Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
JH'-lRjL&l. ' * 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY MAKOH 8 , 1887. . PICKED UP ABOUT THE CITY , The Laucr Trial Commenced Yesterday Getting a Jury. WHAT BUFFALO BILL SAYS. A Chloroform JUoIl > cry Sporting Notes A llrtitnl Tennihter Hcul Kstnto OIHccH A Colored Statesman Other Local. Tim Imunr Trial. After tliu transaction of s-oino routine business yesterday morning in the district court before .Judge Neville , John W. Laucrvus called up for trial. At live minutes to ten the twelve jurors took their scats and their examination as to their ( ] Uillication ! ! to act as jurors in this case was commenced. Lauer had en tered the court room a few minutes pre viously and taken his scat by his counsel , Judge Savage and John At. Thurston. Mr. Simcral stated to the jury that the defendant had been indicted at the february - ruary term , 1830 , for the murder of his wife Siilllc Lauer , November S.1 ! , 183jand propounded thu usual questions to the jurors. He asked them If they were ac quainted with the defendant ; iiad they formed or expressed an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accuscdhad ; they any conscientious scrunlcs against the infliction of the death pen alty. " In the first twelve called tlioro was one who had not formed an opinion ns to the defendant's emit. One after another was ordered aside as their an- ewnis clearly showed bias , such as to dis qualify them. They had formed fixed opinions .such as it would require evidence to remove. The defense , according to the law , arc entitled te sixteen peremp tory challenges , the prosecution night. The court room was comfortably filled , there being in addition to the regular panel , the seventy-live jurymen on the special venire. Lauer was dressed in black , was well barbcred , looked interest ingly pale and seemed to take the keenest note of the answers of the jurors , the question and the wrangling of counsel , nnil the decisions of the court. The ma- fority of the inrors had formed an opiu- on from reading the account of the for mer trial in the newspapers. Hut very few had conscientious scruples against the infliction of the death penalty , m a CASO whore the law so ordered and the facts established guilt. One juror said he had formed an opinion as to defend ant's guilt , but had not the opinion now. At noon thirty-six jurors had been ex amined out of which twelve had been se lected , against whom no cause for chal lenge could bo assigned. The court then cautioned thu jurors against talking about the case to each other or to others , or listening to others talking of it. Judge Neville then announced the method of protuptory challenges ns follows : State , one , defense , one ; state , one , defense , one , and so alternately until the state has challenged five and the defense thir teen. The defense will then challenge two , the state ono and the defense one , when the number allowed by the statute will then have been exhausted. Judge Savage suggested to the court the pro priety of making an order similar to the ono enforced at the former trial , and the court announced that the ofliccrswonld see that extra crowding will bo prevented both in the court room and the space as signed to the bar. New jurors who will bo called to fill the places va cated by challenged jurors will bo subject to the same criticism as the jurors now on the'panel have passed through. Gen eral Cowin is assisting the county attor - noy. noy.When court convened at 3 o'clock , the defense exorcised iti right to a peremp tory challenge , and ono of the jurors was excused. A doxen or more of the special talismon were then called and on ex amination were excused for cause , one after the other. Ono , a farmer although an unprejudiced juror , was by consent of course excused , as he desired to bo in the iiold at work. The jurors manifested no disinclination to inflict capital punishment. At 2:30 : the panel was again filled , and the state peremptorily chal lenged John Ilunuon , and another string of nlen took the vacant chair to be rejected for causo. No change was made until the time for adjournment. THE CUI.MI5. The details of the crime for which John Lauer is to stand trial are so well known to the Omaha public that but the briefest resume of the case will bo necessary. It was at 1 o'clock on the morning of November 24,1885 , that John \V. Lauer shot and killed his wife , Sallie Goctschlus Lauer. He claimed t have mistaken her , in the dark , for a burglar. Very few be lieved him. Ho had treated his wife cruelly in the past , and there were cer tain suspicious features of the case which made his statement look " fishy. " Ho was arrested and promptly hold to the district court. Last year his trial oc curred. The jury brought In a rather peculiar verdict ono of manslaughter. The judge hold that the verdict should cither have boon murder in the first or second degree , and granted the motion of counsel for defense for n new trial. John Lauor has been in jail since the 89th day of November , 188.1 , or more than fifteen months. Ho was formerly manager of the Omaha Nail works. THE "WILD AVR2T. " Buffalo Cill Sail * for England April First. Buffalo Bill arrived in the city yester day fiom Now York , and will remain until this evening , when ho goes to North Platte to visit his homo and attend to some business affairs. Ho is in excel lent health and spirits , and his many Omaha friends are glad to see him and to hear of his wonderful success. Not withstanding his great prosperity and ac cumulation of money , no is the same ok Buffalo Bill generous and genial and sociable , with a pleasant word for every * body. His "Wild > \'est" show closed the season at Madison Square garden , Now York , OD February 'J. The show has been witnessed by 2,100,000 persons This includes 345 performances , given on Staten Island and at Madison Square garden. It is the most remarkable run ever known in the amusement world and the record places UulValo Bill at the head of American showmen. On the 1st of April the entire outfit , consisting of 250 people and 250 animals , will sail for England on the steamship Nebraska , o : the State line , which has been chartered for the trip. On the 2d of Mav the "Wild WcBt" will open at Earl's Court , Soutl Kensington , in the heart of London , am will remain there during the entire sea son. The show will be given in conncc tlon with the American Exhibition it London , which will occupy twenty-three acres , owned by the railroads and reserved served for a mammoth depot am grounds. Fourteen hundrol trains arrive and depart every day ntthat point. Snrci acres have been reserved for the "Wilt West. " A largo grand stand , the largest ever constructed , 1ms ahead ; been built. It will accommodate 60.000 people. A track one-third of i ml la has been provided , and also nn ample nrona' . The American oxhi bltion buildings have already been erected. They bear n striking rcscm blunce to the Centennial buildings ot 1870 in rhll\deli : > hia. The main building is 000 teet long. The avenues are namci after the American presidents , and the freeti of the grounds are named uftc loading Aiuodcun cities , . Of course thert U nn Omaha street. All the space for fiote ) , bar , rjtstayjaut an/i o\h \ r pr logos have bdon loaml. Buffalo Bill's 'Wild West" is to bo ono of lie leading features of the Amcrl- an exhibition , and ho Is to re- elvc one-half of the gross receipts. 'hat they will amount to an enormous um there is no question , as London Is he most populous city in the world. He- ides this Is fiiicen Victoria's jubilee car. the fiftieth anniversary of her reign ind it will bo the biggest year London las cvnr seen. Hulfalo Hill has been ox- enslvely advertised in Kngland. Ho lias nany friends among the nobility and nailing business men. and ho will bo ac- onlcu a royal reception on personal rrounds. Ho will do much to advertise Jtnaha and Nebraska , as his show s a Nebraska institution , and the first xhlbitlon was given in Omaha. By the vay , it would be a good thing if (5ov- ( rnor Thavor would appoint Mr. Cody as one of Nebraska's commissioners to cprcscnt the state In an ollieial capacity it tnc American exhibition , and at the nine time some steps ought to bo taken inmudiately to have Nebraska properly represented In the way of agricultural ind other exhibits. Clifton Hill on Military road is same dist.-yicc from > oitollieo that i'hiinviow is. Compare he prices and locations. A. 1' . TOKIV : , 1321 Farnam. The South Omaha Land company have appointed ( ) . K. Mayiio sole agent for the sale of their lots. III ! will show the prop- ti'ty and furnish all desired information ipon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTQN , President. Picking ! * From the Liocnl Field of Sport. An interesting cock fight , to take place n or near Omaha , for big money , is on ho tapis. Jack llanley is in active training for he Thursday night encounter with Fohn P. Clew , in which the latter must top him in live rounds to win. The bet ing is about oven. Bullock says that ho will run a twenty- mile race against either Dingley or Ash- ngor next Saturday night , but will not run them together. Ho is afraid of a combination between the two men. The "Wheelmen's Record , " a paper Hiblislicd in Indiana , has the follow- ng good words to say about ) maha's now rider : "The evening of February 1 ! ) added another set of re cords to the credit of the 'American Jhampion , ' when Kd N. Bullock , of Omaha , defeated Tom Kck in a hundred nile race at the Omaha exposition build- ng. Eck was ridden oft' his legs at the cventy-fourth mile. The records were mfished from the sixty-fifth mile , 3 hr. 52 min. and 18 sec. up , and the hundred voromado in 5 hr. 59 min. 50 sec. better lun Ives' track record and some six minutes better than Morgan's record for he same distance. Bullock is a new nan : U the business and greatly astonished lis friends by his remarkable increase in speed. " Benson Keeps His Promise. If there was anyone who had doubts as o the railway to Benson he can now lave his doubts cleared away , for the nest tangible of all proof that Mr. Ben son means to keep his word is the fact hat the rails for the road are strung along the route for more than a mile and n halt , and the rest of the material is ) cmg unloaded on the ground as fast as t can bo hauled from the cars. The work of laying the tics and placing the rails in shape for running cars will bo pushed with all haste , and it is confidently ex- ) ected that the first trip can bo made by tlay 15th. The 100 houses contracted fore o bo built in Benson arc now in course of srectlon , and will bo ready for occupancy jy May 1st. Gigantic UuiliUngs Arc those to be built in South Omaha , for which the plans have just been com peted. Vast industries will bo added his year and IIUNDUEDS OK DWELLINGS erected for those finding employment there. ALBItlOHT'S CHOICE odors the best opportunities for those wishing to purchase lots m South Omaha , whether for residence or speculation. W. G. ALniiiGHT. 218 S loth st. A RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Isaac Clarke and His Grandson the Victims Thereof. A runaway accident occurred on Doug- as street about nine o'clock yesterday morning which came very near resulting fatally. The horses attached to Allen's fish wagon became frightened while the dri ver was engaged in adjusting their bri dles , broke from his control and dashed down Sixteenth. At the corner of IJoug- las they ran into a buggy , which was oc cupied by Isaac D. Clarke , an old gentle man seventy years of age and his little grandson , Lewis Clarko. The buggy was upset and the occupants thrown violently lently on the asphult pavement. The runaway team swerved to ono side and continued their mad career down the street. They were finally stopped before any further harm was done. When Mr. Clarke was picked up ho was bleeding profusely , and it was found that ho was danger ously injured , lie was removed to the residence of his son , 11. T. Clarke , where medical attendance was summoned. It was found that his injuries consisted of a few scalp wounds , none of which are dangerous. The little boy Lewis was cut and bruised somewhat , but his in juries are not serious. Both vehicles are pretty badly wrccKcd. Cllttou Hill on Military road. Is same distance from postollico that Plalriview is. Compare thu prices and locations. A. P. TUKEV , 1321 Farnam. The Intcr-Stnto Commerce mil. is expected to help the boom in South Omaha immensely , as freight rates ad vance and passes to stockmen are abel ished. TlinV CANNOT AVTOIID to compcto with South Omaha- the eastern points. ALBltlGHT'S CHOICE thus becomes more valuable every day although the prices have not yet been ad vauceu , but they soon will bo. W. G. ALUUIGHT , 218 South 15th st. THE 110TIIKIIY CASK. What the Omaha Authorities Intend to Do That Diamond. "Yes. wo shall bring Uothery to Omnlu as soon as ho is turned loose in the Bluffs , " said ono of the deputy sheriff , yesterday. ' 'Wo have a man over there now , waiting for him. I understand tha Kothery's friends have 'fixed up' a schema to spirit him out of the city a soon as hu js released. But they won' succeed. " After Kothery loft Omaha Saturday he wont to Council Bluffs , whcro ho was ar rested shortly afterwards m companj with "Bill" Morse for the alleged theft o a diamond stud from Burhorn's jewelry store. Vesicular he was brought up fo oxttmhmtion. but waived examination until to-day. Re is still la jail. Uothery's friends clalnj that bo will be ableto eMablUh hla lover Intended to escape the sentence of ho Omaha court when ho wont to Couu- 11 Blulls , but was boarding the dummy o return to this city when ho was ar- ustud. The nonanza Addition "o South Omaha has just been placed on ne inarKct , being n subdivision of block 0 , of ALIIKIOIIT'S CHOICE. 100 lots in this beautiful addition arc now offered for sale nt very moderate ) rlccs. They are located on and imme diately adjoining Bellcvue road. W. G. ALUIIIOHT , 213 S. 15th. ciirton HIII on Military road is same distance from > ostolllco that Plainviow is. Compare he prices and locations. A. P. TIKEY , 1H21 Fnrnam. Members of the Omaha Musical Protec- ivc Union are requested to meet this evening at t ) o'clock at 1022 Farnam. The election of ollicer.s and other important business. Jut.itrs MEYEII , Sco'y. ' A imuu/u i-'iiom UTAH. Major iJurt Talkn of Fort Iu ChoNiie and n Hnllrond. Major Hurt , of Fort Robinson , arrived n Omaha ; yesterday from FortDu Chcsno , whcro ho was engaged on the Bentcen court-martial , lie .sa3-s the officers of the court had a rough time coming and ; oing , being obliged to camp out one light each way. The camping out was lone nt Brock's ranch between Price , Utah , and FortUu Chesnc. Some of tlio older ollicc'-s , who were not used to such tardshlps. were rather dismayed , but 'took their medicine" with the best possi ble grace. "The building of the barracks at Fort Du Chcsno is going on very rapidly under General Hatch's supervision , " said Major Burl , in replying to the questions ) f a reporter to-day. "When everything s complete , I think this will bo one of the prettiest posts in the department. " "Any prospect for a railroad out that way ? " "Yes. The Utah Midland a bniveh of ; ho Colorado Central will bo built west Tom Salt Lake City to Fort Du Chesno , I think. Ex-Governor Mur ray , of Utah , has been elected vice president of the road and is nr- .ivoly pushing the matter. The day I started from Fort DuChcsne General [ latch loft to have a conference with Jolorow , ono of the Ute chiefs , to secure the right-of-way from the Indians. " "Will Colorow consent ? " "Oh , I presume so. Colorow , you enow , Is famous as one of the warriors who was mixed up in the massacre of thu Meeker family some years ago. " Gigantic Arc those to bo built in South Omaha , 'or ' which the plans have just been com- iletcd. Vast industries will bo added ; his year and IIKKUKCUS OK DWELLINGS erected for these finding employment there. ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE offers the best opportunities for these wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha , whether for residence or speculation. W. G. Auiifir.HT , 218 S 15th st. Clifton Hill on Military road is same distance from " postofiicn "that Plaiuviuw is. Compare the prices and locations. A. P. TUKEV , 1321 Farnam. CHLOROFORMED. A Colored Man's SciiflatinualStnry of a Itobbcry. Julius Gold , a negro , came into the police court yesterday afternoon , and told a sensational story of how ho was robbed Sunday night. Ho and two other colored men have been rooming with a fellow named Lewis Dellcfiay at 014 North Fifteenth street. Last night Dcllchay came homo with a bottle wnich Gold suspected to bo chloroform. Mr. D. did not retire until the other men were asleep. When they woke up yesterday morning the room was filled with thn odor of chloraform. They found that Dellelmy had gone , and with him | 05 In money belonging to Gold , and clothes and jewelry belonging to the other men. The total loss was about $ 100. Dcllchay is believed to have gone to Lcavenworth , Kan. The Intcr-Stntc Commerce BUI. is expected to help the boom in South Omaha immensely , as freight rates ad vance and passes to stockmen arc abel ished. THUV CANNOT AFFOltO to compete with South Omaha at the eastern points. ALBItlOHT'S CHOICE thus becomes more valuable every day , although prices have not yet been ad vanced , but they soon will lie. W. G. AI.BKIGHT. 218 South 15th st. BAILEY AND THE BRUTES. A Good Subject For Arrest Abusing Dumb Animals. About the noon hour yesterday the at tention of several prominent citizens was called to thu outrageous treatment of u team in the r.lloy just south of Ilellman's block. The wagon was u coal delivery vehicle ot Jell' W. licdford , anil was driven by u young man named Uailoy , lately from barpy county. Itecauso the horses would not dance attendance to his every foolish whim , he got another man to hold the lines while hu used rv heavy whip over the horses' heads. One of them was thrown down , partly by the castigation - tion and partly by the slippery condition of the alloy-way. The proceeding was outrageous in every way , and complaint will bo made to General Smith , attorney for the humane society. As it was , the driver came very near having ; the same treatment administered to him that he gave to the dumb brutes. The Bonanza Addition To South Omaha has just been placed on the market , being a subdivision of block 10 , of AI.BIllGIIT'S CHOICE. 100 lots in this beautiful addition are now oll'cred for sale at , very moderate prices. .They are located on and imme diately adjoining Uollovuo road. W. G. ALUUIGHT , 218 S. 10th. Itall Note * . The Union Pacific and B. & M. are is suing nil the passes subject to the inter state law , which goes Into effect April 1. After that date , the otliccrs say that , as nt present advised , they will not issue pusses except to railway men. All re quests for quarterly or annual passes and thov in " " come quito "numerously" are refused with the simple remark "Tho inter-state commerce act won't allow us to do It. " i'he telegraph room in the Union Pa cific headquarters will bo shortly re moved across the hall to the room for merly occupied by the supply agent and car accountant. The quarters hero will bo larger and more commodious. For Sale. A first class short order cafo.dolng excel lent business. Showing of handsome profit since business established. Best of reason for selling. Address F , 01 , BEE ollico. Effect of Coasting. A short time the ' ago ilro-ycar-old s'og of Edward Moore.of Walnut Hill , Injured his knee while coas'ting. It was not con- tired dcsorious nt tirst , but yesterday morning it was discovered that the little feUowTllmb woqld to be nrnpu- -v . mortification u& manllftBt * " ' " - ' * * * , 'iif.jJllW' w ? OPENING THE BARKER HOTEL. A First-class Hotel to bo Bun on the European Flan , A New Departure In Omaha Hotel Methods That Will bo Appreciated by Everybody , the Travel ing public In Particular. The new live-story brick building on ; ho northeast corner of Thirteenth and Jones streets , just completed : and owned by the Barker Bros. , has been leased for a terra of years by Mr. F. A. Balch for lotcl purposes. This now hostelry will bo known by .ho name of the Barker hotel , and will bo opened for public inspection Tuesday , March 8. The Barker contains Hales' liydranlio elevators and 103 sleeping apartments , eacli one of which has elec tric annunciators , steam radiators , gas , etc. , with hot and cold water on uvciy floor. The rooms are elegantly fur nished , being supplied with carpnts , the most of which are moqttettes , Wilton vel vets and body brussuls , the bedroom sots being of the latest and newest designs. JL'ho corner bay window rooms on each lloor facing south and west arc the most beautiful in Omaha , and a fiord a line view of the city in almost every direction. There is no extra charge for steam heat and the rooms arc always warm. The rates are $1 per day and upwards , the hotel being run strictly on thn liuro- pcan plan , each guest paying only tor what ho orders , and prices will be as reasonable as good service will allow. The restau rant department is in the charge of Mr. II. Boyle , of Chicago , who will make it the finest in the west , having had a life long experience in the business. The kitchen department is probably the largest and best equipped of any in the city. The office , restaurant and cigar stand tire all on the first fioor and arc furnished In the highest style of art. Mr. C. P. Carman , u well known and popular hotel man , formerly with the Grand hotel in Cedar Rapids , takes the responsible po sition of clerk and he anil the proprietor , Mr. Balch , will see to it that the guests are served with the best in the house. The billiard rooms and barber shop are in the basement and are being furn ished in astyle equal to of any in the city. city.The The Barker will be open to the public Tuesday , March 8th , and everybody is in vited to visit this elegant hotel and see that its attractions have not been exag gerated. Gigantic Arc those to lie built in South Omaha , for which the plans have just been com pleted. Vast industries will be added this year and IUJNDKEDS OK mVI'.U.INV.S erected for those finding employment there. ALIWIOHT'S CHOICE ofi'ers the best opportunities for those wishing to purchase lots in South Omaha , whether for residence or speculation. W. G. ALKUICHT , 218 S 15th st. REAL ESTATE OFFICES. How They are Being Located Prices Paid. The extent to which the real estate business is being carried is shown by the expedients to which the real estate men arr obliged to resort m order to se cure office room. 'yOne firm is doing busi ness in an undertaker's ollico. Another firm Is located in the rear end of n cigar store. Another firm has cs- conceil itself in a toy store , and so on. A carpenter shop on one of the principal streets has been converted into a real es tate office by being painted and trimmed up so as to make a presentable appear nncc. A certain firm moved into it , paying n good round sum for the lease. A few hours aUor they had taken possession they sub-lot a portion of the ofticc to another firm , securing the exact amount of the original monthly rental. So that the first firm thus secures its ollico for nothing. Fancy prices arc paid by some of the real estate men for the smallest of offices. Ono iindcrtaKing linn on Fourteenth street received and refused the other day an oft'er of f , " ) " ) a month for a space ten feet square in trent of one of its show- windows. Absolutely Pure. Thispowder nevervarles. A marvel ol purity.strenBth and wholesomencss. More economic than the ordinary kindo and cannot be sold in competition wi h the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans , Royal Haking Powder Co. . 106 Wall street , New York. THE NEW BARKER HOTEL * * a GRAND OPENING , Tuesday , March 8 , ' 87 i1 . .sj ui ; A TUMBLE. It has been our custom at the end of eacli winter season to place on sale , at reduced prices , our remaining stock of mens' and youths' winter trousers. There are good reasons for doing so. "We consider it advisable and to our interests to convert into cash , even at a loss , such merchandise , the sale of which will soon be suspended for six months. Most men wear out two pairs of trousers Avith ono coat and vest ; the second pair seems an ex tra expense , and the real bargain is very acceptable. Wo like to gratify such people and win their good will. Wo still have on hand about 400 pairs of winter trousers , some odds and ends , some broken lots , but most patterns are in complete assortment of sizes , and marked down to prices which merely cover the cost of the cloth. We also have concluded to close out our whole remaining stock of silk neckwear , which lias been soiling for 25c , 50c , 75c and $1. There are about 140 dozen and we have marked them down to lOc , 15c , 25cand 50 , respectively. One of the secrets of our success during our many years in the clothing business has been in the closing out of all seasonable goods towards the end of each season , regardless of cost. t Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. We have formed n soyai'tna'shlp for N. S. CREW. \tliepin-pose \ of buying and ca-clianyiny . . . \land \ and other property { n Nebraska , Colorado and adjoining States , on com- lHxlon. We will also ncaotiato cx- CHA8. E. HANSEN. . . . clianaes for eastern property , such as merchandise , live stock , etc. We espec- Office Cor 15th and I , Harney THOS. H. PLATTER. \lally \ invite correspondence from f/iosc } " . . . [ desii'inrj to make investments in choice Over Nebraska State National Bank. Lands for CASH. We ivill make this an Of our business. We wish to call the attention of AGEXTS and OWNERS of improved and unimproved property in Nebraska and other Stales to the fact that we arc vrcpnrlny a LARGE LIST of baraittn * in tended for circulation THROUGHOUT THE EAST. You are invited to send us any property , cominy \ wider this head , you iniy : have , alony with the lowest price at which yon will sell it. We do not care to list yonr property unless yon really want to sell it. The scndintj of a list of your property will be considered an evidence of good faith. That we can deliver property when sold as per contract agreed upon. We propose to an extended circulation to our liss throuyh every available medium , as we shall from time to time Issue them. them.We can furnish best of references. All correspondence promptly attended to. Land Co. Corner isth and Harney Sts. , Over Nebraska State Na tional Bank. MADE ON HONOR -AND PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT 'Jhc only Machine that will sew backwards an < l forwards equally well , and Hie Liyh'cst Itunnlny Kewiny Machine in existence. The Union Swing : Machin We desire energetic and responsible dealers in Nebras ? > a , Colorado , ll'i/onilng , Dakota and Western Ir.wa. If you are looltinufor a cheap Machine , don't answer this advertisement , but if you want to handle the best Scwlny Machine lltut money can Ituy , address for particulars. 209 N , IGtli Si , , Omaha , Neb , Mention Omaha lice. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Burplui , 40,000 H. W. Yato * . President. A. K. Touy.alin , v'iro President. \V. II S. Hushes , Cashier. Diiircroiis : \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , U. W. Yates , Lewis S. Reed. A. E. Tonzalln. BANKING OFFICE : THE IJION BANK , > Cor. Wtb aodFarnarn § ts.- B 1837 Spring Valley Stock Farm. i887 , OMAHA , NEB. George Wilkog 510. Record 2:22. : Measured by 2:20 : , the S:2o : mid 1 1. o - ' : : stand nrd ; WHS tlio iriontcst thut o tr llvml. Hiirliiff now r > > 8OH9 und Uuutrbtcra Iti the 'J J Hot down toIisHV. The only son oC Georsro WJIkei Iti the Stnto of NnbmsUii , 3541 Black Wilkes 3541 Standard. Sired by fieorzo Wilkes 010 : 1st dam Fanny Jloll.elrcd by Confederate CUIuf , own brother toWoodford Chluf , a 'i : 2td ) d n ) Kysdyk's Jlnmblctonlati. Will stand for marcs ut the above furm at M5 tint uruion , cash tlmo pi tor- Tlce. wllh prlvllosoor ictinn nliould inaroj not provo In foal , Limited to'I inures binMoj my own. Benson commences Fob. let mid tinU August 111,1697. l'or further nniilculurs send FOR SAI.K. A A InrRO number of recorded IVrchoroo undj Clydesdale "tullloni Alan llrimu llred OoltR * I'vcry minimi BiuiranleeJ a broiuler. I'rlcf ) reasonuhianiid tcrroj emiy. Onrttouk hag been , selected with li'rci'oUc * to both InJIvTdui mprlt und jinaluree. A Inrjr * number of oU 6t lllonb re aceiiiijatod and 1'dlts of tliclr cnn to etiown. York U on the II. & M. It. u two hoyrj' rWe wcit ot Lincoln , t'or pkl 08Ue < ndfimh.Mnforjdatlo ad.lry-v