Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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WANTii-Toirnrton : ) pond rirctinnl hill lot
for fcoocl family horse ; uddrcsi F : llco
Jtllco _ _ J2i
VtMNThD-To buy n "ood tnlllT route . Ad-
TT dress FB ! llco Office. 18 7
\\rANTKl ) -To Hen ! , house fit 6 to 7 rooms ,
good location , with mo letn eonvi nlcnecs.
Family mmll nnd no unlldrcn. Addresi A , T.
Austin , 600 S. 13th at. Ma C
W'ANrKD rcaine , 30'J S. 11th it.
\fg \
WANTED-To buy fivoto twenty acres In-
side of nr near Oinahn. ( live defcrlp-
tlon , price und tciing. Addr''ta 0.2J , llco oll'co. '
OMAHA Stornponrehousoruriior nth
niiil 1/nid FM.i forMonige of house-
tiolil ponilft nnil general merchandise nt loir
rates Advances made ; I xuc > wmchouso re-
cclplf. It. It. switch nt I lie house , Odleo 61fl
South Mill sheet nnil ll'iK ' , 1,110 and MU I/aid
Mrcct. Tfk'iliumiGC. | , M. S. Otiodrlch , mgr.
J'l'i in in !
Foil KiNT-0 : acres of ground. Improved
North of tbo city .1 miles. It. C. I'Mirr-on ,
15th nnil Ilnrncy. 27-
I"ToiTsA 1,15-4 I ooin house. f too. ft" 1 Clark si"
: lietM. Murj'8 avouiid Howard. 25'o 17 *
j HUNT -A snmll 6-room Lottiiifo , good
L1 locality t8. ! Iiiillro | nt " 518 Cnpiluljive.
! t 8-7 *
FOll KPNI' Now' ) loom hoiino. modern Im
provements.miulro J. 1Ilnrtoti , 2310
Capitol uvo. 187 "
Foil HUNT-TWO brick Elorcs on north
16th t.
Warehouse on track , new brick on paved
'Ihree new stores on onlh I'llh t.
IheC. K. Mnyuo , Koal KstuloTrust Co. ,
Mill nnd Hnrney. _ t/10 _
" | 7HH lliNT : House ol ton rooms iml liarn.
JU M71'arknvo , hotwo'-n Ilnnmm Ht and Leuv-
cnworth st , Inquire at Doran House , bouth ISth
iicarHiittlooniitty8burjf bulULnir _ _ _ 1KB
FOIl IIKNT I'ottiuc * . houses und fltoroi , nil
dcslrublo mid well loc-morl , from * . ) ) pur
month up. I , . Hurnhu-ii , Itoora 1 Crolghton
Illoclt. 117
H A V privilege to U n eon the Octwller f nrm ,
nt Ainfn , 7 miles wc t of Fremont. John
Giillughiir. ,117 South l.'tli St. 4IJ1H9
"IjlOll HUNT Six new 8 room houses In A. S.
JJ Patrick's addition , aliout 1'S blocks from
streetcar. Apply nt room J Aillnt'ton block
A. SJ'mrlcb 7ll _ mS _
FOIl ltiNT- : jou want to rout n Imuso , call
on llcnuwu & Co .opposite postolheo. 110
171OH IICNI'- Two handsomely tuinlbhed cn = t
rooms of collage. 1'iulur - to 4 gentle
men , 61S north 17th et. 4 IS fl
1 71011 HUNT Odice room on gioiind floor ,
1ft. 1A 1 IIPBI corner In the citv. Apply to lliown
A ( 'rolghtoii , Hcnl IMato Agents , 15. ) Douglas
ft. Ill 0 *
IT -Furnishf d room 40U n. Mth st.
Jl ? 412 7
fTlOll HINT : noom ICIlCapltnl nvonuo , lth
lialli , lor one or t
4" 5 B *
F IOIt IIINT-Persons : v to rent nleo
fill nlshed rooms cheap III do well to call
at 501 ! , S. mil , upatulrs Mrs D. 1' . Jones.
FOIl Itr.ST I owe"t pilcnson illnncr PCI ! " ! t
.Mood } ' China f-toru , corner Pith nnil lav- )
onport. 4 UK
FOIl lir.N'l' riisl-clnss furnMicd rooras.wtth
inodorn conelilcncoa , .110 N I'.tli Ht. Iu3 8 *
" 1T10II Itl'.NT Hoom" ! on first ( lour , untnblc1 for
JL ? droHHinakliiK , luqulru lit 18 N IGtht.
is n
FOlt IlKNT A nlco front room with alcove
hot and cold water buth. GaaC-0 South
EOlli , corner St. Mar ) uvenuo 4-"J
T1OH HUNT Nicely fuinlshed room ; two lady
. i-lorkhor sowing glrN prelcird , 1011 How.
id,2dllooi. 3:00 :
F IOIl Itr.NT-Nlcelv fuint hcil fiont room 3
blocks Bouth ol ttie Opera Ilouoltl.'i.loiH.'y.
_ _ _ _
FOlt HUNT A furnished parlor , warm : mod
erate eonv enloncrs wltn tlr-it-class board ,
for two KOiitlomen. 1H14 Oodiro st. _ I'Ul '
FOIl HUNT Elcirnnt furnished parlor , also 1
smaller room. Ill It'Ui near IJodiro
F Oil HUNT- Furnished loom , 1715 Dodtro st.
"I71OII KENT I'urnlshedsldo rooms ; also law
JU fumt parlor furnlshi-d or unfurniscd. " 07
B. Z3d st. , but" ecu rurimm and Douglas.
TOO II HKNT-Finiilsliod rooms,2203 Dodge.
J ? 3911 HI *
HUNT Now brick store room and basement
ment , modern conveniences , splendid loca
tion for dry goods , boots and shoos or furnish
ing stock. Imiulro at CHI/en's bank. 2108
Cumlng st. 2750
lliNT-Olllco : and desk at 617 8.
13th st. ( 'oa I location. 283-8
EOIl KENT-NIco olllco. KniUire | of Enowold
& nairett , ! )144 ) ! So 15th it. 2J4 8
F I OH 11F.NT Two furnished or unfurnished
rooms , louthoast cor of S 14th and Center.
33 7 *
ijlOlt RENT Newly furnished front rooms ,
JL ? glnglcor en suite , 814 N 17th st. 19) ) 7 *
FOH 11KNT Unfurnished rooms ono block
fiomP. U. Kmiuiro of E. F , Cook. 1414 N
18th ; M 10.
OH llENT-2nd and ndlioors , 37x10) feet. No.
1317 Douglas st. Will rent entlro ( loon or
cut them Into offices and rooms. Apply bo-
twccnUand Op. m.
FOIl IlKNT Newly furnished sleeping rooms
for gentlemen , opening upon main hall ,
entrance Independent of that for family use. .
H09 Howard st. 377
TJ1OH IlKNT Furnished room for gentleman
JD 1(123 ( Dodge , 37 7
FOlt IlKNT 3 furnished looms , 1818 Farnam
371-7 *
FOIl IlKNT Two furnished front rooms.
Gentlemen only. jeKUKxtgo. 727 mil )
T71OH HLNT 2 connoi-lc'd rooms , suitable for
J ? four gentlemen. Hunt reasonable. ,11S N
IMIt st 11,07 *
THOU HPNTHandMimely furnished roonm.
JL ? Modem conveiilenceB. 320 Noi tli 15th st.
IPS ) 8
EOll Itr.VT-Flnely furnished room at 701 i
t-'onth 18th st 1)1823 ) *
FOIl HUNT A very desirable newly fur
nished room , all modern conveniences i ,
itront cars 25.11 St Mary's are. &T8
Foil UEST-Nlcely furnished rooms , 2227
Dodges ! . , all modern Improvements. 817
" "
OH UK\"lN-"st7)"ro ) room and No. HON. 14th
St. basi'ineiU. 388
FOlt UUNr-l'urnlihed rooms. 714 N. lOth-st
y Foil SALK-.V No 1 Nebiaska farm near n
thrlvlnsr ton n south of Platto. 200 acres ,
all but 25 iniiU r uultlvatton. f > 00 bearing npplo
trees. Hiiliilrods of small fruit , overgi eons und
trocs of various l.lndi. Good frame house.
Clienp at $ J5 perucrc. Apply to It. M. , Cunfleld
Hon c. 41711 *
TTIOIlbAljB f-Sli ) will buy the belt located cof-
J ? foe and lunch room in Omatm Address
FBI , llcopllice. 408 8 *
MAHA nKIOHTS-The lilgnenl nnd best'
O Clurk8onOciuty , 2li ) s 14th st 4. 6.
4H-lf you have saTed fourhundri'd dullaw
ca < h you can not do better than buy a beau
tiful lioufto and lot In Omaha View , with good
well , for $ l'jOO Huv now before you pny u
higher price. Quo. M. Cooper , 1511 Dodge st.
061 8
\\7H have reserved four blocks In North
> > Omaha add. traversed by U. P. lly fur
waiuhoust' nnd truckage puri > oics. Mack C > .
Ilomun , llooii , II I'lcn/cr Illk. 374 0
MAUA"ul ! < iHr3-Sii\o your mcnoy and
watch tor plat. Clarkson \ licattv. 21U
Bl4tlist. 423 B
_ _
FliwiINTV or 40 acres clo eto South Omaha.
.L tiVlT nor hero , woith $ lkH ( CUk on I
lloally,2IJ South Fourteenth street. 4J'J 8
OOD llAltOAlNS Wcrimvira fov.- more lota
In Matthew ' subdivision of Albright's
Choice In South Omaha. They mo n good bar
gain. P'cico ' & Kok'or.i , room b , Arlington
bloc * . dJI
" 17 OH SALE Two loti In Kountzo 1'lnoo. Spon <
L cor Otis , 1117 Douglas st iCif
USTIN'5 AddTtToii ! to PlTmvlow. Toiii"ri CO
toJl-MO. J. It. Uvuns.V Co , , solo mrenti ,
31(1 6
MAHA lUJIGHTS ICO iicres. tlnost view of
tbo city from every lot , Chirkton i
lleatty , 2U t ( . I4th t. _ 4.'J B
7ent bargatna fern fnwdns , 57 aeies withir
* ono mile of 1 loreiic * , on C St P. M. A. nnO.
II. It food biulnois. sales $2OOJ per month
reijulrlng only $ NHciiiih. ( li-oceiy in fine loeit
tlon. Active. V K. Ayeiicy. IKil IHidKQ. 420 7 r
cKPON and IZtii nocornor very chrn
ClcrLsua JL Uvul7 | , 219 f lltu et CV 0
. tft-tk
. HAltOAINS-Pnrk * Fowler. 1522
k J IJOUgllK ,
txit 7 , block P , Kilby Place , ! OV ) .
Lotsl und 2 , block itf , Iledlord Place , tl.KK ) .
I ot 14. block 'i. Iledlord Plnco , JWiO ,
Lot 21 , block 18 , llodford PJuco , sOO.
Lots 1 and ' ! , block 1 , Ilcdford Place- , each | 7SO
Lotfi , block S ) , Patricks 2nd , | 1.5.'iO ,
Lot A , bloc-k G8 , South Omaha , f J.OOO.
6 lots III Klllott Plaeo , each tlW. Very cney
Iloii'ennd loton 21ft St. , 1 2.200 , 1200 cash , bal-
aneo | 2 ( ) per month ,
HOIIHO vnd lot on 'Will and Chicago , J-.iOO ,
t.ViOcush , balancefJ'i per month. 4 1 U
fJlAHNAM mid notlstieet , 100 foot corner
I1 verv clienp for a short time. Clnrk on &
lleatty , 211) ) S Mth st. 4-0 C
O NLV 7 Tots loft In Anlslield addition. Iho
be t Investment In Onmlii , Ihoio lots
will double ill sonnns the ordered paving com
mence s on Kith ft In the spring Mirroundlnir
property Is ulicudy double ? 1V ) to { A1U will
buj them until March ith only. Terms one-
flghth cattli.biitaniiif in per month Pet feet
title irmunnlccd J F. Hammond , 117 So IHthst ,
i ) t
rPl'.N A(1li:3 ( ( : north of city nt $ VW per acre
1 cloKoto roitOmuhn. Clarkson & lleittv.19
South Tonitci'iith street. UJ 0.
rplli : best tiargnlns In the ellyIn North
1 Omaha for JJVl to SI3H per lot. Flack i :
lloinnn , lloom 11 Fron/or Hlk. 3MB
" | j10H HALF 317 ncr " of No. 1 land In
JC Nuckolls county , Neb , , within l' ' { miles of
the town of Superior and K. K. depot Inquire
1WSS 1 > lh tt , Omahu , .Neb. M. Itcdlngton
! IIJ 10 *
H I'p UN'S Addition to 1'liilnv nw Lots * 1,100
O. J. II. i\una : Xto.eolo ; agents.
: ; iu o
ESPECIAL attention Is culled lo the now Bd-
dltlon ndvnrtl ed In Mind iv's Itce , and to
bo put on hull ) Monday , Mitrch 7 , by ljov rpn Ac
lalrll ) , UfiNIOtlKt , TaKotlutlmo to m ) and
M'L- this iironcrly. Itis Just wtiat you want : Inn
been Inrincd " . ' ) jciirs ; Is IO-.H than. ) mile * from
I' . O. Uo not miss tlih opportunity. o'J5 0
\JOIini OMAHA , four blocks Irom the fair
i > gioundfl. lots J'KO to ? 400 each. Hack A.
Hoinnn. Koom 11 I'rciuor Illk. 374 (1 (
Sl.VTIJKNTH STHiiV : : between Ionvonwortti
and Juckon : , M tuet through to 17th. A bar-
KiilM. ClaiKioli&'Jbltthst. 4291 >
ITIOll SAI.n At n baririiln Several socUons
-L1 ol land In contra ! Nebraska.
( Jooil rich hell ; jiart level table Innd , bill roll-
In ) ; : the Kreator portion U admirably adapted
either for general fiinnlnif or htock piupo os.
This limit Is mostly situated In Howard county ,
near the Loup river , within from three to
twelvemilns ot tcood railroad stationsand near
bt. Paul , the county scat , and one of the best
KiouhiR towns In eential Nebraska. Has a
population of twelve or tlltocn hundred. How-
aril county IB beiiiu' rnpidi ) ettlcd by a Kooil
cbc > s of people ; has Kood banks , churches ,
schools. Iliiur mills and stores.
'I ho Ill.icK Hills brunch ot the r I' lly. runs
through thncenlrnl portion of the county , ami
the prospects are peed tor nn earlv extension
of the II is M llj. and 0. A. \ VV railroad to
bt. I'aul , which will ( 'ivo tills count } splendid
ralboad facllit'os
Alsohave ono tract of (110 ( acres of tolling
land , tan cultivate three fourths , balnnro
Kood Kin/In land. A Kood mok-boltom crook
runs acio s one corner. Tor a stock farm , this
picco can not lie excelled , bltuated mldoay
between St I'aul and rull'Tton , t'ood railway
\\lllselllu tracts of IfO acres and upward on
oaty terms and long time , piico fS tolo $11 per
acre.Will bo clad to correspond with anono wish
inu to piirth'ise. and tlio-o thlimlnifol sccur
Inir irood land , ( > ithei tor it home or for t-poeuhi-
live puiposed , 1 think 1 can olfcr a decided bar
( ! co. N Ilieko , S15 south 16th st. Omaha.3r > 4 fl
BAHOA1N for 10 days only Lot on Idth st M
\HO with ' 'KOOI ! houses , well.clstein and
2 barn . $ HN)0 ) , f,0 IU cash , $1WO In 8 mos , bill
avoir-til per cent. ' Mitchell i. Loonniaick
15M Doihru St. V > 2 0
CHANOU ofb.i o-Swiin A. Co , iciil estate
nfronts who lot thojonr past lutvo been
lociited tit room 7 , Fiou/ler block , l" > tli st , have
removed to 1S21 Dodjfe st coiner of 16th anil
Dodje , where they have titled up ono of the
finest olllcos In the clt } , and will bo plojuedto
pee any and all wanting rooil lnirj'nin" In Inside
property of which tlioy have a rholcei list. This
llimmako ; nbpoclalty of exchange of mor-
cliandlso-itoeks for city property nnd farms.
'Jhcir list ol faimlni ; lands for sale or tiadels
tholaixest In the city , cmbnicinir lands li
ncarlv ovorvcounty In the stuto as well us Kan
PUS. Missouri , Iowa and Texas. They control
the liuyest block of Nebraska school lands of
uny mrnii'V In the city , and invite Inspection of
their lots by all parties wanting Rood baiiralnp.
Clvothem a call , boutheast cor IMli and
bwan & . Co. W 10
HOITSKH Lots.Farms.Lands money loaned.
Iletnls' city maps , 5x7 feet , $3.51 each.
Hcinls , room'I , Darker block , S.V. . cor 15tn
and rurniim sis. 1 J
BIIAlJTIFlIfjnve'roomed cottnpo wlih fifty
foot east front cloeo to Fti eel ears. IS.WO ,
? 1.COI ( cum and balance easy. ClurWson tc lleatty
Milt South rourtoenth street. -I-'J 8
ELtXlANTlnt in Clark's Hddltlon , Twenty-
seventh and Howard streets. A bartrikln
f4sno. ClftTksou & IJeatty. 21'J bouth Fourtcrntl
street. 4S9 0.
'S subdivision , C-ncre tract veiy
Jcheap. . Clarkson X lleatty , U10 e. 14th st
EljHOANT lot soutn 10th strnot. 50x200 , sma
house and nice shade , cheap. Clarkson
i. Ueatty , 219 s. lllh St. 4."J U
T AKKTlinr.T-121 foot corner , n nartfaln.
JJJOCO.SClarkson& lleatty , 219 s. 14th st
4-'U 6
OMAHA HKIGHTS-llttlliondwith suburbu
tialns through the tract. Chukson &
lleatty.21'0 South Fourteenth st. 123 6
G ENUINB HAHGAINS-Two corner lota m
Burdetlocourt , only 4 blocks from Suun-
der's streetunra. W. M. Hushman. lloom 10 ,
Hushman Block , N B oor 18th and Douglas.
QEAST-FKONT lots In Ambler Place , $100
-J cash on oacn , bal , $10 per month ; $70(1. (
2 lots , one a corner opposite the foundry in
Ilcdford Place , on easy terms , each $ SW.
Corner lot In Hawthorn , $1,500.
Lot In Glsso'a Idltlon , $700.
bouth front In Omaha View , 4 blocks from the
lied ear line , cheap , f 1,000.
A flno soutn front In Foster's addition. $2,000.
A nlco corner In Foster's addition , $ i,5JO.
Lota In Kountzo place , sold only to those who
will Improve.
llrown park , South Omaha , and all the best
additions to the city.
Improved Property.
A flno fl-roora house with nil modern improve
ment , 0 blocks from the postoflice. This Is a
mo tdesirable homo. Terms , onu-thlid cash ,
bal. In 1,2 and 3 years ; 17,600.
A fine cast front lot , with 6 room cottage ,
neaily new , on Virginia avenue , (1.1X0.
A largo 8-room house , about eight blocks
from the postoftlcc , with all modern Improve
ments , easy terms. $5,500.
Nlco 6 room cottage , two blocks from the
red car lino. Is n very desirable and cheap
homo ; cissy terms. fL'.VK ) .
fl south front lots In Highland Pnrk , U cash ,
ft south front lots In Highland Park. $1,050.
6 south front lots In Highland Park , blk 12 ,
Wo have n largo list of good Inside property
and make n specialty of Inside bargains Call
nnd get terms , etc. Frank F. Williams & Co. ,
Sixteenth und Oulcugo streets , rear Douglas
County Hank. 3S8 0
MAHA HKIGHTS-Lots very cheap ; ready
In n week. See Clurkson & Healty , 210
South Uth st. 429 (1 (
It lly Sholes & Crumb.
Opp Puxton hotel , 1400 Fnrnnm.
45xr.0 to alley , splendid 0 room house , city
water , gns and sewer , on 25th nvo near Dodge
st. ILOifl.
75x140 earner , east nnd south front In Hedlck
sub , splendid lo room house , all tnojorn 1m-
provcmenta. $10,000.
( Vxll2 ) to alley , U room house , city water , gas ,
etc. , east front ou Pleasant st. A big bargain
A very handsome , modern seven room hotixo
and full east Iront lot in Hiincbuugh place near
Park avenue , i 8,000. For choice losldenco locu
tion this cannot bo duplicated.
! W xlSJ feet , a corner in t'liull's addition with
three good bouses and room for Unite more ,
1 ivo room cottige nd largo lit , 75x150 foot ,
cornciA on ulluy , seventeenth and Mason
street$7,8M. .
Two good cottages und elegant rust frontlet
lot on Park aronuD , WJB , fronting two
ptroum , A splendid Invo'tnient , $ I3OCO.
( ioodVroom houto , barn , etn , lot 80x120 , ami
froiHlnt-east on suutulvrs otreots , near Grant
street , $7,500.
Sevon-room house , barn , well , shade trees ,
eta.on Chailes street , only aw feel ojl Suun-
elcrs. lotBOilJO , $ B.OliO.
FIIIO U-room bouse und full lot on Seven
teenth street near Ma ou. Clitmp at tAOJi.
Nine room story and a h.iir liouso , full lot ,
on Guerilla avenue , J4,0lhi.
Splendid nne room house , new- , full lot cm
Twonty-aUtn sireet , Sbull s aJdltlon. A big
barKHln It tiikeu soun , $ l0) ) .
small house and lot , UU13J foci fronting
on Saundurs and 'twenty-third > trcots , Itoom
tor huslne-s nnd re ildoncn. $9,5 U ,
Six room cottage , lot 40x1 tu , Inrgo barn ,
Splendid shad trece. Exactly on grade , and
. dlrtcl.mip , S1.5A ) .
Small housn and half lot on Twenty-sixth
street cabin line , lot ntcnc worth moruthnnia
nskolforall , f..tOO ,
69x140 , oa front on Virginia axe. only JOfl
feet elf Leiivenworth , 5-room cottiu'o , barn
coding ? IW , a decided tiuignln Ht ( i,5f < 0.
Wvl.M , corner , bliiiniV iuM'n , linn tf room
. house , fiirnaco , i.s , clt ) water , cistern , burn
. coitintr JNM , nil forlT.0'0 ,
- tiil27zeottngrsln ) aulun'8 2nd udd , fJ/H.0 ,
or $ l.fW ) for one-half Cheap
lliirgalns In vaeiint lots In nil parts of tt lo
cltr. Wholes & Cr mb. UUt ! Farnam St. ,
36i i ) Oyv. Paxton lluml.
R Addition to Plnlnvlcw Lots $1,100
to $1,200. J. 11. KvaniA ; Co. , solo agants.
" JHOjl
TN8IDlTpltOPiTtTY"-rwe : have some tfood In
J- side properly at n bargain , Pierce & Hog-
ers.1511 Dodge street. 830
LIST your property with us If ) ou want It
sold , for wo mean business , Pieieo A :
lingers , Itoom 5 Arlington Illk. D.U
FOIl SALR On on y terms , some choice lots
tn Walnut Hill , all neir Walnut Hill post-
office. P. A. Gavin , Solo Agent , Itoom ilHedlck
Illock. is. Ill *
FOR PALK 7 acre' on Plato st near Patrick's
Harntoja add. will pel' cheap. Gate City
Heal l.stiito Co. , U'U Douglai. 185
rnilEbost ncroln Wasllng'on Hilt , $ l. iO ;
L will makc51ots ; ouch will sell for $11)0. )
Muct ho sold In a fowdn8 Gate City Heal Es
tate-Co , nw Douglas. 242
J OHN OALLAGHL'11,317 South 11th st. Aero
property , lots all parts of the city. Choice
lots In I ! inscom 1'laco lloii p , D rooms , lot
CCxSO location J5.2JO.,17
, unsttrpiiMOd , . - u-
H AUHI3 Heal Estate and Loan Co. .
.I.'O S l.MM st.
2 > i acres In Cunninghams add $ ,1,00 1.
Aeio propel ty to pint we-st of stock ) ards.
Acre- propel ty w cst of paric
He Iford plaeo 10 lots liom < fiV ) to $13a
I lots Ilakcr Place near Uroliaid hill , $000 to
Lots In K'lby ' I'laco $010 to $ lriJO.
1 lot In i'aikursiiddf.VMO
Lots In ( "reston place $1,101 to 51,501.
llou cnml lot Clarendon place JI.IH ) ) ,
House nnil lot Cl ircndon place , $ J,000 ,
1 lot In Dupont place'O.
Lots In Hawthorne $1 CKMto $1,500.
Lots In Hnwes$8)OtolilO. ( )
In HnrttnnirB nitd , n bargain.
Lots In Hanscom Plncof I.DOU to $4.010.
1 housoiind lot In Hanacoin Place , $ * i,8jo.
House and lot In Hnn coin Place , $ ! > ,000.
Koiint7r4tb add , $ .1,400
1 lot m Kount/o I'laco , bargain , $1,800.
Several houses nnd lots in Lowe's add.
Hou o H ml lot on Nicholas street , cheap.
Lot In I'otter'siuld.
Lot lu Puttee A Cohb's add , S Omnlin.
Property In oveiy part of thn city.
Money to loan on impioved city property.
Abstract of titles of Douglagrounty.
Harris Itnal Kstnte \ Loan Co. , founerly Hur-
rlsA. Harris 2jt :
"ITIINn Chance Wanted Stock of groceries
- ? or hardure In exchange for 160 acres of the
tinoM land lu Nebiaskn , within 50 miles of
Omahu Imiulte of llcrthold \Co..5.'OS 10th st.
FOIl SAliIJ Two or thieoplevatois ; all good
points on II. \ M. railroad. For particulars
appl } to Thomas Coehianc , box 55 , Lincoln ,
Nub. 2JO 8
FOIlSALi ; Vnluablo propeitv : West Lin
coln for cash Cull nl I'd lllrd's stole or
write P O. box OU' . Lincoln , Neb. SJ1 8 *
IT OK SALi : IJcnt , or trade lor city property
1 80 acres of land , good houce , In town of
Ilcllcviie. "i miles from Union Stoclt V'ards ; pas-
tine lornO cuttle ; 50 acies In cultivation : rout
cash. G. Wlckenbcig , 510N 10th st .Icweliy
More. 227 8
.314V5 Sloth St.
Impioved property for sale.
Plalnvlew tine lot and new house $ 1.500
PliilSheridan st , il room house 4OJ
19th and Cn ttllnr nUo cottage l.iK ( ( )
Douglas 8tior2iith,2 houses ll.OMO
Wcti'ter nunr Kith 2 houses 4,001
Arbor plaic'email IIMIISO 1.00) )
Hnnncom pluco cor with small lieu o . 2,400
Walnut bill hou = e-s and lots 850 to 2,400
20th near Martha 2 houses 2,7CO
IsanoSoldc'iis,0 loom houpo . 2,090
Greenwood 1 with line impiovo-
mcnts 2,000
29th av < - near I nriinin house and lot 2nK )
27th st Uoi'd'sSd , small liouso. . . . . --'Vl
Georgia ave , with One ImprnvemcntB . fi.5iiO
Hawlhoie house and 2 stables . , 11,500
W A liodlck'H , 2 houses , bain and other
Immovomcnts 2.WO
Omahu View with house , ute 1,700
St Mur'snvo flnust corner nn the ave 130
it 10 with clou-nut 11 loom house . . 20,000
Unimproved Propoity.
Oinahn Vlow lots $ IOJOto $ l,2"i3
Oichard Hill lot * 7V )
Albor I'lucolots fVI
Albright's Choice near depot 6V )
AlbnglitViinnex.a e-jrner 421
rotnor * Aicher'sj H75
Highland Park , f is cash 210
Oieeiivvood's-niro lots COO
Lriivenworth t. business lot 1,000
Wc t Side lot * . ? 100 to TOO
Gi.ind V' w)0to 1,000
Lowo's addition , $ I.KIO ( to 1,201
Mjers. HIchimKiTililoirs 700
100 acre farm near Plum creek , per acie ,
$10 no.
HO-ncro farm ' . ' 0 miles from Omahn nnd loss
than ono iniln from U. H. station , tlno Improve
ments , nil for $ 1,001 , on e isy terms.
A ( rood p ij Ing moat market at half value.
One of the bo-t paying grocery stores and
saloons In thoelty.
Wo IINVO the best list of unlrapnvcd Inside
lots in the city. Knowold & Ilnirettil4' : { S.
15th Bt. 378 6
E SPECIAL attention Is called to the new nd-
dltlon mUeitlsod In Sunday's HOP. nnd to
bo put on sale Monday. March 7 , by Lovgron Ic
Dalrcll , 115 N 1Mb st. Take the time to go and
sco this property , it Is fust whntjou want : has
been farmed 25 years ; is le-s than 3 miles from
P. 0. Do not miss this opportunity. 8'5 ' ' 0
WH. OATHS , successor to Gates & Watts ,
3.4 R rth St. , ovcrStnto National b < nk.
Study over this list carefully If you want a bar
gain :
10-room hotiso on 21d , between Todfo and
Capital live. , ono of the best built housed In the
city , f % 700 , .Y.00 cash.
n-room cottage next to n school. $4,10) , (2,100
cash ,
Two nice cottages near Harncy and 21th sts.
A beautiful residence , SK corner Charles nnd
25th sts. , 11 rooms , nlco carriage house , ground
NHUahado trees , u good homo for only
Story and a half new house , 24th near Pop-
ploton , 60x12' ' ! , n pleasant place at a baiguln.
$ . ! ,800only f.VXcash. )
11-room house on Ooorgla a\o. , between
Loavonworth and Fnrnam , all modern Improve
ments. facing east , nice carriage liouso , lot 75x
140 , will bo worth $10.000 with in three months ,
$8.7(10 , $3 ,200 cash.
A nlco piece of property on Poppleton avo. ,
with barn , city water , GOxldS. $4ooi.
4-rooin house ana lot , Jacobs' udd. , on sticot
car line , only f 5,000.
2 story house on IHh st. , south of U. P. track ,
88x140. $ .lr < 00.
A nice piece of business pioperty , 27th and
Cumlng , ( VTxl65- house und barn. $ U5 per
front foot.
A nice residence on 17th , between Davenport
and Chicago. $7,100.
A valuable piece of property on Irnrd , be
tween Kith and 17th , trackage In rear. $7,500.
3-story hou cs , 21st und Grant. $ . ' ,2:0 ,
cash. Near street cur.
A nloo 4-room cottage , lust off from Sherman
ftvo1 , near Ohio st. $1,4 < , $4HOcuh.
5-room cottage. Walnut Hill , convenient to
cable line , large lot facing on Hamilton , $1,5UO.
A largo pleco of store house property , 4t on
Lenvcuworthby lOOonlltn st , with trackage
rear , and half Interest in 6-story brick wall
$211 , 0 ( > ,
100x149 In Drake's addition on Davenport.
( " .Oftl.
Two full lot , 11 and 14 , block 0 , Hunscom
Place. Terms easy , for f 7,700.
A nice residence lot opposite park entianco.
$4,0110 ,
sv > feet on Georgia nyo- . Just noith of Leaven-
worth. by 140. * 1.TO ) . Jlow cash.
A bargain , coiner 2jth ( and Woolworth avo. ,
o'lxriO , Hanscom Place , only $1,500 , $500 cash.
6H\121 on Leavonworthbetween 2illiand'-ith ( ,
ntn bargain.
A nli-o lot In South Omaha Park. $500.
A cheap lot In Hurdetto Court.
10 very desirable lots in South Oinahn.
Corner , dix 110 , Hurt mid 31st st.
7 lota In Oichard Hill. $750 to $1,000.
Pleasant lots In Omahn View. $1,210.
00x140 , just south U. P. track ; ou 15th st.
Corner 15th and Center. $ IPOO.
ITOxlM ) , Park Place , block n. $ .1,100.
Lots In Kilby PI too. $ " 00 to $1,0(0. (
Two very desirable lots , Isaac Si Scldcn sadd. ,
nnarLcnvonworth. $ JOW.
A lirgo list of lots In Crelghton Heights.
Cloverdulo , Ambler , Albright's Choice nnd
A nlco 10-ncro piece north of city , suitable for
40 acre's , suriounded by hedge , at $121 ,
65 acres northwest of city , lays nlco at $100.
"TONES ST. 6Bxii2 ; fcnt on 12th at n bargain ,
Clarkson& lleatty , 110 p. 14th ft. 4-J U
rpWO che p lot * in Orchard HIM if taken soon.
J. Clarkson i. lit ally , 21'J S 14th st 4i'J ! ( I
FEW blocks In lloyd's addition much
A cheaper than adjoining property and sure
to double in v ii'uo ' ns soon tvs the Noitliwcstorn
comnienccs work on their now line , which will
l > o wltfam thirty ilays Cliukion lleatty. 21U
bouth Fcurteentb Rtreet , 4 'J 0 ,
11 ml' finest business corner nt the prlco In
-L Oninlin , M ! feet sifiinrn corner IHtb and
Davenport , Inquire prlco and tcinis. bole
agents , Clurksou \ lleatty , 2lUs. Mth bt ,
420 n
A HA IIQA1N for a few days ; 'M acres Inside
of thu2'i milo limit nt $150 pcrucru ;
terms easy ; apply to llutcliliison am ) Me udsolo
agents , 1VI Dodge st. 400 b *
ll'0 Forthls prlceono if the
$ < mo'-t uesjrn-
bio pieces of lesldciuo pioperty In the citv ,
coinor.otli and dipnoi nve , will lie sold ( Mxllii ,
J3.VKcftHh ) , balanin l,2und , ) learn
Gco. M. Cooper , 1611 Dcdge. C81 C
( t > , ) , luu 1 or Uus amount nn dcg.inO snu'li
> front liuMnoiS lot can bo purcliHM'd.oim ami
I three iiuiutftri miles from post ollce , Jl.UJO
cash ; balance lo suit. Now U jour opportunity.
Oc-o M. Cooper , 1111 Dodge. SOI 0
BKl'OREbiiIng elsewhere tnvcttoi * thnnld
uxamlno North Omaha nildltlun , lei iilo
by Fiutik .i Homuu , Itoom 111'ren..ur 111) ) : .
d l,400-Th s sum win cctiro a boiutlful east
U > front , lot 14blocK2 , ) , Hlghlnml Place , Just
threolcct nbuv o qfada ; ono of the mo t dc lrn-
ble iilsces for n'nofne1 near Fnrtiain over
ollorcd. Don't fall to. go out nnd see this.
Only ji.ftOi'Mb.tjninntotiiio nnd two jears.
Goo. M. Coot > c 1611 Dodnc. iidl 0
HOL'SFS-Lots.Fnrjns.Linds ' loaned.
llemls' city 'mnp , 6x7 feet , $ . ' .60 each.
llemln , r'jom 3 darker block , 8 W , ear , 16th
and Furnnm. 1J3
Illoeks 17 to3 J , t > ie be t part of Howling G rccn.
The cheape- propurt ) on the market
y mile fiom Iliiuson car lino.
fi-ncro lota per Acre $ .V n.
2'J ' ncro lo's per acre $ ' X
Acre lots $ > XM.
Lots 60xl.7 on Hamilton street $17.'i to $22i for
Full commission to Hg < nts Ont pint" .
Mai shall & Lohoclc ,
No. 1SOU Furnain.
Telephone 73. 10I
_ _
$1VW A beautiful liomras wt > II as Invest
ment , lor this price , $ IVJ ) cash , bill one and
twocntA , corner Indiana avenue and Pier
streets , 50x124 , south and east corner , ( lo and
Gco' . M. Cooper Pjll Dudgo. 301 H _
"VTOKTH OMAHA Add. Is only 2 blocks from
-i. the Northwestern proposed shops ; lotn
$3X ) to $100. Hack & . Hainan , Itoom 11 Fico/or
Illock. 371
K LOTS at $ 'i- " > each In Leiivenworth lltislno'-s
' place on Le.ivenworth st and licit Line J.
II. Kvnns & Co. , solo agents , ill 5 0
_ _
TJATIIICK'S ADD-IHxl.ll. On n part of this
Jl lot are 2 double houses , leav ing thu coi ner ,
61x134 vacant , all for $ > .uX ) .
Gregory * Hadloy ,
081 llooms Iand3. lledlek blk. 220 S 15th st
K LOTS at $5-5eachlnLenvenwcrtli Huslness
't pliicoon Loaveiinort lift and Holt Line J.
II. l.vans If Co. , solo agents. _ p 345 (1 (
UV This amount In cash will buy 114x140
with small horse on Stiundcrs it , ono of thn
best business pieces on that street ; this week
only. Worth $125 per foot to-day.
Gco. M. Cooper , nil Dodge st _ 3S1 0
O NT. iirximr.n AND Tiiinrwrwo roor
corner on South Sixteenth street way
below Market Clurkson \ . lleatty , 2ID Soutli
Fourteenth Btiect. _ 429 0.
BLl'NT & . 1MPKY , Ural IMnto llrokcie , N. W.
cor. Douglas and 14th stsj 2d lloor , loom
0 ; Telephone 471) ) .
llnrgiilns All Now.
N o cor. Fatimm and Jeirctson (24th ( ) , 0x112. 2
houses , one of brick , with all mod. Itnii ; the
other Iriuiiu with brlci basement , $10.000.
'lerms voiy easy. Will soil for $10,000 bolero
end of tendon
hotith tiont on Dodge , 50xir > 2 , doubln bouse ,
10 rooms each side , mod. Imp. , stnblu , $10,000.
rnlllornlust , 1 blool : Irom 20th , lU.'xlU , 5
hoiise-s , rentln ? to pay good rate Intel cat ,
Cliicago nnd 21th , ffixl U , 2 cottages , a flno cor
ner , Mricteat will pifin spring. $8,000.
Iillculld , tine Uiooni house , b in , lull lot ,
{ 5'iOd. Nothing bitter at juice
Georgia nvo north of Leiivenworth. 75.\131 ,
enst.front. housiof 8 roe us an 1 barn , $ b,000.
Lot aloneIs woith more money.
? t Miuy'savo- pouth front lots with 0-
rootn hou e. cloKiint bite for residence or bilcu
low. $ . ' 0,000
Popploton ave. Pouth front , COxIC ? , cottage
with basement , barn , city water , cistern , n
pretty llttlo home und valnuulo lot , $4,00.
24th near Poppleton , cast front , cottageto bo
completed , bc t bargain in this part of town ,
$ -.8tO. Kasy terms ,
Pierce nnd 2Sth , lot and ft half.T houses occupy
halt the ground , $7,5uO.
N. 2Uth. ( > 0 f e etw cst side , 2 houses nnd 2 barns ,
rent ut $ WO per year , a bargain ut $ V > 0) )
Gtnco ht , small lot , house , (1 ( looms , $2,500.
\\ninut Hill , a comer on Nicholas , bouse , 7
rooms , i ily water , full ! ot. $ . ' ,700
Orehaid Hill , near Hamilton , good house , flno
lot , $ . ' .700.
lUOxl.VJ feet. Walnut Hill , corner lot , house , 5
looms , well nnd cistern , fiult and shade ticos ,
bm n , i J. ' 00. , .
140x140 feet. Cnllformn and 31st. 4 homos rent
nt $1,200 per j ear A good luv o tincnt , $7 , " > 00.
Montana , east frond 3"lxl2T , house 7 loouiH
well and eMern , Just noithol Cumin ? , $ J ( CO
Shlnn'B d , 2 houses 5 rooms each now , cis
terns and well , veiy ttienp. both $1,04) ) .
i.V. : Smith's CHit front 01120111.06x110 , homo
6 loom" , $ ViJ ( ) a .specuil . bin gain.
12th and Dodge , business , (16x11 ( ! , bulhllngs
rent this sensor ut $1,60J , prlco $ J,000 ) , $10OJO
cash. Who takes thlsV
Park avo. , : iiil4i > , IP-room lmus-3 , nil modern
Impioveincnts , all built last sonsoii. $5,5) ) ) .
IM't sU feet on 1'nrk nvo , with two tine cottages -
tage-s , f i tilt of nil klniU to bo sold singly or to
gether a bargain In these.
Vacant Lot" .
Hillside No 1 south f unit on Davenport. 1.853
Hawthorne , 50vlJO , a line lot . 1.UIO
Ilcdford place , lots from $7uO to . 1,000
Kilby place , ono of the best lots . ] , . ' 00
O'Nellssub2 fulllots , corner . 4,200
South Omaha , 5 business lots on O st ,
eael . ( . 800
Orchard hill , Hamilton st . I.OIK )
Orchard hill Inside $750 to . 000
We = t end , call for pricm .
Fnrnam and 31st corner 100x140 . 10,100
rnithuge$6K ( ) . 00
Washington Scunro J'.IKiO to . 2,5r > 0
Sub. of J. I. Itcdlek's Georgia ave , $73 per
Clarke's Place , $1 , ( > UO.
Hlckoiy Place , cheap , to lots , each $1,509.
Plalnvlow , coiner , soutn and went front
Plalnvlow. Inside west from 1,000 to $1,250.
Han-om Place , choice $ - ' , " & ) to f.1,000.
Hansel nnd Stebbln's sub , 4 lots each $1,875 ,
Hitchcock's 1st. two best lots , both $1,500.
This Is but n partial U t. call and we will quota
property in any locality desired , lllunt te
Imjiey , N. W. cor. 14th und Douglas , over Ful
cra drug stole 275-10
AMES IH'.AL r.STATK , 1507 ran-.amst.
In this list j ou may see something desira
64Nor. . 18th st , full lot , 3 houses , rent for
$700il-tIK ) ) .
63 Lot 2\02 ! , Davenport st small houeo
$ . ' ,000.
62 2 lota corner Highland Place on Fnrnam ,
61 Capital ave. , Email house $6,900.
60 Lot 22x66 , Harney st.neur Mth St. , $9,600.
49 Corner on lilth at , llents for $5,100 per
annum , $76,000.
47 133 feet front on Leaven worth st. with
house , $7.500.
48-GDX88 , Harnoy St. . $55,503.
44-Lot 44xll2. ! Leavonworth st. Rents for $150
per month , $24,000.
381 Full lot Hedlck s subdlv , 10-room house
modern , $1J,000.
380 Grace Et. lot , corner , 33x94 , house 6 rooms
$ J.OOO.
379Lot 88x60 , Dodge st , ( food 10-room house
378 Lot east front on 91st , 12-room Louse
377 3JxlJ2 , California st , 12-room modern
house , $ fl,60J.
370 2 lots in Arbor place with 3 houses nnd :
store , rents $75 per month , $1,0 )0. )
35 8-room brick house In Shlnn's add foi
374Good 7-room hoiibo nnd barn , new , In
Dwlght A. Lj man's , for $ J,303.
372 Elegant place on Buit at. In peifoct repair
m odcrn , $9,000.
371-3 lots , north 18th , 2 houses , $2-,600.
ilfill 1 acre , good 6-room house , $2jOO. (
308 1 IJ sqr , St Mar's ave. Improved , $20,000.
3'i7 ' 75x'40 ft , 2 houses fa 15th , rent $40 per mo
36(1 ( Full lot , Chicago st , 2 bouses , $3,000.
304 Full lot , 5-room houto In Arbor Place
$1.(00 (
3fi.-Full lot , 4-room lieu = o. Arbor Place , $1,000
301 Pull lot , 2-houscs in Arbor I'laco , 12,0)0.
:159 : ! J lot. 4-room house , on N 18th Ft , $ .1,000.
; iVi-60\140 , NlHhet.2 houses , rent $50 , $ fl/,00
: i54-No-v 7-room house , Hamilton P' , $4duu.
353 Corner N 18th , J houses , rent $6J per mo
350 Co'ner on Pierce st , near Mth , lot 65xl8 <
tno houses , rent ? < 5 per mo , $6ij ) ) ,
347-31 feet ovfiOCassst , H room house , rents
$ . ' 0. JVJOO ,
340-I'argo brick house , lot 60x210 8 , 10th st
$9,000. This Is a bargain.
3J9 9-room new modem liouso on Cnlfornln st
lot IUXI40 , $0,200
337 Full lot on Leovonworth tt , small home
$4,100. t
335 / lot , good 7-room house on Montana st.
$ l , 00.
331 Full lot on l"ncltlc street with two houses
3.J1-2 lots , largo house ; mordorn ; icnts $50 per
month , $10,000. '
329 Small lot , 4-room house on Franklin street t ,
$1.500. ,
3J3-UOxlb.l , Pierre st,3 houses ; rent $50 per
mouth , fliUM.
320 2 lot" , 2 houses ; rent $51 per month , South
19th street 815-m
319-Vlxlli4. ( Pane iivo,1 1 Hoom house , modern ,
$ I7OOJ. ,
317-50x140 . H. 15th st. , ' 4 room house for $2,100.
314 Full lot. 2 hnusesr ; nt $45 per month , JS.Iuu.
: U2-liOxi)0 : ) Bhlnns udd with 5 room house.1,100
307 75ft on Hindi-tie Ft small house. , ' , V ) .
: > 1 ( xxl20 ) L'ocaturtit , 4 room house , $ J,000.
! ! 05-l lots In West side , now 0 room house nnd
luirn , $ ! lVi0.i i
2-)7-5 ) lots. 2 houses. Walnut hill , $1,300.
290 Full lot 5 room house and burn , Walnut , ) . t
295 Coi ; ner 13th , Improved , rents 200 pormo. ,
293 60x110 near Pt Mary's ave 7 room house ,
burn , modern Improvements , $7.500.
258 1 Ux2i > l , Isane & tM-ldcn'sndd , near Leaven-
vvo'th , ( iood hou-o and burn. $10,000.
2J7 100x11. , cor on California with 2 good
houses : tents lor $ VI per month ; $ U,000.
2iU Full lot , now K-r > om house , modern , Wal
nut Hill , f 1,000. This Is n lurimln. ile
251 10-ioom modern house , Hanscom Place ,
ll , ( H.l.
257-Fa-.t front , Virginia ave , with G-roorn
house , $ J,2V1.
Ames1 Heal rotate Apeney ,
3J ti No l.MiT lurnam st.
I/AND u'ny. jes.rou ; cannot ra-tko
- a mistake Invpntlinr beta nt # ' 60 and t-O'J. '
Kv or } body plensod , and rcmottibvr thin I * the
only addition , fiom which jou can obtain n
good v luw ot the city.
Geo. M. Cooper , 1511 Dodge. _ 3C1
HOL' KS Lot , Farms , Landi money loaned.
Hernia' city maps , 'x7 fcnt , $ J.M each.
llemls , room 3 , Uarker block , S. W. cor 15th
ttud f'amum etJ. 231
A , BLOMAN , Heal Kslato Ilrokcr ,
15U Farnam Street ,
urimin streetcor li-lti.OJxl.U , 4 cash , $ MIOW
iirmimst. , near 14tb,22xic.lmprovel. . ai.O'JO '
'urimin ( . , ncnr Ifth.U.xl.r. , Improved . 22.0CiO
arnnmstnciir20h,2-'xl32 ( , vcr > eh'-np. 7 , K )
urnntntt .near20th.ItfixxlU . .i ir > , liQO
'urnatuit , eor.llit M. , Utixl.K , south
and oust front , 17,0)0
arnnmst. ccr.4'itliiixl.U ' | , s undo front fl.K. ( > 0
' iirnam et , cor. 41st , 4 < \ii. : , s and c front ; i.i'JX )
'nrmunel. cor 4.M. 44x1 c.s and w front il.COJ
larncy st. near IHth , 22xi ! < J I''iiiO '
larneyst near 16th,31x1 Itnprove-d 20.00. )
larneyst neai-2Uth.l74\17U. Improved . IK.OX )
Inrneyst Iledlck's Grove , llxl.U l.doo
larneyst.nenr2.l.l,4ivU- . . . . ( ! , ( KKI
louglas t. near 12th , 41x11. , linprov ed 35.000
louglasst. noi r l.lth,2Jxn. > , ! J iulorest. li.Wo
) ouglas ht near 2ldl > 5xl 12. . . . 7,5K )
) oiigns ! st. 2.Td , Glxll , ' H.IK.IO
iodge t. cor , l-'th.uilxl. ! . ' , improved. , . . 31'lK )
) edge st. near2-ith , fiOxirjiJ uv-io
) odtfi > st. nenr2StU , 40vlJ7 , Improvul. . . 2.70) )
nekton st. cor 14th , ( Mil 12 , Improved 25WJ
ncksoust tie ir IMIi , UUX13. , Improved ll.OiU
ones t cor. r > th , flilxl . . . . 24,000
.eavi-iivfoith st. cor. 21st , U.'xlll , Im
proved . 18,500
.eavenworth . st. cor. "oth , 140x112 , Im-
nroved . . . . 25,000
6thstopp , M. P. and licit Line depot.
6U112 . l',000 '
4th st truckage , 1'addook place , 60vll2 " , 'M
'ink ave opp. park,50x150 I. * * * )
leoiglanve. near Ml Plea aut. 60x15000
Oth st. near M-Marv's40x12(1 ( , Improved 0,100
nth it near lorca , lUOxlnJ , Improved 4VK )
Mthst near Dougla3'xW ( , Imtuoved V.lrU
5th st cnr..Maithn.lixll. ( ) , impiovi'd . 4.60) )
"Dili St. cor. Snward.ll'lxl.V , : ! ) ioll e . . 4.TOJ
'Icrco near2Uthfii ) feet fiont , 2 streets hixi !
lamllton t. near Holt line , Improve I 1,500
1st st. Jii t off Fariiam , 4sxlU' , o fiont 1f (
, 'ith st , near Davenport.lOOvlJO 2,21V
Reward , near : t5tP ) , fi\157 ( ) . . . llp > 0
1st st , near Lenvenworth , 5'lxl'iO ' ' . . . 2-K1 (
Oth st , near Taptellar. lift feet fiont . . 4,500
Ihst , near Maltha , 61x151. coiner . . l.Vfl
lurdettest , near 26th , 50x132 , on car line 1.1KM
luit st , iie-nr Lowe ave , 61 1-2x1,1) ) . . . 1.103
5th , cor , Popploton , ulxl K ) , Improved 4,0) )
lavenport , near24lh 6 l-Uvll-Mmpioved 4 WO
Chicago , corner " 4th , Cilxl.i. , Improved MOD
Oth , near Poppleton , Vxl27. ) Improved. . 0,000
) rehard Hill , lots $7'X ) to l.niM
Irown Pink , lota * 5IM to 80
ledford Placo. lots $ RV1 to . . WO
llghlnnd PorK , lots oich-eush $0 . 210
Vakcly add , ltt 67x110. i , ieh 4HO
' 1 acres near Tort Onialm.rtncly tnprov od 11,000
JF. HAMMnNI ) , Hcnl 1'state.llrst door noith
of Douglas on Sixteenth urei-t , ground
'oor. ' Don't go up stalls ; the Hunimond } ou
uoseeklnirHon the street level , not on Dong
as street , but Just around the coiner nn 10th.
'hprldnn ' pluco lot ; cash $ . ! ' ( ) $ s'0
llleekeiidd.1 lots , JiOxllJ , 1 4 eush , em h f " 50
) uk Hill add. good lot1(0 ( c'isli. . 4,110
Pubof ,1. 1. Keillck , lot6UI2l . . 2.500
Sub of .1 , 1. Iteillek s add,50\110 . . . 2/ttO
"eston odd , In block 1. . . . . . . 1,500
lawtlioine , 21otsH\MO ) , l-'Jeish , e.u-h 4011
) mnlm View , lot iVIxib ; 1 3 cn h 160
) mnliti View , line lot In blk . ' - ; $ . ' ' 0 c-.i-di l.UU
limilm View. lot In blk 2 ; 1-2 c'isli. . . 200
liiiaha VIOH.n llnolotr.ivsO : $ linen ° h. 71" )
Vest CuinlivNadd.lot rrKi5 ; fllKleusii H\ \ )
.ildwlek place , 1 lot fiOxlOI. . . iiOO , iieiir ( entei , : iflxl75lnni. 1-3 cash . 2.7i )
"tli it. lot In blfe 14. 54x120 ! 5-7V ) c isli . 2,110
'Ollist , K. V. Smith's iidd,2 lots hflxMO ,
each l.'lio
Jflth st , ril/abeth place.00\UO.impioved 7.000
Midrosu hill,2 lots , corner : fVJSi ash . l.'OO
Caithugo , 2 lots , coinoi : $ l'0ciikh ' . 1,100
'ential Pink , 1 lot : ? H ) cash . . . 10) )
Iwlght , V Lj nu n' add , lot 62x1 fi WO
Uviirht i Lj manV add , 2 lotsno cnsh sl'i
: outbOniBlm.2eoiner lots , blk 7Jrish. 2..1HO
South Omaha , lot in hlk7i ) ; c.ish > , % .V'1'
Allulirht'fi Choice. 2 loN : $ Hicrsh ! l.'OO '
Albilglit's Choice , line lot ; I'll ' cash . 4"0
ith nnd llnncroft , coi lot MI'U ; 1 icnsh tsoi
-sth , near LiiKo , coiner , 40\U ) ; l-ca ) * > li 1V00
' ' . deslralilo lot ; f 1.400 cusli " . (00
Luke View .2 clieup lots ; lllcnsh . . 1,10) )
llakcrplaee , 1 lot ; $2 > 0cnsh Mfl
ilaker place. 1 corner lot ; J.'n cash 1.1"
llcscrv olr add , 2 lots on Hamilton st S.ilO
Me } eis , lllcli X Til 'en's add , I lot ; 1-1 cash 7uO
Hunscom place , 2 e-le-gaut loth ; 1-.I i-nsh 5.2.V )
Patrlck'ri n Id. lot 51. ) . ' i : 1-.I cash 2/1 0
L'oto llrllllanle,5 lots ; JUKI ciish : each . .110
Grammeicy I'nik , 2 nleolots ; $100 cash 72i
Highland Park add ; $ 2 to iis cash ; e.ich,2i1 ! 2W
Hnrlam Lane,1 lots ; $7ea8h ( ) ; each ' 'Jl
J , Hammond , 117 i-outh Sixteenth st
415 fi
A. II Comstoclc ,
lloom 10 , Hrolghton Illoek.
Jackson street , lot between llth and 12th
streuts , : W\li. ' , 11.100.
Hartiniin'saddition , I lot , 100 150 fret. $ ' 1.500.
Nicholas street , between llth und Utli sticots
$ l00 to 4,600.
Ai'nstrong's 1st addition , lot bOx27 ! feet , east
front. $1.000.
llnitlctt'saddition,60 foc't fiont on Leaven-
woith Kticot. $ J/00. (
Orolghton Heights , 60 lots. $250 to 810.
Claik Plnce.lots from 81/0) ) to l.soo.
Foster's addition , lots from $2,1(1(1 ( ( to2,600.
Hawthorne , lots from $1.00 ! to 1,400.
Housel i. Stebblns' addition , lots from $2,200
to 2,300.
Hnnscom Place , 25 lots from $ -tO to 300.
Highland Park , $230 to 300.
Kilby Place , $ ' > 50 to 2.00J ,
Kount/o's Place , lots liom $1,700 to3OCO.
Maish's addition , ' . ' enst limit lots $ l,40u.
MIllRid Place , lots60x1,17 tcet , $4.5(10. (
Manhattan Place , lots Irom ? 62 to 400.
Mnj lies'addition , Tlots , each $ " 50.
Orchard Hill , 30 lots from $8.1(1 ( to 1,100.
Plalnvlew , cast front lot , $1.200.
Prospect Place , corner lot , 81,500.
Ilei-orvoir addition , 4 lotH , 2 fronting Hamil
ton street , $1,000 to 1,400.
houth Omaha , 2 lots , block (18,1 ( corner , $2,000 ,
Bouth Omaha , 2 lotx , block 2-1,1 corner , $ J , . ! > H ) .
E. V. Smith's addition. 2 lota fronting on.'Otli
street , per front foot , $75.
Suundors Ac Himobnugh'B addition , lots from
$110 to 750.
Smith's Park , line residence lot from $2,700 to
Vlnton Place , good business lot , $1,800 ,
Cloverdnle. lots liom JA10 to 7(10. (
Shcrldun'e Place lots from $700 to 1,200.
HltchokR 1st addition , lots from $400 to d50.
Kendall's addition , lotR from $ S5to ( ) 1,300.
llelvedcro , aero lots , $1 0 to 700.
Vates A ; Heed's addition , 2 lot , $2,500.
J. 1. lledicks Biilvdivlslon , from $ X2 0 to 4,500
Kouct/o , 4 lots In supplementaly addition
south front , 13th street,22x125 , $ I.A50.
Anilitor Place , house with 1 rooms , 2 lots
1,000 cash , 3,000
Armstrong's 1st addition , n room house , c.is1
fiont , one-third cash , $2,500.
Ciedlt Foncler , 4 room house , 2 lots , ono
corner , $2,500.
Drnke'Baddition on 30th street , two 7 room
houses oiioh $ too cash , 2mK )
Fnlrmount addition , cast front on 27th street
0 room house $ .00 cash , balance $25 per month
2JDO.Hnnscom Place , lots 60x181 oniUd street ,
room house , $ ,1,100.
Mlllard i Caldwell addition , 10 room house
lot 180 feet front on Ohio hticot , S10.0UO.
Ma ] lie's addition , 6 room Louse , $ , ' 00 cash
balance. 2" per month , 1,550.
Shlnnls2nd addition , two houses , 5 room
each , lot 60x125 feet , one-third cash , will ( el
separate , 3KK ( ) .
Paundcra & HImebaughV addition to Wulnu
Hill , 0 room house. 2 full lots $ .10J cash , 2,300.
Windsor Place , lot 75x140 leet. Groom nouso
Walnut Hill , two lots , 4 room cottngo on eacli
$3(0 ( cash , balance monthly InstiillmentH , $ l,7iO ,
ClarK'aadditioncorner on St Mury'a avo.
1,10 feet tiont , with house , * 2)OHO. )
Davenport streetoast 22 feet. lot 3 , block 74
city , 5 room house , easy terms , $5,0ito.
Armstrong's addition , two full lots , tw
houses. 6 uiiil" rooms , with liontago on lot to
another liouso , $ 'iOH ' ) . , ,
The above is only n partial list of the prop
rrt wo hnvo for sale , and in addition we Imv
houses and lots In all parts ot thoelty.
runnlnghnm's addition Is located north o
Nicholas street , between llth and 13th. Itcor
talnstwlrty-two large lots , each with iitwent.
foot alley in the rear , and will FOOII hav o ti nek
ago facilities These lots arc In overj rc < pec
well adnpted for worehou o and mnnufactiir
Ing purposes. They will first bo placed on thr
market on Monday , the 7th Instant , Thn price
arc low r.nd terms easy. Call at ourolHeoiin
look nt plat 430-fl.
FOHTV ACHE3 nenr F.irt Omnhn , the blgges
nna best tiling vet for subdivision nt n hi
bargain. Clurkson A. lleatty , 219 South Four
tecnth street 421)0. )
Iffi'S ut $5-'i each In Lonvonworth Iluilncss
place on Lonvenworih st and Holt Lino. J. .
H. Lviiiis , V Co. , solo agents. 315 C
MAHA Hr.KiHTS A lionan/n to
" '
O "
cTaYitsoiV * He'atty , 219 South 14th st. 4J9 0
HOIISKS Lots.Farms , Lands- money loaned.
Ilenils' city maps. 5x7 feet. $ J 51 each.
Ilcrala , rooms. Darker block , B. W. cor. 15th
nnd Fnrnam sts 287
iNnsFcorierln Bhull'a'-M add. . $ . ' ,100. eisy
terms , forfovvdu > s. J. M. liucbanun A. Co. ,
141)Farnumst. ) 040
GIIRGOHV tV HADLKV , inoinbers Omaha
Houl Cbtutn Kxchtingo. lloom p 1 and 3 , : UO S
Uth st. Do a gcnoialrcnl ectato business 'Iho
attention ot non-residents respectfully solic-
Corner , Patrick's ndcl.lllxl 11. two double
houses , renting for cu tier month
The corner 51x1.11. vacant , cusy terms ? D.COo
Flno lot , Jerome i'ark , 41x107 1 > 0
South front , llarllott'H add 2,100
Flno Sulphur Springs Int. near Kith st 2,201
Nlco 7 room cotuge , Virginia mo , 4OiO
l.lil27Lovvo's add , 3-rcom tjunov. . l.on
Double 101 nor , Lincoln IMnco , lOuxlX ) . .
I'lno South front , Lowe's add 1.10)
An elegant business night , S llth st 12,00) )
.fl ft on Leavenwoith , benne . 2,000
Jerome Park lot , facing 1 nrimm
Omaha View , south front lot , 1-room
hou-e. only . 1,700
Arlington lot 1.0-10
1I5\U1 with (5ikiOlioiiho IP.iOO
Uiacknge.tor H''vl ' Cl.nonr ht. Paul depot
tenting for f 1,740 per leiir. . . , , . . . . 20dO )
Giegory & Hadlcy.
Itooms t and 3 Jtedick'H block , .UO b I5tli Ft
MAHA lir.lGHTS Denot In the collier.
CUrkgou it Iteulty , 211) ) South UtU t t"J t >
1 1A\\HKNn ( If LAHSCNHcnl Kelhte nnd
Jj Loan Itrokem.
eOne 10-room house nnd lot In Idtlwlld mUL H
lo be sacrificed t n grent bnrL-nln.
We linv e pi eat bargain of Jot lu I owe s add.
InSn hington SUntc. |
in Walnut Hill.
In O-clmrd Hill.
In Omaha View.
In Klrkwoodiind Plalnvlew.
A great bargain In 1 o-u i add , nnd In ninny
othcrdeslrublo localities. A large ll t of line
residence lots.
Come and see us before bujlng nnd prices
advance. 218 N 1Mb st JW u
lints n-Miuirnnt and thcpnoufi' worth
$260 . 1)7 ) noith Uth 1'nrt nith. > w"l' ) _
dil.iH ( ) For this nmount ) oUnnbuv a corner
35 1 n A , S. Patrick's iiddltlon , $ ( ViOc.iMi , hulnneo
one , two nn 1 thtco venr , deed and abstract.
Gee M Cooper , 1611 Dodgo. : U > 1 H
QO.l * I H Omah'i PnrR and Hammond Plnee Is
k ? Inside s > ( iutii Uniiihn piopirty , 'I heo
01 Jus Vote , ownerK. IU SI6th
tween rniniim and Hninej ,
HOI'SK-i Lots , I'm tn , Ltnd < nioiu- > . , , . . „ .
llemls' city innpx , 5x7 fiet , * ! 60 oneh.
llomls , loom .1 , llnrker block , . . W , cor. 1MB
and I'limam Us. 27
17101 ! S M.t'M2 acre faun In Hamilton Co ,
Neb. . 2 miles from irood shipping point ;
150 acres broken 'lernis pusv Hampon. Am
bler \\nnlloy , K. 20 Omaha .Null bank VJo
nOl' I oi"KannsLind' > money loaned.
lie-nils' Ity limps. 6x7 tcet , $ . ' ,10 each.
Heiul , loom .1 , linker block , S W cor. llth
nnd 1'MiiKim sts , 287
SOriHOiiiuliu I'urk and Hummiind IMncels
Inside eolith Omiih'i proiK'it ) Ihdi Ol n
01 . ! u ; Vnro , ovvncio. 314 S 15th st , 2d tlocu ho-
tween Farnnm andllarnn } . 214 n 1
OAHr.IVLI.V consider dIMnuct"- proport )
that } on tan bii } In uc-ies , look it up on
the map or i Ide to the ground KM If mid jou
will Hud Ililghtoii is thn iieHrcct acie piopeitv
that can be bought , and an Investigation of the
g'oiind Itself will convince vou tl.ut the Mtmi
t.on is deslrnlilo In nil lesprctn llrighton lots
uro selling ut JwK ) CMC li. while hind In Ihnir
nelghboi hood fetches n larger ptieotliiiti this
In large Indies , Acre property about ( imiihn
Is not onlvn safe lineament , but i > spei-lully
doxlrablo nt this tlmo. Itnllioads cunteilng In
Omaha will add hugely to values , and the lots
celling lu llrljthtoii at $ WK ) now will lelc-h much
Imtcr pilcis In six inoiithstime. . AmwKeiil
1'stule Agency , 1.107 I'arnnin st J4S 7
\\nsi : \
T IV ) I rnrniuii st.
Oiler thesjbaigiilns lo daj :
1 corner Ueoiirla ave , and Dupont $1,200.
7 Orclinid bill , choice lots c-uch $ 'Jli.
Hou e and 2 lots , Saunde-rs \ Hlinob lUgb'a
add toiilnut hill $ . ' , : > 00
20 Flncit lots In ( 'lovt'ldnle , btrgilni.
I Ino lots In Kilby , cheap.
Fine ! 1-2 lol John I Id dick -Mib dlrlslon.
2clioke lots In Mil } IK s add , each f > 3X
"eliolco lots rulrmoiint pluce.
1 UUK lie-it In llolvedeiib"ivslii JiD ) .
21otsIetleiS addition , eaeh J7JJ.
6 lots Ml nouglas. $ V > 0.
2 lots South IA. plueie if n $ VJ.
3 Hrown I'u k. tinrgnlns cm li $ (111. (
24 lotseholcoln \ ales A I Irmpol's n Idltlon.
10 acres ' . mi'o ' south ot Harris \ Patleieon's
annex , i-vtri nleo elio-p nnd ca v teims
A line list ot western lands lor sale , 01 tuidn
forOni.iha propertv , ,
4')0ueies ' ) highly Improved , iiundots Co. , sale
or tr.xdo
in icet fiont onltlih Btrset ,
List , nit lo-isl , ' > oi inn on ratniun $11,001 and
miinvothoil'lriFiirniiiii ) , WNonnd I'lU'inelo.
, ) i
, rr LOTSnl ? V1ou-h In Loiventvoith Huslie ! s
J I'liue on Lr-'iveuworlh Ht nnd licit Lino. J
II. IJxn ns \ < o. , polo ngc nts ,111 0
TTIOH S\l.i-r,1xll : ! niililth and Mincv. well
U Improved , * H , 10) u c i-Oi.lml - ' nnd , I j < ara.
Gnto City Hi il lie Co. , l.UU Douglas. 181
HOI'SLots ! , ] armt.Lnn Ismoney loaned ,
Ilemis' city limps , 6x7 leet , $ . ' " > ) each.
llomls , room I , Marker block , S. W. cor. 15th
nnd r.irnnui 8ts , _ KM
Our now nd lltion.
A -resii ; to $10) ) per aenj.
Near South Omaha ,
And syjioate Hill.
Marshall * Lobpck ,
Id ? 15UO Knrn tin.
Ordinance JTo. - .
AN Ord iiamo calling foi special election to
sejuio the con-ent of n miiloilty of tin-
I'locloisol the citv of Omnhn , in the < oiiniy
ot 1) niirlns , ft.ito of Nebi.iska , for the con-
stiuctiunun I oper.ition ol a mblo line stn et
rallroml In and upon the stu-etRiind avenues
ot said cltby the Omaha Uibli : liiillway
Ho It oidulned by Iho mayor nnd city council of
the citv or Omiiim :
SKITION ! 'I hit un tor the provision * of nn
net entitled nn topiovldo foi Hie ncoipo
i ill Ion ol stieet r.iilway ( Oinpan Oi within the
cities of this state , nnprov ml IVIn ilnr } 11 , It77 ,
iiBpeoial ol ( cilon Ih heicbv called and ordered
to bo lid i In * hc citv of Omaha , Douvlns
county , Nuhrnskn , on tin.1th ( av of Apill.
8"7 , and the mayor ul said city is hcreb ) r -
nue-tod and dlu-ctod to pioper ! } cull and to
give noti'.o of such Kiie.-laiolbctlon tar the pur
pose of giving the u ihllod votciH ol snld elty
an opportunity giant or riifueci thcl- con
sent to the Omnltii ( nblo Kallw.i } Company to
constiuct , mulntiiln and opor.ilo , v calilo line
street railroad with suitable tuinnit" , connec
tions and turn-tnbles. vTitulntho city of Omnhn ,
In the county of Douglas , nun state of Ne
braska , over , aciosnlong , in nnd upon the
streets nnd nteuues.und pint or paitB of the
Fticots i.n.l avenues of snfd citv of Oiinha ,
which are hcielniilter named nnd designated ,
nnd between the terminal points thereof
which are hcriioy lived nnd clos'g inted as purls
of thu Htiects nnd avenues upon und througli
which It Is pioposed to poti'trucl and operate
Rsld enhlo I ne Htnet rallioud that Is to say :
Vmton street from llth to Alih s-troets , Grotn
street from 20th to 24th streets Ed I'ic-ighton
nvciiuo from 27th to iiijlh stioe'ta , Woolwoith
avenue from -Ith to , ld ! tfcots , Popnlctoti and
Piio'lle ' streets fiom 2ith ) to 31th Mio'ls , Leiv-
cnworth , Hiirney Finiiam , Douglas , Dodie ,
Davenport , Chicago. Cumlng , all fiom 8th to
36th sheets , Hownid sticot Irom fill street to
18th street , St. Maiy's avenue from 1'th to
27th street , C ipltol avenue from .Id to 20th
streets. Onxee street from 14th to 21th s'leels.
Hilstd strict from 24th to ISOth stii-els. Half
Howuid stieet from 20th stiect , Ciillfoinla
stiectlioii ' 2th street. Hurt strentfiom llth
street , Humli : ' " ' 5 n-ct from 2lh ( Htrent. Sew-
ardstteet f rom 2.'d stiect , Purknr Mrect from
24th ftr'-ct. Ln'o Mroet from nth st roet , Bou
levard nvenun from .lO-h ticet , Piatt street
from Illth stiect , nlto3fith ! street , and to such
other point or points in n westerly dlicntlon
upon each of nald streets ninnlntr cnl am'
west , us It may hereafter be dcslrod to con
Ktiuct and operito said railroad , nnd Ion hid.
It may hereafter bo duly nutliorUod to con
struct the anie- .
And n'so ' upon and through thn following
n lined streets Ir nn the northern tei mum !
points tbfioin which are hoi Plunder named to
the southcin tonninlof ra"h of said KticnlR
That Is to say : Upon I'th. ' 10th. llth. 12th.iilb :
14th , 15th and 17th stroels fii m N 'cholnssticet '
Mill. 19th , 20th. 21st , 2.M , 2 Id , 21th. , 10th and Jfitl.
btreetsfiom Pititt 'tr < ot. IMIi street from the
north end thc'eif 2 Ih street fro-n Lnkn street
2Hth stioet and 2'ith iivenuo from Halt Howiu.
htiee.t : t'd street fiom Piiciflo sttoet.iill to tlio
eoutl o-n teimlnlol Bald stioctHand iivenuei
rcsp < ctlvely. and to such luitlicr point niu
poliiln In both south and noith dirt c'i | ) ns it
this cnmnanv mav hen-iiff ilesiro to con
Ftruct nnd opirito Its said lira > < t railroad , HIM.
to wh en It iiiav liercaltor budi in.t'url/edlo
extend Iho sumo
SrcuoN II. The place of votlngshall be tbo
usual voting p ' e In the eltv , and shall bo
named In the notice calling such < lection. The
return 'hereof nhull bo inado to the rily poun
cil of O niiha. 'Iho ludges nnd c lerkR ot the
election shall ho appointed In thu Rime inaiuie
as for other clt } elections. ' 1 1m notice shall In
published for ut least ten < a-is befoie sale
election. Tlenollio shn 1 eontaln the ti ruiln
of said stteot lulliond anil nld sticctsnn
avenues , us above , over whleh It l propose I t.
constiuct ml eipi < iato t-ald cable line strco
riillrond. It slmll al o ( ontrt'i the foi m of tin
finest i to bo submit a ! to said oleums , u
horolnliuforcipio' d d.
SHTIOV ML Tie fnim In nhli-h jalil ( jnp
tlon shall bo taken shall be M follows : 'Phut
concent , right of wav and nutlioity bo given
lethe Omaha l/'nb'o 11 Ultra ) eompinv ' .o con
stiuet , mulntiiln and operate n cable Ihif stiuel
inilioad , with Kiiitabln turnouts , connections
ni d tuin tnhlo" , In thn elty of Omaha , ouir.
across , nlonir , In and upon ( ho xtiecis nnd
uvonues and Pint or pail" of tin : strcelH nnd
aieiuesof "aid eitvoronin1 which are luiio-
Inutter named and designated , nnd lint u con
the terminal point * , tliiuenf , which in o hen by
flxud und designated as parts of thesald stri eta
und avenues upon and over which It IR nioposcd
to construct nnd opeiuto suld lirstuet
la'lroad.that ' Ulosuy : Vlritou stieet lr ra llth
Io2)th ) Btr-eta , Ore-en Rtrtet finm 2ih ( ) lo.'lth
Ftiectb , F. 1 Cio uh'on live uo fiom 27lh to ( Ith
( "trcetc " , Woolwoiih nve-nuo liom 24lh to 3M
ftreolH , I'opploion and Paclflo stierts fiom 20th
to Mth streets , Loavonwoi th , Harney , Farnam ,
Douglu' , Podnr. Davonporr. Chicago , Ciiinlnsr ,
nil from blh to : wth htnuls , How nrd Bluet
fiom th o I'lti slreetc , St Miirj's uvinuo
fiom Iflh to ' 7 h Miuet" , Capitol nvenuo from
Jd ! ( o 20tn Hlreols , Oiace- street from Mth to
2lth fctu'iti , Hi s ol stnot Irom 24th to : i"lh
Htrrel" , Half Howard Htieet tiom 2lth ( sliest ,
Ciillfoinla f I reel liom l'.tli ttroet , Hint street
fiom Ilih stud , Hi in ' ( on Mnot from 24th
ctreet , Seward Htieot Mom 'd t-ti cot. Parker
stieet fmn 24lli Mreet , Lul.e stront liom Hill
f-treet , llau'civuid ii\enne f oin : i > tli trect ,
Pinltfctrcut liom Ifiili si lent , nil inifitli fticnt ,
nnd to Mieli other point or i onus In n wesicrly
dlreotion iipoiiOAch ol said tttcetH running cast
nndwoMiisIt may lioio'iflei bniu-sired to con *
Ktruct nn < l opointo uld inllirul , nud to whleli
It may uerenlter be duly uuthori/ed to construct -
struct tbo suniii
And ulso upon nnd through the following
named meets fiom the nurilnun terminal
points t hot eon , which arc lieioii alter named ,
lo the fontlivrn leimlnlnf rueli ol , lUtroelH ,
Hut is lo Fiiyr 1'pon'ith , M i.lllli l"lh. l.llh ,
Mill , I5tli nud 17th streoikf n i NIC' o'.is ttr it.
inth , Itlth. 2'ltH ' 2t. t.2(1 ( . ' ! < l. 21th .Mth Mll'i
r/.th Bticetrf 1 P all stieet. 1Mb street liom
the north c-twl tliere-ol,27tb sticot InluiLiki st I
Wth ittkcv und . ' .tli uvuiuc from Halt Howard
Mrcct , 3Id street from Pnelflc street , all ( . .
southcru termini of Mild moots ami Memo * J
respectively , iml to stieh further point and
points In both north and south directions 110
this company may horoaUci elpslro lo con <
llruct aim operate Its Mid llneot rnllrond.nnci
to which It may herfnflu bu duly untliorUed
"Shall consent , right of wu ) nnd nulhority
IIP given to the OuiHliitCnliUi llnllwnv Company
tocuiiMiuct , maintain and opniuto n cabin Una
ftrect lallroud , with sultiible It moultconneO
tlons and tin n-tiibles , In the city ot Omiihn ,
over , neiosp , nluiig. In nnd upon Hie. street *
mid nveniirs nnd purl or pints of llioftrcctn
mid avenues or iho said eliy of Omaha , wblcll
are lierelmilier nnined und designated , nnd be *
tween tlici terminal points tlieieof , which ar *
herein fixed nud clexlgmitid n part ot fnlil
Mreuls iml UVCIIIICH upon uml over wbli h It !
proposed to c-nti R i net nnd opeiuto naid
line street i l.lijWje ! ! 1& ' * to Wilntoa
e-PH. Grreli strcci
I Crolghion Hvrntie
Woolnoilh avenue
jppleton and Pnolfle
* < -ets , Leuvenwortb ,
Uiodfo , Davenport ,
rom fill to ifcltb
Utee-ts , 51. XIHTI * " . . . -i-om 1Mb lo 27th
streetsInpllol nvenuu fiol . , U1 to JMth Mreetl ,
( Inue ( .tn el fiom Mth t ) 21th tiec > tr , llnstol
street liom 2 < th to 'Utb streets , Half Howard
street fiom 20th sti cut , Culllornla Mio-t from
12th slrjet. Hurl sfiec-t from Uth stioot. Ham-
lllon street liom 2llhnt teed , Sew mil Btud from
-'dstieet I'lik't stiei t riiim 24lh gin c t Like
sin et fiom IKii stieet , BoiiUivutd avenue Irom
noth stioot. I'rutl utiec-i Horn 10th niton ll to
3ith ) sticpf , nnd to sued other point 01 points In
n wc tetI ) direction uponcuchor MiUlnrc t
iuiinli'M-nst and wi-st ns If mnv beienlter be
desiii d , to co i tt net and opeinte mid inilioad ,
i.ud to which It may hoiealtor bo duly author.
bed 10 coiistniet the 8 line.
And also upon nnd thioitgh the following
limed aiccts fiom tbo iioithcin ti-imlnal
'Olnts ' thoieon , which mo hoiolnattet tunned ,
tn-ets from Piatt Ktreet , 1Mb slieot from the
01 th endtheieor , 27th Micctlinm LiikcMrrct ,
Uth stuol und I1 > tli iiVHinii-liom Half I'u vurcl
tioetl.'d Mimt liom Piu-lllo stiect nil to Iho
imthoiiitormlnlof the-mid sheet s mid live ntie I
espectlvi-h , und to such liiitlior point und
'Dints ' In boih noith mid south dlicotionc im
his eompaii ) ma heieafto -
) doalrii to cen-
tt net mid opeiuto Us said line of tnllrond , mid
o whleh It mil ) heieuftei bo clu y itulborUed
n iixtC'iiil flic- same ? No. "
Sii-iieiN IV If n majority of the. electors of
ho city of Omaliii , votlngnt such special elco-
Ion , veto In Invorof giving am h coiu-ent ,
Iglit of way ami iiutlioiltyt | shall vc l such
onscnl. light ol way und iiuthority til mid
Jiiiulm Cublo Hallnii ) Comiuin ) to cotistiuct ,
miintaln nud opeinto Rilcli eiiblo line stieet
iillrou I over , IK loss , along , In und upon the
In its nnd avenues heroliiliofoio named.
1'iovided 'Unit the franchiseheiub ) enintnd
Iml not boclipmcdto bo exclusive , nnd that
aid coinpam shall busiibjevf to all ien > omiblo
egulitleinx In the eoiistiucllon and iiseof Mild
'Milu line stiiet uillioad which may be Im-
H8 d bv oiiliiiance- .
I'lenldod , lurther ; That Mild lallwav track
did p.ihlo tulio slmll bo HO cnnsti noted
nnd innlntnliind us to pi event the lensi pa.alo'e
ibstiticllon to thoonlliiirv and public us * of
s u h 't i eels und avenue- , and it shall , wlien re-
lUlioil , eonlium to the oslahlisluil M1de of
hohtreefs nnd nvontiesiis now und heie-nfler
0 be OsiuhlMiPcl when such stieets midiivo-
niosiiro brought to n grade.
Piovile-d , lurlhoi : 'I hat tlio franchise he-robv
cjruntod Is upon tlio e-xpiosf eo dltlon tlmt mild
compuii ) will commence the construct ! ) n of *
Mblo line In ll'o c-lt ) ot Omahu within one- tear
lomtho pns igoot this oidlnmue , and will ,
vlthln three ) iniH and hi v months , have at
ins ) I In oo mile * ot cable line In cnld cllv com-
ilcteil und Inuctunl ope-iullon , the loss of time ,
f any , necp smily mused by Injunction or
caul pioc-oedlnirs not to bo computed : nor
shall de-luv noeossaiilv eniHed by ruiluiiinf the
Itv to guidestieetH to established guide bo
'II o il-'lits mid finnclilso heicln grunted Is
ipon the tin thir condition that within six
months fiom the pn sige , of this ordlnuntii the
raid cnblo c-ompiiii ) b'nall seeuiityor
rive bond to the citv of O i n'm In the Mini of
VMiK ) ) , to tioiippiovvd by the elty comic 1 con-
a Honed tli it u llnool ciblo icind will boeom-
noiieed and coiuploted in tlio eity of Onrtha by
s-iiil comp inv w lililn the time herein llmitc-d.
The lights mid tianehlsu heicln granted 19
.ipon Hie-tin Ilic'i condition that sale ! company ,
within eighteen months liom the pillage of
this ordlnunco , will c-oiistinet nnd comp'eto In
tlio city of Omnhu nt least ouomlleof cublo
Ine. und ut the c id of one } car tleiealior 1
sh ill have at loiixt tvn mile" of cnblo line completed -
ploted , und nt the end of the next siieoe-
} eai then-utter will have at loa = t three n ;
culilo line completed and In npcintlon.
The light to piohlhlt the liingof any rnk'o (
Ine or line" , or any stieot pmiillcl with any
athoi street cur or cable Hue thoioeon-ti ULled , I
Is beieby rei-or/ed , and said company ( .hall '
have the light to lay or construct HH cnblo Una
ui ou thut poition of nnysticet uetuallj occu
pied by uny othoi street or ci b o line enl ) by
und with the authority und peimission ot Ilia
< 'itv council The toim "cublo line , " no mecl
heieln , slmll bo held and construed to menu a
lotiblo truck line.
SB i os VI. I nls ordinance rlmll tiikoolfcct
ami bo In foieo from and utter Ha passnge.
Ordinance No. .
AN Oidlimiieoe illlng for u apodal election to
secure iho consent of a mnjoiltyof the
elector * of the citv cf Oinnh ft Douglas cciim-
ty , Nebraskato Hie con ti miion nnd opera
tion of n cutlo tnimuny street lallioal In und
upon the stieets of said olty by'lbo Oniann
Horse lliillwuy Cable Company. "
He it oidulned by the major and city council of
thoelty of Oiiiuha ;
Section 1. That under Ihe piovlslons of nn
act entitled "An uel to piovidu for the Incorporation -
poration ot stieet ixllwuv e-oiiipunles within Ihe
cities ot till" stntu , " m proved tebiunr ) Ittn ,
1877. A special election Is hereby called und
cudoiod lo be held lu the eity ot Onmlin , Doug
las county , Ne-biaskn , on the 6th duy of Apiil ,
A. D. 18S7. And the mil ) or of 81 Id eity N In leby
requested mid dlreclo I to pioperly eiill mid five
notlco of such election for the purpose ol giv
ing the quallflc d voters of suld city nn opportu
nity to giant or roll i so their consent to the
Omnha Homo Knlhvay Cubic Company
to construct and operate n cnblo siie-ot
railroad with suitable tuinouts , connections
nnd tut ntHb'es , upon the utieets of said elty as
lioiclnnlter do.oiltiocl. Over , ncrora , In und
nloiig thei following cticets : 1Kb. loth , lllh ,
I'lth , 14th , Ifitli , Vlnton , Sherman urcnuo , 'Mth ,
1 afnyctto , Jetleison , Muuidois , Park luonnn ,
Leavonworth , Sherman , Fiinngiit , Coiiuiii ,
Howard , Hiirney , St Mary's ayonue , Furnmu ,
Dodge , Chicago , Califoinla , Ciimlnt- , and Me-r-
cnr nv enne. The termini of suld cable tiumway
street inilroud slmll bo UH lollowa : neutliern
terminus of Uth stioct shall bo Davenport
street , noUhern terminus of 10th street nhall
Im Chicago sliect , northciii termlnuH ol llib
street 9 hull un CM'-S street , noithern terminus
of li'thstieot shall lie. Websfor struct , northcin
terminus of Hthatrocl shall bo Cumlng Mie.t ,
northern tormlniiHof I'lihstioett.bhermnn icvo-
nuo,20th Rtieot.lelfoi8on , Sauudnrs nnd Pnik
uvoniio shall ho the noithern tormliiiitloiiH ot
snl'l streets. The southcirn tciminl of nil iho
cubic tinmway street rnllioad" on the above
mentioned ticcts shall belle sonlboin ter
minations of said streets ns they mo now or
may hercartei -btnbl'Hlcd. ' .
The ciiKturn termini of Lenvenworth , How
ard , llHrney , Finnnin nnd To Igo HtieetH fhull
bo Mb stieit.of Chicago tieel ahull be 10th
Mioct.ot C.ihtoinlu stieot shall lie l.'tli mtcot ,
of Cumlngslii-et i-hnll beIMh street.
The wste > in te mini ol nil tlio above- men
tioned east mid wo-tntieetR ahull bu I ho " st
ein tirmlnatioim ol said bticcts ns they mo
now or iiiav bo hoiouttor ostahlblmd , wllli
Eucliionn.cting and Intrisen ting line of roud ai
mm 'icini tlmo to tlrao bo roiiHtructe-d by ( t. ,
Section 2. 'Iho pluui of voting ahull be the
i s ml voting places In said city und shall bo
mimed In the nolle e calling such elec.lou. Tlio
returns thereof "hull 1 o mudo to the city eetun-
ed of Omnhu. I'lio judges mid oleuKa ot clic-
tlon shall bo u | pointed In thu same manii'-i HI
foi other ell ) eli ctloiiB.
The notloe Hlmlllin publlshol for nt lei-at l"n
days liofoieaid election mid slmll eontutii the
termini or saict str'et rullwii ) and tMiitothu
streets us uliovo over which It Is pioposod to
construct and operate-
It shall also < out iln the form ot the ( | Uo-tIon
tobu Kiibniltled ,
.Section.I. Tlio form In which said question
shull littiiken hliull bu us follows : "Shall con
sent , rlphtof wii ) line ) nulhority be given to the
Omaha Hor-o Itullnuy Cab'o Companv to c oil-
all net , maintain mid opcruto a eub'o trnmwiiy
stieet mil end v\lth siillnlile turnoutsconnec
tions mid turntuhlO'i In the eity of Omnhu , over
and , In and alone. * the following streets In
said Pity , vlHli , loth , lllh. l.ltli. Mill , lull ,
Vlnton , Sbeiman uveuue- , seth , L-ifujotlc , Jef-
femon. Suundon , P rk uvonuo. Leiivenworlli ,
Sheiiniin , Fnriuifiit , Cobinii , Ilowiird , llmney ,
St. Muryg iivunuc , Farnam , DodgeChleavc ) ,
California , Cumlng uml Mnrueir AMMIIIUC Yes"
"Bhnll consent. rli > ht of vviiyund authority be
given tothr-Omahu Horse Hullwny Cable Coin-
puny toconotruct.iiialntuln and operu'e ucnblo
trmiiwuy slroot rnilroud w Ith Kiiltublo tu i limits
connections mid tin ntublcs In the elty of
Oiiiulia , over and across. In and along tlio foi-
lowlnif stii > ot9 In said oily , vl/i 'Oth , lOlh. .1th ,
lltli , Uth , Itlth. Vlnton , Sherman uvenio. Gib.
Lufuyette , . 'ellorton ' , MiundeiH , Purk uvrnuo ,
Louvenwortli , Sliernnin , rmiugut. Ct.burn ,
llowiud. IliirnejHt. Mmy's uvenue , Fniniim ,
Dodge , Chicago. Cullfomln , Cumlng und Mercer
uvnnue ? No "
Hectlon I. If n mujorlt ) of tdo olrctor of thei
city of Omnhn voting at such spec Inl olcellou ,
voli'lnlnvoi of I'ivlug such eon-ent , iluht of
wuvmid uutlioilty It slnill MSI ouch conennt ,
right ( it way and uiitbc i Ity In tlio Omaha Horse
lluilwavCulilu Company to construct , malnta n
und operate fiieh culilc triMnuiiy street riillrniul
over and ikc-ross , In mid along suld MiccUj pro
vided , that Ihu fiuncLiM ) lieieliy giunte-d Hluill
not bedeeimed to bo oxcluMvo uml Ihut bald
comiinny shall bu siilijoct to all reusonhhlo n-g.
illations In the constructl'in and nso of mia
I'nlilo rnllwuy which may bo Imposed bv oidln-
k ice , firovlded , fm thor , tiuu Kiild lallwuy trunkn
mid eiihlo tube tli ill bu M ) constnic-led uml
m.ilntii ned astn prom-nt iho lemt nrHc-tl'-ablci
obstruction to th" cud mil y mid nubile ute ( 'if'
Hiieli "tie tH , mid that It snnll vvhen rfinlird
coiifoim to the Pslnbllpbed elude of ( he ftipctl
us now or liorei'illor to tie i-Miihlighc-d wlifB .
. such etnolsunlirjiuhtfn iiurudo.
I Koi-tion n. TI H ordliuinciv shall tiil > p crfTi.u
and bulu fore * liomuudttttor Itspftsuufe.