Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    J I
Tbo Bustle and Excitement Transferred
From One Pit to Another.
Nothing Doing In I'ork 10 Attract At
tention .More Interest In Short
Jllbs Corn Ijower anil
IjeHg AOtlVC.
CniCAoo , March 7.-Special [ Telegram to
the liKK.1 Very heavy selling for outside
account Now York , St. Louis and the northwest -
west ana general soiling by the local scalp
ing crowd was the principal feature of the
wheat nnrkct up to 12 o'clock to-day. Tlio
market opened only barely steady at a hade
lower prices than the closing range on Satur
day , viz. : 82c for May and b3' c for June.
Tlio receipt of cables to the ellect that the
French chamber of deputies was about to
take up and pass a bill Imposing an addi
tional duty of nbnut Ha on wheat Induced
several prominent local speculators to short
the market. The result of this outpouring
v as n break to blc for May and bljfc for
Juno , the heaviest pressure being on tlie last
named month. At these figures the market
looked nud acted weak , but when .some of the
Eliorts be an to tlilnl : about taking In their
profits they discovered there was less w
for sale than they had supposed. Tlicie had
been strong buy Ing by two or
three houses nil the way down ,
but In the battle and excitement
of trading ( there was a tremendous market )
this tact was o\erlookrd. As values com
menced to harden these houses wltlidiew to
Mime extent , but prlce.s having tinned up
continued logo that way. In tlio afternoon
wheat recou-ri'd its stums headway niul the
bulls sweut o\erytliintr before them. The pit
was the scene of tremendous excitement nnd
exceptional trail Int. Wheat on tlin alter-
noon board closed at b.j ! < c lor May , and some
even wns ti ruled In atfc'i ' c. It Is gettlnn to
be morn and more believed that Armour is
under wheat. Tlie sentiment in pioduce has
evidently , under tlin leadership of Aimotir
In provisions , undergone n grunt change.
One reliable report is that Armour will ship
Mivcral hiindieil cars ot wheat out ot hero
lust as soon as the cars are dcli\cred. May
lard closed Yc higher than June , which cave
color to the suspicion that a corner may be
contemplated in Mav. Wheat was tinder
Mich headway that naturally the pinvlsion
pit was less the center ot interest than last
week , I'ork was not traded in at
all except for settlement. The crowd hung
on to tiiat edge ot the nit whore the
buying and selline of ribs is done. In the
center , where pork holds sway , there were no
new developments. I'ork to-day eased elf to
S20.rx > per barrel. This was not much of a
decline , but it was such a relief trom the
821.00 price that the provision pit smiled.
Hut them was nothing done In poik. It a
mnn Is short poilc and finally becomes con
verted , hu does not stand in the pork pit and
bellow his appeals , lie hunts up the clique
broker who bought the property ot him , puts
on n meek mid lowly countenance , anil whis
pers in the cliotiu man's ear the fact that he
is In a penitent mood. The clique llgtire of
the day Is then Riven and the convert buvs
so much pork nt SMI.00 in settlement.
That Is the way pork Is trailed
In nowadays. Corn was less active
anil lower. There wore heavy realizing
sales all through the linorning session , a
treat deal ot long corn bought on last week's
bulge , ns well ns some purchased some time
ngn , being unloaded. 1'ono Ac Lewis sold a
big line and the receivers again hold largely
against cribbed stulV. It was the largo oller-
Ings by the latter class ot operators that
started the break. The opening liguies wore
Jf@5tfc off for loading futures , tlio initial
tsade in May being 40 ! 8lle , nnd 41J c for
.tune. Up to noon the market hud diopped
IKc below Saturday's closing price * , or to
8iic. for May and lOi c for June. Tne mar
ket rallied l c'on the attcinoon board aiu
closed as stated.
CniCAfio , March 7. ( Special Telezram to
the UIK.I : CAITI.I : The market was active
and stronger tor smooth , fat qualities o
light anil medium weights , while some of the
rough , thin and heavy cattle sold hlowly ant
nt barely steady prices. On the whole , how
ever , values were linn and pi Ices nveragei
fully ai strong as nt the clo > u of last week
Some line WSO-Ib short-hoi n two-year-old
this spring soldatSS.OO and somegrndo Here
fords , one-year-olds , this spilng sold at 84.55
Shipping steers , tav ) to ir 0 Ibs. 84.COftt3.IO
1200 to W50 Ibs , &t.l @ 4.T5 ; ftV ) to 1'200 Ibs
53..Mf ) < { 4,80. Stackers anil feeders , $2.y ) < ft2.'JO
rows , bulls and mixed , S-.oogasO ; bulk ,
J2,7ft@a. ! 5 slop-led steers , S'-.OO .GO ;
through Texas steers , 82.WKijJ. : : ) ; cows- , S'-J.-a
© 300.
lions Trade was active , with little or no
change in prices. AH compared with Satur
day the run was rather more than expected ,
Bhowlng nn neaily 4.000 UIOIQ than last Mon
day anil It Is now believed that there will bo
fully 00,000 for the week , u much uieater num
ber than was estimated on Saturday. The
market closed rather easier , and a low sales
nt the close showed a slltht decline. A few
fancy heavv sold at SS.OOtfrO 01 , one Jot at
t(105. ( Packing sorts ami light mixed sold at
r..7U . ( < ( ft.M ) . and common sr..40il.-.r,0. ( lurht
sorts mav be qouted at S5.2.X < ! ' " > .70 ; i'orkeis ,
* VSO5 ; one lot sold at So.05 , Light light ,
. March 7. Tlio Drover's Journal
follows :
Unttle ItucplnK 7.COO ; strons ; sblpplng
Rtetas , Si.0@5.10 : ; stuckors niul locilciK ,
r..HX < 3.00 ; cows , bulls nud nilxeil , ? li.00@
8.WC. bulk. S2.7o@U.20 ; tliiougb Texas cuttle ,
Hot's lli'colptfl , 14,000 ; cnnprally stcatlv :
tiKb anil mixed , f.'i. ' tS.hO ; yat-klne nntl
r . ( iOCit.0.oo ; ligbt ,
ski us , ;
Slicup Kecolnts , 8,000 , ; sbado lower ;
niitlves. Sil.lKKjJ-l.yO ; wpstrrn , S3.00@4.70 ;
TOXIHIB , S'.ii54.00 ( . : lambs , Si.OtHfto.M ) .
Nutloii ! > l Stock Yards. Kant St.
IjoulH , III. , Mnrrb 7. Cattle Kceclpts , 60 ;
nblpmunts. 000 ; active and bl 'hcr ; clioico
hp.ivy nntlvo steers , S4.-lOi"il5.00 : lair to good
f-blpplnu steers , : ; butchers' steeis ,
lair to clioico , si.50 : ( il.'JO ; btockeis , fair to
Kood , 8'J.4riO a.lO.
lloKS Idi-elpts , 2,000 ; sblpnients , 1,500 ;
active nud UKjitSu hltrlinr ; choice lieavy
nnd butfhers' , gr. 'JUfl.oO ; packlnir , fair to
coot ) , 55.70(35.65 ( ; Vorkers , medium to prime ,
r > .4r > ( tj5.G. ' > ; pigs , common to good ,
KnnsaH Clly , March 7. Cattln KccelpN ,
1,000 ; strong and lOc higher : K'n ° tl to choice ,
e4. JO@4.0 ; common to im-ilinm S3.r > 0 l.lO ;
itockers , S-.00a3.'J.'j ( ; feetlint ; tteers , SS.a.rK < i
'ilocrfl Kpcelptfl , 3,000 : linn nnd ISfJt'-'Oc
hlglier ; coed to choice , S5.COg5.75 ( ; common
to medium , S5. ' . > 05.i5. !
NEW YOIIK , March 7. ( Special Telegram
to the Hur l STOCKS The talk In resard to
stocks to-day was rntlier beailsb , but tbe
course of prices was upward. London
opened n fraction above Saturday's close and
foiclgn securities were nil llrm and higher ,
Indicating that little fear ofar was felt
abroad. The bears bid particular stress on
M further di-crer. ? a In tha bank reserve , which ,
taken in connection with tbo decrease the
week previous it wisiir upd , could not tall
to have i bad ultect on speculation , The bulk
of traillnt : to day ceulered In Western Union ,
Hlrlnnona Terminal and rotten seed oil cer-
tltlcatPi' . Inslileta wee very bullish on West
ern Union , and n irport * as current that the
foithcnmln , ' ; qunvferly n'port would show net
narnlncs niiiniintlni ; to 81,400,000. Tim stock
wns In erml demand and n simp advance ell
l prrccvt was "cored before noou.QCot-
ton perd oil dropped on n nlllclal donlal ol
the \ > lld story slnidM .Saturday that Ariuoiu
lias eoinpromlseil wllh the'eompiny nd
* nnld withdraw hli oproslilon. liuylng ,
hoiTcve.on the decline w * good enough tc
cause aonicthln of a nlly , although Satur
day's prices were not regained. In lUch
juoud Ttrmlnr.l the ; worn talking verj
bullish ntt juocended In putting tbat stool
up I percent. Whllo the 1'earsall follpwlns
tUlmed Uint tbe worst batik statement of the
fear bad boon Been and'thiv front now on u
soclatcd banks will Increase their reserves , at
noon the market was \cry llrm at advanced
prices. Sales at noon were 115,000 shares.
Northwest was bulled on A report tbat Its
earnings for February would show an Increase -
crease of 931)5,000. ) , Some of tbe bca\ lest op
erators wciobujers In spite of the reports
that rates on UraiiKcr roads were demoral
ised. Jersey Central and Western Union
were \cry .strong , the advance In the latter
being especially notable. Cotton seed oil
broke during tlio last hour 2 per cent , and
closed nt about the bottom , The list closed
at about top pi Ices for the day. The total
sales were about ii'iO.OOU shares.
( IOVKUKMII..VTS CJovcriitneut bonds were
dull but steady.
3 ? ) cent bonds. . 100VI preferred. . . HIM
U. . 4X's 1WVX.-V.C MS'
Ncw4'g 128J < Oregon Tran. . . . SJJf
I'aclrlce'sof ' 85.wy I'acllic Mall SiJ-f
.eutrall'acilic. . afljf P. D. & K a.
C.AA 144 I' . I' . C 14 ! )
im-ierrca. . . . ICO Hock Island 1U4 , ;
c. B. * g iw : h. AS. F. . . . anj <
n. L. & W i : preferred. . . 17X
I ) . Alt. C > 2-V ! C. , SI. A St. P. .
Erie 81' ' nrcfcrred. .
preferred. . "i-l St. I' . AU 4U } , '
Illinois Central. 1MJ prefptrcd. . . . I'll )
I. . 1) ) . tfcW ! i'J ! Texas Pacific. . . 2S
Kaunas it Texas , ni" " . Union I'acllic. . . -sf
Lake Shore H-W W.St. L.A P. . 17'i
L. AN" - ' piefened. . . U'Jj ;
Mich. Central. . . Wi'hlurn Union.77J6'
Mo.l'aclfic C ) . . K. &K. . . 103
Noithern I'ac. . . Canada South. . . . Mt'tf '
pieferrcd. . . I leading 37 ; '
C. A N. W .
Movr.Y On call easy at 2Jf < 35 per cent ;
closed at 8 percent.
i'HIUK AlKltCANTII.K 1'APKll 57 per
dTnitraxo EXCIIAVOK Qnlct nnd steady nt
S4.84J foi sixty day bills ; SM.b7X toi di'inaud
Clilcniro , March 7. Followlnj quotations
aie the Uo : : ; closlii ; ; liu'tircs :
Flour Steady and unchnngcd ; winter
wheat Hour , 84.2.54. 0 ; southern.
54.10(34.20Wisconsin. ( . 4.20tH.r ( 0 ;
Michican soft sprlnc wheat ,
S3.704.o ( : ; : Minnesota bakeis. : ;
patents , 84.50@4.bJ : low cudus , 5S1.03tJ. ( 5 ;
r > e Hour , quiet at $3.23(23.40 ( ; in sacks nnd
barrels , $ . ! ( < W.70.
Wheat Active but unsettled ; opened at
about ypsteiday's close and closed about He
hiuhcr attur llnctiiatini ; wildly In both direc
tions ; cash , } c ; May , bSJtJe ; June , We ;
July , bWc.
Corn weak and lower , closing Kt J/c
below Saturday ; cash , ittj c ; May , 407-lUe ;
June , 41 c ; Jtilv , ' c.
Oats Prices remalneil unchanged within
Saturday's range , closini : c higher ; cash ,
24c ; Mav , 2'c ) : June , .iU c.
Jtye Steady nt 5-lc.
liurloyQulutat 4")0c.
Timothy seed PriuiH. 81.81.
Flaxbeed 1.08.
Pork Dull w 1th no impoitnnt cbanco cx-
rept lor cash , which closed higher ut -0.70 ;
Mty and Juno , S'Jl.oo.
l.ard Active , opened stronger , advanced
5@7Kc. ilecllnedav < ia7 > o nnd rallied 1 (0) ( )
20e ; cash. 87.45 : Mav. S7.00 ; June. 87.l .
Bulk Mcats-Slioiiltlcrn. ( i.OOSO.U5 ( : shott
clear. 8S.GVil1.70 : short ribs , S8.45.
Butter Higher ; cieameiy , 25g3c ( ; dairy ,
Cheese Lower : full cream cheddar * . It !
12J c ; Hats VJU'l'-He ( ; JOUHB Ameiicas ,
14cj skims , "XOibc.
'Fallow Unchanged ; Mo. 1 country ,
solid , ajfe : No. a.ajfe ; cake , 4c.
Hides Unchanged ; ( iieoii. Be ; heavy
green salted , 7c : salted bull , tict green
salted calf , Oc : diy salted hides , lOc ; dry
Hint , 12@iae : deacons , 40c each.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbU 14,000 14.000
Wheat , bu 18.000 40,000
Corn , bu I2.iooo 7t > ,000
Oat , bu W.OOO 127,000
Rye , bu 1,000 1,000
Uailey , bu W.tKX ) 2S.OOO
St. Ijonls. March 7. Wheat Weak and
lower : No. a , red , cash , bOj ( i Sofe ; May ,
Corn Weik and lowct ; No. 2 , mixed ,
cash , 35@Ti9fc } : May , 3Ci4e.
Oats \VeaU ; No. 2 , mixed , ca-b , , 3S > jc ;
Mar , 3S ( c.
Rye-Kliin at .To.
1'orlc-Stcady at S1S.OO.
. ? -0.
Lard-Steady at Srt.a5@tJ
Butter Steady and unchanged ; creamery
at 'r > ( is2Uc ; dairy. l.yfjaio.
Afternoon Hoard. Wheat Stiong and ? *
higher. Corn Stiong ami K@/'bC higher.
Oats-Steady and unchanged.
ifsusas City. Marcli 7. Wheat-Quiet ;
No. a red. May. 74J4'c bid.
Coin Lower ; > o. , cash , Ule bid ; April ,
32 c asked.
Oats No quotations.
Ijlverpnol , March 7. Wheat Firm anil
demand tair ; California No. l , 7s SiKaTs , lid
per cental : red westein spiitie , 7s .liirn's 5d.
| Corn Firm and I'-'inaiid ' impiovcd ; new
mixed western , 43411. .
Now OrlnniiN. Maieh 7. Corn Unset
tied ; mixed , 48ff ? io ; wliite , 4'.i@.Vc. ' )
Oats Quiet but steady ; choice westein
Hog Products Unsettled : noilc , S1H.CO
lard , refined tierce , S7.0i7.2'i. )
Bulk Meats Shoulders , i0.3r ! < ; ; long dear
and clear libs , iti.W ) .
Now York. March 7. Wheat Receipt"
110,000 ; exports , iJO.OOOspotrKebetter : ; lei ex
port ; options opened heavy and ! < & % lower
closing llrm anil at about best rates ; un
graded. l)3@Wc ) ; No. red , l'0'.fc ' ' : No. 2 led
I'lJflToMXo ' in elevator , t'S ' c delivered ;
April closing at 9c. : )
Com-Receipts , 1S.OOO ; expoits , 11.000 ;
spot , IfitUjC lower and f.ilrlv active ; options
opened l@l' ' i' lower ami closed turn ; un
graded , 4Sii440e ! ( ; 4'.l@4'J ) c 111 olo\ator.
No. 'iViX&ay& deliveieil ; April closed at
Oats Easier ; receipts , 44,000 ; exports ,
1,500 ; mixed western , a5337c ; white west-
em , II7S42C.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
Kgus Dull and easleicjtetn ; ,
Pork Firm and in moderate request ; muss ,
15.25 < < ? 15.75.
Lard Opened lower and closed linn ; west
ern btoam. spot , quoted at $7.57'i7.70. |
Uiitter Firm.
Clieese ( Juletand steady.
Mllwaukoe , March 7. Wheat Higher ;
cash. 7S''e ' ; May , Slj c.
Corn-Hlglior : No. : t , 37c.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , SO c.
Kye-Strong : No. 1 , 50 } r
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , 50Hfc.
Provisions Irregular ; pork , March ,
$ 20.50.
Cincinnati , March 7. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red. blc.
Corn Active and linn ; No. 2 mixed , 39c.
Oats Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 30 > @
Hyo Moderate demand ; No , 2 mixed ,
Pork Nominal at 510.75.
Kard-Stronii at * 7.37) $ .
Whlsty-Qulet at $1.13.
Minneapolis. Marcli 7. Wheat Opined
weak but closed strong ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
77Jic ; May , M ) c ; June , Hltfc ; No. 1 north
ern , cash , 75j > ic ; May. S1S.7& : June.70l c : No.
ti northern , cash , 74c ; May , 76 ; Jtlne , 77Jfc.
Flour Quiet ; patents , $4.20 1.35 ; b.ikeis ,
83.25@S.40 ;
Kecelirts Wheat. 242,000 bu.
bhipmnnts Wheat , 4S.OOO bu. ; Hour ,
24,000 bbls.
Tlio Week.
Monday. March 7.
The inn of cattle has been light all the
week past. The tendency of tlie market has
been upwards and the week closed with
higher prices than It opened. The market
lor butchers' stock was especially good dur
ing tlui greater part of the week. I'ony-bullt
steers have sold better than coarse- heavy
cattle. Theio has been an active hog market
all the week. During the middle of tlie week
there w.ts a decline ot about lOe on light and
light mixed hogs , and thn market was slow
nu these giailes. Tlie loss wasboon regained i ,
however. The week closed with llgut re !
ceipts nnd n verv excited market , heavy hogs
reaching S5.CO while the top for Friday was
ouly 5.43f. There has been com iparatlvely
uothlni : done on the sheep market dutlni : the
As usual on Monday , the receipts to day
\veie very light and theio was hardly enough
In to mnke a market What them war , in
sold readily on ( ho market. The mmkct was
strong nt about Saturday's prices.
The receipts of hogs w ere al. o llpht. To
day's market was very much like Saturday's
lH one respect. The market opcucd At nu
advance , and kept going higher as long as
them ere : any hogs left. The late arrivals
the best prices. Tlie light receipts
and heavy demand Is the apparent cause of
the advance ,
Slice p.
There were a tevv In , which were sold be
fore their arrival and consigned to local
Itcrclpt * .
Cattle 200
ilius. . KO
Sheep SCO
ProvnllliiK 1'rlceq.
Showing the ptevalllng prices paid for live
stock on this maikpt :
Choice steers , 1330 to 1500 Ibs..81.2004.40
Choice steers , 1100 to tlii/J Ibs. . . il.8-.Ml.2-5
( lood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . a.7.v7t3.40
Pair to medium crass cows 2IKMU50
tiood to choicn bulls 2.2.vraoo
Light and medium hoes 5.40M5.00
( lood to choice heavy hogs >
( lood to choice mixed hogs 5. . " > 0H5.C5 (
Choice sheep , 80 to UP UH 3.50 4.00
Representative Mnlo * .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
n..low SM.TO ID..i2S4.15
14. . . . 10:5 3.SK )
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1..10 > 0 82.00 3 . . .llbO S3.00
1. . . . 7S ) 2.50 3..1210 3.00
. - > . . . uc : 2.50 4 . . . W ! : tco
12..1150 2.M ) 1..121X1 3.10
1 . . .1175 a.5 13..1153 3.3 >
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
5ni2 ! ! ! ! Ju'o '
nee * .
No. Av. Slik. I'r No. Av. Shk. I'r.
7..2 | ij S.--IO fit..220 100S5.1X1
01..22'J ' 200 5.Vi CO..2IS W 5.CO
( M..2I11 200 5.110 CI..24' ? 100 5. < 0
C1..2.VJ 5.0D CO..27 ! ) 40 5.05
5. . .2TI ) r.,0 ( 10. . . 2')1 ' ) 0 5.70
10..275 SO SCO C.V..2I2 tO fi.70
52..270 1CI ) 5.00 ( J7..2G'J 40 5.75
CO. . . 210 bO 5.CO .VJ..27S bO 5.75
Range of 1'rlcc * .
Showing the highest and lowest pi Ices
pal J for loads of hois on this mirket duriug
the past seven ( Uys and lor the same time
last month and a ago.
Jim 1887 'Tub. ' 1SS7 rub.
1st 4,75 (34.110 ( 5.2J Q.544'- '
I Kob. IW7. March 1 7. Miiruh 1
2nd 4.80 < 2 > l.Vi ! 'i.Oll © o.4'
Did 4.70 fiSO ( ) S.10 6S."i4J4 3.75
4th 4.8H 64.1.00 ri.M ) CJii.4.31
Mhl 4 70 ( ft."i.UO 5.15 ! Gl'iM
titli Sunday Siimliiy _ . . . .
7tlii 4.8' ) Q.VIO 6.5.1 S'i.7'i Suililuy
Allsxlesof stock in this market are made
per cwt. live woiirht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all welg'
"Skins , " or hogs welching less th.ui KM
no value. I'nunitnt sows aru docked 40 lu-j.
and stigsbO Ibs , by the public investor.
Cattle strong.
A few sheep In.
Nothinir lett over.
llo s boom ing.
Light receipts on cvciytlilntr.
li. lluteliinsoii. Ht'pii'iliciii ' Cily , was hum
nnd in.trketrd a load ot lie s.
Hutlalolilll anil Diamond Dick were among
the \ isitois at tin ; yauls to-day.
Mr. Swaitof Ku/.ler & Swnrt ? . Silver
Citv , laas in and sold a load of cattle.
Chailip ( ioihain , the nunial live stock accnt
ot the Kock Island , was at the yatds to day.
Q. Hiuton , inamu't'i-of the Fuller rancli at
.SchuyliT , was looking o\ur the yaids to day.
Tlioinas ACOIII , Ninth Heiitl , came In to
day with two loadb ot cattle , which sold on
the market.
John Wltrijlni , Colinnbuva in and mar
keted a load of hogs \\lucli bionght the toji
ot tlu\ \ mat ket.
"i do not like this kind of a IIOR maikct , "
rcmaikoil a salesman , "It is all nice enough
lor a hliinuer to im-lvo 25 01 ; iOc inoic than he
expected lor a load of hois , but in the end
homo onu is bound to bo caught , \\licn the
maikct ( 'oeh down. As a inlu those who cet
eaiirht ( stu ! muio numeious than those who
beneuttt'd ' '
me ,
The Week.
> rontlaMnreh 7.
Tlie main feature of the week in the pro
iluce nmrkets vas tlio decline in tlin ejrij
market. Tlui decline , liowever , was not un-
ovpected , as tlui maikct ijenerally now down
iilxuit this time evciy acnson , as thew.nm
weather Increases the receipts. Last ji ar nt
tliis time e iiseie ( itioted weak ut IMllc.
The butter maikct is also eoniliu ; down
neaier its Mimmer basis , and the old ( | iiedtion
jnesetits itscit : What .shall be done witli the
.surplus stock , which Is too poor lor hardly
any use. Halter makeis liavu been told
time and iiKalu that the Imlter which
Is sold tor 3c per pound \\ouhi
.sell much nioie leadlly at lOc II
they would take a little uaiin in mnkiiiK it.
The poultiy mm ket Ins been very stead v all
the week. It lirmed up a little on Satmday ,
to n temponuy aeaiclty.
Oonornl t'i'oituce.
Tlicfallnirtnv JIC/CM / tire for ronwl Inli nf
jr ) < > < lncc , < i $ .snlif on tlic mnrhct tn-mty. Jiic
iIiKitdtlnnt on frnll-i represent the julcci nt ,
ultlcli ouMilciitilcr * urc tilled.
Hurnii : Tliu iccolpts ot butter are heavy ,
and at the same time tlio demand is ll li
and stocks arencciiimilnttntr. . Tlin proportion
tion ol the receipts that can bo craded n >
clioico isorv small. Tlin meat bulk ot the
lecelpts is poor , and slow sale. As the warm
weather Is approaching , It will bo nccossaiy
for shippers to KIVC moro attention to tin
manner In which they pack their hnttei toi
sliipment. The letail uroceis will onlj bti >
the best butter , and tliu appeatancu of Hit
packages has much to do with selling It. An
occasional package of fancy butter M'lls n'
better piices than tlioi-o quoted below.
Cholcn country , 15iJ10c ( ; fair to good , li ®
14c ; commiin , ii'fUOc.
Kniis Tliere has been n vciy noticeable
declint ! In tlin e K market since last week.
The receipts last weiketo ll'ht nnd the
market linn , i each 1 UK HSc in Fome instances.
Tills week the receipts have been very 1 b-
eial. and the maiket accordingly lo\\e.4. the
bulk ot the stock movln. ' at I2 < i l2 ! c. Not-
wltlistandliii ; the heavy receipts tliu market
is well cleaned up and theio is veryllttlo sur
plus stock on hand.
CiinKsr. Full cieam cheddars , sln.Ie , He ;
full cream Hats , twins , He ; YOIIIIK Anieil-
eas , HJiOHJvC ! fancy Swiss , IfljiUc : Swiss
Imooited , 25e ; Llmbiirpir. 13cbilck ; , I5r l6i > .
lnissKH : I'm'i/niY The poultry maiket
has been devoid of any especially new teit-
n res thl.s week , the condition of tliu market
beint very nearly the same as last week.
Tlio receipts of chickens aru about equal to
the demand and tlio market steady at be tin
good stock , with an occasional sale at iic for
very nice stock. Tlio demand for tnrkejs
continues light , but the lecelpts IKUC not
been very heavy dnrlnir the past few di\s.
The bulk of the stock Is sellinc at 83'Jc.
( ieesc and ducks sell , in n small way , nil tliu
way from K$10c for Kood stock. .
( lAMi : There has been no came In this being too early In the season tir
ducks , and geese , nnd too late for other kinds
ot irame.
1'oTATor.s There bnvo been a few home-
crown in this week , winch sold fairly well.
The demand for coed home-crown stock Is
good , hut poor quality stock has to bo worked
off at lower ti urcs. In a few Instances
choice stock has been sold ns high as 70c , but
it would not be safe to letrard that as the
maiket. There Is still a liberal supply of
Colorado stock on the market which Is very
choice nnd sells \\ell. Home grown , from
store , fiivmll lots , GO&i'i.'ic ; Colorado , Hose , per
hu. , Sl.UV3l.lO ; SnowIIako , per bu. , S1,0.Q
'C'AIIIIAOK The market continues to be
ell supplied with uood California stock. A
car of Coloiado stock has been reeel\ed nnd
is selling nt tlio same prices as the Cnlifoiniu.
Califoinla white eatibaae , per Ib. , Sc ; Callloi-
ills , red , per Ib. , HJjc : Colorado , per ll > . , 'Jc.
Ari'i.r.s The market on apples Isery
tirm nnd the supply ll''ht , Onu small con-
siunment of choien stock sold readily on ar
rival nt S5.00 per bbl. Fancy stock Is held nt
Viur.rAiu.KS : Onions are not plenty and
prices ntn strong. Tlio demand us usual Is
not hc.wy , but mostly for small lots. There
are n few beets , cariots , parsnips and turnips
on the market \\hlcliarn selling nt 81.76 at
2.00 p ir bbl. Unions , choice stock , per bbi ,
S1.00@t..V ) . lleets , carrots , turnips , etc. " per
bbl. 81.75(52.00. (
( inr.E.N VKOKTAIILKS The season for
handling gieen vtuetables has not talrly
opened tind there 1ms be < 3ii veiy little In this
week , not enough , In tact , to Imrdlv Justify
nuotatlans being given. Top onions , per
dozen bunches , 20 ( < C2Sc ; celery , perdoien , 40
@S5c : California celery , per dozen , 1.00 ;
cauliflower , per dozen , J2.W ; radishes , per
dozen bunches , 40@4.c.
, LKMOJW TJio market tiere is very firm.
The market In the cast has atltnnccil nnd
dealers there are predlptltle no lower prices
during the next thirty days. Messina , fancy ,
per box , S5. < XXg3.MJ ) cnofcc , 5.00.
CiiAXiiKitniKs Capo Cod , fancy , per bbl.
S12.00 : bell nnd bugle , S10.W ; bell nnd
cherry , S9.75.
OIIAXOKI The stipple of choice stock on
ho mnrket Is liberal. Valencia , per case ,
S5.ttX3rt.00 : California , per box , st.OO : : Wi ;
Cnl fornln , Los AntrelPS , per box , J2.75gaoo ( ;
Florldn. brUht , st.75.M.oo : ; Florida
SHXK.3.50 ( { ; Messina. SJUW.
' UANAXAS Lnrgebunclifc' , pei bunch , S2.-0
. .
NUTS A few black walnuts me coming In
'rom the country nnd me slow sale nt 75c per
bushel. The following are the wholesale
prices at which oideis from tlio outside nre
illed : Almond2c ( ) ; pecans largo polished ,
.Ic ; filberts , 14 : Hr.ulls 14c ; walnuts , Naples.
20e : walntits Chill , 14e ; peanuts , 11. 1' . Vli-
Kliiln , "c.
Owrnns-Medlum" , 20c ; standard , 20c ;
select" , 2Sc ; extia selects , : * ) ; N. Y. counts
JSc.Hi ; AXS--lnferIorstock,76S1.00 ( : coed clean
ocuntry , Sl.OOKn.ii ; medliiin , hand picked ,
Sl.40d51.Mt ; hand picked , nnvv. S1.50rtl.OO. (
I'linVisioNs Ham , 12'4Ctlic ! ; bieakfast
bacon , rib , UWc : breakfast bacon , plain , lOLc ;
Iry salt sides. HK@sVe ; dried beef , regular ,
lie ; dried beet , bam pieces , 14c ; lanl , WMb
cans' , V20lb : cans. Fairbanks , S'e ( ; lo-lb
cans , Fairbanks , y' ' c ; Mb can ? , Faitbanks.
bVc ; ; Mbcan . Fairbanks , si < o.
Ki.ottn ANI > Mn.i.sTUrFR Winter wheat
lour , best qualltv patent , 2.75 ; second qual
ity , S2.2V2oO ! : beit nualltv .sprituneat
lour , patent. 52.40 ® - J.'JOV. ; . J. Welshmfs
buckwheat llotir. pet bbl , SO. CO ; do. double
wk : . SU.OO per bundled ; \V. J. Welslmn's
No. 1 , ready lalsed , forty 2' Ib packages ! n
case , 4,50 ; do. twenty S Ib packages In CMC ,
Si. 50 ; bian , 70c per cwt ; chopped teed , 7" > c per
c\\t ; white corn meal , ! Kc ) ; yellow corn.
meal , tOe'dtOc per cwt ; screenlnir. M ( < 75c per
cwt ; hominy , Sl.W : shoit , 70c jier c\\t ;
BinhRin , Si. Is ; hay , in baleS7COjer " ) ton.
Grocer's Mst.
PiCiti.r.s Mcdiuin. In bbK S .OO ; do. In
half bbls 84.50 ; small. In bbls. sio.oo ; do , In
unit bbls , S550 ; gherkins , In bbls. S 11.00 ; do ,
In half bbls. SO.uo.
MA i CUES 1'orcnddle. 2"ic ; square cases ,
51.70 : mule square. 81.20.
SYltUP No. 70. 4-gnllon kegs 81.2011.25 ;
Now Orleans nere.tllon ! ftit4rtc ( ; maple svrup ,
lialf bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon enns per doz , $10.00 ; half gallon cans ,
pei- doS5.fiO : quart cans , SU.Ov.
CANDY .Mixed. M'f < jlic : stick , 8 ! @oS'c.
CitACKiits : ( intneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5 c ; creams , sic ) ! ginger snaps , fj e ;
city soda. 7V. , . , . . .
OOFKIKS : Otdinarv erades , 14 ( ill.e fair
' © l5 ; c ; prime. ift Qlflc ; choice , 10 ( . lG > 4c ;
lancy gieen and jellow. l ( . < ? 17c ; old lov-
crnment Java , 20@2ic ( ; Intel mr .lava , IG ca
20c ; Mocha , 22Tc2le : Aihucklo's roasted
2)o ) ; Mcl.aughlln's XX.XX roasied , 20c ;
Dilwoith's. 1 ? < c : Red Cross. 20 > jc.
SrAitcn Mliror gl iss 1 Ib , Cc ; mirror
gloss , u Ib , 5 'c ; mirror gloss till ) , Ov'ic ;
< ! raves cornl Ib.OSc ; Klngford's corn , t It ) ,
7c ; Kiiiu'sionl's gloss , 1 Ib. 7e : Kingsford s
closs , 0 Ib. 7Ko : KlniMoid's pure lib. S'X'c ;
Kinirslord's ' pure , 3 Ib , OKe ; Kingsfords
bulk. 4c.
SOATS Kirk's < ; avnn impcilal , S2.70 :
Kim s satinet. S'l.OO ' ; Kirk s standard , S3.0V
Kirk's white Kussiaii , SI. 00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , 80.W ) ; iloiniS3.1J.5 ; wnshboaid , 53.10 ;
White cloud. S3. 75.
CA.v.siDioois-Oysters.stnndardpcrca'.e : ( ) ,
S.15c : ! : i.2.ri : stiawberrles , 2 Ib. per case. S2.HO ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2.-i' > ; oCalifornia
netm. per case , S4.5U ; apilcots , per casj ,
Sl.OO ; peaches , p. ' < - civse , 6S.O ; white cher
ries , per case , SO.OO ; p um . 'per ease , SiO' ;
blueberiics per case , SI , * ! ; u c plums 2 In ,
per e.tse. 5 3.50 : piuenpples , 3 Ib , per casu
8:5.20 : 5.75 : i Ib ms.'UeiCI. per doSi. . 10 ;
1 Ib salmon , pet doSl.VJcOl. ( . . > " > ; 3 In , goose-
beiries , per case , SI. 75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per
easy , § 1.70 ; 21b llmabean < , per case , SI. 00 ;
2 ! b marrow fat peas , per case , 32.5T < i20' ) ; i Ib
enily .Itine peas , per caso. . " > \ U Ib toma
toes. H'.o ' 2. ( 0 : 'J Ib cot n 3-iOa : J. 10.
Gcncrtkl Miirlceti.
\AUMSUKS Hat ro'.s , per gal ion ; furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture , \o. 1. tl.on ;
coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.SO : Da-
mar , extta , SI. 75 ; Japin , 70c ; nslili.ulilin ,
extra b5c : shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
31.60 *
IIKAVY HABiiwAiin iron , rate S2.SJ ;
plow sttel special cast. 4jJecuieible-teel'iHe ; ! ;
cast tools , d'o , 12i8isn ; wagon spokes , pet stt ,
S2.0Jai50 ( : ; hubs , per set. $1.2. > : lelloes.
fiiiwcd dry. Sl.5'1 ; toiigixxs , each. 8Jc : axels.
ench. 75c ; sniiaio nuts , per Ib. 01W71o : coil
chain , per Ib. 0 > fAl 'c ; tnallcable.s(4lt.'c ' ; iron
wedKes , Cc ; crownars , fx ; ; liinow teeth , -J' c ,
spring steel. 7@'Jc ; Burden's horseshoes
S4.T > ; Burden's mule shoes. S1.75. limbed
wire. In car lots. i-4.0J per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 60 , ' . ( ) : steel nails. 82.'n.
Shot , S1.0" > ; buckshot , S1.S5 ; oriental powtter ,
kegs , 82.50 ; do. halt kegs , S2.00 ; do. quarter
kegs , S1.50 : blasting , kegs , ? 2.3" > ; fuse , per 10
feet. tV > c. Lead bar. SI'-
Duv I'AIXTSWhile lead , : c , French /inc ,
12e : I'nrMiltinc ! , 2W'ehlting ; , iillders ,
2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , Ike ; lampblack , Cer-
manstown. V-c ; lampblack , oidinary , o ;
1'russian blue.WcUiltramarine , lito ; vandyK-
brown , Se ; umber , burnt. 4c ; tunDcr. law , 4c :
siunna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4e ; Pans
green , cenulns. 2-V. 1'arN gieen , com
mon , 82c ; chrome green , N. Y. . 20 ;
vermllliun American. ISc : innian
raw and burnt umber , 1 tt > cans , i2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12e : Vandyke blown , t"e : relined -
lined lampblack I2c- coach black and ivory
black. ICc ; drop black. ICc ; 1'iussinn blue ,
40c : ultramarine black , 18c ; ehromn irrcen.Ij. ,
M. & ! ) . , Kic ; blind rnd sliutter gtcen. lj. . Ai.
> fe D. , Hie ; I'aiis green , ISe ; Indian led , 15e ;
Venetian led , I'c ' ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
\ermillloii , L. it D. , 20o ; yellow ochre. 2c ; L.
M. A O. I ) . . IV : : irood oclun. lOc : natcin
dr\er , Se ; irralnlnc color , Uu'hloaK , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and nsh. 12c
Miiuni A.NP 'jiiiiMicAi.s. Ao d carbolic ,
C-'ic ; acid , t-utarie , .Vic ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib , 'Ucbirk : sassttras , per lt > , lOc ; calomel ,
per It > , "be , eliliiclionldla , per o40e ; chloio
form , per Ib , - c ; Dover's powders , per Ib ,
81.2.5 : epiom IK per ltKc ; glyceitne ,
pine , per Ib , 3'c ; lead , acetate , ner Ib , 21c ;
oil , eaitor , No. 1. pur gM. , Sl.SOc ; oil castor ,
No. 2poi gal. , S1.40oil ; olive , pel gal. , S1.40 ;
oil nriirannutn. 50c ; opium , S-i. 0 ; quinine ,
1' . it W.a'id R. &S , , per o7 c ; potassium
iodide , per 1o , S ' .50 ; s.iliclu. 1'i'r nt , lla ; sul-
nhato mornhlne , pjr o/ . Si.5 ; sulphur , per
lh.4csti ; > clinlne. iieros51.2) ) .
fxixrs if On. White lead. OmattaP r.
Cc : wlnto leail St. Louis , pine. ii > j ; -Mai
sellles green , I to Ib cans. 2u ; Fieucii 71111 ,
creen seal , 12o ; rencli zinc , red 1'c- '
Fren"h j\no. \ In vainish as- > t.'ua : l-onol
zlnc.75e : vcrmlllion. English , In oil , 75e
red , lOc : ro > o p'.nit. 14c ; Venetian red , Cook
son's , 25fc ; Venetian red. Ameilcan. l ; 'e
red lead , 7 } < c : ehromo yellow , giinnlne , 2t'c
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochello. ; 'o
ochre , French. 2Jfc ; ochie , American
IKc ; Winter's mini ml , SJfe ; Leiilgh blown
2 ! < c ; S ; anlsli biowu , aj c ; I'rlnco's luinera !
brir.iTS Cologne spirits. 1B3 proof , SI.17
do 101 proof , S1.1S ; spirits second quality
101 proof , S1.17 : d-i Ibs proof. 81.10 Ali-nliol
IbS proor , S2.2ii per wine irallou. Kodlstlller
whiskies , Sl.OOiCl.60. Cin , blended. S1.5UM
i'.oo ; Kentucky bouibons , S2.00C(0.00 ; Ken
tucky and I'eiiusylvanla ryes , S-MXVtO.JiU ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskies ,
Sl.Via3.00. Ilr.indles , Imported , S5.008.50 ;
domestic , ! 51.SO < iJ3.00. ( ! lns , imported , S4.)0
QIO.OO ; domestic , Sl.25 3.00. Champagnes ,
Imported , ner case. S2S.OOg33.00 ( ; American ,
per case. S10.OOirtlfl.OU.u
iii ES ( ircon biitrlicrs. sV QOc ; gieon
cured. 7c : dry Hint. llWU'c ; drv salt , OdeiOc ;
ercen calf skins , Mjfo ; damaged miles ,
two-thirds pilce. Tallow 3) ) c. (5reas
Prime white. 3 4e. ; yellovv. 2/c ' ; brown , IJf
fchcep I'elts. S-XBToc ,
I'tiiti AXI > SKiNs-'iho following price
are for prime , well handled skins : Weaver ,
prime , clean per pound , J1.5'J@.t.K ? ( ) ; fall.Sl.ti1 >
( i2.00 ; meaty ami Interior. S1.00Q1.25. Hear ,
blown and grU/.ly. sf5.0iJS.OO ; otibs mid
yearllnus , 8-J.oW4.00. Utid er , fiO ( < ( lOe. Cat ,
wild , 20@tOc : domestic , black. 10ifll5e : do-
mestle , btindrv colors , 6@sc. Fox. red , 81.00
& \.y > : cross , S2.oo4.00 ; irrnv. 40@Vc ) ; silver.
Sio.oo@io.oo. Fisher. S4.oorri.oo. ottor.S4.oo
QO.OO. Martin , S1.00lT-i , Muserat win
ter. large , l c : fall. 5c"k1ttB ; , Mink , ilarge
dark , ! i.1 > S40c ; small and pale , 15@20c. Rac-
COc. Deer and antelope , winter , potinu
15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20c.
Drv tJuiofijar.
iti a
17.0U Iti.OO , i'J.OO 22.-J5i2.25
17.00 ' KOU I'J.OJ i2.50
17X'l8 ( ) ' UU Ill.UO.'l.fiU . 2I
10.0. )
16 OU
No. 1 Com. s 1 s . .f. ° .t..S. ' ! ? . S18.00
N'o.U " . 15.M
No.3 ' . . 15.00
No. 4 " " . , . , . 10.00
No. 1 , 4 A flinch , 12 nnd H" ' rough. . . 51.f-0
No. 2 , 4 Je Clncli , 12 nnd U it. , routli. . . 1 * > ,00
' '
A , 12 , 14 anil 10 ft . . . . . , . . . . / . 21.50
H t " " . . ; . . . . . . . - . . -Jaoo
0 , ' " ' " . ! . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . 15.00
. .
1st com. , i In . Sr4oo
il " .
2d coin. , V In Norway 1'lno Celllne. . 14.00
Ft.ooni.vr * .
A 6lnch , white pine , : . . ' * C . $ . : *
K Oluch. " ( Scl Fi-n'c ) . 10.00
STOCK IIOAltl ) " .
A IS Inch s. 1 s. 4S..0 0 . S : .fi0
No. l , coin. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. \ 14 S'-X ) : ir , tt.iii.oo
No. ' . ' , . ' " 1T.M ; " 10.50
lst n < 12d. dear , l'incb , s. 3s . S5f > . ; , o
3d , clcur , l Inch. s. a BMil l 4. l } , ' . a In 4'a
U ck'.tr , 1 inch , P. S ' . " .i.fjO ; l } ( , l > a,2 In ! )7.00 )
snti * i , AT.
No. 1 , plain , 8 nntl 10 in . S1P.X )
Com. 4 anil 0 In. tlnotlne . SIT..W
Cli-ar. llnlsh , 1 nnd 1' ' * in. . 2s . 2H.OO
" coiriiL-iitcil collini ; , 4 In . 24.0
" Yellow pine casinc nnd ba e . 27.00
Pickets , I ) and 11 Hat VJ0.60 ; 1) & 11 s < \ . 20.50
XX clear . SH 00
TA * standard . 2.75
* AM1. U. niul 15 . 2.50
resT < .
Wlilto Cedar. f > In. , & , 12i , c ; 0 In.
" 5 < jln. jjs , ; ! ! . . .
I.IMI : , inc.
Qnlncy white Unitbi'St ( ' )
AUron cuiia'iil , 2.75 ; hair
Tlic Ncviidu C'ity Trnns-cript of'l'olT-
rnary 15 has thuso items conocrniiiK the
wt'atliur ' in Nuvailu county , California :
"More or k" snow hits fallun every
twenty-four hours since a week ago lis : > t
Thursday. At 10 o'clock ycstonlav morn-
nit ; tlie MIOVV was ton foot deep at Fore > t
City and the Mountain llone , nnd four
feet deep at Downieville. It is twelve
days since stajro roininnnication with the
town of Washington was cut olV. The
mail is carried throutrli by men on .snow-
shoes. Up to last Kriilay evening no
snow had fallen at I'ronch Corral ( the
oranjre belt ) in this county , ( ircon peas
are up in some of the French Corral Gar
den" . "
At tlioltlKlirst mnrkot pi loo. Pom ! for jirloo
ctirront to the Did HolliiLilu ruitlcia and I'nr
Mctuliants I'.ttalillstitMl IhMI.
A i : . HfHKIIAUDT i CO. ,
IKVcst ) Foil i tli niul 1111 anil lit HiiKi r Plti'Ct ,
It IIIIH Kroivn frnin 4IX ) to 40IKU | iopu atlon 111 19
outs tun ! IH linn iirunliiK fn lor th in evnr.
Invtuliiieiil" In brick bltiikn nny II to ! SI | wr cent.
Lntnli.ivo iiM'riiKUil nvor HO per lent per u nil.nil
IIIM- fur mle bikU block , liirliii" ! i Into , nil kinds pf
ion ! r-liiti' . 1 , ,5,10 unit 'I nvio trims , fiums nnd
dicnp | iiiiil ,
ltKFiUi.V'HH.-'llic : : 1'rst mid l.lnrnln Niitlnntl
link" , dciv Tim ) or , Juiluifiibli , s.M , . . M.Culloin ,
llnm' ' * , unit ( jcn Harrison , Indian i.
Red Star Line
'nrrylmrtlio Hrljrliiin Hoyal nnd Tultoil States
Mull , Milling c\ery Siitiuilrty
Between Antwerp & New York
To the Rhine , Gci'innniItaly , Hol
land and France ,
Silon liom JtiJ to ? 75. Inclusion trip fioin
'llllto ' flti" > . Second Ciihiii.oiitu aril botiiul. f41j
iri'piilil , $ l"i ; ovcurslon. f'.K ' ) . SUonuro pits-uiro
it low titles. 1't-tcr WilKht , V Sons , Gcncial
\fent-f { > "i Uioailwity , Now Vork.
lloiii.v I'unilt , 1218 Ininiiin 8t.I'nuNon ; & Co. ,
Kd Fiirnnm t-t. ; I ) . O. 1'ri'enmn. 1J.4 ratnam.
. s ?
tlCNONLV _ - , ! , , , , . ( , ( , | , , , > 0IiCR11)F. , )
1 KAflVKVl.AKNEShU ; -
tlnutiiir.inllil , foothlnpcurrent ! of
„ Ity diri-i tly llin > ii-h | oil rpk riltr.rtltor-
. „ . , j ? -luliialtlii > iiilVlRoroiinSlrfrFili. Elrclnc
: urrcnt OW Irltlnftcnlly nrwofnir ltMW ( ) liiculi.
.irtulrit lnirr ° > rnonlio\ir , nil ollirr belli. We trnii > | > ir-
ttmifiitlyniHillntlm nnionttir. Scalcit patnpliht c tun p
The Sindcn Electric Co. 169 LcSallo et. , Cliicaga
Cor. f3iliun < l u , N 'l > .
A HcKtilarUrmliiHtoln Jlcdlchio Over 13
yr pracilco * 10 In KunffthCllj , Mo. Au-
tliorhcaintriMtitll Ctirotilc Sirtnim and
' "MiecUl IMnoasi v " umltint Mcitknmi
'Nf l.tLoiiea ) , hexuhl DtbliltT Uo of
exuai power ) * Ner\ou Ucblllif Ac.
tiroH gu irKiitPfi ) nr mercy rvfiinilud.
Ihoumnili it rni > 'iireO.
riiHnm < l < > w ei <
vrtrtfntc lRlmirriitnt Alt meOtclnM
ridT * lor me No m miry or Injiirinu * tncIlclnc u vd.
Nutfme lust frotn builnenN. 1'Atlentt HI ftdltanr treated
by letter uni ) eipre s Mc01flnes ont e\crywhnie ftrernim
KHie nr trett'xnsa. Htnto vur rate And rend fnrtcrmt.
lutiiultntioti free nnd ronfldentlnl , pfcrnnmllj nr by loiter.
ran rni THEATMI : > .T or AI.T.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases ,
PR. McfflENAMY , Prop'otoi ! ; .
fiisteeu ) vur > ' Hospital nnu 1'rlvato I'riicucc
Wuha > u the fftdlltlci , Kimratn ) | * anil rimedlci
for the pnccetsfill treatment of c\cry form of ill *
i ate rcfiiilrinK cither medical or fciirnlcnl trr.itme-.l ,
till Inutunll tacoinoandliivcftlRHtufiirthimailvct
u corriipuml ltli 1-onk' cipvrkuee In trtaU
InL-ciiK tir letter ctwolcu in to treat many caaet
iti < ! ntiflc\lfy without teclnc them
WIUTK J-'OH CIKCUI.AU on Dcforrnltlct anil
Hrnce * , Club Kelt , Curvatures of the Biilnc
U : EAiEa op WnMHH , I'IU , Tittnori , Cancers ,
Catarrh , Uronchltlf. Inbilntlon , Electrltlty , I'nrAl-
) 'l , Kpllejisy , Kldnej , Kc , Kar , Skin , Ulood ouj
ull nri'lcal operation * .
laUcrlo ! , liiiinlcm. Itracri , Triimci , nr.I
nil kinds nf Mtdlcnl and Surjkal Ani'laucii , Biitn-
.ifuctured ami for eilc.
Tin only reliable nlrdlcal Intt lute making
Private 1 Special $ Nervous Diseases
rA M'griAl.TY.
inira ivhat vcrcaiii3tirodiici.dfueci.t fullytri'nlt-.l
\Vc cm remote 8jri.Lllltlc jiolfo-i from the ejttrm
without invrcury ,
Ne\v \ rettnratUetrcatnifnt for ln oflt l pnvi tr
Pull anil ennsult ui or rend tame nnil jioft-nntr *
h.'drcsi plainly nrlttcn cnclotu ttuiup , auJ wa
nlllfenA ron. In plnlii nrapuer , our
urot pBtviTB , EricuL i > , u hxKruiit IUAA E ,
( txtNil. WrAKNiK , HriiKyATOHiimii , lm-inE .
UKINAKT OUOAKI , or teed li'.ttorj of your cuio fur
an opinion ,
1'crioni tinaMo to vllt nsmay be treated atlhelr
homti , by correspondence. Medicine * and Initrii-
mcnti icut b ; mill or ezpreic UKCUltCI.Y 1'ACK
RD FltOll onsEUVATlO.V. no marki tolndlcatf
contcnti or enJer , Ono ptrional Intcrtlcvr pra
ft-rreil If convenlunt. fifty room * for the accom
modation of jiatlent * Hoard and attendance at
reaionable prlcei. Addrex ill l ttera to
Omaba Medical and Surgical institute
Cr. IStbSl
Omalia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
" ' '
VfholeiaU Dealer In
AffrlcitUutal Implement ! * , Wagons ,
Curlaiiei ncul nuiglm. Jonri Hret. tulwren Vtb
ml luth , Omaha , tt b ,
Agricultural Implements ,
Wngorn.'nrrlmc > , niurlon. Bio. . Wholnali * , Oin h .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nulls ,
Tlnwnrf , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agent ! for llow Haiti ,
nil Miami I'oirden'o.Omnh.i.Nt > .
V ° liol al r > ci lf r § In
Agrlculini'nl Implements ,
( Vagnni anil Bupglei. P01.W3 , ! Oi nnd 907 , Jonm ti
Artists' MatcriaT.
Artists' Mttterlals , Pianos nntl Organs
1M.1 Iloiinliiii Ftrrct.Oranlin.
Builders' Hardware anil Scales.
Huildnrs'HarilwnreiY Scale Kepair Shop
Ucelianlea' Tool * and IlulTnlo Hraluc. 1106 lloinluf n. ,
> Omaha , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturer ! ami Wholesale Dealers In
] ! oos and Shoes ,
Complete MoeX of llubrmr Gnoils always en hand
Hi9 H. latlin. , omaiiii , Ni'b. A T. Aiuiln , AKCIII.
w. r. MOUSE c"co.
Jobbers of Hoots nml Sliocs.
1411 Farnam it , Otunhn , Xr-u. Mniiufnctoiy , Summer
flrcol , lloMnn.
Wholcsitlo Knbbar Ho > t < an I Slutci
Hulilior nntl ( Piled Clothing niul Toll Hoots
nnd Shoe * , houtlien Tomer 14th nnil
Agt. for Anlicnscr-Hnsh Hrcwlnff Ass'n
Bpcclal llrnnilii. Fniut.lluilnclscr nnil Krlanccr.
Lajjer 15cur Growers ,
1M1 NorthJ tfc "trcot , ) ra hi , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Bntclirrs' TeeN and Supplies ,
! auinge Cnilnm of nil kinds nlirayaln atock. 1215
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
Omalia Coirve and Spice Mills.
Teas.Coffee * . Splco , nuking 1'ondcr. FliTorlni ; Ex
tract ! , UundiT IHue. Ink.Ktr. KI4 Irtllnrrej
StreetUmaba. Neb.
Homo Coffco and Spice Mills M'f'sr Co.
Oi > ! rcoRoitcrinm1 Ppli-o Hrlndi'ra , > I nnfaiturer
of Unking I'owdcr , 1 li\nrli : Kxlrnrt * . Illnlng. Ktr.
IrvonccuM'Of unrl C pRi'kiigc ItoineUlend Hoirtcd
Onffon , lirt/ Howard ft .omnbn. Not.
EAGLE wlfflCE If'OltKS ,
John Eponctcr , Prop.
Marufncturer or Oalvanltod Iron nnJ Cornice. 038
Dodge and 101 and lOi N , 10 III ft. . Om.ihaIteb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowa , Klnald.MelallcfcKjllf.litetc. 3108.
l.'il it , Oninlin.
C. Sppcht , Prop.
Gnlvanlied Iron Cornlcon , etc. Bnrtt'K Improved Pat
ent Mi tHllo Skjilghl. MW and 610 S I Jill M..ilninri .
CO. ,
Jobber" of
larpets , CnrtniiiH , Oil Cloths ,
I.lnoloumi , Miming ! , Ktc. 1511 Douij'ai lln-ct.
S. A. OltCHAJtlT
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matting , Curulu Coodi , Eta 1(23 Kuiunni btreet ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tbo Manufacturers nntl Importer * of
t'roekery , u'lassware ,
Lnmpi , Oblmnvyi , etc. Office , 31. Buuth ISth it
Omaha , Null.
Commission and Storage.
and Jobbing.
Hntlcr. KgKBMiil I'rodncc. Conilsr.monts solicited
i'ra for btonuiraro. Jlerry Uoxt s and
Jnskeli. 1411 Dodge street , Omalia.
Coininission Me.rcbant.s.
Frultf , I'roduco nnd rrorliltir.f. Om ti , Neb.
Slorapo and Commission Merchant.
SpccliiltlPJ llulter. Egax , ( 'hcoso. Poultry , ( iama ,
Clynten , Ktc. , Ktc. H2Souili lull mreet.
Product ) Commission HcrcbantB ,
Poultry , lluttrr , Giime , Kiulti , etc. IM a lull it
Oninlia. Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime.
u.t > HIIACIII. I'rcK. C. F. nooiiMAN , V. I'lCi.
J A huviicur.ANT ) , Sue. nml Trean.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
9W South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
j. , r. JOHXSOX < ; co.t
MannfacturorH of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal nnd Cokp. Cement , Planter ,
IJuie , Hair. Uro llrlclc , Driiln. Tile nnd bewer Pipe ,
oniio. I'jxton Ilotjl. rxruura n. , Omtlia , .Si-b ,
Telcpnono bll.
JV P. FAY cC'coT ,
If anufautnrin ? Confectioners ,
Jobber * of Fiulti.Nutt nnd Cl.-oit. 1211 Ktrnam St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quni nnd Ammunition , 21S to2T ) b llluit. , 1030 to
1O ! < Farnuru > t , Ornnli , .Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cipara ,
And Wbolcialo Dt-nleri In Leaf Tnbaccoi , No . 109
nudllON. Mlh ftrBftOiiulin.
Dry Goods.
' '
M. E.'SM1TH < D CO , ,
Dry Goods , FiiruiBliiiiff Goods &Notona !
1102 and 1104 Duuk'las , cor. llth flt. , Orauha , Neb.
DIMIlleri of Liquors , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importer *
and Jobber of Wloeaaml l.lquori.
CO. and ILER < K CO. ,
Impnrtern and Jobbereof Flue Wlnei and I.lquon.
bolomnnufdCiurcrinf Kennudy'n Kail Indtn Ult-
U-r < unit Diiuiri-lr I Iquom. Ill ) llarne ; bl.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. Ii.BAfiK 1'trt. .I.W.IIrnronn.Pec.iTrcni
II. J. CAHSOM , V.Prui. Hiul f upt.
Office 213 Sllth it. Omaha , Neb. Machinery and
puppllea roriUnuraeturln * t.'cmeui Drain Tile.
H. W Itoonti" , D. S DMiiiirEit
I'od.firAm.inuiU71 Vlno-Trn.
Jobbers and Slorers ol Grain.
of iluulciteollcllo nail entlifitctloti
il , Umhan , Nob.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
r < roamit.i Omaha. Neb.
Omalia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No : . TU5.707. TTOandniS. 10th St. Omaha. N > .
Wholesale Grocers ,
l.'lh and IfaT nworlu H > . , Omnh .
W. if BROATC1T ,
Henvy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, Wagon Htnrk , llarditare Lumber , lc. 1201
and im llarnry at. , umaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waion and Carriage Wood Ptoci , Hfary lUrtwar *
Ktc. I.'IT anil m l.taTf nwurlh it. , Omaha , Neb.
Stovns , HHnpos , Knrnaces , Tilcg ,
Mintlti , Rratei , Ura oed > . 1311 and 1331 KanaM ( '
ytrfut. _ \
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Ilulldlng Work , Iron Flair *
ItalluiK , Drama andOlrdcri , Btrnm Kngltirn , Itrasi
M'ork , ( Jt-noral ffoinulrr , Machlnu and lUackinilth
Work. OlBcoanlWurks , U. 1' . lly.Hiicl Kill Micet.
MHiiufucturorK of
Wire nnd Iron Kailinps Desk Halls ,
Wlndo ( limtds. Flonor Stnnit , Wire "Uni , Klo
. Kill. Ordcrii by liinll promptl j uttondcd to.
Dcnlc' . All Kin.In . of
Buildlnp ; Material at Wholesale.
18th Street nnd Union I'aclflc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Saab ,
DoorsKtc. Yardn-Corncr'tli and Douglas ; Cornel
lilhand Doujlar.
Wliolcsalo Lumber ,
II S.Hlhutrcet.Omaha.N'cb. f.Colpetffr , Manager )
13th and California f < lrer Is , Cm a 1m , Npb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.Mb nnd Douglai ttl. . Orasha. N > .
To Dealers Only.
Offlc * , lira Farnam streetOmaha.
JInrdwood Lumber ,
Wood Cxrpcti and I'nrqurt Floorlnc. 9th nnd Dougliil
Wliolcsalo Lumber , Etc.
Imported nnrt American I'ortlmirt Cpmcnt. Rtnti
AgeutforMllnaiikuH IlTdrnullc Ouit'lit and licit
Live Stock.
Of Omnba.
Limited. John V. Do yd , S'ipcrlnto rxlant.
Lira Stock Commission.
M. I1UKKE , ' SOXS ,
Live Stock Coniniisston.
Oo. Huilio , ManHRff
Union Ftook TntdB , 8. OuiHlia. 'J'elepliono 587.
Live Stock Commission Merchants , J
Shipment ! of anr ami all klmU of Stork ollclted. '
Union Htocfc VniitiOiuaba , .Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importer ! und Jobhcn of
Hilllnnry anil Notions ,
1113and 121.1 llnrnoy St.ect , Oninha , Neb.
VTliolCFalo Denlern In
Notion ? nnil Furnishing1 Goods ,
4rtlnnrt ( ( U 8. Tenth fit. , Omalm.
Jfannfactnrers of Ovcrallg ,
Jcani I'antv , Shlrti , Ktc. 1103 nnd 1104 Dou lat Street.
Omahn , Ni'b.
Paper Boxes
, J. L. WILKtE ,
Mnnnrnctnrcr of 1'apfir
P.llth St. , ( Jm.ilni , Nabriitku. Ordon by m
llclted And will rec lv nrornpt uttontlon.
Job Printers , Blank Book Milkers.
And 13ook Hinders. 101 nnd 1IH PoutU Kouitt-entb
trect. Omulit , Neb.
Auxiliary PubllHlicrs.
Dealers In Tjpc. I'rouci and I'rtnters' buppllei. 509
tiuuth Twelfth btroct.
Putins ,
Mnmifiiftiircri' Dialiri ) In
Hoilors & ( icneral Mitcliinory
Iron work. Steam Kiiinp'-Suw IllH , Acnio
( linfllnir. Dore \ NVtmil | illl rnllca , Ili'ltlnc. olc ,
.Al o waKOiiB , i-crai > i'rBiiii < l ImlutlCB. l.'l.l-UUl.ev
Tcnwortli m. . Omnhn. _ _ _ _
Wholesale Hardware.
\Vcntcm iieenti fur JcfTnion Heel Kulli. Auftlrl
I'owcltrfo , F lrbaniii Ctmidnrd hcnlci. Corner
ICtli and 1 turner , Omnhu.
" \Vholosalo PuniiiH , Pipe , I'MtthiRS ,
Btoomnnd Water Ruppllcs. Heailnu.irterx fir Mai |
KoD"tCo'B ( ii.'l . Hill urnnni ( t. , lin ) hn. Neb ,
A. L. STRAXG CO. , ,
I'niuiis , Pipes Hiul Engines ,
Btfem. Water , Itnllwnr and MIIHiiK t-upplln. KtO ,
MO , Si nd K24 l-aranm tt. , Uumha , Neb.
nalli > d T Wind Mllni pte m nd Wht r Pupnllcf.
i'lumblnKdnmlii. Ileltlnc. Ilnio. CIS unit VX ) t'ttc-
iioiu itUninhn. H. K. hcllon , Muiiaftr.
'J ulcphnno No. ' . ' 10.
Safes , Etc.
P JtOYEir& c6. , ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' i
Fire and llniK'ar Proof Bafai , Tims I-nckn , VaulU
nd Jail Work. IMI trnnra itrnH Omaha , Neb.
Onifilm Safe Works.
Unnufiictureriof Klroand nan.-lnrl'roofSiifp , Vnul |
Duurf , Jull Work.Hhnticra Hurt Wlru WorL. Cor.
Illli nnil Jni Imin Hl , Onulm.Njb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholcfolo .Mmnir.icturcrtof
Sash , Doora , Hliuils anil Moultllnp-jr ,
llrnocli o.tiee.ntli ami U-tM l5.Oi : . = i3.v1' .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blind * ,
Mould'nu.Halr ' Work and Interior lUril Woo.l rinlili
Juit 'jicniO. | N. E. uir. tllinnil I.cuvunwortliFtB.
Omiiha , .S'eU. ,
'Wagons and Carriages.
Factor ) * ,
ilW nod KM HoJsn tr ot. Otnada. '