Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Difly ( Mnrnl.ix Edition ) Including Sunday
BE * , Ono Year . , . $100
For Bit Month * . r. Ci
For Three Month * . . . . . . . Z 6
Tlie Omfttm Riindny IlKf , miMlcri to tinf
addro'i , Ouo Your. . , . . . . . 20
OVATTA ornrn. Wn. flit An tn < ! FAn A f Rrntn
All communications rolnthiff to news nnd c < 1
torlal nmttor should bo ad'lressoJ to the En :
AH butlneu lettorn amlromlttaneosRhnuld l >
drireiuod to Titrt Hi * I'UBUStimn COMPANI
OMAHA. DrnfU , chock * and poalnRIco order
to be made payable to the order ot the compauj
E. ROSEWATER , Kniron.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
State of Nebraska , I .
County ot Douglas. ) ° * "
Oco. It. TzMslmck , secretary of The He
Publishing company , does solemnly swea
that the actual circulation of the Dally Be
tor tbe week ending .Alar. 4th , 1807. was
follows :
Saturday. Kcb. 30 KM
Sunday , Feb.'JT 13.05
Monday , Kpb.i28 14.M
Tuesday. Mar. 1 14.2-1
Wednesday. Mar. 3 14.2C
Thursday , Mar. 3 14,1.1
Friday , Mar. 4 14.3. !
Average M.tti
tiltO. U. T/.SCI1UCK.
Subscribed In mv pretence nndswomtobi
foi emu this Tth day ol March A. ! > . , IBS'
ISEALI .Notary Public.
Oeo. JJ. Tzschuek , belnp flrst duly sworr
opposes nnd says that ho is secretary of Th
Uco Pnbllshlnit company , that the nctnal ai
erace dally circulation of the D.illv Uce fi
the mouth of Fubnmrv.188G.was 10,5'Jf copies
for Maich , 1880 , 116'n ' copies ; for Aprl
itfcO , 12.101 copies : for for May. 1880. 12,45
copies ; for June , 18) ) > 6.13,21)3 ) cople ; forJulj
18SO , 13,814 copies ; for Aucust , 1880. 13,4t
coplesfor ; September. 1880,18.rJOcopies ( ; fo
October , 1880.12 , i9 ! copies ; for Novembei
1880 , l.V-48 conies ; for December , 1880,13,2 ! !
opiesfor January , 1887.1CU 1 copies.
GKO. U. TzsciiircK.
Subscribed and sworn to belore mo this 8t
day of February A. I ) . 1887.
(8KAL. ( I N. 1' . FKII. . Notarv Public.
THE Now York World gets it in a m
( hell when it say.s "No ono should lies
talc In choosing between high license au
low saloons. "
COI.ONKL ftii.DEU has returned from hi
Arctic expedition in search of the Nort
Polo. It is needless to say that ho di
not bring the pole with him.
"AKTKII all there is no place like virtt
ous old Missouri , " mournfully remark
the Kansas City Times. It is to be sh
cerely hoped that there is not.
: A MILL which would prove a boon t
borrowers , regulating chattel mortgag
loans , was introduced early in the sei
sion. It has so far failed to become
A Tiniir.MNa romance , "How Goo. \ \
Peck Put Down the Rebellion , " is on on
table. A kind and long suffering read
.ing public would rather hear about Mi
Peck being put down.
Mit. GOUI.D has just purchased nin
hundred moro miles of railroad , the S
Louis & San Francisco with il
branches. Ho is getting ready for th
Inter-state"commerce law.
THE voice of Bolva Ann Lock-wood i
raised to say that "America is bctto
protected by its churches than by navn
defenses. " Can it be possible that Belv
is hedging tor another struggle in 1883 ?
SENATOR INGALU will make nnothe
effort to have inauguration day changei
from the 4th of March to Iho lastTuesda
in April. The Kansas senator know
whnt a harmless hobby is , nnd ho will ir
aist upon his measure. -
THE Atlanta Constitution says "there i
a custom m Nebraska of taking n senate
each from the northern and souther
parts of the state. " There once was
custom. The railroad companies , hov
over , consider peculiar pliable fitnc :
rather than geographical location.
WITHOUT any question , Mrs. Jarac
Brown Potter , for an iucxnerionccd n <
tress , has developed wonderful know
edge in the art of successful ndvortisiiij
The cable each day devotes great spac
to the American lady , nnd as yet she hr
not even made her first farewell tour.
DORINQ the discussion in the senate c
the soldiers1 home bill , just in the heat c
the battle , it is said that gallant Tot
Majors got between the lines , seemed pu :
sled and was at n loss to moro. H
graceful straddle of the question for
long time , is described as being real I
FIGURES compiled by a Now York goi
tloman indicate that the debt of tli
United States is only seventy-three com
per ncro. It is evident from this inform !
tion that Undo Sam is not among11
great capitalists who have been loanin
money and taking mortgages on lar
portions of the earth's surface.
NKHKASKA wishes to remind doubtti !
people who have regarded our legislntui
as the only natural curiosity of which v
boast , that the "buffalo wallow" disco
.ored at Nordcn , ths { state , Is an attrai
tion not equaled on the continent. A
cordit'g to our Monday dispatches , 11
water contained In the "wallow" po
sssos wonderful healing powers , Afti
all it may bo that the Chicago river wi
not uiado in vain.
Tnc Mormons criticize the manag
muni of their delegate , Caino , nnd say
was not expected that the supplement
polygamy bill would over get on tl
tloor of the house. The Mormon agcu
in Washington , however , claim toboco
tent with the situation. They intend
contest the law in the courts , nnd sta
that some of its provisions and pnnaltic
Intended for themselves nlono , will 1
mndo applicable to the District of Colut
bin and other territories. By thus ma
ing the shoo pinch iu unexpected plac
they hope to make the law odious , t'al
fnc in this they propose to colonize Ut ;
with Mormon voters from adjoining to
ritorles. It is certain that no means w ;
be loft untried to retain control of ten
torlal affair * by the Polyganusts. Tin
nre fertile in resources , unscrupulous i
methods and rebellious at heart , but v
think the now law , mldud to tbe ol
will cut the snake's tail off just behit
the hoa4.
A Scnndntnni outrage.
Thu action of thn house in Iho Snoll
McKunna contest , was n scandalous out
rage. When the legislature mot
McKunnathe , democratic member fron
Sarpy county , was scaled by virtue of hi
certificate. His seat was contested b ;
Sncll , the republican candidate on variou
grounds. After holding back Us report
port for nearly u month , tin
committee on elections declared Snel
entitled to MeRenna's soat. The proof
to support this conclusion were over
whelming. It was shown by an nbund
anco of testimony that n largo number o
non-resident rcpoatcr * had been votci
in Sarpy county for McKcnna. Most o
these men were graders living li
Douglas county and voted at P.tpilHon
these men had doubtless been voted li
both counties for Float Senator Campbell
Other testimony in support of Sncll'
claim wns produced before tbo commit
tee , leaving no room for doubt as to tin
title of Sncll to the seat fraudulent ! :
held by McKouna. By prcconcertei
trickery on the part of certain railroat
republicans , the report of the committc
was recommitted two wcoks ago. But tin
committee made n second report shortly
after in favor of unseating McKcnna am
seating Snell. When the final vote wa
taken by the house last Friday the com
mittce's recommendations were roverstM
and McKenna declared rightfully elected
in the face of the notorious fact that h
had obtained and held his seat by fraud
This result was brought about by a re
mnrkablc combination. The self-sty lei
stalwart republicans united with th
almost solid democracy to keep McKcnm
a bourbon democrat in his seat. Th <
democrats who voted for McKcnu :
have the semblance of excuse for tliei
action on party grounds. But what dc
fonso can republicans make for lielpin ;
to perpetrate such a palpable fraud upoi
the electors of Sarpy county , on the slat
at largo and on their own party ?
It is hardly necessary to add llial th
testimony in the Snell-McKcuna case ha
borne out what we have before asserted
that Mr. Campbell was not elected lion
senator from Sarpy and Douelas. but sc
cured his seat by systematic fraud. It i
barely possible that the disclosures mad
by the Snoll-McKcnna contest had grcn
weight with railroad republicans in di
terraining their action. They did no
propose to concede , by seating Snell
that llosowatcr , and not Campbell , hui
been elected in this senatorial district.
The Pacific Railroad Commission.
The president has another importan
and delicate duty to perform in sclectini
the members of the Pacific railroad con
mission. It is reported from Washinp
ton that the railroads will seek to contrr
the appointments. If they fail in thi
they will undoubtedly scok to contro 1 o
manipulate the commission , and there
fore the president cannot exercise lo
much care in appointing men not only o
the necessary ability , but of the vor ;
highest character , who will be proo
against nil of the many corrupting intiu
cnccs and methods that may be employe
to secure conclusions favorable t
the corporations. We expressed our di <
approval ot this legislation while it wa
pending , on the ground that it could ontj
servo to prolong to the intoreited corpo
rations the opportunity to plunder the
people , while withholding from the gov
eminent obligations long overdue. W
do not anticipate from the invcaligatioi
any important developments not alrcad ;
known and easily accessible. But the hi
vcstigation by n commission having bcci
ordered it is most desirable that it shal
bo thoroughly and faithfully prosecuted
and that the men upon whom this duty i
devolved shall be of the requisite abilit
and unquestioned integrity. It is prc
sumcd that the president full ;
appreciates this consideration.
The bill provides for throe comnnssioi
crs , whoso duty it will bo to examine int
the working and financial management c
all thu Pacific railroads thai have receive
aid from the government in bonds , t
ascertain whether they have observed a
the obligations imposed upon them , an
whether their books and accounts are , c
have been , so kept as to show the nc
earnings of the aided roads , or whctlie
there lias been a diversion of earnings c
aided roads to less productive branches
or to wrongful or improper purposes
The commission will ascertain whutho
there is n discrimination of rates in favo
of unaided against aided roads , n liothe
any , and if so , how much monuy is dti
and owing to the Unitud States on n <
connt of mistaken or erroneous account !
reports , or settlements made by sai
roads. It will also inquire into the kind
character and amount of assets , nnd wh :
assets are now subject to the lien of tli
government ; also whether any dividend
have been unlawfully declared by th
directors or paid to the stockholders c
the companies , and if so , to what extct
and whether the amount thereof ma
not bo recovered. It will ascertni
whether any now stock or bonds hav
been issued without authority of lav
what amounts of money or credit hav
been or are now loaned or borrowed b
any of said companies to any person or co
poration.what amounts of monuy or otho
valuable consideration , such as stock :
bonds , passes , and so forth , have bee
expundcd or paid out by said companie
and whether the railroads liavo pal
money or other valuable considuratioi
or donn any other net or thing , for th
purpose of influencing legislation. Th
commission will investigate nnd repoi
nil the facts relating to nn alleged cot
Bolidatiou of the Union Pacific railroa
company , the Kansas Pacific ruilwn
company and the Denver Pacilic railwa
and telegraph company into an allege
corporation known ns tbe Union Pnclli
railway company. It is also authorize !
to consider and report whether the ii
tcrcsts of the Unitud Status require * nn
extension of the time for performance c
the obligations to the Unitud Status o
said companies or any of them.
It will bo seen that thu scope of the ir
vcstigallou provided' for by thu law :
very comprehensive , and if it wore nt n
nocessnry to expend $100,000 to obtai
this information the law is doubtless n
that could bo desired for the purposi
U is said that enough testimony alreud
has boon secured lo warrant the bolu
that at least onu senator will bo unscatct
and it the examination goes to the bo
torn it is believed a long list of legal fc <
will bo discovered proving every oharg of the corrupting iniiuouces c
these corporations in Washington. Tli
complex character of the investigatio
required , and Iho interests involved , pc
soual and otherwise , denmud the hlguo ;
order dt nblllly nnd integrity In Iho com
Greatly Interested Hut Not Alarmed
The authorities and people of Can ad
arc profoundly interested in the polic ,
of limited retaliation proclaimed by thi
country , but they profess not to b
alarmed. The matter takes precodenc
of all others in ofllcial and popular concern
corn , nnd the opinion seems to very gcu
erally prevail that the consequences o
carrying out the policy will bu quite H
serioni to the United States as to the Dt
minion. Ono ot the ministers is quote
ns saying that "wo can make it just n
hot for the United States as they may d
for us ; " and this official was able to SUE
gest advantages that would result fror
retaliation that would moro than offse
the possible Injuries. Another miniate
hnd no doubt Canada would lire under
policy of retaliation , and wns not ccrtali
that the conscquuucas would not bo quit
as serious for ono country ns the othoi
The government organs insist that Car
nda cannot ngroo to yield to coercion
and that if nothing comes of the prc
posal.s she has submitted through the in :
pcrinl government , there will bo loft fo
the Dominion government nothing to d
but to enforce the existing regulations
On the other hand there is a very Inrg
conservative element which desire
the government to pursue a cours
that will avoid the nppllcation c
a retalintory policy by the United State
and secure ns speedily ns practicable
satisfaclory settlomunt of the difficulti
It is not improbable that this clement Wi !
bo found lo liavo considerable inllucnci
which may have tiie effect to induce th
government to modify its hitherto hostil
atlitudo. The late elections showed
weakening hold of the government upo
the support of the people which may nls
operate in this direction.
It really rests with the Dominion ni
thoritii's to determine whether or not n
tnllation shall be put in praelicc. Th
muasuro passed by congress is nolhin
moro serious than a timely and nccossar
warning. It doesn't propose redress fo
wrongs already committed ag.iinst citi
/.ens of the United States , but simply thu
p'nuilar acts in thu futuru shall bu mut b
the same line of treatment towards cit
y.uns of Canada. It gives to the presiden
a broad discretion , which it is expcctc
ho will USD wisely and firmly. If th
Canadian government adheres to il
present policy , it will invite retaliation t
the extent provided for by the inw , nnd i
this is not found to bo sullicient n mor
radical measure will certainly follow
The matter is in its own hands , and it i
fairly warned that this country will n
longer patiently tolerate the violation c
treaty rights to the injury of its citizen
and their interests.
Cable Iloatl Franchises.
The decision recently rendered by th
United States circuit court in the strci
railway nnd cablu road injunction suil
disposes of all prctenso of exclusive righl
on the part of the lion > e railway con
pany lo the use of our slreels for slrcc
car transit. The court has laid down tli
principle as fundamental that no evclusiv
franchise can be given by the legislatur
or the city council to any public corpor :
tion or individual , under any condition :
This is Iho position which the Br.r. lui
always maintained in regard to frnt
cluses granted by Ihis city to public coi
por.Uions which have contracted to su ]
ply Omaha with gas and water , or to oj
crate railroads in our strcels.
Now that tiio oxclusiye pretensions <
the horse railway company have bee
over-ruled , no similar claim is likely t
be set up by the cable company , whic
holds a franchise for curtain streetsundc
an ordinance approved by a populti
vole last year. It is manifestly a settle
fact that the city may grant franchise
and ri < : ht of way to as many street en
lines , cable roads , electric railways c
elevated roads as may bo deemed bust fc
tbo public convenience. The questio
that presents itself lolhc council , which i
to take the initiative in Iho grant of sue
franchises , is simply under what cond
lions anil restrictions they shall bu givci
It is conceded on all hands that ever
street franchise in n growing city lil !
Omaha has a value. The proper bus
ness course would bo to let it to the be ;
bidder. It is doubtful , however , whctht
capitalists would bid upon tiny sue
franchise unless there was n gunrantc
that no other franchise during a perio
of years would bo given for the snm
streets to any other party. If franchis (
arc to bo given to suvcral companies fc
the same streets , they would command
a very small bonus , if any. The prol
1cm which the council is called upo
to solve is first , under wh :
conditions franchises uro to bo given , an
second , to whom. It would seem to t
that a liberal policy towards capitalist
who propose to invest in cable road
would bu in the end the most advai
tageous to the city. The boom whic
Omaha is now enjoying cannot continn
unless wo encourage every cntorpris
that promises to bring capital into activ
use m public improvements. If half
dozen companies aru willing to risk the
capital m building cable roads , the
should by all means bo allowed I
do so , providing that they ai
required to furnish proper guarantee
that they mp'/i business ana have tl
means to carry out what they propose I
undertake. Make them give firat-cla :
bonds , with forfoiluro clause , that the
will construct so much cable or othu
street railway during the first year , an
so much each successive year until
given number of miles hav
been completed. If the Oman
Horse Railway company desires tl :
privilege to convert part of its system t
to build now cable road , no obstacle
should be thrown in its way. There is n
valid reason why that company shoul
be debarred from adopting modern rapi
transit appliances undur the conditlor
which liavo been exacted from tl :
Omaha Cable company.
Another Junket.
A party of United States senators wi
leave Washington next week on n plea
uro tour to Florida and Cuba. The Pul
man Palace Car company hasgenorousl ;
as usual , placed at thu disposal of tl :
honorable junketers ono of Us magnif
cent and regal coaches , and the rai
road nnd steamship companies wl
doubtless vie with each other in makin
the junket an ovation long to bo rumen
bored. The inter-state commerce lav
will of course not lutorfcro iatuoloM
Whntcvor "undue ndvnntngo" may b
given by tiio transportation lines to th !
royal outfit , will of cotirso , b
within reach , of the next groui
of senators and congressmen win
desire to recuperate their worn-ou
consllUUions in I he salubrious climate u
Florida nnd Cuba. Nebraska lu Ibis In
stance nt least , has been duly accordui
her share of the favors through Sennlo
Mnndcrson , who is to be ono of the guest
on this exclusive excursion.
A Pertinent Inquiry.
The board of public works lias taken 1
upon itself to recommend the rcjcclloi
by the council of the bid for Bercn ston
curbing , although it is twelve cents les
per lineal foot than the Colorado satu
stone curbing. Now the cnliro tax fo
curbing is levied upon the owners o
abutting properly. The city docs not pa ;
ono dime. Why should the council as !
for bids on any stone , excepting Cole
rado. if it is a foregone conclusion tha
the higher bid will be accepted undo
pretense that the material is wortl
moro money ? Two years ago uppc
Faruum , west of Fifteenth street , wn
curbed with Berea stono. That part c
the struct lias a great deal of traffic , bu
the Bcrca stone has been found gooi
enough. Why then compel proper !
owners on residence streets to pay twolv
cents per foot more for their curbing thai
it can bo laid for with stone that ha
stood the test , not only in Omaha , bu
many other cities ?
A CKRiPicvrK of character given th
administration by Pension Commisslone
Black will be accepted in only limitc
circles , oven among democrats. Thcr
is reason to believe , furthermore , that i
the administration were nskcd to do so i
would decline to reciprocate Genera
Black's endorsement. The pension con :
mlssioncr is one of the striking example
of the early mistakes of the administrn
tion in the matter of appointments , am
quite ns much ns any oilier public ollic'u :
was for a long time a troublesome an
heavy burden. Ho was for n time one c
the most zealous friends of the spoil
hunters , nnd took such advantage of th
toleration shown him that the presiden
at last found it necessary to interpose ti
order to save thu civil service reform rep
utation of the administration from bciiij
badly damaged. General Black has sine
endeavored to shine as a convert to th
reform. His uncurbed partisanship wa
also conspicuously manifested for a tim
to the detriment of the administration
and to save his place he wns compelled t
hold his zeal in check. In his official cr
pacity ho has "not placed the soldiers c
the country under any obligations to hirr
and the record ho has made in this n
spei't will not redound to the advantag
of the administration , if it shall com
up for trial next year before the people
In short. General Black's best service t
Mr. Cleveland will be done by kecpin
THE president said ho would not go t
the capital to sign bills at the close of th
session , but ho did. The senate said i
would not pass bills in the last hours of th
session that it dad not time to fully cor
sidcr , but it did. Truly thu dread of an cxtr
session was very potent , and Uoltuan an
Randall made no. mistake this time 1
banking upon it. But they had to yiul
on many points nevertheless , and th
chances nre that they have won thei
last legislative game.
IN his recent speech opposing woma
suffrage , Mr. Vest , of Missouri , elc
qtienlly said that when ho went home h
wanted to go back , "not to bo receive
in the embraces of some female war
politican , but by the earnest , lovingjoo
and touch of a true woman. " Mr. Vc ?
evidently thinks that his love and affcc
tion would grow cold if he was passion
atcly embraced by a constable.
NtCKbsrrv is truly the mothorof invon
tion. Mr. Sid H. Ncalcy , a Washingto
newspaper man , has very recently sc
cured patents on a very cflectivo sut
marine torpedo. It is named the "So
Devil , " nud is capable of carrying 1,00
pounds of dynamite. It can also bo usei
ns a coast dofunsu in editorial room
where infuriated persons call to whip th
A SAI ton was recently taken very sic
in New York , and it was supposed lie ha <
yellow fever. The physician pronounce
it "pernicious bilious fever. " The ri
porter of the paper recording the cas
had been a Washington corresponded
nnd the cold typos made it rend "pern
clous activity. " The case was submittc
to Mr. Cleveland.
CJueon Victoria , during her appronchln
visit to Aix-Ies-BMns , will be known as th
Queen Margaret of Italy recently sent
story to n Roman periodical , under an < - v
Binned name , and It was rejected.
The prince and princess of Wales will RV !
a big hall at Malborouvih house on Match 1 (
notwithstanding It Is the season ot Kent.
The princess of Wales Is passionately foni
ot the odor of cherrv blossoms , and Londoi
society ladles now carry tiny vials of the poi
fuino about their persons.
The new private chapel at Oborne , by th
queen's desire. Is ( o have ns altar-ploco n rt
plica of Sir Noel .Patron's "Lux in Tent
bris. " n plclure tlmtjwas dedicated to Princes
Alice. All the private chapels of her majest ;
contain memorials pf ono kind and anothci
The emperor ot China Is the shortest mon
arch In the world except the baby king o
Spain , being onlv live feet tail. The tallcs
momirch In the wodd Is Kmperor William
of Uermany , wholsslx feet , just surpassliij
his Qrcnt-grandnonhow , the emperor of Kus
sla , by one Inch. .
The emperor olCltlna , Insists on uavlni
bears' paws , antelopes' tails , ducks , toiuuee
torpedo eels' CKfi1 } . ' . ' camel's hump , moiioyi
lips , carps' tall niid.marrow bones served 01
his table every day In the year. Then h
drops off to sleep and dreams tliat hu Is slinol
Ing down a 4,000 toboggan slldo with a fifty
pound weight on his stomach.
The king of ( Spain Is to give a ball at th
royal palace In Madrid. In honor of the oc
cnalon ho will put on hLs first short frock. 11
can walk a little now , nnd , to bo hospitable
ho will distribute handsome memornnduti
books to all the children who come. Tw
grandsons of the emperor of Binzll and th
sons of the Princess Imperial are to b
Prlucr d Miriam Llkellko died at Hone
lulu , Februarys , need thlity-slx years. Asia
tcr of his Majesty King KnlaKaua , she wn
the daughter of the hkh Chief nnd Chlcfes
Knpaakoa and Keohoknlole. Princess Like
llko was married September S3 , 1STO , to th
Hon. Archibald Scott Cletrhorn , member o
tbo house ot nobles and of privy council o
taU , and Is the oaly member of the rur
family having Issuo. llrnco her only child
the Princess ICafulanl , who was eleven yean
old the IGth of Octolicr last , Is hclrcsi pre
sumptive to the throne.
How CapKnllsta arc Mnilc.
.Vul/i / IfdfM ( Ci. ) Ittconl.
A correspondent wants to know what i
capitalist Is , anyway. Well , In ltd * countn
capitalist Is generally a workiiigman vihohni
leal tied how to lUo on less than hu earns.
A Ulnt to Sir Knl lit I'uttuinn ,
rhteagn Xtwf.
Asa matter of courtesy to his customers
Sir George Pullman , knight , should have hi :
the checks fo
coat-of-arms engraved on
Bleeping car berths which Ins vassals ux
change with the public for jingling coin.
Going 1'or llic Usurer.
CMrrtffo Till/tint.
Dakota has reached consideration of a lav
which should have been formulated long ago
The usurer In Dakota Is about the most developed
veloped specimen of his kind In the Unitei
States , lie bus swallowed many a settler' ;
farm already , and the now law Is Intondui
to make him retrulnte Ids appctlle a little.
Hotter Than Gold.
Surely , nothing is better than money , yoi
say ,
And fondlv you look nt your gold ;
Let mo tell you. then , something that far wll
Your wealth , though It may be untold.
Just a single bright smlio to some ono In dia
tiess ;
A kind word fo some ragged boy :
Thcso will often go further than money ti
bless ,
And fill a sad heart full of joy.
Just a bunch of fresh flowers for au Inva
lid's loom ;
A Ilii'i to a dear absent friend ;
These alone may do more to dispel pain am
'lhan all of the gold you can spend.
JJobrnskft Jottlngi.
D. M. Amsberry has purchased th
Custcr County Republican.
A long felt want in Fullerton is to b
filled with a first-class hotel.
West Point is swelling out to the pro
portions of a city of the second class.
Malma is the name of a new town 01
the Omaha & North Platte road , suvei
miles west of Wnhoo.
The herdlo is the latest common carrier
rior in Beatrice. It is a one-horse concern
corn , nnd thrives on short hauls.
There arc 150,000 bushels of corn ii
store nt Dorchester awaiting a rise ii
price to pay for transportation to mar
The Beatrice board of trade has nc
cuptcd a proposition for n cannin ;
factory nnd will take fJ.OOO stock in tin
Beatrice takes kindly to n propositioi
to aid the Omaha Southern. Thu me
tropolis of Gage is always ready to lone
a helping hand to enterprise , and there i
money in it.
The Crawford Crcscnt commends tin
generosity of the Fort Robinson con
tractor in supplying the soldiers witl
sots of steel teeth to masticate the rubbc
beet ho furnishes them.
The Beatrice Democrat of Saturda ;
gave strong evidence of an cm ly , prosperous
porous spring , by issuing a ten-pagi
paper. Marrion & Burke are comlnj
to the front like , a team of thoroughbreds
The Odd Fellows of the Republicai
valley will have a celebration tit Ainu
April 2i ( , the anniversary of Odd Follow
shipin America. Extensive preparation !
are being made , and the a flair will un
doubtcdly bo a grand success.
Schuylcr has n muchly married woman
according lo the papers of that littl
burg. Ida Stevens wns first married ti
Horatio Saundurs. Last summer she ob
taincd a divorce. The laws of this stall
prescribe that six months shall clapsi
after a divorce before cither party cai
marry again. Ida wanted to mnrr
Frank Waterhouse , and so they slippei
over to Council Binds and were spliced
Now comes Judge Post and sets aside tin
decree of divorce , and Ida has two bus
bands on her hands.
Iowa Items.
Cornell college has received an nvcrngi
of $1,000 a week in contributions sinci
the Isl of Oclober.
The alleged natural gas well at DC
Monies has proven a natural outburst o :
wind on the part of its owuurs.
Thu police of Davenport cost $10,821
last year. The salaries of the rest of tin
city ollicials amounted to $7UU8.
Mrs. Alexander Chisholm , of Albia
fell from n stup-laddur about ten dayi
ago and sustained injuries from whicl
she has since died.
The removal of n $1CO ( ) soap factori
plant from LoMnrs to Sioux City is hailut
as n blessing in disguise. There is :
profitable field right in town withou
shipping a bar.
Amelia Ximdars , a woman of nbou
forty-live or fifty ycnis of age , hung her
self to the rafters of n barn nt Dubuqui
on the 3d inst. She hnd but lately ar
rived from Oshkosh , Wis. No cause ii
known for the net.
Ex-State Fish Commissioner A. E
Aldrich recently received from Washing
ton 100.000 rainbow trout , which will b <
immediately placed in the old hutchcrj
formerly used by the state near Anamosn
where Mr. Aldrich is carrying on quite a
fishery independently of the state.
lown hog growers ought to foci en
courngcd by thn advance of the price ol
pork. Hogs last week touched the high
est figure that has been reached since
1884. All hog products except lard arc
advancing , nnd are liable to improve
considerably moro in price. Pork Is $7 n
barrel higher than the price November 1 ,
1880 , and has gained oycr $1 during the
last week. _
Kimball has voted $5,000 for a gchool
The Salvation Army has bombarded
Last week's treanuro coach from Deadwood -
wood carried $175,000. '
St. Lawrence Is in the midst of a coal
famine and mild wcithcr.
Bruit ) county's banner town is said t < i
bo a panorama of decayed vegetables ,
ash heaps , tin cans , hoop skirts , bustles
tuui other sweepings.
A citi/cn of Lennox did not enter the
church the other evening because no one
answered Ids knock at thci door. In In ;
estimation the people of that church are
the most discourteous set of huathoiu
ever heard of ,
A Plea of a Prisoner In Police Court-
No I OH.
"I plead guilty , judge , " said P. M ,
O'Karn , who wns arraigned m police
court yesterday charged with stealing a
harness from Dan Hurley. "But , " he
continued , "thoro are circumstances
which are in my favor. I'lind to do this ,
I was driven to it. My wifu and children
were nt homo starving to death. I could
not got work and I dared not beg. I had
to steal to raise money to buy thorn some
thing to cat. I hope you'll bu easy
on mu. "
The judge put him oft" with a sentence
of twenty day.s in the county jail.
Charlus Clarke , charged with stealing
an overcoat , was given thirty days in thu
county jail. Seven druiiks were nr-
niguod. Two paid lines and two were
sent up : the others were discharged ,
Charles Cook , a vagrant , was sent up for
thirty tlaya , and four other men accused
of vagrancy were discharged. .
KatofT'a ' Influence in Russian Affairs Bain ;
Practically Illustrated.
The Mnn Wtio Make * tlin Cliattcnllo :
Shake Prominent in Idtorature
Itolatlitu to NllillUni Snored
lit the "Hells' Kyc. "
Moscow , Fob. 12. ( Correspondence o
the BEK. ] Outsiders In general seem t (
have just discovered Ka'.kotl , i ( \vo ma ;
judge by the discussions going 01
throughout Europe over his recent nr
tides on the European situation. Al
though known only to n limited utimbc
of people in other countries , in Uussln
his name has long been a houscholi
word. The extent of his influence inn ;
bo measured from the fact that , of late
the fall of more than ouo minister inn ;
bo laid to his account. They did no
choose to adopt certain measures strong
ly advocated by the Moscow Gazette , am
their subsequent loss of office * was the ro
suit. According to Russian ideas this n
a natural result , but ono which at firs
caused considerable surprise among tin
more superficial of the European politl
ciaus , who liiibln to run into extreme ;
now attribute it to personal influence
and even to a rcuuirknblo ascendency
over the czar himself.
have Rene so far as to describe KntkofTn1
the chosen confidante of the emperor'.1
innermost thoughts and his most trustee
councillor , the only man to whom In
looks for advice ! Now , although the
czar has raised Kntkolf to a positioi
never before held by a nlebeiau , by ad
nulling him to the imperial council , nui !
is more ready to take his opinion thai
that of anyone else ( save , perhaps , M
Paledonoszcf , his ex-professor of law )
in all matters connected with the dailj
routine of government. Alexander 111
is not a man to allow any one sueh extra
ordinary privileges. It ia even reportct
hero that Katkotr has somewhat strainei
his position with the emperor by continu
ing to publish anti-German articles
after the ofllcial communication to tin
press , made a short time ago , nnd tha
he was not admitted when ho last nskui
tor an audience , though the czar an
Mvcrod his subsequent letter with the as
surance that he would always sot gren
value on his opinions. Bo this as it may
KatkofT's influence is not to be disputed
or elsewhere , ever gained for himsol
similar power , or knew how to wick
it so well , although he may not bi
as ho has been described the real au
tocrat of the empire. On Iho other hand
there is no doubt that ho is the most dan
gcrotiB enemy of I'rinco Bismarck ami
his policy , for the whole Russian natioi
hangs upon his words , and ho represent
public opinion far more surely than tin
majority of an elective parliament
Katkoff's iirst famous articles lovellec
against the chancellor , which was pub
lishcd last August , was n trumpet cal
that found its echo in the very heart o
the country. Since then he has workcc
hard to undermine the favor that Burlii
has long enjoyed at St. Petersburg , ant
has so far succeeded , that a very litllt
more would lead to an open rupture
Ono of M. Katkoff's greatest titles t <
popularity , and one of the reasons of hi :
success as a leader of public opinion , i
thut ho belongs to no parly. Previous t <
the insurrection in Poland , he was a liberal
oral , and his liberalism , according t <
some accounts , was strongly
TAINTID : WITH sociAi.issr.
After having combattcd absolute gov
eminent for years in the Burki Wiutnik
and made himself the apostle of ropro
sentalivo authority , this change of tac
tics was so startling as to call forth thi
blnmp of some of his best friends. Bu
the nihilist movement was in full pro
gress , nnd Katkoll' seeing the danger
concluded that the only power capable
of erecting a barrier against the inroads
of the revolutionists , and of restoring tin
shaken confidence of the nation , wii <
that of the czar. From this time for
ward , the Moscow Gazette , of wider
Katott'had become proprietor in 183t !
was looked unon almost as the olliciiii
organ of the popular party , and his in
influence increased so much that three
years later he became the principal in
strument in the overthrow of M. Valoiv
lell' , who had dared to suspend the publi
cation of the Ga/otto.
Katkoirmay bo described as the intel
lectual head of the Russian nation.
hang upon his words. Above all he is n
Russian , a Russian patriot , ardently do-
sirousof maintaining the Integrity of the
empire , which the Polish insurrection in
the first plncc.and the cowardly attempts
of the midlists in the second , had put in
jeopardy. It is because ho detests the
chancellor's influence in the desire of
Austria to push its way to the Balkans ,
that he was the first to attack Prince Bis-
niarck , to denounce him as the great
enemy of his country , and to sot up the
cry of alarm in spite of every opposition
and caution. And his dread of Prince
Bismarck naturally draws him towards
an alliance with Franco. If this can bo
accomplished ho considers that the peace
of P'uropo will bo assured for some time
to come , In literature KatkofT ia as
much a Slavophile as in politics. No ono
has contributed moro than ho to the
prepagation of Russian literature ; and
the growing taste for it even among the
higher classes where foreign authors used
to bo preferred , is duo to him. The
words of Tourguenell' , Dostoiewsky , and
Tolstoi were all published in the Russian
in all ho touches , a scholar as well as a
publicist and a politician , he has earned
on for years a campaign in favor of
classical education. In this matter ho
was not content with mere word war
fare , but has founded a college of his
own , in which several hundreds of Rus
sian youths belonging to the highest
classes , receive a first-rate education.
He himself personally superintends the
studies at the Nicholas college , and a
considerable portion of the many IIOIIM
which hu daily devotes to hard work arc
given to the school. Although a man of
sixty-seven , he is able to exist with two
or three hours sleep , so marvolotisly is
his physical constitution lilted to the
wonderful anil varied career which hu
has chosen to follow , it is n curious fact
that although IvnlkofT was the man who
has shown himself the most determined
enemy of nihilism , and has done moro
than anyone else to parali/o the work
ings of this occult society and has there
fore , according to their tenets , deserved
death many times no ono was found
who would carry out Iho fmntonco of the
nihilist tribunal. His popularity made
him sacred oven in the eyes of these rr.un ,
who arc usually ready to sacrifice human
life without the slightest compunction.
A Cowboy KovirnllHt In Now Mexico
With "WIIU" Texts ,
Lampasaa Jake , the cowboy nwivalisl ,
returned to Farmington , N. M. , the othur
day , writes a correspondent from that
place , after a protracted tour through thrt
northern camps , and began prcnchmg to
such ctowds as would listen to him ,
Sonic : of his recent experiences may bo
understood fro'U ' thu btorlus that he
"Up on thu Noithorn 1'uciliu two weeks
ngo , " he nald in one of lila sermons , "I
Raw n man who hud sat in the car right
ahead of me jump up quick and start for
the mountain suits lie ran like a deer.
The thermometer showed that it was : ti ) °
below zero , ami wo all know thai any
man who ran to the mountains in that
weather was doomed to death. Sow *
went afler him. At first we couldn't
gain on him at all. lie couldn't liavo
gone any faster if a pack of Indians had
been after him. I'lnallywu caught him
and took hint back to the cars , where wo
found that hu was crazy. It had come on
him liku a Hash , and he had no lime tu
sue Iho doclor about It. If wo hadn't
overtaken him where would he havoboeti
now ? Just where you fellers will bo it
you don't take a tumble as quick as lui
did. You have got to skin right out 11U
a wild man for the mountains if you ex
pect to be saved.
' 'When 1 was up on the Yollowstonn
talking to the cowboys I saw them nit
bolus in the ice , and then pretty soon a
lot of cattle would como down through
the snow belly deep and reach out their
long , bony necks tor a drink. On top
of the ice the snow was four feet deep ,
but where thu hols were tliuro was
water twice that depth and running llko
n mill race. Now , did these cattle creep
up thnro softllko and nose atound and
paw nnd try the ice and look back and
whimper and say tlioy would como again
some other day * Not any. They just
rushed right up ( o thu holes , and some of
them were so eager to gut at them that
they slipped and full into the stream , and
were carried along under the ice in the
twinkling of an eve. ' Gloryl glory !
That's what I like. When 1 ssJs you
fellers as eager to get at Iho waler of sal
vation , and when 1 see some of you
swept under and carried away , then I
shout louder yet.
"Mown in Wyoming , just before
Christmas , there cumo up a cold ram
that fro/o as it toll , and the gra/.iug was
mighty hard. Some of the sheep herders
got worried about Iho flocks , and thu
boys were ordered out to look after Iho
sheep. I went along. There .voro
Bicker's boys , Jewell's Iwy.s nnd Bolivor's
boys ami Thomson's liovs , and Leggctt's
boys , and they all know their brands.
When they saw ono of their own sheep
disabled or suffering they just took him
up and piled him into a wagon and car
ried him back to the ranch. But there
win once in a while a sheep that
didn't liavo any brand on him ,
and what became of him ?
1 know nnd you know. Kvorv
ono thought that he belonged to some
body else , and he was left to rtistlo for
himself. No shepherd for him , you bet.
Ho just lay out in the rain and slavered ,
and when he croaked no one cared for
him. _ What brand are you fellows wear
ing this season ? liavo you got the cresson
on you , or are yon roaming about with
out a brand ? You'll run into a cold rain
yourselves one of these nights when the
clouds will be dark nnd the ground cold
and icy , and who'll you belong to then'
"Over in Virginia City the other day
some robbers set out to hold up a man
who was going along with wl'at they
had been told was a big bag of gold
dust. They waited for him on Iho high
way until they saw him coming , Mid
were on the point of jumping on him
when ono of them saw another man
coming right behind him who had a
great deal heavier load He's thu man ,
they said , nnd they let the man with a
rather light burden go and waited for
the one who was toiling along with ns
heavy a load as ho could stagger under.
When he came up where they were they
mounted him , and what do you suppose
they got ? Nothing but u lot of low grade
ore that ho was taking into town to liavo
examined. The man with the light
traveling bag had the gold du < a after nil.
Ho that hath cars to hear let him hear.
Not the msm who iias the most cattle or
the most gold or the most silver , but the
man who lias thu most righteousness , is
thu ono who has the len t trouble in thu
world. The cattle and the gold and thu
silver weigh him down powerfully , and
attract the attention of the devil nud all
liis hosts , while the man with righteous
ness goes along unsuspected and un
"In the ( iimnison last fall n man
named Wild Tom jumped out in the mid
dle of the camp one afternoon and said
tiiat he was spoiling for n figiit. Ho
hadn't had one in three weeks nud he felt
hungry. Ten minutes niter that I was
prc.ichmc his funeral sermon on n sida
lull , lie had had his tight and it was ouo
that would last him for all time. Now I
say to you what 1 said to the survivors
there , that when a man Mand.i out as a
sinner lie is only inviting the devil to
como down on him.
"On a Northern Pacific Irain that got
snowed in for thirty-six hours 1 saw a
poor woman who had two children. She
wasn't pretty , ami her little children
did not have any line things , but when
they got cold what did they do ? I saw
on-j old sinner untie his neckerchief and
sneak it into Iho woman's hands for the
litllo OUCH. Then a big fuller who sat in
the middle of the car got up and &aiil
that no sneezer from the camps could
get ahead of a man from the range , ami
lie whipped off his overcoat and gave it
to the woman to wrap the children up
in. What did that mean. Nothing at
all , except that try as you may you can
not keep yourselves from doing right
when you think of it. Half an hour after
this I saw the old feller a shivering , and I
asked him if ho didn't wish lie had bis
coat , anil he said not so long ns ho could
scothokidg a sleeping so comfortable
like. That kept him warm nnd kept him
from freezing. That deed would keep
lii in from burning in the next world , "
Jake speaks in parables and hi\n \ many
listeners. He said to-day that after ho
had learned the habits and customs of thu
sountry ho would go east a ways.
Colleen OUclpllne In
Ono novel feature in the internal dls-
; iplino of Brnsenosu college was the sys-
, em of pecuniary fines introduced by thn
ili'tutcs. Fines varying m amount from
i farthing lo two pence were imposed
for conunu lain to n lecture , for omitting
Lo wear a surplice in the chapel , for
neglecting any ritual observance , for en
tering th buttery , the pantry or thu
kitchen without leave , lor lingering In
Iho hall aflor n meal , or for speaking in
English in any public place within thn
precincts of the college. Books wore HO
niluabln that a line of a shilling was im
posed upon any student who omilled to
2loso his volume or to fasten Ihu windowH
: > f the library before leaving. The use
jf opprobrious language was pun-
shed by a line of eight punco. A scholar
who .struck another was mulcted in ! Is ,
id. if llm ollensc was committed with Ihu
land or foot , in ( i-i. 8d. if witli a stick or
i .stone , in liK 4il , if the blow drew blood
md tlieso lines were proportionately
icavier if a lullow was onu of the parties
soncernud' Personal violence tu Iho
irincipal or the vicu-principal'was pun-
shubln by oxnulsion. In cases were n
lecnniary line seemed inimitable or in-
ailllcient , the principal and Iho reader
KU ! power to millet corporal punishment
vith a rod. All the scholar * ) of Brabcn-
isd college who dill not belong to the
foundation were under thu charge of
louie follow who was held responsible for
liu payment of their dues and linos.
Kiu'lil's Cremation.
Mes'srs , Drexel & Maul received Debtor-
lay n letter from II. U. Farrc.ll. u Buffalo ,
* Jew York undertaker , in which thu Inttor
lays ho received the remains of Kdward
( uehl in good shape and had them ere-
iialcit according lo the wishes of the
loud magiolnn'ri request. Ho says : "Tho
anltoroftlm crematory , being of the
iroad Bnglish stamp , says ho will rake
mnt tin * hn&hcs in the morning and plnco
horn in the burn , when they will bo
ihinnud as directed. "
The Buffalo papers noted nuilo oxton-
lively the arrival of the bony and the
mbscqucut cremation.