Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlia Lincoln Canning and Provision Com
pany Incorporated ,
A Street Itond Talked of ( ho Mntlrc
1'oworor Wliluh Will Ho Coiu-
Iirmsctl Air or Kleetrlelty
Supreme Court.
Yesterday two events wcro common topics
of convrrsatlon In Lincoln , ono dellnlto and
one Indefinite. The definite bnom was tlio
Incorporation of tlio Lincoln Canning and
Provision company nnd tlio Indellntto object
of discussion was a new rapid tianslt com
pany said to bo passing through the first
Btagcs of organization , Mlnco thu Incorpora
tion of the belt Hue It has been discussed
that something faster than steam earn was
required to meet the demands of the growing
city , and hence this organization of a rapid
transit company that one of tlio originators
says will be built to connect the city with all
suburban points and the motor power for the
company. It la stated , will bo either compressed -
pressed nlr or electricity. There Is no doubt
but that there Is air enough abroad In the
vicinity of all real estate olllccs that It com
pressed could run a railway train , but the
manner ot compression has not as > ot been
elucidated. The parties Interested In this
latest transportation sciiumn rofusu to tils-
close thulr Identity , but they have held two
meotlncs , an Informal and a formal one , at
thu latter of which It Is stated ofllccrs wcro
elected and a committee r.ilsed wlioarodratt-
IMC the articles of incorporation. What this
latter schema of rapid transit will develop Is
one of the things that adds fuel to the llatnes
of dally discussion.
The articles of Incorporation of the Lin
coln Canning and 1'iovlslon company , tiled
with the secretary of state , recite the object
to bo the canning ot fruits , vegetables and
meats , and dealing In and handling the same.
The capital stock Is 8100,000 In shares of $100
each , 10 per cent to bo paid at the time of sub
scribing and the balance under call ot the
board of directors. The corporators arc A
C.Ujoketts H. II. Wilson , A. J. Sawyer. S.
* ' . Kasterdey , A. S. Tibbltts.V. . J. Tur
ner , II. 1) . Hathaway , O. J. King , C. M. I toot ,
H. L. Paine , K. 1' . Hartley , C. 0. Uurr , D. D.
Wulr , 8. W. Uimiham and A. Hulter. The
seven directors for the present year are A , J.
Kawyer , A. C. Hlcketts , O. J. King , H. II.
Wilson , W. J. Turner , A , Halter and K. T.
Articles ot Incorporation have also been
tiled of tiiii 1'latto Hlvcr Conference ot the
Evangelical Association of North America ,
for the promotion of thu Interests of religion
and holiness. No capital stock Is named ,
and no time for the completion of the organ
ization or Its amount of Indebtedness is
tlvcn. The signatures to the document are
C. W. Anthony , A. W. Sehenborger , S. A.
I'ottlt , 1' . J. Ureesly andT. W , Serf.
But very little business was transacted In
the supreme court yesterday and thu session
\vas wholly uneventful. The present term of
court seems to be much lighter than the
usual Rlttlngs and In a number of the ap
peals from the different districts only two
or three cases have been hoard or boon found
ready for a hearing from a district After
hearing two cases yesterday the court ad
journed nntil the coming Tuesday. The fol
lowing decisions were tiled yesterday :
lludd vs Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rail
road company. Error from Lancaster
county. The judgment of the district
court , so far as it refers to lots 14 and 17 in
block 70 , is nllinneil ; so far as It refers to
lots 15 and 10 In block 70 it is reversed , and
the cause as to them Is remanded for further
proceedings. Opinion by Kooso , J.
1. The remedy given by statute to land
owners for Injuries sustained by taking land
for railways is exclusive of all other reme
dies. But this rule does not preclude the
land owner from bringing ejectment for tlio
possession of real estate Illegally occupied by
a railroad. Where a railroad company with
out consent of the owner takes and occupies
real estate as a part ot Us right of way with
out pursuing the statutory method ot ap
pi raisement and condemnation , thus making
its possession rightful , It Is , as all others
under like circumstances would be , a tres
passer and can not justify Its possession. In
such case the usual common law remedies are
available to the owner.
3. Wliero proceedings to condemn real
estate , Instituted and carried through by
railroad company , are so defective as to bo
void fur want of jurisdiction , such proceed
ings will afford no defense to an action of
ejectment Instituted by tlio land owner to
recover the possession of tlio land taken and
occupied by the railroad for right of way pur
8. The constitutional guaranty that , "th
property ot no person shall bo taken or dam
ngod for public use without just componsa
tlon therefor" ' makes It Incumbent upon t
railroad company , or other irovernmonta.
Bgcncy exercising the right of eminent do
main , to render such compensation bofor
road company must proceed to condemi
under tlio forms of law. unless such' proceed
ings are Instituted by tlio land owner , and in
case of failure t > o to do , the possession of th
real estate by the company for railroad , o
other purposes , will be Illegal amlejectmon
may be maintained by the land owner ,
4. Where a railroad company condemn
private property to public use and deposits
the condemnation money with the county
Judge of the proper county. In accordance
With law and takes posiesslon of the con
demned land , the subsequent withdrawal of
tliedoposit ; from the county judge for the
reason that the proceedings were Illegal , will
be an abandonment of all rights to claim the
* possession of the real estate under such pro-
Cobb. J. dissents.
5. Where In a proceeding to condemn the
, right of way through or over th real estate
1 of a non-resident , notice Is given by publica
tion In a newspaper that If the owner falls to
apply for an assessment of damages by a date
named , then the railroad company will apply
therefor and that the appraisement will be
made nt the premises on a day and hour
named In the notice , such publication will
give no authority for the assessment of dam
ages nine months after the date tixud there
for In the notice. <
0. Whore U Is sought to exorcise the right
of eminent domain In the condemnation of
i. the real estate ot a non-resident , nnd notice
' of such Intention Is given by publication , the
publication must be made in one newspaper
lour successive weeks. The publication of
Bitch notlco In a dally newspaper a part of the
time nnd the remainder of the time In a
weekly ( the paper In-inn sent to different sets
of subscribers in dllferent locations ) will not
confer jurisdiction , and all proceedings theio-
under will bo void.
7. A party In order to acquire title to land
by the statute of limitations , must not only
liavo a possession adverse to the true owner ,
but mu t occupy the same as the owner dur-
Ihg the entire statutory period.
ft In an action In ejectment against a rail
road company for real estate occupied by it
n * a part of Its right ot way , the company
claimed , title to the property by reason of the
Matuto of limitations. Within the tun . { cars
last preceding Him commencement of the ac
tion , the railroad company soueht to con
demn the property to Its use under the pro
visions of the statute for thu cnndemnntion
of real estate. This proceedings were Insti
tuted aualnst the teal owner by name , and
the condemnation deposited with the county
judge for him. It was held that these pro
ceedings amounted to a recognition of the
ownership of the person against whom they
were Instituted , and would arrest the run-
nine of the statute , even thouzh the proceed
ings were void for want of jurisdiction , by
reason of a failure to comply with tUe law In
the publication of the notice.
HirM-h vs Mllncr. Krror Jroui Adams county.
Alllrmed. Opinion by Maxwell , Cli. .1.
1 Under the act of lt > C7 In foreclosing a
chattel morlgaee by sale of the property , such
t-alo Is to take place In the county where the
niorlgiieo was lint recorded , or In any county
wlmio the property way have been removed
l > y consent of parties , and In which
the mortgage Is duly recorded. Under
the not of i&7the proper lillnsr of a
rlmtirl mprtirnire takes the place of record-
Ine , but to authorize a sale under the statute
wiu-ru the piomty has been removed , by
concent of parties. Into a county other than
tlmtvluMO the mortgage was ilrst tiled , the
mortgage must bo duly tiled In the county
where the same Is to take place.
8. A sale under the statute by the mort-
cjaiee by which he falls to comply with any
essential requirement of the statute , will ren
der him llablo to the mortgagor for the dam-
apes which the latter may thereby sustain.
fl. A provision In the mortgage that the
mortgaged property may be sold In a county
other than that In which the mortgagor re-
flldcs , does not walvo thn statutory require
ment that the mortiMgo Is to bo tiled In the
county where thu sale Is to take placo.
I. A provision in R morUagu that the mort
gagee may take possession of the property at
any time ho feds Insecure , and and
Bell the same , doo.s not mithorl/o him to apply
the proceeds to thu payment of a note not
then duo.
Shedcnhiilm vsShcdenhclm , Error from Sa
line county. Dismissed. Opinion by the
1. An allldavlt for service by publication
In an action tordl\oreo was as lollows :
In the district court of Salmo county , Ne
braska. Nettle 11. Sliodenholm , pluliitllf , vs
lanit'S W. ShedenliPlm , defendant , State of
Nebraska. Saline county : Nettie U. Shedon-
helm , plaintiff , in the above action , bGlnu first
duly sworn , on oath says : She tins thl.s day
caused a petition to bu tiled In said court , the
object and prayer of which are to obtain a dl-
vmcowlth alimony , from said defendant.
That the defendant IB a non-resident of ttio
.state of Nebraska , and that sorvlct ! ot a sum
mons cannot bo had on him In this mate.
Whurt-foro plaintiff prays for service upon
said dctumlout by rmbllcatlmi.
Subscribed In my presence ami sworn to
before me tills Otli day of September , 180.
( SKAi , ) L. 11. DKNISON , Notary 1'ubllc.
Held , sudlclcnt. It is uunecessiry In the
affidavit for publication to set toith the par
ticular cause or causes upon which a ill vorco Is
sought , and the allldavlt may bUto or omit
the samu at his option.
2. The overruling a motion to take a default -
fault against the defendant Is not a linal
order and not revlowablo In the supreme
court until after linal judgment.
Clark vs Claik. Appeal from Johnson
county. All costs In the case , Including
the fee of thaguaidlan pro torn , will bu
taxed against the plaintiff , and as thus
modified , the judgment of the court below
Is affirmed. Opinion by Maxwell. Ch. J.
1. In an action to establish a trust , and
fora decree quieting the tltlo of certain
lands In the plalntilt , hold , that a preponder
ance of tha testimony established the tiust ,
and that the plalntlti was entitled to thu ic-
lief prayed for.
2. Held , that an allegation In the answer
of certain defendants that a deed was ob
tained by fiaud and misrepresentation ; ) , was
not sustained by the evidence.
3. Where the statute of limitations has be
gun to run In favor of a cestul que trust , It
will not bu suspended by the death of the
4. Where a costul quo trust Is In posses
sion of the trust propelty as his own , the
statute of limitations will not bo run acatnst
him In favor of the trustee so as to bar his
right to the propel ty.
5. Whore an action was brought against
certain minor heirs ; held , that as such minor
heirs are unable to convey deed , they should
not bo taxed with the costs of the action , and
that thu relief will bu granted to the plaintiff
upon thu payment ot all costs.
"Tho moon of Mahomet arose , and it
shall set , " snys Shelley ; but if you will set
n bottle of Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup in a
handy placo. you will have a quick euro
fororoup , coughs and colds.
The eight wonder of the world. A bo
flighted man limpinjj with rheumatism
who had never hoard of Salvation Oil.
Price 25 cents a bottlo.
In Favor or an dovated Railway. .
To the Editor of the BEE : 1 should
like n short space in your coin inns to pro
scut a tow plain facts. In Chicago 1
found it an inconvenience hardly to bo
endured to bo obliged to submit to the
slow means of transit existing there com
pared with the convenience I enjoyed in
Now York City by the use of its de
rated roads. If this city will lend its aid
to the project of building ono hero , thus
showing a greater spirit of progress than
Chicago , there is no telling how much
tfood it may do us , I anticipate it will
more than double the prosperity now
produced by the advertising our "waved
streets have given to the city. Before
becoming a resident of this city 1 heard
from every quarter remarks made of our
street pavement. Now let our people
continue to make this place known to the
world abroad by the introduction of con/
venicricus to the people such as au elo
vatcd railway. It such a scheme is car
ried out I prophesy a growth to the city
of at least 00,000 during the coming
two years , not saying a word about thu
years that are to follow. All these who
have used an elevated railway will agree
with mo that if it runs but ono mile it wil
bo more agrccablu to ride that mile it
three minutes than to spent ten or twelvi
minutes in going over the same ground
* * * Male weakness and loss of
power promptly cured. Book , 10 cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation , 003 Main street , Buffalo , N. Y.
To the Editor of the Br.K : I wish to
say a word to the man who is trying to
"scoro" mo in a morning paper. I know
ho has no love for the bicycle rulers , nnd
I don't know that they have much affec
tion for him. However , that cuts no fig
ure in the case. With regard to his asser
tion that our track is short , I simply wish
to say that it has been measured and
found to bo ton and one-fifth laps to the
mile. It can bo measured again , and I
will bet this man $50 that it is so meas
ured it will be found to bo just as I repre
sent it. All our paces have been run on
this basis since the polo was changed.
Yours , JOHN S. I'UINCE.
Hall Notes.
Vice President Potter and Treasurer
Peaslcy , of the Burlington road , arrived
in town yesterday from the east. Their
visit hero , they say , is of no special importance
portanco merely one of inspection.
They left yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
on a special train for Lincoln.
General Manager Callaway is expected
hero from the east to-day.
A Great IJattlo.
is continually going on in the human
system. The demon of impure blood
strives to gain victory over the constitu
tion , to rum health , to drag victims to
the grave. A good reliable medicine like
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the weapon with
which to defend one's self , drive the des
perate enemy from thu Held and restore
peace and bodily health for many years.
Try this peculiar medicine.
A New HulIdiiiK Association.
Articles of incorporation were filed yes
terday of the South Omaha Loan and
Building association , with a capital stock
of $1,000,000. The incorporators are : T.
Whittlcsey , E. II. Howland. E. F , Bay-
loss , E. M. Hunt , J. A. Silveo , E. 1C.
Wells. Adam Kollner. H. O. Miller , C. C.
Van luiran , E. K. S. McCall , H. C. Bost-
wick. W. S. Cook , M. J. DC Graff and J.
D. Jones.
"llrown's Hronclilul Troches , " are an
effectual Cough Remedy. Sold only Ji ? IMXCI
Hcrlouily Injured.
Tuesday throe squads of section men
at work on the B. & M. about a mile east
of the city indulged in a triangular hand
car race which fruay cause the death of
one man. His name is J. J. Fnuloncson
nnd ho was riding on the first car. The
second collided with it andFredcrlcson
was thrown off sustaining injuries which
may provo fatal. He wes brought to St.
Joseph's hospital , where ho now lies in a
precarious condition.
A very delightful affair occurred Tues
day evening at the residence of Mrs. Dyer ,
on Farnam street , boinz the marriage of
her daughter Mabel to Mr. Gcorgo A ,
Stickney , ol this city. The company
was composed of relatives and the most
Intimate friends of Hie parties. Misses
Lena Deltz and Margaret Dyer acted as
bridesmaids , and Messrs. P. A. Brown
and 1) . W. Kclslor as groomsmen , The
ceremony was performed bv Ilcv.
A. W. Clark , of the Calvary Baptist
General Crook.
The commanding general of this de
partment is homo again after an ex
tended eastern trip. Ho was received
with royal honors wherever ho went , for
the fame of the great Indian lighter had
preceded him. Ho lectured in Boston
and other places ami made , of course , a
superior impression.
No Heart For Headlines.
Thu Globe has raised a storm about Its
oars by its headlines stating that Murphy
was defeated by "a combination of drug
gists , saloonkeepers and gamblers. " The
spirit of the city was to elect men
without much regard to party , but thu
democratic organ .seemed to be too nar
row cheated to take in a full breath of
free air. Not satisfied with having two
democrats chosen as aldermen , one of
whom was generously endorsed by the
unanimous voice of the republican party ,
it gets mad because the citizens did not
select democrats , nnd proceeds to abuse
these who voted for George Mctcalf. The
democratic organ ought to broaden out n
little , but if it isn't made that way , and
can't bu changed , it should be consistent
enough not to talk above a whisper con
cerning "gamblers" nnd "saloonkeep
ers" taking part in city elections. It is
hardly consistent with its rejoicings over
the election of Pat Lacy in the Third
ward. Even the democrats are nettled
at the partisan foolishness of the Globe ,
especially at such a time as this , when
there is such an era of good feeling and
desire to build up Council Blufls even at
the sacrifice of some party pride or the
feelings of some put candidate.
The City Council.
The city council met last evening in
adjourned session , and spent much time
in clearing off the clerk's table. Keports
of city auditor , clerk , chiefs of police and
lire departments , etc. , were read and
placed on lilo.
The bond of J. I ) . Edmtindson , as
treasurer of the public library was ap
An ordinance was introduced mak
ing it the duty of city marshal ,
the police force , etc. , to get
till information and names of
witnesses in case of any accident on any
accident on any public highway , as a
safeguard in case of suit fur damages
against the city. It was referred , after
its second reading , C. R. Mitchell pe
titioned for $500 in bonds as pay for
grading done by him , in lied of certifi
cates. Referred. The Wickhnm-Gouldon
tramway ordinance was , with amend
ments , passed. Adjourned until to
Sncakini ; Neckwear.
Two of the mutes in attendance at the
institution for the deaf and dumb two
bovs aged about fourteen wore so fasci
nated by some bright neckties in Reno's
store that they sneaked three or four of
them , with which to make a dress parade.
They were caught , and confessed. The
boys have heretofore borun a good repu
tation , and as they seemed quite penitent
they were released aftur beinp locked up
in the calaboose for a few hours. The
luds will doubtless profit by the unpleas
ant experience which has resulted from
tnuir penchant tor neckwear. It may
cause them to stop travcl'inK on n road
which might end in their getting a differ
cut sort ot a necktie.
Ono Thousand Dollars For One.
Thomas Burke was recently arrested
by the police on the charge of passing a
counterfeit silver dollar. Ho claimed
that ho supposed it was a good dollar and
that ho therefore passed it on the propri
etor of a hotel in paying for a night's
lodging for himself and a friend. Others
claimed that Burke and his friend had
been trying to pass that same dollar in
suveral .saloons and other places , but naif
not succeeded , so that he must have
known it was a bad one. Yesterday
Burke had a preliminary hcarinsr before
Commissioner Hunter , and was hold to
await the action of the grand jury in the
sum of $1,000.
A Safe Dcnl.
Yesterday the real estate firm of Peter-
sou & Co. were moving to Sioux City and
were about to load their safe when an
officer seized the big iron box with a
writ. It is claimed by Guorgo Rudio that
the firm gave him the safe for his ser
vices in making a sale for them. As
they did not intend to turn over the safe
to "him under this agreement ho took
this means of keeping the safe here until
their dispute can bo decided in the
I'ersonnl t'araernpha.
Invitations are out by which Mr. and
Mrs. J , Goldberg request the company
of friends at the marriage of their sister ,
Miss Bertha Goldberg , to Mr. Julius Hos-
encranz , the event to take place Sunday
evening , April 3 , at their residence , No.
025 First avenue.
Gcorgo T. Phelps , manager of the
Ogden house , jeft last oveninc for New
Mexico , on a brief trip , to look after some
of bis raining interests there.
Nta snffnlnc from F Vl .
* r.
WEAK ! > UtI.IUIr.Lack t
* .retailingfrom la.
> kl _ _ dlKrtUooi , ZMU or o
. . . - . - lnlh ha < l
I of Ih lr8 < m . BcpUU lik
I Infortnttlon of Ttfut to all men.
MAItTOI IINIOY CB. IB Park Plic , N w York.
MentlonOmaha Bxw
Wkn nr Mi * > < ° B < > oaa Knljr to Top
F bi.TiijYtX. U M ir rtfi. Hurar'n viLUNa
, IU-ODI na4r.-lmnail.iifitm4r.lo rare
not avn < tTl t * ' .
Fra * lattl * of n > r UMIIbU nulipraM tat roil
. Botlilniro l I. 4I will car * .
U o.uyo ; joi.
t. u. it. HOOT , ut r. i aOx w T it.
U Is to delude a poor sufferer Into the belief
that some worthless liniment will cure
rheumatism and neuralgia. Honesty Is the
best policy In the manufacture of proprie
tary articles as in all other matters , and the
fact that the proprietors of Athlophoros
have never claimed for { ( . e\cn all Its incr-
lu would warrant has not a little to do
with its wonderful popularity , and the
thousands of grateful ti'stimonlals ' received
by them show that thdir policy has been
\\ise as well as right , / <
Experience has ampl.Mldemonstrated that
mere outward applications arc worthless.
The disease has its teat in the blood and
any remedy to be successful must deal
with the obstructive acill Which poisons and
inllamcs it.
Athlophoros nets on the blood , muscles
and joints directly. It takes the poUoit out
of the blood and carries it out of the sys
tem ; It invigorates the action of the muscles
and limbers the stiffness of the joints. It
icachce the liver nnd kidneys , cleansing
them from irritating substances , and if fol
lowed up after the rheumatic conditions
cc.asc , it will restore these organs to regu
larity and herlth.
Dr. W. D. Bryant , Calnsville , Mo. , says :
'I bought a bottle of Athlophoros for a
lady. She had not taken all the bottle be
fore she was so far restored as to resume
her household duties. She had been con
fined to her bed for three weeks , unable to
turn herself. The disease was inflamma
tory rheumatism. She has not had a re ,
currenceof it since. Athlophoros is , all that
is claimed for it. "
E. Moore , Stahl , Mo , , says , "Four bottles
tles of Athlophoros cured me of rheuma
tism two years age , and I have not felt a
pain or ache since. "
Every drucs'st ' should keep Athlopho
ros and Athloplioros Pills , but wnuro
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoroa Co. , 133 Wall St. , New
York , will HOIK ! cither , carriage paid , on
receipt of rcsiilar pnro , which is $1 nor
bottle for Athloohoros and OOo for the
I'orllvor nml kidney disoiscs. dyspopsln , In-
[ lluostlnn , weakness , norvoiisilotillitillsoiios
of womnti , constipation , lioinlaclio , Impure
' lood , etc. , Athlophorns PIIU are unc'iualletl.
Foalxtoen yours , they tjnvn strmdlly ruined
In fnor , and with sales cqnMnntly Incroaslnir
Imve become the mo t popular corset through ,
eut the United Btate . | ,
The E , U nnd K II grades are made In SHOUT
MEDIUM ANnKxntAljONOMTAisT , stiltahle for
all figures. The n qualltv. made of English
Coutll.U wnrrHiitod to vrefiir twice as long an
ordlnarycorsots. 11
Highest nvrards from nil the World's great
Fairs. The lu t modal rcfcelvod Is for FIIIST
DF.nuER OP MERIT , from the Into Exposition
hold at Now Orleans ,
Whlliscotos of patonrf-'havo ' lioon found
worthless , the principles qCtbo dlove-Flttinjr
have proved Invaluable.
Itotallors arc nuthorlzod to rnfund money , if ,
on examination , thpso Corsets do not prove as
ropros-oiitod. FOIl SAI.K KVEHYWHKHK.
Or Dlack Leprosy , la a disease which Is considered
Incurable , but It has yielded to the curative proper-
tics of Swirr's SPECIFIC now known nil o cr the
\\urld as S. B. 8. Mrs. Uailcjr. of West Somcrvllle ,
Mass. , near IJoston , was attacked ecvernl years ORO
ith thia hideous black eruption , nnd waa treated by
the best medical talent , who could only ear that tlio
nnd consequently Incurable. It Is Impossible to dc-
ecriho her sufferings. Her body from the crown of
her head to the soles of her feet nas a mass of decay ,
masses of flesh rolling off nnd IcaxInRRrcat cavities.
Her fingers fettered and three or four nails dropped
off at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
ulceratlon , and for several years elic did not Icavo
her bed. Iler weight was reduced from 125 to CO Ibs.
Perhaps come faint Idea of her condition can bo
rleantd from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo-
ferer to her all-wine Creator.
Her hniband hearing wonderful reports of the nM
of SWIFT'S Bracirio ( S. B. H. ) , prevailed on her to
try It as a last re ort. Hhc began it * tine under pro-
teit , but soon found that her system was being re
lieved of the poison , ai the pores assumed a red and
healthy color , as though the blood was becoming
pure and active. Mrs. JSalley continued the B. 8.8 ,
until last February ; every aora was healed ; she dis
carded chair and cratches , and was for the first time
in twelve years a well woman. Her hniband , Mr ,
C. A. Bailey , Is In bnsioess at 17X BlackstoneBtrect ,
Boston , and will take pleasure In Riving the details
of this wonderful cure. Send to us for Treatise on
Wood and Bktn Diseases , mailed free.
TUB bvfirr Srecino Co. . Draucr 3. Atlanta. Gv
nClCUCOG us causes , nnd a new and
IICArllCdO successful CUIIK at your own
" * homo hy one who was deaf twenty eight
years. Treated by most of the noted special
ists without benefit : cured himself In throe
months , nnd since then hundreds of others.
Full particulars sent on application. T. H.
PAGE. No. 11 Wesiaist St. , N ew York City.
Sprrlnllr nUtlllrd for
.Medicinal t'.c.
DR. IDW I , . WALMKO , fur
Ken In Cll r , National Quart
of N.J.wrll !
"JlT ittmtlon WM f IlM It
rour Ke.nlone Mult Wtilskt ; b >
Kr. I.ntor , Drujjln , of Trenton
ami I h vn u c < i a few bottlw
nllh fur ttttf r effect llun any J
hare tiad. I am rMOtnmendlnt
jour article In tnj pracUc * , an ]
find II ry MlUUetprjr. "
ht Oenntnr hM th lliniUrt
of Bottli. L bU ,
( Sol , ifentl for Ibl U B }
316.318 and 320 Rac St. Philidelchia. Px
Goodman Drug Co.Gonl.AjontsOmaha
Cor. 13th nnd Imice Sin. , OinMm , Nel > .
" A HegulftrUritiliiittln Uodlclua Over II
yrs tTACtlce loin Katnun City , Mo. An.
thorite ! tn treat all thrnnlc , Norroni and
"S < pecJa1 lMftasan. " SumlnalV Hknen
INig-hlLoiea ) , KPXUH ) Debility ( Ion of
5 > oiu l power ) , Nervous I'ebftltjr , Ac ,
Irurei Ru ranl Hl or money refunded.
T CliArgftf low , Thoumndi of ct osrureJ ,
Bipcrlenrt I * Importnnt All medtclnef
readrloruie No mercury or lnjurlou modlcltiei ui J <
Nolfme hut from bnilnas * . rtlent atadlitttire treated
by letter anJ iprn kcdlcloe * pen t everywhere free from
or breakage. State ycnu < ai and send for termi.
ocivlutloA fr 4 and confldeotln , periutially or by jetUr.
to , * 7 to H P.M
lnLlei . llnnoui.mlld , loolhlngcurrtnli of
- UsctricftA * ItyoltecllIhrnugh all wnk pirtimor-
Ingtbtm'iY Va htcllh and Vlfuroui Slnnilh. EltcUlU
Current > V-Bf-ff It Inilintlr or we forfeit is.UOO Incaih.
Off tint ImproTrmr ntiover all other bclti. Woril rain per *
rnHniiitljenrfil In thrro monthi. Sialfd t > ftmphUt4e , ittrnn
Thi Sandcn Electric Co. 109 LiSallo it. , Chicago
Ono Affent ( Ucrriiant onlr > w nf r1 tnerrrr to\rn for
yoiir"Tnn9l1l'8lMinch" ( flvo hotter pntlsfnc-
lion 10 my ctistoinc'rs tlmn nny Co clitnr I Imva
Immllcd. t sell moro of thorn than nil tilhor
liuuiilB put tope her. Tlioy nro pronounced
crjuulto the "bit1 nlptrgold here ,
CIIAK A. CHASE , DTUKK 1st , San Dlogo , Cat.
For the relief and euro of
Send stamp for the ' . -
nil , " an InWrontlnu bonk of
130 r nx r .r Colored ru- -
. .
\lu \ tent anywhtr ? in IM
\ United Blafet , Canada or
fEun > tn bvExprcti. Xatv ,
' . romvtete dtreftiont wtthtarhtrratm < nt AudreM ,
B'afn. PEfRO.UlMft Optra Hon , tUlCAUO , ILL.
Tlio only road to toke for Dos Mol DCS Mnr-
tluilltown , Cedar Itaplds , Clinton , Dlxon , Cblca
K < > , Mllwunkoo nnd alt points oust. To the people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming1 , Utah ,
Idiiho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , It offers superior advantages not possi
ble hy any other lino.
Among a few ot the numerous polnta of BU-
porlorily enjoyed by the patrons of this road
between Omaha and Chicago , nro Its two trains
nday of UAVCOACHK9 , which aio the flnest
that humnn nrt and Ingenuity can oroato. Its
PALACU SLEEPING CAKS. which nro models
of comfort nnd oleganeo. Its PAKLOlt DIIAW-
INO KOOM CAHS , unsurpHSsod by any , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS
the equal nf which cannot be found olsowhrre
At Council ItluiTs the trains of tlio Union Pacific
llv. connect in Union Depot with these of the
Chicago & Northwestern Hy. Tn Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
those of nil eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati. Niagara Falls , Buffalo , Plttsbupjr.Toronto.
Montreal , Boston , Now Yorit , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and nil points .a the
oust , ask for ticket via the
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
oRontt sell tickets via thia line.
lien ! . Manager. Oonl. Pnss'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Wubloro Aitant , . City Puss'r Agent ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
lT 1rcur6dln6O daTaDjrDr.
le'ifclMln-llacBeUo Molt *
i.oomblnw ) . UuarantMdth.
onlr one In tbo world ( r piratln (
contlnnotn flettrtf i Maonilu
enrrml. BolOTitmc , Powerful , Durable ,
ui .Comfortable nud KffMUT * . Avoid fraud * .
tt Orxrn.OQOctirrd. RrndHtunpforpannhltt.
Or. HOIiKE. IIIVtMTO . IBI WtiAlH Kit. . fMir ! pn.
Ixrareit Bate Erer oertered Vrona M o. Ill ver
V SIGLER'S Grand Pullman Car Excursions ,
Feron lly conducted , leave Chicago , St. Lou In ,
Kansas Cltr. Omaha and other Western Cltlet
montblr. for California over the C. n. & Q. and the
GnCIT CPEUIP RflllTF of tna " 0JFor |
bnCJII dbCniw nUUIC particularsaddre
II.C. BIOLBK. Uaniijcr , JMClark Mreot , CU1CAQO.
Display at thoiri warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
LYON & HrniY1
- m * , * * ,
V riVaFnill J'v A"rAIV ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
. ' ' ' I30S * 1307 r ARM AM TRKBT *
Beautiful Residence Lots
Also Business Lots
On tlio large map of Omnlm anil observe that llio two and one-Half milo
belt from the Omaha postoflice runs south o section 33 and through
the north end of South Omaha.
And pencil , then get one of J.M. Wolfe & Go's maps of Omaha and South
Omaha combined ,
On the string at 13th and Farnam , Omaha's businca center , and your
pencil on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from
the north.
A circle and note
Is , and also that many "Additions , " "Places" and "Hills" are far
This magic circle.
And think a minute what will make outside property increase in value ?
Is all that will enhance the value of real estate other than ] at ] Soutk
Omaha. At the latter have three
point wo important factors to build up
and make valuable the property :
First The growth of Omaha , which has and always will follow the
transportation lines.
Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the beat
manufacturing point of any in or near the city ,
Dressed Beef Business
and Pork Packing Industry
Will make a town of themselves.
Going up this year.
A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment
To be put into operation at once.
Awaj your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha
before a higher appraisement is made. The best locations are being taken
Make your selections now :
Loti that sold for $300 in ISSt cannot now be bought for $3,000. ,
Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between
this city and South Omaha.
Will run to the Stock Yards thia year. The minute it does lots will double -
ble in value , as this will afford quick and cheap transportation either by ? ;
Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars.
For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circulars ,
address ,
Agent for the South Omaha Land Go mpani
N.W. Cor , 15th and Harney.