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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1887)
SfWJW " " 11 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. .MONDAY MORNING , MARCH 7 , 1887. NUMBER 261 BEECHER SLOWLY SINKING , All Hope Abandoned of the Recovery of the Eminent Divine , THE INEVITABLE END AT HAND. lie Rcmalna Unconscious During the Way and Suffers No Pain The Sail NOWH Announced In the Churches. Tcath Ira\\H NEW YOIIK , March 0. At 8 p. m. Henry Ward Bcccher's condition remained without noticeable chance. Ho is yet unconscious nnd Is said to bo slowly sinking. Ho moves his right hand occasionally. Long before daylight this mornlnc it was noticed that many more people were on the streets than was usual In the vicinity of the Beecher resi dence , and by S o'clock there was quite a crowd eagerly looking for the first bulletin , At 0 o'clock the following bulletin was Issued : "Beecher Is about the same. > lo change since last night. " Tlio first bulletin was signed by Dr. W. S. Scarlcs , Beceher's family physician , and as It was posted on the door-post people crowded tl.o stoop to read It. There was n feeling of thankfulness plainly vis ible on their countenances that tne life of the illustrious divine was still spared , and as the day advanced the throng on the side walks of Clark and Hicks streets rendered the street almost Impassable. In the crowd were people of every station , from the millionaire to the prosperous tradesmen nnd poor laborers. The ex pressions of sympathy nnd condolence that were heard on all sides only made an other powerful indication of the high esteem in which the Plymouth pastor was held by all classes. During thu morning scores of car riages diove past the house and the occupants of many of them alighted and walked up to the bulletin nnd then departed , while others left their cards with the attendant. Those who weio more Intimately acquainted were admitted into the house nnd made Inquiries concerning tlio patient personally , but only immediate friends of tlio family were allowed In the sick chamber. There was , however , an exception made In the case of llov. T. DeWitt Talmage , who called with his daughter Edith about 1:30 : p. m. . and lie was admitted Into Beeuhcr's presence. Fifteen minutes Ihter Talmngc left the house. About 10 o'clock this morning Dr. Hammond ar rived nt thu house and an hour later the fol low Ing bulletin was posted : "Prof. W. Hulmuth , of New York , In con sultation , freely confirms the opinion ! of the physicians. Beecher Is gradually falling. lie may , however , live for some days. " That nil hope was elvon up was plainly Indicated by this bulletin and the rcmaik of Kev. DoWItt ri'almage , "it is very serious , " as ho passed out , Mr. llalliday continued the services at Ply mouth church this morning , and at 11 o'clock n bulletin was read to the congregation. The elfoct ot It was noticeable on the congrega tion by the number of handkerchiefs In use and tlio stilled sobsot many of those present. At the church of Talmage the scene after the reverend gentleman's prayer was almost as nllcctlng. Talmago made n very tender ap peal on behalf of Beecher. He prajed fer vently for the Divlno blessing on the at- lllctcd preacher , and alluded to Bcechor ns tlio friend of the millionaire , friend of the worklngman , the friendless , and nil men , whether rich or uoor. At 2:30 : p. m. tills bulletin appeared : "Dr. Hammond Is In consultation. Beecher is In a state of deopfolna alt day. No sign of pain or consciousness ot any sort. Death considered coitaiu , but at an Indefinite time , probably to-day. " Sineo tlio doctors Informed the members of the family that It was only a question of time for the end , tlioy remained In the sick cham ber aw ailing uvery movement. The eldest daughter , wile of llov. Samuel Scovllle. ot Stamford , Conn. , nirlvednt the house Snt- nri'.ny , nnd her husband nnd two children will Immediately follow. The other mem bers of the family in the house now are Mr. Beechor's eldest son , Colonel Beecher , his wife and two daughters , and his son Henry Wnrd Beecher ; W. C. Beecher nnd his wife , who llvent Columbia Heights. Their son Herbert , who has been tcleirrnphcd to San Franclscojfor , Is on the ocean between Port land , Ore. , nnd San Francisco. Ho Is not ex pected to reach Now York In tlmo to see his father alive , as he Is not duo In San Fran cisco till to-morrow ( Monday ) and then ho lias a week's ride before ho can teach homo. 0:1)5 : ) p. m. The condition of Beecher has not materially changed during the day. Ho Is In n deep comatose state , fiom which ho cannot be aroused , and from which ho will never piobably rally , lie lies quietly , like ono In tlio deepest sleep , and elves no Indi cation of pain or uneasiness. His pulse > arlcsfrom00to 100. Atone time for sev eral hours It intermitted two or three times In each minute , but this evening It has ic- malned quite regular and quite hard and lull. Ills temperature has ranged from 100 to 100& and nt present stands at 100)4. His respirations numbei about thirty to the min ute. Ills body and extiemlties are equally warm. Ills face Is flushed and lias n some what livid him. Ho Is unable to speak or wallow anything except small quantities ot liquid , which must bo cautiously ad mill Is- tcied to prevent choking. All three medical advisors are In full and entire accord as to the nature and location of the disease , Its present status , the remedial measuies to bo employed , nnd as to the progress ot tlio caso. It is their opinion that his condition to-day confirms the opinions they have untcitallied from tlio beginning that recovery Is not to bo honed for : that though the effusion of blood Into the brain is not stopped , a fresh hcinoirhaca may at any time occur and speedily end life. That Is not likely lo happen so tar as present indications are to bo trusted , and should it occur his life may bo spaied yet. How long depends on his en durance and strong constitution. No ono except Mrs. Beecher and her children are allowed to visit his bedside. No fuither bulletin w 111 be Issued until Mondnv morning. W. S. SKAIII.K. At 11 o'clock Beechor's condition was ro- poited unchanged save for a gradual sinking towards the Inevitable end. General lloiatio King left the house at that hour and ex pressed the opinion that Beceher would die during the nlilit or before morning. William C. Di'ccher Is reported to hnvo ex- tlio opinion that his fattier would note o alive after S o'clock tills morning. Many people anxious to hear the latest news of the dying dlvluu mo congregated on the side walks in front of the nouse. St. Clalr Me- Kelway , managing editor of the Brooklyn Kaelr , says that prcllmlnaiy steps wore mak ing to celebrate the triple annlveiMiiy ot the events In Becchei's life. Thu celebration was to have taken place in September in the Brooklyn of Music. This Is the tiftleth year ot lieecher's marriage , the fif tieth of his ordination to the ministry , and the fortieth of his pastorate ot Plymouth church. Had the beloved pastor lived bis congregation and friends would have cele bra ted these events in a big jubilee. Up to 3 a. m. no report has been received from Beecher. Dr. Hammond said to-night : "lieeeher will never bu conscious ngaln. Tin-IP's absolutely no hope. He may die In two hours nnd ho may last a couple of day ! longer , but death Is ceitulu , Piacttcally he la a dead man. " Sympathy From Abroad , LONDON , March . Kcv. Mr. Parker , at his service this evening , eulogized Becchcr , Jleexpicssed the piofound sympathy ot him self and his htateu with t ho utttlctfd pastor Death ot Mrs. Cleveland' * Grand' ' mother. OKTKOir , Maidl 0. Mrs. Huth U. liar mon , mother of Mrs. Kolsom and urand mother ot Mrs. Grover Cleveland , died a Jackson , Mich , , at 10 o'clock this morning where the has been living for the past tot } tar with her son , M. II. Harmon. Sfm wa : torn lu IbW , and was married In 1SGO. bui spent the creator part of her life at Batavla , N. 1 . .where , after the death of Mr. Folsom , Mrs. holsom and Franklo lived with her until trankle was old enouuli to attend school , when they moved to Buffalo. Mrs. Folsom was will ; her for Home tlmo previous to her death , and President and Mrs. Cleveland are expected to attend the funeral. She will be bulled at Batavla , N. i. Death of .Mrs. Deck. WASHINGTON , March 0. Mrs. Jane Wash ington Thornton Bock , wife of Senator Beck , of Kentucky , died at her residence In this city this evening of Inflammation of the bow els. Mrs. Beck had been feeling as well as usual this winter and her first symptoms of illness wore the result of n cold contracted while out riding In an open cnrrlaeo on Fri day. Nothing serious was apprehended , until this morning , when Drs. Wales and Buscy , the physicians In attendance Intoimcd the family that they could oiler no hope of her recovery. Senator Beck and Mis. Goodie , Mrs. Beck's daughter , weio nt her bedside In her last moments. Her only other child , a grown son , is in Wy oming. A Lahor Orutinl/.cr'B Death. Piin.ADKi.riiiA , March 0. William Coke , one of the seven men who organized the Knights of Lahor , died to-day ot heart fall- in e , lined sixty-three years. CoiiHiil Heap lOvplros. CoNSTANTiNori.K , March 0. G. Harris Heap. United States consul-general here , died this morning. THE OUOl OUL'iiOOK. ' Review of the Situation In the Win ter Wheat licit. CHICAOO , Mai ch 0. The following crop ummary will be printed In this week's Issue of the Faimeis' Hovlew : Thus far reports from the winter wheat belt Indicate that the crop Is omeriliig from winter In better shape than last year. The ciop Is not assured from resulting damage of storms and bad weather , and still has to pass through a critical period ; but , as a whole , tlio outlook must be regarded as more favorable than nt the beginning of March of last year. The extremely mild weather of the opening davs of last week , followed by the cold weather , caused some Injury In Illinois nnd In Indiana , and in Lal'orte nnd Uandolph counties of Indiana considerable wheat was fro/en and killed. Twenty-throe Illinois counties this week re port wheat is looking well , while in Brown , Johnson and White counties Injury Is reported. Thirteen counties in Indiana make very favorable re turns. In Michigan and Wisconsin the outlook Is repoited as very favorable. Nearly nil the Wisconsin fields had nn nmplo snow covering since lost November. Tlio weather has been unfavorable in Ohio , and some Injtirv Is repoited In Champagne. Senecaand Van Wert counties , but nil the other counties reporting make favorable returns. The season is well advanced in Missouri and siiiing plowing lias commenced. In Bates , Benton , Christian and Montgomery counties oats nro already beini : sown. In Clinton , Knox and Livingston counties of Missouri wheat Is repoited as looking poorly , but the other conn ties' icportsaie mainly of a favora ble tenor. There is no change in the tenor of the reports from Kansas. Fully one-half of the counties report n very poor outlook for wheat In Harper county not more than one-half an average croo Is predicted , while In Clay , Davis , Mitchell , Keuo and Kock counties the situation Is poor and the crop Is In a critical condition. An Authentic Egyptian Antiquity. BOSTON. Mass. , March C. fSpeeial Tele- ram to the Bii : . | One of the most Intercst- ii2 and valuable of pic-historic icllcs re cently exhumed In the delta of tlio Nile has Just arrived in this city. It Is undoubtedly nn authentic double-armed handle of a golden censor of Pharaoh Hophra , found by Mr.FllnderPetiie , aiclueologlcal digger of the Egyptian exploration fund , atTel-de-Fenneh , n the northeastern corner of the delta of the Nile. It is pute , solid irold. shining and rich beyond description , curiously , Intricately and laboriously wrought , each arm decorated with n graceful lotus-leaf design of the Egyptian artiliceis , and worth at the smallest calcula tion , simply as gold bullion , 8000. Hcv. Mr. Wlnslow. who Is the American inn do , philos opher and friend of the Egyptian luiid , man aged to secure not only this relic of Plmrnoh Hophra , but many other interesting articles from the ruins of the palace at Daphnae that might othciwiso have 1:0110 into that gieat giate of antiquities , tlio British museum , and has them now In charge. A Denial on nohalCot'Armour. CincAoo , March 0. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J Some one staited the report yes terday to the effect that the breach between Armour and the American Cotton Seed Oil Tiust company had been healed up , and that iVimour had made a long time contract with tlio company. On tlio strength of this report cotton seed oil certificates were Inflated on Wall street. Armour and company say the ropoit is a falsehood. Mr. Armour himself Is In California , but Mr. Webster , who repre sents a good shaie of the brains of Armour & Co. , makes n most emphatic denial of the alleged coalition. In fact. Mr. Webster stronuly Intimates that there Is not oulv lit tle or no possibility of such a thing happen ing , but that there Is a very great probability of Armour & Co. carrying the war Into the enemy's camp as announced In the first dis patch from ( ialvcston. Mother Angela's Funeral. NOKTH BKND , Ind. , March 0. The funeral of Mother Angela , late surporlor of the Sisters of the Holy Cross In the United States , and founder of numerous educational Institutions , took place this morning. Alter the solemn lequlem mass , n panegyric was delivered by Bishop Gllmore , of Cleveland. The obsequies were attended by as many members of the committee as could bo as sembled , and by numerous friends from various parts of the country. Mother Ancola was a cousin of James G. lilaino and Mrs. General W. T. Sherman. Among those present were Philemon K. Ewlng , Kmmoiis nnd Walker Blalne , nnd Alexander Sullivan , of Chicago. Interment wns at St. Mnry's academy. Extensive Mills Destroyed. ST. PAUL , Mnrch 0. A special to the Pie neer-Press from Hudson. Win. , says : The extensive flouring mill plant of O. Burk- luudt , north of this city , burned this morn- In' . Loss , $100,000 ; mill property valued at 840,003 ; Insurance , $ H7,000 : elevator and warehouse valued at 40,000 ; Insured for 822,600. In the elevator weio a\000 bushels of wheat. A number of smaller buildings burned. The owner will rebuild at once. Adcllna I'attl's Heir. NKW OHI.KANS , March 0. | Special Tele gram to the BKK.I Miss Carolina Pattl nnd her mother have completed all arrangement. to leave this city on Thursday next for St. Louis , where Adellna Pattl will meet them and take them with her on her return tc Europe , where the young lady Is to become the hclicssof her jewels and her castle In Wales. _ , t Unknown Steamer Wrecked. CASIPKN , N. J. , March 0.-II Is stated thai a steamer bound for a northern port had beei wrecked off the Now Jersey coast during tin storm of Thuroday last. Ocean Beach , be tween Barnegat Inlet and Seaside- park , Is strewn w itu wreckage. Iloko , the Hypocrite. PKOUIA , 111. , March fi , Bank Forger J Finley lioko attended divine worship In tin county jail to-day nnd apparently took a dec ) Interest In tlio sen , ices. While nourishing h the banking business bo was a regular and do tout attendant at church. Given ill * For Iiost. Pini.ADKi.PitiA , March 0. The Italiai bank Charlotte , hence for Queenstown eighty-eight 'days out , has been elven up a lost by the consigners. She carried a caret ot wheat valued at 120,000. She had a crev of twelve men. OMAHA'S ' CHARTER CHANGES , Amendments Made By the Judiciary Committee to the Measure , ACTION OF THE DELEGATION' A Comparison of the Two Reports Which Will lie Hnarty For DIs- ( Mission In the Legislature on Tuesday. The Charter's Chanucs. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 0. [ Special to the UKE.J The amendments to the Omaha charter made by the committee on judiciary of the house have been printed. Thoconsldeiatlon of thesamo by the Doug- 'as delegation has already bean sent to the winter , and both will be ready for discussion irohably on Tuesday. Between these docu ments the following comparison Is instituted , he notes of the work of the Douglas delet ion being supplied by the clerk of that body : Tlio oilgltial bill , section 3 , includes within iiocltv limits an area of thirty square miles. The amendment sets It at twenty-livo square miles. In this the Douglas delegation con curs. Section 11 provides for the election of the mayor , police judge , nnd treasurer only , while the amendment includes comptroller , city clery and city attorney. Concurred in except n > > to city attorney and comptiollcr. Section 12 requires a councilman to ho an 'actual ' and boiia lide owner ot real estatf. " In the amendments this condition is omitted. "Joucurred In. Section 4S limits the stretches of approaches to viaducts which railroads must erect and naintam at 1,200 feet. This in the amend ment Is reduced to KX ) feet. Concurred in. Section M empowers the mayor and council to retaliate or prohibit the erection of all poles for electric use In the streets or public grounds ; to require the removal ot the same us may bo desired , nnd the placing under ground of all teleuraph , telephone or other electric wires. These lequirements are not included in the amendments. The Dou.Mas delegation do not concur in the lat ter and ask the original section. Section 64 authorizes the appropriation of property tor a number of uses , especially as paiks. But "parks" is eliminated from the judiciary amendments. The delegation does not concur. Section 7l , amonir many things contains the following : "Upon the completion of the said assessment toll , the city clerk shall add to said roll any ami all real estate In said city belonging to any railroad or tele graph company , and not appearing on the county roll by reason ot having been returned to the state board or otherwise , and assess the same as near as may bo to correspond with the assessed value of like property on said county roll for purpose of taxation lor municipal purposes. " The amendment to this , after the word "roll , " Is : "All store houses , warehouses , shops , and other build ings within the rbiht ot way or along or ad joining or adjacent to any side track of such railtoad , or within the riuht of way of such telegiaph company , used for purpose of rent by said company , or for purposes other than the ordinary operations of said company. " Conciincd in , but the delegation desires dif ferent phraseolo/y. Section 104 proscribes that the board of public works shall consist of live members a chairman , the city engineer , street commis sioner , superintendent ot buildings , and chairman of the board of park commission ers. The amendment consists of the section of the present charter relating to the board of nubile woiks , which allows to that body but three mcmbeis. This Is not concurred in and the oiiulual section is asked lor. Section 105 sets the bonds of the city en gineer at 910.000 , while In the amendment the bond Is raised to 850,000. Concurred. Section 107 prescribes as one of the duties of the park commissioners the suggesting of a system of park ways and boulevards within the city or within ten miles of the corporate limits theieof. The ten-mllo limit is stricken out In the amendment. Not concurred in. Section 110 declares that the established grade ot a street shall not be changed except by note of two-thirds of the council alter being referred to the board ot public works , and then not until the damages to propel ty owners which may bo caused by such change of grade shall have been assessed nnd deter mined by thieo disinterested freeholders ap pointed by the mayor for that purpose. The anienament requires the consent In writing to bo first obtained of the owners of lots or lands ahuttlui ; upon the street where such chauffO'Of giado Is to bo made , and thPso owners are to leprcsent n majority of the trout feet thcieoii. Section 118 makes provision for the appio- prlntion of pioperty for p.irk purposes. Tlio amendments Ignoio it. The delegation ask for the original section. Section 13.1 requites for public printing bids Irom the publishers of papers accom panied with a detailed statement of tlio car rier delivery in the citv , certified to under oath , showing the circulation of the same tor said pap'T six months prior to date ot bid , and In awarding the contract tor printing the relative circulation of the papers shall all bo considcied. No higher rate must be charged for the public printing than the low est i ate chanted by the olllclal paper to any patron for llko service during the period cov ered by its contract. The amendment ro- qulres simply that tlm printing shall be let to tne newspaper being the lowest responsible bidder with a circulation not smaller than 2,000 in the city. Concurred in. Section 143 In the original bill pro vides for restricting the liability of tlio city for damages resulting from detec tive sidewalks to Instances In which the same is notified of the defect and falls to repair the same. There is no reference to this In tlio amendments , and the delegation add the proviso vise that visitors or strangers may recover In juries sustained In the manner indicated. The other amendments are unimportant. AlTulrB at Itoino. ( fopi/iluM JAW In James Haitian Ilennclt. ] KOMI : ( via Havie ) , March 0. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the BIK. : ] The pub lication of Cardinal Gibbons'repoit has made a considerable stir in Koman ecclesiastical circles and has given a new interest to the question. 1 hear that at the Vatican the choice of a successor to Caidlnal Jacoblnl Is giving the pope no little anxiety. The post ot secretary of state has been offered to Mgr. llampclla , the nuncio at Madrid. He respectfully de clined , pleading ill health and his wish to oblige the queen regent by remaining in Spain till June. An offer lias been made to Cardinal Parocchl , who for other reasons felt unable to accept It. Mgr. Serolino Yanutllll , the nuncio nt Vienna , has since been pro posed , but It Is doubtful whether ho will find it convenient to ! et > ve Vienna. Mgr. Ualuin- bcrto will possibly have the next chance. If ho accepts he may bo made a cardinal deacon , but nothing is certain. It Is quite within the bounds of probability that Mgr. Mocennl , under secretary of state , will continue nomi nal secretary till the summer , the real woik being done by the pope and his devoted henchman , Mgr. ( lalumburte. Dloody Anarchist Talk. CHICAGO , March a There was a large meeting of socialists at West Polk street Turner hall this afternoon to discuss the measure pending In the Illinois legislature known as Merrill's bill to punish authors of Inflammatory and Incendiary speeches or writings. After an addiess by a newspaper man named Buchanan denouncing the cap italists , press nnd military , a resolution was adopted protesting against the bill. Then some very radical speeches w < ro delivered In English , German and Bohemian. Editor Uurllo , of the Arbelter Xellung , advised his hearers to procure arms and carry them. Holmes , the English chairman , declared the socialists had a rieht to teach treason and tin overthrow of society and constituted authori ties. Sooner than sou the bill passed ho would take arms In band and preach lovolu tlon. He was against Uie bill as an Ameri can citizen , as a socialist and as an anarchist. If necessary they should all become rebels and preach downright revolution. Curlln and Holmes were wildly cheered by tbe crowd , which Included a oumbit o ( WOUJID SCIENTIFIC OPINION. A Learned Professor Gives Ilia Views on the Kcfecnt Shake. ICnpyrloM Jf47 bu Jitme Cordon JJcmifff.l KOMK , March 0. [ New'York ' Herald Cable Special to the Bi : ] Professor dl Kossl , llrcctor of Geodymalne observatory here , has vlndly communicated to the Herald an ad vance copy of his report on the Hlvlcra earthquake. Thus writes the eminent pro- 'essor : "The following Is a short review of ho facts noted In tbo ( crrcstcral commotion which reached It3 c lef maximum In the earthquake of the 2 Wo possess many ilstorlc documents u atlng to events which night be compaied ' Ith the present phe- nomena. They nro n ( her exceptional nor new In the affected regions. Many data which have been ah ady noted In recent Italian observations , o now continued. An examination of the nta supplied by our nlcroseismometrlc a nar.xtus shows a pro- ouged microscopic < > turbance throughout the peninsula extend ig over the last two nontlis , the max mini occurring on the 6th , 10th and' 10th of January and on the 4th , 10th ICtli , 10th and thniJtst of Febuiary. The mlscroscopln movements were most marked and pcislst- ent In the dlsttlcts of active nnd extinct vol canoes and In several well known centers ot cndngnous activity. The same tact was noted In the cases of the earthquakes at Cas- amlcclola , In Scio and In Spain. In the ma- joilty of other cases of recent times the mIcioselsmutile maxia were more frequent toward the -id of February , but on the M all was calm everywhere. It Is worthy of 10- mark that a scries of slight earthquakes took place at Aqullla at the end of January and the beglnnltii : of February during n vhtual cessation of mlcrosclsmlc undulations , which lasted some days. It Is to bo regretted that no regular observations were taken of tlm temperature of the mineral waters ex cept at Salinlaitatc dl 1'ozziiolc , whcio It was found that the temperature rose gradually be tween tlio beginning of January and the end of Fnbruary for 03 to 70 degrees centiigrade. There weie several slight earthquakes In dlf- [ crent pails of Italy dining the same period , but they were less Important than Is usual at this season. On IhoGth and 8th of January liargano and Yolberre , on the 15th nnd 22nd Ktna and on the 2oth Venice were disturbed. On the 10th and 20th of February there were fiesh commotions at Etna. There were no disturbances worthy of mention in any other part of Italy. Thus it will bo seen that the shaken district were In four different centres of simultaneous activity which have since been again simultaneously with the earth quake of the 2.d ! lust. Indeed , the disturb ance of Etna occurred but a very short tlmo before the great upheaval of the 23ul. Gar- trano was shaken on the same morning nt eight minutes past 0. That Is n few minutes before the catastrophe. Verltla showed no perceptible phenomena.but according to the observations of M. Uolran , at Verona , with exceptional agitation apparatus , from the 22d to the 23d ono might bo led to suppose that there are now five diiterent centers of activity in Italy , namely , Sicily , Gargano Abriuzo , Baldo ( In 'VenetUO { and western Llgurla. Having noted the fact from n chronological standpoint 11 will now pass to barometric observations. The most complete coincidence between the atmospheric depressions and tlio maxima of microseismic undulations have been proven by M. Uevtelll , and reconfirmed here. The constitutional disturbances dur ing half of January which followed was In variably accompanied by high pressure , an occurrence which always precedes Imminent nnd serious phenomena In earth disturb ances such as the earthquake of the 23d. A peculiar tact has been remarked on sev eral occasions during the last few years. On the 21st and 22d tlio slight nvei ago atmos pheric depression had its center In the gulf of Genoa. On the 22d it had nearly disap peared , but between the 22d and 23d the barometer suddenly rose live millimetres. As rcgaids the eplccntrum of the earth quake. It Is difficult to say much. An an alysis of all the facts , and above all the di rection of the seismic waves , shows the start ing point of the vibrations to have been on a submarine geologic fracture , near and parallel with the Llgtirlan coast , running from east to west in tlio Chlavari region. Tlio seismic history of Italy shows that other eaithquakes which have occurred in the same region since 1541 followed the same line and injured the same places. " sins. POTTEIVS DEBUT. Kho Will Make It at the liaymarkot In London. [ ( Vj > ! / : fy7tt 1W bu JamCK Gordon Hewlett. ] LONDON , March 6. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to the BEC | I found Mrs. James Blown Polter this evening at her rooms. As to the present condition of affairs she said : "Yes , only yesterday I made up my mind , and only yostcrdav I signed a con tract with the Uaymarket. Whether 1 shall appear before Passion or after Easter Is not ye ) decided. I am to open as Anna Sylvester in "Man and Wile , " and shall probably fol low with an entirely new play , which Is not yet finished but is being written lor me by Mr. Bancrott , who has been exceedingly kind to me , even to piomising mo his wife's assist ance in tutoring me In stage business before my debut. The ti'imsot contract foibid my dlscloslnu my salary , but 1 may say It Is fab ulous , and exceeds , ns 1 have said , what Mrs. Langtry got and what Miss Teiry was receiving after she had played two years at the Lyceum. In addition , all my costumes , which will bo made In Paris , arc to bo supplied to mo at the close of the engagement. I received n cablegram after signing the contract this morning from Mr. Abbey offering mo an engagement , nnd I have had many other offers to consider , nil of which I shall lay before Mr. George Lewis , solicitor , who manages nil my alTaiis , nnd will lot him accept the next advantageous oiler for me. They wanted mo to contract yesterday for a longer period and explained away my dislike to the part of Anna Sylves ter. 1 refused to sigp for a longer period , as that would keep me Hero over winter , nnd 1 have made up my mind to appear In New York next September. My engagement at the Hay market Is the best school a novice like me could enter , and 1 hope for success lioic. If 1 succeed 1 am sure of a gtcat re ception in America. " Brinjtlnjj O t the Bodies. [ Copt/ifuht / 6S7bJamtsnordon ( llcnnctt. ] BittisshLS , March B. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to 'tivt BEK. ] About forty corpses have been recovered from the mines In tlio Paturges district where the lire damp explosions occurred on Friday night A hun dred or more are burled In the mine , and as they cannot possibly be reached for four days tbe probabilities are that oven If they are alive now they will ba dead before the rescu ing parties get to them. The Count of Flanders , the king's brother , and Prince Bandouln , bis majesty's nephew , accompa nied by M. Demorea , the minister ot agri culture , visited the scene ot the disaster to day. They were present when the terrible charred remains of the dead miners were brought to the .surface and were greatly af fected. They distributed alms among the widows and orphans ot the unfortunate vie Urns. Nebraskaund town Weather. For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair weather , colder , northerly winds , with cold wnvo In the northern poitlou. INCALLS WILL AGAIN TRY IT , The Kansas Senator Determined to Change Inauguration Day. A NEWSPAPER MAN'S INVENTION. A Submarine Torpcilo Which U pectpil to Perform Woiulera A New Ollico Mentioned l-'or Matthews. Chntmtni ; Inauguration Day , WAsitiNcnox , Maich 0. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . | There was ono bill be- lore congiuss this session In which the eutlro country was greatly Interested. It was In- : ioduced by Mr. Ingalls and piovldcd that tiaugutatlon day be chniucd from March 4 to the last Tuesday In Apiil. The Idea is not a new ono with the senator from Kansas , as 10 has written an claboiato article in Its favor. The reason ho gives is that the weather wo usually have In the early d.tjs of March Is execrable and the effect of the In auguration ceremonies ate apt to bo spoiled by storms and intensely cold or dlsagiceablo winds. The middle of April generally closes the unpleasant spring season In this latitude nut the last Tuesday Is sure to Hud the cap ital city in Its loveliest garb , lugalls' incas- mo iccclvcd the fullest approbation from the committees of both houses to which It was referred and seemed almost certain of pass age , but failed at the last moment. Ho will not glvo It up , however , but Intends intro ducing It early in the Fiftieth congress and pressing it to a successful conclusion. A .lOUU.VAUSTIC I'KODUCTION. Mr. Sid ,11. Nealy , a newspaper writer of this city , has just secured American and foielgn patents on what promises to bo a very etlectlvo submarine torpedo. 11 is called "Tho Sea Devil , " and is capable of carrying a cliaigo of nearly 1,000 pounds of dynamite. It Is to be sent after an enemy's ship from cither shore or on shipboard , and its Inventor asserts that no ship , however fast , can run way fiom It even In a slow chase. The body of the torpedo eair.vlug the charge re volves with tiemendous rapidity , the shaft In the rear being held motionless lust by n Jloat , to which the torpedo Is attached , and atterwards by tour Hat blades that stick out from the shaft llko so many wmirs of a chum paddle. Reaching the yards ot a ship tlio torpedo ducks Its head , dives fourteen leet into the water , raises its lioad and daits against the ship's hull. It is steered until it reaches the ship by electric wires but the most accurate shots can be made with It at a distance of three-quarters of a mile. Mr. Nealy will soon glvo an exhibition of his In vention heie. THEWS TO succr.nn MOXTOOMUIY. A report gained some cuirency to-day which credits the president with the intention of appointing the ox-recoider of deeds , Matthews , the Albany coloiod man , commis sioner of patents as soon as the resignation of Mr. Montgomery takes etlect. Last week Matthews was to bo register of the treasury and It Is more likely that the president would appoint him to that position where he would have little to do besides sign his name than at the head of the patent ollico , where a law yer of piofound judicial mind Is required to decide the intricate points coming before him. A I'llESinnNTIAT. THHEAT. The president Is reported to ha\e given ex pression to somoeinpiiatlc opinions touching the conduct of certain nrommeut democratic members of the house In their votes upon the passa&o ot the dependent ponsious bill over his veto , and they are likely to have an unhappy tlmo here after when they approach him upon the matter of appointments. "All their talk about economy is bosh , " ho Is said to have remarked to an ofllclal not unconnected with the pension bureau. "They ( referring to Kandall and llolmaii ) aie always ready to make some cheap capital for themselves when they think It can bo done with safety. We will see. " And with this ominous ex pression hu "shut his mouth with a snap , " said the nauatoros he described the Intel- view. AX ANTI-IA.XDAM ! , MOVEMENT , There Is a decided movement on foot among southern and southwestern members of congress to psevent the appointment of Mr. Randall as chairman of the committeoon appropriations. This movement arises , lirst , liom the desire to avoid the nanow escape by which the Important appropriation bills were pulled through ; and. secondly , because many of the older members are tiled of sub mitting to the dictatorial manner in which the i'ennsyUanlnn rules the bolide. The members who tailed to secure the passage ot bills In which they were particularly inter ested are almost unanimous In laying the blame at the door ot Randall , who controlled legislation through the power vested in him by his chairmanship. There Is little doubt that Mr. Carlisle will have amajoiltyof the democratic votes in tlio caucus , but the mem bers referred to above will lirst Insist upon a pledge that Kandall shall be provided with a chairmanship elsewhere than in the one po sition which elves him so much power. Mr. Carlisle's friends think that in view of the vvldespiead dissatisfaction In the democratic paity over Mr. Randall's course In handling the appropriation bills , which lesulted in the defeat of tlm deficiency nppioprlation as well as nil foitlflcatlon mils , ho will accede and give tlio required promise. Tlio Uarflchl Monument. Nnvv YOIIK. Mnrch 0. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J The last of the five bas-relief panels for the Garlicld monument In Cleve land was finished by Cauboit , the sculptor , nnd was put on exhibition In his studio. It measures 7x10 feet in plaster cast , and con tains nearly twenty liguics , some in basso and some in alto relievo. This last panel represents Garfleld lying In state , guarded by two soldiers and a Knlirhts Templar , while n crowd of people pi ess by to take n last look. The figuics are realistic , not allegorical. Among them are n merchant , a sailor , a negro , two women , a little girl and n crippled old man , all of lifo sUe. The five plates will picture live phases ot Garheld's life Uio schoolmaster , the soldier , the orator , the president , and the martyr. The lirst four have already been cast In terra eotta. Tlio monument will piobubly bo unveiled In May or J une. COUIiD'S IjATKST. Ho Secures Control of the St. Louis & Han Francisco. CHICAGO , March 0. [ Special Telegram to the BKE. | A special from St. Louis says : The most Important railway deal that has taken placu In the west In years was re cently consummated by Jay Gould and made public to-day. Ho has acquired a controlling Interest In the St. Louis & Sau Francisco railway property. The I'Frisco will be a full fledged member of the Missouri Pacific sys tem of rail ways , and operated and managed throughout by Missouri Pacific otllcials. The mileage of the 'Frisco nropertv and Its branches Is nearly 000 miles , nnd It Is sub stantially a joint owner with the Atc.itson , Topeka & Suntn Fe of the Atlantic & . Pacific and of the west end of the Southern Pacific. Together with the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo the 'Frisco has an unbroken all-rail route between San Francisco and St. Louis , and will soon have over Its own tracks a route to Par's ' , Tex. , and when the gap between Tapulpa , in the Indian Territory , nnd Albu- qurque U closed , the 'Frisco will have Its own rails , or such as It Is halt owner of , be tween the Mississippi river and tlio Pacific coast , which will aggregate about 8,000 miles of the entire system. It Is understood that the next board of directors will bo substan tially the same as the Missouri Pacific , and that the executive , general and stall oillcers of the Missouri Paciiic will then extend their jurisdiction and authority over the 'Filsco system. The I'.cllolH Hhot. llusrciiUK , March C. Nine ofllcers and civilians concerned In the recent revolt were shot here this morning. The soldiers will be tried tO'Uiofrow , A LUCKY ACU1DUNT. A Train Thrown Into KaultiK Torrent lint No Lives Lout. ST. Loins March 0. The railroad accident on the lion Mountain railway DcSoto , Mo. , which was very bi telly referred to late ast nlcht , while not being at all unusual In regard to fatal casualties , proves to have been quite rcmaikablo in respect to several clrctun- tanees which attended It. It occurred at Victoria , thirty miles south of here , a little after 10 o'clock , and was occasioned by the glvltu away under the train of a trestle \hich crosses .Joaclilm crcok at that point. I'ho train was the Texas express and con sisted of baugogo , express and mall ears , a smoKer , two passenger coaches and four sleepers , carrying about 10 ! ! pas sengers. A heavy rain had fallen all day and the cieek was nuch fl\\ollcn At llemutite , the first station his side of the tiostle , the "tiglnccr received irder.s to run cautiously , as the rain had been ievvy and the creek was out of its banks , engineer Kellv sa\s ho ran slowly beyond hat point , and both ho and his lliemut ) , William Hatch , watched the tiack very c.iro- lully. As ho approached the trestle Kelly ibserved that the trnek waseiitliely straight ind level , shoeing nothlim wrong , and ho \\eiitonwlthout tin ) slightest or heslta- Ion. Hut when tils cnirino icachcd about the middle ot the trestle he felt the whole structure slnklnc beneath him. In an In stant ho opened the valve operating their jrakcs full width and broutrht tlio train to so quick a stop that the front end of the cats were entshed In by .he sudden shock. This saved the coaches , but the baggage , mall , express and smoking cars wont Into the raising torrent below , car rying with them all the men on board. Kn- glnecr Kelly and Fireman Hatch went down with the engine and were submerged in the lood. Kelly , in his struggle to tree himself , 'ound that ono of his feet was held fast , but at the same instant , and just as ho realized : lmt ho must drown , the engine turned over , ils foot was released and ho came to the surface. Scl/lug a passing , log he clung to It desperately and was swept lown the torrent and lodged against \ tico 1W yards below. With scarcely strength enough to move , he clasped Ills arms around tlio limb of the tiec , became uncon scious , and was not restoied until t\\o or .luce hours alter ho had bcyi taken from the rccc. when he found himself kindly cared 'oor in a house In Victoria. Ills head and jice was severely cut , two ot his toes cut 'rom one of his teot , and ho Is badly bruised n vailous parts of his body. He will recover. Fireman Hatch was carried about 500 yards lown stieam , lodglm : In a mass of brush or Irlft , and was rescued soon alter the flood subsided. He is a good deal bruised , but not seilously hurt. The postal ear was swept away some distance , and as water rushed hrouch It from cud to end , tne mall was Iterally washed out and Is now scattered over miles of territory or embedded In the mud of the creek. It Is regarded as an almost totnl loss , the wholoof It being completely soaked and the addresses ot the letters ) biterated. Postal Clerks McCullogh , Shaf fer and Hyan were badly bruised and almost liowned , and being stripped for work , they lost all their clothes , their gold watches and about Si > 0 In money , which were carried away by the Hood. The smoker , which is said to have contained some twenty persons , was swept down about 300 feet Dolow the : restlc , and all of itsoccunantsara belic\edtb have been saved. They succeeded in getting outside of the car and clung to Its top until they were rescued. There is some doubt about the baggageman and express messen ger being saved , but u later dispatch from tlio wicck says that none of the trainmen weio oit , The c.uiso of tlio unprecedented flood , s believed to have been a cloud-burst which took place late in tlio evening and filled tlio cicek , which runs bctsvden rugged hills tor miles , so full that it became a railing torrent , with a current of over twenty miles an hour , and swept everything before it. A full list of the casualties cannot be ob tained , but aside from Henry Byron , of lamcstown , N. V. , who was found drowned n the smoker , and Byrnes a biakoman , who md his foot dislocated , no one other than those mentioned above were In anyway seriously injured. Ncaily one-half of those n the smoker lost most of their clothes n being torn from their persons either In getting out of the car or by the rushing water through which they were Iragged ashore by ropes. A farmer named Andrew White , of Uailey's Station , did he roic work in saving tlio passengers , he hav ing swam several times to the smoker and each time returned with ono of the unfortu nates , who were clinging to the roof of the car. The mall Is said to have been the largest ever sent over the road , nnd the losses will tall heavily on this city , where about threo-quaiters of the matter oilgmatcd. An express package without address or anything on it by which t can bo Identified , containing S:17,000 : , was found to-day , and U Is not unlikely that otlieis will be discoveied in the bed of the creek or in the woods. Till : : CLUAKANCF ; uisconn. Record of the Financial Transactions the Pant AVcok. BOSTON , March O. f Special Telegram to the UEK.I The following table , compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the leading clearing houses of the United states , gives the gross exchanges at each point for the week ended March f > , 1887 , in comparison with these of the correspond ing uerlod of IfaMJ : An Unfortunate Accident. Coi.uunitf , Neb. , March 0. ( Special Tel egram to the BKKJ Lost night Mrs. Haniih Compton , eighty-seven years old , died , ami this morning tier daughter , Mrs. Will Comp ton , while standlni : beside a buggy givlnz some Instructions to her husband concerning the funeral of her mother , some sheep ran against her , breaking her leg badly. Called a Letflslrtlvo Session. CIIAHI.KSTON . Va. , March 0-Govcrnor Wilson will to-morrow Issue ills proclamation convening the legislature of this state on the third Wednesday of April next to consider appropriations' ! public moneys for vailou * purposes. The governor does not refer to thi. election of a United States senator , but it Is believed that there will be no election , us thu work called for cannot bo accomplished be- foio tbe second Tuesday atttr ttu meeting. THE LORD APPEARED TO HER 'i The Cure of tbo Leper By Eliiha Outdone . , : in Nebraska. , SHE DRANK AND WAS HEAUED. A Wonderful foot Discovered By A Woman Near Norilmi After ft Pardon - don For Murderer .lack MarIon - Ion State Now * . AVns II n Miracle ? Noitwv : , Neb. , March 0. | Spcclal to the BiiJ : : The Pool of Sllnam In Jerusalem , undo Immortal in the New Testament na the ulraeulous healer of nil sorts and varieties oC Us to which mortal llcsh Is heir , bids fair to > o equaled by n small anil illrty "bulTnlo wnl- ow" about two miles from this lively llttla ilace. Thu circumstances \ \ lileh have broughl ibout the discovery of the miraculous powers ! ) f this "pool" iinve set this community "by the ears" nnd It Is the ono subject of excited conveisatlon. For four months past the wife ) > f William Hector , a leading farmer llv tig two miles cast ot this place , ms been conllncil to her bcilvlth a dangerous malady and her phjslclnns uul pionoucccd her recovery hopeless ] Everything had been done that tbe science of medicine could suggest to restore her to lealth , but all to no avail. Last Wednesday nomine , however , n great chance occurred n the most marvelous manner , ' That morn- ng the supposed-to-bc-dylnit woman nformcd * her husband that the ,01 d had appeared to her In ho night as ho did to Samuel of old ami when she had answered , "Speak , . .ord , for thy servant , health , " the message lad been dellveied to her to co to the 'buffalo wallow , " which Is near the house , and drink of the water and bo cured. The only conditions that the Lord Imposed wore hat she .should go alone nnd unassisted to ho magic snot. The woman's husband , although somewhat skeptical , believing bin \\lfo to bo n "dreamer ot dreams , " concluded o humor tier , and after making u desperateof- ort she succeded In arising from her bed and , reaching the pool , took a long draught rom the muddy wallow. Immediately new ifo si'omed to bo restored to her wasted frame and sha returned to her husband do- claiiiig herself completely lestored to health , 'rom thai moment until this writing Mrs. Sector has attended to her household duties with her former vigor and Is firm in the be iof that .sue had dliect communication with lie Lord. While opinion on the ease differ ! tore , n laif. number of citl/ens are of the be ) let that the lady has a large stock ot Im agination and that it Is to this that she owes ler remarkable euro. Imlior ConilomiiH Traitors. Noisroi.K , Nob. , March ! . To the Edi tor of the HIK : : At : i special meeting of the Knights ot Labor of Norfolk , nssom * bly No. r > U08. tlio following preamble and resolutions wore unnnimoiHly adopted : Whereas , The best Interests of the laboring classes of Nebraska ami ol the whole union have been ignoied by the defeat of C. U. Van' Wyck , and j Whereas. Our state senator ( Frank Fuller ) was elected by tlio'laboring c.la8es of tula district with the sole understanding itlmt he ) act for and wltii the friends of C. II. Van Wyck to the end that he bo returned as his own successor to the United States senate : and Whewas , He , the said state senator , lias by his own net placed the mark of traitor upon his own character by beingsubitdlred by rail * * road corporations to their interests ; and i Whereas , His conspirluir to tim defeat of t ! the laborers' tilend , C. H. Van Wyck-was a , 1 more unkind cut than a Biutui dagger at Uio heart of every honest wealth producer In thsj United States ; therefore bo It , Uesolved , That the contempt we feel tot Judas Iscarlot , Benedict Arnold and all tha" arch traitors ot the woild Is only second to the contempt we feel for the said Frank' Fuller and the other "freaks" who were elected on their promise to vote fertile pee * ' v pie's choice , C. H. Van Wyck ; and , > Resolved , That wo stamp with the seal of our condemnation all railroad lawyers sad others in this vicinity to whom was entrusted ] the management of the last canpalra ; " Resolved , That this assembly make an4n - dellblo record of the names of all the traltoKl who figured in the defeat of our standard- bcaior , Charles H. Van Wyck , and we B > PV peal to every liberty-loving citizen in tMI United States to join us in demanding ot congress an act to make * the election of United States senators by a direct vote of tbf people : and. * . Resolved , That n copy of these resolution ! be sent tb the Omaha BII : : tor publication. * FRAJfK.MABlM ) Committee on Resolution * . ' Prosperity at Beatrice. BnATiucE , Neb. . Match 0. [ Special lir.K.J Tlio Gage County Agricultural elation yesterday sold the old falrgrouadsoa\ the west side containing twenty acres tot SO.OOO , which they bought a short Una ago for S'J , 100 , and have bought fifty acres north ? ' east of town for $4ooo. The old grottadf t _ will bo platted at once In city lots. The post- ollico was moved In the new Masonic buIkU ) Ing to-dav. The room Is 25x100 feet and handsome ono. The rapid growth ot UM town has made this move n necessity. It Iff ' now ono of the most complete offices la thf ! , west. To say that the cllv is booming wauls ? , hardly express It , Several new MdlttoM _ , . ( | were platted this week and lots am WUlnif' o rapidly. New cltl/ens are coming In. new Industries being staited , and we are enjoying a steady , substnntlal growth. A new bridge M is to span the river on Court street , replacing the old one , extensive Improvements am being commenced by the railioad companies1 and everything goes to show that we are ! prospering. Last yeai's Improvement * amounted to over 3000,000 , and thu year blu fair to surpass It. Jack Marlon's Fate. BnAruic'K , Neb. , March ( ) . [ Special giain to the BIK. : ] The question as to whether Jiv k ; Marlon is to be hanged next FrH | ' day or not Is not yet fully settled. A petition to commute his sentence to Imprisonment fog life was picsented to Governor Tlmyeryes- < teulay , and to-morrow night L. W. Colby , ' Marion's attorney , will ho heard by the gov einor in support of the petition. Marionhaf said heietoloio that ho would rather be ) hanired than Impilsoned for life , but bright * ' ened up considerably to-day when Informed by the pherlll that there was n chance for his ) sentence to bo commuted. Ho has b found guilty by two juries and his death i tonre pronounced by Judges P. Davldnon i J. H. lltoaiiv , both of whom say there Is question but that ho was proven guilty of murder The great majority ot the cltlseM of Gaga county feel that tlm verdicts were just and that thu sentence should not be In * terlered with. % ColumhiiH Sporting BpHntnr * . COI.IIMIIUH , Neb. , Mnrch 0.- [ Special TeW esinin to the Biij : : The sporting spirit OC Omaha Is becoming a contagion. Columbus ] has caught It. Vcsterdny a five-mile feet race was run aroi-ml the public square by two professloiinls. making good tlmo and a pretty . spurt on tlio last lap. Several foot races aref on the tapis , A professor in one of our pub/ Ilo schools and an uiiKnown Iroui Utah wy ' open the spotting season. The Iloom at iiiiiio , Neb. Miuch P. [ Special ta tlio BKK.J Thu boom for .Stroiniburg Is BOW. a settled fact. Thu crew c.iiuo in yesterday to open work on tlio now laltrond running ; south through York , and put In Improve ments at the depot hero. The U. & M. will surely bu running tialns Into Siromsburg by thu 1st of September , and w ith ihls comae the greatest boom our llvo little town has v r experienced , A number of changes In bt " ' ness have been made and biitlaesr men fueling jubll.n't sit : tLo prospects '