Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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York , and It Now York Is a democratic state ,
as I hold that It IB. ho could
tarry the state. If , however , New
York l.s not a dcmocratlo state , then
It become * ) necessary to take other things
Into consideration , The Moating vote must
M consldeied and It will bo necessary to do
ftomo lUurltii , ' . If Mr. Cleveland should bo
renomlnatcd It would be necessary to calcu
late whcthor the gains from persons who
like this administration so lone as It Is not
* < democratic \\ould not bo moro
than countcrur.r.lC ! ! a byhe \ dlsalTcctlon
of dissatisfied dcmocfaia. " ° mugwump
will tell you that the dissatisfied democrats |
will nmouiitto a very small number and the
dlss.itlsliod democrat * will tell you that the
n Idlllonal vote that would bo attracted to the
ticket rould be put Into your bat. With Mr.
Hill as n candidate the full democratic vote
v > ( mill bo held tojethcr and houuld carry
the stnto by a good majoilty. "
"Do > ou think , " was asked , "thnt in
a contest between Mr. Cluteland
nnd .Mr. Illalno that Mr.
Clevolnnd's vote In Now Vork would bo less
than It was tit the last presidential elec
tion V"
"Yes , 1 think It would bo. 1 tin not moan
to say that any \ery considerable number of
persons who supported Mr. CloNoland In 18&I
would vote for Ulnlnu , but the number of
pcoplo who stay ut homo would bo largely in
creased. "
, THE UNcoMM.r.Tr.n cnuisnns ,
Pending a decision by the attorney general
ot the question us to whothcr tbo cruisers
Chicago , Atlantic nnd Boston can bo com
pleted by the navy department In view of the
failure of congress to make a snccillo appro
priation for the purpose , all work on the
vessels has been suspended. The opinion Is
generally entertained at the department that
t lid general I und appropriated for construc
tion and repair can be used to finish the work
on the cruisers. At the beginning of tlio
present month 300,000 ot this fund remained
available alter meeting the requirements of
the various navy yards , anil It In believed
that this sum , If applied to the new cruibcrs ,
would sufllco to complete them.
Iowa pensions were to-day granted as fol
lows : MaryJ. , widow of James Kearney ,
Osage : Hugh It. Duke. Woodburn ; John
Hill , Davis City ; James Gloss , Moiitezuuia ;
Thomas Wilkinson , l.owmoor : William F.
CrtiniBirmingham ; Knistus P. Dovlckson ,
East DCS Molnes ; John Urnmmor , Birming
ham : William M. Hall , Glasgow ; Marshall
T ) . Watson , Oxford Junction : John P. Me-
Kusslck , Hamburg : Warren M. llced , Doug
lass : Hlchard Voornces , Unlonvllle ; Joseph
11 Wheeler , Nowlnn ; John 11. Pitts , Douglass -
lass ; John Felix , Preston ; Jasper N. Jones ,
tthenitndoah ; George S. Frn/ee , Osuge. In
creases : George lleaton , Fall Hold ; Francis
M. Ptirdy , Uellovtte ; Frank IJrown , Pacific ;
Joseph II. Weyncr , Oxford.
Nebraska pensions erantert : John Thorn
ton , Hlalr ; Johatlmn J. Potts , Beatrice ;
Henry A. Chsr.e , North Loup ; Charles Park-
burst , Arthur.
AltMV NF.W8.
Lieutenant Fredetlck u Palmer , Twenty-
first infantry , who Is stationed at Fort Sid
ney , Nebraska. Is to bo married March 22 at
Fort Brldgcr , Wyoming , to Miss Mary Slmp-
Bon , the daughter of Post Chaplain George
Vf. Simpson , United States nrmy. Cards an
nouncing the wedding have been received by
army friends hero.
Thn order to Colonel Fred W. Beutcon ,
major Ninth cavalry , to proceed to Fort
Douglass , Salt Lake City , from Fort Du
Chesne , pending action on his recent court
inartlal , Is not construed by military men to
have any mean I UK pointing to the result of
I the verdict , butonly to give Colonel and Mrs.
I -Uenteen comfortable quarters , as the com-
1 inand at Du Chesne Is In tents or temporary
J board houses.
Tl a following depredation claims have
i boon passed upon by the secretary of the in-
I terlor : James II. Lnmmonv. of Thayttr
I county , Nebraska ; amount $2.700 ; In 18.VJ
J 1885 by Sioux and Chevennn Indians. Flnd-
, Ings : Evidence not .sufficient to establish
I claim and not presented within the limita
tion fixed by law. Andrew J. Hammond , of
Nuckolls county , Nebraska ; amount , 53,100 ;
in 180-1 by Clmycnne and Sioux Indians.
Findings : Evidence not sufficient to estab
lish claim , and not presented within the llm-
' itntlon fixed by law.
A. J. Dlukely , of Iowa , has been appointed
n special timber agent In the general land
ofllce at SIGOO per annum.
Distress In Newfoundland.
HALIFAX , Match 12. [ Special Telegram
to tbo HUE. ] The attempts of the Newfoundland -
foundland papers to suppress the actual facts
about the distressing want and In some cases
actual starvation m districts remote from
cities , is simply Infamous. In the district
known as Green Pond , only eighty miles
from the metropolis , whore live steamers of
A sailing Beet went to obtain crows for seal
fisheries , the inhabitants of the locality and
surroundings were reduced to such straits
that they threatened to board the stcaraera
and take from them such supply oi
provisions intended for sealing voy
age unless Immediate relief was granted to
the starving families by the government. II
is useless to attempt to deny or conceal those
facts , knowing well the temperament of the
pcoplo and thoroughly convinced from the
representations made that threats of plundei
would be carried Into effect. The govern
ment Immediately sent relief by the coasting
' steamer Hover. Harrowing accounts ol
destitution reach Halifax from the northern
districts and a press that deliberately sup
presses facts ana declares that there Is no un
usual distress Is utterly Insensible to the ap
peal * of suffering humanity. The prohibi
tion of the sale of bait will prove disastrous
i to the western districts of Newfoundland
particularly to Placontla and Fortune Bay ,
where the people' * ) existence depends on the
Bale , of bait to French and American fishing
4 * Started on Their Ixine Race.
I k NEW YORK , March 13 The Trans-Atlantli
Jceel schooner yacht race from Owl's Head
Mew York harbor , to Itoclie's Point , Queens
town harbor , started shortly after 1 'clock
to-day. Both yachts were In perfect trim ,
and fully ready to encounter gales , which are
f expected , and perhaps hoped for
* on the passage. This race grew out ol
_ the discussion among several yachttnen , lasi
fall , regarding the relative merits of varloui
Amcilcau yachts In heavy weather. Tlu
0 Coronet has two distinct advantages ovei
lier rival , the Dauntless. She Is larger anc
newer , oho was millt at South Brooklyn in
ISSTj , while the Dauntless was constructed
twenty years ago at Mvstlo Brjdeo , Conn.
Bolting Is even. The Narrows were llllei
with numerous yachts and other set
ciaft to witness tno departure. .
The last signal was given from Fort Hamil
ton at ten minutes after one and within t
few minutes both the ocean racers hat !
crossed the imaginary line , and started or
their way to Cork harbor , the Coronet lead
ing. The wind wits twenty-four miles ar
hour and Increasing. Thu judge's boat lor
the yachts when north of the llglit ship. A
! a10 : ! o'clock the yachts were forging aheat
with it twenty-fouMnlle bieeie. The Cor
V onot was still leading by about a quarter of i
mite. On board each yacht ba represejita
the of the Associated press.
The Pacific Railroad Investigation
NEW YORK- March 13. | Special Telegran
to the BEK. ] The World's Washington spec
lalsays : Paclllo railroad people areworkln ;
very hard to control the appointment of the Pi railroad Investigation commission. The ,
are very much agitated over the report thu
tbo president Is considering the name of th
ox-llepre entntlve Henley , of California al
letting that be Is too bitterly opposed to thcs
roads to make a fair ln\estlgatlon. Anal
tempt Is being made to influence the pres
clent If possible to appoint friends of tin
road or else such colorless nobodies as ar
from time to time appointed government dl
rectors. Henley Is Indorsed to the pruMden
by Senator Mci'ncrson and Sprinter. Th
name of Simon Sterns of New York has als
btvn mentioned In connection with thl
commission simply for the purpose of attach
titerns ls a fearless , energetic wan. vrlth
rare capacltv as an Investigator. J. Bterlln
Morton of Nebraska , who has nUo been met
tinned In connection with this couimlsslor
is an anti-corporation man , Is and a wan
pen > onal trleud ot Bayard.
A Texas Kitltor Rises to Kxplaln.
Uollovlllo Standard : The Stnndnr
wishes to correct n fnlso impression i
reference to the "tiring" of the editor1
from the Methodist
wife nnd mother-in-law
dist clmrrh. They wora not put out of th
the building by the pastor , g sonio iui
rose , but rucrcly bad their names erase
from tbo roll of membership , The oditc
is not the kind of a mnn to quietly sut
mit to having his wife ami her mothe
"tired' ' * bodily from a ch.uruh or cist
whore. Ho is not built that way ; noithc
Mora Life Manifested in Financial Circle *
the Fast Week ,
Tlio Produce Markets Attract More
'I'hnn the Unual Attention and
"nach Higher Prices Ho-
celpti 6f Grain Fnlr.
the Week In the Commercial World.
CmoAiio , March 12. | Special Telegram to
the UKK.I More Ilfu was manifested In local
financial circles during the past week , mainly
attributable to the speculative excitement on
the board of trade and the unusual heavy
trading. SInrclns were called very freely by
parties on both Hides of the market , and In
most calls were promptly responded to.
Hankers hiuc been called upon to furnish
considerable assistance to parties who arc
not usually very largo borrowers , but this
was mainly duo to the fact that parties who
have been speculating freely , especially In
mess pork , have largo sums of money locked
up as margins , and there W.TB ngood piospcct
that It will remain Invested for six or eight
weeks. Consequently fhoy required con
siderable money to transact business in other
branches. The free calling ot margins on
contracts for wheat has added somewhat to
tho.demand , but parties who werepble to
present paper backed by good collaterals or
endorsers of good financial standing , experi
enced no dlfllculty In securing such favors as
dnslred. linkers , however , were a little
cautious In making loans to speculators , and
Insisted on wider margins than-heretofore.
Itathcr more money Is being forwarded to the
Interior both by bankers and commission
niprchants , mainly to grain districts , as ship
pers are anxious to move their property be
fore the Inter-state commerce law goes Into
effect. Meichaiits in the wholesale
trade are borrowing moderately , but
their needs are not pressing.
Bankers are well supplied with loanable
funds , and there Is no particular strength In
the market Interest rates are about steady
at5 (30 ( per cent. Eastern financial reports
show a little more closeness In money mat-
tcrr , but borrowers , as a rule , obtain all the
discounts requited at about former rates.
Foreign money markets are easier , and the
Dank of England rate of discount has been
reduced to 3 % per cent Now York exchange
was dull dui ing the greater portion of the
week. Shippers of grain were offering more
bills and the demand was only fa'.r , though
more sales were made than during the week
previous. Sales between banks were made
at CO to 75 per cent , discount for 81,000 ,
chiefly at 70 cents , and the market closed
lull at 70 to 7o cents. Foreign exchange was
nore freely , but the demand showed
Ittle lmpro > cmont. Kates rather favored
myers. and sales of shippers sixty
lays' documentary bills were made at 4b"J f
r$483).f. The New Yor stock market was
jomewhat more active during the past week ,
yet the aggregate trading was not very largo.
Early In the week the market was stronger ,
and prices for some of thn leading articles
'tiirh , due mainly to reports of combinations ,
.argo dividends prospective ! } " , Increased
larnlngs , etc. A failure to realize
ioma of these expectations , liowo\er ,
lad a weakening influence and some
jf the Improvement was lost.
Jhlcazo operators gave stocks very little at-
.entlon , as they had about all the speculation
\t home they oared to attend to. Largo oper
ators In Now York , however , wern more dis-
losed to tiado , and specialties commanded
.heir attention notably Western Union , St ,
i'aul , Heading , lUchmond & West Point Ter
minal , Erie , Delaware , Lackawanna & West
ern , Jersey Central , Northwestern , and New
York it New England. Foreign advices
have show a little more strength In stocks
and prices have favored sellers to some ex
tent , particularly the London market. For
eign securities have fluctuated only. Sales
on the New York stock exchange for the
week were 1,850,000 shares. Petroleum met
with considerable speculative tavor during
the past week aim trading was moderately
active. Prices ruled with marked irregular
ity , though fluctuations were con imed within
narrow limits. Opening sales- were matte at
G.c ! , sold at 61 ? ( u04c and closed steady at
oy < c. Sales , 15'J03,000 barrels. The produce
attracted more than the usual attention dur
ing the past week. The volume of specula
tive trading was unusually large , probably
never exceeded on the board of trade. All
parties appeared to have a general Interest In
the speculative branch of trade. The opera
tor of small means as well as the millionaire
the buyer or seller of a single 5,000 bushels.
or individual who was able to throw 1,000.000
bushels on the market , or could as readily
take that quantity if offered all Indulge their
propensities for speculation to their hearts'
content , possibly to the dlsbgurlng of check
books and to the detriment of bank accounts.
Margins were called for very freely In a gen
eral way , as operators desired to be secure ,
the large amount of mono ? locked up previ
ously making them anxious to protect trades
for their customers as much as ix > ssblo. !
Some parties estimate that not less than $15-
000,000 has been placed as margins on spVcu-
latlvo trades In wheat , corn and provisions.
All the markets have exhibited marked
strength , attended witn considerable
excitement , and frequent and quite wide
fluctuations In prices. May delivery appeals
to be the center of attraction In all the load-
Inr articles. Wheat , corn , laid , short rib
aides were most In favor , and all reached a
hlL'lier scale of prices , thouyh
not fully supported. No serious
financial troubles occurred. Throe small
failures were announced and these had no
effect on the leading markets. There wa.s
rather more doing In shipping circles ami
more- grain has been forwarded than foi
some time past Shipments of provisions
were moderately free. Receipts of grain
were fair and of provisions quite heavy. The
stocks of grain and provisions are being
gradually reduced. Foreign markets were
stronger early In the week , but did not show
much sympathy with the advance in price :
here. Eastern markets were stronger In c
general way , but did not follow our extreme
ligurcs. The arrivals of live stock were mod'
crate at all western points. The packing ol
hogs In the west Is somewhat larger than las'
year to date.
liU DodyJLiald to Host In Greenwood-
Thn Will.
NEW YORK , March 13. The will of th (
late Henry Ward Beechor was filed for pro
bate to-day. It Is as follows :
In the name of God , Amen. I , Henry Ward
Beceher , of the city of Brooklyn and state ol
New York , hereby revoking all other am
former wills by me heretofore made , di
make , publish and declare this to bo my las
will and testament
11 hereby authorize and direct my executor
and such of them an shall qualify upon mj
death to collect and receive the amount o :
my life Insurance , to Invest the same and ti
pay the proceeds ot such investment to m ;
wife during her life in equal quarter-yearlj
payments *
'J I hereby give , bequeath and dovis
until my executors , or such of them as slial
qualify , the net residence and remainder o
my estate , both real and personal of over ;
kind , in trust for the benefit of my children
And 1 hereby direct that my said executor
distribute and apportion my said estat
among my children In such manner am
form aud at such time or times BS shall li
their judgment bo for the best Interest ot m ;
said children , giving unto my said executor
full power to sell and mortgage such and si
much ot my real and personal property a
they shall deem best and to Invest and dl ;
tribute tne proceeds ot such sale or sales a
herein provided.
a. it IH my will that If any of my childrei
should die before the complete dlstrlbutloi
of my estate , as above provided , leavmi
Issut ) them surviving , that such Issue shal
stand and take In the place and stead o
their parent , taking per atlrpes aud not pe
4. I hereby nominate , constitute ana ap
point my sons , lleury U. Beecher , VVilllai )
IS. Hoeoherand Herbert F. Ueechcr , all o
llrooklyn , and my son-in-law Hev , Samtu
Scovlllo , of Norwich , N. Y. , executors an
trustees of this iny will , and and It Is tu
will tlut no bond shall oe required ot trier
or either of them.
July 11,187 * ( Signed. )
The witnesses are , A. S. Barnes and 'S
D. Ulake. of Brooklyn.
tit , Keecher'a remain * wore take
from Plymouth ehuroh at 8:30 : thti morning
and conveyed to Greenwood cemetery whera
they were deposited In the receiving vault to
remain until the family select a lot for final
Interment. The church was guarded all
night by Plymouth Company ( I. Only the
family and cloo personal friends of the de
ceased went out to the cemetery ,
A Dangerous Lmnatlo ,
BAI/TIMOKE , March 12. ( Special Telegram
to the BKK.J Henry IJorwauger , aged
twenty-three , at a late hour last nUht shot
and killed Carrie Pcltz , aged twenty-three ,
employed as cook in his father's family on
Madison avenue. Ho entcied the nursery
where Miss Pcltz aud another domestic were ,
and deliberately shot her without an appar
ent motive. Borwanger then proceeded to
thocemril pollco station , whore ho stated
that A woman had been : Mi ° t | but denied hav
ing done It himself. Ho was detained aRU
Inquiry made when It was discovered that Ills
victim had died. A coroner's Investigation
will bo had to-day. Herwancer had been
treated at a private asylum , but Ills friends
sunpost'dvheu he returned to his home ho
had entliely lecovered.
Work ofMlHHotirl
KANSAS CITV , March 13. A special to the
Journal fiom Springfield , Mo , , says : Last
night a band of armed men went to the
liouso of William Eaton , thirty mites south
of this city , and breaking down the doors
fired a volley into the house. William Eaton
and Charles Green were killed outright
Eaton's aged father was seriously wounded.
One woman was shot in the head and an
other in tlm hand. The murderers then
made good their escape. Mrs. Eaton afllrms
she rccogni/ed two Of them. It Is alleged
that the attacking party nro members ot the
Bald Knob Boys , a noted vigilance organiza
tion , and It Is supposed that they killed
Eaton and Green for belli tr outspoken
against them. Great excitement pievalls
over the affair.
Fair weather , colder , are the predictions
for to-day.
New Orleans suffered by a 8150,000 fire In a
cotton compress yesterday afternoon.
President Cleveland tins made a substantial
contribution to tlio llendrlcks monument
Flro destroyed the hotel at Camden , N. J. ,
last night and three children were burned to
The Lincoln National bank of Chicago has
been authorl/ed to begin business with a
capital of 8'200.00a.
Neebe , tlio Chicago anarchist , acting on the
advice of his counsel , has decided not to at
tend the funeral of his wife.
Enoch Carter ( colored ) , was hanged at Or
lando , Orange county , Florida , yesterday for
the murderof Policeman Beasloy on Christ
mas eve , 1885.
Chicago's dry goods clerks association will
hold a mass meeting to-day to urge the legis
lature to pass the bill forbhlillnc the opening
of business houses on Sunday. The city
pastors will also offer prayers for the success
of the measure.
There was a meeting of the Richmond
Terminal executive committee yesterday af-
toinoon and It was reported that ail stock In
the syndicate to purchase the Baltimore &
Ohio road would be taken.
Tlio chief of the bureau of statistics reports
that the total value of exports of beef and
potk products during tlio four months ended
February US , 1S87. as compared with similar
exports during the corresponding period of
the preceding year , were as follows : 18S7 ,
S7lWUi ; ; ; 18SO , 80,157.044 ,
A New Enterprise.
The Omaha Granitic Roofing company
is a now enterprise in Omaha which
promises to become an important factor
In our manufacturing Industries. At a
meeting of the directors yesterday after
noon officers were elected as follows : A.
R. Souor , president ; C. 13. Muyno , vice
president ; A. C. Houston , secretary and
rcasuror ; A. N. Metils , general manager
and superintendent.
The company is erecting n substantial
building 40x120 foot on the B. & M. track
ono mile and a quarter south of tlio depot
and everything will bo in readiness for
manufacturing about April 1. Twenty-
five men will bo employed and the force
will bo increased from time to time In re
sponse to business demands. The com-
pnnv has factories at Kansas City and
Wichita. At the latter place they have
orders for over six ticres of roofing. It is
ono of tlio best roofings mudo nhd will
meet with a rapid sale in Omaha mid
other Nebraska cities. Omaha will bo
made the headquarters for all the terri
tory tributary to this city. The location
of the factory in the south part of the
city on the bottoms cast of Rivorviow ad
dition shows that this kind of property
in that section of the city is being sought
after as much as is the north portion of
tlio town. Other manufacturing enter
prises will soon follow in the same lo
cality. _
Nebraska Pharmacists.
The committee of arrangement for the
Nebraska State Pharmaceutical associa
tion met at the Pnxton hotel lust evening.
Henry T. Clarke , chairman , called the
meeting to order. D. VV. Saxe , was
elected secretary and treasurer. The
following committees wora appointed :
On Railroads Chas. J. Daubach.
On Hotels -D. W. Saxc , AmosFiold , ol
Richardson , Douglas county , M. J.
Wnugh. .
On Finance and Entertainment Max
Hecht , C. F. Goodman , Henry T. Mnrko.
D. W. Saxo , J. A. Fuller. N. A. Kuhn.
The State association will meet in
this oity at the exposition building May
10 , 11 and 13. The prnsidont of the as
sociation , Hon. James Reed , of Nebraska
City , was present and gave a detail re
port upon the bill that is before the sen
ate , nn net to regulate the practice ol
pharmacy in the state of Nebraska , which
was received with great enthusiasm. The
committee concluded to give n sociable
to the members of the association on the
second evening of the meeting.
CThoro will bo plenty of amusements rv
Boyd's opera house this week. On Mon
day and Tuesday nights an oxcolloni
company , headed by Atkins Lawrence
and Miss Josie Batcheldcr , will presen
Will Carlton's romantic Russian drama
"Zitka , " a play over which the whol <
country is talking. It has already raadi
the fortune of its author's little daughter
Marie , and is ono of the greatest siicccsse :
this country has over known.
Herrmann , the king of all prcsttdlglta
tours , will return to Boyd's opera housi
onY cdnosday night for ono perform
an co , and give a new lot of tricks am
There is only ono Lotta , and she wll
appear at lioyd's opera liouso for foui
performances. commencing Thursday
night. She has many imitators but n <
equals. She is incomparable , and nox
to Edwin Booth , attracts moro people tc
the theatre than any % tar on the stage
Lotta will bo seen as "Mtoucho" Thurs
day , "Little Nell" Friday , "Musette1
matinee , and "Littlo Detuctivo" Satur
day evening. Iho sale of seats will opei
Wednesday morning at the box olllco.
The revenue collections ycstcrda'
were 18,008.18.
Permit to wed was granted ycsterda ;
to N , P. Kelley and Annie C. Smith.
Sheriff Coburn is on duty again after
brief but serious illness.
Gcorgo Gurley , Clerk in Judge McCul
logh's court was off duty yesterday o
account of bickno's.
BARK-In this city , March 13 at 0:30 : a. ro
Joseph Barr , ased 40 years.
Funeral on Sunday , March 14 , at 3 p. n
from his late residence , Twenty-second an
Charles streets. Friends Invited.
Ainsworth Votes BpndJi Tor Building Brown
Gonntjja Court Honso ,
The Loader of the Ruahvltle Mob
Thrnahcd UjrrllU Victim's Wlfo
Biff Stock of Liquor Seized
in Des Moinca.
AIKSWORTH , Nub. , March 12. [ Special
Telegram to the Bnu. ] One of the most im
portant events In the history of this town
since its sotllemoiit occurred to-day. It lias
been tlio cottuty seat of Brown county , flllfl
Long Pine has been striving to take It there.
A special election was called for to-day to
vote on the question of Issuing bonds in the
sum of 510,000 for the purpose of building a
court house on laud donated by the town , the
building to bo of brick. There wer 31'J ' votes
cast , aw In favor of the bonds and only 27
acalnst. The vote only Includes Ainsworth
voting precinct. Thb contract will bo lot nt
once and Immediate preparations will bo
made to begin work at an early date. People -
plo were hero from as far as fifty miles away
and there was gieat rejoicing over the vic
tory. Sutton's cornet band Is parading the
streets , fire works nro being discharged and
there are other manifestations oC Joy. This
town Is ono of the most Important on the
Fremont , Elkhnrii & Missouri Valley rail
road west of Fremont. This victory will
give It now life and growth , as this will bo
the permanent countv seat of Brown county.
Land seekers are plentiful. Farms are In
demand , and slnco March 1 the average re
ceipts of immigrant coeds Imvo bcon three
cars a dav. Many more are on the way.
Thoto Is no better section of country In this
part of the state than Ainsworth , and her
reasons for rejoicing are great. A number
of btilldlncs are to be erected as soon as the
weather penults , and the settling of the
court liouso question will give moro confi
dence. Many farmers were yesterday and
to-day prepai Ing ground for spring work , as
the last few days were very favorable. '
loivn Supreme Court Decisions.
Dns MOINKS. la. , March 12. [ Special Tel
egram to the BKE.I The following deci
sions were filed by the supreme court to-day :
Chlora A. Rush ct al vs Louisa Mitchell ct
al , appellants. Fayetto circuit Afllrmed.
J. 11. Atkinson , appellant , vs llawkoyo
Insurance company. Fremont district.
A. Wilson vsE. J. Frobrldgc , appellant
Shelby circuit. Alllrmod.
II. F. Welsh vs Dos Molnes Insurance
company. Boone circuit Reversed.
Mary K. Paigl , appellant , vs John A. Palgl
and others. Scott circuit. Atlirmcd.
I. N. Craig vs A. E. Flormlg ot al , appcl-
lants. Des Molnes district Afllrmed.
State vs Oscar A. Stout , appellant. Henry
district Reversed.
Francis M. Ryan , appellant , vs John C.
Campbell and C. Iteming , intervened Jones
district Reversed.
S. R. Klllthorpe. appellant , vs J.L. Bcldcsll
and others. Ida circuit Reversed.
R. W. Gilbert , appellant , vs Mary E. Bax
ter and othertherd. Pocahontas district.
Aflirmcd. n .
Emigrants Rushlnc to C'rnwfardl
CRAWFORD , NobftMalich 12. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Bini-Elght | car loads of em-
grants arrived to-rtjay tft Crawford , prlncl-
' '
ially from Iowa. , ( 'fills' makes the second
atch that has coma In this week , seven car
oads having arrived on ; Tuesday last. Gen-
ral Brlsbln has been In town nil day with
Is Immigration committee. They are bav
in : their hands full ofJ business. Lots- are
oiling freely in Cra'Wfthd ' and preparations
o build are being made on a largo scale ,
. 'ho stores are all busyond business Is cood.
"t Is believed the town will almost double In
l/o this year , nnd alnwst every piece of treed
ami In iJawes countywIII bo taken up by
ottlers. " '
Stock of LiIquorB Seized.
DES MOINES , la. , March 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKH.I About noon to-day Con-
tahlu Frank Pierce , with a posse , sel/cd the
mtlre stock , of liquors belonging to the
vholcsalo drug house of Hurlbert , Hess &
2o. , where Constable Logan was killed ro-
cntly. The seizure was made under a viola-
Ion of law by the house in their sales. A
iloof police guarded the place whllo an In
ventory of the stock was taken bv the con
stables pending legal ictton. The seizure
ncludes seventy-five barrels , fifteen kegs and
ind about fifty cases ol liquors , worth be-
ween 52,000 and .83,000.
Wind and Firo.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Mjrch 12. ( Special
Telegram to the BEK. ' During the high
wind that prevailed thlstftornoon a fire was
started near the corrall ind slaughter house
of Hoffman & Marty in tie south part of the
city , and leaping bevonij control ran Into the
iay yards , burnlnc live tons of hay , racks
and part of the corrall. But for vigorous ef
forts In tearing dofrn a corn crib a dlsas-
rotis fire would have resulted. Np Insur
Run. Over aid Killed.
OTTUMVVA , la. , Marcli U [ Special Tolo-
jram to'the BEE. ] V. long , aged between
ifty and sixty years , an'l ' an old soldier , was
tilled by the Chicago , B\rllngton \ & Qulncy
train No. S at Falrlicld tils morning. ' He re
sided near Ottumwa. Tie engineer thinks
ho throw himself on the track.
Barn and Contents Burned.
Ia.March ! 12. [ Special
Telegram to the BEK.J-The barns on the
b'laneiy farm , four mlleseast of this place ,
Diirned this afternoon , together with six
liorses , a largo amount o ! farm Implements
and several hundred bttslels of craln. Loss ,
35,000 ; Insured In the Stte , of Des Molnes.
Mine Clacil.
DES MOINES , la. , Mar i 12. [ Special Tel
egram to the BEK. ] Mne Inspector Stout
has ordered the closing d a drift known as
the Black Diamond mint In Webster county
for failure to comply wth the regulations
prescribed for thu safety > f employes woik-
ina in the mliio.
An Outcast' ! Suicide.
DES MOINES , la. , Marti 13. [ Special Tol-
gram to the BEE.I Thelead body of FriU
Wlltmer , aged thirty , wa found In Couler
creek at the foot of Stteonth street this
morning. The coroner ! jury pronounced It
suicide , lie has been In outcast for bouio
tlmo , having lost hl hojo by drinking.
Bonn * For FVferlng Mill.
GORDOW , Neb. Marthj 12.-Special [ Tele
gram to the Gordon Immigra
tion and Aid society to-day raised 81,500 ,
payable on dpmanll/surjcrlptlon to bo given
as a bonus to a parly wl > will erect a good
flouring mill at thlsjmlc.
Railroad Brfaigj Threatened.
COLUMUUS , Neb.VMati 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] Th B. & M. railway
bridge at this plaeo threatened by tlio
breaking up of the Clap and Loup rivers ,
the rise coining , de.Iang the trains and
causing the 1'latte W.oullow Its banks.
a Woman.
HAY SPUINOS , Neb. , March 12. [ Special
Telegram to the BKE. | . C. Wecter , ono of
the leaders of the Rushile mob of a year
o , was horse-whlppediere to-day by Mrs.
. Akin. J
Buflines * Tranaaotd at the Short
Saturday Hilon * .
LINCOLN , Neb. . Marcl 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the DBE.J Thmfternoon the sen
ate resumed conslderatlji of senate file 231 ,
over which the bad bled was raised the
night before. It Is an a ) to define the course
of action for railways to cqulre title to state
lauds over which thelrllnes might cross.
The bill as previously atpndeil wan passed.
Senate hill allowln the city ot Platte-
moutli and other cities q the second class ot
over 5 , 000 Inhabitants toiave the streets and
ralso revenue for such expenses , wan read a
third time and passed.
The report ot the special committee on
paying a number of employes for Sunday
work wnsthcn taken up and elicited a l ng
drawn out discussion on economic measures.
The six senate employes , who petitioned for
Sunday pay , were , by the report of the com
mittee as adopted , i of used the allowance and
were discharged from further service. The
senate adjourned until 4 o'clock p. in. Mon
linings In the House.
LIXCOLN , Neb. , March 12. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BKI : . ] Mr. Newcomer Intro
duced a resolution to adjourn at 11:30 : to t !
o'clock Monday.
Mr. McCann of Sheridan moved to adjourn
until Monday the 21st , to glvn everybody a
chance to go homo and attend to the spring
Mr. Newcomer's motion prevailed.
Mr. Catdwcll tried to put the Lincoln
trr on Its jlft agc , but objection was made.
The committee on public lands and build *
Inga recommended the recommitment of
house roll 15 appropriating $ V > ,000 for the
Nebraska City asylum for the blind to the
committee of the whole. It was placed on
thegeneial file. House roll 103 , fixing the
maximum railroad transportation ; 4So , ap
propriating 5flOI5.05 for the relief of Cass
county , and 47-1 , rclatingcto registration in
metropolitan cities , were placed on the gen
eral file.
Thu house signed house rolls 39 re
lating to the piuctiase , lease and sale or rail-
load lands , and SOU , empowering vil-
luces and towns to regulate and prohibit the
sale of Intoxicating liquors.
The committee on university and normal
schools reported seventeen bills asking tor
normal schools. One of these. In favor of
Plum Creek , was Indefinitely postponed. The
others wore held over.
Mr. McCann's house roll 209 enabling the
appraisement of school lands In northwest
ern counties was put on the general file.
The liouso went Into committee of tlio
whole , Mr. Peters In the chair. House roll
271 , appropriating S10.C50 to John Lanham as
balance duo tor the erection of the university
chemical laboratory , was read. This amount
he claimed for the work done at the sugges
tion ot tlio board of public lands and build-
in M , which cost 810,000 more than estimated.
Mr. Pemberton showed tlio unconstitution
al Hy of the demand.
Mr. Miller said the work was done honestly
and ouu'ht to bo paid for.
Mr. Dempster said the work was douo as
extra and not under contract If paid for at
all it should bo done under a deficiency.
Mr. Watson said the claim could not bo
collected In the courts , but Air. Lanham was
out of pocket the amount named.
On motion the committee aiose and ro
Senate file 200 , providing for pave
ments in cities of 5,000 and more Inhabitants
was read the tirat time.
Adjourned until Monday at 2 o'clock.
It was thought that a motion would bo
made to-dav to reconsider the vote of yester
day killing the Norfolk asvlum bill , but
it was not done. Tim bill is
now dead and the only way In which to en
able tlio now asylum to open Is to pay for
tlio furnaces and other requirements voted
form the general appropriation bill. The
caucus combine are rejoicing over their
power and predict further reductions In the
Personal Paragraphs.
Miss Kato Donmnn loft last week for a
month's visit with friends nmi relations
in Now York City ixnd Chatham , N. J.
"Doc" A. B. Snuwdcn went to Chicago
last cvenincc to arrange for spring busi
ness supplies , nnct nt the same time let
his loft cyo gaxo upon something that
will add to the fitting up of a most at
tractive jisirt of the Hellman block on the
Thirteenth side.
Advertisements under this lier.d , lucent 6 per
line lor the first Insertion , T cents for each sub-
ecqucnt Insertion , nnd $1.60 a line per month
No advertisement taken for less than 5 cents
for the first Insertion. Seven words will ho
counted to tbo line ; they must rim consecu
tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo hnndodin before 1:80 o'clock
p.m. , und under no circumstances will the } be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in thesu columns rnd hav *
ingthe answers addressed In cure of Tru IJic
will please ask for a chocV to enable thorn to get
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
MONEY To loan on residence property.
Long and short tlmo. City mortgages
bought. K. 8. Rowley , 3U So. 15th at. 7U. ! .
to loan on real oatnto nnd chattels
MONEY & Co. 1511 Farnam St. , ground floor.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
0 per cent. Money on hand ; do notlmvo
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of llnuglns county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris lical Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th et.
300.000 to loan , Bums tvn and upwards ,
Lowest rates. Bemls , room 3 , Barker block ,
S. W. cor. 15th nnd Farnam its. 1KI
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 184
6 FEU CENT-Monoy to loan.
Gregory & Hndley.
Rooms 1 and 3 , Rcdtck Dlock , B20 8. 16th Bt.
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real oitnte ;
no commission charged. Leavltt Rurn-
ham , Room 1 Crolgbton lllook. 117
MONEY to loan. Ellis Dros. , real estate and
loan agents , room 17 , Wbitnell block , cor.
15th and Haraoy. 118
TIITONEY to loan on improved elty property ,
iU- very lowest rites. C. J. Casivoll , room 19.
Nebraska Nat'lbank. ( > 37ml7
TOANS Loans Loan * .
lienl estate loans ,
Collateral loans.
Chattel loans.
Long tlmo loans.
Short tlmo loans.
Money always on band to lonn on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha financial Kichango , n. w , oor. ICtb
and Humor.
Corbett. Manager. 119
to lonn. cash on delay.
J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
rarlon hotel building. 120
, TO LOAN at 0 per cent J. J. Ma-
honey. 1509 Farnnm. 121
' CENT Money.
61'KU . 0. Patterson , 15th a&J Harncy. 123
MONEY to loan In lums to suit , from $ l,0i > 0
to $50,000 ; no delay. Tuttle & Allison , ail
8.13th St. 8 ! m31
rpo LOAN Money Loam placed on 1m-
JL proved teal estate In city or county for
New England Loan & Trust Co. , by UouglM
County bank. Uth nnd Chicago sU. 130
MONEVTOLOAN-Kriink&Son & Co , Fell
bargains in flno watches , diamonds and *
jewelry , 118 South 15th et , 77813
MONEY TO LOAN-Oa city and farm prop
erty , low itttca. Stewart & Co. , Hoorn : ]
Iron bank. 127
ONEY TO LOAN-0 P. Davis & Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st
ONEY TO LOAN-On real estate and chut-
M tola. D. I. Thomas. 123
$ ; 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property nt A
per cent. 0. W. Day , over 1312 IIOUKUB et ,
i' TO LOAN by tbo undersigned , who
a. ' * has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $100 made
on furnitureplnnosorgans , horaos , wagons ,
machinery , ic , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bo paid at any line.each
payment reducing the cost pro ruta. Advances
madn on fine watchea and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are-dealing
with , as many now concerns nro dally coming
Into oxlntenco. Should you need money call
mid nee mo. W. R. Croft , Room i W'thncll '
llulldlng , 15th and Harnuy. > 3t
LOANED ut 0. F. Hood ft Co. ' Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , her p , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. U19 S. 13tb.
o\er Rlnglmms CommUslon store. All busi
ness ttrictly confidential. 133
1NH Chnnce Wanted StocU of groceries
F or harutre In oxcbaniro for 1(0 acres of tbo
finest land In Nebraska , within W miles of
Omaha. Inquire of Berthold * Uo.,6308. lOtb it.
BALK-OoMon Opportunity. Drug
ittoro In ontf of the bust towns In Ne
braska doing a business from $1KOUMo $30.000
per year. Invoice. $ .UOl ) . For particulars , od-
drn8s3ii < N. llithst. , Omaha. Neb. 813 h
J ACKSON STKUUT Steam Uundry and Itatli
House for snlo on ncoount of dissolution of
pntttiorslilp. 'Jho old ostabll < ho < t and good
paying business will bo offered for sale at a
bargain. This place has ) ust bron Improved
wit u n now brick boiler rootu and wash liouso ,
now bnth tubs , nnd Is In flrst-cl s shape
throughout. This Is a raroclinnco , as ft has
boon running with succo < for over flvo years ,
n- ! ! cash , balance to suit purchaser , Inmilro on
promises , 1S Jaoksoii street. 6.3 'JO *
TnilANIC * SON A CO mnKe n spoclnlty of nno
JL' watch repairing at IIS S. IMh st. 7t8 ! 13
WANTED-riwtner In retail shoe bintnuM ,
with $1.000 eapltiilexperience uinipocsiary
C14Icnroo < Arcndo hotel. 74"i in *
FOIt 8ALK To a practical man , n hnlr mtor-
erst In a domocrutlo onpor ; prollti , $ JflO
monthly ; price fl.'JOO ; halt cash. AdilrcM 0 S3 ,
euro of lloo. OS8 13 *
TflOR SAliE llnrnoss shot ) In thriving county
-L1 sent. Addrols J. U. Mason , Coutrnl City ,
Nob. f,75 U *
T0n 3ALK Or Undo lor innd , bct hotel In
JD Wakofleld ilollitf excellent business. Addioss
J. H. Bonn. WnLotloU. Neb. Bf 21 *
FOR 8ALU-Harbor's outfit , including three
reclining chairs , etc. 801 N. loth st.
. 61313
HOUSES LotsrurtnsLandii money loanod.
Berais' city maps , 67 foot , $ J.50 onoh.
lloinln , room ; ) , Barker block , S. w. oor. 15th
nml Fnrnnm stg. Ijq
FOR SALE $7,000 of general morchnndlso
and store furntturo. olonn , well assorted.
Will tnko hnlf In good unlncumborod fnrm land ,
balance In payments \\cllsecured ; good rousons
for soiling. Address Call Box 57 , Alma , Nob.
. 147 13 *
TJ ANK for snlo in a now rnpldly growing town
JJ of (100 Inhabitant * . Flno deposits. Money
loans from 3 to 4 per cent , monthly. A splendid
chance. Address P 39 , Boc oftlco. 015
FOR SALE-Haf ! Interest In one of the best
paying drug stores In southwestern lown ,
Capital required , $2,500. Address 1 > 40 , Boo of-
floe. ma
PERSONAL A young gontlomnn , n stranger
In the olty , would like to make the no-
qulntnnco of n young lady. Object social en-
JoyinunU O 40 Hoc. 701 18 *
PERSONAL. Strangers In the city nro cor
dially Invited to visit Moody'g chliia store
cor. iGth nnd Davenport. It is ono of the hand
somest stores In the city nnd visitors nro nlwnys
welcome. 81113
PERSON'AL-Latlios wishing to boiiutlfy
tholr homos cnn pet Idons nnd inntoiluls
also vojuvium for the now lava work at Jlrs.
M. li TMitcholl's , loader of flno fancy woik , 1520
Douglas. 808 13 *
FRANK & SON & CO. . elegant Jewelry , have
romovcd to 118 South 15th at 778 13
118. DUKANT. CInrivoynat , from Boston ,
will remain In the city n short tlmo only.
Mho rends the deepest secrete , unfolds the fu
ture , unites opnratod lovers , causes Bpcody
mnrilaeos.ia vcuy lellabloln nil nllnirsot life.
Room 1 , Lyons blk , 10th and Chicago. 021-18 *
I > KHSONAL Wo cull the nttontlonof lines-
tors nnd speculators lii Omaha Rcnl Estate
to our special drive In bunrams.of which we nro
solo agents. They nro worthy of Investigation.
J. L. Rico & Co. , Room 8 , over Commercial
National bank. CfeO
IERSONAL For grnding. sodding , pruning
trees , planting shrubs , liouso nnd general
cleaning up. Address J. Astluford. 5th nnd
Dorcas St. , city. 687 18 *
pLAIUVOYANT-Mailam Alaska reveals
\J past , present nnd future. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 512 816th st. 30 n 3
iEKSONAr ; , private homo for Indies during
- - confinement. Strictly confldentlnl , ln-
fnuts adopted. Address E K , llco olllco.101m2C
101-m2C *
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Wnrron
clairvoyant , Medical and btislnesi Medium
Boom No , 8,121 North 16th ct ,0maha. Neb.
N'OTICE. ] have this day associated uiysolf
with H. n. Soydol , formerly in the hardware -
ware business nt ititn and California sts , to
transAct n genorul real estate und rental agency
utNo. UI8 North Kith Ht. , room 11 , up stulra ,
tinder the mime or Lawrence ft Hoydel. Wo
have n large list of property In nil the additions
of the city , nnd n line list of Insldo propuity.
\Vointond giving our personal attention to nil
business lelt with vis , thereby making It nn ob
ject to our customers to list their property with
us. Wo i out houses , rooms , oichango nnd ( .ell .
indso. stocks. If you wnnt a business or wnnt
.to soil one call on us.
J. A. Lnwrcnro.
81313 Limronco & Soydel.
MAHA Laundry , 604 N. 18th St. , first-class
shirts 10o , collnrs and outfs So , family
washing , cheapest In the city. First-class worn
guaranteed. I'/enoo / send us your order nnd wo
will call at your house. 88713 *
rilO parties having houses for rent. Rental
Agency , Ronnwa & Co. , 15st. , opposite post-
" ] ce'w , , , ° lmve turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend thorn. McCnguoBros.
CJiND6UctoM7 ; Mam St. , Dubuque , la. , and
kJrooolvo in return ten largo Blory papers , puz-
1618 Douglas.
_ _ _
I10R BENT square Piano , $ t montnlr. A
Home. 1813 Douglas. _ iqj
JjtlUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft.
HOUSES Lats.Farms.Lands-monoy loaned.
Homli'clty maps , 5t7 feet. $3.SO oaoh.
Ilemls. room 8 , Barker block , B. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam sts. 287
All parties who have bought lots
in Hllllkn's First addition will pay over the
money to United States National bank. Louisa
Hllllke. 033-15
" _
10H BALB-Or Trade A splendid now and
clean stock of dry goods ; Invoice
about $7,000 ; will take part cash , part
real estate. This stock Is In a thriving
and live town ; good trade established ;
good reason for soiling. Park & Fowler , room
4 , 1522 Douglas street. 700 17
OHSBS OLll'PED-At the fair grounds for
$ ' 1.00. Adam Thomson ; good work guar
anteed. 77Ui *
JF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. IBth. 737
NY body wanting wells bored call HI23 N. "
lBtli Telephone 813. 685 IB *
WHOSE intending to put out Irons , shrubs ,
L vines and plants will find it to their Inter
est to call on or address G. L. Emery , 1300 Hur-
ncy St. _ TO 15
F HANK & SON A. CO. , flno watcboi have re.
moved to 118 8. 1.1th st. 778 13
FOR KB NT Square Piano $ J montttly. A
Hospe. 1B13 Douglas. 135
OHAHI.ES PONTEZ. analytical ohomlst and
engineer , analysts of ores , coals and assays
and analyst * of all kinds , ohomlst and miner
alogist to the U. P. K. K. for 15 years. No. 1500
Webster cor 15th st , P. O. Her 404. ClgmlO *
NEW Hoarding House. fine table ? , clean und
palatable victuals. 1418 Chicago st. 3l5 !
E First-class storage for nice tur-
nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-it.
I OK SALE Furniture and G-room bouse for
F rent. Apply to 8021 Charles st. 82313 *
FOR SALE nov-blo barrel shot gun. Prfce
$15. Can be seen atlBOB Wcbstor. 787 15 *
8ALK Lease and furniture of n 0-room
Hat with bath room , etc. , near business
center. Four rooms rented for $1K per month
bove root. Add rim U 8. Boo olUco. 8J 13
HALE. Complete sot of drug natures
and shelf bottles cheap. llughoB * Bchmlat ,
Omulm. 613 13 *
FOR SALE Chenp A bay horse 8 years old ,
biickbnard , wagon , harness ; Bound , good'
traveler ; lady can drive. Address O 6 , IIeo
oflloo. . 13 1
T710II HALE I'axton barber shop. Reason
Ju for aelllng , am g-nlng nut or business 1'or
particulars apply atahop. Jos. KlorullL 739-I4 *
"C OIt HALE About two hundred thousand
J2 brick ; will bo delivered on D. 1' . track ,
Address (1 ( a. , Bee. 7.17 *
OR SALE Lunch counter , good location ,
profits isa per month. Addrusn n 31 , Itoo
office. 741 U *
T71OR HALB A lot'of good frenh'milk cows ,
JJ from lown. Also a fine Jersey bull for
lorvioo and for sale. Corner lOth and Capitol
avo. Crone .V Boyle . UTillS *
T7IOR SALE-Short order restaurant. Good
-L1 location , peed business. I'rodis last month
over $300. AddtQM Y 12. lloe olllco. ft 10 *
Poll BALK A Lyon * Tl ToV"iTprlKhl plnno ,
Blxoctavoi. good as now. nt \erydenlrahlo
bargain. 4HN. Htlnt. 707
OR BALK -A Olydo Canadian smlllon. In-
F fjulre saloon , oor 17th mid Vliitoii. Citi'Jl *
TTUll BAI.K Heavy drntigbt team , cheap for
J cash. Address 016. llco onii-u. UU7-IS *
RANK & SON & CO. . diamonds , have re
moved to 118 8.15th ttroet. J78 13
OR' SALE- good 7-year-old poor at 11U N
Uth M , 170
FOR SALT ! Thoroughbred Jersny bull eight
month * old ; pedigreeglvon , 8. J. Rhcent ,
IQOSflgldBt. TT314 * _ _
"J7KU8AI/H-Fltie itnmblotonlnn Stallion ( ped *
-L1 Igrood ) at a bargain. C. D. Sutphen. niJ
Fnrnnm. 4-7 19
"ij'Oli SALE Cigar , tobacco , stationery , nnwt
Jitoro , Excellent buslncsj. Addrr.sKTO ,
Boa. 768 is *
TTIOH BALE CHHAl'-Vlctor Tricycle , 18SO nat.
Jtorn , bulls everywhere , most as good ai
now. Inquire ot Dr. Williams , Room 17 ,
Arlington block. 607-13 *
FOR BALH-Lnrgo nro proof snfc. Apply at
water works office , isu , Fnrnam street.
K5 17
TI1OU SALE Soda fountain In Kondooiidttloa.
a : Inquire A. MoArtluir , ? ' 6 1'hll Sheridan.
HOUSES-l.otsFnrmsLnnds loaned ,
llfnils' city maps , r > x7 foot , $2.5) etch ,
llomls , room ! ! , Barker block , 8. W , oor. 15th
and I'nrnnm Ms. 123
ITlORSALE-Furnlturo ami lease , 10 room
J-1 house , on prominent ntront , near center of
builnoss , lease has ovurtwo yean to run. Can
mnku rent by letting nvo rooms. House put In
guod roputr. This ( Ann iinunual opportunity ,
you ran purchase the outfit ou very unsy torms.
Address Kfi7.l _ > eo oJTIcO ; cot
C OR SALR a mTilioit hrlek nml upwnrtls no-
JS tides dally out put ot 30,000. r.nqulra
on prcn : ! oi ( , oor Dorcas nnd 2nd sts , Omaha
llrlok and Terra Cott JJ-'iT. Co O.M
LOST Hod pocket boon containing no los and
aecouiits suitable rownnl for return of
promirty to Wilson 4 Strattou , over Morrhants
Natl bk , 771
TKAYED-Ono dark brown mare about 15
bands high ; avo5yonr , from C. U. Kettler
A Co. , 16th and Loarenworth. Liberal reward ,
740 14 *
LOST-$3 reward ; largo clog yellow and whlto.
Upturn to Frank J. Itamgo. 889
WANTED i drivers for railroad work ,
Americans profored , for Oborlln , Kan
sas. Cull at 110 North 10th st. 704 14.
WANTED Agent. No sample to carry. Com
mission paid In advance to a good mnn.
Portrait studio. , 107 S. 14th ft. B21 13 *
TVTANTIU ) S first class barbers $15 per wcok.
T Y Inqulro ul the Pax ton Uarbcrsliop.
Bft'i , 14 * .
\\TANTED-2 first-class waiters , wages f2Ti
T per month , board nnd room. Apply at
Norrls restaurant , 104 8 Kith St. 031
WANTT.D Severn ! good carrier boys on
hotel roportur. Call at olllco nt 15th and
lliunoy , us stairs. 807 13
WANTED A first-class broad nnd cake
baker , good wagosstoady work for year ,
slnglu man , American preferred. W. K. Fur-
man , York. Neb. 74814 *
\XrANTED-Good milker Llttloflold , Saratoga
YV Dairy. 774 1C *
WANTED-Boy. Apply nt lloo mall room.
VVANTEU Youngormlddlo-uyed men. None
' but good , active men of education noml
apply. Room 10 , Ilushman block. J. M. French
ACo. B74 15 *
" \XrANTED A man to take a contract to dig
T T collar at Leavonworth , near Georgia
avenue. Inquire at T. Spotman , 12th and
Douglas Street. 735-13 *
ANTED-An active. dtralght-forward
man , who thoroughly understands and is
able to take care of a retail cash grocery busi
ness. Address , giving references aud wages
wanted , a 29 , lloo offlco. 7JO-13
" \XrANTKD Immcdlatoly , two schoolboys
TT wllh horses to carry routes on Dally
Evening Reo. B52
WANTED Immediately 4 good coat makers
good prices and steady work. J. D.
Black , Storm Lnko , la. 612 13 *
WANTED A furniture salesman. None
but an experienced nmn need apply.
Must bo steady , reliable nnd n hustler. Apply
nt 817 South J3th St. CCft
\\7ANTKD Eipcrioncod dry goods travelling
TT BBloimm having an established trad u In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with rofercnco , W. B. Grimes
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City. Mo. ilo8
ANTED-A strong , active bell boy. with
reference at the \vindsor Hotel. 68J
TI7ANTED 60 sober. Intelligent men of good
TT address to try u lOo meal at Norrls' ros.
taurant , 104 816th at. 136
\\rASTnD.-A first class cook , German or
> Swedish preferred. Apply ut once nt No ,
111 South Ninth. 81J 13 *
TJTANTED A few moro sowing glrli nt Onco.
T T Goo. Stiles , 14th and Loavonworth ots.
\\TANTED An oxpcsloncod ( nrl to tnko rarn
TT of two children nnd do plain BO win { .
Qorinan preferred. 20'J South Jrd etraot.
WANTED A good dlnlnv-room rlrl at ( ho
Vienna Iteetaurant , 1017 Howard t ,
6J5 18 *
TTfTANTEn-Oood girls for housework- Call
TT at Kate Kennedy's Employment Office ,
219 North IQUi Bti 776 1U
ANTED A competent girl for jronornl
housework. 6211'leasant at , 78718 *
\\rANTED-Oood girl for general notwowork
TT in small family. Inquire B443Capitol
avo. 789 14
at 711 N 18th at.
04013 *
TXTANTED Girls for housework ; lots of good
TT places and good wngeg. Cell Omuha Em
ployment Bureau , 119 N. Utb et , Crounse Blk ,
718 la
\\'ANTRD-2 good girlB for kitobon In M 1-
TT lard hotel. 09113 *
WANTED-Lady canvassers everywhere for
the Van-ordnn Long Walit Coraot. Oooil
pay. Circulars free. Address diaries 1'rlnglo ,
Uonerul Agent , Omoha , Neb. 82810 *
TXTANTED Young Klrl for ironeral hemeT -
T T worU ; no washing. 818 Howard at. 76113 *
WANTED-Machlne bands , Omaha Shirt
Factory. 7U8 18
WANTED immodlatoly a good girl for gen-
oral housework. One that cnn go homo
nights. References required , 1123Harney ut.
768 1,1'
WANTED A girl for general housework for
small family. Apply K208 Ohio streot.
" \A7"ANTKU A girl for general houiowork nt
IT. Mrs. George T. Crandoll , 8210 Cagg.
638 14 *
WANTED-Good nurse gtrl to take care nt
1-year-old baby. Apply 3433 Davonpoit
street , otg
WANTED La < Jy partner to manage concern
employing lilies only. Must buy half In-
torost. Small price to right party. Address
"iliisliiogs , " Boo , Council UluOg. 65514 *
W ANTKD-A good nurse Jfirl. Apply at litt'j
Farnam st 6"13
WANTKD An experienced cook ; must nlso
bo good laundress. Family small. Mis.
R. E. ( Inylord. 048 Uoorgla avonuo. 5
T TANTED Dlmnir room girl , Emmet house.
ANTE ! * Dining room girl at MlUor'f res
taurant , 10U4 N 10th it. Ulrt
W ANTU"D An oxporlonood cook and"
laundress In fmoJI family , ( rood wages
paid to competent girl. Reference * required ,
621 Virginia avo- 603 14
W'ANTED-A good girl for general house
work In family of two. Must bo a goo I
laundress. Apply 418 Convent St. 481
TVTANTKD-Qood cook aud Laundress N.
WANTI.D-A good cook. Two In family.
Residence 614 N22d. 44. <
WANTKD Situation In ( rroccry or hard
ware , reforenuei , lly experienced iilcs-
man. AaUrusi UMlloo. tM lU'J
VVTANTKb Situation M bookkeeper eras-
T > Utnntorvoiirrnl clerk. Hood refer
ences. AamussUirr care lice , 781 11 *
ANTKD-A situation at bookkeeper , br a
W youiiir man who can talk Swedish and
Bngllah. Victor llrnco. 1IJI3 Dodye at. 7Mly
WANThlt lly Ittdyof refinement situation
M housekeeper. Address U U"i. Hc
otll ce. 7QM.I *
\H7"ANTBD A sltuntlon by a good baker.
M Hood recommendations. Adragg O 27 ,
Hoe office. tiit 13 *
ANTKD-PoslUon by ninlneer end ma-
clilnUt , Uood reference * . Addrexa U
tt , lluo onice. 7Ut 13 .
ANrKD-Situatlonby n man ot energy 7
and trust , at llrlnjf salary , with olinnca
ofbulldlniMipIn the buslnos * . > Address 1' ,
llowtm.2-.SW Ixjuvonworlh. 7U1 li *
ANTKH A situation as bookkeeper 01
nhortlmtiit Hint typewriter. Hororcacof
furnlsliod on whorl notice. Address It. It
MOIM , I'ltini Hollow , la. Tt ! 17 *