THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. THURSDAY , MORNING , MARCH 10 , 1887. NUMBER 264 The Authors of the Gamy-Knox Minority Report Discovered , DOINGS IN SENATE AND HOUSE Uallrond Hill I'assod In the II OUHO Appropriation 31 ensures Considered nitcl Ordered fin- crossed for The Mutilated Charter. LINCOLN , Neb. , Mirch 9. [ Special Tolc- mm to the UKK ; | It has now transpired that Ooorco Crawford , late of Idaho , who lias been In elm go of 0110 of the oil rooms nt the Capital hotel , wrotu the minority report on the Umalu charter , which Oarvoy and Knox \vero Induced to father by the railroad lobby. Knox gave himself so'iio airs this morning by loud talk In the house before the session. In this lie was doubtless prompted by the' gang of shysters and vagabonds who have been his nightly associates. Ills Incon sistent Is no longer ascribed en tirely to the imbecility of a dotard. The fact that Vandervoort , and men of that Ilk have been peddling Knox out to support or oppose bills or resolutions which they want to carry or bent Is very suggestive. A close Inspection of the judiciary com mittee's mutilation of the charter .shows that they were working under pressure. Mr , Drake , manaiicr of the telephone company , has been here working diligently to prevent any regulation of the telephone companies. either by tnu state or cltie . ills still hunt had Its effect on the judiciary committee , which cut out of the charter the proviso authorizing the council to regulate telephone clmrces. Similar Influences have been ex erted bv the Omaha street railway and pas companies. The board of public wotks sec- lion of the charter as It passed the senate iravo the buard control over the laying of gas and water mains and street railway tracks. The judiciary committee , under pretense of sink ing at the make-up of the boaid , hi\o ; stiuck out all these Important provisions. The judiciary commute mot to-night and among other things conbldeied the Omaha charter. Several of the members who have graduully boon receiving light us to the needs of Omaha expiessed themselves to the cllect that It the charter had been referred to them this afternoon an amicable and satis factory settlement would have been reached. The inattoi will probably como up to-morrow , cither In committee of the whole or possibly by refeienco to 11 joint committee of the ju diciary and Douglas delegation , In either of which events theio now seems a prospect of nn adjustment &atlfactoiy to both parties. Scnnto Proceeding" ) . LINCOLN , Neb. , March 0. ISpecial Tele gram to the BKI : . ] The senate , In com mittee of the whole , resumed consideration of the bill creating the ollleo of register of deedi. Mr. Drown of Ulay moved to In- dellnltcly postpone , which was lost. Mr. Colby moved to defer consideration of It for the dav. Carried. The house bill to rcgulata the practice of pharmacy was taken up. It provides for a board of examiners , who shall Issue certifi cates of roglstiatlon to practicing pharma cists. Applicants must bo over eighteen years of ago , of tempoiato habits and pay the board a fee of $3. Pharmacists In business three years prior to the passage of this act shall be. entitled to a ccrtlllcato without ex amination , and fl\es the penalty at S100 for failure to take out a cortllicate. Considera tion deferred. The bill to Indemnify owners of live stock killed by order of the live stock commis sioner was also deferred for futuio consider ation. The bill to dedicate to the use of the Ger man Catholic churcli nt Lincoln , Neb. , lots No. 11 and 1" , block No. 'J05 , In Lincoln , was taken up. Mr. Melklojohn was emphatically onposed to such dedication to any oig.xulzatlou under any circumstances. Mr. Tzschuck favored the bill. fir. Colby said many other lots had been given to other chuicli organizations and ho approved of the bill. The churches did the state pood. Mr. Brown thought the whole business of detllcatingtheso lots should bo stopped. The lots should bo sold to beautify the capltol and grounds. rending idlscusslon the committee rose and the report adopted. Hecess till - o'clock. AHTEUNOON SESSION. At 2 o'clock the senate resumed considera tion of the bill to dedicate city lots to the German Catholic church. After the oppo nent of the bill wasted time In cash value to exceed the value of the lots , the bill was icc- omincnded to pass. Senate fdu ' . ' 14 , for the valuation and sale ot state lands on which any railroad may have located its grounds , was taken up , Mr. Colby said he was opposed to the bill , but had examined and round ho was mis taken. The statutes provided that railroads nro authorised to pass over and occupy state lands , and further , that after they have tiled plans with the secretary of state they can obtain a deed from the governor for these lands upon paying the value of said lands. lint there Is no provisions In the statute * providing how this full value shall be deter mined. Damages accruing to persons bavins improvements In said l.iuds shall be paid bv the railroad company. The old law provides how damages shall bo arrived at The bill simply provides for appraisement , and be was now In favor of It. Mr. Keckley stated the bill looked BUS plclous , as It included other corporations , and the term "for other purposes" meaning other than thn purposes of a railroad. Mr. Kobblns had examined the bill and looked upon It with misgivings , lie doubted the right of the state to deal with saline laud : In that way. Mr. MoNamur showed the bill to bo full ol inconsistencies and that It would infrlngi upon contracts already made. He would of fur amendments and moved that tin committee sit again upon the bill. Mr. Sterling moved that the bill bo Indeft ultcly postponed. Da thought another bll should be introduced simply providing foi appraisement. Mr. Melklejohn concurred , but wouU rather have the committee sit again upon tin bill. bill.Mr. . Sclnnlnke suggested that the bill bo re committed to the judiciary committee. Mr. Snell said kill the bill or fix it up am pass It. There was no scheme In It. 11 vvn not a railroad bill. The attorney genera and govcinor favored It. He thought the bll perfectly straight , but if not he would vote t make it so. Mr. Schmlnke said the Missouri Paclfti railway was Interested In the hill. Tha road had dealt fairly with the state and par tlcularly with Nebraska City , lie favoiei the Immediate passage of the bill. Mr. llobblns objected and thought the bll would stand further ventilation. Mr. Casper UlulerMood the Missouri Pnelf was blocked by an Injunction which this bll would dissolve. He saw nothing particular ! objectionable In the bill. The bill us , amended was recommended t House roll 2 , providing a board of raUroa commissioners , WAS read. Mr. Keckley moved that the bill be rccou mended to pass. Mr. lirown moved that the commute arls < Carried. After amending the bill dedicating lots I the Cierman Catholic churcli. requiring tli rhurch to pay S'iV ) each , the report vva adopted aim the senate adjourned. lii the Ilouoc. LINCOLN. Neb. , March 0. | Speclal Tc ! ( gram to the UKE. | On motion of M Nlchol of Antelope the house went In ! committee of the wnolo on the goner ; ppioprlatlon bills , 4 < 0 and 455 , wit Mr. NonU of Pawnee In the chnl The bill appropriating salaries for sta officers , superintendents of publlo Ihsl tutlons and employes was considered. Tvvei ty-fonr hundred and three thousand della ' iUlckeu out AS 'ularlea ( or , dfpui superintendent of education and deputy attornoyv-eneral respectively , there being no such olllcers. The allowances nro as follows : Governor , two j eats , ! > : i,000 : private secretary , S3.40U ; adjutant general00 ( ; secretary of state HyOO ; bookkeeper , SMOJ ; recorder , S' OOj auditor of public accounts , SS.OUO : deputy , S-1,400 ; book keener. S'-.MW ; Insurance clerk , fc2,400 ; bond clerk , 82 , 400 ; clerk , SJ.OOu ; state treasurer , 55,000 ; deputy , S3 , 400 ; bookkeeivr , $2y)0 : superintendent of education , 54,000 ; attorney ireneral , 84,000 ; stenozrapher , S',400 ; commissioner of publlo lands and buildings , 4000 ; deputy , SiUOO ; chief clerk , SVOO ; book keeper. S'A-iOO : four elcrks , SS.OOO ; supreme coiut , three Judges , S15.000 ; reporter , Air. Smvtli of Douglas moved to rrnko the salary of stenographer ot the court & 1,200 per year Instead of Sl.OOO. Cairlcd. Stuuog * laphor , tnercfore. SJ.t'JO. btatolibraiy , 53,400 : district court , twelve judges , at , 500,000. If the number of indues should ho Increased , the bill Increas ing the s.imo will provide lor the salaries of the extra judges. Twelve court stenog raphers. 5 ! 0,000. Mr. Slinmsof llnrlan moved to strike out the Item of 5'40rXJ ) as salary for the teachers ot the nmmal schools. The motion was lost. Mr. Miller of Duller moved to amend the bill by making the salaries 820.000. This piovoked a lentitliy discussion , which showed that the gtiunorteis ot the original sum knew nothing about the needs of the school except such ns they had been told by some other person , o.Mr. Miller's amendment was lost. Mr. Mchol moved to amend that the pay ment ot the teachers of the normal school bo made from the Interest on the normil school fund so far as that Interest would extend. Carried. The silarles of the normal Janitor nnd ( Ire- man were placed nt SI , WO ; superintendent of the insane asylum at Lincoln , S" > ,000 : first assistant physician , S 1,00'J : second assistant , 82,400 ; superintendent of the asylum at Nor folk. 5,000 ; assistant superintendent 53,000 ; teachers and physicians of asylum for the blind , 8S 400. The salary of superintendent of the Insti tute for the deal nnd dumb , S.I , 000vns amended by Mr. A eo to make it 54,000. It was seconded by Mr. Smjth of Douglas. Mr. Caldwell said Mr. Glllcsple , the pres ent supcilntendont. was nn expert , and his work had been marvelously successful. The state had lost a competent man to the Insti tute a few j ears ago because Iowa olleiod him 81,000 more per year than he could get here. here.Mr. . Hayden said that the committee on public lands ami buildings had considered nn incDMseof Mr. Gillespie's salary , nnd had deckled to not iiicroise the same. The amendment prevailed. ' 1 he salaries of teacheis , matron , phv-jlclan nnd nurses of the same Institute. SIS.OJO was amended by Mi. Smvtli of Douglas to make 820,000. The amendment was based upon the statement that the extra amount was re- qulied to retain competent teachers now en- gazed. The amendment prevailed. The salaries of the ollicwrs nnd omplovcs of the home for the friendless was matin S 10- 000 ; superintendent ot refoim .school. S3/JOO ; assistant superintendent , SJ.OOO ; mat ron , $1.200 ; bookkeeper , clerk nna libinrlan , 81,200 ; four teacheis , 50,400 ; supei- Intendent ot the Institute for feeble minded , SI,200 ! ; matron. 51,000 ; ono teacher , S'JOO ; two teachers , Sl.CbO ; stew.ud , Sl , 00 ; stnto veteilnnrlnn , 53,000 ; state vcterlnaiian de ficiency , 54,210. On motion of Mr. Nlchol the latter and salary are to be paid out of the llvo stock In demnity lund , the deficiency bclnz occasioned by the boriowliig ot iiionoy to pay the veter inarian before therovvas money in the tieas- ury to pay him. Mr. Tingle of Brown and Mr. Rlcf of Hall moved to strike out Sl" ,000 required for the railroad commission and chief clerks of the same. Messrs. Newcomer nnd Ageo held the strik ing out of the figures would In effect kill the bills now before the legislature in which the olllcers mentioned are retained. Mr. AKCO moved to Insert the words "board of trans portation" as an alternative tor railroad coin- mission. " Mr. Rief wanted to know what difference there was between "railroad commission" and "board of transportation. " Mr. Ageo said theie was no difference. Mr. Kiel's question did not prevail. Mr. Smyth offered a substltuto for Mr. Agee's amendment by inserting the words "boaid of mllroad transportation. " Mr. Koiiney regretted to see tlio gentleman from Douglas acting with a lack of inde pendence and in obedience to the clamor of the public. Mr. Smyth said his noting In accordance with popular feeling was In response to a de mand which had been well expressed against the railroad commission , nnd that was that they did not want the ralhoad commission. They were opposed to the railroad commis sion and It was because of that opposition that the gentleman from Douglas was woik- Inp to defeat the same. Mr. Caldwell said that so Ion ? ns the house had not wiped out the commission it should not now starve it by icfuslng to appropriate money to support It. The committee rose and asked leave to sit again. AFTKRXOON SKSSIOW. The Omaha charter , the special order for Q o'clock , on motion of Mr. hinytU was ordered to succeed the disposition of the house toll on appioprlatlons. Mr. Agee's bill providing for a board of railroad commissioners and defining their duties nnd providing for their salaries , was then read. Mr. Agee asked for a call ot the house. Several members were discovered to bo nb- sent , among them being Messrs. Caldwcll andKgglcston of Lancaster , Kills of Johnson , Knox and VVhltmore of Douclas , and Kav- moiid of Lincoln. Mr. Whltmore was ab sent on excuse. After a search by the ser- geant-at-arms all except Messrs. Caldwell and Knox vrero produced nnd excused. Further proceedings were dispensed with and bill I ? . was read nnd passed oy the following vote : A.VCS Ahrahnmson , Ageo , Alkln , An drews , Andres , Habcock , U alloy , Ualrd , Hal- lard , ttentley , Hick , Uowman , Cameron , Cannon. Cole , Craig , Crane , Dempster , Dil ler , Eeglcbton , Elsley , Ellis , Ewlne , Kenton , Fox , FrantKuchs , Fuller , GatTord , Gamble , Gllmore , Green. Harrison , Harden , Uelmrod , Horst , Jeary. Kelper , Kennedy , King , Lord , Marshall. Mntthieson , McConaughy , Me Keuna , Mlnnlx , Newcomer , Newton , Nlchol , Overtoil , Pemberton , Peters , Itandall , Kav- ' tnond , Kief , Kusscll , Satchel , Schwab Shamp , Simms. Slmanek , Slater , Smyth , Sul llvan , Sweet , Thornton , Truesdell. Turner Tyson , \VetheraId , Whltmore , Wil.iclmsnn , Wilson , Wolonweber , Wright , Yutzy , auo Mr. Speaker. 72. Nays Aloxander.Drown.Dleklnson.Latta , Llcsvield. McGrow , Norrls , Tingle , Yeach , Watson and Young. 12. Absent ana not voting Barrett , Caldwell Cope. ( Snrvnv , Knox , McCnnu , Miller , Under hill , \Vilsev--10. : The consideration of the appreciation bll was continued. Mr. Ageo's amendment "fo a board of transportation" was adopted. Ai additional clerk was elven the secretary estate state at an expense of 52,000. The salary o the fish commissioner was made 82,500. Tin bill was ordered engrossed for passage. House roll 45T , making appropriations fo the current expenses of the state till March 1 ISM ) , was read. Appropriations were mad amounting to Sil,241'J72.10. The bll was ordered engrossed for thin reading. The amount ot tli appropriation for the pay of stnto officer superintendents and emnloves of public In stltutlons , vi\s therefore S 1,000.03. House bill 433 , appropriating Stt.OOO for th payment of membois and employes of till session , was put on Its hnal passage and cat ried , being but four votes in the nega tlve. House roll 4 4 , appropriating 33S.OOO fo the lncldentr.1 expenses of the same session was also passed. Mr. Smyth moved the Omaha charter b made the special order for to-morrow at 1 o'clock and thu house sit from day to da until the charter was finally considered. Mr. Garrey moved to amend that the re tiort on the charter of the Douglas delegatlo be re-referred to the judiciary committee I reunrt to-morrow morning. Pending n spirited discussion , led by Mi Unrvey , the house adjourned. Pfchtlni ; Saloon Keepers. Surrox , Neb. , March 0. [ Special 1V1 gram to the HIK. : | Four men , Cnl Melvli llobvrt Stewnrt , William Welden nnd Wll lam llyan , former saloon keepers , wore ai rested hero to-day for selling Intoxlcatir. liquor. Two ot them , Mel vin and Stewar vrero tried before T. Weed , police judge , th afttrnoou and fined ISO eat h aud cost * . Tl other two will bo tried to-morrow. It Is understood that others arc suspected of sell * Ing on the sly and new nrrests will probably be made soon. Since the last spring election , which was carried by the temperance people , the town has been unusually free from drunkenness und disorder and the law well enforcedbut within a few weeks p-\st n largo number of railroad men now working on the Kansas City & Omaha railroad have been about town and several drunks have been taken In lately and each sharply punished by Jmlgo Weed. To-day Major Kendall nnd other law and order people took the matter In hand and the result Is a very lively tight between the former saloon men and the law ninl order party. The prosecution Is con ducted bv County Attorney McLanoy and George W. llemls of this city. The defense Is represented by C. II. Tanner , of Hastings , and Judge Lehew , of McCook. Charged With Election Frauds. EXKTEII , Neb. , March 0. [ Special Tele gram to thoUEii.j Keportsfrom Glengary In regard to the alleged election frauds say that representatives or Fairmont brought to the polls three gallons of whisky and three kegs of beer. It was not sold or given away , but It was left in n conspicuous place that any wl.o desired might partake. The result was a drunken election board and a free light. As for the alleged tampering with thn ballot box the election returns show thirty-four against bonds , vvnile atlldavlts have altcady been secured from ninety-one that they voted acalust. It Is being Investigated nnd It will go hard with the perpetrators. TUB CHAUOnS DE.NMUD. FAIRMONT , Neb. , March 9. [ Special to the Bii.J : It seems that certain parties In Exeter and Ulengary are verysoro because Fairmont has secured the Omaha & Kansas City rail road , and have tried to cause the report that Fairmont parties stole nnd stuffed the ballot boxes last Saturday down In Glengary pie- cinct. It was n stubborn light , and the bonds were canted. Now these few sore heads s > ay that the ballot box wns stolen by one ol the clerks of election , taken to n school house , nnd all ballots ngnliibt the railroad .bonds wore extracted mid In their place "For bonds" were put. An investigation 1ms shown up different. Unnnrthed a Skeleton. COLUMIIUS , Neb..March9. [ Special to the BEK.J Officials and citizens were aroused to n hit-'li state of excitement by a report that n murder had been committed near the old wagon bridge ncioss the Loiip river leading Into Columbus this monitor. The coroner visited the spot , which was found to be on the south side of thu laige Ice house of Miller > ! c Uaker. and , sure enough , there were the bones of a human body In all their ghaatll- ness exposed to view. Hut they had evi dently laid secreted In the band a long time. Whether Indian or white pei on is a matter ot doubt. As the skeleton was found on land that had been used for years ns a camping place tor both Indians nnd emigrants , the conclusion nrrived nt by Dr. Schoy , the cor oner , Is that no Inquest could elicit any in formation about cither the time or cause of death , and he took cliaigo of the bones and gave them an Interment In the cemetery. The reasonable solution is that It was some emigrant that died while camplui : on the river banK and was buried near by , pcihaps dining the early tide of the gold excitement ot California or Pike's Peak. There was cer tainly no evidence of violence. Making CJooil the Deficiency. Exr.TKii , Neb. , Mnich9. [ Sueclal Telegram to the UEK ! A delegation ot citizens went to Geneva yesterday to confer with Judge Post nnd received from him the assurance that if Exeter and Geneva would make good the deficiency caused by Chelsea precinct re fusing to vote bonds for 55,000 the North western would bo built through Exeter to Geneva by July 1. The Si.OOO for Exeter was promptly guaranteed by 11. G. Smith , O. P , Baker , F. 11. L. Lee and C. S. Cleave- laud. A paper was cliculated here to-day nnd signed bv over two thirds of the voting population pledging to vote bonds to that amount as .soon as an election can bo called. Work will bo commenced at once. A College President Kloctod. CENTHAI , CITY , Neb. . March 8. J Special Telegram to the Br.E | Kev. David Marguettu was elected president of Central College , Cential City , Neb. , to day. THE : BASE HALLISTS. Washington Takes Four of Kansas City's Men Rules Adopted. Nr.w YOIIK , March 9. [ Special Telegram to the BKI.J When the delegates of the National Base Ball league met nt the Fifth Avenue hotel this morning It was announced that n reply had been received shortly niter midnight from Kansas City , accepting the lirst otler ot the league for their players namely , 80,000 , the second proffer of S3,500 for live of their men , with an extra S'XX ) for Hadford not being considered satlsfnct ory The agreement was closed on these tei ins. The Washington 111011 secured four players for whom they have been contesting since they gave up thn hope of nddlng Ulnssco to their team namely , Donnelly , AI Myers , Whitney and O'Brien. A long discussion took place over the draft of the schedule of games for the coming season , and though It was at one time announced that It had boon accepted just as brought In , tt was not in final shape at noon. F. N. Stearns was elected director to fill the place of Menzles when the latter retires shortly with Kansas City. The application from the PHtsbnrcers for per mission to reduce their tariffs encountered sharp opposition. Its supporters ultimately had to be satisfied with tlio same commission that Is allowed Washington three tickets for 31 when sold off the ground. By unani mous vote , wnlch Is necessary to carry nny measure conflicting with the constitution , It was resolved that on nny vacant date In the championship season tno same club should bo permitted to play the championship sched ule for other dates with other league clubs , or exhibition games with any non-league , If said dates me not required for post poned championship games. The convention then adjourned until next year. The sclied- dulo of games for the coming season as adopted gives the following dates of games to bo played In Chicago : Chicago , at home , with Boston , Juno25 , 27 , 28 ; July 28 , 2'.i , BO ; September SM. 2.1 , 24. New York , July 4 , 13 ; Augusts , 6 , b ; September 15. 10 , 17. Phila delphia. June 21 , 83 , 2.1 ; Auzust 9 , 10 , 11 ; September 12,13.14. Washington , Juno 30 ; July 1. 2 ; August 1 , 2 , 3 ; September 19 , 20,31 , Detroit , May 12 , 13.14 ; June 10 , 17. IS ; Aiv putt 13 , IS , 10. Pittsburg , May S , 0. 7 ; Jum t > . 10,11 ; September M. 37 , 23. Indianapolis May 0,10,11 ; June 13,14,15 ; Septembers 0,10. MM. ParsoiiB Arrested. CoLUMiuifi , O. , March l > Mrs. Lucy B. Par sons , the lecturing anarchist , wns refused i nail by a local military company where slu proposed to speak to-night. She called 01 the mayoi to protest against such action am became so abusive and demonstrative tha she was locked up. Mrs. Parsons Inforraci the mayor when ho refused to grant her re quest that ho was of little consequence am that the meeting would bo held regardless o him or his police protection. In the heleh of her excitement the mayor ordered her t < betaken to a cell and has refused to let an ot the local sympathizers see her to-night although numbers of them have called. Mrs Parsons was seen In her cell and stated tha this Is an effort to imuzle tree speech , that sb ( bad lectured In seventeen states anil this I the first time she has been molested. Tc night shu Bent the following telegram : "A. 11. Parsons , County Jail. Chicago. Ai rested to prevent my speaking. Am ai right. Notify press. ( Signed ) Lucv. " Fatal Hhootlnir Affray. MILWAUKEE , March tt. Lot Campion who was shot by Itoscoe P. Miller at the Chi Cairo , Milwaukee & St Paul railroad ca sh ps in this city yesterday , died this morn ing , lie was In the etaplgy of the road f o twenty-live years. IMPORTANT RAIDROAD NEWS , Negotiations Pending For the Transfer of the Baltimore & 0hio. THE GARRET INTEREST SALE. The S llyThnmnnrycc Syndlcnto to Secure Control or the Itnll- rend nnd Telegraph Lines nnd Impress Cunipnuy , Ihc D. ft O. Chnncc. BAi.iiMoiti : , March 0. [ Special Telegram to the BII : : . | This city Is full of iiimois In regard to negotiations for control of the Bal timore & Ohio railroad and of Itstelegtaph lines and express company. As the Interest of the ilty of Baltimore nnd state of Mary land In the railroad company Is Inrgo nnd Important , these rumors uatmally cause much comment nnd excitement. It Is now understood that ns n result of these negotia tions the control of the lallroad , telegraph lines and express business will be taken out side the city nnd state. It Is believed that arrangements are practically completed by which President Onirett will sell his Interest In the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The un- deistandlng Is that Garrett has acquired the stock held by the John Hopkins uni versity , about 15,000 shares , It Is said , and will tinnsfcr these stiaies , together with those picvloiisly owned by the ( iarrett family , and with whatever amount of stock additional may bo necessary to give control of thepropeity to a syndicate headed by Al fred Sully , General Samuel Thomas nnd Cal vin T. Bryee , who are leading spirits In the Richmond terminal. It U undetstood that the syndicate , when It comes Into possession ot the pi oner ty hopes to negotiate a contract with the Pennsylvania railroad by which the line built by the Baltimore & Ohio between 'Baltimore nnd Philadelphia will bo sold to the eniisylvanla and contract with the West in Union Teleiraph company bv which it 111 ncmilro tlio lUltlmore & Ohio Telegraph tie. As nn nddltional consequence of the linnrrrififiitntinl , the railroad company's ox . less business will ho aosorbed by nc of the great ctpiess companies of the : ountiy. The ooject ot these sales will > o to iclieve the company of a heavv floating 'ebr , stated by .some as high ns 815.000,000. nd hardlv claimed by anybody to be less lian 80,000.000 or $10,000.000 , which has been un up In the course of Garrott's entoiprls- ng management. The amount of the Haiti- lore A Ohio stock outstanding is S14,793r tt .nil ot piefened S j.OOO.OOO. The city ot Bal- jiiornovvns J.500 shares and has sovcu liectois on the boaid. The state of Mary- nnd holds n largo intaiest and has four Itrcctors , while individual stockholders mo cpiesented by twolvodlrectois. The under- lauding Is that ( iarrctt has given an option in a controlling amount of Baltimore & Jhlo stock nt a price not yet known. Tin : SIOUY i.v jjr.vv YOIIK , NEW VOUK. MarcUU. [ SpecialTelegram to ho Bii.l : The Tribune says : It was as- erted in Wall street yesterday that the lata Fohn W. Gnnctt placed about thirty thou- ; and shares In tiust or in such condition that hey could not bo marketed ; that tl'o city of Ualtlmnro owned 33,500 shares , nnd that lohn Hopkins university owned about 5,000 shares. In reply to n suggestion that control ot the company appealed to he tied ip , a person interested in the syndicate op- irationsremarked : "I don'tcaie whether the ; tock belongs to Oarrert or to his aunts and louslns. he is willing to deliver n majority whenever wo can agree on some matters of detail. They are small things , and 1 have no loubt that the proposed transfer will bo coin- leted within a few days. " General Samnel ' . Thomas , member of thn syndicate , aid : "I am not in position to alk about tnls transaction , for t has not been consummated , but 1 think I un at liberty to say that Important ncgotla- Ions nro pending which Involve changes In laltimoie & Ohio stock , which heretofore tas been held ns a family Interest , and tlm new ownership which It Is proposed would arlng Into the propeitv Important .New York , us well as other capitalists , and negotiation i not only look to such distribution and con- ' .rol , but will Involve the Heading , Jersey Jentral nnd Pennsylvania railroads nnd tele graph Interests in relations which will tend to assure harmony and co-operation where jcforo there were disputes and dlsacree- nent. The negotiations have made favoi- iblo progress.and have reached a stage where I think tlicte Isteason to expect that the wildest hope of those who are aiming at re conciliation will be reali/eil. I do not bo lero that theie Is any stock which is In , ) ossesslon whore It can't bo reached , and the iropositlon Is to secure a large , if not a con- lolling Interest for distribution. " THE KKEUNO IN 1IAI.TIMOIIK. BAT.TIMOHE , March 0. Robert GariPtt , president of the Baltimoio & Ohio lailroad , was seen to-day but had nothing to say In o ard to the reported arrangement for a rnnster of the contiol of that road to n hyn- llcatc representing the Heading , Richmond Terminal and other railway companies. The statement which appears in the New York papers to that effect has created a sensation here. The city as a corporation is largely interested lit the road and there were private Interests which are opposed to the control of the road going out of Baltimoio hands. THE EFKHCT ON THE MA11KKT. NEW YOIIK , March 9. The Evening Post , .n Its financial article , says : "Tho attention of the street nnd general public has been con centrated upon thn progress of the scheme for the amalgamation of half a dozen great rail- oad properties under the control ot the Hlch- .nond Terminal syndicate with so much skep ticism about Its success that even when It was openly and positively stated by members of the syndicate that they had acquired control of the Baltimore < fe Ohio speculators and others apparently waited for further develop ments to show the extent of the whole scheme before taking much Interest In the market. The prevailing belief Is that a set tlement of the telegraph war will be ono of the results of the jersey Central , Heading , Baltimore & Ohio and HIchmond Terminal combination. Alfred Sully was applied to by n reporter of the Kvcnlnz Post to-day for some statement In regard to the circumstan tial reports that the syndicate repiosenred by him had virtually concluded nn- cotiatlons with President Garrett of the Baltimore & Ohio for the purchase ot n contiolllng Interest In that load , aud Its dependencies. Sully said that ho would to say nothing until ho could state some thing detinite , and that ho was not yet In position to do so. When the reporter re marked that ho supposed the lact of the pur chase was not denied , Sully admitted that this "was pretty well understood , " bur said that ho was not prepared to announce the names of the parties concerned or the tcirns ot the agreement. It was repotted In the street to-day that the price paid by the iyndlcato for the Haiti- rnoio & Onlo stoctowas 8235 , but a well In- termed and prominent broker said that he had reason to belioro that It was not over $200. A leading 'bank president , in com menting on the Importance ot the reported sain , said that the railroads represented In the purchasing combination , or In harmony with them , would have control of all the an thracite coal territory In the country. THE WAY THE DEAI. WAS VV011KED. Apropos of the Baltimore & Ohio deal , yojrcorrespondontls In possession of thn taci that the deal has been on foot for the last ten dajs. Tne fcnslness was workeii most quietly and It was not until baturdav night that the final contiacts wore signed , Tbe negotiations were carried on by a well known Wall street tinn , which has been deal Ink ! liberally In southern railroad stock and which now become valuable and makes them rich. On Saturday night thn papers for tin nbsortlon of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad together with Its telegraph and oxprois bust ness , were all drawn up. John ( J. Moore , o : the firm of Moore & Schley , of New York , had them In ctiar/n. Ho drew up the paper : of settlement and submitted them to Jay Gould , and ha signed them. Later Sully wa presented with the documents and his slgna turn affixed. The papers were then sent t < Itobert Garrett for his approval. On Hnndaj it was known that the .Garrett Interest hat signed and the parties interested on Monda ; hitd a grand jubilee over the ntfalr. Thosi who have been In the scheme know that tti sale meant the absortlon of tlio Baltlmon it Oblo telegtaph by the Western Union am that an amount of money has been alread : subscribed by outside parties to bo ( o worl and equip nnd put Into operation an exten sion oi tlio toleirraph system to cover the southern portion of this country , following almost Identically the line of the Hattlmnro iteOhloroid. Tha absortlon of the Balti more & Ohio telegraph company leaves the Held open to them , nnd ns they have money their project vv ill bo pushed to completion at once. rnr < < Piui.Aiii'.i.piilA , March . The Ledger , In Its financial article to-morrow icferring to the alleged Baltimore * Ohio "deal , " will say : "In the various reports that have got Into circulation in the newspapers there have been united In the alleged syndicate who are supposed to bo buying the Baltimore .t Ohio railroad n great many large railway corpora tions and bankers. We have made. Inquiry on the subject and arn able to report as a re sult that tlm Pnniisvlvanla laihoad and the Luhlgh Valley railroad have no connection with the deal ; tint the controlling powers In the Keadltig railroad management have noth ing to do with It , and that cominny cannot bo used by this syndicate In such connection ; that the friends of Austin Corbln deny that ho had anything to do with the movement , and that Drext-l , Morjan & Co. . ot New York , nnd Drexel it Co. , of Philadelphia , have nothlnc to do with It. " Tlio Hecord will siy : "An Important meeting of Adams express ollleinls ami others was held in this city yestordiy and It was afterward learned that the following In terests were represented : Western Union telegraph company , Adams express com pany and Pullman palace car company. These corporations are stated to be Inter ested In the deal and will , ns their share of It , take the express telegraph nnd palace car privileges ot the Baltimore & Ohio sys tem , thus removing the most formidable op position that these tnteiests now have , by doing which they will ultimately get back all that they will Invest In the deal. " TKIIMS OV TUB DKAF. . Nr.w YOIIK , March 9. The Tribune to morrow will say : The option on the con trolling Interest In the Baltimore & Ohio railroad iccently obtained by Alfred Sully In behalf of n syndicate of Now York capitalists was not exorcised yesterday. It Is probable that the urlvllego will bo settled In a few dajs , and If the terms for subscrip tion ot the syndicate can bo arranged the change of ownership mav bo officially announced to-day. It Is understood that the contiact with President Gariett provides for the transfer by him to the syndicate ot 8.000 shaiesof Baltimore & Ohio stock at S OO. The amount ot the pmchaso money Is thus 810,000,000 , of which Garrett insists upon a payment in cash of Sd.000,000 Tlm re main- Ing ยง 10,000,000 may bo paid at nny time within ono year , but until Hnal payment has been made the en- tno block of stock Is to beheld held In trust under certain conditions , which have not been made public. .Nothing In these terms Is likely to Interfere with the geneial purpose , but In the meantime persons ncknowledeed to be laigely Interested In the plnn are disposed to withhold infoimutlon In legard to the details of arrangement. .TAY OOIJI.D I.NTKUVIIWID. : : When Jay Gould was asked by n Tribune reporter If no had any Inteiest In the pro posed purchase ot tlio Baltimore & Ohio tail- toad ho replied : " 1 nm not engaging In new enterprises of any Kind. 1 am in a snug condition. I do not owe anything nnd my time Is nil filled in looking nttcr tlio interests I now havo. These nro liio Elevated roads , Missouri Pacific and Western Union telegraph. 1 find that I have plenty of work In managing them , and at my time of lite 1 think n man ou < tht to bo contented If ho has got n little property together. I have often noticed tlmt when men go outside of their regular business , in which they have achieved a certain amount of success , they are apt to get whit is ealled , 1 bolleve , the "great head. " That Is the be ginning of their complete overthrow. In ro- Surd to telegraphic mattcis , 1 can only say lat It Is not the polle.y ot the Western Union to buy up opposition lines. Wo might accept lines where they were neoessaiy to our busi ness , but only ai a price that represents the cost"'tous of building new lines. We were asked lately if we would consent to a general advance of rates , but 1 replied that the Western Union did not first reduce rates and that It had been able to llvo nt the lower tolls. In fact. I am cleaily of the opinion that the true policy of this company is to conform Its business to cheap rates and force opposition companies to follow the example. Ill were to secure by purchase or lease nil the opposition companies the tact Itself would stimulate now rivalry. I prefer , on thu whole , to let tlio present opposition pursue Its course. If the Baltimore & Ohio system Is to bo con trolled by n New York syndicate I do not see that It changes the relations of the com panies. I understand that the purchase of the Baltimore & Ohio stock has been practi cally completed , but I have no interest in the transaction. " nRACIIINO AGREEMENTS. The Rnllrond Manage Klilnjj Kates as Fast ns Possible. CincAno , March 8. A hundred or more cneral managers and i all road ollicials , rep- cscnting the lines embraced In the Central Trafllc association , met here to-day for the impose of outlining a general policy lor the uturo government of the loads. Commts- loner BlanUiard opened the pro- leedlngs by making a short I ad- Iress , counseling harmony , uniform ity of action nnd strict obedience to the now aw. A vote wns then taken on the reports cgnrding Mississippi river percentage , and ; he majority report was adopted with only two dlssentmer votes. A committee was appointed to arrange rates In conformity with the base of rates agreed upon. This disposed of , a com mittee of ufteen was named by the chair to arrange n report as to the oropiletv of con tinuing the Central Traffic association. Both committees will rcpoit to-morrow. Thofol- "owlng resolutions wore adopted : Hesoived , That hereafter and until the now tariffs and classifications take effect , nil settlements and billing shall bo at tariff rates. Hesolved , That parties may bo carried with shipments of stock , uegctable and other perishable property to take care of the same In accordance with the classification which lies been adopted , the freight asont to establish the unltoim into or custom , and no leturn transportation to bo furnished , Hesolved , That all passes now out other than exchange passes Issued to railway of ficers and Its own employes and those of con necting lines actually in the service of the company shall bo withdrawn , and none hereafter Issued. Tno construction of the law as to whether passes can bo issued to families ot the employes , and the policy of so doing shall be leit to each company to de termine tor Itself. Hesolved , That there may bo checked free over the roads In this association on each full first or second elass ticket , 150 pounds of bag gage ; on each half ticket , seventy-five pounds , on each full emigrant ticket , 100 pounds , and each half fifty pounds. Bag gage of first and second class passengers , weighing In excess of thn free allowance thus authoilzed shall be subject to a charge of not less than twelve per cent ot the lowest un limited lirst class rate for each 100 pounds ; pounds . _ . , . - of these lines except for ship emigrants. Hesolved , That the accommodation of second end class passengers be referred to the gen eral passenger agents for fiuther report , with the recommendation. If possible , that they make aiepoit abolishing second class tickets. A committee of thlitccu was appointed to consider the Issue of mtleago tickets and re- CHIOAOO , March ft At to-day's session , an atllrmativorepoit was presented from the committee appointed yesterdnr to consider whether the association should be continued after the Inter-stato law went Into effect. A resolution was adopted that an association be foimcd In accordance with the report and that the present commissioner be continued aschalrmnn of the organUatlon. The coin mitten report was then referred beck to the committee to be printed and mailed to each of the members , with a request that they , bj letter to the chairman , recaid their vote ; forthwith for adoption or suggest suet amendment as desired. As there will be o large number of unexplred portions ( it mil * age tickets outstanding and unutcd on thi date when the law takes effect , It was agreec tU t any llu so desiring could bell thousand mlle tickets up to to April 1 , limited to expire July , nt not less thniiTSil per ticket , A resolution was adopted that the use ot the thiiiKUid-iiillo tleket should bo limited to thy Individual named thereon. All unadjusted pool balances wore referred to arbitration. V. T. Mallett was selected as pitncipal nrhltmtor. The new classification of ttiink lines was adopted by nil the roads In the nsiocKittuii. Taking ullect April 1 the niiddlo and western freight association vvasmeiged Into the central tiallleorgaiil/a- tlon. A committee of seventeen wns ap pointed to confer with the Mississippi roads as to the percentage basis. The recommen dation was nnde that all second-class pas- tenger tickets in bothdlieetioiis be abolished. Land-seekers' tickets nnd their bearing on the Inter-state Iivv were refuned to tlio pas- sengcr agents thov to confer with the west ern lines. Tlio question whether excursion tickets should bo limited to two points or nil Inteimedlate points wns referred back to the passenger agents for discussion. The n M > - cUtlon then ndjouined to meet ngatn March U. . At n meeting to day of the National Asso ciation of ( Bngcago ncunts HII nt- tempt was undo to compromise on n uniform chau'cof 15 per cent of the unlimited first- class fare lor excess baggage , but both east ern and western manaicors i ejected the piop- osltlon. The foimer will mlhere to the 13 percent established and the roads west of Chicago will continue to charge lC a' per cent. cent.Atn meeting of the Chicago and Ohio river pool to-day a lesolutlou was adopted dissolving that organisation Mareh 81. A committee was appointed to consider a plan for n traffic nssoclatlou to take the place of the present ono and become operative April 1. Its object Is to bo the maintenance of law fill rates under the Ian * . A consolidation was effected to day be tween th Western , Not thweterii and South western Passenger associations. This new organisation will bo known us the Western States Passenger asssoclntlon. An execu tive committee was created consisting of the general managers of the association lines. J. N. Abbott was madueliau man , tak ing that title instead of commissioner. Inter state passes were aboli shed. K.ieh load was left to deal with state passes ns It pleases. A svstem of penalties and lines will bo estab lished to be Inflicted for Infractions of the as sociation iitlcs. At the annual meeting of the Illinois Cen- Ual Railroad company hero to-day , I,4b3 stockholders , owning 107.7.VJ shares , were represented. Stuvvesant Klsh , Edward II. lUirlman and William Waldorf Astor were elected dliectors to servo lor lour years Irom M.iy5 ! ! , ISbT. To fill a vacancy John C. Welling was elected director for the remain der ot the term ending May 2-5 , Ibi7. Affairs of the Wabash. ST. Louis. March P. Aiguments on the petition ol the bondholders of the Chicago division of the Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific railroad that Sl50,000 surplus OUT the total expenses of that division bo tinned over to them nnd not diverted to the payment of de ficits of non-paving blanches of the svstem , was concluded In the United States district court to-day. The couit deferred decision in the matter until March 131. Tlio board of diroctois of the Wabash Western road met nt the Southern hotel tills afternoon and organl/ed by electing the fol lowing officers : President , O. 1) . Ashloy. of New Yoik ; vice presidents , Edgar T. Wells , ot Hnrtfoid. nnd A. A. Talmago , of St. Louis ; secretary nnd treasiuer , James F. How , St. Louis ; general munairer , A. A. Talmage ; assistant sccretaiy , William W. Bench. _ IIEECIIRR'S DUATII. Views of the London Papers on the Ijll'e of the Gront Preacher. LONDON , March 9.- [ Now York Herald Cable Special Telegram to the Bii5.J The Daily Telegraph , speaking this morning of the late Mr. Henry Want Beecher's death , says In an oxhaustlvo editorial , smacking of the style of George Augustus Sala : "Without comparing him with living clergymen. It would bo an Injustice to say that Theodore 1'arkersui passed him In erudition aud Chi- : pln in fervid eloquence. " The Dally Cluonlcle , per contra , calls him "America's most notable pulpit orntor , " and adds : "Ills pulpit style was not univor-nlly admired In this country , having been what Is termed too theatrical to suit the culinary taste of the English public. " The Times thus sums him up as a preicher : "Mr. Beecher was to the last degree uncon ventional , humor and pathos being very freely Intermingled in his discourses. Dra matic In bearing , ho filled Ins sermons with Illustrations drawn from all sourcss , never tonrettlng , ho\vevcr , allusions applicable to tlm times. " The News , Standard and Post nro more biographical than critical towards the dead orator. orator.iMir.smENT ci.ivniAi.n's : SOHIIOW. WASHING TON , March U. ( Special Tele gram to the Bin.I President Cleveland will not tin able to attend the obsequies of the late Henry Ward Beeeher on account of his otliclal duties here. The president expresses his deep sorrow at the event to-day but de clined to say anything tor publication In the toun of an Interview. Tim FUNinjAi , . Nr.w YORK , March ! . Anangements for ho funeral ot tlm late Henry Ward Beecher are not yet completed , but it his been decided It should be a public one , tlio services at the house belmr A strictly private ono. Services will be conducted nt the house by Dr. S. 11. all of the church of the Trinity. None but .he family will be admitted to these services , which vv 111 be of the simplest nature. The body will bo escorted to Plymouth church nt he close ot the family tlio Thlr- eenth regiment ot Brooklyn , of which Beecher was chaplain. The rogi- incut will then be dismissed and will leave company G , which Is known ns thn Plymouth company , nnd Is composed chiefly ot membeis of Boecher's congregation , to remain on guard while ( .ho body Is laid In state In the church. Tlio church will remain open nil day Thuisdny and irlends and members of the congregation will have the hist piivile o of passing bofoio the body. Friday the chinch will bo thrown open to the public. This course has been rendered necessary in consequence ot the largo circle of friends nnd admirers of the great divine. The cltl/.ens committee , of which ox-Mayor Setli Low Is chairman , will have charge of the body until the Intciment Saturday. The body was embalmed to-day. The face was not pinched , but It had flattened out much. Mrs. Beecher was taken out by n friend for relief and a drive this afternoon , but returned thoroughly exhausted. Fears are entertained that she will not long survive her husband. "Now It la Out. " ( CopyrtyM 1W by Jamti Qtirtlan Jltnnrtt\ \ LONDON , March 0. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEU.J This morning's Chronicle , In n dispatch from Home , says : The voluminous statement of Mgr. Stranlero was telegraphed over In extonso on Thursday night last to America. Leo XIII. Is not bound by his ablegate. In an Interview which 1 had to-day with Cardinal Gluttons , followed by another with Mgr. Stranloro , both the prlmato nnd the nblcgnte assured mo that their reports , al though published by a wonderful stroke of newspaper enterprise , were In the ( list Instance - stance confidential. "Seeing , however , " added his eminence , "that It is nil out now. I once more affirm that 1 am and over shall be the enemy of plutocracy and of corpoia- tlons of men with no soul. The Catholic church ot America , as elsewhere , will take the bide of the weaker against the stronger. In this Instance tliero can be no question ol secret societies. Mr. Povvderly nnd many ol the other chiefs are good Catholics. Above all , " added the prlmato of tbo American church , "do not let It go forth thai tliero Is nny essential difference bet ween the cardinal , archbishop of Quebec nnd my self on this subject. The Ficnch Canadian society Is not that of the United States , anc perhaps the French ecclesiastical or admin istratlvtt mind Is more Inclined to take alarm than we are and see revolutions behind ever ) hedge. Depend upon it , the American gov ernmenl is quite able to t < tVe care of itsell and of the Interests of American citizen * There will be plenty of time to consider at norts of side Uaues nhtn they art ) raised . " CATHOLICISM IN AMERICA. Views Expressed By the Late Papal Able- gate to This Country. SOME INTERESTING SUBJECTS , Thn Advisability of n t'npal Nuncio to Tills Country Discussed Illmnnrclc lialns Another I'lU-llnmonlary Victory 1'oruluu NOWM. Cnthollu ( JticHflons Discussed. [ Copt/tti/M ISlm Jitinci ( Ionian /Jcmi'tf.l KOVIK , Much it. fNnw York Herald * Cable Special to the Bin | I have as- cei tallied that In addition to the reunrks on the Knights of Labor ulicady cabled to the Br.i : the secret report of Mgr. Stranlero whllo papal nblcgnto in the United States , cm- braces a number of subjects lutciesting to thu Catholic chuicli In America. Among a score of other points the monslgnrur has troitod the questions of mixed marriage , church and stile , thu Catholic hlcrachy In Amcilca , Catholic jouinallsm and Amer ican nuncios. Mgr. Stinnleio evidently had his eyes opjn wnllo traveling through the United States. His views on the whole are very linpaitlal nnd very free from that piejudlce which perhaps has been natural enough In an Italian ecclesiastic seeing so novand so strong a country. Hols lull oC admiration foi the freedom of American In stltutlon nnd the tolriant splilt which has permitted nnd oven encouraged the wonder ful government of American Catholicism. This Inquiry into TIIH QUESTION OK JIIXKD MAIIIU.VUES leads him to the conclusion that they arc , on the whole , favorable to the spicad of Catholi cism. Ho mentions that Protestants , as a rule , scum to rccard alliances with Catholics ] as a come down , the fact bolug paitly ex plainable bv the poverty of the vast majority of American Catholics. The expression of a "freo church In a free state , " ho saya means far more In the United States than1 some Kuiopcan countiles. Church and state nro absolutely Independent of each other. America gives a striking proof ol how a church can llvo and flourish without tlio sup port of government subsidies. In a cliaptoc devoted to tomi mi : AMKitirAN inniiAiiciir , he speaks in glowing terms of the virtue * and talents of many of tlio aichbtshops , bish ops and piclatcs ho met. Inter alias , ho , speaks of the Illustrious Mgr. Hynn nnd ot his golden eloquence ; of ArchbKhop Williams , the wise unit piudent ; of Cardinal ClUbons , who has so largo a ihuro of the piudouce , zeal and courtesy essential to the modern pastor ; of Archbishop Feehan , who , ho re marks , boasts of n richer and handsomer iesl deuce than even Cardinal Gibbons ; of reso lute Hlaluip Ireland ; ot Mgr. Kcnyck , tha patriarch of the episcopacy , nnd of his ox-y emplary piety nml Inflexible character , nndot ilgr. Salpointe , of Santa Fe. AMERICA'S ruruni : CATHOLICISM. In the last chapter of his icpoit Mgr. ' Str.uiiero takes n sanguine view of tlio futuia of Ameilcan Cathollcslm and thinks It pecu liarly nnd admirably suited to the American Ideal which , both In matters civil and ccclcJ siastical , Is positive and sorlous , and not un < willing to icst on authority. j In a paiagraph on journalism , after rather severely beginning by the remark that jourV nallsm that is dognastlc and journalism that1 Is partisan belongs to the plninics of the age/ / he adds It would bo useful If journalism limited Its mission to keeping Its reader ! posted day by day about all that was happen ing In the world , but that Itbocome-iailango/ when It seeks by virulence and polemical j pressure to force Its opinions down the , tluoatsof the public. \ AN AMEIHCAN NUNCIO. * ' FlnallvMjr. Stranlero very candidly sub * milled to the holy father his views on the much debated question as to the policy and * possibility of appointing a nuncio to Ameilca. Hero I am able to quote mora fully. Mgr. Stranlero begins , of course , by repeating the familiar nrgumont about tlio Inconvenience and slowness of existing ro tations between Homo aud America. "Would it not bo well , " he nsks , "to remedy all this by establishing nn npostollc degree nt some point In tlio United Stttcswlth full powers from the holy see , thus forming a link be tween Homo and AmciIoaV Ho U quite ! llvo to the dllllcultles of the plan , lo foresees it would be distasteful to ninny of the bishops and detestable to ! nany Protestants , but much hostility would , 10 feels sure , be overcome If the deleatd vero to bi'gln his task moderately , avoiding he title nnd pomp of nuncio and holding aloof from diplomatic matters , while ho con ? ined himself strictly to ecclesiastical busi ness. "Above all to have any chance of sue- .ess , " remarks Mgr. Stianlcro , "the apos-i ollc delegate must be nn American. This arrangement would make the delegation norely a branch of the propaganda. " As to he most fitting place In which to make tha experiment , he hesitates between Baltimore and Philadelphia , the American Home ) Washington and New Yoik. After welgu- ng the pros and cons ho dealduj in favor ot ' New 1'ork. BISMAHOK VICTORIOUS. The Reichstag Passes thn Second Heading of the Soptcmmte. Ifopurlu/if / 1SS7 bu James Out don Ilinnctt. ] ' BniiLi.v , Match 9.--Now [ York Herald Cable-Special to the BIE. : ] Pilnco BIs-4 marck gained to-day his greatest parliamen tary victory. The second reading of tha " > optennate" was passed by nn overwhelm" Ing majority. Moreover , by admirable tac tics , the chancellor mannzed to split both , the center and progressist parties. The cen ter feared to show the full extent of Its weak ness and refused to vote at all , so that only Catholic votes were cast for the "soptnn- nate. " All to-day there has been great ex citement In Berlin. The Clipzlgor strusse. In front of the reichstag , was so ctowdod that It was almost Impossible to enter oc jj leave the building. The galleiles and tha floor were packed , and so Intense was the In terest among the deputies that many stood > throughout the session In order to bo nearer the speakers. With eager attention tha house watched the conversation ( conducted In whispers ) betheen Herr Wlndthorst and1 Hlchter , the leader. } , respectively , of tliu Cath olics and progressionists , us to what they would do to hold their followers together. Then Baron Yon Frankenstein , In answer to whose questions about the the center party ) the second of the now famous Jaeoblnl let teis was sent to the papal nuncio at Munich , announced that the center still favored tha , -f three years' term , but being In a hopeless * * minority would not vote nor speak further on that question. This , even , was not enough' to hold the party toetner. After ho ia ( down , Herr Audober , a Catholic leader , an nuunced that ho nnd his followeis must vote for the "acptennate. " Up to this point the discussion had been ' , 4 sharp nnd crisp and the auditors kept silence , ' ' but seeing the revolt of the center , nnd know' ing their pirty would be thereby encouraged jj to break their party llne.s , Heir Bambergdi ' nnd other progressionists lenders , I.osr'IIIKIII IKJIl'KRS i und began an impolite abuse ol Prince Dig - t