Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1887, Page 6, Image 7

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    6 THE SUNDAY BEE : MAflQH ( i 1887.-TWEI/VE PAGES.
% MARCH 0.
by furrier In nny part of the city Rt
twenty cents pur week.
* H. W.TILTON , Manager.
{ TtM.r.PHONES !
ncr , No. 13.
! NlOIIT ClIITOIt No. 23.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
Now spring goods itt Roller's , tailor.
George \V. Thompson &Co. . real estate.
Tun nrrc.sts wnre made yesterday by
the police.
A new ( Jood Templars' lodge is being
See W. C , Stacy & Co. , No. 0 Main , for
bareain.s in real estate.
The city council meets in regular ses
sion Monday evening.
J. W. & E. L. Squire's abstracts nrc
giving good satisfaction.
Madame Fannie llloomliold is to give a
piano concert at Dohany's on the llGn.
Over fifty families are roportrd as hav
ing measles. There are very few cases
showing any malignancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitts have taken the little
foundling which was left so mysteriously
on the street the other night.
Squire's nark addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacilic avenue will be built up
with store buildings within a year.
Mr. Maxon is preparing to resume work
on his residence next week and will push
it forward to an early completion.
The plat of Htitchinson's lirst addition ,
live acres , along Avenue E , near Twenty-
seventh street , was recorded yesterday.
C. Geisc is making some marked im
provements in his brewery , adding new
machinery and making other changes.
Next Thursday night Roland Heed is to
" ' the house and
give "Humbug' at opera ,
on Saturday evening "Kvangelinc. "
John Sioyors and Matilda Ward , both
of Omaha , were yesterday united in mar
riage bv the kindly ministrations of
'Squire Biggs.
The War Song concert to bo given at
the opera house Tuesday evening , prom
ises to be a musical treat , many of the
best local singers participating.
Two boys , Ace and Hert Hancock wcro
Jast evnning arrested for disturbing the
peace , While in the oity jail they amused
themselves by singing , "Stick to your
mother Tom , don't ' let , her worry while
you lay in jail hero. "
The district com t was not in session
yesterday. Judge Thorncll received a
telegram from homo Friday night calling
him there , and he did not got back in
time for court. Adjournment was there
fore taken until Monday.
City Marshal Guanella went to Lincoln
yesterday morning after requisition
papers and returned last night with Ed.
Adams , who was arrested in Omaha for
stealing horses from Fred Kline , of this
Morris Davis and Eugene Pagctt , two
lads from MaiMiulltown , are in the
charge of the officers hero as runaways
from homo. The boys do not teem to bo
greatly worried , ami are making them-
fcolvcs as cheerful as possible while be
hind the bars awaiting the arrival ol
friends to take them back.
A. 11. Hico and E.V. . Raymond have
formed a co-paitiicrship for the trans
action of a real estate brokerage busi
ness. The now firm to bo known as Rico
& Raymond , and their location la No. K
Nortn Mam street , the same as the oil
business stand of E. W. Raymond.
There was a little scare started yesterday
day , by a street rumor that the Broadway
bridge bill had not been signed by tin
president , There were a few who got n
little anxious about it. The fact was
stated in the telegraph reports published
in the BEE Friday morning that the bill
had been approved , it appearing in a list
of several bill.
Arrangements are being made for
largo number of visitors from Omaha ,
Denison , Missouri Valley and othei
places to attend the entertainment given
here on the 17th for the benefit of Father
Hcaly. Ho has many friends in this part
% of the country who will gladly join in
giving duo expression to their feelings.
N. E. Leaman , late of Snyder &
man , commission merchants , has entorcc
the employ of Poycko Bros. , of Omaha
He is an experienced anil active commis
sion roan , and with his wide acquaintance
nnd push will control a largo amount o
trade. He will not forsake Council Blulls
but wilt spend a portion of his time it
looking after business hero.
Mrs. Hancock , Jiving on Main street ,
was yesterday mad. She claimed that a
neighbor's boy , with the astonishing
name of John Smith , had whipped her
little girl and the elder Smiths would do
nothing about it. She threatened to have
the boy airested , and the Smiths dared
her to do so. She signed the complaint
charging him with assault , and the ease
will probably come up Monday before
Judge Aylcsworth.
George Frey , Morris Davoy , Fred
Green and Eugene Tate , four boys , were
arrested by Ollicor Beswick for jumping
on the street cars. The boys have an
noyed the drivers a good deal by jump
ing on the rear platforms and causing
the cars to go bohoing along. Whether
the ones caught are the right ones re
mains to be seen. If the boys can only
be stopped from their recent annoyances ,
even at the expense of some who are not
the most to blame , it will be something
accomplished for the better.
For alderman of the Fourth ward
George Metcalf has been nominated , not
merely as a republican , in fact not as a
republican at all , but as the best man for
the place. The eiti/.ons of that ward
should stand by him to-morrow without
regard to warty. Ho needs no commenda
tion in a city where ho is so well known.
It simply remains for the voters to decide
whether having at last prevailed on him
to accept tbo nomination , they will
improve the opportunity of putting
snch a stifo and enterprising man in the
council. Ho must go in.
Preparations are being made for a
rousing celebration of St. Patrick's day.
Among the special features of interest
will be an Irish play , "Tho Lancashire
Lass , " to bo given at the opera house in
the evening , by homo talent. The pro-
I' f coeds are to bo for the benefit ot Rev.
Father Healy , and this alone should cause
the house to bo crowded. The A. O. H.
I. is arranging for a dance in the Temple
hall in the evening also , but this will not
conflict. Those who want to attend both
l + - can easily do so. The dunce promises
to bo a merry ono , and on the programme
will bo jigs , Irish breakdowns , etc. , and
a full band , including the bagpipes are
The citizens who believe in progress
and improvement , and at the same time
wise handling of the city's interests ,
should vote for Chris Straub for aldtT-
man In the Third ward. This city needs
such men for its council. Strangers m-
K quiring about the city with a view of in-
IB , " vesting urn apt to ask lirst of all what
1 sort of n oity go\ornntont there is. They
want to know who compose the council.
When ono is asked who Alderman Straub
is , what has been his business , what his
r4. record is , tl'ero ' Isn't a man in thu city
'but can answer truthfully and take
pride ill doing so. lie has no pet
v ; schemes to got through , and no griov-
'ance.s to right. Ho has a record , and n
future , and now that party lines are done
$ § * . nwr.y with for one square election , thu
best men should receive the hearty sup
port of all ( rood citizens. He should be
-elected by turovenvhohuint ; majority.
A Stranger Tbrows Himself In Front of An
Tlic Topics nt the Churches Tile
Doings of Thlevos The Buyers
anil Sellers of Dirt
I'craonnla ,
III * Brain On Fire.
On yesterday morning's incoming
Rock Isl.ind train thorn was ono passen
ger who caused much trouble to the train
men and annoyance to the passengers.
Ho was a man about forty years of age
and apparently in comfortable circum
stances. Ho appeared to hiuii been on : i
long spree , or to have in homo way got
his head otil of balance. There was con
siderable trouble in keeping him quiet
but between DCS Moiues and this city he
settled down into some bits of quiet slum
ber. After reaching the local depot hero
the train pulled out as usual for the
transfer , and had not gone far when the
man jumped suddenly from his scat and
went crashing through one of the _ windows -
dews of the coach , making a sensational
leap , landing on his head near the traok.
An engine was moved up to take the in
jured man back to the depot. Ho
jumped up and throw himself in front
of the engine , insisting on being killed.
his head being placed right on the rail.
Ho was in a frantic and suicidal condi
tion of mind. Ho was taken in charge ,
removed to the city jail and from there
sent to the Cottage hospital for eaie. His
injuries wcio not very serious , despite
his sensational leap. He had a bad cut
in his head , but the most serious injury
seemed the rcaiilt of the concussion. His
name , as it appeared from papers found
on his person , is Samuel Johnson , lie
evidently has friends in ComiolUvillo ,
Pa , and in lUitte City , Montana. Tele-
tirnms were sent to the friends to notify
Yesterday afternoon the man was still
wild , and ho managed to escape from the
hospital and ran through the streets with
nothing but his bcdclotlung about him.
lie was recaptured on Uryant street , and
was then locked in a room in the upper
part of the jail building. The man is in
a terrible condition , mentally and phy.sic-
ally , and requires care and constant
watchfulness lie has means siillicipntto
moot expenses , anil from letters in his
pocket it appears that ho can get all
needed help easily as soon as his iriends
are informed of his condition.
Kx-Scnntor Bruoo nt tlio O > ; < len.
Hon. H. 1C. Bruce , of Mississippi , ex-
United States senator and ex-register of
the tieasury , is at the Ogden house , hav
ing arrived last night. After ho had par-
aken ot his evening meal a BII : : re-pro
ienlativo interrogated him as to his visit
, o this part of the west. The ex-senator
stated thai ho was on a lecture tour
hrough Iowa , winch he said was one of
he best lecture stales in the union , there
being omy about 2 per cent of
illiteracy in the state. Mr. Bruce is
a very line appearing colored gentleman.
of a light brown color , very robust , and
in interesting conversationist. Atter re
ference to his marked change in appear-
inco ho said that he had fallen oil1 in
weight from 2J5 ! pounds to 210 pounds
and the change made by h'.s only wear-
"ng a mustache and imperial was quite
loticeablo to those who had known him
n former days. Ho lectured on Friday
night in Greenfield and to-morrow morn
ing goes to Sioux City where ho lectures
Monday night. Ho lias two lectures ,
"The Race Problem" and "Popular Ton-
.lencics. " The former lecture being
.ho ono most sought fern
n this part of the country.
lie is under the management of the
Slayton hceum bureau of Chicago , which
relieves him of the necessity of arranging
"iis details for dates , etc.
Mrs. Bruce has not been traveling with
her husband as she remains nt Indian-
ipolis where their sou is attending col-
ego.A number of callers sent up their cards
o his room last nicht " " and were all very
cordially received.
A Missing Illnmoml.
Two slick individuals from Omaha yes
terday afternoon entered Burhorn's jew
elry store , No. 17 Main street , and asked
to see some diamond collar buttons ,
which were shown them. After looking
over the collar buttons ono was solcctod
and put away to bo called for in the
evening , at which time one of them
would settle for it. They then looked
over some slcevo buttons , but without
purchasing. Directly after their exit
the ciurk missed a diamond stud
which had Deen lying on the tray
with the slcovo buttons , and ran
out to have them arrested. He found
them standing near the dummy depot ,
talking to Policeman Unthank who ho
had arrest them. When they reached
too pity jail they gave their names as II.
Rotherty and William Moss , of Omaha.
They were taken to the city jail for safe
When arrested they wore in company
with two others. They were taken to the
jail in a hack in which a diamond collar
button was found but this does not be
long to Burhorn. 11. Rotherty is one of
the men who was .arrested here last sum
mer on suspicion and who then claimed
to bo a wholesale merchant of Omaha.
McDouunll'H Cnreer.
The arrest of McDougall in this city for
threatening to kill hiswifo lest she should
reveal tlio secrets of his past criminal
life , has caused no little comment. The
Yankton Press says in regard to it :
"Hack In tSSl therowas ; an encounter at n
place called HOK ranch , over in the 1ml Inn
country. DotweeniU'bper.uloes and the mili
tary and In the uil'iur a lieutenant was killed.
A itospcrailo named E. JlcDoiittiill was
wounded In the Imnd , was r.ipti'reil by tlio
ottlcers nncl brought to Ynnkton nnd placed
in jnil under the patrummo of the United
States government. Not appreciating the
attentions 01 those Interested In his care
McDouirall conspired with others and lilmlly
effected his escape from our jail. Since Unit
time lie has been a very scarce article up to
last week , when ho was nnusted In Council
Hind's tor threntcnln 'to 1:111 : his wlte , who had
learned the seciets ot hislonj , ' rilmlmU ciucer
nnd become to him a dangerous person. "
Took u Ticker.
Yesterday afternoon sneak thieves en
tered the residence of James Winans ,
while Mrs. Winans was taking a nap ,
and stole her gold watch. Suspicion was
directed to two trampish looking fellows
who had been seen In the neighborhood ,
nnd who had suddenly disappeared. The
ollicer.s hunted for them , taking a hand
car ami running quite a distance down
the railway tiack , A gang of tramps
\\orn found , but none in them seemed to
answer thu description.
The city schools now take a vacation
which will last for a week. The schools
will reopen Monday , March 1-1. Tlio
spring vacation comes a little earlier
than usual this year , but it is none tlio
less welcome to teachers and pupilo.
A Small Burglary.
When P. W. Ryan , living on Benton
street , awoke yesterday morning he
found that some ono had been through
the house during ' the night , and had lett
ouu of the doors open , ilis pautulooiu
pockets had been rlllrd of $20. There
seemed to bo no clue , and stranger than
all else no tracks could bo discovered
about the house , though there was a light
snow on tlio ground. The mystery is
being looked into.
Correct Tlinr.
Union Pacillc employes will please take
notice that wo hold license "No. ! W as
watchmakers according to general order
No. 30 , and we most respectfully solicit
their pntronngo.
C. B. JACQi'niiMix & Co ,
27 S. Main Street.
Council Bluffs.
Servk'CHof the Sanctuary.
Arc you going to church to-day ?
Where ? Let's see what the mlnistcfs are
going to in-each about , and what the
services are to be. Here arc the chinch
notices :
M1. pAt'i.N Piirnni.
The sacrament of aduit baptism will be
administered IM * numilng at 11 a. m ,
also the sacrament of the Lord's supper.
Evening erviee and serman at 7 ! )0 ) p. m.
The public and strangers are cordially
invited to attend. T. J Maekav , i color.
UNION ntAi'i.r. .
Services at Union ehaplc , Harmony
street , to-dav at ! ( o'clock , conducted by
Rev. Dried Vien , formerly from ! ranee ,
a fo\orite spoakcc at the Mission. Text ,
( Jen. ! ) , 0. Prayer meeting . Thursday
evening at 7 : ! ' ( ) o'clock , 'lopic. John ,
cliiuttcr II. These meetings are increas
ing in number.
rntsi lupiisr nil itcii.
The pastor of the Baptist church will
preach at' ' ) n. m. Subject. "Jacob's
Lad'ler. At 70 ! ! p. m. on Joseph the
l-'Jowor of the I'atriarchical System.
Seats free.
ruxminjAiioNAi. .
Service" to-day in the Congregational
church. Morning , the sacrament and
admission of members. Subject of evening
" Good Investment. " A
ing sermon , "A .
cordial invitation is extended.
Services in the Presbyterian church
to-day at the usual hours vi/ , lO.J'.O a. in.
and 7-0 : ; p. m. S.ibbath school at 12m.
Star sale stables of Council Hind's.
The largest stock of horses and uiuli'S
west of Chicago , which will be sold at
wholesale or retail and satisfaction guat-
Star sale stables for mules and heavy
draft hordes.
'Iransfers Kllc'il.
The following transfers wore yesterday
filed for record with the county roeoider :
John llaminii to J A Cliuiohlll , lot I blk IS
Jlddlo t | c-K.
FiauK. Anclies to J A Cliurchlll , lot 1 blk IB
llddh' 1:000. :
.1 Ji I'.R'u toTS Ma\\\ellloUt > lk'.M , Hceis'
Ruth C Paidoo to S.uali .1 Daniels , lot
Ik IS llvatt'.s J-7,700.
S XOIMJ to M F Uolirer , lot 10 , blk 'J and lot
blk 11 B.iyliss AI' & 7ii. ( (
K A lun ! on to 1'etei 0 .Miller , lot 1 bU ! 'JO
U'lison's a'ld 170.
\V ij Fetter to 11 Cooperaml L 1 > Itobiiison ,
side In sw4' } s0 > 4 i , 15n " 10.
I ) 11 Fiisby to A S lla/leton and \V S
ilayne , bi acu-s In se'4 ' ) , " > , 41 , and lots In
I'm"ley's add SS"UO.
llenrv ( iatnxs to ( ! W C.uill sV n'4 ' se'i '
ind nlsj < " ( K'tf 1 , 74:1 : ( S acii'si sihU.
_ U RLtv."PUUtoO Koesler , sU > , n\\i40 ,
kinily 15 'Cioi-lvWi'll to Vtintist Lcipold , lot
i , hlk - , Cn ailj's mill S'.WJ. '
\V W De.iiboin to Aiiirust Lelpold , lots " i
.nil'Jii . , blkiio , Ceiitial-ssoo.
James K ilco ! to V Vatten , all lot 10 and
xut lots 7 , band 9 , blk IS , south ot Union
ueniic Sl.lOO.
1'acilic National bank toV W Dc.nboin ,
ots 11 ami 12. blk 3 ! , Keen : lot 7 , blk b , and
ot 1 , blk 14 , Kiddle tr.ick SH.-m
1) K Dobson to O I' IVnk. pait lots 4 anil 5 ,
sub of 10 acres , se'X nek : \ 75 , 44 S1.7SO.
H I' Wanen to F K Ui\is , lot 3 and 4 , blk
25 , Uetr's , hub-gOOO.
Call and see the stock of hordes and
mules at Star Stables before purchasing
lr. llanchctt , ollico No. 1'i Pearl street :
esidonee , 120 Fourth btieet ; telephone
No. 10.
Preparing lo Utiild.
If there is anyone thing that this city
needs it is numerous .small dwelling
louses that will rent for from $ ' 20 to $ ; ) j
ler month , it is the intention of W. S.
Jooper , ol the former firm of Cooper ite
SlcGec to select a location and build a
number of houses to rent at trom sf'5
.jer month up. A good interest is assured
on the investment for others who will
[ nit up houses of from live to eight rooms
in good locations to rent.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
lialf their former rates. See them betoro
securing your loans.
Smith Bros , have some special bar
gains in aero property inside the city ,
which they will place on the market the
lirst thing Monday morning. Call early
Before these bargains are all picked up.
Struck Dy n Timber.
George Nervy who , on Friday night ,
liad the misfortune to have a heavy tim
ber fall on him at the Union Pacilic budge
on this side of the river , was in a very se
rious condition last night and fears are
entertained of his recovery. It seems that
tlio timber struck him on tlio back of the
nook and injured his spinal column. lrs.
Cleaver and Hart attended the injured
For acre property , residences and busi
ness property call onV. . C. Stacy & Co. ,
No. 0 Main street.
Notice to Grnpo Growers.
O. W. Butts , No. 542 Broadway , is now
prepared to contract for furnishing
Great FII H Over IJttlc.
The officers here arrested yesterday a
man named John Hosier , who was
wanted at , Contorville , la. , for the
heinous crime ot owing some hotel man
there $5.10. Sheriff Jennings canie after
him , but the mutter was settled in some
way. It is said that Hosier had to pyy
about ? 30 to square the little bill and the
costs of thus collecting.
Rico & Raymond offer a bargain in two
adjoining blocks of lots ; the highest
ground in the west part of the city.
Three blocks from theManawa street car
line , three blocks from the Twentieth
avenue school , for $125 per lot. also two
lots on Ninth avenue , both for | o50.
Star Chapter No. 47 R. A. M. , will hold
its regular convocation Monday evening
March 7th. A good attendance is reques
ted. Visiting It. A. M. , invited. By-
order M. K li. P.
Mrs. M. J , Newell , formerly of this city ,
died very suddonlv in Chicago , Friday
evening at G o'clock of heait disease.
Mrs. Newell was the oldest sister of Mrs.
R. A. Blaine , Mrs. W. H. M. Pu-oy ,
Thomas Ollicor and R. P. Officer. Her
funeral will take place to-morrow ,
Ho Wont
Merchant to clerk "Where have you
Clerk "Down to 1 ho trough to get a
glass of SchliU's Milwaukee beer and a
free lunch. "
Merchant "U'horo'n the trough ? "
Clerk l4\Vhy at Harrington & Carl-
ton's , No. 4UU Broadway.
Merchant "Well , you just stay hero
and attend to business while 1 go down
to the trough. "
The water pipes h.ivo been put Into the
government building and the rubbish is
being cleared outot the basement. Uncle
Sam expects to get into his new house
tills year.
. it.fej. . . Jt.jtj- .
Choice Properly nt n HnrKnln.
The undersigned for a few dajs only
offers for tale lifty acrc < , * more or'less. of
choice land well adapted for gardening
and fruit growing. About twenty acres of
the tract is set to apple orchard which is
in bearing , and to all varieties of uhoicu
small fruit and vineyard , 'divided as lol-
The vineyard proper contains upwards
of live acres. 'I he vines are thrifty and
in bearing. Between three and four
acres are well set to choice varieties of
blackberries , raspbciries land ttiaubur-
'Iho apple orchard contains more than
100 ( ! trees in bearing.
In addition to the above enumeration
are a largo number of choice plmn .
cherry and other fruits , also shade and
ornamental trees suriouuding the build
ings.Upon the property is a large commo.
( lions house and ordinary barns and other
The .soil is of excellent quality fur frar-
dcning purposes being a deep black loam
and is ti win m , soutn slope , ami is
altogether the most attractive and desir
able of anything within business distance
of Omaha or Council Blulls.
With the now bridge completed across
the Missouri , the piopeity is not over
thirty inlnuics dmo from the Omaha
Any party de.sir'mg a choice bargain
.should apply at once as , if not .sold within
the next two weeks , it will be withdrawn
from the market.
For prices and terms apply to C. ,1. > , Masonic Temple , Council Blulls.
Pot-Hoiml Purngrnplifi.
( i. B. Jennings and wife , of INsex ,
were in the city yesterday.
Miss Phelph , of Siher City , and .Mrs.
Bntteilield of Mahern , are at the Ogden
John Stepheuson. of the lish maikct ,
has been suffering from iheiiiiiatisiu for
some time.
T. J. C.iirrs , of Cedar Ra ] > ids , i1in the
city making some investigation into real
estate elianec- .
W. t Stacy has been attending the fu
neral of his brother , in Staeyvillc , la. ,
who died suddenly on Thursday last.
J. L. Format ) and his doiigliter Miss
Lotta left last night for Chicago. Mr.
Forman will buy a stock of dry goods to
.nit . in his store.
Samuel Kiscman has returned from thr
wst , where ho lias been making exten
sive purchases of goods for the well
known house ol K'scman ' & Co.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . ) .
\V. Percgo.y , who lias been so ill as lo
ondcr her recovery improbable , is now
hoiight to have passed the crisis with
fair prospects of recovery.
W. ! ' . ba'jp liab returned from \Vash-
nglon. where lie lias been looking after
he pas-age of the bridge bill. Colonel
Sapp's acquaintance , his experience as a
congressman and his influence have
iclped mightily in getting this important
neasiire passed. Thu citizens appreciate
In- work on the part of Colonel Isapp , as
t has cost considerable personal sacri-
iee , requiring him to leave his pressing
) tiine s right in couitjtimc.
Hpeeln ! nilvurtlMMiienls , such as Lost , Ko ind
'foLnun , I'nr Sulo , To Itcut , Vtnnts , lion id I HIT.
etc , will bo Insoi toil in this column lit tlio low
rfltootTI'.NCr.NTtiPnilU.NE foi-ihofiiet inser-
ion ami hot'ontal'or 1.1 ny Tor ouch -iub uiiotit
nf-urt.uii. IjCiivu mUorlUoinuutu t olll 'o
N < > . U Fcail struct , near Uroiulwuy , Council
\ IMN'I'Un To iont , n tiinill lieu o In treed lo-
cntlon. I'mnlly siniill uml rent must ho
ncliiw $20 per month. Addir-as by luttor C. J.
HL-II ofllco.
I J1OK SAIiK-Mii lo nnd sottlni ? machine Imsi-
no-js , lopctlicr with biiiull stock nf holid.iy
( roods nnii ull papoi- . ( ! oed tonn iind country ,
oooil location , uhciip iont , iiiofUiilile husinchS.
ln\rleo $1BH ) to JI.'xO. Would liuo jinrl In
Cnunull Illuirn real estutu. Addiesg A. L. Mini-
nirijr. rUmlitp , loua.
SAM ! Pnitlcs wishing to purchase
Council IMulfs property tor u homo wlllltnd
itto their Intoiest tocallon 01 address No. 31(1 (
north lit n street , Omaha.
Geo. S. Miller & P. 11. Tobey ,
Oflico over 1st National , cor. Main
and ISroiidwuy.
f jon want I'stlmatos or plans for lirldffo
work , loundiulon , sawcrs , ( rraalnf ; or survey
Inf and platting1 , call upon them. All > r j
FltAXK 8. KICK ,
Designs , o t Imato" nnd reports on bridges ,
vimluets , loundatlons and goneitil e urlncciiiiHr.
Blno prints ol nnv slzn aim quantity.
Ollicu No 13 N. Main St. , First National Ilnnk
N. scn
Justice of the Peace.
Oflice oxer American Express.
D. H. McDANEI.D & CO. ,
[ Kstnbllshoil 13iV-t. |
No. KM Miiln ! ri'ct , : : : Council
-AM ) 11KM.LH" IN
Korses § Mules
For all purposes , bought 'and ' sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double. ' '
L ! Council Bluffs
I will sell tit my rosMonco on | Co < Creek , 10
mlleaonst or Council lllulls , my
Well Improved , nil uiulor cilltlvntlonj 15' ) uorcg
in tiuno Brass ; Ims a line uuwrollonco , , con
taining H looms anil all mo lou ) Improvements ,
hnusu tostlmr S'T.OJ'i. ' Also now barn , H0x5) ; t o
llullulayttlnd mills , u scale lumen anil
ctittlu janls mill water tanks ; a ( food youna
huaiini ; oiclwul ot apples ami gmiill fruit ; 20
lie-lit i ft'ooil farm liorn , rattle , 1'oijs ' ami all
faun Implements ro'iilu | > a to run a llrfit-olnes
faun. Tormi will bu made known on nppllua-
Him , oi-oniluyofpiilo. All parties tlilnUlnjr of
Investing are cordially linltuil to cull und nmko
a puisonnl oYuinlnntion of the lurin and Im
provements. L.Altl ) .
- AND -
1'i-icfH Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
Monday , March 7th.
Will open upwards of to cases oft > w
anil seasonable spring good1) ) . Novel
ties will bo ii'ldeil ' to until ol their sev
eral departments.
These arc the newest and freshest
productions of foreign and domestic
market ! ! , inrAiiig a collection at once
elegant and unique and one never sur
passed by ourselves and never equal
led by any house in the northwest.
Dress Goods Dept
A splendid display of the latestl'rem'h
and English advanced novelties , to
gether with a complete lii.c of staple
fabrics , making this department in ev
ery point full and complete.
Wash Goods Dept
French snttccns in elegant design ,
never before shown.
French and Scotch ginghams in new
patterns and colorings.
Batistes in combination ami plain.
Percales and domestic sattcens in up
wards of 20 fresh and original patterns
Our assortment of the above is larger
and more extensive than others shown
by competing houses.
We invite an inspection. No trouble
to show goods.
Everything in this line can bo found
in our establishment. AVe call atten
tion of buyers to the fact that ( here
has been & sharp rise in these goods ,
Our goods were bought before the rise
and we give our customers the benefit
You can save fully 20 per cent by mak
ing your purchases of us.
We emphasize the statement that in
embroideries , white goods , underwear ,
luces , ribbons , ami notions our assort
ment is equalled by any similar stock ,
Our variety is immense , our prices low
er than the lowest.
Our Special Feature.
Spring wraps , jackets anil ladies <
and childrcns suits , new ami stylish
garments of Paris nnd Berlin mode ? ,
together with the newest shapes ami
most approved makes of the leading
New York manufacturers. Wo can
convince you that in this line , that in
quality , style ami cheapness wo are
unrivalled ,
We invite the attention of our pat
rons to these special features ami the
stock in general , No effort will be
sjiaretl to make our departments com
plete in every particular and at prices
lower than any liouse in the west.
NosM14HO , it 18 and 320 Broad
way , Council lllnffn.
Mitil orders promptly and care
fully attended to.
LJ i "T" i \ TV
-C . vJ . , LJA , . Ju ,
Real Estate Broker
No. 39 Pearl street.
That can be shown in the
Call on Him.
f \
Vacant Lots , Lands , City ItcsMences and Farms , at-rc propertIn !
. ,
western ptirt of city. All selling cheap to make room for spriny utoclc
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
, .
Jioom ft , over Offlccr tC rttsry'n bank Council JHtiffs.
. . . . .
A. H. 11ICE. IS. W. It A I'MOltti
Real Estate Brokers ,
No. 13 North Main Street.
Lower Floor First National Bank , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
. . ,
Justice of the Peace.
No 001 Broadway , Council Bluirs.
Collections a specialty. Refers to the Dec
K. HIVE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knlle or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experience.
Nell Peail St. , Council Bluffs.
ISfConiiiltation free.
Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards
llronuwuy , Council Ulnirs.Opp. Dummy Dope
_ _ , . _ _ _
Horseiiuind mules kept constantly on
hiuid , for sale lit relail or in car loads.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock hold on commission.
SIILUTEII & Bouv : , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4th street.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Eire
And All Modern Tmnrovemcuta.
215 , 217 and 210 Main St.
MAX M011N , Prop.
E. S. HA11XETT ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Binds.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
EngineeSuryejorMap [ , , Publisher
No. 11 North Alain St.
Cltr "nil conntr mnpiof rltlei imU countltil In
western luwaNebraska unil Kumai.
JC. 1 > . AMV & CO. ,
Hardware , Stoves ,
) AND {
No , 62Q M l- c * - Connc
Curtains , Upholstry ,
Window Shades ,
Poles , Door Mats , Rugs ,
Sash Draperies , Etc , ,
Mail Ordres Carefully Filled ,
Our Mr. Stockort Superintends
All Work.
1514 Douglas St , , Omaha.
Ladies buying a 55 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; ? io , lounil tiip.
Attorney at Law.
501 Hroailway , Up Stairs ,
Council Iliiir ! t Iowa. ' .