Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' . -.T ? 5 S "Tr. - , - , . . , ' " - - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' B
iil rv n f rfnv if tifH r' m T - * w. - .t yilJ lil WMPM1'
6 ' - _ THE OMAHA , . DAILY ' ' BEE ' : TUESDAY , MARCH 8. 1887 , i . i ' ] i i , , , , . , . f , ,
Eellvcucl by currier In nny purtof tbe city nt
' tmlf ctuts per wcole.
II. W. TJLTOH. Manager.
BCMNFSS Orncr. , No. 13.
NICIIIT Kimoit No. 23.
N. Y.Plumblng Co.
New spring goods at Roller's , tailor.
George W. Thompson &Co , . real estate.
Additional Council BlulV news on page
Sen W. C. Stacy A : Co. , No. 0 .Main , for
bargains in real estate.
J. W. A : K. I , . Squire's abstracts arc
giving good satisfaction.
The stone foundation is being laid for
the largo roundhouse to be built by the
Union 1'acilic.
The real estate firm of Yoakutn & Co.
has been dissolved by mutual consent and
the business discontinued.
Squirc'n park addition is a sure invrst-
monl. Pacific avenue will be built up
with store building within a year.
The funeral of George Nervy , who was
accidentally killed at the Union Pacillo
bridge , is to be held this afternoon at 2
Sam Johnson , the in ano man being
caretl for at the cottage hospital , is im
proving rapidly , and it is thought his
mental jiilmi'iit will prove but temporary.
At the Overtoil mission Sunday night
there were fourteen who became mem
bers. There were nine seekers at the
altar. There is a steady revival work
going on there and most of the converts
are middle-aged person .
Joe Sargent and W. II. Chrisman , who
planted a striking machine here on the
street yesterday , together with G. II.
Nichols , who is said to be a capper for
them , were arrested on the charge of
fl\yintlling. Tli.iru was a pri/o scheme
with the machine.
R. N. Whittlcsey has received an ap
pointment in the railway mail service ,
nnd will bo in charge of the registered
pouches between liero and Omaha. He
will lay down the reportorial pencil to
begin work at once in his new position.
"Rus" is a rustler. Ho has boon doing
about two men's work on the Globe , and
whatever ho engages in occupies his best
thought and liveliest energies. He is
worthy of a lucrative position , ami the
press gang will bo hearty in their con
For acre proportv , residences and busi
ness property call on W. C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W.s K. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blulls.
A IilRht Monday.
Monday is always a lighter day in the
recorder's ollice than other days , and yet
the following deeds recorded show that
real estate is still wonderfully active as
compared with bofoio the boom came :
W W Dearborn to Martin lliuhos , lot ? blk
8 Kiddie's tract-Si-m :
W K Sapn to Charles T Olllcer , lot 3 blk 3
Riddle's sub q c 8" .
J W Simpson to CMarlrs T Onicer , lots 2
and blk 3 lUduTtt sub-S'2,000.
Clmrlrs T Olllcer to Alux Malmrosc , lot 5
blk 18 Burns' , .
U lUloyt to T K Owens , sK sotf ssv'f 11 77
E iTllolyokc to W A Saunclers , lot 0 blk 5 ! )
Iluldlo's grxw.
Thomas Onicer to C U 1 fc r 11 K , so,1seL"
33 74 41 ! q c-81.
D 11 Krlabeo to A Gibbons , lot 7 blk 7 Ttir-
oly'sadd SIM ) .
M A lliill to M Duquette , lot 4 blk B Curtis
& K-52,200.
Lew Davis to O P Beck , lots 2 and 3 , blk 14
Grimes' add S1.2GO.
O B A Q to Louis K Mlllei , nwj swtf 1 74
Charles II Dewey to John Quirk , eM seK
29. 70. 30-81,000.
H N Shalt to N Peterson , sK sc ' 10 , 77 , 38
Charles II Noiton to K L llarle , s } lot 2.
blk 6 , - S3.COO.
J P Hess to h , L SlniKiirt , land in no'32 ,
U D Hurts to Fred llousz , wj.j so.'f so ; 5 ,
FroU Ford to Joseph Ford , n\v # so ; 31 , 77 ,
43 8700.
E 1 , Shucart to C II Norton , e 00 ft lots 8
anil 0 , blolc 5 , Avoca-S2.m
H V Slead to IS Cook , 8 acres in swiswlf
20. 75. 43-Sl,2lXi.
W C James to M K Sears , lots 1 and 2 , blk
2ii , Everett's-S1.2UO.
David Wells to Henry A. Standary , wj
SO'f 14.J6 , 42-S2.400.
U , It I & 1' to Diivld Wells , swtf se , ' { 14 , 70 ,
42 8400.
Jnines Ford to Fred Ford , nw 2. > , 77 , 43
C , It I & P U U to David Wells , nwtf so , ' . , "
14.70 , 43-s ! 100.
Hasmusscu to W. Zlpuold. s } 25 ,
77 , 40-S4.0KO.
A J Mnnilol to D II Corloy , lot 2 , blk 5 ,
Grimes' S700.
K W Spetmnn to C E Ailams , lot 10 , blk 4 ,
Bayllss' Ud-8100.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. Sco them before
securing your loans.
Dr. llanchctt , ollice No. 13 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
0 < 10t
Tim City Finances.
The city auditor , L. Kinnehan , has pre
pared the following statement of the war
rants drawn dining the mouth of Feb
ruary :
( Jeneral fund . S f'24..VJ
Flro department . ll\7i !
City engineer . 112.0S
Dnnmces . . . ' 2-I.OO
lins and htruct lamps . .itiS.OC
Police and mnrshnl . 47.03
Printing nnd supplies . ni.OC
Intersection KiudliiK . 4'J.l"
Btreetsnml alloys . 0.2/1
Ucnoral expenses , cash .
Totnl expenses . 53,700.71
Public library special levy . SC9.2H
The following were the bills audited
and allowed :
Fire department . S f.2t.M )
Police department . b < 51.0 !
Damages . 2.IO.OI
Bidnrlusot olllcors . 047.4 !
City englneo-i's department . 2.U.O
I'rlntini : and supplies . 05.W
< ! ns nnd street hiuips . 4 5.1 <
Miscellaneous . 33I.61
Interaction criultni ; . 44.1 ;
Streets ami alleys . 20.1H
Total . . . . _ . . . . 3,500.2 ;
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms am
every form of domestic electrical appii
uncos at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Contractors and builders will find it t <
their interest to get prices on lime
comqnt , plaster , hair , etc. , from Counci
Blulls Fuel Company , 539 Broadway
Telephone 1150. _
The War bonti Concert.
The entertainment to bo given at tin
opera house this evening , under thn nil
spices of the young people of the Baptis
church , promises td be ono of the nios
pleasing musical cntortainmcnta glvoi
hero. The Misses Mcrkol , Mr. Treyno
and .others will take part , supported by
chorus ot forty voices. Messrs. mdolk
ftiid Tulleyg , Prof. Wpfcrt and other in
etrumontnl musicians will join In. makln ;
the evening full of music. I'ho colors
quartette wjll also bo given a promincn
vlaca on the programme. I no reserve' '
cuU can be secured at liuMmeU g , .
t-u-U Jut JlKfc.
Wells , Lacy and Metcalf Elected as City
Severn ! Sclf-Confcsscd Criminals
The Wounded of the Salvation
Army Why the llooin IB
Solid City Council.
Luclii * Wells , I'at Lincy nnil Georjje
Mctcnir Klcclcil Aldermen.
The city election piis ed oil'very quietly.
There was n light registration and still
lighter vote. In the Hrst and Second
wiirds the voters had nothing to do butte
to vote for the only candidate for aider-
man at large , Mr. Lucius Wells , who was
the unanimous choice of both political
parties. In the other two wards there
was a little more feeling , as each hau an
iilderinan to elect. The preliminary work
of election has been remarkably free
from dirt , there not being any public
mud throwing. Tliu election Itself was
also quietly , good naturedly carried on.
Doth parties seem to reali/.e that
it is useless to try to get good
men to accept nominations
olliees , if they arc to be dragged through
the mini to get theru. The resultof the voting
ing yesterday was of course to elect Lu- Wells as alderman at large , and thn
( iitl/ciis feel that although it is no little
honor to anyone to be so unanimously
forced into ollice , yet it is a cause of pub-
lie congratulatiiin that such u man will
accept thu position.
In the Third ward Pat Lacy worked
xcalously and was elected by a small ma
jority over Chris Straub , the present al
derman and u man who ought to bo re-
elected. Air. Lacy is , however , on the
improvement side and will energetically
pu-h forward all enterprises helpful to
the growth of the city.
In the Fourth \vard a wise choice is
made iu the olei'tion of Mr. George Mot-
calf. Like Mr. Wells , ho was the pee
ple's choice , us well as the choice of the
republicans , and although with a strong
democratic majority to face , ho was
elected , though by a Miiall majority.
The following is the result by wards :
Kilter WA1IU.
Wells isn
Suntteilns ; 3
sncoxi ) WAiti ) .
Wulls 20'J
Scattering 1
'TIIlltl > WA11 ! > .
Wells 490
Lnoy STU
.Straub 'J ± i
rouuin wAim Kinsr IMIECINCT.
Wells 421
Metcalf 2 < > 4
Murphy IG'i
Scattering 3
Wells 15S
Mm ph v l ! W
Metcalf. 45
The total vote for Mr. Wells in the city
was 1,507.
Lacy's majority over Straub is 50.
Motcalf's majority over Murphy is 9.
Call and see the stock of horses and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
elsewhere. _
All orders from real estate brokers for
job printing wjll receive immediate and
careful attention at Fryer's UEE job
The City Fathers.
At the meeting of the city council last
evening n remonstrance was presented
by Colonel luilym behalf of citi/.ens who
object to certain features ot the ordi
nance granting J. P. Gouldon the right of
way for a dirt-hauling railway. Among
the objections was that the ordinance
jives the right of way over certain streets
'or live years. It was urged that they
should not occupy any street longer than
was necessary to do the filling. There
were other clauses which were obnoxious.
The ordinance was referred to the judi
ciary committee to report amendments
so as to do away with the causes of ob
The grade of Broadway was then taken
up. T. J.Evans potitiomyl to have the
grade lixod as follows : Between Twenty-
fifth and Twenty-sixth streets , three feet
above present grade ; between Twenty-
sixth anil Twenty-seventh streets , two feet ;
between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-
cigiifh streets , one and a half feet ; be
tween Twenty-eighth and the river , ono
foot above present grade. After some
discussion further consideration was
postponed until to-day.
The council spent the rest of the even
ing in parsing upon bills and transacting
routine business.
Adjournment was taken until 0:30 : this
morning , when the council will meet as :
committee of the whole to consider tin
tramway ordinance , Broad way grade am
other matters.
Rnconragiuix tiomn
The Council Blull's Building , Loan and
Savings institution hold its annual meet
ing last evening. The association has
been in active operation hero for yean
and is no longer an experiment. It is i
noteworthy fact that not a dollar ha :
been lost to investors , and at the sunn
time members by borrowing of the asso
elation and paying in their monthly due :
have bfon enabloJ to own and occupy
homes which tnoy could not have go'
otherwise in all probability. It enable !
a member to pay his rent into his own
pocket. It gives a man a chance tobuih
his own house and pay for it in monthly
payments. Besides the many advantage !
given members by thus mutually work
ing together , it is a grand thing
for the city. It Is a mutual asso
c.lation , strictly so , with no high-
salaried olllcors , and no one-man powei
possible. It is of great importance to t
citv that as many of its inhabitants a' '
possible own their own homes. Thoj
liuvo then a permanent Interest in tin
city and its welfare. By the aid ot sue !
an'association is an impetus givoi
to building improvements. The coming
season there arc a large number who ox
ticct to build home.1) ) by this method. I
is therefore an enterprise which outrlit U
interest every citizen. A little help fron
evorycitizen will cause the association U
not only boom , but to help the city tt
boom. By it there can be many rosl
donees put up this season. Those whc
invest arc sure of getting good return1
on their money , and those who want tt
build homes of their osvn can oasilj
do so.
In the new clnss which now opens then
have been already over MO shares taken
and it is the intention to run the mini be
up to ft.OOO. This will cause from flKi ( )
to $5,000 a month to bn put into rosl
deuces alono. An established eiUcrprisi
of this kind should thoiefore bo takei
hold of by all , and made to do all in it
power to help build up the city.
The. annual report of the secretary
\\illiam Arm ) , is vury full in all details
so that any ono desiring to know ever ;
feature of the record ot the institutioi
can readily examine for himself. Sonn
of the classes have already been paid out hharo calls for .1 payment o
II a n'onth until the share Is worth tlOQ
Of course if the money did not earn any
thing , this would take 100 mouths. A
the money (4 ( lent out to members
bers to build with , the intcros
niak.cs the earnings , and this intorcs
being paid in monthly installments i
also lent out , thus iucrcasinc the earn
inj3. The borrower while paying inter
est gets n slinru hi the earning * , which reduces -
ducos linally thu amount of interest he
jmys. Stranco us it mny scnin the record
shows thnt wlille any member borrowing
really has to pay but about 0 per cent
interest , the members simply Investing
for savings purposes get 13 pur cunt on
their money.
Onu now clnss Is started each year.
Classes A and B have been closed up.
Class C will soon bo. In class 0 each
shuro is now worth fOft.07 , while it cost
the members only $71. In other words a
member in this clas , alter paying f 1 n
month for seventy-one months , has paid
into the association $71. His money has
earned him $32.07 , so that his share is
worth in cash $03.07. It will soon bo
worth $100 , and ho then lecelvns bis
Jn class I ) each share has cost $58 , and
Is now worth $73. ' , > r > .
Class K cost f-ll ) , worth $ r > 0.70.
Class F cost $80 , present raluo $39.24.
Class cost $ 'JI , worth $ ; > ( l. < )8. )
Class 11 cost * 12 , worth f 18.M.
The following arc the number of shares
in the several classes : C 181 , D 118 , E
121) ) , Fir.l , G182 , 11 171.
c The now class starts in with over 500
shares , ami before the first of the month
will bo Increased to ! ) ,0no. The associa
tion , if thus boomed , will prove a won
derful help to the city.
Star sale stables of Council HlufTs.
The largest stock of hordes and mules
west of Chicago , which will bo sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guar
anteed. _
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft horses.
The Ito.-iHOMH Why.
Whnn strangers and non-residents ask
you why Council Uliill's should enjoy a
boom just read them the following actual
1. The near completion of the Union
Pacific bridge , giving railroad , horsec ir
and wagon connection with Omaha , the
cost of which is $2,000,000.
2. The building of the new wagon
bridge between Omaha and Council
Ulull's , which will cost f.'JOO.OOD ' , and over
which will run a cable line of cars , giv
ing ranid ana cheat ) transit between the
two cities.
3. The building of a new hotel to cost
not less than $200,000 , the plans of which
are now being drawn.
4. The building of a new union depot ,
which will cover a space of three blocks
and cost $ . )00,000 ) , out of which the nine
different trunk lines of railroads will
un.Q. The paving of Broadway to the
river , making a continuous line ot paved
street for a distance of seven miles.
6. The building of the Union Pacific
shops , which will give employment to
2,500 men when in operation.
7. The building of several live and six
htory blocks on Broadway and Main
streets , tbe principal one of which is the
Merriam block to cost $200,00 , ) .
8. The building and equipment of over
seven miles of street unit electric railway ,
which will traverse the principal busi
ness and residence streets of the city and
afford convenient and rapid communica
tion with Lake .Manawa.
9. The improvc'inont of Lake Manawa
costing several thousand dollars , which
will make that place a most popular re
sort for boat racing , boating , etc.
10. The building of a $15,000 summer
hotel at Lake Manawa.
11. The building of a new city hall
which will cost not loss than $75,000.
13. The completion of the now govern
ment po&tollice which will cost $250,000
when completed.
13. The building of the now county
court house now in process of erection ,
and to cost $10r5,000.
14. The building of not less than fiOC
residences during the present season ,
over 100 of which are already contracted
for.The above , which aio only a few of the
actual reasons that could bo enumerated ,
lire sufficient , together with the naturaj
advantages and facilities Council B lull's
oilers as a manufacturing and jobbing
center are enough to convince the mosl
skeptical that property in Council B lull's
at its present low prices is a prolitablc
and safe investment.
Clioioc Property at n Unrgaln.
The undersigned for a few days onl.v
oilers for bale lifty acres , more or less , ell
choice land well adapted for gardening
and fruit growing. About twenty aerosol
the tract is set to apple orchard which is
in bearing , and to all varieties of choice
small fruit and vineyard , divided as fol
lows :
The vincyanj proper contains upward'
of live acres. The vines are thrifty and
in bearing. Between thrco and fem
acres are well set to choice varieties o !
blackberries , raspberries and strawber
ries ,
' 1 ho apple orchard contains more thai
l.COO trees in bearing.
In addition to the above cnumeratioi
are n largo number of choice plums
cherry and other fruits , also shade ant
ornamental trees surrounding the build
ings.Upon the property is a large commo
dious hoiiho and ordinary barns and othc
The soil is of excellent nuality for gar
dcnitig purposes bcinir a deep black loan
and IH a warm , soutn slope , and i
altogether the most attractive and desir
able of anything within business distant
of Omaha or Council Blull's.
With the new bridge completed acres
the Missouri , the properly is not ovc
thirty minutes drive from the Omnli :
Any party desiring a choice bargaii
should apply at onro as , if not sold witliii
the next two weeks , it will be withdraw !
from the market.
For prices and terms apply to C. J
Coi.uv , Masonic Temple , Council Blull's
Moss and Itotiiery Indicted.
As predicted in the UKE yesterday tin
witnesses againt Herbert llotlicry am
William Moss , of Omaha , went bcfor
the grand jury which is in session , am
these two personaccs arc now in th
county jail under a bench warrant , hav
ing been indicted.
There is quite a bit of history conncctei
with the case. Itothcry , with his brotho
Kd , runs a saloon in Omaha. A slier
time since Uothory created a disturbano
at Fallon's road house , outside the cit ;
limits of Omaha , and was on Friday 1-is
lined. The jury In the case Ijxod Fnllon'
damages atf75 and the line imposed wa
$150 , besides ten days in jal
and the costs , which amountci
to about $200. Uothery wa
allowed to go on his own rucognizanc
and arrange matters previous to ptiyinj
his line and servo his ten-day term ii
juil. Instcivi of returning to the jail , i
seems , ho came to Council Blull's in com
pany with a couple of his friends , pno o
whom , it is claimed , wub his brother Ed
Shortly after having arrived in this cit ;
ho visited Burhorn's jewelry store ii
company with William Moss. Direct ! ;
after their leaving a diamond stud wa
missing , for which they were arrcstei
and lodged in the county jail , where the ,
now n-bido ,
Had Judge Aylesworth on Sunpay so
their bonds at $3,10 or $300 each , lustra
of $1,000 each , it is more than probabl
that thuir friends would have sot ther
free , Their friends were hero yv&tuntu ;
renewing their endeavors to get the tw
Next Thursday evcnjnir Uoland Ucc
wilt present at tlio opera house the fare !
cal comedy , "ilumbujr " It had a rune
150 nights in New York and Is said to bo
Intensely funny. Hood is a well known
comedian , ami he will doubtless bo
greeted by a full house. The New York
Mirror , which is one of the leading dra
matic papers , says of him : "Hois de
cidedly a favorite with our people , and
his humor is heartily appreciated. "
Worthily Promoted.
Fred Wcstrlp was yesterday appointed
as yardmaster of the , Chicago As North
western. This promotion Is to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of Mr.
Jones , and Is worthily given. Mr. Wcs-
trip has been In the employ of the com-
for liftoen years , and has been most
Eony and trustworthy. His fellow em
ployes , with whom ho is a favorite , are
glad indeed to have his merit recognized.
Flo is a valuable railway man , and will
fill the position with credit to himself
and satisfaction to all.
Spfcln ! ndvertUomcnts , such ( is Lost , Found
7oI.onn.For Bnlo , To Rent , TSnnts. lionnllnir ,
etc , T | | | tioliicortoil In this column lit tlie ICMT
rntuofTENCBNTSPKK LINK for tlio first laser-
lonnnd KlveContaPcrl.lnoforcnch subsequent
Insertion , l.euvo ndviTtUomcnta nt our odleo
No. 12 1'e.uil street , ncnr Uromlwivr. Council
OH HKNT1'noimFlovibU Imrlicr pimp ,
Council Illulls. 0. W. I't-ryUBon \ Son.
WANTKt-A ulrl to do olllco wotfc. Apdroes
7./ , Hoo'ollicf , Council lllulla.
\ \ ' ANTED A boy about l.lyonts old to work
' inornltm nnil oxciilngs. Hey cnn go to
chool. Address I , , lieu olllco , Council llhills.
"V\7"ANTF,1) To rent , n siniill boi o In frond to-
TT cation. 1'iunll } email nnd rent must bo
: iclow t'U per month. Address by letter C. J.
lee offlco.
OH S.UjK-Mu lc nnd sowlnir mnchlno busi
ness , together with smiill stock of holiday
OOdg and n nil pupor. Good town nnd country ,
ttood IOCKIIon , client ) rent , profitable biiBlnusg.
Invelcu J1.1K ) to JI.5JO. Would tnku jinrt In
Council HlnlTs rcul cstntu. Addtesd A. L. Mnn-
nit' ? , Dunlup , lown.
D. H. JlcDANELT ) & CO. ,
[ KflnbllMied 15 H. )
No. f20 Mn'n ' Direct. i : : Council
Korses S Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Lnfge quantities to select
fiom. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin
gle or do-hie.
Council Bluffs
N. scirunx ,
Justice of'the Peace.
Office over American Express.
1 will soil nt my residence on l\o < Creek , 10
nillcaonst of Council lllulls , my
Well Improved , nil under cultivation ; 1M ncrcs
In tnniu KTIWH ; lins n fltio now rosldcncu , con-
rooms nnd nil modern Imiirovomonts ,
bouse costing fT,0 KX Also new barn , SlOxMs two
Hnlhdny wind mllla , n scnlo housu nnd scnles ,
cuttle > Brd8 nnd water tnnks ; n good youno
bcnrliMr orcbnrd of apples nnd sinnll fruit ; SO
head < f Rood fnrm liorse , cattle , hovrs and nil
farm Implements icqulreu to run n llrBt-class
fnrm. Terms will In ; made known on uppllc'ii-
tlon , or on day of Bale. All pnttlos thinking of
InvrstltiR lire voriUnlly lnitcd to cull nnd mnku
a personal o.Mimlnation of the farm nnd Im-
provoments. L.VAHI ) .
Justice of the Peace.
No 504 Broadway , Council Blufls.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Bee
Attorney at Law.
C04 Broadway , Up Stairs ,
Council Bluffe.
gj ETC.
Jjj ! The Finest Im
ported Line ol
Goods West ol
rs. C. L. Gillette's
Attorney § at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Court *
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Price * Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
Geo. S. Miller & F. H. Tobey :
Oflico over 1st National Hank , cor. Malt
and Hro.idway.
t jon mint estimates or plans ( or lrltlg ) (
work , foumhitlon , f crs , frnalngor survej
Intfiuul pluttlntr , call upon thorn. All wo
FltAXK S. 11 WE ,
re ) ! ( fii , o t linatcs ami reports on brMtrce
viaducts. roiuiUMIoniatxl gencnil nflciocriiiK
Bliio prints or any biro nlul quantity.
OIUceNoWN. Slain St. , Flrt National Ban !
Blocu. . .
Monday , March 7th.
Will OP.OII np\vartl3if M ) cnscs of Now
and seasonable sprlnpr crouds. Novel-
tics will bo added to each ol their bcv-
crnl tlcpai'tmcnts.
TlicHo arc thu newest and freshest
productions of foreign nnd domestic
markets , mnkiinj a collection at once
elegant mid uniiiue and one never sur
passed by ourselves anil never equal
led by any house in the northwest.
Dress Goods Dcpt
splendid display of the latestl'renrh
and English advanced novelties , to
gether with a complotc line of staple
fabrics , umkim ? this department in ev
ery point full and complete.
Wash Goods Dept
French sntteens in elegant
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams in new
patterns ami colorings.
Batistes in combination and plain.
Percales and domestic sattecns in up
wards of 20 fresh anil original patterns
Our assortment of the above is largo'
and more extensive than others shown
by competing houses.
We invite an inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
Everything in this line pan bo founil
in our establishment. We call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that there
lias been rt sharp rise in these gooils ,
Our goods were bought before the rise
anil wo give our customers the benefit
Yon can save hilly 20 per cent by mak
ing your purchases of us.
Wt empliasi/e the statement that in
embroideries , white good * , underwear ,
luces , ribbons , and notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low
er than the lowest.
Our Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jackets , anil ladies
and cliililrous suits , new and stylisl
garinpnts of Paris anil IJerlin inoilcs
toffctlici1 with the newest sliapes and
most approved makes of the leadhifi
New York manufacturers. AVe cai
convince yon that in this line , that ii
quality , style and cheapness \ve an
unrivalled ,
AVe invite the attention of our pat
rons to these special features and the
stock in general , No effort will b <
spared to make our departments com
plete in every particular and at price *
lower than any house in thu west.
Nos.311 , 31G , U 18 < ind320 It road
way , Council muffs ,
JHull orders promptly and care-
attended to.
T .
' J *
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
Vacant Lain , LainLf , CitiJlcaitlcnccs and Farms , acre propci'tu In
western part of cit iAll selling chciti > to malic room for spring stocfc.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Jiooni 5 , ot-rr Officer , B riiscj/'a banh ; Council Jiliijf'tt.
Farming . Lands . in lown , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $3.00 to
flO.OO per tiero. School and state lands In Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land 15uyers fare free. Information , etc. , piven by
. . . . ,
No. 555 Broadway , Council lUuIft , Iowa , agent for Fruidrik&en & Co. . Chicago.
Omnlm. ' Council muffs
Sears' Real Estate Agencj.
Taxes paid , loans made , rents collected , investments made for
] { . KWK , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knilc or Dnnvmif o
Over 150 vcars Practical experience.
No 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
CSTConsultation ficc.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
lliondwuy , Council Ulull's , Opp Dinmiij Depo
g ?
- < 3
i. .
C ?
_ _ _
Ilor.sea nnd mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale nt retail or in ear loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHI.UTKH & Houv : , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Sale StableTs , corner
1st. uvo. and 4th street.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Eire
Escape ,
And All Jl/wfem Improvements ,
215 , 217 and 210 Main St.
MAX MO1IN , Prop.
K. S. ItAltA'ETT ,
Justice of the Peace ,
4IS Hroudway , Council Bluffs.
Refers t < ? any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
EnpeerSur , ejorMap , Publisher
D ' i ' I
No. 11 North Main St.
Cit ? nd count ? umpiot rltlfli unJ coijntloi In
weileraIowu.V brHikaunil liuniji.
Jt. I > . A.1IV tV CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
, , No. 20 Main St. , Council Bluffs ,
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
)0 ) (
Mail Mm Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Slockcrt Superintends
All Work.
. , , ;
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a $ Oi"t or bonnet , onu fare
will be paiclj'fio , lound trip.
FFJUltn .C rUNEV ,
Council liliifTs , Iowa. .