THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY' , MARCH 13 , 1887.-TWELVE PAGESL 11 HEARTHSTONE HAPPINESS , How to Make Homa a "Thinj of Joj and Beauty Forever. " HARMONIOUS HOUSEHOLD HINTS Ilcro'n to the llntiy llraltliy Conver- nation Having AnniscnicnCH as well nn Work Honor'i I'ro- per Hosting i'lucc. A Mother to tier Ilauy. H'Me Aunhe. To the Sweetest. Mlit DIM rest. The Trtipst , The ; To a voice that Is sweet as the bird's In the nest : To a cheek like the flush on the leaf of the rose ; To a dear little tlp-tlltcdloveof a nose ; To lips that him ! gathered thn glory of blonm From crimson cm nations deep spiced with perfume ; To ojfs that are dark as the beauty of nleht , Yet tilled with star-splinters of nriowy IL'ht ; To a smile that's as glad as the laughter of dawn When the \eil of tliu darkness Is slowlv with drawn To a heart but w hat symbol that Is not dlIno Can I choose for the heartof my dear Valen tine ? And what words can I frame that will do my lu-lipst. That will bear all my love , with a Io\er's fond rest. rest.To the Dearest , The Truest , The Best I Homo Flrnt. Mrs. Ueechor : "Let homo stand first before all other things ! Xo mat ter how high your ambition may transcend its duties , no matter how far your talents or your influence may extend beyond its doors , before everything else build up a true hoinol lie not its slave ; bo its minister ! Let it not be enough that it is swept and gar nished , that its silver is brilliant , that its food is delicious , but feed the love in it , feed the truth in it , feed thought and as piration , feed all charity and gentleness in it. Then from its walls snail come forth tn ! ; true woman and the true man , whoMiall together rule and bless the land. " Is tins an o\crwrought picture ? Wo think not. What honor can bo greater than lo found such a home ? What dignity higher than to reistn its undisputed honored mistress ? What is the ability to speak from a public plat form to large , intelligent audiences , or the wisdom that may command a seat on the judge's bench , compare to thai which can insure and preside over : i iruo home. that husband and children "rise and call her blessed ? " To the guiding star , the ruling spirit in such u position is higher honor than lo rule an empire. Two Ways or "Kntertaltilnjr. " Chicago Tribune : "Knlerlaining" has como to bear a very different bignitica- tion from what it was intended to have In the beginning. Socially used , it brings up the good t'ainjrs to cat , which the en tertainers will spread before their guests , : isif the greatest pleasures the world nITord lie in what may bo put in their stomachs. A very coed way of looking nt it is that of a noted society woman , who says that people can buy their lunches anywhere , but what the culli- " vnted lady or gonllcman wants is mental food. They want to o.xchango their ideas for new ones ; they want to talk and iiuigh. and to have their thoughts di- 'reeled into inaccustotned channels. The woman who thinks she must pamper to the appetites of her visitors in order to please openly confess either that she has no ability to entertain in any other way , or she thinks her guests' brains are on a level with their stomachs. The same lady gives the most charming parties , when all that she has for refreshment is some nice sandwiches and a cup of hot cofl'eo , and this is ottered without cere mony , although in dainty cups and sau cers and plates , with lino"napestry. . There is a way , and a way , of doing things , _ How to Ainu so Children. While children are satisfied with artifi cial means of amusements , the simplest and most natural sources of pleasure are often entirely neglected. For instance , - n child brings in a handful of liold flowers ; the mother says : "What a litter you are making with that rubbish ; let's clear it all away and play with your prclty doll. " Wnat a source of pleasure nnd instruction might have been derived from examining the different colors , the diflbrent shades of the same color , and the shape and texture of the buds and leaves. . I once saw a child take up a dead Eplder.the ; mother said : "Horrid , nasty creature ; throw it away ; never touch those nasty things ; you may bo bitten nnd hurt one of these days. " What an opportunity was hero lost of tolling the child a number of interesting and enter taining particulars respecting thn eyes , the feeders , the thread spun by the web , etc. And afterward , what useful lessons might have been given by asking Httlu questions in order to lead the child to re peat clearly the information it had re ceived , and to accustom it to an accurate method of expressing its ideas. Something for tha Children , In these days of picture books , crayons , blocks , etc. , it would seem that the little cues would not lack for variety. Hut even these at times prove monotonous , and one must resort to some other device. At such times a blackboard is a source of in terest and oftentimes amusement , and it is not a littlu help in te.tchiug primary iuitlunetic and geography. It is not necessary for it to bo largo , and it will cost but littio. Keep a box of colored crayons as well as white , and do not de prive the children of the pleasure of drawing on the board , as well as writing and ciphering. When small children become < como wearied , it is just as well to release them , or draw their minds oil' in sonic other channel. Therefore , it is a good plan to let each littio one have aslato anil pencil , also a lead pencil and paper , ami when they become wearied with othei studies let them make tellers. Children can not be taught the use of pen and pen cil too carlv , and should bo allowed the free use of them , OTCII at the risk ol scribbling their books , for by their con tinued use they learn to write easily ant ] rapidly. _ To a Vonni : Housekeeper. One of the best rules over given by r mother to a daughter just about to begir housekeeping was : "Always see cTorj part of your house from garret to collai nt least once u day ; the servants get tc know this , and consequently they never throw thin jrs into corners , or leave untidj closets. " This is especially good advici concerning the kitchen. Make a point o : opening pantry drawersJiftinR the wash tub lids ; take a look into the rcfrlgeratoi every morning , nnd see what a diltWenc * it will make in the cook's neatness. J good mistress can nlwajs manage to dt this while she is giving the d.iy's order * nnd in such a way as not to offend tin girl's feelings ; for some and the bcsi girls are very sensitive about bcini watched , or ralhor at having Iheir ability to keep a tidy kitchen doubted. At tin same time , the knowledge that her mis tress is more than likely to take a lee ) into the refrigerator at any time wil greatly Influence the putting away o provisions anil keeping the wastepai empty. _ Young Housekeeper * Hhoald Kn6\v That soda will clean tarnished tin. That vinegar and salt will clean coppo That butter is the bust polish to put inti starch. That baking-sod put on a burn wil take out the heat. rtlllllMllll Mi I - . -v- . . That n heated knlfo will cut hot bread without making it sogzy. That oil of cedar 1 AUTO death to ver min which infest chambers. That toilet sets and all chamber arti cles "liould bo cleaned in cold water. That white lead will camcnt broken crockery , u 10 cent bottle lasling for jours. That a small paint brush should bo used in cracks and crevices when dusting a room. That disease often lurks in a dirty dish cloth , n greasy sink , an unclean teakettle and a poorly ventilated oven. That flannels should bo washed In hot soap-suds , and rinsed In hot water con taining soap enough to soften It a little. That a carpet sweeper is invaluable in a dining-room where small children cat. b it should never bo used for general sweeping. That stiver should be washed with a chamois skin , saturated with silver so.ip , each time after use , thus avoiding a gen eral cleaning. That winifows should never bo washed while the sun shini-s upon them , as It is impossible to polish thorn without leav ing bluu streaks. That preserving jars should be stood on their lu-ads , for at least an hour after sealing , when the liquor will esc.ipo if the jar contains air. That silk dresses should never bo brushed with a wliiak broom , but should bo carefully rubbed with a valvet mitten kept for that purpose only. Conversation. A talent for conversation has an extra ordinary value for common , every day life. Any one who has this gift outers in a social circle anywhere. How anyone's face brightens at his entrance. How soon ho sets all the littio wheels In motionen , couraging the resources , of tha reserved nnd shy , subsiding the facile , and mak ing everybody glad and hanpy. To converse wull is not to engross the ronvi-rxatiou. It is not to do all the talking. It is not necessary to talk with very gn-at brilliancy. A man may talk with Mich surpassing power and splen dor as to awe the rest of the company " ; ito silence or oxcitu their envy , and so irodueo a chill where his aim hould bu to produce heat and unshinc. Ho .should seek the art of iiakingothers fool quite at honin with lim. so that , no matter how may 10 his attainments or reputation , or how mall may bo theirs , they find it insensi bly just as natural and pleasant talking o him as hearing him talk. The talent 'or conversation , indeed , more than any- hiugolsu in lifo , requires tact and dK- retion. It requires one to have more aried knowledge , anil to have it at an nstant and absolute disposal , so that ho 2:111 : talk just as much or just as littlu s the occasion demands. It re- nires the ability to pass ms'antly and iih ease from Ihc playful lo tin1 serious , from books to men , and from the mere jhrasu of eourte .y to the expression of untimunt and passion. OMAHA MUjiaMJIlY SUPPLIES. The > ln World llnnsnoUoU for Ornamentation Now Colors. The bright sunny days have given to he slreets of Omaha an intensely inter- isting appcarancu. The architects and artisans , the real estate men and team- tors are busy. Excavations are buitig : nado in every quarter for all kinds of tructurcs , and the prospective increase n Omaha's buildings this season aru itch as to duter the new coiner and the ildest inhabitant from venturing a guess U tlio city's increase between now and January , 1S33. 15ut the interest in the development of Omaha really is not the only spectacle that attracts the observ ant eye amid the treat multitudes that : hrong the streets. On Douglas , tar iiam , Fifteenth , Sixteenth , and other itreets multitudes of ladles proiue- lade , shopping or laking o\cr- jiso. Out of Ihc abundance of wealth n the city , which is changing lands they arc sure , as a general rule , of a liberal provision to lit them out in tint prevailing styles of the season. The full ino of spring fashions luu not yet arrived , hut in tlio many millinery establishments of the city sufficient has arrived and boon earned to give an idea of the elegance and splendor of the headwear which will bo scon on the streets during the spring and summer. The stvles , trimmings and colors will be now. The names of the colors to bo in voguu are novel , and their combinations and shades will be dolt- calo and decidedly pretty. The colors will bo bonyale.lloxino , azalee , ccndrillon , anemone , c.imelia , aubusson , Sue./ , parme , ribcs , Charles X , silenc , heliotrope , hanoi , vietix rose , scao'in , uucaliptus , cobea and scvres. There will b ° an almost total absence of bird decoration and trimming , but aigrotlcs , paradise plumes with flowur.s nnd pon-pons will bo tlio prevailing stylo. Thesis are natural sized apricots , phablo to the touch in bunches , wild red roses and thnir green leaves , viojets , lilax in sprays , cowslips , crocuses , daisies and roses , largo snow balls , geraneum blossoms , chrysanthemums , trailing arbutus , yellow butler cups and nearly all sorts of flowers in branches , and largo tips and plumes will be used liber ally for trimming. Green will b a very popular color , as will also bo lavender and heliotrope. The colors aru from the lightest possible tint , increasing in depth to almost complete black. The now stylus of bonnets. of course are numerous , the "Dandy , " rounded like u lloruan soldier's helmet , at the back and made to tit the head neatly at the sides ; the "Aurora , " wilh a fancy rim , though of a general Quaker and domuru like appear ance , the "Arion" depressed in the crown , the "Elite1' elevated in the back trimmed witli ribbons , grasses and flow ers , and others. The hats are jaunty and decidedly quiet to suit all tastes. Soma arc extravagantly largo , especially the "llossolla , " which sweeps an ample circumference around the wearer's head , and \a \ dented in a graceful wnv. The misses' "Meteor" is a broad-brimmed pyramid , the "Dagmar" a rolled brim , high crowned affair ; the "Denmark , " a brown plaited , colored satin crown , with an open basket straw brim ; the "Genoa , " a flower pot invention , such as excites serious reflection , when seen at the opera house. Omaha milliners declare that the hat is not intended for the. theatre or church. This is the position taken now by society generally in the east. The bon net is o.s essential to full dress in a lady as the silk tile to a gentleman. The loading styles will be in tlio mixed straw and plain braid combined , though some prefer the plain Milan , as beinir the more quiet in appearance. Op posed to these latter is the fancy pouu , which gives a great amount of shade , droops on ono side , and tips up on the other and will bo the tiling for pic-nics and out door exercise. Fancy gauzes of all kinds will bo used in trimming , polka dot , plaidcd and striped. Crepe of every variety will bu a part of the adornment , plaid silks in termingled with gauze stripes and squares , will tdilno resplendent from thousands of haU and bonnets on Omaha's streets in a few weeks. Ribbons bens will take the lead , as many as six difl'eroni kinds being used In trimming ono hat. Metal and pearl ornaments of an infinite variety will bo uliU/.ed. Amber pins wilh largo iridescent heads of all colors and crooks and amber .pins and numerous prclty and attractive novelties will be used. As Raid , tbn absence ol dead birds will bo a decidedly noticeable faaturo , but everything that flower. 01 fruit or gross or grain can afford will be drawn upon with the mynadi of colors anil shadings made possible by art and nature , Omaha will have a moro than usual as sortment of fashionable head ware in iU stores this spring. SOME CHARACTERS OF OMAHA A Galaxy of Stars Witli Eccentric Or bits. WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE Their Peculiarities Spicy Anecdotes " Jack"-Tho " " "Whisky - "JcilKc" "Undo John" A Man Foml or Chickens. There arc a number of characters in Unmhii who would make fitting subjects for tlio descriptive powers of a Dickens or Thackury. If either of these gentle men were alive to embalm them with a preparation of printers ink , the result would bo a curious , and lo lovers of the eccentric , a Gratifying one. The scope of this article will be to take a few of these characters , and to outline them as brictly , and at the same time , as accurately as po siblo. "niK IX-MAYOU : or MKMrnis. " "That litHe Irishman over there was for a lew hours mayor of Memphis , Tennessee - see , " said a gentleman the other day , pointing to a man who was just coming out of a Tenth street saloon. The individual pointed out was a littio thickset man. with the typical feature * of a son of Krin. He was jolly , happy- go-lucky looking sort of a fellow , with a countenance which even a pair of blear-eyes could not prevent from being comically attractive , lie has quite u story. Shortly after the war , John D.iilcy for that's the ex-mayor's name was a resi dent of Memphis. Tenn. He was driving a dray , or doing something of that sort. It was through a city election which oc curred that ho got his name. The repub licans , it boomed , put up as a candidate for mayor , a man highly obnoxious totlio southern element. Ho was a "carpet- banger. " The democrats to show their contempt for the republican nomination , "put up'1 a scheme to down the carpet- bagcer in a most humiliating manner. To show the republicans that they could down their man with : inv nami : at the head of the democratic ticket , the demo crats nominated John Dailcy.the ignorant drayman , to bo mavor of Memphis. And ho defeated the high-toned carpet-bagger by a rousing majority. For twenty-four hours ho remained 'in the position , and then aceopteil a bribe to resign anil leave town He is said lo have received $500 in cash , besides a new dray and pair of mules for making himself scarce the day after his election. UK LWAN'K A. HALF OALI.ON. "Whisky Jack" is another character. Hvor.ybody about town knows him. Ho is an every day -ight on the Wabasli cor ner , or thorea-faouts. Take "Jack" from Omaha and you would create an aching void in the heart of every policeman in this city. For the boys in bluu have nearly .ill had more or less experience with him. "Whisky Jack" is his nickname Owen Connelly Ins right one. How did hu get the name ? The legend and the writer will not \oucli for its accuracy is this. ' One day , years ago , when Owen was sprycr than ho is now , he was accosted on the street by a man who know well his ubility to punish whisky. He was asked : "Jack , how much whisky can you drink at once4" "More than any man in Omaha. " "How much U that ? " "Half A gallon. " "Vou can't do it. " "I can. " "I'll bet you f 10 that you can't and I'll pay for the whisky if you do. " The wager was promptly accepted and the money put up. Connelly won the wager ana the nickname hisky Jack. " Jack has reformed many , many times. One pledge ho kept for more than a year. Then ho toll. To-day ho downs whiskey with as much alacrity , if not in as large quantities , as years ago. Ho has two boys , twelve and sixteen years of age. both of whom arc said to be well fitted to succeed to their father's title and mantle. "JKDOK" COOI.KY. An article on the characters of Omaha would be incomplete without a reference to the gentleman whoso name heads this paragr.iph. The reference need only bo short , for the "jedge" is pretty well known hero and hereabouts. Julius is a dandy , and no mistake at least in the matter of gilt-edged call. His thirst for notoriety occasionally makes him the victim of practical jokes , more or less severe , at the hands of ' 'the boys. " Hern is the latest : Cooley received last week a bogus in- vjt.ition from a group of waggish indi viduals who signed themselves ' 'The Committee , " requesting him to deliver a speech at the big K. of L. ball which oc curred at the exposition building Tues day night. Cooley was all a-llutter. Accept it Why , as Hilly Emerson says , "Wo should smoke n snow-ball that ho would. " Ho prepared a tlowery address and donning his Prince Albert , hied him self to the ball. "Whattimnaml expected to deliver his address1 ho inquired of the first ndividual ho met at the door. "Dunno , " was the brief and rather uncourteous reply. Cooley suavely in- vuired of other individuals , but none ot them pcemed to know anything as to when he was to speak. Ho might per haps have then roali/ed that ho had been ho victim of a "gag" had he not rim across Judge S ten berg Ho spoke to the judge about the speech and the latter , who "smolled a rat. " advised him solnmly to go ahead and deliver n good address to thn laboring men of Omaha. ' 'It'll make you solid forever with the working classes , " commented Judge Stonburg. Cooley agreed with him. It was half past one o'clock in the morning when ho plucked up courage enough to jump on a chair and commence his harangue. Ho was promptly hissed down and left in disgust. The Knights of Labor will probably have to do without his services as an orator at any balls which they may hold in the future. "CHICKr.N JIM" is a negro. It is hardly necessary to say that ho is also an embe Ier of chickens. In fact , ho secured his nickname through his tendency to make nocturnal , friendly visits to the different hen-roosts in the neighborho9d in which ho happens to reside - side , from time to time. Ho has been ar rested times without number for various ollonsesof theft. Ho invariably puts on a long face , and makes a plea to the po lice judge something like this : "I am in nocent , sah , an' its a d outrage dat I should bo arrested , sah ! I nobhah stele dis ycr man's chickens , sah. Mo steal chickens ! Mo ! No , sah ! Wet much ! " The jndgo generally withstands this plea of eloquence , and "Chicken Jim" goes "over the hill , " to the county jail. "UNCLE JOHN" STANTOX is an Omaha character who can claim recognition from every old settler , and a good many now ones. Ho is an old , broken down gambler who for forty years or moro has been engaged in wooing the liclo Goddess. Kvery city west of the Mississippi , almost , has been his , homo , though for a good many years ho has lived and gambled in Omaha. Ho has been a successful gamester in his day , keen , wideawake and up to all the tricks ot his trado. Fifteen years ago , or more than a decade since ho is now about sixty years old no gambler in Omaha could play a bettor game of "stud" or buck a faro'bank moro successfully than "Uncle John. " As the gamblers say , ho could fairly make a pack of c.irds , talk am ! oven at the present time , with his age , dimmed eyes and his hands paKied froru the effects of early dissipation , he Is able to handle the pasteboards with something ofhisoldtimo skill. The "boys" look up to and respect "Uncle John" for what he was. regarding him somewhat in the light of a patriarch. His thirst for liquor they arc always ready to allay with sundry contributions of dimes , quarters and halves , which the old man promises to ropav to-morrow. Of course ho never does it. And "tho boys" never expect him to. In fact , for the past few years Uncle John has been supported by the younger members of his profession , who willingly meet the assess- menu made upon them , Of late ho has been sojourning at the poor farm. Hero lie will probably remain until death ends his checkered career. His picture ? It is very easily drawn. Imagine a face purpled and furrowed with disease and dissipation , with a long nose which has a small garden of whis key blossoms on it , and eyes which blur red and glazed , are always roving rest lessly from ceiling to floor ; a body bent almost to the degree of deformity ; clothes which are shabby and tattered ; a heavy hlokory walking stick loin these ele ments together , and you will have a faith ful picture of "Unclo John" Stanton. TOM MUItllAV. The Omaha public has been made so well acquainted with this gentleman through the local press that it is not nec essary to say much about him. For years ho has been a walking synonvm for the word "procrastination. " For years his building on the corner of Four- leenlh and Harney directs has been a cause of endless profanity amone the people in the neighborhood , and circled with brick-piles , stone-heaps and mortar- beds , n souico of continual annoyance to the board of public works. But now the big six-story structure has almost completed its growth , attained during a period of fifteen years. And what is more , Tom Murray can soon claim the rijrht of being enrolled among the public spirited men of Omaha. HONEV FOIl THn LiADIHS. The call to arms "John , take the baby. " The most fashionable fabrics for spring wear will bu of cotton. Ancels of mlduUht may bo horrible look- hu till n us In curl papers In the morning. Jewelled hoop earrings have returned to favor. Bandos are sold of corresponding de- sicns. "Jane , do you like ilsliV" "No. " "What are > on coin ; : to fast on then. " "Pio and pickles.7 A news Item states that a Now York man recently eloped with hismothur-iu-law. Well , ho deserved It A sentimental writer thinks that lips don't ripen nowadays. That may be , but green lius are pretty trood. A Itoeklnnd , advertised for a wife recently and pot so mnny answers that ho took to the woods in alarm. An Ohio man and his wife have not ex changed a word tor twenty-live jears. The woman has done all the talking. The skirts of almost nil walklmc dresses are made nnite , plain , or with a very narrow pleating set underneath the CUe. "Man proposes. but1' Upon thinking It over we don't believe he proposes half so often as the girls would like him to. Chlstian at Work : "The wedding was strictly private , owing to the bridegroom being still In mourning for his tirst wlto. " . The woman whoso favorite hymn Is ' 'I would not Iho always" has spoilt S'-WO for patent medicines during the past ten years. No matter how uooil natureJ a young | lady may by hur gentletnim friend1 * can look for a tkt-r.ud when she determines to make a silk quilt. It Is said that during the recent earthquake In Nice the bi'ds In the .hotels there for the first tlmo In many years , received a thorough shaking. The fresh Importation of French white : oilets , embioldcred and luce-trimmed , are narvels of 1'ailslau skill , art and matchless lellcacy. "My daughter,1' exclaimed a fashionable mother , "is Innocence lt elf. You can't say anything In hur presence that will nuke ipr blush. " 'Well , but If you can't bear herluhat made sou propose1 "Well , we had dincvd three dances and I couldn't think of any thing else to say. " The Judge says that "a Valentino means croat deal to ithe widow. " It will In six months mean a mighty sight moro to the man who sends it. There is a , pleasure In reaching after higher things , " said Johnnie , as ho put a box on a chair lo reach the top shelf where the best preserves were Kept , An eastern woman Is lecturine on the subject "What Tires Us. " She talks and talks , and the audience ituesses what it is be fore she gets through talking. The burglar' ' doesn't generally prowl around In a tobasgau suit , but when he de parts hastily through a window ho some times wean a sash for a couple of blocks. The little brother who persists In hanging aiound the parlor when his big sister Is en tertaining her best young man Is committing a heinous otTense. It Is detUuco of the court. She Your little wife made that cake with her own dear little hands 1 Ho Well. now. if my little wife will eat that cake with her own dear little mouth I will be satlsiied. An Indiana woman eloped three times. Each time her husband forgave her , and now she has only to threaten to leave again and the new bonnet she wants is always forth coming. Not wisely , but too well. "What's homo rule , John , " asked his wife at tea , "that the papers talk of so ? " John looked as sad as could be and groaned in utter misery , "I wish I didn't know. " "Why does that young man clasp that young lady so closely ? ' asked Miss Clara of youni ; Ponsonby , as a couple passed them In a giddy waltz. "It's one of the ways of the whirled , I suppose , " responded 1'onsonby. Miss Mary Well , judging from his appear ance , 1 should say ho had a long life before him. Dr. Hones Wron/ , quite wrong ; his life Is not worth a six month's purchase. Miss Mary Are you attending him , Dr. Bones ? A horrid eastern paper sarcastically ob serves that t'.ie ' Chicago woman's weapon Is bur mouth , but you never hear of her b ng arrested for carrying a concealed weapon , II can't be concealed. Miss Jennie Gray has a farm of 100 acres In Batttneau county , Dak. She works It suc cessfully , and savs that she could work an other if the plaguey men would stop botherIng - Ing her with proposals of marriage. The stltchlngs on the backs of the fashion able four-button English gloves grow broader and broader and the buttons constantly In crease in size. The favorlto is a redlsii ma hogany shade , with the stitchings ot black. The general belief thai home Is a lonely place without a mother we reckon Is why so many nenly-tnarried young mothers aspire to bo mothers. If there's anything killing tea a woman It's being alone and not having anything to talk to. A fashion writer says that dresses are to bo full this year. We prefer them full. The Idea of a dress empty Is ridiculous In the extreme. We should like to know what sat isfaction It would be to a yonru man to bole an empty dress on hU lap. "A man has Insulted me , " exclaimed a lady who had come to the ball In an extremely decollete dress , "and 1 want ledrcss.V "Yoi certainly do , " replied her brute of a husband who didn't approve of his wife's taste n drets. "Ite-dress would Improve several ladies here. " Grieved Clnra You pretend to love me and ) et you will not tike me out sleigh-rid Ing. as Charley Smith did Lucy Hooper las nlcht. Hard up George ( not to be crushed Well , you know , he borrowed the money o me. That's the reason 1 could not ask you ' i to-night. A member of the London library IMelj wanted to ( borrow Uider Haggard's storj "Sho. " It was out at the time , but a tew days after ho received a postal which ran "Sho has come In and will bo keot for > oi until the 6th. " Ills wife read tho'card. am for a time there was a tragic air about the house. j Little visiles 'of plush are worn for after noon calls and to the matinees , and at nigh to the play. They are of a shape to mate ! the costume sometimes , but more general ! ' beat brown'which goes well with any cos tume. Thuy reach only some two Inches below the w Ut Hue behind , and hare sllti ; , sleet es. , ( "See here , Talbot , you told mo that Mis Courtnevownvi ) this country > > eal ? " "N ° didn't , Joe. I said she owns a country seat. ' "Well , where 'Is the one she owns1' " don't know ; 1 saw her carry It with her when Genuine First-CI itment ! REMINGT IHcCORMIGKj 22O South 15th Steeet. $250 TO $350 Will buy first class lots in Saunclers & Himobaugh's Highland Park. Only one-tenth cash balance five or ten dollars monthly payments. For beauty of location this property cun't be beat , and we ask investors to examine it before purchasing. 10 per cent discount to those buying by the acre. We also have the following list to which the attention of the public is invited : Lots in Washington Square , from $1,800 , o $3,000 , city water in fronl of every lot. Terms easy. Lots in Saunders & Hlmubaugh's Addi tion to Walnut Hill , from 150 to f 1,000. The Belt Line depot is within two blouks of tliis addition. Lots in Mt. Pleasant Addition , from $3-)0 to $500. Ten per cent cash , balance in raonlhly payments , $5 or f 10. Lots in Saunders iV Himcbaughs High land Park Addition , from $250 to $350. One-tenth cash , balance in monthly pay ments of $5 or ? 10. Lots in Kllby Place. $900 to $2,330. Lots on Saunders street , from $1,330 to $7,000. Lots on North 20th slrcct , from $2,000 , to $4,000. Lots in Hart's Addition , near Sacred Heart Convent , for $1,000. Myers , Richards & Tildcn's Addition , onu lot for $550 , one-third cash. Good for three days only. First class corner on Dodge street , now renting for ? . ' ! ,000. Good for a few days for $33,000. Terms easy. 44 feet on Farnam street , in business portion , for $32,000 , or 22 feet for f 10,000 , On Douglas street-li feet , between 12th and 13th streets , two buildings on same for $35,000. A bargain. A good corner on Douglas for $25,000. 44 feet on Farnam , well improved , for ? 15,000. Good lot on South 16th struct. Call for terms. Omaha Real Estate & Trust Co she went to milk this mornlnsr.1' "Good craciwis , Talhot , what are jou talking about1 "A milking stooll" As the happy couple were leaving the church the husb.uid said lo tlm partner of his wedded life : "Marriage must seem a dread ful thltiB lo you. Why , jou weie all of a tretuhlo and one could hardly hear you say. Mwlll. " ' "I shall have more courage and say It louder next time , " returned the blush ing bride. Covert coats of light tan and mastic livery cloth , and with the lapped seams , are con stantly crowlii ! . ' In popularity. They are to bo found ready-made in Ihu big dry toods ; shops. The collars are very hleh and ninny of them button across with a little strap of the cloth ; most of them sincle breasted and with three pocket * , ono of them high up on the left breast. There Is In London a tendency to Rive a hint of the Greek simplicity and richness of drapery In the newest costumes a result of the Gicek plays and tableaux In which many of the fashioiiablu women took part. Some charming ones have been shown in white and daffodil-yellow china crapes lhat skil fully combine the beauties ot ancient and modern dress. A well-known society lady recently created quite a sensation by appe.irlni ; at a reception wearlne a gown of the most vivid scarlet , every detail of It. from head ornaments to long niousquetairo gloves and Itoman san dals , being ot the same brilliant hue. She carried an Immense fan of Japanese red ostrich tips , uiid her flowers were yellow roses mingled with scarlet japonlcas. Her ornaments wore cnrnels 01 ° rare worth. A charming travelling costume worn by one of the departures for Europe had a plain skirt of dark electrlc-Dlue moire , draped wit I : cashmere of the same shade ; the tight , round waist had handkerchief fronts crossing over a vest of the moire , and full wlooves g.Uhered at the elbow to deep moire cuffs. The waist was belted with watered ilbbon. The lone coat , reaching to the hem of the skirt , was of heavy blue camel's hair lined with brown fur and the turban was of the same material trimmed with fur. Girls of twelve years wear checked or striped wool dresses , with jacket waists , velvet waists ami revers covered with cord passementerie. The skirt made over a foundation that has a slight bustle has two box pleats down the front , on which the passementerie is eet The sides are plain and the back has a swinging drapery. Pretty house of scarlet cashmere for young girls have plain skirts , round waists , with leg- o'-mutton sleeves and moire cuffs auda wide scarlet sash ot moire. A feature of the new Dead passementeries is the use of open meshes In the midst of otherwise solid designs. Points and long leaves with one straight eJne are the newest patterns In gimps. A great deal of metal cord or gold bullion gimp Is shown for wool dresses or coats , and there are cashmere- colored bead trluimlnzs for silks and voUets , In dark , quiet colors that will not bo conspic uous. For wool dresses are galleons and pointed braids made of narrow plaited mo hair braid in open designs in one color , or two tones , or In contrast. White gloves are becoming popular for evening wear. Tan are now worn In the twenty-button lengths only with the darker shades of evcninr dresses. Palest primrose. Iliac and mastic are the most popular , and de spite the frequent announcement of elbow gloves , well dressed women continue to wear them up to tlio shoulder. To hold them In place upon slim arms a littio plastic Is caught to the Inside edge of the glove with a lew invisible stitches. It Is best to add this even when the arm Is plump , as It keens the glove smooth and saves the injury that frequent smoothing and pulling up causes. When tice jlrolce Ilia Hando. Washington Letter in New York Herald : A brief chapter of unwritten war history vvas related by Captain Greene , of Charlottesvillc , Va. , to-day , as he with a group of ox-confederates was studying the panorama of the buttle of Hull Run. Said he : "It is a fact not generally known that a serious accident occurred to General llobert E. Leo the morning after thu second battle of Hull Ituu. General Lee and Stonewall Jack son were seated on a fog near Sudloy Springs when some confederate soldiers who had crossed the ford imagined they had struck Popo's whole army. They instanllv became stampeded and rushed pull-mull by thu two oflicers. General loco's horse , old Traveler , broke away , and the general in his efforts to catch him was thrown violently to the ground , breaking both his hands. General Leo went to South .Mountain and Anlietam in an ambulunoo , and traveled in this manner tnrough the campaigns that fol lowed , carrying his hands in a sling. According to my best remembrance ho never fully recovered from the injury. " IVIUSlCAti AND DHAMATIC. Emma Nevada did not take well In Flor ence. Ada Rohan used to teach school at Biidge- port , Conn. "UnldaLamai" Is the name of Lolla'a new play. Mine. lihoa makes her "first" American faiuvvell April- . Mine. Maierna Is now In Russia. She says she will never revisit America. " " Is the title "Hjo-Emls-Us , very suggestive of Frank Duinont's new burlesque. Sol Smith Husscll savs he will retire per manently from the stage January 1 , ibsS. Louis James denies the report that he will bo the leading support In the Booth-Barrett combination. Eben Phmpton's "Jack" company Is dis banded. Ebon was at ono time a unu sup port to the late Adelaide Neillson. Alme. Cavallaul , the premiere dausouso.'is a follower of Izaak Walton , and Inlands to hold the rod again this summer over the streams of England , Buffalo Blll.wlth his "Wild West"will prob ably remain abroad lour or uvo jears. En gland , Germany , France and probably Italy will bo visited. The receipts for the thirteen weeks of the "Wild West" show at the Madison Square garden In New York are placed at the high tlcrnrp * nf 1KI ! MTH ° " When the prince and princess ot Wales are at a comedy play together he never I.uuns heartily at a joke until ho has turned to see If she enjoys It too. G. Herbert Leonard of Hose Coghlan's sup port has been promoted and now pUys Joseph Surface In "School for Scandal" and Beauscant in "Lady ot Lyons , " A report Is current to the effect that Henry E. DIxey will produce next season a burlesque of "Faust , " which ho had specially written tor himself while In London last summer. Frank McNIsh , who has a little minstrel act that occupies him five or ten minutes a nl''ht , has made money enough this season to buy a farm and countiy huuso near Bliig- hamplou , N. Y. Whistling Is very much in demand In Bos ton. A certain pietty girl who is said to have "a charming mouth for whistling , " Is making rather a good littlu Income whistling for private parties. Here Is a chance for Gotham' * long-shanked corner boys : Two hundred men , each six feet , and all clad In ateel armor , are to bu ono of the features of Mr. Barrett's produc tion of "Ittoiui" at Nibio's. Pasha Day , who does the Impalement act , succeeded in impaling Mile. Tlllle at Cin cinnati lust week with a big carvlng-icnife , which cut a frliditful t-ash In her left arm. She pulled away from the knife and walked off. off.Mr. Mr. Abbey and Madame 1'attl share the profits of her present tour as follows : Shu lakes the tint i i.030 , then he takes the next 51,000 , then they dtvidu the rest. Shu has done well-In every town with the soli * excep tion of Chicago. Pattl and Bernlmrdt bctween'them carried away SliK.OOO for their performances In Mexico. The famous bull-lighter , It Is stated , will also rake In a handsome sum. Never theless the financial drain doesn't appear to effect the Land ot God and Liberty. Edwin Booth has so far received this sea son from Ijiwrenco Barrett for his work 1 ! > 8,000. Mr. Barrett will pay him S150uoo before the season Is ended , and will yet him- sulf make a good dual over 8100,000. His net profits this season will probably roach 100,000. Had the late Mrs. Henry Wood received 1 for eacli performance of "East hynnc , " writes a correspondent to the Pall Mall Ga zette , she would have received upwards of SOoou. She never received a penny fioin the adapters nor for the sale of her books In America. EftiB Kllsler , It Is stated , will weir some su | > erb coitumos In "Egypt. " She has always regarded dress a secondary consideration in dramatic portrayal ; but whore art and gor geous raiment meet , she does not hesitate to take advantage of the contact. Adcllna Pattl will not have HavolII as principal tenor In hercomlntr opera season. He has telegraphed trom Milan , In relation to Mr. Abbov's offer , "Impossible to come. Am engaged for London. " It Is now proba ble that Vlclnl will bo engaged for the 1'attl season , as ho U understood to bo at liberty. Lotta Is the richest American actress. She owns the Park theater and the International hotel In Bostop , worth S400.00J. She has $ ! 0i.000 Invested In manufactories In Now York : owns prooeity In Akron , Ohio ; Chicago cage , Kansas City and San Kranclso , and Is worth considerably over Sl.OOJ.OOO , which her mother watches with a wary financial oyo. Clark Hose , who died recently In Denver aspd 4'J ' , had been In the circus business slnro 1873 , when be began with Dan Hlce. Ho was privilege manager with Batcholler .t Doris , John O'Brien and othsru , and in 15TJ and ISSO was one of iho proprietors of Bojrd it Peteis' ciicus and muiiaguile. IiilSS2l.o was pnil owm-r ot Carroll it Hose's Great Eastern circus Thorepoit that Mr. Joseph Ha worth will play in "The Harbor Lights" next season la now denied. Ills repertory Is announced to Include "Hamlet " "Klclmrd " " , HI. , "Tho Marbln Heart" nnd "ItlchPllou " , as well as "Hoodman Blind , " with the possibility of Mr. II. A. Jones' now play , "A Noble Vaga bond" added. Dilating upon tlipatio parties In New Yorkl a writer in me London Telegraph affirms that thu company generally ranges from fifty1 to two bundled in number , and that the pro-i iMnmme consists of having dinner at Del- . monico's with a costlv bouquet for each lady' ' matching the color ot her gown , a visit to a play wheio all ladles sit in fiont under a bower of real flowers with a whlsuorlng par t ner on the back seat , a return to Delmonlco's for supper and perhaps a dance afterward. The laws of Michigan do not allow the posting of certain kinds of show bills. Er < ! erything descriptive of murder Is especially tabooed. There must be no upraised knives , or cocked guns. Even a picture of Virginias' ' In the tornm is forbidden. The law reads : "No sivn , picture , painting or other repre sentation of murder , assassination , tabbing , lighting or any personal violence , or of the commission of any crime , shall bo posted , under penalty of fine or Imprisonment. A marked revival of Interest In theatrical fencing Is noted In Paris. Whenever a tragedy Isenjoj Ing a run In the French capi tal , the lobby will begin to till up as the time , approaches for the vllllau to meet the hero in ! deadly conflict at the sword , and by tha tliae the ataga duel is well underway the standlBK room is all taken by men who bold thelrj overcoats on their arms and watch with the ; most Intense Interest the fencing of the ae * tors. This feature was especially notlceabw during the long run of "Hamlet. ' ' t It Is said of Xeke Chamberlain , tha vetena doorkeeper who recently retired from the eate of the New Vork Union Smiare theatrei that lie could foretell the fate or a new pl r by the number of return checks that failed to I come back to him before thu last act ; ami Louis Aldrlch relates that when "My Part- ' ner" was first acted , Xeko's verdict wav unique , but correct , as It proved. The i" " man si/"din > his bunch of checks just bet the last act began. "It's a big hit , " be "I'm bfovved if I lose a check. " CONNUIJIALIT1E9. Cards are out for the wedding of John . . Logan , Jr. , and Miss Andrews , at Youngs town , Ohio , on March irt. Business men who marry their type-writer' ' girls are apt to find that the young women' are not so teady to submit to dictation after , the wedding. j The Hov. Dr. Hcmphlll married nine cou- } pies In thirty minutes the other day , aad' ' kissed all ihtt brides loo. Eighteen knots an hour beats the best record yet. Lulu Hurst , thu Georgle magnello girl , baa. married Paul L. Atkinson , of Chattanooga. When Lulu sajs : "Paul. I wish you would , split up some wood and build a lire , " Paul will say "Yes'm. " i ' Our Mary" says "she will not marry until she leaves the stage , and she will no leave that until old ago compels her to cto' so. " Now boys , spare your pennies , U ! nonsense to waste any moro bouquet * her. her.A A man ontwst has Just married bis eighth wlte. It was Hannah Moore who said "raw- rlaire Is like a cold bath : the ofteucr you take It thn better you like it. " What a slat * eJ bliss lids man must bo In. A young man In one of the north count lee of Dakota had an engagement lo marry dor- Ini : the late bll/zard , thu homo of .the bride being twenty mile * away. The roads' blocKi-d so that ho could not go by any voyance , but ho took snowshoes and made ! the trip on time , and Ills wife was proud 01 nls feat. j A spice of surprise gave a flavor of romaneel to thu marrlaeo of Miss Emnm N. Plereoa to Burnett Y. Tiffany , the son of CliarleajU Tliranv. the New York jeweler. The bcMed a local beauty at Morrlstown , N. J. . li twee * tyto > ears old and the daiwhter of a wldewi without riches. It Is said lhat the only lift I fany who know of the match was yr ' BuriKJlt Y. himself. A Buffalo philosopher says he can Inrarla bly tell a newly-married man when travelf bp watching film give his wife a drink waler on the train. If , after she takes h little sip. huswallovvH what remains ia glass with creat relish , then he's a ro captive. If hu has been married lonz lie wIM pour out thu water and get a fresh supply ' himself. Mrs. B. ( who , though still young , has three times married } "Oh , If 1 wer a BL would make a name for my sol f" ' Tore ( is husband number three ) "Strike * you've dunt * pretty well as U U. my This is the third name you have made.