Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1887, Image 1

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    ' * '
I *
Insurance Companies Fight Against Domes
ticating Foreign Corporations.
The Bill For the Sale of Saline
to the AVeat .Lincoln Packers
Causes a Very Lengthy
Senate Proceeding.
LINCOLNNeb. . , March 8. ( Special Tele-
Brain io the JlEK.1 The senate went Into
committee of the whole and again took up
house. roll 3W , relating to the purchase , lease
and sale of railroads in certain cases. The
bill was recommended to pass. Senate Hie
153 , to provide a system of revenues , regulatIng -
Ing the assessment of property was recom
mended to pass.
Senate file19 , requiring foreign cor
porations to become corporations under
the laws of this state , making
them citizens , and preventing the removal of
causes to federal court * , was recommended to
pass. This bill was fought desperately by
the Insurance companies , but will In all
probability pass both houses. The following
Is the text of the measure :
Section 1. That hereafter any corporation
for pecuniary prollt other than for carrying
on mercantile or manufacturing business ,
otKanlzcd under the laws of any state or of
any terntory nf the I lilted States or of any
loreigii country , desiring to transact busi
ness or to continue In the transaction of its
business In this state , shall be and hereby is
required , within ninety days after the pas
sage stud approval of this act , to tile with the
becretary of state a certified copy of Its arti
cles of Incorporation. duly attested , accompa
nied by a resolution of Its board of directors
or .stockholders authorizlne the filing thereof ,
and also authorizing the service of process to
bo made unon any of Its ofllcers or agents in
this state engaged in transacting its busi
ness , and requesting the Issuance to such
corporation of a permit to transact business
In this state. Said application to contain a
fctlpuhtlon that said permit hall be subject
to each of the provisions of this act
and the laws of Nebraska. And thereupon
the si c rtary of this state shall Issue to such
corponitlon a permit In such form as he may
prescribe for the ireneral transaction of the
business of such corporation. And upon the
Issuance of such nrmlt such corporation
bhall become a corporation of the state of Ne
braska , and be permitted to conduct and carry
on its business in this Mate , and shall there
after be endowed with all the ri.'hts powers.
privileges , immunities ami franchises irranted
to coronations of this state , and shall bo sub
ject to the obligations , liabilities and re
strlctlons imposed by t te laws of this state
on corporations , and shall thereafter be
estopped from denying that It is a corporation
of the state of Nebraska.
Sec. ' - . No foreign corporation which has
not In good faith compiled with the provis
ions of this act and taken out a permit , shall
hereafter be authorized to exercise the power
of eminent domain or exercise any of the
rights and privileges conferred tinon corpo
rations until thev have so compiled herewith
and taken out such permit.
Sec. ' ' . Any lorelgn corporation ued or
implcadcd in any of the courts of this state
or any contract made or executed in this
state , or to be performed in this state , or for
any act or omission , public or private , aris
ing , originating or happening in the state ,
or In any action in any\vl c pertaining to the
property or growing out of any ot the trans-
actions'of such corporation In this state who
shall romova any such cause from such state
court into any of the federal courts hold or
sitting In this state for the cause that such
corporation is a non-resident of this state era
a resident ot another state , territory or coun
try than that of the adverse party , or of
local prejudice against such corporation
shall thereupon forfeit and render nut
and void any permit Issued or authority
granted to such corporation to transact busi
ness In the state , such forfeiture to be de
termined trom the record of removal and to
date from tlm date of tiling of the application
of which such removal Is affected , and when
ever any corporation shall thns forfeit its
said permit no new permit .shall bo issued to
it for the space of three moths , unless the
governor shall , for satisfactory reasons ,
cause It to be issued sooner.
Sec , 4. Any foreign corporation that shal
carry on Its business and tiansact the same
on and after ninety days after its passage
ahd approval of this act. In the state of Ne- its ofticer.s , azents or otherwise
without hating compiled with this statut. .
and taken out and havin. : a valid permit
shall forfeit and pay to the state for each and
every day such business is transacted am"
carried on , the Mini of one hundred (5103 (
dollars , to be recovered by stilt in any emir
laving Jurisllction. And any agent , olllcer
or emplo\e who shall knowingly act or trans-
net such business for such corporation , when
It has no valid permit as herein provided ,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , uud for
each offense shall be lined not to exceed out )
hundred ( S100) ) dollars , or Imprisoned In the
county jail not to exceed thirty days und pay
all the costs ot prosecution.
Sec. 5. All.acis and parts of acts inconsist
ent with the provisions hereof are hereby re
pealed ; provided , that nothing contained In
this act shall relieve any company , corpora
tion. association or partnership from the per
formance of any duty or obligation now en
joined upon them or required of them , or
either ot them , by the laws now in force.
llcccbs was then taken until 2 p. in.
The senate met at 2 o'clock. Thfi bill to
punish provocation for assault was passed.
It fixes a penalty for the use ot Insulting
Mr. Wright's bill fixing bounties for scalps
of certain wild animals , was recommitted ,
and the senate resolved Itself Into committee
of the whole to consider it. After amending
It so as to provide a legal way In which the
bounties could be paid , the bill was lecom-
mrndcd to pass.
Mr , McXnmar's bill to define the boundar
ies of Mcl'herson county was recommended
to pass. Ills bill dclinlni : the boundaries of
Aithur county was then taken up. Mr. Fuller
moving to amend by changing the name to
McXamar. Mr. Urown did not concur. Mr.
V Fuller meant just \ \ hat he said , and wanted
that territory which was represented by the
gentleman trom Daw > on ( McNamar ) named
after thst gentleman. Mr. Schmlnko ob
jected on the ground that a state senator was
of too little Impoitanco to be thus Immortal
ized. Mr. Fuller then withdrew his amend
ment , Valuable time was then squandered
in amendments to Insert the names of
MesHrs. Schmlnko. Uobblna and Sprlck In
stead of Arthur. The bill wa dually recom
mended to pass without amendment
The bills defining the boundaries of Grant
and Hooper counties were then recom-
tncnded to pass.
Mr. Sprlck's Dill to define the boundar'esot
Washington county was recommended to
pass.Mr. . Fuller's bill authorizing county attor
neys , on the advlco andconsentof thecouuty
commissioners , to employ deputies In civil
actions w here the county 1 * a party In Inter
est was considered , some of the lawver-sena-
tors objecting to the bill.
The bill was recommitted.
House roll 3 , providing for the appoint
ment and election of registers of deeds in
counties of 1,003 population and fixing the
duties and emoluments of the oilice , was
taken up.
Mr. Duras moved that the bill do not pass.
Mr. Colby moved to amend that the bill do
The bill was ttmended , fixing tne term of
oftire at two years.
Mr. Drown moved to amsnd by fixing the
number of population at SO.OUO , which would
tnnke the bill applicable only to Lancaster
and Douglas counties.
Mr. Snuil thought the number 15,003 ab
Mr. Colby said the amendment would
upset affairs in Gage , where a register was
elected under the old law. The bill was a
L'Oou one and needed by nine counties of the
btlU > .
Mr. Casper was opposed to the bill. The
salaries named did not harmonize with those
in mercantile business.
Messrs. Bobbins and Sprlck hoped the bill
would not pass.
Mr. Lltolncer stated that Douglas count )
greatly needed the provisions ot the bill , bul
ho did not want to Impose upon smaller
counties. He would offer an amendment
Mr. Moore spoke likewise of Lancaster
countv and would otler an amendment.
Mr. Keck ley favored the amendment of Mr.
Urown. but It was lost.
Mr. Moore's amendment fixing the salary of
register at S'J.000 In counties of less than
GO.uuo people and53,000 In couuties of greater
population was carried.
Mr. Llnltiirer's amendment was to fix the
salary at i,500 In counties of over 00,000.
Mr. Holmes' amendment was to make the
law applicable to counties of O.'i.OOO people ,
during which the committee arose ami the
report was adopted. The senate then ad
Doings In the
Lixcoi.x , Neb. , March S. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.1 On motion of Mr. Hayden -
den of Saline house roll 145 , relating to prlnt-
ln < the reports of the state horticultural so
ciety , was engrossed for third reading.
On motion of Mr. Whitmore ot Douzlas ,
the Omaha charter was made a special order
for Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
House roll 211 was passed for future refer
The committee on county boundaries re
ported favorably on house rolls 479 and 480 ,
and they were placed on the general file.
The chair signed house roll 100 , locating
the asylum for incurable Insane at Hastings.
Senate files irc , in : , isf , 204 , ail. 125 , 119 ,
103 , 7S , 52 , 41 , were ordered to a second read-
Mr. Keyer of Pierce moved that hon e roll
.10 , providing for a geological survey of Ne
braska and appropriating SS.i'03 therefor , be
advanced from the general file to third read
ing. Ho claimed the work could be done
more economically because of the provisions
of the bill than in any other' manner , be
cause the United States government pro
posed to make the survey gratuitously when
It was found an appropriation was required.
A vote was tiken and the motion was lost
The house .vent Into committee of the
whole on the Lincoln charter , with Mr.
Shamp In the chair. Mr. Kaymond amended
the section providing for the nominating of
twocouncllmen in each ward , six ol whom
shall be elected at lanre. Mr. Caldwcll fav
ored the original bill , which provides for two
men from each ward.
Mr , Smjthot Douglas said the at-large
plan worked well In Omaha.
Mr. Youni controverted this by showing
that one ward In Omaha had three council-
men. The original clause was approved.
The following arethepnnctpalamendmeiit = :
To make the mayor's salary Sl.OOJ ;
the marshal's , S75 per month ; the
second and third members of
the board of public works SJOO per year ; the
Ices of the police judge shall not exceed
51,500 per year ; the clerk Is prohibited from
administering oathsthecltyprlntlnc must be
done In a paper of eeneral circulation ; the
power of the council to levy taxes Is re
stricted to S mills on the dollar ; a council
man voting to wrongfully divert money from
n regular fund hall be liable to prosecution ;
the cost of feed In it prisoners Is limited to
15 cents per meat ; lighting contracts shall
not exceed live year ? .
Mr. Newcomer offered an amendment to
section 7(5 ( , exempting the car line from
paving one foot on the outside of the rails.
Several speeches were made by Mr. New
comer in favor of the amendment , and
Messrs. Kiymond , Bowman , Caldwcll and
NIchol in opposition to the same.
The original section was adopted. Section
Kl was amended , glvlns to the county com
missioners control over bridges of the city of
Lincoln. The committee " reported and
asked leave to sit airain. Adjourned.
The special order , liouso roll 1 > 3 , was con
sidered In committee of the whole , Mr.
Kenney In the chair. The bill provides that
"any lands leased by the state under tut.
specific law authorizinc the lease of the same
may be sold when the lessee may wish to pur
chase the land so leased. " The appraisement
.shall bo thu same as provided In section 15 ,
providing for the sale , leaslne and genera !
management of all lands set apart for educa
tional purposes. The bill is In the Interest of
the packers of West Lincoln , who desire to
purchase about three sections ot saline lands
west of their houses.
Mr. Fuller of Gage moved to amend by
striking out the words "pavment ant
purchase price , " because the sale had to be bj
Mr. Overton of Otoe moved to strike ou
the cnactint ! clause.
Messrs. Kief of Hall and Tingle of Brown
seconded the motion.
Mr. Fuller of Gage wanted the bill to be
Mr. llayden of Sdlnc : felt the bill had goo <
points which he thought discussion wouli
bring out
Mr. Italian ! of Fillniorc favored amending
the bill , It such were found necessary , ant
was opposed to striking out the enacting
Mr. Tlucle of Brown did not think it pol
Icy to sell this land. Two years ago the p.-o
pic who now desire the sale of this land came
into this house and secured a Icns3 of It fo
fitly ye.irs. Theyasreed to stand an appraise
ment of the same overv live years. If it were
not to the advantage of those lessees thej
would not now come in here and ask to have
that land sold them. The house would be but
doing Its duty to the state by holding these
lands , because lone before the lease would
have expired , ttie latter would have so appre
ciated as to make a sale of them at the pres
cut time ridiculous.
Mr. Jeary opposed the motion to strike ou
the enacting clause because these lands were
belli1. : used for the benefit of the farmers. 1
was now too far for them to send their hog :
to Chicago to market , and the sale of thesi
lands would so enable the packing house
now located here to still further Increase
the advantages ofthlsplaco as a home market
Mr. Nichol of Antelope said that before
lessee ot any of the state lands could pur
chase the same he had to glvo up his lease
and there he had no advantage of any other
person who wanted to purchase.the lauds re
Mr. Kiel felt there was a job.a 6chemca rob
bery j ) ho proposed sale ot the lands In
question aud ho would never vote for the
Mr. Caldwcll of Lancaster said that the
lands In question were given to the state to
be sold to develope the sallno lands of the
state , and not that they should bo held Idle
and uninhabited save by herds and cowboys.
The state could not afford to encumber them
with a lessee who builds only for a day. The
parties who now hold the grounds were build
ing up a coed business undertaking.
The packing of ho.s in Lincoln was not a
probability , it was a fact. These business
men wanted to Improve their packing houses
to erect uew ones , aud wanted to have a title
to the ground so that they might either mort
gage or bond the same as the necessities
might KMulre.
Mr. Miller of Butler said that
no member could read 'this bill
and compare it with the consti
tution and then vote to pass it under the
oath which he took when ho became a mem
ber of the house. He then read the bill
which was passed two years ago to enable
the laud now owned by thu packers to be
leased for a six > citic purpose. Ho then
quoted from the constitution the clause
against specific legislation , and In conflict
with that was the Dill now under considera
tion. He was opposed to the bill snd op
posed the amendments. He was not opposed
to tl.e city of Lincoln nor the county of Lan
caster , but It was time toeo that the people
of the state were protected in the lands which
belonged to them.
A message was received from the senate
announcing the nassagn ot the bill for pun
ishing the provoking of assaults.
Mr. Fuller of Gage wanted to know if Im i-
provements could not ba made In Nebraska
without getting into the hands of schemers.
These lands which It was sought to. buy at a
nominal rate would divide into lots and sell
at greatly advanced prices. He wanted to
kill the bill.
Mr. Cannon was oppovd to striking out
the enacting clause and favored amending
the bill. , , , _
Mr. Uaymoud of Lancaster amended the
amendment , authorizing the board of public
lands and buildings to appraise the lands.the
selling of the same to be at auct'on ' and In
parcels of not more than 10) acres eaclu He
osScwl Mr. Overton to wl' draw his motion to
strike out the enacting , iause. Mr. Overton
Mr. IVmbcrton furred selling the land fM
what tt was worth.
Mr. Harlan showed that the bill required
the telling of the lands to the present lessees.
TtiU was clearly In contravention of the
constitution. Besides , there was no neces
sity for ? elllng the Hnds.
Mr. Aqeo wanted the bill amended but not
killed and spoke In favor of Mr. Kiymond's
amendment. A motion for the committee to
rise was lost. The motion to strike out the
enacting clause was lost by a vote of ! i5 to 35.
Messrs. Smyth and Young of Dotulas voted
In the neatlve. The amendments were dis
cussed , Mr. Kief holding that this did not
Improve the bill.
Mr. A Bee moved that the committee rise
and ask leave to sit again. It was lost.
Mr. llayden moved that the enacting
clause be stricken out.
Mr. Havmond withdrew his amendment to
the amendment.
Mr. Undershlll of Otoc said the stock yards
had benefited Nebraska In a manner but not
to the dearee that thU bill should bo passed.
Mr. Miller of Klchardson said that a gen
eral law had to be passed and defied any
man on thu floor to prove the contrary.
The vole on striking out the enacting
clause resulted In 34 votes In the affirmative
and ai votes in thn negative. Messrs.
Andres , Hcimrod. Matthle < > on and Whit-
more voted In the affirmative. Knox , Young
and Smyth In the necatlve , ( ! ai\ey not vet
On motion of Mr. Miller the committee
aroe and reported and asked leave to sit
Mr. Hayden moved to Indefinitely postpone.
The motion was lo t bv 47 to 'M , the Douglas
delegation votlns as above.
A motion of Mr. Smyth to go Into commit
tee of the whole on senate lile 174 was lost.
The proprietor ot the Capital hotel Invited
thehoti'e o dinner to-morrow. It was ac
The house went into committee of the
whole. Mr. Smyth In the chair , for the con
sideration of the bill p.iylng Hobert Furnas
S5,000 for services as the Nebraska commis
sioner at the New Orleans exposition.
Messrs. Fuller of Gaire and Butler of Miller
offered amendments of S2.000 and S3.500 , but
they were voted down after an hours talk.
The committee rose , reK | > rted favorably and
the hill was ordered for a third order.
Marlon's Hanging Postponed.
BKATIHCE. Neb. . March S. ( Special Tele
gram to the Biij : : Sheriff D.-.vis received
a telegram from Governor Thayer this after
noon postiKUiinc the execution of Jack
Marlon until March 24. This makes the
fourth date set for his execution.
Lixcoi.y , Neb. . March S. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKF..I Governor Thaver to-day
telegraphed the sheriff of Gage county notify
ing him that he had reprieved Jack Marlon
and postponed the execution of his sentence
two weeks , until March 25 ; also notifying
that further communication would be made
bv mall. In a short Interview Governor
Thajer stated that his action was based
larsely upon the fact that no time had been
given him for proper consideration
of the case upon its merits. The
petition asking the commutation was not
piosented to him until one week prior to the
day ti\ed for the execution , and the testi
mony in the case was not received at the gov
ernor's ofllcc until yesterday. There Is noth
ing In the present action of the executive to
show what his decision may be when he has
iriven the case the consideration that he de
sires. The plea for commutation on thn part
of the condemned man was presented to the
governor by C. O. Bates and Colonel Colby ,
of Beatrice. _
A AVjoining Convict Question.
LI.VCOI.X , Neb. , March S. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEG. ] Colonel Luke Murnn ,
of Wyoming , was here to-day seeking oppor
tunity to place 150 Wyoming convicts In the
Nebraska penitentiary. During the last five
years the prisoners have been at Jollet , Ills. ,
but the abolition of the contract system ol
labor In that stats renders it impossible to
keep them there longer. Murrin , who is
chairman ot the Wyoming penitentiary com
mittee , applied to the Nebraska authori
ties , but was unsuccessful to
obtain permiss'on ' to transfer their
convicts here. Ho leaves in the morning
and states that tne only thing for Wyoming
to do Is to construct a prison of their own In
the most central part of the territory. It Is
believed Governor Moonlight will call a
special session of the territorial legislature
to take some steps towards prorldlug for the
disposition of these prisoners , who cannot te-
inaiu at Jollet.
Grand Islanders Celebrate.
Lixcor.x , .Neb. , March S. fSp ecial Tele
gram to the BEE. | To-night the senators ,
representatives and a number of the citizens
of Grand Island celebrated the .selection o :
that place tor a soldiers' home , by a batique
at the Windsor hotel. There were 300
guests in attendance , among them being
GovernorThaycr and nearly all the member
of the legislature. Speeches were made by
the governor and Messrs. Colby , Majors
Vandemark. HobDlns , Vandnrvoort , Agee
Stihmlnke , Crane , Fuller , Miller , Bently
Whltmore , Casper , Newcomer , McNamar
Itiissell , Moore , Hawes , Llnlnger ant
Brown. The speeches embodied everj
spei'.os ' of wit , humor and pathos , and the
happiest feeling prevailed , clear
and sandwiches ware served In profusion
The most notable sentiment to which ex
pression was slven was that In a few years
the annual soldiers' reunion of Nebraska
should be held at Grand Island.
Carter Wilt nun Again.
CHICAGO , March S. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE | Strenuons efforts have been made
to effect a coalition between the democratic
and labor party for themayoralty ! campaign ,
but they have tailed. There were Indication ;
to-day , however , that Mayor Harrison will
make another run and thai a portion of the
labor ticket will be endorsed. Harrison ef
fected a compromise to-day with the Iroquols
club , through several of Its leadins members ,
and tills Is taken as an Indication that he
will make another attempt to bo elected
mayor. "Tho newspapers seem to think , ' '
said a well known city employer today , "that
'Our Cartel' has given up the ghost Such is
far from the tact. Why , some of his close
friends are beginning to feel jubilant over
his prospects , although his well known luck
Is neaily all they have to base their hopes on.
It may seem surprising , hut it Is true that
scores of republicans have been to see him
on the subject of a non-partisan ticket and
many think if he does run he will get W per
cent of the democrats who belong to the
labor party and will otherwise vote their own
ticket trom top to bottom. " The hopes of
Mayor Harrison , it is declared , are based on
the fact that Nellson , the labor candidate for
mayor , is unknown , and that with the os-
slstancfl of all the city and federal macftln-
ery , tie might be able to again be elected.
The Court Make * a Fe * Remarks.
CIIICAOO , March S. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Mrs. Shea , who shot and wounded
a grocer nsmjil Mitthew Clynch , whoii she
claimed was trying to effect an entrance into
her hou e , had a preliminary hearing to-day.
The evldanco was rather da-naming to the
woman and Indicated that she ha-1 invited
Clynch. This ha'l no weljht , however , with
Judge White , before whom the case was
read. He said : "If It Is true that Clynch
had an appointment with Mrs. Shea , then ho
Is a disreputable man and I would not be
lieve him under oath if ho was here. He
tried to break up another man's family. I
don't believe he ever made such an appoint
ment , if he did there Is little to be regretted
if he is killed. It's no loss at all if ho dies.
Continue this matter for ten davs , when we
can either find out whether he dies or not If
he dies Pll nolle pros this case. "
Sirs. Beck's Funeral.
WASHIXGTOX , March S. The preliminary
funeral service over the remains of the late
Mrs. Beck was held this afternoon at the res-
idenceof Senator Beck. Uev. Dr.s. Power ,
Butler and Bullock conducted brief services.
Senator Beck , Major and Mrs. Goodloa aud a
few very Intimate friends were the only ones
who accompanied the body from the city.
The remains were taken to Lexington , Ky. ,
for Interment.
LOI'ISVIU.E. Ky. , March a Wall Smith &
Co. , proprietor of the Gilbert tobacco ware
house , made a general assignment this morn-
In ? . Hablllt'ej ' estimated V 75,000. assets.
The Great Plymouth Preacher Peacefully
and Painlessly Passes Away ,
Emblems of Mourning AVItlcsprencl
llirottghout llrooklyn and Deep
Regret Kxprcsscil on Alt Sides
-Sketch of His Lite.
Death 1C nils All.
Nr.w YOHK , March S. Hov. Henry Ward
Beecher began to sink slowly after midnight ,
and the watchers at his bcd Ido soon saw-
that the end was near. He passed away
quietly while asleep. Beecher never recov
ered conselousness after the paralysis stupe-
lied his mind.
Mr. seccomb came at 10:20 : this morning
and said that no arrangements had yet been
made for the funeral further than providing
; hat they should be carried out by Hopper of
Brooklyn. Dr. Searle , ho said , had noticed
change In the patient's condition at
3:50 : a. in. and summoned all In
the house to the bedside , momentarily
expecting his death , but ho lingered much
longer than had been anticipated. He passed
away Gradually and almost imperceptibly ,
Irawlng his last breath without apparent
suffering or return to consciousness In any
degree. "Mrs. Beecher , " said Seccomb ,
"bore up wonderfully and with marvelous
courage. " No crape was hung on the door ,
Mr. Beecher having always objected to the
use of this and the gloom associated within
the presence of death. Instead , a magnificent
wreath of flowers hung from the lett side of
the doorway , composed of white and red
roses and llllles of the valley , tied with white
r'bbou. '
At 10ro : It was given out that the funeral
would take place In Greenwood. Thursday
next bomo time ago , U. W. Sage , member
of Plymouth church , appropriated by will a
sum of money to place a statue of Beecher
In Prospect park after his decease. Qulncy
Wood , the well-known sculptor , who Is to do
the work , will call at the house in the course
ot the dav for the purpose of maklni ; a plas
ter cast of his features. It Is not intended
that anv examination of Bcecher's brain
organism shall be made.
The news of Beecher's death spread rapid
ly to all parts of the city and Brooklyn may
now be said to be a city of mournlnz. Even
those who dldjr.ot alwaysconcur with'Beecher
In his views had no hesitation In expressing
their deep regiet at hU death. As a maik of
respect to his memory flans on all public
buildings were placed at half mast and the
city hall bell tolled. The commtteeapi ! > olnted
by the oflicers of Plymouth church last Sun
day to take charge of the funeral made the
necessary arrangements this mornliiL .
The following was among the telegrams
received :
Mrs. Henry Ward Boecher : Accept my
heartfelt sympathy in tJiis hour of your be
reavement , with the hope that comfort may
be vouchsafed fiom the heavenly source you
know so well. GHOVEK CI-KVELAXD.
Dr. Searle makes the following verbal
statement In regard to the distinguished
divine's last hours : Beecher began to fall de
cidedly at 3 o'clock this morning. His res
piration was rapid. At * o'clock the family
was summoned Death came slowly and
steadily. His respiration gradually became
faster and faster until they reached sixty a
minute , one each second. His pulse was
variable and often reaching 140. lie still re
mained in the same condition except breath
ing , eyesclosed.-entlrely unconscious. The
motion of his right arm became less frequent ,
and finally stopped almost entirely.
About 0 o'clock In the morning
we could detect the first symptoms
of immediate death. His pulse ran up < UII1
higher , flickered and fluctuated until 9:28 : ,
two minutes before his death. His pulse
ceased almost entirely at the wrist so faint
that It could hardly be detected , and then
stopped altogether. There was a rattling In
his throat , painful to those around him but
unfelt by him owing to the failure of the
nerve center of the respiratory organs , to
gether with the failure of the heart's action.
Ills death , which came at 9UO : , was very casv ,
as painless If not pleasant as death from suf
focation or by drowning is said to be.
In the sitting room In the back of the
house where the great preacher spent
manv hours of his life. Major
Pond this evening was busy en
gaged In answering many telegrams that
were received by Mrs. Beecher. A large
number of people called at the house during
the evcnlne and left their cards with kind
words of condolence , A crowd of people
hovered around the house and gazed in si
lence at the windows ot the room where the
body of Beecher lay. The pall bearers have
not yet been selected , and will not be made
public until after the funeral. The members
of the family were gathered In the front par
lor to-night and received their friends until 9
o'clock , when the house was closed for the
night , Mrs. Beecher bears up wonderfully
under herheavy affliction. She lb quite calm
and composed.
Thn following details of thu arrangements
for the funeral were Klven to the press
to-night The services from the beginning
will be under the direction of Uev. Charles
A. Hall , of Holy Trinity church , who will
otliclate at the house when the first services
take place on Thursday morning at 0'JO :
o'clock. At 10:30 : the remains will be es
corted to the church by the Thirtieth regi
ment , of which Beecher was chaplain.
Company C. , called Plymouth company on
account of Its members being atten
dants at Plymouth church , will act
as a guard of honor , until the remains are
finally transferred tb Greenwood cemetery ,
where they will be placed In the recolvins
vault to await final disposition , which will bo
decided later. It has not yet been decided
whether the reaialul will be removed Friday
night or Saturday morning. Tne funeral ser
vices are to take place at 11 : SO o'clock Thurs
day moining at the'church. There will be
no pall-bearers. There will bo no
black drapery in the church or
houe , nor will the family wear
mourning. Many times Beecher has said
In his sermons : "Strew flowers on mv
grave , but let no heathenish practice prevail
ot draping In black as a token of sorrow
when man has passed tluough death to
eternal life. "
The Lozan memorial committee. In a letter
of sympathy , expressed their desire to assist
in the ceremonies and have suggested hold
ing a contemporary serrico at Academy of
Music while the services are in progress at
Plymouth church. It was decided to adopt
the suggestion.
At a meeting of the board of oflicers of the
Thirteenth reglmest ol Brooklyn , of which
Beecher was chaplain , it was determined to
offer a military esoort at Beecher's funeral.
The aldermen of Brooklyn had a special
meeting to-night a d passed resolutions pro
viding for the draping of city buildings and
closing of public oflieci on the day ot the
LOXDOX , March 8. The Dally News , com
menting upon the death of Beecher , says :
"He leaves no system either of theology or
of church government. HU influence , ex
cept as a personal recollection , ends with his i
life. He was for the Americans tne great ex
positor of his tunn. lli > was n great preacher
and nothing but a preacher. "
The Telegraph says : ' "No preacher , no
plattorm orator In America put more Inten
sity of heart into his discourses than the
man whose clarion voice rang every Sunday
in Plymouth Church. With all his faults ,
and they were many , H Is doubtless If
America will evnr produce another Beecher. "
[ Henry Ward Beecher was born at Litch-
field. Conn. . June 34,1S13. He was a son of
Dr. Lvman Beecher ; an eminent dlvlno and
a man of very euer < etc ! character. At an
early age he hadstrong preullecton for a
seafaring life , wlilch , however , his renounced
in consequence of the deep religious Impres
sions which he experienced .during a revival.
Having graduau-d or Amherst college in W4.
he devoted himself to ttoa study of theology
at Lane seminary under the tuition of his
father , who wa then president of that in
stitution. In 1W he became pastor of tne
Plymouth ( Congregational ) church in Brook
lyn ; which position he tilled up to the time
of hU death. Tnen it yra * that LU
genial and original eloquence attracted the
largest congregation in the L'nlted State .
He was editor of the New York Independent
from 1S1 to 1MV ) , when ho visited Euroin ) for
the benefit of his health. His earnest ad-
dres e to large audiences on the subject of
the war of the rebellion had a larce Influence
in turning the current of public opinion in
Great Britain In Ia\or of the union cause.
Mr. Beecher was also a prominent advocate
of anti-slavery and temperance reform , and
later of woman's rights. In addition to his
pulpit labors Mr. Beecher was a prolific writ
er. Among his principal works are : "Lec
tures to VouncMen. " "Star Papers. " "Life
Thoughts , " "lloyai Truths , " n novel , " .Nor
wood. " In 1571 he published the first
volume of what he Intended to
be his greatest literary work , "The
Life of Christ , " but the second
end volume was still uncompleted nt the
time of his death. In Ib70 Mr. Beecher
asjiimed the editorship of the Christian
Union , but retired from that paper about two
years aeo. Mr. Becher's greatest prominence
among the later Generation was obtained by
the famous Tilton trial. This remark
able case attracted world-wide attention anil
the result Is too well known to bo reviewed.
In the last presidential election Mr. Beecher
espoused th'e cause of Grover Cleveland and
was recognized as one of the leaders of the
faction known as "mugwumps. " As a re
cognition of his services In secur-
Ine the presidency for Cleveland , Mr.
Bt-echer's son , Captain Herbert Beecher ,
was nominated to a lucrative otllccin the rev
enue service In Washington territory , which
ho now tills. The entire Beecher family
have been prominent In this country
for the last century. Harriet Beecher-Stowe ,
the authoress. Is a sister of the deceased.
l ev. Edward Beecher , Uev. Thomas K.
Beecher. and llev. Charles Beecher. all elo
quent divines , were his brothers. The latter ,
oulv a few months no , blew out his brains
with a shotgun at Elmlra , N. Y. . while tern-
poiarlly Insane. Last spring Mr. Beecher
again visited Europe and delivered dis
courses In the prominent pulpits of London.
The English press , however , criticized him
severely , and Ills stay lu that country was
but brlef.J
Frightful Accident.
NEW YOUK , March S. The large tailor es
tablishment of Nlcol , the tailor , in the Bow
ery , burned this forenoon. The tire caused
a blockade on the Third avenue elevated
road which extended far above Fourteenth
street. The conductor on the train which
was blockaded a few hundred feet from the
Fourteenth street station noticed the passen
gers that they could leaye the train and walk
over the. narrow plank alongside the track
and thus make their way to the station. A
number availed themselves of the dangerous
privilege and an awful accident was the re
sult In some manner a p\nlc : was started
on the narrow walk far au.ive the street and
a number of persons were tlunc to the pave
ment below. It is stated that seven were
killed and many injured.
An olllclal icport of the accident shows
that three persons were killed aud eleven
others badly Injured. It appears that a num
ber of passengers left one of the trains at
Seventeenth stieet and started to walk alone
the narrow footpath at the side of the track ,
to the station at Fourteenth street. While
doing so the blockade was relieved and
trains began to strut. The motion shook the
path way "to such an extent that a number of
passengers were thrown down Into the
street below with the result as stated.
'Ihe dying and wounded were taken Im
mediately to Nnw York , Bellevue and St.
Vincent's hospitals. Hundreds of people
fathered around the scene ol the accident.
The sidewalk and street were covered with
blood. The killed were Patrick Matthews
and two unknown men.
The men had fallen on the middle ot the
surface car track , where they lay in a
ghastly heap , some motionless , some groan-
log , oie shrieking wildly In pain and terror.
Ton. had fallen from thu track , all told.
Three at the bottom ofltho heap were dead.
They had fallen down headfirst and had
smashed in their skulls.
The lire which caused the blockade spread
to two adjoining buildings and the firemen
had some dllliculty In putting It out. The
damage aggrezated S10J.OOO. Several people
ple had nanow escapes for their lives.
Chicago Packing Statistics.
CHICAGO , March S. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] The winter hog packing season
which lasts about 100 working days In Chicago
cage closed the last day of February. While
Cincinnati , St. Louis , Kansas City , Omaha ,
and other pacKlng centers turned out an in
creased product Chicago ran way behind ,
the shoitage as airainst last seaton being in
round numoers 700,000 hogs. The cause was
the great strike at the stock yards and Us in
direct and direct effect upon the business of
the packers and the Chicago market. A
careful computation of the number of mei :
Idle and wages lost on account of the great
shortage shows that it means a loss of
5700,000 at least In wasres and that no less
than . " 5,000 men , skilled" and unskilled , who
were employed the season before , failed to
find work.
The Appropriations Aggregate.
WASHIXXJTOX , March S. A statement of
the footings of the appropriation bills passed
at the last session of congress has been com
pleted by the clerks of the senate and house
committees on appropriations to-day. It Is
as follows : Agricultural , S1OJ , ! 0 ; army ,
Si1,7:4,71S : : ; diplomatic and consular , SM-J'J-
94' ! : District of Columbia. ti.'SA MW ; Indian ,
S.VW.b'Jlegislative ; , S-'OJOl.SJl ; military
academv. S4iyWM ; navy. 'J5,7M,10."i ; pensions ,
S70,2.i'J'iOO ; postofflce , S.'AG'JJ.G.'JO : sundry
2,3'i,4yOMexIean ' ; pensions deficiency ,
Sfl.uOO OOOipubllc printing deticiency.S107.000 ;
miscellaneous appropriations ( estimated ) ,
SU.WO.OOO ; total of actual appropriations ,
S247,3 > > 7,144. The river and harbor bill which
was not slcned appropriated S'J,913WX ) , aud
the deficiency , which did not pass thouch it
was agreed upon in confeieuce , carried an
appropriuion ot § 4.'i75CrJ3.
Convention ofSchool Superintendent
WASIIIXOTOX , March S. The convention
of the national department of superintend
ence will bo held at the National museum on
the 15th lust , , and three sessions will bo held
on the 15th , 10th and 17th. The members of
this body are superintendents of schools in
all parts of the country and papers of im
portance will be presented by Fied McCamp-
bell , of Oakland. Cal. : Dr. A. J. Ulckoff ,
Leroy D. Brown , Columbus , O. : J. W.
llcacolm , Indianapolis ; Wren Eiston , Baton
Kouce , La. , and Uepresentativo McKinley. of
Ohio. The officers are as follows : Charles
S. Young , Carson City , Nov. , president ; M.
0. Dougherty , Peorla , 111. , vice president ;
Charles C. Davidson , Alliance , O. , secretary ;
W.B.Powell , of this city , chairman ot the
local committee.
Reopening a Telephone. Case.
WASHIXGTOX , March 3. In the old inter
ference case between J. ' , V. McDonou h ,
Ellsha Gray , T. A. Edison and Alexander
Graham Bell , Mr. McDonough has filed with
the commissioner a petition asklnc for an
order reopening the Interference and for leaver
to furnish further proof in regard to the
operativeness of his telephone. Upon re
ceiving this petition an order was made by
the commissioner directing that all parties to
the proceedlnzs should be served with a
notlco of the pendency of this petition and
that tlm final hearing and disposition thereof
would bo made on the 17th lust In this case
McDonough was awarded priority of Inven I
tion by the examiner in chief of Inter-
lerences , to the telephonic receiver , but the
decision was subsequently reversed by the
Nina A'lslts Her August.
CHIC.UJO , March S. Special Teleiram to
the BHE. ] Nina Van /Candt was permitted
to enter the county jail to-diy and for the
lirst time In six weeks had an opportunity to
converse with August Spies , the anarchist ,
to whom she claims to ba married by proxy.
She was not permitted to go beyond the cage
where visitors converse thnnuh a netting
andbais. She and August stood with their
rtusers locked nnd chatted together for an
hour. The couple appeared to be very happy
in each other's society.
War Preparation * .
St PKTnr.siimo. March S. The govern
ment has sent a secret Instruction to all gov
ernment railway inspectors on the subject ol
mobilization land transportation of troops. UIUA.M > UV ro iMi.vvnit.
An American TclU of the Uarthiiuko |
nt Xlcp.
NEW VOHK. March S.-Special [ Telegram
to the BKK.J The Gascojue , of the Com-
pasnlo Genoralo Transatlautlque , reached
her pier on the North river last night about
U o'clock , having on board the lirst persons to
reach this country who had witnessed the
terrible earthquaketof the Klvlera. They
were CharkM J. Burke and Mr. Tone , of
Rochester. N. Y. These gentlemen ha\e
been ttavcllng In Europe and were at Nice
on Ash Wednesday morning , when the
southern coast of Europe was shaken up.
"Tho great carnival ot Nice had Just ended , ' '
said Mr. Tone , "and the last day had been
one round of continuous hilarity. There
were hundreds ot masked women In the gav
pageant of the battle of the flow-jrs. and In
the evening 1 had attended the carnival ball ,
at which there were thousands of persons
pre ent. We were stopping at the Grand
hotel and It was lather early when we
got home 1 was too excited with the day's
gayety to sleep aud was lying down read-
inc a book. It was about S o clock
when t'.ie earthquake began and I can
never learn to express my feeling.
It was the strancest thing 1 ever knew , al
though 1 had been throtuh one before ,
In Californh. I knew It was an earthquake
at once , and jumped up and made for the
door to go to Barker's loom , which was juit
across the hall Horn mine , but omehow the
furniture went flying about as though placed
lee > ly in the cabin of a steamer during a
heavy gale , and for a time 1 was rushing
about the room trying to catch my hold.
Finally 1 got out In the hall and went across
to my friend's loom , but the door was locked
and 1 called to him to come out Just then a
young lady rushed up to IUP with but a sinulo
garment on. having in her hand a large bird
cace carefully covered with a shawl. 'Oh ,
sir ; what snail 1 do'.1'she said to me , and I
suggested she should go and put some clothes
on , but she didn't , for just then the second
shock came , and she made a rush for the
street and Hollowed her. The halls wore filled
with women , men and children , the majority
of whom did not wait to put on any extra
clothln ? , but ran for the public square to bo
out of rauco ot any falling buildings. It wa <
the most teirible , most fear-instllllni : sight I
ever witnessed. Although men tried , even
In their intense excitement , to show some rest -
st > ect to the women and children , It was a
time when everybody looked out for himself ,
for It was expected every moment that the
liouso would fall down. 1 shall never forget
It , and 1 don't care if 1 never < eo It aL-ain.
Following as it did the carnival , it had the
strongest effect on the merry-makers of yes
terday. All of thn jests and carousals were
forgotten , and all , or nearly all , tried to
pray. "
Lahor Trouble * .
MiMVAfKr.r. , March & The job printers ,
who In conjunction with the newspaper men
struck a week nsn to-day , returned to work
this morning at the old scale. The news
paper printers are still out , and It Is believed
the strike will be decided off to-day or to
PiTrsiit'Kfi. Pa. , March " . The situation
along the 1'ittsburt' division of the Balti
more it Ohio railroad to-day is unchanged.
No attempt has been made to move freight
and all sldincs between here and Councils-
vllle are blockaded with cars. The passen
ger brakemen expect to be called out at any
time. Coal mines along the Baltimore A :
Ohio road have benn compelled to shut down
for want of cars , and one-sixth of the coke
controlled by the syndicate also suspended
operations for the same icason.
The strikers ore peaceable. This morning
the vardmpn on the Toledo division of the
Pennsylvania company's system notified the
oflicials In this city they would strike If they
were not Immediately granted a small advance
In - . The '
vance wat-es. Chronicle-Telegraph's
special from Youngstown. O. , says In regard
to thu strike that all is quiet there.
A Slugging Match.
PiniADKi.piiiA , March S. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] Domlnick McCaffrey
was practically knocked out last night by-
Patrick Farrell , a Port Richmond coal-
heaver. The lirst round was uneventful ex
cept that McCaffrey had the best and did
not exert himself. Ho was apparently play
ing with Fairell. He had a clean knock
down In this round and was evidently master
of the situation. Too much confidence , how
ever , In his powers was the trouble with
Dominlck. In the second round Farrell was
on his metal and he did his best. Dominlck
led with Ills risht , which was cleverly par
ried by the coal-heaver. Farrell then went
at him and in quick succession knocked him
down twice. The third time Dominlck got a
blow that made him stagger , and the fourth
slug he cot threw him against the ropes.
There was tha wildest excitement at this
time , but in the midst of it the police stopped
theli.'iit. McCaffrey said that It was simply
a chance blow that gave Farrell the best of
him , and avers that If theio been a third
round he would have won.
Hrlef AVanliiiigloii News.
WASIIIXOTOX , March S. Matthew A.
Manning , ot West Virginia , lias been ap
pointed chief of a division in the pension
Walter Jordan , of Foil Buford , Dak. , has
been appointed an appraiser of the right-of-
way of the St Paul , Minneapolis A Mani
toba railway company through Fort Berthold
and Black Feet Indian reservation.
The remains of the late Colonel K. N.
Scott were burled In Oak Hill cemetery this
afternoon with military honors.
Several designs have been received at the
navy department in answer to the circular
sent out last August to naval constructors of
the United States and Europe , through de
partment and consular olllcers , oilerlng good
prices for suitable designs for two sea-goln ? ,
double-bottomed , aunored vessels of about
0,000 tons displacement , of sixteen knots
speed , with torpedo outfit and effective arma
Up to Saturday night tnere had been filed
in the pension office 7.710 applications for
pensions miner the Mexican law passed late
in the last scsalou of congress.
No wfci und land UrbnllloiM.
OTTAWA , March B. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.E. ] Advices from Newfoundland to
day state that the colony is ablaza with ex
citement over the action of the British gov-
ennent In disallowing the bait bill and that
Indignation meetings aiu bolng held every
where to protest against it Annexation
and secession are openly advocated and a
desperate effott will be made to secure one
or the other , if the British government per
sists In refusing to allow the halt hill. The
local government Is making every prepara
tions to meet as fur as possible any trouble
that may arise. Military elides in the Halifax
garrison and alt British troops In North Amer
ica are excited over the rei > ort that two Brit
ish regiments from that station will Immed
iately be dispatched to Newfoundland the
moment there Is any Indication of trouble.
Thn Now Hcbcrvc Cities.
WASinvfiToy. March b. The comptroller
of the currency to-day received a certified
copy ot the act of congress providing for the
establishment of reserve cities , and at once
prepaied regulations for Its execution.
Under the regulations applications may bo
made to the comptroller for his approval In
each case in which It Is desired to tike ad
vantage of the new law. The principal re
quirement Is these apDllcatlons shall
come from the directors of the banks Inter
ested and not from thepresldents or cashiers.
Notice has alieady been given that applica i-
tion will be made for the designation of Chicago iI I-
cage as a central reserve nty and of Kansas !
CiFy as a reserve city under the provisions of ) f
the new law.
Fatal Holler Exploolon.
AI.PEXA , Mich. , March S. This mornlnc
Carr Bros.'shingle mill , twelve miles nortfi
of hers , was blown to atoms by the exploslor
of the boiler. Emery Carr was killed In
stantly and Waldo Carr fatally scalded
Eujcue Carr was also badly scalded.
A German Explains Bismarck's Action in
the Recent Elections.
The Iron Chnnccllor's KtTortH Put
Forth in Prevent the Crown Prln-
ces § Front Making niullcnl
ChnngCN When in Power.
Sonic Interesting Statements.
[ Coiyrf/M ] ( 1W liv Jamft Gorilcm llcnnrtt. }
VIEX.VA , March S. I Nnw York Herald
Cable-Special to the llir. : | A well in
formed German who has just returned from
Bcilln tells mo that the Influence of
the crown princess of Get many has
had much to do with the result
of the recent .German elections. My
Informant's story Is as follows : Tht > Ger
man emperor , he says , has no dl ensB except
old age. and he may live for u jear longer.
Prince Bismarck , however , knows that the
emperor cannot lUe for much more than a
year and may die within a
month , Bismarck also knows that
the crown princess will practically bo the
next ruler of Germany , and now the crown
princess Is almost a radical In politics. Left
to herself she would at once tiring Inlo power
the frelsinnlge or progressist party. The
members of the Irelslnnlgo party are able
men , most of whom wish to lemodel the Ger
man empire by curtailing theemperor's power
and Increasing \ery materially the powers of
the reichstag. In shoit , they wish to reduce
the emperor to a purely ornamental figure
head on the Kngllsh model , and In his place
to set up an all-powerful parliament nUo |
ox HIE r.Noubii MODEI-
The members of the fielslnnlge are anti-
monopolists , in part free traders , and with
out exception they deslie the abolition of all
represser socialist or church laws. Briefly ,
therefore , they wish to reverse Prince Bis
marck's policy in all Important particulars.
In order to curb the crown princess Bismarck
brought about the late election , and forced
the Issues In such a way as to obtain a strong
government majority of natlonal-llbcrallsts ,
not , as he might easily have done , of con
servatives alone. By his orders the conserv
atives ga\e way In many places to the
national-liberals , so that while
the conservatives gained only a
few seats the national-liberals
have gained forty or mor seats. In con-
tlnuatlon of this policy Bismarck will soon
displace one or more conservative cabinet
ministers and replace them by national-
liberal leaders , one of whom was , by the
way , elected to the leichbtag by Bismarck's
special command because a very strong man
Is needed for the ministry of tinauc3. In
llerrMiquel Bismarck hopes he has found
Another result ot Bismarck's policy has
been the annihilation of the fielslnnlgo
party , which Is now cut down from sixty-
seven to under twenty members. The new
reichstag has three years to run ,
therefore when the crown princess
begins to rule Germany she will
find a majority too strong to be lightly dis
missed , and of liberal but not dangerously
radical tendencies. Bismarck hopes that ,
whereas the crown prlncoss might have dls
solved a conservative parliament , she will ni
least try for a while to use the liberal major
ity provided tor her. Perhaps he also hopes
that a year or two of such trial will give her a
new idea of the difficulty of Governing
through parliament a nation which has to
contend with the absolute power of Itussla.
The national-liberals will never consent to
curtail the emperor's powers , and with con
servative aid can bo depended upon to ro'
strain \loleiit or sudden alteration of the poll
Icy which Bismarck has already planned for
his successor. They arc suspected
of a leaning toward free trade ,
but this will bo neutralized by the
high tariff beliefs of the center Catholic
party , which has alieady Informally agrceil
to aid the conservatives In icslstlng any low
ering ot the present tariff. Uismark Is de
stroying all the crown princess' political
friends , but at the same time providing her
with a new set of friends sulllclently to her
taste to make It hard for her to quarrel with ,
them. Thcro Is no mistake so great as to
suppposo that Prince Uismark Is not
rnoviDixo KOK TUB ruTUitK.
Whcn hu does it will be found that not
only has ho provided a policy for his succes
sors , but that this policy Is so arranged that
e\en Its bitterest enemy , the crown princess ,
will be foieed to carry It out. What Bis
marck chiefly dreads is that the crowu
princess will foice Geimany Intoa Ktis.slan
war in order to sustain Kngllsh Interests
In Bulgaria and Turkey. If his con
servative frleuds In Berlin are correct ,
said my informant , Prince Bismarck has
bluntly warned Austria that he wants HUH-
sla to take Bulgaria , and that if the Aus-
trlans object or show tight they do so at their
own risk. It Is also .stated In Berlin , and In
without doubt tme , that the dread of what
the crown princess may do In the future Is
now u main factor In forcing a French
war upon JJisuiarck. The em-
peroi's death , he considers , would mean an
almost Instant war with Russia. The
reference must buiciushed while the kaiser
Is still alive , thus freeing Germany from the
fear of being crushed in 1SS3 between France
and liussla. The war \\ithFrancc. there-
lore , waits only until liussla shall be too
closely engaged in Bulgaria to aid France.
My informant had also mucli to say icgard
which he states , has lately gone on between
Itussla and Germany lor an Italian alliance.
This is the talk of the best Informed Berlin
circles. He says tlm effort has been to bind
Italy either to liussla or Germany by pro
fuse offers of territory. Germany offered.
It Is said , all the old Italian provinces
of Franco In return for the occupation
of these provinces by Italy as soon as
a Franco-German war breaks out. liussla ,
on the other hand , offered the Austrian tyrol
to Italy In return lor an Italian promise to
remain neutral. Italy was at first a little
dazzled by the German offer , bul after much
wavering finally decided thn conqueror In any
general Huiopean war must cripple the con
quered by giving territory to Italy ; that ,
therefore , by making no treaties nor promises ,
Italy would without risk gain all that she
could hope to gain by taking part In thu war.
For this reason the Berllncrs believe Italy to
be still free trom any treaty obligations and
are Inclined to think well of Italian diplo
- macy for Its foreslghtedness.
- I cannot guarantee all these statement * ,
but at least they arc Interesting , and whether
true or false they show the situation an
viewed by a clever German with exceptional
opportunities to obtain correct Information.
They Conic to Grief.
A'bi ] J < itntt Gtmlvn Iltnnttl. ]
LONDON , March a [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to the BEE.J Lord Lonsdalo
and Miss Violet Cameron distinctly came to
grief In the court of ( Jut-en's bench this af
" ternoon before Judge Field , who , In u suit
brought against them by Mine. CarnelU
I Danka , the octrees , for breach of contract ll