 Patrick's 1st. W feet front
on Saunders St. , with Hupro\omcnts woith
$1.500 , $7.NHX
Lots 12 , U. 14,15. Ifiblk 2 Institute Place , $450
each for the bunch.
Lot 4 blk n Shull's 2d add , $2,750.
Lot 7 blk 17 Hanbcom Place. $1,150.
Lot 11 blk 17 HanKcom Place , $ J.IOO.
Lot 5 blk 17 llauseom Place , with S-room now
modern re-idcnct1. beautiful home , $8TOO.
sLots 14 and 15 , blk 7 , Cielghton Heights , on
boulevard. $750 each.
I/t8 , blk 2,0'Nell'iBUb , corner on Cumlng
8 Lots 4 and5. blk 7 , Walnut Kill , with improve
ments. $2,000 oach-$4COO. ,
I'lnelot onSOtb st nnd oablo line near corner
Grace , prlco with IniDrovements $3.000.
> | ncio with 4-room house , well and cistern ,
flno beautiful place In
Glso's ndd , $2,000 , nn extra drive. Do not fall
to eoo it.
Lot 12 , blk 11 ; Plalnvlow add , corner , $1,250.
LotlO , blk 12 , Plalnvlew add , $1,575.
20 acres opposite Lonir Urancb , high and dry ,
4 acreschoice Inside , $25,000. J. L. Rico & Co.
EAL ESTATE In Omaha is bettor than n
gold mine.
We oircr the following bargains for a few
days :
line corner of FarnamIn the heart of the
city. 44x132 , $25,000.
Corner loth and Jackson , $35,000.
Corner St. Mary's nvc. and Jnckson , $27,000 ;
present rental $2,800.
Corner In E. V. Hmlth'g add , cheap.
Corner in Parker's add. , 12ilxl30 , $0,500.
23 feet on 14th bt. , between Jackson nnd
Jones its. , $4,50J.
30 fcot on Cumlng Bt. , near Snundcrs , Im-
piovcd. $0,000.
Good B-room house , with largo lot. In Nelson's
add. n beautiful little homo , $2,500 ; only $500
House and lot In Heed's add , two blocks from
Hamilton Bt , house new , with line cellar , cis
tern , outhouBes , etc , a big bargain , $1 00 ; $600
2 elegant corner lots In Klrkwood fronting on
20th Bt , $1,000 ; $500 cash.
30 lots in Orchard Hill , cheap.
75 lots In Oak Chatham ,
10 lots m Lowe'g.
Bargains in nil other additions.
10 acres ob Loa\onworth Bt.only 2 miles from
postoHlco. A flno tract of 811 acres on Saunders -
dors at. Wright fcLnsburv.
780 14 Corner under Pnxton Hotel.
BLUNT & 1MPBY , lienl Estate Brokers , N.W.
cor. Douglas and 14lh sta , 2d floor , room 0 ;
telephone 4711.
These Are Bargains. Now Lilt.
California st near 23d , 84x132 , 2 10-room
houses , 1 double house In rear , small barn , rent
to pny 12 per cent Intercut , which can be in-
crcnsed to 15 per emit ; $8,000 , iicnsh.
California near 20th , a cornor. 132x132. 6
houses. $20,000,1-3 cash , Not many like this
left ,
California near lOt.i , full lot , Improved ,
$15.000,1-3 cash. This will Increnco in value.
Park nve , 96 > 4Xl44'4 , with 2 houses , $13,000 ;
wl > l remove houses and sell at $10,0JO , or will
Roll scpaiatcly with any ilesliedfrontiigo. Lot
is an east front , just south of Loavonworth. A
good Investment ,
N. 20th , east front , 00-ft lot , 2 hoiisov and 3
burnstnntnt tdOO per year , $5,500. Who can
bent this/
walnut Hill , aiorner on Nicholas , goodhoiiEO
wlth city water , 2,700.
Idlowlld , t ull lot , flno residence , 9 rooms , with
barn , $5.Joa This would bo ohcnp nt $5,8JO.
Georgia n\o. houseS loomsmodern Improve
ments , good barn , $7,0(10 ( ,
2Gth near Popploton , now house , 0 rooms ,
barn , $4,2iO ( , tci IDS easy.
20th south of Leavonnorth , full lot,5 room
cottngo , paved street , $5,000.
Hlmobnugh'4 , I Ux.150 , house 8 rooms , n dis
tance from town but cheap at $2,750.
Lowo'ghouso 3 rooms , stable , good nt $1,200 ,
1-3 cash.
A nno comer lot on Farnam , with two lioiit.cs
see thin und contrast with other properties In
the street ; It IB worth more moneybut for solo
now nt $30.000 ; very onsy terms.
Poppleton avenue , eolith front , full lot , 6-
room house , barn , trees , n pretty homo , $4,000 ,
$1,000 cash.
22ml and Nicholas , 132x132. with 2 houses ,
$15COO ; l-llceah.
Douglas , south front , double house , Irnme , 10
rooms each sldo , st.iblo , $12.000 , will runt to pny
12 per cent.
5 business lotD In South Omnhn , each 98DO.
lledtord Place , nil prices , can iiuoto bargains.
Hickory Place. 2 lots , caUi $1.500cheap.
Hun < com I'laio , a long list ; cnn suit all purges
nnd gho choice of locution.
Georgia avenue , $76 pur foot ; $100 refused
for adjoining tract no better thnti this.
100 leot on Karnnin nt n bargain.
Orchard Hill$760 to $ IVX ) . lla\o somochoice
lots.Kllby Plnco , one of the best lota , $1,100.
Homo choloo ncro piopoity. Arc forming
syndicate to purchasu. Boo us nho'it this. igu.
lllunt \ Imiiy , N. W , cor. llth nnJ Douglas ,
over Fuller's drug store. 782 17
G HEGOltV & HAD.LEY , members Omnbn
Hcnl Estiito Exchnngo , llooma I andII , 3iOb
Mill st. Do a genciul real estuto business , The
attention of non-rusidenU ritpoutlully sollo-
Corner , Ptitriek's mlJ.IIU I'll , two double
houses , ivntln tor $10 pur month ,
The corner 51x131. vacant , easy tcnnsf 5ifli (
Flnnlot , Joromn Park , 41Y107 l.bOO
South front , Hut Holt's ndd 2.VJU
Flno Sulphur Hprlngx lot. ncnr 1'ith ' at. . 2,201
Nlco 7 room cotugo , Vlrglnln ave 4,1m1) " )
I20xU7Uiwo'rt add , 3-room lionso. . . , , , , IM )
Double eornur , Lincoln 1'lueo , 1W.\1UO. . , . l"M
Flno Smith front , Lowe's add I.U/ )
An nliuant busliioss sightS llthet. , , . . 12'Wl
SI It on Ixiavnuworth , tioimn 2,000
Juiomo Park lot , facing Furiinm
Omaha View , toutn front lot , 4-room
house , only 1,700
Arlington lot , , . . . , , , . , 1.0'n )
IL1 l.'tt with $ f.ixnhoufio iOO
TincVngo , cor I02\132. nonr Ht. Piuil depot
rcr.tlng for 21,740 pur yeiir , , , , 2J.WJ )
Gregory A Hndley ,
ltuom 1 nnd 3 Kcdlck'a block , ; I2U U 15lh st
LKAVKNWOHTll STHEKr-Wobinc. Ill ff > nt
on Loavcnwortli street corner-nast
"flth stri'ol. lniiri\ement" | , rvnltng f6r $ v )
monlh. ItnpnnonU'nts do not Intorfvro with
Diislne's fiont. The \ery be t property on the
Mrcel ; nbout on grade. Wo can tell this for o
fowdnyslejstlmn vnlun nnd nt aprlce thatti
bound lo return luirehnser n hnn Ifomo In-
torc t on Investment , l.ciupiiworth itroet li
the coming Mreot Wo nl o bu\p iu ; fi-ct
Biiunro-cornor on Lot icmworth llinl will
innkB liiM lor $ ,1.i)00 before August 1 , M. A.
Upton 4 Co , 15JJ Farnam , Telephone 73.
C.-0 20
1 OOXtOO-On S. llth ftreet , corner , will sell
I cheap. Gate Clly Hi-al EslnU' Co. , 1 6
Douglns. M8
A ( UANCi :
Glb on , Ajlrawoith \ Ilenjnmln ,
, 1512 Fin nnm St.
1 lot in Imp. Aas'n. 47x111 , with 2 small
hou o < . . . . , . . . . . $ ; l,0if
1 lot 111 Klikwood. 40xlX ( ) , 17thst . 1,000
1 lol m IliiHlhorne , 4SvlO' . > . cor. ; Ud unit
Dnvenporl , with 0 room hou eclstern ,
well , etc. very eaiy terms . 8,500
1 Iclln Hlllsldo 2d udd . 1.NM
Hot In lledford Place. 50x128 . 735
1 lot In Hllchcock's lit udd. 50x12.1 . 7tXl
1 Irt In lo o's 1st adJ(0\l20\\lth ( house 1.750
1'i lols In Shlnn's add * >
1st , 75xl2 i , Cnld-
well nt . 3,700
1 lol In Ite.llcK's . ndd , 52tl22 , Half How-
aid al . 0,300
2 lots In West Sld9,5)\l-'l ) ) , burn nnd fruit
trees . 2,100
5-room house and lot N , 17th l. , good
well and cistern . fl.COO
2 lots on Vlrglnln nve , 1HO\I50 , 4-room
house , bnin , well and cistern. , . 5,0(0
KO It on St. Mnry's ave , with 2 IMoom
houses gas nnd wntcr , will subdivide. 31,000
40 ft on St. .Mary's nvo bet , 18th and 20th 100
Choke lot In Omaha View . WO
1ft on llltn st. nrnr Fnrnam . 70,000
If you wnnt quick anles list your property
with us1 74
ci : Lorsi
Koiinl/u Plnce , 2,1 lots - $1,700 to $3.300
Hntl't-om Pl.ict-,251otB - $ 1.350 to $ 1,500
J. I. KodlcK'ssubdlv.,3 lots $ J,75'J to $4.500
Smith Purk,4 lots . . . . $2,700 to $ .1.100
Jerome Park , 10 lots - $1,800 to $2.001)
Hronnan Place , 12 lots - $ l,50j to $ . ' ,000
Orchard Hill , M lots - - - $ 800 to $1,100
Foster's add , 0 lots $2,200 to $ . ' ,10n
Hccs' Place - . . . $ .1,750
Mllhi-d Place $4,5)0 )
Also Improved and unimproved residence
proportvln all parts of thoulty.
A. II. 'Comslock , Itooui 10 , Crelghton Hlock.C05
HANSCOM Plnce. lot 10 In block 1) ) , $2,400 ,
hull cash , balance 1,2 nnd 3 jenrs.
475 Grogoiy & Hudlcy. 320 S. 15th st.
I/O if SA iTE"b7j. II Evnns i Co
-I ? Lot Dwlght i. Lymuns , $71)0.
CoinerHunscom Plnce , $2,000.
Tust front Hnnscom Place , Dcliuvnro St. ,
South fiont , Jerome Park , on Fnrnnm , $2kOO.
Lots In La Vein Place , l.ouo ave , $1,200 to
fl.OH ) .
Lots In Plnliixlnw , $1,1(0 ( to $ i,2X > , cnsy terms.
Corner FHInvlow , 57x124 , $ l.4ilO.
Cnst front. lUntliorne. JI.'I.V ) .
Two south tronts , Cnllrornln nenr 30th , cnch ,
' '
'A'HIIO lot , S 10th near v la.luct , $1tX)0 ) ,
Ton ncns In Itilghton , $1,1100.
Ten ucros. north Hnuiidnr st , $10,000.
80\I32. cor Sliermnniixv. J12JOO. (
t < n\l32 , cor CUBS st , $ lO.IWO.
Corner lluidt'tto nnd 22nd Bt , S2.20J.
Flno lol In Omnhn View , $ IJK ( ) .
Lots In IlllelicueK'K nddltinn $ : IOO to jrW.
Lots In Wnlnut Hill and Orchard Hill.
Lot sin West I'umlng nnd Lincoln Plnce.
Lots In nil parts oC thu city nl nil pries nnd on
nil terms.
801 1.1 J. D. Evans & Co. , 1510 DodgJ St.
A lot 111 Ol o's nddltlon $700. Flno south
front lot In Omalm View , lour blocks fiom the
stioet cars , $1,000.
Lots In lledford Place from $710 to $ KU. Lot
In Ciustnn , fronting on Ple nnt st rot t , f 1,500.
Lots m Hmvtuorn tiom $1,400 to $1,500. Nlco
bO loot south front ft I/owe's addition , 1100.
Two lots In Melro o Hill at JiXH ) oach. An aero
lot In Finn's putt-illy $1,500 , look al this ncro.
Kn t fiiont lot on aouth 20th $ - ' , ) ) . Wlxl30
eoiilh and onst coiner In Foster s nddltton ,
easy terms , $1,100. Ton ucies northwest of the
city , with Improvements , etc. ; this property IB
vorychonp , f.l.OJO. South und oust fiont on
Uellovuoroad cheap , J1.500.
Cloverdalel Clovordule !
> Ve nro agents for Clo\ordnln nddlllon uud It
la undoubtedly the boat propoity in the north-
we-t parl of tboclly. Loisfiom $ : ii ) to $800 ,
and on very easy terms. Liberal Inducements
to those wishing to Improve.
Improved property.
A good six-room house on Virginia avenue , .
5n\15) , cast front lot , cheap. A litgo iilno-
loom house with modern Impro\omoiitn , about
nve blocks from the potolllco. . An eight-room
hoiiBO with nlco Improvements , about ten
blocks from the postolllco. A new five room
cotlngp , nicely finished and two blocks from
tlio street cms and soutli of Lake street , a most
desirable homo , price until nsvt Mondiiy , $2/100 ,
terms easy. A six-room house on Poppleton
inenne , plnco Is well Improved , will nuiko prlco
and torma. A five-room cottngo. about one
milu from postofllco , 30x140 , If aold this month
pileo $2,500. A laige six-room nouie , with mod
ern Improvements , well , cistern , barn , etc. ,
on corner Virginia iivcnuo , lot lOOxUO south
front a flno residence , terms icusonable , $ K.500.
A corner lot with six-room house , In Walnut
Hill ; this Is ngood piece of property , part ciisli
nno balance $21 per month and 8 per cent Inter
est on tbo deferred payment. A now house
aiid 50-foot lot one-halt mlle fiom Union Pn-
clflodepot , Inys high nnd bus a line view , $1,2000.
Wo have n very select list of property in all
purls ot tbo city which wo would be pleased to
show to those wishing to purchase. If you
have any property that you wish sold at once ,
send us n good description. Frank F. Williams
.tCo. , Sixteenth nnd Chlcngo , rear Douglas
County bank. E09 13
BAKGAINS-LotC.blk.O , Albright's Annex
South Otnnhn $300.
Lot 7. blk. 1 , Ambler plnco $700 and $100 cash ,
bal. easy.
Lot 4 , hlock 8. Ambler Place , $000 $100 cash.
This Is n bargain.
8 lots In Suunders nnd Hlmebnugh Highland
Park $1.0,10. terms very easy ,
ixit 4. bin. 4 and lot 20 blK. 3 , Hagodorns add.
Lot 2 , bik. 1C. Saundora nnd Hlmobaugh'B add.
$000 , $50 cash.
Lots 4 nnd 5 In blk. J.Saumlers &HlmebaugH'B
add. f 1,100 , forms easy ; this is a bargain.
Lot 2 , blk. 7 , Kount7o and Ituthvs add. with
throe splendid houses , 2 fronting east 18th stand
one fronting west on 17th Rt. 2d lot from cor.
of Lcarcnwoi th and 18th st A bargain at
$16,000. H. C. Sautter It. Co. , S. E. oor. 18th and
Bt Mary's ave. 721-13
HOUSBS Lols , > armsLandsmoney loaned ,
flemls' city maps , 8x7 foot , $2.60 each.
Ilcmls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam sts. 287
FOK SALK-Atn bargain , lot48x132 fronting
onS. 20th st. cor. of boulevard In Doer Park
ndd. Address J. F. Housbnr , euro of Aicndo
hotel. 7iO 13 *
OH BALK by ParK it Fowlor.
1522 Douglas.
House id lot , north 21 et Bt. , $2,2 . $200
cnshbal. f JO per month.
HOIIKO nnd lot on 23d st , $3.190 , ? 3 cash , bnl.
$25 per month.
Vacant lot In Kllbv Place STiO.
Two lots Wnlnut Hill , ono corner graded nnd
trees planted , for both $2tXK ) , easy terms.
0 lots In Itedford Pluco , $700 to $1,000 : tbeso
$700 lots are rare bargains.
lots In South Omiihn and all Iho additions an
cheap nnd on ns good term ! ) usthciu is on the
market ,
Orchard Hill Wo have a nlco Hat of lota fiom
$175 to $1.000.
1 lot In Mayno's Place near Leavonworth st ,
$ .2.000
One lot J.I. KfldlcVs addlllon , $2,200 ; I COO ,
balance voiy easy terms.
I/ot In block 4 , Foster add. , $1,875.
Wo have P lots in Pruyn Park for sale on very
onsy torina , or will trndo.
Lot on Furnurn , several blocks east of Lowe
uvenuo , only $4,500.
This Is a great bargain. 791-15
AG'KEAT opportunity" ! will offer , bDKinlng
this week Mime of the Illicit utro property ,
suitable for plattingInlo lots over put upon mo
rn arkot.
This property Is located Jiiol two and lurco
fourth mlleHWOKt of llmmcom park , an 1 the
name distance finm Bouth Oinnha ; high anil
hcultby location ; mnirnlllcont view , und right in
the way of Ihelntiiro growlh of the city mid
booth Otnnhn.
Situated bttwrcn the two valleys of the Papl- occuiiles Iho key to the future i-iilboail
building In and out of thu city und the Stock
Vurds. The Missouri Piulllo taljway ulrcady
runs nlninrnMo tlio entlro length of it nnd the
Etiuesiire nlu-ndy drlyon only u few rods away
for the I'romont , Elkhorn li .Missouri Valley
The Northwestern. Chicago , Hock lelsnd &
Pacific , ( hlcngu , Mliwnul.cni , St. I'mil und Iho
Wulinsh will bu In Omnhn In n short time. Every entering Omiihn wllitcck mi oiitrnnco
to South Omalm mid the Ptoik Yards mil nil
outlet to tin stnto beyoml , mid thu valley of thu
Puplllloii Is their only route. Subuibmi lrnln
urn promised on the Missouri Pnclllu thli Bum-
moroiit ns fur usriomour Park , n abort dls-
trttico f rum tlin proporty. 'Hi is will eninln the
laboring mailus well us his wealthy neighbor ,
to got In and out of the iKislnuM renter of the
city by nllftuen minutes' ilde , mid mal.o tills
propelly easier of aecuss than loft ) halt !
w.iy this i < lde , which cost lorr nml
llvn I linen thn mnnry. only neci-'slnlo
by s'ou'-uoliK , ' street earn or on foot.
Cull nnd lot IIH show jnu this proper'nnd )
If > ou nrc not satisfied It Inns s-ifo nml sure u
diHiiea loi-u lilg profit us anything- Iho mur
ker , you nend not buy. Iti-mumbc-r what bus
been niutlcim nero piopctty diiclng thn Pit6t
year , You ran buy tbcso uorosnt S411 to iJtlU
eith.ono-flfihoiiali , bnluneo I , " und I jcurs.
Each n ere will make tlvu lut-i that will o.-i lly
brlnif SfliiO tiil'iloiieli. Flguro out the tuollt ,
on nn Invohtmonl Iu2,5 or 10 acres ol thli I'tml. ' ;
Them uru only u limited iiumbur of thcso iit--oi
and IIrn i-omers will got the elioleo ,
( 'un'.igitii will l > u In waiting to tnko oui nit
who with to ftco t.-ls property ,
George N. Hicks.
78111 213 3.15tb ft , GpurutloutoUlkv