Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AcUcrtl "menU under this held , 10ccnt pf > r
llnp lor tin1 llrst Inturtion , 7 cents for' each sub-
tequtnt Insertion. and $1.50 n linn per month
No aihortiitmont titkun for If n than 15 cents
Jortlio first Insertion. Seven * orJs will bo
counted tn the line ; they mt ft run consecu.
tlol } and must bo paid In ad Vance. All ndvcr-
turnout * roi ! t be ban-led In bo'oro 1 :5) : o'clo-k
r < m. . und undrr no clicura'tnncci wjl tUcj bo
tnkvn or discontinued bv telephone.
I'nrtHS advertiflng In the u alumna rndbtv-
irglbe answers o ! dri-sed In csro of TIIK Bin
trill nil n o i k for n check loanable them togtt
tliclr luttirs. us none will bo delivered otcept
on VjreseiitMlon of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should be rncloml In envelopes.
[ ONI'/Vto loan on real estate and chattels
Is. Katr. & Co. 1M1 Farnnmst.ground Iloor.
"JVfONKY toloMion Improved city property at
JM o per cent. Motmy on hand ; do notlmxo
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
tit Dnut'lns county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Hstato and Loan Co. , 30S. . 1Mb st.
SV ) .
. to loac. Sums ISO ) and upwards ,
Utmost rates. Bomls , room 3 , Barker block ,
P. W. cor. 16th and Farnamits. U'l
MONhV rirft mortgage notot The Douglas
county bank will buy papitrs secured by
Jlrit mortgage on city realty. Kl
G I'L'H CCM' Monny to loan.
Gregory & lladlfy ,
llooms 1 and 3 , Bcdick block , aw S.
NUV TO IX5AN on improved rnal estate ;
no commission charged. Lottvltt Ilurn-
li.un , Boom 1 Crelghton Block. 117
ONKV to loan. Kilts llroo. , real pstato and
loan ngpnts , room 17 , Whltnoll block , cor.
Ifth and Harnoy. 118
M6NK\r to" loan on improved city property ,
very lowest r < tes. C. J. Cnswell , room 1 .
KobraskaNnt'lbank. ra : nil"
TOANS-Loans Loans.
Iteal rstate ( nans ,
Collatcrial loans.
Chattel loans.
Ixmgtlmtloans. .
Sliort tlmo loans.
Money always on h nd to lo n on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaha Vlnanclol Exchange , u. w , cor. 15th
tnil Ilnrnov.
Corbctt , Manager. 119
MONUV to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and K. L. 8 < | Ulrc , 1413 Kurnam it. ,
rnxton hotul building. 13
42500,000 TO LOAN at per cent. J. J. Ma-
P honey. 1SOI ! urnmn. 121
R CENT Money.
R. C. Patterson. 15th ar.d Harney. IS
MONKV to loan In sums to suit , from $1,000
to $ .10,000 ; ao delay. Tuttle i : Allison , ill
8. 13th st. H ! m21
LOAN Money Ixinns placed on 1m-
provixl real e tate In city or county for
Now England Loan * Trust Co , , by Douglas
County bank , leth and Chlrago ts. 12fl
MONnY TO LOAN-On city nnrt farm prop
ertylow iatc3. Stewart & Co. , Boom 3
Iron bank. 127
JVL ( 9NKV TO LOAN-O P. Iavi ) & Co..real
citato and loan agents , 1505 Faruam su
MOSEY TO LOAN-On real estate and chat
tels. D. U Thomas. 1J9
tiJSOO.OOO To loon on Omaha city property at 8
4 percent. O. W. Day , o\or 1312 Douglas st.
* jTrONKY TO LOAN-bytho nnderslgnod , wno
J-l has tbo only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to f 100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wmrons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
tnadetbat any part can bo paid at nny ( me.each
payment reducing the cost pro rat a. Advances
liittlfton flnn watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and sro me. W. R. Croft , Boom i Wthnoll
Jlillldlng , 15th and Harnuy. 131
ONEY LOANED at C. F. Rood & Co.'s I-onn
OfBcO ) on furnlturo , pianos , horrwagong ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 31 S. 13th.
oor Blngham's Commission store. All busl-
IH-SS strictly confidential. 132
B1ITINE9B CITANCK For pale , ft flrst-olass
moat shop of 3 rooms , barn , Ice chest , *
llrst-closi lot of tools , 1 good horse , ! delivery
iv agon , 1 buggy , 2 BOIS of harness and a good
laying business which has boon established tun
jonrs , all for $8(0 ( cash. Inquire of Enowald &
iliirielt. 3I4V ; S 15th St. 4b8 7
i'OR BALE Or trade for Imiiroved or unim
proved land. In Iowa or Nebraska , n gun-
oral stock of dry good * und groceries , a book
and stationery stock and two druir stores , all
veil located nnd doing good business. Will
trade cither stocker all. Address Hutchlnsnn
> \ Iljseley , Shenandoah , lu. 409 '
"rroil SALK A now stock of groceries In
J ? first-class location ; good ronsons for sell-
Ing. Addicssat once , F61 , Boo office.
Sf.1 . 7
_ _
TT1OB SALE Cheap , fire shares In Mutual
JL' Loin nnd Building association. Apply L.
Chrlstcnson.n. & .M. Headquarters. 'Mi' '
TflOR SALE y. Interest or all of grocery
JJ stock , good locationdolnirgood business ;
peed reasons for selling , small cash patmont.
Address F 48 , Bee. 2S2 8
Poll SALK Or trade for city property or
land Mcatmarket In one of thu host loca
tions In the city. 8nlos$2OUO per month.
Actlvo Real Estate and I'ropurty Exchange ,
1M4 IKxlgo St. 777-7
T7XH SALE A good paying grocery'store ,
J. lucntoa on tbo oornur of two good streets ;
capital required , about $1,100. For full particu
lars Inqlre of A. H. Comstcrk , Boom 10 Crolgu-
ton bin. 202
HODSES lxtsFarrasIjind money loaned.
Dp mis' city maps , 5x7 font , $2.50 each.
Ilemls , room 3 , Barker block" , 3. W. cor. 15th
nnd Farnam sts. * 12,1
TCTOB SALE $ of general merchandise
JC and store furniture , clean , well assort oil.
Will tak half In good unlncumbered farm land I
balance In paymrntsvelUf cured ; good reasons
Jor selling. Address Call Box 57 , Alma , Nob.
147 1J'
Tj OH 8ALB Lumber , grain and real business
J.1 ono of tha best points In central Nebraska ,
on B. & M. R B. Harrison Auiblor & Ambler
lloom 20 , National bank. 5ft )
T71OB SALE Lumber yard and rosldenco In
X1 Southwestern Iowa. Well located und doIng
Ing good business. Oood reason * for selling.
Address K. 2. , Bee otnco. ffa m S *
BANK for sale in n now rapidly growing town
of IXX ) Inhabitants. Fine deposits. Money
loans from 3 to 4 pen-out , monthly. A splondlJ
chance. Address DOT , llecolllce. U15
TT < OR S A LE-Ilaf ! Interest In one of the bosl
JC paying drug store * In southwestern Iowa
Cnpltul roqulrcd , $2,500. Address U to. B ( > e ot
flee. HI 8
"OKRSONAL Do you want your washing ani
-L ironing ilonn In n gatljfactory manner
Try King's Family Laundry , ( all band-won
t-outhn-cst corner IGth and Howard streets.
433 8
TTIORTdNK tellingpast , pruspnt nnd future
J. by Madam Blanch , 111U Jackaon.oornrr 12tl
nnd J ackson. 2d7-b *
M'llS. IHIICVNT , riarlvoynnt , Trom Bo < tor
will remain in the city a short t'lte
rwids tbo deepest rix-rt-tr. unfolds the futun
unites separated lovers , cmisci speedv war
riHirc ; i vcrs reliable In all attaint of life' . Boon
1 Lyons Idk. IMU andI Chicago. 0 4
QL ATRVOVANT Mudam Alaska reveal
past , present and future. Satlsfactioi
guaranteed. 513 st. 3UJ a 3
PKIISONTL prlvatoTiomo for ladTes clirrTni
cxmflnomcnt. Strictly conadentlHl , Ir
tantJ adopted. Addit s E 42 , Boo office.MI nc
pKHSOKAi.-Mrs. Dr. Naniu * V.
X clairvojant. Medical and business Mediurj
Room Na S , 121 North IGth st , Omaua. Neb.
OASH pald * for old 'gold 0n < \ "silver at c7l
I'.rlckfon * Co. . 212 North 10th street. 11811
" F.M ) 50c to KIT Mum it. , Dubuque , la. , an
receive In return ten largo story papers , pu :
" - -C. tti U
TTmiilt ENT Organs. $3 p r month , tlotp *
J ? 1813 Douglas. 93 _
rilAVK"n"Bne stock of linens , towels , be.
clothes , shawls , etc , to exchange for ol
clothes. If you have any old clothes you war
tn send postal card. II. Goldman , 11
N. U'th ' it. J93 B *
_ _
TMOU RKNT-squar * Piano , i aomnljr.
J M" i > * - I
HOUSBS-I ts.Farras , Lands -roon y loaaob
Horols'clty rains , fix7 f M. K. M i
I Inn I * , rpora 3 , Barker Mock. 3. W. cat. lit
> u4 farnam * U. ' 7
OHAHLna rOSTHX. analytical chrrhlst and
pnglnt-cr , nnaiy.sls of ore" , coals and assays
and anilysls of nil kinds , chemist and minor.
aloglst to the C. P. B. R for 15 years. No. 150-5
Webster cor 15th t , P. O ljqr 491. _ 61 \ ? * _ _
Flr t-cln s storage for nice furniture
niture or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodeo-st.
? 4ml
TF j on ant to luiyor sell furniture , go to
JL J. 1 erli 0n > , 713 N. ICth 7J7
liW llotrdlng II 3ti oflno tnbles , clean and
palatnblo victuals. 1419 Chlcigo u 305
SK Intending to nut nut trees , shrubs ,
vltit < and plant ) will Unit it to tholr Inter
est to call on or aadross E L ISmerr , iTl : Hur-
neyst. TO 13
TriOlt HHNT Hqunre I'lano $ J montnly. A
JL1 Uo-p . 1511 I > ougla . la' )
TUMtSALK-rino Hamblelonlan Stallion ( ped .
- lirruudlut a bargain. C. D. Sutphen. 1322
Fiirnam . , _ 47 13
FOR SALK Cheap , spun woik horsei.uagon
and harness at l.odgo and 3dth st. Inquire
Dejtcr U Tnotnus , Crelirliton block. 42' ) U *
"CVR SALK Fine fl-yoar old horso. harness
J ? and 3sprlng wouon or will trade for a light *
rr out lit , S. E. co r. 5th and Hickory s Is. 372-I *
OR SALK -A No. 1 , large , gotitle family
borsp , harness and phauton. Enquire of
K. L. 1-mery , 1.U6 Harnoy st. 3S2 u
F SALE Cigar , tobacco , stationery , news
0 store. Excellent business. Address K 70 ,
Be * . 70S 13
FOH SALK Largo tire proof safe. Apply at
water works offlco , 161 ! ) , Karunin street.
fcI5 17
FOlt BALK-A nearly nor , second-hand safe ,
largo an commodious suitable for nny
business. HIOHII , Johnson Ac Co. , cor. Oth and
Lcavcnviortb ft. 131 7
FOB HALK Ono new buck board and ono
spring wagon , second band , corner2 th and
California stB. 3JO-7 *
TTIOH PALK Large cooking ranga In good
X ; order. Cullcaiiy and gut a bargain. 4183
13tb St. 447 9
FOR SALK A good 0-year-old pony at 110 N
13th tt. 170
HOUSE3-l/ot , FarmsLands monov loaned ,
llcrnli' city maps , 5x7 fetit. ti.M each.
Bemls , room < l , Barker block , B. W , cor. 15th
nnd Karnaut stt KS
F OBSAI.K Nice and clean orntity shoo cases
Z T. Liudscy iCo.W9 : SoutU 14th st.
FOB SAliE 1'uriilturo and lease , 11) room
house , on prominent strent , near center of
buslncsj.lCHie has over two years to run. Can
mnko runt by letting live rooms. House put In
good ropulr. This 11 tin unusual opportunity ,
you can putchaje the outfit on very easy turtns.
Address E.17. Boo oltlco. 094
FOB SALE 2 million brick and upwards DO-
sides dally out put of 30,000. Enquire
on prcnilM-s , cor Dorcas and 2nd sts. Omaha
Brick and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 636
FOUND Some carpenter tools. Apply to
night watchman In 17. P. headquarters and
pay for this advertisement , 457 "
General aircnt with 83'fl cash to
Introduce new artlco with OTcln lve ter
ritory. Apply y to 12 a. in. N. B. Wulkvr. 211
North llth. 45211 *
WANTKD A good wagonmaker for repair
work. Aadiesaor apply to Held iKIug ,
Columbus , Nub. 4459
W ANTED Two first-class barbers ; $15 per
week. Paxton Hotel barber shop. 410 8'
\\7ANTED Oood busholman at onco. Ono
that can fill m tlmo on now work. J. C'ub-
blion , I'alrmont , Neb. 367-11 *
AtTANTED Barber. Must be first-class work-
> man. Fifteen dollars guaranteed. 212
S. 14th. 495 8'
WANTED An experienced , vegetable cook.
> T Inquire at Mlllard hotel. 491 8
TV ANTED At once at the Treraont bouso a
TT good pa try and second cook : addr 3S
Kltr.gerald Si Son , Lincoln , Neb. 3W 7 *
w 'ANTED Agents , either tex , for a novelty
that Is taking Cnicago by storm. 100.000
sold In this city alone. J. ft. 1'ago ft Co. , 120
Qulncy St. , Chicago. U&l 9 *
\\TANTED Biporlencc I dry goods travelling
TT saleraan having an cMabllshed trade In
the country tributary to Kansas City. State
amount of trade , territory covered , and how
long. Address , with reference. W. B. ( < rlma
Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City-Mo. 353
WANTKD First-class coat mukpr. Inquire
or address Votica , Merchant Tailor , Sutton -
ton , Neb. 137 8 *
\v 'ANTED-Boy for olllce , 1M3 Furnam ,
room 2. 200
\\TANTED llr the largeat publishing house
VT westof Chicago , two hundred gentlemen
and ladlus to Foll4 > TboSuccessful Man" "Marvel
ous Wonders of the Whole World" "Bibles" and
various otlior good publications , apoly early
nnd get cholco of territory. J. M. Kronen 4
Co. , olllce 1G Bushman Block , Omaha , Neb.
\\'ANTED 50 sober , intolilpent men of good
T T address to try n 10o meal at Norrl * ' res.
tatirant. 104 S 16th st. U5
w ANTED Six good harneajmukers by
Wolty & Ouy. 459 7
TlTANTED-Dlacksmlth helper. Apply 1409
TT Dodge. 4609
ANTKD-A man with $75 to $100. good
aJdrcss and a rustler ; a paying plnco. F
60 Bee olllce. 437V
1 A boy to care for horse and work
TT around house. Dr. Jones , 14I14 Farnam.
4589 *
WANTED Good woman pastry cook. Oood
wages. Call at once. Omaha Employ *
roent Bureau , 119 north leth Et.Crounsc blk.
410 7
- wet nurse to care for a babe
six wotiks of ago. Inquire , Oust Hamcl ,
Southeast corner toventeentu and Dorcus.
street. 416 11 *
" \\7ANTED 5 Shloslady'a for dry goods. ApT -
T T ply at tight o'clock Monday morning
ready for work with references.
i'4 Rennison Bros.
, " \\TANThD A woman to do chamber-wonc :
T > alsoact us nleht waiter : good wages paid.
Call at once. 1U North Ninth Bt. 419
W ANTED A girl for general housework , 113
8 23d st. bet. Douglas nnd Dodge. 45J
, TTTANTRD-Dmliiff room clrl at 119 N 15th st.
TirANTKU Half ( frown nurse gtrl to care for
- T T two small children. Mrs. Hammond ,
401 North 16th , Katabrook block , 3d floor ,
WANTED Dining room pirl , Emmet house.
2U ! )
\\7AN'1BD A peed girl for general house-
T t work in small fr.ruily. 1718 Dodge at.
\XrANTKD A irood girl for general houso-
work. E. F. Soavcr , 628 Virginia a\o ,
BI > Dining room girl ut Miller's res-
, . . . „ .rant , loot N 18th st. 3tw
? WANTED-A girl at 2718 Lcnvcnworth.
) 24i
WANTED A girl for general hou owork at
TT l 17Cassst. 234
WANTED Olrl to work In kitchen at Doran
house 422 south 16th st. near St. Mary
ave. ITS
WANTED A good girl , must 1 *
competent. None other need apply
Wages it. 1824 N.22dstieot. IM-li
WANTED-Lady canvassers everywhere foi
the Van-ordcti Long Waist Corset , ( iood
pay. Circulars free. Address Cliurits Prlngle
: , Omaha , Neb. 328 V '
\ Xr"ANTKDJooTgTrl ( for general housework
ign TT must ne neat and u good plain cook. 141 !
n- Jones strrot. 815
* VVrA.vrED-Nuic BlrJ.SU Douglas st.
VVrANTKD-A lady bookkeeper. Aodrcss A
T T postotUco , ri\injr references und eulary t-x
poctcd , 449 9
\\7ANTED-A rood * Irl for general hous.
T T work In tamily of two. Mu t bo a gooi
L. laundress. Apply 4lb Convent st. 481
\V ANTED A good sKlrtmaker , 102 N 10th el
nd T cor. Dodge. 479 7
WANTED A girl for general housework a
ir-acassst. 473 b
W ANTED A gcod glr ! for general house
work , small family and Rood wages. In
lid nulre of C. L. Urickson , Si : N. IStU st , Mosonl
nt block. 470-7
109 "VyA NTED-Good girl. 1407 Cau st , 479 9 *
\\rANT15D SO ladies ft tent * to learn eio
f T rraphy. Proipeot good for position wbei
eorapetcntt address W. J. O. , Koom 1 , Crouns
4. blk.Omam * . tat
h. WANTitlt-Oood oook and Laundreli , 5tt It
IRblt , ( JM
\\rANTED A middle-aged woman for rhntn-
VT borwork ; no washlmr or Ironing ; colored
gin preferred. Aiply | at sw North 1Mb. Room
1 , up rtalrs , before 10 o'clock R. in. 4 2 7 *
( xisltliin. Machine- furnished If desired
Accuracy and proper punctuation preferred to
speed Jlust havosotno knowledge nt llguros
and n rltf > good , plain hand. No simpering miss
with brad full of "soelety" desired. Mu-t plvo
undivided nttuutlon to business. Address ,
clvlng age , residence nnd reference , F 19. Bee
olllce. _ _ ' Iuo
" \VANTh D Olrls.'bccidcntul hotel.
T > 317
\ \ ' AN TED \ good cook. Two in family.
lto ! donco 614 N 22d. 4 W
\\7ANTBO A girl for general housework ut
T T 17(7 ( St. Mary's live. 4M
\VANTRD-KlTchpnglrlnt the ' Vloima Res-
TT taurant , 1017 Howard st. Ui.i7 *
TT by young man under some good innn. Call
at f > N 17th st. 431 8 *
V\7 ANTED Kxpcrlcnced dressmaker , satis *
T tactlon guaranteed , wants sowing In
private family. K , lK2i Farnam 313 ! )
WANTI5O Situation as book-keeper ; nave
taught Ifuok-kcepliig Hnrt hnvo Commor-
clal col leu a diploma , best of references. Ad
dress KM. Bee oRlcn. 313 7 *
WANTKD-We want ome cholco houses and
lots tn Hanscom place and that location
for customer ! ) that we can't supply. List your
good hou cs and lots with us. Mottur Iteal
Estate Agency , 1513 Farnam it. telephone H45.
\\7ANTKD A homo for two children , one boy
TV three and n balfj ears and ono girl eight
yoars. In a family without children , ( lood ref
erences. Address F R& Bco offlco. if8 *
WANTED To Roll good su 111 cheap , for feed
ing hogs. Sco the steward at the Pazton
hotel. 478 8 *
"IXTANTKD to rent House of 0 or 7 rooms not
T over 10 blocks from B Jk M headquarters.
Good references , no children , address FC7 , this
oinco. 471 B *
WANTED To rent n 10 room bouse within
10 blocks of tbo postolttco. Will pay $33
to tV ) . Addioss W. Lou , 1418 Howard.
ANTED-To buy a irood milk route. Ad
dress 1'33 Bee office. 1M 7 *
WANTKD We want some cholco houses nnd
lots in Hanscom plnco and that location
for customers thnt wo can't supply. List your
good houses and lots with us. Motter Hal
Estate Agency , 1513Faruam st , telephone 815.
WANTED -Teams , 309 S. llth st.
WANTKD-To buy flvo to twenty acres In
side of or near Omaha. Olve dcscrlp.
tlon , price and terms. Address C.3) , Bee olrlcn.
OMAHA Storaee Wnrcnouso-Corner 13th
nnd Izard Sts. , for torago of housu-
bold goods and gouoral mcrchandlso at low
rates. Advances made ; Usue warehouse re
ceipts. It. U. switch nt the bouse , Olico 519
? outh 13th street and 13JS. i)10 : ) and 1:112 : Irani
strcut Tclophoun 683. M. S. Uoodrlch. mgr.
JW5 in *
F Oil RENT 2 7-room houses , apply to Mri.
P. O Hall , 2M9 California st. 473 9
FOB BENT-Now .Vroom house after the I5th
of March.3 per month. Enquire at
Kaufman Bros , 1009 , Farnam st 442.
FOB BKNT-Drlck yards , T. Murray.
FOB ItENT SO acres of ground. Improved.
North of the city 3 miles. H. C. Patterson
15th and Harney. 273
f OB SALE-4 room house.$100.fiij Clark st.
1 : bet St. Mary's ave and Howard. 2.VJ-17 *
FOB BENT A small 5-room cottaire. good
locality $18. Inquire at 2318 Capital live.
FOB BENT Now n-room house , modern Im
provements. Inquire J. V. Barton , 2516
Capitol avo. 137 T *
FOR IIRNT Two brick stores on north
IGth st.
Warehouse on track , new brick on paved
Three new stores on south 13tb st.
The a E. Mavne , Real Estate & Trust Co. ,
15th and Harney. OiM
FOR BENT House of ton rooms and barn
527 Park ave , between Farnam at and Leav <
enworth st , Inquire at Doran House , Soutb 18th
near Battle ot llottysburg building. 168
FOR BKNT Cottages , house ! ant store * , all
desirable nnd well located , from $33 per
month up. L. Burnham , Room 1 Crelghton
Block. | 117
HAY privilege to lease on the Dotwllor farm ,
at Ames , 7 miles west of Fremont. John
Gallagher,317 South 12th st. 41-'m
FOB BKNT Six new 6 room houses In A. S.
Patrick' * addition , about 1H blocks from
streetcar. Apply at room 2 Aillagton block
A. , _ Patrjck. 7M mi
FOR KKNT-lf you want to rent a bouse , call
onlionawa&Co. opposite postornce , 140
F > OK HENT Furnished room 40 n. 14th st.
412 7
FOR RKNT--Hoom 1619 Capital avenue , with
bath , for one or two gentlemen ,
435 8
FOR RENT Persons wishing to rent nice
f u rnished rooms cheap will do well to call
at 506. S. 18th , upstairs. Mrs. U. P. Jones.
TT1OB BENT First-class furnMiDd roomswlth
J- modern conveniences , 316 N 15th St. 108 8 *
FOR RENT A nice front room with nlcovo
hot and cold water bath. Gus.tUO Soutb
20th , corner St. Mary avoc'io. 4 i
F I OR RKNT-Nicoly furnlshod front room 3
blocks loutb of the Opera HousoU15 Jonos.
FOR RKNT A furnished parlor , warm ; mod
erate conveniences , with Qrst-class board ,
for two gentlemen. 181t Dodge st. 901
FOR RENT Eleganc furnHned parlor , also 1
smaller room. Ill U ISth near Dodire
274 S *
FOB RENT Furnished room , 1715 Dodge st.
4'J28 '
T7UjR"itKNT FurnNhod rooms,220 } Podgo.
JC 39fl Hi *
FOR KENT Nlcoolflco. Enquire of Knewold
A Barrett , llltii So 15th It. 29i 8
F I OR RKNT Two furnished or unfurnished
rooms , southeast cor of S 14th and Center.
33 7
FOR RKNT Nowlj furnished front rooms7
single or en sulto , 314 N 17th st. IT ) 7 *
TT'OR REST Unfurnished rooms one block
Irom P. O. Enquire ot K. F. Cook. 1414 N
1Mb > A 10.
T710H RENT-2nd and 3d floors , 31x10) ) fcot. No.
.L1 1 7 Douglas st. Will rent entire floors or
cut thorn into offices und rooms. Apply be
tween ! ) and dp. m. 355 11 *
FOR RENT Newly furnWicd sleeping rooms
for gentlemen , opening upon main hall ,
entrance independent of that tor family uso.
MM Howard St. 377
FOB RENT Furnished room for gentleman.
1623 Dodge. 37H 7
FOB BKNT 3 furnished rooms , ISIS Farnam
TTtOR ItENT Two furnished front rooms.
J Gentlemen only. 1816 Dodge. 7S7 in9
, F I OR RENT Three rooms at 2511 Davenport
etroot. 444 7 *
COR BKNT Two unfurnished rooms In suite ,
-C s w cor 18th and Jacison. 44)
IT'OB RENT-2d or 3d tory front rooms wlttt
. board , private family. Everything new and
lira cia a. References. 301 S.ith st. 4VS 9
FOB RENT A largo front room , first floor
front , furnished with two beds for four
gentlemen at sea Howard et. 478
FOR RENT One desirable front room , lies
Dodge St. 48J H
FOll RKST Furnished room with board. 1613
_ _ _ Dodgo. _ 477 11 *
F I OR HENT Three desirable rooms on Pless-
nt ht.furnlkhedor iinlurnisliod. Inquire
at State National bank , 15th and Hurnoy.
FOB RENT A now barn with room for four
horses. Apply to M. F. Martin , 617 South
13th St. 41B12
Rr.Nr 2 connected rooms , suitable foi
-1. fourgentlotuen. Rent reasonable. 318 M
1Mb St. 100 7 *
fJMJR RENT- Handsomely furnlshnl rooms.
JL1 Modem conveniences. U2-J North 151 hsu
BENT-rinuly furuUhsd room at 7CM
- South llth St. 43 28 *
_ _
FOR HENT-A very desirable nnwly fur
nished room , all modern convenience ! ,
street cars. 2531 at. Mary's ava. i7
FOB RKNT NlceJy furolshed rooms , 2231
Dod it.l Uaioaora UByroTVtutaU. 817
FOR REXT-Storo roora and No HON. tlth
tt. basement. _ IM
POB BKNT-FurnUliod rooms.'HI N. IPtb-st
Th AoiUM adlolnlnirthT Patrick farm ; 1 will
* -\J ell at | 8VO mi aero. Miftnblo for platting.
I ) . 0. I'uttcrMin , Omaha Njt Uiink. 4W 1
GOOD B\RflAlN3-W < ln'ivon few more loM
In Matthow's subdivision of Albright's
Choice. Inouth Omaha. "JLtwy uro a peed bar
gain. Piereo & Honors , 'room & , Arlington
bloek. ) r RJl
Great burgstns fern few-da ) s. 57 I\PIO wlthm
one mlle of Florence , pn C St , 1' . M. \ d.
II. II. Feed business , sales I'.OX ) p ir month ,
requiring only $ nucnsh. Ot-ocory in flue Iocs-
tlon. Actlvo K. K. Agency , 15-4 DoJgc. 420 7
HOUSES LotsFarmsI.nudinoiioy toi o > l.
Reinls * city map . 5t7 feet , $ ! .3J each.
Bomls , room 3 Darker block , 3. W. cor. 15th
and Farnam. 123
Blocks 17 to32 , the bo t part of Rowling Green.
1 ho cheapest property on the market.
) t mlle from Benson car lluo.
fi-acre lots per acre fXA
2 i acre Ios per acre $ " J.
Aero lots $8CM.
Ixito MxUT on Hamilton street $17. to l 't for
Full commission to agent * , Hot pints.
Marshall tc Ixiliock ,
No. 1509 1'arnam.
Tclophono 73. 104
UBINE33 property thai will rmit for $70 per
month for $4,0JO. Uuewald X Barrett ,
314HS 15th street. 4XJ 7
PATRICK'S ADO-11UKI4. On a part of this
lot arc 2 double houses , leaving the corner.
61x134 vacant , nil for $5X ( 0.
Oregory 4 Hftdley ,
981 Hooras 1 and 3. Ilodlck blk,220 S 15th st
\VKST-8NewAddltlonIs the best thlnirof-
T > tereJ. Close to town. Can bo made to
pay right off. Every lot will pay Tor Itself In
less than 2 jean. Lovgrt-n & Daiz ll , 1)5 ) N IGth
Bt. 4 7
One-half of nine-room cottage ,
- convenient for light housekeeping , dill
afterG:30 : p , tn.,013 S 16th bt. 4SO 9 *
FOll HENT-2nd floor , 23x130 ft , coed light :
use of hydraulic elevator Included. En
quire lit 1405 Douglas st , 494
A MRS 11KAL ESTATE. IM7 Faruam t.
In this list you muy see something desira
ble.54Nor. . 18th st , full lot , 3 houses , rent for
$700,112,10. )
53 I0t ; 22x62 , Davenport St. small house ,
C2 2 lots corner Highland Place on Farnara ,
61 Capital ave.small bouse f fl.903.
SO-Loi22xG5. Hartley st.lior 13th t. . > D'VX ' ) .
'J-Corner on IBth St. , Hents for 5IOU per
annum , $75,003.
47 KCl feet front on Loavonworth st. with
house , $7.rOO.
40-B5XW , Harnoy St. . $ iVfl ) .
44 Lot 44xIJ2. Lcavonworth st ItontJ for $1J9
per month , $24.0JO
3S1 Full lot Hedlck's subdlv , 10-room house ,
modern. $13,000.
30 Grace st. lot , corner , 31x31 , house 5 rooms ,
$ .1,000.
379-Lot nSxCfl , Dodge st , ( food 10-room house ,
373 Lot cast front on 21st , 12 room house ,
* 1-VXX > .
577 3SX1H2 , California st , 12-room modern
house. * tfr > 00.
370-2 lots in Arbor plRco with 3 houses anJ 1
store , rents $75 per month , $4,0 K ) .
375 8-room brick house In Shlnn'g udd for
374-Good 7-room houko and barn , now , In
UwlKbt It Lyman's , for $ .1,30 ! ) .
372 Eloirant place on Uurl St. In perfect repair ,
m odcrn , $9,000.
371-3 lots , north lHth,2 houies. * 2',500.
: iUO 1 aero , Rood 5-room house , $2XJO. (
36 ? 1S2 sqr. St. Mary's ovo. Improved , $2X000.
3(17 ( 73X140 ft , 2 bouses S 15tb , rent f W per mo
-WW-Full lot , Chfcaro st , 2 bouses , $3,000.
LW4 Full lot , 0-room bouso in Arbor Place ,
3 2-Full lot , 4-room house. Arbor Place , ? 1,000.
* ! l-Full lot , 2-houses In Arbor I'lace , IJ.OJO.
: W > M lot. 4-room house , on N 18th Kt. H.OOO.
n.Vi-5Uxl40. N 18th t , S houses , rent tBO. $0.r,00 ,
354 Now7-room house , Hamilton s' , tt.OU ) .
353 Corner N IBth , 3 bouses rent $ ) per mo
$7 00.
350 Comer on Pierce st , n ar 20th , lot 55x184 ,
two houses , rent $45per mo , $5,00 } ,
347-31 feet oy 6U Cass st , 8 room Mouse , rents ,
$20. f 4,200.
-Lanre > brick house , lot SOxiO S , 19th st ,
$ .OJO. This Is u bargain.
339 9-room new modern house on Calfornla Bt ,
lot : i3x4 l , $9,200.
337 Full lot oa Lcovenworth tt , small house ,
335 H lot , wood 7-room house on Montana st. ,
334 Full lot on Pacific street with two houses ,
331 2 lot * , larifc house ; mordern : rents $50 per
month , (10,000.
329 Small lot , 4-roora house on Franklin street ,
323-luOzlKI , Pierc st ,3 houses ; rent $50 pnr
month , $ y,000.
323 2 lots. 2 house : rent $5 } per month , South
isnh strnet , $15,500.
319-6Axl6t , Parx ave , , 13-room house , modern
317-W1X140. 8.1Mb St. , 4-room house for $2,500.
314 Full lot. 2 housojrent ; $45 per montbf5. 0.
312-60x130 Shlnni add with 5 room house. $ : ! , ! '
307 75ft onllurdottost small house. $2,01X1.
30i-fiOxl20 Tecatur st , 4 room house , $2,000.
305-6 lots In West side , new 0 room house and
barn , $ . ) , & 00.
17 5 lots. 2 houses , Walnut hill , $3,1)3.
206 Full lot 5 room house and burn , Walnut
29J Corner 12th , Improved , rents 200 permo. ,
JP3 80x140 near St Mary's ave 7 room house ,
barn , modern Improvements$7/ .
238 132x284 , Isaac i Spldon's add , near Leaven-
wo'th. Good hou < io and barn. $10,000.
217 109x142. cor on Cnllforniix wltli 2 irood
houses : rents for $ Vper ) month : $12,000.
2fiJ Full lot , now 8-rjotn house , laodorn , Wul-
nut Hill , $1,009. Thli Is n banralu.
259 10-room modern house , Hanscom Place ,
257 East front. Virginia ave , with 6-room
house , $3.250.
Ames' Heal Estate Aircncy.
379 9 No. 1W7 Farnam st
HOUSES LotsFarms.Lands money loaned ,
Domls" city maps , ' 'X7 feet , ti.ttt each.
nemlsroomi. : Darker block , d. W. cor. 15th
und r'aruara sts. 2S7
HOUSKS Lots.Fanns.Lindi money loaned.
llemls' city mapg , 5x7 feet , $7.5) each.
UemU. room ' ! , Uaruor bloclr , 3. W. cor 15tn
and Farnnin sis. 123
ENCINE UAUGAl.VS-Two corner lots m
Uurdetlo court , only 4 > blocki from Snun-
der'ii street ears. W. * t. nushmn. lloom ID ,
Buihman UlocK , N E cor Kta and Iou jlai.
PECIAL UAHGAlNS-Park i Fowler. 153i
Ixit 7 , block 8 , Kilby Plare. $950.
Lots 1 nnd 2 , block 16 , llediord PlacoflS09.
Lot 14. block P. Dedtonl Place , $ RUO.
Lot 2J. block 1H , IJedford Place. $ SW.
Lots 3 and fl , block 1 , Hertford I'lttcu , each $750
Lot 6 , block n. Patricks 2nd , $1.550.
Lot 9 , block b3. South Omaha. * 2OjO.
5 lots In Klllott Place , each $400. Very easy
payment ,
House and lot on 21st St. , $2.200 , 1200 cash , bal
ance $20 per month.
House nnd lot on .Will and Chicago , $2,700 ,
14 JO cash , balance $2.1 per month. 421 9
FOll BALK In larjro orsmall lots .Held seeds ,
timothy , little red and mammoth riover ,
( lerman and common mlllett soras. I warrant
tliis seed all raNed In Duller county , Nob. , and
new. pure and clean seed. Wrltu to W. 0. Bos
ton , David City , Not ) , for prices. 4 1 nC *
WEST'S Now Addition. less than 3 miles
from P. O. , near depot ground" , onlv $250
per lot , Ji down. LovBren.4 ' : Dalzell , 115 N luth
St. - 43 7
" \\TANTBD-Wo want somochoice bouses and
T T lots In Ilan com place nnd that location
for customers that wo caa't supply. List your
good bou > os and lots with us. Matter Real
Estate Agency , 1513 Purnmn st. telephone845.
rnilK MOTTEB Heal nstllo Agency.
A -II Telepbono SI' ,
offer a few special bargain8 :
A corner on Furnam bt-'for $3,00) . This Is a
dandy. > %
Six south fronts on Hamilton st , and everyone
ono of them bargains ; stiT'ut oar in trent of
thuin. , . j
A tlno north front In Lowe's 1st addS7. > ; only
$3i0 cash. -R *
Three of the best lots ift'MeContilck'a 2d at
$ MIO eucn ; $3DO ciifh , bal long tlrau ,
A dandy In Kfrkwood , o , st tront.
Five nt e lots In Lowe's 1st add.
Some bargains In Orchard Hill.
Bargain Wo have 3 lots on 2uth st that wo
know Is cheap , and oiler thorn for a few dnys on
easy terms 4" > l
RAHE OilANCB To make monoy-I huve
for eale the ben poylnir grocery business
In Omaha. Stocx clean and freili , will Invoice
about $1/00. Daily receipts from MO to $65 ,
and a very little effort would double mat
amount. Strictly a cash trade monif the very
best class of customers In the city. The store IJ
well arranged with every convenience. It Is lo
om ed at the present terminus of the fctreet cnr
line at Hanscoai Park and belongs to Mr. J. C.
( Jroen who offers It for sale because of bis
being engaged In tbo real otnto business.
Nothing U charged for the t-'ooJ will , which U
well worth ll.aXI , The itoro will be rented
cheap and the hu&lnees c > i < l for the amount of
Mock on hand. A rare cbanco li nHered for a
live limn to make mor y. Apply or addreu ,
W. S , Seavoy , Real HctaKe and Commercial
aiieiit , 111 South J4th ttrcet. Omuha. 434 a
HOUSKS LotsFarmjL nJ4-monny loaned.
Bemls * city map * . &il feet. 3.S ) each.
Uemls , room 3. Utrkor block. S. W. oor. I5tb
aadFaraaait. * * 7
G HANOI : ofba c.-Swsu &Co. rcnl estate
ftgetits wno fortbeyoir past Imvu been
located nt roim 7 , Fronrlor block , 1'itli st , Jutvo
removed ft U2I Dodge it corner of ICth and
Dodge , whom they hnvo llttpd up one. of the
Illicit olllcol Inthei'Ity , and will bn pleased to
eo any and all nantlnir good bnri'itlns in In'fdo
property of w hli-h thny have a rho'co list Till ?
lltramnkns n specialty of nxehango of tnor-
cbiindl o stocks for city property and farms.
Their list of fin mlng lands for snloor trade Is
tholarijpjt In the city , embnu-ltiz Innds in
neirly ovcry county tn thi > staten < well as 1C tin-
sas. Missouri , lowti and Texas. Th"V control
thu largest block of Nebraska school lands of
nny njcnev In the city , and invite inspection of
their lots by all parties wanting good bargains ,
dlvo thorn a call. Southeast cor 1Mb und
Dodgo. Swan \ Co. 33) ) 10
BLl'NT \ l.MPKY. Boat K tuto Brokers. N W.
cor. Dnuglns and llth sts ; "d iloor , loom
0 ; Telephone l".i. '
Ilarpalns All New
. N e cor. rarnam and .JelTorson (21th ( ) , CfltliH. 2
bouses , one of brick , with all mod. imp ; the
other frame with brloK iitipment. $ IJ.l > .
Terms very easy. Will sell for $10,00) bcforo
end of reason
iouth front on Podge , 50x132 , doubln house ,
10 rooms each side. mod. Imp , , t-iblo , $ IO.iMO.
California st , 1 block from 20tb. 1)2x112 ) , 5
bouses , renting to pay guod ratu Interest ,
Chicago and 25th , MTI37,2 cottflcos. a flno cor
ner , ktruetcat will pasi In prln. , | .00 < l.
Idluwlld , lltiei 0-iooin hou ? , b m , full lot ,
fj. : n. Nothing better ut price
Gontgin ave north of Loaveiiworlh , 7" > xl3) ) ,
easLfroiit , lioii i > of S rooms and barn , $ SWJ.
Lot nlone Is worth more money
M. Marys nv t. 2 south front lots with 9-
room hou e , elegant site for residence or brlcic
row , $3).00a )
Popploton ave. South front. BOxlC ? , eottago
with biisement , barn , city water , clitorn , a
pretty little home and valuable lot , SLOW.
24th near Popple ton , enst trout , cottnge to bo
compluti-d , be t bargain m this part of town ,
$2.8M. Knsy tnrtns.
Plorce and 25th , lot and o half.3 houses occupy
half the ground. $7,5tw. > .
N. 2Jth. ( fln f cet.wt st side , 2 houses and 2 barns ,
rent at 4oOO per year , u bargain at 9 i.MU
( Irace st , fin nil lot , house , 6 rooins , $2,300.
Walnut Mill , a corner on NIchola * , house , 7
rooms , < -lty water , full ! ot , $ ; ,7C'A
Orchard Hill , near Hamilton , good bouse , fine
lot. $2.700.
100xl5 feet , Walnut Hilt , comer lot , housn.S
rooms , well and cistern , fruit and shade trees ,
bum , 3.(0fl. (
ll'UHii ' feet. California ami 31 st. 4 houses rent
at $1.200per year , A good lineament , J7'iO ) .
Jlontana , east front , 3lxU > , house 7 looms
well and cittern , just uoith ot Cutnlng , $ J (03
Sblnn's 2d , 2 houses ft rooms ciioh-new , cis
terns and well , very cheap , both $1,0 K ) .
E.V. Smith's oa t trent on-0U.MxllO , house
5 rooms , $5VW a specml bargain.
12th and Dodge , business , 01x13 ? , buildings
rent this season at $ .1 , OJ. price $3)'JOO , $10OJO
cash. Wno takes this ?
Park nve..3.1x 140 , Si-room house , alt modern
impiovements , nil built lint season , I , ' , " > 1) ) .
WI41tt4''Ii ' feet on Pnrk av , with two line cot-
tnires , fruit of all kinds -to bo sold singly or together -
gethor n bargain In theso.
Vacant Lots.
Illlsldo No 1 south fronton Davenport. 1.1V )
Hawthorne , NxKlfi ) , a tlno lot l.ftW
led ford place , lots from $700 to l.Oon
vllby place , one of the best lots l.VX )
O'Nellssuh 2 tulllots , corner 4,203
oiith Omaha , 5 business lots on O st ,
each 800
Orchard hill. Hamilton st , 1.0)0 )
) rchardhill Insldo $750 to UOO
Vest end , call for price
h'nrnam nnd'listcorner 100x140 10W )
-att huge $500
Sub. of J. I. KcKlfck'B OeorKla ave , $75 per
Clarke's Place , $ IBCO.
Hickory 1'lnco , cbonp , to Iota , each $1,500.
Plalcviow , corner , south and west front
$ i.m
Plalnview , Insldo west from 1.000 to $1,250.
Him om Place , choice $ J,253 to Woy .
Hansel and Stobbln's sub , 4 lots each $1.875 ,
Hitchcock's 1st. two best lots , botb $1,500.
THIS H but n partial ll t , call and we will quote
property In anr locality desired. Ulunt A
linpey , N. W. cor. 14th and Douglai , oor Ful-
er s drug More. 27.V10
FINR Chance Wanted Slock of groceries
or hnrdarn In exchange for 160 acre * of the
finest land In Nebraska , within 50 miles of
Omaha. Inquire ot llerthold 4 : Co. . 620 S. 10th st
2(10 (
FOlt SAliK Two or throe elevator * : all good
points on D. & M. railroad. For particulars
apply to Thomas Cocbrane , box 55. Lincoln ,
Xeb. 220
_ _ _
FOH SALK Valuable property : West Lin
coln for cash. U all at Kd Bird's store or
write P. O. box SI. ! . Lincoln , Neb. 221 S *
FOll SALK Hent , or trade for city property
W acres of landgood house , in town of
Ilellevuo.r > miles from Union StocK yards ; pas-
ttne for.V ) cattle ; M acres In cultivation ; rent
ca h. G. Wlckonborg , 310 N IBth st Jewelry
Store. 227 8
ABAIlOAINforafcwdnys ; 30 acres inside
of the 2'i ' mlle limit at $150 ncrncre ;
terms ea 7 ; apply to Hutchlnson and M adele
ngonts,1524 Dodge st. 400 8 *
A. 8LOMAN. Heal Estate Broker ,
1512 Farnam Street.
Furnain street , cor. 18th , C6xl'J2. H cash. $ M.030
Farnumst , near 14th,2Jxit2Improved. : . 35.000
Karnamst , near 18th,44xlC3 , Improved. . 22.UOO
Farnam st , ncar20th'xl32. . very cheap. 7,000
Farnam St. , nearStth. Iltxxl32 ! 35,000
Ftirnamst. cor. 3Ut St. , IJOxlOJ , south
anil east front 17,0)0
Earnam st. cor. ith , 95x132 , s and o front fi , ( X )
Furnam t cor. 41st , 4'xl.t ! , s and e front 3. 0i )
Fsrnam St. cor. 4.'d. 44x132.8 and w front 3 , M
H rney st. near iith,22xG6 : V.m
Harneyst. notir 15th , axIH2 Improved. . . 20,000
Haineyst. near20tb. 174x170 , Improved. . 35'VX ' )
Harneyst. Hedlck's GroTo , 41x1 J2 l.fiOO
Hameyst,4Jxl32 fi.OJJ
Douglas st near 12th , 44x132 , Improved 35.000
Douglas stuear 13th,22xl3. , ! i interest. iirVJ )
Douglas 6t. near2fdWxl32 7,5)0
Douglas st. near 23d , 00x132 8.000
Dodgost. cor. 12th.60x1 , ) . ' , Improved. . . . i-l.'HO
Dodge st. near 23th , 50xl52 > i 2.IUX )
Dod est noar23tb , 40x127. improv a . 2.70)
.lacksoii at. cor. 14tb. Jxl32. improve 1 . 25.0M
Jacksnn st. nenr 15th , 60x13. , Improvod. ltOTO !
.lonesst. cor. 15th , 66xlT2 24,00. )
Leavenworth st cor. 21st , IJJxIll , im
proved 18.5M
Leavenworth st. cor. 25tb , 140x142 , Im
proved 23,000
lethst.opp , M. P. and Bolt Line depot.
61x112. . . . . 9,003
llth st. trackage , Paddook place , 66x112. 2riO )
Park ttve. opp. park , 50x150 l.KOO
Georgia ave. near Mt. Pleasnnt. MxliO..600
20th st. near St Mart's. 40x120. Improved 8,500
20th st near Dorcas 103x1(10. ( improved. . V'W
20th Bt near Douglas , 3-'x63 , improved. . 9.0HJ
llth st. cor. Marthu.GDxD..improvod. . . 4,5 * )
tli it. cor. SnwardC3xl2nu houses . . . 4.W )
Pierce ncarSOth.OO feet fiont , 2 streets. 5AW
Himllton ft. near Belt line , improved. . . l.WO
41st st. Just off Farnam , 4Hxl32 , o front. . lww
a-ith st , near Davenport. lOOxlJa S&K
Snward. nenra'ith , fiOxI57 1.1V )
31st st , near Mnvenworth. 50xlW 2 an
10th t , near ( "aftellnr. 135 feet front. . . 4.500
8th st , near Martha. Blxlfil. corner. . . . 1..VO
Kui-dettest , near 26th. SOzKB , on car line 1,900
n.irt Rt , near Lowe ave , 51 l-2xlJ3 1,100
251 b.cor. Poppleton , tllxliO , Improved. . 4.0JO
Davenport , near 24th. M l-3xlc.lmproved ; 4.0fW
Chicago , corner 24th , 66x132 , Improved. . B.lHO
26th , near I'oppletnn , 50X127. improved. . 6.000
On-hard Hill , lots $760 to 1,000
Drown Pinklot f5'W to SW )
Bedford * $ BM to I 0
Highland Pnric , lots euch-ctish $08. . 2.1'I '
Wakcly add. lcti 57.xIM , each 401
25 aero * near Tort Omuha.llnely Inprorod ] l,000
TCTlNESrcornnr in Shull's2d add.,100 , easy
i term * , lor fuw days. J. M. Buchanan & Co. ,
1413 Furnam St. CM
GKBROnV & HADLEV , members Omaha
Heal Kslate Kxchange , Kooms 1 anil 3 , 'fO S
IMIi st. Do a general real estate bualnuas The
attention of uon-rcsMcnts rebpectfully solic
Corner , Patrick's add.lllxl'M , two double , tenting for $ < 0 per month
The corner , ' ) U134. vacant , easy teims $ r > , nOo
Fltio lot , Jerome Park , 45x107 l.MJ
South fiont , Bartletf < i acid 2riiO
Flno Sulphur Spring * lot , near st. . 2.2O )
Nice 7-room cottvge , Virginia a\e . . . . 4UiO
12axl27Uwe't add , 3-rootn house I.W1
Doubloi-ornor , Lincoln Place , 100x100. . l.W : )
Flno South front , LOWB'B add 1,10)
An elegant business siaht.S 13th st . , 12'nr )
III tt on licavcnworth , house 2,030
Jerome Pnrk lot , facing Farnam
O urn tin View , south front lot , 4-room
hoti-e. only 1.700
Arlington lot 1.0V )
ri5xl.l5\\tth f 5.000 house H.5W
Jrnckago , i-or 102xl'K , nearSt Paul depot
renting for J1.749 per year 20,000
Gregory i Hadley ,
Itooms 1 and 3 HcdlcU's block , 320 S 15th st
HANSCOM Place , lot 1A in block 9 , $2,400 ,
halt cash , balance 1.2 and 3 yours.
475 Gregory & Hadley. : tXI S. 1Mb st.
HK MOTTEIt Heal Fitato Agency ,
1513 Funmm bt.
W feet on S outh 1Mb street for $7,501 Best
bargain on thu street
One line oi t front on Virginia uvo. , Hans-
com I'lace , $ ' .500
Wo ha\e tbo only cast front on Park avenue
for sale.
An elegant enet front with one of the finest
7-room hout > e < In the city on I'ark avenue , at a
price that will paralyze you , so low ,
A tlno west Jront on Park avenue , with 10-
room house , writer , bitb , cloiot , cesspool and
all modern coiueniiiuce. onlv
Ix3t 1 , block 9 , Pratt't subdivision , $13) ) . $500
cash. An acre lot. City lots In sainu block ioll
ror00ai.d ; v" jll maker , lots.
One of the bMt lots In Potwr'n Rdd tor * 1 VX ) .
Hero Is a bargain. Elegant south front lot In
Shlnn's2d tor 1.4:0. : Don't let U go.
: i flne south front lot * in Duvtinport * lubdl-
vision. II A ) . A big bargnln.
Tipton Place Is the flnoit ( property on the
market lo-dar.only $ < 00 to $ VO. l-5cash.
TMO Ion In CatalpitS.1. $ lM9each ( Bargain * .
Lot * nfdllnr facroft the street for $ IIUO. iToa
Mottor Iteal Estate Agency , 1SI3 Furuam. Tele-
FOll SOMI ? man with nionej 100x125 cor ,
on llth * t , , wlfh-,5)J | brick liouoo ; nil
model it Improvomc/it * . on grade ; f 12.0K ) , half
co h. halancPl,2/iTdyj-ears , grouui ulono Is
worth tlumotipy. . , ;
2-iU * < , wiMi gixidM-jonm bouse , lllh t near
Center : $ ! , S.Klca h.l'lils 1 * a Imrgnm.
Cor 27t'i and Uoiigl.n , houses ; rout for $ Jj
nor month ! $4jnoWihir each
Cor hoii * > jteiT > V r ( < t In KounUe's 3.1 add. ,
$3,0)0 ; f . ' ,0 ) caslii'V
Call nnd mcfTyou want to buy bargains
ftom awav bnck. havn SOIHP good Induce
ment * on 2 > ) th t tn Heed A Campbell's Had. A.
P. Spltko.ldt.l Howard. 2.M S _
2Y ) buy * re tailrant mid chop noti > worth
$ U00li7 _ north I'.th Part on h. M.W
SOI'TII Cm aim Parn and Ha-nmond Place d
in lde South Omaha property , 'Iheo ' oi o
or Jas Vore , owner * , : < IISlMh St. , Id Hoer be
tween Farnam and Harnoy. ' 5I a 1
OL'Sl'.S lxtsFartn , La'id-motiey IO.IIIP 1.
Bomls' city m p * , nt ? foot , t ! fO ouch
Ilemls , room : i , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Farnum sts 2 7
FOIt HALK 412 acre fitrm In Hmnilton Co ,
Neb.,2 mllus from good shipping point ;
1W nrros brokon. Term eH8y llarrimn. Am-
bier A oolley. It. 20 Omahii Nail aj
1 1 \ ACIU'.S adolniig ] : the Patrick farm. 1 will
L\J sell nl (6 K ) an aero , suitable for platting.
D. C. Patterson , Omah i Nat Bank. 410 Id
G EOHOr. O. WALLAPK. ln\otmont Agent
Boom 8 , , C'riiihton Illoek , oilers the fol
lowing Bargain * In Heal l tuto :
CholioxiiMh f i oct lot In Bel ford Plncf , JOM.
One of the finest oust front lot * m Hanthorno ,
Two splendid lying lots In Hawthorne with
forest trees , und on a goad sticL-to ; t-ujy term * ;
ouch. $1,3 W.
Ixit an Virginia ave , In lUiiscom Place ,
$1.3 ) .
2'/i acres In Bonfleld , bring east 4 lot 13 , on
tbo main county roud.for f-W per acio Thii
Is H "snap. " Other acre property In the suuio
vicinity , and no better. Is selling for $ ( ) .
Two lot * , one H corner , being lots 11 and 12
block * tttilnut Hill , with four-roim house ,
good turn nnd well , on ony term * , $2.TiO.
I'E ! f eet of ttnrkniro butwein Nlebolas and
Clark street' , one of the best piece * ot track
property In Omaha , for this week only , $ .1.KO.
I am solo agent for the above properties and
for a number ot other good bargains. Person *
wishing to lnvct are invited to call on mo , us I
am propnrcd to place money to the best possi
ble advantage to the purcha'er.
GtoOigcG. Wallaro , Intcttmont agent , room
S'J ' Creigbton block , 474
ITOH BALK Two lot * In Kountzo Placo. Spen-
P cerOtl * . 1'I17 Douglas st U2J
IjUilt AALK A No 1 NournsKti lario near a
X ? thrivlnir town wiutU of Pintle. 200 acres ,
all but 25 undtircultlvatton. 50) bearing tipple
trees. Hundreds of small fruit , evergreens and
tiees of various kinds. Deed frame houso.
Cheap at $35 per acre. Apply to It. M. , CanOcld
Hotl o. 417 11
F 01 < hALK 25) ) will buy the best located COf- i
fee nnd lunch room in Ouiuha drcsa
FBI , ItL-uoilice. 4OS 8
" \\7Khavcthofltiostcoriier lot In Hancom
* > Place with ID-room house. ea t front ,
bath , clo-vt.gati , city wuler. olstrrn , well , burn ,
cellar under whole houto. lot alone worth
$4,500 , hoiiKO bran new , all for $7.60) ) , now If
you mean business and want a good house
comti Kitd sen thi * .
Good , nice , 0-room cottage In Armstrong s
add , chimp , easy payments.
If jou want to build a low of flat * como and
pee a corner o have in Heed's 1st add for only
ffl.OOO , long east front
Motter Heal lislnto Agency , 1513 Farnam. Tolo-
phono845. ft55
HOUSK3 Lots.Farms.Ltnds money loano 1.
It'iniU' city map * , 5x7 feet , $ J W each. 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor. nth
and Farnam stg. 2 7
Tin 13 lleal Estate and Loan Co. .
HA ; r.-o s nth st
2i ! acres in Cunninghams add $ .1,00) ) .
Acre property to plat nest of stockyards.
Aero property west of paric
Bedford place 10 lots from JfiW to $1M
4 lots Baker Place near Orchard hill , $80) to
Lots In K'lby Place $910 to $1WO.
1 lot In Parkers add t J.O'Mi. '
Lots In Creston place $1,301 to $1,50) .
House and lot Clarendon place $ ' , 'H ' ) ) .
Hoiito and lot Cl trendon place , $3,00) ,
1 lot In Dupont place 1,11)0. )
Lots in Hawthorne $1.0) ) ) to $1,599.
Lots in Hawes $850 to $1.0nO.
In Hartman'a add. a bargain.
Lots in Hanscom Placol.CO ) to $4.0)0.
1 housnund lot In Hanscom Placo. $ ' . ! .
Douse and lot in Hancom Place , $ l > ,0)0.
Kountc 4th add. FI.tTO
1 lot in Kountzo Place , bargain , $1.800.
Several house * and lots in Lowe's add.
Itoufo and lot on Nicholas itreat , cheap.
Lot In Potter's add.
Lot In Patteo * CoOb's add , S Omtha ,
Property In every part of the city.
Money to loan fin Improved city property.
Abstractor title * or Douglas county.
Harris Heal Escato It Loan Co. , formerly Har
ris Harris 3J3
7 lot * left In Aulsfleld addition. The
be t investment in Omaha , Those lot !
will double B soon na the ordered paving com
mences on 10th st In the spring , surrounding
roperty is alieady double $450 to $ MD will
uy them until March ZOth only. Terms ono-
olirhthca&h.balam-eSIO per month. Perfect
tlt'e guaranteod. i F. Hammond , 117 &o Ihtbst ,
SAI.F 317 acres of No. 1 land In
Nuckoll * county , Neb , , within 14 miles of
the town of Superior and U. K. d | it Inquire
10M S 11th bt , Omaha , Neb. M. Bedlngton.
312 10
INSIDE PltOPEKTV-Wo huvo xome good In-
side property at a bargain. Pierce * Hog-
ers.1511 Dodge street. SM
T 1ST your property with u * If you want It
-U sold , for wo mean business , Plorco Si
llo < crs. Boom 5 Arlington Illk. 8'B
FOH SALE On easy terms , some choice lots
in Walnut Hill , all near Walnut Hill post-
olllce. P. A. Gavin , Sole Agent , Room il.Kediuk
Block. 1"2 31
PLAlNVir.W-Onooftbe best lots In Plain-
vlow with a nuw hoit o for Jl.VM. Terms
easy. Enewuld & Barrut,314i ! South ] 5th st.
| 483 7
FOK SALE Iot in Bedford place , $709.
Two lots on Virginia avuuue , Hnnscom
Thrttt lots on Phil Sheridan avenue , Hiutscom
One lot on Georgia aveniio. Hanscom place ,
fust front lot in Kilby plaoo , $ vnn.
H IIIKO of 8 room * on Ihth t , t1.M3.
464 11 * H. W. Huntnss * . 1509 Farnam street.
FOll SALE 7 acres on State st near Patrick's
Saratoga add. will soil cheap. Gate City
Heal KMateCo .13JO Doitgla * . 185
TIHBbest aero In Wahlngrnn Hill , $1.050 ;
will make 5 lots ; o.icli . will soil for $400.
Must bo ftoUiin a few d y . Gate City Real Eg-
tHteCo,1320Douslas. 242
JOHN OALLAGHKK,317 South 13tU at Acre
property , lots all part * of the city. Choice
lots m Hanscom Placo. llousf , 9 rooms , lot
6 xirfl , location unsurpassed , $5,2)0. 2i > 7a2
SOUTH Omaha Park and Hammond Plaoo Is
Inside Soutb OmuhH propnrty. Then Olscn
or Jas Vore , owneis. 314 8 15tb st , "d floor be
tween Farnam andHarnoy. 254 a 1
/"lAnEFULLVconslderdlstancos of property
\J that you can buy in acres , look it upon
the mnpor rldoto tha ground itself and you
will tlml Brighton U tbo nearest acre property
that can be bought , and an Investigation of the
ground Itself will convince .von that the situa
tion Is desirable in all rospci-U. Brighton lot *
are selling at $ uiO each , whllu land In their
neighborhood fetches a larger price than tlila
In largo bodies Aero property about Omaha
Is not onlv a snfo Investment , but especially
diflruhlo at this tlmo. Railroads euntiiring in
Omahii will add lifgoly to values , and the lot- )
selling In Brighton at JOV ( > now will fetch much
Irwer prkvsJn fix months' tlmo. Amis' Heal
Fjstut Aironcr , 1.VJ7 1'arnam st. 3(14 7
150) Fiirnan. st ,
Offer t lies 4 Itai-galiH t - < lay :
1 corner Ueorvla vo. and Dupnnt $ t.yj. :
7 Orchard hill , choice lots wioh ? < V ) .
Houne and 2 lots , Saunders & nimytiaugh's
add. to Walnut hill $ . ' , JO ) .
a ) Fluent lot * In Clorordulc , bargLlns.
Fine lota in Kilby place , ulipap.
Flnel 1-2 lot John I Hodlek's * uh-divlflon.
2choloo lots In MaynoB ivld , , each ? > ) ) .
2cholce lots Fiilrmount place.
1 aero bct In Belvedere , bargain
21ota Jettcr'R addition , each $70J.
Slots Mt , Douglns , each $ WL
2 lots South CT. plare , eacn"i .
3 Brown Park , bargain * each $1) ) .
24 lots cliolcoln Vatni if Humpul's atdltion.
10 acres Jt' mile south of Harris i Patterson's
annex , oxtranlce , chep and easy terras.
A line Il t of western Innd * for sale , or trade
for Omaha property. , _ _ ,
4im acre * highly Improved , Saundon Co. , lalo
or trade.
115 fe t front on 18th strsot.
Last , not loftst. oorner on I arnin Sli.O ) ) and
many others , 15M Furnam. WHo and Parmele.
1 A ACHFS adjoining the Putrit-k farm. I will
-L'J tell at $ tX un acre , sultnbio for
D. C. Patterson. Omaha Not Bank. f'.x ) 16
_ ; S.YI.E-&JU3J on It'th and Murcy. well
Improved , ttW. ' .4 ciish.lml" anil3 yeara.
Gate City Real Kstato Co. . U20 Douglas. 183
HOL'BKS-Lot9.ParnnLi n Is-monoy loaned.
Bemli' city maps , 5x7 feet , H.5) rich.
BemlM , room 3 , Barker block , S. vv. cor. 15th
and Farnatn its , Kxl
9 Our new nddltlon.
AcrestH to $ IOpHr ar .
N rSouth Otutht ,
Au4 Sydlcat * HIIU . .
M actual !
1H t5tJ ) Faruiuj ,
Ottllty. <
In the district court yesterday the ! ) - <
torn suddenly foil out of several crlni til
casu * set for trial , the defendants p ! ' < I
Inc etillty.
Cliarles Fnlcs , charged with tnayltMi ,
was onu of these. lie Is the one who
gained noloriuty by knocking one of Mr.
Do ( .Jr.itV'.s eyes out with a brass knuckle ,
and afterward * i > cang | ) ! from tliooflicnr.s
while on tlii ) train , llois a vicious fol
low , who will doubtless bo given a long
stretch In the penitentiary.
The colored man , I'avton , who stole a
lot of clothing and two valises from the
liechtcle house , also pleaded guilty.
Hock also pleaded guilty to extorting
money , lie Is said to have accused an
other man of being too intimate with
Mrs. Hock , and thun squop/cd money
from him to keep the matter still.
Associated Hnlldcrs.
At the annual meeting of the Building
and Loan association last night there waa
a largo attendance of members.
N . \V. Dearborn , William Arndt ani
Kd Mott were elected directors for tha
full term of three years , li. ( } . llcob *
was elected director for two years to till
a vacancy , and John Brown was elected
director for ono year to ( ill a vacancy.
1)V Otis was elected as secretary , John.
Bennett treasurer , and D. C. Bloomer
AVOCA Ticket.
AVOCA , la. , March 0. At the republi
can caucus last evening the following
gentlemen were nominated : For miryor ,
Hon. E. A. Consiguy ; recorder , V. M.
Lindsay ; for aldermen , K. G. llarlow and
J. H. Jenks.
The nominations made at the demo
cratic caucus held Friday evening wuroi
For mayor , J. J. Hiusley ; recorder , J , C.
llctzul ; aldermen , C. F. Dunham and VY.
H. Schilling.
There promises to be an interesting
time on election day.
J M. Phillip * is on the sick list.
Judge Casadv and wife arc at Colfar
Mrs. Jacob Sims is visiting friends in
Mrs. W. J. Jamison , of Crcslon , is at
thu Ogdun.
F. J. C. Tyler , of Topcka , is a guest at
the Ogdun.
U. J. Slaughter , of Atlantic , is an Ogdca
house guest.
Alex Malmroso loft yesterday for hii
Nebraska trip.
Miss Lisle. Harris , of Avoca. is visiting
Mrs. J G. Tipton.
Postmaster Corlidc , of Missouri Valley ,
was in the city yesterday.
Mr. Clark , of Walnut , is now with tha
house of Hunry Kiscmau & Co.
Mrs. U. Schoenjahn , of West Side , la i
the city for medical treatment.
Hugh Livingstone ana C. M. Lodpo , of
Cedar Rapids , are at tbo Ogdon.
Judge . Peake has returned from Col-
fax Springs much improved in health.
Buy onlv the best. The celebrated Quick
Meal gasoline stove ut No. 41 Main streak.
Mr. Louis Jacobs , of Chicago , is in the
city visiting Mrs. li. Fricdmuu , his
James A. Jackson left yesterday for
Sioux City , where he has beau investing
some ot late.
Ed Laraar , late with the William Bart
dry goods house of St. Louis , is now with
Henry Eiseman & Co.
Alex Cunningham , of Douglas.Vyo. . ,
who has been visiting his old home in
Maine , was here yesterday en route for
home , stopping oft" to greet Postmaster
Bowman and other Maine friends.
The only road to take for DCS Molnes Mar-
shaillown. Cedar Baptds , Cllr.tin. Dixon , Chic *
go , Milwaukee and all points ea t. To theneo *
pie of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada. Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , It oilers superior advantages not possi
ble by any other lino.
Among a few of the numerous points of su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this roa4
betw r > n Omaaa and Thicago , are Its two trains
a day of DAV COAf'HES , which are the finest
tluit hum-in art and Inzentiitr can croute. Ita
PALACE SLEBPINO CARS , which are model *
of comfort and cilegunce. Its PARLOR DRAW-
INC ROOM CARS , unsurt ) s od bv any. and IU
widely celebratud PALATIAL DINING CABS
the equal of which cannot bn found elsowhera
At Council Bluffs the trains of thoUnion PaclSo
Rv. connect in ITnion Depot with those of tbe
rhli-agoS : Northwrgtorn Ry. In Cblrngo tbp
trains ofthm line make close contMctloa wltsi
those of all eastern llni- .
For Detroit , Colinnlm * . Indianapolis , Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo. I'lttsbnrg.Toronto.
Montreal , Boston. Now Vorii. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Washington and all points in th *
cast , a k lor a ticket via the
If you wish the boat accommodation. All ticket
scents veil tickets via this line.
lien ! . Manager , fienl. i'd-s'r Agent
Chicago , 111.
W. M. RABCOCK , L 11. BOLLK3 ,
Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent ,
Oinnbo , NebraHku.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'j '
The Je.sf Itoute front Omaha and
Council IIliijfn to
Two Trains Dallv Between Omaha , Coun
cil Hlulfs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St , Haul , Minneapolis , CedarRaptds ,
Rock Island , Freeport , RocUford ,
Clinton , Duluique , Dmcnport ,
Elgin , MaclUon , Jane viIe. |
Heloit , Winona , I.a Crossc ,
And all other Important points Enst , Northcslt
und Siutbeu > .t.
For through tlokt cull on the Ticket Avent
at 1401 Fnriiam slrot't.dn Pnxton hotel ) , oral
Union Piioitlo Dupot.
Pullman Heepcri nnd the flint t Dining Cart
I In the world ant run on the main lita-n of th *
ClIILMriO , MlHr.U'KKK A. St. I'AUI. It.UI.KAr ,
Hndevury atti-ntion i palil to uHS < enKor bf
couiteous uniployuii of thu company.
B. MIM.MI. ( Jem-Mi Mnnnirnr ,
J. K.TIM-KV.II , An'i'-tttiit tlenural Mnnajrer.
A , V. It ( 'Aiirr.NTiii : , Ccneial Pas < uniar and
Ticket Attunt ,
( ! EO K liEvrroitn. A'sUtant < > uiioral Pus-
Bcniror End Tinkr-t Au'-nt.
J T. C'.AIIK , ( linnm ! SupDr'ntetiiicnt.
Niiilce to Cnntmutorii.
Proposals will bt rrrt-lvod until Monday.
Maroli 7. fm the removal of ixiy Ibousana
yards ( mnrc itr lotsi of vnrth adjoining uppwr
t'urniini * trocu The rltfbt to relet-t uuyoi + m
bids lsro orv 4