Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this bead , 10 cents per
line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for cnchsub-
icqucnt Inicrtlon , nud 11.50 n line per month
Mo advertisement tukou for less than 28 cents
for the IIrat Insertion. Buvon worda will bo
counted to the line ! they must run consecu
tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements must be banded In before 1:30 o'clock
Im.i nnd under no circumstances will theybo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In the ? ( olumns rnd hav-
higthonnswrrsnJdrmed In cure of TMK DIE
Will t > len o ask for n chock toennblothcm to get
their lottcro. M none will bo delivered except
on wresentntlon of check. All answers to ad-
vnrtiseinonts should be enclosed In nnvolooos.
fONEV to lonn on rent ostnto nnd chattels
Ly. Katz & Co. 1511 Farnumst , ground floor.
TVfONIlV tolomion Improved city property nt
JiL ti per cent. Money on hand ; do nothtivo
to wnlt Hnvo a complete sot of nbstrnct books
of Doimlnn county. I , N. Watson , nbatrnetor
Harris Ituiil llstutu and lx > anCo.KOS : , 15th st.
$300.iC. > o loan. Bum * t&OO and upwards ,
Lowest raton. Oemls , room 3 , ilarkcr block ,
6. W. cor. 16th nnd Karnumsls , 1 1
MONRY Klrnt mortcngo notes. The Uouxlaa
county bunk will buy capnra secured by
llrst mortgage on city realty. 134
G PEH CKNT-Monny to loan.
Gregory 4 Hadlnr ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Hcdick block , 320 S. 15th St.
MONEY 'JO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission chanced. Leavltt llurn-
hiiin , Kootn 1 Croltfhton llloclt. UT
M 0NEY to lonn. Ellis llrot. . real estate and
loan nirents , room \Vhltnell block , cor.
15th nnd Hnrnoy.
M'ONKY to lonn on improved oily pioporty ,
ATI. very lowest rates. C. J. Cnswoll , room li > ,
KobraskiiNat'lbank. 037 mil
T\OANS-Lonns Lonni.
Ilcnl rstate loans ,
Collatcrlnl loans.
Chattel loans.
Lonir tlmo Inaiti.
Mmrt tlmo loans.
Money always on hnnd to lonn OP "By ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Oiimhn Ununclal Exchange , n. w , cor. 16th
and Hnrney.
Corbctt , MannRpr. lla
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J.V. . nnd E. L. &iuiro , 1413 Faraatn St. ,
Taxton hotel building. 120
O500OOOTO ! UOAN at 8 per cent. J. J. Ma-
P honey , ISOJ Fnrnnm.
6 I'Elt CENT .Money.
It. C. Patterson , 15th ntd Hnrnoy.
ONEY to loan In sums to suit , from $1,000
to tW.OOO ; ao delay. Tuttle & Allison. 211
8. 13th St 8X2IU21
rpo l/OAN Money Loans placed on Im-
A proved real oftnto In city or county for
Mow England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth und ChlcitKO sti. 12il
MONEY TO LOAN-On city und farm prop
erty , low itttos. Stewart & Co.ltoom3
Iron bank. 127
M ONEY TO LOAN-O F. Davis & Co..real
estate and loun agents , 1505 t'aruum st.
ONEY TO LOAN On roul estate and chat
tels. D. I. Thomas. 129
$600,000 To lonn on Omaha city property lit 6
percent. G. W. Day , over 1312 at.
MONEY TO LOAN bytlio undersigned , woo
has the only properly organUod loan
swoncr In On.i.lm. Loans or $10 to f 100 made
pn furnlturo , pianos , orRiins , horsus. wiurons ,
machlnory , Ac , without rnmoval. No delays.
All business strictly oonfldcntlal. Loans so
inado that any part can bo pnld nt nny imo.o.ich
payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
tnadn on line watches and diamonds. Persons
Should carefully consider who they arc dealing
With , as ninny new concerns are dally coming
Into oxlxtonco. Should you need money call
Slid see me. W. H. Croft , lluom 4 W'thnell '
ylulldtng , 15th and Hnrnoy. _ 131
TVfONEY LOANED nt C. F. Itced 4 Co.'s Lonn
J.iJOnico , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wngons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. U10 S. 13th.
over lllnirham s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly confldcnllal. 133
* = = z
Tj'OIl ' BALE-Confcctloiiory , tobacco nnd cl-
X gar store. Good location nnd established
Undo. Call at real estate agency 309M N 15th
it. 694 11 *
THOU SALE Harness shon In thriving county
4 ? sout Address J. It. Muson , Central City ,
Nob. 676 14 *
f'OK SALE Meat market ; one hundred del
lars will buy the llxturos und good will If
taken ut onco. as owner desires to leiivo tno
city ; nn excellent opportunity for n good man ;
cash sales , f 40. CO per day. Cull at Market , 701
1'nolflo street , corner of Seventh. ft.VJ-10 *
T70II SALE Or Trade Good paying hard-
-I ? ware business In one of the ticst counties
In Iowa. Stock will invoice about $3,000 , H
good , clean , and well assorted. Will sell for
cimh or tnko part payment m good farm land In
western Iowa or eastern Nebraska. For par
ticulars address XQ , Dec oRlce , Council Illutfs.
FOIl BALE Ilestnurnnt and chop house ,
with S rooms that accommodate 30 lodg
ers ; mum bo sold before next Monday morn-
Jnir , as the owner Is compelled tolmivo thuoity
ton urgent business. Address U S , Dee offluo.
Kit ) 1U *
T OIl SALK-Or trade tor land , best hotel In
JO Wakotlold doing exccllont buulaoss. Address
JTll. noun. Wukolleld , Nob. _ 624 21 *
H BALE-Il rbor'8 outfit , Including three
rccllulUK chairs , etc. 801 N. loth st.
_ | _ 61313
y JACKSON STItEET Steam Laundry and Rath
O House for sale on nciouutof dissolution of
i.pnrtnorsblp. This old established nnd good
.ipnylng business will bo offered for pule at a
ibargaln. This place has just been Improved
with a now brick boiler room nnd wash house ,
, . now bath tubs and Is In flrst-olass shape
' I throughout. This Is arnro chance , as It has
I ticeii running with success for over flvo yours ,
te-ll cnsh , balance to suit purchaser , Inquire on
premises , 1)15 ) Jackson etrcot. 622-10 *
, i3AltE CHANCE-To make monoy-I have
i'il V ( or sale the best paying grocery business
in Omaha. Stocx clean nnd Irosh , will Invoice
about | l , COO. Daily receipts from HO to $85 ,
ml a very llltlo effort would double that
amount. Strictly a cash trade nmong the very
licst class of customers In the city. The store is
vrell unmixed with every convenience. It is lo
cated ut the present terminus of the street car
line nt llanscom Park and belongs to Mr. J. C.
Uroen whoolfors It for sale bccauio of his
tiolng engaged In the real citato business.
Nothing U charged for the good will , which is
well worth $1,00 , The store will bo rented
cheap nnd the business sold for the amount of
ntock on hnnd. A rnro chnnco IsoITerod tor a
live man to muke money. Apply or address ,
W. S. Senvoy , Heal Estate and Commercial
if agent. Ill South 14th street , Omaha. 434 U
TCTOIl BALE Or trade for Imorovod or unlnv
-I ? proved land , In Iowa or Nebraska , a nun-
ral stock of dry goods nnd groceries , a booV
nnd stationery stock and two drug stores , nl
well locnted nnd doing good business. Wll
trade ( ilthorKtock or nil. Address Hutchinsou
A ItlEoUy , SbemmdoHh , In , 409 U *
"I7IOH SALE A good paying grocery store ,
Jloci'ted on the corner of two good streets ;
capital required , about $1,100. For full pnrtlnu-
lars Inqlre ot A. II , Comstock , Itooni lUCrelgh
noiISES LotsViirmsI.undmoney loaned
llemis * city maps , 5x7 feet , $1.60 each ,
llemls. rooraa , Barkar block , S. W , cor. 15th
nnd Farnam sts. 123
TTIOU SALE-$7iX10 of eonornl merchandise
JL' and store furnlturo , clean , well assorted
Will take half in eood unlnciimberfld farm land
balance In payments well-secured ; rood rensom
for selUQjr. Address Call Box 57 , Alma , Nob.
147 13 *
BANK for sale in a new rapidly growing towi
of 600 Inhabitants. Fine deposits. Mono ]
loans from 3 to 4 per cent , monthly , AsplondU
chance. Address DU9 , Hep office. 915
TJ'OR ' 8ALK-Haf ! Interest In one of the b s
-IJ nnylug drug stores In southwesteiu Iowa
Capital rulred , $2,500 Addrei * U 40 , Bee ol
Ike. HI8
I > 11OFE8IONAL Nurie. Obstetrical and sur
glcsl. For obstetrical caios. Sucuru atler
dance for S weeks prior. If posublo. Permi
cent address , Mr * . Taylor , No. 12K N. Uth it
room 4. 614 9 *
HS. DURANT , Clarlvoyant , from HostoT
will remain In tbo city a snort fine only.shi
roads the deepest secrets , unfolds the futur
unites iCDanitod lovers , causes spredy mat
i r'.ajre ; Is vers reliable In all affairs of life. Koor
7 1 Lyons bU , l th and Chicago. ! 9 *
CLAIUVOYANT--Madum Ala ka rev u !
patt , urssent and 'ulure. fatl r otlu
yuarantecd. 613 3 18th st. BUil aU
private homo for ladles Uurlr.
vonfineiunat Strlolly confidential , It
( ants adopted. A44r i K is , Oeeofllfe.
"OERSONAIi Mr * . Dr , Nnnnie V , Wnrrcn
Jclsitvoynnt. . Medlcnl nnd builnrts Medium
Boom No 8,121 North Kth st .Omaha. Neb.
rPO parties having hoiuoi for rent , Rontnl
JAgtncy , Bonuwn .V Co. , 15sl. , opposite post-
ofllco. Wo Inno turned over to them our rental
list. Wo rocommoud thorn , McCague Bros.
HOL'SE cleaning done by n row method nnd
cheaper prices ; store fronts iisppclalty.
Lcavo eiders ut 111 S 15th st COS 11 *
T AD1KS can get good servant girl" by calling
J-i at 119 North loth st , Crounso Block , E. O.
llollo-Ijlo. BIO 10.
ASH pnld for old gold and silver nt C. L.
Erlekson A : Co. . 212 North 10th street 331 10
C END Me to Mr * Mam St. . Dubu < ] Uo. In. , nnd
k Jitculvo In return ton largo story pnporj.ptu-
7lu cards , etc. 48J 13'
'Clou ItK'NT Organs. $3 per month. Hnspe ,
JP 1M.I Douglas. 919
" " "
F RHNr Square piano , ft montnlv.
Hosiie. 1513 Douglas. WJ
HOUSES-LQts.Fnrms.Lnnds-inoney loaned.
Homls'clty maps , 5x7 foot. $ J.W onch.
Domls , room 3 , Darker block , S.V. . cor. loth
mid Fernnin fits. " 37
CHARLES PONTEZ. analytical chemist nnd
ongliioof , analysis ot orescoals and uss.iys
nnd Analysis of nil kind * , ohomlat and minor-
nloirist to the U. r. It. It. for 15 yunra. No. 1508
Webster cor 15th st , P. O. llox 404. fllPmlO *
iTOUAOK ' Flrst-clnss Htornzo for nlco tur-
ulture or boxed goods , at 1513 Uojgo-it.
wnnt to buy or soli furnlturo , go to
/ Ferguson's , 715 N.lBtli. 737
" \TK\V floanllnff nnuso.flno tables , clean and
-L > palatable rlcttiali. 1418 Chicago st. UW
TIH08K Intending to nut out trcos , shrubs ,
vines and pliinH will llnd it to their Inter
est to call ou or uUdross E L. Emory , i0n : ! llar-
noy st. sa 15
rilO ronl pstnto agents and all others , I hereby
L withdraw the following properly from the
market ; Lot three (3. ( ) block thirty-one < 31)Hor- )
bacn's reserve known as P. Hamuion's lot. P.
11. Mammon. 611 10 *
FURKBNT Squnro I'lano U montslr.
Hoapc,1513Iounlas. 13 >
FOR HALE-Short order rcstaurnnt. Good
local Ion , jrood buslno-is. I'mtlislnst month
o\or300. Addrcis V 12 , lloo olllco. OJ2 13 *
FOIl SALE-fiRood her es at Chockoroil barn.
South 18th st. Joinaon Ili-oi. (11811 ( *
FOH SALE Lease and furnUuroof n 0-ioom
Hat , bath room , etc. , near business centro ;
lioonm rented for ? 13 a month above rent.
Address U 6 , lloo oinca. 584 10 *
CXlt SALR-llcavy draught team , cheap for
JLJ cnsh. Address G 16 , Heo olliuu. C07-15'
FOltSAI.K-Ono extra flno dapple ( ? rny hoiso ,
wekhtnbout 1,70J Ibs. liuiulro nt ( ioort'0
llofinniin'rt barn. 53 10 *
F OH SALE Carload froili milch cows. V.\trn
good milkers. Ono thorouirhbrod .lorcoy ,
fawn color , fresb. Apply cor. nth and I'iorco ,
butcher shop , or lioddlsAc Thrall's old packing
house. " 7S 11 *
FOlt SALE Bay ] ior o : lady cnn drive : good
trawler ; Bound and cheap. Address (1 5 ,
JlnoolJIco. 557- *
Hambletonlan Stallion ( pod-
lif reed ) ut a barKUln. C. I ) . Sutpbcn. i
Fnrnnm. _ 427 13
TJIV OH SALE Chonp. span woiU horsos.waRon
V nnd bnrnoss at nodgo nnd IWth st.
Wetter U Tnonms , Crolifhton block.42.ri 9"
F > OH SALE-f.6 . Inoh Columbia bicycles cheap
Inquire Paul Nelson , 1121 I'arnam st
FOR SALE-Cheap , a largH nlro hardwood
fee box , as good ns new. Cnn bo used in ho
tel , restaurant or butcher shop. Innuiro Phil-
adolphlu market , Suunders and Clarke st. 513 U *
FOR SALE-A No. 1 , large , gentle family
horse , harness and phaeton. Knqulto oC
E. L. rraory.JMO Hnrnoy st. 332 u
FOIt SALE-Clgnr , tobacco , stationery , news
storo. Excellent business. Addro'-sl'TO
Bee. . 78S 13 *
FOH SALE-Antolopcs , male nnd fomnlo , 2
tame nntotopes about ten months old nro
for sale. For further information address P
F. Peterson , Ut ? Springs , Mob. , llox 72.
FOR SALE CHEAP-Victor Tricycle , 183B pat
tern , balls everywhere , most an good as
new. Inquire ot Dr. Williams , lloom 17 ,
Arlington block. 607-13 *
| j1OR SALE Largo flro proof safe. Apply at
JE waterworks office , 1513 , Farnam street
325 17
IflOlt HALE Largo cooking rane In good
-L1 order. Call early and jjct a bargain. 4183
13th St. 4470 *
POU BALE A good 0-year-old pony nt 110 N
13th st. 170
HOUBE3-Lot9 , Farms , f.ands mono v loaned ,
Itemls' city maps , 6x7 foot , $2.50 each.
Ilemls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W , cor. 15th
and Farnain sts. 123
FOIl SALE Nlco and clean empty shoo ciisos
Z. T. Lludsoy & Co. , 209 South 14th st
FOR SALE Furnlturo nnd lease , Vi room
house , on prominent street , near center of
business , lease has over two years to run. Cnn
make runt by letting flvo rooms. House put In
good repair. This Is an unusual opportunity ,
you can purchase the outfit on very easy terms.
Address K57. Ilooofllco. 691
SALE 2 million brick nnd upwards De-
sides daily out put of 30,000. Enquire
on promises , cor Dorcas nnd 2nd sts. Omnha
Drlck and Terra Cottn Mftf. Co 038
LOST Horse , black , with leather boot on
right hind log , 8 years old. lioturn to
James Nuttf , 12th nnd Martha. Ml 9 *
W IANTED-Stenographer tc take position
out of the city. Apply to Vnlontine's
Shorthand Institute , 1515 Dodge st 67J 10 *
WANTED-Malo stenographer and type
writer. Must no good long hand writer.
Cull at Valentino's Shorthand Institute , 1515
Dodge st. 674 0 *
ANTED A tlrst class coat makers. Apply
1118 Shormun avo. 678 0 *
ANTED A llrst oluss stenographer and
w typewriter oporutor desires a position.
Address T 72 , Bee olnee. 629 H *
WANTED A traveling salesman In No-
liraskii , Knnsns and Southern Dakota , to
Fell creamery anil dairy supplies and hardware
specialties. J. T. Swab It Bro. , Cedar Rapids ,
Iowa. 632 U *
V\7ANTEO"Tmmpdlutely , two schoolboys
wilh horses to curry routes on Dally
Evening Beo. 652
\\7ANTED , Coatiuakors at J. C. Vapor's ,
499 10 *
\\7ANTKI ) Tramedlatoly 4 good coat makers
good prices and steady work. J. D.
Stack , Storm Lako. In. 613 13 *
ANTED-Good llorlat. 1728 S. llth street.
618 10 *
'ANTED General agent with J200 cnsh to
Introduce now urllco with exclusive ter
ritory. Apply 9 to IS u. ni. N. B. Walker. 211
> orthl4th. 45211 *
WANTED A good waganmniter for repair
work. Addicts or apply to Held JcKlug ,
Columbus , Nob. 4451'
W ANTED Good bushelmun nt onco. Ono
that can fill m tlmo ou now work. J. Cub-
bison , Fairmont , Nob. : ; 07-ll *
Agents , cither sex , for n novelty
that Is tnkm ? Chicago by storm. 100,0)0
polciln this city alone. J. K , Page & Co. , 120
qulnor St. , Chicago.
\\7ANTED-Kvperlencod dry goods travelling
if ilciDiin having an ps-taullshod trade In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference , W. II. Grime :
Dry Goods Co. , Kaunas City. Mo. _ ! _
A N TEI-incksualth ! ! helper. Apply 14W
Dodgo. 480 9
" "
V\fA NTBD-A man with $ 76 to $100 , good
V > address und u rustler ; a paying place , t
M neeotllce. 4579 *
_ _
\\TANTEl ) A boy to care tor horse and work
around houso. Dr. Jones , 1411 Si Farnam ,
W ANTED-lloy for ofllce , ma Farnam ,
rooms. 200
fANTED-First-class cabinet-makers. 0.
Shivonck , I20S Farnam.
Vf T ANTED 2 good waiters for counter work ,
TV Llvo and Let Live CoOco Housn. 8150 *
n. ANTED Ono or two experienced book
men for the latest and hen selling book
ir- re out. Uoyor , 41V N , 15th it , botwcon 7 and 8 p
irm m. 680-18'
\\7ANTED One good pollshor and ono foot
> > washer at U. S. Laundry , 1601 Cast at.
608 S *
' _ _ _
W'A&TliO-S pointers , luiUlre | South Omhi
stock yarus brewer/ . Frank Langpouoi
ANTED-A strop * , active bell My. wltl
rercrcncc at the WlBawr motet Ml
\\rANTEU-A strictly first-class saddlery
T 1 salesman for Kunsas and Nubraskn , Only
suoh ns are fully acualnloj ( | with the trade In
these states nud thoroughly convetjnnt with
the saddlery builiibss need apply. Audre ,
with full particulars , by mail only. Jacob
Straus Saddlery Co.St Louis. Mo. 60510'
\\TANTED A good clerk for wholojnlo groT -
T eery houso. Ucrmuii picfcrroti. Itrquiio
Meyer ot Haapko. f > W \ >
\VANTED-llytho largest publishing house
> west of Chicago , two hundred gentlemen
and Indies to Boli"ThaSupci'-sful Man'1 "Marvel
ous Wonders of the Whole World" "Hlblos" nnd
various other good publications , apoly cnrly
nnd get choice of torrltorr , J. M. rronoh X
Co. , olllco 10 Bushman Block , Omaha , Nob.
\\7ANTUD-50 sober. Intelligent men of good
nddross to try a lOo meal at Norrls * res.
taurnnt , lots 18th st. 138
WANTED A good , competent girl fur gen
eral housework : steady situation mid
bru wages to right party. Inquire nt 1014
Webster stroot. OJ5-10 *
WANTED-40 good gins for house works
nlso for hotels , boarding houses , dish
washers , dining room , kitchen nnd laundry
girls. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119 North
IBtli st , Cronso block. 609 U
t\ ; ANTED A good cook , where second girl Is
V > kept. 2410 Davenport. 6S ) 10
1ANTKD Girl for general house work , fl.'fl
go Mh st , ncur St. Mary's live. Ml
,1 A girl for gonornl housework nt
Mrs. George T. Crunfull , 2219 Cn s.
5D8 14 *
WANTED Several Rood fomnlo roatmnkers
to work on custom coats. Ono first-class
tnnchlnoKlrl , Apply 1113 Shonnim iivo. 57710 *
WANTIID A chnmhorranldund laundress nt
City hotel , at oneo. 68911 *
TIT ANTED Lady partner to manage concern
VT employing ladles only. Must buy half In
terest. Small pi-loo to rlirlit party. Address
"Business , " lloo , Council lllults. 555 14 *
WANTED Good woman pastry cook. Oood
wnKcs. Call at onco. Oinalm Employ *
mout Iluroau , 110 north Itith st.Crounso blk.
410 0
WANTr.D-Awutnursotocaro for n babe
fix wnoksof nijo. IniUlro | , Oust llamel ,
Southeast corner Seventeenth and Dorcas ,
street. 410 11'
" \\7ANTP.1) 5 salo-tlady'ri for dry Roods. ApT -
T T ply nt olght o'clock Monday morning
ready for work with reference * .
424 llennlson Itros.
\VANTii ; ) Three nrst-cla 9 wuliois. none
> V but the boat need apply , at Umibntun's
restaurant. 510-10
WANTED Woman pastry cook , Fntnous
restaurant , : i9 ! S llth st. 503 10 *
WANTED Sowing and apprentice girls , 713
Bo 83th St. 609 9 *
ANTED-A good nurse girl. Apply at 190'j
Furnnm st 638
" \\rANTED A good trirl for poneral house'
work In n small family in the country ,
Enquire 1418 Davenport. 6'il 10
WANTED A coed girl for ( foiiornl housa
TI work In n family of three ; wnses $4 per
week : moo nlaco foru irood Rlrl. Enquire of
C. L Erickson ACo. , 212 N. Kith St. , Mnsoulo
block. 61(11) ( )
PANTED-A neat poUto ( 'lrl at 2UO Sownrd
street , 6.'H U *
WANTED-Lndy cnnvnssorsovorywuero for
the Vnn-orden LonifVaist Corset. Good
pay. Circulars free. Address Charles I'rlnnlu ,
Honeral ngont , Ouiahii , Neb. K3 0 *
WANTED-An experienced cook ; must nlso
bo wood laundress. Fnmlly small Mrs.
It. E. Gnylord , 'J40 Georgia avonuo. 5'M
\\7"ANTKD A woman to do chnmbor-woric ;
T > nlsoact in night waiter ; Rood wages paid.
Call nt once. 112 North Ninth st. 4i'J : '
\\rANTED-Oood , stronir plrl for general
i T housework In prlvnto bonrdlnir house ;
wiuros peed , 517 S 12th st. None but Rood ( ? lrl
need apply. f6ti 10 *
W ANTED A girl for general lieu = o orU , 1111
8 23d st. bet. Douglas and Dodqo. 4.V )
w ANTUU-Dinlng room girl at 41 ! ) N 15th st
450 9 *
WANTED Dining room girl , Emmet house.
U tl
WANTED Dining room girl at Miller's res'
taurant , 1004 N 18th st. : ! 93
WANTED A good girl , must be
competent. None other need apply.
Wnges 4. 1824 N. 22d street. 190-IJ
W 'ANTED At once , girl for gonorul house
work , good wages. 714 South ISth st.
4I7 ! 9 *
WANTED An experienced cook nnd
laundress lu small family , good , wages
pnld to competent girl. References required ,
624 Virginia ave- 602 14
WANTED Girl forgenoral housework , must
bo a good cook , only 2 meals a day ,
wages $3 per weak. Mrs C. F. Patterson , U29
N 19th et. 6J1 9 *
AN'fKD-A R ° 0(1 e'rl ' at 804 S. 21st Btreot.
WANTED-A good girl for general house
work. Mrs. Evaus , 2117 Webster street.
WANTED Good girl for general housowork.
must bo neat und n good plain cook. 1415
Jones slroot 815
\\fANTED-A lady bookkporlor. Address A ,
T > postotllco , giving references and salary or-
pooled. 449 9
WANTED A good girl for general house
work In family of two. Must bo n good
laundress. Apply 413 Convent st 481
w ANTED-Good girl , 1417 CdSS Ht. 47811 *
TVTANTBD Good cook and Laundress , 202 N.
18th st. 689
WANTED-A good cook. Two In family.
Residence 614 N 22d. 4I < *
WANTED A girl for gonorul housework at
1717 St. Mary's nvo. 488 9 *
WANTED Situation by young man In n
store , wholesale or retail. Willing to
learn. Speaks Scandinavian language. Good
reiuroncoj. Nleb Jucobson , Bee otlico. 600 9 *
WAITED -Situation In'storo or oTllPo ; pun
speak German or English. Address 212
N. 19th. KI5 U *
WANTED-Bltuatlon at carpenter work ,
by young man under some good man. Cull
at 31 , ' , N 17th st. 4319 *
WANTED Experienced dressmaker , satis
faction guaranteed , wants sowing in
private family. E , 122 Furnnm 315 U *
WANTED-To rent 2 to 5 acres garden
l land near Omana , state location und price ,
G 10 , earo lleo. U14 9 *
WANTED To rent nicolv furnished fiont
room for gentleman and wlto not over 5 or
G blocks ftoui postotllco. Address F 1,7 Beo.
013 11 *
\\7ANTED-Ily n gentleman nnd wile , room
nnd board In prlvntu family on _ .
upper Dodge or Farnam sts. Address G 9 , Hoe
olllcc. U17 U *
\XJ ANTED Diickboard wngon ; 'must be
I T cheap. Address U 5 , Boo olllco. 5.V-9 *
\\TANTED-To hire or buy on Installments , a
> > horse or pony. King's laundry , H tr cor
ICth und Howard. . ' 02 10 *
WANTED Flvo or six unfurnished rooms ,
suitable for light housekeeping. Addrcw
Immediately , stating price , Q 4 , Bee.
681-10 *
/ANTED Wo have several customers do.
' siring to Invest lu unimproved western
land , well located. Cull and see us. Omnhu
Lnnd Company , 15th nnd Hurnoy , 571 9
w ANTED To rent furnished or unf urnlMiud
cottage or flat of n or 7 rooms , centrally
located. Address G 3 , Bee offlco. 653
OR SALE-500.00J brick. Yard 24th st.south
of the railroad trucks. 52il 12 *
WANTED Nlco gentle pony , must bo young
and sound , gentle and a good traveler.
C. L. Erlekson i Co.,212 N. 16th st. 6179
WANTED Wo bring buyer und seller to
gether , no difference what you have tc
otfnr for ealo , como nnd place It on oin
books nnd wo will llnd you a customer ,
Omnhn Land Company , 13th and Ha.-noy over
State National Dank. 672 U
WANTED-Wo want gome cholco houses and
lots In Hanscom place and that location
for customers that wo can't supply. List youi
coed houses nnd lots with us. Mottor Real
Kitate Agency , 1513 Farnam st. telephone 815.
WANTED to rent House of 6 or 7 rooms not
over 10 blocks from It & M headquarters.
Good references , no children , address F87 , tuk
oifioc. 4719 *
WANTED tre have tbroo cash customer *
desiring to purchase grocery HCSiis Ir
Omaha. AUo ono wanting a drug s'.Sro. Purtlc !
desiring to sell , call nnd see .is. Omaha LuiiiJ
CoBipnny.ror , 15th an < \ Jiarney. 6TU a
WrANTBl- rott a 10 roots bouse wlthlt
Tf KLbioctiof ( be poetoIUre , Will par $31
to $40. AddrwsW.I uVms Howard.v
WANTED wnnt otno cholc.0 houses nnd
lots in Ilnnscotn plnco and that locution
for customers tlmt wo can't topply. List your
good houses mid lots wllhWu. Mottcr Rial
Estnto AKQtioyr 1513 Fnrnatii s telephone. 815.
w ANTED -Teams , W a llUi s
WANTED-To buy flvo to ( fcontr ncros In-
side of or near OmnlulA oivo dpfcrlp.
tlon , prlco and terms. Addrts C.'JJ , Heo olllce.
OMAHA Storage WarohfiAo-Cornor 13th
and Iznrd fell. , forstnrngo of houso-
lioM goods nnd general itTCMinitdlso nt low
rates. Advance * itmilo ; Issun wnrohotlso re
ceipts. It. It. gwltcli lit the-jome , Olllco 519
Hiuth nth street nnd 1J3S. iJvKntul 1,112 lznr.1 .
street. Telephone CGI. M , S. Good rich. mgr.
WCi in ' . ' 8'
" 171011 HF.XT-Onc-hnlf of nlno-room cottage.
X1 convcnlunt fur light hoiiaakeeplnir. Cull
nftorO:30 : p. m.,61ISICtlmt. 480 9 *
FOIt KENT 4 now cottu os on CnllCnrnln
and 30th street , no ir ( Mining street rare.
Kent $21 per month. Apply to Kuiifnmn Bros. ,
207 3. 15th St. 5'I9
IOn KENT A house nnd hnrn , with 3,1 , ncros
JP of Innd , In Oiimlm. 800 Thoo. Wlllliims'
014 rnrimiu ( llooolllco ) . 6. " > 1
FOH KENT Central to business , two nicely
furnished oust rooms of cottage , wlvlkvo
of plnnn , Two to four gentlemen protorrod.
818 N mil. 5089 *
FOR JIKNT 2 7-room houses , apply to Mrs.
P. 0 Kail , 2.19 California st. 473
FO RENT-Now5 room house nftor the 16th
of Murch. f pnr month , Eiiijulro at
Kaufman llros , 100J , Farnam at. 442.
F IOH HKNT-Brlok yardsT. Muirny.
Foil ItENT HI acres of ground. Improved.
North of the city 3 mllus. U. C. Patterson ,
15th nnd Hnrney. 272
OIl SALI2-4 room home. JIOJ , 52) ) Clark st.
bet at. Mary's ave und Howard. 2.VJ-17 *
FOlt IIENT Cott 70 , houses nn > l store ) , all
desirable nnd well loomed , from 13) per
month up. L. Ilurnham , lloom 1 Crelnhton
lllock. 117
HAY privilege to loa'o on the Dotwilor farm ,
at Amos , 7 milps west of 1'rcmont. John
.nn South 12th st. 412tnfl
EOll KENT Nicely furnlshod room , suitable
for2gentlemen. Inqulio blO NoithJ4th st.
' *
5'J7 10
FOIl ItKNT-Hoauis nnd boiird , CIO North I'Jth
street. 638 IS *
TTKHf IIENT Nicely furnished room9 ut"rciv
Jsonablo rates , one block from court house ,
608 So ISth st , north St. Mnry's ave , up stairs.
Il IIENT Elocnnt furnlnlied roouit ; nil
niodorn conveniences on tiuviul street anil
street car line No tlni'r lojatlon in city. Cull
at my olllco. L. 1 * . Hammond , room 3. 15 : . '
FOIUlENT-ncslrnblo furnished loom. 1311
Capitol avenue. Oil 10 *
FOIl IIENT Eloifnnt suit ot o'tlco room
carpetedpns fixtures In , n sp'omlld olllco for
nn attorney , architect or an insuraneo man.
( iregory & Iladloy , 3.0 S 15th st. 639
FOIt KENT A furnished parlor , warm ; mod
erate conveniences , with first-class board ,
for two gentlemen. 1HH Oodk'Q st. Bfil
F I OK ItENT First-class furMshod rooms.wlth
modern conveniences , 310 N isth pt. 103 S
FOI ! KENT A nlco front caom with alcove
hot nnd cold water bathn Gaj , BJO youth
20th , corner St. Mary uvonua. 43J
Poll KENT-A suite of rooms ; can bo used
for light housekeeping. J011 Howard.
TT1OII IlENT-Nlcely furnlsiiPd front room
JL1 blocks south ot the Opor ] { ouso,1415.Tonc'l !
F RKNT Fiirnlshod roam , board If do
1 sired. 15.1) ) Jackson st. " . 5M 10 *
FOIl KENT Largo nlcolyi-ffuriushod front
room ; nlso smaller room&Tritli board. 2123
I'ariiam. : , 514 It *
F OH KE.NT-A well fungshod , pleasantly
situi'tcd room , 2020 Pierce st. 531-1
KENT Store room nnd No. 110 N. 14th
st. basement. w 8S8
TJ1OK HENT Furnished .rooms , 2209 HodffO.
Jj % 3 1 10 *
FOH HENT Unfin nlshed rooms one block
Irom P. O. Enquire of E. F , Cook , 1414 N
18th 3 10.
F OR 1lENT-2nd and 3d floors , 3-'x101 foot. No.
1317 Douglas st. Will rout entire floors or
cut thorn Into offices nnd rooms. Apply bo-
twecn 3 nnd U p. m. 855 11 *
FOR KENT Newly furnished Hleoplng rooms
for gentlemen , opening upon main hall ,
entrance Independent of that for family use.
EO'J Howard st. U77
FOR KENT Very dostrahlo front room , fur
nished , with board , 2533 St. Mary's nvonuo ,
ulso ono single room. 520-11 *
Oil RENT 2 rooms nnd kitchen on 18th ,
ncnr Pierce , second houso. 604-9 *
TT1OK RENT Furnished loom for gentleman.
J 1623 Dodge. _ 37 7
Foil HENT 2d or 3d storv front rooms with
board , private family. Everything now nnd
llrst class. References. 201 S. 2.1th nt. 4f3'J *
FOR ItENT A largo front room , first floor
fi out , furnished with two beds for four
gentlemen at SQ8 Howard st. _ 178
FOR RENT Furnished room with board , 1813
Dodge. _ 477 11 *
FOH HENT Three desirable rooms on Pleas
ant st , furnished or unturnished. Inquire
ut State National bank , 15th mid Harnoy.
451 9 *
T71OH RENT A now barn with room for four
J2 horses. Apply to M. 1' . Martin , 017 South
lithSt. 4li 12
_ _ _
Oll KENT Newly furnished front rooms ,
single or on suite , 814 N 17th st. 19.1 10 *
OH KENT- Handsomely furnished rooms.
Modern conveniences. U20 North 15th nt.
1131) ) 18 *
TjlOR KENT Finely furnished room at 704
j South 16th St. 01828'
FOH KENT A very doslrahlo newly fur
nished room , nil modern conveniences ,
street cars. 2531 St. Mary's avo. 678
FOR RENT-Nlccly furnished rooms , 2iJ7
Dodge At , nil modern Improvements. 817
- - - - .
"T HOUSE nnd lot on IVmiklin Mr.'for f l7 007
- ( Nebraska Lonn and Html Estate Co. , N.
W. cor. Utii nnd Capitol uvo. C21 U
AI1AHGAIN 9. E. cor. loth nnd Fnrnnm for
salu very cheap. Miint be sold by March
12. Nebraska Lonn nud Ifoal 1'state Co. , N. W.
cor. Hlh nnd capltol avo. U21 11
ORCHARD HILL propoilyof every dhcrlp-
tlon for sale by Nebraska Loan and Heal
. , N. W. cor. 14th nnd Capitol ave.
021 11
HOUSE and lot on IDtli sir. near Center ,
$ l.5'0. Nobrnskn Loan nnd Heal Estnto
Co. , N. W.cor. 14th nnd Capital avo. f > 2l 11
f)0,000. Two desirable lotrt.'llWxlOO , with 9-
room housn on St. Mnry's iivunuo , George M.
Cooper , loom ! 3 , Aillngton rlp ) > . 'k ,
' llnnscom I'lncn ' bargains :
Lots 1 und 2 block 2 , lor fiffti.
" IS ' 4li * 2&M.
| ; 17 n $2t0. ;
" 7 " 2 fiyrtO
" 1 " 1 $ , ' ,100.
George M. Cooper , Room 3 , Arlington Block.
. iA ' .L _
" HINE CORNER on Furuniiim. In the heart of
thnclty. very desirable Mad cheap.
& Lasbury , under Paxton lul. M8 11
"I71OR SALE I olferthooalB ) fpet of lot .
-U block 135 , and lour sioff brick bi-lldlng
thorcou. Tonim given on application. F. B.
Kennnrd , 1519 Dodge st 554 11
i5 o w LI NG "GREEN. fc
Blocks 1" to 3J , the host partBowilnsrGreon. .
The cheapest property on jhe market
\'i mile from Henson our line.
5-acro lots per ucro $ , " > .V ) .
2 > 5 ncro lo's per ucro'A \
Acre lots t'VU. '
l/ots 50x127 on Hamilton street $173 to $22 > for
corner * .
Full commission to agents. Got plats.
Marshall * Lolwck ,
No. 1509 Farnam.
_ Telephone 73. 104
MUST BE SOLD-Two full lots corner und
Inside , in Highland Park , only $ > ' ) onoh ;
easy payments. Wright & Lasbury , under Pox-
ton hotel. 0 > * \l \
HAI.F tcro lots In Ojci.wood7Cfteach ; this
Isthochenj-rst property In the suburbs i.
tnowoil lUrrett,314 So 1Mb , 681 II
lST youi property with \7 \ * . Wright & ! *
buiy , under Paxtun hotel. COS-ll
3. N W cor. Kth nnd
Cuinlng . , elegant . . builnesi cornor.und . . only
tlO.ftuno April 1st ; then more. M *
Co , Telephone 73,150V Farnam. KQS9
KOHAKD IIILI-Ablg list , Wright & Laa.
bury , UDtfer Putoa * ut l. Ml 11
AME3 URAL ESTATE. 1507 rnrnnin it
In this list you may see something desira
ble. ' .
64Nor. . lain st , full lot , .1 housru. rent for
63-l.ot 22xtu , Davenport St. small 'houso ,
52-2 lots corner lllghlixn , ! Place ou farnatn ,
Bl Capital ave. , small house lO.On.1) . ) .
no-Lois\B5 ! , Hnrnoy stMno r Uth . .
49 Corner on Ifith st , Heats for $3,1JJ , per
annum , $76,000 ,
47 KW feet front on Leavonworth st. with
house , $7.500.
48-08t ! < 1 HuriioySt.f.ViEOO ,
44-I-ot 44x132. Lenvonworth st. Hants for $130
tier month , $24,000.
331 lull lot Iledlok's subdlv , 10-room house ,
modern , $ ll,0i < 0.
3SO-Gracost. lot , corner , 33x34 , house 5 rooms ,
379-l.otcix'Vl : ( , Dodgost , good 10-room house ,
373 Lot east front on 'Jlst , 12 room house ,
? ! 2noo.
377 3l < t3J , CallToriila st , 12-room modern
house , J ! .fiOI.
378 2 lots in Arbor plnoo with 3 houses nnd 1
store , rents $7aper month , $1,0)0. )
375-8 room brick house In Shltin's add for
$4 , OJ.
374-Good 7' room hoiibn nnd barn , now , In
Dwlght .V Lyninn'i , for $3,3JI.
372 r.legntit plnco ou Durt st. In perfect repair ,
in odcrn , I'J.OOO.
371 3 lots , north 18th,2houjes , $22,500.
WH 1 ncre , good 5-room house , $2KiO. (
o6J Ira sqr , St Mary's nvo. Improved , $20,000.
387 75x140 ft , 2 houses S 15th , rent $40 per tno.
$7.XXI. (
. VM-Full lot , Chicago st , 2 houses , $3,000.
o61 Full lot , 5-room house In Arbor Plnco ,
$ l.f 0.
362-Full lot , 4-room houso. Arbor Pine * . $1,800.
fll Full lot. 2-houses In Arbor Place , $2,0'X ) .
B9-M lot , 4-room bouse , on N 18th st. 13,0)0. )
: -WvHO. ) . N l. lhst , 2 houses , rent $60 , $8.500.
( M-Now 7-room hou e , Hamlllon n . $4,000.
153 Corner N 18th , 3 houses , rout $80 per mo
150 Corner on Pierce sf , near 20th , lot 65x184 ,
two houses , rent $15 per mo , $6 , < )00 ) ,
47-31 feet DvAOCnisst , 0 room tiouso , rents ,
$20. $4,200.
> 48-Largo brluk hoiiFo , lot 50x210 S , 19th st ,
$ u,000. This Is n bargain.
839 u-room new mndorn house on Cnlfornla st ,
lot IKlxUU , $0,200.
337 Full lot on Lenvonworth t > t , small house ,
$ lroo.
J35-J4 lot. good 7-room house on Montana st. ,
$ ( ,000.
334 Full lot on Pacific street with two bouses ,
331 2 lots lnr ro house ; mordorn ; rents $50 per
month , $10,000.
129 Small lot , 4-room house on Franklin street ,
323 120XI&I , Pierce gt,3 houses ; rent $60 per
month , ll'.OOJ. '
328 2 lots 2hoiiitc ; rent $51 per month , South
19th street , $16,1110.
-riHtllU , ParK ave , , 13 room house , modern ,
317-60x140 , S. 16th St. , 4-room house for $2r)0l. (
314 Full lot. 2 liousorent ; Cl.'i per month , $5,100.
H2-rlxi(0 ( : ( ShlniiH add with 6 room bouse. $2,100
.07 75 It on Ilurdctto st mnall houso. $2,000.
M3 fi xl20 Dopiitnr Ht , 4 room houfe , $2,000.
305-11 lots In West side , now 0 room house nnd
burn , $3.Mfl.
J97-5 lots. 21IOUSM Walnut hill , $1.TX ) .
:9 : J- Fill I Int 5 room house and barn , Walnut
! 95 Corner 12th , Improved , rents 200 per mo. ,
$2'J.OOJ '
293 BoxUO ncnr Pt Mary's ave 7 room house ,
bam , modern Iniprovenipnts , $7.600.
288 13JX2B1 , Isaac \ Seldun'sadd , near Leaven-
wo'th. Good hou o and barn. $10,000.
27 li'l.\142 ( , cor on Calirornia witli 2 good
houses : rents for $ V ) per month ; $12,000.
282 Full Iotnnw8-rotn house , taodorn , Wal
nut Hill , $ 1,000. This Is a bargain.
259 10-ronm modern house , llanscom Place ,
$ ft,0X ( ) .
237-inRt : front , Virginia nvo , with 6-room
bo use , $3,2.10.
Amos' Heal Estate Agency ,
379 9 No. 1507 Farnam st
ACHES 10 aerus on Loavouworth St.,2 miles
from postolllco. 85 ! acres on SnundorS
Ftrect. Without doubt these nro the finest ncro
tracts to bohnd In the city. Wright & Lasbury ,
underPuxton Hotel. 60311
A GREAT bargain In Plalnvlcw. Call nnd SOB
about It. Enowold & llurrott , 314'So 15th
street. 6H7 11
BLUNT & IMPEY , Real Estate Brokers , N. W ,
cor. Douglas und 14th sts ; 2d floor , room
8 ; Telephone479.
Bargains All Now
N o cor. Fariinm and Jefferson (21th ( ) , 88x132 , 2
tiousos , ono ot brick , with nil mod. Imp ; the
other I'rumo with brlctc bisomont , $30,000
Terms very oasy. Will sell for $10,000 before
end of season.
South 1 rout on Dodge , 50x132 , double homo
10 rooms each sido. mod , Imp. , stable. $10,1)00 )
California ft , 1 block from 20th , 132.V1T2 ,
bouses , renting to pay good rate interest
Chicago nnd 25th , C8T.I32,2 cottagps. n flue cor
ner , street car will pass In spring , $8,000.
Idlowlid , line V-room house , b..rn , full lot
$5.HM. : Nothing bettor at price.
Georgia ave north of Leavonworth. 76x130
eastfront. houspof and burn , $8,000.
I/it alone Is worth more money.
St. Mnryanvo. 2 south front lots with 9-
room houo , elegant situ for residence or bilou
row , $20,000.
Popploton ave. South front. 60x168 , cottage
with bnsomcnt , burn , city water , cistern ,
pretty little home and valuable lot , 54,000.
24th near Fopploton , east front , cottage to be
completed , host bargain in this part of town
$2.8 X ) . Ensy terms.
Plorccand2.'itlilotandabnlf,3 houses occupy
hnlf the ground , $7,500.
N.Uth. . m lootwest sine , 2 hou es and 2 barns
rent nt StXX ) nor yenr , n bargain at $5,500.
Grace st , small lot , house , n rooms , $2,500.
Walnut Hill , n comer ou Nicholas , house , 7
rooms , city water , full lot , $2,700.
Orchard Hill , near Hamilton , good house , fln
lot. $2.700.
100x159 feet , Walnut Hill , corner lot , house , 5
rooms , well nnd cistern , trult ana shadu treed
b.irn , JU.tOO.
110x110 feet. California and 3Ist , 4 houaas rant
nt $1,200 per year. A good Investment , $7/100.
Montana , oust front , 3.xl2. ) > , house 7 rooms
well und cistern , just notth of Cumlng , 83 COO
Shlnn's 2d , 2 houses 6 rooms ouch now , cis
terns nnd well , very cheap , both SJ.6X ) .
E.V. Smith's cant front on 20th , 00x140 , house
5 rooms , $3,600 n special bargain.
12th nnd Dodge , business , 08x13.1 , buildings
rent this seuson nt fil.'WJ , prlco $ JJ,000 , $10OJO
cash. Wno takes this ?
Parknvc.iixl40 : , y-roora house , nil modern
Improvements , all built last season , fo.J'JJ. '
IWJitUSH fpotou 1'nrk nvo , with two flne oot-
tagps , fruit of nil kinds -to bo sold singly or to
gether a burgaln lu those.
Vacant Lots.
Hlllsfdo No 1 south fronton Davenport. 1,850
Hawthorne , 60x136 , n line lot lu)0 )
llodford place , lots from $700 to 1,000
Kllby placo. ono ol the best lota 1,500
O'NoiU sub2 lulllots , corner 4,200
South Omuba , 5 business lots on O st ,
each. , 800
Orchard hill , Hamilton st l.OJO
On hard hill Insldo $750 to OM
Wen end , call for prlco
Fnrnnm nnd 31st corner 100x140 10,50 ! )
Garth age $500 - . WO
Washington Souaro2,0KI ( to 2,550
Sub. ofj. I. Rodlck's Georgia ave , $73 per
Clnrko's I'lncp , $1B'JO. '
Hickory Place , cheap , to lots , each $1,990.
I'lalr.viow , corner , south and west front
Plainvlew , Insldo west from 1,000 to 5I,2T > 0.
IIiiMMim Pince , choice $ .1,250 to3OW.
HaiiMtl nnd Stebbln's sub , 4 lots each $1,87" ,
Hitchcock's 1st. two best lots , both $1,500.
Thl > is but a partial list , call nnd wo will quote
property In any locality drsired. Blunt i
linpcy , N. W. cor. 14th nnd Douglas , over Ful-
or sdrugfctoro 273-10
FINE Chnneo Wnnted Stock of groceries
or hardaro In oxchungo for IBOneies of the
finest land In Ncbrnskn , within 50 mlles of
Ouiaha. Inquire of Bertliold Ac Co. , 620 S. loth Bt
TTIlNESrcorner In Shull's 2,1 add . $2IOil ,
.L1 tnrnis , for lew days. J. M. llr.chanan & Co. ,
1413 Farnam St. Oi'i
IOOXIOO-On S. llth street , corner , will sell
cheap. Unto City Heal Kstulf Co. , ii0 :
Douglas. 608
S HOLES * CRU.MB-1408 Farnam , opposite
Puxton hotel.
8 lots In A. S. Patrick's add. , $1,450 to $1,000 ;
line eolith trout lot In Dcn'no'n udd$2,20J.
9 lots , roster's add. , 31.WO to f..JM.
10 lots , ICllhy Pluci > . $900to JI.5O ) .
8 lots. Jeromn Park. * 2,7.r > 0 to $3,00) .
2 lots Loavcnworth Torrucoon Loavcnwortb ,
4 lots In McCormlok's Second addition , $1,000
each *
U lots In Housol Sc Stobblns' $1,900 to $ . ' ,200.
40 lots In llnnscom Place , $ I,8JO to S4.UOO.
8 lots , Dwlght Lymun's , $800 to $90J.
H lots , I'tic'ii Place. $ lMi : ) to $1,500.
4 lots , Amlilor Place , Jl.OOtleach.
6 lots in Hillside No. 2 , $2.100 to $ . ' 600.
20 lots in Orchard Hill. $751) ) to $1,10) ) .
Sholo * & < rumb , 1408 Km mini struct , opposite
Paxlon hotel. 6.7-10
HOUSES I.otsFnnnsLands money loaned ,
lloinls' city maps , 5x7 feet , JJ.5J each.
Ilomlsroom 3 , Darker block , S. W.cor. 15th
and 1'arnam sts. 287
ONLV 7 ItTw Tort In Anlstteld addition. Iho
best liivotmnt lu Omuha , Those lots
will double as soonu : the ordered puvlmr com
mences on loth st In the spring , burrounjiu ?
iiroporly is already double. fVJ : ttsb will
buy them until Marrb 2.n only. Terms one-
oliihth cnbS [ .rtnc * l" per month. Pet feet
tiiie guaranteed. J F. Hammond , U7 So lilthst ,
KIRK WOOD Several very desirable lots In
this DOpulHr addition. Cheap. Wright It
LusbuTy"undci-Paxtoiihotel , 008"li
1 A AC1IP.S adjoining the Patrick farm , I will
-Lls suit at $000 an aero , uultable for platting.
I ) . C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt llsnk. 4U ) Id
OOD liTltOAINS-We have a few wore hits
In , Matthew's subdlvUlon of Albright's
Choice In South Omatia. They are good bar-
train. Ploroe A Rogers , roam t ,
lock. ,
JF. HAMMOND. Keat Estate , first ddor'north
of Douglas on Sixteenth Mroot , ground
tloor. Don't go up stairs ; tbo Hnimuond you
nro "opking is on the street level , not on Doug-
li s strco ! , lint Just around the coiner uu 10th.
Shull's 2d add , flno lot 50x12.7,1-3 cash. $ 2,100
( liull's 2d add , lot ( OxI''O , nlco house , 11
cash , . . . , . s.soi )
Pleasant Hill , il-ioom house , cor. lot ,
60x 159.1-5 cash S.SOO
Orchard Hill , 0-room house , Iot50tl50 ,
l-5on h , 2.COO
Orchard Hill , dosirablu lot , 14 cash . . . 1,000
Orchard Hill , lot eor.&lth and Garllch
st.ltii'ash ) ) WJ
Wnkoloy ndd , 3 olognnt lots , 1-4 cash ,
each 800
Fhlnn'B add , lot U'7\75,1-2 push U.IOJ
Yuto's add , 2 lots cor , 100x107 , 000 cnsh ,
boll 1'W
Pollinni Plnou , 5-rootn house , lot.7) ) v I'M ,
U cash I,6X )
Cloverdnlo , 131 beautiful lots from * .O' ' )
to i )
Pruyn Park , 4 desirable lots , 1-3 oASh ,
each 4.V )
Pruyn Park , tine Int.1-3 cash : . . . 6)0 )
Hawthortip , eloiranl lot , 1-3 cash l.VH )
Anlsllold add , 7 tine lots , 1-8 cnsh , $ (30 ( to S'HI
Ouiaha View , lotgdOtN ) , Ml uash ftM
tlrnokllnu , parts of 2 lots , $23 cash . . . . 2.V )
Windsor Terrace , cor lot , $11W cash U.5
Iliown l'nrk.2 good lots , $8X ( ) cash I. ' * * )
Wllpox2nd nddlot 44il58 , 1-3 cash 2 , XK )
Wllcox2nd add , lot 47x160 , l-i : cash 1,400
Sunny Ship , olegnnt lot , 60x121) ) , onsh tfM'A'OO
Lono's add , 2 lots 110x127 , $400 cash , each MM
IlurrOak.eor. lot.75x137 , $800 cash 2.800
Hanscoin placp , line lot , MX 150 , 1.3 cash. . 1VOO
llanscom placo,2 lots , 50x1 W , $300 cash ,
pach 1,750
HUWP'S add. lot (11x132 ( , 1-3 cash 1,230
A. S.Patrick's add , 2 lots , 60x120,1-3 cash ,
each 1,330
A. S. patrluk's add , 2 lota , 100x120 , 1-8
cash 3,000
Koiliit/o Place. 3.1 lots - f 1,700 to $3.300
Itanscom Plnco,23 lots - | I..V : ) ) to * 1,500
.1. I. llodlck's Sllb-dtv. , 3 lots $ ,1,750 to $4,600
Smith Park,4 lots - $2,700 to $ . ' 1.100
Jerome Park , 10 lots $ lt < 00 to * 2,000
llronnan Place , 12 lota - - $1,50U to $2,000
Oichard Hill,60 lots - - $ 80J to $1,100
Foster's ndd , 8 lota $2,200 to $2.r > 00
Rons' Place - . . . $3,750
Mlllard Place . . . . $1,5)0
Also Improved nnd unimproved residence
property In all purls of thoolty.
A. II. Comatock , Routn Crolghton Block.
riMUS Is a bargain. I have n flno stock of linens
JL towels , bed covers , shawls , etc. 1 exchange
for old clotlu'S. If you have any old clothes you
want to cxchongo send a postal card to D
Goldron , 109 N 10th St. 001 U *
LKAVENWOHTH STHEEI'-Wo have 111 foot
on Leavenworth street oornor-oast of
"Gth street , improvements , renting tor $ SO per
month. Improvomcnts do not Interfere with
ousluess frout. The very best property on the
Hreot ; nbout nn grado. Wo can sell this for n
few dayitless than vnluo nnd at n price that la
bound to return purchaser a handsome In-
torcst on Investment. Leavonworth street Is
the coming stroot. We also have 132 feet
squnro corner on Lervouworth tlmt will
make Investor $5.000 before August 1. M. A.
Upton & Co , 1539 Farnam. Tulopuoiio 73.
' II Oinahi Park nnd Hammond Place Is
ln ldc South Omaha property , Thee Olsen
irJns Vor , owners'IU SI5tli st,2d floor bo-
.ween Farnum and Harnoy. 261 a I
HARGAIN-Smnll lot on North Kth St. ,
near Lnkn , nlco 5-room houso. For ono
ircok only , $2'IOO. Seavor Sc Whltcomb , room
' , Paxton block. 535
HOUSES LotsFnrms.Lands monny loaned ,
llonils' city maps , 5x7 foot , $2.50 each ,
'leinls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 16th
ind Farnam sts. 287
-1 A ACHES adjoining the Patrick farm. I will
-LVS sell at $800 nn aero , suitable for platting.
D. C. Patterson , Ouiahu Nat Hank. 4'.0 18
GEORGE G. WALLACE , Investment Agent
Room 8J5 , Crolghton Ulock , offers the fol-
'owing Hargnlns In Real Kfitnto :
Choice south front lot In Bedford Place , $850.
Ono of the llnoat oust front lots m Hawthorne ,
Two splendid lying lots In Hawthorne with
'orest trees , and on a good stiects ; easy terms ;
inch. $1.300.
Lot on Virginia ave , In Hunscom Place ,
2V4 acres In Donnold , being east \i \ lot 18 , on
bo main county road , for $ r > 00 per ncro. This
s a "snap. " Other aero property In the suino
h'lnlty , nnd no better , Is selling for $600.
Two lots , ono a corner , bolng lots 11 nnd 13
bloek8 Walnut Hill , with four-room house ,
good barn nnd well.ou easy terms. $2.250.
1.12 feet of trackugo between Nlcliolns nnd
. 'lark ' streets , one of the best piocns of truck
property In Omuhn , for this week only , $3.800.
1 am solo ngont for the nbovo properties and
for a unmoor ot other good bargains. Persons
wishing to Invest nro Invited to call on mo , as I
am prepared to place money to the best possl
bic advantage to the purchaser.
G 1,01 got ) . Wallace , Investment agent , room
8'i Crolghton block. 474 9
DECIDED bargain. A nice full lot In Plain
I view , with new house , for f 1,500 , by Ene-
weld & Ilarrott , U14-i ( So 15h St. 687 11
rOH BALE Two lots In ICount/.o Placo. Spencer
cor Otis , 1317 Douglas st 323
-i southeast corner Eleventh and Murthn
streets , $3,500 Improvomrnts ; on grade , natura !
shade trees , beautiful grounds und surround-
ngs. Will muko three flno lots , 43x132. House
ind barn Is A No. 1. $ S,000 will buy this now.
H.ITiOcash , $2,150 April 1st. balance one , two ,
hroo and four years from April 1st
ThU property will bring $10,000 before the
summer Is oyor.
M. A. Upton Ic Co. , 1503 Farnnm. Telephone
73. 620-20
BEAT THIS If you can-Houso and full lot In
Saunders k Hiruebaugh's add , $1,000 ;
terms oasy. Wright & Lasbury , under Puxttm
hotel. 608 U
SALE-A No. 1 Nebraska frirra near a
thriving town south of Pintle. 200 acres ,
nil but 25 under cultivation. 500 bearing apple
trees. Hundreds of small fruit , evergreen * and
trees of various kinds. Good frame houso.
Cheap at $33 per aero. Apply to It M. , Canflold
Houso. 41711 *
have the finest corner lot In Hanscom
Place with 10-room house , east front ,
bath , closet , gas. city water , cistern , well , barn ,
cellar under whole house , lot nlono worth
$4,600 , house bran new , all for $7.50) ) , now If
you mean business and want u good house
come and see this.
Good , nice , G-room cottage In Armstrong's
add , clump , easy payments.
If you want to build a row of flats como nnd
see a corner we have In Rood's I/it add for only
$6uUO , long east front.
Mottcr Renl Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam. Tele
phone 841. 655
TTIOR SALF-m : ncros of No. 1 land InC
-C Nuckolls county. Neb , . wlthlp-l'/J ' miles of
the town of Superior nnd It. It. depot. Inquire
1838 S 1 Ith bt , Omaha , Nob. M. llodlngton.
312 10 *
ONE acre In Greenwood for $1,20 . Will inako
6 nice lots. Enowold & Uarrtt,314H So 15th
Btr'eot. 697 11
SA. SLOMAN , Rpal Kstato Broker ,
1512 Farnnm Street. .
Furimm strootcor , 18lhiilxl.l2 , H ca9h , $ 50,000
Kiirniimtit. , near 14th,22x1 : ! . ! , Improved. . a * > ,0i)0
Faritam st , near 18th,44xl32 , Improved . 22,1X10
Furnam St. , nour2Uth,22xl32. very ch'inp , 7,000
Furnam st , nour2Jth. 118xxll2 33,000
Fiirnnmst , cor.31st st.lUUxl32 , south
nnd oust front 17,000
Earnam si. cor.4 > > th , U'ixI3 , a nud o front 0,000
Furnam st cor. 41st , 4S.\132 , a and o front 3,800
Farnnm st , cor. 42d, and w front 3,1100
Hnrnoy st. near 13th , 22W. , . . .5i ( ) )
Hurnuyst. near 15th,3JxlUit/provpd. . . 20,000
Hurneyst. near20th. 174x170 , Improved. . U5.0JO
llarnoyst. Itoilluk'iGrovo , 4U1J2 1,800
Hnrnoy st. nour2M.4'Jx2 : ' | | flm)0 )
Douglas st. near 12th , 44x131 , Improved. . 35,000
Douglas stuonr Ulh,2xl3i , V4 Intoro-it. 9,500
Dougluant near 2-14,05x13. ! 7,5'W
DougiHS st. ncur23d. ( > 4xI32 8.001
Dodgest. cor , 12th , COtl' ! ! , Improvod. , . . H'J , < KX )
Dodge st. near 20th , 6Qxl52 > { 2fiou
Dodco st , nour2dlh , 40x127 , Improva. . . 2.70J
JnckHonat car 14th , ( IBxl 12. Improved. . 25,00)
Jiickson st. noHr6th , < H\13J , Improved , id.oflO
Jones st. cor. 15th , 64xl'lJ , 24,00. )
Lfiucuworth et cor. 21dt , 132x111 , Im
proved 18,530
Leuvonworth st. cor , 2Jth , 140x112 , Im
proved 25,000
Uthst.opp , M. P. and Bull Line depot ,
81x112. . ! . . . . . . 9,000
14th St. trackage , Paddoolc plu'-o , 60x112 , 2.iO )
Purkiivo. opp. park , 50x150 l.WO
Georgia nvo. near Mt. Pleasant , 50x150. . 2 , < W )
20tu st near St.Mary' * . 40x120 , Improved 0,500
20th st. near Doicas , lOJxliK ) , Improvod. . 4,500
20thut near Douglas , B.'xUrt , Improved. . 9,030
IMhst.corM rthnMxijJimproved. : . . 4,50 }
29tb st , cor. So > fiird.rt.lxlJO,3 homo * . . . 4.500
1'iurco nonr 20thOi ) foot front , 2 Btrpots , 6 K )
Hamilton st. near Belt line , Improve 1. . . 1,500
4lj.t st. Just off Farnain , 4txllS ! , o frontHtu
.IMh st..near Davenport.ICOXIJ8 ' > ,20
Soward.noarSJtb , 80x167 ll' > ' )
Hist st.near Loavonworth , 6Q/I60 , , , . , , , , SA'OO
10th st , near Castollnr , 131 feet front. . . 4MO
8th st , near Martha , 6lt6l. cnrnur. . . . l.vx )
Ilurdette it , near 26th , rxixliU , on cur line 1.VOO
Burtst , near Lowu ave. 51 l-2xlJJ 1,10' )
25lhcor , Poppleton , 63x10 , Improvod. , 4,0) ) )
Davenport , near 84th M I-HxIil..lmprnved 4,000
Chicago , corner 24tb , 60x1.12 , Improved , . Hoe )
"Olh.near Popiiletnn,6Jxi27 , Improred , , t.0tt !
orchard HID , lots $7M to , . . l.oua
Drown Puik. lots $503 to . , 8V )
Kedford Plnue , lots $ fi.V ) to 900
Highland Pare , lot * each -onsh f > 1 , . sn
Wakely add , lets 57x150. ruoh 4ft )
25 acron nesr Fort Ora hftfliiely Inprovod 11,0 X )
"IJ10H SALE Doilrahle rt-sldnnoo property enL
-L CupltotJIIll. IiriulroKJ2 ! Davenport st
T710R KE.NT-2nd tloor. SxIM n , oodllghl ;
-L' use of hydrnullo elorattir invludvd. I'.u-
. "
Uonlors In Rcnl Esfnt >
> V o linndla only Inside property nnd pi < > i 'i tr
In the good adiiltlons. Wo will nut ict I 'n
with nny wild cat sohomes.
Look over this , a pnrtlnt list , and If you
should sco nnything to , oiilt you give us u 11II
nnd satisfy yourtolvosthnl v\o \ do only l.un
ilbln nnd Hiunro | work.
Choicest comer. 188 It trackage lu the < , ,
Corner ( V\1U ! ono block from V V freight depot -
pot on pitvod street , $1l ! , < iOd.
fix acres , 10UJ ft , trackage , ItiMdo city llmllfl.
$ : > AKH ) .
3s aero | tj miles outh of stock yards peed
for platting , f-iHl per aeiu ,
Hood two story botijo and fO lots lit Florence.
Ctill nnd gut terms ,
60 of the choicest lots In South Omnhn , $750to
$ l'iOO ouoh
Ttio o nro n part of the Konnealcy nnd lee
fur m" , niiil for residences cannot bo equaled In
the tnnikot todny.
2 lots In liartlott's addition , ono block from
Park avenue , f3,500.
3 lots in HnocaU's Okoliomn , $4,000.
2 lots In Clmohiud I'liu-o , $1M * .
Thojo are docldodly u bargain and the partf
who secures them will tict a cool thousand or
many days.
Good house and lot on North 17th st , $3,000.
House nnd lot In Inipio\euiout association ,
All A Vo. 1 house nnd lot on South 19th st. .
ono block south of depot , $11500.
Full lot , 50x140 , now housn. shrubbery , city
watoroto.l > th st , near Hickory. $ .I,5UO.
2 itnod houses and lots near loth and Hickory ,
$ l.COOp.\ch.
Lots In Walnut Hill , $1.000 to 11,200.
Now 8 room house and lot , Walnut HIU ,
2 lots In llodford Plnco , $750 each ,
Lot In Klrkwood , $1,200.
2' ' ( ncro tract in Cuumngnnm's addition , will
nmko 12 lots , $ .1.500.
2 IIOUKOS and lot South 20th Street , $3,000.
4 lots In Cleveland Place , appls nnd other
largo fruit trpos , grape vines , etc. , $1,400 each.
Lot In Orchard Hill , t875.
Lot in Omaha Vlnw , $ l. < )0. )
B lots In Walnut Hill , $2,500.
Iiflt nnd two good houses , 2.ld nnd Davenport ,
$ (1,000. (
House and lot South 15th st. , $2.00.
Aero lots In Highland Park , $1,500.
Two of the flnost lots lu llnnscom Park Place ,
Two superb lots fronting Hnnscotn Park ,
Two lots In Hartford Plnco , $500 nnd $600.
Lots In Washington Hill , $1OJO.
Wo have the choicest liusinoss property on
South Ittth street , near vlnduct , whloh wo will
soil at from one hundred to ono hundred and
flftr dollars per front foot this Is tbo main
street to South Omaha , and when parod. as It
will bo Instuntor , this pioporty will double In
vnluo. Wo have a cliolco list of farms Im
proved and othois which nro bargnlns.
Wo have IU > acies a few miles north of North
Bend on n station of the F. , K. i M. V. Ky. . M
ncros impiovod , whloh wo can tell at $20 per
ncie. This Is a big bargnln and will not fast
long. Shelby , Muhonov & Co. .
515 218 and220 So. Uth St.
rilAlILK LAND beats thorn nil.
Tnblo hind going rnpidly.
Seven houses to bo built in Table Land this
Tublu Land presents great opportunities to
those of small moans.
Table Land Is worth more than any outside
property : because you can roali/o moro on the
least amount invested.
Table Lund , the only addition that commands
good view of city.
Tnblo Land , still soiling lots for $ leO and
$200.Tnblo Lnnd. Now como nnd so George M.
looper , Room 3 , ArllngtoiHIlock , and ho will
ell you nil nbout It. 691-H
" "
Room 25 Paxton block.
Look nvor those bargains.
,0-room , house , cor lot 75x14(1 ( on \ Irglnia
uvcnue between Louvouworth and
Farnam $ 10,000
Enst fronton Phil Sheridan st , ono block
north of St Mnry's nvo , B-room house 6,000
Wtnet front on Park ave , just south of
Loareiiwoith,2nlco housus 13,090
Or will soli north half for 7,000
33 foot lot oust front , 0-room house on
22d st , between Grnco and Clurk.choap 2.MO
2 houses nud lots on Oth st , nnnr Pnoluo 3,801
3.1x157 ft lot on S 15th fit , 5-room house. . 3,500
( W ft lot cor. 10th and Dorcas , 8-room
bouse 7,008
Lots In Clark'sndd $6,000 to 6,600
1 corner In Ilodici's sub on Virginia ave 6,000
Another , 2 lots 8-5S
1 lot on Sherman nvo , 63x189 6,000
2 lota on 20th st , $7.500 per front foot.
2 lots In Lincoln place , la corner , for
both 1.250
Lot * In Foster's addition . . . . $2 , ° OJ to 8,609
100 lots in Omnhn View , very ohnap.
Lots In lluker place , on cable line $560 to 600
Lots in South Oinnhn and all additions.
Lots in titles place , on U7th st , two
blocks fouth of Leavenworth. $ l,100lo 1,530
4 best Acres In Washington Hill 4.000
LtJt your properly with us.
Beaver 4 Whltcomb.
630 Koom25 , Puxton blook.
GREGORY & HADLEV , members Omaha
Real Estate Exchange. Rooms I nnd 3 , 320 9
IMh st. Do a general real estate business. Tot
attention of non-resldonU respectfully sollo-
Corner , Patrlck's'nddlllxl34 , two double
houses , renting tor $40 per month.
The corner 51x134. vacant , easy totms $ 5,60ft
Flno lot , Jerome Park , 45xlU7 1.80Q
South front , liartlott's add 2,600
Fine Sulphur Springs Int , near inthst. . . 3,200
Nice 7-room cottrgo , Virginia ave 4,000
120xl27Lowo's add , 3-rooin house 1,600
Double corner , Lincoln Plnco , 100x130. . . . 1.IIOJ
Fine South front , Lowo's add 1,100
An cltxnnt business sight , S Uth st 12,00)
3:1 : ft on Lpuvcnworth , house 2,000
Jerome Park lot , facing Fnrnnm
Omnhn Vlow , sotitti front lot , 4-room
house , only 1,700
Arlington lot 1.060
UlxlSI with $5.000 house 18,600
TrocWago.cor 102x13 : ! . near St Paul depot
ror.tlugfor Jl,740por year 20,099
Gregory & Iladloy ,
Rooms 1 and 3 Uodlck'a block , 320 S lath si
HOUSES -I/its , Farms , Lnuds-raoney loaned.
Bomls' city maps , 5x7 foot , f.5.60 each.
Bcmls , room 3 , Barker blook , S. W. por. 15th
und Farnam sts. 287
HOUSES-Lots.Furmi.Lunds money loaned ,
Bomls' city maps , 6x7 foot , $ : .50 each.
Bemis. room 3 , iUrkar block , 3. W. oor. 16ta
and Farnam sts. 123
UAKOAINS-Two corner lots m
GENUINE , only 4 blocks from Sunn-
der's street ours. w. M. Bushman , Room 10 ,
Jluihraan Blook , N B oor Uth and Dougla * .
100 1x150 In block U , Hanscom Place , Gregory
& Hndloy,320 S 15th Bt. 505
-pYNEARREN & MERRILL , South Omaha ,
-IV Neb. , 28th street , notrOrutid Union hoUL
Horses constantly on hand. Draft horses and
roadsters a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed.
A. H.Mttrrill , proprietor. 61314 *
HOUSES LotsFarmsLaudsmouoy loanud.
llcmls' city maps , 6x7 foot , $ i.50 each ,
Bcmls , room 3 , Barker block , 8. W. oor. 15tk
and Farnam sts.
CHANGE ofbase-Bwnn & Co. . renT estnU
agents who tor the your past huve boon
locnted at room 7 , Fren/.lor block , 15th st , have
removed to 1.S21 Dodge st corner of 16th ana
Dodgo. whom they have llttod up one of tb *
finest olllces In the city , and will bo pleased to
see nny and all wanting good bargains In Inside
of which they bavo a obolco list. This
nn makes a specialty of oxchaiigu of mar *
clmndlso stocks for city property and farms.
Their list ol fanning lands for sale or trade Is
tbo largest In the city , embracing lands In
nearly every county In the state us well us Knn <
fins , Missouri , Iowa and Texas. They control
the largest Mock of Nebraska school lands of
any ugonoy In the city , and tnvito Inspection of
their lots by all parties wanting good bargains.
Give them a call. Southeast cor Kith und
Dodgo. Swan & Co. 3.VI 10
HANSCOM Place , lot 16 In block 0 , $2,100 ,
halt' cash , bulnnco 1,2 nud 3 years.
475 Gregory i Hudlcy. : m S. Itilh st
T'HU MOTTEKRoal Estate Agomiy. ' 4
Telephone 8(5 ( , f
oiler a few sppolul bargains ;
A corner on KB mum st for $3,000. This Is a
Six south fronts on Hamilton st , and every
one of them bargains ; Btreot car In front of
A line north front in Lowe's 1st add , $375 ; only
$3iX > cash.
Three or the best lots In MoCormlok's 2d at
$ 100 ouch ; $ UHO cash , bill , long tlmo.
A dandy In Klrkwood , east I root ,
Five lire lots In l.owo'4 1st ndd.
Some baigalns In Orchard Hill.
Rnrgnln-Wo lmv 3 lots on 20th st that w
know Is cheap , and oiler them for a few days on
easy terms. _ 454
LOT 1 In 16 Isaacs 4 Seldon's add. , with small
house , $2,000 cash , $4,600. This Is a Qunuln *
Lot 1 In block 12 , Heed's 1st , $6.000.
" 0 " " 1 Potler'H add , $1,600.
Fine fl-roam house with city water , corner
Cu'dwcll and Pierce sts. , euih $2,500 , balance 1 ,
J nnd : i yonrs. $ ,40i > .
Kinu property , 4-room house , corner ludlnna
und Piorcx , * l , ' * > 0 cmh. $ I.VM.
Iot2 In blocK il , Hnvudorn add. , and lot 83 la
block 4. each. $ 'i < )0. )
Uit 9 In "U"Croilnn , unsh $500 , I.2V ) .
Lot 14 In 20 , Highland Place , $ II007
Uuorgo M , Cooper , Room U , Arlington Illgck.
Foil BALK 'LoUW I'Tiu'h'onV ailddltlon , avT
Ing a frontage or W ft on Liku si , nultahl *
forstore hulldlngs. Thurii Is a new 6-room
liqiua , well , clilnrn , olu , on pramli s. This Is
vnltiiuilt ) plppo of propprt/ and rnuet bo sold b * <
fore A pi II Ut , Apply lo Frank I' . Williams A
Co. , l th und Chicago sts , nanr L'ouglas Co.
lluuk. t U
BARGAIN 30 foot front on CiTmTnr street
near auidor * . Wright & Laiburir , undtr
, 60JU
9H Eighth < ? (