* " * * " * "F " ' * y rrK''r' ' ' * rrvtvttf * ' : - * i"i THE OMAHA DAILY BiBB : SUNDAY MARCH C. 1887 , TWELVE PAGER BUSINESS REVIEW. ; f" Chicago Pinanolal Affairs in the Same Con- kv. diticm oa Provioualj Reported ( SPECULATORS GOOD BORROWERS A Good Deal of Money NcccHsary to Hunillo the Grcnt I'nrlc Deal Foreign Kxchnnco Ititlcs "Weaker. 'I'lio Week In tlio Commercial World. CHICAGO , March 5. [ Special Telegram to the Bnn.l Local financial affairs tctnaln In about the same condition noted la t week. The demand from all sources for financial as- Blstaiico was fairly active , but bankers are well supplied with loanable funds und bor rowers experienced no dlfllculty whatever in i obtaining all favors requested when able to ; present undoubted collaterals or securities. Speculators were quite liberal borrowers , as , . they have considerable money locked up In ; the pork "fiquw/.u" and required funds for ' operations In other markets. Some money has been forwarded to the interior , especially to sections where railroads are being rapidly c > built , to pay cou&tructlon bills and also to lumbering district's to settle with employes ? ' of the "logging camps" before the annual "break up. " Parties In the cattle districts , too , have asked for some currency for Immediate diateuse. . drain merchants have asked for temporary loans , but as the mer cantile trade Is Improving their t demands are easily provided for. : Shippers of grain and provisions ask for very few favors and packers are out of the market Rates of interest were steady and moderately lirm nt 00 per cent on "call , " ; v nnd 6@8 on time paper. Only exceptional S tlmo paper accepted und . r 0 per cent Out- ' Bide paper was not much sought for and quotable at 8 per cent Bankers are pursuing a very conservative course * and Insisting ou wide margins owing to t' ' > e unsettled condi tion of the speculative markets. Advices from eastern financial centers Indicated a comparatively steady tecling In that quarter , j , and borrowers experienced no difficulty In obtaining discount at satisfactory rates of In- f torest , Foretell money markets were steady , with balances m the leading banks Increasing. Mow 1'ork exchange has been dull and dragging throughout the week. Offerings were not very largo , but there was little or no demand. Some currency was ordered from New York , espec ially by bankcis who have annual contracts with express companion. Sales were made between banks at 70@75dlscount per 81,000 , and the market closed dull at tbat range. Foreign exchange has ruled weaker. During the week Just closed an increased number of bills were offered on eastern markets owing to increased exports of breadstults , provis ions , petroleum and cotton , and the market ruled rather weak. The demand was only fair. Shippers' sixty-day documentary bills on London ruled lower , with sales at S4.SXLM.84U , and closed weak Bt 84.83Cfl5J.KJK. The New York Block market was only moderately actlvo during the week. Outside parties were not Disposed to trade to any extent , being at tracted elsewhere , and trading was confined to "room operators , " with preference given to specialties. Chicago operators in stock L * , rrero not doing much. The market , how ever , was comparatively steady and fluctua tions were confined within a narrow range. I'nces exhibited very little change , a little more encouraging to sellers. Foreign nmr- kots have shown little strength and some of the principal American securities have ad- t.Tanccd lu the London market. Foreizn se- cutlties have ruled comparatively t fttcady In the absence of war news or any marked change In the political Situation. Hales on the New Vork stock ex- 1 change for tlio week aggregated 1,057,000 > harc3. I'ctroleum attracted considerable , speculative attention during the past week „ and trading was active. Prices ruled with considerable Irregularity. A good demand to < j provide for outstanding contracts caused a a Stronger feeling early and prices were ad- . ' vuneed2@3 cents. Later offerings were Increased - „ ' * creased somewhat on the strength of large , , production * nd the opening of new wells , \ and a greater portion of the advance was lost ft Ononing sales were made at 015c , sold at Jf 01X < R04c and closed at & ! c. The $ aggregate sales on the New York petroleum exchange wore 11,400,000 barrels. More Hfn was manifested in the leading produce mar kets during the week and an increased peculattvo business was transncteit. In brain circles there was apparently more pressure to sell early , and lower prices were submitted to , but toward the close a firmer tt'ullng prevailed , accompanied with a rather elmrp appreciation In prices. Kecoipts were * Dot very largo , while shipments exhibited * some increase , possibly encouraged by a fj Might concession In freights and a good ex- I * Port movement at the seaboard , . ( locks being gradually reduced , , Provisions ruled with considerable strength and a further material advance In prices was gained , reaching hlehest figures of the season , for leading articles. Stocks of provisions are ; v reported Ihrht at all western points. The 'movement from hero was onlv moderate. ' Foreign markets Indicated considerable * steadiness and eastern markets were stronger , ln a general way. The packing of hogs * throughout the west was only moderate for v this season of the year. * ' J WASHINGTON NEWS. K ; fcho President's Pumtlon on tbo Illver jjs , and Harbor Bill. 55. * . WASHINGTON , March 5. [ Special Telegram - ' gram to the Bice. Willis" , of Kentucky , \ehairman \ of the committee on rivers and i harbors , Is authority for the statement that the president Is seriously Investl- gating the question of whether he has Dot power to siun the river and harbor bill. * A precedent for such action Is found In a war , ; ioasure signed by President Lincoln a week . * after congress had adjourned. Willis says tf "Cleveland did not sign the river and harbor 1' bill because ho had no tlmo In which to read Jt. Having read Its provisions he Is in favorer or It. Ono or two congressmen think as f. Willis does. On the other hand it is stated 'by ' many members that on Thursday the president announced hla Intention to veto' the bill and that ho Is now opposed to Its * provisions. There Is no dourn that Willis , thinks ho Is right in stating Cleveland's .position , but it is likely that ho Is mistaken. Uf course , should the president sign the river and harbor bill , tlio friends of all other bills fpocketfld" by the president will urge his * approval ot them. UISSATlSl'llJU WITH TJIK VETOES. „ There U a good deal of dissatisfaction "amongthe people ot Washington growing jout of the action of the president in vetoing bills for postotllces In d life rent parts ot the t country. The chief magistrate seems to have .adopted the policy to disapprove all bills pro viding for public buildings to be used as post- ollktis unless the bulldlncuuro also to bo used 'for other purposes by the government. Wash ington has the poorest postolllco building of any city of equal size In the United States > and for several years unsuccessful attempts rliaye been inado to induce congress to < provide bettor quartern for the post- taster and his force of clerks and carriers. The failure of the.so efforts is duo perhaps to the fact that the real estate spec ulators are so extremely greedy that the gov ernment Is unablu to secure a site upon any reasonable twins. Now that the president baa shown his hand and has vetoed nearly every bill for a postolllco passed by tlio present congress. U Is feared that ho may take a similar action in the eveut of the passage - sago of the bill to provide a postolllco for Washington for the reason that thn building Jf bnllt would bo used as a postollice only , as the United States courts are already well upplled with quarters. KXPENMVK FOIl Till' DI'.MOCIIATS. T. Iho appointment and continuation of a non-resident neiro to be , n < corder of deeds in V the District of Columbia will probably prove -very expensive to the democratic party lu the 'next campaign. The democrats In the Dis trict of Columbia are aniont the most liberal of their class , and It Is said that In the last campaign nearly 9100,000 was contributed to Ui 'national democratic campaign fund in Waahlnkton alone. Ooe of the wealthiest sVou In flic city , who has always been a liberal contributor expressed himself to-day a * dls- Vgusted with politics , and has determined 'Sever to b ye anything to do with the party whose president persistently Ignores the put- ulorm snd'vlolates the pledges , by which he naeoured the .votes of the country. This feel- „ > -V'ttigof antlp thyrto the course , of the prest- 4 < HJ indl l.rlbutlng the local patronage Is 'Vary natural The democrats In Washington ttutltut * a very large uujority of the actual fMldeau. Mt il > v ) business mm In Washington Is d democrat They have sub- mlttnil passively to the occupation of the tno oQlcc'S by republicans dur ing the last twenty years and have not ob jected when outsiders were appointed. When Clexuland. was elected they expected to se cure some consideration buttio to the present writing only one resident democrat has been appointed to an ofllco of any prominence. Tlio rejection of Matthews by the senate was hailed with delimit and tlio appointment of Trotter has called forth maledic tions which are certain to entirely dis rupt the rotations existing between the pres ident and his party In WnAhltiKton. StOXTUOMKUY'S IIKTIIIEMKNT. The Hon. Martin I ) . Montgomery , commis sioner of patents , will probably retire from the position by the 1st of Juno , lie will not. however , leave the public service entirely If uny credence is to bo be placed upon the as- Rurtlons ot the I catling democrats of Michi gan. Tlicrolsno doubt that Montgomery would have been appointed on the united States circuit court bench when Judco Uax- ter died hut for tlio fact that the president was anxious to keep him In the patent of llco , and In fact ha remarked to Mr. Dicker- sou at the time that It was easier for him to gut njrct a good judge than a good patent commissioner. Mr. Montgomery will un doubtedly be tendered a position on the United States bench should a vacancy occur before his resignation takes effect. It would not surprise many people If lie was even of fer-id the position lu the cabinet now filled by Mr. Garland. A T1IKSUKY VIOLATION OF TAW. The order of .the treasury depai tmunt alrcct- ing that all trade dollars ottered for redemp tion under the now law must be presented at the sub-treasuries at New York or San Francisco , causes a great deal of exceedingly unfavorablecomment. . The law plainly says that holders of those coins may present them at any still-treasury In the United States and the order of the department is therefore a direct violation of the la\v , It will entail fa qreat deal of expense upon holders of the coin , teo. as they must pay express charges on trade dollars jmit for redemption to Mew Vork or San Francisco , as well as on tlio standard sliver dollars received In nxcliaiiKe back to the owner of the trade dollars re deemed. In the icase of parties living at remote points from these sub-treasuries this will prove a very heavy burden , especially to those holding small lots. nr * - I'OSTAL. CIIAJfOES. The postolllceat hark. Worth county , la. , was discontinued to-day. F. B. Fclter was to-day appointed postmaster at Ireton , Sioux County , la. , vice Georite W. Meader , re- bigueu. OH tmcH NOTICES. To-dixy's Services at tUo Different Ghurclicti Throughout tlio City. lcthden Baptist church. Services nt 4:15 : p. in. at St. Mary's Avcnuo Conprecationnl church. Preaching by Rev. J. M. Sullivan. Sunday school tit 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning tit 7:30. : The Ladies' Aid society will give a dime sociable Thursday evening , March 8. at Mrs. Fuller's residence , Kl South Twenty-fourth street. All wel come. Calvary Baptist church , Saundcrs street. Ilov. A. W. Clark , pastor. Ser vices at 10:80 : a. m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Pravor meeting at 7:30 : on Wednesday evening : All are cordially invited to the services of this church. Saints' Chapel , Twenty-first and Clark streets. Preaching at 11 a. in. aud 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 12:30. : Every body welcome. German Lutheran church. 1005 South Twentieth street. Service every Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday school 3 p. m. E. J. Trcso , pastor. Presbyterian church , corner Dodge and Seventeenth streets. Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Kev. W. J. Harsln. Sunday school at close of morning worship. Young pee ples' meeting at 0-45 p. m. Unity church corner Seventeenth and Cuss streets. Services at 11 n. m. and 7:30 : P. m. Sunday school at 13:15 : Rov.V. . E. Copelitud , pastor. Subject of morning sermon. "She Hath Done What She. Could. " Subject of evening lecture , "Tho Camel Driver of Mecca. " Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church , corner of Cnss nnd Nineteenth streets , clivino service anil preaching by the pas tor , E. A. Fogelstrom , nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tuesday evening , prayer meeting , nndTharsduy evening , preach ing of the gospel. Scandinavians are in vited to attend all the meetings. First German M. E. church , corner Eleventh and Center streets. Preaching to-day at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 3:80 : p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. : All Germans nro cordially invited. Rev. H. Rincger , pastor. Services at the United Prcsbvterian church. Park avenue , at 5 p. m. Preach ing by Rev. Mr. Boyd. St. Barnabas church , Nineteenth and California streets. Plain , celebration at 7:30 a. m. Litany and church celebration tit 11 a. m. Evensong at 4p.m. Sunday school at 12:30 : p. m. Seats free. John Williams , rector. First German Presbyterian church , on Eighteenth and Cumings streets. Service every Sabbath at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school nt 13 o'clock. There is also Sabbath school at 3 o'clock nnd preaching at 3 o'clock m the house of Mr. Max Bochtike , Fourth nnd Chester streets. Wednesday evenings bible and prayer meeting. Friday evenings at 8 o'clock singing meeting nt the church on Cuming street. All German friends and their children and all young people are most heartily invited to attend these meetings. Strangers welcome. J. G. Schaiblc , pastor. Third Congregational church , corner of Nineteenth and Spruce streets. Rev. A. B. Ponniman , pas > tor. Services at 1030 ; a. ra. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school nt noon. Subject of morning sermon : "To Every Man His WorkA All wel come. Saratoga Congregational church meets at Saratoga school house. Services a. 3:15und : 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 2:15 : p. m. Superintendent J. L. Maile , of the A. H. M. b. , will preach in the evening. A full house is expected , St. Mary's avenue Congregational church. St. Mary's avenue and Twenty- sixth street. Rov. Willurd Scott will preach both morning and evening at 10:30 : nnd 7:30. Gospel service in the evening. Sunday school at noon. All welcome. Congregational , Capitol avenue , near Eighteenth street. Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Preaching by the pastor , Rer. A. t. Sherrlll. A snort gospel serv ice In tun evening , with singing. All are welcome. Sabbath school at noou. All Saints' Church , Howard and Twouty-lifth streets , second Sunday in Lent , March 0,1887. Holy communion at 10:30 : n. m. Processional , "Sinner , Rouse Thee From Thy Sloop. " Litany hymn , Florio ; anthem , "Lord , for Thy Tender Mercies' Sake. " Farrant. Kyrio Gloria Tibi Fratias Tibi , Tours In F. Com munion hymn , "Bread of the World in Mercy Broken , " Florio. Snrsara , Cozda and Sanctus , Toursin F , ; Bcncdictus , Toursin F. ; Agnus Dei , Toursin P. ; Nuno Dimmittis. Toursin F. Recessional , "Lord , to Thee Alone Wo Turn , " J. B. Calkin. Evensong4p.m. Processional , "Hasten Sinner Be Wise " to ; bonum est fifth tone , Ddcus ; miserlatur , Parisian tone , harmonies by Stainer ; anthem , "O , Lord , Have Mercy , " ( St. Paul ) . Men delssohn. Hymn. "LoadKindly Light. " Recessional. "Brief Life is Hero Our Per tion. " i > i ion. BROWN Of pneumonia , Perry C. , Infant son of Henry Btarr and JeunU IS. Browo , aged U months , "Safe lathe rm § of Jesus , " Funeral from the house , 417 Stewart street , at 3 p. m. , Monday. Irish National League ; At Cunningham' * hall at S o'clock this af ternoon there will be a meeting of the Omaha branch of the league. AM members are re quested to be present at this meeting as Im- , porlaut business 4s to bo transacted. COUMITTKt , .3\ * * * * * * ' > JTHK LKGIBLATUUE. Brief and Spirited Session In Both llrnnclics. LINCOLN , Neb. , March 0. [ Special Tele gram to the UEH.J The senate met at 10 with an Indifference that characterized an early adjournment President Pro Tern Melklojohn called the morning order , the second reading of bills. House roll 00 , for therolleCot the city of Beatrice , waq re ferred to the committee on military allalrs. House roll 20 , to pay for the publication of constitutional amendments , was read. Mr. Vandemark asked ta suspend the rules and PASS the bill to its third reading. Iho motion was opposed by Mr. Holmes and Mr. Llnln- ger , nnd the motion was withdrawn , House roll 318 , to provide for oil Inspector nnd pre scribing the duties of the same , was referred to the committee on miscellaneous subjects. Mr. Brown , of Clay , said ho wanted to co home nnd tlio senate without an opposing vote , adjourned to 4 p. m , Monday. Dolnjrs In the Hottsn. LINCOLN , Neb. , March G. I Special Tele gram to the BEE. j Mr. bwcatand thirty-two other members asked for the reinstatement as [ mne of Willie Harrison , ono of the em ployes discharged yesterday. Mr. Shamp of Lancaster , favored the request. Mr. Fcnton thought the matter a piece ot nonsense. Mr. Agco of Hamilton , wanted all the dis charged pages re-employed. Mr. Newcomer of Webster , said it was about time to stand by the action of the com mittee ; If not , why not reinstate all the dis charged assistants. The matter was dropped. Mr. Kussell of Colfax Introduced two peti tions signed by about two hundred residents of that county , asking for the passage of house roll 11U. the railroad bill for the best Interests of the state. Mr. Whltmore , from the committee on railroads , recommended that house roll 475 bo indefinitely postponed. This provides that everv railway company In the state shall lx ) Untile for all damages by lire that Is caused by the operating of such railway. Mr. Uowman , of Plattc , moved the adop tion of the report. Mr. Tlnelc , of Brown , thought the bill a food one , and wanted to have it read. Mr. Whitmore said that the railroad com mittee had found an unconstltuttonallty , and the present law covered all the points of the new bill , except that one which was unconstitutional. Mr.Tingle said itoughtto bediscussed , and the unconstitutional provision removed. The railroad committee's report was adopted. House roll 235 was reported favorably by the samocommittee. It provldesntnonc ; other things , for the construction and maintenance of switches at all crossings and junctions. " to enable the transfer of cars from one road to another , and that the transfer shall bo made without charge to thn consignor or consignee. The report was adopted. The committee on claims favorably re ported 845 for the relief of ( leo. M. I'rice.and m bill 477 reduced the relief for Kearney county for prosecuting Matt Xlmmermau from 95,000 to S3bOO. House roll 2bG was Indefinitely postponed. This provided that every railroad In the state shall bo liable for Injuries to employes lu consequence of the negligence of agents or other employes. Mr. Russell's joint resslutlon relative to the appointment ot a Ncbraskan on the Inter state commerce commission , was indefinitely postponed. The house went into committed of the whole and killed house roll 250. This pro posed to legalize defective deeds upon which rests the controversy of Judge ( iaslln ana Georce M. O'Brien of Omaha. Bill 174118 ; and 417 were passed for future consideration. Mr. White's bill , 241 , providing for the ap propriation by the county commissioners of $2ouo for the erection of a soldiers' monument ment In every county , was killed. The com mittee arose and reported. Adjourned till Tuesday at 10 a. m. Voted the nonets. fATimunr , Neb. , March G. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. I At the election held , to-day to vote bonds to tlio Kansas City & Omaha railroad the result was E02 for aud 2 against , a light vote. This makes Falrbury the division and terminal station. It Is al ready the division of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska , and will have three roads. The citizens rejoice greatly nnd the town booms exceedingly. KxKTr.il. Neb. , March G. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnc.j The bonds for the Fre mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valtov railroad carried In Exeter , Geneva and Madison , and lost in Bryant and Chelsea. The vote here was 2157 to IL ToniAB.Meb. , March 5. | Special Telegram to the BKE.J The proposition to aia tlio Kansas City & Omaha railroad to the amount of 830,000 was decided In favor of bonding Olive precinct by a vote of 225 for to 31 against. The town people are wild with ex citement , and are celebrating the event by the building of bonfires and the firing of anvils. The total vote cast was 201. " FAIKMOXT , Neb. , March 5. ( Special Tele gram to the Buit.1 Fairmont Is to-night cel- ebratlncr. Bon lires are burning , drums beatIng - Ing and the streets crowded. The vote just taken shows uTSfor and 44 against the bonds. The Omaha & Kansas City railroad will build through Fairmont This Is just the be ginning of a boom. A. Burglar Quickly Captured. STRA.TTON , Neb , , March 5. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. [ Lost night the dry goods store of Moore Bros , was entered by a burg lar. Entrance was effected by breibrnit a window light at the rear of the store. As soon as it was discovered this morning a party started In search of the burglar and run him down at Benkleman. He were n hat , full suit of clothes , and a pair of shoes which was taken from the store. Besides these be secured about 910 In cash and a dozen silk handkerchiefs. It is thought that the arrest Is an Important one , as a car in which the burelar was rldln t was set out here and this morning the B. & M. agent found a number ot knives and razors In it. If he does not get his just de serts here it will not bo the fault of the people. Miss Bella Robinson's recital at Do- hany's opera house , Council BluiTs. Wed nesday , was attended by several of her admirers in Omaha , including Judge and Mrs. Lake , Miss Lake , Miss Council , Mr. Sheppard , Mr. Foster , Mr. Merriam , Mr. Douel , Mr. and Mrs. Squires , Mr. aud Mrs. Estabrook. Mr. Grossman was called homo Thurs day by the sudden death of his father at Salem , Now Jersey. Callers at the club Thursday included Mrs. Butler , of Fort Omaha , Mrs. Col- petzer and the Misses Wadloigh. Mrs. Dr. Dysart and Mrs. H. C. Markol have gene to Kansas City , where they were suddenly called by the illuois of their sister , Mrs. Goo. R. Barso. * Two autograph letters of Sir Walter Scott sold recently in Edinburgh brought prices which are cited as further evidence that indifference to Scott exists in Edinburgh. Duo of them fetched f t.M unct the other f 3 or the price of nu old wash stand. A vessel with a cargo of forty-four os triches arrived rccedtly at Galveston , Tex. This is the second cargo within twelve months. The birds are for os trich farms la California , where this pe culiar industry is coming into favor. The birds came from Natal , la South Africa. The prince of Wales has just granted n warrant for a now Masonic lodge , to bo called the "Anglo-American. " The lodge is formed with a view of affording facili ties for Americans resident in England meeting their brethren of the English grand lodge under the constitution of the latter body. . Eighteen months ago William Chap man , of Now London , was la a house when it was struck by lightning , and was soTorely shocked. Ever slnco ho has1 bean able to predict a coining thunder storm with great certainty from certain pains that no feels In' his heel some hour * before - fore tho'storm. * Tlit .revenue collections yesterday wen 8W0.79. THE COLORM MAN WINS , 1 The Siz Dajs' ' Racfl'Wtfn ' By Aabinger By a PRINCE AND ECJC WILL RACE. Hanley's Blotches Moth and We- IjaiiRblln Uftso tnlt } News Tlio O. A. It. RcU'nlon State Tcnchcrs Ctlicr Iiocal. The Colorado Man Wins. Over 4,000 people witnessed the finish ot the six days race at the exposition building. No race in the history of bicycling over equalled the one closed last night In some re spects. in no other six days race have the the leaders been oven at the beginning of the last night's work. Such was the case In the lace last night , however , and the fact proved n drawing card. The men opened the race with V > mills to their credit. As on Friday night Ashingcr set the pace and made some tear ful efforts to spurt away Irom the Omaha lad. Uulloolf was In good trim and trailed the Colorado rider In excellent style. As the race nearcd the tinlsli the wildest excitement prevailed and when the men started for the. final npurt the uproar was simply feaiful. Bullock made a noble effoit to pass Ashlnger and for much of the distance ou thn last half mile lapped wheels with him. When the pistol was tired the men had crossed the Hue , Ashingcr leading by half a wheel. Bullock's trainer claimed nloul , asserting the Ashlugcr had refused to glvo him the polo when it was called for. After carefully considering the facts , the leferee decided the race In Asn- Inaers tavor. The decision cave very ( ten- nral satisfaction. The distance for the twenty- four hours was 400 miles even. A Memorable Affair. A banquet given at the Millard last night to the bicycle riders , their backers and train ers , was a titling finish to the six-day race. The supper was one of lire courses , and was n thoroturhly excellent one , the menu being perfect In every respect. Speeches were made by those present , and for two hours a jovial spirit ruled the occasion. Among those present were Max Meyer , Dr. WerU , John S. Pilnce , Ed Hullock , Ed Lyttln , F. T. Mittaucr , Luclcn Stenhcns , T. W. Eek , Stephen Carlisle , Frank Dlnglcy , Sidney Childs , A. L. White. A. .1. Kcndrick , diaries Ashingor. Fred Fryc , W. A. Orece , W. C. Mclntosh. II. U. Cooper. Lou Webster , U. N. Mealio and Charles Stephens. Moth-McLnufhlin. Colonel McLaunhlln , of St Paul , the well known heavy weight wrestler , has been mak ing overtures to Moth , the Grace-Roman champion , for a match to take place in this city. McLaughlln wants a collar-and-clbow match or catch-as-catch-can in Jackets , with one Uraeco-ltoman bout as a tickler for Moth. Charles Moth says he will meet Me- Laueblln in a match to comprise two Uraco- Itoman bouts , two collar-aml-elbow bouts and one catch-as-catch-can bout if n fifth bout 1 * needed to decide the match. Hut he will not in . It Is wrestle cateli-ns-cateji-cau jackets. very probable that a inaUjli will be arranged. Blanche. The Crib club otSt. . Paul will , on March 14 , have the pleasure or jponor of presenting to the seekers ot legitimate and proper sport- seeking Individuals * thoroughbred fight be tween thorouehbred'meh' , that is , ( jeorgo La Blanche ( the Maniib ) and Jack Hanley , of Omaha. It will by Xora.pursc of SSOO. given by the Crib club of 'Sf Jfaul. It will be , ac cording to the soeei beat ions , catch- weight , gloves three ounces'tnventyono rounds , Quennsbury rules * or. more If ordered by the rofree or until a decfMnu' ' Is given in tavor of either man. Wlniuj ffSpO. Hnnfey-Cflow. The Clow-Hanloy'Jmat h , which will take place at the exposition annex on Thursday nlcht , Is cicatlng coo ldoraljle Interest In local prize circles , liy the terms of the match Clew bets 8100 that ho can stop Han- ley in five rounds. Both men have admirers who are backing them heavily. Tim match will bo an Interesting one. Prince and Kck. * "The only Eck" has finally had his last wish gratified in getting a twenty-mile race out of Prince , to start from opposite sides of the track. The race will take place on next Saturday night. At the same time a twenty- mile race will be run between Din gloy , Bul lock and Ashlnger for a purse ot 8109. THE OMAHA. CLUB. Iho Grounds Secured and the Men All Binned. The ground for the new base ball grounds of the Omaha clurt were surveyed yesterday. The ground belongs to 'the Itner estate and lies at the ninction of Twentieth and Lake streets. The club has secured n six years' lease of a strip 307 feet In width and 405 In length , which lies high and dry , Is as level as a floor and Is especially desirable for the pur pose /or which it has been secured. Architect Voss Is at work upon the plans for a grand stand and ampltheatro witb a seating capac ity for a.000 people. Work will be com menced upon tlio erection of the stand and the leveling of the diamond as soon as the frost leaves the eround. Manager Bandio has succeeded In complet ing his team by signing a new catcher , Charles Kreliraoyer , of St Louis , who was the crack man behind the bat in the Southern league. lie was formerly a catcher for the St. Louis Browns and Is considered a good one. The completed team Is now composed as follows : Catchers , Krehraever , llarterond Bandio ; pitchers , Healy , O'Loary , llonso- man , Vcach and Uooilennugh ; short stop , ths only Walsh ; basemen , Dwyer or Brlmblo- cone at first , Swift at' second and Uourke at third ; fielders , Dadcr , Messltt and Genius. Manager Bandle has heard from all ot the players during the past week. All of them are reported In excellent condition and most of them arc practlclnc In gymnasiums. The schedule committee of the Western league will meet in Leaven worth ou MaichSO. THE G. A. R. KEUXION. The Patrick Farm Tendered for Use The Canvassing Committee. Tito board ot trade committee appointed to secure subscriptions and a location for the G. A. 11. encampment , an effort to secure which for Omaha , is being made , met at the board of trade rooms yesterday afternoon and made arrangements for dividing the city into districts and appoln'frhp canvasaos for each district A communication was received from Col. J. N. II. Patrick tendering the Patrick farm of4,00t ) acres In the western part of the city for.thejioldlng of the reun ion. The farm Is easy or access and the offer ot the Colonel was aeceuUtd with thanks by the committee. The members of the com mittee feel con fident < that there will bo no trouble whatever In raising the amount ot subscription necessarytojsecure the reunion. The Stn'f/i 'Teachers. ' Superintendent Jimesjiwho la president of the Nebraska State TeacJiers' association , Is making arrangements- the twenty-first annual meeting of'tlift association , which will be held In Lincoln cthe / last three days ot the present mont | ) . An excellent pro gramme has been prdpnred. und the meeting promises to Do onuofi the most Important and successful ever held by the association. Tjlttln Blazes. A small Are was discovered yesterday even ing In tlie brick block at the corner of Six teenth and St. Mary's avenue. The damage was Inconsiderable * . The department was called out last night at 8 o'clock to suppress- small blaze In a frame building at the corner ot Thirteenth and Chicago streets. No damage. The first mectlnz of the Walnut Hill division of thi ) Sunday School Temperance Army will bo held In the Chlstlan church at Walnut Hill Sunday evening at 7:80 : o'clock. Mr. C. L. Bayer , who has met with so much success organizing the children In the city will address the meeting and a number ot the boys and girls will take part In speech and song. Botn'old and young are invited. A little brbjlit tnrl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dusold at No. 613 North Sixteenth street , Friday afternoon. All doing nicely , . LEFT FOU t'AHTB UNKNOWN , Herbert Itothery Taken Advantage of Judicial Leniency. The prosecution of Herbert Kothery charg ed with malicious destruction of pioporty at oueFallon's road hou.sc came to an abrupt termination yesterday by llothcry's sudden departure for parts unknown. Itothcrywas convicted of the charge last week , after Fallen had made several efforts to compro mise tlio cose. The jury fixed Fatlon's damages at STG.'JS. Under the law the amount of the line must bo twice the damage or S15i.,0. This Judge Neville imposed upon Kothery yesterday and added a sen tence ot ton days In the county jail and the costs of the suit which alouu amounted to about S-HK ) . After ho had pronounced the sentence .ludra Neville gave the prisoner an opportunity of going to his saloon to arrange for the payment of ills fine and to pieparo for hi ? term in tlio j.iil , Kothery took ad- vantugo ot his opportunity and loft the city. Ho Is supposed to have gene to New Orleans , where he has friends In business. The other prisoners arraigned before J udge Neville vesterday were sentenced us follows : John Kelly was convicted of robbery. Ills counsel , Mr. Morlarlty. asked for a continu ance of the argument of the motion for anew trial. The court denied tlio request and over ruled the motion. Judge Nnvlllo referred in strong language to threats which had been made against a prosecuting witness on the stairway In the court buildlnir. Kelly was sentenced to three years In the penitentiary. Prosecuting Attorney Slmeral , on an Intima tion from the court , dismissed thocnsoaualnst Michael Downey , an accessory of Kelly's. John Kratke , who was convicted ot living In adultery , was sentenced to the county jail for a period ot thirty days and to pay a line of SW. Robert Stuart , for shooting his wife with Intent to kill , through his counsel. Mr.Crowell. asked the court for leniency. The court salu It VIM a strange case ; this woman had been shot almost to pieces , and yet two or three times she hail called on the judco to let htm go altogether , even calling at the house. He sentenced Stuart to six years In the peniten tiary. _ THE MASK BA.L.U A Pleasant and StiecoKsfal Affair at Gcrmanla Hall. The ladles of the German school assoela- lon gave one of the most successful uiasqner- ndcs of the season at German la halt last nlirht. Every detail had been arranged be forehand and the affair passed oft' smoothly , netting quite a sum which goes to the school fund. Seventy masked couples were present ( busldo a host of spectators ) In every Imaginable style of cos tume from that of the king and queen to that of the clown or peasant To a reporter who looked In on tlio affair , the scene seemed like a glimpse of talry land. To the ladies in charge of the affair all pralso or honor are duo. The supper which they provided with out extra charge was a thoroughly appreci ated feature of the entertainment. Horticultural. At a meeting of the Douglas county Horti cultural society held yesterday at the ofllco of E. L. Emery , 1800 Harney street , Messrs. Conoyer , Wiesgarber and Hess were elected members. A communication was received from Mr. Davis , asking the society to furnish a list of of hasty trees , fruit and ornamental , shrubs , etc. , best suited to this part of the countrv. Messrs. Craig , Crosby and Emery were ap pointed a committee to prepare a list to be submitted to the next meeting for Us correc tion and approval. On motion the following was adopted : Kcsolved , That any ono member or non- inembor of this society may propose In writ ing questions peituinfn ? tie horticulture or llorculture which they desire to have dlscu.st and answered by the society. Such questions to bo addressed to the secretary and placed on file to be called up and disposed of in regu lar order. On motion Messrs. Erfllne and Emery were appointed a committee to confer with the managers ot tlio exposition bulltllnsr in re gard to holding a fair some time during the summer and report at the next meeting. After transacting some other business the meeting adjourned to meet at thn same place March 10 , at S p. ui. Ijlccnscrt to Wed. Judga McCulloch issued inarri.iga licenses yesterday to the following par- tics : Name. Residence. Age. t Fred Vandemarr Omaha 27 ( Emma Webb Omaha 10 j Hans Ott Omaha 23 t Catherine Scuestedt Omaha S3 A Card of Thanks. C. C. Stunloy and family wish to thank the neighbors who have shown , them so much kindness during the sickness and and at the funeral of their mother und wife , Such kindness to comparative strangers cannot bo forgotten. C. W. STANLEY. C. C. STANLEY AND FAMILY. The young Princesses of Wales takes a .groat interest in the poultry yard when at tinnnringham , aud , armed with baskets of scraps , pay a matutinal visit to their pet bantams and Uoudaus. Lately they have taken to dressmaking , and snow considerable aptitude at the cutting-out and fitting branch. Ono of the most astonished men in Con necticut is a citizen of Bridgeport , who , a few days after ho had loaned a stranger on the cars 40 cents to get homo with re ceived a $1 bill and a letter of thanks from tlio gratuful stranger. He has had the loiter and bill framed. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisements under this lie id , 10 cents per line tor the nrst Insertion , 7 ccnti for each sub- equent Insertion , and (1.50 a line per month No advertisement taken for less than 2B conta for tlio first Insertion. Eovcn wonla will ba counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must be paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo banded In before 1:30 o'clock p.m. , nnd under no circumstance * will theybe taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrties advertising ; In them columns and bar- Injrtho nniwcra ujdresspd In care of THE HEB wlllplcaso nek for a chccV lo enable them toect their letters , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answer * to ad- vertisemonU should bo enclosed ID envelopes. = = = MONEY TO LOAN. 'ONEYto loan on real estate nnd chnttels M S. Kati It Co. 1511 Farnainsttrround floor. B5t to loan on Improved city property at MONEY 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wult llnro a complete act of abstrnct bucks of DouKlns county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Itcal Kstuto und Loan Co. , 3 S. into st. a' ; ) . . to loan. Sums (500 and upward * , $ Lowest rates , flemls , room 3 , Barker block , B. W. cor. 15th nnd Farnam its. 123 MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas county bnnk will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 134 6PKU CENT-Monny to loan. Gregory k Hadley , Iloomi 1 and 3 , Iledick clock , 320 B. 15th Bt 1-5 " \10NEY TO LOAN on improved real tnto ; 1'i tie commission charged. Leavltt Burn- ham , Boom 1 Crolgbton Block. 117 to lonn. Ellis Ilros. . real estate and , MONEY agents , room 17 , Whhuell block , cor. 16th nnd Hnrner. 118 % fONEY to loan on improved city property , 1TJ. yory lowest r'tos , C. J. Cuswoll , room 19 , Nebraska Nat'l bank. C3T in 17 T OANS-Loans Loan * . Itcal estate loans , Collateral loans. Chattel loans. Long tltno loans. Khort tlmo loans. Money always on hand to loan on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold , Omaha Hnunclal Exchange , n. w , cor. 15tb and Harney. . . . Corbctt. Manager. 1 to loan , cash on nand.no delay. MONEY . and E. L. Squire , 14U i'ftrnam it , faxlon hotel building , 130 $ .500,000TO ' LOAN at per tool J. J. Ha. boney , 1609 Karnam. ' UI PEUCENT'Moner. O n. C. Pnttornon. 16th and turner. " \r0NKYtolonn In sunn to suit , from 11,000 -1'L to 50,000 ; no delay. Xuttle i Allison , ill s. mil 91 T'O LOAN Money Lonna placed on Ira- provoil ronl estnto In city or county for Now I'nsUml Ix ) n A Trurt To. , by Douglas County bank. ICth nml Chlcngo ft * . 126 HONRY TO IOAN-On city and farm prop. crty.Iowintcs. Stowatt & Co. , lloom 3 Iron bank. 137 M ONKY TO LOAN-O V. IMvU * Co , rcol ostRto and loan agents , 1503 b'arniun st. ONEV TO IOAN-On real estate and chat tels. 1) . UThomaa. LM ( IJSOO.TO To lonn on Omiilni oily property at 0 P porcout. G. W. Day , over iaL'UuuKl.u sU 130 TIIO.NKV TO I.UAN byttinnmlerslRtioJ.wlio J'-I lins the only properly oiy.inlrrtl loan nsonor In Uinnlin. Lunnsotim to f too mntlo ou furniture , pianosorsiuifl , hnrgos , wuitons , niKchliiery , Ac , without rniiiovnl. Noilulnyn , All lmino i stiIcily confldcntlnl. l.onni to madu thnt nny part can bo paid nt nnjr Inic.oach paymrnt roduclnii the cost pro rntn. Advnncci madn on line Trnluhos nnd diamonds. I'crsong ihoulil carefully ooneldor who they nro dciillii * 1th , as ninny nuw concornn nro dally comtnit Into oxlitonco. Should you tired monor cnll nnd < mo. W. it Croft , Itoora i Wtlmoll HtilUlliiK , IMh nud Hurnoy. 1U1 ONEV UJANUOnt C. I' . Hood * Co. ' I jnn Ofllco , on furniture , plnnos , horseswnffons , porsoniil property of nil ItiniH , nnd nil other nr- tlclcs of vHliic. without removal. ! ) ! 8. l"th. ever lllnRhiim's Commission storo. All busi ness strictly confidential. I'M BUSINESS CHANCE3. F OH SALE Ortrudo forlmnrovoil Or unim proved land , In Iowa or Nebraska , a tron- oral slock of dry good a and urocerlol , a book and stationery stuck tuid two druir stores , all well located nnd dolnir good bugluoas. Will trade either stock or all. Address Hutchlnson & lilsoloy , Bhoiihndoah , la. _ 409 * FOH SALK Confectionery , tob exo ; nnj clirar ftorc , peed locution. 1'rlcfl f" > OJ. Inquireat Iteul Katiito agency , iKWi Ninth st. _ _ _ an 6 FOfl SALE A now stoclc ot mocorlcs In flrft-chi'B locution : ( rood reasons for sell- Ing. Adihos3ut once , FOt , UceoOlco. 381 T * _ TT1OK SALE Chenp , flvo shares In Mutual - - Loan nnd Ilulldlnir association. Apply L. Clirlstenaon.ll. & M. Hoiuliiuarlorg. 'Mi" ' 1OH BALK U fntorost or all of ffrocory stock , coed location , doiiueood business ; rood reasons for solllntr , small cash payment. AMdress F 43 , Ilco. J 8 * Foil SALH Or trndo for city property or land Mentmnrket Innnoof the best loca tions In the city. Salosf'J.OOO per month. Actlvo Heal Ustato and Property Uichnngo , 1524 Dodge St. 777.7 _ FOH SALE A Rood paylnp grocery store , located on the corner of two Rood utructt * ; cnpltnl required , about $1,100. For full particu lars Inqlroot A. II , Comstock , KoomlUCrelgli- ton blK. 2M HOUSE3 Lot3FarmsLnndmonoy loaned. llemis1 city mnps , 6x7 foot , J3.50 each. Iloinls , rooms , Barker block , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 123 POH SALE 17,000 of general merchandise nnd store furniture , clean , well assorted. vt 111 take hnlf In peed unlncumbcrod fnrm land , balance In payments well secured ; jrood reasons for selling. Address Call lloi 07 , Alma , Neb , 147 13 * _ _ I ' 'OH SALK Cigor , tobacco , stationery und nowa store. Excellent business. Address K 70 Bee olllce. 70S mil * T71OH SALE Lumber , urnln and coal business Jono of the best points In ccntrnl Nebraska. on I ) . & M. n. It. Harrison Ambler & Ambler , Iloom 20 , Nntioml bnnk. 580 _ T71OII SALE Lumber yard nnd residence In A South wodtom Iowa. Well located and do- Incr peed business. Good roason.i for selllnir. Address K. S. , lloo olTlcc. Si3 m 8 * T3ANK forsaloinn now rapidly frrowlnff town -L > of BOO Inhnbltnnts. Fine donoelts. Money loans from 3 to 4 percent , monthly. A splendid , chanco. Address D 39 , Floe office. 015 " | T < OH SALE Half Interest In one of the best - * - ; pnylnj ? drug stores In southwestern Iowa , Capital required , J2.GOO. Address U 40 , Dee of- Ccu. il3 | I/lOOND Lnr cst assortment of dinner sots -L1 nt.Moody's China Store , corner 10th und Davenport. _ 4:11 : n PERSON All. TDEHSONAL Do you wnnt your washing nnd * - ironing donn In n satisfactory manner ! Try Klngr's Fninlly Laundry , ( all Imiid-worK ) southwest comer ICth and llowardstropts. 4SI 8 * _ PEI1SONAL J'lncst display of dinner pets at Moody 's China Store , corner lUth ana Dav enport. Ml a ERSONAL Ladles rteslrlnre Rood servant grlrlflcan bo supplied at short notice by cnll- inir 119 North 10th st. , Crounso block , E. O. Uolle-Islo. yj3 a FORTUNE telHnjj- , past , present and tuture. by Mndam Blanch , 1119 Jaukion.corncr l-'th and Jackson. U87-8 * Mlia DUllANT , Clarlvoyant , Irom lloaton. will remain In the city n short fine only , she reads the deepest secret ? , unfolds the future unites separated lovers , causes speedy mar- rlBKo ; Is vera reliable In all all airs of life. Boom 1 Lyons bin , 10th and Chicago. . ' 4 0 * pLAlUVOYANT-Madam Alaska reveals > past , present and future. Satisfaction guaranteed. 513 8 18th at. 809 a 3 _ PERSONA n private homo for Indies during confinement. Strictly confidential. In fants adopted. Addrou E 42 , Boo office. lQl-m36 _ _ _ _ ERSONAL Mrs. Dr. Nnnnl * V. Warren clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. 3 , 121 North ICth it .Omaha , N b. MI80ELIANEOUS. CASH paid for of' ! gold and Bilvor at C. L. Erickson& Co. . J12 North l th street. SOIW riMIOHE Intondliifr to put out trees , shrubs , -L vines and plants will ! lnd it to their Intor- ogt to call on or address E. L. Emery , lUiW liar- neyst. 81315 F il KENT Square .Plauo , I * month Ir. Uospe. 1513Douir ! s. 839 YOU will find the lurgojt assortment , hiind- Bomost decorations and lowest prices an dinner seta at Moody's China Store , U02 N ICth street. 431 U r\MAIIALAUNDRY-fiftl north 16th St. . first vclass. . . Blurts KK ) . collars nnd cuffs II , family washing lowest price In the city. J'lrst cliisa work uuarrnnted. I'leaso send your order and we will cull Ht your house. 437 fl * JK you want to buy or sell furniture , go to J. Ferguson's. 715 N. ICth. 737 USTUACTOIlS-An Experienced Abstractor now opou for engagement Would go out of city , fc'ntlsrnctoryrolorencea. Address T. M. E..Citizens'Bank. Omulm. 157 a * N EW lloitrdlng House , line tHblcs , clean and pnlatablo victuals. 1419 Chlciigo BU 3n5 NHOUSES HOUSES LQts.Farms.Lundamoney loaned. Bomli'clty maps , 5x7 feet. I-.50 each. BomlR , room 'I. Barker block , S. W. cor. 15th and Farnam sts. 287 /"IHAHLEa PONTEZ. analytical chemist nnd V/ engineer , analysis of ores , coals and assays nnd analysis of all kinds , chemist und miner alogist to the U. P. U. It forl¥ra. No. 1500 Webster cor Bith st. P. O. llox 40L 019mlfl TOBAGK FU-st-claBB s to ratio tor nice furniture nituro or boxed goods , at 1513 Dadvo-at. _ _ Tnuu ItKNT organs , (3 per month , ttnupe , J 1B13 Douglaa. 033 _ _ _ on UH NT Square Hiano | J moniBly. A F nospe.1513 Douclng. _ IM FOB SALE MI80ELLANEjTJSJ ) _ Oll8ALI5 HnollnmbIotonlanStrilloiiper- ] ( ( fgrccd ) at n bargain. O , 1) . Sutiihen. 1KJ Fnrnnin. _ 4J7 10 for the ladles , the latest not cities Especially work and materials at Mrs. M. C. MltohoU'g.lCgpJiouglaa street. _ 410 B' SALE Cheap , span woik liorsf s.wRgon FOK harnussat IJodgunnd aatliBt. Imiiilre IJoxter U TDOH1B8 , Crclirhtoa block. 425 8' OH BALE Fine 8-yourold horgo , baruces and 3sprlnit wajjon or will trade for allKht- er out ni , a. E. cor. 5th ami Hickory : . 372-7 * OU SALE -A No. 1 , large , gentle family horse , harness and phaeton. Enquire of E. L. Emery , limp Hnrnoy at. _ aai u Tj OK SALK Large flro proof safe. Apply atC -C water works office , 1513 , t'urnam street "I71OU SALE -A nearly new , second-hand safe , J ? large no commodious suitable for any business. Hioun , Jolmion it Co. , cor. Oth and Leave ortb t 181 7 _ SALE Ono now buck board and ono FOIl wagon , second band , corncrSeth and ' T- l BALE-Agood 8-yeajMld pony nil 18 N J1 ' ' 170 TJWR 8ALH-Patent right rhttp. AadrtM at J3 . nce V 'X U e olloe iw t * HOUSKS-LotsFarmst.ftnds-monev loaned , llomls' city maps , 5x7 toot , t3M each. Ilemld , room a. Barker block , 8. W , cor. 15th nnd Farniun Bta. . lai Nice And clean empty slioo cases FOHSALE 2. T. LlndseyCo. , SU9 South Uth Rt. 882 FOlt BALE Kurtillitro and IOMB , 10 room house , on prominent street , near center of bu.slncii.lenio has over two yean to run. Can mnko rent by letting fire rooms. House put In good repair. This Is an unuiunl opportunity , you cnn purohaio tlio out at ou very cosy terms. AddreMBW. llaoonicn. 6ii4 BALK-3 million brick and upwards DO- FOU dally out put of 30noa iuqulro : on premlon , oor Dorcas nnd "ud 8(8. ( Omaha Brick and Torrn Cottn Mfg. Co G.K ) WANTED MALE HELP. " \\rANTr.U An honest llvoly j-ounif nmn nt I T Itluhtcr'a bat store , Itoforoncos wmiteiU 4/M 0. WANTKU flood limholmnn at onco. On thnt cnn 111 ! in tlmo ou now work. J , Cub * bllon , rulrinoiit , Nob. 1107-11 * ANIT.n-ARoiiti , apply to A. S.8TO0 N. 13 st. 8TO-0 * WANTED Atouconttho Troninut homo a icood pnstry nnd second cook : nddi-ess FlUcornld A Sou , Lincoln , Neb. aw 7 * WANTl'I ) A good soconil linlsor at the I'uz- ton liolt'l : must lie n shutlo nmu nu d not afraid to work ; inquire for the steward. 1107 0 \\7 ANTKD Agonta. elthor sol , for a novoliy T > thnt M tnkiiur Chicago by storm. lOO.am sold In this city iilono. J. H. I'njf" * Co. , U'O Qtilncr St. , Chicago. JI030' \\7ANTED Ittporlonrod dry poods travelling T > gBlomim having nu established trade In the country tributary to K n ns City. Stnlo amount of trade , territory covered , nnd how long. Address , with reference , W , U. Grlmvs Dry Oooda Co. , Kenans City. Mo. 353 ANTED A tlrst-cluv ) iijiholstoror mill nor- pot Invar , luciulre 0. 13 , Cilrpot Co. , Council DUiffg. 301) ) fl TX/'ANTni ) rirst-clnss coat umkcr. Inrjulro T > or address Voticn , Murchant Tailor , Mut ton , Noli. l 7 8 WANTED-Iloy for oulce , 1J13 Furnnm , room 3. 200 Y\TANTED My the largest publishing house * ' west of Chicago , two hundred gontlomnn nnd Indlos to soll"Thn SucciwafuUMnn" "Miirvel- ous Wonders of the Whole World" "lllblos" nnd various other rood publications , npoly cnrlr nnd got choice of territory. J. St. Kronch Ca , olllco 10 lliuhman Dlock , Om hn , Nob. 40711110 " 1ATANTI3U CO sober , IntclilKont men of good T nddrcsatotrr a lOomoal at NorrU' ro . taurnnt , lots 16th st. 13 WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANTKD Good vromnnpastry cook. ( lood wngos. Cull nt onco. Omahn Employ ment Buroiui , 110 uorth ICth st.Croun9o blk. [ 4107 W ANTKD A trot nurse to onre for a bnbo nix wcckn ot ago. Inqulro , Oust llntni'l , Southeast corner tiovuntceuth and Dorcug. Btroet. 418 11 * WANTED 6 pnloslndy's for dry Roods. Ap ply nt eight o'clock Monday morning rondrfor work with references. 4''I Hennlson Bros. WANTED A woman to do ohnmber-worK ; alionct as nluht wnltcr : good watrca pnld. Call at once. 113 Norjh Ninth Bt. < TO " \S7"ANTED Ilnlf grown nurBo cirl to care for V > two smnil chlldron. Mm. Itnmmond , 401 North 16th , Egtabrook block , ! ) d floor , 323 WANTED At once , 13 experienced pnnt makers on stoou work , ( lood prices will bo paid. Qco. Btllcs , luh aud Lcuvouworth. | E71 8 "VV ANTED Dining room pirl , Eiuiuot houso. W 'AN'IED A good girl for general house work In smull family. 171s Dodge st. 404 WANTED Good girls for housework. Cull nt .Mien Kuto Kennedy's omnloymont QlBce , 21'J N 10th. OH 6 ANTED-no good girls for nil kinds of work. Host of WIIKCS. Cull Omnha Em ployment Bureau , 110 North 10th Bt. , Crounso block. 3U30 VSf ANTKD A orood. girl for general house- IT work. E. F. Ecavcr , 523 Virginia nvo. 8S1 W 'AXTRD Dlnlnff room girl nt JIIIlor' ros- tnurnnt , loot N Idth 8t. SVS WWASTED WASTED Laundry nnd kitchen girt Apply to M. J , I'rnnclc , Merchants Hotel kitchen. 8006 * W "ANTED-A girl at 2718 Leavcnworth.SS4 WrANTKD A girl for Boncrnl housework at 11)17 ) Cnsa st. KU ll'ANTKD AdlsliwiiBher nnd snonnd cook , at V > Millor'B Itostaurnnt , 1001 N. 16th st. 145 fl Qlrl to workin kitchen nt Dornn WANTED house 12S south IStli Bt. uear St. Mary nvo. 175 WANTED A ijood colored girl , must bo competent. None other need npply , Wages 1. lir.'t N. SL'd street. 196-7 WANTUD-Lndy canvassers everywhere for the Vnn-ordon Long Wnlst Corgot. Good pay. Circulars free. Address Charlcg Frlnglo , general agentOmaha , Neb. IKS B ANTED Good girl for uenonxl homework , must bo uoat and a good plulu cook. U15 Jones street 815 WANTED-Glrls , Occidental hotel. 817 VyANTKD Chambermaid at 913 Douglnn. \\TANTEO 80 ladles * gents to le-\rn elo- T grnphy. Prospect good for position when competent ; address W. J. D. , Itooml , Crouna blk.Omnha. | I3U " \\7 ANTI5D Good cook , wnshor and Ironer , TT can get stoudy work by cnlllug on Mrs. Frank 11 Mooros , Idlh bet Jaokson and Leiivun- worth , east Bide. a.U WANTED-OIrl for light houseworlt who knows how to cook ; good pay to right one. Call nt 1701 Suunilors st. KU \VANTED Good cook and Laundress , 3X ! N. I > Ibth et , r.83 WANTED Lady stenographer. I'ermunent position. Machine furnished Ifdo-iliud , Accuracy und proper punctuation preferred to epanl. Must have some knowledge of figures and wrlto good , plain hand. No simpering misrt with hew ! full of "society" desired. Must glvo undivided attention to bushiest ) . Address , giving ago , residence and reference , F U' ' . Due office. 100 SIXTTATION WANTED. \7 ANTED tSpcrfimcccl aFossinak'of7Ti5tfS : i V faction cuaruntood , wauti sewing In private family. U , liCJ 1'arnam 315 WANTED An expert stenographer and tj powrltor operator , who owns B No. 2 Itomlngton typewriter , deslrvs oinnloymnnt. Call on or address C. Hansom , "UiSoutuTwoiity- sovcnth Btrcut , Omaha. 411 G * ANTED Situation by lady Rtonogrupher and typo writer , with machlnn ; llrst- class recommendations. Address F M , Boo olBce. Bfl3l ( * - as book-keeper : have taught hook-krt'plng nnd have Commer cial collegu dlDlomn , beet of rufurononn. Ad dress ! ' K , Bee olHco. 313 7 * \VANTED-By a lidy , situation as IIOUBO- > T keeper , euro of furnished rooma , or any position of trust whorosho cnn have daughter of fourteen with her. Address F54 , Boo olllco. - by young man2 : years WANTED-Pltuntlon FUlpplnif ulork. Can give good bonds. Address I'M Ilco ottlco , 30:1 : II * - as f.tonog7aphor ; can WANTED-Situatlon . Best ot references. Address F3 < , Bee olllco , 1586 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \17ANTKD-Sludimts In Munaon's short hnml It by mall and nnilly oveningD. by oxporl- onccilNtonographnr. Particular attention given to dictation work. Thoroughly practical , rapid and easiest learned. Address F Wl , Ilco oiricc. 4306 * \17ANTED-Per ons to bo Inntrurled In grnm- Vt mar. J. W. bhurti , 1010 or 1017 Howard street. 4IBO * "TVANTUH-To rent toro In llvo country > V town. Address with full purtloulurs , 0. A. Swanbou , IKUWubaeb A cnuo , Chicago. III. ' 4'i ? 0 * ' - desires room of mod erate size , well furnished. Address with terms V ' 3. Ilco ofnce. 431 ft * ANTKn-To rent n 10 room house within 10 blocks of the poitoNlco. Will pay ( .IS to SAO.droi,8 W. Lou. 1418 HowariL Uy two Kontleuiou. board In WANTED family where there are no other boarders. " Address PM Boo. K15 1 \NTL'D To rout two coltait or on * W iKiiise sulttblo for . wo iinnlJ faiml- lie * . N or W of pouo'.llc * . jDnlmao 4 Pltrc f