Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    ti-y-ijp I * FVw Wri-r- ' "
tnarck , mid until ttio votlne began the house
was Hi a tumult IJIsnmrck and the other
ministers entered Just lu tlmoto hear the
Morm of hisses and laughter which greeted
IJamberger's statement that the remit ot the
elections was not the voice of the people In
favor of thu "sctunnate | ) , " but had been
brought about by the paoplo's fear ot war.
Nobody fitou'l upon his dusk , ns
did Mr. Sprinter In congress , nor upon the
bench , as Lord Unndolph Churchill did In the
Commons , but for n decorous German relch-
fttttg thn scene Is said to have muro closely
resembled a "beer garden" than It ever did
before. When Dually cilm was restored tlio
Voting showed that both tlio coiit'-r and the
proitrrsslsts were b.ully split Prince Bis
marck's victory was so complete as almost to
brand him as a "politician. " His majority
Is absolute. The opposition scums to bo so
Keno to plect-s tint for a tlmu at toast lie will
bo nblo to govarn through parliament as If
no parliament existed.
niif.r.BSKPB AHItlVKS.
51. DeLossops arrived this morning and Is
greeted In a most friendly spirit by all the
Jlerlln papers , which devote long articles de
scribing his arrival and appearance. With
very unusual enterprise one Ucrlln paper In
terviewed him at once. M. UcLcssops.wlth his
usual cleverness , said ho was In fa\or ot
peace , knowing nothing about war or diplo
macy. Then he put In a halt column puft
for the Panama canal , about which ho claims
to know something. All Indications point to
court and popular reception ot Dcl < e3sups
which should greatly gratify the French.
A Serious and Sensational Tumble of
the King of Donmnrk.
! 1S87 Itu James Gordon llcnnctl. ]
March 0. I Now York
Herald Cable Special to the 15iu. : ] A Gen
tleman who wus present at thu recent court
ball nt the ro.\al palace thus describes the
sensational accident that happened to Klne
Christian after supper : The lather ot the
princess of Wales and of the czarlnc danced
n cotillion , choosing for his partner Miss
Estrup , daughter of ills prime minister. A
portion of the Hoer near the queen's throne
bad been so waxed and polished that It was
as slippery as a sheet of Ice. Five couples ,
Including the king and Miss Estrup , .were
waltzing near the slippery spot when two of
the couples slipped , fell and rolled on the
floor. Almost at the saiuo Instant the king's
foot slipped and his majesty fell with a tre
mendous crash on his back at full length ,
bringing down with him Miss Kstrup , whoso
neck was slightly cut by one of the kind's de
corations In his full. The king's head struck
the corner of ono of the steps of the
queen's throne with a report llko that
of a popgun. Theio was great consternation.
The music censed. The king remained
stunned and motionless. JO very one thought
lie was killed. Some of the ladles screamed.
Miss Estrup fainted away and the Countess
lleventlow , ono of the ladles ot the court ,
wasseized wltn a crU do noiirfu. The king
was the lirst to recover his presence ot mind.
Bleeding from a wound In the back of the
head and pale as a sheet , ho tried to rise to
his teot , but fell back again on the floor. The
ladies of the court placed wet handkerchiefs
to bis majesty's forehead and applied smell
ing salts to his nose. In a few inomons-t he
was assisted to his feet llu at once made a
sign to the orchestra to resume the music and
desired the dancing to ro-coinmeuco. Ho
himself made a tour of the hall with Miss
Estrup on his arm , doing his bast to tranquilIze -
Izo her , but shottly afterward the entire
court loft the ball room and everybody wont
homo. Next day the qupon was attacked
With nervous trembling as a result of the
excitement of the previous evening , and the
king was obliged to romaln In his room for
two days. This , perhaps , Is the most sensa
tional Incident that has happened in any
court festivity in Denmark slnoo thu memor
able occasion when the royal Dan wai
startled by the unexpected deaoiioment of
Prince Hamlet's play of "The Mouse Trap. "
The New Secretary and Arclibi shop
Croko's Declaration.
[ Copi/r/fl7 / t 1837 by Jama Onnlan Bennett. ]
Duuu.v.MarchO. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to the linn. I The now secretary for
Ireland , Mr. A. J. Ualfour , is now hero. Mr.
W. H. Smith. Ids predecessor of a year ago ,
stayed here twenty-four hours , when his
eoyornment was turned out Mr. Balfour
has been here for forty-eight Hours. "Ho
comes to visit Ireland to see for the lirst time
what It Is like , " quizzically said Air. Dwyer
Grey. Archbishop Uioko , in a card , dis
claims the Interpretation put upon his state
ment about no tavus buing paid. Ho says :
"It never entered my head to recommend a
general uprising against the payment of
taxes. However I may deplore the use to
which the government has been converting
them , or to suggest a policy In any way ad-
Terse to the onti successfully pursued by the
Irish parliamentary party I trust to constitu
tional agitation nlonu for the icst. Defenders
of our national rights as we are circum
stanced , no ono , I believe , but n fool or a
knave could put hU trust In any other line of
action. Not being clttier I have not openly
a recommended nor covertly hinted an altorna-
* tlvo course. "
ii KOMI : . March 0. [ Now York Herald
< Cable Special to the UHK.J It is morally
* certain that desplto thu dKagrooablo Impres
sion made hero by Aichblshop Croko's recent
action In the nutter ot tax paying , thp pro
paganda lias no Intention of calling him to
account , at least lor the present. The matter
will bo distinctly ignored unless some fresh
demonstration of the bishop absolutely
.forces Koine to intorfeio. tiualdus this , his
" own Interpretation of his words as teloj
graphed heio last evening must soften the
first impression.
The Chat ham Hook Vard Scandal.
( Copi/rtoJil 1W7 by Jamfi rjonlm Ut\nM. ]
LONDON , March " . [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the UKK. ] Thn treason In
tlio Chatham Duck yard and Uev. Henry
Ward Ueechor's d ath push aside in all the
morning papers Kulgailn , Ireland and the
cloturo. Tlio 'IVlograoh , speaking of the
dock yard scandal , says : "It Is stated that
the government otlho United States is the
* " " other paity to the charge brought against
X' Mr. Young Terry. Wo trust this may prove
| to be an unfounded rumor. If , however , it
| jT l should bo proved that the government at
Washington has boon surroptlclously en
deavoring to bribe British olllclals to turn
n. traitors , a violent wave ot indignation will
beyond all question , swoop ever this coun
try. " Tlio ottiur papers soaui to echo this
I showed Mr. Charles I * . Piiolps , second
secretary ot the American legation , the tol-
lowlng paragraph to-day taken from an even
ing newspaper :
It then transpired that Terry had supplied
tlio Information which had been asked of
him to a gentleman In London , and that ho
In turn had passed It on to a third party , by
which means it had reached the American le
gation. Considerable surprise is foil that the
American government should endeavor to get
hold of aecrct information In this under *
handed manner , as the English admiralty
have been very willing to glvo them all legit'
lumln assistance In the construction nt ships.
There Is not the faintest color of truth in
the Urst allegation , " said Mr. Pholps. Only
to-day the admiralty authorities Informed the
American Icffatlon that they did not bftlleve
in any such rumor. The fact Is Terry sup
pled bis drawing * to a man in the north of
Tendon , nnd from him they reached America
but through an altogether private channel.
Thrro U no doubt thn design * have been
applied to other countries , but the United
btMM Imvn b M chosen to cover the
wrong doing of others IB the frauds.
to Uw Uutjr 01 Ut naral
attache ot every country to get plans If ho
can , and thny all do It , except the United
Stales attaches. Our location lias no need
to do anything underhanded , as the Kimllsh
government generally grants United States
olllclals uhat wo ask fen Of course the ad
miralty knows this and they do not object to
It , but they do object to private persons sup
plying the Information , and they Intend to
lind out who the delinquents are and then
punish them. "
LONDON , March 0. Commodore Chadwlck.
United States naval attache in London , had
an Intcrxlew this morning with Hear Ad
miral William ( iraliam , controller of thu
navy , In tlio statements that
Draughtsman Terry\vui ! had been dismissed
from the Chatham navy yard , had revealed
the secrets of naxnl duslt'iis to thu American
legation. The contiollur said that they were
merely newspaper assertions , and that"as far
as the htorles connected anybody
In HIP legation with the navy yard treachery
tlwy were entirely false. All that the ad
miralty knew that Terry had sold private
persons designs , which ho gained possession
of by toason of Ills position in the govern
ment employ. The secretary of the Ameri
can location continued and omphasl7ed the
denial that any iirltlsh naval plans had been
obtained by underhanded methods.
The Telegraph , commenting on the dis
charge of Draughtsman Terry from the
Chatham navy yard , says : "If the charge
that Terry's revelations wont indirectly to
the American legation be true , and It be
proved that the government at Washington
has surreptitiously tried to brlbo British of
ficials to turn traitor , a violent wave of In
dignation will sweep over this country. The
people of England and the United States are
on the friendliest terms , and there is every
desire on our part to maintain these rela
tions. British dock yard olllclals are willing
to show foreigners the details of Knulish
naval resources , but the nation desires this to
1)9 open and above board. Treacherous
trafficking In .state secrets when discovered
will be visited with swift censure and punish
ment. "
WASHINGTON , March U. Kelativo to the
reported dismissal of a foreman In the Kng-
llsh naval workshop at Chatham for selling
Information of plans of vessels , torpedoes ,
etc. , to this government , It Is said at the navy
department that no far as this govnrnmont Is
concerned there Is absolutely no truth In the
charge. _ _ _ _ _ _
The Condemned Anarchist Allowed
to Roe Ills Dead Wife.
CHICAGO , Match 0 , [ Special Telegram to
the UKK.I For the first time in half a year ,
since he was pronounced guilty in Judge
Gary's court , Oscar Neobe to-day breathed
the pure air of heaven unfettered through
the wire ca-'e of the jail. At the request of
himself mid his friends Necbe was this after
noon tnIcon from the county jail to the homo
of his brother on Sedcwirk street that ho
iiilclit look once more on the features of his
wife , who died day before yesterday. .Nctebo'.s
visit was paid very quietly. At a o'clock
Deputy Sheriff Spears appeared at the jail
armed with a capias , on which he could hold
his ptisonor in case possession was disputed
and there was any trouble. Twenty-live
minutes later a carriage drove up to the jail
and Xcebo's brother alighted from It and
wont Into the lull. Neobe was then taken
from his cell by Jailor Folse. He looked
stouter than over , but very pale. His clothes
were shabby , his overcoat seedy and his once
jaunty slouch hat covered with dust. Ho
wns smoking n cigar. Spears and the
brothers hurried out , stepped Into the
carrla o in the alloy and wore driven rapIdly -
Idly olf.
A Oownrrtly Murderer.
CINCINNATI , March 9. A special from
Mlllersburg , Ind. , says William Driver , dep
uty constable , came hero from Switzerland
county to arrest William Slret , who had es
caped from the ollloers while under arrest for
stealing , and found him in a skiff coin2 to
ward the Kentucky shore. Sleet'.s son Leslie ,
aged fomtuen , who was also in the skill at
the Indiana shore , called to his father not to
return. Driver then tiled at the elder Sleet.
The boy becged the constable not to kill his
father , whereupon Driver deliberately shot
the boy. Indicting a wound which is fatal. A
warrant has been issued for the arrest of
Bill Hlctcrnnn's Sugnrlne.
BOSTON , March 8. Win. C. Hickman , or
iginally of Philadelphia , but lately of Boston ,
has fled to Montreal , after having , It is
alleged , swindled a number of Boston capit
alists out of between 830.000 and 350,000.
Ulckman claimed to have a formula for man
ufacturing an article that he called "sugar-
Ino" out ot common starch , which ho said
could be made for ono and a half cents per
pound and sold for five and a half. Several
capitalists became interested and furnished
considerable sums of money , which Hick-
man per vetted to his own use.
Killed By Foul Ons.
Dns MoiMns , la. , March 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Parties boring a well
near Huthven to-day , heard a bubbling nolce
us If made by running water. Albert Stan
ley volunteered to go down and ho started ,
but was overcome bv gas and fell to the bottom
tom but was dead before he could bo recov
Fatal Kxuloainn.
UUAND RAi'ins , Mich. , March 9. The
boiler in the Globe shingle mill , near Ed-
more , exploded early this morning , com
pletely wrecking the mill , killing two un
known men and seriously wounding six or
beveu , of whom ono will die.
Bad Runaway Linda.
CEDAU ItAPius , la. , March 0. [ Special
Telegram to the BEK. Two boys named
Biewcr and Mathews were arrested this
mornlni ; with large bowle knives on their
persons running away from homo to become
Ilhodc Island Nomination * .
PIIOVIDKNCE , It. I. , March 8. The demo
cratic state convention to-day nominated for
governor John W. Davis , of Pawtuckct , and
Samuel It. Honey , of Newport , for lieutenant
Fair weather is predicted for to-day.
Woman sulfrage waa Killed in Maine yes
terday by the legislature.
The bail of Hone , the Peorla bank forger ,
has been tixed at 500,000.
Biicadior General Greoly yesterday re
ceived Ills commission as chief signal olllcor.
The Cook county grand Jury has com
menced its investigations of the charges
against the Chicago "boodlers. "
The comptroller of the currency has author
ized the Cedar Kaplds ( la. ) National bank
to begin business with a capital of $100,000.
The late dry goods house of Roll , Thayer ,
Williams & Co. , of Kansas City , was sold by
the fiherill yesterday to Bernhelmer & Bros. ,
st Qulncy , III. , lor
The states attorney at Ottawa , 111. , claims
to have discovered big shortages in the ac
counts of county ofllcials and will present
the matter to the grand Jury.
Secretary Manning yesterday quietly un-
llnqutshed control of the tieasury depart
ment at Washington , although his rubiitna-
tlon does not take cited until April 1.
The treasury department Is Intormnd that
many trade dollars presented for redemp
tion at Now York have been split and lillcd
so skillfully as to almost defy detection.
The proposed great race between Bald
win's Volauto and Morrissey's Montana
Regent has not yet been delinltcly settled
on , but both men profess a willingness to
match their horses 1C satisfactory terms can
bo arranged on.
The president yesterday took advantage of
the tcnuioof ofllcelaw for the first time by
removing James I ) . Bowlo as collector of
customs at IVtcrsbnrir , Ya. , and John Men-
shaw as super vising Inspector of steam ves
sels for the Third district.
Reports from Washington show that the
failure ot the formications appropriation bill
eaves that department of the iroveruuient In
a worse condition than ever before , there not
belnc enough money available to nay oven a
watchman at formications without garrisons.
A dispute has arisen In regard to the ettVc-
livenoss of the bill passed by congress estab
lishing agricultural experiment stations , it
being held that no appropriation Is made to
carry the law Into effect. Ho autliorlttve de
cision of the matter has yet been made.
Another terrible tragedy Is reported from
Kentucky. A sixteen-year-old boy livlnz in
Liuvrencn county named Samuel Smith had
some dltllculty with a neighbor named Hain-
niond and shot him dvad ; also fatally wound
ing the tatter's wife and two children. Smith
The Obio Senator's ' Visit to Dirlo Oausas
Much Political Speculation ,
Lieutenant Powell llcnorlcd In n Crit
ical Condition Honodict DU-
Another Dig liatcli
\Vnslilngtou News.
A Nlantllonnt Trip IIy Sherman.
WASIIINOTON , March 0. [ Special Tele-
cram to the Br.K.J There Is not a little gos
sip alloat to-nUht about the real object of
Senator Sherman's visit to the south at this
time. The senator's friends do not hesitate
to hay that It lias an Incidental political bear
ing and that ho will bpeak In all portions ot
the south before ho returns. Ex-Senator
M.ihouo and ex-ltcprcscntatlvo John S.
Wise , of Virginia , announced to-day that
Sherman delegates will be chosen In their
state next spring and that the "Ohio man"
can carry the Old Dominion against any
democrat that can be put In the Held. It Is
behoved that presidential campaign issues
and candidates tor nomination will develop
soon after Sherman returns.
Secretary Manning left the treasury de
partment for good this afternoon. He goes
to Now York to-morrow and sails for Kurope
Tuesday. 1 am not violating any confidence
when 1 toll the true reason for Manning's
trip to Kuropn. Wlion it was stated that lie
would take a foreign trip before taking
charge of the new bank in New York It was
vehemently denied by Mr. Manning. Two
weeks ago he went to Now York and had a
consultation with the directors of the now
bank. Mr. Hyao , of the Equitable Life In
surance company , and another well known
capitalist and Mr. Hyde's partner In
projecting and starting the now bank ,
said at this Interview what has been
stated so often from this city that Mr. Man
ning was a sick man. They did not say any
thing , but within the next few days they sold
out all their stock In the now bink at 10 per
cent above par. The reasons they gave was
that Manning was not a proncr man , in his
present physical condition , to take charge of
so largo a concern. The other stockholders
and duectors , when they heard of the two
leadeis' action , crew alarmed , and then they
decided that Mr. Manning should take a trip
abroad. Everything was arranged for him.
Even Mr. Jordan was to go along to see that
ho kept well. This , too , is a great change in
plans , for Mr. Jordan did not Intend to leave
) he treasurer's olllco till late in April. The
hopes of Mr. Manning's absence from the
United States and Jordan's constant attend
ance was what kept the directors ot the new
bank together. It was a hard blow to the
directors to find Manning so ill , because
they had honed his name and services would
be of financial aid to them and they think
now the best thing Is tor him to take a long
The condition of Lieutenant Joseph S.
Powell , slunal corps , who is sick at his resi
dence In this city , and who Is well known In
Nebraska and Minnesota , is sucn as to cause
the gravestapprcnsion , audit is almost im
probable that ho will survive many days
longer. Ills physical condition yesterday
was such that he Is utterly unable , a signal
olllcer says , to raise n hand , and is wholly
cared for by attendants as though he was an
Infant of a week's age. His mental con
dition is such that he cannot talk or recog
nize anyone and ho Is Imbecile rather than
Insane. After his arrival hero General
Greoly had him released train arrest as soon
as his condition became known.
A painful state of trepidation and fear
exists among employes at the coveinmont
printing olllco. Public Printer Benedict is
almost daily sending notices through his
foremen to scores of compositors , pressmen ,
etc. , which read thus : "i am Instructed by
the public printer to Inform you that your
services will not bo required in this ofiico
alter this date. " Tills means summary dis
missal. Others are receiving > 'furlouhs , "
which are equivalent to dismissal. Benedict
says that this course Is necessary on account
ot the dellclcncles created by his predecessor ,
but declares there is all the work thu entire
force can do. Yesterday forty men were dis-
chargeJ. To-day about the same number
wore relieved fiomduty and the reduction of
force will continue till ever 3,300 employes
arc down to about l , < iOO. The public printer
has asked for numerous improvements in the
way of machinery , but there Is little likeli
hood that congress will grant them a large
. The people being dismissed will
ave no woik to do and many will be in al
most destitute circumstances.
UNSIONKI ) 111X1.3.
Roprosent.Ulvo Dibble , ot South Carolina ,
who was chairman lu the last congress of the
house committee on public buildings and
grounds , presented a brief to the president
to-day regarding the much-vexed question of
the latters right to sign bills after the ad
journment of congress. "There are thirty-
live bills , " said Mr. Dibble , "that passed both
houses of congressand rro think the presi
dent has a perfect right to slun them if ho
sees at I nave taken a great deal of trouble
to hunt up authorities In the case and es
pecially slnco many ot the bills came from
my committee , and 1 naturally want to see
them become laws. The proposition set forth
In my brief to the president was that a Dill
passed by both houses ot congress and pro-
bontcd to the president of the United States
during the session might become a law if he
approved it within ten days of its presenta
tion , whether congress was In session at the
time of his signing or not. There Is but'ono
method in which the president
can manifest Ills approval -of. a
bill and that is by signing it.
Approved bills are never returned to con
gress , but they eo from the president , to the
secretary ot state , and consequently , such
bills aiv uot atTccted by any action , of con-
cress so far as adjournment Is concerned.
The bills presented to him havv'all of them
passed both houses ot coneress. If there is
any vicious legislation in thorn ho will with
hold his approval , nnd such bills fall , but as
to others which ho recards as meritorious ho
simply gives onVct to the will ot the people
and the states expressed bv their respective
repiosentatlvcs in coneress In matters which
are for the good of the country. It could
never have boon contemplated that meritor
ious legislation should bo thus dcleated
when the senate and house concur lu thnlr
action and the executive also approves. In
my Interview with the president , " concluded
Mi. Dlbblo , "ho assured mo that he would
give my brief careful consideration , but
would not give mo even an Inkling as to his
determination In the matter.
The pressure has been relieved upon the
president and he finds more time to devote
now to his private aftaiis as well as to the
public since congress adjomned. To bo siire ,
ho has dally to receive congressmen who
want to pay their respects before going home ,
but othct wlso the president Is not much ham
pered with the adjournment of congress.
There has ceased to bo a rush of visitors at
tint white house , and the trl-weekly public
receptions now rarely accumulate moro than
a hundred visitors. All that come to the
white house up to half-past 1 o'clock shako
hands w Ith the president , but nobody is per
mitted to see Mrs. Cleveland outside of her
Intimale acquaintances. The lecent death
of her grandmother , Mrs. Harmon , at
Jackson , Mich. , Is one ot thn
uusons assigned for Mr. ' . Cleve
land's withdrawal from public life ,
for a greater jurt of her girlhood wa spent
with her relatives In Jackson , Mlclu Mrx.
Cleveland was a great favorite with Grand
mother Harmon , and It has been a source of
uoep iciaot that she was unable to leave
Washington to attend the funeral. Besides ,
Mrs. Fdlsoui , when she left Washington for
the bodsldo of her mother , had no intimation
of thu dangerous nature of her Illness and
hence did not consider It necessary to have
her daughter accompany her. Meanwhile
the president and his wife are spcndlne the
tlmo very quietly at the white house , varying
the monotony with an occasional drive out
to the country seat , Oak View , where they
will permanently locate after the 1st of
O'NEILL msousTRn.
Representative O'Neill , of St. Louts , Is
greatly disgusted with the work of the last-
HQgslon of congress In labor matters. O'Neill
Is chairman of the house committee on labor.
Ho said to-day : "As a result ( if two sears'
hard work wo have practically accomplished
nothing of value In the Interest of labor. The
two important bill * tha ( wo were worlUug on
that to prohibit IhevImportation of alien
contract labor and the labor arbitration bill
which got through both houses have failed of
the signature of lliujuvfildont. 1 don't know
whether they cot to Jilin in tlmu or not , but
certainly tliov an > lu t , , '
Pensions granted , JKebraskans to-day :
J jllMIUIIil | * If HiUtT .III MHU1U3 OlllUlIf UIUIU ,
Homy Miller. WacV.footocal McCall.Ord ;
Jos. Connor , Central city : Ohas. 0. Wyatl ,
MadisonSamuel ; Njjylinrt , Alexandria ,
1'enslons crantcd lowans to-day : Johanna ,
mother of Kind Scliotto , Uh.ulton ; Sarah II. ,
mother of Clins. L. Parker , Perrv ; Oeo. W.
Kiirnsworth , Andruui , Kmreno U. Gieensllt.
.Maine ; John II. Cutldu , Unique ; KobeitJ.
Downs , What t Clieoj' i , V.iv:1. ; Isaac : _ , , W. . Hainl .f . Ma-
John U. Hatred , Oakland ; John .N'lblock ,
Maquoketa ; Ilerlah llaxi-i , Allerton ;
Isaac liurk , I'olk City ; John Rllpy , Hloom-
fleld ; Chas. IJ. llaymoud , Mooicvillo ; f.eon-
Idus Hayno , Ulvorton ; D.inlot 1 * . ll.iynos ,
The leave of Chaplain George G. Mullln.
Twenty-hfth Infantry , has been extended
until further orders on account of disability.
First Lieutenant William A. Warren ,
adjutant Seventeenth Infantry , has been
cranted sick leave lor two months from Fort
David A. Russell , Cheyenne.
Major Gooreo H. Burton , Inspector gonnral
on General Wilcox's staff at Fort Loaven-
woith. Is at the Kbliltt en route to his home
In Delaware on leave.
First Lieutenant Theodore A. True , Forty-
sixth infantry , who was acting post quarter
master at Uoise barracks , Idaho , during the
absence of Lieutenant Frank I ! . Andius
on leave , has boon ordered bactc to his sta
tion at Fort Ca'ur d'Aleno , Idaho.
Tlio following transfers have been ordered
upon the application of the olllcers con
cerned : First Lieutenant A. C. Ducat , jr. ,
Irom the Third cavalry to the Twenty-fourth
infantry , company E , Fort Sill. Indian ter
ritory , and First Lieutenant U. L. Rlpley
from the Twenty-fourth infantry to the
Tliira cavalry , troop L , Fort Davis , Texas.
First Lieutenant John H. H. l'olliic ,
Thirteenth Infantry , has been uiauted six
months' leave for disability.
First Lieutenant John L. Gross Sixth cav
alry , has been granted six months' leave.
The leave of Lieutenant S. N. Getty ,
Twenty-second Infantry , Is extended two
Fifty-seven recruits have been ordered to
the department ! of Texas and Arl/ona , forty-
four for Nineteenth Infantry and thirteen
for the Thirteenth Infantry.
It Is understood that tlio secretary of
war has severely ropromandcd Colonel Gib
son , of the Third artillery , for want of
piomptuess and bad appearance or troops on
the occasion of the funeral of the late
Colonel Scott In this city and the unsoldlcrly
conduct of the olllcers.
Iowa Supreme Court Decisions.
Dis : MOINES , la. , March 9. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the UIK. ] The supreme court ron-
doted the following decisions horc to-day :
J. J. Piiyno , apoellant , vs Des Koines &
Fort Dodge Railroad company. Action In
chancery to en force the specific performance
of a contract to convoy lands. I'olk circuit.
A. McGrow vs town of Lettsvllle et al , ap
I * . M. Krlfch vs same , appellants. Louisa
circuit. Afllrmcd.
City of Waterloo vs Waterloo Street Rail
way company , appellant. lilackhawk dis
trict. Action in equity , Ip restrain defendant
( torn laving track on one of the streets ot the
plaintiff city. Reversed *
Katharine Koevnk.fujminlstrator , etc. , ap
pellant , vs J. J. Smif/ , and others. Winne-
slinlk district , RovflMCi } .
C. K. Scott , aDpelIan.t < .vs L. II. Lasollo et
nl. Shelby circuit court , Aflirmed.
Adam Amlsh and others vs Benedict Gol-
liausand others , appollants. Johnson dis
trict. Affirmed. ( ;
Ottumwa , Cedar Fall * & St. Paul Ra'lway
Company vs. Robert MoWilllams and Mar
garet McWllllam.s , appellants. Powcshlek
district. Atllrmed. , > !
Samuel Clark , appellant , vs. Joseph Rolls
nnd Annie Wlllotts. ill'oweshiek disttict.
Aflirmed. if r
H. S. Wlnslow and Ji > F. Lacey vs. Central
Iowa Railway company and W. D. itucklaw ,
appellants. Mahaski : ° clrcuit AtUrmed.
15. W.llrailoy vs. Welcome Ellis ot. al. ,
appellants. llumboldtfJrcult. Atlirmed.
Marshall Judge , appellant , vs. Charles
Arlan et. al. Same vs. K , H. Cartonson et.
al. Same vs. August Fodorson et. al. Clin
ton circuit. Reversed.
Marshall Judge , anpellant , TS. Charles
Krlbs , Otto Kohl , Thomas Herrity , Ray
Ctiristenson and others. Four cases tried
together. Clinton circuit. Reversed. Opin
ion by Soever.- , , who lemands the cases with
directions to grant the liquor injunctions
asked for.
State vs. John Koll , sr. , appellant , liquor
law. Webstar district. Afllrmpd.
Nicholas. Sheppard & Co. , appellants , vs.
John H. Wayman et , al. Warren circuit.
Jamo.s H. East , appellant , vs. A. M. Push
and M. II. Myers. Adair circuit. Atlirmod.
Fort Dodge Coal Company vs. W. N. Wil
son , appellant. Webster district. Atllrmed.
James 11. Prctel , appellant , vs. Gilbert Pal
mer. Buchanan circuit. Allirmed.
Death of Collector Thompson.
DAVENPORT , la. , March 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.K.l W. C. Thompson , United
States revenue collector for the Second Iowa
district , died this mornltiK of Uright'.s dis
ease after a Ion. illness Mr , Thompson took
charge of his offlce Juno 1 , 1835 , belne ap
pointed in the early pait of Cleveland's ad
ministration. He had sufTered from rheuma
tism , complicated with heart disease , but the
cause of his death was blood poisoning result
ing from the former. About a year ago ho
was married to Miss LoClalre , ot this city , a
most estimable lady , who is completely pros
trated by her loss.
WASIIINOTON , March 0. The commis
sioner of Internal levonue to-day received a
telegram announcing the death of W. C.
Thompson , of Davenport , la. Deputy Col
lector Di\on has been designated for col
lector until an appointment shall bo made.
Served With Injunctions.
DuiiuquK. la , . March 9 , I Special Tele
gram to the BEK. I This morning live ot thn
Illinois Central attorneys and dliectors , pro
fessing to bo a majority of the board of direc
tors of the Dubiique & Sioux City , met hero
nnd elected olllcers ot the latter company.
When thov emerged from their secret meet
ing place they were served with Injunctions
by tlio county sheriiT and United States
marshal's deputies. Judge Hubbard , attor
ney of the old board of the Dubuque & Sioux
City directors , claims the Central men
had to avoid the Injunction and will apply
for their ancst tor contempt.
For Sale.
A first class short order cafo.dolng excel
lent business. Showing of hniulsomo
profit since business established. Ucst of
reason for soiling. Address F , 01 , BEU
Tlio nc > iinir/Ji8Alllllon
To South Omaha hus : , jiipt boon placed on
tno maruot , bcins u smt/ulvision of block
10 , of v. .
100 lots in this beautiful addition are
now oll'ored for Halo"1 ftt very moderate
prices. They are located on nud imme
diately iiitjoininz liollcvuo road.
W. G. ALBHWiir , 218 S. 15th.
* Clifton * Will
on Military road is siltijb illstanco from
postollico that Plninviow is. Compare
tlio prices und locations ,
A. P. Tmt r , 1321 Farnarn.
Cliftoni Hill
on Military rend Is siitrlo distance from
postoHico that lMuinvjbfy ! is. Compare
the prices and locatlopb
A. P. TLKEY , 13-34 Farnam.
Glcantlo liuildlnim
Are those to bo built in South Omnhn , for
which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year and
iiuNuunns OK mvEi.LtNos
erected for those linding employment
oftcrg the bust opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
218 S 15tU St.
Clifton Hill
on Military road is same distance from
uostollico that Plalnvlow is. Compare
the prices nnd locations.
A. I * . TUKEV , 13J1 Farnaia.
Htront Fakirs.
Almost dally there may bo scon upon
our streets at some public corner , or In
some jjroecry store whoso accommodating
owner li'.is niiulo room for him , some one"
of these umtislns street fakirs wilji an
opun-moiitlicd crowd about him , nltractud
by Ins glib-told stories or by his sleight of
liiuitl performances , which arugivun pre
liminary to an nttompt to sell some
minck medicine or other pntmit nostrum ,
bomo of these follows will chow cotton
and brcnthu llamo until their mouths ap
pear veritable Vesuvius In full eruption ,
and then sell ti tooth wnsh that will make
the blackest teeth n pearly white , and
before your eyes will prove its cilicacy
upon the incisors of any oH'oring gamin.
Others will niakii a stump snccch
upon any of the hvo topics of the
day , introductory to the aalo of
another wash that will render nil metals
like burnished gold. Many othur.s of
these street fakirs are turning an in
dustrious penny with the phosphate bak
ing powders , nnd where permitted lo
take their stand In n grocery btoro will
tiniuso tlio servant girls and the fun-lov
ing boys by the hour with their little gns
stoves und their scientific pabblo , show
ing the marvelous tilings thuir goods will
do. Hut the work of tno baking powder
fakirs , though it has the same appear
ance of success ns that ot their brothuis
upon thn streets , is of the sane delusive
character , for the biscuits apparently so
light and delicious will bo found to have
been made so at the expense of both
cleanliness nnd wholcsomonoss. The
claim of the fakirs that thn tooth wash is
perfectly harmless , that the patent gild
ing will retain its brilliant
gloss for months , und that the phosbato
aking powders restore the licatlifull
phospatcs lost in thu rgrlnding of the
Hour and make wholesome bread , arc
equally romance. The boy whoso tooth
has been made so pearly white finds their
enamel has been destroyed in the opera
tion : the girl whoso niokol watch is
rendered bright as burnished goid lituts
it irretrievably beyond nil polish on the
morrow : and the housekeeper will lind
nn equal misrepresentation witli refer
ence to the biscuit , for the phosdato bak
ing powder from which it was made ap
parently so fair and Ilight. contained not
a particle of tlio ' 'health-giving phos
phate derived from the grain
of wheat , " bin was made from
phosphatio rock or bones gath
ered from the garbage dump and
ground and treated with sulphuric acid.
The fakirs , in baking and giving away
biscuit and cake may seem to bo doing
a liberal aim expensive thing , but it is
just the oppositu , as the exceeding cheap
ness of the material they usn , such as
phosphate or alum , gives them when
they make a sale a protit of tlirco hun
dred to five hundred per cent , fully
equalling the profits they realize when
they again take a turn upon the street
corner with tiieir tooth wash or patent
Still , the street fakirs , whether selling
tooth wash or pliosphoto baking powdar
are amusing individuals ami are propab-
jy as harmless as many other loss amus
ing impositions.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. He will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
The Bonanza Addition
To South Omaha has just been placed on
the market , being a subdivision of block
10 , of
100 lots in this beautiful addition are
now offered for sale at very moderate
prices. They are located on and imme
diately adjoining Bellevue road.
W. G. ALBKIGHT , 313 S. 15th.
The Bicycle Kaccs.
Patrons of cycling will bo treated to
an excellent entertainment on Saturday
night at the exposition building. The
lirst event will bo a twonty-milo race be
tween Prince and Eck , who start from
opposite sides of the rink. This will bo
something of an innovation and will
doubtless prove a drawing feature. The
second feature will bo a twonty-milo race
open to all corners for a purse of $100 of
fered bv Prince. Dingley and Ashinger
have already entered for this and liullock
will probably contest. Dingley , who has
always been a favorite with Omaha
audiences , is in excellent trim , and is
practicing daily. He says that as this is
probably the last race he will run in
Omaha , he will show the people what ho
can do. Ashlngisr is also in good trim
and , Hushed by his success of last week ,
will make a great effort to win in this
Wanted built at once in Council
Bluffs , 100 new houses for rent , by June
1. Rice & McUee , 110 Main street , Coun
cil Bluffs.
Mr. Charles A. Birnev has accepted a
position with C. L. Eriekson , the Six
teenth street jeweler. Mr. Uirnoy enjoys
n largo acquaintance throughout the city
and state , and Mr * Eriekson is to bo con
gratulated upon scouring his services.
The Inter-Stato Commerce BUI.
is expected to help the boom in South
Omaha , Immensely , as freight rates advance -
vance and passes to stockmen are abel
to compete with South Omaha at the
eastern points.
thus becomes moro valuable every day ,
although prices have not yet been ad
vanced , but they soon will DO.
218 South 15th st.
Clew and Hauler.
The meeting between John P. Clew
nnd Jack Ilanloy at the exposition annex
to-night promises to bo an exciting affair.
The match is a live-round contest with
six-ounce gloves in which Clew oilers
$100 that he can knock Hauloy out. Both
men are in good condition a'ml , ns near
as can bo ascertained , arc determined to
make the tight a good one.
Are those to bo built in South Omaha , for
which the plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year and
erected for tlioso linding employment
offers the best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lota in South Omaha ,
whether for residence or speculation.
318 S 15th St.
Reducing thn Signal Hcrvicc.
The local signal service has been
affected by the failure of congress to
pass the signal service deficiency bill.
As a result indications will hereafter bo
received from only seven observation
points instead of twenty-seven , as lias
been the rule. The indication reports
from tlio nineteen points throughout the
state will also be cut elf to reduce the tel
egraph toll of the horvico.
Glfrantlo Bntldlnga
Are those to be built In South Omaha ,
for which tlio plans have just been com
pleted. Vast industries will bo added
this year nnd
erected for those finding employment
offers the best opportunities for those
wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha ,
whether lor residence or speculation.
318 S 15th t.
LIVE STOCK Binrrmta.
Tlio ntislncsq of thn State Association
at Their Meeting Imst Night.
A mcOlliig of the Live Stock Shippers'
association of Nebraska was hold in the
parlors of tlio Merchant's liotcl last even
ing , with President U. H. Dibble in the
chair. Among those present were the fol
lowing well known shippers : H. U , Dib
ble , John Wiggins , D. Aiuicrson , W.
Weyaiil , John A. Kolioe , Fremont Hey ,
P. J. riles , James Daniels , A. C. Virgin ,
11. Smith , O. Cassiily , D. L , Martin , John
Lansing , James Lynch. The following
shippers were elected members of thu as-
poi-latioii : Charles Hunter , Iniivtila ; P. J.
Files , Cedar Hapnls ; H. D. Conway ,
Leigh ; Conrad Snydrr. Snyilor , Dodge
county ; J. Lansing , l-airlleld ; E. L. Mar
tin , Fairmont ; .lames Danley , Aslilaud :
I.V. . Lynch , Platlc Center ; C. J. Furor ,
D. Anderson made a motion , which
was referred to a committed composed of
Messrs. Martin , Hey and Hunter , regard
ing the appointment of a commission to
settle dilheultius arising between mem
bers of the association.
A motion was miulo to strike out the
words in the by-laws jimiting the mem
bership of the association to residents of
the stato. The motion , lu accordance
with the rules , was laid over for action
at the nc.xt meeting. It is understood
that a number of men who are regular
shippers to the Nebraska markets , but
who reside outside of tlio .state , are de
sirous of becoming member.s.
Complaints were made that the unload
ing platform and chutes at the Omaha
stock yards were not properly constructed
and that the hogs were roughly handled
und that a good many hogs we're neces
sarily crippled. The following gentle
men were appointed a committee to wait
upon the stooK yards company and request -
quest that certain abuses bo remedied :
Anderson , Martin ami Dailey. The
committee was also requested to wait
upon the packing houte malingers and
see if some arrangement could not bo
made for the purehr. e of the crippled
hogs at prices more in accordance with
the views of the shippers.
The question discussed at the last meet
ing regarding the action of certain eom-
mission lirms in sending out buyers to
"buck" regular shipper * came up
again. It appeared to be the
the unanimous opinion of the
members of the association that
any commission dealer who would be
guilty of such practices ought not to bo
The bond of the treasurer , H. Smith ,
was read and accepted by thu association.
Several gentlemen spoke urging upon
all the members to be present at the
meetings. The association adjourned to
meet at South Omaha stock cxcliage on
the second -Wednesday in April , at 3
p. in. _
Wanted built utonco in Council Bin fid ,
100 new houses for rent by .rune 1st.
RICE & McGEK , 110 Main Street.
The Intcr-Stnto Commerce Rill.
is expected to 1ml p the boom in South
Omaha immensely , as freight rates ad
vance and passes to stockmen arc abel
to compote with South Omaha at the
eastern points.
thus becomes more valuable every day ,
although the prices have uot yet been ad
vanced , but they soon will be.
318 South 15th st.
Sheriff Coutirn 111.
Sheriff Coburn was taken suddenly ill
on Tuesday with n threatened attack of
inflammation of the bowels. Ho was re
ported as improving yesterday.
8f- After a lantc of ytars statements confirming
the ejflcucy oSt. . Jacobs Oil onU Wi permanmt
cures , are given below.
Ex-Frost. St. John BaptUt Soc. 1882.
Muskoffon , Michigan.
Belnjr ono of your patients In the use of
Et. Jacob * OH , iu a case of chronic rheu
matism , I can recommend U fully , ni my
jniliin are ceasing nnd I am using n third
From Same 4 Te r Later.
Muiltvgon , Mich. , Nov. 2 , 168(1. (
Buffered years with rheumatism Jn the
logs. Saw many doctora and nothing did
mo nnytocxl. I tried a few bottles of St.
Jacobs ( Til. The rheumatism entirely dis
An Editor's SuOerIiig Oct. , 1880.
I have lind rheumatism in my nuklo
for many riara aud could get no relief.
Tlirco applications of St. Jacobs Oil Jui4
almost ouUrely cured mo.
From Same O Team Later Cured.
Illoomlngtoii , 111 . Oct. IS. 1RSS.
I think It was in IbSO St. JacobsOllcurcd
muuf rheumatism. I lind It nil my lift )
and it ( settled lu my anklo. Could uot
walk witliout a cane. 1 bouzhtouo bottle
and used it. In a few days llio pain \vus
i prone and to this day I niua not had a
I touch of it VKUCYA.lTOLfaOM ,
From a Khenmatlo Hiiffornr Cnrcd.
Irontou , Ohio , Nov. C , 18f6.
Four yenrs ago I wns troubled with
rheumatism In aim and shoulder. I uiod
Bt. Jacobs Oil nud covered thn purls Mlth
flannel. I continued lui use until I no
longer felt the rheumatism. I bin o never
been bothered with Heluce.
JACOU WKDULU , I-ate Col. Vok , U.S. A.
Off All pertoni USINO Bt. Jacobs 0 > t or Knt
Star Cough Curt , U'tll by tending a ttto.crnt ttamp
and ii history of tltelr ease , recent ADIICX KIIFE.
Tlie ONLY COIISR P inaUoi that ran lot retiirnn4
hy IU inirilmner uftur Til It UK WKfcK'l *
\VKAlt It not found
In crerr respect , and lt prlfo refunded by Feller.
Mnda In vartetr lyle nd prlros. bold br llwt.
rl 9rieal ri < ir rj lioro. llownranf worthless lull-
Utloat , Nuno gonulno without Hall's name on box.
40 * Hronduray , New York.
i -'fftJo'ffA a vwKJKwawus
TKCATifiBon tbl ftU # w.loar i tuCcrtr , Glvt *
r. Mtf i.&ji.TjLsiocgMinrMiH.ti.v
With tlio approach of spring
and the increased interest man
ifested in real estate matters ,
I am moro than ever consult *
cd by intoning purchasers as
to favorable opportunities for
investment , and to all such
would say :
When puttting any Proper
ty on the market , and adver
tising it as desirable , I have
invariably confined myself tea
a plain unvarnished statement
of facts , never indulging in
vague promises for the future ,
and the result in every case
has been that the expectations 1
of purchasers were more J
than realized. I can refer with
pleasure to Albright's Annex
and Baker Place , as sample il
lustrations. J
Lots in the "Annex" have '
quadrupled in value and are '
still advancing , while a streetcar
car line is already building
past Baker Place , adding hun
dreds of dollars to the value of
every lot.
Albright's Choice was se
lected by me with the greatest
care after a thorough study
and with the full knowledge
of its value , and I can consci
entiously say to those seeking
a safe and profitable invest
ment that
Albright's Choice
offers chances not excelled in
this market for a sure thing.
Early investors have already
; v jk
reaped largo profits in CASH ,
and with the many important
improvements contemplated ,
some of which are now under
way. Every lot in this splen
did addition will prove a bo-
nan /.a to first buyers.
Further information , plats
and prices , will be cheerfully
furnished. Buggies ready at all
Limes to show property.
Ke.spoctfully ,
218 S. Ifith Street.
Branch ofiico at South Oma
N. B. Property lor sale inall
parts of the city.