Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1887, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 8. 1SS7. NUMBER 202 TIir > OI XT I TP "CMIAHT [ MPPIA\T THE SENATE SHORT SESSION , What the Upper Branch of the Legislature Accomplished Yesterday. ONLY A FEW BILLS CONSIDERED , The Mcnsnre to Abolish tlio Third 1'arty In Mnklnj : Transfers of Prop erty From lltiHUiind to Wife CIIUHCS Discussion. SPIIIUO Proceedings. i.N , Xob. , March 7. [ Special Tclo tram to this Uii.l : : The senate convenei this afternoon at 4:20 : , all save throe of tin members being present. House Chaplalt Van Fleet oirured prayer. Tiu ! reslgnatloi of I ) . C. ShlcKley of Geneva , lirsl assist-in Fccretarv. was offered by Mr. Snell of JelTer Kin and accepted , and Frank llolllngawortl was elected In his stead. The committee on enrolled and engrosBCt bills reported favorably sennit ) bill 120 , tin consideration of which , owing to the absent ot Mr. Hcartvvcll , was afterwards postponed Mr- Colby , from thn committee on labor reported house roll 1st legartllng thu me chariics' lien law requiting a notice of twent : days , with the recommendation that it be In definitely postponed. Mr. Moore wanted to place It on the gen era ! file. Half a do/.en labor bills had beci otherwise disposed of and It looked as 1 there was a de.sire to g t this bill also out o the way. Mr. Drown of Clay said that the bill ha < been passect by tlio house , and for that reasoi he tfiought It ought to be tu-ated In a tal manner. Mr. Hobblns said the people were satlsfiei with the present mechanics' Hen law an there was no use ot carr > Ing upon the gei t-ral lile bills which could not be reached. Mr , Drown said that If there was a senate on thu floor who had read the bill ho had no It had simply been considered In the con mltteo as It had passed the house. It ougl to bo considered In the senate. Ho thougl : that It had features which ought to can so to pass. Mr. Schmlnko hoped that it would be con In committee ot tlm whole. Itvi ; placed on the general tile. Mr. Colby , from the same committee , rc < oinmended that senate tile 10. ) do not pass. Mr. Fuller noted tlicsingularfatallly whlc gcnerallv struck all bills like these of the gei tleman from dago , or which had the mist'oi tune to be referiea to his committee. 'I'll last two bills were like Mr. Colby's , and th attempt to dispose of thorn justified tli speaker's reference. The will was placed on the general tilo. The senate went into committee of tli whole , Mr. Snell in the chair , Senate tile I was considered. This makes It a misd meaner , punishable by a line not exceedln 810 , or Imprisonment not exceeding ton day for any one Intentionally to provoke or a' ' tempt to provoke an assault upon himself c others by the use of gross , vile or abusl\ \ language. Mr. Wright of Seward thought provontlc bellw than cure , and on motion the bill wi recommended to pass. Mr. Wright's ' senate lile HI was read. : compels land owners to mow weeds on hlgl ways adjoining limit1 property between tli 1st and -Otli of August , and failing so to d to have the cutting done by the road eve seer and the cost of the same collected by tl oounty tieasurer. A long debate ensued , ! the course of which several aniendmen were olTered and Messrs. Fuller. Duras , Lin say and Hobblns spoke. The bill was finall recommended to pass wltti the nndortandin . , that the cost of the work was to bo against the realty of the contiguous properl owner and not the personally , and that tl name wits to be listed by the county cletk au collected by the county treasurer. Senate uio 20 , amendinz section 1 , chapti Ki , was read. It provides that the proper ! owned by any woman at the time of hernia rlage , and any rents , Issues , profits or pr cceds she may derive from either real , pe 8onal or mixed property which shall come I tier by descent or devise , shall remain hi sole and separate property and bo not su Ject for disposal by her husband nor llab for his debts ; provided , that all nroperty i married women bo not exempt from all a tachmcnts or executions for debt Incurred 1 the maintenance of their families. Mr. Moore amended by adding to the la act a clause requiring first the return of r execution against the husband as unsatlstit because of want of lands or other propel ty. The bill was reported to pass. The next was senate lilu 3.1 , which pt vldes that a transfer or lien by deed or moi ( ago by either husband and wife shall : valid to the same extent as between oth persons. Mr. Llnnsay said this bill aimed to i away with the third person now necessa to legalize the tiansfcr of property betwet man and wife. Mr. Hnbblns of Valley said that the doll away with that third person tended to 1 crease the number of fraudulent transff which now take place between husband at wife. It simply said to both wife and hi band , "You may go Into debt and defrai your creditors bv transferring your proper to one another , " Mr. Schmlnko held the same view. Wh n third party was resulted for the transl fraud could not be practiced so well , lie I stanct'd a case where a bondsman , to ave responsibility , transferred his property to third party who , when the danger h passed , refused to re-transfer to the origin owner , whereupon the latter committed si cldo. cldo.Mr. . Lindsay said that If the transfer to wife , or vlco versa , was fraudulent , the sat could be set aside as at present A thl partv rarely know when a traud was i tended. Mr. Hnbblns said with the proposed In theto could be no fraudulent transfer bccan ft wife could not be uiadu to testify again her husband. Mr. Drown of Clay said that It was a she but dangerous bill. Tim senate had a da gorous practice of passing almost every bl which came before It , so much so that It h been said that the state would derive ! calculable advantage if thu body should a journ without passing another law. Tl 111 ! ought not to Do made a law. If It shoi pass millions of property would be fraud lenijy transferred in tills state to avoid deb Husnamls would contract debts and wlv would bo found to own the property. T present law was a safe one. requiring a thl party to the transfer , who had to be In c luslon with the other two before a transfer fraud could be effected. Mr. Colby said that ho believed even nov husband could transfer to his wife withi the Intervention of a third party , althou other lawyers held differently. This li Mould settle the business. A third party w BO protection against fraud , because ho h acted In tuat capacity and did not know w the transfer was made. He declared woman would K a witness against her hi band In a case for fraudulent transfer. Mr. Hobblns quoted f rum thu btatutes show that she could not. Mr. Moore of Lancaster said the bill wet remove the bunion of proof of fraud to t Honest debtor Instead of the third party , ai this In the face of the fact that the supiei court had held that transfers ou Ut to be gardod with suspicion. Mr. Schmlnko amended that the commit report that the bill do not pass. Mr. Lindsay said the bill did nway w three dtods as now necessary , and their s sequent cost , to but two. Mr. Hobblns moved to out thu Acting clause. The motion was Mr. T/Kliuck moved to amend the Mil bill to enable husband and wife to swln creditors and do away vs Uh unpleasant v nesses. " [ Laughter ! . Mr. Hchmlnko's amendment was lost b vote ot 0 to 11. Mr. Drown mOT i ! this amendnidnV to last clause , "providing the husband and \ > Imvo no debts and liabilities outstand ftzalnst tiicm. " " .Mr. Mclklrjohn hoped tlu- bill wor.lU ccl defeated. It would DPI doubts attest c centime the present Uw , and under II fraud wore practiced. tiu wirtle 3 cculd Into court And tmowlt. Air. Mooie's amendment was 'lost. Another Ucur > & debute euauvd Tz chuck moved the committee rise and this prevailed. The conimltleo reported progress and the senate adjourned. A 1.1TTI.K rollEPAST. In the house to-morrow the Lincoln chatter will be called as the special order. This will not rcqu're ' much time to dispose of , because the dltfcr- enco which existed between the county mm city members In the Lancaster delega tion has been adjusted. A unanimous re coil will consequently he inadeandthc house will pass the charter" reported. In the afternoon an attempt \\ill be made to run throu.'h the bill to sell the packers about three sections of Saline lands outlying their hotiics In West Lincoln. Several days ago the Idea of nn adjourn ment of trom one week to ten days to enable every member , tneichant and professional man and farmer to return homo and map out his spring business , was suggested anil sup ported. The adjournment of Saturday , how ever , has killed thu project and It is now ex pected that with the exception ot a few short adjournments thn session will ho brought tea a sueedy termination. The Omaha chattel cannot he reached hefoio Wednesday , and perhaps not even then. Rnllrnatl Hoiuls Cnrrloil. YOHK , Neb. , March 7. jSpeclal Telegram to the DEI.J The returns are all In and the bonds In aid of the construction of the Fre mont , Elk-horn & Missouri Valley lallw.iy have carried In every township. This is the air line ftom Fremont to Denver. The boomlngof cannon and displays of llrewotks and bonfires attested Ihi ! feeling of our pee ple. Securing this road gives York a direcl competing line with Chicago and the markets of the east. York Is on the esc of an ex tensive boom. Three lines of railroad con tribute to the boom and other interests an being looked after. estate Is doublln i rapidly In value and new additions are dailj being platted. The present rate of Increas i In property values will place desirable lots ai enormous fizures before the close of tlu building season. Kearney's Move For Grorttnesa. KEAKNKY. Xeb. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Hit : : . | At a large and cnthusl astic meeting of citizens of Kearney to-nigh It was unanimously ajreed to oiganfro r bo.ird of trade that will make Grand Islam ! and Hastings green with envy. Sexcra leading roads buMdes the Union Pacific am D. AM. are ccntcilng here and will have their trains running In the city before sno\\ lllfc-j , and to keep thluss moving our cltl/en1 want to encourage nianufactuiing will water power unparalleled in the state Kearney's etllzens have determined to become como the third city in Nebraska. All ai rangements were made and Monday nigh next the organization will bo completed. A Younc Glrl'rt Depravity. COI.U.MIIUXeb. . , March 7. [ Special Tel ecram to the DKI : ] Mary Fita , a girl undo : fourteen years of aie , was sent to-day to the re-form school at Kearney , by Judge Speice , It is hard to concelvo thai one so youni could be so shameless and wilful. She wa arrested for prostitution and vagrancy. He parents are Industrious people ami cannc tutu her from the wajs ot .sin , having takei her home on several occasions , but she run away to the haunts of vice and eludes the ! vigilance. Dynamite WorkH Hlown Up. NEW Yonic , March" . The dynamite work of Mrs. Mary A. Ditmar , at Uay Chester , o Long Island sound , blow up for the flft time at 1 o'clock to-day , killing one man an leveling the buildings to the ground. Th explosion was In the mixing house. Th only person in the building at the time wa Henry Allison , a German laborer , age twenty-three. He was adding ttio chcmic ; to a vat of the explosive. The vest was open at the top and was line with lead. In thu manufacture of tills nib lure It Is necessary to keep the temperatur down to a certain point. The operator ev dently allowed the temperature to rise to high and the explosion followed. There wa about COO pounds of glycerine In the vessel- enough to blow the house and everything I contained to atoms. The bulk Ing was about 19x24 feet In dimet slons and two stories high , built o rough boards. There Is not a vestige of 1 left except small black splinters about thre or four Inches long. The site of the built Ing Is marked by a hole about ten feet dee and twenty feet In diameter. The detonallo was heard twenty-tivo miles. The shock Wii felt In. all the sutroundtng village and people ran out of the houses I a panic , thinking it an earthquak < Windows were broken nearly a mile awa1 The unfortunate young man's body couli not all be found. Coroner Tlco gathered u some teeth , the skull and a foot , which wei put into a package and cre viewed by tl : jury , which \\as Immediately summoned. Base Ball Business. Nnw Yor.K , March 7. The annual mec Ing of the National league convened hei to-day. The delegates met in secret sessic at noon and took up the question of tl eighth club. The matter , after dlscussloi was referred backto the committee whlc had the matter In charge with Instructions ! : listen to the various propositions and repo Its conclusions to the full league at a subs Qiicnt mectlnz. The league then adjournc and a conimltteo of , three Uav , Young an Spaldlng began their work. The commlttt were in session until 7 o'clock and adjourm without reaching a conclusion. Tl Indianapolis delegates offered 812,000 for tl franchise of the St. Loulsclub. Theftt Lou delegate thought the amount too small , bi said he would consider It and give an ai swer to-morrow at the 10 o'clock sessloi The schedule was not taken up nor the di : posal of Denny and Glasscock. The Kans ; City club has withdrawn Its offer of SUO.CK for the St. Louis franchise , which improvt tha chances of Indianapolis. Six of tl seven league members are understood i favor the "Hooslnrs , " and Spaldlng , tl only supporter of Kansas City , said that I was reasonably sure that Indianapolis woul bo the eighth club. Ueacli , iay ) , How Soden , Hewitt , Shears and Conant were coi hdcut that Indianapolis would be the wti ulug card. British Grain Trade Review. LONDON , March 7 , The Mark Lane E press in Us weekly review of the Drill' grain trade says : English wheat was rath firmer. The condition of samples Is It prosing. Sales of English wheat during tl week wore 4aSGO quarters at 32s 9d , again 71,105 quarters at tit's ' for the cotrespondli period of last year. Thu spring growth wheat Is reported healthy. Trade in foreit wheat Is slow with a steadier market , fr from the recent pressure to sell. Flour ws sllghtlv stronger. Linseed declined ( id. t to-day's market wheat was firmer with a tei dency against buyeis. American reds we Cd deater. Them was an increased demat for Hour. American brands wore Cd dear * ' corn 3d dearer. Uarloy , oats and beans we quiet. Sail Drownlnc Accident. CINCINNATI , March 7. Yesterday mornli near Sciplo , Ind. , Robert Ulacker , a wealtl farmer , and his child , two years old , we drowned , and Mrs. Ulacker had a narrow c cape from drowning. They were crossing swollen stream In a light wagon when tl wagon was overturned and all were throv inlothe swift current. Mrs. Ulacker cans the wagon VTitli one hand and held her 1 fant In the other until nearly exhaust * when the child slipped from her era ; Ulacker tried In vain to save tlio child a was drowned , Mrs. Ularker was rescued the driver ana witnessed tlio drowning her husb.uid and child. It is feared sliu vy lose her mind from the shock. Chicago Crook * . CHICAGO , Maich 7. The order for a spec grand jury was entered In the criminal coi by JntlKO Anthony to-day , on motion State's Attorney Grlnuell. The special pat is expected to consider the charges of c ruptinn against certain members ot the Co couuty board and county contractors. Warfare in Africa , HOMK. March 7. The Ttlbtma prints a d patch tram Mustowah sa > lng that the king Abyssinia Is marching 1o tioggiam and su { mooed a portion of lta.3 HlouaU's troops 1 Join fjitu. . STILL CLINGING TO LIFE , kecber's Struggle With tbo Fell Destroj-e : Almost at an End , GRADUALLY GROWING WEAKER lo Kcmnlns Untlrcly Unconselott IJurlni : the lp.y Without Any l'cr > ccptllilc Clinncc Relatives Hurry to Ilia Ucilslito. Beeclior's Condition. Nr.w VOIIK , March 7. It was a very wear ; light thai the members of the Heccher house lold pa scd last night. One by one the would silently move In and out of the deal chamber , taitlng Ihclr turns at the drear vigil. Dr. Searles was at his post of dut without Intermission unlll nearly 0 o'clock when he relumed lo his home. Mrs. Ucechc liad kepi watch over the sick man most c the night , fearing that he might pass aw a In her absence. She did , however , take few hours' rest In the room adjoining wher Ihe suITerer lay. AlOo'clock when Ur. Searlc went home this bulletin was Issued : Mr. lieecher lias been gradually faliin during the night. Ills death Is not , howeve : anticipated at present. " ( Signed. ) W. S. SK.UI.K : . All day Sunday and until midnight th oflicer on duty at the door of the house wn kepi busy answering queries of friends an strangers. Yor hours people stood in th cold , damp weatherlooking at the house an It was not until the lights In tlio window were lowered that the crowd was cnlirel dispersed. Even as lite as 1 o'clock person climbed up the steps and tried to read tti lasl lmlletlus. Mosl of the flowers senl to Ihe house cam from members of the congregation. Mair Pond was In the house most of tlio day. II told the circumstances connected wit Heecher's daily occupations insl previous I Iho attack with considerable feeling. Jl said thai Ucccher only Tuesday last told hli how blrong ho fell and how clad he fe that he .vould bo able to comnlc ! hiswoik. In the coming September it'w : Intended to give a crand celebration I honor of his fiftieth year in the ministry an the lirst half century ot his married life , ah thefoitlelli yearot Ills ministry al IJrookly church. This morning fiom just before dayllirh there was collected a crowd of people on "tl sidewalk in front of Heecher's resident eagerly sc inning the latest biilletii A bulletin Issued at 10 : ! * o clock says thei Is no change in Heecher's condition. Ho Dr. Henry Jacobs ot the Jewish Minister association , called and was allowed to i into Heechoi's loom. Colonel Ueecher sal Mr * . Ueecher was mnre composed now tli : she realised Mr. lieocher must die. Shu in the room constantly. Mr. Ueecher lies I n state of coma and does not move. He unconscious , although Mrs. Ueecher thougl this morning he recognized her when M spoke to him. The Plymouth church coi niitlee will hold a meeting to-nkht to mal such arrangements ns may ho necessary. 2 p. m. Heeeher's pulse Is a little moi rapid. There is nn perceptible change. A tnle.'rani was received trom Mis. Ha rlett Ueecher Stone , who is in Florida , sta ing that hho was ill and was not able I come. Telegrams have been received fro Thomas K. Picccher , who Is on his way fro Elmira , and from Charles lieecher in Florid They will bo with the family as soon i possible. At 0 o'clock this evening Dr. Searle le the house to go home lo his supper. I said : "Ueecher s pulse has Increased const erably and he is gradually growing weake I tnlnk that ho Is entirely unconscious , a though some of the members of the fa ml seem to think that he recognizes them win they press his hand. Ho may live throuj tne night , and then he may die before mor ing. " Many telegrams were received during th day. but none of them have been opened. . / 10 o'clock to-nUht the following was lssuc < "Ueecher Is steadily failing , but wo do 111 think ho will die to-night W. P. SE.UU.K , M. T ) . At 10:00 : the house was closed for tl night. A meeting of iho parishioners of Plymou church was held in the lecture loom cnt mencingatSp.m. The room was crowd * with male and female members of the co grexation and not n few friends from oth churches , and there was scarcely a dry eye be seen from the beginning to tno end ot tl proceedings. Mr. Tilney presided. He Dr. Ualliday opened the meellni ; with moving prayer in which lie desired th their beloved pastor ml ht not even bo i lowed to seem to suffer , but that he mig speedily attain into the rest prepaied f him. After the singing ot a hymn , Jaca son offered a prayer and the chairman road portion of Ecrlplure , commencing : " .finall beloved , be slrong in tlio Loid and In t power ot his might , which is able to kcopy from falling , " etc. It seemed almc as if the words were a messa to him who was leaving them , b cause It seemed as though he we a born warrior. In all the past years ho h had tolicht and struggle. There had alvva been something for him to battle with , ai he had fought the light. There has nov neon any lllncliing , never any turning bac Ho had been equipped of ( Jed to ao real ai noble work , and now the time had coi when he had to lay down t shield and the helm and the swoi and there was to bo no more b ; tie. Ho was just starting on the tide II would bear him to his home. They had no of them any doubt as to where ho was bell borne. It was said that all men were eqi : before God , but he thoughl that for suet royal heart there would surely be a roj welcome. It was all well with him. Th would not call him back , tnr ho was on 1 journey home. Other heartfelt remarks we made , and the following teller Irani Mi Ueecher was read : To the Ueloved Members of Plymou Church I cannot speak mv thanks to ea one ot you tor the sympathy and tovo a ; devotion manifested In these last dark , s days for your pastor. He can no loiu speak to you lor himself. Then permit i to do it for him , for myself , tor my famll Eaeh word of love from the people so dear your pastor's heart has been a comforl a balm lo a heart wrung almost to burstii How ho loved his church you will only lea In Its fulness when yon stand wl him In heaven. To each and every one you my earnest thanks and most earm blessing. Pray for his wife and chlldn soon to lose the truest companion , tenden father ; and If we must relinquish all hope his full recoverv , oh , beloved , pray that 1 departure may bo speedy , that w may i long bo agonized by this slruggle bcuve llto and death , fray , If ho must leave that before another day dawns ho may ceive his crown and be forever with 1 Lord. EU.SICK X. HF.KCiiint , Midnight A message just received fr < Brooklyn says that a very decided elm for the worse has taken place in the cc ( tition ot Ueecher and thai Iho members his family are now gatheied about his b side. 2I0 : ! a. m. No reports of Ueecher's c < dltion have been received slnco tlio stalenu at midnight. Kvetytlilnc seems to be qu at his house. Not Llko lliolr " Master. " CittCAOo , March 7. An extraonlln : scene took place at the weekly meellnp Ihe Congregational ministers this mornli The topic which naturally came up was i from wnlch Henry Ward Ueeche thought to be dying , and the statements home of the pastors present took the sh of resolutions ot condolence , which it v proponed to send to Mrs. Ueecher by ti graph. ThU was bitterly opposed by a nu berof ministers , their opposition being ba on the alleged heternuncy of Ueecher's vie regarding future salvation and punishme An acrimonious debate look place.and tin : a motion lo adopt the resolutions unn mouslya.i lost. The majority vote sleet favor of the resolutions , but as It was unanimous , It was withdrawn. Urer.t citement prevailed and the utmost eiT ( were mudu to keep the affair trom the nu papers. A HufTalo Appointee. WASHINGTON , March 7. The president .appointed John U. Socket postmaster at 1 f ale , X , , Y , THU SUI'TEXNATE PASSES. It Goes TlironslithP Italctistnc With n Knsii. tCorw lulitlfs" 1 > V Jiime.1 011 Ann Bcmicf/.l UKULI.V , .March 7. [ Xow York Herald Cable Special to the UKK. ] History was rapidly made In the squire debate In the chamber of Iho rolchsl.itoday. . In an hour's session ono or more of thu leaders ol each of the great parties spoke and the "sop- tennntu''was passed without a division anil without oven the usual reference to a com mlttee for a second reading. The rumor thai Prince Hismarck would speak filled the cat lerles but the betlcr Informed ministers am deputies wasted no time In atlcndlng th < session , the result of which was known In advance. From the elevated ministerial benches below the speaket's chair , but facim thu hoiic , the uniformed war minister in trod need the "sentennate. " The ap piausu with which hh short sharp speech was received showec the temper of the house. Hen Wlndthorsl showed the effect the election ! had had on him by his modified opposition t < Iho bill , which was merely stilllclent to allow him to cairy on the debate In the sccom leading , llerr Klchter , ot the frelslnnlgi partcl , In n uselessly irritating speech , bit terly opposed the "septcnnato. " During the speech Prlnco Bismarck entore < the rclclistag and gave his usual formal bov and hand shake lo the president , who rose tc receive him , after which the "Iron chancel lor" greeted In the same nnnnertlio ministers tors who c.ime forward , The prince held lit1- bald head as erect as ever. Ills uniform wa worn with the usual jaunty air. The con tents of his dispatch box kept him for sonn time busy writing with a long pencil , whlcl ho held almost vertically. Then ho steppei down lo Count N'on Moltke's seat In tin second row of the house and held a whlsperei confab with him. Herr Singer , the socialist , expressed Ills un compromises onpositlon tothe "septennate' after llerr lllchter had spoken. He was In terrupled repeatedly by laughter and groans Then , as the president announced the unori posed passage of the first reading , Prlnco Uis inarck bowed to the ministers and speake anil passed oul on his way up Uio U'llheln stras- lo his palace. Enthusiastic crowd lined tlie slreets and followed his carriage. ox Titn nouitsi : . To-day's bourse was only saved from a .c rlous "slump" by heavy putchases trot houses most identified with Unssian loan- Even their aid did not prevent a slight fall i Russians. Stntim of the McOlyiin Cane. lCn | > i/r < ( ; /it / ISSi by Jama Gontnn Jlcnnetl. ' ] HOME , March 7. fXew York Herald Cabl Special to the Br.n.J I have made partii ular inquiries to-day into the present stale c Ihe McGlynn case. This Is exactly how maters tors stand : The piotestof the McGlynn coi grcgatlon has. In Iho natural order of thlnm been leierred by the pope to the ecclesiastic ; department which it concerns , namely. Hi propaganda. Much depended from Ihe oul sel on whether or not the doctrines of Hem ( icorje , which Dr. McGlynn advocatec were likely to be condemned here. So far gather they have not been condemned. A soon as Dr. McGlynn Is well enough , hov ever , he will be required to come to Koine t answer to the charge of offending against tli rhurch'b discipline. If he does not coim then no will inevitably bc condemucd an the condemnation will remain In force ju : bo long as the contumacy continues , Jacobnl's"Successor ) Named. \fnpurlgM \ 1SS7 till Jama Gniiltn Ilcnnclt , ] HOMK , March 7. [ New York II erald Cab ! Special to the Urn : . ] The pope has ai pointed Mgr. Hampolla , the nuncio at Madrli as secretary of slate to succeed Cardlm Jacobin ! . Affairs in SortA , March 7. Thlelmann , German coi sill-general , on behalf of Russia , has di mantled the release of six rebels , two t whom have already boon shot. Flesch , Krone consul-general , has complained that Karav < jeff and TsanotT weru maltreated by the go1 eminent. The government denies thecharg on the admission of the tcbels thcmselve ; The porte had advised the government t deal leniently with the rebels' . Uimtx : , March 7. Much anxiety Is fe here as to whether or not Russia will allo' the execution of the Bulgarian conspiratoi to rtass unnoticed. RrsTciiUK , March 7. The Gorman consi Informed the authorities that ho Is Instructe to demand that tlio persons ot Colonel Fllot Major PansIT anil Lieutenant Kessimolf I consigned to his chareo as Russian subject Panoll'has already been shot. Filotl an Kessimoff , owing to their wounds , have IK yet been tried. The German consul set Captain Uallnian to Giurgevo. PAIIIS. March 7. The.Temps asserts the Iho political prisoners arrested at bolia f < participating In thu recent revolt wei whipped with knots durliiK the enllre nlgl following the arrest ; lhat Karavelolf Is no dying from the effects ; that five otllcials hav already died from the effects ot the punisl incut. The Temps says Ihe Bulgarian r cenls hope Ihey will succeed by the oxercis of such cruelty in terrifying those meditatiii revolution and thus pievent new uprising The regents , the paper adds , trust Russia wl not Interfere and intend to soon proclaim U absolute Independence of Uul.aria. The German consul at Rustchtilc , who1 protection was sought bv Captain Uallmai one of tlio leaders of the recent revolt , an who claims to be a Russian subject , has bee requested by the Uutgarian aulhorllies I suirender Iho refugee and has refused on Hi ground that his government has not In structed him to do so. William Talki. Hr.nux , Maich 7. Emperor William ye terday received Pidoilf , president of tl relchstng. In the conversation which toe place the emperor said he was rclu tantly compelled to dissolve the la icichstajr. Despite his e.xplanatlc of tlio superiority of Germany's nelghbo over her In military matters , the oppositir majorlly refused lo sanction tlio militai bill. It was a necessary measure at reasonable hopes that the soptennale ter would have been adooted aft the example given by France , provi fallacious. It was gratifying to cherish tl hope that the largo majority In tlio tie roichstaK would accept the bill at the onlst Referring to the atlitudo ot the pope durli elections , ho said ho had already bc < convinced of pacific disposition of li holiness and that It was on this account th Germany had asked him to act as arbitral In Ihe dispute with Spain about the Carolli Islands. In conclusion the emperor r pressed the hope that all ecclesiastic troubles between Prussia and the vatlci would soon be peacefullyand completely si tied. _ German Affairs. HEIIIK , March7. The deficit thai will caused In tlie budget by the operation the septennale law will ba covered a fresh loan. All projects for Iresh Uxalti have been postponed , and the session ol I reichstag will probably terminate In t\ months. The Kilnlsch Xeltung warns Ut Ria that patience towards her neighbors h limits and sa\s : "If Hussla compels d many lo lake an account of the Franco-Hi slan agreement , let her beware she h self may have to conquer hostile Germany The Kretig X.eltun. says : "A letter from i Petersburg stales that the general hatred Germany and the popularity ot France i becoming a sort of violent epedeinlo in R Wasted Session. . March 7. Tlm session the general assembly expired by llmitatl to-day and both branches adjourned to-nlg the hotue at 1U o'clock and tlie senate half hour later. Nearly all of the important Iff latlon of the session has failed. Goveri Gray to-night states that be wll } not call extra seseiou. FATAL PROHIBITION F1C1IF , A DCS Moines Constable Shot Down After Having Tired Once. HE MADE HIS LAST ARREST. Decisions Handed Ooxvn Hy the Iowa Supreme. Court Witnesses IJe- Ini : SiibiuiMitcd In the Had * dock Murder Case. Killed an Oflieor. Dns Motxr.s la. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the liitE.uly : : ] Ihls evening Con- sl.iblo Logan , who has been very acllvo In the enfoicement of the prohibitory law , stopped a dray with a batrel of whisky on it belonging to llulbeit , HCSS& Co. , wholesale druggists , which was about to bo delivered to a letail druggist. Ho ordered the driver , Ah Camp bell , to go with him bick to Hie warehouse lo see If lie had a permit for delivering liquor. Entering the slore he went to the rear and said that this driver was under arrest and wanted to know If the house had a delivery permit for him. Mr. C. H. Ward , one of the proprietors standing by , replied that ho did not know. Thereupon another driver , Joe Howe , stopped and inquired what was the matter. Logan replied thai he had arreslcil Campbell. "Have you got a warrant for his aircst'1 asked Howe. "It's none of your d d business , " replied the constable ; "and If you don't keep still i'l airest you , too. " "Xot unless you have a warrant , " said Howe ; and , turning to Campbell , he said ; "If ho hasn't got a warrant you go along and tend to your work. " As he spoke , Logan drew his revolver am ! fired at Howe , who returned the lire , sendltij : a bullet Into Logan's breast. The latter , with revolver extended , started after Camp bell , but fell within ten feet and died In r minute. Howe was at once arrested and Is now In jail. There is much excitement In town over the murder , but no serious result * an ; feared. Public opinion is divided , some holding thai iho lalal shot was tired In self defense and thai Logan was altogether too fieo with his pistol. Lognii belonged to a quartette of constable * who have been making nearly all the searches and sci/ures under the prohibltorj law of late and have been very teady to draw levnlvers whenever their authority wa > calif d in question. Howe was a peaceful , good-natured fellow , and has always bore r good reputation. Ho had been twice ar rested before lor delivering liquors in hi' capacity as drayman , and it is thought tha lie had been go.uled by the annoyance to tin point of i-arrylnz a revolver for his own pro tccllon against the olllcurs. Supreme Court Decisions. DF.S MOI.VKS la. , March 7. [ Special Tele- cram to the Unn. I The supieme court ron- deied Hie tallowing decisions here to-day : .1 L. Robinson vs. Chicago , Hock Island it P.icllin railroad , appellant , from Polk cir cult. Reversed. Charles K. Hissor& Co. and Spairv. Wall & Gaivcr vs W.V. . Ralhburn and" G. W Kothvvell , appellant , liom Pocahontas dis trlet. Allirmed. George M. How & Co. el al vs E. H. .lone' and II. K. .1. Heaidman , receiver , appellant , Marshall district. Affirmed. Theodore and Theodora Gilllck , appellant , vs Lorunz Aulman et al , from Polk circuit Reversed. James Kirly vs Gates & Hroman , ap pellants , from Polk circuit Affirmed. Dtincal Banutt vs Livvrenro Dolan , appol lanl. from Case dUtrict. Alllimed. E. L. Smally , ajmellant , vs II. U. Miller fiom Hoone district. Affirmed. Seth Lewis vs Uurlinzton company , ap pellant , from Mitchell circuit. Reversed. H. M. Dillon , appellant , vs A. M. Warfcl fiom Union district. Affirmed. National Bank of Galena , appellant , vs A C. Chase et al , from Plymouth circuit. He versed. Jacob Xlelson vs Joseph Mattocks aiu : Prudence Mattocks , appellants , liom Wood bury chcuit Atllrmed. Hnwkcye Municipal Elections. DES MOINE , la. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Unn.j Returns from all parts o the state show increased republican gains ii thirty elections to-day , in Carson the re publican gain was 300 per cent over last yeai In Mason City , Toledo , Muscatine. Stuart Colfax , Grlnnell , Cedar Rapids and othe lowns the republicans made steady gains Here in Dos Molnos they elected live out o six nldeimen and with Increased majorities llAMiitino , la. , March 7. ( Special Tele gram to the Uiu.J : The excitement growinj out of the municipal eleclion centcrei largely In the conte l for the mayoralty. Om of the candidates was posing before th community as a prohibitionist , but the pee pie repudiated him by giving a majority o tortv-two to A. Ilydlnger. Sioux CITY , ! . , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Hun. ] The greatest Interest am not a little excitement has been manlfestec all day in Ihe city election. The weather ha been delightful and lively work has beei witnessed on the part of candidates ain helper * . The tickets ate badly scratched am counting tlio votes will therefore be slow Party lines have not been drawn. The work ingmen have a ticket In thn Held. ATLANTIC. la. , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the HEK , 1 In the city election to day GOO votes were casl for John H. Hey nolds , asalnsl whom a bilter fieht was ma d It beiinr claimed that ho was the tool of th Rock Island road. Ho was elected by 'Jl ma jority. The proDOSItlon to Improve th waterworks to the extent of 5,000 was ovei defeated. Will Probably Kecover. SiorxCiTi , la. , March 7. ( Special TeU gram to the HKE. | Charles Defrann , wh was shot by George Larkln in one of th Pearl htreel dives Sunday morning , It i thought now will iccover. L-irkln appeare In couit to-day and was given a hearing. ] seems thai Defrann was Intoxicated an causing consldeiahlo disturbance. Larkt requested him and his party to leave , whlc he did , but aflerwards returned and a row ei sued. During the melee the shot was hrei the bullet entering Det mini's left breast. Fire In a Print Shop. DAVF.XPORT , la. , March 7. [ Special Tell gram to the UKK.J At 7:50 this mornln flames vvoro discovered en the second floor t the Gazette building. The third floor , coi talnlng the composing room , was destroyc and the bullnlng flooded with water. Tli lire communicated to the roof of tliopostollic block adjoining and considerable damai was done by water. Thu mail matter was a taken inlo Ihe slreet and saved. Tlio origl of the tire Is unknown. The Gazette stoc and fixtures were Insured for 50,000 : th postollice block and fixtures tor Sil.OO Several families weio buined out. Sorvlnj. Subpoenas. Sioux CITV , la. , March 7. [ Special Tel gram to' the UKK.J The sheriff and his dep ties are busy now serving subpoenas upon II witnesses In the near approaching Haddoi murder cases. The case will be called for trl on the 21sl of tlm present month. It h n known yet which cas will bo called lirst. is the supposition now thai either Urandio HIsmareK will bo tiled lirst. Arensdorf w not lead oil' , that having been definitely d termined upon. Killed Hy Falling Slato. CTTUMWA , la. , March 7. [ Special Tel gram to the BKK. | Hy a fall of slate ear this morning in the Phillips coal mine A. ' Wiley was Instantly killed and John \Vlil' \ ' the mine boss , was also seriously injured. Tlio KartlKiuaUo Panic. XICK , March 7. In consequence of t panic caused by the recent eaithquakes , ho keepers hero aie selling out at a great sac lice. Many inhabitants are still camping o THU ItlVKIl AXI ) HAimoU DIM * Uonsons Why tlio President Would Xot Slun It. WASIIIXOTO.V , March 7. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK I In speaking of tlio at tempts made to Induce tlie president to sign the liver and harbor bill after March 4 , Mi Cleveland has said thai If ho had hail lime ho would have vetoed It. " \\liy , " said he ' It only seemed lo me a few vjeeksago thai I signed a river nnd harbor hill , nppioprlat- Ing 515.000,000 or Slo.OW.COO and there l < more monev on hand now than them was last year. None of that SlO.OOO.dOJ has been expended yei and hero comes along anothet Slu.000,000 bill. " Congressman Grosvenor , of Ohio , to whom this lalk was repe.itcd said thai showed how little the pieMdunt knew about the subject. "Of course. " said he , "last yers's money is In thu tteasury and will bo. molMhly till tht lioth of June. The bill we just passed IF for the next fiscal year anil has nothing to tit : with this yeai's money. I am sorry the pies- hluiil did not have time to veto thu hillVt would have passed It over him so quick thai it would have nude his head swim. RfEliMAV sputis HIS UOOM. Tlie senatorial soutltein by way ol Oiailestnii and Savannaii , was to ex. cur.slon which starts to-moriovv tor Cuhr have about seventeen members , but a teporl that there has been a case of vellow level at Havana has scared Mr. Teller , and vrll probably keej ) some others from going. Tin central "figure In the paity will be John Slier man , whose friends underhand this to be tht beginning of his caniialgn | for Hie niuutna tlon In lbi $ . Sergeant-al-Arms C.uiady l < from Xoith Caiolina. and he will t.eo tha the republicans in the south do the Ohlt senator honor on his return , nnd for this pin pose lie has arranged a number of reception ! ttt the leading cities of thn south. Xevvsp.ipei correspondents connected with the le.umu republican papers of Ohio and the e.tst wll accompany the excursionists. MIMTAKY MATTKKS. A general com t martial is ordered to con vent March 15 at Ftirt McDowell , Arl/.ona , tor tlu trial of Lieutenant Alexander T. Dean Fourth cnvalrv. Lieutenant De.m was a les lilent of Washington when appointed to tin aimv in November , lii > 0 , and was promotet to first lieutenant last month. Colonel Join S. Mason , Ninth Infantry , Is piesldent of tin court , and Captain Jolin S. Uishop , Thlr teenlii Intiuitiy , jutlge advocate. The death ot lieutenant Colonel Rober Scott , Third aitlllery , Saturday af let noon will promote tlio following named officers Major I.arhett 1 * . Livingstone , Fourth artll lery. to lieutenant colonel of the Thlid Captain Henry ( \ Hasbrook , Fouith , ti major of the "Fourth : and Fiist Lieutcnan Fietlerlck Fiiger. Fourth , to captain. Captaii t'Utfer has been a lieutenant for over twenty luce years , and was nieveted captain lo gallantry in action twenty-two yuats a t Ills month. Major Hetiiy C. CookThlitecnth infantry las been oulered to his regiment In Xev Mexico. General JohnG. Parke. colonel corps o inglnceis. who has lung had charge ot tli Ivor and liaihorappiopriutloiis oxpcnilitine' s eranteil four months'leave logo to Kuiopt Lieutenant Colonel George M. Urayton Ninth infatitrv , promoted recently trom th Fifteenth infantry , has been granted si nonths' extension ot sick leave. He ha been assigned to station at Fort Tlioma1 Ari'/.om , wheie he will join at the explratio : of his leave. Captain Allen Jackson , Seventh Infantrj anil First Lieutenant Charles W. Powell , at utant Second infantry , have been ordered t ? 'ort Coem d'Afene. Idaho , fiom Ihe Dcpait uent of the Phitte , as witnesses in the com if intiuirv on Colonel Frank Wheatoii Second Infantry. TIII : THAW noi.r.An iir.Dr.MrrioN' . The order ot thu treasury department o Friday directing that tratle dollars to be re Icemed must tie deposited In thesiib-ttcasur either at New York or San Francisco , ciillc Torth vigorous protests from holders in Uos : on. New Orleans , SI. Louis , and from-th west generallv , and the department vvn asked to rcicind that order. In response t 'ils demand Secretary Faiichild to-da stated that immediate steps would bo take > y the department to provide for tlio rt lempllon of thu coins nl any ot the sub .ro.isurios. It is thought at the depaitmen ihat the necessary arrangements can h uado this week anil thai there will bo n cause for complaint after .Monday next. rr.xsioxs niiANir.K IOWAXS. Pensions were granted lowans to-day as fo ows : Harrison J.Goddartl.Ft. Atkinson ; Ja' ' W. Florence , Mason City ; Joseph M. Giosei tveokuk : James Dee , Yale ; John P. i.avmai lies Moines : Josenh M. Luppt'f , Flori" ileniyC. Havens , Colfax ; Martin Walke Des Moines ; William G.Stephenson , Colf.ix lames Scripture. Wvomlug ; Thomas .lone : Davis Citv ; Colby C. Tupper , MaSou Cit > William Cook , Anamosa ; William C. Holme : Milton ; Oscar Moduli , Albla ; William li Sullivan , Fall-field ; Tillman Lonpfori lllbbsvllle ; David W. rim , Humeston ; Wii on K. ISonncr , State Centre : Madison y Uoyer , Uloomfieltl : John Keefe , Cre-vt ; David Y. Lytle , Kellozg : John P. Mullonl : [ 'airfield ; James Laney. Decatur ; Ames lial cock , Xew Hampton ; John Fleer , Ottumwii Samuel 11. Chapman , Kasson ; Allen Uti l Mason City.ADMITTHI ADMITTHI ) TO TltACTICE , Jolin F. Glover , of Ashton , la. , was to-dn admitted to practice betoro Ihe inteilor d partment. I'OVTAI. CHANOr.S. The following IOWA postmasters wei appointed to-day : A. G. Sniitn , Arbt Hill , Adair county , vice James W. Fisht rcsignetl ; W. L. Stuart , Mondamln , Ha risen coinitvIce Jas. I ) . Stuart , i ilgned : Jno. P. Danger , Olds , lleury count' ' i-ice R. Miller , resigned. Striking Railroader * . PiTTsnt'iio , Pa. , March 7. The Chronlcli Telegraph's special from Youngslown , Ohlt in regard to the strike on the Xew Yorl Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad , says that tt conductors and brakemen In the employ < the Pennsylvania company .struck this inori ing anil no freight is beinc moved in or on of tlio yaitls. They BSk that contlurto shall receive 20cents per hour , hrukemen I'.i ' ; cents , lliat ton hours shall constitute H day work , and pay at tlio same rate tor all eve tlmo. The men are quiet and orderl Urakemen on the Plttsbuig , Cleveland fc T letto roatl have asked thai Ihe third brak man bo put on , nnd If It is not conceded the asseit they will strike next Thur < dav. I tlitslrial establishments are bad ! ) crippled ti stock , anil a general sluit-iiown Is Impel tivo this week unless tialllc Is resumed. Tlio Kcscrvc Cities Nuuioil. WASHINGTON , March 7. Tlm comptroll of Iho currency said this attt-rnoon that ! has not been able as yet to ascertain In i gard to the designation of the additional i sf rve cities under the recent act ot congru authorizing such designation when requesti by three-tout Ihs of thu national banks in city wheie such privileges aio denlied. 1 will do nothing , he. says , until ho has i reived .1 certified c py ot tlio bill from t department of slate , lie expects to lecel this tn a lew day.s and will at once niako : rangements. for thu speedy execution of t law. _ _ Jay Gould Denies. NEW YOUK , Maroli 7 ( Special TflpRratn Iho UKK. ] Speaking of tlio alleged sale the St. Louis iV : San Fr.tnclsco roatl to hi Gould . -aid yesteiday , there is nut the sllgl e t thread on which to hang th" story. Ino\ dealt in the stool ; of tne San Francisco ror inillvidvallv in mv life. I have not boii } ! stock myself noi am 1 a member of the s > dicate , nnd I li.ivo no deslro to buy it. 1 nut Intend tn mcieasp my cares. Prr-Mdc Win "low and Jesse Sellman. diiectors , s > j thine was no luilh in the leport. Hoyal Dutch Succession. Tin : II.Uit'K , March 7. The chamber deputies , oy a vole of 43 agalnsl 'i * , approv tlio l.ivv regulating succession to Ihe throi The law provi les it the dliect line falls t su&e.isloi ! fall first , upon Sofia , sister of t king ; secondly , upon the descendants of , \ rianu , daughter ot the late king ; third upon thi ) "dii.scenilants tif thu Jato ' . iu Lnulsoof Swetlen : fouithly , upon thu Pr cess Marie of AV Idle. The Hlu'i" Dairy Murker. Cnicvoo , Mnrch 7 . Tlio Inter Orpa F.lgm ( III. ) special says : Mutter ruKid act and strong at Sic , regular e.v'.i's being ( X ) , pounds. Xathlng was doing in cheese. ' 1 total sales \\ero tl8,7& , DOINGS IN SUPREME COURT , The Highest Tribunal in the Laml Reas sembles For Work. MANY DECISIONS HANDED DOWN An In nnc Man' * Suicide Hold to II * an Accident and nn Insurance Company Liable 1'or Supreme Court Decisions , I WAsin.Ntnox , March 7. The supreme coutt icassembled to-day after Ihe February recess , All the justices weie In their sentg except Justice Woods , who Is still in Cali fornia. Decisions were rendeied In twenty- eight cases , of which the following ate those of the most L-cncral tmpoitanco : Xo. W The executors of F.lins Speldel , de ceased , vs the tiuslees of Harmony society ot Ueaver county , Pennsylvania. Appeal from the I'lilted State.s circull court for the western dlstriet of Peniisjlvauia. Tl'ls was a suit bioiight by u toiiuer member of the Harmony community to leeovor v\hat he claimed as his individual share in the com munity's proudly. The appellant main tains ills still anulnsl tlio trustees upon the ground that ihu ti list is not charily In thu legal sense ; thai the membeis of the society are equitable tenants In common of the prop erty held In trust , and that the tiust Is un lawful because founded In fiaud and acalust public policy , mid should therefore be dissolved. This couit , without con sidering the questions thus raided , as to the nature ot the community and of the trust , decides that Inasmuch as Speldel withdrew fiom thu community tn 1S11 and never returned to It , anil for mure than fifty je.irs look no steps lo obtain an account from , tlie trustee * or to assert his alleged rlghls , ho Is not entitled to lellef. It ho ever hail any rights ho could not asseit them after such delay. The tlcciee of thu circuit court Is at- tirmed. Xo. -Accident Insurance company ot Xoith America , plaintiff in enor , vs Loretia M. Crandall , in error to thu United States circuit couit for the district ot Illinois. This is a policy upon a suit ol accident insurance nnd presents a question whether a pulley o Insurance against "bodily Injuries ellected thiiiugh external , accidental and violent mean ? , " nnd occasioning death or complete disability to do business , and providing that "this insurance shall not ex tend to death or disability" which may have been caused wholly or In pait hy bodily Infirmities or diseates , or bv the taking of poison or by suicide oi6 sell-infilcteil injuries' , " coveis death by hiiiwing ones self while ins.ine. This couit holds that tlk > question Is to a great extent duteimlnud by n pievlnus decision as to the effect of a policy til lilo Insurance which tuovltles that it .shall be null ami void It the asstiteil 'Shall dlo bv suicide" or "shall die by his own hand. " This court has re peatedly anil uniformly held that such pro vision not containing tlio words "sanu or In sane , " does not Include self-kllliiu by an In sane person. There can be no doubt , In tlio piesenl state of the law , that Ciandnll did not die by "siilcldu" within the meaning of this policy ; anil the .same leasons are conc'uslvo ' against holding that ho died by "self-inflicted injuries. " If "self-killing , " "suicide , " "dying by his own hand" cannot bo piedicted nl an Insane person , no more can Self-inflicted Itijmies'for in cither caiiu it Is not his act nol Ihe acl of himself. Xfor dues t lie case como within the clause whla-Y pioviites that the insurance shall not extend to "death or disability which may have been caused wholly or in pait bv bodily Infirmities or disease. " The words ' 'bodily Infirmities or disease" do not Include Insanity. Upon tlie question raised as to tlio effect of the leading sentence of the policy Instiling Ciandall "against bodily injuries through , external , accidental ami violent ntnans , " the conn holds that this sentence does not speak of what the Injiuy "is caused by , but only looks to" the means by which It Is effected. Xo ono doubts that hanging Is a violent means of death. As it effects fiom without it is exteinal , and nccoiding to deci sions as to suicide under policies of insiiuincc it cannot , when done by an insane - sane peison , be held to be other than acci dental. Tin ; judgment of the circuit court in favor of this plalnlilt was correct and is affirmed. Xo. I'-Mf Chicago , Huillneton & Kansas Citv company , plaintiff , on uiror , vs the state of Mlssouil , ex nil. John F. Gulfey. collector , in enor , to tlie supiomo couit ot Missouri. The judgment appealed from in this case allirmed the liability to taxation in Missouri for state nnd county purposes of what was properly known as the Central Notth Mis souri branch of the Si. Joseph it Iowa rail road , more recently named the Linneus branch of the Uuilinuton A : Southwestern ralhoad company , anil now owned by the Chicago , Uurlington < k Kansas City rail- load company. The latter company claims to have succeeded to all the rights , ptivilegub ami Immunities granted to the 1 St. Joseph & Iowa railioad compuiy in its chattel of 18.77 , among which was an exemp tion of Its stock from taxation tor state and county purposes. In tlio opinion of the court it Is not clear that the exemption from taxa tion given by such chatter as that grunted to the St. Joseph & Iowa lailioauVconipftBT should ho extended. The statute djics notIn terms aunt Immunity from taxatlfn. and a s.v.stem established by It is complete ( n itself witliuut lutoience to other legislative eiuct- meats. Tne present claim to exemption must he denied , for it is an established doc trine of tills court that Immunity from .taxa tion hy a state will not be recognized unless cranted in terms too plain to be mistaken. The judmcnt of the supreme coutt of Mil * bouri Is allirmed. The lildon "Will Trouble. XKW YOHK , March 7. The answer of til * executors undct the will of the Kite Samuel J. Ttldtm to the complaint ot GOOIKC 11. Til- den , who contests thu will on tlm grounds ot belli ; : illegal and invalid , was filed to-dav la the sumemo court. The it-ply tx'clterf that tlie pl.iintllfhas no right to institute or main tain the suit ; that deceased was unmarried and his lather and mother deceased , the sis ter , Mrs. Pelton , and the nephnvv and niece * -as are next of kin , but under tha will are not - entitled to any of the estate. It Is denied , thai the amount ot the estate Is anywhere near 315,000,000. it Is claimed In conclusion that the defendants uni appointed ns excctt- toi under the will and refer to the original at their authority. Negro Mnrdurur liynclied. MKMIMUS , Tonn. , March 7. The Av lanolin's special from Wlnona , Miss. , says : Alex Crawford , a negro muiiU'ter , was taken tiom jail by an Immense crowd of cilizciiB to-day and hanged tiom a ciosstn'o on the ralhoaii bint'-o near town. Do made n de iier.ite light In his cell a'-alnst the crowd , being armed with a hioonistick , which ha wleMod witli good etTect , but was tinully , ovcipowcicd. Hu died game , let using to make any declaration. Ills victim wa * H piomlnont merchant of Wlnona , whom h killed last mouth. 1'ostmnsirrn Uitnppninted. WASHIVOTO.V , March V. The following reappolnlmcnls as presidential postmasters won ) made to-day , the senate HavliiLfulled to art on tin : otUhial nominations : William T. Klik , AtUntii , III. : William F. White , ll.iny , 111. ; Samuel P. Tnlts , Contralla , III. ; Agnes itoss , Havonswood , HI. ; Joel H. John son , Woodstock. III. ; James P. C.irleton , lowu Falls , la. : Klelmitl liiuke , WhatChci'r ' , la. ; George \V. Lewis , Ulack lllvcr Falls , W Is. A Decision nn Drummer ) * ' Tax. WASHINGTON. March 7. The supreme courl lo day rendered a decision In Ihe cass brought from Tennessee , which Involves the right of ono state or muulclpi'llty to Impose a license tax on a drummer or traveling sales man luun .moth" ! ' hUte soti&lng to sell goodi by samplu or otherwise. The it ioislon is that' the taxation Is intuifercnce wtih Intcr-stato'1 commerce anu Is thoi ° foie uncouiittlutlonal. Two Mort ) Y'ltOK fjost. PKOIIIA , HI. , March 7. A Gnlcsbnrt ; cpo- clal to the 'i'ttvnsciipt says : Wortlilnytoti loses two votes by ttHaMnvi \ tlgatlon. Ono vtiterltud not complutotl r..s n tiir.iUa- | thin. Tin o bo iuU O-i'i ' U.c.l in the btulv tix monlhs prior to the election ,