Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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    - -T- ' - - * } : : -
Bullion Bcautiea Who Box , BJW ! and
Fence Like the Profesh ,
Ilccohcr'g Voice IJottleil for Piititre
p. Use Ills One Regret A Great
Tea Party Souvenirs of
NuwYoitic , March 10. [ Correspondence -
enco of the Hin. : ] " 1 feel just as if I was
an angel wading chin deep in a nor-
fumed cloud. " That is a remark by the
late Airs. A. T. Stewart , reported to mo
by Madam Corore , who used to have
[ charge of a department in the Stewart
store. The occasion was Mrs. Stewart's
lirst wearing of woven silk miller-gar
ments , which were then now luxuries ,
even to the richest. Madam Uororo was
reminiscent because she was talking
ubout.tho .semi-private sale of Mrs. Stew
art's wardrobe , which contiins the linest
& possible assortments of costly
F meiits. The exhibition of the Stewart
f nlctures is accessible to anybody with
half a dollar , buttho sight of the deceased
, ' lady's clothes is restricted toacompara-
tivcly few invited persons.
Henry Ward Heeclier leaves some things ,
t > the more glimpse of which would make
f women's eyes sparkle. Ho had a pint of
precious stones of many kinds , though
, neither he nor Airs. Huechor ever wore
any of them , and few were set into
jewelry. They came from eastern coun
tries , principally , and were gifts , in most
instances , from friends who know of his
' singular fad , and who picked them up
E while traveling in the orient. The great
. preacher had many feminine tastes and
fancies , and was notably urbane and
polite in his treatment of women. Few
pastors have ever commanded a nicer
balance between dignity and urbanity in
social intercourse with the adulatory
eistcvs of their congregations , no of
, the lastocc.ision.s of especial lionizing of
Plymouth's not was a charity fair ,
lieccher was there every evening , as in
duty bound , and his adroit courtesy in
receiving homage , repelling sickening
demonstrations of admiration , and get
ting through the ordeal in comfort to
himself and the spectators , was wortii a
Once upon a time it was called the
"manly art of self-defence , " but it is no
longer entitled to that masculine adjec
tive , for the nirl of the period boxes. At
least , she is learning to , and she may
soon be able to knock out with her little
Hats whoever refuses to succumb to her
smiles and glances. She has learned to
fence , to howl and to bet on horse
races , and then she sat down and cried
' for more masculine worlds to conquer.
As boxing was about the only ono she
didn't think herself mistress of already ,
she concluded she would take that with a
rush. As the quickest way of accom
plishing her desire she is taking lessons
of Hilly Edwards and expects to be an
" expert pugilist in a week' or two. Ho
does not take them in bevies , but separately -
ately at the residence of caeli pupil.
" 1 take these pupils just to keep in
good trim myself , " ho said in answer to
. u Question as to how many ho has , "and
11 don't wiint.nny more than will give mo
[ exercise enough to keep mo in good order.
11 don't like to give moro than ono lesson
n day , although 1 sometimes give two.
I've just now come from 'giving a lesson
to a little girl ten or twelve years old.
tSho is , the daughter of wealthy parents
'and they are having her take boxing les
sons on account of nor health. "
now aiiit.s TUT ur THEIR DUKES.
' - "Is that the motive that inspires most
of your pupils ? " 1 asked.
f " .No ; they have a good many different
. motives. Those from the wealthy , leis-
Jure classes and I have a number of
these learn to box for the sake of the
, exercise , or because they want to know
how. Then I'hayo ' some theatrical ladies
who go into It as"a matter of business.
They learn to box because it will make
* them moro graceful , and because as : i
* matter of business it will bo prolitablo. "
, "What do yon think of boxing as a
moans of exercise for women ? "
"Unquestionably it is tlio very best that
t a man or woman either can tako.
A great deal better than fencing bo-
' "cause It dovolopes only thn right side of
the body , while boxing brings into play
i every muscle from the toes to the brain ;
for you have to keep on the alert , with
, jour eyes on your opponent , nnd your
f thoughts concentrated so that your brain
US well as your body gets stirred up. "
; "What kind of pupils do you find the
glrldf Do they learn as easily as men. "
, "I find them quite apt , but they do not
learn as quickly as men. because it hasn't
i been bre-l into them , lilows como kind
f.ol natural to men , you know , but girls
' . have never had anything of this kind be-
.jforo. and it takes them longer to learn. "
. " "Which do they learn quickest , to
; gnard or attack ? "
, "Well , I generally lind that my pupils
are a good deal butler at attacking than
vguarding. They are not so quick about
guarding , but attacking seems to dome
" " ' to them naturally. Hut then , there isn't
'much to boxing , anyway. You teach
' them how to load out , and stop , and after -
; tor they get the hang of that once
that's about all there is to it , except to
Hceep up the practice. It's the constant
practice that makes perfect. "
> "Ot course , you use soft gloves with
'i your pupils ? "
: "No , lor the most part wo don't USD
Sa y. because 1 don't intend to hit them
flmrd , but just barely touch them. And
. .If they do get a little tap on the cheek , it
jjuHt hardens the llesh. "
! "How long can the average girl stand
s , p to a bout with yon ? "
S "Ob , that depends on how severe I
jam. If I go about it very gently they
f can keen tip for an hour or more , nut if I
t am a little bit severe they will get
* winded in a quarter of that timo. "
' ' The dress worn by these fair Now
'Yorkers in their contests with this very
' 'pleasant and mild-mannered gentleman
Iw not always the same thing. Some take
( .their boxing lesson in their ordinary
; dress , but that puts them to great disad-
vantage. Some use a sort of bathing
Idreu , with u blouse and knee skirt , and
Bothers adopt the fencing costume , Jer-
. ey and Turkish trousers.
I In the way of shocking things , fashion
i able profanity among wealthy and retined
' .girls may bo mentioned. While it has
cnotgono to the extent of the worst oaths
froai feminine Hp.s in good society , the
guilder expletives have como into piquant
fuse , The evil began last autumn with a
iYogue , for quaint expressions. These
bwero at lirst merely original and curious ,
land the girl who could make unique
[ fcejaculations was thereby distinguished in
hcroirelo. Gradually the demand for
iWronciflr , riskier language arose , and the
| jlicense of fashion extended to almost but
Jjaot quite outright oaths. Now the gen
f nine damn is not unheard in the bon
Iftoir nud parlor of thn belle , and she ex-
f * l lins "My God ! " on the slightest occu-
iifoB. Thu latter offense Is excused by
IMtnein consequence of French preco-
" ' " i. Parisian ladles of the aristocracy
"Mon Dieu" commonly. Hut the
; has reached us limit hero ; rovtil-
. „ a , ' come , and profanity from sweet
Butlm may bu expected to cease this
riag. '
; Mekody who over .heard one of Hoech
cr's speeches will deny that the greatest
American orator of the ago Is lost. This
[ iiicomiuin docs not apply to his lectures.
Ho was far from being at his best in
speaking a piece over and over. Ho ex-
soiled on occasions of arousal , when
ideas came right along with the word ? to
express them ; and his most powerful olo-
juence was without premeditation. 1'rob-
jibly no pastor In the world over earned
a big salary with less effort. Ho would
do none of the drudgery of his olllco
1'astoral calls he never made. The sick
of his congregation were minis
tered to by his assistants. Ho very rarely
thought ot his Sunday sermon before
Saturday , and then eon lined himself to a
Tew notes on a single sheet of paper. Of
the language to be used ho took no care
until in the pulpit. This habit was what
rendered him so poor and slow at writIng -
Ing books and stories. His "Life of
Christ'1 remained unfinished for ten
years , though within a few months of his
death he positively agreed to set about
the second volume. JSut with all his
great feats of oratory , ho missed the op
portunity of his life. At least that was
the way ho felt about it. The jury in
failed to agree on a verdict. Huechor
ever afterward believed , and said so to
his intimate friends , that if ho had ad
dressed the jury in his own behalf he
would have won them over unanimously.
The speech by Evans lasted six days ,
and though exhaustive and able , lacked
the faintest spark of moving eloquence.
The suggestion that Heeclier himself
should sum up for the defense was made
by his closest friend , Deacon Howard ,
and liecuhur took to it strongly , but he
allowed himself to bo dissuaded. To his
death he firmly believed that ho could
have got a verdict , and doubtless he was
No more curious memento of Becchor
exists than that owned by Kdison , the in
ventor of he phonograph. That instru
ment for impressing on a soft metal sheet
the utterances of the human voice , and
then emitting it again by the turning of
a crank , could never bo put to any very
valuable Use , and Kdison has only gained
a few thousand dollars in royalties from
exhibitors. Hut he ulilixcd it to make
collections of famous voices. Since ho
became famous his visitors have included
hundreds of celebrities. Instead of ask
ing them for their autographs , or photo
graphs , he has in two or three hundred
instances requested them to speak a few
sentences into a phonograph. He has
kept the plates in a cabinet , and occa
sionally he runs some of them through
the machine , which sends out the words
exactly as uttered. Kdison is probably
the only man who can revive the si
lenced voice of the great preacher.
The pious calm of the Lenten season
has been varied by a kall'c-klatch at the
Metropolitan opera house. Everybody
that is anybody was there , and from
three to seven in the afternoon there was
a most enjoyable , not to say lively time.
The a Hair was redeemed from levity by
the fact that the proceeds wore devoted
to charity in support of a free library
in South Orange , N. J. , that refuge of
Now York swelldom. The names of the
ladies who managed the klatch would bn
simply the list of the wealth crowned
headi of society , as may be believed
from this half do/en : Mrs. VV. W. Astor ,
Mr ? Cornelius Vanderbilt , Mrs. L. 1' .
Morton , Airs. U. V. S. Hoosevolt , the
Countess do Alolko Hvitfeldt , Airs. Cad-
wallador Evans. It was a brilliant
and successful occasion. Everybody
who came in paid a dollar
for Ilia privilege and received in addition
to his or her admission a china cup and
saucer and all he or she could eat of cake
and drink of collee and tea. There was
a band in one of the great parlors that
played Hungarian dances , Vienna
with such persistence that hundreds of
ladies and score ? of men could chatter
at Mio top ot their voices without being
heard by those at the next table. The
talk was limited by the natural but un
written laws of society to the occasion ,
3 per cent ; the tea and coffee , 2 per cent ;
dogs , 1 per cent ; politics , 1 per cent ; the
South Orange library , 000 per cent ; and
one another 03 per cent. The occasion
and the tea and coileo were discussed to
gether when the recent arrivals took re
freshments at one of the numerous tables
where such ladies as Airs. Wildmording
and Airs. Eugene Kelly presided. Horn
wore pronounced successful alter this
Table girl in a splendid blue dress with
a pink rosette to denote her temporarily
menial service "Will you have tea or
collee. Mrs. UlnnkV"
Elderly Mrs. Hlank "Tcaif you please
and have it strong with one lump of
sugar. It is very successful , isnt't if"
Table Girl "Just lovely. Cream ? "
Elderly Airs. U. "Ycs.'I think wo are
to be congratulated , dou't you ? Thanks ,
this is very nice tea. I shouldn't wonder
If wo made a thousand dollars. Did you
sec Airs. Smithkins ? She has her niece
from Atlanta with her. Air. Hlank will
bo hero soon , and I am just going to
make him buy me a dozen of those lovely
cups and saucers. That will be proper ,
considering it's lor charity , won't Hy tee
heo ? "
And the balance of the 3 per cent of
talk about the occasion was made up by
an enthusiastic lady who had discovered
that 500 tickets had been sold at the door
in addition to the many hundreds sold by
the managers on the davs previous , and
overcome with this intelligence she 11 it-
ted about the halls imparting it to every
one of her numerous acquaintance.
Whenever two or three men found them
selves together they folded their arms
and talked about the next presidential
campaign , nodding their heads wilh som
bre gravity when they decided that the
democrats must nominate Cleveland , or
that the republicans would have to choose
between Hiaino and Henry George. The
II. ! pyr cent , about one another
cannot bo even hinted at , but
the dismission of dogs is worth
preserving. It was a lady who might bo
considered as still young who began it.
She entered the refreshment room fiom
the. corridor , and recognizing the lady in
charge ol the table near the door , ran
up to her and exclaimed vivaciously :
"Oh ! 1 have just seen the lovllest dogs ,
two of them trotting along just as
sweetly , and under the nicest covers ,
too. "
"Ah ! " was the interested response ,
"but I don't approve covers , you know.
Only children should bo covered. "
There was some moro in the same
ynln , but nothing further of importance
in the recognition of canine qualities , erin
in the appareling of them for a Uroad-
way promenade was developed.
I could not help remembering as 1
watched the arcings on of those very
proper people that the last time I was in
the assembly moms , on thn occasion of
the Arion ball , they worn occnpiod by a
very dilleront class of pleasure seekers ;
the tables wcro dripping with spilled
wine , the air was thick with tobacco
smoke , and the women who graced the
srcnu wore more or less drunk. It was
as if a Salvini-Hooth combination had de
scended upon the stage just quitted by a
variety show. CI.AUA UKI.L.
Advice to WorkiiiKiiion.
American Catholic News : Workingmen -
men ! lot thoru be justice all around.
While seeking it for .yourselves , do not
tinny it to others. Do not attempt the
impossible to mate every nun believe
according to your code. . Give others the
right of opinion and free judgment. It
a man does not bolievtt u.s you do he Is
guilty of no oH'ensn , and never prevent a
man from putting broad into lu ' child's
mouth , - -because- trying to do so you
arc violating the strongest law of human
nature , signed sealed and delivered by
God Himself , and engraven .on eVery
Lumau heart. .
Adam Badoan UoOj His Raminisoan t
Scalpel on a Family History ,
The First Store nnd First P/irtnor
Woful Wire and Wealthy Wldo *
Secretary of tlio Treasury
Their Old "Clo's. "
NKW Yoiuc , March 0. [ Corre
spondence of the Hii.l : : "Tho Lord
shows what Ho thinks ot wealth by the
people ho gives it to , " says an Italian
Droverb. Hut some times the people earn
It themselves , and oven then , don't know
what to do with it. The "History of a
fortune" would bo a good name for a
novel , of which A. T. Stewart should bo
the hero , and his wife , or widow , rather
the heroine ; and Hakao never had char
acters moro worthy of his scalpel or dis
secting table. Since both are pa t all
earthly feeling , and nothing remains of
what was either , but their memories
not even descendants the reality may ,
perhaps , bo laid bare.
lean remember when the Washington
hotel in New York was burned down on a
Fourth of July , forty odd years ago. It
stood on the site of what was afterward
Stewart's famous "Store , " on the corner
of Hroadway and Chambers streets , and
when the ruins ware removed the already
prosperous merchant erected the marble
palace of trade , the prototype and foun
dation of that other palace he put up
more than a quarter of a century later ,
in the Fifth avenue. It is needless to toll
of the lowly origin and small beginnings
of the Scotch Irish immigrant ; or of the
apple woman whom ho looked upon as
his mascottc , and whoso stand followed
his own , crossing Hroadway wilh him ,
and remained for years undisturbed on
the pavement fn front of his creat estab
lishment , where wealth and fortune de
scended from their carriages to dissipate
fortunes and time. When I was a young
man , I was intimate with the son of
smwAirr's VAUTNUH ,
Frank Warden , a literary amateur who
wrote plays and translated French
novels , but lived off of the liberal allow
ance mailo him by his father. The elder
Warden was the member of Stewart's
linn , who resided in 1'aris , and ordered
French silks and French gloves for the
great shop in Chambers street. In these
days no one with pretensions to fashion
could wear any gloves but Aloxandro's ,
and Stewart had a monopoly of their
sale in America. Warden had another
son , who was a fashionable aspirant , and
in time achieved an entrance into the
most exclusive circles in Now York ; but
his father lirst put him behind the counter
in Stewart's establishment , where the fu
ture beau for awhile sold gloves to the
belles he was afterwards destined to
dance with. His sister has since mar
ried into a noble family in England , and
may pno day become a peeress , for the
English think that wealth quite loses
every taint of trade , if it is amalgamated
into the nobility.
Young Warden was in society long be
fore A. T. Stewart dreamed of becoming
fashionable. When the wealthiest legiti
mate merchant of our time began to
build his stately structure on the corner
of Thirty-fourth street , ho removed into
the lariru mansion opposite , while the
other was in progress ; and I can remem
ber a woman bf fashion telling me that
every day in her splendid parlor , expect
ing the exclusivcs of the neighborhood to
call on her ; but they never came. Now
York "took " Stew
society never up" the
arts , though hundreds with no better pre
tensions , and scores with far less claim ,
have succeeded in that mysterious .sphere.
Stewart , himself , I fancy , never cared to
bo in fashionable life , except as an indi
cation of his success , and when I lirst
knew them , Mrs. Stewart seemed entirely
different to what "alls itself "society. "
I made their acquaintance when Gen
eral Grant lirst visited New York , after
the close of the civil war. A r. Stewart
had been 'staunchly loynl , liberal with
his wealth and his inlluence and his labor
in the cause of the union , and he became
ono of Grant's most devoted friends.
The stand ho took brought him into
greater prominence , and fust made him
more than a great tradesman. It showed
him , indeed , in his largest aspect ; for he
was narrow in many tilings. The lack
of early advantages were more appar
ent in liim than in many of the self-made
men of America. It was not only that ho
had the truomerchantspirit that he was
munilicient with millions and mean about
a penny ; not so much that he showed the
lack of scholarship or deficiency in other
acquirements ; but there was a smallncss
about his ideas , a pettiness at times about
his feeling , a lack of many sides of his
character all of which betrayed the life
of application to business ho had lead for
more than forty years so close indeed ,
that he had time for nothing else. And
yet it was this very life that resulted in
his mammoth fortune and the importance
and opportunities it gave him. This for
tune and brought him
into connection with General Grant , and
thus made his name national. During
the winter preceding Grant's first inaugu
ration , I remember
witli the president elect. The company
was composed exclusively of men , but of
as much distinction , social or personal ,
as ono often meets under ono roof in
Now York : Hamilton Fish , John Jacob
Astor , Joseph Harper , Edwards Piorr-
pont , Judge Daly , Judge Hilton , all wore
present , and others , "perhaps , as emi
nent. The table , of course , was suinntu-
oils and all the accessories elaborate.
Air. Stewart called attention especially
to the Johannisbergor wine of some es
pecial vintage , which , at the close of the
dinner , was served by the thimbleful ; ho
only brought it out , ho said on extraor
dinary occasions ; it had cost him thirty
dollars a bottle.
Nobody dreamed then that Air. Stewart
was to be appointed secretary of the
treasury ; but before the -Hh of Alarch the
nlaco was offered him. As the world
knows ho was appointed and continued ,
and then it was discovered that ho was
ineligible. A forgotten law prohibited
anyone interested in imports from hold
ing the ollicc of secretary of the treasury.
Stewart had been immensely gratified at
the offer and was anxious to hold the
post. Ho proposed to turn over his great
business to trustees for the space of four
years , the entire profits to be devoted to
some public or charitable purpose in
which ho should cot be interested , lint
the device was insufficient to obviate the
difficulty , and another secretary way ap
pointed'in hlSjStead. Thus
of becoming a statesmen. The president
could find another secretary of the treas
ury , but Stewart had no other president
to turn to. He became a plain dry goods'
man again , without place , or power , or
public career. To bo so near a great po
sition , and yet to lou it ; to be appointed
and continued , and even congratulated ,
to have made his arrangements ami
doubtless , determined on his appoint
ments in advanoa and yet to bo dashed
down to private life , was hard. But be
sides this , btewart thought that seine of
the importance or inllucnco whinh had
been offered him Miould have been til-
.lowed to remain. . Ho oven wanted to re
tain a litto of the natronago which might
Have been his , had ho entered olllco. I
have , mdro than once seen men go out of
government on friendly terms with its
chief ; but after they left they could not
forget the power and pr.sltion they once
hail held ; they seemed a'ways ' to feel that
'they ' should possess some of the olllcial
.privileges and relations they had enjoyed
liefori1. When this proved impracticable ,
their feelings were apt to change , nnd
their friendship cooled. Something like
this occurred withStowait.
I went out of the country in Alay , 180 ! ' ,
and returned in the next September. On
arriving at Now York I went to Mr.
Stewart's great store , as 1 had been used
to do before Grant was president , and
spent an hour with him in private tnlk. 1
was amazed at the tone of his conversa
tion ; he did not expect , he said , to enjow
the inllucnco he had once nnticipatml.
but oven the few favors ho asked , had
been withheld. The personal friends he
had expected to advance were overlooked
or their claims belittled , if not ignored.
.luixin uii/rox ,
his life-long associate and intimatehe liad
hoped would bo appointed collector of
New York , and a relative of his wife ho
w.mted made consul at Havre. The col-
luetorshlp was gone irretrievably to an
other , and instead of Havre his relative
was offered Hordeaux. He wanted mo to
represent this to the government' Hut
the government was made up ; the car
riage was full ; the train had started , and
those who had not succeeded in entering
could hardly expect to bo treated like reg
ular prssengers. Stewart was out in the
cold. He saw the president occasionally
after this , and entertained him when he
came to New York ; but their intimacy
was at an end.
Meanwhile his great house went on
building. Hut he had his superntitions
and I was told ho dreaded entering the
mansion he had begun , bceaiibo of the
fear that ho would bo the llr t to die after
entering it. So the house was finished
years before he could prevail on himself
to take possession. It was furnished
elaborately , but stood awaiting its
master , who looked upon it fiom his
dwelling on the opposite side of the
fetrcut , anxious , yet unwilling to inhabit
the stately .structure that so resembled a
It was a strange lot , that of this modern
Cnusus , rolling in wealth that he could
not enjoy ; unlit'ed by his simply habits
and education to relish the sumptuous
style of his new life ; with no children to
inherit his colossal fortune , or per
petuate his name : his wife , unat
tractive in person of later years ; afllicted
with deafncns , and unable to call about
her the society which her station seemed
to demand ; the two living solitary , in
ono great house , and staring at the other ,
still grander , and the years rolling by ,
till they were old people before they trol ;
its lloors as inmates.
Airs. Stewart never seemed to have
much Influence with her husband. She
added nothing to his importance ; the
children she had borne nini all died
years before his wealth bccamo so enor
mous ; and if their married life was free
from scandal , it seemed to those who
observed it , cold , cheerless , silent , in the
miiist of the midst of their magnificence.
Stewart it was wild ,
the command of money ; nndsurrounded
by her splendor , she was often unable to
gratify some simple wish for the want of
means. She had a few line jewels , with
which she decorated her plain person ,
ami helped proclaim her husband's mil
lionsbut her own tastes and desires were
ignored in the distribution of her income ,
or her allowance.
At last they established themselves in
the marble monument , and within two
years Mr. Stewart died. He left one great
legacy of a million to his tricnd and
associate in all his' ' affairs , Judge Hilton ,
and several immense bequests for hpoeial
objects the cathedral at Garden City ,
the hotel for shop women , etc. , but the
bulk of his property , of probably
the largest fortune in personal estate
that had over been bequeathed in Amer
ican he willed to his wife ; the woman
who had been stinted in her expenditures
for seventy years. And then the double
mockery began. A splendid mausoleum
was erected for the millionaire's remains ,
more magnificent than any other on the
continent ; but before it was complete the
bones of Dives were stolen from their
temporary resting pluco. TJie cathedral
was finished , but whether 'ho in whoso
memory it was built is placed beneath
whether the shrine is a sepulchre or a
cenotaph only ono or two have over
known. All the gold of California could
not preserve the ashes of the dead from
desecration , and his very wealth made
him lie less undisturbed in that last
home , where the poorest and humblest
of earth's unfortunates hope for repose.
Then came the story'of ' the estate.
Judge Hilton had been Stewart's most
intimate friend tor twenty years , the
companion of his daily lit'e , the confident
of his secrets. He had given up an ini-
nortant position on the bench to devote
his life and labor to that intimacy. Ho
was the man whom Stewart , in the prime
of his days and the visor of his intellect ,
selected for this peculiar relation doubt-
Jess with the pledge of amply remuner
ating the lawyer and the friend who made
the sacrifice. Upon Stewart's death the
remuneration came. Not only a million
as a legacy , but the oxccutorship of A
vast estate , was bequeathed to Hilton ,
and no ono who had known the connec
tion of the men for a generation could
have been surprised. Airs. Stewart
shared the confidence which her husband
reposed in Hilton. The intimacy be
tween thorn became greater than that be
tween Stewart and his legal friend.
TIII : roou oi.u LADY ,
emancipated from the parsimony of her
husband , revelled now in such enjoy
ments as age still loft possible. She liad
few friends ; shti could'not , after seventy
years of comparative simplicity , begin a
life of fashionable frivolity ; but a strai'S'i
fancy sci/.cd her. It was found that . ' .or
vflbity was greater than oven the ordinary
vanity of woman ; a love of dress , which
had been starved or stilled so long for
lack of food or fuel , now burst out with
a positive fury , like the appetite of the
famished , when suddenly provided with
profusion. Living in the midst of almost
unexampled wealth , .she had yet been
prohibited from expending it as she
desired , and now , superannuated and
dccropid , she indulged her feminine
fancy for line clothes ! Her diamonds
were of incredible si/.o and price ; her
wardrobe rivalled that of queens in
extent and quality ; the rarest satins and
laces wore her ordinary wear. She is
said to have decked her ancient frame in
nil the gauds of the jeweler and milliner
and lu-inlresser , and stalked alone along
the corridors in that empty house whom
her husband had becd afraid to live , and
to which he had only como to dio. Thus
she lingered a few years , unable to spend
a tithe of her income , and devoting her
last days to the study of fashionable
attire and the mysteries of the toilet ,
neither of which could give her charm or
elegance to ago which even youth hud
hardly enjoyed.
At last dci'th snatched her from her
fineries and
at private auction. Not only her gowns
and her jewels , but the most secret portion
tion of her attire , and the icxtravagancies
of bur ancient vinity all are offered for
sale ; while the works of art and vertu
which her husband accumulated the
picture of Napoleon that Aloissonier
painted for him , the statues , and porce
lain and faience for which neither ho
nor his wife had any real taste , but
which were the appurtenances nnd
insignia of the'r ' wealth are to bo
chaffered and bargained for , and criti-
ci/.ed and pronounced Inferior ami out of
date , bv the curious crowd. At the same
time tlio will ot the widow is dis
puted by the heirs , and the great fortune
the result of so many years toil , am
patience , and effort and skill-Is tossed
into thn courts ; all the secrets of the
family and the friends are to bu exposed ,
uud uiado sport and study for the
Lies just south Of Hansoom Parkonly 2 miles from the court house ;
on high and sightly ground. 176 beautiful residence lots.
Events are shaping that will make these lots an investment
Year from
Ten months ago we told you there was big money in SOUTH OMAHA
property. You were skeptical and waited , and what did you miss ?
Some people say , "Oh ! its all luck , this making money. " Luck to the
dogs. Its
These are the elements that go to make up the sum of prosperity. Take
a scjuare look at the case of Thomason & G-oos' addition , who own
the 600 acres adjoining it on the south. T
Who , without any further effort , could peddle it out in the next two
years for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Do you suppose they are Idiots
enough to do this ? . No ! They will either build or subscribe to A
CABLE LINE and realize three millions from it.
to yourselves , do a little investigating and figuring and you will see
that there are the "Greatest Bargains on Earth , in lots in this ' Key to
Omaha and South Omaha. Remember that this choice suburban res
idence property , situated on the everlasting Hills , midway between
two cities , that are last closing in to one solid mighty metropolis.
Pharcmacy Building , South Omaha and 1509 Farnam , Telephone 73
world. The very wigs and underwear of
an old woman are to bo hawked in tlio
halls that were built to glorify her hus
band , and those other sacred things of
sentiment and feeling and private
history Hung broadcast into the market
place. This is a time when wealth is
worshipped more madly , they say , than
over before in history , but the little that
wealth can accomplish or secure was
never more notably manifest.
A Ocorcla hen distinguished herself ! the
other day by laying two o , s at one time.
Over three hundred pounds of wild honey
weic lately found in a hollow tieenear Utica ,
In an oranco grove Apopka , Fin. , a
few days aijo was lounU a pipe of beaten
A colt born near \Vanl , Ark. , a few days
ago came into this world without any fore
legs. Othui wise it is perfect.
A cross-eycii cat , ono of the few known to
bo In existence , is owned by Mrs. ( Jeorge He-
bard , of Hartford. The cat has a laige bushy
tall and doitbln paws. Ho has never been
able to catch a rat. but Is fond of appropriat
ing the victims of other cats.
The farmers ot Alamcda county , Cali
fornia , are trvlntf to keep their crops from
being totally destroyed by the ducks uud
gecbo by burning hero and there candles ,
which are protected troin the wind uy sacks.
It Is sold the device woiks satisfactorily.
Jim Arbucklo , of Missouri City , Mo.thinks
a preat deal of Tommy , his pet cat , who Is
able to talk a little and to hum "Sweet V lo-
lets" in perfect time and time. He can pro
nounce the words "yes" and "no" so as to
be understood , and seems to coinnrelio nil
ordinary questions that are addressed to him.
Forty-nine years ngo the father of Harrison
Gilbert , of Chili , 111. , bought a two-year-old
pony from the Indians. When tlio war ol
the rebellion began the pony was twenty-live
yea is old , but Mr. Gilbert rode him all
through the war. and neither was hurt , The
old fellow still lives , tomtorlv cared for. Ho
hnsn't a tooth in his head , lives on coin and
br.T % . iMit h , and is probably the oldest horse
in America , If not in the world.
Air. .1. K. Itltchlo , who lives
at Sheffield's mill , Ulakely , ( ! .i. . heard
his doir barking a short distance
from his house lust week , but did not pay
much attention to It. The next day the dog
wont to tlio same place and commenced to
bark ttaain , when Mr. Ultchlit went to see.
what was the mutter. On icachlii ! , ' the spot
ho found a venlar o black .snake wrapped
tiiuily around a large hawk. They were
both alive , hut with a coed stick Mr. It. soon
laid both out. It is supposed that the hawk
stiuck lit the snake and tailed to carry It off ,
it being bo large.
Last season while Mr.V. \ . J. Wilbur nnd
his men were pressing hay at Mr. Case .s
barn , south of Troy , N. V. . they found a live
hen down about the middle of the mo > v next
to the .side of ttio barn. She must have been
confined thereover a year , as them was no
chance tor her to get In or out or thu place
when ) found ami must have been covered up
when the hay was put In the mow over a
year before it was taken out forpiesslncr.
The hen had tramped down n place largo
enough to turn round nud stand up In , nnd
eighteen cgns wcru found In thu hole with
her. Mho was verv week nnd poor and died
soon nftor boiuir fed. The noovo Is a tact
that can bo proved by several who were
there when she was found , nnd It U a won
der how she coitW live over a year without
anything to e t
Gorman evangelical dignitaries are form
ing a league against the Increasing power of
Fifty thousand dollars has been glvnn
towards establishing n missionary bishopric
Canon Fnrrar sava that In India the
Kucllsh "have made 100 drunkards tor one
Christian. "
At.SanPmiln a Ilra7llinu recently maun
n gift of S' towards erectliu- buy's
training school.
The agents of the Illhlo jtonH-ty In lolcln.
Japan , have been unable to meet the iltjmaiut
for the bible In that citv.
The Chinese branch ( if the Kvangellcnl
alliance has Issued n call tor special prrt > cr
for the youmc emperor of China.
Canon asll Wllberfomi has been
censured by the bishop of Winchester lor
pleaching In a Consregitlnnal church.
llerlln has lo-.t nnntlier of Its celebrities In
the person of Dr. Uif.taveUs.cb , a famous
protestant preacher and thcolojjuiu , who
sought to reconcile the doctrines of modem
science with dogmas of cluistbnlty.
Professor Crelirhton has completed two
more ( making four ) of the uigut volumes ho
haspiojeetcdof his "History of the Papacy
During tlio Period of the Information. "
which nave boon Issued trom the press of
Jjonusmuii , Gruen & Co. , London.
Atthoboglnniiuot the ye.u1SSO , there
wero'J.Tinord.iiiicd foreign missionaries In
the world : 182 lay missionaries ; iVi-JO women
missionaries , ; ! , Uu8 ordained native preael- ;
ers)8 ; , ( 2 uiioidalnud native helpers and
SUJ,023 native Christians. The ye-u's income
of missionary societies wns SIO.IJTI'OJ.
An old chinch In Utlca , X. V. , which is
soon to bn torn down , belongs to a society
which was orpani/eil by the icformed Dutch
In lW ( . aiulchaitoredas a jongregation by
William III in UiW. The present building
was elected In 1W. and during its erection a
riot arose because4ty m.ublu was cut by Sing
Sing convicts. '
The present southnrn tour of Key. .lolni
Hall and n similar tour to be mailo pid-.untly
by tlio Itev. Dr. T. L. Olivier , aio remarked
by the Atlanta Constitution to bo in the in
terest of a union between thu iioithcrn and
southern biaunhes of the Presbyterian
church , to clluut which an attempt will bo
made nt the next general ns oinbly.
The idea of a theological seminary at Ann
Arbor , Mich. , long mooted by several denom
inations , has nt last taken form , and the
Piesbyteiinns are making active preparation
tor its'establishment. . A hoclety has been
organized to that end , and a wealthy woman
1ms deeded them one of the best locations in
the city tor a site , besides giving them in hoi-
will a linu house nnd lot adjoining. Mtty
thousand dollars Is to bu raised in the state ,
of which § 15,000 will be used for a building.
Cardinal Jncoblnl's gifts as a politician
rivaled his qualities as a churchman. Ho
served the Holy See as faithtully. If not as
brllliantly.nshfspredccebSorAiitonelli served
during tlio pontificate ot I'luslX. To his
Addtess and talents the present pope is largely -
ly Indebted for the success of home of his
most delicate diplomatic negotiations. At
the time of his death CaullualJnuobinl had
not completed his fifty-seventh vear. In
person ho was short and rotund. His spirits
were exceedingly llvnlv. and in humor ho
was a match lor Leo Xlll hlmsulf.
Twenty-live thousand dollars has been
nppioprinted to thu Alaska school luiul by a
bill \ \ hlch passed the senate last wcuk ,
Dr. Wnldstcln Is giving at Harvard n series
of lectures on the "Nfnitons InfluuticfS At-
fectlug the Development ot Greek Ait. "
Kuvsla nnd Biilgaiiaaroicpiesontod by one
student each In the post-graduate dopuit-
ment , established this year at the University
of Now Voi l : .
There nro eighty-eight Catholic colleges In
the United Slates' ' , and no two ol them have
the same of studies , or require the
? amo attalniuenib from their graduates.
A careful statistician reports that there me
In America l.isOl Institutions devoted to
higher education. Attending these nro
NM'i70 male nnd UO.5'37 fonwlo students.
The meeting ot the Xntional Kducatlonal
association , of Chicago , next .July , promises
to ho largest educational gathering ever
held. It Is expected that 1.1.00J teachers will
bu in attendance.
Miss Mary Hortoii , n gnvl'udn ' of the Jtos-
ton high school , has been elected nnd sworn
In ns recording clerk ot the Ohio state sun-
ate. This Is the Hist tlmu that a > voiaan has
been chosen for that position.
In the Sandwich Islands nil flillilron be
tween tl.o ngus of sK nnd liflean are
obliged to attend school. An Inspector-gen
eral Is at the head ot the school i yimrtmn it ,
fill the ollice.
but no clergyman Is eligible to
The Journal of Kdueatlon , London , thinks
It would 1m n PU//.IO to nnmp twenty-three
Knirllshwen who know oiioiiith of the mem-
t Ho of education to give nny wliiablu ai vice
In reference to n list of books teachers ouht
to if d.
A substantial Bouvi'iilr ofthp exercises at
the celebration of the iWtli annlvesary of the
founding of Harvard university Is soon to bo
Issued hy the Itaud Avcry company , of Hos-
ton , In the way of ; i "iVUlii nmilveiiury edi
tion" of Mo-tea KliiK's "Jlarvmd and Its
Surrounding" . "
Professor Matthew Brown Itldule , D. } '
of the Unrtford Theological seminary , has
been elected to the chair of Now 'lestaineut
Literature nud F.xcgesls In the A lughony
Theological seminary , In place nf Professor
Warliem , who has KOIIO to Princeton.
The Yale Xew contains statistics as to
the occupation of the fathers of the tresh-
men. It was found that merchants , lawyers ,
physicians and laborers bond the greater P-'t
'cunt to thn academic department , whlhi gen
eral business men , manufacturers , bankers ,
clergymen , teachers , nud mechanics favor
the suluntllie school.
The Boston Pilot estimates the number of
children attending Catholic parochial schools
in the United States nt OUO.OOJ , of whom
500,000 nro In the lower and 100,030 in the
higher grades. "It Is not rash to piedlct , " it
says , "that before the close ot this decade
the nnmherof Catholic schools in the United
States will bo doubled. "
One of the most Important of the annual
assemblies ot educators Is that ot tlio "de-
p.iitmont of superintendence" of "The Xnr
tlonnl Education association. " which will
have Its regular meeting In Washington tlid
cm rent month. The members of this as
sembly , If sunh n statement can bo maOe of
any ono body , may bo said to Include the
leading educators connected with t hi ) public
school system of the United States.
Professor S. A. Saxman , who had charge of
the United States Government school atLor-
ing , Alaska , \vas drowned last December In
Clarence Straits , Southeastern Alaska. The
straits are dangerous In winter , but the pro
fessor set out to cross tin-in In a canoe with
two natives. A .storm came on , which lasted
several days. Aseaich paity loiind bits of
the wicckcd canoe , but no trace ot Its occu
pants. Professor Saxumii's widow is now In
San Francisco. She expects to bo nprolntod
to the position that her tilled , as she
has had much expeiience In teaching.
Proverbs Ritlatiiic lo Clouiln.
There can be no doubt that these who
observe the clouds can make prctiy
shrewd guesses as to the weather for the
next twenty-four hours. Proverbs re
lating to clouds are very numerous , and
wo give a few of these which arc applic
able at this time of the yei'r ;
Anvil-shaped clouds are very likely to
bo followed by a gale of wind.
If the sky becomes darker , with
out much rain and divides into two
layers of clouds , expect sudden gusts of
Urassy- colored clouds in the west at
sunset indicate wind.
If you sou clouds goingcross windthere
is a storm in the air.
U'hon on clear days isolated clouds
drive over the /enith from the raln-wiml
side , storm and rain follow within
twenty-four hours.
If the clouds bo of different heights , the
sky being grayish or dirty blue , with
hardly any wind stirring , tins wind , how
ever , changing from west to south , ex-
poet 11 storm.
Hlack clouds in the north in winter in
dicate approaching .snow.
If on a fair day in winter a white
bank of clouds arise in the south , expect
Sll OV
Small black clouds drifting from the
southwest is a sign ot rain.
If in winter the clouds appear lleecy ,
with a very blue .sky , expect cold rain or
K cloudi ) bo dark
'Twill inln , do you hark1. '
If clouds he bright ,
'Twill clear to-night.
If a layer of thin clouds drive up from
the northwest , and under other clouds
moving moro to the south , expect flno
Clouds in the east obscuring the sun ,
indicate fair weather.
If the .sky beyond the clouds Is blue ,
Bo glad , there Is a picnic for you.
If clouds at the same height drive up
with the wind and gradually bceomo
thinner and descend , expect line weather.
Enough blue sky in the nprthwent to
make a Scotchman a jacket , is a sign of
appronahing clear weather.
\Vhiiii the clouds hang on thu mountain
side after a rain , and the sun shines on
top of the mountains , the storm is over.
Tlio Prnoloiifl AfntalH ,
Of the amount of silver in esistenco
? 1,000.003,000 is estimated to bo in coin
and bullion , $1,2011,000,000 in watcheH.and
the remainder in plate , jewelry , and or
naments. Of the amount of trold In ex-
i.stonco ? l,7-ir.,0iOOU ( ( ) IK estimated to have
been obtained from North Amuiica ,
$730,000.000 from South America ,
$ < > : uoO,000 ! , from Kurope , $17,000,000 from
Africa , and fai.OOU.iMO . from Asia , In-
.eluding Austria , Now Xoland , and Ocean-
ca. The amount of precious in etuis inna
Istonce is cHtlnmted lobe * 1U , t)74OCOCO ) (