. ' ' . . , , . , - . . . . i.,4 - . . . . . - - . .J _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ! HE ! MAHA DAILY BEE SUNDA MAROII 6 , 1887'-TWELVE PAGJS . . . DAILY BEE. P ; PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Tr.fltF4 Or UIlSCflrPT1O DI1v ( MOcnLii EdlUon ) Including Sun4ay i : flKIflO Yiar t1O ) ror Stx Monthi 6 orThrcoMonthq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L'bo Ornnhn i4wfl(1a7 ( 1J , mailed to any addtoa , Otio Ycar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ; - , OVATIA flrICL No. D14 Arn 1R FAnIAM I t4w YnRIC Orrier , Itoo4 r : , TRtIt'IC fltYIl fINI1. t WAUIUTU ( QrrLcz , No. I3 fr'uUUTXTU STLI.T. Afl communIc.Ltlnn rolatInR to flows nnd .dI. tonal nftttor 'hould be udlrucd to the LL'i tuI , or TII BEE. , nUsZNER tjrrETL : : . All buIne Iottern and romlLtanco phould be 14IroMed ( to ' 1'ii IIEE 1'UIIIIflh1U CULPA4Y , OIAIA. Drntt5. ciock tnd poMtafflee ordera to be wade IayflbO ! to Urn ordir o thu company. : TE OLE PUBLISHINS COMPANY , PRORIE1OAS. : : ; E. IIOSEWATEIt , ETUTOU. TIlE DAILY DEE. Strom Statenicittof CliciiIatIon. / $ tatc of Nebraska , County o 1)ouglas. , . co. ; n. Tzsclitick , secretary ot T1c flee FuhuIKhIng company , tloes RIlelnnly swear that the actual circulation of the 1)alIy flee br the week ending Feb. 2tIi 187. waa a. : follows : 3sturdav. Feb. 19 14.UO . Sunday , Feb. 20 13r,50 Montlttv. F'eb.21 14b0O : Tuesday. Fob , 9 14.1t0 Wednesilay. Feb.23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,0'O ' . 'l'htirsdav , Feb. 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,4t Frklny , AverMo 14.201 tjO. B. TzsciIucw. nbserlbed In my pres'nce and sworn to ho- fore mc this 26th day of February A. D.,1637. N. P. Ficit. tSEALI .Notarv l'uble [ Coo. B , 'L'zschtick. being first duly sworn , . deposes and says that he is secretary of 't'lio lice 1'tWlishIur company , that the actual av- erase daIly circulation of the Jially Bee for the month of FobruarythSOwas 10,590 copIes ; for March Th80 , 11b37 conIes ; for AtrIl isso , 12 191 copies : for for May , 1&S43. cotes ; orJune. ISSO , 12,208 copIes ; for Jul 183O , 12 ' :114 : copIes ; for Auctist. ibso. 12,4 eoplesl'or ; Septoiiiber , 180 , 13,030 copIes ; for October , 1880. 2S9 ) copies ; for November , 1888 , 13,3-Is eotdcs ; for December , ThS0 , 13,237 copies for Jaiiuary , 1b87. 10,2f0 copies. GEo. B. TZSCHUCK. bubscribei and sworn to before me this 8th day of F'cbruary A. I ) . 18b7. ( bEAL.I N. 1' . FElL. Notary Public. Contents of the Sunday lIne. l'agt 1. New york Herald Cablegrams- 8peclals to the Bui'-Gciera1 Telegraphic News. Pare 2. . . Telodraphic News.-City News.- Miscellany. l'tige 3. SpecIal Advortlemonts. I'age 4. Edltorlals.-l'olltlcat Points.- Sunday Gossip. ' 5. LIncoln Nows.-A l'ago - Most Remarkable - able Dream , by l'erry S. Ileath. I'agoo. Council Bluffs Nows.-Mlscellany. -Adverttsemen ts. Page 7. l3ocial Events in Omaha. General and local markets. i Page 8. CIty Nows.-Advertiements. I'nie 9. The Barbarity of Ihuiging , by Joe Ilownrd.-Iirako 'l'wlstors' Battle , by Franz 8epel.-lioney for the Ladic&-Ad yertisotnents. I'aie 10. SentIments of Snnshine.-Tho Ilorrorot the Cataconlbs.-IlotnoanI house- I . krepInr.-Guardlans of Goodness.-Story of -the Americaz : Mail 8ervice.-Advnrtlomoiits. Page 11. hubbies have hiohbles.-A Wyomlng Wedding , by 11. 13. llaxton.-Ad- . yertisoments. Pags 12. Bench Show of Besutles , by Clara Bolle.-Qiieen of the Mimic World. by Adam Badcau.Conniibialitle . - Musical and Dratnatic.-blngularlties-Relfgious- Advertisements. ' OMATTA has three cable railway corn- i ntnios. What vo need most , however1 , s a cable railwtty. ONE Chicago firm this year sold 13,000 tobogirans. Can It be possible that so : ninny people arc going down bill ? S. J0SEI'II has a real estate boon : of ' , wonderful proportions. It Is said that ; Kansas City Is green with jealousy. ' Arrnr-rzoN is called to the ordinances ' published In the BEE regarding the pro. ; posed granting of franchises to cable : railways , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUE legislature will probably appropriate - priato $3,800 to the relief of Kearney county for the prosecution of Mntt Zirn ) iterrnan , The bill ought to be sent to : I1&W3tO Burr. IF the $14,000,000 appropriation for our bavy is not all squandered in securing plans and specifications , there is some . bopo of 8ecuring a barge or two within the next few years. - A two column article appears In an exchange stating "the reason why Mrs. Langtry wont on the stage.1' Tim reason why she does not go off tlio stage , Is the c quostioi of tim hour. 'rilE Texas legislature viI1 submit the j question of prohibition. Tim Lone Star itato without whiskey would be like a iession of the lngislatnro without a "ro- % , , lieU' blU for Torn Kennard. PAT 0. HAWES is greatly relieved. The 1 legislature has Passed that relief bill , and f Governor Thayer has attached his auto graph thereto. Legislatures are not a- ! ways unnt3ful towards patriots. ,1 ¶ 1iir. appropriation for the pay of morn- i bers and ciuploycs of the legislature has been exhausted. It is said the greatest : excitement prevails anti confiding mcui- r bers and clerks arc negotiating loans. A ritoBrrzx tabled motion was intro. & duced In the senate to cut off all news. 3 papers and stamps during tim roniaiumg * twenty days of the the legislature. 'l'ho members propose to read about them- eIves. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : IF Ben Butterwortb , of Ohio , had not : much time talking about , "coast defenscr , " Onutlia might have leourod the appropriation long needed i : br her postoflico. St. Louis spectral ' horses and coast defense bills have occu- 'ied too much time hero of Into. : ' TIIERn has boon no cimorton the part ut the legislature to dispense with stoves In the Omaha street cars , buton the other : iiii there have been ninny people won. t dering If a law would not be passed corn t- polling street ear companies to heat their cars tiurlug tim winter mouths. : , Titr. Ift'rnlci says It speaks by the card Iti announcing : "The leO1)lu of northern . Nebraska need not worry. They arc . : iuro to have a direct road Into Omaha. ' . PcrluIp3 the proprietor of the lk'r&il , ; , . . Congrossurnn McSltttnc , proposes tc . , iake lila Oniaha & Northern railroad shetie bloom again with tire flowers 0g , ipriug. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN the character of tiulr : gods the lead. IHg Idea of the ancIents va powertbc sxprcsSOI1 of which predominates hi ibeir inot sublime formations. If Mr. . i ' , , Ageo had liveil , say four tl1Ot1StflI year : ° made some of the powerfu : ' .peoohes 1 he Is making to.day , without ; e1tinoj we venture to say that In oyur. - & , 4 and castle and makot place , cotton ; ! wood Ido1 of the deluded atatesmar ' uld Laye bon .t up &iid woiihlpod - , - . - A Strange Fatality. There is a strange fatality In the career of the Oninhrt .flcpublican. Twenty years ago , just as Nebraska entered the sister- 1100(1 of states , that paper was the leal- lug daily of this section. It was a recog nized factor In the political afldrs of the state , prosperous and potentitl. Then came a change of proprietors , followed by a succession of reverses brought on by stupid blunders , dishonest management , en(1 disreputable journalistic mt thods. From a ptying : property the concern became a greatsink-holu , into which sverc dumped fortunes aggregating hundreds of tilotilandS of dollars. In the lirst , six years after the Jliu : was established over 160,000 were sunk In a desperate but fruitless eflbrt to smother a little sheet that had no capital to back it and the most powerful political and financial combinations to oppose it. Then the syndicate that came Into its control da- terrnineL to rejuvenate anti by a con- bined effort all along the hue to raise it to the old btandard of party leadership. New editors were placed at the helm and nil the available artillery of slander and defamation belched forth against the liEn nut ! its edItor from every federal office - fice stronghold and from Union Pacific headquarters , Levies vero made upon customs oflicers , land oflice receivers anti Postmasters , and enormous contributions poured In from the surveying ring organized - ganized tinder the old Boss Cunninglian : regime. To reduce expenses , the editors of the Republican were put on the Union Pacihic pay-roll , and the bulk of job patronage which that corporation had at its ( iiHIosaI % VItS throw : : into the bottomless Pit. But the fatality which had become part of its career , continued toblast all cfThrts to give the paper in- Iluenco and popular confidence , Then citnie another change. A smart young ir.an , with a smattering of dime-noyci literature and an ambition to illumine tlio political sky with his tallow tilp genius , induced his fattier to purchase a half interest , whieli placed bun in editorial charge. Follosiiig in the old ruts of the fated fools who hatt preceded - coded : liiin , he devoted himself earnestly flhtI zealously to the same old task of tearing down every thing The Ban had helped to build up , opposing every POlICY it at1rocated , and filling all available space with dis. gusting slaitIots and bare faced falsehoods - hoods concerning the editor of the han. Again a clutugo of ProPrietors took place , and again the i1l.fated lkpublicw : has been rojuvenatod. The prospectus was , if anything , more bombastic than any that had been promulgated since the days of the mtminotl : consoliintion. Thu new management entered thu hold with a grand flourish of trumpets and their greet. ing proclaimed amnesty to mankind in guneral aria frniner political advorsarics in lltrtletthti.Vo vore assured that they had decided to turn over a now loaf In the policy of the paper , which was to ho in striking contrast with the sad and gloomy past. But the fatality - ity which clings to the ilhstarred shoot is morn manifest now than ever. The paper has not only proved a lint failure , by a lamentable lack of all that is esson- tint in the make-up of ft metropolitan daily , but it has absolutely gone from bad to worse editorially The editor-in- chief Imported by the "now man- ngeineflt" possesses In an eminent degree the by no Ineans rare talent of omitting froth , which ho expects this community to swallow as old vintage. lie plumes himself on his brilliant scm- tillations , swashbuckler bravado and bar-room billingsgato. A miniature Vilkes Booth , he Is imbued with an insane - sane desire for tragic notoriety. Ho would rather be remembered as the man that fired the Ephesian dome than the great architect vlo built it. Priding himself on the high social post. tion which has been accorded to liii : : since his brief residence in Omaha , ho revels in tim boon comaniouship of the devotees of the lowest vices and brings into his paper the vulgar and disgusting manners and language of the pot house and brothel. There is no novelty , however , in his coarse epithets and vile adjectives. They have all been exhausted by hired blackguards - guards who wrecked the forintir manage- meats and reduced it to its present low hovel. In fact , former proprietors vcre more polite. They issued scurrilous little slander sheets with filthy falsehoods , bitt they took care to conceal tlieirownersliip and interest in then : . For our part , % VO regret that the latest efiort to elevate thu moral tone anti standard of the liepubli- can has been a disappointment to the community. 'this paper has no interest in keeping its contemporaries on the low level of : : minIng-camp sheet. it would give us pleasure to see them maintain the high character and standard to which a city of Omniut's population Is entitled. As far as the recent efforts to trztlucc us are concerned , we can vch1 afford to give the brilliant newspaper wrecker all the benefit which : ho can derive from such indecent attacks. Extending Rcforii. Either because of Mr. Cleveland's desire - sire , forgetfulness or Indilleronce , the anti-polygamy bill becomes a law. 'L'ie detection and prosecution of polygamists - mists , together with the destruction of the civil power of the Mormon church of Utah , is the strongest section of tim new measure. Under the Edmunds law of 1882 touchIng the iniquity of claimed saints and undoubted sinners in that be- nighited land , together with the fearless enforcement of the law on the part of judges and other ohlicials , It has beezi be- . hewed that a solution of the Mormon question was almost reached. By many men this question has been regarded as : serious and dangerous. And it Is trite that religious fanaticism ritakes dangerous flint : . The great body ot Mormons were L sincere in their belief , ijut were L the stupid dupes of greedy , unpilneipted and educated siiarpors Their sysieni of government is a tlespotisn : of proouiiti ! wosidly wisdom. It Is amazing that a great body of PeoPle could be so grossly L imposed upon. 1itt ! every man of thorn was in the lowest poverty and vis offered a home and plenty. lie was ignorant and a boast of burden. ho received privileges and opportunities be had iicvcr dreamed of. With all his tithes and opprcssions lie was bettor off in his worldly ufliirs ; than ho had beer : or had over hoped to be. lie iui under the heel of the church , t but ho was made to feel that ho was part r of the church. The baser passions of his nature ware stimulated , and his belief in the supernatural encouraged , lie was wade La behluvu that ho wu oypruuod 2- i : , _ - . - _ . . _ L _ _ . by tIm govcrnnient , and that his ttefcno lay in uils own right urni. Falling In the effort to become one of the sisterhood of states , the territory to a degree has been powerless for cvii. lInt Brigham Young nut ! his elders were biding their tintu. The Mormon hind begun to believe that 501110 day ho must defend his Iiono reid his religion by force of arias. AccordS Ingly every nina was skilled with : the rifle. Thu government saw this and knew that strict legislation was ucces- enry. A fearless administration of the law has rendered powerless the oligarchy of the saints. Saints and bishops hiavo skulkcii from sight and hid themselves In unknown places. Alarm has taken the place of arrogance antI threats. Under the present law the country otti : look for a now revelation renouncing nil former visions and remanding their rnisgtildotl followers to truth and decency , The be. hovers of the Mormon faith arc by no means lost. They have only been wicked because of gross Imposition. There Is reason to believe that these blind people may yet be made to ace. thtt'vey and Knox. Mit. Knox and Mr. Garvey arc to be coil- aratulatid : upon theirabhlity to write tumor- ity reports. 'l'liey don't mince matters and arc not afraid to oxuress thetis convictions.- 1CJulblCCUfl. ( Jarvey and Knox hind no more to do with writing that minority report than they had with writing the governor's message. Their report bears on its face the oar marks of Vandervoort , and the conspirators who have bargained with the Omaha contractors' gang to mutilate - tilato the charter , Garvey anu Knox vero too full for utterance on the very night when their report was being propai-ed , but even if they hind been strictly sober they are not competent to write such a report. In signing it they have given themselves away. The pull which they bestow upon the committee on judiciary , whose chairman is playing monkey for the oil room gang , is in itself the host Proof of its origin. Tim pity is that a respectable and decent old man like Mr. Knox should become a victim to the crafty cappers of the railroad lobby. A Period of SociaL Rest. One of the Inippy results of the final atijoureniout of congress is the relief it brings to society \rasIkitlgtofl. . 1)uring the session social life at the national capital - ital is a continual strain. ft makes an exacting denianti uponthe physicalforces of those who are coinpellcti to regard its requirements , atid to many it Is a great drain UOfl fiiiancial resources which is most grudgingly borne. It is probably not wholly beneficial in its moral inilti- encos , though in this respect perhaps no worse thitui : social life elsewhere whiehi involves similar okeessos and terms of dissipation : ihit the peculiarity of this life at the natiutial capital which renders it especially burdensome is the fact that it is a continual conilict. Nowhere else is the spirIt of rivalry so strong , and nowhere - where else do loud ilisplu..y and all the opposites - posites to simplicity and moderation count ior so nine ! : . Tue present winter has not fallen behind - hind any preceding season during the short session of congress in the number or brilliancy of the social events in Washington - ington The apprehension that society miuight be disturbed by sotuo innovations on the part of Mrs. Cleveland was not realized , Thu president's accomplished wife scents to have shown most admirable tact , wisely ncquies- cing in the situation as site found it , rather than seeking reforms that would have cast her more or less annoyance anti not increased the nun- ber of Ii r friouds. She found it necessary - sary to modify her original programme it : one or two cases , duo to the ithposition of the public , but this was comparatively a non-essential. The important fact was that the social status was not disturbed. Consequcntl.y the season , so far us Mrs. Cleveland Is concrrned , was entirely sue- ccssful. and undoubtedly she stands as well in public esteem as any lady who has over graced the white house. Alead- lug social event was the arrival of "baby \Vluitnoy , ' ' which althioughi putting a stop to the brilliant receptions and sunup- tuous dinners for which : the secretary of the navy and his lady arc famous , brought compensation iii a world of curious in- tcrcst and speculation as to what minnie the infant girl wonia receive , We are riot sure : vhiether that unportant question hitts yet been determined.'ashlngtoui will now have an cxtntheil lucriod of social rest , in whiciu society can recuper. ate for the long strain that wiU conic with time now congress. In the mean- wluilo the caterers and florists viil be tue chief sufferers , thought for some other Interests - terests \Vztslington , which we leave to conjecture , propcrity ceases whoa congress departs. What t4hiahl the harvest lIe ? 1'ito occupation of a farmer is more directly - roctly au alliance with : and depend once upon that providence which governs time universe than any other calling among inca. There is a logic between the farm- er's labor anti its results thmtt : exists in no other field of lituminu : effort ; there is a ro- liarico , not usually religious or reverent , but none the less complete , 111)011 nature and nature's God in nil the farmer's toil. lie knows that Paul may plant uimiti Apol- los water , but timat Cod only can give the increase. He knows more ; he knows that the harvest will be as lie plants and sows , corn for corn , wheat for wheat , oats for oats , barley for barley. lie does not expect to gathorgrapcs from thorns or figs from tiuistlcs lie knows that if ho have a harvest at all It will be that and that only which lie has dotie lila allotted shmaro to ir 'deco , for nature gives like for like , timid ho rests wit Ii sit. promo confidence upon the promise which the bow in the cloud witnesses , that sted.timc ittiul harvest , suiiimcr anti wirmter shall not ftll. In till othmer avocations of life men tIe. petit ! for their stmcccss upon the skull , tue judgment , the diligence which belong to their characters by Inheritance or arc tic- qtmiretl by study and experienCe. Some pursue only honest and honorable math- otis while others rely upon lying , cheat. ing anti Iuiiposttiro. Both classes seek thai harvest of gala from their eftorts , bitt both at the same tiuiio-tlmo former mnore or less consciously alit ! intentionally , the latter indifferently-sow seed for an- otimer harvest , and : vhat shall that bar- vest be ? in every act of his damhy burl. ness life the upright tuna cows the seeds of rectitudoin tim iieartsof his employer and subordinates by his exatuple ; ho teaches that his chief rdllaucu for auo cogs Is honesty , ani flint chnraeter whit. out stahit is beyond 1)rlco. Time tricky man iiiixes shoddy with his wool , puts paver whucrim leather ought to be iii time soles of fits sltes , gIves lighut weight and short measure , lies to the crcdnlou ; , dc. ceives the contiding anti clients the tin. ivary. Times ho daily sows the seeds of fraud In time hmenrls IiS etimploycs without - out thought of what tue harvest shall be , tmtitil Ito humuselt is robbed by the thieves lie has ediucateti , but titn hue does not recognize that ho has r pped that which lie luts : sown. In the homes of the people , It : thmo donicatic circle , Parents too commitomuly sow seed for a harvest of lying , deceit , contention and dishonor atnoumg their children. They quarrel ! iitlmeir cliilttremi's presence and indulge in bitter and acri- inonious lnmmguage ; they tend : their cliii- dren to disrespect thcmn by exhibiting a want of respect for each oIlier in timeir presence ; they tiecuive their children and the children discover It ; they tone ! : their children to tell time lies of society for tiuemu , and tItus the children ace no han : : ft lying for themselves ; they live lives of false pretenses before the world tinder tIme tinily observation of the forming niunds and characters given to their care for training in the paths of trutim , honesty , fliOleSty anti honor , and in after years they reap in tears and sorrow time imrvcst whose scotia they hnvo sown. Why do they imot before it is too into stop mind ask thmomselvcs what shall the linr vest be I Wealth : is always liomiored aflL SticcesS flattered no matter how attained. It is so in the church , tine cotiinuninity , the 8tate. Trusts are betrayed , power abused , ollico prostituted to private gait : , an the money thereby acquired secures linretinity from punishment throtuzh laxity of courts or time chicanery of law- yers. 'I'Iie man trite retires front public ofilco with more money titan time oflice shotilti rightly give him , and retnhuns both tine spoil and his stindunmg : in society , gives increased eagerness to tIme pursuit by others for the oilice ho vacates. and they will time more readily resort to tite corruption of voters , to frauds upon ballot boxes , and to every dislmonorablc and devious device to attain time place that they also may share in the spoil and achieve additional distinction by success. Yet wlmem : the people mayo reaped the baleful imarvest of oflicial tie- faultors , corrupted courts , prostituted elections and betrayed confidence in those whom they honored and trusted , they wonder ivhner : the seed wits sown , wino cumltivteti , watore1 and nursed it , forgetful ttmmt tlncuucl'ijis were tine chief imusbandmcn. When all the people in all time walks of life , private , public. conunmercial and olflehtl , stop and ask tiucmselves in rcfcroitdc lotheir own acts : What shall the hmaiivest be ? that harvest ivill doubtless be a hugit4r grade of coin- mercial probity , a loftier sense of official integrity anti a truer appreciation of parental - rental duty and thnoiwportance of good cxamplc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tim failure sutbshiy scheme which the senate tacked onto the post. oflico appropriation , lid- ! and finally abtmdoncd after a stum1bon fight , wmll not be regretted by any one outside of the steaunsinip conipanies which : would have reaped time bemiefit. It was not : tl- together the small itmnount involved-half a million dollars-flint miiado the selmome objeetionable , but the fact that its sue. cess would have beet : an entering wedge opening tine way to a subsidy policy time extent of which could not have been fore- seen. The next congress would be asked , had this scheme carried , to subsidize tue Pacilic StCtfllShul ) lines , nut ! the freshly made precedent would have proved al- iiiost irrosmstililc. Other demuands would follow and time companiies receiving sub- simlitis would seek to have then : increased. Timus step by stop time country would be led imito the adoption of a policy of subsi- tines from which retreat would be cx- tremuoly dullicult. It is well that such a situmation lms : been avoided , especially silica lii doing so it is not apparent that tine general interests of time country wmll be in the least degree injuriously affected. Tim growing city of Grand Island , in being olectcd asthie site for tine soltlmers' Imounmo , secured a valuable prize. 11cr enterprising and wide-awake citizens are to be congratulated. ( irttntl : Island has altvuys : been : selected : us tine place for hnolduuig time state soldiers' retunions , aunt it tvnts fitting thintt the home sitoumbi be os- tablisimcd there. Vo believe , too , that tine mnitny opomi-imantleti citizens of tinis prosperous city north of time Platte wIll tinti botin pride nail pleasure imi assisting thin soldier boys inn buutifyiing aunt otna- muonting their grounds after tine home is COmIlCtCtI. Time noidiers' inonie nut layton - ton , 0. , is time pride of tine 1lutkcye state. Visitors are charmed whim time beauty o its surroumuiings. So we belivu it : vill be at Grtutl : Island. ( molten M. Pur.i.sntx has been kmnigintett by King Ilimnmbert of Italy. ills royal nibs may now expect to ho vre- sunted witlu one of Pulhinmunmn's aluce : cars , hiatt tint tIm intor-sttto : conmunerce law been iasseui l'uillr.iami might have recip- rocatetl with a free piuss over all his Ainierica sleephimg-car lines. IN TIII I4IGIlT1itVLL. ( . 'I'iu unman who takes th the glass Is go ncr- ally takeu to tine jug. Tint cinestumut bell us qoin omit of date , bumt time ciuestnuit romnmalums In ot its worun- cateiu glory. 'i'mumt few days of stmummunner.timu first of time month , suggested time street sprinikiet- amid vanilla coohumess. ; STnMvumnitmmmis : lmavuimimt ; It : an appearance amid a syndicate comumpuseti of twenty New Yonk uniiliomiairc is mmotlathtmg for one ut theumm. 1 A tunan ItOVCOTT istiuG autiom : of a long cuticle in a New York paper. , innst rIui time bell geumtly whuhic we neumnank hunt it Inns caught meanmy a boy. "rmuaimr. is notuning mmciv umuier time stun , " says Solomon , ) oI the mnaimner in wluleb statue wonmen Wear their luanr is crtainiy a mniodermn conneeption. A Sv. Louis imsuer describes tim ten-nor of "May svlmeat. " Tiunt's nd iulng. May Vernon was in Lincoln reennumtly wluhn her royal troupe of burlesque artists. Wimax time poet wrote about "A t1ed figure for tine tuna of scorn To point Imor slow , unmunoving linger at. " imo certainly received his inspiration front time woman at the theatre with * tall hat. "PAninisir LOWr"WM & BijU recently ax- DLblted Iii ( ; 1ilcaiu , VU areawrapped I nniystery wimon we wonder tvtny they would attenumpt to timid It itmOhneago. linTwcmtN time disappointment in securing time hmassage of the coast delouse bill anul the auuulety oceaslommed regarding our Peach crop , time average Anmerlcaum citizen does mnot rest ivehl at nmigimt , and gets but little sleep. lx tim sweet anti hallowed lwttY Soon , according to time loglo of Satmi .lones , it will be determuminmett whetimer or imot death entis nil. iii tiuo ummeantlune let its not for.et that eter- mmiii vlgilaumco is tint : prIce of lIberty , and thu sea.somm approaches when our wives need new spring mats. A Vmiiniu neero diedtiie othmordayat the mellow age of lot ) years. lie could ueltimer reul : umor wite. Few muon lii timis age svino attenmiut to write poetry live over timirty years -if they deliver timeir produnctinmis In person to the editor. After nih , kimowledge has Its disadvantages. "Turn whisky question , " ash an excited prohibitionist , ' 'Is , small wo allow this 1mm fer- mmiii whisky to get away with us , or , brotlners , sinai ! we , by uniting , got tine best of it ? " To this it pink-nosed bumnm in time audience said : 'l'nss arotunti your bottle , old nman , anti we'll meet time cnenmiy on tinolast ProPoSitiOlm. " L'OLLTICAIj l'OINTS. Ben Btntlor nntmst be getting himself In siiape to st.tnd as tine landless candidate for the mresidemmcy next year. He has lately solti a little strip of 27,000 acres iii Wisconsin. Mr. Janmes Ilunssell ioweli says tine practical - cal politician must go. lie is going , lie inns gone-to congress , to tine legislature and to otlner piaces where offices are to be filled. Secretary Bayarti , if a niammneless Ohio den- ocratic congress may be behlevetl , 'Inas ' a burnlmmg anxiety to be presIdent , " and wants to ho trauisferrett to tIne treasury departmemit in tine lmopu that it may Inmcteaso his popui- larmty. San Francisco Alta : it is saitititat Chancy Farwell's catmci's nomination to time senate cost imiimn $20,000. it $ ceun $ Silly to $ counr over Such an Insignificant suimmm. It would hardly ntmrcimao a $ cat In the legiSlature Iii ouiio StateS. Chicago Tunics : Secretary Wimltnoy is credited with a desire to pronmote a little pros. hulential boom of lila own. Ills lrospects at present tie not look inopelul , btmt , tlncro Is no telling what may be accoinpilsined by purse- verance and Stamidard oil. Chicago 'l'luucs : P. T. Iianntnrn asserts that lie shah riot mnnuer any circumstances accept tine pnolnibition nonmnhnation for the presi- dency. Mr. Barnum's mnnoral imupumises are coummpletely satislied by his great moral circus. Besides , he has got all thowinite chepinautson lnis imands that ho can possibly require. Clmicago Tribune : An Item Is ohuig tine routmds to tine effect that Senator Vest is imiucmn given to reading tine Bhbie anti can quote winoio cimapters from nmmenuory. Sonic must : wino is jealous of lila popularity has started this story In order to nun his cimances of ever being elected again as senator from MIssouri. TilE ItEOTUILId FLEiD ( ireeley naid for Clmappaqun by his lectures. Bayard 'raylor cleared 5.5,500 in one season. Mark Twain Inns made between $25,000 and Sioooo by Imis lectures. Tiiton used to deluver fifty lectures in a season at $7i : and $100. Cluaplmn made $80,000 by huis iceturos and Emerson got ruch In : tine sanmo manner. Colonel Ingersoll says hme will deliver no umnone anti-relIgions lectures. Ills law prac- thee takes all his tRite. Ir. Phillips Brooks imas been in Plmiiadol- pinia arranghmma for the publication in book form of the lectunres me delivered there. Anna Dickinson was at one tinme wortin Sl,000 : , all mmdc by lecttmres , but It was lost tliromugh nmtisnianagetntemmt. Josin BIllings Lund all the lcetumro engage- nmemmts mo wamutctl at $100 , and heft an estate of $75,000 alt nmmade after ins lmad passed Ion ty Henry \Vand Ileecher lnm received more mmmoiiey for lectures tlmau any other man on tine platfornmn record. lie Ims been lecturing for torty years , his fees have increased from so ; to $00 , anal tine aggregate amount being estluumatcd at S'10,000. Most of thIs monmoy , however , has bebn lost. - Very Thin. C1tcaij ( Times. Sarain Bermihardt us playing In Wasiming- tout. \Vnttterson says sine is not halt so thniti as cIvil-service reform. A Bind Egg. lVonistou'ut llerahl. Awestern lecturerimas selected for his subject - ject : "A Bitt Egg. " 'L'iuis subject often strIkes a lecturer uufavorabiy. A hint. 1tv 1.I ! C itJttd. ( Novertlmeies , it is a blot upon tine civiliza- zation of tine eunnplre statQ that It should imamug a wonnmami lii time year of grace 1837. Front tine Pcopie's Pocket. I'tiItI(1jh14 ? Item. fondle many indeed be tiorived from time Inutch , but tine general lumpresslon Is that it Is takoii fromun time pockets of time people. - And the Com'pe Will He Ready. TlLIiOimcljJli8 ( Journal. Occasionally we read of a cineorftnl crank wino orders his own coiilmn before inc dies. 'J'lne democracy of Indiana have gone further anmu dug their owmn grave. ltlnko time ' .allcIrmg Good. Ca tCOttJ Tiaes. , 'rite nrev railroad bill tvilt abolish passes , smith it wonmitl seem to bolnoovo time legislature to gIve conisitlerabiti atteumunoni to time Iummprove- intent to state roads so as to inmauro gooui walking. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ve May lie tlapIy Yet. 11,5) , lIt Tsontcrpt. If timero is anything in time timeory of avohu- flout time iunrngwiuumnp may beconmmo useful after all. If tine umtonkuy timat twags lmis trill can be muuade to work , why can't tine murwunnp that tvags his laws ho brought to the same conull- then ? _ _ _ _ - Rooks ot ttmltnuenco. Ifloliumptmn , Critic. ( Jladstomme's latest article Is on "Books Tlnat ilnvti huifhnueimcc Mn , . " Gladstone Is English , you know , and can do no wrong ; bitt If ito ticro all Americaum politician , mow , hue wonnltl wruto on "Pocketbooks 'I'tnat have Intlutenced Me. " - A Satisfactory Exllanatlon. Cu teap'u Tribune. . \\.iul Carleton says no mnaxn omucht to do literary - erary work after 0 o'clock p mum. , lmis braIn not beiuug Imn Its best condition beyond tiuat Incur. \Ve luave bunt little tiounht that samnne of Air. Carleton's poems of late years were wnittezi lonig after nnnidnnhgiit. floston'a Fatuous Trio. Chicwjo Neus. Literary Bostonn luas just scored amiotinor great urlummmpim. It inns demonstrated tinat it comitains the best fighting dog Iun New Rug- mimi. Literary Jioston has lost its great writers , but it now inns a smugger , a base ball player anti a bulldog that it camn deck witln launrels. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Miller Wiun had No Grist. C. , , tempt Tri'.unc. 1)r. George I. Miller , one of Cleveland's few warut supporters In the ivest , has sold time Onnualna Ilinraid to John A. AlcShnane. Timis Mill r evidently got tired of grInding when : uo ofilcial grist was brought to Lila mU ! . . . . . . * SUNIA OSSIL' . EmuwAnn lCtiit.wiuo was fonmnmt dead Iii bed tine otiner tiny , was a qtneer elmaracter. mm tiuii city anti lie was a widely known iminim to uimany inn was a very mnystturious porsomi. lie lund Ilveti in Oumuntiun for nbouut twunmty years. By trade be was a shloonmmakL'r. Atniumy cretitmionna PeOhiO believed luimn to be possessed of supernatural pow- cr5 wluichn enabled lila : to road tine past aim ii foretell the future. Kitelul chaiummett to be tue soil of a ( lormrum executioner , wlnose numccs tors mad been exu'cuttlnnmers for imnanly genera- tioums. lIe : tlso clamnnctl to be tine savemttln son of a sevemmth tlatmghmter , amid to imavo boom bornm tinder peculiar amid favorable astnoiogical comndtions. ! Whether or not lie was a proumlueu , It is certilu that lie niatlo a profitable - able living from those wlmo took stock lut mis pretensions. Wlmilo me soled boots amid shoes Inc also sold a great ninny people , some of tvimmn , perhaps , tvould not hike to see tlmoir imnumir's In print inn this connection. \Vitii acute thnmltt anti sunporstitloius personis he Inspired a certain : annoumnit of fear and awe Imy lila pretenuled mystIc power , and timl WM tine cause of several deaths , mostly sul- citIes. In 1871 a Imigiuly ediucatctt ( ' , ernian , cm- ployed him tine immilitary headquarters , cotuitmilt- ted siulcitle by sluoottmig. A vromuumnent 6cr- nmntn professor was called upon to deliver tine futticral address. Tine professor occumpied a rootmn adjoinminig ICiueinl's quarters un a little frame bumilding on 'L'entin street , near Fnrnnmn. Upon rctutrning fromt : time fimnierni Kuelnl predicted - dicted to the professor that witmnin : less titan six mnomntins hmti ( tue prolessor ) would conuimmmlt suicitle. 'rIds wehglmcd lmeavliy onm tine profes- son's mind , anti lie soon was continually broodumig over time nmatter To obtain relief lie left tine city and located at ( iranid Island. A few weeks afterwards the report was re- celvoti in Onnmalna that the professorhinti killed himself by elmooting. 'I'Ino fatai prelletioni being known item annmong hit frlemitls , tine cc- durrenco aulded to tine faimme of Kiuolml , tIme "mtigister of line departed"as Inowas pleased to advertise hinusolf. Some years later Dr. Van Ilooson , whose oiIlco was mnext door to Kuneinl's shop , was t'ouuid dead on the floor iii imns bedroom , In tine rear of time btnmlding , with mis throat cut. lie mad comnmnitteti suicide with : a razor. it was genmeraiiy believed that Dr. Van lloozen "as led to kill himself by some prcdictlonn by Kuolni , wltln whom lie was very imitinniate. Tlmctnhrect of Kuielul's pecitliar inhlunenco was very strongly illnustrated Inn time case of Jolmim hierhitt. tvluo was emnployett as bnishmness manager of time liar. office in 1872. Berlitt was ann inteiligemit young man , healthy amid of robumst physique. lie imad a mnatttral contempt for Kuncini's pretonislons and did met hesitate to call tine "mnmagister of tine departed" a frauul tohuis face. Dumring one of their commtroversies Ktmclnl became enraged amid pickimmg up a mccc of fresh : meat hne nailed it to the floor. "Now , sir , " snuld hue to Berlltt , "as soon as that meat be.dns to decay you : vihi coin nunonce to fade au"ay. " Banlitt latughed at bUn , but a day or two lathr ime bogaim to complain of general depression anti from tinat boar ho rapidly weakened. it was then that Kunehi's prediction struck him very forciblyaud work- lug imomi hIs mmii it throw him unto a dan- gerouns ilinesl. Finally timodoctors held a consultation - sultation anid came to time conclntsion that in order to save hits life ho must take a sea voyaro. lie was at once sunpphled with funds and transportation : and started for Germany. Iimmuniedlat.ely upon getting onto ! sight of land lie began to recover - cover , and soon atter reaching Gcnmnmumy ho entirely regained his lneaitiu. lie inves there yet , and probably will be relieved to know that tine " of the " "magister departed" can no moore worry amny oiiO with his gloomy pretlic- thons. There were other cases , sonuewliat similar , bnmt timese are snnlilclent to alnow to what extent the nysterlous old imnan exercised - ercised hIs inlluemnce upon certain personms. Hutiune and again admItted to tine wrIter- wimo soumno years ao gave him considerable free advertising inn the slnapo of umysteniouns semmsatlonns-tinat lmo wasati arrant frattul. lie frequently launlmetl about tine mmnatter , confn- dentially telling about the pranks be played utpon his victims. "People like to be hunt- hugged , " saul lie , "anti so long as they want ( mat kind of mnmodIcine I nun going to feed it to them. " Tine was a crest deal of hnutnon in Kuehh's comnpositioni. No one anjoycita practical joke bettor timan be. In fact lila wlnoio life itt Ounaina was made up of practical jokes , as ho termed his mysterious practIces. He wound up his career with a practicai joke by making a will tinat his remains should be croniated , and that mis ashes , coilected In am : tnrnsnoukt be placed over ttme bar or a popular saloon. ills wish In thIs nnatter will be strictly car- ned out. Wmnux the vast nmtdiance at tine exposition btmiitilng listened. to Patti aunt Scaichi In tIme duet ( rota "Sonniraunitto , " no one suppoiett for an instant tlmat ulnero was tine nuost bitter jealousy on tine part of the great contralto to- svards Patti. But such was the fact. It orighnnatel iii the City of Mexico , winene flue atmtliemmce tvent wild over l'atti In the first part of time programnime , anti fairly slmowem-od her with floral tnibintes. Scalcimi received but one botuquet , and t1mls nnatle her furious wmtln rage. She threw tIne lonely bouquet back towartts tIme auntlitunce , lncidemmtiy carom- inng oil the bald-head of Arditi in the orclmestra , giently sumrprising the aetl leader as well as time aumdlence. unit there was in store a nmutlcfl greater surprIse. When they suing time dumet froth "Semninamunitte" tinoy were encored , and i'attl reached for tine itand of Scalcimi to lent ! men forward anti acknowl- cdg'n time counpilmont. Scalcini flew at PattI atid throve imer imails into her inaund , bringing tine blood. 'rlno sensatlonual scemne was wit- messed by tine emntlre atitilonce , anti caused great excitetmmont. l'atti , however , with her tmsumal coolness anntl to sInew that sue bore no lii : yihi towards Sctlciii : , turned rouunct aund kissed lmer , anti linen tvent forward to time front of tine stage with inor. 'rine attain was iitnbhisined lii the Mexican papers , bunt was stupprtmsscii outside of Mexico. it was two or tinnoti weeks after this before Scaichi Wotuii avert speak to Patti. While Scaleimi may be appiatttk'd for imer attiring , simcln freaks of Jeaiottsy are not iuknly to elicIt mccl : adnu Ira- tion for her persounaily. "Wlmn'.N John A. MeShano boungLnt tine herald etabhisiunneut , " said ii vrouniuneuit citizen , "he get a good tmning , at least so far as tine real estate Is concerned. It is one of the best corners In the city , and it will only be a sinort time wheut it wiil ho worth alone as umiucIm as was paid for the I1a1)Cr and tiue realty. I wonnld lIke to see a good first-class hotel bnumlt eli that conner. It Is an excellent location , and there Is plenty of recta for hoteLs - teLs lii Omaha. AdditIonal ground caui be secureni by McShane. I hope hue can be In- duciut to erect tine fimmest lintel bmnihuing in Omnnaha : lie Inns PlentY of tnOtiO ) , atnti if hmo imasnt't mt can get all lie wants. Mr. : lcSluamno hiss not yet done mis share towartls Omaima's veifaru In tine say 01 btnihdings. Here is a splendid opportummuity for Imim to erect a hotel timat tvihl be an honor to himself and tIne city. 'rhat ut would be a paying enterprise - prise thmt're Is no doubt. Sue ! : elegant buildings as Frank J. ltanmgo's-ono at time finest in tIme city-Witinuehi block , l'axton's Granite block , and Paxton's buildIng , are worthy of better neighbors titan time old herald office. " _ _ _ "My few reummintiers on negro ministrelsy last week Inuive , I am giant to say , made memory ratiner active In this respect , " writes a correspondent of time Gosslp "It served as a kind of cocktail altar a long night of a kind of dissipation In whreb forgetfulness furnished the nnaterlai for the revelry. Oh , yws , I can go back through mtunr esn and ' hmat time mnmuisic , listen to the repartecs , cnjci3 tine btmriesqucs , keep timume tyltin tine tepralelton. eaums Just as If I was was an attendant at on of time perforumnamiecs to-might. Amuti do yont believe it whom 1 lmenr amino of the old joke4 inOT a days they don't seeni like 'cinestmmimt' at all , bull tumerely a kiumul of 'Toumelm tine harp Gcmmtly My Pretty l4otmiso and Slog Aic a Somig that I Love. ' 'rIte Mcmii Iirothners , l'oll and Trowbrltlgo were great umninstrels mind 1 think tliej gave a nnoro practicai coloring to time 'Amnienmeaun opera' than any troumpo that tray. clod. 'l'hoir prograunune iv as cxcccdlmngiy varietl amiul capttmreti time galleries every tInmt. Joimnnmy l'cll occtmpieut the bone end amid wai a fat son of Momuuta very shunnilar to ilmily 111cc of tine Present tiny. lb was one of titti first and best bone soloists anul dlti a raiiway tralti mutation that woulti almost nnnaktm otto lmntagimmu linat Ito was a Nebraska legislator , and html a Pocketful of piusses. Billy Morrij tipped tine tannbo , and was noticeable for lmis I , nmuimemnso mnioustache and val unbic diamomuits. Malt l'eei was really the first mnlnmstmel wino mmnado a walking jewelry siutip of himself , btnt Billy Morris exceetled hniumn 1mm time diannomnd circle. L out Morris was not very far behind. Ho owned a fast morse amnit of coutrso a diamunonti Is as necessary beimmummi a stcpuer as lila tail. Lon Uldmn't appear very prominently on the progrannue , muint tInny do say Inc was a star actor where Fare simlitont time green scenes. 'l'rowbridgo acted as in. terioctmtor and gave tine barItone soire- excellent and unequmahied lii those tinys. 'Near the Ilamik of the Lone Iliven' was one of Inissongs and 1 think oveni imow I can iteanthmo sweet nnusicai wlmnspersuntltmiat. lug time reeds and rushes. 'rimis was aflostoim troupe and a good one. WIth It appeared time best artists in all brancines of tine imrofessioum. 'rite lannk and loan and nmaylmap lmtnngry liar. naby , now of operatic constellatiomi , mnnado lnis first sumccessftti appearance with time Mor. us Brothers. So too , Campbell amid Castle , tine greatest Anuerlcan basso amid temmor of their tiny. DIck Siltor , tine cimamnpioun jig tlanccr of tine world , a Bnmutalo , N. V. , prt- tiigy , first shook time sawdust anti ninulo nitmsle : itim imis feet inmider tIme atnsplces of tinis trounpo. 'i'iieui coimucs England's clog dancer , Iick Sands. Ills appearance truth imla Lancashire wooden shoes took tine country by stortum anal Annunnien really got its iirt view of clog cv- ercise from tine MorrIs Brothers' sites's. ' At- tenwards 'ron : hayes casino over as a rival. Ho anal Dick , however , soon joined imammtis ( or rather feet ) and ivere the first clog teanmi In America. Ad Weaver , amnd Master Barmey first appeared with tine troupe In their bitttomi-bmtrstimmg pieces. ' .i'Imat 'feofteeum cemnts worth : of leaver' of the timid was a taking curd for a long timmmo. If I no- nmnemmiber right tine tall , ungainly Noise Soy- nmmotmr , after a lontg season whim time Bryants , was with : tine Morris Brothers , and lme , .Johmnny l'oll uuntl Japanese 'romninnny used to do time rnilitary' act In which big drunis anti mnitsicai lnstnimmnments ivero attached , to little mmuort3 piincipalfcatures , especially when they sang : Oh , I'mnm goin' ( town to Wasimlngtomi , Amid don't yont tinlmmk I onmgimter ; For I'm coimi' ( itwnn ) to Vasfmington 'ro higimt for Abraham's tttuimghmtcr. 'romimny Drunmmmnnondtime j ig ciusinpion , Moso Case , time Albany Albino banjoust , anti this well known sueciailst In burnt cork , were with tine Morris Brothers once. * * * "Kelly anmd Leon were great minstrel moo. pie. Their style was time operatic , and tluoy lund no equnis : , cxoept perhaps to Umns- worth anmd Eungene. Time latter , however , did most ot their work inn Lontiomn : vltln Uno Cimrhstys , and Anerica could mint pass a good critiqute oil their ivork. Leon took the to- male cinaracter , aid as ha was effeminate in every way he sititeti the castspientlltliy. his real name is Patrick Glassy. and he was originally a boy singer in St. Stephen's cinuinch , New York city. It was tinon the mashlommable Catholic clmunrchn of time metropo. us. Time cathedral was on Mott street , down town. Fathen MeGiynn , its present pastor , was in old Saint l'ater on Barclay street , anti Dr. Ciutunimngs , the most popunlar priest aver In New Yorlcsvas pastor of SaInt Stephen's. Leon or Giassysattracted his at- temition. lie had his voice cutitlvated , and tine younng boy snug soprano parts in the choir for a long tine. Kelly and Leon , thoungh conmediamis , were imuixed up in a trag. edy of note In Now York. For some reason they were bad friends witln Sam Sharply , the celebrated Monitor umuinstrol and his brother. 'rho quartet were auditors at a matInee at the Fifth avenue tineatre , After the performance - formanco a street enncotnntor ocetmrretl between - tweon tine four , and a scene wortiny of a frontier town In hurrah days was the result. Several shot were discharged. Sharply's brother was killed by Kelly , amid tine iatthr was seriously svountlcd. Timougin Kelly anti Leont appeared on the stage afterwards they never met : vitli tine old success. SinarpIy' blood had apparently stained pubilc appno- elation , so tinat their garish : liginta failed to glisten very brightly. " Time World Frommi the Sidewalk. Did you over stamia in tine crowded street , imi tine light of a cmty lamnip , Amnd list to time tread of a umiiliion feet , [ Ii tinoir qunaiuntiy mnunslcal trannnp ? As time smnrgiuig crowtl goes to and. fm , 'na a pleasamnt sight , I weeim , To nuark hue lignures timat caine and go in time ever ciuammgiuig scene. here time pumblicarm walks with the sinnol proti ti , Anti time inriest iii mis gloomily cowl , Ammii Jives walks by lii tue imuititiy ) crowd , lYitim Lnzartmm' , clm'ok byjowl ; Aunt tiuo tlanmgimter of toil , with men fresh young Imeant As pure : is lner sPotless tattle , Econts sloe with time wommmafl 'ho unakea bet tmumrt iii the haiuunts of sin anti shame. how higintly trIps time country lass In tliO ummitlat of thin city's ills , As fresimiy pimre as time ulaisleti grass 'l'lnat grows on tier native Imihhs ; Anti the beggar , too , with iuumuunrry eye , Anti leamu , : van taco iiti crutch , Bestows a blessing on time liasser-by , As hnogives Julio little or tatmeim. \'lnen time small mayo beateni time ulay' a tat. ' too , And mm dnusky armnor mniglmt is treatlitmg wntfm celmoinsa ttotstep tlmroughi 1'imo gloom of time silent. muugiut , Some lewof tumesosinali bodairniy fed And sunk to .slumnnbers invent. WimlIe mnaumy : vill go to a sleepless bed YltIu never a crunnib to oath Aim , me I incmt time hours go Joyfumhly by , litnw little we stop to heed Outbrotinens' amid sisters' despairing cry [ in timoir woe anti bitter imeed. Yet such a world as time angels sotmgimt ' [ 'hits world of ours we'd call , It time protimorly love oumr fattier taught Wns felt by oachm for all. Yet a few years more anti tinia motley throng vhii all haiti passed away , And the mIclu , ammmi noor tintit oitl , and young , Vlhl be untIistlnnguisuetl clay ; Anti time lips timat lauglu , and the lips tinat mmbni , \vili inn allemmee alike be sealed , And somno will rest nmmitler stttviy : atone.s , Amnti soimmu In the lottnr'.s field. But time atm viIi be sumlninmg just as brlgimt , Auiti SO will time silver umnoon , Amid jmust smichu : i crowd nvlll he there at mmigit , Anti jmmst smmclm a crowti at imoonm Ammtt uuntmmt viii be vLcked mimimi wonnncnn will sin , As ever sluice Adnumi's fall , : v itin the saute wide world to labor in , And Line annie ( hod over nil. A. Uomimfom'tlng hlefioction. St Louds Qlbe-Dcoerat. Tine Engiisln coutrt of spieals Imas reversed the recent tiocision granmtlnng an Irujunictlomn to Miss Fey 'reumipu ton against tine theatrical nanagei wlmo discharged men becanmso of her peculiar style of stage dress , wlmlclm , like tine average Missouri spring , beilns too late stud ends too soon. It fe probable , therefore , that she will not viay in London any mmnore. But she can carry away with her thue comfortimmg no- flectlon that Epgland'a great pool , Urownimug , fn ii : sympathy wIth imer views of art. Al least n inns now book he ceLebrates In glows Ing terms what he calls God's beat of b uteoui and inagnhl1c.n lteyeal.4 tq iitUi-tbs uksd ( vitalo for . . . : . I